THE OMAHA DAIljY HKlfl : TIU'KSDAV KMKIU'AKY ' ! i . : i THIS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS. iu ; , NO. is rr.Aiu. ST. tnl lij ( mMrr in any ( mil of the fill rll/t'ON. - U.VJiAUI II Ttl.ri'HONUi t < * HCM oniri . No. II N i.lit r.illlnt , No zt. it . / ; . - fv Y 1Co. . t innii il illulTfl Lumber On cml t i > ( l s i lnttolloiin , ,1MSar > jblorl ( tieiiuino ItocU Sprnitf eoiil. Thiitilior , 10 Mum Mrool 1 into emns of inoniles vun-o loixirtoil tot tiiuv I'litk yisterd.ty. t mile .Iitcolmon of'i ( l North Ninth sticct , I it IH i ted 111 xvith I'ipbthrrlft. ' lii Mnnluct Ltullos' KK'loly meets xxith HI H i A.Snooliof Mynslerstreet this after- 1:0' : n ut V ! o'clock. I ilv rump No I xvlll hold -specialmooting \\iiiHlninn hull t hit afternoon at , Jo clock. llniiler of thoonicle A number of the members of HHiec-en dot - t ; Indrpondtnt Order nf Oddfellows , will | \ avisttto ( .ioldi'ti Mnk loil o of Unnhii luxt Moiidi > ovoninif. ( HID KD mul N nil to llnnorth xx-HI plvo u n siineiiiilo p.irty next atnnliix afternoon lit llnir homo , lii.'s I'uuilli nviHie A l.irb'o liniTilior of liix-iliilloiiH hnvo been Issued. 1 In Indies of thi Tiinitv Methodist church vv ill fix c olio uf their sodal intertnininiiils , v\nli icrreilinunts. at tin Ir IOOIIIH in the d in h , on toinoiiovv ex'enlnp , I'ebiuni'j 't. ' Mr John I > Svvninor of I\rsla and Miss Ali < vM lli'iiHinc of thJioity vvcro 111:111 led \ --tiiiliij nfU'riiooiint the rosldeiue of II U. KI-.M ! , "illi Minstoi street , Kev , T P. Tlilek- ' 1 in ol nl iu < stioit sxx'oopoi was compelled ti'iniko lOtfulu1 tilps jpstonlay to keep the ii" > tor tricks ileiiv The snnll"qtimtit v of sin . .vth \ it fell ilriftnl bailly anil eoverod Iho tiuilis in man ) nlnics , 11 U I'lirinoloo of Vnllev Cieolt , 'J'ex , the ne xv | uoiilctiii | ot tlio ( jRiloti bouse , bin ar- ilxul In llio t itv nml touk posscssiun ul llio linid xostoidnv inoinliiK llo will inakoc-x- U'IIMVO linpiovoinoiits in the liullilinc In distiU't oourt vostcidiix- niilui * for a Ht 'i'al ' xcniroot ) iiiiu-s in tlio iniuclof tuil of \ \ illiain lloiinxviii iiiiulo b.v the point It xv us also decided tint tlic saiiio speiial nlio Hhoiiiil lie used In Ihe inuidi'i liial of limit Hull VMilih al o cones up this tc-ini ' 1 lie sc luiot boanl vv in to liuv o Ii ul n inoct- Int. xi'stoidav ufleiiKion ixt llio novx * schocil lionsi * on thu Cocliiiin tiii't , for the iinioso ( of I'xiunmhicUielniiUlliik' . ami , il nil licht , of nie-oiitiiifT II OvMiik'tK tlio ubsciiconf Mi \\clls fioni tliociu , nnd the iniilillitx- Mi S tcvviu t to bo pi use-lit , II v\-is ile lilocl to hold the inoitinc ; toinoiiovxiifloinooii , it 'J orlo < If l llrlJ tliovvluilo of jestcndnj in thu ills- trlit couit tnU'iiip with ttiuuiKiiiiif-'iiiH of Attoinoj sSliL- mint U.illov in the e.iso of Duinooitx x-s Minphj Tills fail , to c'thoi xxilh the luturstnii ; lnoci'ccliiiRs that \voi K < Jl"t ; on ucioss the h.dl in siiciioi | ( onil , i .iiiscit iho mint loom to iissiiiiiun iiitlier ilc- hi-tid iipponiiuui almost all cla.x Iho Hi lor In ot hoi s who inilnl eil in a fain 11 v i oxx Tuosd.i.x nfloriioon. vvoro llni'cl * M. . ( ) Ul ii 10 l v .linl o Mi ( ! ( C Mste-nl.iv liiiiliiinir .1 dim Smitli , rbaiKCil vvilti diiinke'iiiu'ss anil illstin-liliiK tlin IM.ICI * , llncil SI'i Td. M I ? lilu It , Ihc Oiimtii man xxlm stoio n iniiiiln'i i'f aitiile s ofxxu.iniiK npiuiul liom tlii'Kni-sts alllie i'acillc ' liousi last xx-uu , xv is luiicl > ! , ' M .1 Alxvoith , lof il rif.'dit of tiioNorth- \Mstoin , has loi'dvid notii'ii ol Ins i > inniotion to the iflloo of uni'i il Coiim U IHnlTsiuroiit i 'J Inilntlus ol tins ollno li.ivo Inn tt'fmo ili > - MHxednpo i ihu ircnonl nncut in Oiniilin , hut liv the nidi ) of things , Mi Alxvnitli assumes ( iitiioinntiol Imp , timl instoadnf iinortnn ; t ihoOintilii nui'iit , hi' xxMII nioiL iliieitlj to thoillx islnn lieailijunitoiH Neil Hiuriihl , a snitohmiin on tlio Mil- iMinkec1 , met xvith .in iicrlitont yosterihv iifii'riinon while coupling IMI-S In the .x.inls tliat xvill dnlx-o | hlinof Ihousoof Ins hniul for seine time , in eo.iplini ; his linnil liocar.o ( .iiiKlitin some vvn.v lietwoon tlio buinnor nnd tlio i-onplnih' pin , nml the thud ami fourth lliiKcisof his left hand xxcio uullx' inasliecl 'llio injury is not so serious as to ho perma nent tut ills bid oiioiigli to keep him fiom jjiuK \ \ foi seine tirno. 'ai1ilntKO ( quantity of Ucioseiio xvas con- i Ijinoil josturdiv l > y the stnlu oil inspector , 1 i , . 1 Hns\i A fovv ilivs HIO 11 lot of oil mid in thoHlnlTs by Oinnlia incicliants , nml was found to pass tlic iLiiuned lest. Anotlier xx-ai in ulo liv the sanio 11101- ilnnits , nml it xv is supposed tint the1 ( | iialuy of t lie se'1-oml lot was the th it of tlio liist. An InsputiDii shoved tint the soeonil lot xx is deques beloxx- the stntidnnl 'llio iimpc-clor nu le uoniid of nil tlio store's vvhoioll hid been placed ou sak- and orUeieil it I'ondi'innocl. Mi dnsV Clni-o ( , Jr , and Miss- Anna l.i'iitrliiKit xxno imni-lid ji'ste-rdiy after noon nt I o'clock , nt tlio lesidomo of tlio luiilo's pinent-s , Mr nml Mrs , liuoh Ueut/- lnv. i 'I lie coic'inonv vx aspi'ifoinuil bj liev ' ! ' .1 Miu'lti-v Mr. Clnilt is thc > joimist ; < on of tolonil SV I'lailt , iiroiinotm of Hold ( lOiilon , nnd isunoof tliebiiclilost ind innst joiini ; mon of tlio citv Miss l.outtniKU Inn been I.HSCHI tin-o mul is u hiuiclsonio and popular > oiinir l.mj. Tlio } on UK people took tlio Siiint I'aul ti.iin last oxonlii ) ; for tlio noitli. nnd will x isit ainoni ; the ii'lutivos of Mi Cl.iru atst Paul , Uu- Intli .iiiel ether norilicrii eitlcs for a v\oek or inoie anil will n't in n unit tuiu' iipthon ios- uk'ino ni this rity 1'hoxoiu the icoiplints of many heart } coiiKi.itnlntions. tint the enl } installment honso In Cumuli lUiift" ! . tiiui tlio Impost installment hoijso hi llio xvest isMaiulc'i .X Klen s.'o sell at eii'terii piiteovenx aitk-loof house hold funiilnio jon use' , anil instud of 10 ( niiiiiiK Ji'U ' topav iash vvo lot jonh.ix-oit on e.isv p.ijinents Iliero is no noces<x of ilenjin join-self thoi.scof niticlovvhen \oucan pet ( Ae'r.vtliliii ; j \\nntonsuch eii'.jteiiin The Inri-ist stook of caiiet | * , stoves ind fnrnituio in the cltj to ocloct fiom : i.q Hixinilxx.1 } . Call on 11 .T Hiitchinson & Cn. for rliolco lots in Wilson U'limee. bi cml for tlio next foxduxs Buy your coal nnd xx-oocl of C. D. Puel Co. , - Tclephotio Ut ! . Call on Sehni7-Sinlthl > o for cliiltcl loans nml cstutc' 'Jo I' st. J'Elt ! > < l\.t J , I'.l If .1 ( ilt.t 1'irti. Jlrs. W. Mnlsb.x has pone to Sao City. Lucius Wells letnined xostoidaj from At lantic' , xvliereho lias beui on inisini'ss. Mlss Illbtnnl of Uodiestcr , N V , is the guest of.Mlbs Sailiott , of \ Villoxavenue. . I.oo 11. Diii'stine. lovvu mina 'or of the Kqiiltutilo lifo nssuraiico COIIIDUIIV , is In the citv on business. Mis. biiruhKoy hasioturnocl fiom an ex tended tup throuKh IxiMitueky. IlerihiiKh tor , Miss Mniv , ianoxx oiiherxvaj home from l ails , but xx 111 stop In n number of the oust- on ! eitlcs beloro leaching t'ounc'il IJlulIs. I'xans Umiiiil < - \ ( . 