AO-vr 8 THE OMAHA DAILY HKIS : SrXOAY , EEHHIJAUY 22 , 1S < SIXTREN ) l If I'll V PTI/TIl r'f / \ RLLLV SI Id til 10 , Ofoning of Spring Jackets Mon day. SI ll ; Hlailc CooitM Colored ln ) Mi ( iiHHlNlirosi Tilimiilnns Niv Idu't'i mill imbinl- ; ili'i'li's on Sale Monday. lll.ACIC SILKS. Wo liavo just oftened nuv now spring etodi of blnelt silks In the following weaves : French faille , lioiiraUtu | > , royal nltnn , Kitm rlmdnnm , pan ul sole , From'h nrmut'D and latVctiH , etc. , which wo will poll at popular prices. Those silks rpp- resunt fotiio uf the host mamifnx'Uirora 111 the country iintl nro llioroutfhli1 rjunnm- tccil lofflvoNilUfnutory wear. N'owl'hiiw Bilks , 21 Inches wide , nt 5 1.00. Now wash sU hs , 2-1 Ich js ivlilo , nl 31.00. Now China silks , plain colors , 7fii' , would bo elienp nlUOc. Hlnck surah , nil silk , at Me , would bo clionp al Goo , HLAC'IC 0001)3. ) All wool Preneh serge -12 hichosvlilo fiOo , would bo cheap nl ( We. Hxlra flnoHUk llnlMiod lionrlulUi'Gc , would bo chonpnt QOt. ' . Hltirl ; brllllantlno , tfooil qxinllty15c , would bo chotip.'it GOO. Sllkwtir ] ; honi'iotla $1.15 , would bo cheap nt $1,33. , Hliiclc ami wlilto half niournltifr plnl 7.a ntul cliooUs , 12 Inches wlilo , OOo , would bo clioup nt See. COI.OUK1) ) OllHSS GOODS. Fancy wool plaids , now olTccts. 50c ; would bo cliounnt Ooo. 12ii'llnh ( , plaid suitings , fit Inches \\lrto , choice. olYecls , $1.00 nor yard ; would bo cheap ut iJl.'IO. Now llannol plnid suitings , fit inches ttldol.f : ) > ; woulil bo cheap nt$1.7o. Sl'l'CIAU All \\rool SliopliiiriTs checks , in browns , blues and greys , very desirable , "Go , would bo cheap sit 03o. Cheviot sorgc , in mixtures , COe , would bo ehoap nl "Co. Amazon cloth , in nil tlio now spring similes , at $1. 15 , would bo cheap at $ l.t ; , > . w cltallios , nowTollo do Iroltuul , Fi'oiieh Haimols , now fuiicy Han- nols. I ow Scotch ginghams. Now French ginghams. Now laces. Xowmubrohtarloa. Now ribbons , Now rucli ink's. DUKSS TULM.MIXUS. "Wo hnvo thu only complete. stock of now , btylbh dress trimmings to bo found In tlio city. ! No lady should buy dross triiiimiiigs seeing our styles ami got our iii'ices. Now gilt cards. Now gilt trimmings la all stylos. SPUING JAcici-rrs. " \Vo opou Monday morning our full line of now spring jackets , blal/.ors , reefers , vestfroats , in nil the latest cloths , shapes and colors ; also lonj * { jivr- inents in eainul'd hair plaids with no capes , etc. This is tlio most carefully selected line of spring garments wo have bbown and they will bo toldut popular prices. KKfJ.l'.V , STIOmi AGO. IVIIssltu ! IMIIIOS' clearing snlo still continued. Trhniucd hat * , $2.flO ; former prices iS.OO , S10.00 and S1lolS Faraam street , TCow city directory Is now ready for press. Send in your name and new ml- drei-s to J. M.Volfe & Co. . 510 1'uxtmi block. 0.000 I'leecH Muslo ( ) * Kneh. At Meiubcrg's , 107 North 10th street. I'oai'ock coal. No soot , quick lire , \\lilto tisli. A.J. .Meyer & Co. , opp. P. 0. Chincso and J a pane so curio store , oloa- ingvalu ; all goods uad fixtures ( or sale ; le.-s than cost ; 521 N. Kith street. J , 11 lietriekirehi ) tcct , DOG N. \ . Llfo C. S. Knjiiiond's AmMiim Sale- . The auction sale of the diamond , jewelry - elry and silverware Mock of C. S. ] { ay- moiid is attract ing marked siltontion. Ivliiny ladies are among the lookers-on as well as purehiiMTs. Thewilo is being conducted by a gi'iitlrman thoroughly acquainted with the business and every article is guaranteed by Mr. liaymoml to bo exactly as reiu-esented. Sales take plaeo daily at 10tU : ; n. m. , 2:30 : and 7i0 : ! p , m. The ladies are especially invited. Ill CllM ) 1)1' l > ( ) lllt Always take the Chicago & Xorth- wcstorn. Five oastcni trains daily. The fast CMuenjro trains at 1:30 : and 11:10 : p. in. leave from the Union Pacific depot in Omaha direct , No change at Council lllutVs ii jood ; tl iiij | to remember. Those trains are vostibuled and carry free parlor chair ears in addition to tlio latest and finest sloopors. The ro Is a diner on each train. Everybody knows what Northwestern dining cars aro. The city ticket oilico is HOI Furiiam street. _ W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages ] clers Itnoxv that the Iliirlington U'.tho only line from Omaha to the cast and south whoso trains depart from the union dopothenco they naturally iiirchao ) their tickets by thnt route , thereby avoiding the annoy ance of transfers and scouring the ad vantages nnd comforts atTorded by the following daily train service. The Burlington No. 2 fast e.\iiro s , vestibuled throughout , equipped with elegant I Jullinan sleeping cars furnished with well selected libraries , reclining chair cars ( seats frco ) atid dining cars , leaves Omaha at 4:30 : p. jn. and arrives nt Chicago 8 a , m. , serving breakfast before arrival. No. 0 , tlio fast mail , leaves Oinnlin at 0:10 : p. m. and arrives in Chicago at 1 p. m. lias through Pullman bleopors , chair cars and dining cars. The Burlington also runs two daily trains to Denver nnd the west , ono to llenelwood and all Jilack Hills points , nnd two to St. Joseph , Atchlson. Kansas Cltv nnd the south. Through 1'ullman sleepers and chair cara on each train. Nine fast papseiigor trains daily be tween Omaha nnd Lincoln. For full Information , tickets , sleeping berths , etc. , call nt city ticket oilico , 1223 Farnaffi street , \V. \ F , Valll , Agent. HAYIIKN mtOS. nuiiilii' I'l Ices on ( IriiccrlcH , I InrdAnrc. . < ! liiMN\vnr \ , i-iickory. One-pound onn Hoyul baking powilov , full wrikht , HIV \wt \ i-an : ! -pnuad can Dr. I'rlci-'s baldng powder , full weight , ! ! . "ic. Any other gnvi-ry t-toro will auk fou iiOc for the saian baldng | io\vdur. \ Van llouten's iiuro solulili'i-oi-na , l-iwund can " ( V : 1-pound can -I0c ; i-piumd can 2tH * . You will payil.'oc and ode for lhr caino cocoa ; sivwl cluu-olnlo , . "ic ; tire- iniuni chocolate , 1 Tie. You cannot buy thin for twlc ( tlio money. Sapolln , 7joi ( iiMMimn dry hop jvitst , 1K ! * . Vou will pay twici'tho numovfnr tlicinatanyMoro ; x ' 0it | at lla.