Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    i I > I)1 1 4 I l\r
'HE ' OMAHA IAliV NEE : MONDAY , FtiRKUAUV 2IJ , 1891 , I' I
Bcino of the Positions Which the Nobraslu
Executive lias to Fill ,
3 > a Illtl to I'ny the K\MMHOS | of tin )
Iiiin route * ' Will Mine n
Hard Itiuul lo 'Iratd
In ( lie Heiinte.
I.tsvniv , N'ob. , Fob. SU.-SiiMtnl | to Tin ;
Ilrr , liovcrnor Ho.vdhiis licKim to export-
fnro tlio ido.uuro whlrh n Bontlciiinn In lili
liiK'li nnieiul stilt ion oxporliMu'os In the distri
bution of thuotllcos In his ( 'ift. llo Is dally
caiUvl iip-ni by democrats from nil sections of
ttiu state , men whom ho met during the laU
cainnaiirn nnd who nlded In the MrupKlo
\vhi li I'luivdhlm ' In tlio Kiiljerii.itorlal chnlr.
TtiuMturs pn'Hont their elnhin for rerou-
iiiM.mnt . hUlminh which am generally voiy
wall emlorscd hy the lonillng | lUtdAnn In
thnlr iliitriil " 'I'lioy nslt appdlutment ns su-
Iwrlnti'iuliMitof the several state In-stllntloin
or as liiHpivtor.s of seine Ihinj ; or clerk In
some iinVi In rotiirn for ttieir stirvices.
Uut iiuMfl ni-n not the only applications
whtch rc-aclihls ( xtcolloiicy. I-.u'h mall is
biird < 'iii > il with retjuists ( or olllco , the ro-
qtiost hem ( { III soiao case that of the Inill-
vutiial nNnvhlla , In ntliri's it bears the ro-
rixnini'iicliitliiii ofioinoof tie ! governor's pcr-
aoixu ami iMlllioal friends. The < o doeiliiionts
lno I HMI Illotl awnj" , that ii they have boon
jiliu-fil in : i stuck of thooutllno of a sheet of
fuuiniMp aii l tnnlio n soliit pile tnon ) than two
foot in hoMit. On thlt iHi'tliovnro dcstincil
to ro'ii.nn . until the ch.iirnnii nf the demo
cratic stuto central niintnlltod fdnill have
rahcil n ini'ctitij'of tint hoily , when the mer
its nml sorvlpon of the upplli'mil may bo con-
tlilorcil and cilhor rtnlorii'il or rejected
IVhi'ii this inoi'tlng shall talco place lias not
yet boon determined. Thcro arocnsos , how-
oicr. In which It may bi'iiocu-nnry for the
povcrnnr toilet before Hi n tiinu for holdhiff
tlio moot inir In iiie.Htlon | , in whldi event ho
will ilei-lilu for M nisei f and cntlciivor in so
doliiKto give nHiuuih5\tis.ietloii [ ( as pos l-
bio to thotovhn elected him ami the people
o ( the state at laruo. Thus far the govornur
has npiioluloti but a fmv ollleew nii'l '
those wrii ) absolutely miiitml nt least.
In bla oxvn oftlce , These \\TI-O .ludgo Iltu-giiis
of Cirmiii Island , who Is now noting us the
gov I'miu-'sprlvnte atvrutnry ; .lohn Uoonoyof
Omaha , hh stenographer , and I'hllip ' Ainlr"s
of Oinahn , whoU acting as dork In the oJlln-
of thoilopulv commissioner nf the luirruu of
labor statistics. An idi-aof thonppolntmonts
which tbo Rovurnor Is called upon to malic
may bcoht.ilnodfrtnniho following list of
oftlrt's wliifh the stntlltos place witlim his
Ilonpital for the Tnsano , Lincoln Supcriu-
toiidnit , . S..MK ) : assistant , $1 , .IlK ) ; male and
fenmlo physli-ian , $ l , . " > i ) < ) ; matron , Jl.O.Kl ;
Stouard , < ! , . ' ( ) ( ) . All of these are entitled to
their living at the institution.
Hospital for the Itisano , Norfolk Superin
tendent , & ! , rilM ) ; iissUtunl , $ liU ( ) ; matron ,
ll.Odi ) ; stuwiird , fl , 'JlXi. These are also uutt-
tk'il to nialntonnnco at the hospital.
AMj'luni lor INCH ruble Insane , Hastings
Svuwtiiiti'iident , W..VK ) ; physician , Jl , & < H ) ;
mat ron , I.OOO ; toward , Sl.litH ) .
Poulti'iilUry , Iliii'olaVanlen , Jl.ri'Jil ' ;
dopnty , SI.OtHt ; physician , # 'AK ' ) ; chaplain.
Suhllers' and Kailora' Homo. ( Irand Island
l'oniiiiandantlr ( H ) ; adjiilunt , $ 'Mqiiiir ' \ ; -
turninstt r. jiiK ( ) ; matron , SMI ; surgeon , HW.
'I'lio Military -Adjutnul general , $ ! , ( HH ) ;
chief of stuiTvith rank of brigadier general ,
tlio First anil Sooondrejriniont.siiuutornias- |
tor cencnl , coininissiiry giiiicrnl , SUI-KIOII
ROnvRil. oaoh with the ranliof colonel ; nn inspector
specter jreiiorul with the of colonel ; a
juii o advocate ] with tlio rank of major , and
iis ninny nlilo-de-canip us lie may consider
Fin ) nml I'ollco Commission , Oinnlia Two
members to succeed Messrs , ll.irtinan and
Olllusoctlou | Ono inspector , &i,000 ; flvo
deputies. jl/JOO.
Idvo Stoelc Commission- veterinary
nnd two uuxiliury members mid several local
sui'KOous. | A bill has been lutrnilncod to ro-
peni the law KOvernliiK tills iipimlntini'iit , and
othow hnivo nlio hocn introduced toreynlato
Iho iirnctico of votorinariaiis. |
Asjluin for the IJlliid , Nuhrosku City Ono
8ii pcrln louden t , M , fiIO. (
Normal school , Peru Tlireo inoinbors.
IJureiin of Statistic of l.atior Ono deputy
Inboi'coinmissioiior , fl.fitHI ; cieilc , $ liH ( ( ) .
JUeo Inspei'tioiiOuo inspi'ctor in every
county wlioiv tlio npplicanl is recommended
by tlio Tscliraskii Hookeoprir's association.
Notaries 1'nhlic As many : is uinltu ailt- ) ) |
cntlm nnd comply \vllh thn roqulreniciits of
the law.
t'umwisMoiicrs of Ieeds--rn nil parts of
the coutitrv.
A'ncaiifios Ho tills nil vtic.nicies which
occur in exectitlvo oftlccs.
An iiiipiist.ion ! prevails thnt the governor
appoints tlio supeirintomloiit-i ofthodenf and
dump instiniteauil other stale institutions
not hero I'uunieratod , ' 1'hU , however , is an
erroneous one. These nppointuients arc con-
tr ' lo.l by the board of putlle lands and
but dniK" .
