Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1891, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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    TJJE OMAJ1A At ) <
lore's ' a Ohance to Ltitigh tit Your Nolgh-
bor's Weak Points mid Fnlllugs.
"VVlwt tlioVIU Mnvi * HIMMI DoltiK to
tiliiiw Pcoplo Motv Uldlimloni
'I hey Somotlmi'M Aiponr
to Others ,
/V/mfl / Knr I'ltn
A limiul new Ji-st or linpny chlmo
Or woil-iurtioil wit fnnn wiitf or mhno
\ \ o insnr. and cm- with Solomon
" 'T'ln o untight Is now lionoalli tlio
a'lio Joi < Is m-ny with HBC nnil tlinol"
O \\ltlain of tint stornur ollnio ,
\Vlloru U tlio ru.isnn nnil tlio I'hymol
O glvo IIH now -If ( ere this none )
A bnuul now Jmt !
Of tliuo worn things In years mibliini )
Komi the BROS' eoliwobhuil irrltno
With Ki'cutor grnco tlinn thou hast ,
A Ki'iiro from venrs anil custom won
\Tlion olil us ooiolo sllino -
A lirmnl now Jest.
Hnl'ni * lo Stay ! JOH ( .
"Hollo , Willlo , " snlil n simill boy , tw 1m ntct
n comitulo In llio .stroot about ilusk , "vcr
liiotlior'H lookln' foryo. "
"Is she ! "
"Yea , slio's not the xvlmlu family out nml
plio'h fjnln' on torrlblu. Shu savs yon win
tlio prhlnof lior hoarl nnil was golu' to bo the
comfort of lii'rolit nne. "
" ( io way ; slio didn't. "
"Honest. Slio says she nuvur d Id see ono
BO annul for } i'1' "B" l101' such n comfort
nrciinil the lionso. You'd bettor go on
lionio. "
" 1 was hum-In1 with all my might. Hut
arc .von sure ami sniil all them things ! "
"Vo.s ; mid a lot nioro. ( ! o on , who's wait-
In' fcr } < i now. " .
"Woll , 1 don't know. I toll yo , .Minniy. I'm
inlKlity doubtful In my tnliul about wliutliur 1
Lndu'l hotter stay lost. "
HiViiH Proposing , Too.
/'lie/ / , .
Harry nearest why tills iinllntlonlVliv
0 < ) yon hliio your faro from mot ( Jnn you not
frpoalc ono little wonlt C'nrrv ( In a choking
VoiceHcnlly ) , Harry , I- I - can not. K\-
fuse ino. bul your emotion tins cnu&uil you to
burst ioiir shift collar !
TlurU'nv oft hu World.
Detroit l-'iifl'
The Bwcot. motherly f.uv of Mrs. II. , who
tilways won- decorous liiaulc , appeared on tlio
JiroinonntU' lately in a Kubon.s lint blaolt , to
bo nn til but oh
"Twenty years too young for her , " ojimi-
Jnloil ono I fiend nelilnd hur b.iolc. To her
fnco Hhusniil :
"You dear tlilngl How bocoinlni ; Hint hat
Is to you. Xuvor wear a bonnet ngnlti I"
. "Did } nu sro Mrs. H. at church today ! "
risked aiiolher lady of her husband.
"Yes , i she ncycr misses morning scrvico , "
Lo ruplti'd.
"And did von notice her hall'1
"Why , no. I suppose It was the same ono
Blio nlwn.vs wears. "
"It was a round hat , " aiinonncod tlio laily.
In inneli tlio same tone she might have used
if the hoailgear in question had beou n
"That woman will wear a crown someday
day , " answered her huslmiul. " 1 ilo not
liaow hur Oiial ( | In ( jood works , "
"I am talking about earthly millinery
| io\v , " answered lili wife , us she plclted up
tin ) discussion ngain.
Mi'iinwhllo Mrs. H. hnil returned homo nnil
tnliiMi otr the otTcnillng hat , which she
liiunlcd to her dmiKlitor
"Thank " she said. "I
yon , Hnby , suppose
iny bonnet has comi ) Imek. "
"Yes , I'l'iir , " nniwoieil her iliumhtor , "and
Irs. - was so tfratoful because yon lent it
to her Shu said she could not atloi'il to buy
mourning for her boy. "
"It was a small favor to do for ono lu
trouble , " answered tlto mother gently.
AnO ' .ho wagging tongues never reached
TinDCIICOII'K Ui-tort.
A dc 1 inli llfnilit.
It urioveil llio pardon ns ho tun lit
'I'o ' si-o the iloai'on in Ills pew
-A-noililinn us In sliM-p , ho tlionjjllt ,
Di'spiio tlio hints lie often throw
Tliat Mi'opini ; In the lioly plnco
l \vofu ) l.u-lt of
Al U illi | , his patloncu quito worn out ,
Ilo loudly to the deacon orioil ,
"U'nlio up nnil think what you'iti nbotit" '
' 1'ho latter strnitilitway then replied ,
"Tlio Konl'srirh jlfl 1 suiiily Itcoji
Hi'ivcth ( Ill.s helovcil hlcop' "
Tlic Hey Don't Kick.
Simirrrf/fi' / Join mil.
Wliothora colleuo oiliifiitiou helps n young
innu who nu'ans to outer Inisineis lifo Is nn
Opt'ii ( | iustion , perhaps ; but there is no
[ louut that ho can liavo n ( jood of fun
while ho Is getting tht education.
How's I hi- , ' . '
.Icwolor If yon want to liny n watch , I
tlilnU that nn American movement In nn
American ease takes thoiMltu.
Customer Probably , but you will , no
don lit , atnvo with tnotlml n Swiss movement
In Swi'lt er knso Is jnst nbuut the I'lieobO.
I'ooi'-r-r I1 idci.
