\ \ UA V DAILY HlflE , K. HOSBWATLH Kimou. laVKKY MOHMNO. TTIIMS d1 ! SltlWOUII'TIOX. Viilj amiimilny , UnuYi'ur n iiiiintl- , . , . e 'lift'o in nil * . Udtt .u.n : lit . , DaiVonr . SCO W. i.t > H t-.Oiic Vi-nr. . . . . 100 I'll ' nl n. Tlir lire Illillillli * . hiu , ili i i. . : , lm , Cfimiif N mill Mill Streft * . < ! > il IdnlTK , 13 IVnrl Stru'l. ( i . - . iinr , iiKCIiitnlKTitf Oiintnprco 7 > nV 1 1. . I ; < niii , lil4iiti ; < l ivrrtliuiip llulldtns Mn-iin. inn , ftia rimrii'i-iit Ml K'Mtiiiintratlnit ' * ii'inllnc ID iirvr * nnil n IT , il iiuitti'r HhiMilil lie ailiUcssoil to thu Ail liuslnc-sli'llcr' * niul ii-tiiltlniirriMintilil r , < liln TI | tn Tin1 Urn Plibll-Olltil ! ( . 'Olnliniiy. < tin , HniflM , rlit'ili * mid lunlnlllii' order * I. ' . . ii.iitlipiiynblu . to tin.1 order of tbo com- ii/Ecc Publishing ; Campy , ProDFictorc , Tur Her ll'M'ir. I'm mini ami HoU'iiti'i'iith Ms MVi'llS sTAJ-r.Mr.NT UP l'll'UI\TION. ! Mot. , .f . N.lini-liii. I . . . ( . .mil of | imila | I . . .in li. Tyttiiiirh , Kri-rnlnry ot Tin : HKI : I' ' i I i-O mi : i-iiinpiiiiy , il n-i vdli-iiinly vwnr id , MI. .n tntil I'lti-tilntliui of TIIH. IMII. % Hr.B f. . r I In. \ \ I > K ciidlliK I'ubriinry VI , Ib'JI , as as t ' . , . s > < inIVIirnnrv in . W.4.V ) v ii \ . I I'lirinirv 111 . "Ma 'i ' . , n \ I ohi-iniry l ? . - ' . " U..in-l . , n. I'Ybimiry ' IN . m.lW ! ' n-.i , v . IVbrmirv I'J ' . "l.ivil 1 r.i , , . IVhruary at . "Will Kiimhi > , I'oliruary " 1 . 8l..vvi "Ti2"7 \vernto , rioiion ; : n. r/.sriitu'ii. writ , tiilipfnrn inn mid inlisi'i-lbi'd in my IIIIHI-IIK- HilH-'M day of I'Vliritnrv ' A.11. 1HU N. IM'KM. . Notary Public , rtntri.f Nebraska , I I mint of Pimirlni , ( "a ( iniuiII. . Tfirlini'li ' , brliiR duly mtorii. ( lo- li miiinl Miysllint lie IH M-crt'tary ofTnillii : : : I'liMMii ' HC cotrpaiiy , thai the nctiinl aviTniSi ? ' i in illation of Tin : HAIM Ilr.K furllio ii mull i.f IVliiimry , lf-CT , lu.'M ctipli" * ; for Mit-i'li. * ! * . ! .1 > .Siii' : < iiU" | < : for April. IMW. 'JMH C"HU" . ; fiir.Mny , IS'JO. i.M.1'0 rnplcs ; fur .lime , | v 0 . ' , . ii | copies ; fnr.lilly , IMHi. Ml.tifi. i-nplu.s ; fir An" usl , 1MK > , l1 > .7fiU rnpU-M ! for Sploiiilii'r. iMKi ; . . -Ocopli'sj forOi-tobcr. I W. , ' ' ' - rop- lo fur Niivcinlicr , l.vo. ir..HW I'DiiliMj for l > t > - riinlu-r. Mm , Z,4Tt ) roplos : forJiinuary. Mil. ! t-4jii M-iilcs. ( .1:11111:1 : II , VyM-iireK. -WI.MI inl'cfiiii ! iiii . niul sulwrlliiil In my L * . IlilHillslilnyof Jniiuurv , A.H. . Ml. N. I' . l'iu , TSolary I'ulillc. Till- ' Colorado Inriiliint suyycHts lliu Importance of tliinlniif ; before lynuliiiifj. Till : nrijaiii/utimi of u iiiilllontili'os' cl'ib In Xi-w Voi-k iinpol-ils iu \ of tin1 United States si-mile. I\n.ui\n { ) ro nlation In Bomiis lilio'iy to tnlo ( the form o ( tlonof tlio letfislnturo by the rnilroiul lolby. Tun reduction in the wit oaof Pull man Hhn [ ) oinployos will ( ; < > fur towiinl rih-viitiiij , ' the uimusil dividuiul to the lit ) per rout notch. TT i ? * ponor.ally cont-oilud tliut tbo KansiiH lo ialiiLtirovlll jjass no useful railroad lofjis-lation. The loiiloi-a : pre fer-to liiivo a trt-iovaiu'o in the noxtciiin- paign. TIIH | iiKsi'o : ; ( , of tlio Atistrulliin ballot luwdcMirlvuH political worltui-s of a job anil will onaiiio inon of avora u muuim to run for ollii'o without inortKiifjinjr thoni- Holvos anil their property in tidvatiuo. A i.r.AOtxi ) onitDiat tlio woman's ' iii-o In 'waulimg'toii objouts to boiti fulled u fomtilo. lOvon ir. ) Mary AVnlkor with her mnsuulluo dress lias never insidtcil on boiiij , ' cliissod with tlio Btornor sex. A v.\i > r qiiuiitity of tuulevolopod brltio awaits Ilic invoslipiitors. It will not dote to hi'fiitcli tlio surfin'o. Tlio members 111 ast bore to the bottom it they would tap a rich strata of legislative mid executive - utivo lulji'ioator. THK ropiibUcaii party is pledged to iilolisli railroud past-us and tlio indu- pondiMits lisivo always boonj pronounrod Ufjainst railroad pushes.Vhnt lias bo- coiuo of the bills to do away with this species of cheap bribery ? THK report of the logislutivo coin- inlttoo which examined the vni-ious Btato institutions is instructive from an artistic point of vio\v. It proves that in iloslgiuiiid woi'kinuiisliip they jircservo a charming harmony in jobbery with tlio state capitol. Kvon the puttioil crai'IcH and stulTcd orevises so conspic u- ous in tbo state house are brought out with ( , 'reator dottiil in tlie various iisyhuiH. IN tlictso days of btomi and strife , vvhi'ii veteran democrats north , west and poutli iironounco against hint , Cleveland turns for political consolation to the jiiuir\Miinps. In tlio hybrid parly bosom dwrt llio claimant llnd unalloyed balm for punotui'od plntitudcs. Tin : notion of the Nebraska senate Is n Hat contradiction of ( Jovcrnmunt JJl- rector Sjialdinif's claim that Nobraskn rlamored for the extension of Iho Union Pai'itie's indebtedness to the govern- incut. Tlio memorial to eong-ress de- ininidliiH : the foreclosure of the govern ment's lien voices the sentiment of Uo- brnsku and the wost. TltHVcstorn Trallic association pro nounces the Union Pnoitlu-Xorlhvrusf oni contract "all wool and u yard wide , " This is ono of tlio nllinnees engineered by the late management of tlio Union Piu'Iflo which does not appear to "im- perU the { jovornmcnt's interests In the road. " It is fortunate for the North western that its tniillo territory does not ooiulict with tliut of tlio Missouri Tin : very best of reason exists for ro- joctinjr all bills establishing nortmil Bi'liools in various sections ot the stato. Tlio state normal school at Peru lias HOAorbeeii crowded , and is capable of uccoinmodnting double the limn- Iwr of students in nttoiidance. It 13 tlio . height of oxtravn- ( , 'nnre to erect n now school In any part of the state while the present institution Is virtually begging for pupils. If the Peru school was crowded and those do- kirinf ; to lit thonifolvcs for thoprofes- ulon