1 o nUo controls the appointment of state
repioseintativiMabroDit asvcil to attonil
conloivnccs nnd coiivontloiis inviihih the
conimonwonlthls to bo
I-coii ; iiiil-/.lnc ) t'liaocnt ' the Asylnn. .
Uixi'iii.x , Xob. , Feb. i. . l.Spocial to Trtr.
EKK | The c-oinmuUco on finance , ways mill
moans of the sonnto paid a visit to the peni-
Itontiary and the insane asylum yesterday
and found a great , many thiinji to engross
their attention , The cells \voro all occupied
In the former place and o.ieli contained two
Inmates. The eommltto , liowovorvasun -
dc"idod as to whether or not the state was in
n financial coiulltion to undertalco the erec
tion of another cell-house at the present
tinio ,
Thov found the Insans asylum nretty full
of Inmntos but they also found that n great
donl oi team \vi\t occuploit by the superin
tendent which otherwise ought to ho given
over to the patients. Valuable room was
also taken up by others ot the oflloial .stair
which could bo put to greater ad vantage In
Bhclterinusoinoof the poor people wlionro
clamoring for admission. Such a chniiffo ,
however is not appreciated by tliOMiverln-
teiidciit , who makes n strong demand upon
the legislature for an addition to the asylum ,
a request which It is not likely will bo
tipoal < hi on this subject Senator Coulter
said "My impression is that there ought to
bo adiffeient order introduced into the hos
pital , The oflleor.s should be accommodated
in asmnllplnln building separated from the
asylum. In which they could establish tholr
otllees and transact all the business devolv
ing upon iliem. Thuro Is another thliiR that
I don't think Is exactly right. They have a
dmlng rooii for each ward. Now , Hint con
sumes a gr-at deal of room and ought to bo
climiKcd. There ought to boa Inrgo dining
room for men and nnot her for women. That
is all , "it it would economize room and sivo ;
oxiwuso in help , because it would not require
so many as it does now In the small dining
halli. "
Conicbt ItcpiulliiUon.
LINCOLNNeb . , Fob. 3J. [ Hpocial toTiiK
BEE ---The i bill providing for paying the al-
ICRcd cost of the alleged contest will have n
rocky experience in the senate. It will not
have the support of the republican senators ,
because the tvjni bllcan contesteos ilia not nslt
for it. It will not seeuro the support of the
democrats because Governor lioyd has not
naked for it. It can therefore hope , at best ,
to receive but the independent vote , and Tin ;
Briicora'sncnaontha-s , been assured that it
ivlil not even receive thnt support ,
Senator CV > ultcrt > f Hall ii n man who haa
nil along held that the contestants should
bnvo been given a hearing by the legislature ,
Ho voted to secur > : that hearing but wns de
feated. He Is ouo of the men who will not
vote one penny to par for the alleged contest.
To do so would , ho holds bo the cause ot
many another contest In. which the state
mlfiht not bow greatly Interested M it Is in
this ouo. IIu holds tlmt if i > eo | > lovaut to con
test the election of anyl > oJy thosa who en
gage in tlio contest should pay for It.
Senator Ivocutr has also expressed himself
tunpprmng ( ho bill nnd rmphallcnur do-
lures that ho'i ' tirvi r vote Ui mnko Hiepeo-
pli' puv for nil the fus these dcnm eKiiot
mie necilHlniied.
Senator Djsart nald IIP never onrouraced n
ointivt of the stale ticket. Unwanted it
fontined to lluvd. Ills partv went thonlher
M' y nnd now it woulit Iiavo to do the host it
could to ft-ot out of the iliniculty.
Con text. > . ,
hixiot.N , Neb. , 1'eb. * ! . | to Tin :
llr.i : J-Tho senate cotitest In the I'linek-fol-
llus unio from Hi-nlrice has not yet been de
cided. Tbocnmtnlttot" Is tiildng seine of the
points imclrr adviseinunt. The ballots have
nrrlved. These from the Hecoml ward in
llcntricovcro found In two huticho * . Ono
of these \vmlii the t'lcrllon cnvelopo nnd thn
oilier ns tied with a Hiring. It It claimed
th.itvhlle hi this condition , widen wa.s not in
coiuplanco with tbo law , the balloUcro in
th' ' < niindi * of I''UIIOK'M friends. Tlio commit
tee duos not know what to do In tlie > promi
ses. In another precinct , in Wvmore It Is
mild the Judges had a high old tinio ami that
seine of them were cra/.y.
In the content uf Senator Wilson's seat of
Huvi's the rc.i.U'stiinl ha.s been notltled to
iippenr before the euminittL-o.
Knpcrtliioim lOinplnj ex.
Uisroi.N , Xoti , Koh. li ! ! . ( Special toTitu
lhiSenator : | Koontt will tomorrow brin
ton i-loso his labors it'gardliif ; the nnniber
nnd usefulness ofllio employes of the senate.
Tlm report has boon called for sevornl limes ,
tint has not boon mi easy ono to prepare.
The senatorrlaiinstnnl the list is not nslargo
as seine people lnifftlne ) , M it has already
hoen ilhtribnted among the members. iVtnl
yet he thinkH t here are ninnos on it
services might be dispensed with. This will
lint be an easv thing to accomplish , bcc.msu
there mx ! eiiiplnyo.s aiipuintcd whoso sponsors
wilt strenuously object to their removal.
Homo of these sponsors am creill.od with
half a do/en positions \vhioh nro llllcd by
frn-nds who have really very little to do. The
ultenlpt to got all those facts has been a
latHinms one , nnd when the report is made ,
will cause n lively Jangle on the lloor.
I Soldiery in lltiokerloM.
LINCOLNN'ol ) . , Feh. ± J. [ Special to Tun
llii.j--Thovisits : nuido hy the lliianco coin-
mlt tee and those having In charge tlm sev
eral state institutions which Lave Just been
made have resulted In the discovery that tlio
stntohas liu'u rubbed of thousands of dollars
bv incompetent architects , designing .super-
IntenilanUs and contractor's. All of
these have been nldinl or abetted or In sonw
way oiie.our.iod ! by people In the towns in
which tlio wretched abortions called public
institutions have lieen erected.
SpeaUlntfOf the soldiers1 nud sailors' homo
nl Grand Island , said Senator Coulter :
" \\Tiy , tnat building Is unsafe lo live in.
They hud to use big bars to pull bnelt a wall
which was falling down. They drew ilupan
inch , but ills still out of plumb by halt' an
"The Norfolk asylum looks llkon great big
building and It Is anil you would think It
ought to nccnminoduto a great deal of
patients , lint it doesn't , there's HO much
nioiii lost on the inside hy the manner in
which the oftlees nro laid out.
"Down at Hastings things uro wo wo still
and they ought to bo itllowcd to hillil an ad
dition tlit-re. They've got their kitchen and
laundry and other things of the kind fight
under sonic of the wards , which Is uhoniinn-
hie. The walls of the building are painted
and thnt hides tbo deformity sonioway. "
Solicitor Collins .said that before the walls
were painted tin1 Joints were so loose and the
brick so poor that the storms-actually beat
through them and destroy cd lloor ami ceilini ; .