"Why , .lannt ! What , in the world Is the
nmttrr'witli Pido ! "
"Ho'.s ( ; ot n overo cold , denr. I tlilnk I
must have left liH nnu le off too suililonly ,
j-ou know. " _
An AIilil'Mnaiili > r ,
"L'ni'lo llphralm why ilo you support Of-
Jlconoekorl He's nastatostnan. "
'Yon's mistaken , boss. Ilo am u proat
ptnte ninn. "
"How s-ol"
"Ilu pays more for votes dim nnyboily else. "
Tlint Trnvoleil.
Conctnil Mniiitiir.
Not Ion R ngoa Jotter caino through the
postoniuu addressed to "Lnrd Mills , N. II. ,
Which found Its nroiiev destination at Oil
Mills , N. H. A letter ndilrossed to "Uonst
1'lp , Mnvs. , " was doeiphereil by tlio Iloston
snail dorks to bo Intended for Dedliam , nnil
there it wns delivered to the person for
Whom It was intended.
Th < "iu Throe.
ps1 inn a victim of fnith , liojio nnil
HipjjsHow sol
Discs When 1 started lu business a year
npo I hail a liopo that I should suecood , but
no oao seemed to hnvo fiiitli In ino , nnil now 1
Bin an object of charity. "
1'lu ; Mllluiilnni KniMMitc.
Aric 1'iir/i Ilirahl.
The lambs and lions shall ilo down together ,
All lliliiK * ono dny slmll dwell la harmony ;
'Twill eoino when doutori praUo nnd love
noli other.
\Vhen streams run up and minuter ! * agro1 ? .
Name Itlm ( 1 volnml.
SI , Jiwiih .Yum.
"I hnvo pot n boy , " said a prond father ,
"who is ( tontined ono dny to slnno brilliantly
In the political llrniamont. "
'Shows ' an aptituilo for statecraft , does
"Xo , but lie can't write a lottcr. "
Her Kirs I Uakint ; ,
Yiniup Husband DUt jou inako this cnlte
Maria i
YounpVIfoYcs , f.'eorpo.
You UK Husband take the cake
Youne U'ifo ( tlattereil ) O , ( ieorROl
Yonm ; Husband ( continuing ) and tlirou
It away. _
TlioiiKh True. "
Mlrtli Is catchlnp , so the say ,
Mv wlfo tikes tliitjus the other way.
\Vhea I urn sober , stio is nay ,
And vlco versa : stratiRo to saj.
When I pot Jolly
V' Blio's melauclioly.
What'H In It.
How mnch nonsense ttio nowspaperi
| ) rlnt nbonl rtwtiuniM and fashion * nnxv1 f
don I Hooliow inMrl adrcss iMttbfi so full of
Jack ll Is when jouonr It.
Time Nir ( text.
Siinir I'l/lc / J'ltinin ) ,
Prolmhly llobort Hay llntnlllon cntv *
whether or not ho l nllv'o , ns the sotnallonal
newspapers say , but certainly the puhlli )
No Inducement ,
A nmn nt the postoftleo cnvo n newsboy 23
cent1 * yestrrdav to 10 nnil Rot him n impor ,
nml when the Ind returned huvn ; InnulL-d an
oxtiii nli'lc.'l with the romurk :
"Tlmt U lor your hone lj' , my hoy. "
"Hut-hut stnnitniirod , " tlio boy ns ho
looked from the coin lu thu nmn nml b.iek
iiKnln. "
"Woll ! "
" \\'hy , nlr , It's only fi cents , nml I cotilil
Imvo run nwuy wlth'tho whole ( innrter' "
A Cooil liny.
l-'ntlipr Wi'llwhnl Inn Tonitnv boon doliiB
Mother HP rut off n jilcco of c.U'1 * lull ,
liroku Ihreo window.blneked the cook's eye ,
nml built u lion llro In the col Inc.
l''nther ' Is Unit nil I Tommy must hnvo
b ceil n good boy today.
I'aiic } nnd I'ncl.
I low oft n vague prewntment
Of I'liinliig ill depmHses ns.
When if uo'ilhut look b.ii'k wn'd llnd
"I'ls Urcaltfnst thnt distresses ns !
Him On.
A'l ic I'ltrA lnlirr. (
Mamma It sootns to me that your fnturo
husband Is a little too evnotlnp. Ilo wauls
this , that nnd the other. I consider him a
perfect , nuisance.
VlulutVi'll. . dear mamma , wo can nfford
to Indnlpe him foi once. Lot htm have Ins
way now \ on know it will bo the last time.
Ydiitlil'iil Si'cjit IcNni.
. .s'liiilui'lllcijunidl. / .
HJenkenson hnd just rotnrnod from church
in a dim rollphms Iraineof niiml , and for the
instruction of his fonr-j ear-old iiaiiKhtor ho
told her In graphic style the biblical storj ot
.Iniinli and the tthalo.lien ho had llnislied
Kthi'l looked up in his face , and eaperly said :
"Now , papa , jou listen , nnd see if I can't
tell you n bipgor Ilo than that ! "
"There nro no hhds In last year's nests , "
There- no doubt of that !
llccauso the blnU were killed hist fall
To tiim the winter hat.
Kdlldi' at Church ,
.ll/inif'l / I'nllilitlltlnU.
"Will you iass ) the hat , " said the parson ,
"I will , " said the editor , "Mire. "
Hut tlio pai-bon frowned ns the hat \\cnt
"And snid ! "Dix'thcrn , lock the noor ! "
On a Decline.
W. , r m'\h ) \ iVrii'i.
Kt. ApodoioDid I understand vou to say
that Miss Wavorly wns HU
Uo Masens ( rnofnlly mlnilful of his rejec
tion ) No ; I said 1 foiind her jjolnp Into a de
A Konsonlnt ; I'altli.
Mitniru'g MVc/Ji/ / / .
