TJIK OMAHA DAILY BMIC : MONDAY , ITMMHrAHV 211 , ISfli. 3 Till ! ] OMAHA JUS IS COUNCIL ULUFFS. OI'I'IC t : , NO. 12 ri'.AHL , ST. rt 1j ( nrrler in imjr tint ! of Ilioflty II. W. 'Ill TUN . - . MA.NAl.l.U Tri.l I'HONUdi rnVnin Ofllrc. No U v Night r.illtut. No 21 Jlt.M't1t.\ . K V. P Co. ' ruunrtl Hluds Unmbprfo. coil. trail's rl.nltrl lonn . SiMSatinbuvk. ( lonuliip Hock Spring coal. Tlmtrlicr , 10 Mnin street. Mm A. . ! Hhltilc ) of OiUnloosn In In llio city , ttio guest , of tier ion , Harry SUiplo.v , for 11 fexv dnxB. A no of urnrlol fcvorviw roporlpd yes- trnlnynt l ho residence of Johnijnldvvoll of Morntngiddp Uoutotmnt ( hnrlo < i 11 1'alnipr I * propm-lng to owl txvo Inrg-o In.f'ptnpnt ' wnrohousot In tlio smilliom part of Iho city 'I'lio ' Social tuilnn of ttio Prr-diytorlnn ihuivh will HIP. t tomorunv evening t the icsldpiico of Or. K Plielps , l.'t ' South Sev enth street. Mrs tt'nll Mi-Paddon hm received a letter f i nin Mrs .Vlg"1. n daughter nf ( ' I' Sumo , nt tills city h r husb.ind has en- tlli'ly lost tlio use nf his e.ves. The In font child of Mr nnil Mn. 11. ,1. Ivundnll died Siitutihiv night of congo'dlon of tlio lungs The funeral will tnlto pl.uo at ' 1 oYlorU tills nflnrtioon at tlio fnmllv i evidence lKi3 ( Third n\piiuo .1 II. ( 'lark , eo.n t rr-porlor for , lndci > Mncv , \\hohnt boon holding couit nt Axoon , IP- turned Hiitindii ) exenlngtohis homo In tills ilty. llo states that tlio ritiohUU uns ( nought h ) rroinimt Ht'iijiitiiln for the pin- jioso of getting a client out of Jail \ > \ ntt.iclc- Ing tlio lot-nlllx nT tlio di.mlng of the CM and Jury \\lili h ictiirnod the Indictment , xv - dc- elded In thoioiul against ilio dofrml.iutH It Is llliL'ly an nppcal will b taken to tlio su- pi emu coin t , thus settling u hat might ] uo\ < > to bo n vexed ijiiLstion for man } JCIIM to ionic. Ucenllin-t that tlio onlv in-dalltnont homo In Couiiiil Uluflsnnd the lai-KPst Installment liousoln thu west 1s Mmidol A. Kloi.i s \Vo M'll nt uniUMli pi lot" . ovi'ix .nth loof house- linlil fiiinltino jou use , anil Instead of 10- iiiiilng | you to pax ( ash vvo lutxon Invo II on easy pixments Thi'in Is no iicci'ssltv of dotiing join-self tlicuisflof nnv ni lido xvhcn j on can not oveiuhiug Jon want on such iM-vf tenns Tlio luigest stock of i-nrtiets , Moves and fiirnltuio In tlio city to select fioin. ! t'U Hioudxvav. Chnul Moo ( ira Tlio blond ] millh < r nnil Colorado loot , thotoughnnd citairh reinudy , nt Uulliu en's diugstoio U 'Ini-nof \ \ III lie Here. * Uuniors hax'o lieon nlloat for sex cud daxs past L M Tninor , xx-ho Is tin ) plaintiff In nil of llio Injunction suits urnuuht l > y At torney Ke.ilnooltxns \xnntoil tiy n number ( if jicoplo in tins i Itx , lint that they did not linou Just xxhoio to put thuii hand upon him. Tninci 1ms been out of the city for sex cud days , but dotuctlxos h.ixo bi'un shadouin him , nnd at last ho has been found The city authorities xxhoxoie made defend ants In tlio cases h i\-o been the ones most In- toicstcd In tlio c.iptme , lint thex Im\o not felt ( iiougli sympathy for the nubile to lot It lie Knoxxii just \\lmt thev xxcie doiiiff In ttio innttir It \\iis Knoxxn .iirunliml rlinrccxonld bo iiitued ii'-'nuist him , tint \\liat that cliar \\ould bo was to son.e e\- tent n mjslpry Ills nou-1 ( .lined , hoxx ever , that il \\ilt ho a ilmitfc. of pcijurx , nnd so\-- uitdof the saloonkeepers xxho me co defend- iintsitli the antlioiities bo bioiiKht in to act as pioseeiitiniT xxitne ses. A \Miriiinl xx as lasned in Justice Pulton's conit suveiil dajs .IRO Justice P.ittonMIS > \-as soon on the subject last cvuniin , ' , but ho x\-as unxxiiliiiK to siiy anjtiling about it. I'Voni miothcr pntx. houex-er , xxlio Is on tlio Insldo of the business , it xxas loained that Tinner.xould bo biouL'ht into the city today in chiiK'o of an olllccr. It is sninnsed hx some tbnt the suit xxlilch has been bcfjun iiK'iinst Tuinur max not bo piosi-iuted unless bo infuses to K" out of the bnloon closing Imsincss nt once It Is thoiihhL tluxt thu iase xxill simply ho used , as a unlllotine , xxhiebdl bo liuiiKover his h"id xx-lth the lininincnt dan- jjor of fallliiK unless lie consents to dismiss the suits \\hloh IIP has instituted. It is also stated that by moans el the same tliieatenlni ? liibtinmonl the imthoiltles expect to oxtoit fiom hitn a statement of the tiuo inxxaidness of tin ) xx hole prosecution Thuro Is no ono xxho thinlis that tbe thaipe of peijnrj has been nmdoiiKninst him out of nieio inotixos nfioxenp ) , orltli a desliu to send him ueioss tbo state Man.x think tint tie has been onh the tool of n thiul path , and an uffoit xx 111 be nindo to Had out xxliethcr or not this is the i.isu. Klndeigiiten school , SH 1'ovntli nx'nno Spiing tcun opens M.iich . Mrs. I' . L. .Sack- utt. The ladles of Council IMulls me Invited to enll at llioxx-n's t1 O I ) , tiiocciy and lie HOixed xxlth a delicious cnpol Aimour'h beef s tea Step inhilo dinxii town. The Manhattan , spoiling headquaitcrs. N. O'lliien. 1'ino fica la\-Is' ) ' . s at \ , opposite OB'dcn. Mrs. W. II WaUoIleld ciiUntnined a fovv of her fiiends S.ituuni ) cvenitu at her homo on South Kighth stieot h ) giving in honor of Miss Hibbs of lioono , vxho is x islting MM. ( ' 11. Kichiuond The following ; ladies xxcro inesont , nil of vxhom took p.nt in the pro Mrs Kichmond Miss Itlbbs , Mrs K. H MulllH. Mis COM Kib , Miss Unllaid , Mist lioxx man , Miss Xollio Uovvinnn , Miss Mni-giuel Mudcll , Miss Maud Oliver. Miss Maine Oliver , Mis Will Sapp , Mrs W W Klieitnun , Mrs licit Uviins , Mis. riobert ) and .Mi's bhea. _ Stop and Think , And ask ) ourself xvhy ) ou should piy old ftisltloncd pi ices for proce'iies and pioxislons when you can get Hist class , clean , fresh Koods nt modem priceI Head these piitos Crackers , per Ib , , "ic. . ) Ibs glngeisnans for "lie ; Aibucklo's ruffie , JSo per package. Cierninn coffee , l ! . " > e. hums , do per Ib ; bacon , "c ; i-odtlsb , 7'jc ; 10 Ib pnil \xhlto llsh , Me , ; i eans coin , -.Tic ; ! 