T1IJS OMAHA DAJLV BEE : AV13DSSUSDAY , FEBKTARY 25 , LSD ! Till ! SIDEWALKS OF 011A11A , TnU > rfsU > < 1 Oitj Officials Diwuffi the Man- uw of Nuking Them. / A YAHlCTy OF OPINIONS EXPRESSED. A million Mi'i-lliiK lo Ui | Ii > l < | ni till ) ' ( 'iliiicll Clutiilbi'i-Hiitiuilii ) I2v olilnir fillCoiiHldtMiil Inn ol' tlio OiilliuuiL'f. Thn nitinbcn fit HIP boinl ot public \\r > il , tlio nit ) council rouimlUL-o on slilo- v a hi the city onilii < 't-i' mul city nttornuy , ' t tlio imj or ttccoullni , ' to nppolntincnlnt 'J tk this titter noon lo discuss tlio subject of n i.uw plan lupmlliitf liilovvnlUs. Tlio iiotiinir opunoilvltli n M'ry Ititoiestlng ills I IS-IUI1 Mi 1'nt'ny - The oxlMliiB < mlinnit.o H'III ivo lo slclownllts orrtnlnlv docs not im-ct t i ilomiml < i. Would It not , thcuiroH ) , bo w i i for tlio council to i oimhler tlw pro piiotv of cnactliiir n i\fv \ > ow to booiititlent a jii ruinnoiit sulinvnlk oriilnniiio Mi 'Joppleton 1 dnii't tula1 \rrviniuli t iU In so-i.illod pcriimtiuul alilownllc-i \ \ < nn build UIXH ! plnnle \\ulki i\n > tlve j ears for the liit'Mcst on vv b.il > enl l > ut mtoMonu vvnllit I lion , too , thru * mo niiiiij sin-els ovi'iiitliln tlio Iliti limits tint nro not vet Inipiovcd , niul I ci-iiilnl\ \\ould not bo in ftivru < if l''a ' injr tone-veto , tiling , * lone or brick wnlkt in lumt'it iinlminosctl prnpcilv. I inn lie-in I ni ! a ( 'tc'iu tlo.il iibotit liiu-lt \\ull , otr It Is a oiB iiilitnlu > vine iii-nplii In tlio tltv si-cm to be tiMii ( 1 1 stall a fin or In tu\or of brlrk If tins out tins I think tin cilj uill llml Itself , in li\o M'li-s as sUk of biiik for such put \ i ns it illil of wood a foJPUIM nno .Mnjnrl'uililnp If jou niiikooiu \\nlks of iiilck.uni ( jot ilonovlth this tluin.iiri' bnsl- IIOSH | | /ot u nolUt tills niornlii ) , ' that Mis Mur.v T-uoy Is ( jolntf to sun tlio oil v forIMHI | for skinnloii lior lo b > tcnsoti of a ilofoelixo i.lilo\\alk Mt. I'u ni ) No man slionUl lie asltoil to 1 u n | n riiinnoiit slilouallt unless holm1 * ,1 cuil ) stiMio to lay It against. ( Itj 1 iiKlnoor 'lilliitsDii Iho onlj tiling toile ilo is for tlio illy to talco full clintn" f tlio \\liolosiilo\\illc InisliHss \\oiililii't ' cost tlin cm noi' tlio la\ii\ur | am inoto unil \\niilil ( { ivo uiiifoniiiu all ever the ul\ \ . I \onld not lot the property owncis Uu\o anj tiling to do with It. Mr. Iliiklinusu1 'Iho lonilrs iniKlit bo ttiuisfintcd to llio clt.\ , but not tlio entho matter ot slilownllts Mr 1'opplcton I see no call for nmilicnl cliniiKulii ihoslilimnlu system of the oil } \ \ lint ivo want Is iiiouspooil in the attention to i op His. Mr Olson 'riioiniivoi's Ido.iof iloingaw i > vnli tlio slilow allc iniiioi ton aiiillcttiiiK tlie pollconotif\ > Midiii ( { iH-olod icpiiinls thom \m\ host tiling that b is houi bii cstpJ Mr Hindi uisui Tint's so , It Is the von lio-it ildiifr that uo'vo hc-ard ot up to d ito. M.uot I'usliiiif ; And now why not go nhoul mid bu. % sorcial tlinusuul loot of lumlH'i bli { lot of It anil lin'o ' it s.uud up the piopoi IciiL'tli ami hold in rwnliniss so Unit nil rcpilit may bo mailo vvltlilu tweiitj four hours Mr Tlllotson It would roitninly ho clic ipir to Imvo thi'so potu lopilrs nuuloas the inivor sa\t , niul not KO tin oiigh tlio tlino-t iKInc lotitlno of iul"rtlsing Mujoi I iiinj nimln tuout-ht up the matter of ponimm'iit sldovMilks almiR stiootilnro the Iho limits Imvo boon ui-ontlj uxtondiil Ho htlil thnt to ( ompcl pioptut } owners on West 1'iiuintn , South Sixtcentli niul other stioels , wlieio the tlio limits Inuo bu'n t'\- trmlcd u IniiKwiv , to hij pcininnunt slilo v iiit ! h nn Injiisliro anil isiinprattleiblo , for In inniiv phi os nlioro tlioit ) tuo heavy bills the foundation l < not snfllcUMitl } holla foi a stoni' , liuikor I'onculo vvalli Ho buliuvoil tlnit there oliouhl bo an oiiUnincu to cover lliosut.isL'Hiuul by whk'li jiiopoity nvvnurs on those stioots iniclit lioeaniiloil tolaj 01 topilr board vvnlks without \lolilion of the tity oriliiianoohicli now IKUOIIIS the tlio limits All 1'opploton suokoot thosmill liolos that abound in all parts of the dUvhuro onlv a board or two mo missing , lint wlnuhnroi'iy danmioiis and mat.iuso the i ita fjient deal ot tionblo and tixpenso at am time. Ilo bulioved ttifo siiuill duk'cta should bo ciio- fully looked ufUr All HliUhauior slid that muiv of the broixks u IHHO sln lo lie mis are nilssliif ; liac lioen Liuttil by tenuistois ilii\liif ; our tlio \\allcH and b\ cattle and hoi-.es tuiinintr n\ei them J'ho lioauls aio biokon or toin loose mill then c n i led nvv.u bj some one for fuel Ilo sinriiosted tli it n sum of nionoj l > o set aside fet sidewalk ion urs , and that not moio $ J r > 0 lie ONpoiided on am ono lot Minor dishing Lot tlio mnttor of ieiii- ) ) > bo loft ItiiKCly to thodlscrotlon of the boiu of pnlilu1 vvoiks Olsta 1 think then ) should bo a limit placed on tlio amount to bo spent on am one lot I am opposed to turning the nnttoi al ovorto tlio boaul of public \\oiKs 01 to anj ono indlUdiial The council lias i ilulit to ItnoH bou anilhoro this inoiiuy is bciiig spent. M ijor CushiiiK No ono is going to abuse tlio authority ( 'hun thorn to ni.iku siileu.ill lopnirs ONen You don't know what people ma\ ulmi > . \\o \ don't w nit to ( fo into the liusi ness of tnilltltiiK sidewalks for 1'oni , Dk-Kaiu Ilaiix 1 think wobhonlil limit the oxpondi tuioson i. u b lot. Mi 1'oppleton I notice another abuse o npihile o until toKi.uliui ; contractors Hint Is cieatliiK ( \.ist iimnutit of tionlilo Con tuutois tear up the sidouallis wluMithov * tiilcoa job of KI ailing , and when thev are through the walk Is loft in fih'litful t.lnpo SoiiutiiiKH it is loft upside down In a lieip 01 I.VHIK MffW Hko a i.iil fonio In otliei places wheio the tmiti.ittoilmv < made a show of puttlnc ilov\n the walk wh.n ( the woil , ol rndlnjj was com pleted thev have left holes boio and tboro Ii thowalu wheio the boil d-i huvo been caiiiec tiwav or liioKon , and a nuiiiboi of i ) m ciinis gaps aio loft there us mini tt ips whii h iniu cost the city thousands of dollars within i few months if someone hippons to fall Into thoni niul bo injiiieil I siv tli.it tlii'io 1011- triutori bboiild not rcitivo n cent of pi % until they Imvo put the sidovvalUs Inch where thev belong. UliKliiusor Thev ilon't tlioj h-uo tosipt n vtiy stiiut lontiikt hc'foio thov are poi inlttod totearup the sidcwnlk- . You ouih to sco the stipulations lliatthoy are compelled polled tosiini Thov me obliged ZSlr 1'oppleton I don't inu vvhntjou stipulations aro. With