Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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At IhnChuroh of the fnod !
the bible ohi s stihj ( > < I w til no ,
vl , "Tlio OponliiK Visimi , ' '
The SoviMOlpn l'ninp \Vooilincn of
tlio world 11 led iiiliolcsof IlicciipofiUlon
. \Ohlordnv. The incorinrtitur | < tire
'lot.eih | 0. Koolof Lyons , In , , niul eleven
Otlll'fiJ. '
MIM. L IT. I'owlor cl\oiin Kensiti ton
( ( tiTliiiroclnv nfternonn tna ntnnbir of
her huly friends at her bountiful now
ruslilunce , Klihlocntli ; nnd Wirt stteots ,
ICoiinlv.e pltue ,
.ArllolM o ( Inrornnrntlon voro illod
yostiM'clnj by the ( iirard luiuuintl trust
oninpaii.vlth a fiiiild | of $ lOiil ( ( > 0
The iiK'orpointnrs lire A. M. Dov. L 11.
llcinhiim , .7.11. Johnson , 11. C. Weudcr
anil I'Ycil LlmlhoMl.
UPV. John \ Villinnislll dollvor nn
millions nt the noonday Hurvloo for hu * l.
nets nun in the icci'jitfon looniut llojd's
opera houbo today. Tlioi sorvioo will
begin | iioinpt1 at noon nnil will hut
t\\enli" mintitoH. \Villuvnn'auhjoct
will bo "Tlio ClifJbthin in Uis Homo
l lfo/ '
Hov. N.i \ llooplnfjnrnoi' , the celebrated -
bratod Mohodist o\aii"eUHt , who con-
dui'todtho uoovisfiil rovlval inuotin H nt
the Howard Street Methodist Kpincopnl
cliuivli in this oitproachcil his tlrst
Hciinon Monday iiU'lit to a well Illlcd
liniibo nl houtliTfiilh Stroct Methodist
Kplbcopal churilisliero ho lias yoiio to
bnlil tihhoit voiles of incH'tiiiHs. A jji-oat
inlorost was nintnfosted hi tbo meeting
uml : t iniinborero com oiled durinjj tlio
altar bonleo. The i-ltiu'i-li jilcdRed
liu.irtj co-operation lo the cuiiiL'olisl.
U'lio aiiiniiic was spirited mid was con
ducted oy ill * ,
I'or the onio nf cohl , ci in'lis nnil nil ilo-
rniiKoinenlsof tlm tosjuratoiy oipm nootlier
Jiudiuiiio is so roll.iblo us AVer's Clioiiy l\c-
toiul. It ulloM's the iislbinnllc and con-
Miini > tl\o , OM-ii In ad\ancod siiiu-os of cllsonse ,
iiiul hassiiMil innumerable livcj
iiAYinititos. : .
tilioc loi.ii't ) | moot-ltiiiikfiiil | Sato ol'
Ili-iMiuui slum Jitook.
This iloimitmoiilas ono of the
larfjost in r.i-onian's and ho only
tlio IiisTMAKKS. :
Meifn line Itc.ilf coiigiobsshocn , $1.7 ; ! ;
llit-oinan's jiriie , il ! . " > ( > .
Mon's line Milin oiloylf con rc'-s fehocs ,
Jlllo ; I'Mhitinin's puce , J'i.7.1
Men's line calf ( loodjear welt shoos ,
$ l.7o ! ; KlMHimn'tt jiico , JLUo.
Mon'rt line tnoobiittonshoos u.lS ;
Kiboinan's price. i > l 7fi.
T.nilios'fino tip o\fonltio , $1.20.
! Liilius'loii ( ( . ' < > la button sboos , . . ' ! ,
_ lii < lie.s. ' line hanil-tutnod shoot , , WSi ;
Uibonmn's priio , $ , ! r > ( ) .
Misses'solnr tip school slioos , fLS , " )
MI-SPM' doncoln spring heel anil heel
shoos l.nnil * ! > 1.I5.
Mlsiph'donirnla ' patent tip bpiiiiK : In-ol
fclioos , $ l.d"i ; iiisi-iiinirs price , ' - ' . ( ) .
Children's solar tip t > ohool shoes , ! ) . "io ;
I'lsoinnn'h iirlco , ! jl 115.
Children a line kid button shoes , 1 to
7i , bV mid il.OO.
lJih' ( shoos , hi/es It to B , SI 2" ) , * BI. 13
nndil.To HAYDI'N JHXS. ? ( ,
UllY CiOODh A I ) .
Mrs. KriinU/.l Miui.iy illcd Monday night at
the Inmily resilience , 121.1 Noitli Seventeenth
street , of coiicninptlon. AriaiiKcmciits lor
the finicial will hc.innotnicud later. Itehi-
tivcs In Chicago and Kansas City have heon
telegraphed for and icplies fiom thom nro
nwnlted. Mr Mun.n Ins the sympatln of
n luu'o number of fi lends in his boie.ivc-
mcnt. 'llus is tbc third death which tia op
en nil in bis lauillyltliln a montli , bis
uncle anil father in law ha * , inf dopittcd this
llfoitliin \ tune.
