Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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0 THE O\IAIIA : \ DATLV MKISi - MONDAY , FEBIUTA11Y 2B , 1801. . , V l *
Picnlcing with tbo Immortals in the rio h
nail Out of It ,
r-vici | loiieo r n ( itolie 'liot-
icr Win. Mailed Out ( o
tico II' the World
\\'nn Hiiuiid ,
s , .Tan SO ( Special Torre-
KHindpiiraot | Tin Hi i | I um icinhutod bv
frli-iids In Tin : lln : family tlmt It Is along
tlino slnco uo nmdu oui pllgilmaKO to
Megnra ; and I accept tlio gentle tebuko Hut
thcro It no use tijlnj ; to Una the bil lilest
newspaper la the bioivj west Into u classical
review , ami , having tttack my put , I Had
plenty of ] ieilodkids to welcome mv anlliiuo
waies TliU , ilurefoio , shall bo a chit on
things In gtnetal , so fur as posslbli'on tilings
ulUonnd atiovo Kiouiul , and tit. lulltif ! mu
lives of It will he to show thatllfo H not
XMJ well \\orth lilii | > an > wlioio outside of
( iieeic In the old times , xiiiiloubtcillj.whea
So < - iatosent about the sttoots nlth his
eternal milaiullho veiy fouaent of the \\ino
tit human Koalas In in IMS line was working
lioto-thea umlimbtotlly Athens win peopled
b > tlio most lateiostliif ; souls upon the
plnni't Now Hint thtso aio sluuibotlni * ; in
Iho icrainlous , llieiv fnino nadwoiks btlll
ilr.iw to Athens the most iatoioslhiK people
that mo loft upon the planet , And so to Iho
nt Athens Is to enjoj ut oiico ns new hero else
In the uoild the bi st soi lotj of thcliinnoituls ,
\\hetlier la the llosh 01 in thesplilt.
At homo , In nn > pioNlncbl iilieeono oe-
raslonallj injojs inietliiK a distinguished
htiaiiKdIt N an meidont bie.iUing In uiion
the lima ihum of dallj life At Atliens it Is
almost an uvoij iliiy ospoiieneo Tbo do-
tciialnatloa of tiavelto the classUal lands is
n quite surpiislnu fail-I moan , foniuaiitlty ,
foi < | imllt.oC . \ course , tbo people who KO oat
of tlio beaten tuek.toseo dreece , iloio be-
ciniso the ) hi\o the iiiltiiioto undeist.ind
iindenjotiieue I do not moan to si\ that
woptno Kloho tiolters 01 peonlelio aio
uio slmph trHK' ! to keep up w ith the piot es
sion liul the iiropoilum of j eo | le of real
vulture anioiiKlsltois to Athens undoubted-
Ij cxieeils that an.\wlieic else on the ( jtobc
And this is not all Such Is tlie older of
things hcio that It is \erj lilto
reeihiiiR them all in oao's own
liouso and iiio\lng } thoer > wlno
of tlielr genius \sliulo\ei It bo Athens
Is sumllor than Unialia-us U'K'iuls | ioiulu |
lion , 1 mean- for all Attica \\ouhl h inllj
hold Oiiulm ( cu itoii.ilh nnd the foreign
colonj Is ( | iilto linilti'l , while CJicek boeiot )
Is piactkally non-oxistont for tbo pissing
touiist Tbo ( jieat hotels , whom liuiopo.ins
mill our own ( oimtiMiiun sta > , aio all uniupoil
lieioontho Stimui | of the Constitution by
the palace , so ono can call on eeiliod * ,
\\ltliout nniunu'iit's \\.istoof tune , and I do
not think it e\ti.i\a ant to aaj that duiim ;
jiinch f the \eur Uioso foni hotels tbc >
( Jiando Hic'tiifiie , ( liaml , Aneletciio anil
Stliintreis nlloul n nuiio choice soeioltliiui
( Ino iuii Hof hill a million people in
Ktiuland or Anmica Tor H l tlio cie.un of
noeicty fiom a niultltudo of citio * , anil 1)0-
loiooti , IIIIMI doiut inoie than inhdo the
liompiot ol It , It nio\es on anilou liavo a
new lot Often , indeed , the" , aio people > on
ni'Mi licnid of at home , people whoniu bo
liuinbli' and commonplnio to tlien neij-hbois ,
but who open unit ( 'low under the inlluoiuo
of this Attic sun and air , until . \on sie tbe\
enl ) osiniicd iimnoitalitj bj Iking bom out
of time and pi ice. Why , tlicioas a in in
lu 10 no'm m\ weeks a o whom joninlnht pissed upon the loul mill called n
truniD lie \\a < a plain fellow w ho had set
out fiom his llawkojo farm to see if the
\\iiild\Misiouiul When ho stiuek Attiens
lie had settled two thirds of the ipiestlon ,
for hi" h id leasonod the ciieumfeienco from
liis own pig-pen to the Golden Onto , to the
Sumlwicli islands , to Australia , to Palestine ,
to I' \pt , and bv this time no is Kcttln
rumlv to put in his crops on Ids own little
iiiitth ot what ho knows to be u plebe Well ,
lie i ante to Athens auajed not la silk stock
ings or line linen , lor ho had loltTiisio
\vith loss than ? H)0 ) in his pocKet and he had
$ * . ' ( ) ( ) lei t on Ids at i Uul lie-to1 Hobc-limed
tlio way to leain the woikl was toliiKoa
liniul fn the woilds woik ; aiulsohohid
Avoiltoil his passage In l-ea , and boused ooolles
on a siiar | ilantation in the islands , and
lielpeil build auuhafiom ilopui to .letusi-
loni Xot a soiial swell , h.uuj means , but
tin 10 Inn en't been nmiij inoio iutciesting
chups in Athens since Sou-atea ceased to go
nbout hoi btnets in his birofoottd dishabille'
While ho lulled it was a picnic , ho
was the be-st nudienco 1 over ad-
diessed On tbo Ai ropolis ho listened
to my leitmes on the 1'eiiclcan nee , asif
IVncles himself had eomo back tof-i\o him
points , and then he took c.uofnl mcasuio-
inenLslora icstoiatlon of the I'atthonon , on
JSlais lllll ho in my home span ic-
jnaiKs on St 1'aul as , i thnstlluwor tlio
ilcw , uii the Utin.i wo lead Demosthenes , nt
Soei.ites' pi ison , hj the Unlit of the setting
tun , weioiii'-td the I'lmcdo , in the Ueianii-
ens wo thought of the gieit pioies.ion of tlie
immortals in wo lecalled 1'oikles'
ointlon , and then \\ouldtalkitall over
ngain as uo ei.iekod nuts anil su inpod homo-
Ij jokes o\or mj oseniiiBlUo Uo didn't stiy
lonp , forlboie was no work and it was cost-
Inp him -1 cents a daj to li\o la Atliens , bat
while ho did stay he absorbed Athens at o\eiy
jioio. When 1 e went nwuy 1 paso lilin m'\ 'Poor Uiehaids Wato Wealth , '
