ill < J OM MIA DA I hi JHMV. "rTm\ . 'ni.Y'i THE JiAXIlim RATE BILL. Dtlcnnineil Opposition Muniftstetl Toward Ne\vberry's \ Schodulo. StNATOR SWIIZLER'S ' SUBSTITUTE. A Spilt \tnmiK ( In * Inilependeiits on tlu > Contest Appropriation Hill - Shi'iiiiau ' . Meinoiliil Sri-\k'i's Iti'llcl' liimntlons. I.ivcoiv , Xcb. , IVb -Spoelnl | to Tnu / ir.l Thorois u altong light beliiR inndo on tin imulmumfiolK'lit tate bill , and xvhcn the ini.isuiocoiiics up in the scnnto tliu sttrngth of the opposition will bo madoappiient The llphtvvlll not bo ntnilo Roleiy by the lo'uby Jl ulll bi ) tiilicn pnrt In by a inniihor of Iho tneinboM on the Moor xvho aio opposed to the measure Kxldcneo of dlssiitisfaitlon has nci'iitnulntod hero. Imxlng IHVII for- vx.udeil hy fmmors , stock rmsoiN , xxholisalo ih alors anil sottlcM in llio fnintier iimnties , vxho iloslro llio lallrouts to tin cxteiitletl to their section of the stnle Hi shto those xx ho will Vote against the inoisiitu becausi' of llio olijii-tlons these clissimako to II , then1 aio others xxho s.iy thex xv 111 vote against It be- tl.oy cannot ti 11 xxhether or nol to Pass the ineasuio xxonld illToid the lollof ih nmiulcil. Tboro is scarcely a doubt that the doinaml made hx Tm Uri for rail- load leplstnllon IsHiiliscribod to bx a ninjoilt ) of both houses , but that majoiily dunands a lull vxhlcli shall bo Just , xvlse and pnulii-nl It donhtH that the ineusiiro in question is such a bill. " \ . " "tliat \Vh.itguiiantrplinxii xvo , they isle , this nmenilcd bill of Noixboiix s IHIIIIJ hellei than hla llrst one xxhtch uiised tlio latos nbout T5 poreonl above what the fiimeis me paying now I That bill coinpilsod IfJ pagoi nnti cost Ihoslnle hundieds of dollars That money wns squniuleicd His second bill Is juslas taigo mid costs Just as much And what Is tlicie in III Simply the i.iilroid in- foimatlon xxhifhho has picked up fiom a cheap ittorney vxho Unoxxs no nmin about tin ) neeils ot llio fnimors ami shippers th in ho docs about tlio statutes. That IMI t the M > IIivo vvlienco xxo aio going to pet om i all- ro ul legislation " In dpliivnco to thrio objections , Senator Sxxlt/ler will Intiodmo n maximum fielght into bill in the semite Monday. It will nut lo n sweeper U will ho so ihaxvn as to mnko n stutter and belntolll giblo to the farmer and shipper. Its max imum intos xxill bo lixed on coin , coal , lum ber and RI iiln. 'Ihoso xxill bo the rates xxhiih now govoin m loxvn Hi ) xxill atlompt no eliango In the rales on other cooils. These ho xvlll look after , hoxxever , In this w.iv , hy luovlillng thai thev shall not be greater than they aii ) nt the piosi'nt time , or the tlmi ) of the p.issagoof thu bill , or until ehniigctl by Iho boaril of transportation , vvlilcliexer the legislaluro may ilccido upon. 'Iln * Contest. L.I scot , v , Neb , Fob ai. ( Special to Tin : Uri'.j Thoaiinouni-emoiilof ibobill for tlio payment of the expenses of tlio contestants nml contostcos In tlio lite election hus caused n .split among the Independents. Some of them xvlll xotu for its pissago and others ag.xinst it. The former compilso the tailual element , who niu ready to vote for anv thing vx huh may bo Introduced under puty en dorsunout. The latter aio ilinioiuts and lepubln-iins who feel that as no eonkst lias been nnthoii/od by the b'gislntme , noconkst expenses should bo allowed ' ) hey hold tint the dissemination of this Idea will , in the futuie , nlniil liidixnhmls ftom attempting to Bii'ino seats to xxtiuli the ) aio not entitled , cspiviallx xv ben the ) knoxx tlio iitotile are to foot the bills. Theio Is seine svinnatb ) here , bovxever , for Iheionlcskos Thex had not sought Iho tumble andyelwi'io eompelliil to oniploy atlomeys , stenographois and incur other expenses to ilcicnil sx title which the people bud conferred upon them. This sjm- jmtliy would Impel in.'mv to vole lo p ly the es.pci.sos of these men only , but of couiso the filomlsof the ineasuio as a vv hole would not .igiooto suih u disci ( initiation It xxas xxitli tlio hope of securing the pay ment ot the contestants' expenses that those of the contestees xxoro embodied in the mcasuro , The latter haxo political friends among thu reimbllians and ihmociats x\ho dcblie them to bo reimbursed for their ( \iLintlttnn | la the lontost Hut their iloslro can not bo icali/ed unless the mcasuro , us a xxhole , passes tlio logislatuio. These voles , tl o liulept ndents hope to locrceiinil thus gun their pumt. I ho intioduction of this bill slims n depaituro from the plan outlined some dixs ago li.x Mr. Kdgeiton , tholandidato fornttornov goiicial , \vlio snhl the Independonl jiailx xvotild ilefiav the i'\K'iibos of ilsilefeiloil nonnnies. The gentleman , boivovei , xxas mistaken 'I'ho matter - tor was ivfoiivd to the alliaiue and Ihoro xvas found to bo sm b a divided sentiment as to tlio election of tlio lamlitl lies Unit the immoj \ \\inililiintbuvotoil The camlidates , Ilieie- foie , had no allernative but to IntioJuce Una bill and take thelt eliaiues ' 1 his \\.is done without , nn uniloistniuling botxveon them and tliocontestei's or the at- toinoys of the latter All of mntcstees infornipd Tin HIM lipieacntatixo that thev inane no attempt lo bo Included in llio bill mnl that this enl nol Instriut lluir counsel to make any attempt for them They feel , of coniso , that tney have been Imposed upon in being iilli'il on to p ly out thousands for nothing , but iln'm ' that they mo sitNtlcil to doi < o rather than bo made" the i-atspnxxs of the independents to pull so many chestnuts out of the lieisui ) 11 is illfllciill to determine ' xct vv hat disposi tion will bo niado of the bill' It is i-ciialn , hoxvevcr , Unit the big fees which the .Utor- iii's haxo put in for thoin-elvis will llr.d mi ) thing but favor , wliilo thi ) stenographers , w lie lux n bien almost foi gotten , xxill bo re inembeietl in a manner coimnenstir.UO xvltli the work which they haxo done. r.xi'lndiiig Solilifis' \\XOM | , LIMOIV , Neb , Teb Jl. [ Speciil to TUB llH-.J The lesultof Iho visit of the tinanco comuiitteo on wnys and means to the bohliera' ' and sailors' liomo xv ill bo sho\\ \ in an amend ment to the laxv which created tint Institu tion. tion.Tho The legislature txvo ) cars ago appropriated t'.fiOO for the erection of collages for Iho purpose of carrying out iho piovisious of iho laxv caring for soldiers' wix-o < , xxidovvs ami cliililreu , the last mentioned utuler llftoen years of ago \Vithtlils nnioiiutthcio hnvo been built seven cottages , each contilnlng txxo families. Sex cntveight applications , lotnptising seventy-two men , sex only wo men and HI children , have been imulo for those cottages. Of this number only lift ) txxo are noxv being cared for iu thebo sopa- tate structuics. The application of women and children must , under the piesenl Inxx , fee endowed bv the commlssloneiN of the count. in xxhich they have been residing for at least tw o v otm prior to their application , and in whiih also they must have been dependent upon the county. It Is proposed in the amendment to haxo this ilopenilency ceitilieil to In the ilislilu Judges in. stead of the county commissioners Ills also proposed to iecei\o no Into tbo homo who is not ut least tifty years of ago. There lias been found to bo gooil icasons for this change and the state is not without preci'iiont. In the soldiers' liomea , under the direction of the general