' THE OMAHA DAILY UKR : St DAY , VW1UUTAHV 22 , LSOt.-SlXTIOEX PACES , t _ THE OMAHA COUNOIlULUFFS. . orncr. , m ISPKAKT. ST , Tri'xi'inl Ixfnitlcr ninny pnrl ol IhpPltjr II W. II 1.1 uN. MAN.\Ul.U Till ruVni" . * Odlrp. ! sr > It N'KliI r.illlni Nn 'l N V P Co. roiinril UliifTs UimlwPo.ronl. 1'rnfrnol.nltol loans .XUS.ipp bloelf. Connlno Itock Spring eoal. TlnU-hcr , 10 M uti it root. The laillosnf tlin Fli-st Unpllst church will PIVP n New 1 ! u 1 niul supper In tlio chapel next Tiwrsdiiy ovcnltii ; fmiuil totlo'clocK. 'I'lio K'lonai library unriclv mot 1'rldnv CM iiInn ill Ilio ri'xlilcncaor Miss Mnv Ilollls , MlAu'iiuoll. A vctj pleasant tlino vvni limlA A Icetnroxvlll t > o ilolUcrcil In the Masonic t < inulo lomolrow cvontnir b.v UPV 1' S Mor- nil nn the subject , "i'ho Possibilities ot Our Hepublle'1 Hie Mothodlst mutual nu\tllnry Ins so nireil the New Ynrk > mplioii ) olub for a luiu-ort nt Masonic temple Mnreh I The i hilt cotiics lilnldv recommended nuil should ti i uro n BUCK ! niullcnoo Thornnoof llpiinoddx-vs Murphy l < 'till tin trial In tlio district court A lirnt of wit IIISSPH vvorosulipii'iined by cnrti side , nna not marly nil linx-p ti'sllllodot It Is thought the cine will Uiu'sr\oiil ! : cliivs n-oro to com- plltOlt 'flio llqunr Injmirtlnn lilt1voro to liiun IK on tiled bofntv.Iiistlep Tlioriull yosterdnx inm'iilnp , out owing to the tin t lli.it both re. niul Attnriiov Si'ibiiiolc wi'io otlierulsn on- Ciiod a continuance was ngixjcil uiion until iif\t 1'ridny. In the onso of rdciliinv v-s HIP I'nlon 1'nelllc lailwiy company , Invhiih u vrrillitM pivonln fnxoroftho pblntliT for Jl , . iH > a uax ri t\\o iifro in dlsti lot court , n iiintlon [ or .u lost nf Judgment niul for u new tililIH lima jcstcrJiy b ) tlioilofomlunt ( tc-oiRf Iludiii oponcit up his liilllnul hnll on 1 Vii-l sttei't list ox-inlnc ; The furnish- liijrs of the phie-o lire .miunc ' , I ho liupst In tlio ( it ) , niul a I II'KP inn of piitionaftols assured I ho tin-comii'eiul with it lias nut rl bom opoiioel niul it is said Itvill not bo until the Injunction ( | iiustlun Is * clllcd. Miss .losslo Coutho'il ' , Hit ) popular loeita tlnnist , hasl > oe > iienirai.'pd bj tinlulli'sof the rii-st'otij'iefulloiinl ( iluii.li to nlvean en- tertnlnmontat tlio upii.i house 1'ildav oven- liicr. March d. 'Hitpinirmimno will consist uf vocal and Instrumental music iiiidii'L-it.itions , - I" fomulv uitltlod " 'Ilio Ini-luilltiK " i' one-act 1'aii " Ilapp ) ShcillT O'Xi-ill iPliirncd from C'hriiiili IViduv nlijht , IninirlniMxitli him tlio eli lit ini'iiiahlu Insane ) patients \vlio , uo to bo kept In St Hoiinril's hospital. The tunica of the mifoiliinntes mo lleurv NVxillo , llomv Debar , ( .eoi-iro KiniliillV is Uusli. Hans Ijoheir , Kd ( iiiiitioii , Patrick \Vhlto niul Foil * Ki eniiii. 'Iho last named Is well known hero nncl iii.inv of Ills frlcnilscio at the depot to moot him Ho lias mown considerably older in the \c-ai thnt IIP has he-en In confinement Kov ( iV i \ Snvdc'rof nui'iipnit , li is in rounell HiulTs , and \\lll held Kiijlisli | l.utli cum servlus todiy utll n in In the Voting MiMi'sCliilstian iissiulation rooms , Merri.im blooli 1 lo xvill move lie-to In the * inly put of .Apill foi pcMinaneMit loi.illon Hois com missioned to istablish I'liirlisli I.nthoiiii eonKiojriitioiis in the illy nnd at Kntei prise , four miles i-nsl All inteiosted in tlio piu ] oct , usvell as the public in ( zenorul , nro in- vite'd to tlio stnxICPS tnclii ) 'I'lio supeiinr rnurt xosti'iday iv.is ixvupieil by tin ) ttid ot tlmcMseot Ilirtlelt .V N en-ton \s \ x'V HilKor It is a c-asoxvbiili anise fioinn dtsputo In iiTiul to the piii-ctiif snino fni-miivs xvliic-li VXIMOput In somuof IlilKci a houses In the plalnlitls. A jnd rmetit for the plaintiffs \xas oht.imod for about Hid , but nfter tlietual had hocn i-oniplotod llil > 'tr had tlio c-ise reopened and Is now pie sliii ; a counter ol.ilui for lMid on the iJtound ol Ins Inability to tout tlio Hats on account ot the cluftitivo hoatlni ; nppiratiis ninnlier of ladies ivsidlnu la the noith rrn part of the1 uty li-ivo oi ani/ed aio.idini ; cliele 'llioirliist incetnii : took plneo Pridiv ovonliiK at the liciine1 of Mrs Ilazclton on Avpiiuci | j Thu follow liii ; ladies xxero en- lollid as niiitnlms Mrs. laieius Wills , Mis. O II. t-.lle.is. Mis IM Moll , .Mrs .1. .1. Ste.id- 111 an , .Mis lla/illon , Mrs 'I' .1 iX-uns MIN Nnl IShe-pud. Mis Hunt. Mm t'assiuly , Mis Hiehiuonil , Nli CooK , Mi-s Biedorniiu , Mis Waul , Mis. ( iiiiliam , Mis. liodels , ihs lamest C'ole. 'Hie bill nl\en by tlio polite foreo hst evening In Masonic temple \ \ as n jjio.it sue- ci-ss Tlioattenilaaio \eij laicc , niul HID ilnnriii \\.isovidontlj enjojod liu olj bv all \\lio tools put. The oiehostr.i consisto 1 ot twelve pieces 'ihu proci.imtnu of the uvcHiliii ; was opoued lij a iiniiilior of line musical selections. riio'woceoiK otlho hill are to be iisi'il hi ilofr.iviin ; the PNIICIISOS m- cuiicd In the dopiitniPiit in lilting ui > the bo.nliiuaiters. Knouj ; ! ! \\.is i.iised to wipe out this indobtulnoss , bosUlot , pi\ in ( : all the expenses UivollPit tint the onli install incut house in Coiuuil UlnlTs and the InrpiM inst illniPiit honso in tin1 ucst is Manclci \ KU'i.i s.'o \ si'll nt o.iMorn pric-cs ouaitieloof house hold fuiiutnio j on um > , anil instead ol 10- quiliiiK jou top.iv iisbp lot \ou hive It on cnsj p.ijiiioiits 'I hero Is no neiessiu of dcnjiiiK > oni'stlf the use of aiij at ticlohen you can jot : inc'i-MliiiiK joii xvatit on such LMISJ toniH. The liriiest stock of oarpits , stcivcs nnd fiiiiiituio in t bo city to select from. : t'U Hio.id\\.n. Otinnl Moo Clia 'Ilio ulooil puilllor and foloi ado loot , tlio cnii h mid catarihtoiniily , ut Dollcnon's dmystoio Stop unit 'I hi tile , And ask yourself uhou shouUl paj old- faslilonod prices for ( jroloiios niul ptox'islons \vhcn jou can iiot tlrst class , clem , fiosh Hoods nt modem piuos } Kesiil thoM ) piuos. Oi leltois , peril ) , .V , : i Ibs tiin eiMiaps for -.V , Aibucldo's uiITi-e , U. > o [ > cr pacK.iiro. ( icimau collie , ' . ' , ' 10. liiiius , Oo nor Ib : bacon , "e : eodtlsli , " ' c\ 10 Ib pull \\hito lish , t ( ) c , , ! cans couu J'lO , : t cans toma toes , U.V ; 4 c-ans peas'J.lc , Da\is' No 10 Hour , flM ) , DIVIS "ItluoD" Hour , fl Itf , BntTalo Hour , $1 " " ; Old Modal Hour , $1 4" > ; Sno\\ Flake Hour , ? HH ) , , ' > lt > s bncla\e.xt , $1.00. 2.i bo\i'b of nmUlic-s , 2.v , box KOOI\ \ laundry soap , ? l W ; H Ibs loaf lam , 'J.r > o , coed bieoni , lOc ; oraiiKOs , r.c per dozen , coil oil , so nal- ( lon , - loaves , hrcad. 