in moilein liiic'k , the latter , at least , ho did
not need , for ho lind the substance of it in
lilm 1 patted with him at the I'oloponnesiau
railwaj station It is just between Plato's
and ' colonus and I
piuden bopliodoa' won-
ilcieil that ho was ( rohiR homo to lollow the
jilow instead of unminc a nieit railway or
commanding an man Tor i fellow who can
swing lounil the \\oild taUing In o\ei } tiling
mm aecumiilatlni ; a peed .surplus on the wa >
is no slouih and if the funnels' alliance has
moio of that initeii.d , no wonder it has llllod
the front seats
AinoiiB my eaiher visitors was ono almost
ns interesting , who seemed to bo tr\hi to
llnd out if the world was hollow , to judge bv
tbo wa.ho . prieil into it. This \\nsUr Tal-
iniiKe. Ho losoeatl ) in the morning , at least
1 but the honor of receUlag bun in bed the
flrit time IIP tilled , and 1 do not know that
lie ictired at all llo tools possession of mo
lor the time being , and 1 began to iinike notes
of how Athens impresses people of vailed
indU idunlity Anjwhere else in the woild I
rould huiilly hiiva pot u woid in eJpowa\s ;
\\ith TiilmaKe , or so 1 fancied , bei-o I nail n
long lend foi hud 1 not been In Athens tlneo
months in the llesli , to si\ nothing of r. lifelong -
long lesidencoln the spirit ! IIo\v hoenjojed
Athensl Dotibtlossbo found Mai-o Hillmoie
oloiuient than the Pnjan > way ho nmst
lmo a chunk of the former for his new tabor-
inielc. Wo hiid ono hewn out ami sent him
fora pulpit , warnini ; him that while it would
tiiKo n high polish U w ould not hear much
jHiunilim ; , try it once , and ho would
think the uneoinoited old Krinjcsero
in it You se > o the KO\ eminent didn't
euro to whittle the suifaie of the lock , s > o wo
caned our pulpit out of the cave of the
lurlct. , whieii Is ( so to sij ) Just under its
ribs. Ono d.u lat spi int ; ihero loomed into
my quarters ono of the tallest Yankees , and-
Uio preenest now extant , and ho kent loomt
inp in nbout oneo a di'.y for ilweeks. . I
was r I ) Sanborn , of Concord , fuend and
biographer of John Hrow n ot Oabtiw nuimc anil
Ihorlau of Waldea I'ond Ilia length and
tenuity w civ not a. circirnstaneo to his liteta-
turo and his uit ; the i > oetscro nt Ills tou-
Kuc'b end ami his fund of Lincolninna was in
exhaustible and hresistlblc. Ho would ding
jou out of bed , too sick to consider hfo wotth
living , nnd carry ) ou off to Kleusis , or l'li\lo
or some olherMierul spot , and brlnt ; jou back
us btiu'ht ns a dollar nud as hnppv us a clam.
I shall noser forget our ascent of Ljcalrot-
tuor Iho dioll stories that Kept us doubled
up almost fieni stait to I'mish One unpiint-
ublo nnedoto turning on the length of Lin
coln's legs especiallj effective ns coming
froia binboin 1 repoa'ed it n fovv weeks
ORO to Ward H Linion who proved to bo the
oiiplnnl nuthorltj for it , nud c.ivo mo n re-
\l i'ilciion It was delightful to go about
In Clreecolth Sanborn , n Haivard man. the
choolmastor of tbo younj , ' Emer-
sons and Alcotts nnd Hawthoinos ,
fresh In hit. Greek nnd full
of jwetry , every inch of classic ground bud a
meaning nud it nussntro for him Tar from
being nmeie enthusiast ho was practical to
tlio core , and in six weeks , 1 think , ho cauio
tokuow- about every lUo fuel that auy mau
eiulil over Ihid < it li'ro lit * Athenian lot-
t ( i-s in the Sipi-ni lli I 1 Hepubld nn WIMM uy
otlitsihe fresli'st lnl * of obsi nation on li\o
Itrtvie tint I Ime seen Whin he loft ho
etuned from ino I.oulsn Alinlfs 'lllit ( ;
'J"iitlnV I" nini'fiii ( lurk t hop sister III
' ! , in ti , mid fiiini rioteiu-e lie sent mo ft
iiunlnt old AiUtophanes with nsontutof liU
own tlddlOHsed to niself. anil his I'muoiM
letters aio now my best liulex to the drill of
Ihlncs at home
Hut this Is iroltlnt ; pcrsonul , niul I must
pull up 1 hnidli O.iro to fl\\ill on the ilo-
llphtfulhitof the Uldiimn , who , nftornb-
sniMiiR nil thn sun nnd s\M-otncss of the
Meditori.moan lands on either Milo from
Spiln to Sleih , and from Al lcis to tlio Nile ,
sought hcie at Atliens a few nu'ksof felicity
w-ltliont n llnw And the > caino wllhtn ono
of llndlnir it Onlj when \e tildl u now
lend to the olUo unos we lost our way out
townil Ai'hiunientul si > missed the piitietilnr
inphtlnpilos which should have wnibleit
onr wehomo to t'oUmns and the acad
emy Hut our iirlxos nbout the sneied
eitj , our hours upon the niiopolls
\efll.v , to mo nt least , the } mntlo fair At lions
still inoio soienelj fair And It was In 1'ies-
lilent ( illnmn s cutnpuiy 1 nindo niv llrst full
round of Athenian Institutes lliounlveisltv ,
acailemv , poljtcehnie , school ,
aisaKolon ttoi Kills ) nnd the uhu.itlrmal and
philanthiopic cstabllsliiiients i'iioiill\
Tbciols so nuii)1 ) ! ileproelition of the ( ! i ei eo
that now is , so m my inople , and not.ilil >
Kncllslt speaklatr innplo ( not usuilly fintn
oui side , 1 am ( Thiil U > su ) , must hive tlioir
little Ilimr nt tbo total depiavlu of the
( .ii-eeks , Unit II was all the inoro ilillKhtfnl to
LO aliotit with a hup.1 iiilmled AnieiU-an
whoso iinpreilation was so nmrltul ami so
tilmeto lr ( iilnim iivoKiil/cd everywheio
stnpiislnnly ( 'ood Ideas winking out benoll-
cent resiilt . and those fortunate tnotiirli to
heai ortoie.ul the lourseof leetuies on the
McdiU'irincan cnuntries he is now niv luj : nt
his melt unhorsltv , will eeitainly nil a
blitfht nnd hopeful view of ( irccio \\lien
nt liar Harbor last summer they ovcuciUlicii"
pot of honey from II.Ntiutti'i-s , tinvveietd -
leuly slyliiii ) ; iiKiiln foi these suim > attic
skies When tlio ilmiin of Athens gits a
chance nt siieh people it does not let them no.