TheMJ things go to xliow that the state ha ?
paid for anything nnd everything that COM-
tractors see lit to turn over to It us it public
institution no matter how poorly It may have
been constructed or how much money may
hnve been expended In It. ICven if It , is in
good condition when turned over , the hidden
weakness dlsplnvs itself before long , and
then repairs begin. These must continue or
else tin- building gradually becomes u moimca
to official force and Inmate.
"It is easy to understand why this Is the
cast- , said a senator today. The board of
public lands and Imildlnga can not imard
against the robbery. They nro not expert
builders. Tlioy can not superintend the con
struction of these buildings. The superin-
teiidentH they appoint stand In with the con
tractors in tlio majority of Instances , and the
contractors are on the make. There ought
to be one man rosnonsiblo for the pnblle
work. He ought to bo a super
vising architect , a man of ability
ami integrity. OS course his services
would eont something , but loolt what ho
wouldsavo. Ho would design buildings with
a view to iliolr enla.igenient Inter on. so that
the additions would bo In harmony ami not
wivtehe-J patch work. Ho would design
builillMg.s which would ho adapted to their
uses , and not the creation odlcklo fancy.
The niouoy lost nt I Lutings would pay his
salnrv for four .tears. How many of your de
partments can this he said of ) It ni.iy be too
late to introduce such a bill , but it must
comosomodav , nnd that before many more
.sessions of tlio legislature will have beeu
neld. "
I INTOI.V , Nub. , Fob , ' . -Spotfial [ to Tim
BII : : . | Senator Taylor ot Uotip is coiilined to
his room with illness. During the last ad
journment ho was also unwell being corn-
polled to remain at homo.
There is a motion pending before tlio sen
ate which it is expected will bo called up
when ho is able to resume his scat. About a
week niro , the senator voted . /u n measure in
u. mutincr which did not satisfy the second
assistant s rgeant-nt-arms of the senate.
That gentleman accordingly took stops to
convey to tlio senator nn ovldcuro of his dis
pleasure. Ho accordingly .parchnsed seine
llowers and tying n plcco , of black cloth
around them , Induced a you'ug woman who
sells fruit In the mall hall of thocaoitol to deposit -
posit the hoinaict upon tlio scnatoc's desk ,
\Vlioii the fact known it was gen
erally felt by his brother senators , oven these
who liml not voted with him , that Sena
tor Taylor hsul been insulted. They
felt that if the time had arrived
for , an employe of the senate to
( inc'illoti the vote of a member of that body
It was nlso time for the employe to po either
higher or in some direction.
Asa consequence , the second assistant sar-
geaut at-arms has boon anxious for some
days nml has found tune tooxplaln Ids action ,
if iioean , to Senator Taylor. Whether the
ox pl.matlon has been satisfactory or not. to
the senator , will not probably boknown until
the resolution referred to shall bo called up ,
The latter provides for dispensing with the
services of the employe In question on the
ground that there is no demand for such an
ollicor as the second assistant sorgeant-at-
Senator Taylor may not Insist in the con
sideration of the resolution though. Ills said ,
his brothor'senators will demand that the
employe In ijinutton make an apology for the
insult he has offered his superior.
Ited Itllilxin Hall Meeting.
I.ivroi.v , Mob. , 1-Vb. ' " . [ Special to Tin :
BKK.Kvery ] seat was taken in the lied Hih-
bon hall today , and the aisles were crowded
with an anxious throng of people drawn
there to hear the joint debate between Hen-
rcscntatlvo Nowberry and the advocates of
woman suffrage. The nurtlciico was com
posed largely of nnti-suffrngists nnd was
much moro respectful and attentive than on
former occasions. Bishop Sklimor presided
In that inimitable manner which halllos de
scription , and which of Itself is n drawing
card for lied Ribbon hall.
Hrothcr Hardy made. hH usual speech and
ended by comparing all who illd not Imllovo
in siitTrage with the "man down below.1'
Newborrv at length got the floor and pro
ceeded calmlv and dispassionately to state
his position , proving from the blblo every
proposition advanced. The andleiico was In
hearty sympathy with the speaker ami re
peatedly cheered his tolling hits.
Representative Scott made Illsisual
hnmnguo about women's rights , assorting
that his "wife knew moro about polities than
he did , " and exhorted the prohibit lonlsts ana
woman suffragists to come Into the tudo-
pendant fold , nud all thcso reforms would
Wilson of Adams ( ind. ) said ho wai a
Quaker mid would vote for stiffmgo.
Shrndcr find ) was smoked out and took his
stand in Ihe ranks of the suffragists.
Everything was comparatively tame , how
ever , until the women got the llcor to answer
Nowberry. Mrs. Illgelow spoke first nud
ondcavoiod to reply to the scriptural objec
tion * presented 'jy Newhorrv. hut fl
herself in ilii'ii wa'ter sue looked aronnd help
lessly and fxcbdmi'd :
I ilmrt mint In lie an angrl
An I ullli the nil "Is Hlainl ,
lint 1 M.'inl tolnivo ln ! > ImllrM.
And east It ullli my hand. "
Mrs. Ml.niickof llrownvllh- . took the llcor
nnd fairly pnralv/cd the Indenendents hy
setting upt'hurcli Howe as her Idenl statesman -
man , dwelling lit length up in his wonderful
llbeiMlity unit ability as a politician.
lllstioji Skinner llnallv got In n word nnd
said Unit St. I'.tnl ' w.ts disappointed In hwe
and n woman-lMter. I lo was uproariously
Mrs. 1) ) . S. King was tlio last mienUcr ,
fuming on ilnwn to the new tcstfniont. Mm
culled St I'aul a c nv.ird and dcno'inced him
as n woiiun-hater and in tin worthy of e redll.
She nlso | xmrnl hotshot Into the indenend-
eut contingent by a severe i-rillclmnof the
J-cont fare bill , defending the pass system ,
and sn.ike highly of the liberality of the
H. ft M. , chwlin , ' her rhetorical ills-
plav with the ivmarli "Yim think I haven
pass , don't'you1 Well I haven't , hut I do
wish 1 illiUiiivuom1. "
Tlio dolmto will ho cnncludeil tomorrow
e\-i'nlng In t he hall nf the house of n'nroson-
tilth-en , which will bo well tilled. Holh
sides will be represented. The municipal
bill will reached In n few days , and In
terest in the subject Is on the Increase.
J-/fO.V TIIK-S'IMTK r.ll'IT.Hi ,
Mcinoiliil SIT vices In Iliinor of ( lie
Departed Cliicllaln Slierinnn ,
I.isrui.v , Neb. , Feb. ± ! . [ Special to Tun
lJiK.lThis : afternoon the l''nnko opera
house \vascrowded wit ha large andiouco to
listen to the memorial MTVUM in honor of
( ienernl Sherman , Iho dei.l chl"ftniu. The
place wo * decorated with lings , and on the
stage was a group of stacked arms. On Itio
stage \\ns seated a number of ( irand Army
of the Republic men from 1'arragut and
Appomattox ( msts. After the opening song
Uov. linker ilollvered the invocation. Mr. .1.