gox eminent , no wives are admitted. Among the other sol diers' homes throughout the states there are only three which care for women. It Is not liupiohnblothut eventually the law xvlll bo aincniloil so ns to exclude xxonicn even from the home nsxv under consideration. Another amendment will enable pensioned soldiers to remain in the homo and piv their board Noxv , us soon as a man receives n pension ho must go out into the xvoilil nud perhaps Uloiu the gutter. Opinions on tlio Oontt'st LINCOLN , Xob , Fob 21 [ Special to TUB Her. ] The prohibition attorneys who made such a disastrous failure In engineering the coptcsl casesuro going to Invo anythluc but nu easy time in getting their claims lor fees through the houso. The Independents ns a rule urociy guarded in their expressions concerning the tnatlor , and apparently ileslro to Icavo plenty of room to "hodgo" should It become necessary , but U U ver ) evlduit tliat thev nre pot going to allow these enormous fees without u protest. It h hinted tliat Powers will lese bU form aud become u tu Kr < pt unlost Mi Mtutori ri hnrttl ' , nn l , n n , tinii ilm IIWXITS U l I r u'la. ' ts bv xvlmh the ipn'fttnlits may bo in id jursiiciil' n < | Miii ii l < f > r Iho foi- , and that thn Inlluem e ivill foivc Iho claim tli rough imiloi ulilpnu-l | uir. ] ust us pro cntc < d Hcluvv xxlll bo found SOUK' ' of llio expressions of moinhora of nil shades ot po litical belief Hoarding the expenses of tlio Contest t \\llllnnn of ( Inffp ( wp 1 The luvvxrr * xxllt tmvi' to ptil that bill Ibrough ulltiimt any hi'lii from mo. Clifford i rep. i of Pawned -Tliat bill h the most cheeky thing bofero tlio legislature. Thev will \\n\c \ \ fun ( rotting U tbrougb the M.ttiioxvsoii ( iloui ) Will 1 vote for that bill I Not much ( ileiuLet ) the men Who cot up this contest pay their own bl Hi Wilson ( liidi'nf Admin -My first itnpios- sionsareilociili'illy .igalnsl Iho bill 1 muv clinngu mv vluxxs , bnl I am not noxv In favor of inv Ing the attorney fees in the Slilplo ) uloni ) of I'uiiilng'Iho prohibition lnxxors got up thlseon'c t In order to got their lingers Into the public treasury , but ns fur as I aiiu'oneorned they nio doomed to u U'rilblo illsappomtmont ( loiulniil ( imliof ( lospor Iivlll Investigate tbo cnso bcfuie pusilng nn opinion. Haggles ( hull -Mx mind Is iiiauoup on this fee b'isiiiiss , and xou will hear from mo xvlinn the loll is oallid 1'clton ( hullV xvill cut doxvu the attor- nex fees very m.itermlly Halo dud ) of Ilnnvn rinit hill xxill never go through I xv ill not xoto for it utuler anv consideration M ) coustltuonls did not send me down hoi e to .squander their haul e.unoil iiuiiiov In any snob manner. n iiml ) Thex haven't slipped any thing into in ) pockit yet , nml I guess they iloa'l expect any hilp from me. 1'axon iropi of ( ! igo I hnvo just one vote toiastcn thofee buslnois mid lint will bo "no" 1'orter ( Ind ) wus disposed to bo facetious. He said Unit If StnoUlir anil the other nl- tomovsdid not ihlnk the bill high enough , hoxxoulil fax or nllnxxlng them a bonus. Ni'hiaslcn Kollol * . ( Maimgci Ltiuldou of Iho N'obiasUi lehof roniiils < lun lisuestbo following , showIng - Ing the amount of donations xxliicli hnvo hi en dlitiibutoil through tlio assodatioa sliiio the Dasmgoof hou o loll No TO : I'.douso C'ltx' , Wash , Hour , provi sion , clothing ? J90 M County i lorn mid othus in Uundy couiitx , Hour nml 11000 Citi/oiiH of Daxvion county , Co/.ul , piovlslon and ilothlng 10 ( H ) 'iis of Diwson fonnly , l.cxlnir- ton , provision and olothliig . . . . . 0300 Lxons , Wnki'llflil , Dakota Oitv , pro vision , clotliinn anil grain 2.2900 \Vakolleld , pioxUiou , gi iln and clolhlng I0r 00 Dakota L'itx , piovision , gialn and clolhliiK 210 00 Hov. ,1 10. Vontig , cash distributed nt Wallace .13 ; il Clti/ensat D.ill ) Mraneh , provision , clothing and giiin 20'J CO Citi/ens of St. Ddvv.nds , piovlslon , clothing mid giatn 10000 Hov. Itoburt Ltslio , Hudson , Win. , Horn at Indiaiiula 1000 ( lalosburg , III , Hour law ) \V. .1 (1 ( .x , Co. Hour a-J 00 Siirlngllolil , 111 , i > er Hor. M li. Tioxell , ush 2 1'J ' Mrs.l A. Canlleld , Lenox , M.ISS. , cash 500 $ J'C ( | US Citl/ens of Wallace , llvo pai taijes of clotli- ing ; ilti/cns of i'lattsmoiit'i ' ) pounds of ilotlilng. South Onialia , txxo b.nrols and ono box of clothing , Shannon , 111. , txxo b.nielsof ilothlng ; Telcnn , ill. Neb , into box of cloth ing , A Tuhor , Coloiado Spiiiigt , ono box of clothing , ( ! A U'illinns , L'lniago. ono box .md tvxo bairels of clothing , \V. M s , ( irand Island , Neb. , thieo packugos of cloth ing The amount of goods ordered hy tbo coin- mission to date Is ns follows : I'axlon \ . ( iidl.iglior , Omaha . $ Ids. 10 Met'oid , Iliad ) , \ ; O ) . IC ) ! , M llargieaves Bios , Lincoln . ( V.i ! , . " , ! . ! lia.M'ioiul Uios , Liiuoln . fi.l' > 'K ' ) 11. 'l' Lau . I.TIbTO Total . ? ir,5t,0.0i , : The roiiiiiiltt4M' Divided. rixcoi x , Noli , I'eb 'Jl ( Special to Tun Uri ] Tlio house lommittoo on lliinncc , xvays and means hold n. lengthy session this foicnoou and consideied the Jatinntes sub- mittid b ) tlio ile.if and dumb as ) him at Oin ilia They cut out the sum of * " , . " 00 for "employes' ' wages , " and allowed ? iiill)0 ( ) , the amount asUeit for xxagos of teachei-i. The item of i 000 for hospital vxas leilnced to Sl"iKl ( , nnil seine minor ihangesvein undo. Tlio t'stlni itei" Iho ofllco of souetarx of stain weio allovveil with tbo exception of a reduction in the s.dnix of tlio " 10- conlir" fiom ? I , ! ) d to 51,1)00 ) Tlio coinmit- teu is not xx orbing in hniiiionv Of the olexen inembers , Callln , I'uinell , Stjxxait , Sodeiumn , Stexens ot Sbnocu of Cass are lionetlv endonxoring to "bi'xx closi ) to tlie lino" In Iho matter of ap- pioiii'itions , b'lt aie being stinngly antm'on- i/oii by the other inembois of the committee. U looks as if tbo light will be transform ! to tlio Moor of the house by the member * pleilned to leduco the exp mihtiues , vxliere they xvill at leist have tbo oppoitumty to put the members on lerord. Ilccoiiiniondcil I'or 1'assago. I.IMOIX , Neb , I'eb. Ul. [ Speciil to Tin : 15ii ] The house judlniry ionniitteo loom vvns crowded during tbo foienoon session with repiesentatixcs of the Iliismeas Men's association niul de'iiyatcs from the Knights of Labor of this ilty nml Omaha The bill 11 mid consideiation vv ns house roll . .01 , in- I reduced by Dunn of Colfaxxhicti proxldes Unit merchants max garnishee lo per cent of the \\ntrcs of woiMiigmen to Hquldato debts iiuuiredbv tbo puielinsoof tlio necessirics of life Thoeconimitto topoitcd a i amend ment niovidlng that tbo laxv should not apply to existing debts , and bj ainijoiitx xoto fCLonuni'iiiied for pu Migu by a iniorit ] ) of the committee. Sofvlco-J. Ltvcoiv , Neb , 1'c.b 'Jl ( Special to Tup Bir ] Very eloinient and impressive mem- ornl seivices in commemoration of thu death of licncialVillinm Tecumseh Sliermuu xvero bcld In the hall of the house of Koprcscuta tlxes today by Chaplain DllTenbaeher SpcaUing from the text "Well ilono , good and liuthful servant ; tbou hast been faithful oxer fen things , I xvill maUo the ruler over nnny , " the learned itlxlno ilix'lt upon the .signal services reudeicd to his lountiy by the laincnlod general in Ihe trx iug limes of , depleted In glowing eolois tbo wondei- ful inarch of "Sherman to tbo sea , " nud closed his remark' xv itb a touching tribute to the inoial worth 'lOillstinguisbed veteran , borne excellent L. 