Impossible to telieaiso nil these Jojs , in even
hint at them Tlicio was 111 } dm at
Silamis u ( .Mortons sumnur iliv with
a dear .vouni , ' ( licek piofessor fiom ono
of our uiiivusltlc's. 'Ino ihelom ; dav we
tlo.itod on thowateis 01 vvanilvre'd ovei the
island , wboio the Pei lia Aunadi v\ent to
pieies on the ilav ( 1 ITU bofoie )
sa\ed I'niope fiom vassahije to the despotic
cist 'llieio was that lli-t piluiimauo to
Munition , with n rholie hunch of Boston
Yankees and their st.ilelj Sitian iliaiioinan ,
\\hoso anecslois bul tit-Mi tbeie before him -
along with Dills , the Mode- And tbeiowas seioiul pilgiimniro to Mnathonnot in
tun vest , as liLfoie1 , but at v intact ) time when
nil the plain un puiplt1 with ] ov. 1 lind
driven out with a New 'lork liw.vei , sple'iiilul
( s'eiillenian ho w as , to Kiop a dc'coiatlon daj
ol our own , for it was theLMsilth annlvei
saiv of the most f inious b itllu of thowoilil
'T ilk of v onr c.iniplhes and encanipincats1
Hero wow at Maralhon oiiMni.ithon d.iv ,
seated on thosuinnilt of the nioiuullioiein
had lusted foi well ninh four anil Ittentj een-
tuiies nil that nioitil o ( the men who
inido Iho nan e of Marathon liuinottnl' ' And
but a few weeks before Hint mound had been
opened , and that immortal dust our own
njos behold And if \on\\illfro with ino to
onr museum , vou shall tbo two e.neil urn
containing the asm.s of the I'oleinucli , who
fell liouuiii the ill } v\e lelc-tnate
And what a time wo hud together , that
same man of lau and I , us uo dro\o ono
lonelv S'inil.ito ( ciihisii Menandor's
homo , nrd on to Diceluii on tbo slioies
of I'.unes v\heio the Sputum
dipped their lilKtci on Attic i dm inn
tlie last die nlfnl veins of tlin I'oioponmsiaii
war auilwhi'io mnv hism.ijcstv Kuitf ( leorno
has hislihllli' countij seat , with its ninbia
KCOUS luiustsoa the shidovvv mouiitnia skle ,
and link thionuli old Acluun.e wheio 1'i-is
tophanes'ehiii oal biiinerlioj pi un , i iilo ,
ineii-j lives and \\hcie we found tlio llttlo
HKOIM tilled vvith potticuitcil guntlemea of the
old school luildhiK n soil of Jlomciic asscm
blv Ah' ' friend McC uthv , theio i * a pleas
ant taste in my mouth when I think of om
little d us and nitlils ; together
And so when I think of leitala coiiutr.v-
men of ems now lloitnifi the li/ > \iinter
tbrouRli upon the Nile , tliero coinus lueka
sort of svmnhonv of sallops thiouj-b thoolivo
( Tiovcs , and alone the I'haloion beach anil
diivos to Kuiiiuni anil ilo cents into the
ancient mine * .it Lain him. Think of tiav el-
inn foi miles throuiili tlio bowels of the eai th
and tluniiKh the very vcinsvvhich > ioldcd ttio
silver , that built tlio lleot lor Silninis and
the I'aithinon'
helped 10 n thoPropjlaeannu1
And out nf these veins wo ate now
sending maiiKaiieso 010 to iiiako j oui Hei-
semcr steel And so the ends of thouttei
and the ends of the a cs jnj hiile-and-scek
loirotber As in.iv icadily aiipoat CSneee is
( icttnif ! peifnniod with personahtv , forme
lUeusis , for instance , is not associated sololv
with Umnct'T and the lust furmliiK. mj lust
diivoover the sactcd \vnswithsonio
iluumiiiK Uostoniuis , i.iy second with
np\t-door neighbors , nn third with the Inw
piitner of 1 incoin and tlio daughter of r in-
coin's luv instiuctor The list time I visited
the stadium , the piison of Soeu.itcs , the
Spynx , Mais Hill and Iho Cerauiieus , it was
with Whiteluv Uoul a eniil soul unspoiled
giettncss and with an iippiecmtfoii of
( iiocco that is in itself a pitcnt of nobilitj
1 have also bicnprivikped to ontoi tain Puck
and the Suu , Kepler and both tbo Dams
Well , w itliont ( jCttint ; to the cde ( ! of things
in Koneial I ha\o sot lo the end of > our
leasonihlo patieai-CL Another day I mi\
tontlnuo tlio tale of w Hat make- , life \voitii
liviiij'in CJreeco Meintuuo henty saluti-
tions to mj filends who liiuo to live In the
next best countiv Iscbrask.i and jurticii
hilv to mj presidential bretliicn who- KOOI !
works have not so fin jnovolcea the inallgnlty
of llttlo men as to vv in them nn exllo into
pu-adlso. InviNciJ MVNVII.