U. Strode followed wit Ii an eloquent tribute ,
both to Sherman mid to tlio great naval com
mander , who nlso recently passed away.
Addresses wore made also by Uov. S. I ) .
Hoborts , lion. I. ' . M I'nrltcr and Hev. . ! . ( ! .
Tale. The exorcises were intcrspcrscil with
n number of appropriate musical selections.
Among the number of legal nuts submitted
by the county commissioners to County At
torney Snoll'to crack are the following given
in brief on which that gentleman has given
written opinions :
Messrs. Scliolierg and Itrown were elected
county commissioners under the nlil law
which paid a salarv of only Jl per day and
mileage. A ftcr the law in regard to ilvo
commissioners went into effect hi're , for
every county having 70,1)00 ) inhabitants , the
mom hois were puz/lcd as to whether tlio oM
conimlssinners should draw a salary of § lS'l ( ) '
lior year the same as the new coinmissionci's
whosiolllces were cri-iited hy the new law.
Mr. Snoll gives It as Ids opinion that the old
commissioners should ivcoivo ? lMMpr > r year
the same as the new ones nnd that none of
the commissioners nro entitled lo mileage.
Whim tbo coroner views n dead body and
holds no inquest he is entitled only to inllo-
ngo. The $10 fee for viewing the body tnoii-
tiouod in the statutes lias reference only to
attendance at the inquisition.
The county clerk Is not entitled to any fee.i
for preparing tax lists.
The 11.1th annivorsnr.v of the birth of
Uobort ICmmot will be celebrated nt Kit/-
gerald lull , 1 0 Is'orth Tenth street , on tin )
j evening of March . The chair will be oc
cupied by I 'resilient Farrell of the Lincoln
lir.mch of the Irish National league. Uov.
M. ,1. Corbo.u of I'.ilmyra will deliver the
oration. lion. I' . O. Cassldy and other prom
inent speakers will address the mix-ting.
There will bo also a lengthy anil varied
musical and literary programme , for which
the very best local talent has been secured.
It is UNpectcd that the deinonstrat Ion will bJ
in every way worthy of the eivaslon.
IMS r\lKWll.I ! : , MMtMOX.
Rev. I' . S. lialsto'i , pastor of tbo Plymouth
Congregational church , delivered his lare-
well sermon to his congregation this morning.
Hov. Hulston has been pastor of the Ply
mouth church for n number of yearn , and Is
highly cstucmou by his congregation , who re
gret to see him depart. Koveral week's ago
he crave notice of hi * Intention to resign ,
which was a surprise to nil his lloclc. Uev.
Ualston Is not yet definitely determined us to
whore ho will locate.
The legislative banquet , In the intcro.U of
which Representatives MoJCessonVlUon ,
SternsdorlV , 1'axonaiid Modio as eommlttco-
men. have labored so earnestly , will take
pl.iee at thcs l.indell hotel Monday night. The
members of the committee wore yesterday
and last night issuing the InviUUomIUJ in
number , which will bo sent out today ,
TWO XlW : I'l.VT" .
The following idals were liled in the olllco
of the register nf deeds yesterilay :
1'ralrle Homo , a town of ninety lols , on the
Chlcagn , Rook Island t I'acilic railroad , nine
miles east nnd live miles north of the city of
Haldwlu's subdivision of lots 5 and ( i into
six small lots , with a frontngo of from
twonty-tnreo to twenty-live feet.
onin A xn INIH. :
The executive committee of the Xobrashn
soldiers' association is called to meet in the
parlors of the Lincoln hotel , Lincoln , JN'ub. ,
on March B , at 11 n. in , for tbo purposa of
ilcternilniiiK tbo exact days of the month of
September to hold their minimi reunion.
The ladies and gentlemen of the L'niversnl-
Ish church arc making preparations for a fete
artlsthjuo In the near luturo which will
ocllpso any thing over undertaken hy nn ama
teur society m the city. The cast includes
100 tiersotiH , who tire necessary in properlv
producing the piece , which Is known ns
"Longfellow's Dream. " The leading society
people of the city will ho Interested In the
production of this spectacle.
The Unitarians of Lincoln aru organizing a
society for the purpose of holding regular
religious services for the benefit of pupils of
that faith. The hall of the conservatory of
mnsielfas boon engaged for six months. This
evening the tlrst mootlm ; wns hold and Rev.
I'owcll of Topeka preached.
It is repurlo'l nt police headquarters that n
horse and buggy loft tied in front of a meat
mnrlcot over on Kouth Klevonth , near O
street , wns stolen. Neither the owner's
nanio nor a description of thu property was
loft with the police. How ft is expected
that the owner will get bis property
after such a moagro description is not known.
.S ( > / , / > W/J It'llWS
How n Knlnnia7.oi > Mini Aliide blimey
Out of Ills Misfortune.
DnruoiT , Mich. , Feb. 'J'.1. A few weeks
ngo a woman was brought to the house of
correction hero from Kalaimuoo on a six
month's sentence for disorderly conduct.
The second day of her confinement she fell
dead of heart disease , nnd her husband was
noli lied. His nuniu , ns given to the authori
ties , was Joslah A. Orniard , and he said
his wife had been Imprisoned under
an assumed name. Ho appeared deeply af
fected , nud said ho wns too poor to bury hor.
Superintendent Nicholson promised to have
the eounfynttond to It , and turned her body
over to the undertaker wtio takes charge of
the county funerals. The superintendent
mot the undertaker and mentioned the case ,
and was surprised when the undertaker suid :
"Ob , yes , the husband ramo for the body and
said ho had got a chance to sell it to the meet. college for SM , nud was golmr to talio the
body away with him. He said ho proposed
to make something out of it If ho could , nnd
showed nn order from the poor commission ,
so of course the body was irlveu to him. "
Ksoape ill' a United Si ill en Prisoner.
P\M , 111. , Feb. „ ' . ' . Last ulght George
Ileasloy , a deputy sheriff of Coles county ,
having In charge one .lorry Johnson , was en
route to Springfield with him , where John
son was wanted by the United States mar
shal for burglarizing the Charleston post-
oftlco last summer. ncnsley , with his pris
oner , boarded the train , nnd while still on
the platform sorno person , supposed to bo
John.ion's coafedornte , abruptly pushed ho-
tween the sheriff and his prbonur , who ,
though handcuffed , ( illicitly lumped from the
opposite side and iniulo good liU eicapo.
A Ijlveryimui llelito MIIIIniiH.
TIITOV , Ind. , Fob , 3M. . L. Uavls , a
liveryman of this place , has just received
notice through his brother living at Munclo
that he 1s ono of the heirs to an ICngllsli
fortune vulucii at { 00C"tf,000. ,
It Manifests It&Jf j > u thn Growth of tlo
Librnrits bud School System.
