Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1891, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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    .10 THE OMAHA OAI1A' IHflE : Ht DAY , JTEBRTJAKY 22 , 181)1.SlXTICPNr ) VAGES ,
\i\ \ 1 .TIS-I.MI'.NTS f.r thr-.c-olunmH wilt
Ai takrn until r.'i.Vi p in. , for tnccvenlniJ
edit. . n iinil until . n p. in. , for the mi-rnlni *
I'll linn uinl * * i'Nii * > * i HIK. :
rl.UMSfnili In ndviinre.
'I J.\TK * Advortl emri li < nillil iinfr wllllio
1 > i tinrircd for nl tlic rate nt I' , cents per
nl fur tin-Hot liiM'rlluii , iinil 1 cent per uiutl
fl I l-lirll mihleiUI'lll | lll l'Mloll. flllt < I.M ) HIT
Innpi i n null ) . No mhrrt iM'iiiMit tnken for
] ! . > limn . . tci-iitit fur the Hist lir.i'i tloti.
JMTIA1.S. naurcs , symbols , i to. , count cnch
| H PillUntil. .
flMIIM iidvcrtUcnionH limit tun cnnsrcu-
1 t'icU unit under mi cliciiinslanccs will
lln > > 1 1' IT dl-rontlnnrd liy telephone.
"IUTIl nilcrl lslii | * In' these i-ulnmns and
J liniliiit their IIIKMI-M nildir < * ) iMt IIMI "mini-
lertd letter" In cure nf Till : lln : will rceclM-
n iiiimlirriMl cheek lo enable thi'in 1 1 nit' t their
IrMcis. Answers will l > dclhered duly nn
' ' of this check. I'lidosc answers
it i melopi s pp'pi'riy addressed.
, iiil-.crtlsimeiit louder the head of
All . "pecliil Niilli'i'H" are published In linlh
tlu > tTiornlntf nml ovonhiK editions nf I'm : Ilia : .
tlnIrfiliillnii of wlilohnircroi'ates more tliun
Ki.otxi papers dally , mill iflvos lln > adM-rlNor
lln' I" m'Ml nut imly nf Ilii' In run rlrriiliilinii of
Till ill'r In Ilinulin , lint iilsn In Coiini'll Illufls ,
1. 1 1uln n ml nt lii r fit It" ) unit towns In tin ) west.
Advertising fur these roliiiiin * vlll In- taken
On tin' nhmi- conditions , : it thcfollnwlm ; bnsl-
iii s * houses who lire anthnrlri il lo take sncelal
mil lco . nt thr sninn nil I'M fin run bo liuil itl Iho
ihiiln nlllcc.
: < ZI N. Slrotil , Lister Illoek. _ _
JOHN \V. lll'.I.I , , Pharmael
r1UASK A KIM IV. Stationers and I'rlnti-ra ,
c liiSouth : intlis
II. I'AHNSWOKTII , Pharmnelstil5Cum-
iliK sired.
AN' ' .1.1111(1 ( II K , ' . , North 10th
I O.V. .
-y I'MAUMAfvMtli anil rarnnm.
_ _
jfurtalfH , rlr. , arc ( DJI ufflrit rnliiiiin nil ( /i / ( * JKII/P.
AVANTrn A liuly iloslips a prtsltlon nf
liusl wiiiiin I'Npi'rliiiiCM' anil triii * niKrlt
III uiet'lMi it'ConiiK'iise. lU'i'iutllnuly. Aihlrcss
T S. HIM- . m ' "J *
V ANThM-Poiuim li > - llrst-clims iuv
> sli iiii iiiiilier. llMt of rvfuri'iii'OH , Ail-
dri'ss 1) ) ? ' , lieu nllli-i * . TIM g.
" \\rANTr.D -j ; > a sohor Industrious yoiini !