'c ' xxas rendeied. I lido I ! nil eli , Postponed. LINCOIS- . Neb , Keb ' M - [ Special to Tnr Hi i' . ] The house jiidldnry committee , after some lively discussion , voted to Indetlnltoly poslpono house toll luibv Stevensof 1'urnas , which proviilos that "all flues , penalties mid liccnso money niUlng under tbo constitution mid general laws of tl.o slate sh ill bi lorn ; to anil boturnejintotlio state sihoolfuiul , " nUo a bill 11'ip.iiilng a bond for iosls tiled in a cu II suit b ) pUnitltT in Justice of the pcaco courts before commeiulng aillon. Approve MniirorilV Hi'hoino , Ltvcoi s. Neb , Teh Jl. [ Spetlal to Tan HLU ] The folloxvlng resolution intioduced hy Vorheesof H.imillon , has been approved hy a m.iioritv of the house committee on fed eral relations. lii'sohed , by the IIOINO of reprosentatlxes of tin1 state of rMlirasKu. tlio somto enneiir- rlng. 'Hint our st n itors anilropn ent illxos In cimuriss art ) hi'ii'liy reiiucstiil to u u their best eltoils lo scenre t lionas-.iieof the bill hit induced byeimtor " pruv Idmg fur the lo.inln'iif iiinney li ) lliti goxoiiiiiiint d'- ' rn t m tlio | H'oilt | nn hiini SM urllj. Several liidepondents will oppose this reso lution on linal passage , and it will linely bo defeated in the house Tlio . li'inoi'lal to Congi-esq. Lisroi.N , Neb , I'eb. -Special [ to Tin : Hi i : ] The house committee on federal i elation * ins approval and vvih rupert for pissn0'i > iho memorial inlioduccd in the sen ate bv Stexeus , asking an appropriation from congress for the relief of the drouth stricken sufferers. The memorial Is very lengthy , and recites tbo causes that has led to this condition of affairs , and closes with tao fol lowing : "A reliable estimate- based upon the r o 'urni ' frui ) tvc ilr iM > mi < IMI ; i U titlnni II a' ' no exiu IM ir' ' at'pri x'ui.i'K ' ( " ' * * ' " ' vv in bo it | iur < .1 1" s i | i ix Hi" xnr > in s of ir i d m oded f i plintitit ! un < l a bn I'odsup plv nf gnig fur feed fur tuum To moot this latter demand .voxir ineniorl.illst * earn- entlx and respect fullv ink tint congress may make sueh eaily ptov Wnn < ns tlio oxkon clos of tlio situation tcqultcs nml tlui bm i- tie'ssof vour augint bed ) nm ) peiinll.1 I'uispei'ls fur an Uxcltlng i'lnlsli to Its Illisj i\lsl 'iici' . WXSIIIXOTOX , I'eb. ' ; ! [ Spviil to Tin ; Hn ] Washington Is prop mug fur nn f v citing cloio of thn Pi ft ) llwt i-oncroM H la pwbnblo tbtt tlio hut forty eight hours of tills session , which ends at noon on March I , and consequently a weelc fiom next \Vodnovhy , xxill hi ) as exciting IH hnvo over boon witnessed In the gtcat halls of congrcsi Only b ) anticipating ox-oecillugly neivoin scenes , and only b ) the rule that It Is HID un expected that happens , can tbo moil exasperating ating moments bonvoited. U Is nol often tbil ono tuitv scares a posl- llxo majority In tbo cntlro complc- inent in U'.ishinton 'Ibo lepubllcuns huvo often had the presidency nml ono or the other branch of congress , but the , have not often soi in ed both the presidency and both br inches of congress nt llio simo time xvllliln their hlttory It xxill bo lemombered that when Piosfdent Aithur xvii'i In thn oxeeutixo mansion the republicans had ub.uiluto contiol of Iho I'l'i'tv-soventh congress. It vv is then the tnrlll xv.ii rev iscd for the llrst Hum In nmn ) voars. 'Ihote xvns a punt deal of Itnportunl legislation enacted , but much moio reached the xorv vcrgo of completion and then failed 'Ibo I'oso ' of the I'oilv- sexoiilh i-ongioss xxns us xxildly ex citing ns a t'linultnous mans meeting in lovolnllimiry d iv s Tno sergeanl at-iums in the house xxns for hours at a ti'iiosittlng sllentlx beside the niaie or marching through the aisles of the chamber with that emblem of order and authority In his hands Often did the speaker iihect tlio sergoant-al arms to compel member * to bo in order. Hpoalter Hied IMS gicalor control oxir the ho no linn Speaker ICelfor , and it is piobablo that the mm from Milne xxill he moio successful In pioserxlng order than the gontloinan fiom Ohio , although both In cimttolling laige boil lea nio of disposition It is almost a custom to keep congress hi continuous session all nlglit ami diiiliigall of Sunday whenever it ends Its existence he- foio the middle of the week. This longress , uxpiiing ns it does nl noon on Wcdnosdiiv , xxill llkel.x icfuso lo lake an ndjouinniinl for n.iv considoi.iblo lenglh of lime after the close of this month and xvII * piohihly con tinue light thtough StuiU.i ) Itundoubtcilly looks barbaroii i to the ( Jhiistiau lu the coun- ttv for llioeongiess to be in boisteious sos- slon at a time when tbo chuiehbelU thixnigh- 0111 tlio land me tinging for leligious serviics. It is a lament iblo lominent.ition upon the legislative brain li of the coimtiy thai inembers of the house stand upon the lloor of thai national body and piitliinato in tno most exiiting and exasperating debates , fiequentl ) slinking their threatening lists nt each othe'-nnd nltcring innuendo at the very moment when sacred liy inns aio being sung in tbo clmrclies and foixcnt pr.iyeis nio going up fiom thousands of pulpits. Thoipiustion may uiisei in seine minds how sueh pioceedinga can bo inulolm fid in view of the national as well as < 4ato Sunday l.uxs Sessions of congiessrunning tlnough Sunday appear on iccoid in the proceedings of Sat- uulav A session of congiess would be eon- tlnuoiis and would appear on lecoid on the llrst dav of the mooting xxoro it not foi the ilnllv adjournment. .A session is lontnuiona until then * Is adjournment A locess does not bie.ika legUlnllvo da ) . Ciener.illy when eoncioss leinainsinlonlinuoussession dining its ilosmg diis thoio is an adjournment nt noon on c.u li d.i ) , and then a ininiilo. or txxo liter the boilv meets in an other loglslntuo diy Tins collects Ibo Joiniial mid keeps Iho record straight When tin 10 Is a lontiuuoiii essio'i lluimgli Sun day , the longiess , or Ihe body of it which keeps in session , takes an adjoiiininont Just bofeio o'cloik noon on Monday , and the lepiMatlvoday xvhUh begun at noon on fc-at- urda ) oiuts. 'Jims , the legislative day of Satmdav is of loitx eight boms' duration. \\hentlio iipubiieans cnteiod upon their duties vvilli thoconxoning of the piesontcon- gi ess in December , Isvi , the ) had manifold duties to peiforin They vxcro pledircd in their national and stale plalfoiins to do cer tain xvoik As ninth of this has been done as xxas possible Although the liouso auopted a code of lilies xxhich it xxas believed vx oiild gix o the majority absolute con trol of that bed ) , llieio xxero divisions belxxcon the cast and west vvilhintho patty lines , vxhieh made it iilinost Impossible to enact legislation In the ex.ict form . . -liieli tlio party had pledgeil. Tlieio Imvo been ns nianx piomises kept as possible and as many lulllilmenUs of piomises m Into ns it xvas pos sible w ith the nan o.v iiurgin of a majorit ) in tlio loxvor hraneh of toiiL-icss. One thing can ho slid of thiseongiusb xxblch it is difil- culttosay of an ) otliei , and that is no jobs or schemes of disbonesty have been sent to the president The legislation which has been enacted has In en of a national and clean cb.n.icter , abuvo Thiuo xxill bo no ajiolo'-'ics to lender foi xvh il lias been done It is onlv