Himtin' Slnl ' l'i'optmr lo Trent tln
l > et 'ellvo An < 'ni'l 'N A
( iiiotl ( 'urn iVir SimkPN A
( 'InIttInn Sclciifi ; Oline.
DBS Moivr.4 , In. , l\'li. 2-J. ( Special to Tin :
HRK. ] Kvorslnrii thu census of ls < 0 Iowa
has enjoyed tlm distinction of belli R tlio ino < t
InlolllBont state In the union , having tlio
lowest perrontiitfo of Illiteracy. Whether
this nan bo anlil for tlio next li'n years re
mains for tlio census of 1S'.H ' ) to dlsi'loso.
llowover , there Is Rood reason to lielicvo
tlicro will not bo many , If any , Htntos that
will outstrlphiT In thu rare for educational
faino. This result Is duo In a Inix" measure
to the excellent school system of lawn , and
the results nro plainly to ho scan In tin. '
decree to whk'li the people of lown nro n
ventllnif ponplo. Tlioro nro fmv stnte.s that
Iiavo mom newspapers , or rather n renter
ratio of new.sp'ipers In proportion to impu
tation , nud few slates whoso people
contribute inoro largely lo thu support of tlm
piildliMttonsnf other Htnto.s. The'state Is al
so the possessor of many-flnn libraries , ro-
linrts upon which luivo been recently made
whirh Is of Interest. Kike many projrivssivo
states , the people of Iowa believe that Ihu
condition of the public libraries Is the hast
indication of the culture : md rellnoment of Its
eltl/.ens , mid Unit they uro tliouioit powerful
single n 'uney , with tlio possible exception of
the press , at work to diffuse * exact Inforum-
tlon. Tlio reports nliovo nlludod to wore
inndo to the stnto Hl > r.irian and are Ineom-
pleto , hecuuso n lar o number of peed li
braries uro not reni-i > sontod. Tlio prineiiial
Iltirarv , of course , belongs to the stale , and is
one of the chief attraction ! ) at the capiial. It
contains iH'.irly10,001) ) volumes , ninny of
thoin fan- mid of great value , nml others
uro constantly belnjr nddeil. It is not
n cireiiliiUnj : library , but whoever wishes to
rufor to any of the volumes must cnmo to tlio
Ciipltol and ivnd or transcriboat his leisure
in the library room , in which nmplo accom
modation for study is nlTorded mid strlrt si-
lenro enjoined upon nil visitors , so that the
student need not bo disturbed. The state It-
hrary is n Kroat resort for Inwyt r.s from all
over the state who can hero find lot-ill works
nowlicro else to bo found. The Judges of the.
supreme court with tlio governor nro tlm
trustees of the state library , which accounts
prouahly fop its rimnliiR so stoncly in the
letfiil lore channel. The chief of the colte o
libraries is thnt of the stnta university at
Iowa City , and by reference to Its report it
Is found that Its tniul income tlio past year
was g.1 , UK ) , of whicA more tlun half wns ex
pended for new books , p.ipursand iiiintii/liiivi.
'J'ho total number of volume * Is 'Ji > , iMi5 , and
the number of persons ushiu the rending
room 2u7iis ( ) ; Among the subscription
libraries reported are those nt Davenport ,
Mason C'itv and Mount Pleasant. Daven
port IMS ll.iWO volumes in lw library. Mount
I'loasantl.Vli ) nnd Mason City lfTU. ) The
free circulating libraries reported and sta
tistical facts uro'shown ' in the following
table :
Christ -Science Crime.
DisMoiNi : : * , In. , Kob 'J-J. { Special to Tin * .
nii.J-Tho : death 'of ' * William I'rotzmait in
Kiibt Des. Mollies enrlj li , twoek through the
neglect caused by bin bonef in the fulth euro ,
nnd the criminal cnrele-.r.ios' . ' ? of the band of
Christina scientists \vho sriuj-ht to euro him
by prayer without proper euro , has noon a
fruitful topic of discussion by the people of
this city and the subject of ollleial investliw
tlon in the nmvor's ofllce all week. The evi
dence closed Friday ovenlncuml the jury ro-
tnrncd a vurdlet yesterday morning. In their
verdict the jury ilnd in part :
"That the docenspd , William 1' ,
was n innn twenty-four years of ago , of rutr-
( , 'ed constitution , unusually ( rood health and
had not been nflllcted with diseasi > of any
cnnracter until December 17 , II'.ID ' , when hu
was nttaeked by what seemed to bo n severe
colil , which soon developed into n well iti > -
llnod case nf typhoid fever , mnl Inter pnen-
inonhi. Thiit Doth himself and wife were believers -
lievers In tlio doctrine of Ho-callt'd Chrtstmn
science , and thnt nntwlthitanditiK Hio ofl-ro-
pentcd advice ot rohitivos friends and physi
cians no iiiMillchiiil nfxents for the euro of dis-
eisn : were nsod , but on the contrary were for
bidden by nlluKCil Christian : , eientists to
bo brought into the sick room.
Thnt tlio only means retortud
o for the relief of tliu deceased wns
what Is enlleil "troiitnient" by the Cbristinn
Si'ieiiceasMiclatlon , u'lil ' consisted soiely of
liowlntr tbo lie. a ! in the hand in wlmt is said
to ho silent prayer. That nil the well estab
lished sanitary and dietary laws for tin' heno-
llt of the sick were utterly ( lixrcgnrdcil , as
not belnp in conformity with tbo doctrine of
the Chrmtioii science. That notwithstand
ing his illness hu was , on I'V'hrunry (5 ( , ism ,
placed in a hnck and moved to another huild-
inff , from one-lmlf to tliree-fourtns of a mlto
distant , for tbo purpose , as was stated , of
KottiiiR him from under the iiillneneo
of those not in nccqnl with the Chris-
tinn science doctnno. Vet notwith
standing all these ndvcM'so clivuniitaiieos wo
Ilnd that ho lived for a period of sixty-ono
days nfter rnntrnctlni ; hU illness , clearly
doiniinstnitliiK to our niliiiU that ho. was po-i-
.soasod of : i moro than ordinary Mronpr eontti-
tutlan nnd vltnlitv and that had proper roui-
edial nficnts been intelligently employed ho
would have been restored to his wonted
health. We are therefore of the opinion that
Willlum I'rot/man cnmo to his dentil by rea
son of the practicing upon him of tlio teaoh-
in s of nn association of poraons calling
themselves ( Jhristinn selentist.s and from no
other cause.1
It is expected that n mimhor of arrests will
follow this verdict anil that n test ease vyill
bo nmite to llud if there is any law covering
the case.
_ _ _ _
< "oiiilnii-ioii : < T Will Travel.
Dr.s MOINBS la. , Fob. 2-J.- [ Special toTiiK
BIK. : | The Iowa railway commission has do-
cidon to inako an extended Itlnor.iry soon.
