- - . - . . * . . * . * . * . . * S .4 * . A. .A 4 . * . 1 * 1J A' I J ' A(3 1 < 3S. HRST A HAN , THEN A LAWYER Eminent Mm JMno the Attributes of n Snocettful Lawyer. IT IS GOOD HARD SENSE AND INTEGRITY IM ol' llv-l't exlilrnl < li'V clnnil , > run 11 u InyiilN , Clinniu-ey . > ! Ile | > i > w , .liiilIi'O llraillf..itolin . C , Itlnck nnd c.liters , Thoinumhof ) ounj'livvM'is niiid'xlly nsk- Inu tiionuistlon , "How can I succeed at the li.iiTho piof.'sslon Is undoubtedly rrovvdod , yet oarh vcar urlnjts InindrodJ of frenh cr.iduatos to the Aiiierli.in bar auvlous for tlkUnciKm hi un ni-nna In which our I'li'atcst stntcsineii are trained nnd developed. Some eminent men hn\n answered tills question. 'I heir lilcus nro aiibjolned and con- lim the oxporieneo of yoirs of labor and trtinnph. i v riiMiiii'.sr < i IM i vxn's AIIV icr If Ittt'ivto tentlor any advice to jonn iuen In t im lojjal profession or I'ontomplitltiK Kuril n cnrccr , I think I could not lofniln frnmnsU intr tliniii to illsinls- * from tholr minds the I ion that the practice of tholiwls iniuln tip In an Impoitant ilcKiio of nratorv anil elo- iinenliulihesses lofoio i onrts and juiles No one ih iuld entin the | nlt" < siiii | wlio Is not pivpnoi ) todoverj liaril , i-onthmons , and nfTi'iili U oiiio vvoik. I sbad follow this ad vice by sajbiK tint thrro line mistake about niiiilher fait , towlt : In the nraitlco of the law , as in ever\tlihiKilse. linnestv and frank , fail ( U.iliiiu Is not unlv enjoined b > KIM > I | nioials , hut Is the best p.dicv It Is n delu sion In Hitppnso tlntt the nnlile piofessltin of the law can be faithfully pursued orsmciss fullv prii. . lieed bj tilckerv .nut merrcmJmii ; ( illOMII C'llVIMXIi. IMIll I S IS ' .S TI Ul l IS I l It . How to attain eminence mid foitune in the practice of the law So finas 1 UHOW thoio is no presciiptlon for fiuiiiiiii' tottiitio A mm mu deserve both mid obtain neither , orlio IIMV deaervo ncltliei and obtain both I'lio o lwaj to lie sue- c'ossful , so ffir as my obsoivatlon KOOS , Is to liUceood , ldii\ , I IIIOM i V-VTPOIIM i HUM n VI mill VMI A ) oiiii | > lawir Hhoulil lontluuo his pie- fo snnal | studies with is nun li c.uo and nil- I 'mittinj ; attention as iv ben ho was a student prokr | ; mikini ; and pivseivln notes of his lo.iilliiK. nlUMiilllijj , wlion piissiblo , piocccd Inns of on impoilant charm tor in the lonrls , his icndmi , ' ontsldo the law should be m utiiv in nhl of It , nilliurniKto tin law foi Itself , and not as an object seionil n v 01 aiixill n > to Bonn tliinj ; else , anil m iliin/ Ins illent's lourso his own , without lesnv atlnn. and lemloi'iiif ! his Hist and lastdntv to him I'uncuiihtj to the ninini ut in all oni : moments shonlil ho ob served. His niussentl.il to nnv meat success In the law A kind icspeit and ituunl should bostinllntislv cnltivated tnvird his brotliers iu tlio i > iofe sinii , thooltlurs of the courts bofoio vvhiih lie seeks to nppi'iu as well as the JiuiKosof tluiso loin ts An even teni ] > ii should be piescivoil hi his beat inn before tlio I'onrts , mid In no iasc should be mili'iver to ( Uvuo a ipiostion aftei theioni t lias ikeided it , ami in all Instances , shoit c'nse ' and tin so iirKiimciits iboiild bo made , nnd this done , Mibinit the nnttot to the couit without fnitner talk. A 11 ( Junxsn. /vs iiiivir it'sTin : iiuuiin , i XIIL.D M I'lll Ml. 101 III. Moral sense , brains , leaminj ; , tact and ox pcilence , cadi is neiessan to nidto a livv\\ei. Plist , Moral Sense AVIthont a hlh ) ; sense of moral obligation u nuui can novet Imbibe nnd possess the tine pilnc iplcs of the law , which nio based upon iitl t at. well us 1 OHM'll Koi'ond , Hrnlns Or Inti llectml power and piasp 'I he ntcessitv ot this amdlt ) Is so obvious as to need no ovpl mat ion Third , KeninhiKThis Is also an obv ions is2iuiste | | Ulpian well slid " .hnispiu ileatla ist dhlnanim ntque hnniinmruni loium until in , jnstl atiino Injusti scientia " ot onllenninKln theliws , but allle.iin IiiKls opposite , for a law vi r is the cotilhUn tl d iidiser of men in all human nfl.ilis 1 mirth , 'J'mt Without tact a liwjoris liKetibhip v\hlch lus lost its rudclei. His other qn Uiticatlons tell him vvh it to do , tact tolls him how to do It riftb , IXperienco Tblsis merely a part of liisediuatlon Tlio moio of It ho tins , other thinirH belnjr cipiiiil , the more perfect ho he- I'oincs. Ola liiads aio , as .1 ( journal inle , better than voua : ones. rndoiihtedlv there Is such a thiiifrns genius in tlio law , hut it Is extioimlj run nnd Khould nevei bo assumed A I'aplnhiu , a Cujas , lU'olce , a Hale , a Mansllold , a UlaeK- Htone , a Marsh ill , does not , inlsc more than oiue in iiientiny No one should assume t hut the lot IMS iallen upon him If It has , it is not nocessirv Hint ho should bo conscious ot It ; it will develop it self 'llio uincrnl Infcicnce of all these proposi tions is cle.n , to natnial aptiludo must he ndUoil intense anil persistent labor. Jo-i rn 1 > . Till MIM.l 1 IW I I I , Hcspondincto the question , "What iniikcs nhvvver' ' " I would submit as inv opinion tint , in the eider ( 'ivon , there must innto In n man I True standnrdsof tlitht ami wroiifr ; for while injustice often innilcs thoionrsoof liti- Batlon , still the KOiieral course is npvvnuls mid forward Men and women aio in better hciclal older than ever heatof-'io , their pub lic and piivnto rights are Imttei secmeil ; the Roveiiiini ; fjues mliench less upon personal domain tlicrois moio llbeity and les < of m- niehj. This is because IIILII aio sine of ex act and even Justice In the coiats. tills is bo- i.msi ) the couits moot a higher ( ii.ule , and this is because the bar is Rioatcr , wiser antl tuier. . ' ' T'hoinan mubtbo of abilitv ot Imily and rmncl ' Ui stiive , to sock , to llnd , and not to jield , " or otherwise ) ho must have mental iibilitj for study , and physical abllltj forh- bor. II The man must have discernment , pi- tienc'onnd clurit.v Discernment to know tlio fnlso from the hue , pitiini'o with foi bles ; chin Uj w Ith actual fiiults llow othei- vvlso can ho minibtir between the hij-h ideals otjustlio and thosliortconniiKs of liumanitj , liiun which aiiso clients nnd causes' How niil in adjusting \ailniit claims and hi reton- lilliiKcontentions numerous as the stand points of interest 4. ' .This inin must have Incentive ana on- porttinlty , and the product vv ill bo a lavvj or. .lonx C Hi.UK. HIOM IIIIIM'S VPIOKMM ni'M im. . What makes a lawyer' ' An Intoiostinnsub- Joct , indeed1 Ni % inna over nmdo n Kieat awyer ' . . 