Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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It ia Located In the Grnt Com Bolt of
A sjliipuiiilMiu I'tiitiino Aiimi'eU In
llio I'urU mill HIM I" liulnstry
\\llliinii MilIlm -IIo\ >
II \\IIH llUllt * .
o , i-'cb -Spcilal [ lo Tut TJrr ,
It tbo rittlohlih iitimiiiU * , put fli-sli on
their bunei alone the waters otllie I'l.ittofor
the bc-nolll of Anmuir's alnuithtor homes
ttorocapablo of rcllt-cllon , the ) inlcht tulto
KfontitUlifnotlon hi Iho fict that the blppMt
of tlio Ulj : Pour came ury war perishlne
ninonr the sand ntul fwpoliiusli In Ms vlid
os t fancies ihogronl pucilU1no\cr ! dreimcdof
tliotuxuiles of private nrs nml binks ntul
ofllccs flnlihotl lit tnublo Forty * a o
heMS Jwt plain 1 Mill Armour of Wntertown ,
N. V. , anil traveled In n cuivas covcrcil
\vnKon. The motl\o pnnerm sh mules ,
ilrhcn l\-o abreast Thcioitli tlio wagon
Mill Its contents niul tlwehcip clothes lie
woio inndo up the sum of hli oailhly IUM-
sossloii ! * . Ho had n few cooiiln u'oiiills ,
sonio bedding , weapons to 1115lit the Indluis
txnil a miner's oiitllt.
llohad caught Urn cell finer mid
Joined the vast ear.iuia of Poitj-Xlnci-s
WPIO HIGH pnurliiK toward the I'aclflc cowt.
"Voting I'hllli ) ink-lit ln\o icon n taunor
and inlsul eatlfe and s\\ine for other people
to lilll , but drciinistiuia's ii'inlo linn the
blnjcr of the nit lie and I ho s\\liu . and It Is
pretty ginei-Mlly understood tint ho Is glad
of It ,
'Jho ncitlonivwltlih lioattomled In Wnti-r-
to\ui w.MsmaP , select ntnl HtilU ; i-u-n I'uri-
tunlcal ltsoi-ti'4 It wmow liiRto this 1 liter
factthatlio left It Ho look some jouii ) ; la
dles sleigh-vldiiiK ono iliy ami bcc.iusctho
wtalil faculty of tlili iiisiitiition of lea mini ; .
for sonic ro.ison , objected to thlt form of
aimnomcnt lie loftIn < lis'u-t After suur-
niKlil" ii'h-asofroma fanner to whom
( iiioiktlced | hoint out into tlio woilil to
boik liis fortune
Ho liml rearhoil ti point sornouhero along
tlio I'latlohim ii four scl/od him anil ho
wuit dim 11orv near to the iloor-i of tliMth
Uutthostnnl ) constitution of the farmci boj
ImiiKhl him through , and as soon m his
limbs \\cto stionnapiiiilio onoo 111010 set his
Jaum hue foitnnobeekoni-il ost\ui'd mioss
the sand wastes totnotiiw ) .
'llio Now \\.nnotiosimcssfnlas
lioiniKht lui\o hocn In Ilmlinp jrohl nuirgots ,
lint ho unrknl haul , ami what ho did llnil ho
Ba\ed. Itvis with a noodlj sum , though bj
no means n fortune , tint lie ilnillv tiniiod
Ills sU-iiieaiU1. ai ilntfainhoii hoent to
Al.kviiulmn tnl . " " hn liiil oiimiLrH nf
to to into the pi am and \\arohouso
ljuslui" . < in n modest aj. His business in-
ciusod moilciatch l > ut steadily ntllrst , and
b ) rxtoiutini ; his tiaiMetions fmn jiai to
3 en * ho soon hail aii'iiimiliitoilfTiDOnop.
\Vlth \ this sum .it hisiiuiiiiimil tin bo
pan to look nhont foi liroailor liilds of in-
-vestment. Other nun weri > nialdnn a
Kitnt ileal of inonoj In tlio lumber tt.iflk'
tlicn : uul foi .otiiolhiu lie licsltalcdlctlui
liushotild i < nibaiKhls foitiinoin pine orpork ,
tint liollnallj tleeiJi-il lnfa\or ot the littoi
niul shortly nftoinurd bouulit tliolutoicst of
the senior inomliii' of HID Him ofUinlnu A ,
I'liiiltintoii , ami tlio stjlu bcinmo Armour V
11 wis not lonpnftei bocpmliipr i member
otthit lii 111 Unit , ho madd his Hist ( 'u'at llnnn-
will ventufoniid | ) liiioiltho n line of Aiinout'
S I'liiiikiiiton thuhoaduf tlio
< : al provibion
men of tin ; world
It \\ai at tbis c.irlv stage of his career that
All. Armour uoulopuil llio habit
of tbiuldiiK in bed. Tlio results
\\ero so llattiiini ? on this ounsloii
tinthols snid to haxelti'iitit up ever since
MhlsMS inlsii ] , 1'oiku'as then helllnp at
fli ) per bairol. The pork biisinoss at
tinio ( illdoncin tlio east , \vith the center
of it In Now Yoik. 'Jho oilnionsas | ponoial
nnil htroiiKlhat pork uoulit co iiiuuli higher
'lo most Imi'stoi * the i nil of thowar sei-meil
nloiiKway off tintl almost tea mm the ) \veio
IHIVCIS 'I'laders in IlnlTitlo , St Uouls uiul
( 'iuc.limati.iUod on tliU theory nud bought
Uut there was ono man who , Iilnp in lioil
vith his L JISUlo ojKii , tliiiimoiltliaKiiMiit
nnil hhertiiin h.ul Kobpllion by tlio throit
nnilcro slowlj but siiieo tlirottllnult Ho
f\w this vision so plainly ono mclit tint ho
nnolco.Mr I'laiiniiitontiio next nioriilni ; at I
o'eloioundtolil him that lie \\is golnt ; to
Now Yorltnnd sell poik shoit on the nurket
Ills leisonhiK con\ lined his paitiiciMliat no ilislit and tlio i.eit tr.iiu took him to the
When lioofTouil ] > ork nt ? IO n bauol the
old mperiem-od ilealirs smiled at the new
jouiiKinan from tlio west and bought It ,
" 1'orlclll soofiio a b.irnlbofouj it touches
$10 acnil"snlil one oftliom
DiitthostiMiiinr fiom Mihv.inkeo said It
vonlilseofl.i Jhit ami with the assistance
of Siilnoy Kent ho ronthuied to sell.
l"oik fell \ \ lib IJk lunitiid.