\d''n flrotlicrs' . Cotiileiisod inilU , HitI'Voneh ; pcnn. I'M" till sanllnos , /ii" / very bout ratsut ) , l"ic per quart ; Imported - ported inlvril nlcUleH , 1'ic porqutirl ; im ported fhow-i'liow , l"ic per iiiai't. | Is this not saving you inonoy ? I gallon ran apples , Lite. ; t poundB I 'ilitornia grcun gnito plums , I'ic ; 3 pound /tin C'nllforniii egir plums * , I'ic ; I pound oan California' apricot * , 2tlc ; 1 ! pound can bliieliorrU'H. Sje ; 2iiiutil ( ( con blafklit-rriet , llc2 ( ; poundsgooseboi- rlcs , 1U2 ( ; pound cna jirostM'ved hlraw- bcrrioa in heavy nyrup , I'Jc , Worth .Vie ; " pounds preserved rnspberrios In heavy syrup , 17e | , wortli il'ic : II pound can t-olid packed tomatoes , lllc ; ipound ! can best Hugar corn. lOc , these are very IIno goods ; salmon. 12je and l"ic per cnn ; evaporated raspberries , DOe , worth -1'n1 ; evaporated blackberries , lOi1 , worth loc ; liiTiuirted pritnos , Sc * ] ier jioiind ; good dairy butter , 1-V ; very best Iowa creamery bultor , "LV ; you will pay it ! * > o nnd I0c la any other store for tfio HIUIIO butter ; picnic hams , Kic ; sugar cured , Oc ; dried beef , HV ; broaklast bacon , lie ; boneless ham , Sic ; bologna sniii-age , Gc ; hea.l cheeno , oe ; liver sausage , 6c ; weiuer- worst , 7lc. Domestic soap , 7 bars for "oc ; II. 1) ) . soap , 7 bars for 2 < io ; lace soap , ( > bars for 2fio ; star soap. 1 pound bar , > " > e ; graham Hour , ! > V ; Snowllako , $1 ; Miuneapoli-i best super'atlvo ' , SI. ! > " > ; Davh Uciyal Nn. 10 , Sl.oO ; 10 pounds granulated sugar , $1. HAYDHX UUOS. , Drv ( iiiodsiuul ( irocerics. riUCKS 'KXOt'KK.D OUT. OXCIUH'KKUY. ( il.ASSWAKi : . TIN- \\rAIK \ ! AM ) IIOTSK l-'UKNlSir- Cups and saucers , 2jceneh , worth Iflc ; plates , "c , worth , " > e ; plates , Si1 , worth Se ; plates , fie , worth lOe each ; squaru nap- pis , . ' ! > , 5o and Sc , worth lllc , loc and Hi'u ' each ; creiun and milk pitcliors , , ' ! o and fie each , worth KVaud ! ' " ; jilattors , Se , Hcand HV , worth lOc , "Oc and 2. io each ; vegetable iliihoa , ! ! c , fie and 7c , worth lOii , louund'JOc eachjfcoiip plates , /ije / , worth I2c each ; oyster and soup bowls , fljc , ' worth H'c. ' each ; wash bowl and pitcher , OSo per sol , worth $1.110 ; chambers , Itfe , worth ( We ; soap dishes 'ic , worth lllo ; syrup jugs l"c , worth 25c ; glasses -e , ivorth fie oadi ; salt and pcppor shakers Ic , worth loc ; lamps id' , worth 2"c each ; burners f > e , worth iKe each ; lamp chim neys IJJc , worth Ifle each ; wine glasses 2e , worth UK * each ; cake htands lie , worth SOc each ; salt celcrs le , worth lOc each , glass pickle jars 7c , told every where for 2.V ; tea and colli'o jiot lOc , worth U.V each ; teakettles 15e , worth COc each ; covered i-auco vans ! ) e , worth "Oc ; milk pans ! 5c , worth HV ; plo pans , 2jc , worth .V ; tin cups , 2e , sold all over for fle ; milk uroeks , , ' ! je each ; dippers , . ' ! c , worth lOo ; washing machine , sfl.oO , worth S7.o ( ) ; wringers , $ l.7o. worth $3.oO ; Madam I'ott's patent tlatirons , $1. ! ! . " > , worth ! --2.7" ) ; wi.ilitubs , Ije. worth ( We ; 0 do/en clothespins , fie ; clothes bars , 55)c ; t'oppor teakettles , No. II , oopjier spun bottom , $1.Hi , worth sjL'.7o ; toilet sots , 81.50 , worth $11.50 ; en graved wino sets ; ! )7c ) , worth $3.00 ; scrub brushes , lie ; bottle of best Hporin oil , or ; 21 sheets of shelve ) > apor , fie ; folding ironing table , ' .Hie , worth $ l.o ! ( ) ; lamp shades , fie ; nutmeg graters , lctea ; strainers , le ; spoons , Ic ; door stops , le ; screw drivers , Ic ? ; sponges , te ; hinges , Ic per pair ; tacks , 1u per box ; skimmers , Ic ; bed casters , Ic ; harness snaps , Ic ; terra cotta cuspi dors in all colors , lUc each ; washboards , lite worth 'J"c ; sugar bowls , fie worth Hoc ; butter dishes , fie worth -Idc ; spoon hold ers , f > c worth 20 and a 100-picco decor ated dinner and tea sets in Kuriiotid'a best Knglish porcelain at $ S.S ! ) , worth $20.00. 1IAYDHX DUOS. , Dry Goods and Hajvanl Iliot. Shoot. Don't fail to take advantage of the bargains at I lay ward Bros. , loKI Doug las street. SKMI-ANNUAL CLKAKANCB SAT.E Note the prices , DKKl'Cl'T ON CORK SOL.K . SHOES. Men's -ill.fin cork solo , cut tol..r 0. Men's , * ( ) . ( )0 ) cork sole , cut to J 1. 