duo lespoi t to the bo.nd of public woiks I say H ht honithn it is a notoilous fatt Knonn tooviiv inin 01 thisooininlttoo tint sldovv.iiks am not mi down us tlies should bo bj ir.iny of tlio ( { rail iiiKconliaetois wbo tear'tliem'np I upon the hUituniont thnt this mittor should b inoni stiktlj looked atttr and no man shonlc pot his piv until ho ha ? plucc the wallo ho luis t-ikcn up back where thev belong. The contraitou should bo held ro sponsibU' for vvnlks that tbe\ tear up Mi Olson i illed the attention of the uo in to the iiipllKtuco nf eeil.ilii piopertv owner \\lio idirnilt the dnt that falls down f ion hi'h ( banks upon then \ \ ilks to remain tboi and beeonio n imUuu-e ind an obstiuctinii Ma.voi Cushini ; said Ihcio was an uidin nnco nlreiil } rovciltii * that , mul ho reid it The oullmuuo pi > v ides tint nil pioportj owi ci-s shall koip thtir vvalkb citar of dirt SIIOH , otc , niul thonmjoi salil "I sbill no tit ) Chief fc oivciy to have the policemen lool after this matter and notify all pioportj own ' era who are violating thK oulinaiuo " ItwaallnaUv n fieoil thnt the cotnmltto bhouUl proceeii to pioiwio nn oulinanco pro vidiinor sidovvnlk lenilis ai'it submit it to the eouncil , aioiifi with tbo leoonimeiidatioi that n fund of from ft , wo to fTi.OOJ , or som such nniotint , be sot nsulo for the purM- | o mendinc tlio luoKen and ilclupldntcd walks b nil niirts of the cil > Tlio committee will meet with the bean ngaln on Hatiirdnv niRhtat the eouncil tham IKT , when tbo oulinaiuo will bo subuuttoi nud discussed Dr. IJlrnoy cures catarih , Coo bld ( | . The Methodist A meeting of tbo subaeiibors to tlio fuiu bcine mUcdfor theoicitionof a Mctliodls hospital vvns hold at the rooms ot the Young Men's Christian assoehtlon Monday after noon , Mr. H K. Hall prosluuiB Alrond ) fl.MX ) Ins bron subscribeil. . The prinolpil buslncis transacted w.u the effecting of a Doimment orglnlzatlon and th selection of twenty-one trustees , The fol lOrtliiRt'0111'111011 ' ww eluttod to compos tbls board ; lloveronUiO. M. Brovvu , C.V Si\\li1"p tV t mmnk , II A ( "ranp , 1' M Mi mil. U U lie 11 < , A 11 il "i and Uvirs II ( I llnll , A II i . JS Null i nn ,1 ilui Dilo I ,1 M. . 1. nn I M Ita ol < ti I'a ink Hi h ,1 I- i utful A t POSUM s \ \ I.lnlt-iiv , A T Kd'torloxllodtfo 1 ) Jo\\n anil C M Uichniilsoti Tbiwi1 { Otillcinwi were Inntnirtod to limncdlntelv ot lxtil ' ( ii nn : n locution and iimkn the mv imirv mninieiin iiM for the cm t ion and pt'iiliijtof th > hixpitnl A WPotlntf ol tlio rusloos Is culled \Vediiesdav afternoon at o'dix'luit the , imtphu'o in conneeiloa v 1th thl noble work thoio has al o been of octeil n hullos' anxillaiv ns oeiatlon , and to hem Inn bii'ii deleiratod the furnishing of ho rooms of the liospitil A inciting ot the miles will tic held at U o'clock no\t Saturday n the Teems of tlio S'OUIIB Men's Christian nssnclntloti. ilt now proprwpil to Invite nil the ImliM oix'Hted In this inovement to iniftt lit the Y. M ( . ' A rooms on.Sntuuluv , IVbrnarv JS. at o'tlot k p in , fn the purpo" ' ' of niirnnlrliiRii xoiiinii'inuxllliiri asHoclatlon ol tbo hospital ( .eor eCampbrll , Ilopkinsvlllo Ky.iays- luriloik blood blllrrs l < the best ptepiration for the hlood and stonmcli over inaniifactnieil. NYltrnska , lo\\aniiil DaUotn I'ciislnni , vsiuvc.roN , I'ob 21Spochil ( Telegram .o'J'nr. Ill rTl.o | following ponslon * Imvo ici n nllowod Iowa OilciiiilAllicit UMiop , NicholasCilnlnos , lilchaid M Uinne , Geor eColby. Hiirlholoniovv Ciirptut ; , Will- mil I loljinl , TliotniwV. . Mi ICeever , Uolicit I-1 Mcl.earn , Mlitln Kionie , .lacob Poihl , lames T II ilsti ad , Howard Huwni th , .lohn A. 1'irlc ' , Joshua A HnUaulilllun M l.eaic , N l.i'iiiuel. .1 I'aik , Huiirj Darlnt. , lohn llikor , Isiinc Collins , \Villlun lint ton , ( leofRoC Morean , Wllllnm T How ill , I.o- niuler K. Dutton , decoasoil , .lohn S. .lielcson liu-roase U'llllnm M rmei v , Dniilel ,1 Hteno Thomas 1 { Hovce. Holssue-I'hiules A . .lolinsonVilllam C. Holmes , rhamey 'Ihniius lielssnonnd Incicnso-S Spencer Oilsiml widow oti - Kiln 11. . \\ldn\\of .lohn II C'llsmnn , .lulia , inotherof .lohn Si .Inhii , Kll/aboth , vvKlnvv of dnbilel N Hoik min , Eleanor 11 , widow of Wllliim I ) ( luornso } ; Marion n , wtilow of lAMiiderlC Dutton , Catheilno I . widow nf Valentino Itoss , Mnlissa 1) , widow of John Criiin Mo\i'in widows Ilinnah , v\lilovv ot .lohn Knapp Nebiaslta Oiiclnnl Invalid-William II II Cline , ( lirlio 1'nidv. Simuol H llmk , Mevcns Kohorts .Inteil L , leainiKoi.loseiih ) I ) 151 lokhiiui , Jciome T TunU , Hoinikh l.ohiulor Iloni\ % Holier , John A Hicks , ( iCOfKO I tales , ( 'liilsllnn ( 'hrisllani , James ll.Cainp Iniioiiso HoiacoN ( lOiild.Clunles 1 ! Tliompsoti , .lohn W Saivyoi , William 1 { .laco , Svlvanus IlmKus. Oilu'lnal widows , Me , lnhn , father of U'illiini T riiilatoptier South Dikot.i Orliiinl-.lolin | N .lenk- Ins , .lolin W. Ileadloy , John Huiitincton , Iludsnn Ij HiiiiidKt-H Hs ( > totatlon , lolssno and liulease .lulm Kudd ImioaseOsiur Muriij , I'rauhlin S Warner Oilglnal widows , etc Minor Lester nVooil Mis U'inslow's SoothiiiK Siiup for thll- cheu tcittlnn ( ; softens the guiiH mid : illa\s all piln. " 5 tents a bottle. lA-.r.illoi Miller Talks , The nttcntlon of o\-Conntv Jiillor , Too Millei was called to llochmo s statement to tlio cffict tint pilsoncrs had fiL'qui'iitlj os- ipinl from him umUr similar clicuiiHtancos Slid lie "The only piisoner who ever escaped fiom the insUlo of the Jail was ono who was lit out by Lji.ih In the simo nnn- nor th it Al milleld and McCoy vyero leloased. " 'Ihuy sij thev can t help it How did I help it ? Tno only way to inn a jill li to watch it Constantly and with a \ iIUiico | ; that must never bo lei i\ed It isn't one man in a hundred who Is cut out fnrajillcr Mhoro Isn't the light kind of timber in there now , and 1 told John Hoyd so months ago Holuno wouldii t malto u jailei in ir 0 yoirs and old in in Doikor isn't ' nit out for the place Another thing , the piisoneis halo tlioin , and that is something that oiiL-ht to b'i avoided Thev don't got.nound ninoni ; iho men and don't know vv h it is RohiK on. MliLy say 1 used to keep quiet about eaiapos when I was then1. The fact- ! , tint the Hi it thing 1 did when a mm gotawaj from the Riiauls outside waste to icpoit il to the pnhio. The tionbloisthav no seared to death up there , and thov i.in't K'i't a man out of the caco if ho don't \\uit to como out 'Iheio will bo tioublo theio ono of those du > s 1'iisoneis alvvn\ jot 1111013 } as waim weather