Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1891, Part Two, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 031AFI/V DAILY HB13 , SrXDAT1 , FKBHTAUY 22 , 1801. SIXTMlfiNT PAGES.
Short Tnlks by \ Dcz-n Distinguiiheil
Member ol" I'm Ilium-lit O'f'ontini-
SpoilUs oi'tlic I'nmini1 In Ii-Huml
r Itrril mi ( ho
troij/rB/if ( / , lfll , tiu 7'iiinfc ii Hutu-lifer 1
W IVb. SO Coirc-
iMiiMntis. - - [ Mppclnl -
iimiiiloiicn of Tin. IHrIt ) Is n liberal cduru-
ti in In llvo In Washington Rcr.oilier .
MUM you meet Imtv , U dlstliif-tiMicd fot'
i incililntr , nnil frcsli Inlor-iiullnii nml brlnlit
lint-Ins drop enl In ordinary t-otivoi-jjnllnn
fust or than did tliu | ionrls im it diamonds
fi"in tliu iiioulh of the ( 'noil III Ik1 ( * lrl In the
fairy tnle. 'I'lio fullonlnir are tlio plsUof
siinrt talks wlilcli I liuvo hml during thu pist
ti\\ days with ( llMiiiHuliliod rhnr.iotors I
( , ic tlioiu Hi ncnily us possible ! In their oun
ii"i i iisiiit iminHs- run r UK vniiini'v. .
I'lin United Stntosmiito a ( ini-Uiilto
u limit tlrst pcimlttnl nut'Kolil tOK out of
tin- country I nin nlioiit scvontyllvooira
old now uiul I wus In San I'lMiu-m-o in MTi ,
nrt INK AH nnvy iiKcnt , of the I'acillc-e-o.vst inil
I hud iiistnie-tlniis to nlvo dr.ifts on the
I nili-d Stiilos tir.iHtir ) for all the gold Hint
uas brou lit in to ino. In this wu tliu i'ov-
Dininoiit pracllCittly rotiliullud Ilio ( jiilil
piuditi'tof Callfoinlu and hud we roiititiiioel
to noc'lvo ( ! olil In this wav thn balance of
triulc' would iiovcT lniM ) ( jono iiKiiinst us ami
we would h.ivo tlio host c-i-oillt of liny nation
In tliovoild. . Tliu no\oninient Hindu uionc'.v
bIt , too , for thu gold ulwius ovon-an what
wo pnld for It wliL'ii It WIIH loweinlic'd nl the
mint I wns In California \vlit-n trold wus
illscov ( tied mid my money diovo the llit pile
in iliu Inn bur of Kan 'Did I tiiiiko
iin > mom- ) out tliorol" Vo-i , J did , but 1
inudo It out of ii'.il estate ) latlior
than irnld I lionghl a lot ono day
In San Kr.iiiclsc-o for $17 and I
M.ldlt Inside n JIMIlor $1 < ) ( > ,00 ( ) and ilurlnj ;
those liooinliiK times I miiilo $ .llKHtHHI , ( in
thnoyeais I was om-of the llrst candlilutes
for cuiiKioss In C'allfoinlii. was olci-tod and
( minted out Tlio eleition took pliu-u In thu
spi-niH ot IMI. 1 e'liii.o back to New .Icisoy
us soon us the nmttor was settled and inn for
( then' amins electc'd and
onuioss % \ns not my So } iiu scol for COIIKII'SS on the
1'nc-lllc and tlio Atlantic slopes dining thu
sumo > eat anil for thus line1 con niess. "
m\Aion : in. i rit of nii.ouuio.
"I suppose the most loimiilstiblo tnstnncu
of moiio.s making In Colouulo was that of
Senatof'Tabor Tahoi put fst ) Into a inlno
nmlot ( out $1CAIMM ( ) Ho RI lib-staked two
inspectors and they disc-in OICM ! fie Little
IMttsbuiv. A ftritlu \ \ bad fimnd it , thopios-
iioctorseiu olTeied fMM ) fora thhd intctest
in the mine , and they asked * lin > i > Tabor
\x ho w as tlic'ii a ( jrucer , wai mad hcviiusu
thej would not tnko thu SMHI , and lie growled
ns they \vi'nt em to ( lencloii it Ho chatiKod
his tunuery soon howi'Vii , for thoj tool ,
nut 'ho llrit H'tir , imd not IHHK after
llns Talline.imoiliMui to Denver uiul called
on ex-Senator CliutTce I was pii'scnt x\hon
ho ciiino In. lie told Mr CtmlTcc that he
\\anteil to Imj out onu of Ids paitnoi-s anil ho
w.mtoa to hoi row r'.Hl.llOi ) to do II Chulleo
did not lend him the moiun , but ho aftei
\\aids > ; ot it of some ono el-o and ho sold out
his mtoiest in tlic inlno to ClmtTio and otbeis
fiirlKKIlKH. ( ) llo iiiM-sted in i.theimines
and miido.ltHXH)0 ) ( ) inslilo of a year. He has
lost sonio monej nn I lie has made seine sliu-o
then but I doubt whether hu is wort It
inoi" than this amount today. I'olotiulo is
full of posslljlhllus Prospectors are Koini ;
thioiiKh tbu iiionntahis Uy tbu hundreds , and
thu chum-OS forllndliii ; bit ; mines mo good ns
hi'j ovoi weto"
"A ralhoad may bo SOIIKI da\ put across
lUlu-iiiK strait , out If so. It will nu\o to gn
under tlio water Instead of over It The dis-
tame fioin America to Asia at tills point Is
forty miles , and a tunnel niitjht bo used. Tliu
bieakliiKUp of the he and tlic enri out is such
that it would destrin any bridge that could
bo made , and tlio onl\ other means of LMOMS-
inj ; would be b ) fonj-bonts in tlio suinmvr
and by ulnueer sledges in the winter The
icindeer is the host animal for noithura
Alaska , and I bcpe to see longn'is adopt my
bihemo for biuini ; l.lKHt domestic lelmleor in
I. aplaiul Him bilnciiiK tlifin ovur to Alaska
There mt > about thhly thou-und people in
this pint of tlio comiti\ . They aie starving.
but tlio leindeuoulil keep them ah\o ami
would Kh ° tbemoceilpatlon 'Hie Lapluml
i'1-s have leindter hj the thousanJ Thoj use
their meat torfood and tlii'j llud a ficatdoal
of susteii in-e from their mill ; Keindcei
nilllt isns thick us mnlasses and it is so rieh
that you have to dilute it before you tan
dilnk it A Kood icIiidciT will KV ! a luire
tcaeupful .it a milking. 1 spent the siimmei
nuionc these noi thorn Alasli.ins.iind I was as
far a\\iu In most lesiwts as thoupli
] woio on tbo bulks of the I'oii o
1 had to travel HuiH , ) miles from Sitka bj
water In noiiiKinaiulout aioundtho Aluntinii
islands to pet to 1115 destination , and 1 \as
L1 M)0 ) miles fiom i-iitka In a straight line
Tht part of Alaska 1 \ l-iited is wild and des-
ohito in the extreme Tneio aio no trees ,
and thn climate ib so eold veRCtahles
cannot bo inised. It will cost iiUontir > , lHH )
to buy those leuuitws , nnd 11 will cost some
thing to teach the people how to take c.iru of
them. "
" 1 nm not n candidnto for the speaUeiship
nnd I never thought of heini ; sneaker I
don't e-M'u Know who the present eandidntes
uic , and my idea is to let them develop tbtlr
strength , heo whntthe.v can do dining ttiu
cnintnpsummor , and next fall wo will elect
the stion est and best nun. 1 don't ' know-
that Xcw S'oikilllino a candidate , but It
nhvnys has Its opinion as to nominations
nnd Keneridly o piesses them I nmnotat.