Had diidiinRO causes much silliness , and
bnd blooil ami iinpiopor r.ciiun of the li\or
mid kidiipis is liinl diMiniiKU to the human
system , \\hiuti Huidoek blood bit tcis remedy
Mm t'liiKo' < Misi1 .
'The followint , ' ni..iiiage licenses \\cro \ issued
josleula } :
Nnmo. Uosiilrncc. Affo
J A A. Tellpien , ( imnlia . LM
( Alhortlnc ) .1. Iteii lon , Oiu.ih i . . "l >
I .lusiMili A. I he , Clm.ili.i . * . ' ]
I A inio P. KillOiu.ili i . b
JOiiiiuoI Snjilor l'iur'lns ' uiiinty . . U7
1 l.iuial' . I"io , Doiulas count } . 1 ?
( loul-.ll Vivi'l. Oinalii . M
1 Hi llo V. I'h minx , Oiu.ih.i . h
I Iliurv UOIIK , Oniuhii . : !
lima I , rihh Uiniliii . . * . ' ( .
to the Host.
All ; uo entitled to the nosttlmttheir money
will bu } , so eorfiiinil } should h.uo , at
ouie , a bottle of tbo best fainil } reined } ,
8rnp of rijjs , to'-o the system when
ooitlvo nr liillous Tor sale In 50cniul ? 1 bot-
tlisby all loadini ! i
A A A < > i A t 'i.u IA : r.s.
The 1'hilnilelphh I'ITSS says of the fieolo
nuile.squo coinpain , vhicliill lo at the
Oi.iud on S.iUuilay , Suuiliy and I\ionday \
m\t : Sam .lack's ( . 'reolo Hudosqiio romptui }
ntnactoil nniuullence at the South lust even
ing which p.icKcd the house to tbo doois. A
one act burlesinio entitled 'Tho Huiuty of
t ha Nile ; or , Doomed by 1'lro , " Intmlnccd
l\\cntj iiionbcrs of the company , \\lio fur-
iiMied iiuu'li niniiseiiicnt. in this olio Mr
uml Mis. Sam Lucai sanu so\cial popular
sons ami weio rooillod foui tlinos I'loicnio
Ilines , the inalo ImpcMiOiitttor , nnd the T i-
quartette Ki\o diner iierfoimances.
Prnl iv o\eniuK "Men aiulVuinon" celo
Imitcd Its l.'Oth pi'ifoiinanco at 1'ioctoi's
Is'ew York tlio itor In honor of the evint
oxLceilinsl } hiUiil80iiiosoii\eulib were issuinl ,
designed iny Alav Itobson. 'Urn souvenir
v.isnieilulold fan upon the st kits of whlui
vcio the fac simile sl uaturcj of all the
members of the lonipiny , in weld , and thu
iharaiters they repiosont The t.isto ilis-
lihyeJ in its design and the mnnncr In which
tlio'dcuJBii wns cairlcil out makes this the
liaud.soniestsoinenlrcver issucJ by a y
York theater.
TuoHilcu Musco Is presciitbiR ono of the
funniest fnrce-coiiieiUjs e\cr plneeil before
the public this week the Il.inlev coined v
lotup.inv in itb comical clluslon , "A AVild
( ioohC L'liuso. " TliU farce is full of fun and
Introduces the latest topical soncs and difll-
mlt and fancy iliuces. H is a side splitter
'llio Moore "sistei's also deserve mention.
' 1 heir singing and dan. . aic Is oxcoilcnt.
lu llio ourio A. .1. ( iriisli , ttio poorest nnn
on earth , is on exhibition. Ho Is a Ih Ings
skeleton , weighing but tliiity-cUht pounds
Is six feet 0110 Inch lull and foity-tho jeir"
of ngo Ho is tbo tliiunest man jou eve
saw. Tlio famous uar puntliuj , 'Custcr' '
Last Hay , " a poitr.ijal of tlie horrible
facroof the tfe\cuth fulled States cavalry
by the blooJ-thlrstv Sioux , is also on exhibl-
tfoii In the cuvw bull.
Thursday ovenlnKiievt Mrs Leslie Carter ,
the new slur , will iniko her th'st appcai.inco
before an Omali.i iiudleiiio " 'IhoUirly Duck-
K" is tlio nnmo of the play she will present.
Mr. Archibald 1) ( .ioulon basrewiitteu It In
n manner that at OIKO appeals to the
tblcs of nn intelligent audience , while the
utaiiliiK is the nemo of aitlstlc ilccoratioii .
Mrs C'uitcr has not only been made the pivot
nroiindhoin the unuiiidnp ibaileis move
nndspeak , but her faithful is. worth
n careful fctudy.
