Mi HE 20 M - THE SEBRASKA THIRD HOUSE , A Largo Number of Ooimtittienls Orowd the Scunto Obinuor. THE SQUATTER GOVERNOR'S INAUGURAL. Man ) Iiiipnitaiit SnbjocN I'IISIII D nl * llii Miixlliiuin I'l I'lj-ht Till-ill' Kill by lln' lloim * . Nob. , I'ob. 35. - iRjiorhl Toln- trrani to Tan UKB. | TonlKbl Uio scimti ( lianiboruns crowded with men and woman to listen to the ImuiKurnl of SniinUor ( lav- Niiiith Calilcfl acted m spjilto" , Htonlly m-eupUnp both rluilr nnd ilr-nlt , the latter bo- iiiK oiiuvircntodv. I'.li Uio clmm'itud lunm of HIP tinverlnn oil liisioctor | Tin' sipiatter ( 'ovi'riior wai tiiinultuously flu-oivd In- ' hisfolloiv-sqnatliirs 'Ihoro wns a brillluncy in Ins oiu und u ( letariiilniiM.iti In Ins ill-inner wblcli ovltlctirnil tliu d'llfflit li I'ximli'iiri'il In his triumph ovorl'oarman ' A purlnn curl foil ever bis foieheid and an hnnii'tiso roll of tjpu-urlttPii matter lese from his pni-kots. I'iom this roll ho icail for an hour Ilo discussed oor pntdurtlon , lueli prlivi , rillroads , in-ohibitlon , the gov- ornini-at or an , tbo Indian , usiirpntloti of oftlrt1 , thn mibL-rnatorial contust , pnlltlcnl troaolieiyuiiil il host of othur subjoi Is They u-t'io all handled In tl.o s-ui'iistlc , iioniciil nnd p\ti u-a Uiinl iiniuirr pei'iillar to Hiiih OP easiiuis , whlili ovoltoil bards of apphnsi * His p.uaphraslnir of tlio iiornor's contest , \v ns very \ \ itty , and , bolntr tboronchly uiulei- Rtooil , eviiUeilbi'aitv appreciil Ion lllsait ) In the suppression of tbo Indian wai , through tlio inilltiaiind ( iivier.il Colby , con tained seine happy hits , while tlio nninnor inilncb I'eiirinua had Mtieikeil Into his oflli-e niul assinni'd the Insignia of nnthorlty was i 'ivotoil with yclli INpcilally was this the ease nhoa ho lipphcd to thoi-ouH lo ionipi > l I'c.irinan to turnoMitlio lost otllca. 'ilio application , however , wis fuiitloss bocansolio clilniod tlio court very proporlj bold that iii the Inn ntocil tbo nctlon would not Ho unless Pom man should sl n Iho concurrent resolution piovldiiiR for lih ouster that Is , had con- Bontnl lo his own leinmalihlch ho do iMiiuHl lodo. In coneliidlim this pirt of the incssauo ho Mill tli.it It occurinl lo bun tint they shonlil so ninund the constitution ns to permit thu picking tipof iiliniiinlH llko LJ < , innHiilhout belli ) ; DhllKt > il to humbly nsl : their ronsunt bofoio daring to piio the scrciv n slnple t\vlst. Ilo rciominondi'il nccni-ilini-lv. Messis 1" , Uo - \vnlcr , Cliunh I Io\vo \ , ilohn Watson and sci- uiiil otlior pioniinont ppnploi-.iinoln foi some nttPiition , nnil tl.o dounnrnt rloscilith n rlnptoron lotiitlon in ofneo. Ilo hud boon niki'il to resign nnil dulnul > ui tliofsTnui.il that f ii'iiuont ohanijo in olllu1 vas bonullcial to pnliln * snvantSj beian.so Iho people uou- belter alle to halancotlio hmUs to dulcrnuno the ainonat lo bo chained to loss ; uNo , tn lonn icnintn a public servant \\is too iiiurh of u sai'illuo to uquiieof an \ one , asotlloial llfo rolilii'd i person of iiulepi'iidencoanil do- ] nl\ oil lam ol nil tlio a A cots of iur.il homo llfoAt At tbo close of tlio address JCd.l Miirfinof Snpciiiu * , deputy attotnry K'lu-ial , liom the Billerj eloiiiuiitly ] pii'.s'inloil tbo sipiiitUr ohiol uitli the unsliot of lloners whlili Clilirrli 1 ( one's inuiiifinlids ; | hail hut a few cl.ns .ijjii pii'scatu ! to tbo .Noinaliastatos- man WaltSecloy , tbo scciotnn of war , icad bis idiort nnd tuition number of tilling points Ho at length toiaheil Pat O. Iliuvrs soini1- \ \ \vhoiiiiinudiatUy inox oil Hint further loniling of the icpoil bo itispen cdvitli. . beoloj i-uiiilnucil iiotulth&tniidiiig and then J'nt took a turn lOiorv i\podieiit known anil unkiioiin toparlianiont.iry law was rc- .soiteil to toindiKO tlio statesman to takolns so.it , but Mltboiit success. At length tlio squatter tireit of his impotency , nliilicatoil the cbalr niul tliohouso was dissolved. Iliiuse. LINCOLN- , Neb , l''cb ST > ( Sncclnl to Tun lln : . ] The house concuiicU in ttio senate aniondinoiit to the Anstralnn billet bill and itonhj lUMiits the sifc-natuioof tlio governor to boionion law , A hmtf discussion followcil over a scnato ninei.diiint to house mil M , a bill inoviduiK for the issuing of S 101,000 bonds to mil iioody BiitTciers in the drouth stiicl c'iidistiicu 'Hie amendment limited the asslslanuo to those who bail Ixea in thocounU ninu months and who would pledge tlieniscli'i's to rein lin next season null endeavor to raise -irrop 'riioiuncndiTiiiit opposed by .Messrs. Bertram ! and Union , who believed that nil Iho neoilv poor \vlio had been ilri-ion away tomKiiirlbj ] ) ! poverty should be doprlied of tbo oenclit.s of this hill should they t > oc tit to return to their homoa. The amendnieut was concurred In by a \otoof Ml to 10 Messrs. IVo , Kupgles and \Villlains of Krnnlilhi , from the drouth stni-Uon region , voted apainst the amendnicnt , and many others voted "ajo" under protrst. Mr Mean moved that hmiso roll No 12 , tlio maximum tariff bill for tlio regulation of freight c-li'irgci , bo taken iip for liual readIng - Ing Tbo niotioti provnlloil and the clerks proceeded to read the bill , which consumed moro than four houis of tlini1. 'J ho reailing having licen I'omplftcil the bill passed bj the follon .ng-iOto : "Vc.is Albert , Allen , Arnold , Ilartbolii- moRuHleson , Carpenter. ( Inpp , Cramb , t'urlli. lli'eitfr , Dickerson , Dobson , Faxon , Fee , l-\'lilituigor. felton , riiinime , Tord , Frost , Fulton , Ciitlln , Clalo , ( iordes , Glfford , Cioddiutl , Ciunnott , Hall , iloanlck , Herman - man , Henry , Jllnklu , .loliason , .lohn- Bton , Join's , Krick , Kiuse , Lamp , Lomax , Matheson , JvliL'utihi'on , Mi'Uov Holds , .Moan , Islodio , Mullen , Is'olson , Newborn , Nichols , Olsoo , I'ail.er , Pohltnnn , Porter , I'urii'll , lilloy , Kitchio , Hohiui , HUK- plos , Seluippcll , Seholp , Sohlotfoldl , Shrader , Sc-ott , bcvnrln , fcihlplov , Smith , SoJorman , Stcbbins , Sto\ons of rillaioie , Slovens of PurnOH , Mo'.cns of 1'latto and Picn-o , Stou- nrt , Stoii'is. Tuylor of Kutlcr. Taylor of Johnson , Vorhes , 'WnldronVillIams , of Franklin , Willlaiiis of ( i.iyoVil , on , Mr. yjn * ikcr0. . KaytfAmes , rJerti-and , Dieon , nrennnti , Cniw'lc , Cornish , t'Vlker , Tord , Gnrdner , Huso. AlcICosson , Oakloy. Shrvoik , Sterns- dorff , Vanilovmtcr , Watson , U'hite 17. Absent -Dunn , Gillilau , Ho\\e , Heath , \\ainev 1. So\er.il membeis , Includiiiff Xoivborry nnd Oakley , explained their votes. Capelt b.iid ho would support a maximum tariff bill , but believed these rntea too low Among the bU-i ! int lodut-cd were thn fol- louihtr * llyVnklroii A bill for an act to provide for two whips to mnin buildhiK of the hos pital for the Ineuiablo Insane nt llnstln d , nnd to appropriate the IICCCSMU y funds there forIlv Ilvilllams of Franklin-An not to pre vent combinations , pools and trusts In the ttatoof N'obmsua. lly M'atson An act to provide for the tunnufaituro of solid gluco o from corn and Imlntrnbounty therefor. lly Wison To establish a lien for labor performed and material furnished for the erection , rep irntlon , orretuoial of any build- leg socner , nnd to repeal all other laivs re- latin ( ; thereto. llyYntbon An act to amend subdivision DSo'f section 5i of nrtlclo t ! , chapter Uof the compiled statutes , rclatiiiK to cities of the second class having a population of over Iho thousand inhabitants , ami to repeal said original suodlvulon Mof section f > - , and all nets and parts of an net in conflict with this nrt. nrt.By SternsdorJT A bill formi net to provide ' for 'tlio appointment of a pamo nnd ilsli warden , and to descrlbo bis ponors und du ties. ties.By AIJcn-A hill for nil net to establish a Btnto normal school nt 1'ierco , 1'ierco county , Kcb. , and innkiiiRun appropriation therefor. By Shyrcnk To provide lor the establish poet nnd loeallouof the "Nebnuku , Iiiterine- it. 