nil afraid of tlio next congress being a
one , and 1 tell you how wo can pro\ent any
foollshes speeches being made upon thu
floor.Vo will hold eaueuscs nbout twice n
\\eekandgettho different men to ventilate
their ideas in the caucus bucli of them as
lire uood we will take advantage of , anil the
bad ones will not get into the newspapers. In
this wnvocuiisio up our men and can
keep the pait > toguthur 1 triui this plan in
n series of dinners 1 gave in l sj , when 1 was
ono of the board of contiol of tli < i exeeutlvo
coininlttce. I dined all of our party lu con-
cress and jjot them to express their opinions
nt the table From their speeches 1 was able
to outline a plan which aided us materially
during the cimpalgn , ami the same would bo
the ufUvi of the caucuses "
110N. T. P O'ulNSOll , Ml Mill U 01 1MI11 1 VMEST
ritOM lltll I Nil.
"The fninlno in Ireland is nt present \ cry
bad nnd it wilt continue until the now potato
crop is rend } to Inrvost , 1 visited congiess
during my stay In Washington anJ 1 think
there aio .soino ttiln s in whleh ourliouso of
commons has thu advantage \ourhouso . of
ivprcscntaltu's. 1 did think that the desks
whleh u have for members weio a good
tldnp , but 1 now see that they are out of
plneo in a deliberative assembly. They en
able o\ cry member to buii bis private busi
ness iato the house and ho carries on his cor
respondence and manages his campaign there ,
whereas ho could not do tills In ease ho had
to write on his hat ns ho does with us , I
think that our plan sceuies better attention
for tbo speakers , better order and less noise "
ro * msoii sTr.ii.E or OM.MIOMI TCiiitiToin.
"Oklahoma is nearly as big iu > Ohio aud it
Is FToing to make onu of tbo tlnest states in the
union , It 1ms tlio tlnost agricultural land
under the American Hag. Cotton nnd corn
prow there side by sldu nnd our land is as
rich as a fortj-jear-old barnyard.Vo h.ivo
now iiO.iHX ) people , whleh is inoro than Wyo
ming or Nevada , and we are about re.uly for
statehood. Our population was built up llko
Alluillu'ti palaee , which ixuo in n nicht.
Okluhoma wus settled In ada > and the ik'oplo
nro now ciimped nil along the Cherokee strip
waiting for It to bo opened tosetilunent. It
will bo talten up within a month
nfter the bill Is passed Wo have
a good many things in our tor-
rltorvof whlcli the rest of the country bus
no knowledge. Wo hnvo no\er had a geolog
ical btirvur , hut our uiiloveloi > eil resources
\\onderful. . Our local area Is ono of the
best in tlio west. A sample of mineral paint
was brought to mo tlio ether day and wus
then sent on to Kansas Uity to some paint
maters. They replied ut once , offering to
thing u plant aua coiue to tUo territory to
, I
ii.UK . p.iiii ! f > r inn ttiti.l . f tln net | > nwU
\ \ i tint i' tfnnt bun i > f iisphnltiim nml v\o
don t know just ulnit elsi < no ha\c > Our t
, tirrl'im N lnHunlnir.thao ilii-iv inii\\m , i
] liiilf a ( in/on loml tow. in , twint * . twi news- j
| pitH-i i ititil several "f inir bet t iltli H IIIHP i
' tluoe ilnll > | iin'si \\o nro nllviMinil don't
jini fowl It "
irM < m ui-.rn ur MUM-
"I'll * newspniMM-s of the I'tiltcd States
wield piiblU M-litUncut , nioio than does ( Oii-
Krc-ss Tlic i dbliciitlonof uur prdioodlncs in
full In the t'onj ! fsslonnl liPc-nrd duliac-Us
from I'oiitfiviilonnl Iniliicnro iilhurtlian ndds
. lo it. r.nnl.iml has but ono news u'nti r , of
I conturof public sentiment , -tin I this is I.nti-
dun Thu I'M I toil Stale- * Inn a linlf u do/en the newspaper rmrt * pondciits iliiitii
thotrsplvos to ihe repnitliitf of tn.itU'rs of
loc-ii ) interest In tliclrarlons sei Unas iatmr !
thnii ID tliu ( living In full of the irenct-al con-
KiCHsluiiul nous If thel'oiiKressidiiul Uciorel
\MIS nbollslii'ii , tin' nous ol roiitjicssouUl
bo made tinIi imiio important til the I-JM of
llm | ic-oile | nnd Hill' jiriicooilinits would ho
tiiUc-li nuiie fullj roporU'd. As it In , in the
Now Vnrlt iiewspapois you will tlnil u fuller
lie-count ol the doings of the li'glsln-
tui-o nl illiantlinn you will of the
tlohics of ( 'empress , and this Is duo
lioth tui'iu-iutos nail to tlio Iteooi-d. 1 Impo
tlio time \\lll CUIIIP when matters of nubile
Intoirst i-aii bo tnoro nuleUly bi-cuiKht ijcfaru
CQiicicss linn Is posslblo now "
li : > tr < m JUIIN-ON or Tin : ( tSTiiuur. \ -
' "I'lio eopxclKhl bill Is hound to miss sooner
or Inter , anil it will , I think , t-o tinonnh this
session 1 ui'liuM'it will clieapen books 10
Atnorlean leiuleis and It will iniilco lltoraturo
n iirofrnsloii At It Is now 'i man who lias a
eomlilit | in lliigliiilims to navott piililhhod
In tli it roimir.t befotc'imy wlieli' el < o. and ho
lias tn IHI nlso in the count rat the tiinu It is
published Mink 'I\\aiii riipulirhtt his
iioolis In I'ncliiiiil ascll as In AiiU'i-icM Ilu
has them Issued a fehouis tlicio before
tho.v are UsiiL-d lieic , and lii > pees up to
Canada nnd stands mi Iho Niniani bud e
\\hen tin.arc1 . Issued from thu pic'ss Thu
I'onlurj iiiiKi7lno isdiiiiiL' wolf \Vo are
Kind to ' ee noinaninos started , for thuy
foster n taste Tot reading and therebj help
ns. Wo have a ill filiation ot about tweUo
thousand In Kimlunil , but uo do not eater to
the Iliitfllsli traili' , and wo aim to publish an
Anitiiii-an ina arliio for Aini'ileans. '
mi < i\i i w \ \ . in in.l.\
"It HCOIIIS to nio Hint the lopnlillc-an party
needs icp'tiorntnin Thoio nio tno itiany di-
\cise elements pnlllni : in ( lilTerenlnys and
tlio ilunnx i its me solidly ai'.iliist the \\lioli'
'rhiiilefe-ntof thi ) ele'itioii hill was a sc'i'ions
mi-Unite ami it will have n baO ulTuit upon
the countiy.VhuLoiueil \ 111010 than anj-
thiiiL' else is honest elections and theassiu -
mice that cvorj man s ballot will bo conntod
As to candidates I do not thinli
thai 1'iesldent Hnirisim will ho re-
iioiiiliiiuril and I do not thhil ; that hi ) will
de'stio a icnoinliiation Tlie'ro aio numbers
of cooil men and IIMIOIIC tlio possihilitios ,
would mention SponlaT Keed , MoKlnlcy ,
Senator Allison , ( ienrial AUer mid last nnd
least. Cicliei-aH'liii-Uson. Claris-
by no means . . -
son would iniiko a stionc canilidnto , llo
would hrhitf all of tlic } imui ; blood of the
patty to tlio sinfaeo nnd woulil bo ulcctcit if
ft is possible for us to elect nnj onu. Senator
Sheiinan is aKo n possibility andtluio nio
otheisliuhnvo a chanc-o al the noiniinition.