50. Men's Sfi.OO . cork sole , cut toi.'i./ ) , Men's SI.H ( ) cork sole , cut to.00. ! Sl'1-X'IAl , CUT OX AUCTICS. Ladies' 5i)0 ( ) high button , cut to , * 1.2o. l ullos' $1.7o high button , cut to $1.00. Misses' Sl.fiO high but ton , cut to $1.00. t'lilld's $1.6 : ! high button , cut to OOc. Men's Sl.fiO arctics , cut to $1.00. Men's sJI.'Jo arctics , cut to Soe. Sl'KC'lALS ON I-'KI/rsLIlTRHS. readies. ' $1.1)0 ) felt slippers , cut to We. I tidies * Soc fell slippers , cut to iiOc ,' "fie felt slijipers , cut toloe. . C'hild's ( ific felt slipjiers , cut to10c. . Ladies' * L')0 ( ) felt slippers , cut to $1.2o. $ Ladies' ji.7o beaver slippers , cut to $1.00. Lmlios ' 81. CO beaver slippers , cut to 81.00. Ltulies' jl.COfeh Oxfords , cut to $1.00. ' HAYU'AUD UUOS. , IJI.'i Douglas Street. Mrs. M. D. Kiloa's bunion Protcctoi has been tested on the wori-t cases , ono of thirty years standing , and has novel failed in asinijlo case to give immediate relief and ell'ect a liniil cure. The pro tector can bo worn in the same si/.ed shoo usually worn , and it hides an en larged iolnt. For sale by J. A. t'ul'.or & Co. , Mth and Douglas. - Mrs. C. A. Hinger will bo pleased to have her patrons timl friends call on her at Mrs. li. II. Davies , 10'J-l ' 11 South loth street. > Ilcliu The above named ilrin , the well known merchant tailors , have moved to ItllU Far- na 111 street , ono door cast of Now York Lifo buihling. Tlioj- carry ono ol the largest stocks In their line , and will , ns heretofore , guarantee every garment that leaves thuir store to bo firat class In both Jit and quality. * Sherman , & McConnell , prcscrlptlouista and family chemist ! , lolj Dodgo. The Inunnnuol hospital , Slth street and Ames avenue , Is open for patients , Board and nursing $ o per wool ; . Treat ment free. Visiting days , Tuesday and Thursday 2 to-1 p. m. Ail invited. Dancing Morand's schooHor dancing , Armory , Cnpltol aveimo. The spring term begins this week , lessons Tuesday , Friday and Saturday , afternoon and evening. 1'nblio assembly Thursday. Admission , SI. Miss Allen l iia < .V clearing sale still continued. Trimmed hats , $2,60 ; former prices $8.00 $ , 810.00 and S12. lolS Purnnui street. ( irniul Mustiern | < lu lln.ll. Given by the Omaha Turn-Verion Saturday , March 7 , IS'Jl. ' Members cnn procure half ruto tlckuta at J. S. Fruo- htiuf'i only. Till' ' : BOSTON STORE Great Spot C.Vih Purchase of EilraorJl- uarj BargiUns In Xiv Hi-vis CiooilM , Vctveli'i'ii" , Hill- IIOIIH , liiici'- " , Kill tiintl ! ilr-H , 1'or- lu ri"4 mill Siflui | ; iliicKctH ( hut AVIII liiko CoiiipctUni U'ocp. 200 1MKCKS SII.K 1-MN'tSH VKl.Vl'.T- KI-.NS. Itlg lot nno quality sllU finished vol- vottoens , worth -Vic , goat Inc. Kxtra wldo .iml line silk finished illicit tmd colored velveteens , liOc ; worth ItV. ItV.Tho very widest and fine-it grades of eal silk llnlxhed velveteens in bineUand colors , worth fully 7.V , go at : io ! ) , Sl'ltlNU i'lUKSS ( .IOODS. All the newest spring shades of flue wool Knglish heiirietta's U ic a yard , ! ! cases of now jprlug style -Kl-inch all wool fancy suitings in striped novelties , "u1 a yard. Tlio very llr.i".t .12-Inch Imported silk finished brilliant mohairs , all now spring shades' , worth Toe , go at li'.V. ' 1 case of imported French plaids In ergo novelties , this season's liuporta- llon , go at Illc a yard. SDO I'UX'KH KMllKOIDK.KlKfl. Wo have just received from tiio great Now York auction sale of Field , Chap man & Feliner SOD pieces oflluoeinbrold- ones which go on sale tomorrow at ono- fourth their value. At I'e lig ! lot of narrow and medium wroth Hamburg cdgintr , line work and good material. At fie A line line of medium wroth Hamburg embroideries that cannot bo duplicated less than lOc. At Ilk ; An elegant line of Hamburg llouncings , now designs and very line work- , worth up to lioc , goat lOc. At IPo The lini'slnnd widest embroi deries from tills immonio imrelmso , worth up to Hoc , your choice tomorrow 1'Je. ' HIHHOXS. All the ribbons remaining from our great purchase have been reduced to lots nnd will bo closed tomorrow at L'o , fie , 7e , lOcanil Iflc , which Is for less than we sold them for last Monday. SAMl'i.Itt F1XK I'Olin'UUKS 75C. Wo close out from a 1'hiladelphia manufacturer samples of all his i'most goods of portiere. These nro goods that sell from i" > .00 to S7.l. ( lint ns these are wimples and not full lengths wo offer you tlio cboico at"0c. L'omo early if you want any ot these , as they are jus-t the thing for small windows , doors and table scarfs , .hist think of a $5.00 or J7.00 portlero for 7" . LACi ; ( . 'I'UTAIN' St'ltIM 5C. 1 case very line and wide lace curtain scrim at fie a yard tomorrow. 1 case yard wide line bleached muslin at ojc a yard. LAllKS'SI ) lIXO ! J.YC'KKTS. If you did not got ono of our spring jackets Saturday , ho Hiiro and get one to morrow , as wo are soiling : I . .adits' } ti..r > fl spring jackets , 7oc. Ladies'.oil : ! spring jackets $ l.'Jfi. Ladles' f 1.00 spring blouses , $1 .US. Ladies'iH > .00spring jnekots.fiO. . Ladies'$7..r)0spring jackets SU.fiO. Ladies'$10.1111 spring jackets , sH.'JS. Tlioro is only ono Omaha and cno grand bargain store in it , and that's ' the HOSTOX STOKK , 111 South ICth street. Mi H Alice clearing sale still continued , Trimmed hats , $12.50 ; former prices $ S.OOHO.OO audilU. 151H farmun street. Kttrn. Children's jackets in new and nobby styles at 81.OS , Kiseman's prieo $ - . " " > . 