The lirst not is light and rofroslilnp. and Il
ls not until the fall of the tuitninthat Mis
Carter throws aside the air of a RH ! and ns
Buines the role of a woninn Her dramatic
powers from this on , show foith in n
manner Hint could not fail toculKt admira
tion from anv iiudloiH-e. 'llio plot of the
drama is Intensely cmotloimland highly pas-
( .lonnte , but notlnoiio instance does Mi-s.
Carter qunMep the bounds of prnmlety Mr
K. J Henlov , as tlio Corsican , \\hoso tnotlvo
Is a dastardly revenge , bharcs the honois
ivith tbo star ,
Kvcrv character In the cas > t has been
plaieu iii able tai.ds ,
H , CiMlllorlM nnd I'lnniicN.
r.Uoinan riirrlidn serhir e stock of
niiKcts , esiRM'lally line ( all foi nla
bliinko's ; tbej must goo : in c roducliij ;
the priies to about olio-half llio cost to
in a mi fact 11 re :
WVUll Cnllfornln line white , 12-1 Hl/o ,
nil wool blankets now $11.30 u pair ;
JrlHoO bltuilfols * y.W ; JS.oO blnnkols
S 11 .
All wool while hhtntiols. 10-1 slo , tliut
\veroS.l.od ; now fl.ltfn nnlr.
2,000 jiaincf ijniy lilnnliots of o\er\
ftlp , iiiiillt\ | mid docrlptlon , nt k'a <
than half their uduc. Ked Manhuts in
Rieatariotj ut the same rnto.
SOO her p blankuts. mostly ' .qtniro
lihinUoto , nil \vool niiii snino not wool.
Is'ow inoiii * t line to Iny in $ i supplj for
Putt si'iiHon , such prices wore novel1
made on bhuik.'ts IKS uo are nomaking. \ .
Lap tolns of c\rrv stlo from the
cliotijiest wool robe to the finest fur mid
plush lobot. at less than half Ihr-lr value.
\Vc iiro orouiUil foi' room and cannot
jilTortl to cat ry thom in < > r.
Down ooniforts that \\oro \ soiling at
r.l-enian's htoro nt S'f.Oll , Slti.dO , $11.-in ,
JI.HO , $17.0(1 ( , etc , nro reduced to Uo.OU ,
oil and iG.oO for ilioico of the very
Largo si/e comforts nt lto0o ) ( ! nndN.V.
Ko htii'h barguins o\ur seen In Onmliti on
coin foi IP.
l''ull * i/n crctoiino co\orcil oomfuils
inarhed ilimn to * 1.1 eaoh. Hoautifnl
satci-n coM-rod comforts Hint were JU.HO ,
nro now jj"hurat ? i.lis each. H ' line of
I'llOOMJ Chilli VlllltfoitH.
TiiKo notice of our prlcosnn llntinols :
Khnkf-r lliiiinul jit r > c , V. Idc , l2ic nnil
IV n ywil. " ! ll ( l Mldo all wool
wliito llniiiH-l inail.od ( ld\\n \ lo "Oo
n .xard , jofl onn't diipllcalo these
prices ' ! I wliito w-ciol llnnncl lUjc.
I'V , l0o ! ajard ; line twilled Ihiiinol doinut
and sill ; warp llannols at cor-
ie'jiiiidiii'ly } low piioo . hilkoiubrolr -
iloroil llaiuiolsof eor.ilo . crlptlon mid
price. ! M w iilo plain colois in eiderdown -
down rodiicod to U'lcaul. ' . All tbo fancy
and jtirdldc oldcnloiuis liavo been 10-
ilnceil lo l"c j.ird , and then mo Roni ) , '
fast. Choice of all the IHsciirin I'Yonch
llannel-1'tc ' ; morj one gvts 7oc for tlio
saino funlitt\ | ; con'ipnro thom ,
10-in all wool skirling llannels wcrodOc ,
no\s jou can Imvo thom at " ( ) o per .Mini.
Ura\ mixed llannel icdiioed to 7 } per
paril. \ll won ! stilpc-d or 'cbui'Ked "i o/ .
llannels Hint mid at Hoc and IV * pot-yarn ,
now ! ! ) ( . per jard. I'mo all wool icd
twilled llannei iuniko > . to sell at dOe and
DM * , now , ! " ) ( per jnrd. Na\y blue llan-
nol worth loc , ivduced to " " ) O poryaid.
All \\oolbltiit piilterns nt lo- . than half
co&t. HAVJiX : 1JUOS.
Vie Illeilmwor"ljMatjiio. .
Uop.iu count } cliiius the honor of hmirtf
a seiond lloi.uo Clreolrvhen it coiiies to
writing , nys the Helleuio , Idatio , Ileiald.