" man , as ooai'hnian or lo ti-nil to iioi'scs
n ni ) einss anil work around iho pluco. Ail-
iln-ss D7 > ) . Ili'o. 7 < l-f. ! "
I ' sli'noeintiliiir ; Kfiiiliictnii oiierator. A < 1-
tlrt-ss lu.Vest Mills st. , Cro.stnn , la. ' 'J *
" \ \ T A NTI'D Situation liy n yoinn ; innn of
* ' KOOI ! iKilills ; rufurunci's. I ) ( V ,
lU-e ' '
" \ \ TANTiD : Situation us utiMinvrnnlnir and
t.vmwrlt | T. Aildross John W. Illti-IO
. .TnU'sliuiColo. ) .
"V\r ANTI'.I ) 1'lncK fopKi ii'ral lionsrwork liy
' a ulil of nxporli'iu'i ! . Wauls n itnoil lioiiu1
inure than lilgli wnRi-s. Aildrusi ' .TIS Hurt
osiTIDX Hy a tlrst-olass liooKKui-per and
stenocraliluiri wholusalu IIOIIMI picferrcd.
iliess ) . Heo. til7-'r. ; "
CJITl'ATIO.M wnntiiilliy a llrst-elass enttcr
> 'land tailor ) ; irood refi-riMU'es. 1'n-d
I'niunlxiri : , KU N. I'raiiklln st. . I'lilvuKO. " 1.
" \VANTKIi Situation us dny ornkht watoli-
' iiiiin ; liavi * llvt-il In Omaha otor ( went v
years ; \\lll % l\u bust , of ii'tei-fiitT. Aildn-ss
> r , HIM * . W SI *
\\TANTlil : -Slluiitlim as li ) > ok-kiiii | > r liy
T yoinu iiiiinof oxperlL'nce. Itoferonres. Ail-
( liesI I ) in. Km , (2TJ ( l *
" \ \r ANTni Situations for ROIM ! Rlrls ! my
' waiting rooms u real ways full fniin " u.
ni. tn li p. m. Canadlnii Kiniiloyiuunt olllce.
aU'j.s ' l.'iili. _ ToluluiiuitHt. | _ t l
J'or rufc'x , fc. ( , Mtlitituftnt nilmnitwi fjf | ] ) uo ' .
" \ VrANTBH HcllliWn yoiin man to IIIUIIIIRCI
" ' lirani'li olllco laOinnha , oort nifen-nco
roiidrod | and # .VMoash uapllul. 'Salurv W lor
month and an lnturust In laiblness. Adilroxs
' " ' " * ' ' 7N ) "
"V\rANTKi > A HlralRlit forward , IriiHtwnrt liy
man for orilor and di'lherv deparliiuint ;
tiuist l ) > iircr g.'of niro. neat In appearam-o
ninl willing to make himself ccnerally useful ;
Rood .salary and iiorinaiu'iil position for.snll-
uhh man. Cull Monday after III. N. Y. M'f'ir.
Co. , cliuinhcr of I'diiiineroe liullilln , liooiu 47.
A 01' NTS wanteil for Iho Manhattan lAte
Ins. Cm. to represi'iit In all larno towns In
the states of Nelirasla ; and Colorado. Mhi'ral
riintrai'ts oll'cred. Addri'-s No. ; W anil M Hen
I'lill.llni : . ( ii-o. I' . Parish , KI'II. in'ts'r. for No-
luiiska and I'nluntilii. M7IW 2S
II IT' and riiiiilnlseenrc's of ( ieniiral Slior-
* man liy a dlstiiiiinlslied iinthor. C'ontrl-
liilllons furnished specially for lunik by pmm-
liient suliilers and itatoMiiun. Acents wuntiMl.
tMIl out-ell t'verythlii ! . ' . M'nil Xte Instantly
formatVn ! ! minrniittie host hook anil best
tenns. llnv no other. 11. II. Woodward .V f'o.