neioss.ny for the people lo under stand thai llio majoiity has done as much as it eoulit. ii v. YIU : HKoiu.iir HACK. Tin ) Allogeil Mmdoror ol * Connors Grows Vei'j Kotioi'nt. Sot go-lilt Ornisby ictiirncd last oxening fiom 13.iv en port with .loo Oxxyor belli veil to bo the man who innrdoiol C'onnon and slibbcd Cnsbing in the l loventh slrcet lodg ing den last Sunday mottling. Dwyer is a loxx , heavy built voting man with a smooth f.ue and light blown hair. Although ho talked qnilo fieel ) with Sergeant Ornisby en Iho way lo Onmh'i , ho became very lutleent when apptcachedby icpoitoiv , . In a short conveisation with a Uii. : man last nighj Dxx'jer admitted that ho vxas at Iho place where the murder xvas committed , and when usked if lie did not take u band in the light , ho said ! " 1 suppose I did , hut I nm not ready to nnko a statement about Iho mutter vet. I have not seen an attorney yet , and don't \\ant to talk to anybody just noxx1. ' lxv\cr said his people llvo in Plttsbmg. IIo is Ixx cutonoeaisold Ho said ho got out of the lodging liouso tlnough a small wln- doxv before the confusion had subsided , lie stalled lo leave the illy immediately after tlie uniulci , crossing the liver on the Unmn Paeillo biidgo and boarding a Hock Island tinln as it pulled out of the yaids in Council UlulTs ailv Sunday morning , lie stopped off at r.exoral places on the way to Divcnpoit ami found n tiax cling companion In the-person of n deserting soldier , with vxliom ho enteicd Davonpoil and sought a night's lodging at the police station , The next morning the chief of police asked tlio deserter xvboro they came fiom , and ho said Omaha Having a iMid fiom Chief Seaxoy describing Oxvyer nt hand , it xxns but the xxorlc of a moment to discover that the heavyset - sot young lodger ansxxered to the dosei Iptlon exaetlx , so Iho thief of police orilei'tl linn locked up and a tologrun xxas scut to Chief Si avey. Dxvy er appjirs to be qulto nervous and mioas ) , and is evidently laboring under the unticlpition of soxero punishment. Mrs Mnry M. Anderson , the mother of ev- Count ) Commissioner L. M. Anderson , died ) osieidny , al llio ago nf hoxunl ) four ve.irs. The funeral will take nlnco on Monday after noon nt a o'elock , at the residence ol L. M. Anderson , I'Jlti Hurt btrcct. Tbii'lySevi'iitliVcdilint : Anniversary. Hey. and Mrs. 1. U HrndricU of South Omaha enturtalned n fexv friends at dinner Triday evening , February-0 , the occasion being Iho thlrt ) seventh aunivciMiry of their mari'nge. ' These present were Mr. and Mrs ] j \ \ Ta.vlor , Mt. Pleasant , In , Dr. and Mrs. P S.Mori ill , Mr. and Mis. .1 O. Philllppi , Mr. Charles Carson , Mr.Vill llradrlcic , Mrs IMilllippl. Mrs SetliTuvIor and Mr. and Mis C I ! Ilr.ultlek. A Cable Conilni'lor Iniiiioil. C. L. Hopkins , a conductor on the cable line , was painfully squeezed last night wliilo attempting to couple some cms xxhioh xxcro being inken lo the poxvor house. Ho was In- lured in the right breast and was tnncii to his homonl lull South Txvcutloth street In a carriage and a phsleian c.illed. The Injur ies , although pilnful , uio uot believed to beef of u icrlous nature. SOME CHEArSPOlir ASSURED , Onmlm nutl Lincoln to ColHilo for tbo Entire Gate Receipts , ROSTER OF THE NEW GATE CITY TEAM. Iciirj Tulli'licll Slglwil'Mi'n rnilcr Cimtrai'l-A IMotpcciUo AnmliMir Allilt.'llt : ( 'lull and otliciNott'i. . Oxtxin , I1ob. 1C , 1 01To IHvo. Uoxxe , nianagcrof the t.lnrola baie ball club Hir- I hereby elialli'iiito jouton seiles of llvo games to bo plnxoil botxxi'pn thoOinahas and laiieoln , piior to tlio onciilngof Iho cham pionship scison , Iho xvlnnerof the sorles lo tnko the i-iitlio gate ui'olpts of all thn games , cichclub pivlnirlts own expcnnes. If xou accept , tiotlfv mo at emu and 1111110 the dites. I'.p t ) llnixnr , Secretiry of the D H li r I.IMOIV , Neb , Pit ) . vl ! , is'M ' To I'.d O Ilrandl , setivlaiy Oiiialm base ball ctuli - Sir Vourchailengo Is hcivbvafccptod mint heartllv 'llio llrst two ( .Mines lo bo pl.neil in this city Saturday and Sunday , Apill I and . " > , the next txxo in Oniiha Satuidax anil Suiiilnv , April Is and lit , mnl the pbiio for the Ilftli g.imo to bo decided b ) a toss UP I ) xx i Hoxxr , Mr.nag.-r U. 1 11. 0. Nlmnnon sli-im Imrrx Ixx Itoholl. Manager Khannon.iKiiod iho lasl man In Omaha's ivtl learn jiwtenlav aflornoon in no less a persoiiagoth'in Lany Txxltchell of the old ciiamplon Detroit club. This noxv com pletes the team , and a gieit one it is. Mo- Cauh' ) , Hist ; Sliiiniion , second , I'lovi'lanil , third , \Valsh. short ; Twlti hull , tight ; \Vilhs , inltldle. Caniivan. left : Sharrott , linker , Knoll , I'lnrko and i'.itoljoig , pitchers , and IIalli'an ( and Ninvnnn i ateliers That U an airav of talent any ill v might ho piond of , and If the ) do not t llio the pennant thov xx 111 icitaiiilv nko us nu artiilo of bill Unit will permit "of no Unking In addition o TxvltilieirsguMt hiUingand lleldintfiiualltlos he Is a piteherof no mean ability , la fait is a llneall-iouiHl man , and mil add a town1 of stroiigth to tlio loeil teun Noxv let the lobin Login to ihlrp. The Men Actually The men who have thus far actually put their names to an Omaha contiact for the piosent .xear aio MeCmiley , Nexvinan , Hal- ligan , Slmnott , HaKer , Kiteljorg , Caiiavan , \\lllls , Simniion and Cleveland , leaving Walsh , ( . 'laike. Knell nn-l Sten/ol yet to sign The piohabilitlcs aio , now that Mana ger Shannon has secured such a brilliant arr.i ) of pitching talent , that Clarke will bo sold This will bo no disappointment to the baseball patrons , ns thev haxo had quite a suflliycncv of his crankiness , ami aio per- feitl ) willing to uivo seine other city a taste of it. Contratts will lu sent out to all tbo unsigned men this morning. Oin ilm VH Nexv York. The AYestein association is n Dig gainer in ono p.n ticiilar , any way , by tlio rcvoit of tlio Amoiiean iissoilutlou ngainst the national agieemont , and that is that Ibo woild's series next fall xxill bo fought out by the xv Miners of thn league pcnirant and our own raucvOmaha bmUingii ) ) against Xexv Voik nexl October Can wo lick 'cm ' ( Well , 1 guess xxc can tiy. 'Mniuiucr Shannon Next Week , Mmacr } Shannon will leivo Ihul.'opoit , Conn for Omaha next Thuisiiax. Ho will stop a ilay in Noxv York and another in Columbus , O , and xxill piobibly ariivo lieie not earlier than Kiiday. Upon ins ni- riv d woik upon the giojnds and buildings will bo immediately begun. I.ini'oln's Suiid.xy ( ii-onntls. Lincoln's now Sunday gioumls will bo opened Saturday , April t , with a be tween Oinnhn and Hoxxe's pets. This xxill ho tholhst of the extra challenge senes , and Manager Dave sii ) < - hell haxo out a eioxvd of 5,000 or moie. _ Adjourned I'm One \Voo-k. About ninety young gentlemen interostcd in the organi/ation of an amateur athletic club , met in rooii ICT ) , lieo building , last ovinlnt ; , but adjourned until one week from tomoiT'XV night xxitliout aceomplishing aii- o I/ailjV I ) . I ) ' 1 Ins SIMHOII. On tiecount of the percentage system ailoptcd by the Western association , the lonl minagemeiilwill lie inmblo to give lames' daxs this soison In lion thereof , ladies will bo admitted to all paits of tlio giounds for ir > icntb. Sootlv tioriloa ICiHl i\lviis. Arrangomenls are heing niado for a llniih content botxxcon htotty Uoulon , the imn who once nion ) a time put 