The principal roasoti Joii-tbU stop U the con
vention of railway commissioners , which
will moot hi Wiublnxton , I ) . C , , March ! J
next. The Iowa boapHms horotoforj Inul a
slnglo roprosc-ntntlvd nt' previous meetings ,
nml consequently but , ono vote mjalnst two oi
three from ether states ivlth far loss inlleaRO
nnd in which the cJimlnlssionc-rs wield fm
less power. The iWA , boarit has earned n
roputntlon , perhaps wninvlablp , for ferocity
uiia voraciousness , iji-uj It in nlloKi-d In the
elTetoeiistthntadoailailjl bankrupt railway is
necossnry for thoin , iiily ) hnpplness. 'll >
Koine In a body ntul ifiojyiportln themselves
in ft doellu inannorh ( ( board hopes to over
eomo this eastern sup-Ji-stitlon and show thnt
they nro not such vi-ry dreadful follow * , but
nro only ordinary ninjqaj-i who mo endeavor
inn by the best ll ht { hy / can obtain to solve
tin ) dltllcult < iustlon , jf | railway control in the
best nnd most sntlsfurAypy inniiner to all con
cerned. ;
Delci'tivo Ajpiicy
DES MOINIIS , la. , Feb. U'J. | Spcein
to Tin ? nin.J-The : ofilciaU of the federal
oral govorninent nro evidently ilctormlncil tt
weed out the bon-us dotectlvo njjenclo-i , som
of whlrli are Infesting' this state nnd roplnj.
In the country "suckers. " Ono of tlie o In
stltHtlons has been ilolng n tluurlshlnt , ' busl
ness at Washington In this state. It. is salt
tholr mall nvcrnvwl over a hundred Icttera a
day and their Income from tholr victims wa
about $ .VK ) dally. L'nitod St.itos I'Ditofllco
InsiHX-'tor LJeorso M. Christian of ( Jrin
neil , cut after them lust week am
tirroslod the wholn eoninny | mid bron h
them to DCS Molnes , to npitcnr before Coin
missloner Jordan on the ciiarjjo of uslut ; th
inalU for fnuulnlont purposes. Tlioio uip
rested were J A. Kulloiw and his -0.1 , ,1. ,1
, and A S Hodges , The lutter Is ai
M haiiil at tin ) hiHhuvK , hnvliur been con
trt M oiuv befoiv , but J. A Killoiir , who
k'linM an president of tluv ii ency. Is until to
ie a reputable lawyer , \vlni was led Into tlio
ehi'ino with hotieit nml Innocent Inlenttont
'hoy all \\ui\od arraignment and were
lonnd ovi-r to the Jurv. The nmhltioii
if niitiix tio\s ID become dotoctivi-s is snine-
hhiif niMioritial , nud furnishes plontv of busl-
less for thcso fraudulent f\joiielos. \ | Ono
win try town in lown not far from thin city
s Miltl to contain seventy three meinbei.s of
nc of these associations. Other towns nro
nnhtlcss equally fruitful , nnd the victims
ire nn.MouslyvatliiK for Mometliln onsler
him theh own nsmielation to detect.
Oil Innpet't Ion ,
Oc-i MDIM.S , la. , I'Vb.jSpoilnl to Tun
hr.lfJovernor : : Holes and State Oil In-
peetor Dunn , in connection with Assistant
ivrvtary Audi-own of the state board of
ic.Mth , bnvo boon busy the past ten days In-
estliatln complaints of ilefeetivoou luur-
UK tlm stiile Insin'i'tors britinl. This Is a
nutter of to .N'ebr.iikn renders of
'in : Iln : , estieclullv Iniowof n remark ot
Secretary Andn-ws In talking with Tin : llii : :
onvspondeiit a few dn.vs IIKO. llo wnstulk-
nn of a ease where the Insjioclnr In this city
ejected n laiyi * iiuiiutlty of eil in the tiiind.s
if the Standard oil tank line company. Tbo
iiaiinger nf Iho compnn.v's inteivsts lioreev-
iressod Homo doubt ahniit the oil bclnir bebnv
tnndnrd. Tbo limpeclur sinruested that a
ample ho referred to tlio state board of
lenlth ns the host wnv to settle the matter.
"Oh , no , " remarked the maunder , "I think
t will be hnnlly noivssary to go to Hint
rouble. It will be easier to ship it over Into
N'ebr.iskn. "
It soeniH that this Is not nn uncommon oe-
urrence , nnd stnlos that have not ai rigidly
< n forced Inspection laws us Iowa are made
ho recipients of this state's rejected oils. It
s n dangerous prod oiling nnd needs Imo.stl-
1'tn'K is nn. j
! < llel'useM to DUmUs Hiiiiipolln , the
Si'i-relary ol'State.
UtiMr , I'Vb. ' 'J. [ Special Cablegram to
-'m : llii : : . | 1'or sumo tinio stroiiK pres-
iiro has been brought to beni" unon Iho pope
o force the resignation of his secretary of
hit i1 , Cardinal Uiimpdln. The pupa , how
ever , has declined to yield to Ibis pressure ,
inn lUMii now bo stated 11)1011 ) the highest
' that Cardinal . will
nithoi'ity Har.ipolla ro-
imiii in his present position anil that ho
odny enjoys the polio's conlhlenco to a
greater extent than over boforo. The gen
eral Impression In hiifh ecclesiastical cir-
los is Unit there will bo no eliunito in t.lio of-
Iei > of secretary of state during the lifetime
of Leo XI I.
Thron potent Influences Inivo been nt
vork ill Home , ondeavoiiiiR lo secure
ho rcllromont of Cardinal lionmallo : Klrst ,
hat of ficrmany ; second , that of liussia ,
ind llnallv that of the so-cnllcd Roman partv.
icrinnny has always been bitter against the
mpr-'s premlor on account of the hitter's
latred of the triple alliance ; fur his sympathy
vith I-'raiice ; his enmity towards the inilri-
ial , and for his nnt'cnsing endeavors to re
vive the power of thu pope by his dlplo-
natle notes.
Huforo the young Oernmn cmnnror visited
{ ome. two years ago , the aiinouncomoiit of
ils Intended visit was accompanied by a
irivnlo note delicately informing tlio poiio of
ils majesty's antipathy to Cardinal lioin-
lallo's views , htntiiiLT iit the desirability of
heir being moditli' I , but the bint was not
nkon by the pope and , In spite of the undis
guised efforts ot ( lei-many since that time to
IKpl.ieo the cnnllnal , ho is stronger with the
miio than over before. Kussln would nlso bo
ilensod to see tile ii tlrciniMilof the cnrdinn ! .
I'lio St. I'otershiiritdiploinntcsrhnrKU nsainst
dm that he Is Inllcxlble upon tbo iUestion | of
: ho Introduction ot the Russian lanmut'fo In
: hi'Ciitholii ! liturgy of Poland , when nego-
tlntlona to this end were begun.