of teaching \voro obliged to seek in other Htutes the necessary training , there would bo some excuse for burden ing tlio state with the expense of build ing' niul maintaining another school. Hut while the titato ntTords nmplo facilities for normal training , it Is an outrage on the taxpayers to squander thousands of dollars on institutions that are not needed. T/H ; / / iitni'T KlUVJfouru I \ rr'nut ' buiU tin fiiiui thi l < ri n i throws WHIP 1'clit < < n tin1 q'iii < - tii > M iiKiirm niorl ; njfiH in tliisoiitli mul wu t , which i. < jiiiit notr ti very timely InpU * . Aiabauri anil lo\va \ nro ii < pt4won tali vo slti IPS of tlio two w The total imirtjrittfo liidoblediiess lit fiirvo in Ahvbaiiia .lanuary 1 , ISIH , was $ , WniTosi ; ihoiivom iulobl pi-roapltu , $ ! M. the per omit < ifacrei inoi'ttriiuod a ! ) . In Iowa tlu lotnl uinrtg-tKA Indotito'lin's ' was JHiUlir)7 ! ( ; the par cent of a 'i'i'rt innrtinti'i1 ; , n.l ; the debt porcapltn sjliil. The intoi'ost rate in Alabama nuicod from 10 to40 and in Iowa from 10 to-'O per i-nnt. AH Interesting feature ot the report la UiatBlioNvliig the onuses for which farm * havoboun ' wlili'h are nioi'lgaijeil , very nhnilar in both siu'tiona. Th nvonigo farmer borrowed tnmioy on his homo to repay purchase itinnoy.to niiiko Improvo- HK-tilii , or to I'tiublo him to buy othnr In nil. It Is Hinted tint the burroivod money capital was used tosotnu oxloni to jiny llvinguxpdnaos , but no llgmvd nro fumishodoii Hns subjoi'l , and It is not Illtoly that any eonaidorable porliou of niorlgngo linlobtednnwoan bocliafffud to that item , it woiild Indoinl bo dia- couniglng if sui-h were HIOIMSO. Suvi't-jil important fuels are bronijh t out in the roport. Il Is plain , in the first place , that farlii inorttfuffoii in tlio west and south are not ay universal as has boonrlaimcd. If not innro tlianl ) . 1 jior rontof theapreasfoin Iowa U today undoiimirtfrage , thn evils involvoil in the system are much le-s [ 'onoral than iiasbneiiclalinod , It Is doubtful ifnny other line of business in llio country can iimlio a bettor showing of a < ots and liabilities than could bo computed for tliongriciiltut'nl industry on such a Insis , C It Is equally apparent that the vast proponileranco of mortgage Indebted ness in the west represents the purchase and lniirovciuent | of lands. In oUicr words , ilroprosuiils tbo devclopmont of tlio country and the operation of the forces that increase the wealth of the stain and nation , it iseorUinly no dis credit to the west that money is bor rowed largely and generally for this purpose , Money is as omontial to tlio development of new eoun trios us sunlight and moNUiro tothu'gronth of CIOJH. This being bo , bow short-sighted must thill people bo who would deliberately sol to work to keep capital out by the enactment of more vigorous laws that il meets olt-owliore. A feature of the report by no ino'ins assn.ti > .fnetnry , however , is tbo showing of interest chiu-gos. Ten per cent is tlio minimum rate , both in the west and in the south , and it ranges upward until in some cases il touches 10. it is a humil iating rolloi'tion upon our limnoinl methods that men are compelled to pay more than 10 per cent for money MJ- cured on property as substantial as any thing that eaa bo offered. A safe in vestment bearing interest at 10 percent is as good employment ascapital isjiisli- lied in asking or labor in attempting to provide. Everything above tlmt figure is robbery , secured in a spirit of pi un der by tlio exercise ot might iigiiinst right. It is entirely just that tlio hiwinnlcing power should bo di rected in all its foreo ngainsl the con tinuance of such criminal methods of banking. The custom leaner and Iho western borrower nro indispensable to each oilier. Neither asks more than the olhi'i1 Is willing lo grant. The evil of the present mortgage system resides in tlio third parly , or middle man , who takes his pound of llosh out of both parties and thrives equally well on their fortune and misforlnne. lie is the limn that the lawmaker ought to bo gunning for. TO 11K1.1' 'i'HK IJIltitlAl , The people of the United States un questionably are interested in the result of the election which will take place in Canada next week. The ono issue of the content rehiles wholly to the ques tion of future commercial relations bo- Iwoen Iho dominion and Ibis counlry , and there is involved in the result the \volfaroof a trade amounting to nearly 3100,000,01)0 ) annually , about equally di vided between the two countries , This isa more valuable commerce than the United Stntos bus with any other coun try except Great Britain and Ireland , Cor many and Franco , and under more favorable conditions tban now oslst for mi exchange of pro- duets it ought to mate rially increase. . Tlio government party in ( 'auada Iris prc < cmted a programme for limit d reciprocity , and the result of Iho elect ion will determine whether the people will bo satistled with this or de sire a broader commercial policy with respect to the Unilod fcjuto.s , The con servative or lory party sViuds for Iho former , the liberals for the latter. Should this country attempt to exert any inllueiico nuon Iho contest , is Iho question suggested by the otTort being inudo in Washington lo liavo passed by congress what is known as Iho Jlill res olution. This resolution was presented at the first session , it is presumed with the approval , If not upon the suggestion of the secretary of state , but for reasons known only to tbo loaders of the house it has received no attonllon hinca. It is sim ply an assurance to the Canadian gov ernment that whenever It shall signify a desire , satisfactory to the president , teen on tor into negotiations for closer trade lolatlons with the United Suites , the president may appoint commissioners to confer with similar representatives of tlio dominion. Its passage would merely imply a willingness on Iho part of tins country to negotiate. It isai-suinodtliat such an assurance