Tor bums nml woumis wo would lecoin-
mend Salvation oil , All ihu gists bell It at
'Jl cents.
Many ci cs have come inulor our notiio
wheio a siiif lo bottle of Dr. Hull's eolith
sjrup iclieveil a sutTerir fiom a seveio cough ,
whicli had been tiealtd for months b ) com
petent phvsicians , y > conts.
Ice In
Poihapj the most valuable lcs < ons
learned in the dairy woild dnriiif , ' IS'IO ' ,
bajs.Ior&oy Bulletin , vvoio taught by the
iceciop of last winter. L'reameiies and
manj laipo dairies had hocoino bo ac
customed to a plentiful supply of ice that
they had conio to think they could not
( jot along without It. lint experiment
and experience have discovered that by
diluting fiesh milk 25 per cent with
either warm or cold water the time of
cream rialntr may ho so much i educed ns
practically do itvvti ) with the necessity
of tisini * ice for creaming milk. Tlio
lesbon is of valtio , and has already
bconiho moans of sivinp ninny ilollni-i ,
mid rightly used , may bo the
incana of saving nioto. " \ Voile
ilo not Know of any cniofully
coiultu'tctl experiments Hearing upon the
point , but from the few observations'
nitulo otn-oUcd vvo uro inclined to think
that those vv lie have nindo roullv good
butter without the use of ice will IIml
that it keeps sweet longer nnd stmiclh up
bolter when oxnoocil to the air thiin but
ter made with ico. "When ice is abund
ant it is nut to bo used too freely , nud
the milk , eremn and butter bo nindo too
cold.Vliother or not diluting the milk
has nny inlluenco on the churnability of
tlio cream , remains to bo tested ,
KntlthMl to till ! Host.
All nro entitled to the tic t thatlhclr money
vv ill buy , so overv f.unil ) should li.ivo , ut
once , n bottle of the best family romeily ,
S > nip of 1'iKs , to clemso tlio svstom when
costive or bilious. Tor sale iu Me and $1 bot-
tlebby all IcaUInt ;
ron TIII :
and All Points .South.
Take tlio Wubnsh , the best and quick
est touto. Only ub hours to the Hot
Springf , 10 to Nen Orleans , 5to Jack-
s-onvllle , ( U ! to Tampa , with conespoml-
ing fast time to all points pouth. Uo-
cllnlng chair and Pullman bullet faleup-
ing cars on all trains.
Hound trip ticKota now on falo at
greatly i educed rates. For tickets and
full lufoi mutton call at the Wabash
ticket olllco , Io02 Farnam btreet or
write G. N. CLAY-ION , Agent.
An Excellent Plan for Securing Very Early
Feed for Hogs.
How to I'rotltioo tlir Idonl Slioop
'li triMiiti tlio lii'st KosiiltM
\\llli Stouk-l M < In Hut-
ter Maklni ; .
\Vo ino rocolvliig ttn uiiuiiml iimnbe > i %
of loiters from riltToront blnles nsldtig
how early ( Veil foi' hogs can bo pi-own
in ys the low a I loniPslcml. This It quite
natural. Mnny fiu MUM mire "licit of eorn ;
othoii ovpeet rorn to uoinimuul a hljrh
priio no\t summer , and still otliorslll \
attempt to piuduco a liirjjor crop of lions
than UMiul In niitlelpitlon o ( hifjIiiM-
III'HOO. All tlioM ) ulsh un uui-ly feeil of
next je'ir's growth. 'I'o all iiii'li vvo
reply , ami vvMi tliU reply tot-over ninny
lotlura of Inquiry , that the best vvtije
Know of Is what \\o ha\o hi'iotofore
"MHvotaili" that Is a
ealk'il a pistuio ,
! > n.t . > tiiro miulo iinuf JKMS with imj and
ovi'tj kind of spilng ( , 'i-alu the fanner
inn ) ehnneo lo have. It inny bo matlo of
wheat , ije. o.ites nnd b.irloor anyone
or two of thorn , hut uloii with what arc
eallud the Caaadn Hold peas as a loiulitijr.
featui e.
Tlio inlxttiio should bo sown in any
loo.ilHj an early us it will do U > M > VV oils.
I'LMS a 10 tistiilly sown at the rate of fiom
two to two and a half Innht'ls p < r aero
wlton wwn ) alone.Vo would dotorinhio
th4 the kinds of gt.iin to ini\ with
thfiii , ami then itiK the usual iiinimiiU
sown of eaoli , and MUV the .o over as
inaay at res as wo ha\o Kinds of grain ,
not , hovvoxoi , b < nviiip | , li > s than three
peilvs of peas to the aero. The object
of sowing jji.iln with the iieas ib to allow
thoia Mtinoth'ny ' for support , nnd toffi\o
a KI enter vallot ) of feed. The object in
sewing dilloient kinds is to give greater
vanot.v and cropi inaturln < r at ditTeront
poiiods , It will bo scon , therefore , that
spiing wheat and oath will glvo a bolter
valid ) th.ia mlliur , and sprmi ; rye .uul
bailey willadd to the list. Thiip.ibtnro
\\ ) to turn on about .1 uno lid
in the latitude of ( .initial Iowa , and
eaiher farther south , and will j.'ivo food
foi a month.'o aio not able to f'i\e
evict lijjuros sis to the 1111111001 * of hojjs a
pisluro of this knul will suppoit , as wo
do not Know the i ieliness of tlio land ,
nor the natmo of the se.ibon , nor the
si/n of the hofrs.
Next , wo would plant in Apul in the
latitude of leutial luwa , and earlier or
latin- south or noith , a few ai'ios of an
eailiei eorn such , for e\anilo ] ) , as 1'iido
oftheXoith , C.'Moen ' of the Ninth 01
Miino other carlv jellow dent \aiieti ,
This will bo Hitile , yl.i/edstato eailin
August , and wo would pi olonjj the MU--
eot.ish pistme iiuplus feed till tin1
eoia eoines In , and then fioil itiuitil tin
rciiulai eoin 'io [ ) is in condition fet
piohtablo fiA'tluiL' .
Our teadois will sco at 0111:0 the ailviui-
t.ijfe of this snerntash pasture It will
sa\e a montli ol feed , and while not pio-
diii'ingr inoio feed than an aeio of corn ,
yet it comes at a time whoa feed K needed
Jlosides it ifhub a ration far better
adapted to growing ln > g , than a ij corn
ration , nnd we buho\o it can bo made
the inoit piolitablo ineco of yiound , aero
for aeic , on the farm
About llorst * llrri' < Iin .