Last week tlio Ileiald ici.eied a iheclc lioio
Khosliouo hi | ) iiiient of an account. The
olllio bo } u.vs sent to the bank to collect , and
the iboi It lettiincd I'lio cashieruouldii't
load tlio Miniatuii1 , mul ho is consldeiod a
louillng' ox poll In ilihogi.ipb } An ciueloD
with I no gontb'tii in's luv cird on ono cor-
noi was then sent to the cashier , and he in-
stanllv honnied the ilocuinent as he re-
inuilii'd " \\ill \ , who in h 11 would have
tulieu that siKii.itiue fci V. llloibower. "
\Vbat Is moie atttactlve tlna a piett\ face
with a fush , InlKht conipleAioii * rorit , ut > o
I'owoni's powder.
SHUlll .MJ/l.l XEtt'H.
TboVcok's Sfook ltiisiiics > s.
Dining last \\cclc the icceipts of cattle
were I'J.dTO. mconipared with 10,1117 tlioweolt
prior ; the receipts of hogs were ! M,01T , as
compared with ' _ ' , SOO the week pi lor , and ttio
iciolptsof sheep \\ero ' . ' ,7TT , as coiriparei ]
with : i , ( ii ) tlio week pilor During the week
r > , ? cM cattle , , UCil , : hofjs and . ' .fiii" sheep wuie
sl.iuglitcied in the local pacldiiK houses , niui ; c.iltlo mid ( } > ) noescio foiwaided to
othei inukotsor purchased for fecdois.t
the pioieat tune qnito linlf of tlio c.ittlo anil
piactiiMll } : .ll the hogs and sheep iecei\ed at
this in.nkut aie coiibuniLd in the local pack-
\\\K \ lionets
AThhtr iMy'H llonoyniooii.
Marion Ilnskott is a thoioughbrcd curb
stone loafer and spendthrift Mrs. H.islcett
is as indubtdoiis as her Mat ion is woithloss
To keep up high license and to stand In good
ui.ico with Ins hu loom compinions
Marlon took SIO 10. the losnlt
of Mis Hmkott's ' toil Mis. HasUctt com
pl.diiod betoie , Iudo ( Kinp , iharging her luis-
band x\ith petit larcenv. The intiioof lar-
cenv x\is not pressed bher , and as a x-ap
.ludgo King gave Mrs. Huskctt n thirty da\s'
lionoynioouhilo \ Mnilou languishes in the
county Jail.
Hiiildliii ;
Inspector t ) 115a } less has is-
hiied building pennits \Villiaiii.lone-t , two
dHelliiiRs in tlio 'lliird ward .lainos Darter ,
a dwelling1 in Hrown I'.uk. U'llliunliiccUer ,
.letters addition , Tlnr.iard , and Jiuiius
aleinbeiuci , Urown pane.
A New ( ' ( Piiiinisslon I'lrni.
Mossis. Aithur 1'crry of "VV.Uioo , \ \ * , T
l'err\ ofVavae , 'J\ I ) . I'uirlno and Iliurv
I , , Dennis of this cltv aio the members of
the now commission linn of 1'orr } Uios
, - > Co.
Notes About the City.
A chibl of Anton Bclovolec'c i , sick
.1. I' Coiulsb has loturned fiom Tclminih
Mrs Clulst Ueltt is listed .UIIOIIK the sh It
John McOotiucll has retuiuod fio.n SLhu\
A child of Anton Kobok is at tbo point of
\\'enel Koutslty is sick and in a critical
William Van Dnsen has secured a position
with 'ho '
l0 Mums , Union Pacific night station
agent , is oil on a sick leu\o.
\V K Lmgbllii x\lll build a lesidenco at
Twontsuonil and H sticuts.
MH tioorgo T Kiench has cone to Stuart ,
la , to \ iait lelativcsimd fiiends.
The Dio\ers' Jouuml will bo sold at mort
gagee's bale Mnr.b 14 , at 1 o'clock
\\ilHmn F. fJmirsnn of thn form nf
Swift kt Co has lutuincil fromfJlikitfo
Charle- . 1'oiter.isuvo ol suffoiinjj with
teeth nnd jaw trouhles. i- . able to boout
Miss Theros i McConnell of Ilrmvn Park 13
vlMtiiifj rel.itUos nnd friends In St IMwards
George ( lOtsclmll , of the Ciul.iliy 11 ro do
IMI ttuent. la bid ; with lull itniii itlon of the
DunounCiiviv , nliiht weii-lima'itci1 for tlio
Western vVolKldiiK association , Is laid oil on
nccouut of illness.
Knclnccr Mitthciv Murphy and rircmin
Triil Brandt of stock y.uiU locomotive No
, ' aie on the sick list.
The Forester ! . ' coi net band u ill.Rivo a con
cert lu Nation d hall , Tu cut-fourth ; and L ,
stloots , S.ituiihiy ovcnintr , Mirch 7
The religious ro\i\al sorviios in tlio Moth
OilUt I'huii'ti will hi ) continued uv the IJav
C. N. D.iusoiito and iin.ludiii0' Fiiday o\oit
Vatnck McConnell , one of the veteran Cnl-
fax county farmon , w ill ioino\o fiom WINun
pret'iiictand llvo a rotuvil life in thisiitj ,
where his bon and other iclatlvcs reside.