As to the dumocTiitie iMiidlclntc , it m.i > bo
Ole\eland but I would not bo hiirpi-Ked that
n hen the coin c'ntlon niuots , Hill inn ) bo the
nominee "
MII m MU MO I.H , HIP umsr.
"I sold a ple-tnro the other clnj to Senator
KelloirK over thosloi > of which the senator
lanuheii heart ilj It\\as a watoi color shot eh
of a little ni'jri-d bo.\ andhl ( pi ijlnif chock
eis , and 1 took it from lite1 My lirt > t models
weie I\M ) lit tie nojjro boys , S.unlio and .Mm ,
and both weie a * biu-hf little. lai mufllns .is
you will llnd in W.isluiiKton At the Until
tiillitiL ? Sambo did not uppeni , uiulhenl
aski-d .Mm what was the matter ho biild
\\ith a Klin on his fiu-o "Oh S.imbo , ho
ain't eoiiini1 toila\ . " " > .o' ' ' s-aid I "Xo , "
, aid the littlu darkey , as ho laiiLjhe\l atcaln
and siu-ked his thumb " "Uu Sitnbo h.iiut
coiiiin' tomonow neithei ' "No , ' said 1
rattier "ami f" "No
surprised , whj tin
* -i.iml > o iihft lumlii' ne\t uuck neithei Ho
i ami 101110 no more , Sambo's daid " WcllJ
had to tiiku Sunbo out of the pU'tui-c and I
jot that llttlo eoloied pill to take his , plae-e '
JI Illli : \ \ . H. IIIII.MN , ( OMMII.SslUN VI l l\0
" 1 am not a candidate for the sncnkcrshlp ,
aiid.luilijo H > iimn will ( tiobabh be the onh
man presented from Indiana 'Iho watch eiy
in Iho nuvt campaign will bo oooiinnn in gov-
( iiiiinoiitcxpenditiitv , and this will bo o big-
Bel-is-iiie thnn the t.nilT I piedlet that the
next congress will bo the niosleonsorvathc
and creditable wo have nail for a do/en yeais
It will sin pass the Port v-UHl nil congiess , the
Hist sossiun of whuh rodiieud tlio aupiomla-
tions S. .iHKW ( ) ) and losiilted in thu eleetiou
ot Tilden and Ileiulm Us. Iva. I . n niembcrof
tlnl c-oiiKi-ess , .md at its second be'asioii we
out down Undo Sam1' , expense's fiCKIKK ! | ( ) ) ,
and onruiipropriations atthat time woio onlj
a llttlo uvur one liundied nilllion dollais
Tins yen wo expect to spend iEIXOKiO ( ) , ( ,
and the inc-i-oaso is astoinulin ; It is astonnd-
inj ! nml terriulo and tlic pcoulo won't ' stnnd
si.xvion dinsn or < r.\\
"TUoililef issue ot the next 1'aiiip.d ii will
ho tliu t.uitl , nucl the ropiiblican candidates
will hu elected \Vlio they Mill be. 1 don l to prophesy. It seems to mo that 1'iesi-
clont Iluuiseiniseiy sttontr tinliu , IIIKI lie
his iiiitdp ru mistakes As to the deii'eicr.itti-
noininntlon , Llo\i hind \\ill prohibh head the
tlc-Kot , nnd it $ ( ems to mo that tno oleetion of
Hill as tciia or fiom Nc.v Voilt was tlio 10-
siilt of a bai'K dn by whleh l 'linchiiut was to
( : ot the piesidi' noinination I li'Mior ( ! -
man also mentioned llo is a stumer nun
and anod ( nianagi'i1 1 suppose the duno-
ciats , will ha\o n practh-alU fioo tiado
lilatfoim T'ie\ ' cannot uiisiPiucsent the
Melxmlev tariff liill as they did iltir-
iiiK the last c-.iiiip.iinii. l on the c-leiUs
in our Now Hampshire stores nlilod thoni I
icmenihor uno dadnriiiK the cainnaiKii I
pissed through mj kitchen and sa\\ that the
cook had laid in an extra tui rei of suirar
When I asked whj she had bought so iniieh ,
she told mo that the clerk had told her ( if the
MelCmloy tailff , and cvei-ythlnn was
goinijtip 1 In formed her that sugar would
ne at liast „ ' cents a pound cheaper as soon as
the bill went into oftctt , and I u'ivo tins
merely ns an example of whit \vent on all
over the country I was in London at the
time the bill was before congiess. The busi
ness men theioeioexcited over Hand ubijr
inaiiufnctuier of pulp told me It would lulu
him if It passed The truth of the matter is
that n protective tariff always icdnccstho
cost of theaitlcles it affects , and the people
will tind tbis out by tbu opening of the next
campaign. ' '
MISslsvs n , ANrilOXI , WOM\X'S SIT I'lUfll r
"I think the women. hn\o been bully
treated by the politicians of Noith Dakota.
They promised to faor us when the Mate
was' admitted , but they ketit us out of the
constitution. I campaigned in that state and
other parts of the noitliwost last summer.
Thoio Is a largo foielgn population , and
among this a man K not considered of much
account unless lie gives his wife a whipping
oneoaweoK 1 saw women doing the hard
est of work in the tli'hls , and 1 saw ono pull
ing ; n plow. The suffrage nunoment is giow-
inir , mid ills a slianio It does not prevail in
the Dakotas , It is only u matter of time ,
and wo are gaining steadily "
FIUM\ ( ! .
WnrUiMl 'I heir Way.
Two boys forced an entraucu into the Stnr
theater in Now York and weieanested At
Jelferson MarUut court vottenlny they de
scribed themsehens John Cregan , ngod
twelve , and l-'iank Dunn , aged fourteen. The
unusual charge of breaking Into a theater to
free n play was made by tbo head usher.