'o , 'i.'O I'eirl stieot , Telephone - phone ' . " .0. tioods e-allid for and ilellx eieil. Thol.ullosof Council Illiiffs are Inxitedto call at Miami's C 0 D. Kioeoiy and lie bit \edvv it tin delicious oupof Arnioui's beef Ua btep in xvhllo doivii town. The Manhattan , spoiling hc.iilquartcrs. N. O'Uiicii. A Nnirnvv Ktsinpo , A taped } \\us nnrrovvlj averted yesterday t tlio Union elcxator. A tr.iln of loaded u It Ii ( .Mainvns stunilliiK on thn tiack inslele the bullcllug vith n Inipo rope cable nttnelicil toiheiu , ready to bo linulrd up the Inclined phino to bo unloailed. 'Iho ciilileJ vvns jiullc-cl unit , uncl just , the train XMIS about to asc'oiul the plane tlio roio troko .luwb Jossen , u luboivr cinploveilln the oiovatcu' , vis btandnn ; ncnr niiel x\is Miui'k bj tlio end of the ieiio ] us it liroho. llo fell scnsiflessluio ho htooil , amixvas fenind on tlio Hour teen alter b ) some of the other \\ui-kincn. \ It A\as nt llrstlhought that ho xvus kll'ed ' Dr. ! vvas.suiiiinoacil. mul when hoainxod on the 000110 half nu hour later , the Injurocl man Just lopiinlnit con.eloum'ss. . An oxamiimtlon shont-J tlmt Juason hid hid tlux'o ribs trolscn by the loreo of the blo\v \ , niulJinil iilsoiocclxodsorioni injuries nbout the head. Ho isjioxv lung at his homo ou Is'lnutconth iiveuno , botwioii Ninth nun Tenth streotnnd it Is thoJguttbuL ho xvlll duo lltuc. 7WVS \ IV Till ? -i i > htj ) l.i I lib Habefl ! Corpus Prcvccctlings in the Turner Perjury Ottso Oosnjiletctl. THE REPUBLICANS APPOINT CAUCUSES , A Nai row K citm I'liini Doalli tij \Viu < kmini nt tinI'niiin rttntur * lli Aiiiatctii- > locth ) Tut us i'i > A "Your honor , It appcnrs Umto\cry objec tion innilo by Mr. Scubroolt Is smtnmeJ , whlln ovcry objct'tloti mnJo by HIP la over ruled I do not MUu to submit to Mug thus niilcU snt Uouti uiioii. " Itvns John N Uiilihvln. ttio nttomoy , who Iliusuhoucd 111 ? Indignation vllh ojo tuoll ns toiijjno JudKoMclft.crcquc9t.cit him to tnlio his sent "If it lilho oulorof tlio couit llmt I sit clou n , I mipmno i shnll h.ivo to submit , ttioiiii ) | mj opinion tctnnlns tini'bangcil. " Then llio ease wont on It wns mi oaterop piiii ; of tin. ' attempt recently bcciiii by I "mil Scnbroolt ID ct liijniu-tluns ngaliut the sn loom M'abiooli'sihiuf ulttiess , L. M Tin nci Iinil U'cn .u rested for poijury. On bclni ; brouulit befoi-o .TustU-o I'.itlon , iiLhnnco of veiiuu wii't ' ivfiiicd , nnd tbon Si'iibioul , wt-nt into the superior limit mid niltott JnilKi1 Mi tii'c to ivliaic bis limn oa a \ \ lit of liabcus corpus. Some eUilcnroM Inlrodui'Pil nml a tfooil doil of lec'il sp.\irliiK Indulged in 'llio in- iciest in tlio lasuiMusul u liiRin nuiiibur of'i to bo oouipiul l > i ilstenuis tlinii usual Sil&on { ifosefutlou aio no now tiling in Council lllulTs , so It not this wnelty tliat uMlttnl tlio liiloiest Nor was It tlio stii'iiiitli of the pioscvntion , foi Mr Sea hiook is i ( . onip.u'atlM'h now inoinborof the but , and bin topiit itioii lien lanrely In tlio fntiiii1 Tim fact If that Council HlufN linil Just scttlod down Into nu almost unaniuions uiiilnstandiiiir that prohibition hou1 , atloait , \V.H a di ml fiiiUuo 'I bo hiw tuiil older Uiiiu' bad J-IMMI u > tbu ll lit Aflur juun of litlpition tlioy looUeil at tbi ) loioul , and found Unit ubllo a liuntlioil silooiiH lnul In on inotod out .1 liiuidroil nioio liail MprniiK up In tliuh pl.ito , and tbosocoiiil iiopas \\oi > > o than the llrst 111IIIK suttlud dow n to llic fact tnat iiilooiis \\oulil inn nnd that if so tbt1) bail hitter bo i-nntiollod and in.idu to [ asluuoof the " \ppnso ot tbus contiolliii them. With this belief anil nonenil nndorstandint , ' I'onn oil Hlulls bivau to talto ft till louiauo 'llieiu SIUMIIK tip a demand foi bettu1 builil- iinil bettor ftunisliliiL's boian to mov.i > to moro oultil > diiiiUIni : places , anil peep o d\\ houses nnd Suuila } L.uonsilsuc 1 ist Uisappeaiini : Siiililiiilounn ScabrooK tliiow n batch of soiiityMnew suits Into the hopper 'llio iiiinoofl M 'liiinei , the conipliiiiiintf witness hi oil the easin , tei.iino a l.uniliar one in a daj , but ilespito the itujnlrics us to \\lioliu\\asoi bo c.iliie fioip , little lOtilil be loii'ii-d Itciould not tin founit for some il us When ho did tiiui iii the > oimn iniii fiiniul liuiiMlf a piisoner , anil the nt\ pii'ttwell uoiisod fiom its tin mi that tlio ( imbibition war Ii id iiuled iiiciiMil last ni lit on the tesiilt of tlio legil sUliinish ; isti'tdamil tlieiouie loiulluspo in ys that ho would soon bo cased nu'iun ' 1 hepioceiilinps jcstcnl.iv woio pccull ir Mi lild\\ln ! upiio.ncil fui Shi i ill O'Neile. Just nu I'atton testilinl tint hu did not 10- Inso to tlio the motion for iichuiRu ofcnuc , but luil statcil tint , as ho had othir business hu ciiiild not iMiteitam it just then Heiic- tnalh diil tno tlio motion about the time Si-abioolc Indipnantlj left the loom S \ lleni > , who was in ' Jnstiio I 'nttou sionil nt'tho tune , tetiliud tlnil 1'atton abs'lutelj nfused to oiiteitiiiu tlie motion , MijiiiK ho was too busy to atliml to it until iiioiinntr Mi. lliildwhi ( j.U'O llenn 11 shaip riiiss-OMiinimtion Henry s.iuthonas an altoiue % llo was piessed with the iiiestioii | na \\liclliu bo bad not been in the saloon businuss , anil at last nd- mittul th it once on a tune ho aid tend bar in a llariison ioimt.