A B Haley , the Brown inik grocer who
wa ? so seiion'slj Injured bv iwliifthroun out
of his w.itron bO\vial uct-ks IK'O , , uuJ wliObO
life has siiici ) bei-ii ilo'in.iired of , hi * clinatfcii
fui the bettor and Ills fiicuiU aio conlident
now of his uiovciy.
At the Prcshj tcrluu contrretrntloiml moot-
hif lielii lu the church Monday niqlit the
bulldiiiet'oroiiilttoo\vos autliori/cil to h ivo the
lotKrailed and u lellur excaMited 1'l.ins niul
bK.vltlc.ltlOII4 ) Will llO UVOlMll llj' I'l'CsldoIll
L1 T. Vaa .Alien till the next iiKeline , Moil-
tiny nvcnlng
Captnln .lohii 13 Hnrtnf the postoniiofono
lias iinnded I'ostnmstir Ulnspow hK icsluim-
tlon to take effect March 1. The caiitnlii is
ono of tuo most couitooui , iiainstaUlnii nnd
oftlclont of the olllio force and tlio publlo will
only \\lsh that 1'osttnastcrlilasgoiv may so.
tuio anothu'iis good to till his vacant place.
Nnllon loiiuliii'iit | ( Spoi'lulH Tor W M-
r.Uonmti'i Sl-Vltormiin ktillllns jnrns
rcilin'od to I'H' .
.isemnn's best /ojihj r only lo.
All of Kini'innn's itoi-k of chlltlroiM
vhllo merino undonvonr rodimcd to Ku * .
Jcrtov ribhoil vests worth ILV , i educed
to IWo.
( ionts * o\prshlrts worth ' 10o , rcdticcd
to We.
( Joins' ovortihlrls woiili "no. i educed
to 'Wo.
( tents' ovorshtrt worth $1.23 , reduced
to fiOc.
Go-its' oiorshlrts wortli 2.00 , reduced
to Hoc.
Terrible BiuMlfloo In font a wool mi-
ilorwoai * . must bo Mild rcfjnnlloss of cost.
Clio underwear ivduocd to li'ii1.
Too underwear roiluoeil to ! ! ! lc.
Jl ( ill utidorwear icduced tootle.
$1.10 underwear icduced to.MU" .
J .iHlunilorwe.u * icducod tol.lO (
nis-einnirs on tire stock of pout's un-
laiindriod sliiils yoon silo totnoirow.
ollc ooisots reduced to Ilk' .
7"ii ! coi.sots rodiicod to ! lo. ! ) coiMcts reduced toiOo. .
Si-.dO corsols rciluood to ittc.
Special sivlo of ladies' muslin under
wear toniorioH * .
Slnn hloi1 Snlo.
I'mbroiilorlcs and Laco.
100 now dosiMiM ( , In line 1 lainburir oni-
broidorios at L'c ' , at l > i * , pi f > oat , 7c , at lOe.
I'.iboman's priio , oc , 7c , lie , loc and " .V.
An awful si nimbler in Hamburg hico
tlouncintrs , line line torchon and line
blaolv silk hico in Xorinaiidio" , t'ban-
tilly and Spanish /julpuii / ) . I'mo silk
ribbons in all colon , He jntcl. lilbonmn's
price , oo.Vido i illoiis ) at Co , nt 7c , at
Kit * , liisoinnn's pi lee , IDo , loc niuldo. .
A spiomlid line of ladies'sbcor linen
and laun hiindUoiohiufa , < 11U rnohings ,
art materials jind stamped linuiib ntono-
thiid Klscnuin's pi lees
\Vo do not deny hoinj , ' absolutely
obliged to soil these yooda.
\Vliy not pmehabo wlulotho chtuieo is
o ] > uiiV
A lotion to Si-l It Aslilo Huitalncil
liyiludgalccley. .
Jndgo Wakelev rendoiod several decisions
on motions yestordiy nioriibiK
Among tbo motions decided was that of tbo
O in ilia Loin and Trust eoinpiuy against J
1) . Ayer and others to foiecloso ceitaiu
moitgages. 'iho ownursof the pioperty , Mi
ami Airs. I.lHicroii , sot up that at
the Hum of the transfers Mr Lilli
cron was of unsound mind mid Incapable
of executing ncontiact. At the list teim of
conit this question \\.is referied to aui ] * } ,
winch founil that hovis ; indeed nuntall } un
sound and inioiniictent. The decision tills
mottling wason a motion to sot aside that
voidlct. Tlio motion was sustained and the
verdict set aside. J'bo case now loimiins for
tri d on othui issuus.
Another motion was to sot aside au an-
inatseini'iit and enjoin the sale of proiiart }
in the ca-o of Lace } \ \Vhoilur. \ .