The bojs hud lounged about the sldo on-
trauco to the theater for an hour and nt 'J '
o'clock both climbed up tlio nwnluir polo to
the roof of an adjacent low building. Thence
they climbed to the windows ot thn pillory ,
ono of which they foiced open , mid dropped
into the playhouse An usher in the galiury
Immediately soUed the luti uders and bunded
them ovet to a police nun.
Diphtheria Is cured bv the use Cook's Ex-
tm Urv ImiK'rinl ehaiup.ilgn as a garble , Ask
j our iihyslclnu to try It , _
Modest Hopeful.
Father ( to his fouv-j ear-old sou ) Hobble.
wny don't you get ready for kindergarten !
Tim Isn't Saturday.
Hobble-Why , pop , the other scholars arose
so dumb I thought I'd stay homo this week
to let them catch up with mo.
Do Witt's Llttlo i.uly : Hlsors ; host llttlo
pill for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath ,
" 0 , dear , " cxelnlmod Jlertie , ' 'thai cat
won't stay with her kittens ; she has loll
thorn again ! " "Yes , " said llttlo Nolllo ; "but
hho has hired another cat to stay with them ;
1 saw it. "
PT/IHIVC IIP I I'P'l'l 1 > PIM 1'is
SlORIliS 01' ' 111 ILL 1'OLhb ' ,
Whnt They Have Actually Done nnd Things
That Might bo Expected of Tbcni ,
Mow riilldriMi llii\eMit ( Vlu'.ul ol'l'ilf-
cut- . , I'l'iiehei-s , I'n-aclieis and
ii ill * > l ue M .
HUM' \ en i" .
77/iiinrit I'ni't In Vrir Yitih Ittmhl ,
Cow , Illslo , bilng hlscotnfortei'i
the tluoad and needle , too ;
His worsted mitts tune spuing a Ir.tlc ;
his llttli' thumb Is tlmmgh ,
Ills lubbers , CJonririonulck , uiby ,
von II llnd'em ' 'ue.ithtfiu sink ;
Ho inn't bo lutetoda\ you know ;
the clock Is fast , 1 think.
N'ow got \\hlskhioom , I'.lslo ilillil ;
the ulster inainina tnailo
Will keep the cold out famous ! v ;
thodoth'ia tillle fnucd ,
Hut 1 did Ihe best I cnuld with In )
( dd blown cloak laid atldu
A jenr iigoThinksghlni ; di\ ,
when your pool fattier died.
llo\\ \ \ proud he'd b < > of Teddy uo'V ,
if 110 COllId OIllNSl'O
I lis eldest son a marching eft
a i > uslne s man to be' '
PIM Imps bo does -perhmis IIIIVPVOH
aie get ting weak , 1 think-
These things so tilled my llmn lits last
I couldn't slc-epa wink. )
nd now he's reidy goo lno < s ma ,
you'io not a wolng to cry i
.lust think of all themonej you'll
bo canting bv and b } I
And onlj think how line 'twill tie
to sit there In the stoio
A signing checks at a great bin desk
six feet nlMvo the floor.
lint ere that time m lives , mv den-
nnd come it suiely will
Tbeio's tunny a nigged road to plod
mid mam a rocky hill ;
Tneto'b mniii a HaggiiiK wny'iuer
in envy to misguide
Ai.d lend yom ti listing toutsti'ps down
success' mountain slilo.
I'our boj , m > words nre ( iieok to you ;
\\cll , me1 , ( lieu , goodby ;
Anothernndanotlicr1 what ;
Is niainina going to erv ?
Sho's tblnkingof the p.itb through life
she fondH planned for you ;
Your college years-tliu hnel.v ilieiu :
tliut ne\ercan como true.
Launched1-od ( ! ofvinds nnd waves nnd
tides and calms mid ocean btnfc ,
O , pilot this , inv piecious bark ,
safu o'er the sens of lito ;
And plant in my rebellious heart
this blown from wisdom's store
'Til only when we d ire not hope
that wo are truly poorl
rotindi-y ( ili-lH.
According to lopoits ivcclveilby tboVoik -
ingwoinen's societj of New York , women
ha\o taKeii nnothei stop forwaul , and have
gone in largo numbers Into an occupation
which ' . ( .ems to be adapted only to men on
iiuountof tlic physical strength iciuired | ,
says the Commercial They Have actually
gone into thogroat foundriui at 1'ittsbiiig ,
and today something like the hiui-
died of tliein aio "caiiping" ' n.ills and
bolts -that is , putting heads on them.
'Ibis is seveio pliyslcal labor , and it takes a
stioncr man to do thuurk. . Hut thu lion
woiks find nndittliulty In gettliu ; Inlenty of
L'irls. Already the suppH almost doublus the
( Ionium ! . This is the direct result : Tor
the woik mentioned men always rocohcd
fiom { II to fill a week ; tlio girls receive
fioin SI to $ o ami are glad to cot it.
men mo practically thrown out of employ
ment In a tradu in which they used to
cam liuntr wages It is the same old htry.
Hut tbo idle men nro enjoy ing a sweet lit
tle re\engo 'Tho uhls who ha\o taken
their places are known everywhere in 3'itts-
burp ns "tho foundry Kirls. " Thoio is noth
ing shameful In this title , hut it is considered
shameful by other working-women in the
Smoky City. The "foundry gill , " Hnppeais ,
( an bo locognl/ud everywboie on account of
cinder stained face , or for some other reason
iinkown outside of i'ittblmix and the " .s iles-
ludios" and "factoiy ladies" cioss the stieet
when they see her a block off. Thov cannot
bear the idea of "Ilio foundry lady' ' being ad
ded to their social list.
YU even the foundry woman is held to Do
bighei In the social scale than the woman
( iigugcd in domestic service. 'Hie "salesliun , "
it seems , is distinctly filundly to the ' -factory
lady. " The "hu lorylady" turns uphernoso
at the foundiy ( 'hl And the foundry gnl is
hardh cdiidesendhig to tlio seivant or mirso
gill It aupenrs that tburo nro liner Jis-
tinctioiih in social caste iiiuoii' { the I'ittsburjr
woi-Kingwdiiien than among tbo millionaire- .
of New Voik ,
lie Fooled thn 1'ar-son.
Hov Samuel CJ Smith of St. Paul is noted
not only for pulpit oratory , hut for practical
works , says tlio 1'ionecr Pro-is llo holds , it
is said , that ono atom of practical Christianity
is woith a woild of meio piety. Hu is ever
leady lo stcpoulof the pulpit and take a
hand In thoeiifou-emout of the laws. Hois
himself keen in the use of lidiculo ami as
keenly sensitive to its shafts wliou it is
turned upon Kim He is thciefoie ovei on
the alert to avoid being victimised in any
way. Ttie following Joke concerning him is
going Ihe rounds :
Some time before W P. Murray ceased to
be cily attorney Dr. Smith happened iu upon
him ono afternoon , leading. ! boy of twelve
eais by tlio hand ,
"Mr. Mm ray , I wivit you to have ,
who Keeps a saloon down hero on
Pound sticot , airested. Ho gave Ibis boy a
drink "
"Well ! nliPin " ' was Ibo Ilist eharactcristic
utteuuicoof Mr Mmiay , wllh n winking ,
n twitch or two of tbo bend and a brush erse
so of the hand OUT the bead and face. "What
timowor-ajou la that saloon huli" quU/ed
the nttornoy.
