Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1891, Part Two, Page 9, Image 9

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    i )
\ > i ) i-11. '
if TiTmirmnnwi IIIHI umi T "
Pay ou
To read carefully every item advertised today.
Cost of goods cuts no figure in this sale ,
This immense stock must be closed out to
make room for our spring stock ,
This department was the special
pridoof the Kiscuinn storo. There was
more euro and skill devoted to the
Dross CJoods and Silks than all tlio
other stocks combined. Ir. Eibemnn
WB is tin equaled for t'isto and judgment In
this particular lino. 'The entire stock
OffBP is now arranged , marked down , nnd
will be on sale Monday.
ttii-inch I'lulds , now styles , lOc ; Eise-
mnn's iirieo 2le.
AH."Wool . Double Kohl Oress Flannels
Bargains in colors and mixtures , le ( ) ; teisoinnn's '
price 2.c. !
Not : tslneh All \Vool 1'ltuds ' , ! > c ; Wise
man's price 7"c. .
.hilianl's ' Host Dun ting , now shades ,
Obtainable lo ! ; ICisipinan's price ooe.
12-inch All Wool Fancy and Striped
Elsewhere Serge , ! ! ! lc ; Kisoinan's price 75e.
Sii-inch Mohair , all colors , 27e ; Eiso-
tnjin's price fwc.
as Host makes Knglisli Cashmere , Ifle ,
liio , l-r c , ISc ami 2 c : Kisoinan's price
Monsij ISe , 25o , ! l5c , We and 60c.
, All the late French Novelties at less
than Kisomnn's import cost.
Cost A very largo nssortinont of the high
est class pattern Biilts , rangiiifr in price
from s-1.00 up to $ :5t.lH : ) ; cost Kisoman
$15.00 up to $75.00.
1/alUes /
aTli-s Inrprost anil best assorted stock of
now design * and plain sooda in every
variety , style and price.
A good Itlnck Knglislt Cashmere ,
double \\idtl \ ) , from lc ( ) to7c ; Kisonian'ri
price t2V' ( to . " ) ( } a yard.
t'riMirh C'ashtncro Sorpes and Fariey
"Weaves from 19c yard to the tinest fuh-
ric made.
In audition lo our now Spring Novelties of
Silus and Fancy anil 1'laiii Velvets , wo have
Ilio r.isoiniin stoek , which makes , beyond doubt ,
the largest and llnest assorted stock in the
Wo nrc-selling n flue line of Printed China
Silks at V ; they tire worth to buy 47 jr.
A full line of Surahs in hlaekand colors for
ilfle ; worth 7i3o.
At G.S : Kisonian's price $1.15 nil the new
weaves , in black and colors.
All the line novelties from 7. > c to * S , r > 0 per
j a rd will bo sold at jn t one-third the forme r
Xovor , notovon in palmiest days'ofSmlth
were line silk * Mild nt such extreme figures , and
each yard fully warranted.
10-inch Silk Plush , l c ; Mhoniun's price "oc.
! 2l-incli Silk Plush. $1 ; Klseinan's prieo W.
lllaek and Colored Velvets from0uto : ! i.tI5 ! )
per yard , jour choice at oiio-third tlio former
Elscinan's Stock of Linens at Great Reductions.
lllonclioil Linen Unit sold ut ir > c ,
now SK * jnril.
iwc Linens now li c yard.
81.0.J two-ynrd wlclo Damask now hoing fold
nt "oc yaril.
Iminonso line Crenm Damusk , 2-C , JIV , SOc ,
lee , 60c , Wtc , 0" ) , c , , not half their cost.
The MeKlnloy bill does not alTcct the sale
of these linens. These lltions were all boujjlu
last season before the advance and wo irot
thorn at about 40 cents on the dollar , which ac
counts for the low nr'ces ' wo can well nlTord to
nmko at ureseiit. No inorclitml In tills country
canallord to innko the prices wo are now nmU-
inpas long' us the Eiwjmun stock hist , but it
will not h--t always , and wo would mlvisoyou
to take ndvanta ro of this sale at once , as wo
cannot duplicate these prices.