'ic ; 1 Ib good tea , Joo. I'rompt delivcrv of uods ll-o\Mi's ! ' C. 0. U froeciy. Telephone 21 > . Kincleipartcii school , MU rourtli av"nuo SprhiK term opens March 2. Mrs. I1 L. b.iclc- ott. jr'j.'ffso.tMIM < ; i.t /'i/.s. Mrs. C. F. lieed is quite ill at tier homo on tttalniin avenue. Mlssl'earlL'lminlieilin loitosteidavnnrn- iiu ; for Uos Molnes , vxiioro s > ho xx-ill xisit ft lends for u xveek or fxvo. Mr. nmt Mis. Kit Uothert ol Des Monies are in Ilio oil ) , tbo cnests of Superintend- out Uotliert and xxifo of the deal' and dumb institute Miss Stella ( innetson , xvbo has boon the prnest of Mrs. .1 J Stodman for the last month , returned lo her homo In Osi-eola Pri- duxovcnlncr. . Mr. and MM J. Y. Fuller leave tomorrow fei ChicdKOhoio they xvill inilcu their home ) in tbo futiiie They haxo ninny friends in the lllu ft s xxbo xvill vxish them success. Mrs. II 1' Hoeorinoof Washington nvc- inn ) left for U ashln ton , I ) C , ) estcrdny inorniin.1 , wbeio she expects to meet hoi bus- h.imilio h.is t > oen theio for some time past. They vxlll isleio ihero in Iho future. rrnnels .Murphy , the ijreat tempeianco oiator , is holding siuvessful ineotlniis ut Marion , Inil. The Loader of that plaio in speakiiiKOf him , pixs n nlciilnp tribiito to Mi-a Murphy , the Council IllutTs Inly xvhoin ho wooed and won here "Mrs Murphj who neeoiup.inles her husband is n \ - eiluuiiuome. . Dleasiint fne-ed Indx , ono whom it ! s n real ] iuihuie | to meet. Ilo xxholosoul is wrap ' up hi her tioblo liusbniul's grand \xorit. " Tbo Indies of Council Hlufls nio Invited to roll nt Broxx-n's C. O D. crocery < nid bo served xxith a delirious cupof Armour's beef tea. Step in vvhlladoxvn tovxn. The Mnnhattnu , spoiMiig headquartci's. N. O'lU-ie-a. ' Kiiupart \ Co. carry lai'Reit stocic of bullc field , pai-don and Iloxver seoos In thoxvust. Catalogue uuil Camples liy mail. TUP I'l it'i t'i m * i tl'Pi'i' lllr'M \ \ IN 1IIL Bllm Tlio MilwMtkeo Rnllronil Actltg as a Board of Trade. SEABROOK'S EJECTMENT CASE SETTLED. Tlio I'li-o Di'piiitiupnt Called Otu Alter a I.OIIKacallonA nij ni tin * I'ni'lllt ; .Mliini Mr Low Is .holtscn of t'blc.tk'o ' Is In thoclty In the IntorcHtof the liuliistUil dipartinoiit of Ihu ChU-nKo , MIlttanKeo . < ; St. 1'aul iall- \vny oouipan ) 'I'his dcpirtmcnt Is coinpnr- ntivoly anew foatura In ratlmad woik , the Mllwmiitw h.uinjjhpon the llrst toaclopl it , nnd the flr t p\pcilinont wnt tnnclo hj that road enl ) the ilrst of last month. 'Ilio ' objortof the company In stmtltiR this tl'pii'tment \ is 'oliuluio mnnufacturcHanil wholes ilcrs of the cast to move westward r'lclpht agouti aiecmiiloyod h > tbu c'otnpanv tn 'ill of tlio principal towns of the east , ono nftholiMlutliM bolng tn keep traclt of these inaiui facturcrt , niul u hen they bear of nn > ono wbo thlnlcs of cliniKini , ' bis location to notify the Inilustilal commissioner. That CentIfinin lininodhtc-lj calls upon tlio tnami- fnoturer nnd ptosents the cl.iiins of the \ arl- oili cities ali > iif his line. In smoral cases this opcratinn h.is nil-end ) suici'odeil In KL't tltiL ? tlio fat.toilos located on the Milwaukee roiil. TboworUof thoilepitlinriit l < no doubt a meat heniMlt to tlin clllis. but at the sanio time it miiHt bo admitted that the r.ilho.id cotnp.inc is nut in Ilio business foi Its health It hones to inv foi all the oMvnsoof the do- pntiiioiu niul a K < xul clcil inoro by tlio in- civaso in fivluht tinflle Mr .I irlssim stales tint ho has no tlino to M isto lii ti-lni ; ti ut the cities inlPiostod in the sclioiiitVlienoer \ he llnds a com- iiiunit\ Unit dues not nppreoiito the. value of fiiLtiiius , tiu t uiiio pulls \iihis | stakes and hunts fur trui nor pastuios. lln hold 111 on- fcioiucu ith Mr 11. \ \ ' Unit , the tirosiilont of the Don rd of ti.ulo , M'stc'idav nfli'l no'ii In older to llnd out fiom him v.li.it , iiuliiioiiiont tlin HiulTs could hold out to inuiufiK'uneis to sittloliL'ii' Ilo stated that hoatvorj nnicli ple.isod uith the ippoiuncuof the cilHis futiiro coriotpoinlt'iu'o will bo lariiod on \\ith.Mr \ lint , niul it l < hoped that the cit ) liny iciii some In nollt from tlio iiuw dopai- tuio of the i.iilroad ooinpiiny. Tor the nf\t weols these elegant hand- mlntoil ton pots with a pound of the llnesl sun-diled .lap.m tea , \\ill bo bold at ' .Hie each nt l.iinil lliothirs. 'Ilio tea lontalned in tlieso beautiful pots is supeuor tote mi ) 7oc ten in the cit ) , nnd theio is not a de.ilur on tliis side of Ilio I'.u-itle ocean who can pm- ihaso tlio jiots solhoy can bo rotailul.it * ! 'Ihoy nmkoiloK.itit niesonts See thoni anil ) ou will , ulmil 13 nnd punlia&o thoni.I Main stteot. Calloa P .1. lliitchinson \ Co for ( hoice hifKiilus in lots In Wilson 'I'ei-raio. Special liicluiemontH for tlio next few du\s. The now iliMilnl roonib of l ° ) \Voodbtuy 1110 the finest and most loniplcto in the M o-tt. o. .t to the new tlr.ind. " 'Idophoue , 115. " Union Vcteinii lieKi'in. ' nneainpnient s , t'nion Votcian Legion ot Council HiulTs held an installation of olllcets for the cuml..c ; ) oar The follointr aio the ofllciTs of the encampment : Colonel , \V \ H Spoil , lieutenant colonel , \V. \ S Kico , inijor , H ( iiiihiMinor , adjutant genpial , I > . Shoiwood , iimiteimaster | , ( locn-ge H Cilsp : ihapKiiii , I. \ \ . Klluoiu. suiyeon , John ( iicon , otllcor otda > , .1 H llift. ofllcer of ( inaid N Moi ilim ; sorire.int nnjor , ( T Miller ; quart inviitor sei r-ant.luhli l'o\ , ml or lieniei1 , .lohn Dilts , sonllnol , U. 11 lletit'ock , clitiminor. Siniuel .lobnson. 'riiennina of this oi-Kani/.ition indicates what it h , vi a union of veterans. 'J'lio qualillention for admission into this ouler aio tint the applicant must ha\o been an onicu , soldier , snloror mnilno of the union .11111) , nanncl marino coins tlininir tluai - of tlio rebellion , \\lio volunteeiod piior to , lul > I , ISN ( | , for.itoim of tlneo yenrs , and was honoiablj disc. linked tor anc.uibo aftoi u fectvico ol at kast IMO contiiuious \oais , or tt.is atanv tiino disc. Inured by tea- 011 of wounds uceneil in the line of chit ) , also these \ohintoeivd for a lei in uf two M'liis prioi to . .lulvJ,1 , lsdl , and sor\od their full teiin of ot ( iilistnicnt , unless disth iritc'd fur Mounds ICILU i-cl in line of dn'but no drtiftcd peison , suustltiito , nor any one \\tiu has at aitnno lioino amis nijaiiist the I'niteil stitos is I'liciliih * The lotion dues not welt to nntacom/o am other cnir.inl/a- tlin , but was instituted foi the sole purpose of biintrint ! totrilher the \oterans ol the lalo M'tciMio would naturalh ha\o that \\niiu and fiatoinal fieliii" Hint trrew out of the innirscrviio thoh.ul \ p\ppiicnciii 'Ilio Hist LIU-HI 'nun nt.b ocrini/ed ) in Man h , ISMI , at IMUstinitr , 1'a , and [ smio then the order has i.ipulU incu'aspii until ne.nh everj state in tlio union is icpi-ex'iited in the national encampment \ AVcolf ol" Fiom now unlil Match 1 M-O will uivn fiom n to l"i pel u'nt discount foi cash on dilToiunt Imcsof jjoods wo cauv. Yon Mill loam that oui prices foi cnipets , ir.attini' , iuts oil doth , hue sillt , madras , chenille and ether eiut lias , I'hina silk , funges , loops , felt , .sillc nnd inolialr , plihlics , tablocoveis , down c-om- fortsancl pillows , carpet sMctpcriipliols - terv poodi , oto , nro lower than anIICMSO carnlntr snno foods on rlthoi bank of tlio Din Muddy 'llns is ttiooppoitumt ) ot HID season lei iooci ; bargains. licniuunts of cai'pots , many of them larro enough for small rooms , and elegant pattoins , at less than iiiiinufactiirois' cost Cot MM. Ill it ! ' > ( _ ' Mill i Co. Tliiv your coal nnd wood of C. B. Tuel Co. , 53'J ' llioadway. Telcpliono 1J15 , ll\ans l.aundiy Co , r OPcail street. Tele phone -"A ) . L oods called for and uolheiod. 