HaltliooiY. Mil. M"ii-VH : *
" \\TANTI'.D Ten hrltilit oasli lioys. Apply
' ' Monday mnrnliii ! at t ) o'clock , Nebraska
Clotlinil'o. ! ; 711-.1
\\r ANTEU-- ui 't Ionian Ineaelieonnty
' to Inlioilnoe our liurihuue
Lllieral pay. ? , 'i.lH ) samples free. The Wrlnht
Mf's ' t'q. i'i 1'aik How. Now Vork. 7CT gj *
\ \ A Vl'ii : > Salesman to soil first clasi line
* ' Inlnir-Mavlii ) ; olllun dnvleos to linslness
men tlmiunlmut thu country. Hit ; inoui'v
easily niado hy live workers. Address E. ( ! .
] .enioniil ; : leurhoriiitruutChleii'o ! ( , III. 7fkS Sir *
" \\r ANTKI > Kxjx'rlom'od hook asents and
Insurance solloltnrs out of oiiiplovinent
I Puxton hlook. 72.1-- *
S Wanteil-All klmls. waire.s * 10.0) )
per \\uoK nnd board. IVter 1'rnnk. Audii-
lion , la.
\KTKIT1 V.F.S wunlod to act In the secret
Jirvhe n ndor liislriirtloii- Capt. llran-
iian.eoldef ofilnteotlvesof Clni'lniiut , K.xpe-
ilcnee not necessary. Pnrllcnlais free , liran-
nan Detective lluroau Co. . 41 Arcade , Clneln-
natl. Ulilo.
\ \ > AXTKll-Miin to sell line of elBiirs. * 100
' per month and expenses paid. Address
With .staniM. National C'ijar Co. , St. IjOuN , 'Mn.
\\TAXTKD Tra\elliiK salesman , exclusive
' or sldn I'ni-j must be eneriietle and reli
able. Manager , 1 > . I ) , drawer Ills , Chicago.
" \\rANTKD Two eoatniukcrs and
ono vestniaknr , by A.I. Clarke , 010-IH Sec-
onil Ht. , Huntings , Neh. 71U.M *
AiKXTS ( New elcar-llKlilor : every smoker
buys ; lights In wind or rain. Sample I.V ,
! . ' for V.ic , i\.W \ dozen bv mall. Stamps taken ,
etnyuor.t Co. , 1'rovldVnco , K. 1. MKC-.M1'
\\ANTKI > Snlotinon to sell lightning roils ;
' e'sperloiiced. Apply to Kdw , A. 1'oy tfc I'a ,
IM W. 4th street. I'lnclnnnti. O. MtXl-g *
\VA.NTKD-ABniili. to soli "Ufe Oen. Slier-
' ' man. " Semi XK- for out lit Immediately
nnd pel best terms. J , M. Trench & Co , ,
Omaha , Neb. Mf.M 2. ) *
" \\T AXTKD Mon with Rood reference at
i ' Metropolitan M'f K Co. , It'iOO Ilimard st.
AliKXTS wanted for theiiieinolrs of General
\Y. T. Sherman , written by himself. In two
volumes at } : > , ! ioper volume : to every subscrib
er will ho Klven a copj i. < Dnrley's famous
tnnsterplece , "Sherman's Maicli to the Sen. '
hire M\XI ; the outllt eonslsthi of onn volume ,
tonothi'r with ploture , for fi.fw. Address tin
I'xelitslxe publishers. Charles I , . \Vi \ > h * > ttir&
Co. , : i Kast Fourteenth ttreot , SowVork City ,
"l\TAXTKIV Men lo travel for our Canadian
i i nurseries.stonc.t\VellhistonMadl onWls
DIfT.CTIVKS wnnted In every locality lo
v lirk under our Instructions. Experlencu
not necessary. Stamp for paiticulaia. Wash-
IiiKton Detective Aecucy , llo7b7 , Washing
ton , lown. SKHtiMIl
_ _
riirnif < virCqfrrliiionlrnliiiiiii ] on tht
"Al KS. KATK M. CI.AMl'ITT'.s Is luo only
a'l hair store where a Indy enn haui iroods
made lo onler. Also all Iho Inle-t novelties
In hair drcsslnc , blenehltm. dyeing , manii-
faeturlnK. ISO North rifleniitli street , near
Capitol avenue. 7K1 i *
BKt-T line hair prods In went ; halrdre > sliiK.