Cardinal Itarnpolln at tlio outset took a firm
stand against the proposed change , and said
that the holy see would never yield the
[ loint. Kussia's hostility is therefore nt-
irihiiuiblo to this incident , and her candidate
for secretary of state bus been Cardinal Vim-
nutelll. Cardinal Vnnnutelli nssisted at the
coronation of the present ivnr , and on thnt
occasion created a very favorable Impression
in St. Petersburg.
The third fnctor which has bofl" working
iiiltist C'unlmnl Uaiupolln is coin posed of
tlio Kemnnadherents of C'ardinnl Vaiunitelli
and they have been periodically uniiouiicing
the retlremont of the present .secretary of
state. Tlioy have always accompanied those
announcements with the statement of Ciirdt-
mil Vuniiutulli IH Hampolhi's successor. Tlioy
ilso said that the pope had decided to place
Cnnllnal Hampolln in the propaganda to'suc-
eoi'd Cnrilinal Sinieom , the present prefect ,
many of the newspapers having spoicon of
Ihcsu impending elmin-es and , the pupa hnv-
iiiK seen the publication , his holiness said to
Cardinal Slineonl tbo ether dav :
' We regret , slgnor cardiind , that such ro-
[ ) orts have heon circulated , as wo have no in-
Lention of iiKiking tbe cliamro.s referred to. "
So all these political Intrigues have come to
nnuuht and tbu pope will not make the de-
sit oil change.
" \Vhat an Olllcinl Says of the Kock Is-
. land's 1'rcnent I'rospi'i.'tK.
NKW YOIIK , Pob. LI. ' . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : I5ii.J : : Vico-1'rosidont Ilrowster of
tbo liock Island road says of the condition of
tlio propcity : "Tho corn trnfllc has fallen
olT. but It is not so serious n matter as some
people try to make out. It is an item , to bo
sure , and our gross earnings hnvo fallen a
little compared with last The gross
earnings so fur in Kuhrnnry hnvo fallen oft"
about jr > 0,000 , hut we nro not losing In not
earnings , nnd the physical condition of tlio
property is being well maintained. Tboro
will he greutiT economy when tln > lines in
Kansas nnd Nebraska nro foreclosed nnd
brought under onu imimiKemont. The Kock
Island bus not paid dividends which hnvo not
been earned , and tlio property Is in better
condition than Wall street seems to think it
is. "
il by Sleviuans.
UXTOX , X. M. . Feb. 2J.This morning
nbout 11 o'clock.ob V. Kussoll nnd J.V. .
Cook were rldlni ; alonp the Nerinajo , be
tween thu r coniid Armstroiig ranchos , about
miles from hero , In this county. They
were llrod into by some unknown party , nnd
Uussell wns instantly killed. Cwk saw two
Mohicans getting nwuy and tired at thoin.
Ho thinks ho tilt one. lioth men were in tlio
employ of tbo M.ixwoll-lirant company , aim
that company baa arranged to track the iimr-
dc-rers by blooilliounds from Trinidad. Kus-
sell lenviw u wlfo nml two children , nnd was
nbout twenty- eight years of age. lie was
until recently duputy sheriff of this county
and deputy United States marshal for this
Konjl'S Ilrcnk Up a Danoo ,
I-'OUT SMITH , Ark.Fub. ' ! , A lot of romjhs
went to a itmico on tlio Texas
road , nt. 2 o'elocK this morning and
aid out three men with wagon stakes.
.lohn lloiners , owner of the yard , had his
skull fractured nnd Is not expected ID live ;
Charles A. Higgs is In nearly tlio sumo con
dition , cut on the head. Hdnors' sou Is badly
used up. The police uro after the roughs.
Condoli-uro < > ! ' Compif do
Coi.rMiirs O. , Keb.J. . -A special train
bearing the family , wlnUvcs nnd friends of
the late fJoneral Sherman parsed through
the city this afternoon on ils return trip east.
.lustns tlio train loft St. I.onls , Uev. I'.tther
Kherman received n telegram from C'ompto
do I'aris , who is In Spain , expressing Ids
warmest sympathy for tlio loss .sustained In
tliodoath of his Illustrious fntlier.
shot hy n Drunken l-'armcr ,
I'MII-I n , Ky. , Feb. VJ.This ! evening a
0 o'clock Kd Handle , a farmer , went to Dick's
livery . - > tabU nnd ordered a horse nnd buggy.
Ho was somewhat Intoxicated , and ,11111104
Heiinott , who was in charge of tbo stable , re
lusi'ii to lot him have ouo. Knndlothoroupui
whipped out a revolver nnd shot Jlcnnet
tlinmirh the Htonmch , lullloting n wound tha
will provo fatal.
Shot Wlillo Iti-slslliiK Arrest.
llui.ivui , Tenii. , Feb. 1W. Tills afternoon
Sheriff Footo mid Marshal Perry nttomplci
to arrest Arthur I.nihotv , colored , for utib
hlng Aiihon Armour. Uaihoro resisted am
wai advancing " " thoin with a knlfo whui
tlio sheriff ilred , Inlllutlng a prnbabl ) moru
wound Lashoro wiis generally regarded in
a desperado
Even tlio Irlontls of Quay Think Ho Should
Stop Aside ,
I'lio I'rois < if tlit Country Must Speak
Out-One Point onVlilcb
tin * liepitblli'inm are
, Fob. -fSpin-lal to Tin :
InThero : | is a good of ropuhllcnn
lollllcs being talked nroillld the eapllol now.
'lie text for Mm liuhilgcni'le.s Is the roorganl-
ntlouof the ri'iiubllcan iintlonnl conunltteo.
Vlth ono accord the republicans biMiovo that
ho national CKiniidttroshnuld bo Immediately
eorganl/ed. It Is conceded thnt there Is
ome very valuable material ttpun the com-
illtee , and that much of tt should be ro-
nlned. but llioro Is unanimity on Iho point
hut an nctlvo should lie lininediulely
No ono questions the sngncltv of Senator
Jany. tiivnt credit Is given him upon every
laud , oven among Ids enemies , for having
brewdly inamiged the campaign of l ss , hut
ils warmest supporter * frankly say that In1
ins not tlio time , the health or llioittsiuvsillou
t thli season to talto an nctlvo part In the
ainpalgn of noxl your , and thnt ho should
top aside.