comes on , and thoieate moio jail ileliveiios than nt nnj other seison "When the Hist man got nway fiom these foll.b thechin Ked that 1 lot him out with skeleton Uojs Now thov claim thev aio doing ns w I'll as 1 did and think that this statement should explain the loss of any pilsonors i'hov hnvn't the min in thoio now that have been theie If thev had , thrro w oiililn't bo a loot loft on tbo jail The.v me afraid and the prisoneis know it 'I here is nodiscipllno When I loft there w cro Dlnnliets cnouch on liiiul to last two joais , niul last fnll thov hud to iinvo a now sujiplv A pilsoner told mo that some of the men had tlvo pilrs of double blankets That shows ho\y well atTaiis are looked aftei , mid tueioaio plenty of other similar imtancos No gilpiiie no nausea , no pain wbon Do Witts Little Km Ij Risermo taken , huiull pill Safe mil. Hist pill AVill C'liaii e .laileis. Speaking of the so\eial pcculhr jill ile llxeiiob that hive oecuiud , at the countj jail leienll } , hciift Hovd infoiineii Tin Hi r \estorilav nioiniiiK thithohul decided ti miilco .1 ihang" of jiiUi- , just as soonns ho could .mange mntteis \V n iKof of Albion Is nt the -i\ton l .1 \Vliitoof Lincoln Is at the 1'axton. U H Yutci of Lincoln is at the Miuriv 1' T Ilonscr of Auburn Is nt tlio Cnsov W t : llaiu-i of D.ivid Cit > Is .it Iho Ctsoy. Cieoiyo \Vilojof > oifolk is at the Ciisoj , 1) .I. Wiinht of Lincoln isattho Mini ij J U. Dot-of Uu-iilt'lty it nt the 1'ivton ,1 O. lloiiltnib of Topelcu Is at the I'.ixton J A. V.ui Osdcll of IJeattlco K .it the Mm- rajV. \V. C Bioolss of lloatrlco Is jt the Mil- laid C. .1. I5o aidasnt Dulnuiel U nt the Mil InnlM M L nismore of Hastlnet is nt the Mil- Inul. 1) S Diaper of IMatUmouth h at the Dcl- lone S. V Rounds of Hastings is at the Del- lone- . IL T McUvvcnof St Louli is at the Do'- lone V T i rico of Knplel City , S. D , U at the I'uxton Tlionus C O.irson of Denver is .it the Mil it-ay J D McDonald of IT'icmont ' Is at the Muir.iy. .li'lt U'jiuiu of Alliance , Kob , Is at the MillfttJ Honri f loiolel of Plattsmonth is .it llio Millan ! ( ! ooiioV Hoino of Hooper , Nob. , is at tlio .Milluul. John M. Busher of Xow V'oiltbnt the IMIono Cutl Motion of XobiasUa City Is at the Dcllono. IX-Llontonant Govc'rnoi1 Mclklojohn is In the city. M. Sjirintroi nnd 1\.I. liurton of Chicago nro nt Iho Dellone X. 0. ( jilinorc'inul N. B. Coolt of Atc-hUon are ; at tlio Dollono G C Hoiipot-.Hid wife of Nebraska City nio nt tlio Dollono. Lon U'essel , editor of the Capltil City Courier , is at tlio Mnriav. A A llillinnleft for Lo < AiiROlos \ l.t the llirrHncton Moiul ly iil ht. lleiiiy T Oxiiaul. the tieut sugar min of ( it.inil Island , Hlu the city. P. D Trav is and G W. Updlko of Hold- lediro nro slopping nttho .Mlllanl Unrl Motion of Neiiruskii Cltv , s > on of o\- ( lOvernorJ. btcilliinMotion , is nt the I'.u- lon. lon.Mrs Mrs ( Jeoitio \Vehster of Oiclmid Hill Is c'oiillnoii lo hot- room \\itli qnito bovero uttiic'it of pleurisy. Coloiie > l nnd Mrs It. C. dowry of Chlc.iRo ere in the city. Colonel Clovvry Is siii .rin- tencle'iit of the Western Union flepraph i-oni- [ muy imu bos lorno pionvrty iutuiuaU in thU Uty. 'toon IT IASV. \ fiOHllllll Of III ! ' ClHItlltll Dl'lOtCll tO Itiintlne llii4ii | ( ' < < . Dcputv C loik diuersen lifted i > hhvotie us ivadlng dork at lntt nljthfH mooting of the eouncil nml nciiultted himself creditabl ) 'Mio meeting vvivs a harmonious ono , loiitlnu biislnoss nloae belli * consldiie.l The iinjor presented a fornnl notice of the deilslonof the supreme loutt In tlio South ( Jinutia boutulni ) case 1) .1 O'Uonohoe , Tliomns Swift mull ) C. Su tpon w ore np | olntcd appraisers on tlio con * tiiiotlon of Iho Hainiltoti slroot viaduct. Thu mayor vutoed the resolution of Mr Moivnrly thing the wet king bouts of the Iroet eoinnilMloner's foi co at olht ( ; hours n lay 1 ho in i.vor iriivoas aicason thnt the iroposcd H-fot in should hnvo been made b.v ordlnanie Ho further claimed that such mi nilor wtis unfair and should extend to all rlisscs Mr Morcaity said. "Tho major's opinion ndlviihiaily Is onlv worth what it U worth as an Individual , and U worth no moio limn m > other liidhlilual's Individual opinion is unlhns an Individual , " mid then went on to u ikoan earnest appeal for liH losolutlon llioilo was sustulntd and on motion of Ml lecliil the nmttci was lefeired to the Judl- liiry comimtteo with Insttuctlons to pieji.no in oidlnami' In .uioidanio with the Intent if tlioiesiilutlon Thon.avnt's veto of ,1 O Coibv's sewer out rut mi technical pi omuls was sustained , mil the bond of publli works Insttiutcd to nnUoancv , contiact with Mr Coib.v The major nlso vetoed n resolution nntlioi- / tlio'ilu to imiimc the cost of main- liunlmr gnsoline lamps in Clifton Hill mul . 'rolL'hton llolu'lils , as no dellnlto tinio vis : lxeil at wbiih the iltj should assume the lablbtv Ihuveto vvns stist lined The nmvoi's appointment of A IJ Hawctt is stipeiinloiident of the ( lt.\ hull w us con- liiiiid , sevoial of tno incmbeis aniiouncliig bat tlte.v had bccomo iiciumlnted with Mi ilawitt mul found him tube competent , etc The bid ofI 1' Haley fm pnitlnl lonsti nc- ion of nn iMiginu house on I'lerco stioot , the miomit bdng . ' , i'l1)vns ' ) icjoctcd , us the ior- ' : llled i heck UMnihed did not niconipinv the : ild. The bid nf Nc\v innii , II inson x. .lolin son for the vvoilt oomploto for $ .1,01X1 was 10- 'ciud to the eouiiiiltUo on public piopoitj in i building. Hlds foi piintlng the annual repoits of tbo ilty oftlcorscio ioe > lveil fiom Acketiiian IJtos & llelnt e , Hoes pilntlnif compan.v , I'okrok Xipudi iiimtiiig conipmj , Olbson Mllkr .V Uichiulboii , Hipubllean piinting ompnny. The citj tieasuiorwas nuthori/cd to sell as iiiiinj ns MM ) copies of ( onncH's compiled ordinance ! at SJ W ) pir \ oltime The citj cleilc was iiutliorl/.cnl to h ivo tlin genual oullnaiicos pissed since the Council compilation , compiled and published In pamphlet form. Chairman HhUiauser of the boanl of pub lic vvoiks was allowed 5-130 for expenses for a trip of InvestlKition of the paving and nuii- nilnnil/iiiiMn other titles Mi OsthofC s iisolution setting aside $ \OOI ) of the general fund for the immediate icpilr of sidewalks was adopted A H solution , olTeioil bj Olson , instructing the police tu enforce the uidlnaiK o UMiuliiiig liiopnt.v owjii'ts to ktcp snow .ind mud cloauod fiom the sidewalks , -was niloited | The uport of the committee on public propelty and Inilldlncs , lecommendliig that thoioniniiinicatloii of .1 H Collins , lelativo to thepioposedinonumontot' ( ! enoi.iICiooke , bo plai ed on llio , w as adopted 'J hero is to ho nnothei winnglo over th llio limit oidlnance Mmj lomplalnts have been iniulo ncnlnst the ordlnanco icccntly passed and , uponiecommendatlon of thoiom- miUeo on llroand wateiworlts , the mattu of vising the eidinanco was leferied ton cLial committee The ebah nppolntcil the clilef of the tlio ( lop\iliiRMit mid Iho commit tee on iho unil waterworks 'Iho coum il's special committee appointed to consider the subject of public improve incuts upoitcd that In the opinion of the ntv attoiney no bonds i in bo issued tins Vt * ir for any pin pose CM opt for dlstilct piv- ingiiiul dulling improvements , and that nn grading can bo donpo\cept at the expense of the piopoity owneis. 