Towels and Towolhiff , Xnpklns. , & ' . , nt
Banio prices. Wo have also iihi stookot Lunch
t'loths and Napkins to match lit Sl.lte , W.8S ,
$ i.HandOii ( ; { ( ) t-ot. White and Colored Hod
Spreads nro ( joint ; fast at bankrupt prlcos.
Shawls , Cloaks and Jackets.
KtiKllsh roviM lblo shawls $ : i. " " > ; I'.lso
inaH's price * . " . oil. Kxtru heavy rovorsi"
bio slmvlMflLCO : Kiseinan's piioiW.OO -
$ " . " > ( ) line black casliiuoro ( .hawli sit
bankrupt prices. Tlu\y must ho sold.
Ch ildron's cloaks , a 'o I to 11 years ,
31V ; Klsomim's price $1. Misses' o'liulcn ,
Kilo IS years. $1.7.filMI ) nnd ? U)8 ) ;
Kisi'iimn'H nricesi W.riO , , r > , 'i" ) . nnil * 1'J.
Ladies' plusli cloak's hi nil the boat
makes , * ! ) ; Kisemati'.s prlro Sill.
I Mush cloaks at ! ? 1L' , at } H , at $18. nt
* 22 , al $ ! - ) , ut l : iisotiiiirs : ! prices i-2-J ,
Jiilt $ : i7andup to'f'H ' ' ) .
Ladlos' skirts .Wc.'iOi' , Olio and up to
Jil : Kismnur ! jirlocs f 1.1 ! , ' ) up to S12.
( iOO ladies' nowiirirki'ts and latest
s-tyles ; ICisoman'n urleos $12 to W > . in
all si/cs. C'holco of entire lot on Mon
day at ! * ! > .ilS. The lialanro unsold will
bo reduced in price tl each day till all
are t-old. These troods must and will bo
f-illd. Ladles' jackets in all the latest
styles , rant'lnn In pi-loo from $10.81) ) up
to S-lM , will b holn on Mimdiiy at $7.ll ;
the balance unsold will bo reduced SI
each day till all ar
Ladies' wrappor.s "iSc ; 1'tsomaii's ] ) rico
$ l.2o. Missc's jersey suits , R to 1 I years
$1.S ! ) ; KUcmans ] > riVe * L'.7.r ) . Childron's
dresses , 2 to 11 ! years , ( ISo up to to Jl.flS ;
Eiseinan's prices $ l.oO un to $1.73.
Ribbons , Ribbons ,
The grandest di. splay over attempted
In line silk ribbons :
] { ilibons worth 'to , 5o and 7c , all at 2c
ayard ; ribbons worth ( ic , So , Wo sind 1-c ,
all atoo ; ribbons worth 12jr , l"o and
17c. all ut 10c ; ribbons worth lc ! ) , Ulu
and Hoc , all at 12c. Finoht imported
millinery and stylish fancy ribbons
worth Uoc , Hoe and .Vie ; all iitlQc.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs.
Ur.lold bargains in ladles' and chil
dren's ' handkerchiefs :
Sheer lawn Immlkorchlofs , fancy and
border handkerchiefs at Un , , V and 7c ;
worth lllc to 20c. Sheer linen hem
stitched liatidkercliiefs lOc ; ICiseman's
price l.Sc. I-'incbt sheer linen lawn hem
stitched handkerchiefs lee and 2V :
Kit-Oman's price 'Me lo .We. Kinbroiri-
ored linen hemstitched handkorvliiofnat
lOc. llie and IK" worth Uoc up to Me. ca.
Hamburg anil Swiss Embroideries.
The I'Ucnians rocohed their utitiru
Importation order of oinbroidorior- , laces
and llouncintrs before their failure. This
ntl'urds the iulvsinln < ; os of baiilcrupt
prices forabbolutcly new .styles in thi"-o
Tlio stock includes line linen , torchon
and inedici laces , silk lace- , and lloun-
cings and di'apery nets in new and My-
li.-h dozens. At' lianknijil ] > riccs you
can well alTord to proude for future
Blankets , Comforts and
Eiscman carried a vcrylar c stock of
Blankets , especially fine California Blan
kets , they must go , we arc reducing the
prices to about one-half the cost to man
ufacture : *
! } 2j California flnavlilto , 12-4 si/o , nil won ! blankets -
kots , now $1 Loll a pair. $10.50 blankets $8.85. $8.50
blankets $1.115.