Thonoiseot tlio inirnet placowaslllio the
ro.iiinirof the bulls of llishiuv. homo 10-
IHidialed their eontiaets. anionc them Ar
mours own brokers , U'allico . \VUks , but
ho eni | > lo.\eil other uiolren who forced them
to i > aand Armour c I'lankliitonilh
} . ' ,000W > Cl moio in their bink nivount tbin
lien thej went intolho deal , became tlio
lilimsof inovislou men
lint the head of 1'hil Aiinour was lee cool
to Unturned byn liilli < iiit speiiiliitlon. Ill ) of o\puidiii'lils | tortune
With thonionej .it his command lie bom }
rvtciulliit ? hls > p.ti'ltliu ilii ) tsaiid in ISfi
i.unoto Clnraco ami laid tlio founilulon of
his present maminoth intnests houvhidi
later oncro \ extt-iulul to Kansas C'ity and
Omalii. Atrenties wore eslablisbed In
Km UPC ami initliodsand ue\v processes
nf sliupliti'ihiL1 , paelihiKand canning \\eic
Inti'oiluccil , so that liK fortune inoroasod , not
by the easy Mages of tlio old day * , hut by
leaps and bounds
ills griMt venture In JsTiw Vorlc was tl.o
only occasion \\hiih hee\or found It nous-
taryto boa bear 1'ioin time to this ho
has cast bis lot amount1'0 ' hulls , or rather
lias oeen a loader of tbein.
It\MisMiuietliliiKOUT \ ten ye.irs ape thatn
bicridd was m.ulo on pork. Some ot the
fhmutest speculators on the board , hacked
by beuvb.mli nccounts , undiilook to put
the price dawn to tthero thej wanted It.
Armour hut his houses full of porli at thit
tUiioaiidcouldu t stothuailvantbU. o [ lettlnti
It spoil there orh- > | ' . at the hands of
the laidliiB I1hlillstiiic * . Ho throw hiinstlf
anil his pinions In to the flulit and bought tlio
pfJCu'il pork In hundred thousand bairel
lots , In vain diil the heirs M-
Clnpt to satisfi Ills capiclous appe
tite. IIo stajed with them andhcn
the raid was mor tbo bulb , of which Armour
was the foremost , niiiedawny f,000UOU ; ? of
bear money on then \ ictoiicus horns
O'hK was the famous pork corner of 1 70 W.
M'lioa there was the wheat corner of iss'j.
Armour Is credited with ha\inp 1:0110 Into
thntosa\o se\eralof his old friend' * who
had sold short. lianas propmitiR for a trip
to Kurope , but abaiuloiud it , took all the
wheat tint was offeroil nt fl : C > and for
month' * kept the piiio in L'hiciiji ) v"i ! louts to
: ) avnts higher than in any other market hi
the country.
.Armours hist inteiests arc so thoroughly
BVStematUed that lo itoeps them aseasih in
iraml as a conmrv dealer does , his httlo ti.ulo
in Kcner.d meivhaulis.o The daj's quota
tions aio\vned to hi- , agents all over tlio
country evetj inoiiilnti anil from each of
thini mi account of tlio tlaj's bus-
tin rs is receiml c\crv nicht On Ills desk
in his big mnihlo llnlshed oflUo on the lldra
lloorof the Homo Insurance uuildintr Is a
polished steer'- hoi a. ThU Is Illleil wttli
tlottcracvot ) ilnj imd a ticket show mi , the
bank account Is huiitc on it overj inoiiihif ; .
I\lr Annour's life mottoo has been "business
Troi-lics inmlo fnni tlio N iturnl * atcrs of
Stolen. I'mtiKliirt.lioriiiiiij dr s-oitc TIIIIO\T
OWMHIIIC'Dt'iJiisiind ioLi8iis tliu best ami
most oiTfctlMtc'iiifily. .
Ur. Koch s.ilil1 " \ cough for wlileh I trlocl
uiniiy other infill lues , whlili Inul iiot-tlio
lUhtcst ctTi'ct. MIOII Tocoimu bottir unil has
now ontliolyillsniiBC.ilid through u o of Sodcii
TUo Kcuuluo Soilcn P.istlllc iiiust lm\o tlio
tcitlnumliil anil blenuturo oltlr MoricllMuc-
ktuilc arvuiiil each bo .
bofv > fcilt | miiro" niul ho nl , iy looks nt tlio
liink . ounl bo fort' lii ) smt'lli of tin1 Honors
'Milliink ni-cnuiit nl\Mi.\i \ I'onthts < if H\o
IlKiiri'Mintl fn- ( JIM nt 1tliu Initial U u : ioru I
Mr Arimmr'i urioiuullui.'s In his ollloo
nrn harinonlniis niul MiKKi'stlvo liitlii'rttuin
n lliotli * . About tlio walls nio tmnul horns
mid | ilirs' hi'iilt. , iiul rn the inurlilu iliwr lie
noon jliovd ? knives , unsoiliiK Htul other
ilovicos wlih h nraliitlmn imtentoos lin\isub- )
nilt toil for his ImiH'iMloii. Ho Is of niPilliitn
lt iKhl i il lieiInit not ( ut. Ills fiK-o H
full mni rounii niul iiiloriu'd ty n et of
liixxirliiit uuiiishliM. wliU h lie tins
the InibK of stroking ulicn tMipnscd
In roiivorMtton IIo I * quick bil
not brusque In 11100011111111 lionslU niniionoli *
oil 1 > \ Ihosuhuliiivoanj livltlin.ito business
\\ltlililiu. \ \ rUcronrono i > nitllion < , tie i-lov
els ntul nointi loom. IIo works In thomlilst
of liiMitonnmlhcii hU Ihir ts iljrht. niul It
iisualH is , k ls\ory foiut of a ] eke oven In
blisini'ss liotlfs. liulcoil it lisuliltobuiU'otn
inon irni-tlio \\lth hlinto i-iu-k njolioulth
ono liuul niul turn a liunilioil thousand iloiiar
ilonl nith itio other simultnneouily.