" .lest Item out a mlnnlt ago , " replied 'tho
boy modestly.
"Hum , jes , yes ! How did you como to go
In ! "
"Don * know , .lest happened to. "
" ( iave drink did "
jou a , theyf"
"Yaas.- '
Ami the boy wiped his nosowithnn tip-
waul stroke of the palm of his liaud , while
Dr. Smith looked on with mi oxpiesslon ol
satisfaction Mr Muriay scratched Ills bead
a minute and pro ( ceded ,
"Ahem , well , what did thovglvevou to
drink' "
" ( Slnssot water , " icplicd the boy calmly.
"Why illiln t } ou tell mo thatC Hliouteil
the divine , turning veiy red hi tbo fa e.
"You didn't ask me , Mi , " returned the
youth , demurely.
11 D Col the Dec r.
Clarence Xelson , vlioso folks li\o \ about n
mile from the bay , on the oust side , is tlio
euamplon bov deer-slayer of this region , snys
the AllyiH Wash ) Times. On his fourteenth
birthday , to celebrate the event , ho shoul
dered his gun , a Miiall single-batrel shotgun
and started out lo look for pheasnnls , A
short distance fiom tlio house his dog ran n
Impo ueer out of the brush only a few- yards
nuar. Takiuga quick ana nt the animal's '
head ho let Hy , uncl down came the big giiino.
11 Is a question which wus thn most surprised ,
the boy or the door. Hut U Is safe to say tlu
boy was a good deal excited , for ho drop pec
his gun when the animal began struggling on
thogiound , mid rushing up Its bruins
out with clubs and rocks. This is another
Illustration of the wonderful tcsources o
'Washington , the deer nro so thick in its mng
I'illcont forests that luo ho\s kill them will
llnd an Answer ,
A Kimball ( S D.I Sunday school pupil sajt ,
it was thn MdClnloy hill that muda Jonah
como up nfter thu whale swallowed him.
iJujTu'TnTi'iiT i r hi ,
An oddity In security for debt has como lo
light here , biijs the Tucson Citizen. Damurlo
Ballestio/ lives on Marline/ ' ranch , tifteci
out , and some time back his spioad u
mid tortillin w purlilken nf hy
Miimii'l.t M nit.uo , ha lining his boarder for
oimlhinif like four numtlii The dlneiii iiol
ii-mg fiiilbeoinlng f r the boaul , her year-
tula half eld bnv \ > .uhoM for Hio debt and
uis lic'i-n In the mail H possession for some
I .ne Tin1 mother uf the boy hud a wilt of
mbias corpus ser\ed ami st'ctned bis iv
onsiMiurltT UruW'n ' snjs that the little
haii was itt iiivl In n VIM-J lr\ garb , being
lad only lu a little i-illco slip.
I ( ogle.
lUltiniiHn irMr.liifiAr.
She was Ininlng Ijcv dollj's now gown ,
Maid Mail in fouryeiiMoUl ,
Wllh hoi hnms ittN' i'i-oil down
In a pilustaldng fiown
I'lider her nesses ef irold
Twas Kunda\ , and nurse coming in
IXclaiiuud lu a tone of surprlso :
"Don't 5011 know It's a sin
Any work to begin
On theiln.- tint the LonUnnctlltcsl' '
Then , lifting her face llko a iwe ,
Tliusanswdccl this \\lso Httlu tot :
"Now , ilon't jou suppose
The good Lord ho knows
'I his little hen iiliithot ! "
Must Ti-n te.
Horo'sa good st DM on Dr. Phillips llrooks
\ jouiiL'ster once want oil to sell him some
dttons. "They are goc.d Kplscopil kittens , '
said Im. Hut the silewasa't undo. A few
hus later Dr llrooks vlsltod the house of
some I'nltarlnn filemis , nnd ( hero lieiigiiin
round the joungtriclesnian " 'Ihey mo good
Unitarian kittens , " hu saiil , trying to ilisixiso
of Ids pets.
"How's this ! " Mild tliodoiMor , "lliootner
1 1) ) the } were P.iiiscopal kittens"
"Ah , but they re dlneunt now , " icplloil
the lad , "becauso thoy'\o ' \ got their oycs
open. "
Tableau !
A Idltl
Ho Is said to ho u Massachusetts hd , ago
two jcur.s , says the t'apo Ann llree/e ,
Hi centl\ \ his Indulgent minima was pleaseit
tojiavu him Kneel btislde his older lirotliei ,
on rothing , and after pinycrhad been said
the little follow follow cdolT in this wlso :
Now 1 lay mo down to sleep ,
Johnnlo tilt jour dun ,
llt your dun , dim , dun ,
Ho was Instantly hustUd oft to bed and ii- !
llglous instruction postponed lill bomo futtiie
H lleliixlit.
II. II Sf.n/linW. /
Wo liiue a youngster in our house ,
A llttlo lad of tun ,
Who dearest to his mother is
Of all Cods little men
Hioulil I'jilk.
Its tbo small boy who usually tolls things
and the dinner lablu is his fiuorito theater ,
says tlio Atlanta Constilutlon. Xot lontr uco
a bright llttlo follow out on Poachtioo stieet
pool ed over into thodlabat the head ot the
table and oxduimud.
" \ a littlu chicKen for so many people
ple ! "
The company smiled surreptitlouslv nnd
bis mother cmlonAorou toqulct him. lJut ho
was llko IJaiupio's ghost. After the } had all
been helped and were catin ; his facu bud-
denlv lit un. and clanniiiir Ids li.inils. hu
shouted :
"O , } es. I know now mamma. This is the
llltlo chicken that VMS sick ! > o long in the
Ihu yanl , ain't it1'1
AViMit In tlio Sliow.
Hichard ( loldeininollcil u pinio In the Pall
lllvi'r , Mass , academy of music during luu
iierformancoof "Old fc > ed LJiouty" one evening -
ing rcioutly Five boys bau secreted tlioiu-
selves In a closet uuitur the galle.iv dining
the afternoon and tried to come out after the ;
piHTormanco had begun Ono stepped on
some glass and another trod on a wire that
set a bell ringing , anil thoru was Instant iun-
fiibioiiin tboiiudiciice.botit l\\o hundred
people lushed out and others jumped to their
feet. . L'pou this the s > tai rushed to the foot
lights and enod'Kitilnwn1 Theie's noth
ing tbo mutter ! If there was Pd bo the ms > t
to get out' ' " This dhcrtud attention , tlio
crowd settled down , nml ineimwlillo two of
the youngsters cseajieil The others were'
found hanging llko bats to tbu rafters and
An Honest Ituj.
A newsboy aboul a toot and a half high.
tossed n cent up on the Chicago Tribune's
ion nter.