\ saloon "So \ on conio down heio to run the saloons out"1 Heiny snld that uouH nppcir luter. Aiubioso ) Unliillem's piilnui , tostlflcd la coiouoi itiotiof .liistiio I'atton's ufusal to cut I'ttuni tlio mcitian for n eliniiKo ofeiiiio \\lien iho ca-.o . natbed a point wheio.Mr Scabioolt wnto intiotlucu oiclein.0 as to tlio nrobiblo Riult ot iiinoienco of Tnnici , Mr Hnldwhi suu lit , i ( oiitiiiiiiiue. Tills uasic- fiiMil , mid Una Nil Maldwiu olToied to dis- niisstlio uiso iifaiist ( 'IniniM Subioolt ob Jcetid Ho wan tud n ihanco to liitioduio tcstliuoin to sliow tint tlieio was ajjood c.iuse tor bis minis airost Thccoint do cidud that lie tould not dismiss tlio hiiicas corpus casn without u heaiinir. I'licn Mr Italdw in \ \ itlultofionilho ease cnthoU. SluiitTO Null , tlio difcndant In the lubeas coipus case , was < -ent foi anil told ho Incl no attiunej , as Mr Baldwin hid withdrawn Hi'ioon seemed Count \ Attiune\ in to ii'piosi-iit him hut Unit onicnl said In ) was not > iciUiuited { with the details of the mat ter , nnd must h otinio to picpare It .ii > - tlic piobtuitiiiK w itness in tlio ease ! of the st ito % s Tiiuur , beiiiK willini ; to clisiniss tlic else , tlio county iittoiiiclinulU nsktil tint the cast'Ibo dibii issed Aftci sumo clelu ,111 ordei was thus eiiteied , anil lliui the habeas wns also disinissul. Tin net walked out fuo foi , i time at least 'liiiiieiwiis u-leascd M-steidaj afteinoon iiiiniodintcly aftei the hiijeiiMorpus piocecd lues I p to a late honi 1 ist nluht ho had not uoen leal 10-tul nlthoilKli it is piottKcnei alh understooil tb it tneic is another inforina lion and wmlant leadj lor him , to bo used M soon as the cit > anthoiities think nest it Is stated no fuitbut IIKHOsill DO made tonard piosnutliif ! him on the chaise of noijur % for a fewdajs , in ho will t.ilceaiU intake ot the bieatlilu spell bo h.u obtained anil uot out of Uioilty. If ho UM\CS , it is thought the saloon piosecu tiou will bo left without a lit ad , and die n speedy death But if ho peisists in staj ing to see thei light out , it is likclj that tlio weitber w ill bo made as Uot for him as it con- vuiioutl ) i an bo. Tor the next wevk those ciepaat hand- naintod lea pot > - with i pound of the llnest sun dried .Inpan tea , \\ill bor.oldat Wa eiuli at Lund Urotlurs The tea rontnlncd in these beautiful pots is supenoi to to any 75c tea hi the i-itj and theio is not a duller on this side of the I'neitlo ocemlio ma purchase - chase tlio pots so they ean bo totalled at $1. 'I hey in dto elegant uiesents. Sco them anil you -will adniiio and purchase them , " .I jtieot. . Siuiput A C'o cnirj largest stock of hulk Held , garden and lloxver heoels lu the west niitl Camples by mail. Itepuhhuan A call has been Issued bj the Uialimaa of the le'publleaa icntial coinuittteo for tlio 1 oldliiK of tuiiiiaiies at 7 .lUo'elotk thlse\cn- inattho ( followiiipr plices First Wnid At lohn llamniei's olllee , anil seloet llvo delegate Koto'idVaidAtelty buildnif , and selee.1 Third Waul Over No1. ! . " > Bionelwav , and belcet lle delegate- * and iioiniuuto a candi date for ward aldoiinau. \\aiil-Ateouatjcouit \ \ house , and sclee-tsis delegates and iiomluuto a candidate for wind aiderinan , riflliViudt Clmiles Shlehls' stoio , roinei of 1'ifth u\enuo and IZle\entti sticet , and select foi r del"Katot > . Sixth vVanl- No 'J.J | ' > West Rroailwav , and select thno delegates and nominate u eandldato foi waul alder man. 1'aeh waul will also belett a ward coaunit- teein in The city e'oii\ention will bo held tomorrow afternoon at - o'eloek in the supeiior court room county court house , at which w 111 bo Humiliated a candidate forpirluomnilssionor , mid two Lundidateb foriacmbeisof thoschool beard , Do jou want in express wu-on or boJ J HinKlip tlio A 1) . T Co , telephone 17H , .N'o. 11 NortU Main htrect. 1V1I rrcim a Chnlf. Mis Blalne , the wife of James Dlaine , nu eiiKineor on the Noithwestern load , w as ttio \lctini of a ioiious accident jesterday inoin- Ing nt about 7 o'clock. She was stiii.Uinp upon a chair ariaiiKlnt ; tlio il nipory at ono of the windows In her homo at the corner of Twelfth street auu AvcnuoO , when tlio ctial r up-ii an 1 < hu WM thren\n \ loleuth to the tlcnr In fiilluiK HIU Htnu'k npeuiliir Mu ulili r nt sueli nuu'li.ii ' it wan li lo iiitid A pluMi tan w in < 4i > ni'ii and the in nu \ us atii ndi il tu Mrs llmincill bo laid up fur sunn' time , 'llio Antuli'iiilli'lfi'tlvc , Yesterdaj lit r unitlined mi mcount of tlioeiiptuie of a bouus ilitccthc iullti'uli.ihy the nuino of AV il fond ) lie claimed to Do one of the "I tilted States Uniiuois , " ono of the numerous amateur detectlNo iwoclntlotis that are oivanl/ed all oser Ihe country for the purpose of boathiu tbo utmai ) m.niKor out of his bard earned dollars U now trans- piles that ( oaci.\ was In L'oumll JllutTs n few duUKO 1 lo cninn to the polb o station and inttoduied himself to Mai sbal lVinplotonsti\t- iiiKtiuit ho was after a jriu ref tiain robbers that had been operatitiK' in Texas Yestci- da\'s piitilleation of his artest Ii n Duni lit out the flit that Mirshal 'roniploton.n not the nulon ? \\lio fet inn ) Coun's acipiiiat- aiue while ho wits hi thoeitj 'J'be ma k and whlskeis wbleb he w is iiiasipieiaellnr in when iiiicsti'd woio hnuphl at Mi * I'felllei's 1 lo had no money and bcnmht the goeids on ciedlt l'i e\ are still unpaid for l > uiiiin his stu > In the citj bo stopnul at the Kcuno house and the pioiuietorof that hoti'l Is still w iltiiiK for his boudert'j come buU and pay him $1 for his bond nnd liHl itij. Kobeit liiahuni was also \lctiinl7cd to llieevtent of a line ieoletLleh Ilie dcteotl\o boupht foi the purpose of shout liic Tovan tltlovos He was oui of tiumcnnd the m'lierous heaitcilKiiusinith told him to take the gun and pu lilin whin bo could VesteidiiN Mr st .loliu went to Onmun to look tbo mattei up lie found that the de te < tu o w as UT.NilluiKtii . \ loino to this side of tbcthi'i , as the Omaha authotlttes liail be c'n tilling him hoi rllilistniiesof what ho illicit ixpeit If hestiued thei' ) . llo will bo brought to the Illullsthis inoiiiln and 111- inll'iied mi the clmncot beitlnpa boanl bill Mr. St .Itihn will bo the piose'cutbiK witness , but ( ,1 iliain