, T. "R. MeAfeo writes as follows to the
Kmas ; Fanner : Twontj-lUo voaisaio
I put eighty To\as maies and ten grime
bt'illions on my farm and entrusted them
almost ontnoly to hired helji. 1 sold
some each juar , and at the end of li\o
.A ears closed out the balance of the lieid
The List joar I gave MMIIU attention to
the stoc'k. I kept a strict account of all
ovpeiuhtuios and receipts , and eamo out
about even , but had 1 given it cnroful
attention I h.ivo no doubt but I
could Imvo leali/cd full ) 20 pol
ecat per annum on the invjst-
mont. Nearly ten voars a < ro I bought
ono treed grade stallion and eight good
guide mates , but I boon ro.ili/oil that t
hud made \oij fjiavo mist ilco in pur
chasing a grade stallion , I then iin-
ohtibod a legistored ( Jljdohdalo btallion
and used bun a > car or two , when o\-
licrieneo taiii ht mo that the best lesrib-
toied btallion was tlio cheapest , o\on if
- - , I then
purchased at a long pt-ii-o
bought the imported here that still
stands at the huad of inlietd It eostb
no inoio to raibO ono of his , colts than
fiom any oidinarv hot-so , andthoj bring
on the inarKut from . " 50 to 10U per ecnt
gi eater i ico. Experience and ohsti-
Mition both teach mo that it is a
waste of time and money tolnneanj-
thing but the best at the head of the
herd , Ono of my high guide Cl.\ilo
mares was w ith foal w hen I bought her
bj Duke of Cljde dalc , an o\tra good
horso.Vhentwo jeaia old I'-old the
colt for 'r.'KJO ' , whilf-t from an oidimuv
good lior-o it would ha\o been ditlleult
to got SiiOO for the same colt. The hoi so
colts fiom my grade maios sell from 'i'iflO
to $ )00 , and fiom my icgistored maics
from r > 00 to $1,500 , which is double the
price I could got from haIng an ordi
nary hoi-o at tlio head of mj held.
The old b lying that the sire Is half the
herd is doubtless tiuo at Ic.ibt both ox-
] ) oricnuo and obboivation convince mo
that it is a fact.
Stuck rocdinsr.
To seouio tlio beat re-ults In feeding
stock of all kinds the food gUon must
bo wholobomo , abundant , olonii and
bweot , the houts of feeding regular as
well as the quantity , bajs X. , T. S. in the
Xobiaska Fanner. Sudden changes of
diet should always bo avoided , while a
good uu-ioty is moio or loss essential to
good health anil thrift , All uidical
changes should bo uiiulo gradually.
With grain , hay or any other material
theioisno advantage in feeding mot o
at ono time than tlio aninmlb will cat
cleaner more than is noooisarv to sono
tlio pur)0sc | for which food is supplied.
Another point in feeding
is to supply as completely as possible a
lation that will most nearly bupply the
needs of the animal 11 Is not the quan-
tltv but the qualitj that determines the
valuoof the feeding ration. Neither is
It the quantity eaten , but rather what Is
digested and assiinitatul that Is of bi > no-
lit. With all chibscb of btook it Is more
economical to feed bo lib to keep in a
good thrifty condition rather than to
allow the stock to inn down at ono time
and then bo obliged to feed up gram
later on. The ration that is bobt to feed
will \aryin ditloront louilitlon and with
dllToient animals. Hut loguhnlty in
feeding , having the food ( loan , bweot
and nutiitous as well as In sullleivnt
quantities , are rules that aio of gonc'ial
lror the cure of cold * , couijtn and all do-
raiiKcmcnts of the respiratory orRiins.uo otlicr
medulno Is so tellnblu us Ayor's Cherry i'ec-
toral It icllovos tlio risthnutlo nud con-
kiunntlve , oionln udvanced stncus of disease ,
and has saved innumerable lives ,
A v/oman / may sew/ / and a Woman may spin ,
* And a v/oinan / may u/orIC / all day ,
Out Lv/lerf / S TA U W comes into her house
Then Vanish all troubles av/ay. /
Spuclflc Directions.
it' v roi.n is i-ni : in : vn , appiy
INiml'N r.vtratl tillliilul oiii'-ltall )
by a iiiiHil ilniK-Iii' , < n- mull II , or
upoi IT Ucr a lump unit In halo
tinluiiii'M tlirouuli tlin 11111' .
ir novicsr , Kiiiu-K viitii iNimi'v
ixlru several times ilnilj.
ii' 'i-iii : ruito.vr is soiti :
ii ml SI.lit SI'IIT , ruli tlio iiu It
IlioKiii lil ] Aillli I'oiul'n l.vtiait ,
iiinl , on rcllrlnu , t.i\ \ > llio nn Ic
In n AMHilrn liniuln d nntii rnli < l
\\llli 1'oiul'H silriu : ( , uml pro-
tcilol li > an outer \ \ raiplii | < ; .
ir TIII : I.IM-S vui : soiti : ,
talii' ii li'iispniiiidil ol I'oiul'H l.v-
trait lour or IU o llmr clnll ) .
ir TIII : I.IIIEISciii : mui nro
noio , rnli tlirniluoiunisl ) \\llli
I > oiiil"M Dili-nil.
FOR CHILBLAINS , liatlio Mlllt
I'oml-H I.ictrill : t niul liiuilnllH
clulli Niliirnlctl vvltli 1'onifM ix- ;
trait. llclilnt ; qnlcUl ) Htoppfil.
BUT < ln mil pine Imsr > < nir cln a | >
hiili'.llttilo anil u\pc < I It t > > ilo.lint
I'limlX I'.vtiactilll. . lt - Hiiro jou
linvii ; I'll u I lid iirllili' . 71 ml o only
b > I'ond'H l.xtrait Co , , > < \i Aoilc
Jlllll l.Olllldll ,
j nil ilNortlers of tlio Stoiiiacli , Liver , lioncls , Kli ! > ; i3v , Itlulilor , Xenons
I/os orAiMictito , lli-uliifhi' , ( 'oiitii , itlni , CostluMii'S' , Iniliostt { n , Itilluns-
j I'c\cr , L'ileKtt - , , nnd rcii 'crs the sjsom ! less liuble to tonti.ict tli case.