"Ueie's do cent I owed ye' while ago , " ho
"You are an honest boy , " said tbo clerk ,
shoving the coin back. "You may keep It. "
" -Menu's another to keep it cotnpmv , ' 10-
nmrkeil a bjstamler , taking a cent from his
pocket and handing it to him "Now you'll
fo nml shoot craps , I suppose"
"I don't shoot craps , " said the > oungstcr.
"You Uon'U Then hero's some more , " and
the bystander guo him a dime.
" .Tso , 1 don't never shoot ciaps , " said Iho
boy , pocktting tlio inoiiev " 1 ain't old
'noufe'li ' y U. Do other kids won't let me. "
1 oilllii y Wna I'lv.
AMP IMi * ! [ iM.
Pedagogue Can you give a sentence Illus
trating thu ilifloicuco between mini ! and mut
ter (
Toinmio-\csslrl When I ilont mind ,
tu-ett } soon they s .suthln' tb' in.itlcr !
it Hoy.
I ) Inilt I'icr ! ' , M.
O'lIoolK-an Is It tin cintsjo hey , Palsoy ' .
I'atsey N'op , Mislei O'llooligan. Ihoj'
do be copper chits.
ItcligioiiH Training.
Little ImogoM's father is n minister , known
fur and \vnlo for his goodness and benovo
lenee , says the Iloston Unzilto. U'hen Imo
gen was llneo years old bho 1.111 out of doors
on odiyhero her father had bien walking
through the snow. At onca tholltllo maid
began trying to jiit her small feet In tlio
largo footpi hits. Her mother went to the
door and exclaimed : "Why , Imogen , what
are > ou tiungtodoi"
"Oh , " the littlu lady undo loply. "I'm
walking In the stops of righteousness. "
'Ill-C'l of l
First Hov Whore did y' get that dime !
Seiond Hey -Tbo teacher guv It to me for
bein' a gooil boy all day yestidaj
"U'htit jo goin' ' to do wif Itf"
"lluy bonio sulphur to ( hop down the reg
ister. "
O , Ye * . , She Went lo Church.
t'ilt Lial Item
Husband Many people atchuub tulsforo-
noon , deal j
\Yifo-Yes , n largo number.
H CJood seinionf
W -IJclighlfiil.
IIVhero was the toxtt
W , It was-it was well , really I've for
H Humph1 Was Mrs. Jones thciol
W. Kho wus.
H AVIiut had she on j
W Well , she had oi | a liedferu fall wr ip
\erydaik I'ompoiiui reil cloth , with nai-
row Insertions of black velvet in tlio stilus of
thoskiit A small yoke lilminint' of Ihe vel
vet covoicd tbo upper paitof Iho chest and
was outlined with a Mixed tinsel build. A
nniiow liraidlin ; glidlpd the waist , and tbo
culls weio oinamonted in Iho same way. il
had a capo attachment plaltod upon t'm
stiouldersand attaelied by other plaits at the
xvaUtline , giving adolmuuappcaranco'o the
H. That'll do. I don't wonder tbit you
foifot the text.
Called the Turn.
U nl' Si'il | ' ( .
Mothoilieus-So you can't ' Deal the races
"Why , nil you have to do Is to buy a lopy ol
that paper every day and play tho'tipn
t'ynicns III did that It would not ho long
before 1 wouldn't have euough money left to
buy the paper
Ijlkc Oilier C'blvaliy.
Kutt l-'trlt * H'ltrlitiliitnii
( ieorgo 1 'insurprised that Ilarnes struck
lloinor on the nose after hu was down.
Hcnij-O , Ilarnes is ihivanous lie-nl
wn\s prefeis to don thing to n man's face
raitier than to his back.
ll 'cn TheroV
.s'f JnfIH \ .
An cxchnngo declares .solemnly tnat Iho
scil is n voracious cioature. Yon bet1 ICvin
when it's ( lend , the skin will eat up mail } u
hnril-CMiiied dollar.
My wife had been a huffererfor some tlino
with pain in the back , Kulvatiun oil wus
freely used and 1 nm glil lo sny my wife to
day bulTer.4 no pain , W. II. Uoi v n i
Uttlllniou' , Md.
In colds of greit obstinacy unit Insi'ldig
chronic couslib use lr Hull's LOUKU s.yiup
llI'l'IM1 IVMllU'I / / PH Ill'i III\T / '
Davids Adopted by the Very Thirsty to Got
Ueer on Sumhy.
. Men \\tio \ \ Allow I'tielr Hives ,
s mill UHJN to liny
' ( heir Itcei.V llai-lici'p-
A thinly clad w-onim stood shlveilng al
; he coiner of \Yest Kannini stieet nlonn
nst ovcnhig assho rapped iiellcali'ly on the
painted glass hi the iloor , emloriVcihiK to
lltiact the iittciilion of Iho white
ipionod tint lender. In one hand the
woman held omblnatlon " - "
a ( "m-owlcr"
Meirly ovciyouu knows what a com
mon , everyday prowler Is , hut a
combination giovvlei Is something now nnd
novel , bill at the same time vcn simple. It
Is nitule of basket stiaw and is largo enough
toholdnbeor backet and a whisky bottle
nlso. The woman also bad a now silver del
liu. Her luisbiud , alabiiior , a ( I in- working
haul alt day bid sent the'Vldvoinau" out to
purchase ivftcshiiieiits In honor of tlielianm
fin I Unit the ghost bail walked for the
week , riniillv the bar buy nnsueied the
call and her oiiler , vas taken. It was "l.'i
cents woiHi of beer and J'i c-cnts uoilb of
wldsUy , plca e" As the tnuteiidei hlllll
edly raised Iho cover to thu hiskot Ihu fl
lows uttho bir dilnUiiig passed all sorts of
comments on the now feature In giovvleis ,
but In ajllTy the \\oimui had been scived nnd
was gone
"C Inline 1(1 ( cents worth " shouted a kid , as
he shoved a tin pall onto the bir , which ho
\Mnly tiled to en in by pulling himsell up hj
his hauils as he stood on the fool i-.iil
"Who Is It forf" nskodlho bailender.
"Kerilail , who d'ye 'sposo1 !
"Incline see\oiii older"
"I hain't got none"
"Then voii'll have to go biek homo and
get It. I've been fooled too often bv von
Kids lately. The next thing I know 1 11 he
sued or lose my licciiso entirely.1
"O , eiiiii off Diil'll whac-k with movlien
I get home' . 1 don't haf to dilak vvid dem
kids In de ullev. " Hut the Older had to lie
forthcoming before the lad could get his
The hey bad barch slammed Iho door \\lien
a mild npncarbiL ; young vvoiiian about tlftien
years of age entered and stood Just lusUlo tlio
door , modc-stlj covciinga pilther with her
clean calico apron After exchanging 10
cents for the foaming b'vorago she hurried
away fruni the brazc'ii .slaie iflho loiters In
the saloon.
" \Vhv didn't you make Hint gal proHiconn
ordert" growled of the bleac-oed
onu - } eus-
"O , kho's all right T know her Tnlher well.