lli'U von libu \\hcro ho 'cuotts ' that nn
objori is lUicrvhiK but Is u'lv liuril to lin-
| iosoiipoii IliHi'lmt'lllus tuo snU to itKtjrc-
gat o ( .li.iM ) l u ycii\
Somi'tiincstloso mo tlio iliijs when liU
inllllnnnlivllvui 1:001 on , i strike ho lias
the "iluniis. ) " On stirli oci iRiuni lie Is ovrn
pliiinrr ' Inn iisinl in his speech. Ono ihy lie
tulil ono of his cmploji's to KO wheio thuio
nio nn oh 111 roonn mill rofilirovator c.iis mo
unknown , Init llio cniPlnyo stiu oil nt Ills ilcilt
ami the iit'xl ilnrccrKcil , iu onkr on ono of
the best tailors In to u foi u nu\v suit of
Annour's fuittiuu Ii nowo tlinitoil nt ? 2.V
IKX ) , l W. 1 'll . M A T M N SO N.
Ui niinoy I'urcsi'iitturh , leo ! bhlfj.
.s i it i i i f .A < ; . i H v a f ; A / ; /f i / . s.
UKliiplill. ! .
Tlic uc.illi of ( loncw s In-
ton-it in tlio itlinliiislilnt ; list of these still
Ilvlnif who hold liigli i mill In ttio\\nr for the
union , \viltes ( [ moral 11. V. lloytiton , the
vbtoi in V.ishUigtoniurrcspouilcnt.
Ot nrni ) coinnmiiUciH llicro nio ( Icneral
Uosci'miiiniuHlonci. ! ! Tuoil ( , army of the
Cuiiibcrlanil ; ( Scholloltl , nriny
of the Ohio ; ( llutlor , army of
the ,1 ami's : CJenouil Pope , auny of
Viu'lniu , Ciunoiiil John ( . ? 1'arku , nrniv
of the I'oUiiiiiu , tiinoial lliinlss , tho.irini of
the ( liil f nnil In the Slimuiiilo.ih ; ( Icnonl
llou.iril , the nrinj of the Tcitncs oc , nnil
Cionoial Sloeiun , tlio nrtiu of ( ieoiglii Of
these Uoneml Srholklil is lu comin.i.iil of the
tinny , Cicuoral Uosonanb Is loulstoi1 of Iho ( llucll losklesiu Kcntuckv ,
( Join nil 1'opolb 011 Iho iclli-oil list unit w-
slilot hi ht Unuls , ( I'.iuo is on the
retiieil 1W , halo and hontU. lie conminniloil
tlioirni\of the 1'otomu ! teinpofaiily nnil
the Ninlli corps , both lit tlio cast niul llio
west ( Itnnks is .1 ri'pio > fntitivoln
conpicss ( ii'iiiial llowunl is statloneil In
Now Yoik and Ocncral Slocum rcbklcs in
Anioiic the corps oomimnilers yet nllvo no
thiMS ( A louliliMla ) > , totnpi'raiily ,
Kitst. Nowlon. l'lrstiomiiil (
SUklcs. 'Mi ird , ( Sonera I ! ' . D Keys , roinlli.
east , Onoril D. S Stiinli'y , west ;
Kit/John 1'oitcr , 1'lftli , titnoralV. . 15.
I'-iaiiklin , P.cneral II. ( ! UBht , Sixtli ,
( ini'iMl John ( ! . I'.irltiIs'hith : (
John A , ( ilblion , Tenth , ( icntill ( 'ail
Siliinv , ( ieiioial .1 A McClotnaiul , M hir-
tenitli ; ( imiotil.lolin M 1'alniir , Fouitct-nth ;
Cini'raUiiiinvilloM UinlKe , Si\toi-nth ; ( ! ui-
eul\V 1' ( llililyStnilh ) , Ku-htcinth ; ( ii-n-
i-iil A. Mel ) , ( . 'oolc , TxMiitiotn , O'eneral T.
1 Ciitkiiilei , 'r\Miitv-llrst ; ( lonoi il J 1) .
foTwetitx thiul < . ) ! the ihstinpuislieil
oiualrj rorpirominiiiilois thcto nio liMiif ?
1 MMsuntuii , .Imiu-i IIINon \
\V W AMiell Kil M MiCoolt li.ul also
hili ) ; coinmaml Of these lioiicr.ils Norton ,
Silkies , 1'orlcr. Do IKO .mil filtteiulcn resltlo
In Noxv Yoik , leiioruls ! Stmloy nnil Mc-
C'oolc arc la thoaimv , Ck'iirr.ilsViluht nnil
1'aiko ii'slilolnVashinn'ton , uiul riviiil.lin
I n II art ford
Itolow is alist ofoftlccis now IMnp who
comtaandoil ilepailinonts Unier.ils I3nnks ,
Ducll , Itatlei , Hosocians , hi'cl ( , Low Wal-
Inio , U N' . t'oueh , 0 0 Aiinur , ,1 M. I'.il-
iner , IS',1 'i' , .T. J nu\nolils , 11. (1.
\\iiKht , G. JI. IJoJb'c , bchollcld nnd 11. F.
( leiirnl Sherman is the last of llio mmy Thomas niul Hooker
nt Clintt.uiooija. t'iciicinl ' Slicrnmn's imps
coniinaiulorsthoroaro also denl , nnd most , If
not all. of his division commanders
Ilooliei's corps coinnniuleis , Honnrcl nnil
Slocuinaro.thvo Ol 1'boinis' loins coin-
in iiidurs (1 onion Oi.inger ib and P.ilmor
alh e.
I'ho above is not .1 complete list of IHnifr
iniiiv and fouis oouiinniuieri , anil it nny l > o
Inconvrt In iilauiifj two 01 thuo nimes
union t ; the living
On the oonft'iUiatn snlo tlicio arolivlnir of
nriny lomiiiamlois .loseiih I' Johnson , Jleiu-
u-paril , ( iomial Oustaxus IV Smith , Kliby
binithnml S C. Ilut-kner. ( Ipnetil ( iust.i-
MIS Smith , nov llvlnp in Xoxy Yin It , ( oni-
iiundcil ttiOitrnu of iioitln-in Vitiiiilaaiiltio ;
sivond ilnut hoven I'liios , or one of the
( H'litost btiltlos in that \icinitv.