1 cans toma toes , Jlficj I cans pens."ic , O.ivis'No. lOllour , $1 Ml ; IXivis "llluo 1) ' Hour , SI .15 ; Hullalo Hour , ? l ' . ' 5 , Cold Medal Hour , $1 1.1 ; Snow Flake Hour , $1 ( HIJ.l Ibs buekxvcat , $1 ( XJ3 ) boxes of mutches , .We. bo\ good laundr.x s > oap , i-1 00 , UlUs le.if hint , 25e , good broom , 11V ; oranges , 1'ie i > er doen ; co.U oil , bo u gal lon , - lo.ixes uieul. fie , 1 Ib tjood tea , : . ' 3e. 1'ioiiipt dellvcrx of goods. llroxvn'a CO U. c'locery , Telephone 29. Tor Kent An eleven-room residence on Is'orth tseott st and nn s-iootn lesldcnco on coiner Hroiulvvay and llith st. J. C. Do- Haven. Host heavy goods. Si per cent oil , cash. Uciter , the tailor , 1110 Hi-oadvvay. Drniiiiiieis at Cnrcli. Lost evening the drummers of this city and Omnhn to the number of about a hundicd met at the Hotel ( Joulon and xvent to St. < J'nul's Episcopal church In a body , in response - sponso to nn lux itation extended to them by Hector Mnckay , At the church they xvero assigned seats In the center of the house. A Inige audience vxas present la niidltlon to the vlsitoi-s. The services of the evening were xciy interesting A sermon hnd been espe cially prepared for the occasion uv the lector , nn outline of xxhich xvili bo found In the com mercial travelers' department of this issue The surpllced choir snug In n very pleasing manner "CSivo Kar , O Ye Heavens , " by Amies' , nnd "KvenhiK Service in E , " by Clarke-\Vtjltneld. \ The Xoxv Paeillc is the most centrally located hotel hi Council IHutls. Call on Schurz-Smlth Co for clmttcl loans nnd ivnl estate.0 1'earl l. l.OOtl.rtW bilck for inlo by M. Hughes & Son , Council llluffs Stiugart & Co. carry largest .took of bulk field , Kimlen and Uovxcr seeds 4n tuovest. . Catalogue and samples by mall , lllh Ah\\s \ \ Illlh \ BLlrrS , Auily Ellsworth Killed by n Motor While on tlklgo Street , SLCOND FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE LINE. A I'leasiuil Mnsloalc on Hoiitti I Itev. I1. P. TldcUst Ills Idea ol' tlio Miidel Hoy. A pxxil of blond ooflnp from beneath n mo tor train standing nt the corner of east Plrroo and llldiro Mtrocts yosteidav noon shoxvoil onl.x too plainly that a 'rapcdv hud Uikon tilaco , nnd If mix1 further Itnllc.Ulon hnd been needed It xxould haxe been found In the foierlsh Interest xvilh U'hk'h n ctoxxd sex end hundred strotnr xvas iii/lnif at the spectacle llennntli the forxxard trucks lay the body of llttlo Andj I-.llsxvorth. He had Ijern eoa tInjidoxxn Uldpe street , xvhlcti bcplns at I'h'ieo ssreot niul runs up over a steep blntf At the foot of Ihe hill and on cither side of the stiect stand bnlldlnps hleh shut olT the vlexv almost entliely from both directions At the foot of tlio hill nnd In the middle of thostieit runs the motet lino. The hill has been used ns n coasting pi ice hj the boys of that vldnity , and In apito of the dangerous sin rounding , theielmd until xcsteiday bicn no accUlc-nt At abiiut 11 W past elex-en oVlnik motor No : i , In eiiaise of Conductor Sullivan and Mntoiminiphtnian , \\as pisMinp alciiK Kast Plciee stieet In an c.isteily diiectiou As the } xvoioaboiit to cross Kldpo street the inotoi man limited up the lull , \\heu ho XMIS hiniillcd to see a box on n sled ciiiiiini : at full speed ton in d him and almost upon htm Ho imoiNdl the curt cut 'is ' soon ns lie could , but It xx as too Into Just befeio the sled icachcd the tiacl ; It sttuck a patch of bare nnuiill and stopped , throning the bcis lieadlniiK buiumtli the tiont pint fin 111 of the motor A moment liter the train stopped mid the men pot oIT to look for the boy Ono shoo xxas all that xxas x isible 'I hoj sii/od hold of Hie loot and at'cniptcd 10 pull the box out , but ho wns xx edged in so tiphtlx ns to Urn art all then effoils 'llio police station xxns then tele phoned to , and a few minutes later the nitrol vx.ipon started for the seine of the nceldent In the meantime the ti.nn men \\cio dolnp thex- onld touard e\- tile.itinp the box I'lndlni ; It an impossible task and Ililnnini , ' that the bo.x mustler- l.nnlx be dead , Coioner U'.iteiman and L'n- deitnUcr Hstcpeie bent for A messenger xvas also dcspatihed to thoclectile power house for jaik-s ( icixs xxith xtnc-li to lift the iar otT its tutcks Some time elapsed heforo the jncksciexvs aimed , but when tlie.x came It xxas the xxork of but a feu minutes to lift up the car and pull e'lt the lifeless bodx A lioninle sight met tin1 KU/Vof those xxlio liapnencd to bo standing neir The box's elothinp had been ( inpht on the inacbineix and he had been xvi.ippid niouni ! tin ) u\ln in siuh a x\ay as to inanplo him fr.uhtfully 'Iho cntito si.dp had been toin nil , 1,1s neck \\.is bioken , Ins left anltlo and light shoulder x\io dislo cated in addition to this his face had teen burned and disi-oloied In the ulcitiir cur lent As soon as he hid been U'lno.ed ho was tauen to the nndeiiaUlnp estahlislnnent of \ \ C listen , where the body \\as pio- pared for bin nil No ono att.u lies nnv blame to the emplox os of the eniiiiian.x Thoj state that thev ueio piexented from speinp the box- until the\ ueie almost opposite the street and tho.x stopped tlie Irani as soon as pussllilu 1 hex- also slate tint thex hnd xxained the bo.vsof that xlcinilv lepeitedlx not lo oii the hil ! , ti'llinp tbetn the.x xxorosmo tn got hint , but the boxs lefused to take the xxainlng Thex let nn ol tbo incident xxas the ten- old son of n laboier xx ho lu-es on Knlco street The father is iidiptrfe is said , hns hien i-ompelleu to live on the chanty of his nclgbbois a peed shin ; of the lime He lias been xxoikinp leeentlx- the c\cix'atnn : ! on htntsmnn sticct , nnd bad aiiauovv escape from being bniii-d in n landslide lust xvcck , an nciount of xxhah vxas pixtn in Tin Hi i at the time , Thtio mo tvxo hoxs and a gill In the fatnil ) . Tin ( oronpr xxill hold an infiio-t | In Hsteji's undcitakinp looms nt lOo'olixU this moining. For the next xxec'k llioso elegant hand- ii.diitPd tea | iots-\\ith n nonnd of the finest sun ihied Japan tea , \\ill bo sold at lXc ) each at Lund lliotluis. ' 1 be tia cnntaimd in these be.uitiful pots is superior to to any T."ic tea In Ibocitj. and theio U not u dealer on this side ot the 1'acltic oiean xxho can piu- cliase the pots so Ibexi.m bo lotidled at < 1 Thex in.iko elegant piesents , Keu them and xon will ailmlio and purchase them.Jt Main stieot. Call on 1) .1. Hiitehni'-nn & Co. for cholco h.iip.dns injots in Wilson Terrace , bpucial Inducements foi llio nc\t few dnxs 'llio new dental looms of Prs Woodbury me the tlnost and most complete In tlio west. Next to tlio nuxx ( ii-and. "i'olephone , 115. " Mdie * i bout Uhiclc. Mention xvas undo In tliP'o columns yos- teniaj of the nuestof a man named M 12. HlacU , on the dinge of havlni ; stolen some clothiiiK and other artulos fiom one of the lodgers in the 1'ac-illc house. 