1'aJd ) Miinay lo blce [ ) , and a saddle eoloied touth , nainud Mouie. AN aitr i.Ns'irruii ; . Possibility 'I li.U Ono Will ! ! < Cstab- llslicd in Oinalin Vor.x Soon. The idea of electing and maintaining an in hist.Into in this city originated with Mr ( ! \V. uiaiuger seine time nn , and thuo is now a prospect that his plans in this diiectioi mil bo consummatedvvillmi Iho next few months. Tbo one thing that has niado the c.irrynif , out of these plins possible at the preson time is ofler of Mr. Cicighton , xxbo has LOiisontctl to give a ten ycai-s' lease of tlio propeity at Eighteenth and Chiiago sticcts fico of groinul lent , provided an institute fo teaching nit nml music bo erected anil in tin tained. Mr. Uinlngcr 1ms the piojec In ehiirgo mid his idi a Is to have all of th art and musical associations of tlio city onto into the scliomo and subscribe stock toxxau the erection of tbo proposed building. Th building would bo IDOxl.U feet , two stone high , mnl Mr. Crcighton's enl ) stipiiliition i Ihatikuich entcitairmcnts &hall not bo neli thoie "His useless to attempt to donnxthim ; ii this ilhaction unions all of the association aio xxilling to take hold and do their part , ' saul Mr. Liningor. "llio oner of Mr Cronthton is a xeiy liberal ono and xvo ian' aiToid to let it go by. His offer isottli a least S OK)0 ( ) and all the lease vvouli eo-t us woulit ho the taxes which I believe , VXD could got remitted a1 the institute will bo a school of ait. I liaxo skel"hed some plans for a building nml an nnhltcit stated that ho thought thn It could bo erected for about * IOiL ( ) ) ) or ? I'J , ( xio. It might possibly cost firi.ouit , nut would not bo in iiivor of going in any beavie tlian that amount. If xxo can't put up suitable building for thai sum I am inillnei to think that it would be inadvisable to tr. to do anv thing about it The aiihitett i" noxvllguilng on It , anil xxill soon bo able t tell us moio closely vx hat It vx on hi lost M. ideals to have a school uf ait , conservator of music and the studios of local artists i the building , together with an auditorium o music hall xx ilh a heading unncitv of l.fiOl Lr. ) Flood , who Is prepailng to open a ait school m Omaha , will take fi.ixx vvoith of stock in the building , an will pay $ l00 a year lent fornuai lers lor hi bcnool. The eonserx utory ought lo p.iv ciim | rental. Tbo hull would bo used for tbo in nual exhibition of the Western All associ , lion , and the Apollo club , which must ento Into the sehemo if It is to ho cainod on would also glxo Its conceits there. The \Vuat \ ern Ait association xx ill take f 1,010 vvoith o stoiknml xvill payf-iUU n > oai rent for aiooi in tlio building Tills xvas agreed upon at th lust meeting. The Apollo i Inn and the i ilioi'Musical assoilalion ought aUo to tak qunrtois theio I have llgun > d it out that rents would amount to about * 7..VH ) a year after paing expenses , Oxer half of the Muck is already taken , ami I iinticlpato no diftlculty In gelling nil of It sniisulbed. If the Apollo duo will conic in I think wo can cam out the projicl. Thoj have Iho matter umiei consldeiatlon , and a lommlttco has been niKinted.Voxxonhixvantthoia ) | \ to stand behind the conservatory , as the load ing musical inganliallon of the city , and llio \Vibteia Ait association xxonld llkoxvho father llio nit school. Ur 1'lood U eonlldi'iit that ho xxill have 'M pupils xvben the fall term opens. The school xxill bo run on the biiino plan lu the Chicago bdiool , ami xvlll ilraxv from ull the sunouudius country. All irai ' ( , it ihulitt < liv mtlng uuvlol > C u 1 s nipt , re i ill Do 'augiii ' Him nun Piii'iii'it\ ! t d a xasl tli al foi UK'ait in eix-MiH nf Hits pu I of the c < \iiilrv \ , iiml li 11 nalin foi thtwe vxlm houhl Do IIIIMOHOM | | MitlestoHix whether or nol xxo shut take dxnntagt'of it" Till ! r tl'M'\ , tin * Ai'i'bltiM'l , Puts In n 'i lsh ( > ivii'iisi ; | < lllll. Mr ilotlm vxiis the enl ) nbsentoofromos- ) enla.x's meettng of iho county commission- rs. rs.llhh llhh for furnlshliicilrugs and grot'erlo < i for lie ensuing yeir wcie toad and loforretl to lie commltliv on poor farm A petition from eighteen property owner * f South Oinah i to set ashlo f IM inmo to p ivo noli intenection on Txvcnl.vfourth . siroet bo- xxoen A and N slicols , In order that the xork bo iloiio nt an c.irlv day , xvas reforied tone no commlttoo on roads. I'lm ostlmiti'd u > st s * lfr > o for each Intersccilon , xxhlln the ouiily luu set aside but , * , * IVtitlon- rs ail ; tint if the fuml it oxhiinsted they be dloxxcil to use the nionex sotapattto jiavo ho Inteisectloiis betxxocii P and Nstioets A loniinunii.itlon from Iho couiitx attornov cpinllng Ur ( ! IIHH'H | eoniinunicatloii that he connl ) hid no right to OIUM for tlio tiMinrer nick only as n matter of hiini mil v , mi ! lo get ild of them , sugL'iMod thai they 10 pun nled foi and senl out of the countx as eon as possible I' 1' Meois , the aichllootput In another of his vci ) cliariutcrlsllc oxpcnse bills. U s lor inieting the count v alloine ) iiil'ln- agoto ni.iKi' iillldaxlt to vaiious ni.ittors re- Tiitiling his coniH'ctlon xxitli the now county lospltnl as mihitoct. ( lie nfllcavil being for iso in the Kx an . .VVahh c.iso noxv on trial n tlio ilistiicl comt. 'Iho Items In iho bill aio : 'nio from Deliolt to Chicago ami 10- linn II10 Slcener a 0(1 ( 'liuir cur I Ml lotel bill -I'almur house 15 > 'J.'i Inlf u dii ) 's time 12500 Whole d.n's time 50 IH ) Whole dux's llmo f > 0 110 I'lino lost In tiavoling fiO 00 Total J11 1 'llio bill xvas lofciiod to tlio eomnilttco on tullchiry. 'Iho ihiaiuo coinmltleo lepoiled having examined the books of the recorder of deeds ind found them conect Tlio same commit- ooalso icpoited favoi.iblo t" itieieasing the sal.ny of the deputy lonnt ) tieasnier nml the book keepers in th it ollleo as folloxvs : Depntx , 11 oinLSD * . ' , ( . Head bookkeeper , from > lriW ) toSI.MX ) . T\xo assi.stint bookltiopoH , fiom $ > IJOO to $1 Mill ' 1 ho report of the 11 n moo eomnilttco was uloptod , ( 'hah nmn O'lxeeflo voting no Sex end bi lil go bids nf minor importance were piesehted , signed lV ) the members of .hobihU'o commitliv Mr Coiiignii moved hat thochaliitianshinof the coinmltleo on judges nnO lonstiuctiou be taken from Mr lieilin and given to some other member , Inasmuch as Mr lleilin had i of used to act in Ltiat capicitx on the committees designated Mr. Tim mo tnonvht the miller should not bo acted upon until Mr Heilin was picbcnt "Wi 11 , come to think of it , " said Mr. Cor- rigiu " 1 tint's " , giuss tight" The mallei was laidovuilo ai.otlier meet ing The roadlng of a bill for post mortem OK- nininations stiimilatod Mr I'minio to otter the folliixx ing lesolution Ki snixeil. I h it no moie post mortem exam- Inilions otli i thin llu e intbini/eil ! > } thoM M itiiti . be illo\M il. Mr ' 1 imnio s dd tint post-mot loins Ind been peifoiiiicil on bodies xxhoio the i.iuse ol death xx as plain to oxerybodv lie thought this n gioat vviong aed hoped that it should bo stopped The lesolutimi xxas adopted. Mr Tlniine then told of his hcin ? Iho only comiiiNsionir xxlio vas picsonl to meet the citv council , u fexv hours previous , iclalivo to an inging for the uiioof ilix sick 'llio lonncil wanted the hoaiil , ho silil , to iniiKo txxo pioposltlons Ono at x < 'iit pilcothey coulil se.'uio the north wing , and the illy tan a sopirato