11AVDKX BIOS. ! Mrs. Dr. l"iy ) ; has her bntlirooius in the New York Life , room C. Thermal electrical bntbs , also face and scalp treatment. For ladies only. Modern Woodmen of America , Omaha camp I o. 120 , give a vocal and instru mental entertainment for benefit of fami ly of .1. Andersen , Wednesday , February 1W > , at their hall , loth and Fnrnam , I ! ar- ker building. Take elevator. Members and friends cordially invited , WAS \ AVANIiUI\O ) : I2llnrt MilllkiMi'B llntly IdoiKlll < l by Ills Kather. William S. Milliken , tlio father of tba youtiK man wlio was asphyxiated at , tbo Hotel Fnris tbo lirstof the \veelc , iirrivod m the city yesterday in response to telegrams sent l > y tlio coroner. Ho IdcntitUM the bnily ns that of his son , Carey A. Milliken , who hail left homo tlireo years JIJTO , anil from whom llttlo bail been heard for over two yours , Tbe hey was ono of several brothers , Uvoof whom arc * now living about llvo miles iinrtli of Kloivuco. Tlio father lives in Nodiuvay county , Mis souri , about twelve miles from Marysvdle , mill will return tlioro tbis afternoon , tlio remains with him. Dr. \ \ ' . .T , Cialbrnith has removed his private otlieo to room , ' ! - ! lieo building. Fine carriages , Seaman's repository Pullman tourist sleeping car excur sions to California and I'acillc ' coast points leave C'hii'ago every Thursday , Kansas t'ity every Friday via the Santa Fo route. Ticket r.ilo frma Chicngo $ I7.)0 , from Sioux ( 'ity , Oimihn. Lincoln oriCansas City . 't" , lci ping cur rate from Chicago * ! per double berth , fiom Kansas Cit.v $1 ! per double berth. F. very- thing furnished except meals. These excursions are personally conducted by experienced excursion managers who accompany parties to destination. For excursion folder containing full particu lars and map folder and time table of Santa Fo route and reserving of sleeping car berths , address S. M. Osgood , gen eral agent , K. L. I'ahnor , freight and passenger agent , A.T. it S. F. railroad , 111 N. V. Lifo llldg. , Omaha , Nebraska. Boys Wanted Tea boys wanted at A. D. T. C'oloUI Douglas. Good wages. Leslie & Leslie , pharmacists , who liavo built up such a successful drug business in the past six years ut Kith nnd Uodgo streets , have sold t'hcir build ing and lease for banking purnobcsimd liavo taken a long lease of the llushman block , N. K. cor. Kith and Douglas streets , which they are remodeling and which they will occupy early in March. Shrewd business men concede that this is the most aosiruljlo business corner in Omaha and L sllo ic Leslie hnvo bhown great foresight in securing the corner. ron Tan SI IUXGS OI'Arlcmisas nnd All Points South. Tuko the W abash , the best nnd quick est route. Only ; ! S hours to the Hot Springs , -10 to Now Orleans , ft ! to Jack sonville , ui ; to Tampa , with correspond ing dint time to all pointo south. Ko- dining chair and Full man butl'ot sleep ing ears on all trains. Uound trip tickets now on sale * at greatly reduced rates , Fur tickets and full Information call nt the Wabash ticket otllco , 1502 Farnam street 01 write G. N , ( X AVION , Ayent. The ! M r o Jry IJooil. * t'o. Monday morninp wo shall plnco on wdo the stoi'k of ftidauie Wallace along with tlu stock that has been kept in our dross making department. It is nb o- utely necessary .to dispose of these two stocks at unco.and wo will sacrillco Ilic-iu. Madtun Wallace will bo veaily for orders in our dress making deiart- | mcut March 'J. "Wo hnvo the largest nsMirlinunl of CHINA SILK DKl'SS I\\TTF.UN'S , 1'AltlS ' MUOC'ADKS , HLALMv SILKS , GHiXAIlXKS : ) ever shown , and they will bo sold In sin gle dross patterns at n litllo ever half irlce ; on sale now nt our Mile counter. New Scotch ehovint plaids , Is'ew style diess patterns New cdiaMunllon suits and novelties ipened Saturday will be offered for.\Iou- 1'iy'ssalcvowlllalsoopon ; tKo latest colors fi > r popular trade In I ) ouble width cashinorc , U/io. / Double width honrlettn , Hoc. All wool plnlds mid checks , fiOe. l.ACK Cinn'AlX.SALK. A partial list of bargains for this sale Momliiy will Iw $ fi.OO Nottingham cur tains $1.00 pair. Sl.fiO Notlinglmin curtains SlLS. " } pair. $ ; t.)0 Nollinglnuneurtaliis $ L'.7"pair ' , $ lbK ( ) Irish iiointcurtaliiH ifl.'l.'iO ' pair. SIIWO Irish point curtains Jill.00 pair. $10.- | ( ) Irish point curtains iS.OO pair. $8..Vl Irish point eurtuins $ ' 1.00 pair. $ ; IO.O ( ) llrussels curtains S U.fiO pair. Uil.00 llrussells curtains , * l 00pair. irDO.00 Urus-ells curtains * lfi.t)0 ) pair. $ ii.oO ; lrus ! ells curtains , iflll.00 pair. Our new stock of carpets is partially open and wo are receiving some rich lew patterns in Urussels , Wilton , ingrain - grain , etc. N'KW SCOTCH GINGHAMS. 50 pieces new patterns open for Mon day's trade. All our new white goods * . All our new embroideries. All our now table linens , napkinsotc. , irnon sale ; new , clean , bright goods all over the store. SPUING JACKF.T.S. Kvery lady Iu Omaha invited to visit our cloak department tomorrow , \Vo will otl'er the largest variety of novelty spring jackets ever shown in Omaha , no two alike In style , alTording a rare op portunity to secure exclusive garments , Among the lot will bo found the latest productions of the most noted modistes ofl'arisaml ' lierlin , as well us tho.