from congress would exert an Inllueiico favorabloto the Cuua- dian liberals , and It is stated that tlio author of the resolution , supported by numerous and strong petitions from all parts of Iho country , will make a vigor ous eltort to have It passed. There does not appear to be any good reason why congress should refuse toox- press a willingness to have the subject of closer trade rotations between the United States and Canada discussed , re gardless of the possible inllnenco of such action upon the contest In the laltor country.Vearcto dolormino for our- bolves whether ornot wo want reciprocity with our northern neighbors , Inde pendent of any clTect which such n do- ulbluu might have upon their political parllos. The policy of Iho i'nlted State * Is Hint of iilwoiuio noiHiitoi'foronep In the p.ilt' , < "il niTults ol o'biM ' * IM.nitric * , anil \pi riniieo ti'.u-hos that Uiis must bo adhered to , lint II would certainly not be a departure from this policy il congi-p-M wlinply declared Unit Ih Is government Is disposed to consider IhoiMioMInn of clmiiv'lng the existing commercial conditions b.-lwecn the lTnllcil Stales niul Cumuli. If such notion would hnvo boon propjr mid legitimate a voarago , when thm-o was no election pending In Hie dominion , it would bo equally fo now. The llbjral party in ( . 'aniula Is con- lending not only against Iho conserva tives but is having opposed to II all Iho Intluoneo Unit the lory govornmonl of Kngltuid ean bring to boar. If It can bo made to appear tlvil it would gain any strength by an expression on the nart nfcongrnss entirely In har mony willi the new rommorolnl policy of the nation it would seem to bj who to extend such oncouragoinont. . /Kill ! V MMIVttA'S ' /7.l rotijirosRinim .lorry Simpson of Kan sas U tbo only alliance leader who has thus far enjoyed national notoriety , lie iw regardedis n typical product of the political uprising which throw him to the HUrfni'o , and his ideas puss current as tbo plans nnd purposes of Iho move ment. Simpson has outlined his pint form tea a newspaper intorvlowor , I To says bo favors the abolition of tlio United States senate , which is neither n useful nor a represent alive bu.ly. IIj ) is thoroughly committed to the scheme to provide general prosperity by net of congress. Ho will therefore unlhiHiaHllcally support thosnb-troasury bill , the ll per cent land loan bill , unlimited sliver coin age , unlimited irredeemable greenbacks and warehouse receipts on all kinds of farm products. Assuming that Jerry Simpson's Ideas truly represent the pol icy of the alliance contingent in the next congress , which consists of three Honatoi-s and eight representatives , the country may know in advance with what now forces it lias to deal. Such a policy as the Kansas member has marked out for himself andhisparty will-111001 with the uncompromising opposition of the conservative elements of the country. It may bo popular for a lime , as anti-Masonry , grcenbackisin , anil other political vagaries have been in the past. In Iho end il nuiil go dovn before the sturdy common sense of the American poople. if it devel ops temporary strength snlllcienl to monni'u the prosperity of the country it may precipitate new political alignments and divide the old parties for a time , bul under no cir cumstances can the theories of .ferry Sim p on become the policy of the gov ernment. Tlio Simpson platform represents a class movement , and nothing else. It aims to rovolutioni'/.o our national fin ance and emulate the ruinous policy of the Argentine republic. It would in- Ihilo tbo currency with tons ( if worthless paper and depreciated silver , niul turn the national treasury into a broker and loan shop with the wildest of wildc.it . currency as a substitute for sound money. The inevitable effect would be piveisolv opposilo lo what Simpson wants and ox- peols. It would nol make tlio rich poorer and the iinor richer. It would increase a thousand fold the power of tlio man who now possesses largo amounts of money of intrinsic worth and reduce lo abject slavery Iho men whose depreciated dollars lacked the vital purchasing power. The farmer would sell his products for : i currency that .vonld not him far less than the present low prices which ho receives in good money. The and of it all would bo disaster , with the poor fanner hope lessly buried at the bottom of the heap and the triumphant millionaire on top. Upon such a platform as Jerry Simp son has outlined there can bn iiohopoof success for the movement to which ho belongs. It may entail a long struggle in politics , but in the end it is certain to bo laid away with the political follies of the past. , miVI.HHIT UP < : HOOKS. The Uouglns county bastilo is a jail in name only. Equipped with all modern improvements for tlio safe-keeping of criminals , only those who hick the en ergy to take udvnatnga of their oppor tunities burden the county for the full term of sentence. It is not tlio fault of the mechanism of the jail that con viclod crooics walkout to fivodnm without question. In a few instances professionals slipped through ventilators or greased the combination lucks , merely to show the innnngoimmt what thoroughbreds could do under pressure. Jiut the physical exertion re quired by this method is no longer necessary. A mere exchange of toggery with ii follow boarder or the assumption of lictilious mimes nro now tbo simple requisites to an unobstructed wnllc-out. Within ten days two notorious bur glars have disappeared in this way. Ono assumed tlio garb of a cell-male , Iho other a bogus nainn , nnd bulb escaped the ends of justice. How long will the county tolerate such glaring in- eompoteney In the nnnagomciit of the jail ? Does not the frequency of oseapo.s prove the total unlltnossof the jallortuid his subordinates'1 ; The responsibility rests on SheritT Hoyd. lie Is charged with the safe guarding of Iho prisoners audit is his duty to employ callable subordinates. The position of jailer requires a man thoroughly