1'uither in- rinirj io\-cals tlie fact that liiuk Is an Omaha lawxer xxho hai been stopping at the hotel for about a week Siiuo ho has been there ho has been xeiy gay , drinking nnd carousing aionnd in a most reckless manner , Thu guests of the hotel have been annoud by losing aiticlcs of clothing from their looms , nnd have been nnaolc to intili the tluet Sluco Black's artcst with a poitlon of the stolen goods on his person thoj aieof the opinion that all theli tioublo e.imo from him It is said that Hlack lushadsonio soi ions famllj tumble , and some of his fiiends aio inclined lo think that ho has be come pirtlally deranged. They seek to ex plain his npiinent disregard of the laxv of propel tin this way Ho is still In jail , not having been able to secure hail Ho will be gixcn a hoiiinp this morning on the change of Uicenj. A AVcok nl' Piotn novx until Mai\h 1 wo xxlll glx-n from . " > to Ift percent discount foi cash on dlffeicnt lines of poodsocnirv. . Yon xxill leain that our prices lor cat pets , n.attini' , ings , oil eloth , l.uo silk , madias , chenille and other cm tains , ( 'him silk , fiinges , loops , felt , silk and mohair , plushes , table covets , down com forts and pillows , carpet sxxeepers , uphols tery goods , etc , aie loxx or than nnv house ennj ing sinie poods on either bank of the Dig Muddy This is the oppoitninty ot the season lor good bargains. lieinnnnts of carpets , many of them largo enough foi small rooms , and elegant patterns , at less than inanufaituioiV cost Coi sin. IJurisCxitpcr Oo. Huy your coal and wood of C. B , Fuel Co. , MO Uroadway. Telephone llil } . Kvnns l.aund'v Co , WO Pearl street. Telephone - phone "lU tioods called for and uelixerocl. Ua you xxnnt an expiess wngon or box ? Umg up the A 1) . T Co. , telephone IT'J , o. 11 North Main street. The .Modol Hoy. Atthollciean liaplUt church jesterday nioudngUov. T F Th'ckstun ' took for his , hiihjpct "Tho Model Doy , " his text beingas folloxvs "And the child bamuel gicxv on , and xx as Is fax or both \\ltli the Loul , and also the men. " 1 Sam , 11 , M. llo spoke us foi loxx s . "The xvoilJxants men. True men , as true and stead ) as tlio needle to the pole. To ob tain these xx'o need model lioxs , ; xvholo armies of them , enough to till all our oft'.c-es , all our workshops , all our counting-rooms , nil our banks , all our pulpits every place of tiust anil responsibility. 1'hcso are not to bo Im ported from distant parts of tlm universe. They aio not to bo angels from henxen hu manized They xviil not bo the great , model men of a hundred M'ars ago brought back to the earth again , They xvill bo the boys of todav. "To become niooel l > oys , nnd by-and by model men , like Samuel , xou must seek nnil seivo the Lord , You must establish a uuiou I bdwpon xoursplf in tl ( lojs spirit tn tidl itinlo and dimpii'trUnit whatever it the ' I'lxlnovxill ' for xnn , xvlll also box nnr own xxill 1 for MHII-SI if Kipt nt then ol all ) out sins | turn fit'n them in hateful toOod , liellexe In , li n , nnd plPd.ii > to him eternal oiii'dleiu-o "In tlie olid Siinui'l , sci pluet.llhi in speak Ing of ( iod s ( oiniiinndmentt be sure to do It faithfully Of the sineritx of hit judgments ludd luck nothing , 'loll excix xxhlt 1 Sam , .1 is Your elders , vuir tuton , ox ot.v- body , tell them the xxholo tuitb. "Salimol won a strong Christian character llox s , go and ilo llltmxlse. You don't need to ben great oxci roxxn , inicniiilons fplloxv ' 1 here are too inanx smli now , xxitti no red strength In tin-in The stivngth joii want h tlie nbllitv easily to niinngv.vein-self If ) ou can do that , ) on nre a stioiig boy , nnd inn nlso nmn age ol In rs. "Siitiinel was n pleat worker Tlio box- IhnLpiicooi'iU today has got to xvoiK for it vvifh H his might The sun Is nlw-nys dolnj ; . Light is continually nntlr. The vapors and tin'inln drops r.- " Incessantly husv 'I hi' winds case not to o\ei-tito the missionnllolhd to thorn In ( .oil's providence. Hoys , go and dn llltevxlse "Snnnei xvn ft lite-long temperiinro bo ) . II ) the vow of Ids mother , nnd Intel by his own voxv , ho been ma n Nn/nlto , xvhlch means Hop.irntlon from xvnio nnd strong JiInk ail alcoholic ililnk , Num. xl , 'J-M I Ids l a IPHSOII , t hough .IHK , ( ) xears old , to every bov of todnv If xon xvant a clean month , a "nuvo bicath , a clenr Iniiln , steady nerves , strung nnisi his , n liealtx tomli , an in- telllgont ee and u long life , adjure both ul- to'iel ' anil tnhiicco They taint , they bltteil ) , iii.illgnnntlv taint ex civ atom of humin na ture with which thox rome In contact. ' ' spi ing CiioilH. A little cailx to talk nbiuit spring diess poods Pliuy am heie , nevorthi'hHs , and In minienso ( piantilles The Ilrst dellvoi ) ol our inipoiliition onlcr has been iccolxcd , ox or fiiKI pieces , the latest strides and tints of the Kiench and ( lonnm xvcavoi The mint notiei.iulo aio thu delicate shades ol giajs , tans and Vlenes lose \Venovci liadanioio complete line of liomlettas , seiges , biilllan- tlnes , ote Without nnv exception lids Is ceitalnlx * the llnest line of dress goods ever shown bv us. As Is usual our linv ptlics uile. uile.Ciiiffliams , llatinoUtto nnd plnen.ple ] tissue niu the lending falnies In the xxasli troods line , the latter a soft fabiic leseinbling a china silk Tne ) come In plain and assorted pattcins I ho pi Ice beinc ; much cheaper th in chinn silks brni's | tliom xx Itldn the leach of all. for the ptoscni lfic por.vnrd . ( ilnphums' Oar disnhi ) at lOc , PJ'jO ' nnd l.'ie we claim In he the best over snovxn for the mono ) Tlio pallet us are sluipl ) e\quls- ito foi that line ot goods. Plannelcttc- ver.v popular fabric , xvas so last season , nolng to be two fold thlsse.ison. \\o shoxv il in four giados st. , lOc , 1 , " ji- and Pic The Pie ipndltv looks like veiv much finer goods than is nsimll ) sold for t hit pi no The vxlioiuslotx is , we bought them cheap Mid mean to sell them so Itpaxsto tuiii them over quick on the .small molltsxstem. Table linens and table napkins dcsoivoiv littli attention , our stock nt picsent having been replenished xxlth ex or ) thing in that line. dcp.u Uncut ( noxious to stoi'li-tukhiK inn it pretty low , hut noxv it Is biik to its normal condition , and might say better than oxer. Our line of ble.u hod table llnons from l.le to Sl.fiO con sists of vnluo seldom , if ever , nppioached bv any lotall stores With all duo credit wo can sax- the same about theunbleaehul linens , only the piloos start muehloxxcranddon'l 11111 UP iinito as high.JOc to $1 00 is 0111 limit lor unbleached. Table napkins , any si/e , table napkins mix pileo. from .Ic-euh , or "Oc per do/en to * . "i ( Ml per do/en The most complete line we have eor had the ph.isuroof slioxx1 inc- HOSTON Sl'OHi : , Pdtheilnghani , Vlntolavv , V Co , lenders and pioiiintois ot low ) > iles , I'll ' , lilt and -Hl. > Bioidxxax , Couneil Hlufts , la rsovv York olllce , IT l.eonaid sticet. J.C Hitiixstmm neitln ! " , sanlUry en gineer 'Mi Meirlnin block , Council Hlutls t ; 13Tin 1'UNNV. He Has a 1'oor Opinion ul' tlie Oinaliu Delei'tlxes. Harry Mnnsllehi , King , alias Hogers , who escaped fiom tlio county jail over txvo \\eeks ago , Ins a vety poor opinion of the Oimha police force In Kenoral and the de tective itep.utment in pirttcular. In outer that they might know his sentiments he xx loto to Chief Detective IIii/o nnd County .Tailor Ljiich The letters xvero ditoil Peb- rmiy 20 , nnd purpoitod to i-omo fiom > cw- ton , In , hax ing evidently been written nt the = nine tlmo and pi ice as the ono leieivcd bv Hello Hrandon of vvlileh mention was made in xcstculaj's HI.I To IJctoctlxn Ila/o Mmibllcld eonfldinglv xvioto that ho was just a llttlo too bllck lor any of the Omaha oops and fnither oxtiiosscd the belief tint theie isn't n detectlxo on the force xx ho could eatch acoiv vx ith a bell on He pronnscs to i oino back hero some da ) and the toxxn , nnil unless the detectives glow xxisor with advancing jeais ho nto- poics to bundle thorn up and c.ury them avxay xxith tbe rest of the boodle. In IPS letter to .taller I-jni-h Mansfield apologi/es foi xvnlkliiKoiit of \xilhuiitpoi- - mission , and exiuessos the hope that it will not occasion the mix tionble. On second end thought , however , ho recalls Iho npol- ogj , and ba.xs thatil the Jailer vx as "onto himself , ' as he should be , thcio would have been no misslnp piisoncr and no explanation demanded. Don't Pool t onrielf ! iimlliig all minors to tlio coiitrinx , tlio ( Jhicu < rn , Milvx'.iukoo iV Ht , 1'aul Hy'h now fetoam lieated julnco slcopiii } , ' cms , xvith "electric lights in oxerj tiortli , ' stjll loaves tlio Union ilo- jiot , Oiimha at ( > : ! ( ) | ) . in. dnilv , nu-iv- ing nt Cliic-i'o ( , nt < ) : . ' { ( ) a. in. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket nlllcu , loOl Fai iiiiin st. J. Ii. IMtiM-ov , R A. XASH , C. i'as-s. Agt. Gon. Ant. ADMITS Hi ; KIMii , ) CONN OILS. DVVJOIllfgrots His I'nlliire to Mm- dor Dick dishing. .Too Dvx'yei , the nmuler of .lohii Connors , admits lli.U ho killed Connors , but sa.vs that ho had no tiouble with the dead man nnd hnd nodesho to kill him lie also nclmoxx-lcdgcs having stabbed Cashing , who is still a prls- inor , but who Is In a vciy critical condition , Dvvvcr says that he hud had trouble with Cnshinp xxhn , ho claims , xxas mini : to give him the worst of It. Ho fully intended to kill Cnsliing and is sou ) because he xx as not successful , llo is borrv that Connois xxas killed hccauao ho xxns an inoflciisivo paity and xxas ineiely tiying to ttoj ) the light be tween Dvvxei and dishing Dxx'xcr xxas stilppod yoslenlax afternoon and ills description t ikon , Ho was found to bo xerv liburdlv tuttood , and nuineiois emblems , doviooi nnd initials were indil- liblv stamped on las nt ms and body. In his pocKus xvcio louiiil letters from n former ml , xx ho is noxv a coin let in the .lefferson City , Mo. penitential ) , indicating his asso ciaiion xx ith crooks of all descriptions. I'l i-litiins ! lor IVhrunry U'oatlier , As there are hut tvv outjeight dnyb in tills month thoi-o ou ht to ho loss oold utinosplioio tlnin in January , lint "all Hlrns ( , fail in city weather , " therefore , vo can only say that the oloetrio-lifihteil , Pteain-heated , xcstibulod , linntod trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul railxxny will continue to run daily bo- Uvcon Omaha , Council lUulls ami Chi cago. The electric light leading lump in ouch berth is the noxolty of the ajjo. Tiokotolllco , loOl l-'arnanibti-oot , Omaha. Y. > 1 , C. A. Meet i ni ; . Thonttendnnco at the men's meeting In the Young Men's Christ ! m association concert hill vesterdav nt 4 p in xvas .Ti ItevV I , , llonpliigarnei , the evangelist , spoke on the subject "I'oi-bonai Woik , " taking lor Ids text John MS , "Ho Drought Him to.lesus" Ilo bald for personal xvork the llwt thin necessir ) wns > a porsontd Christ , nil o\peil. mental icnlitv In the honit "Somo people do not billevo in cxpeilmental leliglon , ' ' sai 1 the speaker , "but 1 want to say to ) ou that It is possible for the man xvtn > io sins h ive been pardoned to know it , blo > so J bo ( iod. Paul never doubted the tenlity of Ids leliginn , and never siild he guessed or hoped , or thought ho xvasaxed. . Ho snul , ' 1 hi.nvv whom I have believed ' 1 cannot eoneciv e f cr a single moment of u man having biun pard ( m def of bis sins , and Uaii his iiamu written lu hr.ixon and bivn in ul pirtiurltu tlie 'iintM not Iftiiixxlng mix thing niiout It It Mils tlif Unoixlodtio ot u [ K iiiiimi I'hrlit tlnit J undo Paul iihlo lu'iuliiw tiiir.lhli4 | fur the I ( ! ( npi l i snkc. xxtdch led Mm tin l.tithcr to i iirntost injulii-u i IIP i-oiiuptlnu in Iho ilmidi j In hi * ilnx , vxhirh rained .lolui Km > \ to | sliind upon tlio hill tu Sootliind ami m-iiv , "O ( Soil , give iiU'Sootl.ltld , gixo mi' Scotland , or I die " "Another thing tbnt Is ncccsnaty Is ilio cn- iliipiiuiitof power. Without this nil t'lulH- tlannrU uill bo uu.iviitlln U'itli It nn Irroststlbio lnlltiriuv'ni'initiMtitos | tlioorlior and ( -lM's lilui uroc < In uliinlnj , ' the hoaits pf IIH'II " ' Tlu'lntPii'sl throughout tbo service \\ns Intense , mid In tlio alter iiippttnn iiutiiuer cvpicssod udoslto to lioootiiu Cinlstlans. All pi1 ( | > nml skin dlsimsps , ilntiilrnff. fall- IIIK of tluli.ilf , u'iaH failed hdf , inav ho rnivti bv mini ; lliui nntuio's ttuo iciiioil ) , Hall's llah'Uuneu'or. I--I id nv I'oiiu-i : couitr A . > lnl ( < * \Vlilcli | ) < > IIIIIII < N OH.Inul - ( llf's llllllll'lllllt ) ' \tlClltloil. TlRunaitleil men DII llio pohco fouv , pnr- tlcul.irly those who aii ) on duty most of tlio tlmo about thocllv Jill , \\lll ruolMblv ha\o Iho use of an t'M'ellaiit KunlPn spot llio com- to thplr plu-oof dut\ \ unless llio Jnnitoi of tlio polno court room should do- ildo ln'foie SJIIIMK to loinino Mime of tlio soil and otber forul n sulistniiies Hint now cover tlio lloor to a doptli siilllolcnt to ( ? io\v suoet corn or peach-Mow polatocs Tlio Janltot ( ir.i\\i \ n sdar.of . J."iO per month mid the actual \voilt liopcifouns Is IILVOIII- lilislieil in about twenty the iiiiiiutes