\\V\o \ \ got nstanding ouler fiom him to glvo
his i-liildron beer whenever thcvall llo is
ncontiactorniid is woilhlotbof niciiey. but
his l.imlly piefeis fresh ki-g hccr to the bol-
tlod goods "
"Is theroany tnonoy m thogiovvlerlr.iile" '
\entuied onoof the men at the bir , as ho
loaded his cob pipe and proceeded to till Ilio
place with auodoi of burning rubber.
"Nota cent foi us , ' ' suit the bntender ,
"but it is giaft for the brewers.V \ \
are compelled to icconiiiiodntooni * luigiibins ,
liowc'Mr , nstt bungs agieatileal ofwhi < k\
nnd tobacco custom in tune Wo
have one customer who neut comes
In with his run but \\lnit lielmjsa drlnkof
llriuoi for lilmsclf , but the beer lie carries
homo to Ills liniilj "
"How do theio icciilar every day beer
( IniiHc'isoik thoiackelon Sunclaji"
"Nunicions wavs 'Ihosowho ran afford
It bin an eiRhth keir onSaturdiv and tap it
at home. 'l\u \ > orthi-co families gu together
and have a regular picnic Of t-onibo
tbissjstomls onljrilted hy the peeler
ilasies Jtlen who can afford It use the bottled
tled beer on Sundays. Hut wo Invo seine
customers who come late on Saturday nl 'lit
and have usbottloa do/en or so rrom'tho keg
and drink that. Hut anj peiaon who wants
the beer bad enough c-angetitoii Sunday as
well as anv other day. Thev como
with all sorts of cans , ' Jirs
and juirs. The most novel growler
I hnvcstiuck yet was produced last Sunday
by a plasterer. Ihcanl a up at my luck
door and upon opening it I\vas \ eon'frouted
by a buil } follow \ % ho was holding a laigo
pumpkin on bis slioulihr
" ] ilon't want anvcwtablei today , " said
1 to the fellow ns no forced his wav in the
doorand with a sigh of ichef he imlouled
the yellow \cgetulile on the Hour.
" 'Hut I vvimt some hcer , ' said the fellow ,
nnd haiifr ino if he didn't ' take heM of the
slum of thit pumpkin and lift the lid on as
line a growler as a person \\ould want loseo
Ho said he had made it solely for Sunuav
"Other mon como v lib fruit tars ,
jugs in n sick , buttle , valiics and
uvei } imaRinnb'o ' device Ono of mj
eustomeis left his little tin pail oh
Satnrdav night. When ho was roaily to leave
on Sundiiv thciowiisniiulicimaiislanding nt
the i car end of the building Ho cniefiillj
balanced the vessel on Ids bead and placing
his silk lint over It , ambled out of the back
door mid Joggled the run on his head for a
bloik without spilling a ihop. As soon as
the'cop'was out of sight tie iiiised bis hat
militarised thogiowki In his hand 'Jhero
is no use talking , you may check the sale of
boor 011 Sundav , but v on cannot stop It eii-
tirelj "
r > os YOUR T\L
If so. lliH.
willpiitlri'ly remox'o all moth unilivorsp ts ,
willwliiten your sliin , will prevent Sunburn
and Tun , will perimnenlly roitore tlic youth.
fitUnftncv ) toyniii blcin and licc'ji it in pur-
loct condition In any oil mato. Prii o $1.SG ,
postpaid ,
SKiu Kcitucr and I'linplo liciiKivcr.
To thosa in'n anJ wjmoi who Invo nn
Unsitlitly , R < d , Coirs * , noii | > \Vrlnltled ,
Dry , Disooloriil , I'lmplul fiico , v/ith Dis.
tunded 1'ores flllu 1 wltli llholt Itoads dlt-sli
wormsi , i s Flf-sli Worm Paste , which , with
o.ich and eivt'ry uppl.cation nnjirovu the ap-
lioirance of youi Sitm , md vritli'ii i it w
\veeksyoii\vlllhavoa iiuro , olnar and lirll-
limit complion Priro $16O jiostpiul.
For bale hy
Inlli' I.c llr Kitlumd lixlu ) ( ktic.lH .
luiliii k Oil , ( IT icr Illh ami ami
Noitli Jltli and Hi-It < -
MM- man > V M < ( 'onurll. nil DmU'itid't
\\lii \ \ ili'sili * A cnt < Uli'htrilsui Ding Co , ,
1007 unil lull . .humstrcit
38 uml'lO Street ,
Mon Yoik ,
Vuliiiililu b < Kik luallul fin uiicin iifinllr uu n
MCounlrv : 'tis ' of Hire.
l.itul of likity ,
LanJ \ \ hole our fathers
LanJ u hue our Mothers
it it\l ,
Over tlic wash-tub tlcJ
I rt Ircoilmti ilnn.
Aii.itio \ > country tlwc
1 .imlot tic noMe , frci
Ihn.iino I love ;
1 Imc Huksiiiil ; flllls
Huloli : wli it l.iiindrvl'ills ' ;
siuiluith lion01 ilitlllb ;
\Vluii 1 Hunk ol thco ,
I t'ltiuiMc s\ % cil tlio t'lei'ze ' ,
AnJ l > lothroiujh \ .ill the
Liltltod innihlsa \ \
AnJ i I ulltn , t c.iKe ,
1.U ill ( orcltMiincbiiil : ,
Join tlic.ippl.iubc.
3S M Ffca Ik St ,
11 ml MB 111 * r\enil innn tin IncallDit nn'l innrtli'iiln
fliimlin llr minims hfn iMtniil nn in * , lilili'K' | iti.
llnli mining ( In liiinilmls < if ( Ill/oils nil' ' | | I ( u
Mm iiliniiHt HUH Instri oit nml luun 1 In liH HitUtful
mill ! tiatlt > iis Itiu full ru illntUin ut liup1 l ina' ilu-
ti rr il
lipc'runnc'iulr l ti I ( iii'l Int tlio host np-
loinua tiiid un > < t * i nxi1
illl < o uiul 11 ( Pllc | n n nn H In din ih i
The Mi k ' .III tin , ! In I r IHllliuM i trao ph > nltliii
end a i > ) nii > nlliiMf Iriiin mil n IM i.r
Tor trcalnu-it nf II f l . \v Uu llll-'OI'Ill
Ur lilllliik-M ins pniti'ii I O . Ml II
II I1H U1 hUlll
I VI V 1(1111 MliiiM'.nM t Hu Ihi.iiil uiul nn c. Cfl
t utr 1 1 ini | u't i lit > . i In1 hlii. M | HII I n , ru < . proa it lni |
ill MUM iln i\ aril it , III
UVll l'n | , | , , | | | liiM'lKl-o- ' nf InlUlltoll.
I III r tr nilih- liitp'i t , il , I | IIIHII.MI | tin I nillrUlnfl
I\IHN IV lil l l r. - . to * IIIKI di 'K in : niul In-
lililiiiM * ) | II | > | MM hnr I lo re cat ll Iln lir III i pntlullt
< i | | < n I < ml tit in ! il lirluhl1 ! * llNMu ir il ilti'ttii
nisKVMs d | n u : iil.iNil ) Illnoil | HI | < null
"inliiln ir > nlnlnt. | mil < ll < mii's iiiontliinn ( I lull
.tl.t. * MS llt'TA iISftdiii. : . niltrlti'iim Vnrl
< In uio r < I i liiTdiM. N'mriih liipn in i lly o iloj
fill" kln | iliiiili'i. | mil illn'UCt nl Ihu rOdli nfl
< imil In Mr llllnu >
IH-I VMPS I..HI ( if Tlunr. Imt inv--
il . pie < trntlnti. , li | ii > nil m } - . ( > riiitloil |
i n the fin n IIMI nf nii'ino'v ilri'iul uf fulur.i , cU.