familiar with Iho character istics of the criminal classes , ono capa ble of pimotniting at a glnnce Iho trielcs and subterfuge ? in which they are adopts. < 'ertninly the jailor should pos sess sulllcion ! knowledge n ( mon to prevent - vent the escape of notorious rascals in transparent disguises , I'.MCCTK ic light and power hnvo become - como essential factors to the growth of every progressive community. Every city of consequence ivcognixes that they como tostny , and their value as nu il- luminnnt and industrial Incentive Is in proportion to their cheapness , Onmhn cannot iilTonl to give a monopoly of this element of progress to one company , The price oxiivtud fur electric lights in this oily is exorbitant , and fully 7/ieont higher than h > paid In two-thirds of the ultlos ot the cuuiiti1) . There U no rational oxcti'o ftjr , placing obstacles In lhwuj of coiiipolilloii , 11 Is tlio dulj of tUo council UvMi * turn jiilij nil ron- oivil'li ' tiii'iina thV mVoaltniMit of e.i vital by franeliKod corporations , while o.iro- fully guarding1 lltw right * of Iho city. The charier j ' 11110- ' the Thom son-Houston coinpnuy covers in the main all of tlio resorveil rights \vhlch Um council should o.vtet from a rival. It provides for the regu lation of lholiiiMliiis4iy | ordinance , and whenovcr the ronncll so declares Iho company "sluilT ; within sixty dnys , " plnce its wires underground. To these should bo added a proviso reserving to the city Iho right lo purchase the plant at Its appraised v.iltnllon , androqnlro thecompiny to Illc acceptance o-f Iho provisions of Ihoordliwnco nnd glvo an nccenUihlo bend as aguarantooof good faith. 1'oMTK'Al , rirelos In NTew York are sit present chielly concerned with Iho ijiies- linn wholherdovoriior i lill % vlll resign when his senatorial term begins on Mtiri'h I or nmtimio in possession of Iho ginernorshlp , thereby holding twnotll- ces , both drawing salaries , nllhoNimo t lino. The governor has k-en maintain- insrn spliim-lilce reserve In the matter , bul there ha\o ln-eii certain out-givlngs which Indicate that ho has boon looking about MT.V sedulously forso'iiu sort of precedent thai would justify him in staying where he is and nt the Kiiino time being a United Slates senator , One biich , though hardly fetinlcieiil , was the case of Van Huron , who while governor of New York was appointed secretary of state by 1'resident .Jackson nnd remained in the ollico of governor for some time allor aeccpling thu cabinet position , but It is urged that this precedent Is defective for tlio rea son that in Van Huron's ease the oileo was appointive and U was in llm discre tion of the president to appoint n sub stitute until lha chief win * ready tenet , while the position ofUiiitod States sen ator being elective no other person than Iho ono chosen can occupy it. The term of ollico begins March -1 , and the o.ith of olllce should bo taken on that day when practicable. The weight of opinion appears to bo thai Governor Hill has no alternative except to resign the ollico of governor whoa his senator ial term begins and outer upon that of senator , bul whether this view is Mrong enough to convince tlio { governor ro- nmins to be soon. Undoubtedly If he can llnd any justifiable reason for hold ing on to the governorship until the leg islative session einis ho will net upon il , but in any event Iiis course ismorolikoly lo lose that to gain him political ad vantage. IT is eminently ploper for the legisla ture to prelect the people of Nebraska against wild-cat insurance companies , but there is no justification for enacting any law thnt will bur out bonovolunt In surance companies , Buehns are carried on by the various benevolent associa tions , brotherhoods of engineers and conductors and similar organisationsnf mechanics and fanners. The line should bo drawn at mutual "benevolent insur ance companies. So I.ONII as the railroads carrv thou sands of people free they cannot tiH'oril to reduce passenger rates. Abollih the railroad pass and reduced piissnnger rates will be practicable. Tin : managers ol the book trust are represented sit Iho slate Ciuiltol by par ties who expect luciilightt-Mi such mem bers us are approachable. Ax investment of $730,003 deserves the encouragement of the council , especially as It insureia reduction In electric monopoly pi-ices. 1JIUJIAI'S : a few branding irons , properly applied , would have a tendency to cheek the stampede of crooks from tlio county jail. Do THI : the members of llio logisla- lure Imagine that the people have for- gotlon the pledges made to abolish the railroad nass ? Till : council should ml mi example ol activity in public works that will stimu late private enterprise. ollleinl assurances nro given that water rates In Omahaaro un usual Iv low. Clcvi'la nil lcM | ( M'.il < m. SI. Jiiiu/s lUitiic-li-iiinrrdt Wr. Clcvolaiul is entitled , for recent errors of action or poliev , lo a kindly mitljMtior. ol tlio Judgment usually dealt out to public met on such occasions. Mrs. Cleveland Is t.ikiiif , lessons on the violin. Iiul 'l OliUuury. Henry 1C. ISnos was ono of the boil known bunkers In Now Vorlc. Ho W.H suwosslcoly broker for Jay Gould , D.iulul Drew , , la > Coolie niulVllllnui II. Vnndorliilt. When ho died lust Tlmndiiy the Sun Ciliton.illv . inulo tlilscomincut , which U jriveii entire : "Ili'iiry ' 1C. KnosIIH iiKoodmnu and true , \Vo are sorrv liols dead. " \ Crlllf. The world is familiar with llio profession a suavlly anil olllolal bkmdlahiiioiius of iivumc- of ttio Ainorli-.in . boon m'cnt. The ll titiiiiig alacrity of his talk has loin ; been tlio dospal of stump speakers. 'So loner : is lie eonflnoc his capacity for bnrluc the nation has beoi patient , but now that ho proudly rears , his crest in the lobby ot tlio West Virginia lecis laturo anil stuff * . "iJln Mils into ttio virtnou.s rural [ locketsof tboanoinboiMiu n yoiillo re minder of thosuperlor quality of the linn o omls ho is bundling , iu the \vayot sehoo bonks , that K'Kislituvc's duty Is plain. 