"Are there trees in heaven , pnpai'1 asked
"Yes I suppose so. "
"I should think the hnloi would catch in
ho branches unless they tire trimmed pretty
ilKh. "
Ov < > ruholintl ( Him.
Dry Hood * t'liruiitil ? .
To homo puiiKont remarks of n profosslonnl
irothcr a western lawyer bogau Ids reply as
ollows : "May il please this court ; rustinp
ipon the couch of repnbheau equnlitv as 1
lo , covered with the blanket of constitutional
tanoply ns I am , and protected by the u-pls of
\morican liberty as I fool myself to bo. I despise -
spiso the biu/inp of tlio ptofi.-ssioiial insect
vhohas Just sat down , nnd defy his attempts
o penetrate with his puny stlni ? the inter
stices of my impervious covering. "
Don't Do It 'I hiHVa.v. . .
I'lincniJi'lllf ( l\i. ) MfH'nuti' .
"Are yon the editor of the paper' "
" 1 am. What can I do for you i"
"Well , 1 thought I'd step up and see how
on are. My wife inul I are Kul'ig ' to Capo
Muv tomorrow. "
"Indeed ! "
"Yes , but I wouldn't hnvn anything said
ihout it in print , of course. My name is
jlmpklns Ainriah Slinpklnt. "
"Cilad to meet you , Mr. Simpkins , I'm
sure. "
"Now ilon't go to pnttin' anythln g into the
vapor about our polng away.Vestartat I
) 'clock , and I reciton v/o'll ' bo pone pretty
icar a month. 1 need the rest nnd Mrs.
slinpkinsnsgutting rundown. Or course
I know how anxious you newspaper men
ilways aio for an item , but we nro plain
loopio and don't want any notoriety. Aly wife
ilways likes to see 'Shnnkins' snelt without
i 'pj' ' hut the old-fashioned way is good
enough for mo. Well , I know an editor's
: imo is valuable , so I'll sny peed day. "
A Ko.icctcd t anillilate.
t'htetiiiii Inter-Oftitn ,
"Undo Kbeno/er , " said llojaek to Mistah
lohnsing , " 1 uijdorstand that Madison Clay
Washington tried to go into thu Midnight
club , and that the members wouldn't have
him. "
"Dat am a fap' , sail , " replied Undo ISbo-
ne/er ; wo whltebnllod dovulllcs nlpgali ,
sah. "
Nn DiinMt nl' It.
I'dii/ic / : lllmlt.
Hho You don't ' mind my talking so much ,
do yon' !
Hi--No indeed , hut ( facetiously ) I may
mind after wo me married.
She Hut 1 shan't iihul then if yon do.
Slow lint hurt' .
At ic Yin I , I.etlija :
Kathor Young Walker has been dovotcil
to yon for two or three years , hasn't hul
Daughter Yes , papa.
] < \ithor Isn't ho very slow about pro
posing *
Daughter Yes , ( iuoruc is a litllo slow , but
I think bo's sura
tiiiYiit Away ,
/'jwr/i. /
Yoniip Man ( complainlnp to his baker of
the bread i See here ! Your bread's s > o hard
1 fin't eat it. "
Haker ( indignantly ) ung chap , I made
bread lonp bofoie yon Wc"born.
Young "Man 1 don't doubt it , sir , and I
Jnilpo it's some of llioso same loaves you've
been soiling ino.
lipiMi Thoru Iliiuseir.
Dctiitlt I'nii'if s.
A poUccman , who was invo-tipatlng a dark
hallwav on tirand Uivor avenue , heard some
one snoring in the darkiu-ss and ho rappud
with his club and called out :
' Now , then , who is it ! "
"It's me , " replied a voice as the snoring
ceased. .
"Who's mo ! "
"O , I used to bo on tbo police force. ( ! o
along it's all right. Thero's only room for
ono of us hero ! "
\ Wondirl'iil Memory.
/iMllMl ( ( ' ( HI ) id' .
Miss Sere And bo this is your birthday ,
is It , Maude I
I.lttlo Mimiln Yes , ma'am.
.Miss Sere -Mine is in June , the Ibth of
Little Mamie I think that Is very won
Miss Sere Wonderful I Why , pray I
Little Manila That you can still remem
ber It.
Taken No Chancui.
Hl > i > cli.
Old ( ient ( to drunken man ) -Look hero ,
my friend , you shuulu know butter than to
get drunk. Take a look Into the future.
Inebriate ( treat Schott' ' "f I diil I'd po
cra/shy. My dead wife's waltin' for mo.
Tim's a pretty future , so'tis.
\Vliiu Onilil ) ?
Hnrbosn comes homo wearing n hat so big
that it comes down over his noso. Ills bettor
half raises her hands In wonderment and
&ays :
&aysVy donr , where did you buy such u hall
It doosn't lit you at all , nnd is not oecom-
inp. "
"I know that , and 1 told the hnttor so , but
ho shouod iiiu thu oxi > ositlon medal , so what
could I do about it. "
Xo griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witt's Little Karly UUers are taken. Small
pill. Safoulll. Best pill.
A Ktory nf tlio I'rcHi'nt Initlnn Upris
nr 9.
ON Tin : w vooxi % < iinti. .
The scout and hU companions luvl nlmost
ivached the edpo of the tlnibor , when the
former came to an abrupt halt , nt the s.nuo
time throwlnp np his as n signal for
thu other * to do likewise. Not twenty yards
In their front loomed up through the d.irk-
ness llio form of a solitary Indian. Thnvtu-
llant half-breed had illsooverod liliu not a
monieiit too soon. Ho stood moveless as u
statue. Ills neck was craned and hlsheadwas
turned to one side , with every facnltv evi
dently coticeiitrnted In the ono of attention.
Ills acute heat hip had doubtless detected
some unusual sound.