'Iho Hillou elect lie light oidinanco was agiln intiodiiccd and lofiued to the eomniit- teoon gas nndelediic hu-lils 'Ihe chirtei committee will visit TJncoln prjbablj on 'lliuisdtrv to look after the bill now bofoio the legislating amending the v's laws. nonus lie Cliiined IloViis Looking ior 'IcxaH 'I i'i in Kohlicr" . Soigcint Wliulen ami Detective Siyago nriested a hous deteitivo list night in a liouso on Ninth stieot J'ho fellow Is not moio tb m twentv two jcnrs old , tall and jiowei fullv built , and poses as a soitof "Jaok-tho- Ohint-Killer " lie win cnteitaming the inmates - mates of the house by showing a pilr of hand-cnlTs niul a star he caiued and relating iinaginaiy siiimmages ho claims to have passed thromjli lie had on a long black wig and a hcnvj false inoustaihu and looked ipilto wild and wooly borgennt Whalen naked him who ho was. "I am a dotuitlve , Mr , " loplied the ro mantle boiling jouth " 1 am looking for Texas tnln routCis I belong to the United Stites Itnngcis , " and ho pioduced his stai , upon which the woids "Assisfint Captain United Statis Uungcis" is insciilicd Just at th it point In the einvcr = ation Detec tive bnvngo laid his hand on the joung iran' wig niul lifted it otf The heio was veiv much ion fused , and , like Samson of old , his powei and pio\v ess vanished with t ho remov.i ! of his lony hair Ho was locked up at the station Hu gave llio nainoof W II. ( oadv i'hu ollkois think ho Is a daiiReious man and has been inasipiei uling in the wig and iriOiistnrlio uhilo piepuing to hmglaiUc homo ie-iideiico 01 business house heio. Lniiisniid HCVOH Ariaigned. , T. I'nnis mid Patiick Ivoxesweio airalgnci in the police conit yestoidaj upon the tuple ch.ugos of lurconv , liiuenj as bailie mul em ue//lemi'nt. C L Wolfe , the coinnlnnnnt was piescnt anil the indications seoincd ti point to the pooling of ibsuos between bin and l\e.vcs and ng dust Kinds Janus Shllds of Cra ton , In , was cdlcd to the witness stniid mul testified that ho Ind acted as agent for Ahs Wolfoand mil emplojid Kiinis nt-l . duv to locate \Volfo. Ilo lined him on balm daj , rebriiiirv 7 , paid him $ I and disihargei , him on the following Momlij Shields said that r.nnis loprosented himself to bo depntv shiriff and showed him iibtnr At this point Alt Gannon said ho c died to rjncoln and wanted the cato post noiied .huliru Hclsloy postponed the fm ther Leai Ing of Ihe case until Friday at 10 o'clock MM Wolfe \\as ptiiont and fuinishcd bill for hci iccrcant hntbaMl , who lias been hold as n witnessIt is undoi-stood that Kinds has p dd Mrs Wolfe i . ' 00 , which hoadmiu he got fiom SI. IjilliiiiN Imj. .Special services were held last night at St. Mnthias Kplscopil chinch , on bunth 'J'cntli fitieot , in honor of ht lUuthias duj and the SKth anniversary of lllshop AVorthingtou's lonseciation .ts blsho [ ) of Nobiaskil Dr. Doheitv dellvoied the uddiess , taking fora subjcd , "Jho 1'osltloii Occupicit bv Chils tlin Mluisteib In the I'lau of Salvation. " 'llu seix-Kcs iv nociy intotestlag , and notwith standing the iiuhimeneyof the weather thoio w.is a largo attendance unite. Tin : Umir Mini nml Tuncf A few davs ngowhtlo sitting In Klder Hros.1 drug stoio at Tlngloy , la , Air. T , L D.vor. a well . .novvn cltUen , latno in mid asked for something for a severe cold which ho hid. Mr Uldor took divvn a bottle of Chaniborlaiira cough lemudj and Bald "Hero is something I ein recommend. It commands a lingo sale and /ivus genuine sat isfaction It is an oxiollent preparitlon and cheap" Mr Djer purolmed a bottle anil the uo\t day when wo saw him ho said ho was much better , mul the day following up- iioiuod to boentlioly cnrod 'Ihls ts n spec imen of the otlietiveiioss of this nrcpiraiiou. Tor sale by all Uiuggist.s. Vloliml/.rd liy a l-'orger , 1'oter Schmidt , who keeps u saloon nt Ninth nml Jackson streets , was \lctitnUcd } esterdnj bv a forcer. Ho cashed a check for fr > .f > 0 , purporting to Imvo been signed by the Arctic Ice company , but thoslgnatino proved to bo a lorgery. Schmidt does not romutnbor the nix | | > aiaiico of the man wuu piiaenttd tuo check. TIIHY TM.lll.lt TKJIl'r.ltAM K. Discussion of IhoVoiiH'ii's Vjttlonal Council at U aHliliiglon. vV snir A , I'ob Jl In thomnrmnp "x's slon of the U omens N Minimi council the general subject of tcmpoianco wasionsld i rod Miss I'l.mclsVllliid Introduced Mis ,1 Lllen l'o tor , prrtMuVnt of the Neil 1'nill nn National m m's Christian romporanco nlon , vv ho spulto of tlio work and nliiH of ici organl/atlon itspivat central doctrine , ho said , w is toUl nbitlneneo for the indl- Idual and pruhlhltlon for the state Her nion believed absolute political hbuU wns ' iniiih the tlrht of a worn in as that of innii l'lie > believed 11 w ron g to allv thonwlv c < s to .ny ono political piul > 'Micro woio uoblo 'hristlin icmperiincoworld'is in nil pollthal uutlc ! , Their lePicMentiitivcs had iccelvod id and eiHouingenieiit from noble men In joth of tliegteat political oiv.iiiliitlons , and t looked like b id faith to aslt these men for | eli > and then combine ul the next election to lofi'llt thel ) Mis May 'I' Lnthiop of the National Roman's I'luIstl in TeinperaiKO union mid di-s. Matilda H Lai-soot Chicago nlsospolu. Kolihcis , lulled. H ,1 Alatti'sonwho lives at MO Woolwoith nionuo and woilcs for the \utlo leo com- i.iny , wns held up and tobhed lust night light about 7 no near the comer of Hixth tieot md Woolwoith avenue A II Smith lid \vllsoiiilld the job one of them hold ing Matteson bj tbo tlnoit while the other iv eat tin ongh his pockets The robbers got 11 7f. Tlm > wete ncogni/od at the tlmo bv Mntteson as two men vvhovvorK with him for he sime Ice nimpanv 'llio thteo inon weio ill paid on Moiulnv and Wilson mid Smith knew tint Matti'suii had BOIIIO mone.v on his rson ontiers Sivnpe and Shnnp found the two obbcis loiiiiiling un the saloons oii'llili- centh stieet nml they weio lodged In Jill bofoio ' .i o clock \ I'm oVoi III fighting I'dr. Svs ANTONIO , Tex , l > h Jl [ Special Tel- 'grnm ' to Tin. Hi i : I Hllllo Sims mid Sam lot lluur , well known spoiling men of this city , nnnniinco that theywdl glvo a pmso of r > , OiW foi alight toallnish with skin-light ir ounce gloves between Hob rit/slmniotis mdJIm llallof AiHttalh , the light to take , ) lace in Kin Antonio dining the last weilt In October 01 thuilist week in Novembet 'I hey gnaianteo piolection and will dopos-ll ? . ' , DIH ) us soon as the match is made with 'It her Dicic Hoc-he of St Louis or Luke shoit of 1'oit Worth , and two weeks Ix foi e ho light will di'poitt the full aiiiount w ilh eithcioftho above n lined nun. 