1 must pus an act nulkins ; It lawful to 1:11 book agents In season. The shooting ou ht to bo uncommonly good a * tbcro is un nbuniJ ante of game. Jin ; CHUMS anil Mil' ' lr ( > 4H. Ills nii'U time that our courts ndvanect to tlio tliuory that lifnor.ince is not an Inilis ponslbleiiualHy init Juiw , anil It woulil l > well to inlvanco further and aocopt th tbcor > ' ( hut thi' re I ? safety to justice only i intelliKent juror.s who rwid tlio nowspjper.t anil are cqulppiul by their foncril : Intoll Kcnce to apply tlie oviih'ncoas loyil Intlliulo or Hiuilatluni , d'ellned hy the courts , sha roiiulro. No man who has not read nil nbnu \vrcckiiiK of the Hniiiicinl liistltutlons ii volvod in the \Vorli-I \ 'fclfor cise ran poisi's , a sin lu uttributuof nctnul litno.sato alias juror in the MHO , for inch n mini must b utterly utiablo to rend or utterly inUiiTcrun to pa bill' ealamUles wlilub aproalruin ant sorrow throiifUout thucatlrocoininunlty. Indeed , it is only in Intelligent Jurcm tin them I * Mfot.v f r ilofondmitjiiiitiviiiiit jwpular I I'OutlU'iM ' in Mi h i'i .i-ji , ami If .IntlKfl Ar- noM \vouM HOOthat "tho qunlllv of mercy is i > t niv.unoil in thl5Cvsi\ wouM ivu > r--ti liiixotf itmlull forjurnnnf univtTM l ivaii- UK itiul lutoUlp'iictf to | ! lvo llio hofnlliwt inoAMironf protection. t Iho iiitirutnilvinii'o A\llh the Kcniul Hint out tlii'l-elioof jmllcliililitrlniO'4.1 lint iniiles : l normu'e un biillupMinblo ijunl- tyof tboJ nw. Tlint comes from nwayUuck , uul the world IIIIK oiit ri-own It. 1'rnlillilt ' Inn Drill. .Vcic Vat ) , Kitutli. ' 1'ho ' tciiilcnry t < j illspowof | i.ibllcqucjlloii3 > yineatuof "deals" and baivilns , scorns te > eon tbolnciv.iae , nail It is un utterly un- > rlnclplpil inrlhoJ. In the North "Hikotn ORlslature thrro Iwvo bi-en propoiltioni foe 'slaliltshlntr Hie pcrmn.iont . cupllnl ol iho iewHtntoclse\vhciii \ thnn ut Hlsuurclt , and for iVHuluiiitllng the probililllon question to i popular vote , with uli'w lo ncllliiff ilil ol liui'onMltutliiiial loitrlrlion. I'Jni'li of llioso iitiposlilotiH. slaiiilinjr nlfliio , Inui Iho siiipovt | > f a majority , but lu'illitTv.w derided upon tsinorlK The mure nnlenl n.irtlsans ol JHuiarek as the c.npiUil , joituxl with the pro- ilbitlonlits In mi niircemont lo defeat both > roposlt'.oi > . It vas nut a compromise , prop , i-lv Hpe.i'tliii ' , ' , nova coumsslim of ono tlilui ! to obtain nuollier of more linportunio. It \\TWH lulil , lox-rolllng b.irtraln by whlih tlio Jiwailinir soiillmniit of the slate lu two iin. ) ortant matters \vas dcfeateJ. I'nr .Alllmu'c Sl A'nr"iH 1're . It thoAiiicrietui farmer could only loam tlio truth about tlio home in.irUot the free traders wouH bo I'oanielled ' to ab.nulon nil iillempts to carry n siiik'lo northern nsrlciil- tur.il stato. The Press has goao to couskler- nblo pains to nscertnin tlie nverago liouw prk'ca of farm products In eight funning states anil e' 'lit nniivifaiiUiriuBstates. . The fanning stales selected nro Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa , ICunsai and Kcbriiska. TUo maniif.icturinij stntei nro Vennoiit , Mnisacbusotts , KlioJo IslunJ , Connecticut , New Vorlt , Xew Jersey , I'eini- sjlviiiiiaanilMurylunil. 'L'bo follou-lii ? talilo hews Ihe prices In seven different product ! In December , ISS'J ' : ( 'urn M'l Hyi lUts. Ilinl Irish Hay Tlionvoriigo sclliiiKpricoof these proil nets lsi > : { ner cent moro in innnufnctin-ini ; suites tlmn in iipiwiltiirnl states. TliU bcinp the case , lin\v l-i It possible that tariff roiliictioa nnd consequent dccrense nf iirosncrlty In manufacturing1 states ! 'L'bo fuel Is , the cx- tensifmof inanufietuiw lias been of Incitl- inablebonclit to Hie agrieultuiMl slates. It furnishes beyond question a m.irkct right here ut homo forsurplus nroduct insfnd of roinpulllngtho the farmer to pay cost of transportation todisiant populntiotia , Express ( ! a/.otto : There is an oxnressinim in Ciiiciiinall who to tiespihcs uvcryttiini ; thnt pertains lo monarchy tint lie won't wen.rn crown to bis hat , nticl ho so utterly loatlii u family rout of arms th.it . ho orders hib coats lobe niado witliuut Xew V'oik Herald : Ho ( al U :50) : ) llut are you nol imputing to inn thuvnmt ; mo tives ) SlieynwniiiKI ( I thin knot. Indeed , I should hardly lliinkuf in'ciisiiig you of uio- tivo power of tiny kind. Munsoy's \Vcckly : lie boU two deuces nu < J n revolver. " ' AVhiiLilIilyouholill" "I held up my hanils. " Ilu Mytlmoii viihiublo now , Slio Well , really , I can't ulTord much of it. Munsoy's ' \VeclcIy : Ho > laud Murray's hair K exactly of tlio hue Uiat Titian luvecl so well , unle.ss him jrri'iitly inhtalcon. Slio Yes , vou'ro rlirhi. She took a great liciilof trouble to iiinti-h it. ( -Inc'iiin.'itl ICnqniivr : Our roclproelty Mltti thu Sandwich isl.uuls will never buabiiceess until we learn lunv to iironoiuieo thu nunieoi ( jueen I llHioUaliiui. Chicago Tribune : VounerifoArthur \ \ , why does this Lord jiirmit evil ! VouiiKCIurn'iusvn ) I < lnn't know , my dear. IL is ono of mo insoluble mysteries. Iain ( 'oing to protich 11 sermon about it next Sun day. Buffalo Express : Vlelltu- Doctor , I'm ' troubled vlth cold fcot.Vhatilo you sup- posociiuscs tlienii Doctor ( , 'ola weather' $1 , please I Yankee Blade : Tom-Come what may , J shall never marry \voinan \ who isn't ' my su perior iiitellectually. Julr , 1 wish i get \vifo as easy as you can. Hhou and Teathcr Ucporlcr : A fi chiiid is lieiiiK exhibited In Chieago. Up to date there has been no sort of use in keeping Iho "f" sUinJitifj at tlio beginnlnj ( of iu n u i no. TiostonTrniwTipt : "How pleasant Ilia bitty looks. Hlio seonis perfuctly biipy. ] ' "Yes ; sin ) must dtbnrhiivufoiiiHl jmre ro liKi'iu ' in her own liciii't or ihi' eoilsof Mn ii the heart of ono of her ueitjlibora. " ' < t et .11. - frlmrc linn : JVIarriiiii ; ) is nu onlorcd garden , I'oiirMiip , ! ! s\\eut tnngltilvooil ; Jilarris o is iho nobor sunn tier , Cuurisbi p , sprinu in wayward mood ; Alurrini. ! ' isadei'p , still river , ConrMijii , a bright , laiiKhlii } ; stream ; .Marrin.'n i.saitearpos.session , ( 'onrtshii ) , a pi'rplfxlntf drciim ; AVhicliof these , myvifo , tihall lie C'rowncJ Jis best by tlmo anil mol Marriage is Iho blun ila.v's heiiuty , L'onrlsbip , 'ho ' cam-lclnus morn ; Mnrriai'R is tlio aweot rose pathcred , L'ouushii ) , bml still fcncuj with thorn ; Marrinpo is the jK'iirl In sc-ttliiM , Conrlshipis tliodiui eroiis dive ; Murriapu , llio fulleonili of honey , I'ourbhiii , the now bii/.xinj , ' hive ; -\Vhleh of tlipsc , ( Ifarwifo , shall bo 1'irst pro fun-oil by then and mo t 0 , the tan sled wood wiis lovely , When wo fen ml it , in our play , 1'nrtiui ; enviously Ihe hranenos \Vhllo wdh uiassc-s of the May , I'.afjerly thu paths cxphirini ; Uoaiimtr lo wo knmvnot here , Save that mill ion lloxvi'ra oilu-eil them , Anil that bird sonars lit the air , Thrnshos * Jny notes , I'hilotnuln's Still more exquisite ties pair. How \ \vanilorot ' . Now our \\ildwood \ lias liiinoino ii ( 'ariii'ii | > l < il , HomelliiiiK niisscil of that strnngo swoct ness , In llio niothoil of our lot. Ordered walks , and formal borders , Korlho wood paths utiungo anilviM , Itnso superb , anil stately lily , WliiTO the careless wouil lio\\ers smiled SniiinuM' 'ruvaunilinbi'rimitrua , ( , , l''orvouii'Sinliiir ( , thu easer chilli ; Whicli , O , which jiroft'i-roil shall be , Twilvo years , wife , l v thee and mol Nny , llio KJi'dcnhas Its Stately , llowcrniul fruit iiiiitnro ; And \vild\yood limits ili'iirneis , Strange iioli Khls and wornler-spuro ; And the suinmcr lias fnl lilmt-nt , ' If the sjirln has priuiiise-storo ; Ami Ihu river isstillilei'per , I f tlio yoiniK bmiiUhiitiliclh ir.oro . ; Ami the tv.il Joynbiiletli , \Vlieu ilioli'ailnp droatiu are o'er. And lljo bnml bltio liy Inn friaries , If Iho inorii was wildly fair : And llio KUilicii'il ' rose Is snfor , I f thu Minis nioro pliiimitvoic | ; And lliu pi'irl ' : isi" roiu < l proclous , If tlio tllvi ) w.li full of jlei ; And novnuUl not clnuuruour honey , I' orlho llowcrqui'st ' ol'llio iwo ; incouitshtp sweet --Sweet ; ( Jruwu llimii , ilarllnf , \YIIK1IKO\FI \ ) \TFI1 Li , IU\ I lliUHti Brlofoftlte Altonwy ( Imiowl in llio Appenl of the Waiting Ooavlot. . JOPE OF IIIS ATTORNEYS DISPELLED , \n A i ray i > i * l ( % cl li > nt A ulu- | lie I'oltiH lUilsi'dDlslilil I'oiii'l. i SiipiMiie Ooiirt. Soil's Odds anil btvroi.v. Nob. , Tub.'I. ' | SnocUl to Tun iliti : . ] Tbonttornoy toiioral hai llled his brief lu tbo cnso ofl'.d I ) . Nell , tlieSnulh Omaha niu 1'iloror. The itoeiiment nUninils niiiolatlons | from authorities siutalnlnp the validity of thn proeei'dlniis in the lower eouil upon \\hleh Null'snttorneyjliane.l 'their nl- .rit.it i 'ti ' of error. 1 n Ilioir brlof In behal f nf thodufcndunl Attorneys ( Juvley and r.iltillo iMiituiulixl that a fatal error had boon eoin- inlltcUby t ho loner ooiii'tvhoii II pormlt to > l the jury to visit the Tlnnoy farm and \iim- the jnvmlscs. without luidiitf tlio jirlsoiu-r \vllh them. Thoydi-iiied c\er \ liavtiij ; mnilii n formal waiver of Nell's vlitlit t < iiiccomi > any the Jury thtllmr , anil iMiitoiiileil th.lt . horoiild not \vnlvo the right if hi1 HowlsheJ. Tlio nl- tier.ira brief quoits thiiileeislousof slat o courts to show lhat Nell li.nl the rl bt toaceiiinpany the Jury If bo so lu- inuniled. .lud oMaxwull hai silivudy liuld that the viewliiuof tlio promises should ho ilonu In the presence of tbo prlwnor , unla > liodoi'llncdtlm lU'lvilejo. Another decision ofthoOrooii supreme court has held that having failed to apply for the privlh'RO of flci'onip.uiyinu the Jury , the prisoner must ln'doi'inci.1 to liavo waived any prlvilcgo whlhho liail in this respect. 1'ho brief i-on- lemls Unit Noll's ' visit to HIP scene ef tin ) I'l'imo coulil linve aval led him notliliijr , nt lie wimld shuplv lu\vo been n inulo olisorvcr nnil could neithernsltnor nnswer liny qnw- UOIIH , nor In any way iiiteifcru with lu'ti , observations or eniii'liiHliiiis of the jury. Neil nude no applications to acvotnpaiiy tha Jury and the iwotils shov. ' that his attor- uoys e\t > reisly waived his riyhl to do sn. I'lxory feature of tbo prisoner's brlof is fully met. lUS'Illll-T ( Ol'ItT XOTIS. Tliojuryln tlioCioadnll-Cliv ease , Involv- IUK a nice jiomtof law as lu the individual liability of stockholders when the company fails to pulillsh artli-los of Incorporation , were unnlilu to ngreo : ind the eourl ilis- I'liargcJ tbeni. Thu jury was out forty-oight hou r.s. latnes Kyle , tlio Juryman who failed to appear for uuly \\liou \ siiininoiii'd , wus hrouitht before .liuU'o Kield on lit tacit incut for coatoinpt , anil coinpullisl to pay S' > Iliiutu rnvcr i-o.sts ol iottlii ( ; him prusent. lie pluadod sieliuoss la his family us an uxcnse. In Iho case of Krnmaer vs. Irnln. an unim- portnnl suit , noted yestoiMay , tlio Jury pave tiliiititllV thu full amount ofdainaios < 'lainii > i ! , j'i. ' > . luf ) 'nso imuik-diately Illeil u motion for u now trial. .liulgo b'leul nnd a jury nro cniraued today in hi'.irinKtho nnu of llaiinuli It. Vnrncy vs " cx-SheriIT.\Ielick. Mrs. V.ii-iieyi-launs "that ilefoiiJaiitwhiloacting as sliurnl levied on soriiohur.-ics , cattle , corn nnd farming iuiplo- niciilsoxvnctl Ijy lier in sutisfautioii of a JiidMmuiitobtained by Hutchins & I'arker auainst her husb.iuil , Juhn P. Varney , for .liVO. ! ! ( Shi ) iinnifilialely icpluvliiiM and lliu case now i.sto Oetfi-iuino the awner.ship. I'laintilT liiimstit'o ' inuler n transfer fronx her husband tinted I'ulmi.iry . 'J."i , I'lV.l ' , anil the ilelcniliints say that ihiswiis a fraudu lent transfer tohlndcr and delay tlio collec tion of their judgment. Tbo Iransfor ir.is not filed fur record until Ino same day llio judgment was obtained. This transfer they claim \vasnot uuiclo in u'ood faith and no apparent cliango of ownership lollowcil. nui > n'us nn. . The prncery storoof ICranso , Srinnitt at I'M SotttliTenth street was closed last cveu- littr liv I'nilitors , > 'o statemontof assets or nannitiesn yeioiiuunuDie , uau llio cause 01 the f.iilu IM is due tn too inn oh credit. The linn con le.ssud Jiul tim'ii t lu county court to day In favor ot Tysi-hca k Kcusoh for s-ioi.ii. ; ; i.v TIU : Mrai'.vn C'onir. The supreme court mot pursuant to ail- Jourpini'iit. 