Thoilark outllin of the savnpo's form was
plainly visible tu the scout , nmllth a
tiiuiwk'dge of his cxa.'l position , Ills moclo of
notion was sneeillly determined upon.Vav \
lilg hU hand lor our friends to remain per
fectly ( inlet , ho handed his Winchester to
Hob jr. drew his lomr knlfo and eiopt away
with the stealth of n panther. Ills move
ments wore so guarded that nu sound what
ever was prtidueed , and the Slou\ sentinel
leinalned niiciinsoious of his tiroxlinlty.
ThudoslrtHi spot was tlnallj i-oached by
the crouching scout. Ilo bent lowi-r and
lower , gathering nil his strength for the
spring. In another moment our friends saw
his dark form lunpo through the air.
The half-breed's calculations had been mar-
\elously exact. Ho clutched llio helplesn
buck by tbo throat and bore him to the
prouiiil. Then there was a short slntpple , a
i'asp , a nio'in. and the deed was done , and
burning back to his friends. HaptHto apaln
led tlieni forward nnd unmolested they imulo
their way tliionph the timber.
limerglnunut upon the prairie they con
tinued on for the period of an hour , when
suddenly the scnut halted apalii , this time
upon the summit of a slight elevation. A
faint bree/o wassimghlng tnronglitho bullalo
grass , but the ranchmen heard no sound but
that. It wns evident , however , that
the aento ear of the scout had
detected something elfii. Ilo stood
motionless a moment and then taking u step
or two. stopped npaln.
"What is It PlciTO ! "
Uut as Mr. Hnrrett jiropoundod the ques-
tlon , the reply c.uuo from thocauso Itsell ,
A single , ionp. portentous halloo swont
over the intervening plain to the cars ot the
listening fugitives.
Almost instantly after a wild chorus
of yells arose back somewhere In the neigh
borhood of the deserted mansion , plainly dis
closing to our fiionds that the enemy had
inado some important ( llhcou'ry.
"Listen ! Ah ! they've tired the house Mr ,
Hariett ' . "
Too true. L-ooklng agnla our friends 1)3-
held 'i bripht. luriil glare llasn up toward the
heavens , and they know that their beloved
prairie homo was a mass of ilnnics that the
frustrated s'tvnges were venting their wrath
upon that harmless stmetuie.
Culv ) a moment longer did our little party
linger , when npaln they won ) speeding over
tlio plain \\lth all their cnerpy. Diptisto had
struck the wagon's trail and maintained it
with the InlalliDlllty of instinct.
The nlphi hndprowa quito cold , nml their
vigorous exercise nluno kept our fdonds from
suffering physically , but mentally their torture -
turo was almost unendurable. t'liially they
iieared a small motto of timber , tlio Identical
grove \\licni the party under Lo I oup hud
tonnd nnil ministered lethe wounds of tlio
young Cheyenne. At this juncture , to their
dire alarm , they discovered immediately la
their front a body of mounted Indians , com
ing directly toward them , it seemed.
The scout hastily pave His orders , and
stooping In the grass , which In this locality'
wns tall nirl exuberant , our little party run a
few hundred yards to one side , then dropped
Hat to the earth , holding their Winchesters
ready for service at the slightest warning ,
Hy this time the wild Bedouins had approached
preached so clnso that it coined inevitable
Unit our little party could not escape detec
tion.Hut the dancer passed. The painted and
bedecked horsemen appeared to have abrupt
ly discovered some sign or slpnnl nnay on
the dim bon/on , for after vhooliiiK and cir
cling a moment , they came to a halt the
heads of their ponies pointing to the north
west. The next moment they dashed tumultuously -
tuously away.
Then our Iriemls niraln moved on.
An hour later , when the night was pretty
well advanced and the full round moon burst
forth from the scattering scud above. Hood
ing the whole vast ocean of praino with her
soil radiance , the fugitives descried some
thing larin advance thnt suspiciously resem
bled n slatlonaiy wapon , tlio sight of which
lllled their hearts \\ltb a sickening dre.ul.
"It isn't it 1'ierre "
is tho-wiigon , en-
iinned Hob. jr. , In an unsteady voice , as they
approached a little closer.
"Yes , there Is no unmake , and them's been
de\ll's doings ahead ! " was the quick re
sponse ot the scout.
A piteous cry escaped both father and son
as tlio lialf-niwd's awful words fell upon
their oars , and heedless ol nil expostulation
they ran frantically on over tbo plain toward
the old conveyance , which looked gloomy and
.spectral in tbo weird moonlight , and stood
exactly as Lo Uoup's wolves had aban
doned it.
What a spectacle met their gao \\hon they
reached that woeful spot !
Tlio swollen carcasses of the horses , and
the dead and disfigured bodies of three
half-linked savages lying where they
had been stricken down by youns Cameron
nnd Scipio , made them shudder to the mar
row of tlieir bones , and tremble with fear for
the precious ones for whom they wildly
"Mother ! Nan ! Nell ! where are you ? "
And in his distraction Hob , jr. , leaped into
the wagon.
Instead of alighting firmly upon his feet ,
ho slipped ami loll , but instantly sprang up
again , discovering .tho cause of his mishap.
11 was a dark pool of sticky blood ! Then the
sight that greeted his eyes lio/.o his blood
with horror , and caused him to recoil
as it ho hail ueelveil a death-blow.
Stietcning out his linnils , ns if to shut
out ttio nwmlltng scene , ho uttered an ngon-
i/od cry , and fell upon his Icnros. Instantly
bo recovered from this will ! paroxysm of
pi'of ' , and with stony glare t' ed upon the
gory pile before him.
It was the ghastly nnd scalploss corpse of
his gxmtlo mother mid old Aunt J Jolllah , dls-
lipnrcil by a mutilation too revolting for de
When the youmr ranelnnan arose thorouaa
an insino look In his bloodshot eyes , but lo.ip-
Inp to the groundho looked at the wagonthen
nodilinp to Haptlsto , threw his arm about his
father , and led him back from the spot.