All wool white blankets , 101 size , tliat were Sli.CO ;
now $1.1)5 ) a pair.
2,000 pairs of Krny blnnhuls of every sine , style ,
quality ami inscription , at les than halt their value.
Ked blankets in grout viirioty at tlio baino rate.
hllfl horse blankets , mostly square blankets , nil
wool and some not all wool. Now Is your tima to lay
in a Mipply for next ' oason. Suish prices wore never
made on blankets asvo nro noiv making.
Lap robes of every style froin tlio cheapest wool
robn to tliu llut'st ' fur and plush relies , at lens than half
their value ; Wo are crowded for room and cannot
afford to carry tlioin over.
Down comforts that wore tolling tit IMseinans store
nt $ ! VHO , $11.50 , * 11 , $17 , etc. ; are reduced to $3 , ? or 0
mid $ fi.r > 0 for choice of tlio
Largo si/.o rotnforU ill -19e , ( lOc anil ! ) Sc. N'o such
bargains ever won in Oiniihr.on comforts.
Full size cretonne covered ecmforts marked down to
Sl.lDeuch. Beautiful Batcon coveredcomforts.that . , ,
wore $ . ' ! , are now going at S1.98 ciich. Big line of
cheese cloth comforts.
Take notice of our prlooson lliuinels :
Shaker flannel at fie , He , lOc , l'2c ! and 15e yard.
Yard wide sill wool white llaiinol marked down to 2o ! )
yard , you can't duplicate these prices. , 'ilwhite
wool liannol 12k , lee , l20c yard. Fine white
twilled llanncl , dornot and ssilk warp flannels at cor
respondingly low prices , Silk embroidered llannels
of every description and price. . " -4 wide plain color ; ,
in eiderdown reduced to2u ! ) yard. All the fancy and
ysudidoeidordouis li.iva been reduced to l"c yard ,
and they are Kn\ng \ fant. Choice of sill the Hic-onian
French 'liannol llc ) ; every one gets Too for the same
quality , compare thoin.
Id-in till wool sldrlintf llaunols were flflc , now you can
liavo them at 2V ! yard. ( Iroy ini.xed llaimol reduced
to 7k yard. All 'vool striped or choked 6 o/ . llan
nels tlmt sold at Hoe and loc yard , now lOo yard. Finn
all wool red twilled liannol marked to soil at OOc and
li/io / , now Hoc yard. Navy hlucJlannol worth I5c , ro-
dneed to 2jo yard. All wool blcirt patterns at loss
than half cost ,
It will
This department has fallen
into line and will not be out-
cbne by a bankrupt stock. Pay You
Gentlemen's Gold Filled
Watches , hunting case or open
face , stem wind and set , to
Weal warranted to wear 20 years ,
Elgin. Springfield or Wn.ltha.rn
movements , . , '
al $16.75 Jeweler's
price .
undersell Gents' ' gold Filled limiting money
Case , stem wind , Elgin , Spring
everybody field or Waltham Watch $ 10.95 ,
Jeweler's price , $25. to byu
else , Ladies' Gold Filled Hunting
Case , stem wind , Elgin , Spring
field or Waltham Watch warranted
but tbis
ranted 20 years , $14.95 , Jewel
ers price , $30. this the
time - Ladies' 14 karat Solid Gold
Hunting Case Elgin , Spring
field or Waltha in Watch , $21.50
\vc arc ' ' Greatest
Jeweler's price , 50.
50 designs in rolled plate
underselling Rings , with real stone sets , on
sale at 250.
Lad ics' Solid Silver Heart
selling Rings , 25c. Sale
Gents' ' rolled plated patent
ourselves- lever Cuff Buttons , 190 worth
ever held
Nickel Clocks , good timers ,
Roger's Silver Knives and in
Forks , $1.45 set.
All the latest novelties in
Jewelry , at less tlian one half Omaha ,
Je\veler's prices.
Domestics , Domestics ,
Largest display of Domes
tics in America. The Eisc
man stock and Tlaydon Bros1
combined beat any slock ever
displayed. Every brand of
muslin and sheeting you can
call for from 3ic , 40 , c\\c \ \ , 5c
and upwards. Fast colors in
sheeting prints and percales ,
zj/jc , 5C , / c , S-/Cand / ( ice yd.
eP I'iilli'os ! > Jc nnd fie yard.