'lio did not begin witli ut m uns , mil did not contlnuo lent ; and laboiously faltliful Had honest. elitist our Loid said to the JOUUK mm , " ( io and sell all ttnt thou hast , and gi\u to the poor and thou slmU h ivo treasure in heaven " Hut thejouni ? ininvliowas Hen , v\ent \ away soirowful , and oui lotd said "A rich mm shall hardly enter into thukiiiKdoin ot heaven."and repeated , ' It Is easier fo ra camel to o through the eye of a needle than for a lie h man to enter into the kingdom of heaven , " and nilnlit have nddod thatnoiieh Joung man could becouui n great law } or Kn vimI'M 111:1 : ruxi. < 1UI Ml M. IIEI'KW'S sill XII VUVIC li. A vcj.v emlnontlaw.vcr In the countryvtltli whom 1 had a great many eases when 1 w.us ayounc lawjer , said to mo ono day , pointing ton f armor's ' son who was making tires , tweoplnir out the oftlce , sorvlin ; papers , and copy Inc for the privilege of ttio Instruction which ho received 'That jouni ; man makes wo very unhappy 1 have two sons who InivoKiaduated at ono of the best colleges in the country , who nro expected to ivcehofrom mo thU business at my death , and in twenty- flvo joir from now tliat jomifr man will be nt the head of this llrm mid my two sons will Iw his clerks. " A young man who hopes to succeed at the bar must lirat dismUs all non sense from his head. He must eschew poll- tlcj. iiiul society. Whether ho has genius or U n plodder the only inle of success Is work" work1 vvoiK1 Most joanpmen ahvays fall by neglecting to pa ) over Immediately on collection their clients' money and others bv too exorbitant clinrKo < at the start. When nobody wants u jouii lawjor's sei- \ IcM3 ho must b content to Hv e on lo s inonoy than nnv mechanic in the town. When everybody believes the success of their suit depends upon his being la it , then no can select his clients and charge what ho pleases.Vlion hex is uarnlu * , ' enough to llvo Comfortably Uo bos already made u I'lio rest is n mutter of d.vrcc Sharp pnu1- tuv irickerj , ilncanerv , and appciraniH ) of evtianrdtmrv rinmltiir wliich in i > ho nlTect , iniiv enatilea tn in to ol on for a while , lint alxv avs on n low plane , nnd inn ) lltmllx ruin him Uo dink nnd mien with von r client , the jury nnd the JiuUv Alostnntiij inen lull In iN'intf ntiulllltiu' to lithi' driid | < er > of llio nfllco , and lillhitf Un ) put the ) nro asked to d anil uorldi g at some ethel desk Ihnn their own 1 huknova tiianv a Mui.it ? man to fiso to a iMtitloa In the llrm over the brads of those who hid been voirs In the sninoofllco , becinse of n client fill and will liurni'ss and enthusiasm to llnd out whit ho rnulci do , no matter vvlu-lhcr It was bis to do or nnt , nnd an utter recklessness dtout his own time b ) da ) or niijlit. If tioeould hone- lit his own einplciveiMbcsac'Hllclni ; his per- sonil arrangements nml pleasure and dcvot- IIIK It tn their Intel esUs I'll VI Ml 1 M. lH'f N v i twirii' * i KXTIVI cji VIITII s. The oc < setitiil ! otinllllos for a suc'cessftu lav\or mo brains , pied hrnltli iratinhill ) Rood dlf oitlon > , ( 'ooii noivcis of masoning , Hiileli pore eptlnii , sound Judgment , a logical habit of mind , and umve.irjhijr diiltremo I limn lull out licmesty and mti'Kilt.v. bicatise unfnrlnnatclv , a consleh rable number uf law yei i achieve sui'ien * without thosn nn ilitu-s lint tbo tiiith is that It t lUes tin en times the amount of othcrxood iualitles | to compensate for the \Mint of these Snme limvois of ilnfeihve inoiid iiiilino laltoilousl ) enltlvato nri'putitlon for honest ) which must hive cost them an enoiinons unionnt of self s in Hue and sell lontrol A re ilh honest mind is of Innni use value to a Inwjer , consldeu'd evin from the most selllsh linliil of vlow A constitiitionnllv dlshcmost in.in is un ihlo to foresi o vvh it vli iv of a case will bo taken bv n icspeotible Jueko and Jin.v , until n ft 01 he has hid a loiitf Cixliericnto tif vain elToits to porsnalo them to tike i ills- honest nian'H xiew of iiuestiims as thov nilse Hut a man of fair , lo lud powi u , t omul com inon sense picat hulustrv nut natural latec , nt ) , vv ill , In nine ciism on1 of te'it.nponwhlih be Is consulted bo able to fun see vv hat v low of the casowill lie tnl > eu bv the courts siuli Utilities will innUu a wNostndint a ftnrlv successful adv 01 ito and \ervsafo iul\l * > ei Sneh a mm mil taicl ) take a cvso into coiut nt all , when it ouilit not to bntikc'n th.Mo and ttieiefnie ho will s.u e ills clients much loss and vexation , while ho will ci.nhiallv pnln u icputatliin foi winning c ises , whlih will in icalltv lie due , not so iilllib to his in Kenulty In vv innliifr c iscs after thov pit into t , as In litipin out of louit rases which never to uo tlicio loiosi i HIM rum's TI v iaus. I'o attain eminence a-s a Inwjer it is neces sary to : I ( ! ct a tlioioni'h education ' . ' Pollovv this after ( jiaduatln fie it col- lejjo li.v c'oiitlniieil stud ) , especially In consti tutional I lu II liecomo funiilmi' with the puiclico ami piiicoihne ol the couits. I In tiiviiifr acUieo to clients a livv > er slniiild alvvavs put hiinsilf in the pi ice of Ids c lient , ai.il then , islt , \ \ hat should I , A 11 , do In such n i aso1 llnd whatever ho sees to be lor the Intel c'st of himself In such a c isc , th it is the coinso ho should advUo his cheat to pursue fi. Never milio or oppose .1 motion shnnl ) for tbo pin po in of in.ttlni ; costs l > ( Juitivntoili.il' entincl itlen in sp akiuc ' , , and thehibitoi thinking on the fool 1'ut i vi In of ( 'uod humor constanth thioiiKli all iiiKiinicnts , all examination . mil cross exam- Million of witnesses , ami every summing up The lavis a sdlate mistiess mid loves to ho lidded , and wheiver a lavvjci can net the old lad ) to 1 uiK'U , he is suio of h ivinu' won his i aso The law vet's meditative moments should becriven to tliocunlemnlatlon of the vast In- toic'sts th it modopi'inleiit upon tholivvfor their iitotection , aim all the methods bv which tint protection can bo most effcctivel ) icndorecl s The law vet s clientele is the whole conn tr ) , notnieielv tlio pai tlculai- client