hospital Ho said tlio utv pie- fi'ired the forinei Tliereforo ho moved that the eitx bo given a ihaiao lo accept either piopoMtion. Clialiman O'Kouffe said lie Ihoupht it xxonldn't do anv harm to give to the city such a chance , as lie didn't think the council would do utlier .Mr. Van Uamp nnil Mr. Contain xx'eio op posed to turning over an ) paitof the hospi- Afur much discussion the board voted to either gixo tlio eil ) tno noitli whig ol tl.o building , or care for the city MCC ! ntfl n xxeok per pitiont. On motion of Mr Tiinmo it was ordeted Unit hcicnfter xxlien a ] > iC ! > eilptloii for modi- ilno x\as dvon the n imo and address of the pei-jon to xx bom it is > gixen must bo jil.iLeil thci\on. The approprl.ition slieets xxero passed Tlie Marine l'.i ill ( Coining. Thowoild famous United States inaiino band xvill ai rive in tins city ubouv the middle of Apt 11 aid will gix'o tliieo conceits , two nights and one matmeo. Hy special petmis- sion of the president and tlio seeiolary of the navv , the bantl has boon given nnthoiitv to m il'o a tour of the pi IIP ipd cities of the i niinlrv nnil will visit New York , Philadel phia , 13o4ton , I'lttsbiug , Chieago , Onriha , Donxer , Silt Kike and Sin rrancisco. Tlio band iiumbeu about eightv llvo pieces utidii the leadership of 1'iof .lolin I'liillip Lousi , n imisiiian of nation il lepute. 'I'ho band uses both mass and suing combined with reeds , and isell knoxvn as the llnost oiv.ini/atioii of its kind in tlio lonntry. Tlio conceits xvill lie gixon in thol'oll-cnin Tlio iimnagonunt ol tlio ( 'iilisciun ims por- foi ted plans for the impioxoinent of tlio ncinustu propoitlos of llio housoasxxell as Ibo appiname. Tlio st.igo xxill beonlaigi'il , making it IdxiiO feet , with a piosuninm oponingof ID feet , and xu'll bo well supplied with scenery. The stage xvill l-o cm lo ed in suiha xxuv astothtoxv the xi liin.o of sound lowariK tbo auditorium , thus oxcrcoinlng tliu objection which has been niado on this scoio , it is Iho Intention to present a series of summer cnteitalnnioiits in tlio way of light opuas b ) the very best talent nud Mnnr > gcr Hush , who leicntlx nruxed fiom Denxerto InUo ch.irgo of the Coliseum , is inauing ni langeincntsfordiites forsexeialell \ known nlliaclions. Oinnhn Colli'go ol' 'VJiisIt- . The lliiul students' inusicale of the season will bo given tomorioxv oxening The foi- loxxing piogiammo xvill bo loadeicd by | MiiiU | sekcled principal ! ) from tbo llrst and second grades , assisted b ) their teaiher , Miss hi//io Is.ncs : riano solo The l.lltle \ \ indoor . . . . I.anse Masteilllle \ MeCilliey. IM mo solo ( I'loliralpil Itundii In II Mo/art Miss 1'ieiieiii I , i WtssuU. solo JlniNixx Ixlngdoiii . Tours MlI I rank Hod. ( la ) I'l'iisant'nog I IM mo solo -jib ) llniitln. ' mu. > . Schumann 1 11 ) Hi1 ipt rs . ' ung. 1 Aliistei lien ( il.idslone I'l.uio solo--l , i IViiiiniMiu Marln.Kiilkhrlnnci l.lnia lo ! > m m. solo . . MUs l < l//ln l- IPS. I'lano solo II ne nolle i him i 'I'si'lmiKovvsky Mlsi Vltrmlnti llltsslng , IMaiio solo Opoi ilii' Nilootlim . Dora .M.isici XIu > hii | i npoter. | I'liino snlu Uimilo lit illl nilu . ( 'ml von Weber Ktultation. . . Mis I'l.inU II ) rl. 1'Uno -olu--Niiixxe.'laii llrldul I'rocoislon . I'limo solo t'iieiineliu . llilT Miss Amy lain ) on , ft It 1. 1 IT1I.H. Six minor permits , aggiegUlngSl.SlI , vveio issued hy Iho supeilnlendent of bullillugs yesteiday. The I'boosophleal society moots In room 20r > , Hlieel block , I'vciy .Simtlay nfternoon al I o'lloi-k "Self Knoxvledgo" will bo tlioatmly. All are invited "Tlio Owls , " a iniilo glee club of twenty- llxo voices under the li'idcrslnp of 1'iof. Ixiatxxill gixo a innceit al the Trinity .MethoJIst churili , in Kount/o 1'laco , on I'll- diy oxTiiliig , Monday will boobscivod ns n legal holiday by the postolllcodopaitmeiit , Thoio xvlll bo only the usual morning deliveries of mall by the can lers The general ileliveiio.i xxill be open only fiom lu a. m , until noon. At tlio Fiiat I'iesbtorian church this even ing thoio vxlll ho n pait ) of niillvo Syilan ( Jhrlbllans Tlio xvlll ho diMssod In the coi- tumot.of their countiy , nml will give nn no- count ol the xxork of ClnlslLinlt ) in that luud. THE BIRTHDAY OF A MONARCH' ' An Imperial Oily Aden neil In Ihilllunt Sploudor for the GolebnUion. BERLIN ARIxAYCl ) IN ALL IIS GLORY , lluxx tbo I'ooploiil'tho ( ionium Kmpli-e Ki'voi-o nud Honor Hie N'oxx Uiiloi' of 'I'lnhtirt'nt Coiinlr ) , Ib-m iv , IVli. R - [ Special rowspomlcuco of Tin : Hi r ] The cil ) silll slumbois , That smiling old dnme , the silvery moon , sheds her Ins't bt'iieyoionl giln ox or tlio sou of homos. Iho ghiro of tlu'chcttlc light " 1'ntcr ' don Linden" and about the "laistgaiton" gradually fades befoie the axviikealiig da ) , Ono b.x one the gas Jots and elcotilc lights In the streets and sipmics dlsappo ir , a teddish gloiv mounts In the eastern sk ) and thospiica and domes of the cit ) loom up fimlasttenlly lu the txxlltght. In somber and mnjostto icposo ties the mighty pile of the "Si-hints , ' surmounted by itslmpmlng eupni.1 Dm the ovonlng before fore , till Into Into the night , every window nlong tlio ontlro front of stiuctnio hud shed n Hood of light over the mUiioh | ) foiolt , the occasion being the baptismal foail ttiidchilsioningof tho.xoniigosi llohon/olloin , who , vxith gicat pomp and clioumstaiue. has nssuincd iho siguiiicaiil names of "Joachim FianIlnmheit. . " As wo look ill ) to Ihoso endless IOXVH of wlndoxxs , thronglt winch , the night hofoie , vxo might have illiooinod the costly doeoia- ' lions , paintings , minors , elmmlel'leis nml ilehly colored trappings thai beautify the homo of the emperor king , wo see nothing noxv but drixvu curtains , behliid vxhiili , xxo miy fancy the young monmch ilieajning him self into ids thiil ) second year , lust dawning lint listen ! The i locus In the spires roiinii about hixo just stiuols the hour of seven. I'rom the inl- nie cupola nboxo comei lle.iting doxxn. sol immlv and with startling olToct , the inspulng inilnilv ol that grand old hmil. Xun Daiikot Alb' ( ! ott. " The volutiio of sound iimoa-tos till it sweeps down with slnup , full and clear emphasis , such as onlv the sllvei trum pets of the icgimental band of the roxal dia goons can piodiice.hooer passes beneath neath , slops Htllland listens devoutly Wliilo tills inspiiing ihuslc tianspntts the'listeners heloxv , tno impeiial , loval and Hi.indcnburg staiiil.iuis i limb aloft on their Magst.ilTs , un folding tbomselnes to the moives 1 hus dawns Iho iiiithday of the emperor nml king , U'llho'in U The p dm o pot ltd is Ihroivn open and the gieal "loxelllo" begins. The band of the Second biie.nlo of guards , i locedeil bv Iho hinlboylstsof the Second logiment of foot guards , ami led by a mounted ndjutint. emerge , their helmets adorned xxilli led horsehair itieMinets With aioxv and meisnivd tie.iil , amid Iho sounds of 'Trent Cnih des Lobins , " they inarih ncioss " .Sehhv-splaU' " nml "ScliloH-T- fioibeit , " doxvn along the middle way "Unter den l.indon" to the Hi.miloiibniL' gate ami tin Ik tlie siino wax. Dai k masses ol Inmnnily form the rapidl.v im ro.ising os- ci it. The "rexi'lllo1' ' had been the signal for the gcnoial ( lagging and s iddonlv wo see the ( lortnan and I'nissian colors llut'oilag in the moiniiiK bice/es as mi-as the exe cm leach down the endless stiiots and axennes. Nature