-o of our own country ; and while the mater ials ami combinations are the II nest and strikingly now , the prices will bo found \eiyreasonablo , ranging from ijfi.OO to irlifi.00 each. Si'/.cs from Ul ! to10 bust measure. T AUNDUY AND KITCTIKN articles from our basement house fiu'ii- ishliig department will bo delivered spe cially early Monday morning , if pur chasers will tohiplunio or tend their orders. Come and examine our now stock and prices-next week ; you will bo pleased with both. TUB MOUSE DKY GOODS CO. A A Xt VMUSJIJE X Manncor T.nwlerof thu Eden musco this week -\vill present in his Ujou tlientro one of the funniest farce comedies of the season. U'ho llnnloy company is composed of nine llrst class coincdinns who arc all well known. Tlio piece Is not Hat at nil , Imt ills full nf " funny" savings , comic and topical SOURS , nr.iceful and clillleult ilanres ami queer and Krotos < | iio happenings. K. Hiinloy is in Mm cast. Nearly every tliontcr knows this noted comedian ami his couiiesayin saad local hits. Mr. I.uwler lias also secured Uie famous luiutinj. ' , "Cusler's Last D.i.v , " by Holland. This painting Is realistic and faithfully jior- tr.iys the horroiuol that clav when "bravo Cusleruiul all his men were massacred. Tlio canvas is a wonder and fascinates alhvhoseo it. The Moore sisti-rs whose oritrinal sontrs nro bt'liiK sur.R all over the country will also appear this week and rrnilur n few of their favorite .selections. These lienuliful ac tresses nro also clover ( l.uiccn and do some of the most graceful dances. Kittle lOdilio Williams , tlio phenomenal child musician , is another musician of world \viito fame. Ho will appear for ono wei'lt only. Mr. l uwler also lias placed a number of new and rare curiosities in the curio hall. Saved tlio A very liltlo thing in t ho ryes of some people but a larjfootn1 in HID opinions of others was what i-avoil thu liarkor block from utter ruin at thu Friday morning lire. Originating in the ledge room on the ton Hour , tlio ilames stopped for nothing until they reached the wall. Tliore they won ) otTectually headed oil' . Not an Inch further did they L'et. The admituhlo liro-iiroollny nianufactiirod l > v U. .1. Uefn-jjin of thiicity did the \vork and tlio fart speaks volumes for tlio elli- caey of the article. s , rubber goods , elec tric belly , Sundhtcdt's ] ) liirmiicyliON. ; { Hi 1 lumn Toncliers' < " < M'lillnts. As yet nothing has been done by the board of education relative tn n , new examination for the teachers who obtained tlio fraudulent certilleatos at the Deeoinlicr examination. As noiioof tbeso teachers are now employed la tlio Oinahu schools , tlio members of tlio hoi ; rd have about conduded to postpone tlio examination until the close of the winter term of .school , at which time the examining board will be rcorguiiued. Don't Keel S otirsolf ! Notwithstanding all ruiuois to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukuo & St , Paul Ity's now Hteam heated palace bleeping cars , with "electric litrhts in every berth , " still loaves the Union do- not , Omaha at 15 : 1(1 ( p. in. daily , arriv ing at Chicago at ' ) : : > ( ) a , m. , In ample time to make nil eastern connections. Ticket ollico , If/01 / Farnam Bt. J. H. 1 "HUSTON" , l'A. . NASII , C. i'aas. Agt. Uen. Agt. 'Hit ! Commission ( ' 'use. OwinK totho illness of Judso D.iano the hearing in the important ami intiTostini. ' in- ( u in lion case of' ( icorno S. Hrown vs the ijoutti Omatm UTO stoi'lt oxchnnuo has been postponed to 10 o'cloclt Saturday , Kobruary i ! . In the mcniitiino the restraining order hiTttofort ) allowed \villcuiitliuiu In forco. 'J'lw defense bna. lilod allldavlts of .1. II. nianehurd , .lutnes'A. Mulct * , A. NVan oni11 , U. S. 1'nrlchurst , L. U. UcUdiiiKtoti and Oeor o liurke. I'rrilletloiiH for I'VbrimryVcnlhnr. . As there are but twenty-eight days in this month there ought to Iw le.-ia cold atmosphere than In January , but "all signs fall in dry \vealhor , " therefore wo can only say that the electric-lighted , bteam-hcated , votibuled , limited trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul railway will continue to rim dally between tween Omaha , Council IHulIs and Chi- cujjo. U'ho eloetrlo light reading lump in each berth Is the novelty of the age. Ticket ollico , 1501 I'arnam btreet , Omaha. Tlio Mrvieo of tlio U't-lls-Karf-o express - press company has been i-xtriidi'd over the Chicago , St. i'aul. Mjniii-aK-ll | iV Omaha railroad'H new line from Ran dolph to lllooinnold , Nib , unices : Ulc/oiiiflcld , Cluramuiit and \Vuuba. IIESSW BROS , The Prices for Monday Are Out Down to Bed Rock , Oin * lliiMonicitt In HiuiM' ' oiN Dun't 1'uil to Oet Siiinc oi'Oiir I or M 'I'housands of useful art Icles u cd In all well reirulatod households at Ic , 2o , So1 , fnlOccnch. . KHI pieces new Scotch /.enliyv ( flnu- hams , usually retail nt IKo ; our prlco Is 1 Sea-yard. Uonsotf llfTtirod iieiian , you cnn'l buy tlicin ntiywliero less limn ISle ; our price Momlnyla Sicyiird , I case no-Inch blenched muslin , 17 yards forl. ii bales Mndtfnr nnd luvroiico : L. U unbleached muslin , fie nyurd , Kow dress ( jiu'lmni9 } elegant slyUs , only lOc per yard. Monday wo oll'or'J" ) per coat discount on all L'oinforlors nnd blnnlicts.Vo want to close thutn all out Monday , .lust think uf It 12.V oil'on every dollar. Uuy your hlunkots and conifortors now uiid HIIVO money. 