'J'ho following ( 'cntlonicii were niinutlod to pmctleu : Uandolph McNitt , e ij. , of l.ancMsler comity ; U.iuiel O. L'on- ' nellof lloiichiscounty. Tlio follniviiii'causes uere continued : \Vil- \ kiiiivo Villeins , Aultmanvs Ilni-kmaster. Tlu > followin ! ; iaibesore aRgnuiliuiil sub mitted : Samuvicli laaiiufiiclnrinficompmy vs Peary , Moilior vs NulT , Gorman Insurance company vs I lyiuanVeinecki'vs , St.it olub- ! st < * rvs State , N'ichols vs Allllor , .loncs vs Shcrinan , Snoiv vs Vamlorveer , Owen v.s State , Stovorvs Tonipldus , llrownvs Holli- ilnjHall Hall vsOroyor. Lcnvo given iilalntil ! to lilo brief instautor. Court adjoiirnuil \Voducsdav , t'obruarv 'i5 , Isoi , all * o'clocki.in : , MI'.MATEn. ' Wrs. Katie Himsenvnnts a divorce from her husband , Iluiis , She declnrcs ttiatton days tigo bo was ( 'iiilly of extreme cruelty to\\aril hnr. That ho has boon h.ibitunlly liai'ih and cruel towanls her ; that be lias many times threatened to do her K'uit ' bodily barm. That ho has fulled to provide for her. Shedet-laros that hois unlit toluuotlioeare and custody of their child. ( leer o M. Slnitt nslts the court for n divorce from Ills wile Kiln. < ) ! > 1 > S AND r.Xllj , Washinj-'ton's birthday was celebrated nt the I'arli school jes-tcnlav la a very up- propriati ) in-iniier. Several ol tlio schools combincil in a literary niul musical pro- fTiMinmo that was of more than usual csci.-l- lence. John M , Sullivan thought ho was rolled u lion to clniMisoVallacoAiiirfla , nvonncsuii ol'M. AAiiKttlo \ , living ni-arlliivclocli , uml hoiliil so , Ilu was promptly called ii ] > ou by a coiiitaUe , who hid boon lioiallod by .lustico Urowii tosorvo u warrant for assault , calhjd i'or by ibo boy's father. Sullivnn ncltnuwl- eilircd nnd cbeurfully inild St and costs. Will llurdmaa andtJoor oA. Kiiowltouloft last ninht for the west , the former for Australia and the latter for San I'Yanci.seu ' llclnro Icavluir they were ( 'ivoiui faiwull reception at llio Kllt < 5 .sluaio , and Ilr. Sboo- inakor presented each with aremcmbranco in thosliape of aeatie. Dave Howe has secured tbo sicnuturoto n contract for this year of James HiirKott , the ratlliiiK loft Holder of the National league team wlilub represented Xew Voik last sea son. son.Tho chai'KO npalnst yimiiR Actorman for slioilhit ( with intent to kill was not pixssetl , and thueourtliiiod him fl and costs for ills- txirhiiiK tbo pi-am YOIIIIK llitihcock and Adams , lll l o lell for putty lari-cny , weroilis- cliaixeil. Abies , thu younp fellow who wont out buying lioj-s after ulfht , Is lieinjr lield to await iho arrival of the li.-u'inond I'armurs , when Jiowillbo sent before a justice of the peace. Miir.shal Molich rocolvoil a toleurani ihla inoriiiitK from Miliraskn City blnting thai Albert Malus and \Villis liro\vii nail hrolcun Jail there anil ollerin $75 rowan ) fortbolr auebt Male.s is ili"5riiie < i as tlvo feel , nine indies , lu hvibtli | ; , ihn-licoHipluxioii , hair and beard , grey oyt-s , slnpod pants. llrown weiKli- . about I si , heavily hiilt , hluuove.s , brou-n hair , black i-oul , strlpod iianus , sa'mJy beard nnd mustache. Another toiesji-ani recuostxvl | the marshal 1o iiollly thu brother of .lohii U. ( JarrulhurH that tin ) lust named haldioil in DiinvcrSun. tlii.v.atullovlio . lintnicllons whalto dovvlth ibe boilv Hhorlit Million of Oixlfrt fountym \ neiiHer ulilio | iiiu-o ) lntloii todny Ho Nun ruiiio di \V.I < hliitoii | ! Hllombo Will MTti'iiri' otlr.t l linn P.IJHTS for a man now nnilor viv\t ui TorontoCan , for irnvinl laiivny I'o In rrciuotit. Hick Syo , Jfiniei Uoyd and Khtifi- omployiH of Hie tlpelt hot -l , reported iiiii < % \eniiit ( Unit llio I'lHimt la llie lusiMiu'Ut of tint luwlelry him horn i-ntenvl yosti'i-ilay nflernoMi aiid IwovallM'i nnd n lot ofclotli- iiitnlii'ii. | ( They siiNnvt | ono Mel'.lvnln , nil i'xr uknf , lirln the ( 'iillty 1111111 , n ho will cen invalid there. i ii / ; A veil .s icmi\ii : : v. Albany .lournnl ( ron. > : Mr. Poster iv- oupU's a st IMIIJT slniti < Kii-al | > oHltlnn , bcliiK n Mistorn liinii willi MHIM-II | Ideas , nnd ivpre- will I nun tnleW \ \ H Imiwrt mil nnd ilotiiii- fill , ixilllli'iilli , which InlH noitu-inber nl tlio cablnei , whlili nnoxci'lloulnuiinl hM ? ii > voiiiier ! , iitul vhloh Is utilled on JMr , b'oi. ter , ( Mnoluiiatl ( 'oinliierclill ( in/flto ( rep.i ) < liivi'i-noi- u i' | , u butines1 * man of KI-IMI iibllity lu this ji'spert hom-eiipli'.s n fori ) ' inii.-tt lui'dllon ' , Ko oao will iUiistlim | Ills nlill- llv , niii > utie will iiuesllon his inli-irrlly. lln Isa stnlt'Hiii.ni < if llio foronunt rank nnd bin n ehiiiMi-UM' withenl hlrmlsh. I M'eslflent llarrisiui ami thrcountry are to hn ronunitu- laleil iipun the nppoinimont. Thtro im am' . rlflco In tbocasi'but that ( alls cntiroly upon ( lovornor Poslor. I'Vrtunaloly , ho Isin.i . ciinilition tobonhle tobearlt. No\v Vnrk Kvcnrilor ( liM. ) : An experi enced anil sui-civtsful iiusmcss man , ho Is in iiivonlwltlilbo lliiniii'lal views of thoadinin- htratinn , but liven in accntnil Htalo , ii alnst Hhlbtlio | ircjinlii-o of the oslrome Bllver men ol Iho far west Is not rampant. Hut HT Ihu o.xiili ne of ailoinocrntli1 IcflMnluro In Ohio , ropiilillcaii UioiiKht. would ceniiir upon i in' rpHii'riiiinn ' 01 Munniiir u > iiii ShiM-iuan to tbn executive post host ) alily Illicit. That ho hails from Slu-i-mau'ii stnii > , liilofreu frein local factional compllealions , , Is in thu t'.M's ol his friends-on oof thestroui ; iwiiitsln tiuvoriuir l'lcr'sfavor. . Detroit Kivo I'ross ' iiim. mp. ) : 'I'ho prcsl- ( lent has not been lonklnir fora hljh typified linaiich'r soniiit-h a for nroprcsciitntlvo of his silver views ami t huso of Senator Slier- iinm , with n reputation Tor utilllnrhliiK par. tisaiiship ; nnd all tlilsho sroui-e < lu tl.o nun from Ohio. 