Indigo Blue rullcos Ac , 7jc nnd fHo yd.
Slrnsv and fcutHcr ticking ue , 8c , lOo ,
12je and lee yard.
Linings , Linings'
Rest gnulo of hklrt lining . ' ! ? c yard.
Heliuia lOe , 12je , lee nnd IVo yard , nil
colors and st Uics.
Paddings , ilrilllntjri , Ilnlinn cloth and
ovorythliifT in tliu line of linings at
prices a fproat dcal.lesbt'iuii ' 'hers litivo
to jiay for these.
Wash Dress Goods ,
? < 9P' !
- Wash Dress-Goods./
Our htoclc in wash floods loads them
\Voaroaffontsfor\Villiain Ander-
hon'h Scotch xophyrs and show the lar-
yost line over dibplayed , at i2-3e yard.
Wo are the only homo in Omaha that
shows tint now wash fabric , : ! ( i-in wide ,
flint colors llonriettii llniuhed twills , at
lc ! ) va nl , Ahk to see them ,
1'If.o line of Harnahy.ophyrs at lee
yard.Why pay others lOe a yard for dress
fjinfflitinih when you can buy all of Ki-a-
innn's ( loaicslic ilrcbs t'intjhains at llay-
clons for oc ?
Outiii ) , ' llannolh Re. Sc and lOc yard.
In white dre s [ , 'onds and black dress
goods wo show a much larger llao than
over seen in nnv house.
It is iinpos-iblo for us to fjiv ( < von a
nf-crijition of all , as the Mock is too
larj'o and we could not do it justice.
Look thoin ever , yon will bo repaid
for your time and trouble.
All at Bankrupt Prices , Every clay
Full Standard Ingrain Carpets , ; > ( ) o ,
' ' " 'f , I0t * and -I'lc. Coin pare tho&o with
uii.vtliinnr at " , "ie. every
Fine--t All Wool Hxtrn Supers , nt ( ilic ,
( iSo and 7'ie ; regular | ) rico , 7"ie to il.2" > .
High Class Tapestry Cnrnnts , We ) , oJto ,
O.x * and 7.1c , worth "ot * anil 1,00. hour
Finest Hody Itrussols , $1.10 , iH.'J'i , ,
worth i l./iO / and l.'i.
A full aht-ortiiont Velvets , Axiiiiustor
and Koyal Wilton Curpctd , al linnkrupt
iiricen. .new
A splundid stofk of Lace Curtains , at I
, Vii' , li'io. 7"f ) , 87f , fl , iJI.Uo , up to i-It.'iO bargains
pair. U'liohO nro positlioly loss than one | O
liiiK regular prioos.
Fine Swiss Lnco Curtains , at V7.r > 0 ,
S.l ! ) , 5 . n , 1 ! ? S ! ) up to Wi , Kiseniai's found
jirices , M i up to stliO.
( Jhonillo 1'orticres , iJ.Uo , W.ol ) up to
Slo. Kisoman's price , $ " ) , 'J" ) up to i'- ' > > .
Fine Silk Curtains , at So.fill. * 7.oO , in ,
* lii and iHS , Klbeman's price , $ ll ! up to that we
Window Shades in every style and
quality , all at bankrupt prices.
.lapanoso Silk and art Cotton Draperies
ies , lit 7c , H > e , 1'Jc , I.MS , 17e , 'Je ) , " 10 , up not
to 7"t" ) left than ! ) ! ! rents on the dollar.
l'KK ( ) yards fringoM. The largest
stocU anil lowebt prices ever scon In
the wobl. know
. Hugs and Door Mats , In endless var
iety , at bankrupt prices.
'l ear loads Wall Paper just received
and will bo on displuy Monday , Lookout
out for low prices. we .
SpeHnl opening sale on Furniture ,
C'lwlra , Lounges , buiti and IJoi-kors.
.Mngnilleent display of Huby Ciirriiii'os
at oxceoilini.'iy low prices.
r.iboman's en tire bankrupt stock
ViiHsoa , Traveling I'ngs nnd Trunkrt
now on fcalo at ono third regular prices.