1JAI > WAY' VIIiI s an utiro ( in tlilsctinipl lint Tin ) Innn upllip Intirnil spcrotlon-
' > p'Vni ' iiillmi icilori' .ticiutli to tiniloin uli , mil i-n ilili li t i DC i fet in Its functions
I'll i > * V > ulu > \ * ul < l lij .illiliut lst01 nullLil by UAI\\Ai ) V CO . , U W.urta i-Ui et , Now
inU , on ii-iclpt of pi at.
"We arc a patient people the
ox is nowhere in comparison.
Webuy lamp-chimneys by the
dozen ; they go on snapping and
popping and flying in pieces ;
and we go on buying the very
same chimneys year after year.
Our dealer is willing to sell
us a chimney a week for every
lamp we burn a hundred or
more a year and we plow for
him , pay him for goading us.
Macbeth's " pearl top " and
"pearl glass" do not break
from heat ; they are made of
tough glass.
As likely as not our dealer
would rather his chimneys
would break ; " it's good for the
business , " says he. He buys
the brittlest ones he can get.
" What are you going to do
about it ? "
I'lttsburg. CEO. A. MACBETH , Co.
To euro nillouiness Sick Hendoclio Cotmlpnttoa.
ilalarln Mvor Complaints , tnkn the tafo
and certain icmedr , SMITH'S
UsothoBM\UBIZK'tO ( llttlo licann to fho hot.
tie ) llicy nro theiiiQetcnnvtnlent tull all agua.
1'rlcoof Utlier die , ' . ' & cuiU ptrbolllo
ECRfiSUBlMf * " ' 7 17.70. I'boto pravuro ,
IVBOOSl panelBlJtuof tlib plcturo lor 4
tvula ( compere or etam | is )
Mnkciti of "Illlo lleans bt Jxjiiln Sip
Hlp < ! i3tn nrKnoniPlBPd
luii nii ; roiifl ] ( > for nil inn
unimluinl ilhi hurifC" nnd
} atuiliMiuicHi t nn n A
cprtnln i un > fur tlie ill bill
' tat UK vvrnkucas peiulUr
tn v > umin.
, . . Iiiresr-nboltnnilfeelsato
lTHEE U OBtVir ) lCo In recnnimeiidlni ; It 10
a nil nufliTori.
, ! ' , ' .
Nulil l l > rtiKU-l -
J'ltlCT. 91.00.
AVinslow Wilkes ,
The fixstest-l-yoar-oUl pacing stallion In the
Wo rlil ,
ItcoorilS It 1 ! nt I oxliiBtmi Ky H lii'nt tiy Hlnrk
\\llkrs ilnni tiy Aim nt ti will innku tln unson nf
HU ntli Jl Mnlonitriut ( inulia .Nob M-ASuNS 100
null uiunl rct'im ' irivilins
I 11 % JJ vSCDpcTAin A.nupTunc
nr Klvo relict Uku"iJr. I'luroi-'n ' iliKiiitlc 1 Hullo
Trim ItlUHrurioltluiUKiiiuliil If juii * nt Ihu
llhKl.neiiillolnttainiii \ rfnr l'nndilit | No I.
Mn.'inllc l.lii.llo IruI u , , bull I , ( ni
Kill I.A nil's OM \ Dr I.iMui'H rornnliinl I'HU
the 1 'onili ninid ) nit un tin' in < nulrinil HJ Kmaud
lurokUpiirtHMluii Innn Hluttt'U'r LIIIUO 1'r inuli'M
inonrlrnntliiii 'lliinu pillii xliuiil 1 n t do luki-n dnr-
Ilik . i I'll nu in jr Am I'llllo llujall ) l'f" | " si'n- |
CUy Co In liMlulni > liy Mu'riuaii \ Mil unni II ,
Iontum imr I'O , Oiunlin t A Vlulclur Nmtli
, M. 1' 1C1IU , lllutla , I. ' , or 1 fur 15.
1 crtliolroitniPiit r f nil rilllONK VN'I ) ' I UdllAIj
IH I vis linn i V | > | > llin i'st r Hffirniltlunn I
'IIIIHHPH Hen I in illlii \pimnitiiM \ nnl lliniilliH
f irsnecPiHful In itinint nt LVI \ forunif ilNi'n o
ri'iu'rlni ' : Vloilluil ( i Miruli il I'n itm nt N1M r\
IIHOMs i oil I'VrilNls lloiinl nmlttonliiuo
Hi n Aio tninolitloiH ot VVrlli Inr circulars enl
l ) ( rorinilli-i nnlltinn * I ru Hi's ( .lull lilt IIIINII-
turi'i nf * - | , , , | | | , , 'luinniM IniHir ( atirili
llninililtN Inhilntlin Tlirtrliit ) lnrilsN 1 , ,11-
ijs > Kllni' > s Illulilir ) ' 1 in Skin uml HIiiiMl
niul -mi.linl < . | n.nitli > iii Ills ] \mMl' : ) \Vd\tl.N
n fpi lalti II H k iii IJI-u'ails nf Uomi'll I rue VV'o
liivn 1 itel ) ml It'll .iljlntr In Dopnrtnii'iit for V\iuni n
Ilinlntr lonllnuiii'nltrlillj I'rliute I ( Inlj Hi lln-
lilnMi'ilIc il In-llliiK' VlnklMK a puclaltr of I'Hl-
VAI'I : DIM : VM s
All Hliiod DlJi iM-3 uici > fnllj trcntol Millclno
or ln > > triiiiiuiiti siMit li > mill iiriivpii H Mturol ] >
pnr-fecil ni , niirk > 4 lu linlliiiti1 i inti'iitn or sindnr
Onu pi-rMinnl lnti'i\lin I nil mnl iniiHiilt
uiiirscnd lilitniy ut ) in UKInnd wi lll ind In
hln nripiii'rnur HDIIU 'ID VIHN I Itl I ii.n | . 1'rl
vnti1 spulal or Nt > r\oui Dlui ILM i\ltliiinuatliin Hat
/VililroMi nil h tin s Ui
Dr. A T. McLauglilin , President ,
Olh anil ll.uiioj Mrools Oniihu.