itself has liirned out lo do honor to the d ly The siush and fog of the piocioil ing iliyshavo illsappc.ueM and the blight sunshine gloiilius tlio bemitltnl pictum wliiih the iltv of Berlin piesents on the moining of the kaisei' i bhthil.iv Some per spective .no simply cm limiting , ospoemllv thatot "Unter dor landen" lo the distant oil v hall toxver , at llio top of xxhich inondly xv.xvos a gioit ( ii'imnii biiim r Along rreihloh l.up'iger , llihion and Wiliiolin strns.e too , theio Isnot a house to he seen but what displays the pat il mimed doth fiom loof or windows 'Iho hotels of the foreign legations , the p daces of tlio gieat nmks and ihi'Amei lean life insurant u pil.ieotdo themselves solves rspcehill ) pioild dlsplax ing then oxv n eolois in adiiition to those of ( ioimmv nml I'liissia. Tliu nnmlieili'ss shop \\lmlox\saio BoiKi'onsI > uecorated , diipla.Miif , ' in tlio center - tor a bust ot Iho Uaisoi smioutnlod null lanicl IICL'-J ami the Ural blooming llouurs of spniif. . All Doiltn and the thousands of stranger- , within her nates , amongst them this \\iiter , are on their feet It is n mass movement from ( Itc.iiinfiiuniu tn centio , Iho spaee botxxci'n llio monument of "Did rut/ " and the "Sehloss" bolni * the contic' . There the masses niCLt in ono Kieal thionxlth tlio ono objut \\itneb3inK the tirand ilrno to the p ilaco , of the. urc it pcidonates , ulnso prlxihve nnil duly it is to piv cout to the soxcumn on this day. Mounted Dolleo tuamiKO with dillliultj to keep ojien a passaijo lor the IMIIII | ; < H. At about 1(1 ( oiloi ! c the llrst ojnl eaiin o ariues , folloued in sluiit n.leivals l > y inoiothan Ixxentj of these Haiulj eiapices. ( | The silver mounted har- in-ss of ( lie proud hitfh stepjiois. the spicious eaiuntjesol liiownm blue color. ImrhU ] iol- blieil , hniiK in mighu spunks , adoined on the sidesHth tlio lldhon /ollorn and at the foui eoincrs xxith CIOXM s of sll\i > i , tliu ilrlx- ur's hidramd in blight inloieilelet en rluthlth iLii yold or silver liiniunnKs , the illixi'rs nml footmen themsehes , XXI BLI ! in costumes ol the omhUo ith ic'ituiy , fairlx Incinstoil in bllver , xxith eoclted hats and nodding plumes , all foim an atlinctlxo Die tmo U ho sold lets at the ( 'iiard house aio i-ou- st.intly callid to anus to salute the in isnns of rank that piss and the sh.up lattli-of tlio iliinns immlL > xxtih the linuahs of tlio poo- plea > , seine puncoor oilier difjuitaix Is in n , ; in/il. ( Whoa the am d Held maialial , Von .Moltko is dlstoxeied in a plain txvn-hnrsu cai i hiKe , t he onthusiasir Knoxxs no bouii'is I'ho music band of the cuir.ib-ili is ol the Kiiaid , mamiillceiit inon , inxlnlo coats ami gUlteiniB steel helmets , xvho march uy toxxnnls the pilacu , the bells of all the chinciies aio rlii iiiu In sol oinn ehnius , and a salute of 11)1 ) ( jiins is died attho Koi'tilKsplateach repoit he'ii ' tluoun b.iek fiom the xx.ills in thiiiiili'rinj , ' iiho. It is u fascia Hint ; SLIMIO A batterv of IKhl nitllleiy of the fiianl , In gala uniform , had pcrfoimod ! this su .inand ) noxx takes up Its niaieh doxxn thiimxh Linden axomie , its inonntvd band pli.xim'the national .111 "ikil Dir IniSieircrlnan/ " Divine thopi'laec mid the " ( irnuil Conr' beincunilcd , aiiexea inoiopli'tuii'sipiu sio 10 is duxolopcd abiiiit the "hu-.t aiten " In loiif , ' linetlie state cainat'es and other \ehiiles aie ictinnim. , earning their occu- pints , the piintoi anil pimceises , foieijii ambas'iidoi t andothu ! iiih ntllciab hack to their ii'spei livi' homis. Numeinus ( 'eai l.ils nml othfr si ill ( irthifs piefi i to xvoik thur \ \ tliioui.'h thocioxxd on foot I'lio hnlli ml unifoimsi ftheeiilra sieis hiishais.nliiaiisanil ihaguons nio glnturini ; in tlio suiislnno The pnrtal of the aricnal , opposite Iho palace of the Kmpress riedericU , is thioxxn op"ii mid all the nniiers ol the KIHIison pa s Ihuni lilt in a gorgeous stieam to attend mand pamlo 'Jho slunx Is oxnr fur the di.x.thomoit uiowililispiisussloxxlx tor nuiiiu ur for iho many conxenient cafes , there to gossip of the ox ents of the moi iniii ; over a glass of beer or \\lno. \ \ Night brings out a nexv throi.g . to vioxv the Kiandoot Illiimiiialion oor.eon In Uoilin. r.leetiic liKlit , Has , oil and candles all con- trlbnto in gieat , piotnsion. The Incandes cent light la globes of all tolois pioduees a .splendid effect in such lutiiotic designs as the Imperial inonogiams , the I'rimsun caglo , coat-of aims , etc , xxluch cover thu liouso fionts , The stierts nio bathed in n Hood of light , lligs ami biinllng nio cleaily seen as bv ilay ; sldexxnlk and roadway aio one dense nnss of peojilu till near on to midnight , At the theatios "alii peiforniaiii'cs tiiho place and pro- I ' amines < if thocomoit houses shoxv none But pitilotlu lompii'sitions ' lor this uiglit. All soilelles , schools , clvle and mihtaiy bodies l.axo celoorated "Kaiser's ( u-uurts- tag" in thoii OXMI xvav xxlth dinners , speeihos and oi.itlous , paing gloxxmg trlb- uio to the viituesof the sox-eieun xxhoso ambition it is eoncnli ( > r ] Is to make his people ple happx and | ir spi'ions , and xxho , to attain tills end , bicalls xvitti trailltional ute.u of loftj dignity , and himself stepi doxvn fiom the high pedestal of his ancestors , to Initiate movements of leform Most rnriiostlv ilnrs this voung emperor labor In the Inti'iostK of poaci' , efti'ctunlly contradlutlng the piodlclloiiH of all thono xho atliihutoii a warlike amiiltloa to him A plinio xxho biIlexes that clot ) > - " be achlexodmix in xxnr iloes not , like Wllhelm II xxith .u , h o D MM loxoto lin nliontum to ipiestiKni Hie f r Miotillico , the ( Iliiellt'iulloU of Iho coiiiinton of llu Iniii'tIng classic , thn li ft'lMimtliin of the sxstem of I'dliciltion , till ) iviitU'tioii of chlldion's lahor In fuclorloi , i'le I'lio omiioiiir 1 n on ol his limn nml iii > no of Ihu ii'iloin iucslloni ) of the dux oii'iii * ' blf ntlenthin I'lei * fiom piojudlcc ho facis Ibo fi'iponslhli' tusk of goAi'inliitf an emidre. i > 'd onlv In the one prlmlplc , "thai a mnerti meat should aim to mvomiiliih tin ? gii'.iiost nnionnt of jrood for the greatest ntitiilu r of pee pi o " \Vhon \ ho nsccmlcd the tin mm lie xxns ivgnrded as the grandson of bis grandfallior , lodax lie | s milled at the ihn f , \xlio In si'ilens llniiM xxltli n iinicct perceptIon tIon tvcognl/iH thi' light nml enii'leilt tin uuh xxlth a strom ; arm The great miss of tlui peeph' heliexo In htm and haxo the proud I'onlhloneo thiilVilhelm the Second's ii'ign xx 111 fosler I hi1 xxelfarn ami peaceful loatm'ss of Iho rnthoiland I' . 