Of ronfeikiatocorps ioiniininlei- > them are
UtiKstieet , A. 1" Stewart , Kuly ,
AVheelor , roirest , W-ulo il.inipton , Jlnr-
tln U. 11. tVndorson I1uiitf > titi < ts
toips anil Stephen 1 > lw , Ilooil's
( oi'ps Oeatti sums to ln\o Inon busier
nmoiitftho noted ooiifcilcrntu gcnirals than
ninniiLMho nniilll lOllllnlUull-M.
\Vlun it ( oinesto the prn.ito soliliois , the
proatost hoioi's ottho war , l.'ii.OOuol tlicin
Hint isfoui .iriniesof them cath moio numer
ous tli m Shctinnii's ooiibineil aimli-s on the
Allan ! i cninpniKii linvo ciosseil o01 * to the
l of onrlininort.ilb.
Konnrkcilhy 1 ! C. Joiner of Alien P. O ,
Hill-thin Co , Mich "NothiiiK save m >
iheniiiitisin suck ( illicit relief as Dr Tlioiiiiit , '
Dlcetilc Oil-bolio\o itiufalllblo for rlicuinn >
tlsiu. "
Tlio Itostiiuranr l'rniill .
ThobuMiio-s of tlio Ikcsliuuant Prnn-
i-ii- . In llio Dee huililinj ; , vlll bo con-
tiiHR'd u-ithoiU intciruntion tUiriii } : tlio
contoiapltiteil elinngoin
A Table- .
SaM a 1'lito of Hash : "I slaj moio than
the sword. "
"Thit"siitl the swonl , "is bnoanso pco-
I'l' ' . * cat you , Supyoso they ihould oat mo '
HonliiKtiiih .1 pi-ofesslonnl bwortl swal-
lowei seuea the swonl ana isaa abojt to
thrust it Uown hli gnllot.
"AN lint ! " oxilalined the Plato of Ilnsh-
' \ vitlioutlneg.iior niust.inl1"
Gt-sslor's MrtgloIIe.idae.lio ' .Vafors. Curcsi
headaches In x'U minutes. At alt druggisu
Try 'II lose.
Snmbo-\Vhen is an actor not an netorl
Hones > 'lno times out of ten.
\\'hv is n Tcvti- steer llko some society
uollesl liconxiso it U not maiket.iblo until
\Vliv is a sleeping bibo llko a ciiinlinli I3o-
aubii it's a kid nap per
The Ho\\o scales , the only scale \\lth pro-
tooted be.uinjrs Xochcekiods Cat.ilofjuM
of llorcleu kt belloelc Co. , Ats ( , Chicago , 111.
Ill- IIN < (11)1. (
.VniiS'/i ! / ll'ii I. 'y.
Mis. IllclssVlio \ was the most Impudent
man j on ever lne\v. (
Mis DtVell , I ahvajs tlioupht pretty
well of a fellow \\houseil to iliink ininilkoii
tlio front stop every morning uiJ iluj ; tlio
bell for u napkin.
"VVIint Is more attwctno thaiui prcttv face
with a fieih , InlKliUomplvxioui Foi U , UkO
1'ozwui'b po\\Jer.
] Ii > i'oio.K\pit'SHioii.
Aiic Vu-J. 7/iinM /
Sir r niiucclot blurry. It is nstranpohlm
of our lord ami kiiiR that ho should put n
round uiuloinhis dlniiifhill.
Sir Modi ed-lt is trnlj , yet , by my troth ,
ho serves no sijutiro meals upon It.
Mrs. Winstar's Soothlni ; Sjmp for chil-
dun tcitliiiiB softens the gums and ullnys all
pain. rJ5 cents a bottle. _
Mio Soul oil Mini.
j\Vu Vuth Situ.
"Mrs Small , this rofu-cwou't settle. " com-
plalnod McM'nlty to bib warding house
keeper , .
"hien It Is in Rood com piny. Mr. Mc-
replied Mra. Small , frigidly.
Van Houtcu's Cocoa-Puiv , bolublc , ceo-
ucuicul ,
A Tour of Europe with Gibin Passage , Rnll-
way Fares , Hotel Expenses , Guttles , Etc.
Prepaid and QtnrauteeJ.
Tlio HCO'H .Mnil-Illett OfTer to Ho-
llullnr > 4 Tor SalmoilbfM to U-
Sunday and Weekly
Arrnnpemcnts hnvo been cltcctpil by the
ptibllshcisof Tin : llr.i : nhloli cnablo us lo
nnlto a novel iiul atti'.u-tlvo offer1 to patties
uho are disposed to devote their tinio and 011-
oig > towanl proeurlni ; now subscribers for
Tin OMUIVVrKi.n \ Hn : or TUB St MHV
lln-between this dito and tbo 10th day of
.liino tictt.
Thisoilor will bo open only to parties solh >
Hlinj subsr-rllwr1 * In Is'obraski , low.t , South
DiUotaind Kans i ) ,
A careful record will bn Itcpt of all suh-
sciii > tions foiwardcl , and the awards will bo
inado without paitldlty.
Tlio lOtiropenti Tour.
To the penou tint will sectno the Inrpent
niiiiib. r ) f c.nh sulni'i'ibers for Till OMUIV.
\\YrMilii-ror \ VHIJ hivnu Jlnr befoio
.Itino 10 , 1 01 , will bo Bhcn i urn 01 co > i \
noisi ) THII * irnoi'i'vN Torn THKIT. 'Ihis
thkot will Inelido first dass passifjo
loin Ki'w Vorlt to r.urono and rutiiin.
'lids inilutiPS also all tr.ivelliitf , Jiotci and
sl'htyscel ( * > j\pensc' ? . The tuplll tic undo
\\lth an e < co rslon | i.irty Koltcii up bv Mrs.
M D l-'ra/lcr / of Jloiton , nnil ttlll bo la
chirgo of competent nuldos. 'Iho ti iv-
cler has no eaics what over. The
tour covcu nil the pilncipil conn
tnes of ICniopo-HiiKlind , ( lerniauy ,
Swlt/ciland , l ianec , HelKtnin , Itiuv and
tnenr | iiiiiiipil iltioi , liHliidiiig Uoiuloa ,
1'aris , Hrnssels , Hurlln , Koine , 1'loienee ,
Veil tie , Mil in , Genoa , etc.