'Ivo Moinlni ; Itln/eM. At about li o'clock joitenliiy mormug M rs. G. A Uooliisou , who resides atTUt Piist ave nue. was awalteiiod by n smell of sinoisc in her loom Sho.iroso and investiifnted , lien she found that a lire had started in tlio lilted trill's room , vhleh was next 10 hers , and nnilcvontbins.'ln tlio room was in n bli7c Tlio Ih-o ilenaitment ias nt oneo summoned , but befoio they arrived on the scene no.ulv all tlio fmnitmc ! in the loom had been ctestrojed. The Ilio was extinguished bofoio it had nn oppoilimlt ) to spiead throimh the bouse. From all a tinea ranees It bad stinted in a buunu whlcli was Illled with clothing The supposition was that n lighted inati h had lallen incidentally into one of the buiean drawers which had been loft open , and the contents had been smoldeiliitj for sometime befoie the llaines broUo out onoiiRh to attract attention. In ono of the draw H was a small Uo\iontalnlnii''ilii ! paper and silver. This l > oami its content * disappcatetl clurhiRtho excitement. Two of the uieccsof silver \seio alt"iwaids found I ) ing upon the lloor , but nolhin has heen seen of the rest , borne of the ladles of tlio house chntsed ono of tlio llromea with iiavinp taken the moiioy , but it would bo diftl- oult to piove such a charge. The clntiino ( ! to the room and furnlturo Is ostlmated at $ " , which h covered b ) lustuanco Thoelothliin and the money win the property of the lilted Kill nnd was uninsured. At 10 10 o'clock the department wns called out ntniln , this time to the City steam laundry on North Main street A llro had stalled In the liar Mall of the buildlnc , ' , \Milchstands buta little our six inciiea f loin the fuinace. The room vv as soon lined with smoke , but the dnnmcjo done bv the the was only tillliutr , and was easily extin guished , _ Do vou want an cxpioss Matron or bovl HmpupthoA D. T. Co , telephone 171' ' , Xo. 11.North Main sticct. JC. nixbv , stoita nentln ? , sanitary oa- Eluccr , M > iorrium block , Council Illulis llobbcil a Hotel. Yesterday afternoon Manager Crawl of the l > aclile bouso was informed b ) sotno of uls b'uciu that thej bad been robbed. The fa * l were n MfUH otniminli'rtteil to I hlof I ate ) ami in the iiiinutis after tlin rol > i > er > had l"ioc > n iliscoxcred ncteeti\e Hcswlc-l < was in | xmosiliin of all the facts , which included n posit Iverlue thatwlll lead to thonrresl of the thief 'Ilio nniporh taken \vfli chlellj clothing and toilet nitleles , some of the lat- trr boloiiKlng to Wells I'ook Ilio sneals thief sllpjied li to the rooms during the niter- noon Malinger Crawl Is ilotounlncd to eati h the rascal , and will lea\o no moiun mi- tiled to accomplish it A man \ \ ho pie his ii.iine ns M. U. IJInek wa ani'stc'd last e\eniniby Otllcrr OL'on- nellon snsplcliin of heln the thief An ln- vestltrntlon pioved that th ioM \ much groiind for tin suspicion , for he hmt a shirt and collar on at the time of Ilio anost that had nc'oii nuinbeivd rimonp the missing. 'J'ho lest of tl.e proiiott ) was not found , ami It is supposed that no hud paitod with It , in ho had M cents on his person that could not bo accounted for in mi ) other wa ) . * lXKiXXl ( bilclc uv M. Son , Council HiulTs , ( ioocl . A little onih to talk about ipitngilioss goods. 1'liey me hero , ncveillu'leso. and in innnenso ininntitles 'Ilio Hist delivciy ot our lniortatlon | older has been lecthc-d , cnei .loo pieces , the latest sh ide.s mid tints of the Trench ami lionim" M-cavos. Tlio must noticoaolo aiethodelli-ale HJiulos ot ( 'iays , tans and Vtcnes rosoVe never hid a more cninplete llneof hiiirletlas , serges , biilllan tines , etc Without nn , exception this Is ceitiiinh the linost llnoof chess poods eor shown by us As is usual our low nilcos in IP ( ilnnhams. llnmiPlettoand plnoarple tissue me the leiidincr fabrics in the wasn poods line , the latter a soft falnlc resuinblliiK a china silk. 'Inev ( Otiioln plain and iissoited pitteins Tlio pi ice boiin ; nnicli che.ipei than china silks biings Ihein within the rc.ii.li of all , for the piesent l.V per y.ud. ( ilnemins-Oiii ! disnlay nt lOe , 12' ' e and l.V wo claim to be the best ever siienvn foi the money. The pitteins aio slmplj exipils ito 'or that line ol poods rUnticlotte , nci > popular fabile ; M.IS so last so isoii ; polni ; to bo two fold this M'ISOII Wo show it In foilgrade's -V , lOc , U' e and IV The l.'i nuilltv loolss HUevorj much liner goods thin isusiinll ) sold I or that price Tlio whiuu storv is , we liouplit thoni tboap and iiic.ia to sell them so. It pus to tin n them over iinck | on the small piollt svttein Tabh linens and tahlo uipkins deseivo n little attention , our stoiIt at proscnt liuini ! been leplenlsbed with o\eij thing In that lino. The onm-nnms sale In that denilineiit | pie\ ions to slocls tauliip run it proth low , but now it is back to its noiinal condition , and inipht siv better than ever. Our line of bleached table linens fiomIV to I..M ) con slsts of value seldom. If eei , npiuo.iched bv an ) ict.ill stouts. With all due credit we can s.n the same about the unble.idied linens , onl.v ifiopriics stall much lower and don't inn nniiuito as hlch , , ' 0o to > l ( K ) is our limit lor unblojcliod Tulile naplslns , am si/e , table napkins inij pi ice , from .Vcnch , or.VIc ptr do/en to tCi.OK pei doen 'Iho most complete ) line wobavouvei had the ploasmo ofslioM- ini' HUSTON' S'lOitn , rotliciliiKhaii ) , Whltulaw .t Co , leaders anil pioiuotcis of low piices , 101 , tiit : and lid Hioadvv.iy , L'onmll Hiulls , In. Now Yoilt olllce , 4 I.eoniird str < ( t l-'iir 1'u'ph nnl I'OMS. Chlistian ilmieli , coinoruf Hinaclwiv and Twent\-thhd street Kov CMonioc will pioacli nt 11 o'clock a in mid i * ! K ) p. in Sun- ill ) school at 10 n clock a in Young Men's I hristiin association Mr. S \V M.iltbio will talk to tbo railioul men it ' - ' ' "U the Young Man Sifo < " is the sub jeet liir the legulii- I o'clock meeting Tbeio will bo llnplish Luthcinn services todavntlla in in tbo Ycmng Men'sC'hus- tlin association looms , Meiriim bloc Ic Ke\ . ( ! W Snyder of Diuenpoit , la , will preach Them will be English I.uthei in MI vices toda.at . 'J ID and 7 .11) ) p m at llntuprisc , nlso on Momln\ and Tuosd evenings Kev. ( . ! \V. Sn.vder of la\ciipon , la , v\ ill pieaeli , Hioidway Mttlioelist Kpiscopd church - Scr\ lies at'Masonic temple nt IU ! 0 a m nnd 7 ) p m. Snbliilhseliool.it 1'J in. Ycmnif lieoplo's meeting at ( > . : iO p m. T , MiK. htuait , pastor. BOIIMII liiptist chinch Subject at 10 no T in , "Tlio Model liov1 suhjpcit In thoo\en- inf , "I'lio I liureli ol ( iOd. " Siinchi\ school meets at II l > n in. The boya p.irtlcuhul ) aio itnitedto the morning service. Kepuiar services at Iho Tirst Hajitist thurcli , moinunand cvuiiing. L. A Hull , pastor Miss Pettlunjw Mill adiliess the ) onii'peoplo } at Ip in , in tbo interest of svstematic mission stndv. livening sermon , " \o\el Holding" Kiist I 'iesb\tciiin : Corner ot Willow ax- cnuo and Seventh stieet1e \ \ \ Stephen I'holps , pastor I'l-eiLluni ; bv the pistol at III .10,1 m and 7-to p in. Snbbith sihnol.it U in Young peonlo's mietmgat li liu p. m. Seats fiee , e\eibod ) wekoinc Coni rogitional SIM \ ices inoriihiir and evening. In tlio moi'iiiiiLT tbo pastor Mill pioaih Snbjoil , "Now rtiinps. " In the csening theio will bo a meeting in the inler- est of the Snnuin sthool work. Mis S W M.iltbio of Dos ; Moines will 1:1x0 the prmci- pd mull ess She will bo followed uv Ml A. A Il.ut and Mr Maltliio. All , uo cordially Moh onio. st 1" . nil s chin eh Divlno serxicotodnx at 111 11 a. m. and 7 ! ( ) p. m .Sundax school , U n HIblocliss.ii ID p m Sermon top ics Moining , ' Hid \ \ itb Chiisl ; " oxening sermon , addioss to loiinncipinl tr.i\clers-by specnl leipic-st. Young men and strangersal- xxa\s c'oull illy vxelcomed to these services. T. .1 Mack.u , icctoi Tlio second miaituly mcotiiig of Trinity Methodist eliuuli will be bold tocla.1'ieach . - ing at 1(1 ( 10 a. in mid 7..W p m Piesulliig elder M ill preach in the exciting and adminIster Istor the siici.iment ot th's Lout's supper. Sod il meeting at ' . ) 10 a. in , ) oung people's me eting at d : ui p in , Sunday iihool at 1'J m , pra > er moeling xVedncsdax at 7 'M p in. ! "ir Kent An elexen-ioom lesidenco on \ th Scott st and an s-ioom lesidenco on poinci Hioadxxa ) and loth st. .1. C. Le- ) llovc.ii. Host hcivy goods , 2" > per cent oil , cash. Kciler , the tailor , iilO Hroulway. Tlu > lljoclinont ( aso. The law suit which WAS Mnrtcil several days ngo bx1 S. 1' . MncConnoll and 10. W. Hail for ttio purpose of getting 1 * . 