'i f nn.at > rv u ' v m ide f * i s ( omit j . I fid to iiilto nil no.iir > prnvisinns mere IJy New bony A bill for an net to ( inbuilt to thi ) electors of tin' state aii.imondment to the constitution prnlilhltltnj tlie ninmifailiiro , salt ! und kuopliiK for inle of Intnxlt lllnn liquors nsn bovi-rnito. ami to provide fortho niHi.nor of vollnt ? oti swell proposed amend- inent 11) Speaker KlderA bill for , tn nrl to provide for the support anil maintenance of tin ) nutionul xmirdsof tbostnloof Nebmskii 11) ) I'npek A olllfor mi act to pro\IJo n itnto lunril of atntRrntlnn. to iletlno their duties , urovlilo for their snlnrios. expendi tures , aim to itnko npi > niprlatious therefor. Tliii Seiuit * . I.IMOIV , Nob. , I'ob. S3. [ Speclil to Tun HKI'Ilio | sennteinel nt 10 oVloi-k. All Iho members snvo Senator Sboa wore prosrtnl. Senator Mietienorprasenlod a p > lltlon from pcoplo In hUdlstilct niltlnrt tint tliornll roads bo compelled to b.illd ciltlo guards at crossings A ineinorlalwis rvohoil from the vioiuun of StromsburiT siiitfestliiir that the icnate support house roll Xo 107. whli-h provides forrlirnt of viiTrnjro for few lies In cl ! ) mid vllluue elect loin. Sutmtor Knnntt lutro.luc * ! n memorial from iho people ot \Ylllowi-ountv ro questiuutlie Ki'natu to piss Iho irrigation bill adopted al the lateineelliitr on llrilsuuluut at Ijlmolnnnd to iviiu'Mt ronjrrosa to aid in reclaiming - claiming the ni-id trovniiiioiit land In No- braiKa 'Ibe cmninittiy on tonstllutloiinl amend ixii'iits iironnnendcil the liidi'linite nuslpone mini of seiiatis llle ss , providlm.'for thii en- lU'ltaeiit or amendment of bivvsoa the peti tion of W.liiXI or i torn voters Si'imtor M ittea moved that , the bill ho in- ilellnit I ) postponed Seiintnr Kinilall wniilul 11 recommitted. sennl Mattes nuitlon piwiillftl The Hiimo i-Dinnnltio iieoinin'-niled Iho .HssiiKOnf scaalo llle No. 7. a joint lesoln- .Inn providing for iho ameudliiK of Iho enn slitutinn ennhliiiKtlie lin'iulKTs of the lioanl > f transport it ion to boelected hi the people I'liii bill went to the trim-nil lile The coininllleoon mimlelpd attdrs recom- nieiided tliolnilellnito piiitpjiiunienl of sen- lie lile , Ts'o UP , i-e.'iilatlnt : li'li-phiMO and [ elefrraph will's ini-itlos of 10OJJ niul up- VMIllts On motion of Henatoe Mattes the ropmt v\as laid ova till tomoirovv riieioinimtteoon lininco , wa\s nud means n'norttfd tint thoclii-.inol $100 for .Montetai foi'lllness laused bv oxposun1vlth tlio mil- Ill i at IMnultldKii had been lefmiod tn tlm I'onimiltee on lln nice , ways anil means of the liiiiisuiinil by It totuiiied with thu lecoiu- ini'iidition Inal it be mil passed. Thetommltleo 011 constitutional aincnd- menls leconnncmled t'io ' pissace of senate tile W , a Jolnl resolution piovidna ; lei a con- slitutlonalioiivention. The report mil lie ol or till tomorrow. riioiommilteoon ptiviloijos and cltctiins ii'toinmuiided the ir.delmito poslponementof ii'iiutfl llle No. HI , piovidinc fora rceountof tbe votes -ist at tlio lisl ekvlion for Ihe In- ue.iseof tlionuinlierof Ihesujitenio Jnd os. The icport was hid ou-r. Tin-1 ommilloj on Jmliciaiy reported sonito Ilio Nn 5 provnlliiR Inr supreme i-onil com- missloiiers , without leeommondation riii'ioinmltttoon i.nlriiiids leeoinini'iided tli.it Stevens' bill re rulaluiir inixiiniiiii rates tie pissed as amended1. 1'he bill oi's to tliuireniial llle. Senator I. Klestoii Introdured a 11 solution iiiov idnifr Unit tbe eommitteo appomteil to nvestif-ato tlie state oxtcntue olllees bo allo-.vi'd a clerk. Senator Stevens suKfjcstod Hint they bo aliimcd an expeit uu-ountant Insleul , and tin' sm-uestion was adopled Then-solution by Senator Stevens , ; ill < - iiir''in MX ol theuiro ) > siiigiind eniollin tlerlts was laid on the table. Tlie folloivlnjjbillsiveroreadthe llist time. Senator 1'oj ntor , .Senate Kilo Xo. ail Vtiiomilngsiib division s of chapter ill of the ompiled statutes ot iss'.i. Sena'or Woods , Senalo Pile No. i'U ' Cor- ici-tlnj : the Held notes of the snrvc ) of the origin d town site of P.IVMIPO City , I'avMieo ciiunt ) , Is'cb , nnd lileil with the plat theieof urtuiulaUMir.Miitcli.ll , \ < > , by Josiah ,1. l.i'alii' , anil Ihociniiil ) eommisiioiieM of said counU Senntor K gleston , Senalo I'lio Xo Sll mending seetions 1 ami .1 of "An act lo amend .sections I , Ii and ; tof nn act eatitled an net to piohiblt thecatcliiu of gune , lisb in cettuln cases , " approved April ! , l ST. Senatoi Hill , Senate File K < > 'J-l-t-Punlsli- u niliillpersons for cntcrhttfor voiiititailly mmaininu' in bouses of ! ll-fime. houses ol prostitution or bawdy housus , for imrnora ! purK-es. | Stnatoi Keipor , Senate l ilo No mi A hill for an net to dklriet the state into i-on- al dlstilcts , to dei luio thu limits an iiesiiiiitotlie | ; number theieof. Suiator Mattes , Seniilo I'lio No. ! Mli AmuniliiiK seitionsl and 14 of chnpter II o ; the compiled statutes of Xebraski of IssO , Liitllled , "Intenuii linpiovciiiut"niul tore peal said 01 i mil IK Is. Tliu follovMiis ; tiles were read a soroiu' time No ' 'I1 ' , ilellninc quihllcations o : those entitled to at'nilssion ' to the soldiers and sailois' bomi' No - * : ! , cstnblisluni ; i "s" homo altieiiiia. No. 'U ' , pievintmi. rnnination in vuitiiii : msiu.inei ) polities Xo . ' . ! " > . te iilitniKtho piaetue \eteiinarj SUVRPOIIS , No.-.Hi , Increasiinr the terms o seintors to four vi'.xrs , No 17 amending section . " , ehnpter III , ot tlio hlitutes ; No . ' : tlio c\ae tint ; of licenses fron shous iiibiiullliitloNo. ; . " ) .l , pUi-inir the n-sfo of consent at eighteen ycais. No till ) , ro hitii ! to the county ndveillsiiig in dailj pirs in inotiopolit.iii ( .ountios. 'Ilio bill locating : the KIIIS' Industrial homo nt ( leuoui uas passed unanimously nsva als.0 the Hlo proilditigrr > .WK ) foi thu Incl dental expenses of the session. Adjourned Daniel A alii LISCOIV , Neb. , I'ob. 