eaeh mi rnliitf The matting aiul c.iri > ot in thu I'onil room look Mho tlioy hail IMPII soaked In n sewer "for seveuil months and then put In theto to di\ , and the Dmi (1 lloor ouuhlo of the r.iiliiu : \\lldi \ I'luloses the bar looks inoro UUo the lloor of a plf ( sty than that of a couit loniu. ConsUleniif ; thosalan pahl it Is an absolute onliigu upon tlucoiiev the \\.iy the tiolico court loom Is uont. Mis M. ScliacnbcrKiH * , HiMvor DnmVis , writes.Vo \ ha\o usej Ir Thomas' Oil In our futnlij foruniglis , colds , rheumatism. It cures even time sn\it jiiiirr HOTNTY , Sciintoi * S\\ll/l % \Vrllcs an Open tcrt > tlu * Hoard of I'l'iule , Senator \Vnircn Swit/ler of llio Douglas coimtj delegation has addressed n leiiKthy npcn letter to the directors of tlio Oni.dni hoaid of t ratio concornlntf a foiolutlon adopted bj that bodivfoi \ i ing to the sugar boot bounty repeal. The icsolntlon Is : When as , A 1)111 ) Is now prndliu In thu No- liv'l-datmo lonkiiii ; to tlio rirnl ] of the ait iMiivldlin ; for i tiounty on sn 'il iirui- uf.itliiieil fuiinli-els raisiil In the btato ( if Neln is\n tlieiifoie , lie It Kc-nl\il , lly the illitilors of tlioOtniha hoard ( if trule Unit our senators and nnrc- si'iit itl\eslio , .Hid arc heieliy niUested | tense their Inlliu'lice to sucuie , in u\t ( iislon of Hut tlniPiit uhlch this bill shall takuilTeut till .1 ami , n y 1 , 1 " . ) . ! Citing the fart that the question of rcl.un- itif ; the Ijountj on Xe-biatlc.i beet supnr is one of nbiorbink' intitojit , and also ono smiie- \\hnt involved ntul priplexuiK1. Senator Swll/on explains \crv ilenth his personal attitude. Ho states that ho was and isop- pomd to bounties In beeanso ho be- lie\es the "svstc'tn of olTeunp bounties to In- dusttioslthin the stiito bj tlio state is bad in and " How- pimelplo unwise in policy - e\ei lie itfeis to the fact that , as i member of the senate committee bo piesontod a min- oiitj report lavinini ; the extension ot the tinio of upeal ono , such a eouiso being loimncndul on "the gtonnd of fan ticatmenl and c1'1 ' ! lidtli ' Hut the m.ijoiiu icpoil of the ( ominittee , favdiinjj Inimodnito repeal , h.u .UK been adoiited. Sen ator Sult/ler says "I am now InfiiNorof theiinmodiiito lejieil of the liounU , " unless his ininoritj Hcoininendation should beaited on Insuppoitof this stand ho sajs : "ft is a ( nilsuke lor the people of this state to think that the I-cent a pound bounty on beet sti ur was the moving ciuso In or main induceraei't for tlie ehtablisliment of the Ciiand Island factory ; ami equally orioneous Is the belief tint the main tenance of 8. < ih bounty uould bo the cont'-ollniB force in tbo inline deu'loTMimnt of the Industry The eomiult- tee to uhich the bill was lofoiied in thoson- ate ua\o the matter stub fair and tlioroiiKh considoiation as the imnoitanie of the sub- jed dotnandeilohad befoio us a delega tion from ( Sriiul Island , ono from Xoifolk and Mr U\nnd Inmsolf together with some of his eaiplojes and evpeits 'iho ni.itter was thoioiiKbly eaiuassdl before the com- -nitto , and wo woic , aftoi hcauiiK1 the in ittei lulh ventilated , unanlinoush of the opinion that the bonnt } far 1 ruin beiiiR the con trolling fotLo'wldch induced the i ruction of a f.atoij at ( iiand Island , or the cst.iblislniiK of the' one now boiiij ? built at Nor folk It would scaicely bo duded banj business nun it would bo a ireat luck o'f business sagacity toiinLstin nnj entcipuso $ .MK,000 ) upon tbo pncations in- diKomtnt of a liouuty amouutiiiK to fioin > ( to Jls.OOO a jeni when suili indiuo- meat is Imblo to bo iemo\edat nn > tnnetjj thele islntuie , and against which lemoval tbi'io is no ( Miraiitpohateer. . " Assuinhir thai these siifjar fattories-vero locituilln Jsebrablca bciauso the sod of the state will i.uso tunar beets of qu.iht } and iiuintit > such as will nuke "theiiiinul.ieturo of MiKiii theielroinsteailj nndioiiinnuratlvu. " Senator Swil/en asks " \\hatls \ the ob jection of tlo state in the pieniisos to i > .i\ this liount.v of 1 cent pupounil on sugai' 'raised fiom beets' " Slating - ing that bis piopositlon lias not been clearly ntisweied. senator Swit/ler j oos on to teJlto the conditions under \\lilih the Oxnarda weic liuUcetl to lucite tluir pUiit at ( iiand Island Ho bins "In the nt lii.ind Island it was nui c-laiined bctoio the committee bMr Oj.Miid luiiiself thai they had iinostcd to oxctul $ KXUUO ) Jt now appeals that u compam has UKIo M to dnpll cato thoidant m l.lneoln for f.'Ml.iMH ) " The citi/ens' comadttLO of CJiand Island K UO Mr Oxnard foity or llfty acies ol land mljoiniiii ; the citjand ha\o eatoicd into a ciiaianleo not less than ' , ' , . " 00 acios ot boots shnll bo laisod for his consumption overj jear This committee also bought a tract of 5,0(10 ( acres of land on whlih Mi. Oxnard has an option. His present phut not consumed to exceed the moduction of : . ' , < Hi ) ) to 'J,5iO ( acres. Ho Mr. Swlt/ler sajs "llo [ Mr. O\- nard ) Is in a position to control absolutolj the price paid fet the beets , , md also is in a position to got all the bonellt from tbo Use of the vnluo in land If the fanner docs not produce the beets nt prices to suit him , ho has at hand the ineai.s of raising moio than enough to supply his present factoi ) inde pendently of the fanner. When uucatloned as to the "necessity or lenson for talcinu' this option on so mm H land Mi Oxnard lopliul that lid did not know the eitifeiibof Nebraska when ho cnmo hen1 , noi did he know v.hethcr tlioy wouljl raise beets. In n sntlsfactoiy man ner It thus appears that Uxnaul piopaidl liunsolf in advance tocontiol the entlro out put of the boot indtistn to the exclusion cn- tlioly of the fanner. The ( onclusions from ' tlies'o facts are not dillicultto diaw.1 I'uiMUliiKthls line the wiitersavs "At ( iiand Iblandwohavo this situation The hind upon which the factory is looattd. cm- braclni , ' foitj or llfty acies ndjolnlnir tlio city , is donated to Oxnard All tlio machinery In the factory \viib miumfaetiuod nbioad by for i lull labor and was admitted Intothisiountiy duty free , thus snvlni ; in duty alunoto Ox- nurd fioin ( Ci.dimto SMt. ! ) ! ! ! ! In addition to this there Is an option on sulllnont l.uul to laisoall bis beets mid an afjitcinont to jny his tnxos fur soyernl yeais loioinnand on top of nil of It is a honntv fioin the htato of ono cent a iKinnd and from tlio-oyeriimeiit ( of two cents a pound which Oxnard himself admitted 111 a fair aveia o jear would ni.rctnto ) two or Unco times the