13. Kea- brook out of his house , on thocharpo that ho xvas behind on the pajmont of rent to the amount of about f 110 , was oiougbt up for In . 1'atton's comt sottloincnl .lustlco jester- dnj afternoon Hefoio the case came to trial , tioMever , the parties had nrrixod at a partial settlement , W W Illlger paving the money whlili was due nnd which Seilnook claimed be tiul pita Jtiiger uu tlio other limn , hoa- bionk agieed to le.ne the housu by Maich l.'i With thnt utidcist.indliii ; the i.iso was con tinued for thittv daxs and will in all pioUa- bility be dropped entlrelx J The Nexv I'aeilio is the most contially located hotel in Council Dlufls , P.utlcs watitniR to rent Iliih'hos' hall for nn.x purpose nt leasonahlo i.ites xxill plcaco call at the od'co ' ot the ileput ) city auditor. Call onSchm/-Sinlth Co for chattel loans and real estate 201'e.irl st. Puio flesh dings at IJax-ia1. opposite Ogdcn. FloodH in . \i-i/imii. Kcs TIIVNCIMO , 1'ob. SI. Tlio Chronicle's special from Tempe , Ariz , snjs a cicnt Hood visited Salt rix-or x alley Thursday , It xvas caused by a tremendous rain storm. At Tempo and IMurnix considerable damage - ago xxas done1 , adobj structuios c > pceiall ) suffering. Many of them tuniDled iloxvii and a great many families are sholtotloss They are being quartered In public buildings , and subscrlp lions haxo been started for their benellt. Hailroad tracks were washed out for miles. Fixo Inclians xvero ilrovtnod , and it is feared that ono M bite family living noith of TV'tipa perished Tbo rheis nil around that vlUaitv are very high and icports of furtuer damat'o uro expected. Knocking Out tlin Spots. Kuroivtm Ktlttdm Adi' IVh llrnM. A distinguished scientific person has found that South American revolutions alxvays oc cur nt n time when the sun spots mo un usually numerous , noth Jack McAulilYo arid Hilly Moycr , the Ktreator boy , have posted fl.otx ) foifeit at Xcxx-Oi'leans , nnd tbo men will n pet before the club thai otTers tlio boxt induceinenti in n monotarywn ) Thcsobig pugs do not ham- IIHT each other tor fuu or luxe thc o da\s. A Lovt'Hlenilccl rnnucr Who Bcliovcs in Solid Fiitance. NflAT ON NOT THE ROAD TO WEALTH Kni'ls nnd I'lmn-os Sot 1'orlli In an Ailinli-alile nuil Oon\ lacing Man * ner L'on idefnblo I'ooil for lielleutloii. CniTi" , N'eb. , IVh at ) To the IMltor of 'I'm11 n , : 'Ihe aillnnco paity has made Its appearnnco on the stage in several of the western stales , but more paitlcnlaily in Ne braska. Tliecimso of Its oxlstunec is nppar- out , the ) people are ) but demanding their rlctlits IH Ameilcan citlrens. The fundamental law of the orKinlrnUrm is noii-piitisati , built scouts loliolhei'onti.ir ) In our legislature Tin ) fanners , as a chss , haxe protcstoil ag.ilii'.t pittsnnshlpln Iho po litical pirties , and have organl/cd nn linto- poinlent p irtx contiar ) to the pilnciples of thoorgani/ation. I'lio eontrollliig element of the alii mee , appl.x the term "lialtot ' to these who mo Inclined to express their vbnxs cm the political issues of the day , according to the dictates of their own conselcmo , insteau of belni ; the followers of a small faction of cliitaioH. The pi line 'object o I the alll.lin'O is , to ameiioi ito the condltloii of the fanners mental ! ) , tnotaily , tlnnaeially , and impi-ove the wise methods of fiirinint ; . Tbo meat iiiobleni Unit confiontK the Amoilcin people Is Ilio inouov qui'stion. In this commercial nge iiscnirlly nt monev ine.ms siliMit faetoiies , Idle mid siilTumg people1 , and Intoi fores with miterlil nroitiess of thowoilth of the conn tr A certain sum of moiiex Is leipihed to cncuhito aii.ong . the people in order to cany en their business. Tlieio has been a gieat demand on Iho put of "tho f.uHUMS'nlllnice' thai Iho govoiMinenl should loan papei cniienc ) on tl1.bisisof la'id at 'J pel- cent per annum , or the pet mcMsiiic ! of Sen.itoihlmfoiils should bo i-omealuv It can readily bo sei n the mim- ber of felloxxers such a piopositnm would li ix-e. lieeniiso it alTords Iho tieoplo an oppoi tiinitj to bonow mono ) at a nominal i.ite of Interest , and thexknoxv iinlhnn ; of xxh.it would bo itselTetts on the general xxelfare of the people. Tbo bill Is plau dble on its face , ana Unas in my advocates In difleicnt puts of the countiv 'Iho ship loids of iricdecm able piper tliit would come fiom Iho pie'ss to meet the demands of the fanners would mean nitlond bankruptcy nnd not for the iu- teicstol the producing class I am reulj to ncltintthat for the past few jears the nu'ilcnl- ttinil cl iss h ivo been In a deproiaod condi tion thiouLfhout the entire country Tlio piico of faun products liasobeen iiiiiiousl ) loxv , faimeis liavostruggled with gicat iliOl cultto keep oven with the wet id , andbi\e fallen behind in spite of alt the ) could do 'Iho f.irmoiilm'.o found the countrfud of organi/ations and combinations of me'i h tides and capitalists fur the purpose of ] irotee ting their special iiiteiests. Ultlmntlcx the f.iim cis'alliance and kindled oiganl/alimis haxe heen formed to ledioss their giiovames and ptomoto their ( 'enci.d xxelfaie It can leadllv bo seen that the tillers of the soil weu1 am till ! the list t KM-gniii/e for theit itofense \V bc'ii the piospi utv iinel the smcc'ss of nil ti.idesof mix counti'v nro Insiipu.ibly con nected \ \ ith tbo puispLiit\ the agru ultnuil classes , the firmcTi me impressed with the idea tli it tin x are injured at the hinds ot 01- ctini/ed capital , .mil tlK'y .110 dotei mined to secincieliel at .ill ha/.uds 'J'ho Icadcisof tlie funnels' ' oigain/ation luxoninposedsoino liair-biained scliemes to aboli-.li . piopett ) .whiclili.ivono fiiundalioa on business prin ciples and lack the appiovat of comno'i sensi ) ] { j ealllnir our ntlontion to tlio lie manils of Ilio farmcis iilllinco , xve cm see they ,11 o subject lo bo misled b ) visional ) schemes , which uocr bring the relief prom ise 1 , thoieby omllng unerringlv in llnaiuial disaster. I do not think it is expedient to est - t iblisli our government as n banking institu tiou , for the pui pose of loaning mono ) to tlio poopk'.holdmg their land for senility ot nrin- tipalauil interest Uvciy Amoricm citi/cnli.is the piivikvo of obtxiiniiig nearly ficoofcost lilt ) acies of land , whlih is don.iti'd lo thoni h\ the goxernineiit. and ills iri.uiomd tor them to tuin mound and demand of Iho gox-- ciniiieut that it should go Into the banking business so that they could boriow moiiev at a i annual i ito of inteiest to bunion it xvitli a inortgigo C\eibody xvould want to Dorroxx mone ) and they would tnko hind not for farming innposes , but to se- cuie a loan from Iho pnveinment It is ovidput If the goxeminent llinlted loans to real estate tint it ultimately would n.iveto iiiiludo nil cliittc1 ! mot tingesbecause those people baxliig no land fool the noi'd of nioiiox as xxell ns ttio other ( lass ' 1 heoxtont of the loan is in propoition to one hall the as sessed value of the laml , nnd where a fmm xvould now bo entitled to > Vie , llxooais heiui ) Iheloiu could bo ui'.iil ) tiebltd Tlie.ro xould be i largo voliiin ol ciiriency in eiivu- lation , as evonhodv would boiroxv money and the \alne of tbohiiel xvill rise in proioi- ] tion to the volume in uidilation Tbo conse- ipionccsimld bo loans on land , that the govi iniiiciit would ncvoi icceho its enuixn- lent The St.mford bill pioxides to supplj the desnes of the people \xitli iMsh at 'J per cent a \ cai on f.u in inoitgiifos Whx chaigo