will try to liuve u lay made on C'o.uly 9 prnpei t\ , which uuislsts of a lot of Jewell } , losaltsl ) hlsebiini A \lsit to Dis \ \ oed bin \'s now dentil looms will bo pleisant as well ns prolltable I'lnest and most complete dental looms In the w cut. Spl ill ' ( illllllH. A llttlo eiilv to talk about spring drc < s ( 'oods I'bey aio heicneM'itheless. . ntul In immense < | imntitlels. The lirat delivery ot our impoi lat Ion order has been lecclved , over filll ) pieees , the latest s > h ides and tints of tlio I'Vench and ( icrinan weivoi The most notice iole in o the delicate 'shades ol KiajB , tans nnd Vienosioso Wo never hadanioio loinplcto line' of heniicttas , seizes , biillim- tlnos , ete. Witlinut anv uxeeptlon this is cuttulnlv tlio llnest line of dress Roods e\or shown by us. As Is usual our low piieos rule. ( lincbaiiis. flannelette nml pine ij.ple tissue arn tlio le.idnij ; fabrics In the wasli irooils line , tlio latter a soft fabile lOhoinbliiiK a china hllk Tnoj conio in plain and assorted pattiuis Die piice belnt ; miichebeaper thin eliiiia silks builds them within the icueli of all ; for the pro-ient I'epoijard ( Jlnislmins Our disnlaj at lOc , U1 c and lie no claim to bo the best e\er snown for the inonoj The patterns aic siinplj cxqnis- Ho foi Hint linoot K < wds. Plaiinelette , a \et\\ popular filnic , was so list season , trohiK to bo two fold this season. \\'e show it hi four ui.ules si' , lOc , 1. " < and Tic. The ISc ipialiu looks like vei\ much llnei ( 'oods than Is usuall ) sold foi tint pi tee Tlic whole ston is , we bought them chei ) > ftnd moan to sell them so Hp.-usto tuiii llieni ovt'i ijuliU on the sin ill piollt s\ stem 'I'nblt linens md t iblo niipklns deseno a lit tie attention our stock at pn-scnt ha\ini ; boon loplenislu'd with evcijtliini , ' in Unit line. The enoiiiious sale in tb it depaitment pro\oiis | tostoi k t I'tint ' ; 11111 it piettylow , but noxv il is bielc to its normal condition , and minhtsiu bettu tlinne\et Our line of bli'ieheil t iblolinons fioni l.'io to M "iO eon- sistsof al R si'ldom , if ever , appioiched by anj ictail scoies With all duo eicdit wo cansav the saino about thoimblou lied linens , oulj tbopncosst ulmiulilouu and don't inn uii imito as hicli , jic ) to * l 00 is om limit lor unbieacliod. Table iiiiiiUns , any si/e. table napkins mv piico , from fir cub , or.'Oe per do/en to i > i ( U ) per do/on The most cotnplete llaewo hiive c\er bid the pleasure of show- in-- nosroN sroui : , rothciinRhnni , Whitilaw \ , ( Jo , leaders and pionmters of low pilccs , 401 , Id land 105 Hroidwav , Council Bluffs , In. > ow Vorlc olllco , I'Lconaid sticet. Now Yoik Sjinphony club , Masonic tem ple , Maieb 1. 'Ihe Dcmicrat ! Nominate. Iho democrats met lastevcnlnc In con vention , in tbo Mipcuoi com t room. ( ! A Holmes was appointed chaiuuuu and I'.in melt Tlnloy sccretaiy. After the usual ] iio limlnni ) e\eie.Ises , such as theie.ielniLj of ttio list ot delegates and the voting in of piovics , an liifoim.iloto was tnkcn for ohleriniin at laijie The result of the \oto was thatPjotes ( weio east toi W II Knephei and PJ , for ,1 ' .1 Iliown. Kneplier arose and statcd'that ho wciuld not inn IT nonunitcel , and would not su\o if elected , whereupon Mr. Iltown was unanimously noiiilnated. Mr Iliown was then called for , and niidoa few lemaiks tlniiluns tlio ion\ention foi the honoi it had confined upon him , aftu which the selection of a eandldato for nark comniissioiiif was in ouler. C K Mitchell was chosen bv aci Initiation Tlio next tiling on the mo iammo was tlio nomination of two candidates foi thi'Mhool boaid ' 1 ho lormal votj resulted in the noiit inationof .1 Jameson and Ceoio ! ( lilax- sim Mr Hi i\snn was then e ailed upon to inakiMl speech He tliin'fed the moinbeis of tlio convention foi their endorsement of the policy which ho had puisued dm- HILT the pist thico jeuis It hail l cu his constant aim , ho said , to bine his actions as a member of the boaul absolutely fieo fioni national er seetaiian bias , and how well ho had bucceedcd ttio deinoci.its piesent knew. The demounts present exUlcnth tliouglit ho hud ilonovciv well inikeil , for they ap- plaiidccl Mi 151i\snn's llttlo piece till the ( hairinau almost fell out of his scat The biislness of the e\eniiicr was then done , ex cept the appointment of a clmluimn of tlio City central committee \V 11. ICnophor was appointed unanimously The comention then hioko up , and the delocatesendedtiieirwaj to unions places wbeio thej could talk the nmttci ovei Altogether it was ono of the most quiet democratic conventions e\er held in the city , Theie wa3 no wrangling whitovcr. Tills does not mean , however , tint there is no dis- satifafiction in tlic ranks with the results of thnotiiit ' , The choice which caused the most lemaiks was that of Cieor o niaxsini for member of the school bo ml Tlio names of Mixon , Shubert , H.iin , Klwcll , and Miko- sell had all been mentioned , and it w is thought that ono of them would bo the choice. Many demon ats claim that Blix- sim's name ou the ticket will bo a diaw buk to the success of the ticket , while others think it will have hut little effect , as the school election does not take ulneo until a week aftci the city election. , I.C nixny , stovn noiilnt ; , saultiry en gineer-Ui .Nloiiiaui block , Council lllults Tlio Xc\v Pacilliy is tlio most eentially located hotel in Council 1,000,000 brick for bale by.M. Hughes & Son , Council liliitls An ICnily Morniiifc Illa/e. All aim in of Iho was sound"d jesterday inoinlnLat about 2 o'clock from the grocery and feed stoio owned by A. ( iillnskj on Uroidwaj , just west of Indian creek. Itv i lesponded toby the bo\s fioni the low Hroadwaj hosn house. Whenjthej arriv on the scene the llro was buininjj btightlj , but a few minutes woilc with the host sutlleed to pet II under control The danmRo ON tends tonenih evorj tliiiib' in the block , and is estimated at about $ > M > 0. The followlni ; mirrmja licaiui werj is sued yestorilav Nainoanct u-ldioss. At'e. I ( hurli s Mum i , Piiltawatlnnilo enmity , 1 l.llaljctblime ! m ma. I'nttamallamlo ' Co i I'incsl Klnillc'i. ( niinell Itluffn . , i I.nuNc' dli'lih i , l oinic.'ll Hlulls . . , I ( iiibardll. ! , .ilttmimi , I'IIUMUIU ' Unuli' Co , I Aiuusia u llabU l'citla alliiiiiliMiiunlj. I John II itci- , Putt mattainlo iiiiud > . . ( Alinlu llusili , I'oii utlaiiiie county . A I'm HIT \nlibed. Stephen Slimns , who has boon parsing f oigoil iheclts upon thu First National bank signed "Artie Ice company , " was anestod nnd Indent In 1 ill \ clnMtllo 'ind a iluvk biHiu in his JMK i .i from W'MIU ' tin chuks lnul hi I'D toinnn l' < < \eiiil otlurHweu' IllU'il xit leiuh fi r use Mi st < f the i iiw Us Wi ivdt nfoi s fiii and wi n > ritieu tn nu ui.busine-is like and aw luMU'd liaad 'I hi1 Vlilow who WIIH "Itiislncis " A MrUcl.x old wnjjoti. drawn hj a pair of loan olil'itiuh's , cuAio aiotiiul thoror- nor of Iho fioljlil liuuuo , xa.N s llio N'ow York Sun. A llttlo old woman was Imliliui' Iho lines ami three or four low luailod eliihUrn wen-bojiluil her. "Hoo-up , .Icrusili'iii " cho cull oil to the olT imilo , who hici | tit u frrlnht car , ntul w ith a twitch and nauls mid cut she w heeled the leauf ilroutul ami backed unto the platform. "Whin > < Iho oxpro-s folli'i'V ' lie itsKod as Mio jumpc'il nut nml I'liino atoiir ( , eracMiitf her wlitn. "Oh , j on tire Iho I'liapVVull the old nuin's thar in the wiiLron. 1 wiuit to ship him up lo t'.iiti.1' ' "I don't soi > him1 replied the i > nt as ho.UinUcil into the wiijoii. } "llo 'uu's in the coilln thiir ! I'm fjnlnir up wltli it to Kiln. How inni'li to paV 'i'lii'j wont to the olllco and nrrantrcil nmttoifi , and Hie coilln was taUon from the wnnon and pliu'wl on a truck. Then tin' old woman liirncd to the wagon and wlil to the iihlfst ho\ : "Xow > < ni , \etibe' 1 , > ou drive slow mid don't worrj them mewls , and the test of jim all holin\o joui'sclxi's. Ouino down fur ino Woiliiosilnj , and brltij. u j it ; of in'n tiiui'll with xou. llei'-up now ! ' Wlion Iho wnuon lnul yciiiosho tiirneil to us and explained : "Old limn went oil pmtv sudden , ando I \o had to mini ) lively , lio'uii wanted to bo hurled at home , lyul I xumldn't dis- nppoiut linn. ' ' "Your hiiihaiidV' ' ! usKcd. "S.iitln. Ijivcd tiitiotliof ni h on to thirU jojirs Kui'kon . \ on nro nil iiuia/cd tliiit 1 don't ci\\ mid tnko on , hut thai's heaps lo ii > o to and it all falls on me. Onlj luil f an hour afore Iho train and 1'u'got twetttthiiiL's % to think about' ' \\'oxoteil her full of "busino-V 1ml lather haid-hwirled , but wo Imd lei i liinio ! i ur iiihid about that , bbo sud- deiil.v disappeared , and us wo walked nlonjf to the oolloii bsiles piled Inchon the platform wo ho ml u gioxiii ! and sobhinir , and thou a yoico of lanieii- tntion cried out : "O , .11 m , old man , it's the Lonl'w will , hut J can't abide it ! J'm a lioldiu'up and tiin' ' to bo IUM\P. but mj oldhonil H boiii'drowndcd ) , out hj tears which the c\\os won't shed ! I'm a-xv.ilUn' , , lim n-xx ailm' till I tjit b ick homo wluif Kin slop down and hov it out with my tor- lowP And two minutes Inter she was stand ing nt the tii'Kot wmdovv and sajiiiK1 : "Reckon these khoied kj.irs no\ordo be on tiino , but I > vant no fussin'around in this ciiso or somebody'11 x\l \ sued. Hain't yet hut two dajs to put him through and { , 'it back homo. " Quick Wnrlc. Tie * Muliirg Mnilitnil Tlmrs. A few da > 9 n owhile sitting in nidi-r Bros' drug stoio lit Tlnitley , la , Mr T U. Dyei. a well Known citi/en , came in and nsUid foi soniithing for asoyciocold which ho had Mr. llelei toeilt dovu a botllo of I'h.iinbeilain's coui'li icinedN and slid "Hue is sonietldni : I mi iccoiiinir'iul It e'uiiinmnds a lingo sale and gues genuine sat isfaction It Is an exLullont piep.uation and i heap " Mr I\er ) pui chased a uottlo and the nevt ilnj vvlicnwusivN hlM be said he was ninth better , and tbo da ) followinj , ' tip pcmcd to bo entire ! ) cured This is a spec imen of the cllccthinossof this picjiaiaiion. Toi sale by all ilruirirlsts , v liolt HOP Unit ) . A Puiliiiiinsleeper on the Burlington was crowded with oust hound pas-on- fToissi few evenings njjo , sa.\s the Coun cil BlulTs Cilobe. Tbo oveirlaiul train Dclii } ; Into the uoauh was left btandin < ; at Iho iraiiafor until its ariival. Amonj ; thopassonyers on hoaid was a ad faced youny of aboi' , ' tvventy-tho sum- niois , and in his ai ins ? ho iiold an in- fa nt iihout three inontlis old. The ] ) .ib- soiigors all totiied except the \OIIIIK man , who walked tlio lloor in n xam en- dc.ixor to quiet the little ono , who cried and cried as thoutrh under a conl'.ict to futnishocal music for the patrons of Burliii.'ton )' line , i'lnallj an iia-uihle , \ermillion-eomlue'tcd ] ) fat'man poked a bald head out from between the cut tains of Ins hunk and said , in nil ill- tempoied tone : "Tor hosiveii'h sake , quiet that biat. " But the "brat1' oulv cried the louder " aj , v\oiiiifr man , 1 know babj wants It wants its mothor. " "Vos , Ihe dm tied thiiifr oiifjht to ho with its mother , " t-jioko up anothti 001- liulont occupant whoso bleep h.ul been hioUon by tno wails of tlio "ilioir. " \ ith a voice ehoKing with the an- Kiiibh ho felt , the jounj ; man swallow eel a sob and said' "I know it , but she's oil with someone cl-o. HOD , hoe , lioo ! ' and j.ipa chimed in on the doxolo ' x , complctelj tlio btiainsof tlio'lufiiatilo xx.uhlei. l''or Diabetes Vho Horsl'iud'H Acid IMiospluile. Dr. 12.1. Williamson , St. Louis , Mo , ssus "I lnuo tested its qualities in eases of di l- bctes , with marked licnctlciil results , and am well pleased with utilities ot the picparalion " Stories ot Sbeiui in. When residinir iiiWushinytou Conoial .shornmu was invited to public binqiuls nnd pnvato daily nnd often had as fellow finest ( Jenoral Van Vllel. On ono occasion ( ionoia.1 Shoimau stsutcd ns usual , hutoii ic.icliliiff tlio sticetho sud denly stopped , tuningqiiito fin Cotton the iiirtiiuliir baiiquot ho had promised to attend Unit oxeum } , ' . After some min utes of perplexity , ho exclaimed aloud : "O , I'm all ritflit now. Thcie yoos Van Vliot. Ifthote'bit { , 'ood supper in town ho knows where it it. . I'll lollovv him. ' ' bo ho did , and luckilj ho touched the light destination. General Sherman's fnthei-in-law , the famous Tom iwlii ; ( , ' , mot a neighbor just after the war -uid spoaKinf'of his own family , baid' "Well , mj bo > h L'ot through all