All of Klsoinan's Variis will bo
shmghtnrod on Monday. It will pay
you to lay in a stock for next HOIIHOII.
All ol KiHoman'ri bout quality of Factory
Slocking Yarn tfoos at > o a skoln. Host
quality Xophyrlc per ouiico. All of
Klscman's Oorinan Knlttini , ' Yarns ,
worth 250 , goes nt inc. IMsonmii's very
best quality of Coriniui Knitting Yarns ,
sold al ! ! 5c , rodiicu'l to llc ! per Blioia. We
Kiseman's Sonora Haxony , nothing hot
ter made , only Do. Kiseninn's beat qual
ity of Ccrmaatown Yarns , beautiful col
ors , Inrgo two-ounce skeins , only lOc :
reduced from 'Joe.
Lai , 'car. EisBman's
A regular picnic for the ladies on
Monday , Just like buying gold dollars Stock
for oil routs. Over live thousand dollar's
worth of those goods put on sale Mon Cheaper
day. The llnest Underwear ever shown
in the west to bo sacrificed at 00 cents on
tlio dollar. Than
All Ilio I.mileiouns ( from tlio Klsi'inun
'lurk , win III r > icclucc ; ! to4io.
All tin1 l.ullrs' ' ( Jowns finiii tinKIsLMiiaii
stuck , worth $ l.'J."i , redin-i'd tudlK' .
All tint 1allies' ( iii\Mis finni tliocnmn
.stock , worth I.Tri , r.iiliued tollSc. Most
All the l.udliM' ( owns from ( lie Hl-cmua
stock , worth ii 'J'i. riuliifuil to f I,111.
All the I.inlles' Uniworii trnni tlio Klsenmii
stockv.oitli.Ve ) , re < liictiil toV.lo.
All Ilio l.iKllc.s' Dniwcrs from tlio KlHClnuu WholBsalB
stouk , worth 75o. reUucud to 4Jc.
All tlio Ijiidlus' Druwur.H front tlio Elsumnu *
stook , worth II , roihU-cil to inc.
All tlio Infants1 Sllpi. I.OIIR mid Short Merchants
Itiesscs. i.oiij ! and Short Skills , ut S3 ecnts on
Bay ,
Lais' ' Kid Gloves.
In this tlopirtinont i'-iseinon carried
iin iiiiiiionso stoek , comprising all tlio
very best brands , such as real Ale.xan-
dreb , , Fosters and Josephine
Hoamlesi , and olhos line makes. This
chnneo may not occur again to huy line value.
All of riseniaii's7."ie ( iloves icduccd toll'lc1 ' pall
All of Klseinau's * l ( ihies leilneed In .Vic pair.
All of I Iseinan's fl.L' . " ) ( lloves iL'dui'ed loT.'iepr
All of Klsi'iiuin'sfl..V ! > ( iloves ledneeil tosiic ilr
All of iieinan's : W < ilo\es reduced In f | i' , pr
r.l-eina n's aloeU of Ladles' anil ( 'hllilien'h
Woolen Mittenat T > o cents mi the dol'itr. '
'V '
Ill this department will bo made the deep
est cut of all On one table all the odds and
ends comprising .Silk , Cashmere and Cotton
Hosiery for Ladies'and Children , at one-fourth
regular prices.
Kl-ci.ian's . stool , of Hoys' Heavy Wool Ullibort Illoy-
elp llo-c. u orlh Ml. ii'ihli'i-il lo l.V.
1 , iilli > ' liiiiy Wool 11 > iv , , , ( in ll'i1 ' ] iilr ; ; \\nilli .Tn1.
. riilldii'ii'b , , . lust . . Jiliirk illtllll lliislMlntilili ! klllO * .
only'-'o ; ii-ilui-i'il from dk1.
All Ilii-riisl Illiirk HUM' fur I.ndlfS woitli 40o , 10-
iluci'd to SI1 ; PCI p.ilr.
All ( if ii-finaii's : 1'iinoy l.lslianil c'otton lloso fur
laillcs iciliicc.I to ! i' ' JUT pair.
l.iidh'Mm - ll.illii u-c.'iii I lose , I'M in sl/i and o\t in
lonv. unilh f | , irduc'ril to III1.