\rvTi-Titnn : in i OP eiom- i PINO.
The rariv stalls from Now Voik .Inly 1
and ictiirnsto tint citj by September 11
Taken by any individual alone , this l-u- tour would iiuolvo an outlay of at
least $ ; t)0. )
AIIICI lean mill Ciiiiailtan Tours.
ror the second lirgcsl list of suhsciibers
HO otlcr a fieo tidtet fiom Omaha to San
rrandsco and hos An elos and leturn.
Mannlllecnt mountaia sccniiy , tliohonullful
( toldon C3ate , thol.uulof sunshine , fruitsnnd
llosveisU'ho Iu3 not seen California will
not dlohnppj. " Traul is ail educator , and
In iiinni'i-iv niiiuet'iiitn the vnstnoss of our
gieat countiy ono must scoits best featuies.
Foi the third largest list of subseribeis to
the AVr.i KII or Si MMI Hi i wo offer a ticket
fioniOiaahi to Quebec and return. What
could bo utandei than a trip do\Mi the bciuti
fill St. I anieino In nilil-sun met I To LOU-
tempi ito the beauty of Thousand Isles is de-
hrhtfnl. Ho\v much inoro deli-btful ( to \ isit
them when with \ordme
And nil tbis ple.xMiro lor obtaining sub
scribers to the \ Vi.LU.nnu HIM > \ \ Hii. :
lei the fonrtlilnr cst listof suL eribciso
offora tree tlclitt from Omiliit to New Yorit ,
I'tiilidelphla and U'ashln tou and letnni.
There arc no points on this continent ot
grc.ihr intciost than tin-so three
titles An Amiiican uitlren has not com
plotedhis pilui itlon until ho Ins seen the
srat of poM'inmoiit. The ucrsons and points
of Interest In Washington uro innuineiablo
and to the Intelligent olisouer aisit there Is
fnllot Inteicbt. N'ow Yorktmtl I'bil.idelptna
as the coiiiinerehl and centewol the
countrv mo always mteiestlntr.
AHUiissiKht sceinc and tiavclliiB given
n\ViU foi oltilniii ( ' subscnbcis to the
\ \ i IMk 01 Si sin-v Hi r.
Forthollftn uriTOstllstof subscribeis
otToi a Tra ticket fiom Onnha to Nlinaia
I'alls ami lotuin i\er since jour ihildish
\\onder\Msaroiised by the discriptlon in
the old school u idc-rof thiso wondeiful falls
joulnvoilosiivil to see tlietji lleie is the
opportunity A most delightful excursion
and ono without expense , nkon for sccniing
suhscilbtis to tboVi i un or Si SUM Bi i
1'or t ho sixth largest list of subseribci-
ofTei a fno ticket fiom Oinihii to S.dt Lake
Citandietiiin famoiis Mormon ritj
is fist beioinmifa ( Imtilo eitv. and will in
tiiiiolosu mile-hot mteiest No\\ \ , this sum
mer \\oukl bo a good time lo \ isit the boom-
inijcitv. ( iarlirld Je.u-h ! U of coui o in
cluded in the dip. 'llns suiimier itsoiton
tht ) 1 iko is a dih htful pl.ue to pi s .1 fu\v ot
the hot siiiiimii dajs. Why not seuiroa
number of siihsi-rlbcis for the \ ViiMor
SiIUY III i' and take thotrln'
Tor the so\cnth l.itgcstllst of suhscribeis
we offer n frcet h-Uetto leneranil Mamtoii
niul ii'tuinVhiloashorter tiip llinnany of
thoothcislt loinbincs in my pleasant lea-
tures nenvor-thoinicGiidty of the plains-
is ahas woitk seemi * while tlio health and
summer icsoi ts ol M initou nro delightful indeed -
deed Health Ivliiir , inspliini , ' , lostlui-
iiiniil sublmio beenory tup could bo
ninio u-stfiU' All this plfcisuio for securlin :
subscribus to tlio bt snu orVLLIU 13i i.
( "oinlil iniiH.
Now \\lmt aio the conditions unon which
these tukets nio pi\cn auavi Iho Eorurl'c
of the Ingest list of bubsciiliers to Till
\Vi i KI \ or Si MI.A Hi K. No nowspiper In
the west is so well and f.uorablj known and
solicitors luuonlw.ijs found it , m easy inat-
tci'to soiuro subscnbors Tin : BLI'S ' sub-
sftiptionhst las always Itcpt nice \\itli its
roput.ition uiul It defies to add now names to
itslonslist of filoiuN. Ikhifj.itaU times n
people's piper It m.ilcca friemlb with nil
'Jlio .subscription prleoof TiirWriM v Rin
isjl.OO per u'.ir iwstp.ild to any place in
thU country or ( Janad.i , or t-.W If sent to a
forti ii country
'I in : SIMIU Iln is ? . ' 00 per year , but
Onnha subsciibor- > for Tin , St Mm lin :
\\ill not bo counted In Uiiseoirnetitlon.
( Jet upnlist ll.uoyonr fikndssuhscilbo
for the panci biniplo eoplcs foiwaulcd
free on icqncst
1'crs.ons deililnc to oonipdo fcr ono of
iCae jnliL's \\ill ploa-e saj t.o when tcndnj , '
KomlUnuco In full must ncoompany every
Two six months subscriptions or four
Ineo months s > ubsciintiunsill bo counted
is ono oiitur.
Do AVitt'sUttloKarl } Hisen. Uest nltlo
illl o\er undo. Cure constipation c\cry
lime. None unial. Use thoin now.
'Jluit , - Hid.
LOVMIB mother-"Do jou still Uncol down
e\ery \ nichtaiul si\ join prtneis } "
Son ( \\holi\es In the omi-"I s.iy my
pineis mother , but 1 ilon't kneel "
.Niotlicr ' ( nn II he possible that you liavo
so far fui gotten in ) eaih UMilnnfcs ' ,
bonNunii'thir Init 1itn 1 afraid tLc-fold-
Ing bed \ \ ill double up with nio '
U > 4 in Hilllcaso ; Homes-
Get my prices for fall. Large Stock Rubber Clotliinir.