safe. Tom and ld ) aio homo. TIiov went all tin ough it , but dliliftgut hurl. Yes , hlr , thdy went all through the whole thing. " And then , as if it were quitoau nftoitliouijht , "and nilim't > husbuulho vvab ( hoio , too. Ho went through , too , jutt llko the boy.s.1' On tlio occasion of C'eneral Sherman's \isit \Voicoster , Mass. , foinoearn _ ago Iho ehildion of the public schools woio drawn up to welcome him. The old soldier's fnco bennuul as ho looKccl along their linos. At a gheu signal tlio childioii waxed little Hugh and began to sinj ; "Marching Tluough ( ! eor la. ' ' Tlio general's fueodarKcneil nnd ho hiild : "I didn't thiiiK thoy'd miiKo these dear little children bing that blanked old tune. " Dr. Birnoy euros eixtarrn , I3oo hlilu. A Mothor'H liO\c. Tlio ShiltiKlleld llopubllean , tn an aiticl on imdeitakeu and ttieir tiade , tells of n col ored family who xvcio In straitened clicum stances , too , poor , in fact , to piox'lde llovvorb A son died , and teen after ho was laid la the coilln the iindei taker notlccil that a banana had been placed la his closed hand , and althoi li suspecting the motive , ho asked win it was done. The mother admitted hi r liiabillt ) to pun mo ( lowers and said ' Hut I do want something of that soit , mid Tiimmv did lovobananas so' " Tbo ftuit was bulled witli the child ( iooi ) NCV\K lor Idiots. Some wectorn iih.Xhleiaiis HID in hopes of tropiiinlng a llttlo Idiot ( , 'lrl into a wiimmi of avoranu sonto , saxs iho Now Ymk World , Tlio hknll hoing an "ov hilled'1 Maill and hence ( inito dilluront fioui thu oidlmuy eaitilui/iiioiii : aiticlo was found to liniicdo iho ( jrowth ol the luaiii , nnd nccoidiiigU a two 1\\ live m b "n'llon was ii'iniucd to cjtxe the pui uiati r plii.x Mlwillwish the o\ { u'liiiu nt SUM1 nud.xt't is tlioie nut dnnm-r that thr iliild will tnatine in spots bo cxces-.lvolj luilliant in her iM'atiial Imtehwnj ami dull as cx-or clso- x\ hero ? The- utility of the oxperlntiMil. hovvoxer , is Its liopo. ' 1'hl" Is nut the utio of fniluie and snniiiM1 in1 Inter we xvlll be alilo tiisnxv oii o into our largo ami glow inu idolio i hiss hl5KHI ) VVllllOl ) I' I'A Y , A PIINC l'erliais | rncipiatled In the HUlorj of iho Chlliir. . Hci'M'd in the union army sox-eti months xxllhont ji.iv , and no rouird lo show for it ! That was tlic oxpcrlem-oof T I" ) , dilberl , now postnmster of Hie- ganuiii iinuuig thu hills below Middle * town. N . Y. This is the suny ho told the New Ynru Sun ; "In l d'J in.falhor . \ boiidht : t lot of iimrsh hind smith of Middli-tnvvn , whom the xallej renid runs mm , nml xve tried to miiKi1 liny on It. Mnnj 's the nlirlit vvo diovo home x\Ith a load so\en inlli-s lo Middlellold , and theto were tvvontj I-OVVH to milk nftor wo got thoie , inaybo ! > o'clock. I mndi ) up in.x mind that theio was no IHO In bolng lililo moro than a hired set x ant. 1 enlisted In Captain Dickorson's compan.v I , TvviMit\-liist < . iiimceticiit xolnti- li'ors I was unlj eighteen veils old , but with settled happiness of heart I xx'ent to the b.iriMcks in llirtfoid. There I c.une down with lung fox cr vvhut \ on call piienmoiua no\\aila\s nml was sent homo to lie for three \xoel s. The ila.x bcfoio thecomp.inj was turned ( nor to tin1 Tinted States goxei niiient ( ! eniL'o , \ \ ' > 'lls and Joe ( .ilo'isoti eamo lioinii to bid mo ( roodby. Their icgi- nioutnls were too attiactiM ) . 1 falily iot up fioni in.v sick bed and told mother I'd got to go I joined the i ( imp m.x in N'orvvlch 1 { egiiuentnls , iMtionsaiid 10- ouisitiom vveio piov ided.mid weentcmd the fall i.i njiilgn of I Mil ! . I wondeicd wh.x my n.une xv.isu'l with the le'st at moiniiigand evening mil eill , hut being ; joung and inevpi'i'lenecd was sntisilcd \\itliiissiiiiinies \ fiom Drdoily Scrgoiut Hmley and Pii-st Kcmdon thai'llio mist ike could bo easily loinedied in time Hut when the m.x- mastcr p.ue the men their ii.i : month mull gut nothing , I went , to Dutlon. Hevvasa militaiv m in mid I didn't get any satisfaction. The boys g.ixe mociiongh fiom thilrpa } to Keep me f.iirl ) satislled for xvnekb "Moantiniu the plnn of following up the b.ittlo of Antietam luid been given uj ) and we went sevith for l-'iedoiiiks- buij , ' . Still no satisfaction in pny or pr < ) socts. | You don't know mix tiling about a soldier's privations , in eour-e. The ground in Unit loiinlty isiiilay which won't soak up xvntor any more Hum a bo.ud , and of nights wo some times I.i ) in rubber blankets , water all about ii , and heads on ktiapsacKs to keep them out of the swim while xxi slept. Well , it was piottx tough for .1 Doling fellow of iightccn. and liomeuicU ness atfickcd mo niiiii1 than oiie'e , ami nopi.x for it ! Tlio > ! ! ! a month wasn't innili , but those who got it could buv condonscd milk and ; : oed bread lo ( omc to the lolief of suit poik and feirful haul tnek. It almost M.ircli , ISii.i Major ( rosbv could nt help me , ami the enl ) adviee from Co'onol ' Dnttonas'lio oxer to Poltless Momoo and bo\uusto' \ oil in thu legul ir anny. ' After si\ mouths of pattiotiu service fioe ! Th \\.istoo much. Of iniirsu the loasm of it all was that while I had been sick at homo the i cst of my comj ) my had been illusion d into the United States sorxice , and 1 xx.isn't m it "Tho i eminent crossed lo Xoi folKVn. , lioni Xowjioit Xows one night , and' oui' xvceksInter 1 got into.lotscy ( ity vvitho cents in mj poclcot , just enuiigh to p.t\ tlio feirinyo loXow Yoik. On the C'im- necticut st ito nrmy loll mv untno st.inds , "Jl 15 CSilbort deserted 1 noxcr in the paid service of the Tnitcd btates , and 1 didn't deseit from the btide sor- vice. The ston got out hecau-o thei bins here , mam of whom 1 went out with , wanted mo to join the ( Ami ) of tlio Republic post , and a icirulnr inn-- ter in seemed neee-sary to niemhi rship 1 vo put the matter into the hands of Senator ( InrK and u Hartford law xer. who will work up the ease fm mebofoif the legisl.itino and a'K thittii ) bta'e nay for ni ) sot vice at least SIUO. " t is swcot to live , but oh1 how bitter to he ttoublod vMtha lOUK'b , div and nluht li ) Hull's t'oiiRh S.vinp , howex'er , is a siiio lemeilv 'J" ) t ents " 1 e iniiot sinir tonicht'lvthioatlssoie' ' ' 'Of lourievou haxHii