wlps. swItclieK , lmn"i , hair ohalns , etc. , a
Fpeetalty. DavU % hair t-'uixU and milliner ,
oppositepostuftice , 111 S. 15th st , Omalin. Ml
/'or rules , rtc , , * f t tup uffrtt foltiiw n on tliltiMuf
AlilKS atl peiitomen can rent UIUMIIO ] * >
utle ulu at tii .N. ICtli U 'tmrw
i'nr rattt.rtr. , 'ft Input flrnf foliiMH outht * ] MQf.
/ J . In fiunllvertbree. Cull Sim-
VI dny or Mond.iy Mr- . \Vlllbm.s. . | n. %
Smth fhlrti'i'iilli sltri-t. > 1 .V
\\r AXTKDHalcslndh'S at Slmieblll's
> > 77II-KJ
\VANTKIi tllrllnr Ullilii'ii iiiiii I launiirv
> work nt H. ' .Mlh street. .M77t !
\\T A.NTKI-Iaundre-7 ) I'rlviito" "fnmlly. ? . "
' ' tier week.Vnninntii 111111111141restaniiint
Pi ( llrl foridllecr's fnmlly out west Vi per
week.Valtiens fur Iiliiho'f.'i. One for \VI ner
II. fines paid , 1,1) ) u'lrls for lioiisu work. Omaha
l-injiliK nit-lit Iliiteiin , IP.iN IllliNtitrl. 747
XY ANTi- : ! ) iinTfii' " ( ilrl. * ' ic-
' iiulred. linpilre at l.'ock Islnnd ticket
olllee. 7.v.-"J *
ncenlsTliiee dollais enpllal will
' bnllil up n business paying J.'i weekly
srllliiK cmr ntiM'ltliM In Indies' anil eblldieii M
near. Our cJdld'H eomblnetl waist and huso
siippoiter Is I be cutest lltl Ittnrmenl everln-
ented nnd sells a ) sl.-hl Atldless with stun p.
Irs. ( ! , Campbell , 4SI W. Kandolpli sl..Cld-
aito. 7HI ' . " - '
U ANTKIl ' - ' urll lady catiNnssers for city.
lAperlt'iice mil neoessar ) . O.ill Moimny
lorn a to ti at l l Nntth Idth sticel. ujstiiii | > .
' , " *
UNTiil : - A nurse for n child llveaisold ;
liesl of reference reitilied. | Call at loom
i. Chamberof Conuneice , Dinaha. 700
\\T ANTKIt I'lTleeuclrls. t
" * > cars did , for foitllm * . Apply to lillnoii ,
Illler.t Hlchartl.son , I'Jl.'i llariiey"nt. , .Monday. .
ebrunry y , ] . 7im-.HJ
A illll ( < for Kencrul lintisu Mtirk. I'fls N.ii'lli
Vstieot 710 L J
J lltl. forKi'tieial house wolk. small filially ,
v * ( Icrman pteferr.-d. put ! I'nrninn st. CiO
WANTi | ; ) l.ndy or Keutlcman , salntv $ ir >
per \\cekj 111) ) ' . ' I'nrnain stieet. < it7'J'
"ur riifcii. ( ( r.nct f"j | nf i ( ciiliiiiin mi Hit * i > dic. (
A\nil > hiisln uscsaiid stores for lenlV I have
i the applicant. I'arrntte Itcntnl Aeiiey. ( !
I'.tli nnd Capitol avenue. 7 Hi v. . '
li DH UKNT ICIcKiuit two lloor house , all
* ' modern hiiprn\ements. coiner Id and
'lilcauo. Apply at iw. : ) I'ariibnm street.