'Iho ' motion uas sustiiiuoil on account of
Inegiilatltics in the .iDpiaisemont
Oidcis weio also on motions i.illiii
foi roci'lvors in Kjan , Me cuniidothcij
Lou 1st ) Hillecito basentcied suit against
Mi1or lloUinui iorlWi ( ) damages claimed to
h.uo been done a cutam hrn.k liiiildini :
owned b } her , by ic.iton of doic.idant eiect-
inu'ii wall adjoining same.
Tbo dlstilct cnnit i.dls for today rcinnm
the same as ji-sterdiv c\iopt in .ludgo
AVnkoli''s loom wlioioit isas follows1
Klovon , tu , Commeiclal Niitionnl binks
Mtw York nnd Oindiu 0
Tail teen , 210 , Omaha Loan and nnildiiiir ns-
bociation vs William V. Uui-
son et id.
Thirteen , 21" , Mutual Loan ami Hnildini * as
sociation \s William Latey
et nl
Ihirtcen , 21' , Mutual Loan nnd nnluliiiK as
sociation William liensoa
et ul.
Tldt teen , .I'M , Beth R Winehs David M.
I'owman et nl.
'thirteen , ail , Ah'sander Midavock et , ul vs
William ICineison.
Thirteen , 3M5 , .lolin A \ \ akelleldsA.P. .
ill oss et a I
fourteen , 2) ) , Inmg Wood vs Mhinio L.
, la.ncs . ot nl.
fourteen , " * , Milieu M. 1'oteisous Soicn
'i' Peterson
Itulldiiig I'oriniti.
Tbo followingpormlts issuol by the
siipoiiiitendcnl of building yesterday :
( irniKK nillott. nno sloi } cottuco lit
riiliU-llibd anil 1 iniiii-t hti < Lls ? 1,00) )
A W. \ \ iko\ . ono and oni-lialf story
fiiiine duelling I lili Ij-thlul and
Loiliy htriLtt , " -1IO
Total 8 J.1MO
Mrs W II Sheldon , of Pouphlcecpslc , X.
V , is visiting her biother , i. < J. i'nrigbt ,
Dinidcu Plate.
Uaodlu Ullllonsot ITomrs
To euro nillomncss Sick Hcnilncho Constipation.
Malaria , l.ucr Cuiniilalntu tnko the tafo
and icrtaln ruiueJy , SMITH'S
Uio the BMAI.I. S\7r. \ (40 ( lllllo bonns to tlio hot
llo ) 'Ihcy nro tlioinost roiuunlcnt mlt ull agos.
I'tlcooItltliBtUzo , ' . ' 5 cunti i
t 7. 17. 70. I'hoto .
innolelzoofUiUj | > iauru lor 4
teats ( cui > | > unor utaiuiiH ) ,
Jtikcr of "llllolltans , bt , U > uts Mo
A 1 all 1 > et -
on Uubbur , for
KlVb l > ILHIIS ,
A perfect it rantoea 'IVotb. M. . r 10.0,1 . ,
without piln or dixncer. nnrt wiaoiil iiiiaci
tliotlci a.lil anil 1l or ftlllii it lowwl
WorkleutliwlUi -
rates. Hrldgo mid C , own -
outnlatrt All work wiir - > n'u"
In Irmco. ICtb ktroot clovitor Oiicnoven.
| b until b u'elotU
loll l.AIHHOXM- l.PilllPi I'lTliiillnil I'lll"
tlio K'i'iiili rinii-ilj n t on llin incnsltMal ) itiMiiiiiiil
curu suinii | > il n friiiu wliuti'M'r cuta I'nuiinli'n
muii'tnmtl.'ii ' I IIIMI | nlN li 'ill I lint tin lukin .lur-
Inii . .I'UiiHH ) Am I'll ! in lliiiill I'nilN S | n-
< liyio l liciiulnuby "lu'riniin \ Mil unni'll ,
] ni , > i t iiuir ! O tiiuitliti l A Mi'Uhir Sniitli
llmulin M I' I Ills luuiii.ll Illulls l.'urJfurJi
OMAHA | lnllinornMro \ \ 1 II fcllKIl
. .
'llin Alert mill Ponl'tilil Po.
The in lii'loof liii'orpor.illon of tlio
A lee \ IVnfnlfl l'o. liuv hoi 11 pluroil mi
ii'i'O'd. ' I'lio liu'iu'iiotntoiN arc A. S
Alee , St l. < uik , Mo. II. .1. IVnfolil iiiul
I' . II. Mullllt of Omaha.
Tin1 hoii-o of A. S. Alee \ Co. 1ms
boon oMtjihlmhuil in St. l.ouK Mo. , for
thii'ty joiii'-t uml IIIIM tin iiiiinoii-o binl-
ik'ss in siii' 'iiMl aiul umtlii'iimUciil In-
btrmiu'iitinnil optical KooiK
MO-HP * . I'unfold and MulJIlt luuo Itoon
( otiiii'i'U'dlth the ( loodinnii lliMi * ' "
for cl\ yi'.irs tnitl nrooll l mi vn to Iho
inodk'iil | iiofc slonlioth in this city anil
throughout the west.