in a pu- tlinhir case , 01 un ) client In anv case , or all his clients in. ill ln. lines It is 1m possible feral al uv ) cr to stand foi an interest that Is not a lomcsuitativo miuest. alKitiiiK almost ovorybodv in the lommuaitv at IIIIKO , and cvi i.v l.uv.vei ou ht to IMKUO every ca o us If feeling the lesponsihilit ) of this Ri-'Mter clIentiiKO which Ills .11 ( 'iinients coiitinuall ) affect .mil m ikei j'lt.l'i r untsn nr lu tti.i 'i ' The lavvvtr ought to consider his nients in aihaiuc , nnd put himself in ( lie plico of the jiul e , and honestlv say to him "ilfVlnt innsidei itions otiglit toopeiite m m > mind if I weic tbojndue , for deciding this case in mv favoi I ami then ho should cldellv eiifpiio bofnie the JuilKii these \ciy eonsiderations So tlio lavv.ver mis to put himself in the ease of the other man twice over oiao In tlio place of his client and one c in the plice ot the judtjo , and by tuts expansion of Ms htbit of thought ho vvlll CM o w to such a condition that ho will almost mvaiiahlv biln tin' jmiie aiul bis client test st md upon the same pl.Ufoi'ii of ininciplcs , thus siciiiini'a tavoiuiilo dciision for lus client and thoe'onlhlcncoof thojndie H ) A lawyer who will piattieo upon these punciplcs m iv nccasionallv lese a i ise , but will never lee a ilicnt. nnd the nunibci of his clients will constimtlv im lease anil the imp ataiice of the Inteicsts eiitiustel to him will constantl ) x\o\\ \ 1'llllTI SlUI'Vllll A UlTlltn I.N i.ll'IO. What TIicosopli ) Oilero < the \Viij- riuci of Iliirlli. This Is a pi idle d nje , and eery system or theory is chillenKoJ to iji\o ytoofsi ol vv h it it may neeompllMi in aetion Iloiv vciy little is Rimed by more b liejf Is tbo stimlinu m preach to churches I'lioir divcraulo 1 crejd- , hive been steulilvevolving thiou h t'io ' cvi- tutios is now problems m tneolo.'v or sc-ieiic-o atosc , and to lay tin ) sop ir.ito sects have an o'ltlitof oveiv possible ) boliuf ci'i eveij possi ble thoino No simll propoitlon of thc.sc ttiuines are m reswas temote fiom practical life , as also fiom any limns of pioof As cotiseivatorsof moi ds , abitois of sin , ro'en ciatoisof socloty , ihuiclies are nssurcdli a lanu'iitiblo fiilure It is not morelv th.it so- ciet.v teinnmsniiKvonc'ritod , but that nobody now oxix'cts tliom to iv Boiler Uo it. A copi ous ptovisioti of minute creeds 1m cleirh done nothing to extirp ite evil This lieincr so , it is just ns certain that the addition of an other need will not do tn 'llio two chsscs mtcicsted In human pie rcssni-o the phllin thropic nnd the devout , and both , w lien any imfainilmrsLliemo for such ptojriess is MIU- nutted to them , me sine to point out that moro beliefs havewholl ) failnd. The.x say , with entire correctness , that not a now pl.it- ferm or church is needed , but.something with an object and an Impulsion hithoito untuod If theosoph ) lias no bolter aim than have the sects , it it Impnis no motive stion or than do tlio ) . If it i in blio.v no lesult- , more ells tinctimd Miluiible , it inn as well bo rcjcited now us after a futile tiul Hut , on the other hand , tf it hole's out a botten projpec-t unit a liner spur , if it can piove that thc- have ac tual h opoiated wheiv conventional onoshavo failed , it isentitleil toabeaiinir Tbcosophj abolishes the i.uiso of all of the the sin and most of themiseij of lite Uvi'iy form of dlslionestv , violence , outiat'c , ft mci , even iliscouitesv , c'omos from tlio desho to pionioto ono' * ends , at the uxin'iisenf the lights of otliirs Ilei'co ' tbo loot pr all such connuct towards Cod , towards mun , or low aids oneself is self love , so strong as to sacrillce ovirythint ; iithor thttn its own in dulgence I'lomthls Ititiulironce aiises minv evils whlcli the cirdinal doc-'iine of theosophy - phy enjoins , and proposes to or.ulleato. 'J'tieosopliy bounds ccaslosslv the truth that even act of rijjht or wronush ill ivcelvu its duonnvard It insists that moralc.mses aio no loss ctTcctivo than are plu.lcal and that its duo effect , inhnim or binolit , is liifnlll. blj attached to overv moral act H also holds 1 thiiteverv man Is the framerof his own des tiny , and that no power nboxo or bdow , will thwart or divert us from Mich destiny I No divinity will icet ttio conpieror as "a favorite of heaven , and no demon w 111 sei/e i the lost in a predestined eluUli. Of all the mini } schemes fur liunnn melioration which history has re corded and humanitv tried , there is none so rational nnd Just as Unit presented by theosophy It does w lint no rival hystom has done or can do , aflirms the moral conscioubiie&s , vindicates the moral sense and spurns the moral motive Thus too , it becomes a cnido la life , with the certainty that ever.x act affects its aim nnd the question of the expediency of anv act U at once determined Ho who would bo KUided thiouuh the Intrudes of llfo need hook no pilest or Intercessor , but , Illuminated with the divine spirit ever present In hU Inner man , stimulated by tlio vision ol ultl innto re-union with tlio supreme , asm ml that each effort lint iUlnsepiraU'l-olncd ) ] re sult , cousdoub thuf hi hiumU ho lu respon sibility for Its adoption , may KO en la liar many , hope and happiness , free front mls Iv In s as to Jnstlev or success .ind stiiinjj la the faith that ho w ho has cmifortn. > 1 to nn lure and her taws simll iHiiontormoil to the destiny which siio prvdlct.s for nun AMI Itotnia. ' ( Inn eh and State , ' bI'otint I.oo Tolstoi , U the title nf n c'ollectlein of essays by the jjreat Uusslan novelist on subjects ot Interest to every one 'Iliov are written In his plain nnd vigorous stv le and entiivl ) fivelrom \erhlKe I'liptlist two essivs _ au' veiy read able , but it Is a ( inustlonhother the last Ihioo , vl"Man nmlVoiimn , " " .Mothet" anil "A Second Supplement to the Krent/er Sun I'll' in1 prc'clsi-iv the kind of lilt tat me that a reilned person would take deliuht In loading riiowoik Is published by HenJ It Tucker , lloston , Mass "Idttle-l.