'JI [ Special to Tnr BH JU. J . II. Wheeler of Omiiba , that dis tmpuished raiser of beets and pumpkins , .1111 whoso life , wltli thu exception of Uio time h hns frittered away in tbo Inbiii.inco business hns been spent in the open Held , has bo < 'i heie nnd vanished. Ho was sucouipinici bj that other agriculturist with poltitea tei.dencios , Allan Koot of Douph * . eouaty The > left behind them a couiile of bills Kaeh of these bills piopobCa to do navvitli tlio pnii'iitstiito board of agriculture and sub stltnto one al tbo head of which thej iiiaj pluie themselves Daniel was formcily , meinbcrof the present board of ncrlculluri ) Ho held his position and oflko in it so lout , i hat everybody tired of it. 1'lie later of the hills in question wasfllol in Ilie scnnto Iliirovldos for Iho election o members of the state boaid ofugriculUiro tioin senatorial distritts , each district belli ! , cMilitled to ono member , save thoio dlstiicts \\liich hnvo thieo senatois , which shall bo entitleilto l\io meinbeis 'Iho list foiluie of this claiibO would cnahlo DouRlas count ) to send two members to the state boat d , am Daniel icasona lliat both himself anilAllai Uootould bo tlio mom who would boloadci down \\ith that uoiKlity rebponslbilit ) U'hon XS'heeler was secretary , of t'io prcs cut bond ho did not thlnU theio was mil tiling Auongeithcr with Us membership or Ihe inaniiorln whleh It was constituted. Tbo present bonid comprise ninety eii ht iiiem- beis It oridnall ) comprised tuentj-ei ht , fo1 1 teen of whom weio elected every year 'J'be nioslilrnt of ever- , agricultural ! > otlety In the state Is also c\-otllcio n inouibor , ultli all tint Hint Implies Till- , adds about seventy names to tlie roll. The members of tlio twenty cltrlit are nominated by two county pii'sldciits nnd ono royulnr mcinbor and then \oted on by the other members Some of tin1 member * sav Unit half a dozen states In the union nro anxious to ha\o n law passed bliniiiir to that under \\hifh the present board is nctiiir ) , because tluy consider It the host in the coimtiy. TwtMity-'Iwo mni'i II 110111 LIMOI.N , Nub , Fob 'J.-i. rSpcclul to 'I'm : line.Tho ) tesoliition Inlioduccd yostonhy by Senator Stouns providing for the dli- chiu-KO of Iho six elerks of tbo ciigi-osilii ; ; nnd ciuoillni ; committee Mho \\oro list employed was called up thU uiornini ; . 1'vorybody cx- peetod a light , tbnurth tholHvcstl'atioii | vus knocked on the he.id uithout much effort. Il icsulted , however , in the dlseoury that there aw more cmplou'3 on the list of the senate than even tbo most inquisitive bad innniucJ. 'Hie iilsi-overy vas nude by Senator ; Mattes , ulio announced the suno inn forcible speeeli , which , however , Hoomea to have but little cflect upon the members. A f tcr the reading of the resolution Senator Tftvlor , c-lialnnnn of the committee on cn- lolled and engrossed bills , rose. Ho said Unit u > iho resolution sought tocutdowutho help oa only ono of the con.mltteosiuid ns all the dorks on that committee bad all tlio work they could do and twin this uuic to the close of ' ( 'to ' SIM iitn vvnulil IiM l 0 per ec t nn > n' \ irk tnii > tlmj hivoliil thnw fur injo. In1 vusiipj i i > 1 in it 'I lu'ivveio seier.ilotlu'r > lniTs unhii'ii t here ooald In1 a reduction of ones amiilthoiil \ iniinv iiiiinnu lnniiii | ) ! h si-r\ee. | lie moved Ilierefon1 that tlie o'olutloti beldd on thetabte senntor Malten of Citof tlie irot tlnn UIKII' iinlxnldlie did not utidirstiind\\ It tdiuuhl oUiretbo ( | ni-ilnnof the sonito to disulnuvo H-onle who In his opinion woio n d emptoyos > 1 tlie M-initt' 'I'liesu Mere not oinploved ill ordhiKto Inn-nnd therefor1 let tbo ladl vtdiml-s disi'li.irnri ! them He lint Mated some tlinoiiKou hen t lieeliabinanof thni-oin nltteo on eniplovi'U'Opolti'il on Ihe stlbjoit .bat thoieporl was iHiteorivet llu enato imer bi''itip oinployivl ntij ono save the e \\lii ) wenselei toil bv iniiit * , as - > h iwii on t lin lournul , could rci-n iii/o no otheis. " 1'lie ooinmltlec of which 1 am a tneinliu1 itpn-ted it that tlnn > Hint Iho si-nate oinpioi- oil foil ) seu'ii inikliiK IHIv-nlno In nil As time mo thiity M'\eu \ nlloMt'il In law , tlii'eoiiiiiilltee repot ted that the othcrsoVoii \\otilillni nteded in the t-nurosslnjr iiiu ! uii- rollhiKrooni , as tlie work \\oultl liu-rease uinl tboseinte vmilii even llu'ii belthln \ tlio siope of tht'ltxv. thlsiesolntlonshoMS tint thuo me either too iiiinv etiiplo\es or 'lso thei slioiild not bedlsi'liai-Kcd. I think ltiiii\\si" | toiliHoliiii'Ko emploes ) , not Itaoii- Ini ; him- tinny wo hive. 1 am satisilol tlii'ieis not n seintor nho linoshonianv emploes tlioio me on Hie loll 1 am satis- tied the is'onllcimti fiom Liniolii iioe-in'L ' know. I state further that oven oui seen1- tn ) does not knoll' . I believe/ - -suiot un did not Inti'iid totnlsiepresint the fail when lm fuiiilshcd tin1 ineuiliei-s with the list. A ftivieks iiiro \vastoldtn.il ttivsmialo hail more unploies Una the lnv nllii\vi"l 'lonsciTtain it Miili Mite tin'ease the seen'- taiv Mas iiisli-uiteil to f mulsh Ilie smatili prlatel llstsliDMini ; the pnty bl wlioin I ho iiiillviilunl lias impinu'i ) . for \iliut purinxo nnd at i\ lint time I hold the list furnished In the secretary and it shows scienti seven emploM-s. nrelcM'ii uioio Him is , iltoned liv laiv I luxrv Ihe list from tlio st do an lit 01 of ik'ht ) eiirlitijiiiplovesoii tlio pa\ \ roll of ihu senate , tlnn showingtwi'iilv-two moio t Inn the Inw allows nnd eleven inoie thin thuo mx'onlhe H't-relary'sllst. It Is uotpropu1. tlu'i-efoio. todiMLliai-ROpeople vliom wo did not enitilny. Kit the inOllidii.ds . who eniplo.Ced tliflii disebarco them. lam aware thai there uro cliiilriiioin'ioni ' * mitt ees who ha\oi'iiiployodeleiks from the bctntinlnpr of the session and those loiniidt- tees tuve not yet hadouobill tocon < ldux' 1 liopo th" resolution \\ill lie on Iho tiblo I inn unwillinp to shoulder the lesponslbilitv for diseharuhic thoii ) oiiiplo\is , IIKI\MIIK ( that no had uotliliiito no In liiiin thiuii. " Hemtor htovins said tlint there hid not le ill ) been sliKO the opening of the session siifllcient work to keep the uyulailv on- plo > oil cleilvs busy. A committee hid been appointed tii exinfiiiointo tlilslnsiness , hut ho bad failed to heir itti'pmtou upon , ( t was in theliitoiesl of econoipy aiidtho tix- p.iyors tint the frroat ou-cssof nnplojes bhould bo disehlined , und thosctiixtoshoild lake some , tot ion in tlio piemisi's Tliero nas not snllieiuitork now to keep halt of the allowed employes bus ) Sen it or Hwlt/ler spolio about tno n'011' ' ' amount of work ivhlihonld hereiltur du- \olvonpoiithoioiiiiintteeo.i ciiprossi-il nnd enrolled bills and sinrtrested that Sonidor Stevens could liml enilo.