'Ihe con estants mny ague upon the toims of the inalcli foi the puisoofJliXiKK ) of wliicli < , ( ) ( ) goes to the losei , Mainuls of Quiensbeirv lilies to govcin , the inineipils to fmnish their own seconds mid to si-lcil the rcfoico DecNion In Hie O'M.illoy Case. ST f oi is , Mo , fob Jl fhpecid Tele- jiain to TinIII i ) The state snpieme couit n session at JetTor-,011 City , his iindeiod n dei Islon In the ciso of tlio state ox icl O Mnllos the seciotii } of stile , whidi thinly establishes the authority of the state ential committee of either iijhticnl paity to nteifoio in , iibitrito find adjust political lifferences within the party This was a pioceeding wliich glow out of Pitiick O'Mallev'siesistanco totho older of thoslato committee calling new pilmaiius n.id a new onvintion in the Sixth congi-essioii ildistiict last fall 'iheoplnlon was i omit led bv Judge Shot wood The couit denies Ihopeimnptorv wilt and holds that the LI mial committees ot politic d pirties have n light to aibitiate and differences between candidates. I'atcntH \Vextcrti Inxcntors. WVHIIIMIIOX , Fob. ! J4. ( Special Telegiain to Tut Hi i- I The following Datents weio ssucd today 12 Mitthow , C ( .iambic , Stanton , Neo , loin suppoitin ling foi hai- ness , Cliarles C ( Silman , Eldoin , la , cover ing for steam and hot w iter pipes , Ch.nlos . ( iilinan , Kldora , la. , underground rallvvaj conduit , Clans Johnson , Amelia , la , boot or shoo cleaner John S Kldil , DCS Monies , In , wagon dump and elev al r , Mchoso M ICil linger , H.ittlo Click , ? sob. , cockojo , Law- icncu II I'anl , Wvomlng , la , letutn piillv , Clmiles 1'iescott and M II Bennett , Pair- inont. Neb , sand scieon , Ch.iancoj W Smith , Hinsh Cieck , In , car coupling. runic A Snow , David City , Nob. , stovepipe pipe fiHtonoi Death ol' I'roiiiiiient DaKotnns. Mm m i uS U , rob ! > ! - - tHpecial Tele- gi mi to Tin IJn J lion H. C Ajcis of Plaiikintoti , a member of the state bo ird of legents , died at tint plaio last night ef neil inliria of the hcait Ho attended alirand Aimy of the Republic camp llro 01 the snmo ening ( and made the closing uddicss Ilo was n pioinincnt law jer and was well known in the state ( joneial John Law Icr who died this morn ing at I'tnirlo du Chlcn , was the father of Hon John D Luwler , piesldent of the First National bmk of this citj , and vias tlio oiigin.il ownei of tin ) town site of Mitchell and had huge intcicsts heiio at the time of his death iT Kennel ( lull I2xlillllon. ) ( Ni vv Voiih , Teh Jl | Spoclal Tolegiam to Tin HiiMndlson ] iinaio ( g'ltden was \ei.v animated this ovoiiing , this being the llrst div ol the fifteenth annual bench show of the Westminster keimul club Tlio exhi bition lias ol Into je.us assumed such dimen sions that it has bccomo no unw orthy riv al of the woild-lamcd dog show * itiAgiKiiltural hall in London , and the pn-bUiil one iclip es all termer iccoids Tinliinpiohs I'lcdri Irlta .H Pai-ix. Pvins Pel ) 31 [ Special Tolegtam to Tin III iTho i | Kinpic'ss I'mleucka todav in- spooled the ( Joiniiw govoinesses' homo nnd cille'd upon a iiiiinbcr of ni lists nt theli studios The c-iiipross vas also nrosi-iit at u binqnot nt tlio ( Iciiniii cmbvsbvvlileh was follovvod bj ft nuisic.il sohcovhich vv.is nt- ti'mlcHl by inanj members ot tlio diplomatic corps. _ Ooos to Hie Snj > i'cni ( Coin l , CllIO ! ( ( , Tot ) 'Jl JllllpO lllodRCtt till' mottling decldoil thetaso of Miishall lAeh .1 Co , involv ing thovaliditj of tho.Mc-KIn \0) \ tin ill net. Ho said1'ho best dlsposi lion iho couit c-iii ni.ilto of the matter Is to .ifilrin the decision ot tlio npurnisers at New YoiU , anil allow tlio case to KO dnect to tlio suiiruino couit. " An appeal will bo made at once 'IInln lUiiiiclic-Mllchcll Kuko. Sruvsiieo , Tob. il ! Tlio diiectors of CilifoinliAtlilotic ! club liutiilKlit decided to po-itpono the conslcloratlon of the question nf aw tiding the vic-tory for the MUeholl La liliinclio light till next Monday night Clnugus have been iniUo that the tlgnt was sold. Hi'iiU'iiri'il for Idl't- . Nivv Yoiih , Tob 24. .Innicb Douphcity. the Insane lov 01 of Mary Anderson , vv ho shot and killed Or Llo.vd of the Flnllwsh insane asjluni , was sontciieud toduy to biiin blny state piison foi hfo I0\oiliihtlii | ; to Oklalioinii. Ijitriv. HIK K , Atk , I'ob y L An exodus of nog iocs to Oklahoma from this siito Is in process Last nluht toy left 1'ulaskl c-ounty and liy next balm cl.iv f > 00 more will havololt. Do Witt's LUtlo i.nly : KISOIS , nest Illtlo lulls for dyspepsia , sour stomach bad bienth. Dcl'mudcd nn I\IICMH ; | roinpnii ) . Cviiio. Ill , I'ob -Victor I Clink lias been nniistod , c-hnrt-'cd vvilh having do- ftaiulc-d llio Amcrii-an cxpioss coinpanj of vat ions biinii of monuy All aonlp and skin dlscws , ilandrulT full- hit , ' nf tlin haii , giuy or failed huh , nun DO IMI ml by nslinr that iiatino's line louie'dj , Hull's ' nuirUenovvor A Tax Collector Miort. HUM -nvi iI'a , Pol ) 21. Prank Hnbel 10- onlly 10 elected tax collector of Texas township , has dlsapiioaied , Ituviug a bhoit- ago of f , ' . ' ,000. Ask for Vim Iluutcm'd Cocoa. Take no other , , irv 7'i/ii ; A nr ir/vr. ; te'e'tvvo fecit thtclc and clear at crntnl Is being luu vested nt Nlobrnrn l'ticnornor I'lmvor leotuiod on "I'lio Soldii't ' nt Mltnlen Mondnv nlijlit The 1'lrst National Imnlt of Columbus bus lust Iliiti d the "iiU lilc < uv ings stump si homo Mhuhni lind ilnothi'i' JIO.OOi ) lireMoiulav mottling H U Marsh s hnuhvaio stoio unil IM Shin's inont tnnvkct wen1 Inn neil Tlio l.nilli-s' ( ' ( -ineti't-v soi-loty of Silver 1'ioolc. nftirn long situgiilo , Imvo siiKoedod .n . SIM in Ing tlii'h In-ill to It un Iv ed list vu-oli , and the ladles nui hippv Hi * lloshiivv , who fm-iiu'ilv prnetlced lien- Hampton , died Siitnrdav from u * > elf nilmln islet-id do-oof chloral He had of lute IK on loiiflilug school niul luul snow n iniic-h do SpOlle'CIIC ) While ilnolt Conwnv of Nlobnr.ifii ( ill ling \vond \ the noanglit ovei a elothes line , vvhlih vv 11 Hlrololiod o01 Ids head , nnd 011110 low n taking him tin the head nnd tutting u tettiblo gash. There weio t\\n \ uMlttiamfors nindo at Hustings satinilny , ( ho consilient ions being M.oui ) Thi'iii vveiotlvvi'lvot'hnltle moitgagos Hod nml llvo tolciisoi , nnd font cases Illeil in the dl itt let eotnt .Mm Stevenson's freighting otillll from llinaha , Unit hnd tlu-t-onti let of govoitiiiicnt "UMglillng nt Phio lildi'o din Ing the Iiulimi tionbliIs on itsvv.n to Oiiiahn 'Ihero aio iiltont llftv liinr-lioiso tc-ains 'llio niovniiii'iit nmiiftmntoil In Hastings , ICiMinox and Ili-attlee Is one to mlvoittso nut nnlj Iho cities themselves , but the stnli nt lui-ge' , nnd It will not on iv heinellt c.ieh oft ho I'ltlcH mimed but cvorv othci town in lht > stuto The Sundnv e'hools of Ilattlev clri'iilt lii-hl n voi ) prolltnblo convention at Huttlev Mm da\ 'iho spi ikois tonuhod upon nonih nil tlio pl.u-tlral Vioi-K to bodono In the Sniidnv school nml Inspired evoi ) one vvltlin diMiv lo do bolter won ; . Win It on Hastings'bore foi gas has boon stopped fm nick of funds The hole is d ivvn 1.17' > , mid is eonipli'tol } tubed to thnt depth All ( ont-ciiied soe-m sanguine of a tii-h stillc < > being innilo , and nn efioi twill bo in ido to so cute mono ) enough to ptilthodi ill down . ' , iiitl fCI't fCI'tJs'm Js'm folk hnslness men held i mooting to discuss the pioiinsc'd county division Aftot Ihoiougli consider illon It w is tloiided tint as Noi ( oik s illations with both sides in the matter \veio lilondl ) the town should lenmln neutral Thisvv 111 hold ifnlll the petition is mvsonteit and tlio sentiment of tlio people teained ilndgo Mntiliall has lofnscJ toentcitnln the oscuso olTe-ivd bv n ] m v man of the pies out teim of con it at Schnv lor tint ho w.is an lioioratv lli"iiian , holding a propi-r tiitili ( iitofioni his comp in v , for the teisoii thai the sccietni } and fin0111,111 of the eoinpanv In u lilon liu belongs tailed to Hie a e-citllli ilo of inomboishlp u Itli tbo cleilc of tlio couit , as piov 1 'oil ' by the statutes Mlndeii is picpaiinp for a splint ; building boom On tlio slto of the Kcont conlligra tion e\tnvntions have been ninilo for two twostoi ) brick buildings ' ) . ' \so foot , to bo oicilod by Ii \V. Ilnnninnd and W If 1J ( in Aii.nigoiiHiits to rebuild tlio eulltc binnt dMilct luuo boon made , and ailjoining It on theetst T Thoin hns Ir-t a contiact Ioi a sixtj foot ftont two stoij biicl ; Aitliin Iliniitof I'inotson made com Dlnint hofoio Coiint.Itidgo Uevnolels Hint Cieotge Hnitigfelil vv.is the man who stubbed thcllaiiitv biotluis in n saloon ion las' month hhenlT Hoci ivC'iihaiur nuested lint rigfuld in thewc'sletn put \\a\nu count ) niul toolhim to I'liiuiilust week Ioi oxnmlna tion and he was put innlor bonds in the sum of $ Ho ) to appeir nt the nes.t let in of disttkt com t. The county of 'Wajnohas DOtioneil the su piomo cunt t to onjoiti the iiflknls of llmis- ton poniitv fiom collecting tn\es in thetetri- toi ) winch la clainud In both countits It \Viijnoeountv Is successful Ihoio will be no longer anv Tliinston conntv. 'I'lioio is a question whether the tiact in dispute v\ns < nor k'gallv attached to Wavno , but the net elclining the bouiid.ilies of 'Iliiiiston coiiulv makes that comitv lap on Dakota count ) , ami lot that reason the act is void. Iowa. The boio for an aitesl in well at Clailndi Ins toadied i depth of > > ( ) fe'ot. The Scott count } gtand jmy cnnsidci-s the Stott county Jail unlit for human habitation Tlio 01 plums'homo in Davenpoit contains .ilU Inmates , thlrt ) being from Scott count ) Tliol'iilted Hietlncn societ ) will build a chuidiin Muscatino to soil oOJ nnd cost itO.OOO to $7,000 SociLtnrj George n Mcl'-lwain of Cieston Ins icccived a letter fiom I'loiiiH nskinn If spice would bo ffinnteil that ntnto foi an ex hibit at the blue glass palace D iv i nport has tlono no si heel honso btiild- IIIL- since 1ST ! ) A now building is wanted , howovri , and thoqtii stion of tin thoi I/in i ? nu oxponilituteof ? l * .i)00 ) to meet the need will bo volcd on nt the appioac-lilng election The follow iiigjis the estimate of funds u- quiunl fnr the Muscatino nubile schools lor the ensuingear Tenelicrs' fund , $ "ifjiK ) , contingent fund , * i , V ) . school honso fund , 8 , ' , 170 , school book fund , ? 7Jl ) , total. rtls70. ! Moioj hospital nt Davenpoit contains thii- IV two vv omen and twcnUtin c-e man in its iiis.ino dop ittment ami four w omen nnd four men in its sick dopattmonl , all olvhom aio Scott coiintv c-lniges Them nro nhout ono liumlied and llfl ) insino fiom oilier counties in tbo hospital. Cedar Rapids dut ing the p ist } ear 1ms expended - ponded t > lO"i,7M'Tli ' , impoi tloned as follows Oiditiineo committee' , ? ltlJ7'l ' ' 'D ' , hl'h\\ ( \ - , , * 10,1'U SI , liiianee , > > ls.i J 71 , uas , j-ll/iso ol , water , ! 1'JOil bO , sulowalks , 5ris'iin , ' , scw- us , ยง . ' 1,1 IU Os , pnblioiiiipiovoniints-lli)0 ) ! , link- . , $ "i17-0 , toads , $7 , " ( > s ii'i , boiid of lieulth , * 'H"ii ) ' | , mi'-ccllaneous. IJ7-1 b7. Dr. nirnoy euros catnirn , I3co bidg. Complies -with the lAchango Hulos. Mr W II Voiis , book-kooper and cashier of the Ameilean livestock commission coin- pan j at South Omaha , calld ( at 'I nn Hn of lice list evening and icquested the following statement to bj published tocoiroet cirono- ous statements inadvei tnntlv made In 'I m Hn-and untiuo icports calculated b } Intei- osted patties about llio American llvo stock comiiilssion coinpui } . "iho Amciican live stock commission company is mcoipoiated accoidlng to the laws of the state of Illinois , with J.'iOJ slimes of btoik ol the par value of $100 , limited in distiibution lo stock lalseis mid tu twentv- tlvo shaios to any ono subset Ibur n every e ise the compiny Ihes up to and liteiall } complies w I'll all uiles and b.v-livvs of local stock exch ingrs. The statements , given ctiuonc } tint llio conipinv culs or di\ ides commissions , are absolulolv without foiiiiiliition The eoiinnibsloiib , IKid bv the local oxeliungcb niu chiugcd on eveiy 1011- signinent of stock vvhetliei it bo from nn oftlcer , stockholilor ot shipping pation The business of the company is 11 ms.utod In ox- nctlj the simo m inner , the chirgcs mo the