DR. J. E. McCrREW ,
K ! YonV IXpciipiiu' ,
lured In .1 to MluyH n illout tin' IOHS nf an luniri llnio
from btifini'ps rl'liiniii > titb > i.dutu turu f < riiLl l 1
lind all limi' jlni ; ill iliiini ior kimwn In nu > itlcal
polenio iI'llll.lH nunrrantcdciiri'ln a tn > 0dui
'llic inoit i wirfiilri'ino ly jri < l known fur n | inn i
roil cure s illicit , Hi : or pain In ri'lluliiK tlm blul
ilei , I'und nl liutno Hltliout Initninii'tit no mttlru
no pain no diluting l.i > * t < > r .Miinhninlur VVuikiiLss
ponltl\ll > Liirwl , InMiint r llcf skin ill can'a nnl
fimnle dlncnu'i IK niniiunll ) ciind Ur Millions
HIKI' " < In trrntnii'iit if I'llvulo Him n ) in ;
notorkii'ii oiimlli'il | nnillilH urinl nrni ) , , f intli > ni <
tun lim fnini Iho Alluiitu t tlio I'ncilli Hm ks nnl
tliciilnrd ftui l.mlli * fr in j l 4 uulv Dili nnl
lurnnm etrtitt Umutin Nub. l.iitraiiLd on cltlar
X.XQ U OJt-t
It run bo qUtt * In a "up i r tuffm ur lvu or lu ur
JeKt oT fuo3 , without the knowlwdee ol theiatient
if ucu ary It lu b olut ly tiarmleai anil will dtlec
a V rmatient and ipflodyouro , wtitther tlt < > Laiifiitii
iao er tolrtnkeroraiial9oholiov reoli I I > l \ I-1
" -
' - ! nml .inhume
jjiiiPiiii'm-N [ | | | |
limnsnick-lhlko A , II. 1'irrlgoA Co.
OolliMidor do.
All VUkK , Ml IVIim All
tllllnf I tin nlmndl < i <
"ilion ftitiiriM I'nttt
407 ( ( Cis lull Mrul ,
Ecpublicnti rrintnny Go , ,
UY Itlofn , bank n\itilli" \ | | , mil I'Mrjlliliu In the
Ackorinanti liroi. k Iluintzo ,
'rlntcr' , liliule'r , ilor-lrot\lmrJ , blank book nittiii
fin turiT ,
tllil llinviirl flro ( Ointlii
1300T8 AND
Iharlca A , Ooo & Oo , , Ki
Uruuiu ( ; tutors ttnl job VV liKlomln Manudi Inr i
uonm for llnMli n Hull'
lirsii.MMo Ilir. ' 11UI ,
i\\nr.l tri'ft uml Iliii Ihnun si
Villiani1 ! , Van Aor- W , V. Mono & Oo.r
imm & Hard1 , liorrurli r ) fnriior lllll
nil I I * Mitfl 14 nti Hill I
1212 llnnu' ) "tri'i't ,
1m Mi'rihunli llu llul
Oninlia Soli tnrill nn I I'tmulim
Jolin L , Wilkto , Loin ? Holler ,
OiiinliniiitrtHY | | ( fa tiry IlutihorV nml I'urknri'
HIlllJ DuiKlti 'limit .V Kiipill | ( Hoot ,
In i : V sliu | i , iiMnjf 1
Orders iiroiuptly nil. ) 1 till MHJnrkiiiiii fit-
Oolnmbui Bti cy Oo , , W. T , Scanmu ,
CArrhkCs , r Mi Biilkloi , Oinnlm n Inri.ost V ni ktjr
0 II IMwimH Mnniuor Al.ONJMI
.111 II.I SMItll lllll
Omiha Carpet Oo. , Oilinoro & Euhl.
"nrpcli , ol' olotln imt MiuiufnoturiTH A W Iiolo-
ciirtnln pnld I liithlrri ,
1511 Hiri llnrncr' * !
West & Fritsolier ,
Innutnpturen HnorUir
Jolil orn ( if leif lolinccoj
1011 fnrmin strcot
) maba0oil,0oka and Ooutant& Sqniroi ,
Lima Oo , Hnrdnml joft coil ship-
Hard nn I * of t roil pi r > ,
I. ( dr lull an 1 Duu * 1HJ8 Kftrnini reot ,
lii itre-oK
Ilulbeit & Blum , P. H. Mabonoy & Oj ,
Ohloliimii ll'n l < airlm | llnnlConloft. .
KAioNlur Waltiilthl ii'c
port onoil tint luitltr iclto , OIl'fcsRllS ' Ilitliniiil cir
fetnltlilnif hlMiiu lOlli mill DuiiKlni sts
> ' .
OtllcuJM < 1'itlMt.
American Fitel Co. Ho well & Co. ,
nnl ilfilor , li
517 S lull trcet ,
uiithrnrtln un I liltu-
IllllKIIIS C lllll
Oinnlin , Neb
51' ) H Mil itrcot
JoliiisoH Bros. ,
Ncbraski Fuel Oo , ,
tl4 Knrnnm tlrcot ,
S13 ntliMtroat ,
Oninln , Nib
Onnln , N'ob
Mount & GrifHrj , O.B. Havens & Co. ,
213 S lllll itrijt , l iG2 larnini Btrcct ,
Omnlm , Nob. Oninlin.
Johnson Bros. ,
8141 nrnnni street ,
Onnln , > ob
Eagle Cornice Works | F. Huompin'
MnmifnrturersofinUnn ( ( Jnlvnnlii I Ironcornlc" .
Iri il Iron Lnrnlip llornn r window , door
\\lnildw cni * * * nil Itillr sky IliitnH cli Iln
llKlilH ill 1110 niul 1112 Iron mi 1 M ! ito rnofur
Hll l-itriiiun st
_ _ _ . WV-U V *
M , E. Smith & Go , , Kilpatnok-Kooh Dry
Goods 03.
, furnNhlnx ,
Dry pond
Dry R'lodi nntlnni cents'
luuU4 iiutluui
fnrnlHhlii4 i. uids
Cor lltli nnd llcminl li Ciiriii'r lllli mil llnrnoy
Wolf Electrical Oo ,
lllustrnlM Cntnloxu9
1C1I Ciiiltnl Avcnun
Purlin , Orendorfl' & T. G , Nortbwall ,
Martin Oa. , Oenpral woatern niien * .