7.4 , 4 -2
_ _
Ij Olt Itr.NTModern ( i roonT TatTil ne ; JSA
* - Also K room modern detached hou-e. line
'ondlllon. tfi per mtintli. l , . S. Skinner. 1(114 (
amain street . itl 7 ! - * I
| /V > lt UK.ST 7 room Hat. bath and slt-ani
iInill ln,7l ( N. llith .street , Inimlro nf the
-lujlneer , MOT-SI *
FOU UKNT 0 loom house , IMth nml
slieet.s. lniiilro | ! IOI Ptucnpoitstreet.
- '
lioiirillim house , coinpletely fur-
'nlsliuil. ' for rent eheap tu desirable pnrtles.
II. K.Cole. Uontlnental bloek. I'ttl ? 2
"I71OU KKNT Nlcolmoiu roUuKO , atlOll's.
-L' Ullist. ImiulroofMrs. DiiKKiiii , S. \ \ . cur.
Kith and 1'aelllc sis. 570
11'yon xvlsli to rent n or store see II.
K. Cole , Conilnental blueU. HIO
'ITHMt UKNT--Coltiies | wllii'J. 'iaml 8 rtionis.
J-1 Cast bet..tli and aitli , Clarke , room in.
board of trade. MlKIS K2rJ
ITVllt UKNT Small house , with larjro barn ,
- Aor each separate , 1U1D Callfoinla street.
> 11M'11'1
WK think \\e have the house you wish to
rent , llundy \ . Co. , 1(114 ( Oapllol ave.
'II ! ) M7
1C Ml 11KNT House of moms , newly pa-
pereil , on the eurneruf ITilh and l-'ranklln
streets ; soft and hydrant water In Ihchouse ,
In stintl repair , f'ii per inontli.
: i looms In Mntiin block , will rent to Rentle-
mau and lady without children ; steam heal ;
t'M per month.
II store looms In Union block : Iniiulro at 017
Union bloek. corner Mason nnd lllth Mieots.
John llainllii. M.7
j Oli UKNT 7-rooni Hat. haiiKu block , CiftJ
. So. Kith .si. ( ; ' > !
UKNTll'r < ioia eimtrally loeatwl rosl-
drnres ; all modern conveniences ; Ihollnest
In Iho city. \V. U. lloniau , rooms ! s and 10 ,
! renter hlk. ( M MIS
UTKAM heated tint * , at 7WI S. liith"Thus. . " \ ' .
Oj im , : m Paxlon block. MI
IjlOK KKNT I'oiirn anilroom Hats with
- * - hat li , hot \v liter , ele. ; paved str * et ; lu'ar
Ini.slness ; nil Imiirovenionl.s ! onlyJ'i'i per inn.
References required. Tlio Mead Invcstnient
Co. , 412 Hco InillclliiL' . OKI
- In tbu Her hlnokcor. . Kith aiul.laekwmsts. ,
liimnll tlia ooinenlcnces nnd Is In II i > t class
repair. 1'or partloulars cull at 1112 llarney st.KIO
ijlOU KKXT 7-rooin house , all cimvenlenues ,
JL1 IIUl N. 17th. liiniilru Ii : . Ml
TjlOK KKNT S rooms , oiiu Moor , 171S .lackson
JJ streut. S121I )
IfOll HKNT SeloKiiut 11-rooin houses , Nos.
' Kit's ' and ' IIO Douglas st. Knniiiio uf A. A.
( iladstone , Hill ) DouphiH si , , or Globe Loan i
Trust Co. , IW7 S IGth st. "M
I J10K HKNT Seven-room rottiiKO , cor. SMli
ave and ( . 'up , live. Inciuire aih Dodge. MKH
3 lOronui mmsos.-tiliiSiiilii-
.1 utes walk oftbe postoltlco. O. P. Davis
IVi. l.W > 1'nriium st. ' St-y >
/'orifMf/c. ) / , o < ! fojii//li > ( tnlninii nn Hit * JXIIK.