bounty of the present year , which would amount to IS.T.M ) from the state and ITMH ) from thu I'liited St lies , making an nwirie ate of an nual bounU of $ .ViJ0 ) foi this one factoi y alone , which Is built on donated land nnil fieed fioin taxation , freed fioin duty , nnd in connection with which there Is uiound enoiiKh to raisti nil of Ids oivn beets' ' Tins bounty uUino amounts to nl least from 1to II perLoni on tliLoil'liiul | Inycstnient , whhh \\lththeotherfiictsshowK comlusiub that it is a nioiiopoly of the most vlrulont type1 Konator Swit/lor sa\s the only niiriiintnt of any potency In favor of lutnln- \\\U \ \ \ the tiounty Is the ono that suiTuumliiiL' states aio hkilv to clyn a biuinty and draw the fiutniies thither. This , he sijs , h bpurlmis , as the indiuonu'nt tnloi.ito In Nebraska lies in the soil and not In bounty. Natural , hot aitlllcial , attractions will ppivall with sane L'uslnes.s men. On the Nu-fulk faitorj Mr Oxnard is to fiw.ixw bonus , toguthur with U pinranteo a I'crtam tiuinbor of ni" s ell l ' ( Is fur "tlio Hi-tt i par or sn ' The Nr folk people aiv anxious Unit tliP stalee ' Hie fariucii SI per in u ImunH foi taislmr iH'ets I'lie stati is tn < tncro oblitti'd to do Hits thin il Is to "furnish inuuej to lulu-ale tlio bad hiiuls of the state , with the same oiul tn view , or to fuinhh n lMntitto tlicwo wno have nnllllabto fin nis for iho piiriuMO of ninktm ; soil wherollod Almighty nexer Intondcd soil fhouht bo ' llesa.xs the li'Kislnlnro his no rluht In tax nil other fiirtnliitf Industtles in Iho state for thu hem 111 of thli one l\iue I'nieix'encU't sometimes ail e , such us the ilioulh , that retvntlx Impelled nil uppropili lion of f UXUHH ) for the ivllef of smTi rlii people , hut such an eiaeivenc.v does not exist in eoimecUon wllh bed sin'ir Imltmtiy. In coiiebulou Senator Srtlt/lir ovprossiM an opinion that the people * of tlio itato mo nniKvessnillv nl n mcil if it Is trno that 'the natutal cnndltlon * eMtt , theie isnothlnir tint cntl picvenl thell.oroujjh and speed j dovd opnieiit of the beet sucar Industry In Ne- biaska Local bnnu es m.nm ( jlvon to en courage the local Ion nf factoiles , but the state should ne\er betaxcil for this Messrs Itrake , 1 'inker , x Co , propiletois of t he (1 ( rand railllclinh ll'hlcitii. in ike an- noiinicmeni. tn another column of the com pletion of lee additional looms tn their well known hotel , Hates utiehmtr.'d , from ft ( V u dny ui ; T7r / " : itT < it i fit * . M N lloeklet 01 l'ldca o Is at the Dellono. Many DaiiBlicity of DeiiNor is at llio IMx- ton. I ) II .imlkins of Indlaimnolts Is at tin ? MtlMul. Mr Uandall Mor iiu of Philadelphia Is In the illy. 1 { P. Kinsu of Chicago Is stopping nt the Dellone. . . Plcld of Hoston is stopping nt the Mm lay. IJ \ , 1'iatt ol Sioux Cltv was In the city jesteiday. .1. I. lliown of Denver was at the Paxton jesttulny , Ocoruo I ) . Kccs of Iencrxns ) In the tity jesteiday. ( . ' I ! Ili.tay of rulloiton Is loglstcroil nL the Mlllaul. AVill Tiumbnll of Lincoln spent Sunday nt the Dellone .1 .1 lliown mul wife of Chicigo mo quests at thu Dellone. Mis M Littloof St. Paul nt the Mur- i.iy jostcultiy .lames Harielt of Now Voile was nt the Oellone jesteiday. Lewis Sixb\ and wife of CliliMgonio ston- pln at the Mlllard Oscar (1 ( Koiiois at San Pranclseo Is stOi- [ pliiKat the Muirav. lli\ld Peatson , ] r , of Now Vorlt was at the Mlllaul yesterday. KiankV \ ( Jieavesof Mluncipolls was at the Paxton yosterda\ . Mrs. I1 C HiinolniiKli airKed in the city vostprdiu fiom ChiLiigo and Is stoiiplncnt theMtirriy. Messrs ( ' . V > ' Mercer nf tlu > Wood Itner ( in/otto and P 1) Itced of the Shelton Clip per called at Till Iln ofthu lust evening. .1 M Thatcher , post ti ider at Poit Xio- br.n.i , n < I'oniinnioil by his wife and two danditets , iamo tloivn M'stonlny fionil'oit Xiilnaia and aio stopping at'tho Pax Ion. The\ will spend several dus m Oniilni The Muirav J. II Pields. Huston 1 ? P llaimer , t'hieih'o. T K Haider. Konlsyllle , ( ! Hou'eis , Sin Piamisco ; Mrs. M Kittle , SI Pad. i : II Stun , , Dos Molnos ; K P Paliehilds , 13 1) ) iinno and wife , Hoone , 11 . A Ii Unlmi'dson , ( Jhiciiuo , ( JpoinoV 1'oole , SI .loseph 'llio P.ixton C 13 Leslie and \\ife , Kan- sast'it\ , Iliniv Dnniflipilv lo'\vei. ) It 1 > Piatt , Sioux i itj : Plunk \V ( ! roi\es , Min- nuanolis , .lames Hillings , St , I'uil. l.a- f.uttto Cole , Neu Yodt. A t' l-'isher , Wood Khor , Neb , .1 I ! Ballon , New Yoik , C 1 ! Pitnch , ICeainey. 'Ihe Millaid Ocoigo IJ. IJeos , Deiner. Lewis Sixby and wite , Chlcan'0 , C 13 Hiad- lov , Pnlloiton , Xeb I1 II HosworlhSiilnir- ) lleld , 111 . C. M Weber. Hiou\ CitY It Lvmh , St Louis , A W DailiiiK. Carioltun , 1C. : ; ( ' 13. San horn , Detroit , 13 C ICiei- bohm , St l ems ; M Miblieiry , M ,1. Hum , llioken How. Hurdock Hlood nitteis , tnk n nftcr will ielip\e nn\ feeling of weight or over ful ness of the stomach Sold OACi-ywIioto. t .1 i'n..irini : > . Ocininn I'olltlflaiis. luust the Kcpuli- lic as n Model. Unit ix , Pel ) . I.1 ! ( Cablegram to Tin Hi i ] At the dinner uivon bHorr li.irth last ovcnuiK to the members of the reichstaL' , \Vindthoit oTeio.l a toast in honor of Mi Walter \Villiuii \ Plielps , the Cnted States minister to tiounanj. In offer- 1m ; the toast , the clerical leiilor said that America , notuitlistandlng the tctnpoiary madness shown b\ the aloptiou of the noxv tinift law , was still the model , by tbe linlta- tion of which Coiman ) mi lit insiuc the spuadof liapniness and Utility amoiiK tne people. This sentiment w is In irtih up. jd uided inI I lerren Kickcit liiekert , Sdnoo dd , Hamborp'r , Siometib utul othci political leadert , pieseat. Ie Witt's fat tlo 13arh Risers ; only pill to cm i ) skk heailachoand I osjul.Ue the bowels , * i i.s / ii i : s noit'i it.