them anv inli'iest ; The fait is iiypiessedon in\ mind , win-Hi the proveinmiMit is going to obtain the mono ) to cairx on tlda bianch of business Tbo now school of tlnnnrlors toll us- Let the goveininent issue the numex tliecoiistltu- tion gives tbo goxeinmint power to loin tnonev nnd issue billi of cieilit , but coining money Is not the creation of value All the notes and bunds the government issues mo evidences of indebtedness , xhicli aio piom- isc > - > to p iv , either on demand or at some stated time 'I heir xalu" ili'p'Mids On the abilitx of the hold or to conxoi tlhom into aic- deinption fund If they cannot be cou\c itod on doinnncl nt pir , then value will lluctnate leforiing to tlmhtstoiv of the monctar ) sstcm of this counlrv * iliiinig tbo existence of the colonies , and of tin * puiiod from ISM ) to the icsuming of specie pi\- ments , paper cuirentv XMIS Issued un Iho | iut- lic faith of tbo colonies and goxernmunt , ami the Inevitable result soon came paper do prciiiteil and gold went at n pieiniuin 'I bo oroillon of valno comes thiongli woik of sono kind Theio me a class of ncar-sighti-el ignoianvjsos that heliexe "govormnents ,110 establishul to suppo.it its subjects , and it ntiKht to go into tlio poni'i U loaning business \ \ bit aiegoM'iiimenls * In tins countrxIho goneial govcrninont is tlio people , all of us taken togithor , The genei.il iroveminent Is a perpntnil pauper and hito bo supported bv the people , mstc.ul of the people ) sup- polled b ) it ( iovernmeiits are not inslitiiteil for such purpoios The ihooiy is ailvanccd bv the Hat mnneyod man , that if a corpora tion of indixiduals can by xxiitlng a lexv xvouls on a piice of xvoilhless piper make it worlh $1KK ( ) , why ciimol the gieat corjiora lion - -thogovoinment- piper i uriene.x ' Tlin i oiison is obvious ; oxiry ilolHi s worth of piopeity of ibu c/irpur.ilion Is axailablo for thopaj meat of its indebtedness and Ins a higher power to cnfoiio Its pijments , w lie'ii the goviuiimcnt has not the avail able propertj to puv its dopreclaled cli bts All the debts of tliogoxeinment am subject to repudiation Tlio stnto of Virginia lm > a bondeit debt of several thousand dollnis , she repudiated it , and It is xvoith no 111010 than a basket of confederate notes me todax. What would the allluncrt dollars be xxm Hi converted into nothing' What wo demand niohou > lhlo and useful reforms and not fora rcsurreciion ofdofumt schemes which have been tiled and found dlsrstivus. "Wo bad butter en- diiiB the 111 < wo haxo than to II ) tootheis wo knoxv not of. " It is evident that the farmers' alliniools not stud ) ing nnd Irving to oiigi- nnto a plan to do their business on n insh basis , but are Importuning congress to enact a 1 uv so the ! ) can borrow money at a cheaper rain of interest. The fact is they will bo nothing hut a class of professional mendicants If the farmcis after tvxo years of the most rigid economy succeeded in placing themselves upon a cash basis they would Imvo accomplished grave results. We .no noxv contionted xxilh the question , is the volume of our cuueiicy at present equal to the rciiulioincats of the in dustrious and commercial inti'iostn of the c ountr ) f Tneio is no doubt that an increase .should bo iiiiulo in the volumoof oiireuuen- cy , but how ! To have the government es tablish a loaning bureau in the ticasut ) and pioceed to issue ship louls of Irredeemable paper to thu people ) \Voulcl that ho good poltc ) I Thc-iols comment on the inouotarv system of 1'ranio ben g sound anil safe , when she luu a niculuiiuu of "ijs.'i iici' capita nun posed ul { Js.jy uf bpcciu and fit.U uf pap I'lu' iii.innrr lo wh h I'r.nu'e ininitalns a sucvomfiil priwevulM'H c-f hoiUiiam lal sxs loin Is of nii'iit ditTeienc'e fromtliat demanded n.v the fanners alltnino Met inonex aiTalrs are conducted in such u manner that the metallic cm ivncy constitutes the basis of her paper circulation , in-cording to the olllcl.il tvpoi is ending the tl cal > ear , Is l. 1 do not iiiimlt tbeproiiosltlon that ourxolumci ofiur- icncy should bo adeiUatex\ | that of Krnnco , In cause It vxould constitute a peipetual soui-io.of dlstiust , dlstmh.uico anil muer- talnly In our tlmuicuil , common hil and In dustrial ntTalis U'o do not need thu per capita of Trance to can1 } on the Industrial intuits of this counti ) with gieat prospeilty , oxxlng to the condition of the countr.x nnd people. What xve demand Is a huvtoio- stilct the nrgnnl/cd poxxor of wealth frnm being c'onceiitinted in the bands of the few , wlilcli produces dlsturbinco and oppicsslon among the missosof tbo people' I'lio moat inemico to this nation is the concentration of capital , llv this 1 ito not mean the "ian of ordinary xxealth , who has made It In a leciti trntc and homnable vxax , but I lofer to that olnss who coni'oiitiate milll.ins from theli follow men The faiineis' iillliuuo is on tlio xxiong tt.nl In hunting mote ciiviciie.v The ) should haul down tin ) iiionev sh irks The v uluine of cur rencyuii ) De grcnllv Itieiviisoil , the farmer c-minot lioiToxx1 It cheapci than ho does now Tbo panics of Is < " ri-7.t wore In put o.insed u.v iii-edimdnnt paper cunouo ) in chenlatlon , c-iealing a w ild er.i of spivulutloii hi turning the paper cmlonov Intosonii tlmi" of stable valuo. The issue of piper inoiu v usually le ids to the issue of tnoio paper munov , and causes gold and silver to Mow out of thoiotiu ttv. A goiiei.iUon of pioplehivo c-iown up whoactuall.v imagine that Iho linauce has outgrown the ledoinplinn of piper in coin It Is evident thnt any svstem of paper money , whh h diHM not contain the element ol re demption will eventually go on lull illug the eunonc ) Itx iheionstunt use of p.ipei top leseiitatlves uf iiiniii' ) , we co ne t > rcgaul thu iMiibul us the ) them ) Itself , nnd nmtiilio the shallow for the substance Ills novel theless line , Unit illegal tendernolo commonly eilled gi eon back , m not inonex but a promise to paj money. Hvei ) dollar uf tblsi-iiiiine'y so le citeon Its luce It dojs not sax , "I ma a dollar'tint it s.ivsth.it the Tinted Stat < s will p ix n dollar totln bearer Uv the pin- \tilonsoftheiesoliitioiiof iMi'l ' , these pioin- ise i of the government mo nindo icdeeiniible in com. What else is their to toiti'cin a piomis- soix- note xxlth' It has lievn htate-d that gteinbicks haxo not been picsontod for ro- clemptioii for the simple le.ison that llicii holdeis knoxv "bo " goxeininent xxas able to ledeein them xxhenevei1 picscnte.il. The M'ry moineiit the belief is sh iki-a and men liojiin lo doubt \\belhei th" giivoiiimenl could or would 10 deem them , thnt moment public conlldcne-o is tended toxvauls n llnincial li.inlc. There is no no to tlieoii/e , hisloty alloids ininior- ous examples , wbeie the exporimoiit of is- suelng uiper cuiii'tic-y on the b isi-t of land , has resulted in Iiii.uiri.il disaster i.ilhei Ihuu n benelit .lohn l.uv xvas .uitlioil/.rd btbo 1'ieiich povciiiinent to loan piper citueiicj , called mallei its and asxiiMiats , on the IIHIS of land ata noininal i.ito of iuteie- , and in less Hum tlnco ) euis ho had loaned tic ill ) &iHMtXi ( ( ) in cheap paper Theconseiiienco | x.is itp isscd out ol cui-ul.illoii nbsolutulv Morlli b'su. Tlio Argentine liopubhc lias gone on the sanio route to abolish povcit ) , but has onde el in a llii.iiiil.il loMiluliiui. Kussin , Turkcv and other loiin'lies ' have become clis honored nations , \\-'tti currency depieciated and credit hiokcn , bv iisuing p.ipor cniu'iicx on land for a ivdomptton fund It is obsi mete to mo bow the geniuses , xvl o adxoi'.ilo tbo.e intricate