EM ( ur
"VTU'RIiV fnrnlslied south .iioni. ll'OS Capltnl
.A. < avenue. M7S SI *
ONK.stcuni heated , fiirnMiuil front room.
IM4 ( Jhlca o , Hat 1' . .M775-il *
"ITIL'KNISIIKI ) hou-iikonpltn ; moms with all
* - I'onvenlenoes. j.oo per inontli nnd up
wards , 411) ) South UMIi street , tlilut lloor.
AOKNTl < rMAN of quiet habits nuy olitah
a Inntu second-lloor fiirnlslieil front room
In a prlvato famllv , without boanl. location
unsurpassed , within live minutes' walk of
court hiiase. Address box 4.TI ixHtulllce. 757 B. "
SOU II ) room house , furnished ; best nf refer-
unees. A. M , ( . ' . , roinii I , lieu IjulUlIn1. .
.MCiStl-21 *
1J1OII HKNT Nleely fiinUshed rootni tlrst
.1 lloor , heat , bathete. ; cheap. u'iiOl I'ltrnam
Mleet. Mini" il *
XTIC'K rooms stonui heat , 171D Davenport st.
i- > 4 IK Ma
( JM A I.I. room , 1701 Capitol ave.
IT'OU KKNT-Onn I'lesant furuUheir froii
J- room , ' 'nil lloor , sli'iiin heat , hath , KIS. : eti .
D2.0U ] Hr inn ; must have lefomieos. Mrs. II.
t' . , . " .Ete riiriinin st. OIN-1. ' ! *
HA NlSOMiiiV ) : furnished front room , steam
heat , KIIS , bath , 711 S. Ifith , i.M lloor.M
M r cfl.'J2 *
i\OK \ llKNT-Ni7i'ly furnished looin fo7T o
* Kenllennin or nmrrluil couple , friiw. I'lnt
II , 7CiiJ. : ! inthbt. Cull after 2 p. in. M471 Mil
'I/IOH HKNT KleKiuil.stciini lil'iit. ' furnished
Jl1 rooms. JVi2. . _ titiut. ; _ _ ! HL' ; '
"V' K\VliV fiirnlslicfl rooms , all modern con-
1 > veillenee.s , SISX , I7tb , IKK ) M7 *
? iOK HBNT-Nleely furnished roniu , Kns ,
J.1 bath , 1724 l.e.ivca oith , upfclalr377 1 *
" \\rKlJi furnished room , modern convenl-
l > uncos , with boaid. 211 S SOtli. ( ! 7 22 *
InOHHKNT-rroiilroorn with nlcovp.cnrtains
mantel , heat , pas.bulli. 2 elosets. for ni'n-
tlcinon or man and wife , iHUV ) per month
.VT S 24111 st. _ Till
"WOK HKNT Twenty-live rooms In a brli'k
J block ; peed locntlon ; with or wltliout fnr-
iiltnre. O. I- ' . Davis Co. . ISO I'arnain st. J3IM2) )
T. CLA1H I-ilri : > peaii hotel , \\lth llnluv
room , stenm brat In all rooms , Cltli am
llodKU. Special rules by week or month. H (
17 < KEdANT furnished rooms ! , iitti lloduo ,
M ImC *
_ _ _
1/OH HI NT l-'nrnl.sheil rHnu ) , KIIS hatn nm
X' ( .team. 151' ) Howard. M5
Olt HKNT-Kiist front alcove room at Iho
] Alton south flout room , bay window , moil-
J ern conveniences , for ono or two Genlln-
men , < 10 per month. 2-JIS l.uavcnwoilh. M.r.
c. , ice fnjiii/yli'iil roluinn nn Hit * i < mie.