Tlio now ooniiiny ] ! has Icasoil n store
In I'li'lirlilim bloi-k next to tlio jio-t-
ollliv and u ill iipon uo\t nioiithitli a
llnoof swtrli'iil mid nuithoinatlt'iil liiilru-
inputiiml optloal fjoud with a rettill
pro-iTiiitimi plmniuiry.
It Is the intention to innl o tholr plnco
a ho.idqii.nti'H for tlio ! jirofos-
ilnn ami lu Hint uml they \\lll not lri\o
in slui'U tiny lutiMil ini'ilii'iniM oi1 secret
nostrilIIH , atnl u 111 do no I'oiiiitrp pio-
M'Hllilltf , lIliHlillSIIIOHH Ill-ill ) , ' till Ollt llol.V
now di'pirtmo In tlio dnij ; trudi1 In this
elt anil no doubt tlio now business
will enjm Iho support and jjoodvillof
the ph sli tans anil tfonunil public.
Dcntli < il'a YrtiMim 'Ir.ivclcr.
,1 nines Owens , fiunllliirly Ummu a < *
" liminy , " was founil itc.ul in boil in the Pull-
innii lioii-u In Now York Moiul i.v iil lit. llo
\ \ \vcllkno\\n \ to nil I'ijrnr ilo dors lu Oiimliu
nnil the riitirobtutoliiivini ? boon llic tr.i\elliiK
nijcnt of tlio Una of UttvtiburK lli-ai' of Now
Yoik , foi over Uvcnty-lho JOIM In this suc
On account of poor hoiltli " , iiinin > " RIIVO
ill ) tlio ion ! aslioit tltnontfo mid \ \ is luNo\v
N oik iniUtif ; m-ep.initloiis to upon up n
lirokcrago business ut Ins homo in Milwaukee
\ \ tiuu ile.itli o\eitoolt lilin.
A tolctn.imaiiiioiiiiciiii : his iloalli win ro-
eei\iil ! lij bis MU'ecssoi' on tlio loud \ \ lie Is at
the Mun.iv , ntnl ininy expressions ot ictfivt
\voiolioirdfioin traveling men \\liou the
iij\\s \ became Iincnui.
luVltt's ) Uttlu Knrlv Risers Dost llttlo
pill uvir inailo. Cuio constipation over }
tiino. None iiMinl , Use them now.
An Old 'Innor's Itotuni.
.Tobu I'mncH , lie of nneii'iit eroohoilness
nnil vcticuiblo \ \ hiskers tin neil up ng.dii yes-
teid.iy nioi'iihiK , mid vnisciitup for sKty
ila\s \ Ho Is an imuturatouuil uotoiioiit thiuf ,
aml.hiilKoIUIsloyn.iHiedltim soinii tinm n o
tost.iyma\as ! thocit\ was not sifoitli him
in it , but ( led Uiomlinniutioii
\\lllbokeptinout of tlio wit foi thu
ui'\t two mouths unless lin Inn nines ail
ihctoil to the nrai'tu'o now 111otrin ) of walking -
ing out of jail ueforo his limp is up
A \VoiulorC\il \ Coal
Mi NV I Klusti'iitlvlu > liiti u \ IsitiM Xe\v
Cnstlo , A\\o \ , tolls of tin-wniuleif\il \ mill
minunf of Kllpnirlriiltros ,1 I'nllliM "I'lio
inliu'ts HOMMI null's fiom NoI'ustle , " f.ilil
hi1 , "ut tlio lioail of a deep r.ivlno or canon
IlllllU13 \ lllscOM'IVll It'SS tit III t\Ml \ .MMIM IllJO
li } n p.irtj of iiMijnvtoiM In lliu oinploy of
tlio nbovo llrtn 11 Is salil liy oxpcils to oo
tlio ; inlno in thuuoilil aiulllm
supply liicxhnustluli1. it is known to co\oi-
ovoi'\OiXi lu-i-iM iiiul tlioolii IH from IIvn to
ten foot thick , \Uiu h would . \ Icld 'J.tWO tons a
day for HIM } oan. H Is of value to N'o-
brasltn , at It Is onl.a . fo\s-milos from out1
nortlnvosioiit bonloi'
"The U . M uiilfo.iil nuts ( outMollilroal
trains east from there dally , 'riiecoal Is of
osccllent quality , belut ; inui'li luuilor llnui
most It isniti tinsmith a oumhcrat
tbo minus , uelnu biiikon uvonlv to about tlio
sl/oof pjtatoiw anil ilioroutfMv eioonoil
Tlicro mu ( DO men einplo\eil ai tlio inlno anil
tlio ilnll } output l-i about llftoi.ii bundled
tons Tliu mtmnir Is done by innolilnon , the
coal bolnir too h.inl lo bo plolceil out by li uul.