IKCIIIIH'S : l'tIllmU \ Ilixn for luillL- lli-rnsdorf
oyc , uoiihCiiiiii'dnri'il to.T - pi-r niilr.
All ol l.tsi-iiiiin's sloi-U of Clillilit'li's i cliool Husi1.
wiirlli I'Miciluri'il In > i-per pull.
I'llllllll-ll's llllu-U ril-t'Cl'll ' l.lllt'll IISI ( , > , \llll til Mil * ,
IClllll-Cll til 1'lC.
Vinir c'lioli-o of r.lsrnniM's ' '
I'nlinstoeK of l.uillcs'
loiiii ) > -ili > llosiiT fin liii1 PIT pull.
Infants' liniool HUM- only IHo pi'i | nilr , ttortli2.li1.
I l-i'iniin's slocU of l.ailli's' line llsli > llnsi' , worlh
fl.'Jj , ii'iliic-ud tndlie.
Gents' ' Fiiniisliiii ! ! Goods.
This was the linest stock of any carried by
KihPinan.Vo will ulnco this ensiro stock o'n
Mile Monday morning at pricc toinovo it and
moyo itiiiick. | Do not fail to buy all the ( ionts'
lrnliuindricd Shirts you want to-morrow. Thov
will bo sold for less than the price of the muslin
rnl.uliult Inl > hhls. ; ! , ' > i' ; CIsiMintii's pi InMic' .
riilinillilrli',1 Mlllls , Ili'j iisi : > in.ill's IlllrcllTii' .
rnlaiinclrli'cl Shin- , . .Mi" Msi-niuu's prlci > ; 'n > .
riiliiilliililril > lilils , T.'ICJ l.lspinan's prloc } I.'J5.
In ( iM'i-lilils l.lscnuui ouiilnl llic llncsl stoi-K In
tlictti'M. i-iiiniiilslii. -IIks. ricni'li riiiiini-ls. Milin
* -lllii's | , I uiii-y : itiM > n . Mil , tiliM' . . lll.r Cln > \ luls. Citl-
IfiinilauoK , DDiiicslli-s In nil ( 'lailrs. This Int III
III' ' Mild fin li > -s : tinniirr lo niaKc.
Ill I his stoi-lf lll ln > fnllllil 1IH ) io/i | > u Cnits' HrllNIl
llulf HUMlu > , i\y anil line Kitii/ ( > , \\nitli IIV lift pair ,
li-iliii-nl I i | 'io. ' I
Kl-t'iiiiin's fl.lHl -ii-pi'nilcr-- iriliii-i'il to'ilk1. I'.No-
Illllll's Wk' | | ) | | | | > | slllMM ) III ' , ' 'l : ' . Illiys' Ml-ipltllllrtS ,
' . , ' 10 , ! * isu'iiii | | | > is iciluri'il In pic pel pill-
All nf r.iMMiiiin i .Me IliillitluBHii I'mlm-ucar ii'-
iliii-ril iniV1 in-li. slilitnr ilnm.-i . .
KI-l'IIKIIl's ( . ' .HO ( illlM-s ll-llllicil to'lV. '
I.Ki1 luaII s , Jl VI ( i mi-s li'ilurril In TV ,
riM-niiiu's < l mi iin\i ; s i nl in i'il In ' < ) ' .
IIisi'iiiaii' > "iUiiln \ -s ri'iluriil 111 V-'H. ' .
On Monday Kibonmti's entire stock of Cor-
HOts ( ; o on bain.
MiniumVnnci's : limb Itnst ( VirxoU , T3u otiul'
1M. Wiiriiui's I'lii.illiui I'nrsulit. ( ! ' ) J ,
Dr.Vu ; ni'i h Ili'allli 1'iiiKi'lw , we ,
Dr. \ \ arm-i' * 111 t'ur-i'l- . 'in1. '
| ) r \ \ iiin-i'sH-lH'iii-cIs r.'ir.
I1 | ) CoisrN t.'V wmlli 'fl'iO.
An I'll 'anl II im I in s.-l ri'ilili'i < l t i ' Oi' .
An < ! < Kiinl 7 ii I inI'l icilili ril In I' i' .
A i , i . 1 1 i i . ,1 I n iliii nl In l'ic