MHS , 11. ( ' . .MOSKs , the Painam sticet ilross-
makur. Xo. aits. 671.M15
"A 1 1SS llrady.rrench diessiniiklnj : system , H
i'i an , shecly blk.-ollelts pntrona c of the la
dlesprices reaM > imlilo , : iHsfurUuii'iiariuitcci ;
for nilf * , rte , trr fop of flrrt rolnmii nit tlitt fiige
T OJT Newfoundland rtoi : , velsht 1 ! )
1J iHinndh , one white tpot n breast , binder
will be reunrdeil. Allen llroa , 11M liurnev
ulrcd. 71' ' !
fin nil" . iJi'Tnio/.drill | mliimn iiii'i.t ( jmpr.
liM IIMSlll'.H rooms with board. l No. Will.
I Paul libick. MW-4
VJOl I'll fionl parlor , with loanl ( ur two. J ! >
> per week each , ls | rarnain , SI. T7722 *
Ijloll UKNT Kit-caul roonuwlth luninl. nil
1 eonvenlenees. ; i.M S. ' .Y.tli street. Mt7l-.M *
C'HOD hoard and i-ooin-1'or two , In pilvat e
* house , f.'i per week. 'Ml I llarney street.
' ' *
OMlor two fiirnh bed IOOIIH w llli Inmrd on
ear line. Noobji-etloii tobidiu * initt dls-
lanee out. Kmpilre or address \V S ' . "I J
I'lrst National Italik biilldlni ; . JU4"s
1/UH ! KI-.YP l.ndyMus rooinmato , nit li \ DaM'iipoll st. 70127 *
i l.r.HAXTI.Y furnished front , mum ; llrst-
1 Jelass talde board : terms len-oniilile. .1" )
v isihst. ; n-2 ; *
l olt UI'NT liooiu ami lioaril. JI.Oi. 1711. '
L1 | Mnilii . M.S : | Jt : *
| /U > II IlKM' A lunse. llni-ly fiirnMied room
1 Mllh lioatd. ton man anil wife. The most
iloas.Hit part of i'lty nnd private fiimllyi nether
ther lioarilcrs ; roferenres. Address I ) IT , Heo.
BHOAKDaiul looms , C2S S Kill sdrrt.
73.s l-.ti *
f'orrnfru , ( fr. , twfdji of Urn ! niliimn nn f/inpt/c ( ( (
T7-OU ItI'iST"SuTtti ot 4 roTinis"fmToiis7r
l keepltn ; , to family without chllilren , 17O'.1
\\Vlixlrr sl. 7 (
Jj lll ! ISMNT il rooms , unfurnished , furL
-L honsokeeplnK. ' 'os N. l.'llh Hi. , prlee. ( S.x ( .
I l.lXiANT rooms with modern conenlcnce. .
-J Call al lilt Xorlli IMh Hi , .MlV'iii a2 *
/ 'orii/f.s ( / , ( lr.tnrfli > i > nf Hn > t fnli'inii nil ( ? ilii | ) ( i-f ,
1- I'littiain stieet. consl.stliit ( of store and
upper lloor with olllco rooms. lniiilro ] of
.lohnll. 1' . I.ehmiuin , (81 ( S. 17lh MticeU
, _ nt 7IWS. 10th , Hteam heal furnished.
rVl'lios. I1' . Hall , : ill I'lixton bile. KI7
IjIDlt UKNT The 4-sKiry brle"k lmil n.
-I or without power.foiiinMly uoeiipluil by tlm
lee I'tllilMdiinfo. . IMnriirniilii si. The build-
ni ? lins a llreprnof eement liaseincnt , complete
stenm lieathiK IIMiirosvuteroii all tliolloors.
RUM , cU * . Apply ut theolllooof The lluu. 913
TjlOlt UKNTOrmiliMiiy bullilnw on JOIIIN
JL1 si. , bet 10th. < c llth. ( ! .A.IlmlqnM,31t ; S.I.Mh
_ _ _ MS
"T710U HKNT llrli'k warohoii-ie , two slorles
4lilu'h , basejiiient , hydraiilk' olovntor. truck-
mei bust locution In city. A , 0. Powell , KV )
" " "
l'orrutciitlf. , art lop i > fHrnt column un flifcjiayc.