'Pheiv is nothing in Mr. rosters cariMM'to induiiito Ibnl ho will .sUirllo thu world an a hrillliiiit Iliiiuii-lur , Imt lliere IH reasonable assurance of consorvallsiu mid a faithful ilisi-hnrco ui' iho ilnlics of bis ofllco An n.ssiirauco ofllrit kind li bettor than any possibility of staitling feats of finance. Now Vorlt Tribune ( rep. ) : Mr. Foster briiiL'slo the tnasury do Bailment oxtoiisivo husliioss I'xpei-iencoJ lone study of public linances asinmuhur of the ways nnd moan-i cominlttoL-.aiul . proved ox ecu live ability , niul will iloultic s bcto llio xiiusidcnt a vanuil/lo / hcIpiTtiiidwIsoniU iser. In making such n selei'iinii the | ir.sideiit , hasplven the country aduitioiiul proaf that lie means to liavo n thoroughly Plo.in , honest and siilendMly ( 'i'.piilliuilmitiistration ) , and the admirable worn iloiiounder bis direction In other de partments , ami hitherto in the treusurv ik-- Lirtincitt by Sccrotiuy Wlndoin , will doubtless - loss bo socontimiuil li } ' Secretary l-'oslor that llio country \vlll warmly appreciate t're-i- ilent llariisoii'8 jml'meiit. | Murat llalstead : ( Sovemor 1'osteruocs t.i Iho treasury Urnartinent with a business ed ucation of extraordinary scope and acliiimvl- edu < * l ability as a business man. I ID is fa miliar with largo an'alrs nml knows Iho wayn of tne llnnncial coiitcrs. l'e\v who live sof.tr iiway from Now York are as thoroughly in formed as ho is of the wny bitsmcsH w rtone. Ho Is In Hose syuninlhy vlth Heiuitor Slu-r- miinon tlieinoney issuiss of the iluy , and il is believnl thu intlueacoof the senator wns very fnorablo to his appointment , as Itv.s to thatof the IntoSocrotaryVindoin. . 'J'hcso- Icetinn o ( Koster additionally tostlllos the liriiini-ss ot J larrisoii's administralion uiion Iho great Issue of the maintenance of the world's ' standard of money nnd for the invio lability of th ) public credit. There is no nuostion tliut the appointment will bo well re.vivoU by the country , and especially iu Ohio. INew York Times ( muBwnmp ) : The friends of an honest currency ean , we Ijf- lieve , accept this nomination with satisfac tion. * * * In some respocls Mr , Foster's course in public life reveals n character not titillka that of his lamented predecessor. ll < - is a "plain" liian , and , wliilonvcry ofToclivo siju.ikor lu ruuuini ! ilubato , caruful of his iacM nnd with iood romiiiuidnf tliein. with out pretension as an orator , lie was luiinvn in congress for tin ) industry nnd etiercy i.t his worIcm c-onnniiUQ. tor the frankness ai'd ( tiroclii'J.ssof his cn'jrso on tlie lloor , and ! i'i' an unusual capacity lo see both sides oven of a partisan iuostion. | Ilowns n leader of the suutiiuont in tbo ii'publican party thnt re volted against extreme iiu-asuies in ihu south , \vajareiiresenlativo of what mav 1 u calle.il orthodox ' -liberal republli-aiiisni. ' * That is to say , ho bopeil and Iri iito inndi r- utc the policy of Iiis party , \\lillorciniiluliiK true to party nllPKiu"-'o. rv'ew Yorlr Coinuiprcl.il Advertiser ( nuifr- wump ) : Mr. KiMor's prineipU's on thu nioney qucsLiotivcro clearly ilellheil during hid run vats for tbo t'overuorsbip , when ho stood on a dollnlte platform of hard money , mid fought tlie "rai ; baby" cam.ilnin.Ti | , to their politicalileatli. Koster'.sKA \ a uitist lOwintf In h"i was Iho crisis of tlioinllalloa inovoineat. Ho Is pre-eminently a safe man , and has had suillcli'iit cuti- servative liusiiiPrts training in his nrivatelifo to bo able to denl satisfactorily with tlio ' peculiar pnlilcmshlcli con front'a treasury secretary. In the prcsenteoiiilitionsot tliinu-s , this Is a highly important ntiiillticutlon. Our clumsy treasury syitoin inevitably Uracs the ai1iniuislr.ition into the affairs of onllnary Ih.iincinl business. Something of a routiuu business training is noccssary in order that n treasury ( .ot-retary . may understand when t he rcqiu'stsof binkers for the release of inoncv from tbo treasury should bo vcedeil to , nu J \vhere the line should bo drawn. Cleveland Loader ( repj : ( lovcrnor fi.s. . tor's appoint men ! , will Iwrecclveu wltu i-n-.it approval , lie is recognized ni ono of the soundest ami safest business men in thocout try. Ilopivoto Ohio as governor two a 1- tinnist nitlona which stand ninoiiK the best t ho state ha- , over had. I lo refunded the sta'u ilebt at a lower interest rat > than Oiiio butnli \veroovcrsoldat before , lie appointed thor- onirhly cftlcit'iit men as directors of all our state iiiblituliims , and no ehiingi-s wi-ro niado iu their nuinr.n'emeut unless lin- prrativcly necessary. Ilo ( .urroamU-d . himself with honest and efficient of. 11 vials ; ho Instituted nuiiiorous min.ir iniprovcmentsia the onices occupied by tbn j ovemor iindgave ne\villjiiUy to the po-.i. tion. Jtwastiirouli | ! bis iuilucaco that lam wtro pa.seil by tbo state loKlslatnro recuhit- ingtho lUuiortr.ifllu and conipelling it tu pay 21 tax to the stato. ( Juvoriior l.'ostor . is a 11 radical business man and his administration otthe treasurydopartnieiit Avill bostt-ielij . .f . a business character. Ho will bo fouiul a worthy successor to Secretary Winiloin nnd will provo to bo sound upon all tbo grv .it iuestiiiis of llnanco upon which the b comiaunity dopenib for prosput-ity , Very 1/llioly. / Softbart : "Is Miss 'Irlplliilit nil" Korvnnt : "N'o , but slm told tnoto tell you If yon i-.illoil that It ivmvory kind of vou. " Koftliait : "What , ilidshomount" " .Servant : "I supposesho inenatlliiit it \\-\i . very kind of yon to call when sbo was out. " Ono or Un ; Ili-st .Minds. Mr. .l.ivno : "ji , tiayton ; hasono of tin best minds of any woman 1 know , " Mrs. Jiiyno : "llnst inhuls , Indeed ! Idon't sco bow you make that out. " Mr. Jayiio ; "riho s.o perfectly niiiuls hei own busiue.Mi , , " Highest of all in I jveuing Power , TI. S. Gav't Report , Aug. rj , iSSo. I