The scout watched them a moment , his
rough countenance showing his own feelings ,
as well as tbo compassion bo felt for the
father and son. Then motioning to liona-
pate , to assist him , ho climbed up into Uie
The interior bore the marks ot the violent
struggle that had occurred there but
a few hours before , U'no bravo old
negress had not yielded up her
lilo without a desperate resistance
uas obvious to the scout's practiced oyo. In
ono clenched hand were threads of lontf\\lry ,
black hair , which she had torn from thoheau
of ono of her assailants , and with the other
she still grasped tlto heavy oaken seat that
had proven such a terrlblo Instrument of de
fense in her hands ,
The hnlf-breod quickly the
grieving Honnparte , ana with tholr
hatchets nnd knives , after much labor ,
succeeded In excavating a grave largo enough
to hold both bodloi.
In an hour's time the two murdered
\vomcii had been laid to rest , nnd a huge
boulder , which was found conveniently near ,
rolled upon their lonely prave.
Next the tireless scout turned bis atten
tion to examining the slijns about the wnpon ,
and bo wasn't ' Ionp in discovering the trail of
the Indians and tholr four captives , which
led off to the north , toward the distant
Approaching father and son I'lcrro satit :
"Well , folks , this Is tud. but we've ' notlmo
to waste ; wo have done all that can bo done
now for the dead , nnd the living call on us
for help. The two girls , your friend Cumoron
with the daiUoy , have been carried oft can-
Mr. Hiirrott and Jlob jr. stood pa'o and
moveless , unit without a word signified
their willingness to follow the scout in whatsoever -
soever ho judged best to ito ,
" ( Jonio we'll follow thoni , come what may ,
Wo can't hardly expect to reach Pine Hidge
In safety , so wo may ns well do what wo can ,
If It Is possible to do anything for the rest of
our friends , then lildo In the sand-hills and
trust to 1'rovldonco. "
A moment later thov were oa the move
again ,
The scout took tbo broad trail of Lo
Loip' imrlv and MWnlo rapidly ntonpr It
toward tbo dark barruiir f lhi < dutantooiK
it i\as ionp after nndiiightwhiMi tlioj d.i'\v '
near lh ( licit of titnlnr , vet they did not halt ,
uiml < uildcnl.tin1 . keen sighted imlf-brcod dn
covered wlthiu the iiiu/v roccs os of
the woods , the glimmer of a camp tire.
IT TIII : Tumi HI ; ii.via1.
Xo sooner li nd Lu Ioiipniid Id * war party
nrr.unrod their Mvomio for the night , than
the leiulors.or elder biiivos.cliistctvd tenet her
la n little ( .Toiip , a shiirt distance from itH'lr
plnlonotlcaptlvos.andliogaiitalhliiL' . earnestly ,
casting ominous Kl ncos , us their dobat'1 ,
p ivprcssed , nt tbo recumbent forms of the
young New Yorker mid the sable Scipio.
1'oor I'amoron ! lU'fi'lt ' Itistiiii'tlvely that
they were deiiuor.ittng upon what disposlt loa
was to be made of himself and the black , and
ho in } In a fever of fear expecting moment i-
rily Ino iititioiiiicciiiiMii of Ills fate He could
conjecture with painful ncenrney , tlie ton-
done ) of llielr dNcnsslon h.\ \ their significant
gestures and scowling , merciless looks , and
Ho felt that .somo still more dread ful ordeal
was before him.
la truth thnl night was an awful otio fur
( o rpe > Cameron The p'lln nf thu wound *
ivieluMhilo lintllinc nt the wagon , and
the still gientcr pnin of his thoughts , jm > .
vented any hope of rest or sleep. Ilo lay
gii/lnir into the blaming camp lien In deep
meditation , conjuring up strange llguivs In
the plowing coals. Then us thu moon .showed
hur face Ir. the east , hu turned listlessly and
watihed It as It slowly lolled np over the
great wilderness , and the mournful sighing
of llio tilplit tuvivo imulu music tlmtcoiMcd
with his fcohng * . lie thought of his boy
hood's bumu on the beautiful Hudson ,
nnd the dear ones there ; of Nan
Wnnett , thu little body In whom his very
lifo had centoied. Alas ! what was to become
of her.
The two girls , utterly exhausted nnd
broken lu spirit , reclined against a thngo
lop , n few yauls awiu . They bad noticed
the hca\v gloom that had taken possession of
their connmntoa In captivity , yet they at
tempted no communication with him , tluniuli
they yeained for the sound of his voice.
Suddenly u tall , majestic Slonx sttiikud
from the snvngo group , and began lian ig-
ing thuin with nil the loltlnoss of inannorof
n notoil sovereign. Indeed , ho was a cele
brated bravo , known all along tlio ninth west
bonier as Bl.irk Cal ! , and his powerful In-
linenco Inul more thiin once olTeioil a ilangcr-
oils rival to Sitting Hull himself. Ho was
.skillful In the elinso , a terror on the warpath ,
and an eloquent orator a certain avenue to
popular favor among the until toicd child ron of
the plnins. lie was the incarnation of every
thing wicked and llontlish , ami nddlctod to
the Indulgence of the most ferocious
sions of his people : ho was never found on
thobhtoof nteicv , lint was nl\Miys n chief In
stigator lu iill deeds of torture and
revenge. With cunning and nrtfiil
speech lie Impressed his brother warriors
with the necessity of disposing of their male
captives before the dawn of another day. la
his subtle address he made the deeds ol Cam
eron and Scipio of tin' greatest nnd inirenio-
( llaldo provocation. Hi' pointed to theyoung
New Voikerand described thodo.uhof one
of their most distinguished braves , whoso
skull had been shattered to atoms by n blow
from his clubbed Winchester , nnd lifting his
voice to a Ditch of terrillc animation ami im
passioned energy , ho declared that thu pile
fneo and his bliiclc ally must die at once , in
atonement for the havoc they had effected in
their ranks.