problems of financiering are going todislmiso and cidli'i'titho xast levenucof the goveininent Those leehless nsseclniiis of all ! nice le iders mo believed 1 > ) thousands of inismfoi mod f.nniPis as the Until , and if xxo will but listen and iollrivv thorn , Memo led lo belli ' . e that x\-e xxdl got s.dx-.itiou and soon letnototbo age of jubilee Wo must bear in mind th.it the cnironi v of a nation is a mutter of sujnemo inipoitaino A sound cuitencj is e.ontinl to nitioiial Wi.ll being. Comiueieiil tiado c m not pies nor under an unsound , lalse orxirumssjs- tein of Ihiunco. It is now gencr.dlx .ulniitted th.it gold orsilvei , or both , must bo tbo ioun dltion of sound oiiiioitc ) . \\lulo \ papei mono ) mav bo piefcrieil as an aelutil encu- liting iiiedliini , jet that euiicne ) must have a metallic bisis of either coin or bullion Ilio attempt to niaint nn an ititdeciniulo iiarci ciineney h.is so often ami iililfoiiMiillx failed that no inn lorn economic v\ liter of ( , mil standing defend * it. The greenback p.utv , which fiivoied an unlimited issue of paper inondsos , has had its day 1 believe in gold and sliver , the money of the constitution , and paper iiiiiveitiblc on clem mil of the holdei I ) iniel Webster once said " 'I'll it of nil tbo devices to cheat the laboimg man an irie deomiidu niper jiiricncy hid been most sue cessful ' It U computed that over if ) per cent of the business ot the I'uitecl State's is done bv diafts cluclts and other fai ilities gixon bv hanks , when Ki.meo U.n.saits but little1 bnsi ness in this in mi.or , miking tlio I'nilud States with a eiiciiUthig medium of aboit * J"i penapiti nenly .Uuipntu xxith the limn- itaiv sstetu of Tiaiico. The nations that have an abiind nice ol moiioy aievvill sup- plii-d xxith iiiinovLiishuil laborou It is not Hue lh.it piusponlx la in piupoit'on ' lo UK1 inonex in circulation , becmse Iho I'liiti-d States his nn mere ise every month and she ought to bo moio pios- peious than over bofoiu in bor liistoi ) I'lio fiot is that the bulk of money is in tlio bunds of biiike'is , lo in agents and trust com ] iaints , and the faimei and laboior can 10- ci'ive ncnic1 , unless hu has soiattbing to lin- ter If the govuiuuuit ineiel.x b ) the use of tieasiii.v stamps can cic.ite monov. tlicn is no use of n itnuii baing their ) ieople in tbo state ol piupoiisiu , b'lt st-irt the punting piesses anil eiiuili them all xxith a piper cm- lonc'X lj\poiiPiieo is the best test nflinth , and U has taught uslhit iiU'ili'i'iu.ililc paper ruiieiuy is a delusion and a sn.uc The thooiv ol goveinments is to protect Iife.inopMtv and t 10 inn suit of b ippim'ssand leave the individual lieo tooik out his own XVay without assist IIIIMI fiom the irnvcin- inont livery person is entitled to the fiuits of Ins own 1 iboi After mu.-li ilelilioiation on the moiioy iiiestiim | , 1 cannot j aid to anv llnam i.d tlieoi-.x , vvhieh ignoics a fan spine ic'seivo us absolutely c'ssoiiliil to tlio ciedlt of piper euiTOiiev The leal ipiestionis , sh.kll tlio tieasiiix of the United States bo- i onio a gieat ii.mkiiig establistiineut' I think the Intelligent larmeiof this country Mill answer with a most emphatic negative. If ill ) iisseitioiis aio impiaeticiblo , make the most of them. K S Hvui i ( iossip Anioiif ; HIP A iiKiti'in- . Tlio Ch idron ti'iiin will bo out slioiiRPi1 than over this xear. Hillingerill bo oneof Iho e.Uchuis. Ilo is n KDOI ! one I.lnahun is not in ich of a base i ui.ner , 1m Ills work Imhind thn hit anil his head ) play \\\g \ \ \ inoro thai , miiuei up for that. lint \\ill bo soon in thoplti'heis boagiln this so ison .liuini ) is in uooil eniulition , and the bn sill find him " " ) s \ \ no "laptop i Man ) noxv fin os vxill b. ) soon on Ilio aum- UMir Hold lioiv tills sen mu Ilia how lung will the1) stay' 'I'llUs the question , il.uk Cauin.m is nut seen v PI x innili lately. What's tlio niattor .IncK' Did the' indoor ILMKIIO toiui knock jou out , or xvhat' Stoekb un e-laims tluit he i.in pitc'i as ( 'ood n. over , and it is moio thin hlic-lv that tlio Crane i-omp.ui ) to.ini will souiuo dim , IMdniKor sho'ild bo irivoii aliiil by the Omaha leiin in the i.ttlx inhibition panics. Heis a c online ; piti-lier and no mistnko. A illniii'iiid will bo lain nut In the I1ouncil IllutTs dilvinir lurk on lower lli-oadvvay and all ( 'times xxdl bo pi ivod there The .Models vvlllhavn n pied team in the Held , ami another slionct te-am is tallied of Lou ( Jump has an offur fiou the .lolmt. III. le.iuuo te.i'ii. lou is In it \\ith thobcitoj Ilium , and can hold his end up II higm'il. ( iiai.djean xvas ono of HIP must siipcossful pitehois in the c'ltv hist season , and should pinxo a nioat liml for tboVost Uiiuli.ii .liimos Monrni ) will c-atch for HainlmiK , la , this season Hi-hulls from Unekpmt , Mo. , nnd should proxo a K ° ° d man fur Hi it loam. Mitmifrcr Miller is last i > attlni ; toKother n winnliii ; tc'.u i for I'littsmnuth and Intends to gixo ail tlio c-luhs a hard tusslu | m- Hut plaeo llailey i anu'lil n number of nooil i ; imo-t for tholUaii ti-anilast season , but will ixo up catehiiiKthis ) car and will pliv in thu Held. 'JhoShiinrocks will baxo cuiholy now suits for this season Thov will ho d.uk BIUOII shhts and pants , black stockings and btiipe-d cups. cups.Tis said that I'lteiiorS'oiihenson ' tias heon untliiK snow hills lids winior 'I'liul's al rluht , "btoplno" will bo In it with ) ou all thii so ison. Si ) , " 1'roshy , " If It wasn't for the "hoo- don ' bomo of xou iill.'tjod or i.itbor would bo plavers uould lie inthoBoup Como oil ) onr IM'iih , I'lie-hcr NS'elllnum of hint season's lllair leiun luu nut vet Hi 'iiod fnr tlio so isnn lion VVciulil m.lUin KIIIJI inm foi somit inni.ii . . Ca 'iii team l.d l.avo uuiio of the be itllklUc.r > ttial xval soon hoiv last season 1'e ' Is a beautiful throwc'r niul c" ili luM man ) a nmn tin n slimt bit te right Held It Is no ! iliMlnltol ) si'ttlel whether l.idcner wllliminago and phiv In the I'romuul tcMm , Imlwhooxer getH him will have n tattling good ball plavor. Yolk , of the | ss\i \ Me.u'tiPV tiMin , iilijod a givat right Held for the tVilar liaplds team lust joai1 , and xxlll llke'l.v sign \vlth tlii'in for the coming seaion longticet. . a pitcher xxhn pbixoil a few games with Nebraska City hist seasonIs said to be a good tv trier. 1 lo can te engaged for the coining season. I'linn pii'senl indications U nppom lint Spud's team w 111 bo a corker , hut let us bopo that their opening gnmo this season will not be like last soison's Mi(5oe ( , center Holder of list sp.isnn's Codtr Napbis team , Is a great sticker ami us nllildoris oil of sight. Ilo Inn not jot signed for the eason. tstonev Is a good little plavor and will not bin e to "liusk pumpkins lle > is truing to pliv on ono of the lust ) teims In tin cit ) and Mill make them all hustle "lli'b" Mclieeof last jour's West I/uvii team has quit the dlmioiid and turin-d pugilist Ho'd bolter stick to tbo bill and give the nuts the go bv. No two hot tor plavors nw lo bo found In the cit ) than .leiry ami I'rank .Miihonox of tlie Nonpnoil team 'I lic-x are good bltteis , Holders niul c-an't bo beat Ihllx Mot-ati , lust jo.ir's Onnlia oitchor , Is Wlmii ling In Juliet , Id. lllllx has sovoial nfli I's for this so ison , and la ij possiblx phi ) with the team at thatphieo \Ylllluin Strong will pliy third Inso mid captain thn Hiiiiburg , la , team this seasnii llissalaiv is to bo six sipiaro iiii'.ils dining the season and one bail- ut , Caslone besides being a line pltelior can also lino'em out as Ins last season's butting lUci.igoxxlll shoxv lie * stood