\ : . n nl Secured V iiiist ( In * Consti-ueli < in CoinHUH. | Xi w Voni , , Pob JJ iSp'eiil Tclepram toTur Hi i ] A judgment for lt,7 ) ° > J w.'s entered yesterday igaliist tlio Wjomiiv-l'.i- cilic impioyomont romp my in favor of the I'nited States Transfer and I3xchmgo asso- elation on a note dited August IJ , Is'M ' , for $10,000 , pijable on doinand Attached to the nnto as tollatoial seen illy were eighty bonds of the Nebiiska t Westom raihoad lonipam \VjoiniiiK-Paeilic inipiove moat company was Imorporitetl abouttluoo jc.irs aio with a capital stock ot * .tiwilj ( ) I , and w.ii LMi igi'd In the consli union of the Paclllo Shnit Line , included in xvhlili was tlio Nebraska . \VosLcin rillioad Wendell ( ioodwin was president and 13d ward 13 led- ! ncy , picsldint of the failed North Ul.'er bank , was \lco mesidcnt. Dr. Uirnoy euros catarui , 15eo iMg. A Kiclithii ; I'ncst. CITKHOO , Peb -vSpoclal ( Tolegnm to Tin : : . - afowdivs Uov. John Kollli pastor of the Church of St M.nj of Perpet ual Help , nt 'Jliirty-sccond and Ultnan btieets , will be aualined before the eeclesl- couit of the dioi'osoand tharged with llnashliiK his assistant pslest , Ko1'aul S/aleiecki , almost to a pulp , four weeks ai o 'llio members of thu pnish ha\o also piosented , i iietition to Archbishop 'leohaa , ilnirplng their instnr with improper coiulin t and constant nonleet of his dutlos Patlaiilia , who is i Inrgo , pnweifiil m in , heeaino Je.iloiib of o/nl- ure ( ki , whose gentle w.u suii t'le ' wopln's hoaits , and on ono occasion , because S/ulei- icki charged onh ib for a inirrian'o lee.whcio Iho fee bliould II.IM ) been $10 , hulled him to the lloor , jumped on his chest and lefi him to riawl to his loom , bruised ami hlcedln/ 'I Ids Is onlv ono of the mam simil u out- unjcs with which Puthorlll.i is i hart'od. liomil ) in I lie Klnml. Hdiniioou , AilPoh. . UJ A disastrous Hood Is pmailinK heie 'Jhe Little Coloiado Is oyerllowlng its bink's and cliaiiKini ; its channel 'Hie railiouls aio Dully washed out. AH the stroaini south of here aio mi- foidablo and malls niit iiccumnl.iting here fur iioints south 'llio ( illos river is Idf-her than it wns ovf.-i known to bo Tlio Hood at ( ilnlio I'll v destmu'd sox oral ilwoliliin'housua and \\illi.ini \ .Nnddliton was diowned. Tlie.\ , \ii\\ , Nl YOIIK , IVb -IS-ipocialToleKram to Tin III r | Tbore is not nt present a sintilo K.imbllng liousu In operation In this cih. \Villiliitlinlnsitenilivs \ tlio pnpiletors of faiolutiKS haxe itxcivcd notlio fiom tlio pow eis controlling smli inatloi's Unit tiny must eloso at oiuo and tluhtly 13voij giunl- ling house in the city has lui'H.M It.s dooiH. i\u'i ; Loxnos , Poll iJ.Speilal ! ( Cablot-iain to Tin : Hi r | Tlio stuko of plusli weivorani Hradford Is clouding and ihroatens tu la- \ olvu DUUU \ \ orkuieiu nri-'i\tni : : > i/is cot lililtiei IV Mm-di licetuiei l"loiiienll | > on Mtulciu .splrllunllMii. MiKini iox , N. Y , Peb : . ' | Special Tel cpuini lo I'nr Hi i | It Is kiiovvn that l.iithin I ! M.irsh , the cmtiu'td law\cr and OH ticinod citl/iMi , no sooner escaped b\ the kind iiisistiinco of his fiiends from the elnt lies of the f i spook priestess , Madame Ann Odella Piss IVbar , Hint IIP fell Into the clutches of Mrs ci.irlssi ,1 llinler , n pretended spirit medium of some unto In lids city I "or move than two u'ars ho hns bivn n srclinlcil inmate of Ilujlor luuisehold IIPI-O MIN llnvler liissolhor onplih woil.ed her way Into the graces of the rich and credulous lawjcr that he hns cvponded n laiye sum of immoj In con\ert lu t IIP former hnmblo llu.h'f . cell i ro Into a spin-Ions and etominl mansion which mm tin pwpeih st\led a temple of stdrltunllsni In order \iiidlcilehimsclf.Mr , Marh some dun iijjo un\d nottco of i. lee line nn spltltunllsm to be dcllveicd lit the Casino theater , the pi-meeds tn ho handed oxer to some public < hunt } A lau'o and hit-lily icspodaldn audleni e listened to the nddiess The addiess wns a scliolnlj literan production mil \\.isdelU eied with all thecrace * of llnislu-d oi.ilorv It hilil the Pllei t at least oI inmtnindiiii : the dose and ipspeelfnl nllenlliui ol the and I cneo and excitlnp ; lulinlratlon for the alil.i j mid elomiiiit timnner In whlihMr. Marsh plescntcd his pi mllar \ lews ifoMSfiini.i'i. ; ; . urtnnt. 'liV V > \nt i-l'iirnelllte > l < Hold Yo-tritlli ) . ) tins , IVb . ' . ' P.iruell niiuloii number of speeches on bis XMIV to Itu i nniinon tudnx The general huidcn of his leininks xxn , tbnt not even tlio Ilealvlles diied to sax Hind stones ussnrunics xxoio sntistiutor ) The men lo xvliom Irchin 1 hid limited Ineonlldoneo hnd now sunk low enough In lu-ci pi I'nglish cold In pavmentfor tht'i subserx it in o to Hug- i llsli pnties I An attempt xxas in-ide to hold nn out door I ant I I'ainell inei ling at Cat Hi k on the shun j lion. Count ) l.oilmn. lodax but the I'liiull j / itcniolislipd the plat foi in whii'i ' hnd been elected for the spi diet's accomoda lion. It It i. I IT//.V. 'Pile following onlloineii , meinlier-i of j the N'ehrnsUn loinmaiiderj of llu- l.ntxal , Lesion , iwssoil tlirougli Omaha \estt > i- ilnon tlii'li1 va.x lioinc fiiiiii the funei-al of tlio Into i lonernl Slioi iniiii : II. C. Me- Arthur , Lincoln ; II. C Ktissell , Si hny- IIM- : II. P Piilnior , IMnlNmonlli ; Josi-iili Toi-tor , .lohti StocnValioo. . Oiiinhn camp X < i. \ - of Modern Wood men of Ainci'ii.i will jjixe n mimie tin ml liteiirentiM'laiii'nuiit ' nl the hall in the Hnilvoi1 block no\t \\'odni"'dn > \ cvcniiitf The prdceeds will be doxolod to the re lief of Hie fnnillj of Neighbor Jus An- doi'son. A line profrraiimio linn boon propirecl. I Inn. Is' 1C. ( Irijjjriof Meiitrico will lec ture in Tilnilj M. H. chuivli next Tues day exoiuiiir. Pebrimry "I , on "Niitionnl i Cliainctei Illustrated Nnl'onnl ' son Miii'iffir ( * hns n wldi > input ition as a | ioet and orator. Tllih leet me h is lii-eil cntliiisiasliciiHy rcuslved at ( haul iuiiin | -eiiillieH nnd lnrje ( t-itn - It will pay j on to heatit. . Tlusistlu thud IcuUtro'ili the Trinit.M.i . : t hni cli Slim Dead nl a D.inee. l'ni ! ( i. Cm , Mo , IVb J. ' On Wednes daj niKht .it a d nice in the tow n ol M melt , fo < n mill's east of In 10 , on the Piisin , two \ouii ( ; men of tb it , 'Pom I lendriclis and ono hano ipiarn led and ceinnienied to li ld \\liiitbej weie on the outside of tbo ' danriiiK 10'iin ' thi-'x bnth dievv icvoixtis and each liter , ono shot at the nthei Ilcndiiiks leelod baikwaul into the door and fell dead , while Lane ( .si.iped milnnt A li\stnukr nnued ( 'hallos Mi I'.mloj was shot In tin ) b.uK , butiK t sciiouslj wounded , It is thought , by llendikks , f ; Clianii > ioiin. Pel ) iThe ! Inteinational toiirnanient closed todaj I la/en , the Noiwofji.m champion , won two out of thieo contests ami was aw inUd . " > ( UI Uroncis and the Kfdtl medal Cormlck , the Canadian champion , won the two mile r.uo I'ell lo\\n a Stan-way. Henry PlcMihinan , who lives nt 7J1 South Thiiteoiitti bttiot , aiclduntall.x fell down the stab xx ait 70s South Sixteenth stuet list ni bt about 111 til and snst. lined a sexcio spi.iin of the hat L and sou-i.d painful biulses about the head and sbmildeis 'I lie patiol xx.iu'on was called