Fish and Shield Slickers.
CD o
> / > n co
QD K &
CO o
C u u
QO 5 S rr\ 3 n
w uj
WQ ft
< y " "d = )
C QO Cv )
o i-l CO 2Q
r-J C 5 > L 9,9
43 Q
JiJ < 43u r TO
" 3 u 1H en w o
. aq
n > o
. X C\D
LO o 3
l 0CX )
c : I I f- -
f4 A
c- . 4 > COin
cCO > - . °
- < U in
4- >
4O S"
ZACHARY T. LINDSEY , till Barney St. , Omaha ?
P. S. Ask shoe dealers for "Jerseys. "
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
1/iOD UOUCiK " - - fe
OMAHA , M 11.
Tin * must widely niul f i\orabl ) luin\\n < ; ] iee-
l.illstc In tinI nftol Mitf 'Iliilr IOIIK i\-
pprlonci t < in u K il > l > hUlll mill iiniMrsil MII-
n > .s in tinlii.itiiicnl iml onii of NcrMUH.
tlironii'and ' iiruli il Hl ui-i'-i intltln tht-o
I'lnliii'Mt | ih\--It to tin full i onlideiii < tit
tin .itUI' ' l < U c u i \ uln M I'lii-j BII.II inti <
\ C'lUI'MN AMI I'O irlM , ( t IIP. for
tin * .infill rlln ts of i n H i U i all I tin nil i IH 1-
oi- ) < % IK tliulfoUou in it' ' , t t.i I n
vii nlih ronipli t ( H nii'l iici in.iiii ntlv cuiid
M.ltNOI's 1)1 ) lill I I'Y AM ) r\Il\I , DI--
OlMU-.HxyJi.hl luaillll lo their sUlllfiil tic it-
' " ' "
"l''l"l.rN rf-TI'LA ANDKrOTAI , ri.CTKS
iriiarantied i urcil wlllmiit p.iln or lUteiillon
fnini tillslllt1- ' .
IIYPIturi.U : AM ) VAUH'OCni.i : pornm
litntly Hid siiiiossfullv iinoil In
111 itonlii ii. . \ \ i' il Hi's * , Lost M iiiliiinil ,
ML'ht I mission-- , l > iiaii ! I .11 nil It * , I em ilo
\\eiiKms \ , ami till ikll 'iliJ UlsmiliMs pi uvillii
tn ill In i s\ posltlM'ly ciii'-il us will as ill
fiini'tlnii'il ilUtiulirstlnit n Mill ftonion tliful
fnllU'soi thoi'M-r-Mif n ) ilttri' M-irs
s"PI' IC'P I M' ' l On 11 null i' < l pi iin.ino 111 ly
O I l\lv. 1 "u IV l ouri'il ioiuii\il loiniiliti ,
\ilthnntciitllii ) ; . c.inst ' ilihl itlnn OHM
illiM-iul at linino bj in ' "it " without o mo
ment'sp tin ni a mini aim
\ C1IPI7 PIT PI. Tltn mvful olli'ds nf
A oUKli LUKIloinij - \\iiiiii btiiu-s
or.'iinli' woaliiifss , ill -tni\ Inliuth iiilnil anil
boily. Mlth till Its iltciltil Ills iiuimniiililly
I7'I"1'Q Aildn'ii tlui'.clinlnivo Ini-
ljlo \ | < il thL'iiisi'lM4 l > y lin-
IU-IMII.-I iii.lnU'ftii'ii .iiul snlit.m liiibllvblili
inln both inlnil ami lnnl } , inilltllii , ' thorn fur
bii ! in si. st nil v in mm ll W-
M Miltinil MP..N in tlin-o pnlPiiiu on I nit
luppv life , awuroof plijslttil ilthllltjuult.kly
[ nliaBWl minnfin'K 1 Irsl I'm t iril o\iprl- |
iRi' ' l.\et\ t IH > K ape lallj-t uilliil.
Iniiliutliu i l-'lil 'Jlii"l | " nit-'dliliit'S .in'
in il In mil lilmitiiiy i\i 'il > to suit
, , li 111 i-i' , lliti * i lfn.1 nB' i nn "Wit limit iiijUli
Drs. Belts < & Belts ,
\VA1IVO. . " t
\\niilirllll t-i < in
It mi t > I- n.lilitl .
, f | , 11 UH \ \ cak
Mi rISK ] ( f llralu
1' n . r II , uiUi h r ,
H ik.ftiln K I/HMiin
r ll I V rVltllhlll M , Jlh
t ' 1,1 , ull drilm niul
DcforoA , After Uso. I K f j w r ( f tin1
I'liotogrnplif ' il ( r in lift I. tti rathi Orpin ? , Ill
i ! , r t t 1 1 m < il 1 > )
OMTCxerll n , j mhful tn t' n " u ir'ti' ' u l e
uti ft. , ban „ ( mi .r iiiiiUnH u hli h ii'Mmitily '
leail tu ItiPrmirt l nnuiitp i ' Ii > ill > I'll up
Iniiuiti'iiliiil f < rm t > iim intl < f' ckft | 'rl < u
Jl [ wkui ! ir6trt' \\ith i ( r > | j rdi riii c | i
a \iritton uuiiriiitt'i'tn fi" . " r ii'Mnnl llin
Hiiini' t'j ' uuil tinny uJJriM. . LlrtuUrfrti. .
All minn thin part-r AiiJrtK.
MADRIDCHEMICAL CO , 11" " "rare for U.S. A.
Jll lifnrli rn ' in t < lit' ' % < " II ! - .
1 UK SAIL IN DM Ml \ Nfcll.UVT
Kulm.V ( , cr isth A. Ii uiul i- ' i"
J \ r ullirA l , il , r Illli A. Hni l uiU.
A ll I utter A. tu , L.UUUU ) lllul > > l.