\es | hamjiiiB nround tlio binnU'iv liom ho could with nioie pio- nni'ti moie todischilK-o Seinlor ICoont ? said tliero was not ono moioeinplove on thelist of tlio senate than was in-piled. Aiuoni , ' tlio six whom Seintor Stevens v\antcddlscliiixed were soim1 ofhis own fiieiuls whoni tlii'vislieilto . inaintili. . The state ion Id bettir atTuiil top.iyf.VK ) for serviees now thin itcoiili t.ou ) latir. Th" rosiiliitioi pnnidiiv for Ilie disr-hiuru of t hosiMli'i-Ksm iuostion | was laid on the t.ible. \niciidiiii-nt \ In tin- KrllHill. . TJIMOIN , Nell , 1'eli , S'i [ Spociil to Tin : Hii.J Tlio follo\viiiB is the senate ainend- inentto house loll bl , pro\lilln'for \ the Nsne of iliXU'HI ) ' In hontls to aid the neeil ) sulluors In the drontli dbtrktvbieh was loneuirecl 111 ll ) thollOUbi" Piovided , 'Ihit no jioisoa shull be irivon relief unless such p'rson shall show by the allldivit of hiinsi'lf or tlm iiflldavit of two freeholdeis , iiMiticnts of tlie county , who ha\e por-onallj known Ilio applicant for re lief lor nine mouths immediately precidiat ; thep.issiii ; ) of this act. 1. That the applicant is and 1ms liccn : i bona lido resident of the county where in the application is made for ulief lor more than nine months prior to the passage of this act y That the appln.aut his atainilv depend ent on him for support ; orthiid , isphy.slc.illy incapacitated for the performance of manual labor. I 1'hal tlioiiplieant ) is without money or other means vilun-ewitli to proiide biicli np plicmt the ixilu-lcsapplied tor. { i That if seed is Hiinisbid applii-ant , ho will stav In tbo comity , ko\v the suno ami use oveiy Midiivoi to ru.soai-rop I'l'ovideil fuitlu'i , Tint sal I nppliennt shall comply with such additional lilies andic u. latlous in s.iid bonnl of relief nuiv nrosinbo 'lo Kesiilimit I'rolilbit inn. LiNfoiv , ? vob , Tab. J1. [ Spcdil toTim Bit ] Hepiiiout.itlvoXi wbcrryby request of certain inoinbeuof ihoWoimiin'Chilstian Tunpei mee union , iiitroiluciid a bill lodnj pioiidliiK fora rcsnhmUsionof the prohibl- toi ) amendment at Iho next ( -oneiil oleetion Tliero is not the Mh/htcsi probibility tint tlio anieiulinent will piss tlio house , and , in fact , it was not i.itiodiuoil for tint pin pose .As ono of tlie Ii id in g prohibition ac'lt.itors re- maikedVodoiitoxpoelinuih from this le isl.itiiro.Vt \ > are simnl ) la\ lui ; ina sup nl ) of nininimition for future iiinpaliii ! > . " Tlio l.idiej hud some difllcult ) lufliullng an ) ineinber who would stand spousot for tlieir bantlinu , nnd Air Nowberij onlv fomented to Introduce thu ire.isnto "bvreiinost. " Ills not likclv tint the bill will overcome to a veto , and if It does it vlll sreuro Just nbout asinini ) votis as the bill jnovidintr for the xwouiit Stevens ofPuxuis , a radii d piohlbltloii In ( lependuit , savs tbo ijuostlon oiiglxt not to cmno up to vex the pcoplo nsiln lor nt lo.ht ten yean , mm until tbo iiidiisttnl qwstious ate 'fully settled , and many other md'pond ents tuko thesatno view of the mallei. 'loy ( uinity A II Itl lit , Neb. , Tob 25.S | cclnl lo Tun DIP.D. | . \ \ ' Ijocltor , monilior of the board ofsupervisois , 1 ! V. ( ill filth , coimtv nttor- ucv , and .1 elm Cainiiniifih , county clerk , of Oreeh'j county , \HiteJthostato relief com mission today ovpoeting lo tonsliler tlio sub- jtit of the application nhiclithey nnilorstood liiil been plated for aid for one of UioirlovMi- slnps. and after considering tlio amount of the iippiMpiliUonnntltlio destitution In Iho extreme western comities us contrastcil with the vi ty few families ot their own counti- who lost their oropt b ) the drouth , concluded and oxpiesse.il their dtilre that ( lieol ) county need not bo considered as in need of any as- slstaiuo H-oiii the state , and tint they mo aniplj able to take ento of such as tiny need nid in then county. Alxnit : IN l''iu tin IIVIII Ci ii , LiNtoi.v , Neb , Feb _ > . " - [ Hieeial | to U'lin HIM : . ] -Tho prohibition eontiimentvho Inuo hauiileil Iho halls of legislation for the put week mil nmlo life n harden tothe membeis llnally sucieeded in inducing Uoproocutallvo Soileiman of 1 'helps to Introduce another bill piovldbiK fur n recount of tlio votes iast nt the lust Kcneral eleUlon for and against tbo prohibitory amendment .Mr. Kodorinan siyi. ho Hiinply Introdui-od the nionsiiro bo- cuiso the prohibitionists demiadod it so earnestly , and not that ho thought It wouldi'iirrv or dump ) the result Steionsof Kuuuxs , on whose motion Iho former bill ivas sn uni-oronioiilouslj hustled off the Hies , savs ho will take I'.iro of mis bill nnd it wiUlnot bo likely to ct beoiul second IIISUI.IIK-C Itill , .N , N'cb , Feb - ! " ) -tipociiil ( to Tin : llr.uMr | tinrdnox-af niufjln-slntioilucod ix bill today ieip.ilrliiK at loa-t tin pusons to Incoiiwratoaii Insurance I'oinpany , uad pro viding that at loist .10 per cent of Iho cash capital , \\IIIL-II wust not bo less thunflWKK ( ) noa more than I.OiiO.OiKl . . , shall bo inld npiii ticlual rash 'J'ho hill ulnoien.il Ires tint n redone fund equallnfr percentof thoprcmiuim on na- explnd risks shall bo kept on hand. 'Iho bill Ii denned lo MeoU out wildcat eoia- pautei. _ I , list Day lot- Iiili-uiltiHnu- In. I-.IMOI.S , Neb , , 1'oh.J1 | SpoeIul to fin : HKI | This was the last ih\y for ttio iatro- duetion of bills in the house Over tlilrty weiebotitnp tn thuilork's desk , and thoen- tirouuuilcr introduced during the soislon ZI 3 . ' rriihodf > ir > . atinutrlxiv more tlnm l.xsl ses stun i U 111 Ui ilvo | ! ; I i7T7'i'o < ll } . I.IN < OINVij. . , l-'oii 9fSH'i'lal | | ToU- Kiim to I'm UuK' ' ) Tlie stale relief commit tivtlot HIV ! lonttrlil to rei-elve : bids tomorrow inn ! ttuiviif ter on mm , outs , vvheit and b-it- lc ) forlbe iK'nuiiiAf tliOHufferow .11 ii tii. tit .is ig\t'xtn'isn. \ < Iiiu lnii > I'liinle inllii1 * st nijjules ol' I'lTMlilriu Iliidh ol'llu * Koiillieii-li'i-n , I'll ! tun , 1'eb. ii. [ Sp vial Telo rani td TIIF. I IKK 1 Tin' meilowiiw Inllueme of | Vnll street b/iiilwrs on western i.illroad unijiintes bmijali | been shoivn This tlino 1'ie.sldent ' Iliolcultho JaelKoiivlllo Sr oiitli- cistern Is the ono to In thiiveiloiit. Up to fuui dus HIM he ivi-tiiiled ainoro lluleiieiident position than doei I'losUienl llhi'kslono nf tliu Alton , Ills rn.ul was tinder a one-tii.iti [ lower. It was lunouibox- noassoelitioli , nnd , tlnouuli II.H alllani'o with the Atihisnn , was nnlciiitrtvvico a.s iiuioh moiiev as It o\cr bid before C onsoqncntly ho ivanloit no iliiuij1 ! and ro fused absolutely to Join the \\esteru \ \ I'assemjor ' association lly the terms of its contract the AU-hkm had no means of fori-lu ll to maintain rates except bv moral suasion Tlio Atildson , lumcvir , was eompillod to bear the burden of prill- ilsm lauscdliv llw loii-prli'eil imloauo hooks of the Southeastern unit Uio lloii pusliod this ndvanti e until II looked as thuuijli sontlinestcni paisenger r.itisvenld K to n.- ' lent Insisiiod tint thoinain otTtinliiMiuildlu - Hie Ati-liison In this juiirUne 1'iemlriit \lniivelof \ Ihotrhiion \ proposed an eistirn liip to I'resuiint Honk. It Knotlmoi.n what IndiieenicntH viero oflered or threats lii-re tnixde , but I'usldent 1 Inolc hid not lireatlied iho Ihniu-Uilair ofVall stuvt bdf an heir before hoim-rccd tooinllie ) Western I'lissuiRer ' issotlition Ills application lor inoiiiliershlp was lelci/raphed this aftu-nom tn ( .Mull-man l-'inley. nho Iniiiieiliitelvnskul for alelouiiphtevolofi-oniiU lines on the ; iil | > lk itinn It will unitotihiodl ) beitrantel niul 'herehv ' dcsttoy , at loait toniporaidy , nil il.uiKUof tlio lliroiitcneil ilomorili/.atloti of lutes I'o InliMTi-pl I llle t < i II ineral I iiniK ( JimrsvtVio. . , I'ob. 'J' ) - | , spechl Tilo- ( . rain to Tin : JinA. | . lesoiulion wns 10- ii'lvtd today byovcrnorlnrbir ( ! ! has beonsontb ) the Alortixtii letrislatuie to the governors and le 'it.lnturea of Idaho , \Vadi- i"Kton , ( Jallfornli , rsevnda Colorado > om- liiB- , Utah , Arl/omi nnd N'ovi Mexico. It callsupor thesOhtatcs and toriltoriis to join In asklti > ; coiiBicss toiofuso to Kivo titloto the 1'acille ' railio.ids to the inlneial binds whiih the roils ilaitn nadir their land grants. If no IK tlon Is taken u ) eonxioss the loads will ai-qiilio all uiidiii'OM'd mines niul take from tlicirowners thoisamls of initiliiH proiHitios nlrculy discolored A retiie- icntntlvoto act lor the stito In the mutter ivill probably bo appointed \Vill At-l a . n Vnlt. l irrsnimi , I'a. ' , Ftb. 