-irvls , " b ) Molllo Ulllot Seivvcll , is ii UirillhiK muni story and theevents con nected xvIth it aio siipposi'd to haxo taUcn place In lsM ( elminj , ' tbo war between the IJnllecl Stites and 1'iance It Is nn exceed- IiiKlv fascinatlni ; bcxik and a most suitable piosent for bovs I'libllsnecl b ) 0 Aiipleton % V : 'o , New Yolk Students of ttioolosv will Hit d dull Hamil ton's "A Washington IMlilo I'lass" x-ciy help- till In their stutlli's It Is icplete with Information mation on biblical subjects and Is wilttoii In i vcrv hald nnd attiactlvestyle U Apple- [ on , x , Co , N'v Voik One , ol tnc most useful almati u s issued Is tint published by the New York Wiillci 'fills Je'iu its size lias lievn incieased I. nnlef to L.Mvcroo'n ' foi additional fcatmcs In ndill linn to its usual fund of valuaulo and useful political lufotmition , It .niitainsspedil mil- c-ies iipnii topic's of euirc'iit Intciest , sncli as "llio Palmers'Alliance1 , " "Ainitic.in Nnv d Pnv'tesshi is'Hl ' , " "Columbian U'orld's Kxposition , " " 1'ho InterL'ontliiontal Kill- wav. " besides a host of facts and llfjnies tii'iitineof picttv noirh evc-r ) subject tint inllit | be of intcicstat some time 01 other to nnv one , no nnttii what his business mav h ippen to be ; . 1'he prlco is 'J'i cents , and there Tot o within the roach of all who nuy hive need foi inch a compilation "In Classic Sli.ulos , " .lo.iipiin Miller , is a ch.irmlntr collcctlnn of jiooins wilt tun in thu cultivating st.vlej of the "poet of the Slot- rns " I'ublishod U ) Helford t llirko Com- piny , Chicago "Shoit Ktoucs , " a inigi/inoof select He- lion , contains a caiefnll ) selected collection of stories from all souices and laniiitites 'lids publlcMtlon never lulls lo ho Inteicsllnc. nnd as each nunibei c'ompiiscs .ri H tot let. all In ellttcrent authois , the leadei must indeed bo fastidious who cannot tlml soiiiethlni ; within its pact's to both enteitain and In stinct him. Published bv The Utiricnt I'ub llslnnneompanj , New Yoik 'llio Now Ymlt I'libiino Aim mac' , which h is just been issued , l' twice the sl/e of pie- x ioj s nunibeis in el is as alvvavs , tilled with valuable f.uLs and Hollies valuable alike to polftuinis , business men , farnieis nnd In fait to all llio putv plitfoims in all the Hinti's ate exhibited at length A list of all the bills iifthc last SL-skin of confess is uiven. with the full tfxtof the silver depend ent pension , antl tiust nnd otltec moio im pot Unit acts The electoral vote for UK ) jims , the no\v nppoitiiminont of confess , the votes in conmess on the tautt for Ut ) xeirs. tlio dlvorio and mariince laws of ill the states , ciuiliticitions of voteis m this eoutiti ) , intesof Inteiest history and otll- ceis ola luiio number of societies , the state and national committees ol the tluc'O loading putios , athletic and spoiling iceords of is w , and tboolection retuins of evciy state , aio only a few of the multitude of feitmes of this Kieit public ition , tlio i > rlce of which is only 'i cents Although Oklahoma was only opened for white settlement on April JJ , Iss'.i.aiich is the ambition of Its people tint aheadj a histoiy of tlio tuntoiy lias been published under the title of "An Hlnstiatud History of Okli- homa , " and n the vvoik of Mai Ion Tuttle Ivnck. It is written in a cloai and lead iblo stlo , and in addition lo k'lvinn a histon of the country fiom its discover ) bv le Solo m Till up to the present Unit' , it also cotililus u vast amount of valuabio infcnin ition ula- tive to tbo toptiL'i iphy. diniate , boll , produe1- tlotis.tempetatnie , timber and ptalrie lands , educational advantages nnd In fact e\etv- tliiii that an intending settler would like to Know about this jvoumr teintory. It is pub- lisbed bv C B Hamilton iX Son , Top.'U.i , Ivan "The Origin of the Aijiins , " an account of the ptehistotie othuoloiiv and civilisation of Ijiirope , lix lr Isiac liiylor , 1ms Jitit been published b.v the llnmboldt 1'iiblishin com- jianv , Now VorU It is \orj nblj vviitten and m a stvlo that lenders a soinuvvli.it dry subject iufto ] inturustliii ; "U'hoMan With a Thumb'by vV C. Hud son , is an intensel ) inteicstitv story ot tno dott'ciive order It is poxvcifulU wntton mil holds the reader spell bound fiom the Hist eliaptei until the last 1'iihlislied by Cassill I'eiolishiiv compmy. Now Ymlt "Women Poets ' with an Introdtiction md notes b ) Mis William slim p , Is nlittlovol- nmo of poetic literatuio produccil bvomeii In the last tlfty-fo a yeas In its pile's tire to be found selections from thewoiksoi women vvho-e names hive become household vvouU in the literal ) woild and also fiom uthoi writeis , who , while not so well known lo the cnoial public , have noveltlieloss written some Ixiieal gems tint deserve to bo moro widely re id It is published by A Lovell .St Co , New York , mid is on sale at tbo Antiiiniulan book store. A transition of Pidro A do Alaieon's famous storv , under the titloof 'I'ho.Sti ini e I'riend of Tito dd , " has just been made by Mis 1'unices .1 A Iill1. ) The plot is clov- cily conceived , and is biscd upon the histor ic il events connected \\itlitlio abdication of I'hillp V ami the death of Louis I of Spain I'nblislioil by A Novell & Co , Now York , and toi s ilo by John S. Caullleld41UI i'ur- munsticcA " ( ilcani'nr * of a T.vro Hiid , ' ' by A , M Plemitif ? , U a collection of 1.M poems on v.u ions subjects As the poet has chosen a very modest title for bis booi < . lee much , perhaps , ouiht ( not to be expected A few of the pieces exhibit some slight incut , but ttie majoiily of them aio veiy ciude.andin ncarlv all of them ttie vvntei has shown an uttur UisiLvaicl foi both ilnmo mid ihvthm "liohemlm Mile lfiisv"b ) Chnles Jonas , late Unitc.il htates consul at Prague , is a little - tlo woih designed to ( 'ivo KtiKhsh spcaUmg peopluaptactic.il knovvleilgo of tlio Hobo- inian IIHIBU lire. Tbo author clous not el.iim tliat with the aid of this hoik aloue the bin- dent can iiciiiioa | ! peifect command of tbis intoiestini ; tonnuo , but that with poisevoi- ance a poiMin of aveta o ability , by lollotvlnt ; out thoinstiuctions ivun in tbis work , mav obtain sin h an anpi imtanco with it ns will bo sunk Kilt tor ordinary convetsatloa on matters of every dav lifeIn addition ton concise opttoino nf the uraniumof the Ian- 1'tiiio'e it contains rules lor pronunciation and numcious lists of phraseTor sdo b ) the I'ok'.ok Xipidu piintlnic company , Omaha , Xob "Socialism , " is the title of a collection of cssavs vviitten bv seven incmbois of the Fa bian MH'K'tj , a socialistic oiiiani/atinn whobo headiU.ntei- | in London These essays mu wiitten In a very temperate