same as tho.I ami's H Campbell commission comimiv , the Mcl'loud Loie commission company or the. Him ( Josnoy commission coinpmj , and llio protlts mo declaied nml iiiid to stockholders ns is done in other Inroipor itcd or ctuirteied toinpanips Hilling Iho companv's llsi d vo.u endiiiL' November .10 , Is'iO ' , commissions atnouiitlng to $ ' > , ll'i. ! ( ) , weio icceivcil fioii poisons vvlio weio not stockholders and pot ono of whom , diiec liy or iniliiuctlvu iv- ce'ived a slnglo mat ns a lobato , i oinniHsion or eompiiisiilion for shipping to their eom- p in ) , but evetv cent thoienf wont Into the tieasuiy fnnJ and w ilh oilier coinmlssions w ns i ec oh od l > \ slnckhnldois , less llio ox pomes , in the shape of dividends Tlio KM sons tlio AmoilcMii llvo stock lommissn i company does its businiis M > econoinlcallv nio that It noM-r mines aih.'iices to ) > .itrons assumes no lespoiihlhiiltv inns , no liiuud- aiul excepting Its goncral man iger and scu-o tary , pa > s no salai } to anv olllior. " The Wonderful Cailsbad Springs. At tlio Mul Ii laic rim I Inn il Medic iH'onpri - . Ill A I , A TiHllmlt. of tin I'nhoi.-llj u I'cnns ) him I i , road a p ipoi si u In.1 that out n Ihlilyi.iM - , 11 cat i d with the Kin ul no I lupin t < i Uailsh iilsptmi , i . | | i , poudi r funn. tuinlj six OKI cut 1111) i m i d , ilni'o mm h Im m ON i il atiilonoiKit In ill ( Mom ; iitniiiitli Ainim.'lho lindei i ii'iitiin MI were < i-us of i linmlc IOM-I i pa I Ion. h > pin hum ! i la. dn-n isiuif Iho I Ivor am killings laiinilloo adlposis , dlnliilis < ln > p-.y from \ ah ulnr lioarl dlhcisi' , dj spepslii iai lairlnil Inllniiimntlim nf Iho MOIIIIU h , ulioi n IliiiKldin n luu | iUi ii.olilldionvtltliiiiaiiisiiiii foul , rlieiimnllHiii nf iho jnlnU. uiavil nti Tliuavuiuyo I line of tie itmcnl was four weeks With His Thumb A tut ) HMM loluuo i-i\M ( from IWiml.llloll Mulllttltlci li.tvn ln > i II MU'd ( ruin ilu < imitMon < t ( ( lion i < tij n tiolllrtol Ai < r'rinmi < nrilh lni | > irti Inuo In llio < ) Mrm flint t fid ) oiKnn mill llMi-ot Hi" lml > "I IlltO t ikl II I ( Ml ll ll Ml " ' I"1'11 III ! ' , lull nnlliliiK liu ilniio tin' o timi'li pond 14 AJIM'S Sun ipiillla I i'V | > i'tli'iii''d ( IU t IH Ililnl t'lli'ot * li'foti' I liiuliiiUi' | IlllWn'il mill liolllo. niul I ( .III ( It'll ) It-Mil ) III it II l III. . ' IlI'M WiHxt III , illl'llH' I kllOVV Of"- I. \ \ . Vatil , < r , WniMlliuid F v n "I'otiflnrd In nu oftloii < 1 int. from otio jt'ii' * tiul in niHilhor.llh liiilo or no o'lf- ClllOr t'M'llllO , I fllltl J'.llMt Ili'lp III A > I'M Sui ijuilllii , wlili-li I line mi'il fori'Ml j ( IM , and ant lit | in' < i-nt inlncltli cvi.l- . K'lil n-Milii It riulili'-t UKin kiMt | nlv1)1 ) lit tnpint. . inl Miii ! tlio In ( ot hi ilth ' II l Humes , Malilin Mm. Ayer'sSarsaparilla i mi MI m HV KR J C AYKK it CO , Iovvoll , Mj' . l < ruKillii ! ti ! x { ) V mil } nbollli ) . &M1UMPH REVS' 'VETERINARY SPECiriCS For Ilornes , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , ! AND POULTBI. flflO I'nnn ItntiK an Ti i nt nu nl of.\nlnmlrt I'm ! riiim r riit In c. cnirnd'ri i rKPnnii ( < NtloiiKiliiUnnimnllnu A.\ . ( ' Illlllll llllltilluills. 1IIIU I I'M-I- . Jl.ll. "Il iilii > I.iiiiii-iiruM , Ithrinmillsiii , . . II , I ) . - Unix nr ( irnlipiirni4. . . , . . - - ( ' ' , Ili'MMF , I'm immune. I . I' . Colic or ( irlpr * , Hi-lly..i-lio. ( i.e. UlxinirliiKC , llriiini rlinuo" . Jl.ll. "I i tnill > nml Ktdili 1 Dlil llm'K. I.I.--I rntnUo JIlHoiiHi's , Mntiui' . .I.K.-ll"iiiHi'Hiil Dlui'iition , I'nriilynlr. SliiKleliotlloo\crWiUi90'i ( ) , - - .110 Cnnp , with Kinilflp-i Mnnurtl , _ Jnr \ ( icrluury Cun Oil , - - l.OO Sold by DniKnIsHi or Sent Prepaid nnywlicro and in any quantity on lu-cclrl of rilco KUMPHnEYS' MBD'OINEOO , Corner W iliain unit John SIB , Now York. HOMEOrATUIC ( SPECIFIC NO.I In ueo A ) jrnrs The only microsfnl rciuuly for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nnd 1 roitratiun from over w. t\i \ or olhi r MUHCH. Ifl ] > or tlal , or ftMjUnn.il/iri.iMln . / ! powder , for Jt. SCIIH ) tDm orti TH orw ntHwtjwl 1 onn\elpt of iirlce.-IIUMPllREVS' MEDICINE CO , Cor. Wlhlam and John Sis. , N. Y. LlBtrig Company's ' EXTBACF OF BEEF , " In Darkest Africa. " By Ifcnry l\f. \ Stanley. ' * J ! " nj's Uv tract vsns of the choicest. " I'atfo > ' ) \ ol. L "Llobitf and me.it houps had to bo propnicd in if w s fa n 111 e i cu t IK r crn vwn quantities lo fcerooutoup fulf to oneh vvc'itlvonod intin as lie stag- Bcrcd in. " Page so , Vol 1. ' Ono M.uli mnnugcU to eiavvl near my tout. * r * Ilo 'vns at once borne to a fuo and laid within a few inehes of it , mid with tlio addition of n pint of hot broth made from the Liulnt ; Compui\'s ; ICstract of Mcitvo restor ed hiiiito ln& senses. ' ' Vol. 11 , Pupo fib. fib.Dr. Dr. Ecdes's Decision in Regard to Complexion Preparations. Thny Are Not All Injurious Strong Words of Proof In Letters fimi a Well-Known Phjsi'-lin incl Chemist HOllUa G lUCI.Ks , M 1),11 | De-mi' tree ! llniioKl V N Jim . ' -i 141 I ondon Toilet Ilvir Co ( , r\rl \ MLS ' 1 ho forniiiln of I'lnntn llcitrlrolm\- liiKlifen "iilinilttol I" nn1 I nu friulo ? i > Unit it Is nn I'xdlli'nt nml I'orfo * tl > linrnili"i ono niul sn frio from nn\ tiling of n IIOOIIOIM | ntliiro tli it Hiirli t\ cjinliln illon iniKlit liu hnalloni il nil In ) ill lnjur > 1 ( in h(0 nn re isim t > h > It bhouM lint ncuitui ll-li whntjoii chilli fi rlt K ei I CCI.I s London Tullct 11 i/iu ( a ( iMiiMtN \ u hn\lnc Mitmilttul llio firmnli of 1 lull \Vorm I'lsto nn I riniplo Id mmtr t > mi > I cm ronirloiilloiifly roconiinenil It IIH bilni ; i i. "I cuiiilln itlnn nut runt lining enl ) filth roineullcH u 111 U null ! lliovu rcqulrlni : II Of Ihi-mitulicM of lolli I nrlli IP' that IIIMM mio lioforu in > nntlii'iiml tint lire Intiniltil Ii r HHKIUIO ll-i"-i I'l.'ii 11 Hi itrlrennil I lc \\orin l'a < > lp tlic uiilinillti' I fiiriuul it liow > nuri lo Im tlin enl ) i lies islti mi are ijiiitti lurnili HA II ( , reel I S PLANTA BHATRIUE temoves Moth ml Liver Spots nrovonts Sunburn an I Tan rostoroa the color and youthful sottncto ho slcin , niul keeps il perfjot in any cllm.itu Price ij > l iif > , iist-jnll. ) ) ( FLE-.H-WOKM PASTE refine-j ind maUos binooth T rough , porous Hlcln , entirely ro- movoh Flesh-Worms iBltck Ilonds ) , .1 posi tive euro for Pimploa and Krnptlons Price $1.50 , post-p-viil. These ire the most reimrltiblo prepira- tlons of the iigi > l v rj app ic-.itiou will itn- provo yntr compl-xi n For STO ! by nil DniRisti nn J Dealers. ItlnnufirturrJ faolt Ij by LONDON TOILET BAZAR CO. , 3W-10 Wnst J3 I St , .114 U'J ' nast 17th bt , NKW YHHK , TT M A NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Mp Hnc fnr ' ( Tit rln.DIJtinrif.F'ti , wurniaWiiho ! ( fulntbt , Mrntnl l > fpi.iilon , boficninj ? nf thu liralu n > suitingIn lnianit > H id Ibndlnif to inU iy Uoiar u 1 tUutli Pri-maturo Ot 1 Aw JUirenncaa l o or t'owir ItioHhcr rax , Invoiantary I.O AOH , ami Mjsrniotu rhd i cnuiw I l > y u\vr ukuitiu \ uf Um drain i glri < luH or ovft Inilulrfenc * * tach ! K T foniBlniundmonit'stront- nunt tl o IM t , or lx for 0 > . tent 117 ntfiliuerMi L With inrh urtltr for tlioir \ , will + vupnril.aM \ r ( TiArntitcu lo iffuml ncmy U Cno treMrmnt fulls to ruru UuAriUt ) , * d IMU K ! mi lutuujpu m liionly by liOOUMAN DKUt. CO. . 