'J" > Unjjitiroi" * rcp- rosentlnnall diilsions of the Pennsylvania svt.teiii haio deiiilodto act with other ortran- I/atioas ontboioadln anendeiv orto seuiro hlKlier viafies ThU inciixs that nil the traiiiiiion anil switchmen will net aui unit. The engineers tiuthorl7.o thestatcnieat lb.it thc'iioi'kof oinialirltioii on the pail of tbo i-onipanj Is eipiivalent toeiittinir down atone point and liUiim up lit anolliei , nnd will not iO iiitisfnctory , XTnle- icleii adiimro is ( jr.iuted the ooinpan ) willbo yuun four davs' notlte. V ' \v I'liion I'.u-illc . XVni-i'linu t * . CIII.VKVM'yo \ \ , Feh i' . [ Rpeual Tele- KIMHI to THE I3iT.J 1'odtn vork was ordcreil stirtcilon a liirfiostoM e inrehonse fortho Union 1'uuilic compain al Ibis place by Vieel'iesiiiont ilolcoml ) , who. with Chief tentrmeei Smeed and I-1. W. Hill , assist nit general maiia/er , inspeetod the new shops of inoiomiiiny hero tliU I'lornni ) , ' . 'Ihe party left for leifvor ) tllil evening. N"w < blin , o Hoatl. Si'iti > i.nui.i ) , 111 , Fob. " . " ) . Articles of m- e-oiporistioa of th CluuiKO , Do Torest & Knitern railway \mpnii ) wcro lllcil today with ttioseciittitato. . . Tlie roul vlll bo construited from ( jhic.iKo to tbo Lndlinn state line , nt a point hi Kiukakeo < ountIlli nois. 'Jho capital stock Is ia/iOO.OJO - > - KopndlnteH l'ai-i'n'n heat lineiils 'liiiioxru , Onl.l'eb. 25 fSpceial Telegram to Tin : Hii ] Tlio CJlobe , lefoniiifj to the l nu-ar-HItt rorrcapoiidcnco , says' 'Hie lliuplrc continues to publish thepri vato coriesiiontleiuo of Mr. 1'ariai ntul lia added a letter \viittoii In Iss'J b ) Congress. . linn Hilt to ISr.Htus Winian With these letters wo Haio nnthliif ; to do Mr. I'IIMMI is a writer foi tbo Olouo mid liasviltlen fnilhfulli mid aoh hi tbe line of the pohev of this papei. lint Mr. Tarr.n is not t ho editor of this Journal and does not ditcet it.s com so upon piililieqtlistiontltli Ills pri vide views or with letters he may have writ ten two years airovo ha\i ! iiotliiut to tlo The ( Jiobu his been thoiousld ) loial. It lias not onci-todm anv inoiement fortho jiromo- lion of treason. It das nut hesitate to con- diiiui tlio hintlnients eAprissed in Ml l''ai- rir's coires | ) iidcnco. It Mil ) not bo hold itiponsiblo for tlm opinions of an ) onoof its \Mitors.norfor any opinions except those bpokenlu itscditorial ooltiinns. A " \Aiet t'bcil Motliei-'s Ili N'nvi YOIIK , l-'eb 2. . [ Special Telotrram to Tin : lli.i : . ] -.Mrs Oolla JDuluhiiiilvis at rested last night \Villlarnsbiir ( , ' , accused of ntteniptluic to drown berelt and her thrto ihlltlien. hlio vias stopped within tnoiiti feet of the liver and then arioited. She tiled to f reohorself mid screamed that If her taptois were men instead of brutes tbev would help her torellcio net ovvnaiid child- leu's mill. At. the pobi-o station she wept bltteily butad milted Iho tiuth of thetliarce anil said she would rather see her clillil I'm diownand uoto beiveinvitblier tlian kttbein live until they dial of stixrution Her bus- baml Is n sns-ar Iniidkrim divas In tbollave- inoycrroiinciy dining thu busy season. In loninioa with many otherho has had haul tlinossincotliO iclinoiy shut down e.uly | a winter Iloaiiilbisifo have not li\ed hap pily touolbcr. _ _ \\ill \ Wit lidrixM tlii-SiiiiliiKins. Ni : N'oiik , Feb . " --Special [ 1'oleKrani to Tnr. lln : . 1-/V speelalcableiinini to tlio Po lice ( la/ottc from l\omloti says The sum mons for the nriesl of Tranli 1' . Slavln and Chailev Mitchell for atUniplliic to fono their way into the Aieadiuilub will bo with- diiixvn It Ilio nun ngKO to ftpolngiro to tlio club. The px-i70 fight between Ted Vntelnrd and .luck llurlio foitl.uitt will bo decided on Miirilill ) . The I'otiifaii club h mule ai- laiiKunoiiU wltu tbo i > unrlll-ts and ttioir bac-ncis toflKbtlu. tlioclubffyiiin.isiuiii . I'oriiieil 11 N'ji < ( final \ -in'ialliin. Si J.oi n , Mo , Ffjl ) U.At the tonven- lion of refill dealers In vehicles and luru tnral InijiloinentSy toJav a constitution nnd by-laws was adopfpd Thoortjii.Uation laio bo called the Natlcuuil Association of Retail Iniphiuontlenle-f | > . .And Us object is de- ilured to bo "To unite frjturn illy and pio- mole the interests , of the letall iniplomLnt and ichicluUealci' ! : . " ST L.IMIS .Me/ ' , /J'ob. / -ISpeenl Tdo- Bram to I'm : HIT ] Mu .Inio Chanibirs , thu only 6UrvlvlnKt iUKhter of .lohn Mulha- phv , to whoso it unillccnru Iho bt I-ouls Mullnipliy hospital and the Su-red Iletit convent in this tlty o\vo \ Ihnlr uistoneo , died histiiltfhtat tbo aye of nlnet ) Uvoiears at the old ClmiiJbei-s honmsteid lien1'irnuson. . She leaves tlueo giiieratluns ot utandi'iil- ' dren WoiliI'M | ' i \liitlei-s. \ . CIIK \ < .o , 1'Vb 'JlIt W.H unollclilly statcd todiy \Voild'.srnlr Commissioner Skiffof Coloradu bniiicocptod the position of chief of Iho bureau of mines and mining. Chief Hiicliiuumot Iho buioauof aKrU-ulliiio ha-sbeen pi ic 'd temporarily iniharuo uf thu atoik exhibit. _ Si'ui- Mnryiiiiliiin \ \ \Vill , \VisoM , Minn. , I'oli. ' . ' 5 Tliu Intj ; Seiro- laiyVindoui'ii will will bo Jllcd for probito tomorrow Tlio nm \ aluo of thu usiato is ft-omi.1.10,100 tofl7ii 0Vlicn ( ) alldobtsnro pall tbo ehtato will j ioll a nvi nuo to the faiull ) ofOOJii jur. FJTAI , IIAIUVAV COLLISION , A B. & M. . Froigltt mil n Nrurow O.iugo TrnitiOollliu.1 Hoar Dead wood. TWO KILLED AND SIX SERIOUSLY INJURED , 'Hie Sliii-iii niul It-j llc .itll < ill Mutim- 'riic l.aivioii 1'ir.lui ) ' , iti nil 'lilal .sonlh lUtvola Dr vimonn , S. D , I-Vb. y > [ Sppi-lalTok- pain lo Tnr Uu-.J Awork ii'.iin on the Ili'.ulviood Central nnrrow irauio ; ralli-ond , opm-ated on a tliinl rail overIho II At Al , nnlii line Into ncidwood , niul n H. .t M trnlii collided at 1'lutiib , tMI miles smith of thcrUyat , 7 Id this inoitdni ! , 'I'lio engineer of the inn row itixtiK'i' , si'liikj tlio col lisloil WHS inevitable , l-OMrsOll Ills UIKIIIO nnil tinimod Tlio ti-.ilii imlloil nwai from lht > U . \ , Al PliKlno oun dimn Hiulo. m-iiuli liiK u iKoil | ) of sivtv miles | n'r liuiir , \\hli-l\lt hold foi iiVwiit one inllo before Jumping thu truck anil tfoliiK down n llftv-foot embank- iniMit I'ho eonih turned complete ! ) ovir , tlii' olttlit nun venial nlnu' in It nil roiclvini ? MTioiu , uuJ two ol Ihuin U'illlmi Stimuli ami .lames Scott , find injiuios Tlio colli sion was caused liv Heeled of tlm U .Vi JI fieijjld train to rirry lla sns oidoroil , lli - Slot-lit mill I IN K siil t M nl Huron. Hi KIN , S IX , IVb. J'i. | hpelil TolejriMin lo Tin Hri -A I homyvlml Ins ptcvailed liuro since iostinla > mornliifr The snovIs drifting b.iJIy ami i-ailtoadinir islntcirupteil An online and two cms on UK * NortlniesUin line v.eio diTiiilul near I lU'liinoro aniluii in- 1'ltio wns tli ro vii fiom tlm ( rut luiiMii V.illiv .Inaction. N'otiiiti was sent west toili\ 'I ' his leuvos IMciio ntiil tlio loKtslatuip with out mail. All Ir.ilw aiv delued and the Manitoba Is ii ila blockaded U'lwten luio niulVatoilov \ n 'Pile I Clinton P 'riiiy | Cnsi' . VIIIMII.III.V , S I ) , Peb S'l.Spodil ( Tile.