"There Is only ono wnv to bring about n
eorgani/atlon of the tmtloimi committee , "
aid n western ivpiihllemi senator , today ,
'nnd that is for the republican press nf the
on n try mid the party workers themselves to
peak out upon the subject. If thorn should
) o n considerable demand for a reorgnnl/n-
ion It will bo effected , while should tho. pros-
nt indin ° ercnc < < continue the Inpsns langin
vlll coiitinue without respect to time.1
There may appear to Iho worker In the
ranks , remotely located from Washington ,
evidences that the republican party Is In the
( imiips on account of tlio failure to pass the
nucli desired elections bill , and nlso the fail-
ire to securu certain ether legislation which
s needed , nnd tlio fulfillment of eeilninof Its
visiles lias Imbued the republicans
n congress with n determination which
ilono will insure n splendid party
HX'iiuizntlim for the campaign of isyi , As
Senator Aldrichso well snid to your corre
spondent recently , the battery of republican
> rinciplo.s In the senate In tlio of 1111-
imlted I'olnaito 1ms spurred up the repnbli-
iins throughout the country to n point which
vlll greatly honellt the party next year , nud
boy nro moro determined now than uver to
There is ono point upon which every re-
mblloan in Is united. It Is that the
ainpnlfrn npxt year is to bo conducted upon
ntelligcut linos. The democrats swept the
onntry hut vour upon iilnt forms of misrepiv-
mentation. ' 1 hey lied nbout thu effect of the
McKlnloy tariff'bill , nnd ninloubteilty made
hnusiiiids of votes in close > -tnlcs by mlsrcp-
osentmg thn aims mid effects of'tho tariff
wisioii. Tbe effect of the tarilT law U being
'oil now , mid it is directly opunsiti * to that
vliioh the democrats roprcsonted. President
Inrrlson and Secretary Blame have demon
strated thn practlenbilltv of opening markets
'or Amorloan pnxlucts in foreiirn conntriivs ,
and the ciuiipletinn of important coninierciid
roatii's will Do winning cards for tbo reptib-
lean ticket. The issues upon which the n1-
iiiblicaii party will light next year are In
ninny respects now to the country , nud moro
or less complicated. Those fuels nro being
minted out m roerve nnd strung arguments
n laver oi oduci'.tion of tlio country through
the pri'is. It is conceded that there will bo
more printed matter circulated in the next
presidential campaign than In nil of thoMi
.vbich . have taken place during the pint
twelve years. It therefore devolves upon tbo
lattonnl committee to get to work with ils
editorial processes a ? early us possible. The
Tact has boei : pointud out that the u'reul ma
jority of leading newspapers of the country
ire In the control of the ilumocmts.
Tlio enlargement of Industrial pursuits in
nlmost every voting precinct in tlio country
whcro it Is possible to bnvo manufacturing
.ntorusts . makes it not only possible , but
easv , to effect commercial club organizations
of a political character which will have a
very strong influence In thu campaign. Thn
republicans in congress talk nbout n. general
> olitlenl caucus jusl hoforo they leave for
Heir homos , nt which time it is suggested
there should Do a ironcrnl discussion of party
IM-ohlblted the Cse nt' CariN.
Si noiii.i IIVKT , Mich. , l-'eh. Ui. Tbe town
s shaken to its center ever the act of the
Doara of village authorities , jinssod Monday
light , when it was voted to prohibit the sale
nud use of plaving cards , and passing a
lown onlinaiice maklmr It nn offense pmi-
isliable by a line of from SI to Slit , and
imprisonment for not moro than thirty
ilnys. The law was renlly alined at the
single gambling place In the town , but
was madeso sweeping in its nature that
it Includes the proarosslvo euchre parties
well as tbo professional gn in biers. The
t people in the town Have just awoke to
what it really means through ilm town ottl-
ccrs serving notice on t hi ! storekeepers that
t bey must ronso to sell playing cards. The
young people nro almost In a state of riot
over what they cull ttio nonsensical law nnd
Iho high-toned club inon and kcopor of the
gambling room are pleased , as they think Iho
new law will IIUKO itself so unpopular that It
vyill bring about its own repeal. In thu mean
time the ofllccrs say they will arrest any one
they catch engaged in card playing and pro-
ac to tucklo the cara parties lint.
Wouldn't He .Illteil.
Sis- ANTONIO , To.\ . , l-'eb. iM. Mrs. Hertlm
Cnn ! was exiiinlnud ho lore the t'nlted States
coimnlssloners chawed with assault to
killSerireant .lames Hnrtloy of the United
Stales army. llo had been courting- her , and
olio nlnht In .lannnry called on her. During
tbu interview she shot him through the
stomach and then shot herself In the same
wii ) . lioth have lain at death's door. She
is nCi-rinim of no special cultivation anil was
employed ns a domestic. Several female nc-
qnaintimces tchtilliul that sbu had threatened
to shoot llartluy if lie discontinued his atten
tions. Hartley swore that ho callud on her
the ninlit of the tragedy and sat for some
tune tulkliiK to her m the dark. Shu asked
him to light the candle. Hu arose and struck
a match. She shot bun and then shot bur-
self Hu saw lier fall , nnlshod lighting the
candle and walked out , when ho diseuvcred
that ho had also been hit. lie was taken tea
a hospital. Mrs. liros wa.s released upon
&M bond.
Makes Iho lives nf many j.cnplo mlsornlde ,
causing illsln'Hii after i-atlng , hour r.tiniiach ,
nick headache , lieutbnni ; , loss of nppctlto ,
a falnt'allKone"foclliiR , bad taste , coated
tongue , and Irregularity ot
After not R131 wt' " " ' Hsclf , It
_ . . rcqulrns careful attention ,
timing ami a remedy IM.O llw.d'i . K'-'iitly ' , jotclllcli'iitly.
It times I ho fctomaoh , ri'KUlatoi tbo di cs-
linn , creates ; i gnod ap-
polite , bnulthcs hoadaelu. .
anil rcfrosln- * the inlml.
"I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I
had but little nppollte , and wlnit I did eat
t-Inni-t distressed til" , or did inu
" rt
, Illllu BOIHI. After oatmg 1
bum wMuhl have a faint nr llreil ,
all-gono [ cclliig , ns thoui-h 1 had Mil eaten
anything My trmiblo ws ; nmravntnl by
my binlness , painting. last Criin-
spring 1 timk Hood's Har- .
sapmilla. wlilch did mo an StOmaCtl
limnciisu nnuiunt nf giuid. ltg.i\omoail
nppetlio , nnd my fund iclUhcd and s.dMled
the ci.nlng I hn.I previously experienced. "
( lEOinii : A. IM < ii' , Watertuwn , Mass ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
pnMI > ; nil uliforgl I'ri'i rcdnnlj
byC 1 llniili.t I'D Ainjllircailii Ixmcll , Mini
100 Doses Ono Dollar
We arc flomrj to tulvcr
Use a
( To commence at once. )
Ol'all the latest styles
and shapes TOP Spring.
They come in
Dunlap Blocks ,
Knox Blocks ,
Miller Blocks ,
And they are worth in
any store in the city $3
and we've got enough
of them Tor al ) comers.
are on Iho count
ers. They start in at
$5 a suit for sill wool
suits , and they arc
worth lots more money
but we've got blood in OS.
our eye , and wevant
you to understand that
we can do as much for
you as any other house
in the city
a little more , ii'we try
We have enlarged
and i m proved o u r
Children's Department
and will show the
ha ndsamcst C h i 1 d 's
Waist , just for a flyer ,
at 8Sc , that you over
Our 60c and 7Su
Waists are worth $1
and $1BO.
These are brand new
goods and of the most
attractive designs that
the market affords.
The Old Reliable
& oo.
limn Fan