tu t.iKo Mr I'luuli- to Ids homo A U \ \ ill Itr Issued. A wanant x\lll be issued today for the at lest of a yomitf man nanud Hoik , who bioliu Into the ticket ofllio at the loliseiini and stoloa laite ( iiiintitv of tn Kets xvlinh he has hiun Kiun * : nxi > aliont theiitj or foi a tnllo wlieie lie could do so " "Wluit'K that ? A now inveiitinn vliirlivoilt s / / //ic 1/utr round } Sinpiisin' tlic'sc d.iys . aio not liKe tin1 old limes. J > lc'i(1iu' was thu only u'inoily tlicm tlays. I Jut now , us you say , Dr. I'ILMCO'S ( loldcn ] \Iuiiicil \ Ii u'liXL-ry it , a tinu leinudy for tlio blood. " It's not like tlio KirsaparillAS that nio said lo be j oed foi the blood in INliieli , Ajnil : md May. Tlio " ( ioldcn Mi'ilu-al DUcou'iy" works ( > ( | iiilly : wcjll at all times in all sea- BOIIS 'Hid in all cases of blood-taints , or huiMoi. " , no niattt-r wbat tluir name or n.i lire. " ( JoldiMi Discoxcry" is tlio only Blood and Lixui iiudicino , hold by d i u istsimnintu , < l to lii'iii'lit or ciuc i ; < every rr/M. , on fair tiial , or iiioni'y ) ) ii l tor it \\ill lie ] itoniilly | it'ftindeil. Woild's Dispensary Medical Association , I'ropiictoi's , > 'o. U0i : Main Stu-ut. Uuilalo , N. Y. SPRINT SUC" GRST IONS , . \Milil draiixhls and xnddeii eb.oiRi s Ci ( leinii | rntme tiiinot di-eiilil xonr wnitn winter i Ii tH'u | | Imi sin n II l l ell of to snllei a lilt b ncini * \enli net limn liitaltPi-old Id no inlii-r Unit cue U ( | i i'lnlU ' 0 contrx-t iibud cold or chill at tldP , - . , n i ( the u1 it A eoiiKhor cold eonlraelpd bolttOPii HP onil tlieiMoil iiiinojItiK lilnd , and in i ) i i t tliiniik'b tinHinnlner If you fn-l a cuiirfli or cold coming in ( it 1,0 n d i In I , of piii-i'HliUfcrv ill cnco II I I l.i.p tlielilocd in clli'iilnllon nnd Is tbe IM--I i tex x -lililtlM'iUiiln l tin dlse i ( < nf Hie - . > i " Hi iiieinlipithill onlOl III wbliliox . ulil tie lulu n l > iilTs 1'tilv Mult \ \ lilskex Ii i iho it innili st leeonitnend illolis from llio Ii \ I UK veh nl Isti and luedli-il nun II U tin < ly Htandiiid inedli liial blsli'V Talio ' , ft nui j our dniiilst ( of KICI'I r MAij .NOTICES. COUNCIL OJ.UPFS. Il AINS > I'm iiiririilns In honsi- l ( < , fn tins and k'ui HI n * nnd ti lau'i IIM I > * n * Ii 11 fiinii e ill on liilinsion \ \ mi I'utli ' a , I MII It lilui K I mini' I IlliilN INIIII s. \l , I' s , , , , | | i , . | ini s t IIKI tin In I- if I in l\ ItiiMe .iliil > lidos \PdV | to Mi i ni'i & Itlslilon .VT I llioiulwnj , oi ' , ' 11 \ linHi 11 , I mini II HliiIlM Ijinl ! * -\l.r \ liiitniln ; new modem In mi with nil tin Inti' lhiii | x nniciilsrn iniiiii" . will - i II on i'ii ) inivnienls , Im ilidoii tin I Iflb ixi inniiinliii line I * .1 lint. son M7 Urn idvuiv Ij dl ! * \l.r I Ittltl-riioiii hnilsc nnil Inn I iN , nn Iliiitlson st. A modern IIOIIM and i t ; i u nl Inline ilnnp l > J I luli'llln- ( ill Hi udv\ i ) IjlUlt s \i | : \ ( . | \ line loiiNiei , I MMIS idd 1 veij tine fun II v mare , I ve its ; i In ii f ir e mli , iini'iii xpiu \\lll \ \ I r.nil'fni uniltht iiU line Mil It.nil Iclux music iciu'hoi , IH--tiitH 111:111 : st net t niinell HlnlN Ij dlt s\ \ | . | . linn silicic and ilnubli mid- sleis enl In i\ x diuim'lil linrii's \\ill \ IIM | > ( III ni Id- , fur anx -tv I of Inini" . n inleil l.inv MlthlliV I. 1'iM HI I i n trill liurx nui sili si iiih s , . 'I ' and rj N M dn ( iiiincil Iliiill- . _ . . VM nr Hint ( lir Inn Inn I wltl htituui. by J U Ului > . IOJ M itn nt , , Ooiiiioll UlulTn CITIZENS STATE BANKer or couucsii CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS J5.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . 215.000 IMIIR TOIls-l A Mlllei , I' O ( lie isim P U bhiuarl.i : K Hurl , I I ) l.ilinniiiNiin , ( h irlm O.llunnim IrinsieL KPIIOT il hinUlin biul- 1111,1 est i iiltil | mil surpliM of any ti ink. In sMitli oMt rii Km c INTEREST ON TIMi DEPOSITS , COUNCIL BLUFFS S1EVM DYE WORKS All Kinds n ( HvIn-'MII 1 li ) in the Illiilu sl-lylcof tinAi I , I uli I , in I st nnod I ilii Ii s in lib In lunlv .is Koi'd ' H linn Unfit lirnHilitK don ( and delUcn-d In till piiti ot Ihu'-uunliy SLiidfoi piUull-t C A M xt IIN Pnii. IDIJ Hiuidxx ir. Ni u Null hwislern U ipot , LOL-M.II. i s U M. H. CHAMBER LIN. rn r.xui aillKUl L'l.l I.XI.lsl KIIIIII II III' ' ! IN I l All illJ'U'o ' < . I lliu in rxn MJ-I : Hini riiiuiA i j truiteil n'ih ' lliu h nklllund ( ire ( X I Xltnil AMIIM X unit It X\ I I.M U Ir. it -I nltli iMiilnciH "UC ( (1 _ si m , | | Ahni'tiMlinV4 n horn net o nry pnlnT linl > pcrf , irinu 1 Illi UHntin > i < t cnre nn I klll , in * . mrliuirfi' | < t ri'iiiln llM.s | i\s | | nuiif- nklt pn-i iin-l oitri'i Unit all rvfriiotlvi ! lr-iuMi > 3 , iiiM\nhi | llyi rmplii mi I A lliliiilUiii ! lints mil * ill rln i sUlit cii il ir n n I ( mlnliM-i < il ( OMO M-.l It XI ( .IX in IUK I 1IIMi III : , nficr in in nl tntrlliln siiiiirliii ; n i r.'llpl imlr'ly ciin I dillcn , llniiin I -Inii'irt Illutk , ovnr llcno ALj n storu. Luinioil llltilTH la. rinleyBurie.Geo.W. Hewitt.Tlios. E. Oasady Ihirkc. llcwitt&Casadv. PIS vc IH i IN nn : M uiM > 11 [ Ji ii vr. l Ll ) Ills. Ollliis I T Hr nu Ilulldin ( inini U IPalTs. Inu.i oxir ( II . ' . . n.iii , V ( o .linilry ' lorq OFFICHR & PUSIiY , BANKERS. Tornei M.ilnanl Urnidwuv , COUNCIL BLUFhS , IOWA. Dealers In fnrnlrii mil ( Inmostlo \ Uinz Colloi tlon in.idi ) iinil luturust p ild on tl aa llt'JOSllS W. C. ESTEP , Council Ilhiflloua. . M .Ninth Main Sln-M. riuicnil Ulrcdor an I llinli ilmr > r. HOTEL D33LLONE. Conn r 1 Ith and C' ipitol AM iui" Just coiu ] > lnti d , his 100 roiiiu-t , thi-fio bt ii w i\ s , iruin thi tip to th hntt * m hnu line ru \ ilor in I diniiiuj' rn > in r ,13 tin | roitl through ut tin h lirl i tid tin fnu t ti il. t i H uin in it , I a > - ; ( > siinpl > i i u -u i s w t . ' it A ; t or 1 1th in t ( i ' A. % st .11 ir MI In tin I > t ui * Oi $1 OH. Mi n "Ii u . It hniK ni \ llnl 101 u- il > lic r , ill \ \ , tk n. t v i ft HI nni in * . M l at ODLO t < r Ih. \r\ I oiiiniiill SriixIliiini' lui < > , r < nui > iti . ' dnik N ill ni n i . i * / ' < tic m it I lit l m s , ( I. | inform iti. n ti A i > ir < Albion I'luii nun j ( o , link I ) 1. Allitun 30 Per Cent Saved A I MARCUS CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MEW SAND BOYS' CLOTHING , GENTS' FURhlSHING GOODS , HATS , CAPS , BOOTS AND SHOES , Conic Kaily and sot un n.ii .iin- . . Tins ( . 'nt I'tico-a- \\ill Last Only One Month , All Winter ( iouN Mast do. Rf member the Place. cilo unil i > lb JvtU ) , t > vucil HiulTb