t tiled Silxatlon Oil" "No " "Uheii get itand ) ou will iiiug like a bhd. Silt ( UK liiill'H Ghost. The plan to iPinoxo Sitting bull's ( iilin from Grand i Ixei1 to Chic igo for exhibition piiipo-is during tlio vvoild's fair will bo hulled xv ith delight by Hie snpei-titmus Indians on the Staiiding IiocK rusorx'iitlon , who me llrmly 1011- viuced that the dead cliicflnln s late nhodu is liauiitcd bv hisgluiit , and nolli- iiorsu ide tiicm to tic liovo other wise , sa.xs a liism m k dispatch , bitting Hull's ininiudlato followers , ue the most snpeistitloiis , hut ever ) other Indian mi the ie-ei vatinu cs in the bcliel that the building Is nij'htl ) b v tlie disembodied sjirits of the old vvmiior and his men who were killed in the eiiti- Iliet xx'lth tlio Indian police over two months ago. Not ono Indian can bo pio- xailul upon logo near the place , which loniiiiisentiiely dei-eited. lixen Sitting Hull'h two xxivc-s and cliildien doseited tlie cabin and have } ; ono to live among the Indians with no ihstimtionof being tlio widows of Iho fjroat chief. The blood Mains on the thtc-shold whore Sit- tiii } , ' Hull xx-ns killed aio s.ud to omit a boitof phosphorous hue ut night. m - rou T and All Points South. Tnko the \Vabish , the best and quick est unite. Unix ! iS houts to the Hot s , 10 to Now Oi loans , oJ to Jack sonville , ( > ; 5 to Tamp i , with coticspoml. ing fust time to all ) iointb soiitli. Ke- dining chair nnd I'nllman bullet bleep ing oats on all tr.iina. Uoiiiul ttip ticUots now on fe.-ilo at gicatly i educed iat"s. Tor tickets and full inform ition call at the Wnbash ticket ollice , I'idi ! I'ai'ii.un htreot or wiito C ! N. _ ( I.A ION , Agent. Taken tin ; I.ilmi OH' . Hoston ( onrier : I'liler ( joodmnn In order , Mis dreyluck , to vcmo the gieiuosl good from tlio hearing of the sot mon , you should , as a piopai.ition , enjoy tn tile utmost the .sweet , holy calm of the Sabbath morning. Alrb. CirojluuK 1 feel just as .xon do LMMli.NSU IMl'QRrATlQXS. ' Dr \ \ . W. I. .null , tln-cliluf tlrn In-pictor it tin iidiliif I'lilliuli ' Iplilu niiilci tlmiiilu 1'iisl- ilint Ailhcir s luliiiliilbti.itluii , vvrlti'i .is ful- lllVis ' I liiivn ii'LiI .lohiinii Hull's XIull K\ti let fur llic jiusl ll\i ) i , ir In in ) pi Iv itt | ir.ii-tlci > .mil h ivr fiiiinil II In lie > tin lu-il In . ' - ili.i in- In M' 1,1,11 anil Uinlc1 nnlilllM KiiniMi. I lii\ ; ( flillllll It I hll | I lllli ) LTIIIIll fill | HI-OCIhIIM\ ( 1 1 si i MI ( linn ftni'i. In i usi s uf inspi i SIA , fm M 11 I Ml IIIKl III C ( SI s of VUh \ \ ( mi inn s. ami iil-u lii n'simiiiuiu.i N Ms m- Ii Ml lull usill , I\MI by Iliu Inline n-ii liiiiujiln- tlllllI hll-llliMII III ) , mill A III II l A Ml I , I , HIS III IT II l Imp i Hi cl lij Jim hucpus'dl ni ) | IIHIIC | . llun In tin' I iiMum llcniM , MI ! hficjniil ; > fm tin p.isl llxu \ < uii , " A Mild linltiil UIIK. 'I lie i o Is ( | { " l us Kiiod" vv hen ) mi iililnln ilu < KI niiliin uril- 'li' . ulilfh niiiht lit\iitlii'hliiatiiioij | ; ( "Juli.inn Hull "on tlic nuck uf iv ui y buttli' , nl'ont ' tlmt riiloi' ( iiioilninti lull xx lion xvoliuiii luii lo L'ol up foui' 11 iiios tevalti' tin Iniiul niil , mil tln'i vuiHlilliuo ( lilldnn that don t vviint ti heno1uvl , and Ilirti llnd her hus'iaiidx ' cl llio \vhich he a ins i puts in n dilTi'ionl ' iilnoc , the v\i > i 1'holj I'nlin ii ( tlio nh- Inth IIKM nliiLT lias lnul lonsldernlitu of Us i'ili' | ; tnKon oil. \\lllllll I 111) ) HM'IIITI. | . .T.I' . SotlloMif ( Mnnnnin , Tex. , vvhllo on u Hoeiit hunting tout'in Ihosinitli- \u-stein ; iirt of linlinii ti'intcn , has ni.iden illsi'ovor.x xUiiiOi Ii d ( Itlsinrlcil V ill nu at leant. If lliloi'Miiot lend In tlio ili'voloinnotit ol iinUniux n rlihe In Unit section Dii ( lie iioi'th fork nt the Ked ilvi'i' , iioaf tlio mouth of Kim foilt , lie found unmistakable' idi'iicei of n town which hnd once boon occupied by a r\l- | ll/cil ponplc , iiicsuiniiblv llu' * ipiinliiriN Tlioio nil' ruins of lmlldlii , iniinv lu'oKon U'ssi'ls and riiusililoM nmscit- tci'i'd iiroiiitd , ; uul llioio nr < < uninlxlaK i hli > ov Uluiii'ox of inliiiiiL' mul Hindi un ; The lon iirolnhl * lindii iiopiiliillnn of liiiailv 11 Iliousind , 'I'lio liulliiiiH in the UoillllV W.tllllt . II Htlillljji'penple iMllll tlio low n , und vvoro eiijjairi'd In ininiiiLr , but that llu'ueiv _ ail innssaiMil im i llfly xonis iierit. AmoiiH1 ( lie \Vnlnla \ iiuninliiiiii , si'vornl iiiilet fi-oin t In town Wiis found an nhindoned nhafi ! i. < m vvhidi Hiiiiiploi of oiu vvoru taUi n VN h i h llt'O lll'll ill Inlni I'M A | iict | It ' . "I 1'ivxo ' novel' j-ct iinsolf up ns ilih ( ( Knoi'U enl .lulin 1 , . " iiid 111 i In it -ilult n nlfht ( or txvo ninio , ns'lio pius. d iipin- pllltO f ( > l HptllC I ill'lltlll Millll'l Ullllt till' soxenth Innc. "bill I alvvnj M i on lilollu hij } folUivv xx In n It I'linic to online \i l hi' lui t'ot : i 11 en oi me HIS npii | liti , tun 1 HMiii'inhcM1 oim titni' vx o vveie in NI I folk \'ii'inia ( John ntul I \\c'ic vvalUin down tlm sticct vvlu'ti vvo liiiiu lo tin ilui L I'lidoi n llttlo slu-d n f 'llii\x wan o.vsteis for ruHlompis xvlio vviio Thiij ( the o.xslory , not lln > ui-- \ \ ( > KJ bid one" * , ( no. 1 M\H , ' .lohn , will vo onlsotiHi ox-ti I' V 'Don't ca in If I do'said lie , ' .ind III ( joontwo hot lies of poit or I cut moro limn jondn. ' I tooU hln : siiiil xx o fiiiled in 'I'lic Mloxx- that xxiis dpi ninjj tlii'in hnd tojftt help , iliilin nto si.dodi nnd one nml J nti- " oviii do/IMI nnd foui. .Afti'i1 that \v o \xent ton itppe'i-iix ; onin our behalf nnd 1 nlellllll.X sinel Illl'lvS \ \ hile .lohn ; ; oliixxi.xilli . Movciitun lie ( livings , ul- milti d tftci' I was lee 'much foi linn on the i > .it. ' ' 1 TEH POUNDS ITHIIIKOFIT ! As a Flesh Producer there can bo 110 question but that OfPureCodLherOilandHypophospltes Of Limo nnd Soda ; ic without a rival. ftZauy have ' g-nincd a pound a day by the use of it. U cures CGNSUIWFTIOP. ] , SCROFUU , HRONCHITIS. COUGHS AND COLDS. ASD ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- CASES , .is niriiu is Jittut f t/oii / ( fit tlteycuuliie uitl > m < tr < Hi < ) ; / < r 1 ll/lfr/l fUMttCf ' 'II//// / / til lift nMullii > nml ( liltil , KIOTHER'S FRIEfID f i > njltt < matt uf lt& J'n tii II ui i ( iinml liJ. . . j\fliru-lnioni bottle if * Ml ni IK I'M I 'ill nil" I Biillii .1 il llitli | u < n UK ! ill I noli MM ilnii'e Hint \\i kii * > iifn r" ir.l iisniil In silt Ii iihc-i Mrs. A\MI U iii , I ninir. Mil Jim IMli , IS91 Suit In f \ii , UiiirBi | > r ' | nil tin m ollnf | ] irln &iiC > | rlo tli | i ii.kt.iM.iiliirs iiiullMl rrcu. nu.ii > FEi,9 , : > uii.i i.vron , , rnax'ri , < : . \ . MJII ) IlAI.I. . Hill. ( lilIST-S. TRADEMARK Till n I > E A T TRADE MARK KSII U KKM- LII An iinfnlt. Ini ; curu forSeui * Innl VVenknusn , HpirmntiithucR. liui'dli'lic ; uuil nil di-eiifcs llmt follun KH n no- quince ul Hc'lf. lllU ! , USlUKN Of Memars , LnK * r- BEFORE UUMfl. 