The boilers luuo 7"i ( ) hone pimor cuiiieily.
The plant is lighted thiiuitliniit b.oli'c .
ti'iclty aim cimontH of fiotli all are
constantly ciiotnateil tbioiifih the different
tunnels. Thueoul Is nil lintulled \ > \ I.MMMI.V
NoliolstliiK is U'ljMlioii After it is lo.uloil
In the tunnel on sin ill Iiuldlnc two tons
o.uli , It is mu nut nn u ilinvn cr.ulo lo the
iluiijierillrct.tlj ) inei'tho i.iiho.ul cars. I'lu-x
duinj ) ttieinsoUes , iniUoa llxlnj , ' .switch , and
rctniii analn to the mines to ho roloadoil
"I'lie.N are ilso slnldii ) ; an oilU'll \ , lu'lnn
do n oMroixlit hundreil foot They luvo a
lliii ) How of oil , but so inKoil nltliM.turtbo \ }
will ( jo still diepor One baldly ic.ili/o whuic NowiMstli ? , , i city of lHhl , ( people ,
now stands , was a pmo foiost but , ol'liteon (
niiiiiths nto. It is looateil nt tbo entrance of
a sinnll canyon Iv > otbt r cltv in the ciniuti \
of tlio s.iino a 'o is so well built. 'I bo build
int'i aromosth of biiou Miwcnsilo Is tno
oounty \Vestou count } , u now umnu
foimoil fiom n p.ut of Cioo'c 'I boy b.uo
wntorvxoiks theater bolni'bronpht lour-
tcon miles , fiom the inouiit.ilns , k'Mn tboni
101 poiimls picssme , oiiual to that of Omaha
Jkir.V H. u'llpatilck's now losideuco cost ,
upwards of $ iOJJU. , ( It w.u fiiinlshoil
uml draped tliroiiKliout li\ an Om.ih.i linn ,
in fact , no.irly all ( Tools aio pin chased in
Omaha , which is tlio natural m.iikot for that
section of tlio counti } anil it Mioulil bo
tljoroimhlv canvassed h } roprcsentathos of
Omaha's business bouses The ground is
ooAoicd with the heaviest fill of snow tliey
lia\o hul foi } otiis , anil oxeiy onois liopoful
and anticipating ; a prosperous yo.u lor 1MM "
Quit Everything Else.
S. S. S , , is tlumnly piTnuiKMit cure for contagious blood
Taint , OKI chronic cases that physicians tlccl.uv incur
able arc cured in every inbtancc where S. S , S , , has had
a fair trial.
1 honestly believe S. S. S. saved
my life. I was nlHicU'dviti ! the very
worst tjpc of cont.iginus blnwl poison
anil was almost a solid sore fiom he.ul
to foot. The physicians declared my
case hopeless. 1 quit ever ) thing ilse
anil commenced taking S. S. S. After
taking a few bottles I \\.is cured bound
and well.
Thos. B. Yeagcr , Klizabetlitown , Ky.
Send for our
new book on
or Blood
Diseases ,
mailed free.
The Swift
Specific Co. ,
Atlanta , Ga.
Already conceded , shall rest on no uncertain basis.
We will win by merit only , and shall look lo it that
the excellence of our goods hold tlio favor of the friends
we hiivc nude.
A cough or cold
is a spy
has stealthily
come inside the
lines of health
.and is there to discover some vulnerable point in the fortification of the
constitution which is guarding your well-being. That point discovered the
spy reports it to the enemy on the outside. The enemy is the changeable
winter climate. If the cold gets in , look out for an attack at the weak point.
To avoid this , shoot the spy , kill the cold , using SCOTT'S EMULSION
of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
as the weapon. It is an expert cold slayer , and fortifies the system against
Consumption , Scrofula , General Debility , and all Atuc'mic and Wasting
Diseases ( specially in Children ) . Especially helpful for children to prevent
their taking cold. Palatable as Milk.
SPI'.CIAI. Scott's Hmulsion is non-secret , and is prescribed by the Med CAUTION Scott' " ! Tmulsion ! s put up in a1mon-coloreil wrappers ,
ical Profession all o\er tile world , because its ingredients an sctrnlifu.illy lie sure anil ( ; et the RLiiuino Prcpand nnlv hy Scon & Itoxvne ,
combined in Mich a manner as to greatly increase their remedial \aluc. MannfartiiniH''Inmisf \ YnrkI1 Orin.'i.'i'-ts
Jl J _
Get my prices for fall. Large Stock Rubber Clolhirur.
Fish and Shield Slickers.
( L ) o
CD o
5 n = j COCO
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co o CO
C i u u
. . CO < O U
- 4-1 3
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- 4JO g- CO
.1 qgrjigairi iar-wu ; aj
ZACHARY T. LINDSEY , 1111 Harney St. , Omah ;
P. S. Ask shoe dealers for "Jerseys. "