six le , and main nf the iirutiinents adduced in lav or of socialism ate \er ) foiiilny amiably uwil. The peiusal of this volume ) will wive tlio leadei much food for thought , nnd it ou ht to bo lead In all who wish to understand whit soilihsin means Published hv A Lovell A : I'o , New York , and forsulo b ) II bhinifeid al the Anliipmrian book stoie An excellent translation ot four of Do Mussel's delightful prose comuhes , vi/ ' Uiiiboriiio , " "I'antasio , " "No Trillinf vvith Kove , " .mil "A Doer rtlust I3o lllthc'i Open 01 Shut"his been made In S W. Ihvy lit ) , and Is issued In the Camelot surlos The ti.msiator while belntr careful to jip'sorvo the tiuo niiMiiliiu' of the talented writer , has used Idiomatic and ndmlinblo Unirllsh I'ub lishert by A Ijovcll A Co. , Now York , and on bale at the Anticpiari in boo ! ; stoie. Other I'nliliriitloiiH llt-oelv d , ' I'ndci the Deodars , " b ) Hud ) aid Kip lint ; , pi ico'.tt cents , United States book com- punv , New York "Instillations of the School Teiclier , " by Kxa 11 WaluerV ; \ \V. \ Knovvlos X Co , Chleaijo. "I'oumsnnd .Sketches of Moses Traddlos , " ICentlni ; .x , Co . Cincinnati , O. "Woman AIIIOIIK the lllustrioiib , " aleotuio by IVederlck A Handle , Juhu B. Alden , Now York. CataloL'iio of the Now Yoik Southern so ciety "Harden Library" ' of southern Amerl c.iii.1 , compllod and published \ iJuhu K II Ullard , b West Twentj-lUth Mi out , Now Yoik. Da Witt's Little liirly HUors.only pill to euro sick hcadacho and rcyulato the bowels WllH II I'Olit. lt'lelltlFiiililnjlim. \ ' . Phrenologist-Ilo hi's a flne-slmped head It Is lull of expression. l/iymnii Yes , there is icully no room loft for luuus , IRRIGATION IN NliBUASKA , How Capital nud Intorpri o Oauii \ Uuitol in a Cnntpalgu for Prosperity. FINAL VIEW OF A PROMISING MOVEMENT. Souici's I'liiiuVlili It riimiiclnl In' lia\\ -IJlliM-iM of on Court-ill A rlcul- InicI'latts I'oi' ( lit * I'utuii' . AKTICUP VII. I'liolriiffiitlon tiio\uitiont , which Intli two inotitlH IIIH occupied n iiioiniiient In puliIU' uiteiiilon , hm lu'OouipllHiioil spui-lilo iciults. Its plmm for the ttttiuo nrocquMh * \\ill it. flnuil nfitr nsilioyhiivoboon iniitiuoil A tlivp nml umiilsl-aUablo intoiost h.i * boon .iraiisoil tliroii'liout ( the st ito. Thtoo liu'i ely ntloiulod stitu ooiuonttotH Imvo boon iu-lil nl prominent polntt In the nrld rofjlon Tlicio hMthoilngs Invo voiced the ontlnisntiti nnd tlu'p tlcturiulimtloii of the pwtilo mot dl- uvtlv lutoiostocl. A stuto con volition , ut uhli'h nu.itH nil sivtloiH of the Htito woio upu < "intodli ) > iloluK'.ito-i , has imoiutiloit In the lull of loiiroscntatlxos r t Uliu'oln ami il\ou the loniinl slump of mipioval to the MnxotiiPiit at ono soi-KinjT the ( rood of tlu < coiutiioiuvoaltli A cotiiiuolioiiilvt ! Il illation liiw , ih.iftod l > y l\\ulvo lopiosentiitUo nun , Inn buon ii-'ioiul iipnii and picsoutoit tn tin' loKltlaturo uitli cvor.v pioiwct of succtss riniilh , the movement hus been loft in the luiuls of an oYUUutl\o bou'il of llvolth im thoiitv to jl in andctfij out IU opeiatlous in the future with thuasiliUncoof thu friends of inicitioii Inauoii3 paiH of the stato. Nothing ftutlii'r can IwilonotniUl the lecl"- litiifo enacts tlio ne-.vlw. Wlion this h.is boon done there \\ijl hnripld dmclopincnts. i. ( ii'i i ti i on iiiuiuriit'si i iii'Uii. i . With u sjstoin of initiation pio\hluil \ bv nn * theuoNt pructii il rpiostion tobosittloil ulatcsto cnpiliil MillUmt Invo boon ol > - tiini'd for hiicatlon in Coloruloitli the iiisiiltthiil list year the piotluet of her ilesort luuls cxi-ecdt'tl the out put of her nilnos To bo inou'speiille , Coloi ulo's inlnor.il prodiu t in Is'Hl\\iis ' "t.s-.n.tXH . ) , anil her ngiioultui.il pi ocl in t 7ir > , < K)0OUO ) 1 f Color uln coultl obtain tlio oapitul for Huso i-csults bjforo the buo- icss of Ihorntorpiiso fully oUibliihoil Nuhr.Hkii ougiit to bo able to do > o inoro laphllv and coit.ilnly. Irilratioii ) IIIH bicn tlovolopod In Colouilo and htitiM anil tei.'i- toiiua fuithor west , largely \\ltli the mil of cnstoin nnd loiciirn inonoy , but also with the ooidial co opoi ition of homo e.ipit il- ists Thosuno will bo ttuo in tliit slate Tlio next \iuorous effort of the mm cniont in Nobiaski will hi" ilitoctoil to the m ittui "f inteiostini ; o.ipltnl at homo and abioul Thoic mo four soutcoi fioin wliit'h this hono- ful ( ioxulopmunt in ij oxpot't to draw llii.incial stroiiRlh. First , surplus Is'ebraski cipitul will llml iiillation stoik a Diolltahlo Invu-tt- inunt it Is to bJexpi'cte I th it what Invo jTinl ouneis , ind outciprisiiif' cipitalistahivo ilono In Colorado , New Mexico , Utah snul Idaho , thoywillilo tnulor shnllnr conditions in Nobr.iski F.inntMi living .iloiiK tlio line of piopoied ditches will also bo able to contiibuto nuioli to tlio ctpltil stOL'U of Linal coinpitiioj in tlio form of libormiil luiil. Thi > lontrilmtion fnini those iionio sources will , iliiibtloas , amimt ti a lirRO total in the coin so of the uosl fmv jcais In the sfond plico the imtionil govern ment will doubtless oontributo iiiueh bj lliu doi ations of public liuds to the soeral stutos. All the uostoiii status aio countint ; ui > on this iction by tlu next coiin'ro- , and with \orj- food icison NebuisltiN poition of this f'iiail lopicy111 bo moro than I tH,0 ( ) ) ( ) ( ) acres I'hii would bo the nucleus for i m isniliccnt doreloptmnt , and would furnish me ins for some colossi ! enterprise's in the % \ aof storage r fcrvoirs , and tno consttiu-tion of ntliur uisth woilts almost hojond the i-oich of priv.ito or uoipor.ito iMpll.il. 1'iiwvifjil proisuio will bJ biouulit to lit ir fiom .ill tlio wet torn stateto secnro tlio in ii-tment of this banullout nio.isiiio at tlioc'iillcst nosslblo moment Anotnoi source which may bo expected to contiibuto largely to fiirmsn cipitnl for thiHO entorpiiscs is the oastcin moitgi o holder Aery lirgo poi oontof tlio fnniii of wostoia Nebraski are nndtr mortgatfoto loan uoinpinies and imll- viilints In tlio oust 'I ho niimbur has boon stated as high as 00 per cent l > y na alliance incmburnf the lesisl ituie. As imny of these fauns as Ho in the and ro/iou iind ililllculty in Diyinithuli1 ; ititotost , not to mention tlio principil 'I'liomortciRO holder Ins , therefore - fore , an equal interest with the inorttra'oo ) in tuumiK