OMAHA Tnln | rftlrtri'nVV 1 I ! HIPIl
SCHOOL OPrncr-lfo"u11"- ; : : , ) ;
Grand Pacific
( iOI ) lEiouis
; { ( ) ( ! llu Suite Midi ll.idis.
lomt'Ptllio liiPrmHlmrdcniiml for first clui lin
tclnt i omul , , | ' > tiiuii lii ( lili HJ Mi > xiri Drnki' , I'.ir-
Uc-rXl o I'roprlitors , liiuu juvt u < iinilttuil |
ollili fnMirlto linlol lln" < o rounii nro lnri.1' . fur
nliliuil Inllio Illicit ) ixTliitly Ilkliliul nnil M'li
tllili it , ntiil innti ) nrc CM iiiltit Ith b.illin 'I ho
will' imrtltlons and < i'lllnii urn niiiMtriirli il uf
lillik lliultlli' , ii mil l Ink tin-ill | iriitluill ) llrupr n f
lliirniK Ihu ji-i'ttixiiNuiiii lan.u ituiMint .fin ncy
lini In c'nIL | n It il In K furnlHliIni : ro ( luurnilni (
iinlre lltllnu tln > Imtcl niul In tin < ri'id | * in
will as In tlu1 culHliiL' . | irnmitl t > i.rtio nnil In c\ cry
thine ( IciiiiniloiHui tin rumli rt til IU uuutH Iho
( .mini 1'iicilk inn ) salt ! ) chnllciuo tliu crllhlHin ill
tliuuuifll c\n ( tine
I lie til nut I'lii'lfie M1 lip eoniliirtiMl In tbo
s.unr f in fill .mil llln l il in iniioi that h.i- al
ls 15 s i h ir.ii'lirl/Ml thi > in in.iKeinent Tbo
pikes unialti niieh.iiiKi-'l
$3 per Day and Upwards.
llbTAMU'-.I ir.r > IHiiM.
, ,
1109 and 1411 DoiLo St , , Omnlin , Neb.
: ; l iI t WYr T > CTsr = ? sia--
§ L- ' its or-
First Class Carriages ,
The Ieadlnn'-ti lis 'llio Lowest Prices.
Iron & Ire f orb
M'liiuf.iotiirert nt Iron anil Wlio 1'oncis ,
HinU ( uimis 1 iniinnl | A \Miliii-- , ( nil ind
' .nut vii fii" linn * ! iirn.ij Irmi Hum - , uid
sliultii'- \ \ in Sinus , 111 snUi.mnrK of \uy
ill si iipllnii All l.liiiN ofri'i ) in uz
217 South 12111 Street ,
Opposite Ucbrasla Nntio'inl Bink , Oinnlia ,
Pix-cina for 'Iriterln , | ) li ineii fit , nmnWn , W kt >
lultiuii Mental lJ * pirmliin MnfteninK if the llruln n *
niUnu In iniinityniJ loinlnir to mUprj < u a > ir 1
( loth PnmMuro O ! I Anr , luirunririi I'l or ln or
Inultlior pex , Involuniiry 1 011 a , nnl rlpvmot * iliui
cauael ! > / ( iTvr-ok ilic ( f Iliu l > raln. fv t > I.UM ur
orcr liululR nc J-nrh liox containon J in n I * i-f u
mcnt l los. nrtU fur 8) , tent liy inril | n.'n I.
With oncli oriler fur ti liuivw. will t en I | urua > r
DiiarHtvii lu rtfunl nnir if the Irunlinun fallsKJ
tuiu Uunruiteualuunl unlktnu.uo miMunly Ijy
( lUOlMAX DHUl , CO. ,
111" I 111 limn Mill t. - Omalii Not )
National Bank
U. S. DhPOSirOUV , OMAH \ , NKil
Cnpltal , - - - - $400,000
Surplus Ian. 1st , 18OO , - 0 ,
Olllccri nnl llriiiir ) ( < --lli'iiry \ \ \nlci I'rt < l lent
1.1'WH1- Iliul \ln l'r < " ilmit I nuns W * IIN i , W
\.Mim , > lihn , , It < Lil.hln , , J N 11
I'uuick \ \ II > Miik-lio" inlilor
Tllh * 1KCJli.VNIC. .
turner l.'lli nn 11 urn im > u
A Oeiu ril II ink i n { llusuim TruiH i to I
Tlic Jliii'i'fiu , ' ' < ' I Itli mill
Infill' Hilt * ! NllllHtlllltltlllll l-IIIIHtl'llltfl
Itnlfl HntlitlHii In ( Hiuiltii. . .sici'
lu'iini inli'/i lift' minn iiiinilniroii
luisfiin'iil I" Kiiif * HI lin'
/IlKII-H lillt'll llttlt iHlH-btll * / / !
Ifnlniinttt.inu It lininitHltih- Inn-i
Ijlllll. . / / I'M'IIJ"1" tlllll / IIItlllllIIIH
f lining limit tinliiillilliiii. . fitcniii In nt ,
11 tit inul folil n itti'r tniiltiitiHiiiiif in
I'liril muni. l < tdli'niiHitrjntmi'il linn-
" ' " ' * ' ' '
n. SILLOV/AY , Prop.
nfinllTA > M'AI ( l > ll 1 M'-ll.tS nn , the
I Illlt I I I u Lii'l iiKlunl ) ni"ill" | 11 , KI rill I liy
UUUU I n muinr | l > Mlun iirtltuiuif f
( i I < c till 'I < l niu > rii > I ' n I'm uriiiiy ir iun
DLir > uU ur ui-nuiruJ II M l r Ovi AllUrirLiiU
. . .
llurlnp lili p\i'rnl inoritln loc illnii mil praftlco In
Omaha Ur IMillni- i- > i irncii an pn\Ki > l < ! rijiut i
II m HIM , 111 ; t Mull u n In ill uf i It l/i in ulin itpplli 'I tu
lilin iilini vt niii lifl n > i < , rl ami Inuii I In hillll Till
inlnNtnitliiiiBlliu lull ru ilU iilon ut liuio | luns ; < lu-
! U \ * ponrnncntly Inrnto , ! nnl Inn llio ln4t np-
inliitiiliiiiil inn" ! n iiM'iiluitl v luIntel iiliyskl ui'l
tlliii1 nnd i t'i ptlun rixnns la oinilia.
'Hiu flik will IIml In lr ) Dllllnina true plijslcl in
rnit a MHipalln * | L filrmt inul mltli'iT ,
I ur llio trt'itiuiMitaf lhi < fnlli.iiin nnmc'l , | I PISQJ
Ur IJIIIlim In * lilmaulf
pruieii poaaisa oil of ill a
A.tX3ne Dollar Discount on all 'xls ' alwe $5.