100 do/on ladles' ' jorfoy rlbhod vests llilo ouch. Lailies' very fine ( jau/.o jersey ril > hcd vests in white , ocrtt and blno lioo each , worlh We. hadies' fast black lisle Jersey ribbed vesta fiOcoach , Do thu boys or girls need hosoV If so , got them Mondny. Vourchoico of two styles ribbed fust black hoe , all sizes , "itoi ) } . cholco Ifli * . jicr jiair. Tlioso lioso are tlio n'e.a.to3t | iiiir ninuvorulVftrcil lolho pciile. Hoys' houvy fact black ribbed bicycle ho o , , Soon jalr. A lot of ladles' pl : in and fancy stripe hose , formerly sold at 60c and "oc , yo londay at IMc pair. I'iuo embroideries at5c , e , Uc yard , formerly Hold at Oe , Sc , lOc , 1-Jo , I5o and IMo. 1,000 jiioccs all silk ribbons at "c yard , not quai'lor jirico , IDO pieces linen luces Monday Co yard , wortli lOc. Great sale Jilomlny of linens , bed spreads , towels , white { , 'oods , away down prices. Muslin underwear still foes llt cut trlii ) } jacliots nro nil in. They are nobby and prices low r than over. UKXXl.SON HllOS. McCoruiiclc it I.uml , t'.no porfumos. John \V. licll , drujist ! ( , cor. llth and Mason , Stubt's hotel so inn if'N. Tlmt Men > luii t nwit y. The lien monstrosity , purcliascil by Sclt/er & l-'rey , anil iioxv on exhibition in their Q street saloon at Twenty-sixth nnd Q streets , surprises every ono who f a/os on it. Mr. Seltzerbouf'lit tlio fowl from an Albright woman.pajiiiK $10 for It. Tlio hen Is largo and speckled , fu'.ly ilcv'clopeil.anil perfect Iu every jiart except the face or front part of the InMil. The ben has no bill or bcnU and no bono oxidised , but instead has a redillsli , fe.itberless of llesli and bare skin , with Urge eyes , laucb reseialiliiiK those of some some spivU'i of monkeys. The mouth and nose ail ) iinumlikutlinsn seen on some per sons , consiilerallyilniwn and wrinkled , larjro am ) well developed. The lower jaw bony is short , but the llchli is lontf enough to allow it to lap watorliKo ado > r or cat. The last won der is the hen has teeth. i11 nun nee in tnlM. Methodist Episcopal Sunday school at ' .1:15 : o'clock. At the 11 o'clock service tlie pastor , Uev. C. N. Uawson , will preach from the subject , "U'ho Haptisin of l ewer ortbo JJcsceut of the Holy ( Sl.ost. " Kpnorth leawuoat ( il.1 : p. in. Regular services at * : : ! 0 p. in. It is expected to continue the in- tcrmthitf and successful revival meetings ilnri in ; tlio weolf. Presbyteriiui Itov. Iol { > ert Tj. Wheeler will preach on tlio Pentecost at the iiiornlni ; sernice. The IZiuleavor society will meet at ll-4ri. : The regular evening services will bo conducted hy thu pastor. Protestant Kpiscopal Kev. Canon \Vliit- inai-Hii of St. Savior's will conduct appro priate Lenten sorvicesat the stated iiours of worship. N'o I'nvini ; Tor Twi'iily-roiirili Street. CbatrinanJohn. ! , O'lConrko of tlio street and alley committee , who. with the special committee appointen liy Mayor Sloanu on tbo Twenty-fourth street p.iviiifi matter , -went to Oinah.i yesterday and mot the county com missioner * , has prepared his ropoit. His to the effect that nopavini : can IHJ ilono bofuru next July , nail not at all should the present bill before tlio lo Ul.iture bo enacteii into law. law.City KtiIiioer | . R. Kind's cstimato of tlio cost ( or pavlnsr Twi'iity-fourth street from Ate to N streets. IsVith : stone , ssiU ) sijuuro yanU , ยง I\MO ; iisplialtuni , S'J.h per yard. J-'l.MI ; brick , ? 1.'J ' per yunl , f 15hS. Aniilvc-rHiry ol't tin Ivvplimlon , - ' ' . ' ! 2b'.Hl ' ' I-'eb''uary - , , ono year au'O today , oc curred the terrible holler explosion at tbe Armour Cudahy , now tlio Cudnliy paekiiiK plant , which caused the death of four em ployes , nnil inoroor less injured ciu'liteeu oth- er-i , Those killi'd weiii .lolm Tifihu , Huns Olsou , TlioniiiK l.lnulian ami AVilliam Dunn , kaul. Tbo injured were .lolin U , Slieriilan , Jiuncs Armstronir , .lames .Mclluiro. .lolin I.yoiH , Patrick Holleruu , ICdward Mlscol , .lames Mlni'k , 1'liarloj Larson , A. .1. Harder , ( 'hiii'lcsaiilsti , Samuel } ' . Cil ) < - onVillUiiu Miller anil Dunlvl anil Michael lloulrcluu. Notes Aliniil the City. Mn. P. A. Barrett was taken seriously ill .vcMirday. Henry ItnfTcrty catno over from Iowa to visit.lolin U Carroll. ] { . ( ' . \Vuylnmlof the csehaiik'O has returned - turned after an cxtemled business trip. Colonel K. P. Sava o , who has boon alt end- miftlio iinporteJstoelcbreeilor.s'annualmiot- iii ( , ' , has roturneil from lloatrluo. t'oloni'l Suvaiu was appoiiiteil ono of the committee to liavo tlio association incorporated. Miss Utellu , yoiinsdanditor of Mr. anil Mrs. M. M I "am.-di of Albright , was UnocUeil senseless yesterday by u plui-u of pliisluruiK fnlliiiK from the colling anil striking her on tbeheaO. Her Injuries were p.ilnlul but not serious. Leroy Ciirpoiitor , rwldint' inlljrlnlit , and employed ill tlio Cudahy p.u'Uini ; company'- , plant , yistirduy allernoon ( jot his loft ImlKx liii'or ) eaimht liL'twcon some btoncs. Tlio member was so badly ina liud that amputa tion was necessary. Alpha luilgo , N'o. II , D. of R. , will glvo a soilil l-'rlclay uvenhii ; , Miuvli 0. A. II. Miller and .Mi'silumos It. and .lolin .I. ( lorinan have bucn appointed an amui i'- ineiit I'ominitteo anil Miws. / \ \ Crawfonl anil H. Hey man on tickets , Mr. I.uls Jackson , the Industrial romimi- sinner ot the ChiciUM , Milwaukee . St. I'aid railway , Is in the city. The rna'l ' hasKtarti'il an industriiil bureau , with headiuarli'rs | In l 'bica o. fur the purpose of dissi'inmaliiiLT in formation cast with a view to