the mill homestead into a tlnlftj and pi ospeions farm A sj'temitio etTort , will bo in ulo tointi'iest tboeiistcin neldur of \vcstornsccuiltles in tlio imptmonuiit of the > o lands , nml theio is iippan-ntlv no reason son win It cannot bo made successfully Outside of all tl.oio possibilities is the laitio imostmg puhllo , in this lountry and iibioail , who will thai the bonds of irrigation comp inles , sec ui il oa the works and the land , a s ifo antl dividend piying investment Tlih class lias alro ulv absoi hod millions of in Ca tion socinitios and it is doubtful if there is on rcioul a single cisovhcio an iriifration compinj has ilnfaultctl on its intoiest. A Init'o issue of Idaho bonds w is recently Iloateu at p ir In the st.iiil old state of Now Ilnmpiliue Whuu Now Munipshiio joins hitiiilsith Idaho in sucli an cntoipilso it is roason.iblo to expect that Nobiaslta may llml ft lends to assist in her doxclopment. II IHISIIlvrH'N AVII IIKMIIVIIIHKIITMII i'eoplo w ho tiavo not stinliod the effects of inlR.it.lon ut close VMifo Invo little upprooi itlon of 1U olfopt on ngrl- ctilturo in a KCnor.il wi\ As a imtturof fact it promises inoioii | iibsistini ; tliodivcisillcatlou of ciops , onionnu'hiK the iMilturu of fruits and maiket i'indonlii ( , ' , nml fuinishliiK clie.ipcr inolbods foi feeding stock than anjthliiK else that cat. ho sii'cested [ I' ioni this standpoint alone it i'i of incilcnh- bio si nincaiRO as a wealth-producing factor in tlio future of tlin itato. If one wishes to behold u paradox , let him .1/0 on the po\erty qf wealth ivpiesentod bj a mountain of golt qn corn worth l.t cents a bushel. Such a sljflit ins bien scon in the coin belt , and nuiy boiuiin. Sinhasl h \\.is no\crsecn in the iriiuatud lotion where thof.iimor is lius. , | | wn clerk of tlio weather ami wbcio theialn falu only on the Just In such a distuct tlio farmer innUos Ins nines produce Intensely'nnd dlvoislfio.s his ciop HiiDlcIently to taljo"ilni | outside of the evil of ourpioduotioii 'I ho result is that ho KOLS hU share ol the common prosperity , and is not. like his brother of the corn belt , the peiennldictim of circnmstaiuoh Tln oldest ditch In Nnbniska Is In Lincoln county Killv-llvu furmtrs mousing water from it , and dining the past season they netted from M.MJJ to ? TXK ( ) each , inlh'iitliih' eighty acies and lalbiii ) ; priniipall ) wheat ami pni'itoes They will allow thorainOdl fiirniors to do the io.rn raising for the state , e\en In the best of seasons.or , If tlio ) pnrtlii- pito in It , tlioy will by no ineins si ilto the forlunoof the season on Hint sliiK'o ' tluov\ . Tills practlcilly Illustralcs the ofTcet of Irii- fc'iitlon inivlnj ( ; the farmer a wider ran o , as well us the lortalnt } of u crop. Colonulo'a ujrilciillui.il crop last jenr wi.s divided as follovsi Alfalfa nnd yrusa , { 17,000,070 , ; cralus , ? nOJOJOOj , ( pota nndCKOUblos , flO.OOJ.OOJ , ft lilts , In Now Movlco tlio favorite crops am wheat , M' etuhles , urapos , stiawlwiiles and oilier small fruits , Including tlio most luscious pour * , apples and ponchos. Alfalfa has lat- IcHv iiivomo the most profitable of oiopt , us It Is cut from three to llvo times caeh jour and Is fou IK , t , bo the oijtiul of coin for fut- It Is not ncco nry to cnlatpe upon the suh- Jcit Inonldf to show Unit \\ostcrn N'obiaskix under iin rat Ion will 'bo nmdo llio homo of a wonderfully dlvenlllod inrrU-ultuw and of ft nits In itLinl fold \arlotj Till * Is Invaiiably the eiTi-ct of lirUitlon on ( ronoral iiiriicnl- tuio. I'no oitect of the | trodnctlon of nlfulfa must bo to choipi'ii the cost of foedlnn cattle without injni-iiiK their qn illt.u Another f.utlnch otmht 'to be noted by students of the subject , Is that iocoatl.\ bion lit out li > usciliM of forclblo inijja- /Inc articles by ( ' NS'.nd Davis of TUMIS on "I'lio I'utuio of UuadstiilTs " lli < shows th it tliodonunil Is mowhu ; fastoi than the supim and that wo shall soon tie feollim'tho cITcctsof the ccssitlon of tlii'liniiii'iiso tulo il Botttloinonl u-blili hasllowcd Into the west In tin hist llftceii jears. i'alciilatln ; the mmbu'of niiiiblo aciiij Hint can bo addul to . .Innii'.i of piodtutlon , anil on thoothor hand , : ho tin iiiiso of our homo mirket , ho doinon- sliMii-Uhat "tho products of the fields of Amriici In \\lllhuiiomoiotlntiisuni lout to sustain the 7JOI,0)J ) ) ) people who will then inhibit the land ' Ho cstliniles ; lmt after th it dale w o shall Inve no aii Icul- : uial piodnct to expoit except cotton , and that wo must tlion llml mo ins to Increase our \lold , or linpnit bioulstnlT from libra id. \Vhen that time comes the farmer who do [ lends on inltf.it Ion will li ivo an immense att- \antacoovei all competitors , lii'c.iuso ho cm lucre iso his jleld to the ntinost llintloftho inpailly of the soil 111 11 rt III 01' Tilt' MlMI'MIT If the IriU'.ition bill now hoforo the leulsla- lure bocinnes a I iw tlio executive botrd Inhoso It mils the nio\cinenl has been loft will nloncopiocecd with the agitation Tlio next thhiK to ho iiccompllsheil is to interest c iplt il mnl cntorpi iso in the Improvement of tin- mid anil semi arid lands Vi'ij soon af let the p issasjo of the act an olloit will l > o mido to fjot together i ioprnsentati\o body of Omaha Imsmess men , mnl to aitlvoh interest thorn in the development of wo-.ti rn Nebraska riii'ii inotnl snppoit will -ilono bo woitb much to the mo\cmcnt , and tbo cm jjrc.itly issist Irrigation compinu's in limling mat- kots for thtir bonds. The msistaiico of the igUKssHo clement of Oinihti business men would bo of immense assistance to western Kein iska at this time On the other h mil such a union in sueh a cinso wonhl oxeit a poueifnl inllnenco In boiling I ho dilleienc'os which reckless pilttioians liivo sought to foster between Om.ilii anil the state. If suih n mooting is undeitaken , no elfoit will lie spued to lendet il success fill , and I'm ablest loulorof tbr > movenifnt will bo called upon to piosent the subject. Another impoitant work to bo Im- tnedjatoly unilei taken , in the event of the piss.iL'o of the law , will bo the piopnition of an attiactivo p implilet , settnn : foitb the advantages of in lent Ion in Nobi.iska This will be designed prineipillv to intoiest oapitil It will show the splendiit iniality of the soil ana climate m the ic ion west of the