nccoud on the team xv ith nn ax erage of .HU. "Oil IMIahHV lloxvmui U gottlng very liiipitlent for tlio seisiui to open It Is said that his dint consists of nothing but scoops , irroiindiM-s , base bits and xxater Ilightower may possibly hold down Hist b'ise for the Kroiks the coining season Wbi'ii bis bat collides with the lull the Hold eis have to hho a horse to chase It foil ir 1 ! ipbls has a comhii ? mm In I'lteMior Welch. His win It last season was of Iho best , niul x\ lib a little moio expeilonco ho w ill bo able toti.uol in faster coiupiiiy. Spud I'llrlsh will bo seen In the box oc- c.isiimiillx for bis team this sea , on Vou didn't kn nv Spud was a pHchoi' Well vou just watch him and see him fan cm out. Tin1 stito unixet'iity team at Lincoln has a ' good litllo nilchei 'in joung Woods. Ilo pitihed a couplii ol games against iho Lin- coin tiiuuts and male a cieditable showing. HcMidx , the i itcher of last se-asou's Cedar Hnplds loam , is at picsent in Iowa t'lty. Ilo did all the catching for III it tenn lust seisou and ceit duly pioxcil blinsoU to be ) a No 1 man Illulr people eonsldor Rlmnah.m and C.lllt- gan the gl cutest pilr of kick'n-s that ever pi u oil on their giouiids. Thcx- are iiiistaken tbeso txxo pincers noverhavo an ) thing tosay O , no' ' A number of last season's promising iima- tuers will ho missed from tbo ll'-ld the min ing si ason , they h iving signed with vnnoiis to mis in this stito and Iowa Success to \ou all. Iveiui , the hard hit I Ing Hist baseman of last jc.u's Missoiui Valloj team , Is nogotl atmg vxith lllair , but ills thouglittliat ho will bo found on the latter team hen the season opens Wilson , of last season's Nebi.isku City team , is tending bir at Ivo.irnoy IfXohiaska Uii.v has a to un this v onho willsiirol ) bo found on it. Ilo IK his his | iislliou Iliiol ) ant ! alw.ivs has bi < good ejo xxith him Tallin's bitting ax erigo 1 wt SCHOU xvitli tbo Limoln ( dimts was ! ) " > "i Tnxlor is an oMoptionallv hard hittei and v\oulil o.isllj hax < > led the team hail he finished the season with them The hise Dill inik at Lake Manivvn is to IP put In guild sh ipo and tbo niiimgcmi'iit x\ul oiidoavor to have a game theio evorj himelax. Tlio Muscu team \\111 secure the opeiinig date \vllldothocitcliincjtlils sonou , Iho s line as over , lor Ihci Snnpuoils Ills work shows in Imniovomontevorv season and bo slum id soon bo able to catch onto so.no minor leau'ue team Chillies Tow of the lllair team is omplo.ved in Oniiha liming the vvveK , but , plays in the IU ill-team Sun.lins ( Miarho is ono of the best pud men in the team ana is a hustlei fiom away Inck. It is tiniici-tnnil that Win Camp will pitch for the Sc.iltle te uu the coining season Win is an Oin.ih i bov and his u good fntnio bo foio bun His vvjilt lastsoason clomonstrated th it IIP xxas in it in eveix wiy. The Hlair associatioi ) hold a inoetlng .Tan- liar ) in , but no in mager was selected foi this season 1'is thought that Mr. LlnnUooan ) ' induced to a .n i accept the in majeniont If so , their team will bo a dandy On tlio tie game nt Hlah last season IIP twi'eii their loam anil ; ho Ci.mo loinpuiv's , 1'itc her Willbainn stmck the t luce heaviest hittoiiol the Ci.mn cMimpiny ic.iin out in biict-ossiou , with the bises full lievmor , Missoiui Villej s pitcher , is veiy anxious fm u go at the Crino company and tboest Omaha tt'.inis The games between tin so teams vv ill bo hard OIUM as it is e icb otbei s ambition to do the othor. C.istono mil his line te nn c.in be secured bx aux town Mauling n Histolnss teim in excr.x vx.iv at as liar ) not exceeding $ t > ) ( } pei monlh hens is a ch.mco lot nn.v ono wish ing toentortlio piopuscd statu league. W itch ( ! itewood's plnv ing fiis se-ason nnd see vxh it a icounl ho inaUes fu-biiiisclf Ho lias slgtiod with one of the st longest Inter state le.igue teams and xvo kiinvx thex will not bo dl uppiiintoil la Ins woik , as lie is a good Holder , L'loit on double phis and a good iattci The Nonpareil to.im will bo a dandy and Mill bo iiiaili * up Mom the following pliv CMS Jellen , l.ace' ) . Toner , I'lvnn , Shaiiiili.in , Durr , T mil .1 Mnhonoy , McAulilTe , Ur.id- furd and IVrciv.il 'Jlie bovs bivo nil been taking g ) iimusium pi ictico this vv inter anil .ne all in goad eomliliM.i. .lellen's m in U once ) mm em Him , Shintinhan has a full supply of kicks anlulls ' on bind and the ham in tends ID ike * them all hustle liom start lo finish Last Suinl.iv's HIT continued an nilielo in log.ird to foiming a leaguotoi-ousist oflilnli , Missmni V.illo.v , l'lattsiiicutliC'onuoil Ululfs , riemont anil one or two Dmalia te.uiH Wo have iei eivoil .1 loiter from two of the places iniMitloned and thc'V .no anxious see ; the idea go thiongli Wo should likotobcar fiom tbo I'lattsmoutli and Kiciimiil maiiagenient and if fax 01 able , call u iniclitii : foi the piuposc uf oi-gaiii/iiirr Tlioie se ins to bo no question but xvhat this xxould make a good c iciiil , the * towns being close tn etlii r and tin1 1 lubs ciiiisMmg mo < > il\ uf ain.itucr plajeicon - MMuenlly | It should bo a Having ventuio Comolet us hear liom juu and decide what to do The \Vearois ufiln Kd Smith , the Uenver imitation , bisclid- lenged .lock Ashlon to fight for * 1,0K ( ) a sldo mid a purbo Young Martin tliohvker.ls quito asirappu- liimsi If and would liku to g.a on a go with hini'soy ' , or an ) othei 1 ID man. I'M Smith , the Denver pug , well known hoio. is now n bonifaio. Ilo has bought tbo Huguenot house , nt Noxv Kooholln , L I. linn Kvaus , formeily of this citv , his opened up agv in dovxn in Kansas Citx and Is tcachlug llio bojs hujx lo b.ixivstlo , lift and jump II iinoy 'I'avlor and Tom Welch , two local honxy xvclgbts , aio booked for a tlnlsh meet at ( ! ( i mania hall , South Omaha , Much 10 for tlio iilo rmipts. li.it Maslorson and Herb U otherof Den- er xxon s.lV , > J nn the U oods-Cunli < \ light nt New Oilcans Mend i.v night Tlio Ith.u.i giant was Knocked out in the second lounil , Abe Willis , tbo Australian liintniu who ar lived on the Alameela with.lim Hall mid Ilillx Maber , iscieillled xxilh having beslect IkoWoirln Unco loniiiU at hu benellt in Syclnoj . Tbo Alhlotlo club out In Denver bus odlpsi'u the Magic City club uttorl ) They have Idled Koddy ( ialligher as their In M in nor , nnd liuvo a do/en events on for tlio IILMI . 'lure. Al doirv reports that the contest hot w nun .lack Illgblovver of tills city ami Andv Mills nf Chicago Is nuw a fixed luilainty. All tli it lomihiH lo bo dune Is toHign tbo mticli-h uf ngieomenl nnd Hn date for tbo mill Tlio Sjdnuy Itofuiici Has. HUH Muipbv Iho fe.itherw tight champion was dofi HIM ! loccntly ni C ) licit-units hill , Ihoke-n Hill , lij ilini Itinvo lightxvpin'ht Tlie I { . f'ii > i < s.ivs tin' liailli- n a IMIIII i > iuIluigi. . w un MIC liiuiv in iluIvv. . i t\ - > i\Ui I..IHI 1 \i\ \ it u lit Il.lhd 1'jhi tl ul. Un j.UV AfUl Ihv l't' ' ' . < Mil P'IV ' was limn i il ff r his Riiieiidiiiidiu-U under pin islimi nt and it vv us fell In hud il.'inmu . Ml t. ) redPi'in Ins ihillailil In li'lWtM lo tin ) ( lilllo alTalr Ho Is still HUMOUS to Unlit P.uvson and IlillTo lllllx ( iliihs , nn old Oini.ha Inn Idlrlxer , lift * ( 'ot on a match ilowiiliiCiinliinatl wlth.lPllV Conncrs tlibhs Is a versaillo fellow , Owi- } dav IIP wants to tight , tlu < nrxl dny ho IM iiinkeii iiinti h toxvrcstle , nnd bi'lvvecn hoilH \ he c'ould llnd Him ) to cau-.v H trunk If then ) XVIIH an ) thlnn in it tor hi in. A number of prominent Minitlnu' liu'n ° ' this ellv HIP tall.tut ! of niisliitfii punn "f Jl.tHV for a Ilirlit hplwecn JiukDiivls , ( lui ' local hens ) xvolislit , and Millv Wools of Hoa xer It vxould no a pivInir investment 'I'nmniy U'arien , who is still ohm lillni ? oxiM'lils tvxo Hclits with I'ninmx Mlllni * , U boolied lo meet .lohnn.v Urinin nt Now Orloiins , Miuvh I'nirou ' SIIJN of all thn llcthh rs he ever mot Miller xvas the IMcutest muisacp Ivnss Clevi'lnnd a brother of Rlmcr-U sniiielhlni.'of a limpi- " 'I'mi" llercrrof the I'lttslnnys stood bofoiv ItivM the othi'l1 OVoll- In r nl I ( ! ixvi-piii-evllle , I'a , nnd lui nuvv hat an avxiiliii-nxet-lils pe r.hiipr should liiUo a fi-xx lessons of his hrnlhoi .lltnmlo t'an-nll sniTi'ivd from n m < vei-c at tach nl piilaiizement of the i-i-iiubitn after ris/sltiiiiiniis' xletorv and tli New-/'p.iliiiiilnr has shiiUcn htm and sitriiod a conti-nil xvllll OltoC I'loto for n llftcvn wceU'x lour fur $ * , iHd ) Now Cm loll IH liiintlnc ; lor a man to whip Ids laic net. ilnelc Oompscx has i elm-nod lo 1'oitlntul , Oiv , both n xv iser nnd 11 < her man Ho lost nnthiiiL , ' bx his lliht vxlth rit/simmons , hut a liii'Ki slice nf his rep , lini .NliCnnl , nil e\- Oinnha spoil. Is Dcmpscv piincipal niixlol- nirist , nnd IIP xxi lies thai hols piling up the ioi Its inountntn hlh ( no HI : in i.r. A t-iiuiiit t. So Sil.vs ilosopli Clllin.hci lulu in II Ittillicr Vlgoioils Speoc-li , v _ l.oxnus , 1'ob 'Jl jSpcvial Cablegruu to Tin-III i ( -Mi .loseph Cliimberlaiii , M. P , In n speech dellvoied at lllrmlngham toilav , said that noxv that it was po siilo ) to un lew lecent events , bo might sax. they brought their opponents , vvllllnglv or tiiixvillliii'lx/ nuieli tieaior the unionist c-cuielusloii , that Mr I'm neil hid proved himself unset millions , uiitiuUifnl , Ircnchci- ous and untiustvvoithv. The unionists la I art Ivod nt this opinion after the I 'ai neil com mission. The ( .ilndstonluiis only liggcel a little in coming to the sumo c'oncluslon. To them , Mr William O'llrlen was a (51.ul- ( stoiilin hero , hut ahuo Iho events which hid ti.msplieil at Iloulogne-sur-Mer ho ippoued to bo under a cloud Tbero xvas no icMson , linwex-er , lo place moie contl- donco in the other Mi Cnlh.xites All bad shown that thev desired to hoodwink the lit Ulsh public xx ith the ultima ! " Inli ntlon oC the simulation of lieland frnm ( ! i > at Hi li mn Any futuio hoinu iiilo bill must , contain all the necessary gimnmtces. It xx.is impossible to trust to the assurances of mix of the lii.h leaden 'I be statement , that Mi ( iladstono had not communicated xv i tli Mr I'arnc II was at net c placing of xvoids. li did not matter whether thuo wcio mma links than .Meilev , Mc-Carlhv and O'Hilou. I'nniell was pulling iu ono end of the chain and Mr ( iladstoue xxas fast giving w ix at tlie other. Mr ( 'iladstono bad niado cnreo'-sioiis and Mr 1'arnell had raised his pi ice If Mr. ( ihidstnno siiDinitteil fur- lliei Ihcio xvould bo another secession , add ing to tbi1 ranks of tlio dissident liberals. v Should Mr. Oladstonu bo nblo to r ptoposo a homo rule bill to- moiioxv , bo xxould bo in a cnilout position , trv ing to loivo homo rule on an un willing nmjoiity of thu lilsh nation foimod of I'.irnoH'a ailhoicnts and the piotostant loxalisls Mr Cliambeilaiii concluded bv saxing that hnmo lulo xv as dead , as pi-.ietical politics. When the land bill \\a passed and loi.il gox-oinineiit bad been given s. to liel.iud Millish eloetoi-a xvoiild care for x soeial and Inbiu ipiesltons Ho xv.is iiuxloim lo again take up Ilio social progiaiiimo of lssami hu appealed to bbor.ils ol all oilnions | to consider tins matter well , instead ol putsniug ailinueia. Till : .I.TI/'KJT.I.V .t SS r'l t'l'IM.V. It tlnj Wish it Hail Itoiiiiiincd In tlio Nationil gicoiiii-nl. Omti.o , IVb lTlio l AIIICIlean associa tion iiiaj wish befoin longlliat it bail neb boon in such a Inn i ) In getting out ol the na tional agi cement and still hie up a iiimpus. The national board of cimtiol mot beio today mid ( loil.ucd war to the Unifo on the1 Ameri can association. In a torso documuiit the hoird says the published reasons for the secession of the : nsociatlnn can bo reg.nitecl as moio iban a piotest. Tbo resulting ronscijuciKcs of its 111- approMilol iMiitrai Is vxith | ilaxcM > and its clubs h ix e loli-asod all men fiom ii'-.e-rvatinii. These nlaj-eis mo now fie-e < to sign vx ith any other n itioiiul ngieemeiil i hi I ) riullieimoio , a iigul linxcott is dielated against any claiming imilci- the auspices of theAmeilcan association In the coiileienie puieilmg the diaxv ing of Ibis iituliuneimi'iilo it xxns stntud , Hint the Hierb.tuer-Stoxav dicisnni was only' bui/od on btbo association us a good tixcuso to ] ) ull out A WICK lii'fcno Ib it di eisioa the'ii lepre'sonlatixi s had boon tr.ving to sicrn 1'feffer , Coonev , mid olhei Chicago me i , toll ing thc'in the association was about to with- di.ivv fiom the national ngii omont and that itcouldii I lust , that tin1 lo.igno was geiing to the willl anil the \\ustnii would join bands with tbo Ameilean. 'I'll men ipiuKlj imti. Heil Spaulding of all this Aln adv many pl.ivors loseivod by tbo nssoci ition ha\o telegraphi-d their intention of standing li > the nation it ngu'cniient , ami the sociition Mill piobaliK Hud iKolf in n bad way for pi ivors vxhon the season opens Tbo In ternational b ague bus telogiaplud 'I'hmmaii that tbev will stand bx the national ngice ment , and a proposition Ins be-in icMixod fiom a gentlemenl v ho o name has lioon kept quiet to form i. new league in t lie- fast to taUQ theplnco of the association. U hat xvill Imp- inn the latter ilepi mis upon whether the AiiKiiian nssoci ition expresses lepe-nlunco ana comes hick into the fold SPEOFAlj NCVPICKS. COUNCIL BJ.UFFS. HAKI.AIN- I'or bar. ibis In hiuiscs , lots , fniins .mil _ , minis mid iln i ll-l lo so li i I finm. i ill on liibnstnn .x Vim I'.illi'n. I vc n II lilmk. CoiincMI Illulls _ _ | ju > u \i.r-s.p ( | pot noes LOW i.iixin'is lit 1 I .iilv HUM' indDliln. Apdv | in Mi'ilim.t Itislitnn ' . ' .it i : llioulw.i ) , or 'Jl'i \ Inct slreot , ( nun. il Illulls. _ I.K- \ b ir.-ahr in iiimlcin IIDII O with all the Into liiipiiivcriii'iils. M > V on inuiiix. will M II on e.i-j p ij mi m.s , l.iruH .1 un Un I Ifth .1x1 inn. imitoi Hue. I ) . I Iliitehln- -nli. ( d ? llliinlw.i ) Ij nltAI.I I'lgbl-i iinn linnsinnd two luts , I mi Haiil-un si. A modern IMMIHI. ami t LMiiiil bniiio cheap. l > . .1. llnlchliiMiii , Iil7 llnmdniiy. l/l > lfs\j | ; Voi\ line loaiKli'i. 4.ius. 4 . nnd * xi ty line fanill ) ni.iri' , ( yi-ais , elm ip f ir cash , ( inc. < ir span U 111 | p , | > foi mil Ight pi- ami Mm llniiiieliis. iniisio u aeliui , Ill-tills- m in Mi , el Cduni-ll Illiilfh. IT'Olt s \ | , | - ( 'in , , sln.'lo and ilniilili' rn idT Nlcrs and In- ivy ill iii lii Inusos \\lllnlvi nil in lei- for nn ) wtvln of linisi-s wniilol. l.i i\i > nrdc > rs vvlib Di U. l , pati m icmnl li > t-r > ami silo ht.ibles , S | and. . ' : \ M.uu ( oiinell Illulls FOIMVLE or ItniilMlirluii lin I. wltT hiiiuu * . by J. It lUoa. 101 Main d . 'Jouuoll UlutTt CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffd. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . G 3,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . 215.000 iHlir ions I \ Mlllnr , I' O llli > is in I' b. hlnu-irl I. I' Ilirl , ,1 I ) IMininidvm.iliirt.il . Clliinnin 1'ruisua KKiiuril liiukliu li Mi nus l.irost I'ipiiil .ui | hurpuH uf uny li.inl. In s .ulliwusttirn I nv i. INTCMEST UN TIIVI& DEPOSITS , D. Il7 McDanckfiSTCo" Butchors' ' aid PacKars' Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casing , M i Inili il ( OV , 1C M . r , I l la. \1 U ll.iuii IK. I 1