1110 1 uriiuin Stint , - Oiiinha Ni-l > Winslow AVilkcs , The Jai.li at l-yoar-olcl paolnu st ilium In the World , Iliiuril. ' II I . ' nt I utliik.tuil Iv ) < il ( it'll by Illiuk \Vllki4 liuilr : Mm nt nlllaaki llu MIIIUI t IMI al H'U \ Oil n nln 11 inn ilui St > l > st \ > vt ixi 1 % Itli us jul ri turn prutl * * . * * I-1 VNM llV ( ill I ( UM JOSEPH GiLlGTT'S ' STEEL PEPJS. GOLD MEDAL , PAnu CXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST kJLRFECT OF PENS. SAVING LABOR. CLEANUNCSS , DUOMI UTY& CHE APNESS.UNEQUAllED. No Onon WHEN HEATED. I , 1 MilI 111 I ) RJ. , SIMPSON ; MOO ami 1111 Doilct * St , Oinalm , Net ) . /fL "Jfllik 'M m % 27M * rjkS lit II III IIS III First Glass CarriaciBS , Tin I ' i 11 h * ! V Ii s I hi I IIVM Ht I'll e s x.i > UK l'\ IIU'Nl. < . i > l H II I P \M1 't-I'.MI > N'I i- . ' IHIia'MClllSOMA. BOYD'S. . lln n Nl , ; , February ! 23 iM-r iIMI IN DM\n\ I in M m Hi M ilk il Ii I uli' l > Ml i ln > n I ! I HOYT'S R Texas Steer , llnvl iiia-ti i pli * Nn inn * \\lin lines u pi nu in In ill- , liniiisl I iiiu'b i in nl'i'i'l l > ml1 it uli nf si ills liovslns ' - in M 111 ti Jill n prli i s 2 'I IIIMM MUM I'sM ) > \ \ ( ItDNV MAIIM U I III ! Illlll M VM' MV SI VII , ' Mrs. LESLIE CARTER In llu I oin AU1 uiu I ) llrnrti , Ugly I'ri ilur od unili r Itin illrc < tlnn of Mil HAII ) 111 I VSi D Tlir * nmo ril * 1 1 PI y and HJ i iitiiliucntH IIM nt llio llu II\\H > I In iti i V' Vurk I'm > hcct opiii VVcilniHiln ) luuniliiKil rc > i.nliir " DIME SDEN MUSEE. \\lll \ Luv Ior , MnmiKor * 'm lllii mid rnrnini \VI ru 01 UlllUtK \ " < rd Ciistirn I i"t t ) i II ) II ill-mil V roull'llc pTt ivnl i t that mliilit ) i.inlllil In tthlih Iho lirnMi ml T lo t lili llfi ! A Will t.imiu I linto Ilio union | H-rfurtinnri. nf llio o isnn liiln durlnit \IM \ in il i mill " nj" fininv mi ) Inn * nnlBrnioful 131 VI o irn si t.r- ( * | ili'ii liitf Mfinrf nil 1 ilnncti nr- s I'm iinin mil I'-hlli' llio ihllil nrll-t mil u nip uir of lilont 1 1 c HII illiuiH DR. J. E. McGREW , THE SPECIALIST. l ( > Von IN' LNpcrldii' " . PRIVATE DISEASES Curcilln I to > ilavH nlth nt Hie lnsiofnnli nr tinio troin bii lnt in 'I lit * must nb4ututo iiin'firdlPI T anil nil mini N lucllt ( liaruos c\IT known lo nu Hi td cclprifo1M1IIIS mvnrrnntcd iuruIn IUtoMdity-4 ) 'Ilui most pimerful niino I ) ) ( t knon n Mr n 11 mm- n cut euro si UK 1 L-'ltKor 1'iln In nlluvlim the1 lilu I' ilor , ciircil nt liniiir without lmlruin'iit : < no iiittlni. nupiln noilllntlnz 1,11-- , nf Mmilmoil ur Vo kn > 11 luslthi'l ) ciroil lust nil r lk f kin ilKciiM'i aul ft'iuiliMlln iii's | i rniint'iill ) ciin I Ir ) Miiirowi 8iice-H4 ( In llio Ire unit nt of 1'rluiti' lHiM ) [ t4 h ti ni'M rlii i n uimilloil nn I hi * ( .ri-at iirni ) of inlnu roni hoi tium tin Vtlnnlli ti > llio I'lcllli Iti , ikn iinl tlrculnr- > I illt > fnii i . ' In 4 mil ) lull mil 1 nrnim Unc'K Uii.uha NtLi lnlrun < . 'un eitlior Mr.ot lortlintrcntiiiiht f nil C HIIOMP MIl l 111,11 Vli Dlssi4 | Um ,4 Vitli'i" ' IHI rl ) foiinltii's ml 'I rimi'i Hii | i , nil i's V | > | iiriitunn I Hi nii'itiM f * ruiicui * flll tr utlli. lit uf uv ( \ tiiriu f lisi * 4o lii'iulrliiki Moilu il ir uiuiinl Ir itin it MNI \ \ UDOM1(111 I'VIIISI- lloirl mil Vtl < iiiln'ia Hot A < i nun il ill , IKV ( \\ilml rcliiiilirs ill | ) i fiimiltlii nn I Ur in < | III M > I luh I < i-t ( un i tuns nf * iilni' I'llM , 'I iinori I niu i r latarrli , Ilronrlillli Inh ilatl ui lliclrlrll ) I'anljsK Kjiii- < ) > > l\llni > - < Illiililir I in I nr skla mil III I , an I ill "iiri.li il ( , | it rntlnni DIM' \ - > l ill- HUM I N l vu | i I ill ' II u k u | ) l4i i i " nf VVtiinia In * V\il \ funtiltl * ailtid i Irlnt la l > i'irlnii [ nt f irVV tiuun liirlnj. c intliii nu nt i-lihih l'il\ il , l Unit Ithi lili Mi-lliiil In-lllutc llnklnn n r-n'dvlty | .if 1'ltl \ VIIlil l VM H AM 111 ni Hi-i i-i'i KIK n if nil ; triMlul Vluilliluii or liMtriiiiionl-i M nt l y mall iri \tn > s CD i ly 1 u ki il n > iniik-4 li > in hi ito i onti'iiti , rf < n ii f Out pcr-i ntil Inii'rtlt'u i n fi rri I lull nil 1 1 , u i t us ui n I lilrtnrt , f your i a un I o will KI n 1 i lula ni ! > ii iirlionu Id MIN I III i : iim | I ri \nti' | i nil < r N < r ou Dlso liu nlllniiiutli > n 1 it. \ < 1 IrexHiill Ii u , is 1 1 Di . A T Me Lnufhlm | , Pt'CbidoiU , Dili nml II u in y M n i Is. Oniiili i tf ANKOOD "SVN Vll0. " the AV ( iiiili rlul Spnnl-.li II in I ) l < m I ) Mill i Vi lilt nu iniiilin < tin nil St ri iih Ii i a i uh iu \ \ , k Mn r > L > * a f lirnni I i i II i oil a i In VV i i full ts * l > , t Man h l VrviiunniM. Iji- . Before A. After Uso. muli nil ilrnlua mil . 1 * i f pnu , r of tlm I'liutixrupu , 1 frunllfi l > i oi rath t' orgauR. la PIII.IIII i [ * ill t r n x. t ULM il ly orcr ci rti nm'tful Inilicoritlnnii nr tti nr < > Hij\n use i f t ibai i u ujiimn or rilmiilaniK. ulilrli "l nntily Inl to InlnnUt I miun I'll ' , u and Inniilo Ilit iii | Ininminli nt f inn tixnrrr In t ! it tput kfL 1 rt a flit ikuifi ( r A f i r 15 VV Itli nrr > florili r up j.l\o nurltli'ii riiariinti'K to oum or K'lnnil Um inolii'jr. bint I ) ) mail tu n > aJJrt Clreular trr Mititl iithlx MIX r AilitriM. MADRID CHEMICAL CO , Hranch Offlcc forU. S. A. 117 I ) irlw niRtr t < till Vd ! tl I. lOKhMr IV ( ) MMIM'll.llV Killing l. , ( , , r llih , \ liiuwlnSU J V hnllir&ii dr llihA liiiiflaihtd . \ l > liMtir&tu 1 1 tin , il Html. Iu ' " "HOTEL DELLOHE , " L'orui r 1 1th i ml C' ipitol AVI nu Just coinjil te I , his llil ) rooinn , 1H- M ur\N ijr. Ir. HII HID top ID tliu bottom , 1\ linn ii ov ator an I elinnin ; room sirvn * , Urn jiroot through nit , tlnu billinl n iu m the linti t toilut louniH in Uiu cltv la Bnmplu r ntiin , Stiln with lith\- i IHh inut Cuintol A\i ) . Slrovtoar H riiu allcUro tluiiR , Hateu , troin$8,00 to 410