As this evil declaration foil from the lips of
the ferocious < _ 'at , his voice was drowned In a
wild burst of fury , nnd thowholo wild crew ,
with brandished WO.IIKHIS , leaped toward our
helpless friends , and instant' death seemed
their inevitable portion. Hut tlio lllack Cat
wns as quick as lib feline namesake , and
with n single bound ho throw himself
between the excited bucks and their Intend
ed victims , dashing the foremost back with
homo violence , Then with rapid enunciation
and angry gesticulation ho chocked the blood
thirsty wretches , explaining to them a
deprivation of hideous delight their blind
impetuosity had almost caused them.
The captives must die a slow and llngeiing
death , ami thus ; the enjoyment of their tor
mentors be prolonged for hours ,
As the Cat leased , loud yells of acclama
tion arose from the oravos , mid casting them
selves upon C'amcrun and tlio durltoy they
jerked tliom iiidclj to their feet , and shoving
and drugging tb"in to convenient trees ,
bound them securely.
Cameron luirly pas pod for breath ns an
overwhelming sense of bis hoiriblo fate eamo
over him , while Hcipio stood like ono in a
trance , obviously unconscious , tlnough his
overpowering fear , of his frightful situation
A short distance from these toituro
posts , N'an Hnrrett and Nell Urown
ing woio bound together in sucli a manner ,
that , unless thov closed their eves , tho\
must witness tbo wbolonppnlling transaction
iibuiit to take place. Pitiful creatures' They
were palo and hormr-stiirken and their suf
ferings were even more IIIUMIM ) than that of
their doomed protectors. They closed their
ojes and glio < tneinsoivcs up to i > rajor.
The Indians were now ready to wie.ilt their
vciiganco with all the barbarous ingoiuiit } of
tlieir race , and with a bloodeurdlinghooi ) ,
the Black C'at snatched a flaming brand from
the tire , and tbrustit beneath the circular pile
of inllainii.ahlo faggots hoapeu about our UNO
buroie iriends.
| Tain cimttiiddt iurt n'erl. ]
A full blooded Hioux Indiin has just prad-
iiated in medicine at tbo Hosloa univci-slty.
The university of Ilelsmpfoors , in I'inn-
land , lias opened the doors to women.
Columbia law school is in a ferment over
thu rumors that President Low wants to
introduce new methods and glvo the poorer
aspirants no chunro tostndv.
A rulibishop Ireland lias received n gift of
$ .MKUUU ) , from President. lames , ! . Hill of the
Northwestern railway , for a new theological
seminary , which is to bo erected in Miriam
1'arK ' , which is equally convenient to St 1'anl
nnd Minneapolis.
The trusties of the state ( North Carolina )
university locoived the recognition ot Kemp
I' . Untile , president of that institution , and
at once elected him professor of histoiy , to
fill tlio chair recently created , Ilo had Illlod
the position since ls7."i.
Mrs , Mary Copcloy Thaw lias given S.ioOJ ( )
for tlio founding of n Harvard fellowship for
a woman and has mimed Miss Alice 0.
Fletcher ns its holder. Miss Fletcher has
lived amoiiK the Omaliu , I'onea , Winnobngo ,
Sioux and Nclz I'erces Indians for many
yen is ,
Five years from February UT > Union college
will bo 100 } aim old. Itvas the second college -
lego Incorporated In New York and the lirst
outsldo of Now York city. Although It acquired -
quired by Its charter full university powers ,
it did not avail itself of them until 1 * > 7 > I , and
its preront ofticlal iiamo of Union university
still has nn unfamiliar sound ,
Prof , C. L Smith of Harvard , who has re.
signed the olllco of dean of the collopo , fo
take effect at the end of the present acade
mic year , becanio dean of tl'e college faculty
in Isv ' , retaining that position until tlio
lormntion of the faculty of arts and sciences
lust spring , when ho was given the new title
of donn of the collfpo. Ho is engaged in
compiling several books. His professorship of
Latin ho will retain.
The college tren.siiror.s report shows a
nourishing condition In Harvard's llnnnciiil
uffiitr * . Tlio total income for the year ending
July 81 , IV.HI. was SS'il.OSit , oxcludlng SHU , .
'JJr > received in mnnqrgus gifts for immediate
use. The total amount , of funds available
for the year were , therefore , $ l,0iitud. , ; : The
total expenses were fl.O'JS.tirit . , or ? irIIH , ! in
excess of the mcomo. The gif tt to form now
funds or Increase old onus amounted to W77- ,
"b'J , Thus the total amount given to llio un
iversity was $ i : i,5or. On .Inly 81 , iwo , the
total of the funds controlled by the corpora
tion was 7I2lS.Vi. On August 1. ivs'j. It
was'ivrioH5. ' 'J'hts' made a total increase
during the year
lr , fJlrnoy curos'caVnrrh ' , I3oo bldg.
r in :
A man may bo prouder tlimi Lo ,
Lint his dignity disappears
When be steps on a hummock of snow
And his feet play tag will. Ids ears.
"U'liixt caused thnt big lump
On the baok of your heait' "
' 1 fell with a thump
On the Ice pond , " .she said.
" Was anyone near
Tno place when you fell ! "
"If there were , Charlie dear ,
Do you think 1 would telli"
Not by JIosK nu 'r wo Trust ,
t'i | f Col Item ,
Sho's given me up , but understand
She's the most honorable o ! nnssos ,
Fornho returned my loiters , and
likewise my Kisses ,
Si.x.loonLli and
For the next thirty days we will offer our entire stock of Sheet Music
at fifty per cent off. Books at publisher's prices. We also have about
5OOO copies of music that we shall close out at two-thirds off. ( Remem
ber , we do not carry any 10 cent music ) . Come early and make your
selection as this will not last but thirty clays.