- Ki'iini to 'lin. Uii.j 'Ilio alloriie ) foiV. . A. Iiiiwlou , vhovis arrestedfor pcrjurjn slioit limeiiK'o , mailed for a demurrer for his client this afternoon before a Justice of the peace. The ileniuiror vm otcrrulci ! and the cuso Is now lu-highi'iuil It hasiausul a yonil dc.il of o.Mltotwnt. tlio court room lieliiu uowdcd. Thisls pattof tliu Hiiuor liglit KoitiK oa In thls lty. ' \c\v Mitsiinic Hall DIM I lent cil. O , l-'ol ) Jr > . jSpcil.il Tclotriaiu to Tut lUi J Huron Mantis ( led I call d tliair nowhill tills cu'iiiiiKin thn i > ii'-toato of na liainuiso iio\v < l I1 ! ) ! ! ! ' Ituntlroil pcoplo iur- tool < of tlio btinqiioi 'I'liuliallls onu of tlio liaosliu the noi Hivoit anJ is elcyanlly fur- nishcil. / ' II .7II.V. l > isi II < IMIIII | ol mill < "onnr.lUi lilloii ( ill ! lrr Miindii I'nl 'oilci-n Xllllndr , NVmiiM.rciN.lVli 2."i.-At tills inorning'- . session of tlio Women's N'fillomU Coutill , " 'J'licMiitrlarcl'.ito ' , or TMollier A o , " a piper propiioilliy Jll/.iUth duly StiuiUm , wna read by Husaa It Bullion } . "Ilie ( ! mis of tlio Last I'liiPU Vuir ' ' was tliosubjcit of a jupoi' by Mirboyiniur llowoll- . She < ; i eke of illicit li doing intlio \nrlotis stitos for tlio j > olilifal oafi uiclints- lllPiitofniiun \ , HlKs .liillii AViivil Ilo'.vo spolio on "Tho Re lation ol Ibf Voiiinn Siiffniup.MoM'inoiit to Otkr Mm't'iMiKoruiiiis. ' " Sinbtilil , In jurt : " 1 do not iiifiiu to say Ilio nppcMianci1 of women In tlioiohtli | il aiona isirouii ; to il'ht ( ovinthini ; vvimifr , but ilivill ilo iiimli. lnolc at tliu an na ale is foiulitiim ot tliingi HLTC aroiiOTinii inliiiHtoii ; tlicj csin ( iroicli oflliu sinniKl ilio in t liouorlii , buU'.nuiot usctho ballot tosupjircs * . them \\iinion lavji'rs hn\p aopoworto cnforoo tbo ln\v VVo'uro iniiiiliini ; tovird a bitter state of alTmrs. Tlicdd gmprUaicl 'lieiioiit for lioll isbo- fowvrtii , ' but tlio nciv ono si\s ; 'Uoii'iit | , foi'tiio kinirdom of heuvcn is atliaiul" ' At tlioaftoinoon session Mary ir'.Hc.vinour , editor of tlio IliisiiusVorn. . in'iiTouniiil.ruad ' aiialilo inpercii "llu. * Oivupitloa of Wonion xip to lluto ' " Sin1 snU " 1'iftvxcaiSiifro ttiua ' .vite onli soun onuiMtlons nci-t'sslblo ro women 'l'nili.vlho\-nri > oii .ipoil iri ever H W Kury iirntosMdii has throvnopon its dnois tnuomou In tact , tboj , ire no\volipi bio to almoHt any tmploimciitiu Mlilc'h im-ii ai-oonfjared , and in addition tottir-si' , to raiiij oilieruvuli.ii1 ( to tlii'irsci. Ilv sluorortli - iiuss alone , Invootiion c.ivni'il ovuv imh of \m.a ( in tlio ladustiial iiorli4ivhu.il tin } oc- c' | iy todiy. " At tliocvi'nlncr niul eloslnpsession a mini- bi'i of iiiu | rsroietnl , liiL'lniliiiK mi inter- osthiK ( mo l > j I'rt'sliletitlltM'tlM llonnro Pal- mil of the boaij of laily ra.ma.'ers of tlio ivorlil' * ) Colinnbiiiii o pusitloll. Sfio dwelt onvlnt the boinl pro- post's ID ilo at tlio ivoill's lull , tollliifr about tbo women's Imililincr tn bo uuctodupou plans tloslgneil by \voiiian \\hit they cict | > to pliu-o In itetc , Stoc dwelt oil the fiiit ihnt tnis istlic Hist time in our history tint the motlicis , wives and daiifrhtcis oiAnmifa have lirea innnittcd to assist in the inanigcinont of an liuiiottant iiilloiiiiU'iitnpri'io. and allowed th high but doniornll/iiii ; prhlk-cro of slipping tlu-ir lingers Into tlio tiiitloiiidpinsc , inomoi that they might prepare an object lossou lioniiif ; tlio jiogro.ssotoinanilurinc tlio century On Uelulf of tlio hoanl of Indr mumpers , Inuirgentlj n iuostod thsil each orKiniza lion i\pix > scnted at Ilio council appoint a committee toeoiisnlor work for tliot-ojita tlio fill1 and present ataii curly day tlicir tlons uail lo\\a a ml Dakota I IA , J'cb. 'i"i | hpccial rr lijrnin ! ( tol'urlirif I Tin ) follow-in ? pensions ha\o ken praa ted Xo bus leans : Oiigrinal ( JeorKo y L.IIIUO , C'lurlos/V. ( Irisvoulil , U'illUia 'I T Lenh , .Icsso Ostorliout , Thoun < MiOaon , .loiuis StoiuliooliT , Henri Ijiiiuinfr. Al ia VluoliPstorla\lil N MeC'oiil. Atltiitioaal- Clini-lrs A (1 ( riwould Oiiftinilulos , etc AbiMli.i'ii ' ( ' , futlior of Aliinhain Van- born. lo\vi OriRinal .Tolm It HomyVllli.im \ II T.UOllllani \ r > T. ilohnton , Thomis J drierieolue ( Cl llrannati , Uobfi-t H.illPn , Du ent' II l ntkwijoil , Mnrtln Taualsl hpi't-iil act-.Jolin i inlt. Hi'issuo Andrew .1 iMiCoy , Uicliutl J. CJiid-c'll ( Kelssno- Alex M Oilil ; . Oiitrnnl wldnxvi , nU--l'alh- niluol' ' , \ \ ldouof.liMiplil'Vhclar ' , l/i < : ; Io M.ldnvof Jainos I , Jluntor. , hno , wuloiv of , lobn c'ehton. Niincr Klilowof Jo-.cph II Mi'Mattm , Mir ? iin't , i\ldo\vof .lames 1) ) Hill. Isabelli X .widow of Thomas Murr.ii , ( iporj.V ! ) , fattier of Xoison ( ! h bophli , wlilow ofl'oter Biroas. South Oiniliu Orlilnal-Ji'rniilc ; J ) wood , Mii'lni'l C'riniui' , l oioy S House lie- hsno and incroisu Mel-\In jI'annloi Original \\idows , ptc Jane , u ido\v ofVII1 - lain .1 Stowart. _ ( ioVI'lll Illl'llt ( illsslp. WwuviiTKV , IV'b. 3'i - Tno president has npproiod the act irisililiiK appropiiatlons for fortiHi.iUons anilotlici \ voikofilofonso aiul for ] ) iocuiYiniMtluf hnvy onlimiice , the army npprnpi lutlon bill , ami the act in r b'irtl to jiulichl distiictsiu loiva. Tlieronfeieeson tlio bill to rullorn Ilio United Statebuproinocomt ham auieod on Ilio inciiHiu" fmnieil In the sunati' . 'Ilio sv llont fi-aturi's aii ) pnnlsions for the nppo'nt- ' inuntln ' .irh fiivul' of an mlditlDiial Ui.ilc.l Males cinuit iiM o anil for the oix"ni/.ation In fai'h nrcint of ii I'ifcull luurl ot npp iiU toluivo llnal jmiiiili'tioii in imuy i.isonna vhirhappiMln aio nou alio\vou \ to tliu I'nitedStates suptcnicrouit It U under touil tliusonalu willii rro tolho aiiicndiiient mull ) b % Ilio bonso lo tlio diuct tax bill , none oiiiftMini'it will litinofisisan. Tin1 treaiiio dop.irlnuMii has appiuvod tlio action of Ilio < * ulli < i-toror customs at lliUT.ilo . , N. V , uiixiu-iniK dutv on natiiiMl I.MS mi- ported in nndei tlio Niagara nu > r liom the Intcilor ufCnniiilii. MJIIJ Imiil'- . Political I'li lil. \YI IIIMII < > N , Koli1. | SioiUl | 'leloj-rain to Tin : Jill. ) The siiildcn do.illi of Konutoi \S'ilwn of Miirjliinillias 10111 pllditoil | Killtlrnl inattors In that stale. Senator Wilson him not\ot \ eiiU"roiuponthoduties ] of DJO teini foruliioh ho lind bi'nn re- < ' | iited , nn ltho no.M lo 'Matuie , to b < * < chosen tills fall , \vill Inuo thu olritioa of two full-tun ; si-nitors Monitor dominii Is nlrt'ady haling a h.iul lU'ht foi le t'lu tiim The vtliolo rain I alun will t jrn upon 0110 Is iuo ( .iurinan or no ( i.iim.iti anil m % \ ih it It liiio'\i"i liu < ollVtiollOf tl\l \ > Hdlllltiili llillMll of Ollli till * tlllt ( ! limy lll'I'KIHHtOll 10VIIX till tilt' Hill HUT for th poittli'.il IHIIMM whlili It wllliKiifir < MI1toiili | ! Miry I unit is niliMiiiu'l'alli * stale , tliu deinoorilH HIV not Kiuiifulnrnbotii ttnlr sut- o * v this fill 'I ho it' It il U iilospruil ills- Mitlifiidloiiu'UiluiMiim ' inltl-HOivn MM A p U * \iinsn rnIVb. . 