Corner .lonon and 'Jth sti skTiulln I'low Co ,
O mull i Nib hunnin n\o
Broken Bow Roller E , T. Davis Mill Co , ,
Milling Oo , . C I , Umlonvoo 1 ,
Oltloo nml vrnnliou o Vtnnnur ntllniiln
1UU N loth struct. Cor Bill nnd Inck on st
S. I , Gilmaii , Clemens Oskamp ,
M f f of rondy to riN
1011 N ICth Mro-'t. blnp Jnck Vh il tlnu
rnkii' * In ttui ivi rid
C I ! lllnoi , - vinn-iB l.W-UUS illitroot )
Dewey & Stona Fur Obas. Sliivenok & Oo.
niture Co , , Kiirnlturo nnl Cnrpct ) .
Furniture nnd curpeH ,
1115 II13 rtirnnm Btreet , 120ilIO Vurnam St
Eclmeider & Looims , J. T. Eobinson Notioa
Oo. ,
lolbprs nn 1 Iinportari of
< ; enl ' furnlBliIni ! Kinil'
uoUun-i nnd fnrulbhln/ ni f u n Irlirnti'd ' brim 1
'lUirk-hlu M vn rull <
Vlinti hlrH nint < i'to
1111 HOB irdnlrpot. Cor Utlinnd IlimnnUti
Kcnnnid QUss an ! J , A. Fuller & Oo , ,
Paint Co
1108 14U Ilnrnoy utroot
Omilm Niu. Um ili
Williau' Ounimiugs , I Ulako , Bruoo & Oo.
5l7i.ul , . CU South 81 , w' "U , ,
Oninlin , Ntti Onmlin Nnli
Paxton & Gallagher , Mover & Riapko ,
705-711 H 10th tre t , IW.I-Hjj lliirnoy strojt ,
Omilm. Nih. Omnlm Nib.
D. M. Steele & Co , Sloan , John'on & Oa.
' Vtli un 1 l.i'ivcnwurtU
1201-1103 Join's
Btri'eU ,
Oninlin , Sob Om ilin , Sub.
Allen Bros. , McOorJ , Brady & Co. ,
1114 llnrnuy utrout , Ulll nnl I.i'nionworth ,
Oniahn Suli Oninlin .Nibninkn
IInili ; G. Olark ,
( , enl VNi iti'rn A pr'
) U | > nt ' 'I'i'itlntf ' l"
inwilor Atl H lilfcliomi
ltitllii llntfi l" > tnii'
IJ1S llariu'y utroet
Ecctor&WilliulmyOo koOhrkAndroosou
Hardware Oo ,
( Mt. lOUi uu I Jackson < ti
Ill.b-llW Ilitrihr "Uoot ,
UtuAlia .SuU
Goo , Oborno Oo. , J , B. Smith fi Ot } . ,
ms um 1409 1111 l.cmMKTorU ) tt.
Oninlin IMimlm
1'iixton iV Viorliug Oiimluv Snfo fi Iron
Iron V/nrk" , Works ,
VVroiiuhl unit imt trnn
liiilldlni : itirk , inriluoi Mnmif'r * tire nn I Inirnlnr
of nfi' < \niilli \f \
lrn nurk < nni < riil pti *
li mi.lit innihliiK mil tvi rk Iroiiiliiiinr * lAi * I
Ilii'k inllli work U I' tin i' nii' | il H'
lly nnditli ! < t drun NtliV.lniXii
Acnio Iron niul Wire Wilson & Dniko ,
Workt , M ti tntnihr ntio < ftro
tron wlri'nn t tiri rr'ki Inn lniltr | tnnki oto.
. 'iU S Itlh .
iV lluohl , l'iuirliilor | 1'loni' nu'l H'th slri'fll * .
Rees I'tititiug Oo.
l.ltlincrniOiliiu , 1'rlntliil
mui ill ink. HuolM
lllll iiillllnwnr ISti
Her & Oo , , "wniinmDint ,
I Iqilor Vli'n liuil < V\ Inn , I | iti"M | mid l !
111. Iliirni' ) nin i > t
Mniinrm mi rn Kinni' ly
Knnt In.llii llllli'ri 1111 I'triiim st Omnht
Oonsolitlateil Tank A , Booth Packing Oo ,
LillO Oo , | Oy tiri , tNIi and cnnnoJ
Itiflni',1 mui lnlirlp-\llnt
nl mln inn < i nt ) 1303 Uravciiworth.
A H lllalit'li mtiKur
BUes & 0o. , & Oro33 ,
Country nnxluri' frilltv
. ioi ' I'ruiluro inil frnlti ,
ii.otil ir i curs'
H I'CtllltllM tl H MJll 01 ,
IU. 117 41'Jti lltli SU 121 1 Ilnrnoy lro3t.
Omaha Rubber Oo , ,
Mnnu fin tnrl n nn 1 Jj >
bt'r nll kin l
I irn itn
Emerson Seel Oo , ,
i-i 1 ifrnvvori ileilon In
Mnlun t'r 113 , k'-aln auj
trt'ii * ! o 11
Ul-42lsniith lith
M. A , Disbrow & Oo. , I Bohn Sash & Door Oo.
MnnnfiutnroM of Mimnf ictur ir < of ni > ult-
do n r ti 1 1 n iH nn d lnx , bllnU djjrj.
ilrnnnhof i'l
tlio I. Hi mil Uarl iti lltli mult lirk tri > PK
Farrell & Company , Duffy-Trjwbnd o
VVhfiloi'Xln niinfnrtureri Gtovj Mitmfao'g ' Oj ,
vt % nifn tur iz si iv M ml
il n pip
1211 121' , I i > iNcn * .rllnL
Consolidated OofFa ! >
Company ,
HU nnl 111' ' ; Ilirnorit-
Oiunlin Soli
U. S. Wind Eugmo & AL. Strui' ; & Sons ,
Pump Oo. ,
llnlllli ) HlnlinllhlH "WJ 1UJI Varniin strgsl.
nnd i'i IIIIIIK u (1 ( h' , . .
Iluis aitliikininnkir Om ihn Soli
H. Hardy & Oo , ,
lo ) * , ilolln.nllinni * fincy "
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101-103 Donrhorn Btroot , CMICACQ ,
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