'M i.n itune AFTIB TAIINQ. Tnln In tb Buck Dlmtu'it ill V Ixlon I'renaturt Old AHf , nnilrnniiy oilier dlni'iiiti Hint lent ] to linnltj or connumpdiiiiniHl npreinnluru urnra lf7-Tullli | rtlculnriilni > urinnitiiilc't | , tihlck e rto- lr to mml free by mull to ejury ono | F Tlio t-po- cltlc Modlclno l oM ntfl per | iiicl so , or lx puck- uae ! for Ii , or will tin Mit free tij mull ou c lpt of lliemonej , Ur tldrunlnit THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 PAIINAM aiHKKr , OMAHA , NEU. On necoiint f rouiuorf.'lli no liu\o idopled tin Follow Kruiipor. tliw onW uenulnc. diMocMAii NOTICES , COUNCIL ULUFFS. ir7 | | inl < IUM Tin M. Million Ulni It I Kt I t.tiiit \villi luisi niiiii nnd oluiitoi - ' w < Siiln | Int l'i i\i t stlei I | p \\UIM Hitn Irlimti'tl Mel'Tiall ' 1'lnnm. ' I'J ' ami tin \r-\\ s-iili llottn IMiinoi , I'lowil iinil t.'m'i ii ( iittmit SnM furrithni on lint nil- IMIIIH'I\ | Mur lliMirli hi . intiHli' triit'lii'f , lit nuxiiiiiii stti'i'l loini II I Hull 4 , In _ l > A1lll\lNs fur IMIII ! IIIH In liiiiism , InK l > fauns ; nnl i ; mil-ill : inil ; i luu'i' 1 | < I In si < > fh'in. in ! ) mi .InlniHlim > \ Van I'nt Ml , I U'Klt til.K I. , I IMIIU'II III U IN ll \ luirKulii ! new nimloi u IHIIIM * u Illi all Ihc lull' lniUiiiMiiontx | , X.MI'II rooms u III M'H on cu y lutuniMilii | HIM | < MIHI llnI I lllli an niii'iiiiitui llnii It. J llillclilil- sun ( lit Itt onlN\ ill | ' 'A I I Kliilil-timin linilio mill t o t.'H ' , on llunl'-iiii fit. \ ininli'i n I . M' mill it fin Ml liniiui i-lii 111. H J lliltulillisiill. kli | ( lOll' \ll I'liii' Mliijjlo lint ilintbli' mill I till * unit In i\ \ ill mtfhl IUIM'Mlll \ \ iihi ) till null i - . fni IIIIN s\lo | nf linlxi's wiiiilul. 1 1 IIM iM.lir- llh Hi \ \ I I'lillun I i mi il llu n nml MII l ibli s. 't ' anil A' N M iln I nun II II nil- \ Ik iir Hunt iJirilmi tun I "Itli y J It. lliuii. lOIM.ilii Kt .ilii.nioll Ulullt Electric Trusses , Bolts , Chest Protectors , Etc. ACKXISYXTCI \ ) . Dll.C. IUUD1) ) . GOO Broudxvny , Council Blutra , la J'KUUMIONIIs. on ic-i or. ui : < iix ) ! : 3 . ( IW l > run" , U OillllllltlJ u,0 , , , tint stiito and feiler il courts KIMIIIH.I , 4 and j shu ait llui'jbliiLl ( , Cuuuell Illiilts , low i. fh imlinvc Attiiriiry at l.nw No 19 HI . UhllllDClS , | > , . , , | sin.i. IIM-I Ii ish. ndls.inri - l'i Ii plume N"'I Mils 1111,1 limnha in tn 'ip in , I ouncll Illnlls , I i. D. IcDanclcl & Co. , Outchers' and PacKors' Supli33 , ) , Market Fixtures , Casing , cilr | < 's mil , , | , j | . Mitlvr. | , Mitcliiiii > i ) S"l- . ' } Mliii-l ! ( iMini-ll Hluits , la Also \fa \ iliA n illilis mi I 1 ins CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Dlurfj. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 TOT ALCAPITALAND SURPLUS . . 215.000 runFToni T \ Miiioi , PO old ism r 1 1. FlniKUrt ' K llirt , .I I ) DhiiiiniNoii ( liailoi U II inn in I'rans ict K < ? uuril binklii ; l nl- i ness i'Ht iipltil uiul surplus of uuy tun Klu sjutliw utorn I Jvv i INTEREST ON TIM DEPOSITS , M , H. CHAMBERLIN. M. D I X I I All N < H" XM > lllllnV I s | l' , I VI Is t ( Min. II Illudi la Allillm i-c. . I Iliu I Ui I VK Ssi ( ) nii , tri'iili 1 I'll tln > bklll nnd < * iin ( Al VUIIII VSI IIM V nml II VS II VI II Ir.'iiU'l W Hit I llllllLI t utl S1' st IK.K-Vl.ol'l IIX llOS's iiioroni' . mrr piln. It hlj pi rlcruns I wllh HIP utiu ft into anl ik in 11- Mil I Ilk. JU' I In I rt ill KM I I N I s I < , | \-s | m tif- ati'l * | iri' < ni. ' 1 i rrt' < tln all rctmtiv ti .iiMos , m Mu pin ll > pt inplu an I A tlulu illitn thin r ll- ili l InjKl hl i'i < > ilcar iint ptlnlMi IIIUOM1' M I HV1 ( .1 V mil si | K iii-VDX' III' , nfi r ) .nr . ( pf t < rrlhliniitlKrliii ! no rullcf c-iitlr It cur I lillo , 'loom ' I Mini : ut UlucU , ciM.r UCMICJ XCu tt H iro. Louncll lllulla 1.1 riuley Burko.Geo.VHowitt.Thos. . E. Candy Bufke , llc\vitt& \ 1'itvci in. IN : AVO n.Di.uxr , C ( Hilt Is. irnvMi ituiiiiiir'i ( oiindi iiiurr-j , OFFICER & PUSliY , BANKEES. Corner Main nut Ilroiilxriy. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TV.ilers In forolijii .ml iloniostii ) \ liui i Cdllci ttuu undo uncl Intorcsl paid di pus its Council lllnlF' , ln\\i. \ II Noitli Main Sire -I , rnnri.U Illroi'tnr an il Iliuh i liner , nnf > IIT A ' XSIIVI.XXOOI ) l VI'MI I s nro tlid I III I I II I D tii'i-t nu I enl ) i n | milfs i r. . rllit li ! UU U u I n ( . ,1,7,1,1. , , , , , r r tin- moot ( i in. rliun iiiulill'- . lmri.1'Ironi llu * nrlnaiv rk'iiiu , nun licit i r miulril M jcl per but VII 'lnikki-li. 30 Per Cent Saved At MARCUS CLOTHING HOUSE , IN MEW SAND BOYS' CLOTHING , GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS , HATS , MPS , BOOTS AND SHOES , Come ILaily and secure Har ains. This Cut Price sale \vill Last Only One Month. All Winter ( kinds Must Go. Kc- mcnibei the Place. Old am' Ms lroul\\nv ? C'ounoll Blurts. Iowa. NO GUR.EX ! NO PA.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omuhn , Nob. f-eni'i > ti Hi > i IIP i VIXMI. n i < X ic.iiliir km liiiiu In n > < l i o > l | u in .Ii. , IH null i r. i > U llu * t-ii Hi nttiiii i nilXn > IK i hr ut < m i l > mni < | IIM > i V | r u in n , < u , riu i. i i r nmrll * ! IM iniiioriliii n I l Xliinln . .1 "i nilmiliuki \ i Nliilii l II.M n , lni | in . * > i i l'i ! M n , i ui o . t i „ I'lixi'ti i ( llivlll. < il hiliiini I Irliuir ) i rrftHK S It Uuunu it tit u , \or > ii i I inulutitki i r , t , ( Urn i umulliiiuui llu' lltuk viljiU I IK ul I III' ) kiiil lice Ullu livtri V . ui tub | i m MI .tiity id n m tu U w *