'J1ISiiiu to'l'iu , HirAmuatf | ilio p. pilntoil todivcni \ - N'obiiskn A nuo , lili'hnr.lson . I'rtitntv , , ! . .A I1o\il \ , vlw 1 1 Volllin-i-tv , rnHUiunI , t'lul MSaipy , ooantv , \ \ ' . It. Ilium ir , MI'I 0. d , Simriin Nin-Uotls ) , II. t' UoltiJiit , Ufoll. t' tiltlllcs. ro- tnovod. Iowa Hitler , . \lurlim \ Cdimty , A. llowor , \lie ,1 \ \ Shull ! ' . , H'-slpiod : Ua , Apni- iiTOsoiauiiH , \ < \ I' . Mi'N'oil , vlco V. U. fAt- KirnU'-.itni'd. ; South nnknUi l-'loivnoo , Hniul eonnty , A. II ttnwi'tt\tco \ I'lnni U. Ilnlwr , nin iirouiis , t iinnt nnint.l , ti it.iioctlin , \li-o A I. . Abbott , roilgnt'if rni'iiii-i-M nl 11 l * ' li * . \ \ * \ < ins < irox , IVb sv [ Spool il "IVlPfjnm lo'l'iu Uii ) .lirry Slinpiicli flliil 111 * * oin- inlrlolsvlio tnaKc nptho lllliuiri' dolofjatlon In tlioiie.\ti'onnii" s , luvi iilt' < nilv .fiillon uo- tlnis totlioblai.dlslinient.s ofVmli incloii m- ili'ty Unit nlilit ; Mr. Hlmpinn nnd his littlu rontlii'jrt.'iilMio inti c "niiul 11' - uiv * of a fete at Hid Arlington hotel Ilio invasion \tw siippc * * " 'nuU'ii'il ' to MM Miii-y I ) l-i'ise , rpiittisiiinii fur tin' fai-nurs' nlil- imco ln'foii'the > U'otmn'H National t'onnrll , now biHt > sslna In \ \ inhitiulon , but tliofaiiiii'i- uiproii'iitiillvt'svlio wcro iii\lted tn bii pi-osont , were tlio lei'iuletits of inoro fiiNoiHthinviio thn ladreinesf \ nta- llvos Insteail of Iloirs. . thodeioratfinis of u beat. Con ( iiss in in Simpson , a.fiii-hvli.ul ii' alnl tilmselfon blm < \ > olits ! mil terrapin , Mirpnsed thu assembly by sivlng that ho would ha\e nrcfi-rriit that' no ili'iorations had bei'ii floral Insti'id of eiMi'll. Ilo lull- tiniti'd that In1 bill HUH somuih ulio.it out In Kinsimthnt lie bail uronu tlii'd nl loolilnir nt it TliinecopllonliisU'd ' until : iltor mid night Sali of Nclti.ixliji Citj lji\iii l'onil . NiiiisiiClTl ! , N'cli. , Toll " . " > . | Speiul ! Tulograin to TiiB lln . | - I'ho 1113 couni'll list ninhtsold ? ijHl , ( ( of pailnt ? bundsto a Ulovcland II rni at a Might pit' * . - , lil.iii- . N'ob. , Fub - . " > -fSpw-Inl to Tin : Ilir | - l-'liu biolto out in the house of ( Jlnrlos Coolithisinornlnu : . Tholii't-vas vull iiiulor way\\hontho llrciiien arilvcvlanct the fur iiitnii ) was inucli dininsrod by water. Mr Cooliis in rioiida aid r.lis Coolc and chil dren arc ginwtsof C O. l.obci'lt in Oiiialia. iliistli'titbotit N'olnrii'ly k * . C'irN'ob , , Kob ! ito - . | to Tin : II * i : . ] -A n old mm ivbo 1'avolii.s iiainoas ! " 1. Siittonrompliiiiiui to < pilico that ho hai bran britoiiout uf . " > .id i wntih ina iraiivi of iioltcr and \vjn'o < l hogiiiiililcis .nrosted , but rofmud to .swuar nit 1 1aruiuL. . ilaiiniiiLT tint lie \va < a nicni n'tuf thu legislatiiro mid ilid not w.int 'I lir Vcatlici- I 'i.it fin- . DiTUII i , rs'U ) , I'ob. . ' . [ Special Tolo- Kram to 'liir III i : . 1-A slrong wind , acrom ) anleilltli some sno\v , set in licio aluut > i > 'rlorl < - this inoniiii ? 'Iho storm has been It ful nml viirtiblo. llmdly * iiouqh sunn mis iillin to rovir the prutiiiU. 'I'lio toiupora tin i' was about J ( = , il > oefin all day. Thi * stoim is nl > atin , ' this < * uniiik' 'Ihi-ro is no niiiuit ion of nnv serious remits from the storm in tins On tlio I'l-iiik ill l < Nrai > ril I'l l- i > nei's. Ts'HtiM'Kv Cirv , iVob , 1-Vb U. | Kpecml Toll-pram lo Tnr lln : . 1-Albert .Muiloe , one of HIP osupeil prisoners , wns triikod las' night tothe liomo of lm pixient-s near tVii bum. where be wnsi-omctlcdso siiccossfull ) tlintthootllcers could not iind linn hliorilf \VilImaiisaj-s hoill pet Ills men If u will tixko tvieuty years anil nil ho Is worth Bioivn , the other escaped prKoiicr , wns seen south of tovviije stci'daj ' morning. \nl paia iso'rt New lloinl ol TIMI | < . Yu.lMliuso , Neli , ITeb -Sp"i-ial | IVle ram to Tnr HIM J Aiouslnir niuetim ? was held tonight at the eitj ball for tlio purpose ot ortrani/in a boinl of trade About sen- onlj-Iivcof Hie. pi mei pal business mo n vvuie p e oiil Scieral rousing ; speeches v\ cio mule after v.liieb a mitiiiiittei ) was ap pointed to di ift a umstitu tion It l- > the in tontloii of thoi-iti/ens tonmketho tovn one of Iho best in this nurt ol ttio state The main ob.ivt nti > oiler induciinonls to pirtiis wMiliipto encn o in an ) kind of enterprise tint will bo k'iieiluii.1 to the town and sin- iounduiK community. hid inn S < boliis < 'i lelnat < ( ii-.MOi , Xeli , 1'eb 51 [ Specnl to ' 1 nr Tir.l ! 'Ihe btudinUs of the Indian school celebrated Vu hingloiiilriy bv nn entertain- inent at the school building list oiuaiiip Nearly live hniidnd people iieroproseni and listened to nmost oxcilluiit proKi.imnio , the nnilition of which wasfull ) up to the sanw Kind of onuitainmonts uoii by kt-hoois compoiut ol iiliitocliiblrcii SinicrintcniUnt Ihckusis rapid Ij puslmifr Ilio < ! enoa school to the front i.nilc ainonc tbe ladhn sih ooh , andilii 11 the new budtiiivs are completed , lor width approjin.itious haio ulieailj been nude , it \viil be seeond to none In the counti ) . I' un\ oil N < > ti"- ! . Hi inn 1,1 , Xeh , Peb -Special ( to TUB lUf.j William Moore , a boarding liouso lieencr , wns arrested this morning lUthcln- Mmucof hUfiiiinly on thcihaiyo ofurunk- mmess and disoidorl ) conduct Mooto lias been on a spieo for some lime an.1 Ins MIC- leededlii maliii.it llfoi bunion for Ids \\lfe nnd i hildrcn r\'ow liclaiijiulslieliitho illy jdl and tomorrow will have a licirini ; oefoie ' ' * .liistlic'I'odd 'J'woouii ( ? men , sons of H. F" . .fohii'veio nirestid Hatnrtl.nat Ihoiuslaiicoof .leiiathan .Mat tin foi assault. 'Iho lounger wa . jiro in nn ml not iii Iti todiy wlnletliu tlder ie- liiiowlulircd ii'iH fault and was Hneilso and instj * . F. N Bed ) Ini disposed of bi InrJwaro stock and ironu lo loiia with bisife on a tluee week's visit. Mr. Ilo.xd will study liiediiino while his wife will continuous limclpal ollho Ilurvvell sihnols < viiulIllrd ) \\iilmv.-lii \ Ileiiiiiiid. Sinrriivii , I'a , Kob.J'i jhpecial Tilo- KramtoTin Hn ] 'Uio tnumnoth mine dls- nstor has devoloncd the luct Mint the - e-.t holds n luu'u nuuibiY of men ivho uro in search of wlvci nnd who ixie desirous of wedding dependent uldoMsof do.id inini'rs. MnsUiVorlcman \Vlsii isdniU in iteeijitof litteiiof this iliaractor. Vostmlav such a Icttei wasiei-oiiccl fium Ilavid ISieniei of .Madison county , N'ebi.isM . , who vviitt's Hint lie is i vvldmvor , IIKH Hf\ two , niul a viell- tn-ilofarmer with lililiu-roiof niut and live ilnlilivn. He iiritis " 1 am willing ant ! rtouldbopleius'il to accetit mil proiide for I.OHIOOIIO if we cani ree Would picforono Ihlrti llvt'or ' forty jears of i\fa \ and vNonld not ilko ono with too hrjro a family , horn in this timntii Would Ilku a. licit and indus- trlotis noniekeopu'iviilliiiKto do hoi slim , ) to maki'ii hanpy hoiiioiina who wouldbe alis- licd toeouio wi'it. Si'lllod tli ! lU-nl , ( ymi \ < iiiPoll-J5.