A l en In ulmi'iit Unit M V lilt IMl , "
linii MVl'lsvi AMI villiilA I.HI V - \ro carol
ly llr lilllfni-- ! KMI nil > tli , > ri | IIIM < tnllivl
H M VII. U IMKNI i"i : * > Iln lnr h Irrntlont
hill uiiiuliin.l luolhol. uiiillr on ili v.i I nru n > i
i | n lliV li.i lullv linenImiilln nf tliu Hiiirnrlii ]
HIM riiliiri-.l ly n "in n utlliialu Hid nmr ,
In mi' tuMluii-nli f I > r IHlllim
111 i > vt.i. iii-i TAI -riiiii-injs riiDi. in.
lulu uli-ii""i'i > lrlitin > anil nil ll i'Hi s nf ructiim
iiiii'il nilli.iHt . | | i < knilc I'M uli r ) ur an liourn < lohr
Ir in Muik oi tni'lni-st
Al I. \HUHIC-ini ! , . , , , ilrkly rmnl.
VI M III M , lilsi-3 vl'llw til rli > n il " 'lln
n'lilll | n'liorrli ' i'ii. "trlrtiiru uiul nil rn illliiK n-
d i Hi > ni lire i-iin I | > i-riiuin'iill ) mill forovc'i n Itlioill
nil ) mi ri rur nilni-r il Iri'nl'iieiil
VIOIII'IIINIS IIAIII1 ( julckly. imiltlvi'lr nnl
I llllllfflHl ) ( . ' ( Ill'l
( AIM , WOllM-Taki'i with lio.ul rnitiplctc In enl
linur ultliiiiiii li'nip. i infill " 5 iilrii'iuit iiielliliiu Nil
lii'tlni ;
ni'illllt lsiv-iin | ; - nfliin olil nircfs. luilluiinnt
iilic'ri inniori r.uiuTi lu-irl tronlilcn , noliinii ,
( | iloi | < \ t Mum ilnni > milkier. cliMiilc iO'isllia- [
HUM iiiiilclironli'illiir.-lii i tT'ciirt-l
I III ! ( OMI'IPVION 'Ilu miMl iin lulilly inl
ininlil ) ( vniiili'tliin unlikly fritlium liunllciulUloJ
loll ( II KiS IVn IIIMS A'lll A ICTIII inont , carl
Hot II" ' . ' Iln in lu'ip m live' il ! ! „ ' < , * to 8 3J
( million . ' to | i in
Patients Troitul Uy CorrepOiidui\c3.
Midlcino Sent Everywhere
" "
322South""FTrreenth St.
llr Dilllnj'i TJripans and dlsiic'nioq hli
own medicines , whlcli aru Inr uly mlectoj
Ironi inturu's lit-allii pliuti , barlti , roots ,
mus..hmljj , etc , NJ niuiH.'il 0tlrn J
Is the Portal of Life , aiuj
THE TEETH Organs which Regulate the Health.
Good digestion waits on appetite and health on both.
"Shakespeare. "
For a ny thing pertaining to youi1 Teeth , visit
DR. BAILEY The Dentist
Office Third Floor , Paxton Block.
Telephone 1O85. 16th and Farm am.
N. E. Cor. 14lli and Fnrnam Sts.
* - n
\V ( will in ikenu a . ( ! ( f tdtli usf \ tin In.1 mlilii r nnd ( > f AHA N I'l I it 111 fiu'lOO
I'AIN ' 1,1 s T\l I : \i 1'ION \ \ it him i UK I ho I 1.1 tli a ie > I Mr.uie-il AlMilutuy Vitlioul I'.iln '
( old Mh ( i .mil lidiin llllln.s. I row u mil llrilii ! UIIIK
Dur Mullo Ilu' ' III P < l nl il wink ati.ovvls-i | | \u | jnii-c s
1316 D juglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
co onKon joirOTI.II | | n A ri'iiulir rail niio in tm'IMiio i Ii > ' " i li > v l liil In'itliu wit
tlieizrenlO't Nlirn m nil Vriu < < lir nli tiii'll'n ' uln i ) .010 * AIM r n mi'ilt i ur u ilriiil If r l it ir ig
Siriuiiturrh | i-u ln t Maul -I'nilnalU nikm * M.'ht I i- < i > < linn .t. i -Miilii iMn. . ir mil all 111-
I'livsol tin' III. nl sittnaiul I ilniry Ork'im S U IK nirnii . f i"l l ri > .r. i-il unlii-t mu 1111 I full t >
< un C untultKtlun fruo llouk Myalunua u iilfui built ( ruj Oil ) ill HIIJ J n in to" p iu. buiilir IJ
it m lo I.'in
Draperies and Furniture.
1115-1117 FA.KNA.M SrKKET. OHA.1H , ? sTF .
Stoxo rrpilriatiilliliii i ptl > ns fur i . il , un I hi-ti n -i. \ < . f i nlly .in I hnl.l r uie- \Vutcr \
id u IUIK i.l- , a -n | i i i it
Tolonhnno O UOUEHT UHL.IU , Proprietor
lL.iqjnCllL ) \ ) \ ) tT J'
_ c. M EATON , Mutinrjop.
CiiicHcsnii-s EMUSH , tit n CROSS HI/MONO
THC ORIGINAL NO CCNUinC To cinl ) * -uri , hun.lnl rrli nI'l lia . <
I .ll , . , k.k UruKKlIt I r - Aid , - . ' /njl./ / , /U" . nt IU I III III-I ,1 I. , .1.1
Ifd Ml , l.ln t , > MI ( ul I .lit Uiul * . 'UJ Mtfifuh n. , < illn
tnnif f r i nri u't I i II , Ilirinr I mil , . * in n r turn MM II.
T ( liuuiil > l > N cm CHICHL&TIR CHCMICAC Co
hul.l Ii ) all l uinl llruB
OPTICIRN \Vliin I m turn I du , > t rainu iimnli'ii thru
liru liui'i'iiultliin hanitli ,
* iu Murmkuii. 1m nt
Mll. l.uri' . IllttlMluilx tlimllMMIIIllf IIIS I I'l
-'II Slltll , I'lll 'I llllllllM II I'SVirKAIIINIJhlCKMsSnlihl.mBHiul ) I
PJJ' arrantni ) Min-li lo euro tlii , . ! > ! . . | t.t Mlt
Dealer iuArtifidtl IJIB j ) | rbl"u' ' "Wn non-mMm fnr n iu.wmcu.w ,
l"L l's < I " * HOOi'1 ' , ' JI , ( ! ) ! ' IbT "I'lurl tili'i" ' ' .
n *