Violins , Flutes ,
Violas , Clarinets ,
'Cellos ' ,
Basses ,
Emory , Washburn , Bruno Denarys and Bay Slate.
At Prices that Defy Competition.
PIANO DEPARTMENT You MM 11 find the Steinway , Chiclcering ,
l-Cna"be , V ese & Sons , Sterlincj and other well known niaiccs.
ORGA.N DEPARTMENT Story & Clark and Sterling.
Be sure you call and get our prices before purchasing , as we guar
antee to save you 20 percent. Pianos and Organs sold on easy pay
ments. A.lso lor rent.
1'roin datiof this paper.VNhtnjj to inlroiliico our
nrnltitlliosainotiinocxti'iul our bubliu-ss and inalconew cnstonip.-s ,
\volinvo decided I o make tins sjiwiul offer , bend us a ( . 'uliinut Picture ,
Atlilrosanll null toPACSFIC PORTHABT HOUSE , 1 1 2 AMD 1 14 CLARIt STREET , CHICAGO , ILL ,
DB. J. E , McGREW ,
Cnrotl In J to T > ih ) n ultlmut tlio 1 041 of an huurd'tlmit '
from biistiitMM The must nbtolntu euro for ( .LKIJT
id all ; uinn > liiutliM linr os c\t r kmmn tu imi < ) ! cal
I'lcart1 > YI'HIMri , iinurrniitotl < uri * InlfOto W ) dn > 'M
The must powerful riMituily ) Lit known for n jiernia-
t'iit cure sTUK'Tl'10' or | > nln In rollovln tlui lilad-
or cuioil fit lioiiio , without In triinu'iit ; no cutting ,
o pnln. no tlilntlni ; Lu-s of Manhood or NWnkiitM *
uMtlvrty curoi ] , ln tmt ; n-lli'f. Skin IMMI-O ! | nii'l
fumnlo ( llao HL % | n rnnnontly ounvi lr ) Mo < lu'wn
autres in tliu treatment of ) * rl\atn Dioensci lias
inner IHTH ( Miunllotl nml his tr * at nrniy nf jtatints !
rcudicH froui tin1 Atlantic to llio raelllc Hooks ami
ClrcularH true l.mllri I'nnii ' , ' to l only. 14th ttml
runium otroula UiMiha , .Nuh. Jlntrancj on uittiur
lla * features whli'h are rapidly neiiililng | for
it tlif uiiiini'Bt apurovid of lluise v.'lm II.IMI
Inul I'Xpi'rlenco ' In typi'-wi Itinn The idlsn-
nii'iit Is iicrfeel nnd fur tpeH. diir.ililllly and
cnso of upi-rnlldii ll 1111111111 be cxc'clhtd ( < un-
ii.irlson inul le-.t ) ia\f bbuxtnit tnlie the oust
In tlie market
Tlic Smith Premier Type-Writer Co , .
Otlico , iOOO'i Farnan Stnu , Omalii , Nnh
3po lfl for 'I7iterl , nii lnodi.rili. iVnurnlcrlaVuko
( ulntm , McnUl Iwpicialnn , Miftenlnif n ( thu llraln nv
eultlnK In IDiuiltj id Uftillnu to inUrrr clurar al 1
deAih , rri'inMurii Ol'l ' Agt , Mai rtinnfu , l.uai > of Power
Inullliijr BBi.lnroljnturj LOOKnml M | riiiiilorrliiui
CAUKH.I liv ( > T r * t illu. of thu tirnln , ruir-tluvu or
orurlndu'.trenctf l rli bo contslni ondmonil'i irvau
menu (1 atoi , or lrfor 85. unt ly mrfl | > rv : > aM.
Wltli piii-lt cirilor lor nil lioxi-n , will nnil iiurrluucir
| nia DI o lu rvfund ncmr If Ibo trualniviii ( alia tu
turn , uuaruit vsuiuu < tiui'4K ' nuiuu MiKluulylir
1110 I'ariiuiii Street , - Uinabn. Nub.
Contractors' Supplies ,
Wliccl Harrows ,
Shovels Scoops , Bars.
Hoes , Hose , Ticks
Wire and 'Manilla Rope ,
Tackle Blocks ,
All Kinds Twines
Butchers' Tools ,
Carpenters' Tools ,
Coopers' Tools ,
Machinists , Tools ,
Moulders1 Tools ,
Builders' Hardware.
Yale & Tcwne Fine Bronze Goods ,
Win. TYooil & Go's. ' Ice Tools ,
.1 . ftp
' ( .
1511 Dodge Street ,
Tolostuinc , 4o .
I'ffl '
(11 ( (
F )
r rtli tn'itinont nf nlirillKIMI AN'K SVItlllCAI.
DI-KASKS llrncVH. Aiinnii-i | | | ( , , r 11-fiiriiiUliMnnil
rruneea llc t r'iii'illlli'4. y\i | | > nrnliu nnil Itcnii'itie-i
t'lmiu-o triil trc.itnii'iit < { oiiir > furiiml tlltimo
rminlrlnit Mcillcnlur Tn-nlrn'iit NINCTV
ItliUMN KOU I'AI'ICNTM lloin.l nml Allcnilnnra
llu-l A - nmiH' > li ll"iMVo t \ \ rtlt' for Irculnrii tin
l > i'urmli' | ! ' < nml llriutu , 'l'ru i' < , ( lull 1 ITI I'urrn-
tiiri'H 't Milno I'llci , 'rmiiiirx. ( IMCIT. Catnrrh
Jlr nciltl ) < liilialntliui Klivlrlrlty I'anilyilH. | ; u | | .