-Thelurboil , inan- ntiuturersof the tJnllod htntoi , iiftu seieral moiitlu striiifglhiK1. bivo coino to nn aiiee- ; nient At the inoetlnu of their iien onranl- /atlin , tlinColumbiipiiUiit companv , todiy. impM ( fortho transfer of iho U'aslihuin v\i Mocn palnit ivore pre.ired | anil HIJIIOU. The iiroKijition | v\lll noiv bo inado to tlio \Sushliuiii iV MOHII conipauv and it is thouvht Ihe muttii111 MOJU b' llnally adjusted. C'aniida nnd the < Inn-ill , MUM in u. , I'cb. ! | 1 , -It Is ' .Iaiul on toll- ublo authority tint the Homan Cal'iollc ' I'hunli tins lib jot oilv sotindtii Hsllr it nolu , and that bofoio oUnuon aoollei-livu pnstorai letter signed In all archbishops ail hMmps la ( .iiiobec , will bo luueil UetliiliiK tlu n atti. r JVI ? of Iho Ortlor In Secret sion nt Sioni Oity. THIRD PAI1FY MOVEMENT CONIEMPLATED , An Dn lncoi soililcd ( D lli'iilh In mi All-Idem nil I In' Keiik nk Munich Ol' tillItOfk I'.lllllll Itoilll yi * Snilii i\\ s , Sint" < c C'ITV , In , I'ob -jSpwIal Tolo- prnin to 'I'liu Iliti * I /bout utio lituulivil leniv-sontatlvi'ior tlm rarnuMNiilUuiii'o IM.-HII thol" secri-t ti'sslon how till- * uioininr- Aiming HIOHO proinit mo ,1 H ( ' -in'\\ , preslduntof tlio lova iilllinco , , ! II 1'own- * . ifestileal of the Niillnnul and iNobraal.n . al llatiio. 'Ilio suhjei-tof tlm Hoonit dlHensiiKii Ihlsiiiortiln MIS Uinoi-gmt/nthm id a llnil | MiMIn lou-a tills jriir. Prrsliloni I'oii.i nf 2\oiriisku \ ) upposod tluinovi'iin"il ! thlsu .n on thn Ktntnid Hint the alllin. In tliU state la not jot siiunt ? cuoiuh. lh < > illl.inco Isruk In southern and uadri u Iowa In wostu-ii Iowa II li nnl hot for i Ihlnl piulr iilonro Nonilj nil of Ilio dil. niitc'i arc ivosKni Imva nii'ii unil tlio linlli i lions iirctliiit niiov pailv will lm nrrlon i > In tin * Hold wbeii tills eonvontioli iidjouins llwasicsiilii'il topntn fulUtaloticliit HI the Held In I OKI tids fall and to niiittiim * i- > adluin toprrlilbltion and lo\v tariff , I'll * i ilt-iit I'mum Hill probably bu tlio ullliiu < i candid. vto fogoviinor. . A u l.iif > liii > 4 rs I Inrrilile I lea III , * liRs MIIINI i , la. , l'fli.1 [ Special 1Vlt - Ijriini to 'J'ai UHI | 4\hout \ I oi-lockthii iiiiiriiniKa seiloiis avidont h ipp inixl at I' t il.illo . , on thcKi'ukulc .V Dos Moliios brimn of lln > K'ui'lt 1-duid ndhuy , i Hoclc Islaml frolirhl haln riiniiing atn hiKh raleof M" ' craililiif-lntollii' cioooseof aU'alnsh fnnlii Htsiiiilincai-rnis Iho track Tlio Kock Islam ! onjjineias tliiownfmin the Irurk and d > niollshed and twenty nirs dorallcil JI-HHU IJiunn , tlm oiiRlnct'r , was hoiribh Bcable.l llolivotliintilti 5.-pi , in todav and died in fiMrfnl iigoin llolca\cs a isifo anil t\\ a children In Keokuk nail ivas ono nftho inn-st popular \oung \ froliilit c'liD/iiioers / on the rou.l SinilliMi-4i < 'ia limn \e\\n ANsoi-iiiiloii , CmMS , Ii.l'YIjjn . - | Special Tuiiviam to 1'iiu Hi r. | 'I'hoSoulliu-estGra lo\v Nrt\ * < usMii'hitloii will mod hero lotnuiroiv and l iiday , lion \V'.T. HieUson of Ilio Lou-is town ( Ills > DonioL-rat nnd lion KJiwud KoM'vvntei * ofTu'i OMiu MIL hnio bit n in vitiil todoliiu addresses A line piourainiiio has lioenai anucd andii lingo and Inkiest ing inciting U ON | KHt > d Tliu meeting will closu l iiiliivnoiiin * ; v.llh abjiicUut. { Ills AIinM , In. , Poll -J5-Spccal | ! Teli' gnun Ui I'm : Her.A | bialuiiiau named II n * singer , who llu-il it Stiivartand who was < a Outv on a llorlf Islunil fraitjlit Tnos.f . iiflciiKiiin. MIS Wiled near \Valnut iibnii i i p. in. It is suil lin hlippi'd on the lcru.iu bed , falllny lulu ieu tlio cars , UI 'V CIIMIVMI , O , Kcb -Special ( To > lc to TIIF Hir.j Ttioio Is tjientoxfiti'- inent in i ho lawn of Defliiiuo over the de.ilh of.l. II Iloll.jtuiilor of tlm cenlinl silu.il , vho was found this niointni ? by the site nf n rmlroal truck v\dli both logs cut off , a tmle ons wound in bis head , a knife slab l'i UK bienst and liistbroit iu' \ few dais ai-i ) .Mull and Janitor Max of another Kelinollmilil IIIR profun-Hsorlius eluu-jrus against the - i pumtindi'iitanUsomoof ilio Uim-hor.1 of th' ' Illinois The superintendent and leu Inn- . Mils bclil niiMoinliy. AH were then f\omi ati-il. .u l the tvo Janitors vv i notiliol tint they viuulil bo di- niisseil I.isl nijrhi .lanllor Moll xva- . told lint thupas stioiifj talk of inobbnn , ' linn. Ib' left homoatlO o'dockto siicnil Hi nlljht with anoijjlibor , Alwut o'clueic tin- inomii.f ; ho arose and left the noU-hbui s house and vi.is not seen allMi aj'dn. At thi' coioni'i s inijiiest little was learned It i-t the opinion tuiiluht that he lullitted thn vionnilun himself ami lay down on the rail tiai-k , tils Iocs buiiyr cutolt b ) ati.du Knn-aj- . ' Clii I' . 1 nsl ice 111 , ToriKICan , I-'ib 'J"i c'liief Just i- llrirtcinof the IvansassupiT'iio oourl U cnti" ally nl ivitbploinlsv of thobeait A i > iid ; < ; irri''uij I.N i IIU ( re-icnt Citj > ! insti-tl ami . | pi-diillj < 'iim ] i my , it A\'i-Idntliii \ ) Hall. I'lioC'resu'iit Citv ninislii'l anil spoi-i.iitv coinpinj hdil tlm boniils at Wiiiliinctoa liu. li t > i en inland a uoditiulo porfornian > ) was Ki\un. Masti-r llirnoi Hhannoii carin ' off a large shnroof the honors of thoovoiiinir He K'N1an exhibition in club swliif-jiii ; that \\onlddo credit to n | > iofei > sioaal Fioil .Simpson \Nilllifloilallintlio act , "Lo\- eis Meotint. ' , " vviro gii-nt liert ( lOodiaan and Al Hobcrts vvoio dona on the piORrainnie for anai't cntitlt'd'Dirk loviiSw lls" niul diM-1-veo-.puiiil men t inn , In fiut tliui-i-ni-neil off tin honori of tlio ivenlnfr. Thofollon-u lentlcincnconltlbutcil tin ir sliaro to the. t-eninp's cntorlaimiient , bu' spacofornlds espivial niontlon of tlnir iut- > Mossisilkio KiiM.ir.is . , Clntle- . Dutton , Mav bclimidt , Starkoy Brolhors , j-'iiulc Smock , Ijuinonil nnil Ihvin , ( ' II. ( 'moil i ous-h. \ \ 111 Unrrouclis , Mile- , Anderson an 1 Unbelts. \\nsimlulfjiMiiinflcrtlio \ shovandtho luj-s liail aroyaltnnc. Mis Maiv IIellr died nt the family ios lilomv , ( ill South Tnelfth stii'i't , jcstoidaj The fiineial will ho held Satuiday. Modern \Vnolitii-n \ ltin < * llt Cinif-ii-t. Camp Xo. U ( > , Modua Woodmen t f Aniiiira , ( 'ivoac-oniprt at tbclr hill , I i leenib and Kainaiii struots , last night forii'o ' boimllt of Mrs John Anderson , whoso liu- bnailU ninlliiO'l ' in ( no asiliini Tile alien i anco waslirKoancl a dullilitful ptogranmio was oxeciitud. , i It.l ///S. Ktoiornoi ( Hutlcr is at tin ) Paxloti. T . l . Sharp ol Suit , I nke is nt tlio Paon H A. Vide of lioitoii is nt Iho Itk'ivhi nt - A.I ) . C'llntonof Cbicnpo Unt ttioMuiMx .1 \Vilbatini of Wojno Unt the ( . 'M v C S. lloivavdof Doiivcr is at tlio Millar 1 t' . U Van Klcot of I m-oln Is at the Mm ray. ray.V \V A. McAlllsur is la tlio c-Uy at the Casoj . < Just Ileoboof Clilenyols in the illy at i ho Muiniy. A II. C'a'ly ' ' and -.Ufo of St. Paul arc at th.- Millard. A O. I'aulluior of Vork was nt iho Cas. y lust nifjlit , I , \Yothorbco or CluoaRO is In tliout > , nt tlio PaUon M U Morton of Mow Vorlcivna al tho.Mur raj List night I , I ' . liollo } of Carbon , \Vyo , Is In thu i it \ , at tlm Mllhiril. Jiiliu T , K * xoii ofSprlnKlloU l ktopphiK < t the MorihiuiH f H. U'llHiins ofTopeka U In tlm cii.i , t the Men hunts , .1 S. t'm yof Liu Hotel Cnsoy Jclt foil I , 1'ranlti ; .Stephens of Now Vorli\va- t o Piuton hwt iil 'ht. Don H I'oilcr , Mifo aatl rhlldivn of ll i .SIHIIK'H.H. D.arotoppliis , al lUo.Mlilaul Lhelf way en * > t , Vbcn IHlir win nick , wo pure her Cn torf , > fli 'n ilii-wjuu C'lulJ , sliocnujfor Castoill , Mho n ih t > wAin MlM , tlio clun l < i CixstorU , \Ybou \ ilnliuJCUillfcti , kl. i ; TOlhnuiCiuiloil