11. S 'I Itl'.ATIMi II. 1 01' II ObsorxalliniH 'Matle Idiiloi ; a \HI ! | tea a lloise Iliwpllal , Such proiriess has been made In the .it cneo of niedli tno and suinoiy that II don t I'xuku much u mnielil these dux s n lion MMIHI Klilllful surt-'coii u moves ix xital oigan , fimu sumo siillcier , loptiin and rotmas Ittuiis lil no n * good as nexx , xx It limit nnx tioilons in convi'ideiueninl tiul lilllo risk to Hie pillent Sueh feils , of onuisoeio \ imhoaid nf a liv \ xeais iifn , and their sm rcssfiil iiccomi inent noxx Hpeaks eloiuentl.x | of tlioiuhniuo nient of thopiofcssion Hut ixbllo the healers of hnninn disease i haxo made great progress in their lalntu , , they aio sliixx coxehes , coniparallvely spi ik ' ing , vx hen the liealcrs of the brute ciea imi mo coiisideicd. A li'XX .V oil I H ago hots , sp u - Ins and the glanders xxuo about tin oiiiv diseases pievalent amoinf burses , Sm li piogiess lias been niado , hoxvexer , thai his lioiseshlp now has hiomhltls , piiouinoniii , I'imsuiiiptioii , cciebro hpinnl troubles , eioup , Lhlikeiiibeleramid n long llstol ailments HI i uii of xvhlih fuinlshes an esc'iso for Iho existence of an iitinv of veleimniy SVIIKCOIIS In tbeold duxs xxhon a promisin , ; eollXii3 found to baxe a xxulf tooth ho vxas tied il.xn and thoollendini' momlier kinulieil out xxilli anas Other ills that equine llosh vxasbeir to v as given equally heroic treatment. Hut It's diiToicnt no xv The veterinary suitri.m has | , opt pno with the boater of liniium ills and the slilt hoiso tins his hospital. Ids pil- vato vxaul and cot , and Is given as cniolul at- tontloii as his m.istei vxonld rocelvo fiom Ins phxsii'lan Tbeioiuo aovetal of these Inusii In Omihii and they contain in lib of Inleiest. , At oao of these Institutions xesturdav iho intuition of a toimttor was ntliaited hx one of Iho led headed chimboimnuN , a man about foitv ye.ns of a-e ( , xxho xxas Uneelmg doxvn at , theieirol a stall xvasliing a Idg homo's hind feet xxltb ix sponge 'I he animal was a line looking d IP- plo gn\ > nod xxould xveiKli fully a ton llo xxas suspended fiom the oolling bv a vxiilo hellj-bmd , which xxas coimeitcil sclentlll inllvtoii stout hainoas xxhleli could b. adJusted - Justed so in to i also or loxxer the lioiso at thu xx ill of his attendant "What aio ) ou doing theio , .Unit" xxas "Attending to my business ; x.hyl" xvas the piinupt iepl > . ' \\lmt \ aio vim doctoiing the horse for - what disease' " Well , me lad , if It's nnvthlng to jou , he's got xx hat xxi' oall son ) feet , " bill a inuio ion gonl d attache of the inllrmaiy vxas found and the icpoiter xvas shown nil thiouih the building liom thn busine's iillh o to the lahroitorx , vvhii li is on the second Hoar In the iillico of the \oterinailanlho visitor's ga/i' nice ts vvltli a tall slender \\ill shoxviaio , xxbiili Is IllU'il xxilli tlio Biirgu il mslniimnts used on the iinfoitnn lie d mil ) bruits thai aio brought to the pi no lor troitmont. Then tlit-ie .no all soils of bottles ot liniments , tin boxes ol ointments anil lilnaix ol winks on him to ills Passing out of the elli e U a long i lean allojxxay xvbieli sop.iiuoi txvi ntv-thlLO box 'stalls xx Inch are abmit twenty leet siimi | < i "In tlusc Ktdls , " saiil the doctor , "xxo pine" our patients No inattor vvhothor it bo a limse , cow , dog , mule , hog or shojp Ibo Moon of each bt ill aie eovered xvith u pur- table stalled lluur xxlnth is taKeii out , scahlen. seinbb.'d and thoi ought ) tlemeit altoi iho pat lent xvhleli occupied it last , has been dlsi liargi-d. On top of tins poitiblo vxoud malting is plated a heav ) bedding ot ( ! 'imin p-'t , mi'.s Till * mois U vurv e\- lien ixf , but xxe buv it by the car load in New Ynrk It is not only the softest ami best bLdilnif ! xxo can seeme , but it is as u-ood a disinfu taut as can bo bought. Anotmr thing It cm lu dried in tlio MIII , bifteJ out and used a seiond tinio. " 'In tlio left of Ihj doctor stool one of tin assistants holding.i inbbber hose ilo.e to the loll hind lo. ; of an uijly nrile which bail tndeavoied .1 fexv weeks a o to luck tlio life out of a large steel suapor on a railtoil gi ide. The hose xvas fid Irmn an expensive water lieater in tlio eoun i 'I id- , boater , bv the xvav , is quite a noveltx in itsc'lf I'ho cold xxuti r is tinned on from the citi water plur , but Is instantly lieatod in tlio lar o/me t'inlv ' ot a patent , gas uiiungimi nt beloio it can isi npe "It vxouhl be impossible for us to u'et al > ng \vltliout hot water , aso use it in aln ( > st i-xei ) case we have , " said the vetciin n i in , ns he puked up n lotncob and lnvan rubini g thesniiaie on tin1 br.ii'i of oieofhw pit pi tiLiit > She xxas i pr Mty littln .leisev heifir tint bad been kent to the hospital on anuiii t of a o iktd bag "I ju t cured Ibis little pi t- . , histur of inn uinniiia and 1 am goiiiR to MI U tier borne tomorrow " Tin1 doitoi s patients 'oonad to bo xvell tic- iUiinlul | vxith him , as in oxerv slnll In in- teied he was gueled v.ilh sumo soil of a nois" or ncknn.vledgement ' Cct ! up th re , IJieu. old box , and let mo see hnxv Von i an slind tola ) , ' hu suiJ , as ho snipped li s IhiL'or 10 on < ) of the pieltiost coriter apinku in the city , i Jal bhiLk , not a spit on him , wllh thicU , black iui- lov hair. ' 1'h'1 poor bi nto m.i lo a "despeiato elToit to stand Hut lie cu .Id not lloiooUoil i\ i v xvoul of " \\ait a fv > days and I'll go .vou ' Dick wa- . Just ucnv- - ing fiom ilihtompei v.honSt Vitus d inn s t in , but bib attendant says he will iimxir 'I Im duo' be.uiiD'a to a well kno'v n Omaha bniKcr In an adjacent stall stood "old I'hailic , " who lei the I ist ten veins has been a very aitive memhir of Ibo paid Iho ileparlnu nt lie is bull el Im ; fiom a soveio cold xxhiili ho iiiugtit alaieceat Iho and also has a slight attaik of piienmonia , but xxilt be icaiU for dill ) belure nnotlior pay day lulls uu.unil . , Otb'er hoi seseio being tieated for conges tion of the brain , blind staggeis , upiloiisy , tiinghalt , tatauh , plnkoo ) and cpi/muc Ono nnx had h > .loxv horn , another yi'luvvs ' , another bliLkvat T find another was suff. r ing 11 om milk siiKno > s The attendants xvtio hustling aniiuii ; them vlgoioi'sly , C'llinbini ! up the stairxvay tao loporter vxas shown into tin lab iratorv Such labels us Tliimlii L'oili , " " 1'v liinglb , ' "Ami'on C.nb , ' "I'v Cantba , " "I'upl SulphSod lliiaib , " Sp Aelh Nit " 'Ter Sulph , ' 1'x K. ( ienti.m , " "AUohol , " weio stmlc on the lift ol buttles Then llnio woiv civat massive demijohns , rows of nut- tics , cans , j us and : x io'uhir ding stoii t > ut- lit. 'I Inis thu loom xx here the doctm > > m- pnnmls ins annual ustoiatixeb , bottlo- . thorn and p istes on the luhcl. In l'i ' leu ol the laboratory Is a large i d stoiaee room whole all kinds of teed ! > id , t for the stock in the mlirm try In u sopirat" ' case funn the inoro rnnv u lastiumfits i i a moio smaller oao xx tU : i black v rivet baelv gloiind It conln i t lurgo pair of ilocmgbhears for dipping i > rso tails , immensit sx i in es , hobbles , btieii-t , tu , hut the most ghastly looking thing is tin I r topi , Used ! a I'xliiu ting teeth , i hey aio us laige as lie tongs. Can ail I ni i ICoript unity , TOKOSfo , Out ,1'oh 21. [ SpoiliUTi'lopram to Tin. Hi iTlio i ] Montreal cuut'siuii- | dent ol the r.miilio ( ( 'overnmi'nt or m ) tek'traplu ; that he Rains that the iceipiot ny inBul'ilions pushed by Mr. Hilt of Illinois in the A median house of lopiesentniivcs wuio formula-toil as tlie lesnllof coiro-puu- dei eo betxxeon Iho Canadian libeial li alters and then allies at Wabbington The test i , - ttons will be passed in Older to gi\e an mi f xeracitv tolhi'ilaim ot the liberals that the U'niled' States i : , la favor of unio-.tin.teil i ei i procity. Alii lor I'arnoll. I < ONHOI'Vb 41 Ihpocial t' vblojrxm to 'I'm : lii r I It Is announced that ( < i.l Khoilos , the milnonalio ptvinier of i ui > o Colony , noxv in London , has ox.prossi-1 i s aitlicioni'o to Mr 1'aiacllin the lilsh mn'ist ' and has \i\\un \ \ Mr 1'arnull snhstantial | i > if of his ivKaul , buHidus promising fuilln i u J. 1'auioll lidi also received often , of lu a al assisianio hum Amvilca ami Austi Ha