t-yiy Klilne > ! > , lllailttiT Ko Car , fkln nnil Illmnl ,
inul all MirKlriilliii'riiniiii | IINKAhKM ( IKUO.MKN
u i > pccliitii ! lt < H'k OH Dl.n.-iMiH , \Viiini-n lroi > . U t
IUMI Inli'ly ttililril IrliiK In IK > | inrtinniit fur \Voiniui
Durliihiiiiilliiimiitit ( SlrU'tlf I'llviilcl iinly Ili'llii-
liliMi'illrnl ImHttilo Mnklnu n , Spm-lnllr of I'lll-
\.V1K IPbK.AsM
All UliiiKl IM'HI | > I I siicnoMfnlljr tri-ntc-l Mi' < IU'liic
or lii trinut'iiti hiMlt h ) ( null < > i n iirni4 | . * , iircly
Imikcil. nn murks In InI , Mr mum nt - , r * . 'M1T
Onoppriiniiiil lnlcrTlrw | nI'tfrri'il ( 'nil inul c. n uii
ll lir Hi'iulhlntlMy uf your rnnn lll l < Hill ci'llil In
Inn wnin-i'r mir IHliiK To MKN I Ulti : iii.n I'rl
\nlii hnilal | "r Ni-rvou * llii'.u ' > i > . wlih < | iifalliin Hit
AilitrnHH nil tetters t < i
Dr. A T. McLaughlin , Prosidout ,
nth nnd llnrncy .siri'i-iK , Dniiiliii
A POSITIVE indpofmanenl CURE for all
llseaiuolthtURINARY ORGANS. Cures
where olhortreitmenttal is. Ful I direction ! nl I h each
bolllo. Price , one dollar , SOB signature lu.
6MHL For Solo Oy All Druggists.
Drs , Belts &B6tts
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
1/iUU fcsTllKliT
UMA1IA. M.ll.
The most widely iiul f.ivonilih known spnc.
hillslhln ttie I nilol States Tin Ir loiiu i > x-
lii'rlonce. n niiii'kiilili' .sKill and mmi'iNnl suc
cess In tin1 lii-atiiient and < MIH > , if Nurxon- ,
Chronic nnd Mirplcul Ill-ea-ci , cntlt1i > tliesu
ciiiliiiMit . ( lie full coiilliU'nce o (
llio : illl ) < ti-d cM-rNwhcre They giiuruiit < ' { '
A t'iUT\IN : AM ) I'OSITlVK Cl iH f f
Hie aufal i-ITccts ociily ( : vice and tlir niiniui-
OIIM i'\lls Hint folIdH In Its train.
fpfi'dlh. eiinnili'li'lv uii'l ix'riiiuiK'ntlv ciiri'd
NKltVOO llKllll.ITV ANII sp.MIM.Dls.
Diiii-- : ) : : yli'ld ii-.nllly to their sklllrnt treat
-iLi . ris'inA AND urcTAi , n
Ciiaraiili'i" ! ciiH'd ulthoiil jidn or di't-Mittoii
fliun lin ltii' H
in IIU ) ! ( I lr. AM ) YARIilH KM' IIITII..I
l.ently.inil Hii'fi" | > > < ( iilly cured in uu'is <
SYI'IUMS , ( illMlKllllKA , fJLI.l.T. Spi-r- urilii'.i. SiMutii.dVe.ikiifsN I , oil M : > IIIHII | ( |
Mghl I nils-Inn * . Perin.d . I'.icn itli'i. l-'eniulu
Uciluesaii'l ' all di'lli'.ilc ( llsindcrs pi-i'iillur
I'M'itliet ' NCX | > i > sltitMy fiireil , IIH ui > ll us nil
fiini'tldii tl ( li oiilert thai n-smi fr < nii i oiitliful
ful 1 ii's or t titi e \ < -cx < > f dial u n * > ctir
ST l\ l ( T I R 1 ; ( i' ' " " : " " < M' ' ' " ' ' " l . ' ' ' y
. IMU lj l ii < ciiii'd. roiiu'vul cuiniili'tc. '
wllhont rnttlnu. pniistii'or dllatulliin I uri s
eircetid .it hiiiiin li > p , it lent without n mo
ini-nV pain nr uiinovaiu'i' .
A . ) U IV I * t U I\U . , irly vim \tlilcli lirinci
. nrtrniilc tti'iihiit is ileMiovlir. liotli inlnil nnil
! limly. ulili all Us dm ( led Ills lU'iiiiiuienlly
[ en mil
DRS Bl'TTS ' in'ri'ss tlllsl > w'iii ' IUI\B lin-
| iriicr liiiliilKi'iii'ii ami solitiry li.ililts. whleli
rnln Ixilli mind nml Inul ) . iiutlttliu tlicin fin
1 lin-.liii'vs. stiiilv "riiuinla i' .
1 MAItl'.ICII Mi.N : or ilmsinil.nim KM Hint
! li iiiv ] ] life , Htviire uf | ; lij steal ilobillty. < i < ltekly
" ' " ' " " '
. Is based iimn | fuels. 1 Irst i \i | r |
i'iiri f-ei-iiiiil ! \crv inse ts9in-lilly | : stiultiMl
thus htnrtliu ilKlit Thlnl nu'illeliuH UK
i | iii-i ni'il In our Inlxirutoi ) i-Mii'Hy to Hull
eueli i u-e , Hilli'll > i-tinj ; i-iui < - illiuut In urj
Drs. Dells & Uelts ,
PiilTorlni ! from
thu lifted ) * ( ll
jiiiitlilul i-rnm
ria\r \ ( Iccnrvrmln vtritkiu M , l > t mimluxnl , ulc.
1 ulll will \alilulilu in'allM ) iM-itli'il ) cuiluliiltn : '
full i > artlciilir tor linnin i-urc , I-'IIIII' < > f rli n ;
A fiiiiiutil | | work i Klinnlil Iw n-iwl liy i'M > n
mnn "li'i U niTTdtii nnil iii'hllHnl < 0. A > l.lrr >
l'r r. I' , C. I'OVliil , .lluodiio , Cuuu