Iwiili1 fui-tnrn > s onus turnturv. lr .larliSMii was in ruiisiilt litlonltli lrV N NU-.H . fc T'-'tU' ' ' } uf tbo buard of trndn Mr Kninii IIilsun \ , realcstutu ( .xviiuuge , uuUvtU .i % 1310 ramnm Stm't ' , Third Door rrotit roiirtoctith Street , Special l'\inordlimi'j ( nut tiliis Tor .Monday Mini N > \ ! \Veclt Iu Oil I' lllHIM' IlllllsllilltJ DcpMi'l meal. Pee what you can buy on out'"Now 'WHiildc" cotmtoM for ilA Ddiililn fiolntoil tooth pick , per package - ago , Me ; , " ) papers tiiclca , ! le ; lea Htriiliiorn , 3e ; stove lifters , He ; potaloo iniiHliers , lie ; inlllc slihnnterH , ic ! ; pnpor Illes , : ti' . I do/on lamp wlclin , Jlc ; frnod fork 8crowsic ; ; cal < c cutter , , 'lc ; doublonmtch safeie ! ; curry com IM , 'lc ; wire picture oa. < pls , , 'tc ; nppln eovc ; ' * . Hi1 ; mlnoinjf Itnlves , , 'lc ; { food ( milluck * , 'lc ; bird cajjo liimlis , lie ; Hcrub brushes , : U' , and thou sands of other artlrlcs of equal vnluo for little money. Our So "JS'eu- \Vrlnkln" counter is an other eye opener for bargnlns. Good Hour si ftors , 8e0quarl ; | iansSc ; largest wash basin , Se ; deep pudding pans , & ; Icnifo boxes , So ; onaisol liandlo rolling pins , Se ; best tiqunrt dlppor , Kc ; largo stow pan , Sc ; nieUlo han dle frying jians , Sc ; sponge racks , Sc ; colloo and tea pots , Sc ; host can opnnor. " , Sc ; 0-hoolt clothes rack' , Sc ; 7- pin racks , Se ; largo "Ins.s saucodishe.s , Sc ; Unlfe and fork , ye ; ( i tea spoons , 8e ; , ' ! tablespoons , Sc ; U table forks , Sc , nnd many other equally great drives. Wash boilers , 5Sc ; clothes horses , 11V , , ' ! fli ; and-lilc ; tuliJloc , ; palls , Ific ; washboards - boards , lOc , loc mid I'Jo ' ; wringers , SI.DS , equal to any $ 1.00 article ; carpet sweep ers , $1.1 ! ) and $1.93. Special ill tapo-stry door mats at 2"C , reduced from $1.00. Wo liavofioniotfrontbark'ainslii hvdto.s' hand bags and poi'lcotlioohs , pictures and and frames , silverware and jewelry. Great advance sale of baby carriages next week. Now goods , special prices. The best posbiblo value for the lowest possible prices can always bo relied upon at Till ; 09 CKIST STOIIK , Ilil ! ) I-'AIINAM St , 'IIniiunlilei's Held. The raKoatrainst the three gamblers , Tllh- hins , Kenneily anJToppia , who wei'oarrcstetl two weeks a o in a room over the Diamond saloon , wasc.illedyesterday iu polieo court. The county attorney conducted the prosccu- tloii and I.eeKstcllo represented thonceused. The iiolico ollltenvho arrested thu 111111 were the principal wHne-se.'i , mid the evidence went tr > show that Dililiins bad ehai'KCof om * inunbliiif , ' table , Kennedy bad charge of aiiothernnd J'oppln seemed to hu tukiiiK charge of the cash for both. After the evidence \visat : ! in both the pmseciitin < , ' attorney anil the nttmwy for the ili'fonsebaid ' they were willinpti ) letthoe.iso stand upon the evidence without argument , , Imlfo llelsley dHchan ed Toppln , but he-Id Ken nedy and Dilibins tu appear in tlio clUtrlct courtniuler boaili of $ J. " , ( > each. Tht'irown signatures wore accepted a ? suntcient secur ity for their uppe.inuice. Tin * Clrantl Army l-'nlr. The C ! riuul Army posts Interested in the fair to bo liclu nt the Coliseum on March I , . " > and liiuinotmco that they expect to have the largest collection of war relies over placed on exhibition. They request that all po ts or Indivldiiiils having any articles which were curried in the wur or whii'h wore identified in any way with the creat stnicp-lo , loan th < 3in to tiii1 management for exhibition in tlio museum. The nrtirlcs will bo taken care eland and ictunied promptly.Vhcn nn article is sent all the particular ) conrcrniiif , ' it- should bo written out and attiichod to the article. Holies of all kinds tuv buin ; ; received from all parts of tin * country. Any particulars may In-olitalned from Colonel Lew Ginger , room 101 1'axton ulock. Ma n stliIll's Threats. The woman Hello Itrandon , who conceal c-d the property .stolen by I la fry Mansfield , alias August Kin , appeared at t'.o ' pollco station yesterday afternoon with u letter from Mans- Hold , mai'ed ' at Wcston , la. In the letter Manslield made several dcapcrnto threats as to what ho intends to tie when ho visits Omaliu in the near future. IK * accuses the woman ofenuslni ; his arrest , and promlies to visit her with illro vcnjreunco. Khe is con siderably exciteil about the mutter and claims to DO very miichafr.iiil that Manslieldwill nninlur her. Manslield makes sport of the Omaha pnlico and thoimthoritios at the jail , and lioasts In the letter that he is entirely too smooth for the entire KUIIK , Tuiiiniv T.tttlo Tommy OK < ] CII , a son of ir. Joseph of this city , who recently went to Kiverside , I'al. , with his mother 011 a visit , went out to chop wood on Thursday inoriiint' , and impelled by a curiosity to see a cross- seclioii of ono of his phalanges , ho cut his thumb off , but tlio sensation was not what ho expected and he thought ho would prefer to wear histhumbon liU lianii instead ofnn his watch c-liiuii , so Im had it stuck on and tioil mi nnd It \\ill jiroluibly grow on npala. It will be alonn time before Tommy chops wooil again. Itcuiln ( "IcrKN ICosha. .lohii D.ivis of Omalia and ,1. V. ( " ! . Shnrt- loll , t\vo of the oldest 'route inon on the Omaha and ( ) ( -ilen nm , have roilfrneil tnelr