E-xcellent values at $2.50 and $3.78.
181GDuglas Street , Om aha , Neb
P\O itirn ycni * i\i i n A ri'K ilirtrn , ! Rt n n nil
Ihoin rx'o I HI , i , s * nil N. r \ IH < lir nt < > it i I I \ ill ilNl'
h | r i tit , i h l u I -I Miuili Ioih I n > ! \ \ iknN i h I
l ll > 1,1 l hi UI I slviiuiii I I rln trv HIM " " N II I t. i " f > ! l r . \r , uo l u I
mi i DMI mu n t n o lie jk Olyilo * iu * * i-llo ) w itfi oiti liiuu J 11 in to i
a in tu l.'ui
GliADUAfE CtrUlir
\ I llll " 1't 111 11)1. I
on Iliil'iar , fir
KI\I I' ii nils ,
Anprfict fit euiiranto il 'lioth turu.lo . 1
without niln ur dinu'T. iin'J 'll ' " "t annH-
thetlci llnl'l anil il\i'f , , L"'V i iti *
ratpH. HrlilC" iiuM i rn'Mi
out ul it , , \ll , r , u ( r rum i'H
111 II III I I Hill NtrtUt lllO.lOr > UILC | U\UI1 >
l > Ulll If < ' 11 IL f
" "
"Tfl tMTfl 17 K fM Bufnlni * If" "
111 fcwilV EVlkB'i ' " ' " " ' " | " ' "
I t > VV H frTlltt Bli hi H 4 joiitln il irruri
lorly il"i' v , tta.tlimwpnkiinui , I l in inli > I , Hi- .
MvOlHiil niuluut'lii tr utlhO IMII | , , li luiiUilulii ) .
fn'l imrii iian r ir Ii Him ( tin * , 1111.1. "f < liarr
A iilptili I nil I ulwurlci Miuiil.l In nifl l > > . M i )
n u nl > Ii in r\nii an I ili i lit r I A l f H
1'rufi lf. lil'OW L.LU , ITluudUi , Conu
lAiMiiiu All ilHonscmr tlic tlirnnt mi I tinge Ta-
InrrliliiiiMiTorlHlioi llio lilooil niul in r < - , producing
ili'iillltj ili'i-i ) an.I . ilt > itli
IMM I-I'-IA Ami nil thonlinsoi of Imllcnwn.
I.tvcrtrotitili * Iniporfcct n Hlmllittlnii ntul nuiiitiAtV
IIIIMIllsi ; \ Ksro mint ili i > U ni an Hi
pl'lnm * sinitim | Inrl to rici > < Mil/i' l III iiitlgi
otti n Ii nil lu Inliil brlk'liti ill > i no ur ilia iitui
'iMIAhl'i Ol rill * Ill.Oim lllnnil pull onln
per , ful.i , irBliilni ] , nnl ilKiMOJ muiitli'iio dhoro
ut tor
All , sKIV l > \srS-Kcrpnn ; Hilt rhi'nil Vnrl-
plii ulc r < tnli-rrliM. mriiruli lupn ini I l > .cilur
cf l i rkln mil uf tliu cal | > iir < >
nut I lij Ur
M * , ,
ItVOI of i ' f. inni
llOml cll'lilllls pro < t mlloii ili spfin ILMH > ITlf4 , IO 1
on ttio ftiri > i nl nn NKirj ilro 11 uf futurA tc.
A niiv trinliiiuiittlnit MIIt ! IUI I , -
\y Ur HHIlimTticn all < then ha\o fnlliil
I I MALI W I'VkNr-slJs Hi ? liir-li Irrntlona
niul nun itnriil nmthol * usinlly oin il , vl nn ) ro
Hu ii-llil I ir lully llirui'-liiiirtlM nf tlin niitK'rlni ;
now piiituri'l ly niimi-n liiMiUlunio the nuw ,
li < nictri * itnii'iit nf Ur Illllliiui
rnis M.IJ iii.cTAi. 'rinifiiiirn. . . , rii-
tn In al * cmi" . itrli tLrn , nn t nil ill n i ' f ri ? t inx
i uiul n Ith nit llio kniro cnulury ur 1111 Ii ur a iloluy
I rum work ur l > iti > lius
Al 1 111 U > .UHi-5 nro q'ilokly rnro I
MNl'lllAl. Illsislls UDi-jntnr Imil Kt
PJ plillts t. n.rrliiti. Klrli turn nnliill ri iilt ni , ' uf-
firlliim < urn ) iwriimu'ntly mi I fun "i w
nn } nn r > rt * > r inlnenl tr.1 itiuont.
MOItPIIIM ? IIAIliryulckly , posltlvly nnil
pnln i Mcl > LIU ii I
J MM ttilllM-TnkKl with IKM ! piimiilpi. In pne
In in tt tthuno U i ) | > uunf ill ui I'lo Hint me lu > ui No
( Hli lilt lllsi\si ; : , riiclini ol Iniiri iniillunnnt
ulips tntnnr tiniir , Inirt truittti * autumn ,
t pi i > | i \ vl Vllm ilnin milk li flir nilt i onstlya-
tluiiiinil ilininliilliirrlii i tTi'curi'l
( III : ( IIMIM.I \ ION 'I lin tiiixt uinlirhtlf unit
inuilil > iiiiipU'xl ii < | iilikl > fri liciie. . ini 1 1 > mil llud
nut ( IIHN > IVI : HUIAIII v i nnniiuiit euro
ln\\ 111.- ! I Uii ! LU.NSUI
Iiul IIs ' . ' On ill tu&P 111 ICtunliui , 7 to 8 33
bumla > i * , Jto 4 i > in.
Patients Tro-uo-l By CorrospuUnoj. .
Mudicluo Si > iit Kvorywhero
S22 S outh Fiftec ntli c. \f \
Dr. Billing prepares ami dl pen oi His
own mciliciiios , which are hr ely snlwtoJS
Irom ' roots'
naturo's Uoalitig iiHutt , lurltj ,
inub.bluubs , etc. NJ ininor\l otlrujs clvoTl
1 < i"i . l . | f v , , M v > , i , , .
r ,1 l.utu
un\ukn , n M , ii , nim , , , n i , , , u mr /
" ' ' ' " 7 ? 2
( TuinjEwTiufdin "ja' } > [