lOUth mornl m , the niture nnd extent of tlte the water siipph , ami the wonderful .ippie- elation ot f.n in property in vvestoin st.iu s under ini'Uion It is liopol tint the le n latnro wid consent to hive th" st ito p ij foi the pjblieition of thousands of copies of tbis pimphlct. and tint thov ma\ | > e used very olTcctivelj to cducito the Invostorj in thu value of Itiiif.iticm joentitins. btnl another impuitinl featiueof the plans for the futnro will bj the otv.inuiUrm of the vvestoin states to binif ? prcs uro to be ir upon coim-iess for the prompt domtion of the pub lie lands This will DJ attcnipte I Iniuugli thu medinni of an intci- st.ito convoiitinn and the ciroal.ition of intitioiii. wllaii s'lonld ' hue lens of tlious anils of si nntuios Su.'tjostions of nnv soil will ho RlulU re ceived by nnv inuiibcrnf the bond who in ij l > o aldiossc'it as follows KV. . ruin.u , iiiownvillo. Lewis \V ilicUi , st id * iinivci sitv , TjiiiLOln , .1 Ij Cochran , McCook , Leon aid 11 Ciioy , bulnoy , William U. Snivtbo , Uniihii In closing this soiios of ji.ipeis on iuipa- tion llio wiitci lotuins henlv th inks to tin ) in my individmls. newspipers anil conven tions who , In tlio last fovv weeks , liavo made him nvvtue of an appiociation tli.it hccin.s fai bojond the deserts of llioelTott \Vn \ IHVI li SMITIIP. "Iloavea lies about us m oui infancy ' And we lie about hen en , 1 iter on 'llio Lou oil clern.v \\tio-ioni.nnalsalatv has boon icdmed to * l will now have a eh nice luilliistiato the noiiiisliiiiK qualities oflaitb It mtv : bo that wo shall all bo .ingc'llc ciea tines when wo ( rot to IUMVIIII , but some of ns Imvo noi to clnuiKO otu dlsosltions | ) a jjood dc il lirst liven the minister fools 'I iltoiol wlion one of his coiiKruKitlon quotes conoi-tty i sentence once from his Snnd.u iliseonrso at the pi av ei nutuiiK I'lutnv ni ht 'I he other d iv a well known liiooklvn preichc'i complained that vous IKO avessel sailed finin lloston with live mission. uios and Jtl.Oiii ) gallons nf mm 'I'o mo.t people this piortirtion of nun would have seemed qulto lai e ennUK'h and yottho inliiistei lonntt tanlt with It. lloniv StraRcr , a finnier llvlni ; nen Plu wools , 1'axtoif innntyV Va , , .ns the I .oul appoucd to bun m poison last vvedc and comiii.uuled him to sell all ho possessed anil Kive It to the poor lie lia , , be nii to ills pose ol his piopom and nel bbois aio ( jot- tniK' his f inn iiiiipments | at low piitos Jin has boon a voiv icliuious man for a IOIIR time , lint nev 01 sbowed signs of mental unbalmuo befoul riioro was a low in the Christian chuiehat Iluvwoitli , 111 . ovortbo pnieliiseot anornan Knine of the memhois sciodod vvhon ono w is bought for KK ) One niijht list we > 'k the church was broken open and the or in di ijwd Into the , tieit , whom chaired fraif- menlsofit weio found the next iiiornhiK Tlio instinmont iiatl boonstnlToJ fullol sttaw on wliich kotosLito hitt been pom ed and then hot on Hie. IJev ( ' \V Ilintt cre.itul a sensation In the Cohiinbiis , O , ( . 'nimriTlUnn il clinicti 10 cen'ly In the ionise of a sornion on tlio niKio ipio tion tinpioicbcr sidd ' I'lio li iti oil between the two sections will never dUappo ir as lout , ' as it is the dom-o of every \\liitumaiihitliKsniith to nhoit thu noiio and every vvlnto fill m the noi-tli to mniv one" Iinmodiateh a number of llio feiniinno jioilinnof the oom'i oration ImiiiodU lotlled with the most Injurul oxpiossions on their countcniinces Sometime nuo tionblo oi-ouiied in the ( 'oiKstujni 'ii ' rman llaptiit ciiuuh , of width Mu tin Uupp Is a loulini ; niembei , and this puvodim his iiiuul to siu h u IICKI eo Unit two weeks aso he look to his hod , lem lining theio e\orsimo. lie was not > . | ck In bodv and his explanation of the tourso 1m tooli WHS that ho b'ilovoil ho would be the means of loconcil- iiiK the divided elements of bis ilinnh mid that the me ins to do so wonlil lomo to him hj inspliation lie says ho 'v 111 fast till the Inc.icli Is ho dot ! nnd so far water .ilono b is boon taken by him Knpl ) Is a piospeions farmot of th'iiv-ulght ' mid lus a wife an I child llllll < lllll : llln Jltlll Illll Mi HiiiiilliKKlnsmose ( ! slovvlj fmm his scat at the Klti ben table , pulled down his vest and Mil ted for the iloor without a w ord Ills hostess was slighted annoyed at this disLouitiiius , iiiitbankfnl sllunce. "Don't jou think ou ou ht to saj bomotlilii | ; ( " she asKed "I'd bo dolUlttod to Say Kdinotlilii- , ' mu'niii , " replied Mr. HlKxIns , "but mn and mo piidiini ui link the last diopoulo'tho bottle moro'n two houw nxo. " CATARRH. Mil rol > i > Klllo' cur si it urli 13 ) Not Tnlto Our \Veird tor It , \i \ t ll iul til.Kviilunce. . \ \ \ ntfohiio l > . li llllll Ic I llll inliirlll fur nver l , nit yi'iir * . MII > Inn niiHt'il iimtn lii'inMII from UieMi i' I In.i unit ni i I Mi , r li KMhr Hum Irnui all ( hi1 iciii' lieu i' I ilurl K > il I M iri I MI \ I III It liruiiuHl "I l. . i'ih | I m'Vi -nil a ri'tmilv tint HUM' I I'td'r itlru linn III ill MlcTnl i > Kllli i I kn iw lluil II lian I'MUllmit riMiii'li fur citimli I It KMl.lll1 UtiiKkl.l si Jiii > | > h 'Jotn\ pe'rs nut kiiiiMli * M * Mliioli , Uillnr e tiiu * inlnnli IIH s ( III > VV SC A l tllllt I' iMlMKtl I - < l I i ' | ill I stilT.'r.'il from eitarrli fin < luliti IMI j < if nml wnt in-iiiiil li } llui iinmt nklll.il | iln lil mo I i i IMI er'lii' Kllh'r antl II lint l > i < ii'illti , I iin > tumi'limn th < HI * nut > * iifil ill irs ' \u'inli' | l on ilnrloi * \ \ M VNVI'snV Hi I IHU | stn-.1 si I I'll Mli rolm Killer ciiteil mi * uf M luul c no uT ( ilnirh II I linn I'.N * ( i „ p | , I MUlTiM.11 Tor > CMIT * . f rum nit luittiiv uti'il < i-c if * ' i tilth I ionlil tint at t mnri1 iliui t.'niioiii ) retlli f Irniniiny viurio Itntll I IHIM ! Ml.n.bu Mlli'r II III \ CI I si I'i iih Ono Kalluii nf Mlcriil.f' l\lll"r witM tin' ijnh k idler fin iitiirili I am nun utlnliiK Inui lulit in IMiriiKtli llltlliill : Vli\ris : ( IKIVVnrniT Sin ol si I ul 1 h m > h 111 it irrli for i'lklilt on > ! in anil f > r tin' pa-'t II \ ( > tMr1 1 HUH tint w it tiuuI n t , n title * lieMilne ho I urn nm > ulili'ti tin in ) Hulk ai 1 itlil Nla n ) ntik nml ill r i mil HK. H. ( . , < l Mli MIII | > Kill , r Mlli I. I I OHII It ' 'l-'l Snilli Iliualnin s1 ! i mil Mlinilin Klllur Inn IHJM lltli'il mi'ir > mmlilor ( UtiNli t II VIII I s | inn UN ' . ' -M N Innllllistrii t xt lemn VV 111 11' I < > U IU I tl ( llti II Ml I HI I llli ; HADAJI MICKOIli ; MUUICO , ST Ji'SM'H MO lir-alo In tinuilii hv shoniiiin * v Mi t nrn II 1 tl D..ILI st luilin \ t mil M iHi iht Sent on icccipt of price. Send tigo nnd how long yiu ) m\o been veiling1 glasses , if at nil. Wo i.ro the only makers. Gold chains , 05c. KCENC OPTICAL CO. , 1301 WASHINGTON STREET BOSTON Ali ntlm tlit- . ] " ! " r 1 nit I Aim -\M ( Or l.flui-H IVrii > linl | I'llh the I runi li ri nn l\ IK t on tin tnonHirii il s > sU'tn an I cnruiiiiiini isl > n tniin nlmtitur ( ui-i I'n in ito- ni'Mi-l'initlnii flu-i > | HIN .huul I n > t lie t ik > n .lur tliK . if' tnlii > \in I'llt Cu lliialt ) I'rnp pa < 11 > In la ( iOtinliu li ) sln rimn MI.OIIIIL ( | | I in nit m in'ir I' o Oaiali i ( \ Mi'lilnruntil ( Minim M 1' nil Counill lllutN ! . ' orll.irfi lAll'ORI'ANT ' I'O MBkMAS ; \ Kverone interested \ \ \ t ) , , wcllaie of Nebraska should know that thousands ol dollaii aiv sent yearly to Kastein. . . . . . Patent Medicine houses , \vlurli' mitfht as well be spent at home for the following1 medicine1 ? , which when once tried , will / pi ova to everyone th.it then- is nothing better made and tv member each of our remedies , u e warranted. Turkish Tea for the Iddne\ , Iher and nerves. Best Blond medieine , 50. Turkish Consli Cure , .1 few doses will cure i bad eolith , 500. Turkish Lmi meiit , specific lei Rheumatism , stops all pain , fioe. Tuikisli Asthma Cure , leliefatonre , 501 1 lahn's Ciokk'ii DyspcpsiuCuic a sure cure for Dyspcsia , Siik 1 leadache etc. , 5oc. Turkish Tooth Wash , is splendid lei teeth .150. My all druggists or senl on receipt of ] > nce to any .uldiess. Samjles for 21 stamp. Turkish Remedy Co. , Omaha , Neb. RECEIVED NEW A liil nf \ i r\ llti.1 . I up i in it1 ( iildllsli I rutH . ' , tiniiii | lid HullMoiiiitiiln * tin * u in t inted I Ir t I 1 1 " -in , ; ! m f I Ml I'llcll. fi li ill , - Jl K urli 'I iiiMnI'.iruls ! fiomI i i , nml Mm Miuliliils , $ i i , li --iin ! t \ li.inl i < uiillnals , lit i b Hinue i I vet ) line fiill-bloiiil , .1 wlnl" lliilUlnu' * 11 OH MAX6iSLERn7 , south ; ; ; VII \ . lOth Nl It WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP lor tliPSkin nml Srnlp. Prci iri il ! ijft Dot nintoln l t w it It tor iL7ftna PI iMhond oily pkm , ftc nv niiii * dm ) t td litintlx ex COB HI\ | < i ftpirntinii u ly com ) It xirin. tit \n unfailing rcinrtljr for nil M nl | Alfrcdim * . mi I ftnnri'i riint | \u uf nil lurnu nf nliin diaciflon Torfailob ) Drurfdsts or etnt ! y mail , IVIcofO cents Facial t IlluUntel na nil .Vfn ft 1 ten | RtTrcl t M , I Iticir Irrktlufbt Mill e.piUI ) f r III ! ( n. tn nn f rn 1111 ! > r I v Ivtlfi , ) < > 1I.N 11. 1MIOIMII KV , I ) tmnlnlnKi-t. IU. % % \ . JSil Nl. , > i-\v lotk < Its. uf lu IM iii \ liupi n im > U t ukiii t-s Drt n < l of MunlnM S'irttMtis 1 HI H 1 vii t < ri'lniilniis DtHpoiittm \ * l uitt itUiovMhs.t'ti f .Vrf/f OM tl vi IH ti * ' Tlfifiiol | ; < tf S OUR NEW BOOK llieiusaiiilH Dl cm iratilii il liillniun itlt Unit "MEN STAY CURED. " OF OMAHA. INCANDESCENT FIRF PROOFt , ' f tSft 'gll i ELECTRIC LIGHT ? . I i efa&1SSi S fSr aHE'S ' 1 NOT A DARK friilii | | | L VENTILATION. UW i. OFFICE V * 4. 1WJJ MIN s w r sc sriE13 * * * * * mriM n. . . . _ _ . . I iTTlTTSfEl/S ? /fV fiTITK WT IN THE BUILDING. i < t i NIGHT AND DAY ELEVATOR HTUm Jt BE ; mm SERVICE. T"I TT5 TT * / " " Ti > T * " \ . r f x T t \ / * * t * tw DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS : GROUND FLOOO- : .V C(1MPA\VTeicv't ( ipbi'oics. ci i \ mi.\M'UIK. : Urii'STIcliiimhm. . e te > I < > M Ml \ ItPMi I > \TIi AND TKUST COM- MUIIt&iAM. ( < > l { | > . IJuil IMate. I PANV FIRST FLOOR : mi : OMAHA iir.i roi'.vriMi ' UUOM. A.IAMI.UICA.N . WATP.U woiuc" COMPANY vertlslii ) ; .mil biiliscilptlon UiiMi | intents sl'l'KKl VTKMMIN I' Illli : HIM IDIM : . SECOND FLOOR. I UK I'ATIHCK IAN | ) COMPANY.V K I VIA sc | | I'siyr ] MI'Tl'AI , MI'II ! Ns'U- ( KnrlManivoi. . I \N'l. ( ( OMl'AN'Y. nit n n. HJUMY. Tiui.yri : IAIJU : i-in : INM-KANUI : U. . M- I. II. Mi'INTOsll , Uinil Psl ito nnd I.tmns. I 1)1 ) ! UNAKI.Ks l lsATii ) | : ! . 'THIRD FLOOR Hit A MATTIIi\\s. \ Dontlsl , I MAM1\TI'AN MPT. INSUItANCi : JOHN ( iliAM1 , Coiitr.icjtorfcirstroe't unlMilu- I I'\NY v\ | | I > I'llvuinriltH Dlt. \ \ 1 n VMlli MI'll lioill lll'P \TUICK. Iivv0lileo4 HU Osi'Alt s HOITMAV. HI ! Itll 11AKII- . r.lt.M sp U M.i , , | ! tnl | Kmm , , , l I'Y ( Ol1 IM' 1SOOM I . ! M.I HAMIII.US , A FOURTH FLOOR. Nuinnursn.iiN MITUAI. i.in : iNsnti > ir.iMi : TI. . . . . . . . _ ANL'i : t OMI'ANY. I ! ( ) | \ \ \ ri'lt.V CMUYsiiCivil | : ! nnglncers i ONM'CTK I'T Ml/n'AI. 1.IIT. IN'sl'IS- ' ' I. Hl.K. < . I'lvll IJnul AM I. I OMI'A.NY T. M 1.1,1,1s. An llltee-t. .NN Mi-n-Ai. 1,111 : INSUUANCI : COM ( iroiK.r \ \ ni ISM UMI-ANY , boiie-iuir- . I'AN Y rililttH MAK'll OUI ) 1,11 r AMI A.NM'ITY INsnt. UKOIIOI' KI'U. \ . ' nt for I'nlte'il Mtilo-i Ae I AM IJ t'OMI1N Y. I .lent Instil ineti1 l'.inii.itiy | , Mil : ) INl.s'l MINI' O'IMl'AN Y. r u ivANs : , ueii r.st NM.IMl.lt & IIOV\Ail : | Insiir.iiHii OMAHA COAI. i\CHANtJi : : . r.Di-oN ni.i i-puii' i.Kill r i OMINY UOYAI. IMIlllhllNi | | ( COMPANY , A II.I'N.M U , liuiilirln iioitiloJoolH : ( i : . i' . IKIMH.UI : : ( , rieo p.iintor. FIFTH FLOOR , u s AUMY. IIII'AIT. : : i I'lin.r ! ; MTNTorTlll IM.Airr. . , s unices I'AYMASI'KU DI'l'MtTMTNT COMMANDHIl. AIUITANI'I.I.M ItAI. ASMsTANTOrAllTiUM.\ : : . IN-ITCTUU ( il M UAI , . I NMTCTOu SM \ | , | , A UMb PKACTICI1 rUHlii : AIVH3AI'I' . ciuni orouii.NANci : . Clllir : i.M'AUl I.KMAsTPIf IM.INI.IUOITIOIU. : : : 1'iiii.n OMUS.HY c Ml DIl'AI , DllJI.floK. SIXTH FLOOR. II Mtl'MAN , V , ( Ol.i.lNM. ' I' . . * AUMY I'ltl.NI'INll C A c ills. I I.AMIIian SMITH A YA.MICNIiritU , In- i Nina ) SI-ATI : * LOAN INYUSTMIST hiir.itn n nnd l.n ins COMPANY. C. I . lim.MIOKI I' , Anlilli'i'l. Tin : I.MPIIMI.NT : : j > r\t.r . Alt ! Ill U .IllllNhDN. Cunli.ieU'i. ii : > nouiAi , - itooMrt or TIII : unn. i-m M . . ' ' , Kl.l.l ) I'Ul.M'lM ( U , " . "K. M im oi ) ping llmj Mnillng r.iiiit . SEVENTH FLo6l < TIII. OMAHA i'iu > s fi.rn iTiirer\ hDI'll.l'Y Ol1 M'ATIU.NAKY KNCil.Nia'.Its | HAUIII'Vc A few more elegant omco rcjoms may be had by applying to R. W. Baker , Superintendent office , on counting room Ibur.