positions In thu railway mail -.erviee. Tim ivsjinuuluiis will talioolTect l-'i'lmiurvi'i. C. l.Smitliuf ( 'Iii > vonnu ami Willmr ( iibbs of lOvanston ha\o been appointed to im i ! > e va cancies , N. II. RttiCO.VUlt'8. anil t'lillili'i'ii'n VVi'iir at Almtisl 11 all' I Mice. On Motiday wooll'or UlllllOKH ! IUUUONSI N'o. fi , wurlli UV , i\i'A\ ' N'ii / , worth 1-Jli * , itttUc. N'o. 7 , wortli I A1 , nl 81 j. N'o. 1) ) , Udrth 171i' , nl I0e. No. It ! win-Ill i-'JIc , nl Mo , N'o. 1(1vnrlli ( 7o ! , nl l" ' . M No. 1U ! , wiirlh JIIV , nl20o. v In addition to tlio above wo will on nnb' ' a now llnoot osli'ii qnalitj all nillc , ( jrus ( jrnln , snlln otlifi' I'lbbiuiH , In nil the new Bjirluj nlmilra , nt pi ices much below their luMtinl viihu * . Alsnan extraiiiallly | of slllt jjros < 'nitu will n odno , wish rlblion ; inlilacL , cnaui nndvhllo. . 10-lnchoH wldo , worth $1.7 , % lit $1. l''i. lMnoho8wi ! lo , wcirlh $ i0 ( ' , uil.'iH Ol'K ' Sl'Kt'IAT ' SAt.i ; OKTOIU'IIAN' 1AM For thiH weoU , in elyht lotH ! Uot i , worth le to ( le | , sit .V. l nl 1 ! worth ( llctoSje , aloe. hot ! 1 , worth Sle to IU4c , at SJi * . Loll , worlh I2c | to loc , at lOe. Lolfi , worth Iflc to 1SV. ill lUJi1. I.oldorth ISc to'JUJo , at I fit- . Lot 7 , worth i'lo to 117 0 , at L1V. LotK , worthriTJc ! lo.r ? e , at liV. Sl'KCIALI'.MnKOIDIClSY SALII'OU : 'PHIS WKKK. 1 lambur } ; edglnfjs and Insertions frmn fie up. Swiss odfjlngsaud insorllons from Hto uj ) . Nalnsooli odglnyH and Insertions from lOc up. iSlntchod nets In cambric , Swiss and Nainsook , 1M and " 7 Inch , liomst id-bod embroidered MouncincR , from 371c. 15 inch liemstHehoil unibroidorod llouiieings from flOo. Novultios in ! * > Inch oinbroiilorod llounclnfrs in black , bind ; and \vhitO | white and color * . The special sale of cortots nnd chil dren's wear will taUoplueo 011 our second lluor , and the priucs will more than sat * isfy the elosost buyer. N. U. FALCON Kit. rovi > r > N , l''ot > . ' . 'I. ' [ Special I'iihli'sram to Tin : IJr.i : . ] A constable last iiieht diseov * I'rod a woman standin on llm Timlin's PIIH 1iiiikiiiL : nt in dnumerouspnlinity tut hi * briiilr. When In * npprniieliiul ber lie pel ivi'd that she was wiepiiij ; bitteily. inul nuking such motions us ludiiMtcd ber iiitrutinii to commit sniriili ! by drownliifr. liefore she emildcarry out ber supposed purpose llioimtai > lr pl.u-od , lior iiuiloi1 arrest ancl cnndui'ti'd her to t > ? 15ow street station , \vh"re II was asi-i-it.imo ( > v that the * would be-snli'lili * was I .uily l.ysuiid j Uinnphell. Shortly nflrr her arivst lnrliiis * hand iimilohis npponr.mco , and aftiibo had funiishi'd Mirctv for the fiituro inod < ni'ltict and safi > KccpIiiKof bis wife , tin ) lndus Iiennitted to depart with lilm for iioine A Scriii'tu ti ) Trii veil in ; Mon , O.MUIA , Volt. 21. To tlio ICditor i > [ Tan Jim : ! 'J'lio notleo you iraveof tbe in I dress to ho given by Kov. Mr. Maok.iy to tln > tr.u ol iiiKinen at tlio church , C mi.ell Illufni , Sunday ovi'iiint' , Kobrnnrv-- re ceived much favorublo coimnoiil diirini , ' the dav. Tlii'lravcllnj ; men of Cniincil llluffj assure mo that all tr.iviliiit'iuin . inniiOiu.ilia nnd elsewbero are most cordially inviti'd to atti'iid. U hns been sutf psted tbat all \vliO df.slie to atteml meet at the Until ( 'iioy Siiiulay cvcnitiRand take tbo motnr fars anil leave at l ! : iu p. m. forl'ouncil lllulV . i hope that a frreat innny will attend , for thn iiihiriig ! : will bo a plfiisimt ono fo * iis all. "Vours respei-tfully , C. 0. I'v.nciic. . Tlmt Vlnilnct 'I.'iA | ; < dn. There \vill lioa inectiiiRol property owticn nlTeeteil by thovladiu't tax on Muidav even , ing at N o'eloi'lt sharp /.Imnierimufs builij- Inc corner of I'.levcntb ami Picreo streets.'A report of what bus been dniio will be lundD and a plan for future action decided upon. At Unity cliurcli , Seventeenth street near Cass , Kev. Newton M. M nun. the pastor , \vill preach intbe niornin nn thesuliject. "l.ttrliU" Tbe Kirst Sneloty of I'rofrri" lvo Spirit- nallsts meets every Sunday at li | ) . m , at hirathon hall , corner of Twenty-sixth mill CumitiKMreets. All are invited. At Kt. Mary's Avenue Coiirreational ( ( ; I'liurcli , corner of Twoiity-llrst sti-irt , Uev , AVtlhird Scutt pastor , sorviei-s will ue hi Id nt ( ) : : aiiil'filo'cliicli. : Suinlny fchoiil ut noon. ( 'b.ipels ' . nt : t. Vouui ; INople's Snui'iy of " Christian Kndeavor moctinjr at ii .ai "Tho pastor will preaeli at both M-rvires In the * evening , tbo lirst f tbe "ilrociUlli'ld sii. vhes. " whif-h liavo Ill-oil so pnpnlar in the. rast fora your , will bn tisud , enltiled , The Law uf ( iod , " with a shurt sermon by thn pastiu-on tin * Ilii-nu * . 'Phis is tlio lirst of ft si'l'H" . of six Whii'hwill lieusod by thecli during " ' " leiitcn season. HOTEI : DBE.LOUTE , ComrlltUaiul C.ipitul Avi-ini" . Just coimili'toJ , has 10J ri > oni , three BtdrViMyx , from t ho top to tli boiunn , lias thin oh' ilmning roun : MT\K- ' , ia lire proof throii Umit , line I .mil tin' linoit tiillnt moms in ti L'lty. I Samplii ri'ums , Suit.'S with Inthv. . i lltli aiut Camtui Avc. Strfot s. . . ' ! < nous. Kfitcs. from S & ' tu S 1 OJ OMAMA H'nll i "raililn-.iW I II xilKIl TELEGEAPH"S. OUR SPECI/vL SALE OF 's FINE TROUSERS ; | At One Dollar Discount on all 01 nls above : Excollem values at $2.SO null I c3,7e ,