FOIt SAliK A Cifcl ! < crlnRplaitolii uoodeon-
dltlon , prlco low , Apply top lloor. t.'il.i
DnilKO t. 7HT. J2'
I jIDH HUNT ) neru ruiicli . .Inliiliii'oulli
Omaha , ! ( . * > acres pasture , ! . * > tlmlmr ; abiin-
lance Mjirlni ; \valur ; on It. AM. It. I ! . Address
Leu > V rslchol 2Sh | uir.1 Leiven\voilli stiects.
_ _ _ Mfin
EIiKVliX acres , house , liirise bam neart-'on-
Hal I'ark for garden , W.'lltiL. Mary's nv * .
For rut r # , itf.fcr ( op nfflrnt ru'idim ' on i/il / < jxiuf.
T > KST tiaeknco nnd slnracn bulldlnir In
.UOinnhii , Pulled States Rnviirmneiit boniled
wnreliouse. llntiseiiolil KI > OIS | t tiled and eared
for. Lowest rales guaranteed \ . M. Hush-
innn , 1U1U-KII5 I.eavenwortli. Sti'i
CillKAI'KST ' and best sUirnito for furniture.
Wells , 11111'limam street. M1I13
" \T1CK dry stoniKo room at lllutrham's mil
i. > storeil ; ! ) Su Kith st. 70S ! ' S7 *
lf < > rratrttc. , tft toji i > f llrt coin union tlit.1 ) > n\ie \ ,
\ \ ! ANTl.l--i ( ) | or before A prirCTfiTmiy ?
it < if ( uo , house l > to ! ) rooms.HliuliiJiiKlciii
conveniences. Addiess I ) 71 , Ili-o , 742-25 *
" \\rANTIM ) A fiiinlslu'd room tn private
house by single Kentletiinn. Aildross I1.
O. box SfA 740 '
WANTKI > Hy a gentleman and wife , two
inedluni sl/od comfort ably fmnlshud ,
airy rooms with honid , centrally located , nt
reasonable terms. Aiiilresj' ' U 07 Heo olllco.
7VH : S2 *
T\7ANTni > II or 4 unfuriilnliod rnnms for
1 1 housekeeping , la a Rood locality by man
and wife. Address I ) IKi , "lice Olllee.1 7.V. ) ?
" \\rANTKf Pleasant room and board for
Tt mail and wife and ehlld In private fam
ily near business center. Aililress K I. llou.
.M72tl-2t : *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
S'MA Micottaue orthroe or four partly or
unfurnished rooms , with modern conven
iences. Address H 2 , lloe. M7'J. > -24 *
\U AXTKIler.k ) room in nHlce : state loca-
' tlon and nrii'c. Address l > Gx , llee. 7ii-23 : *
fwrnfm , ttr. , trc li > pnt .flint rcdimii on ( fib jxiue.
UKNTAI. Auent lien. .1. I'mil. IIWJ 1'arnam
-llBtreet , makes sliei'lalty of rcnt'ni ' , ' houses.
stoles , etc. , and uolluetliiK lenls. M.VI7
HK. t'OLK , rental agency , Continental blk.
JIST your housei lo sell or rent with C. I" .
JMivrrlMm , 012 N. Y. Ufe. KM
] T you wnnt your liouses r-'un-n INt with
. 1'iirrotto Hcntal Agency , loth and Podce.
JI'.HH ' ) 1'iS
li'nrrittttrtcnf.t ii fii > l rojnraii OII/I ( /
lll'lll" pul-
- - - „
-i.1 leys at tnil Pouchis street. JI77H
I'fOH HAMC-llliickiniDerloil i'ii > n < ! h stallion.
J. ImiulreU-- ) l.'ilh street. M HI Mis-
IjlOK SAIiK t'lipnp , wngfin nnd double work
AMinrni-ss. or will exehaniro for l > u 'I ; hoaid ,
also Knod aliln bar bimgy , uht'iip. 11.10. Cole ,
Cent inenttil building. 57'J
l'nr ratet , rte , , tee fop o/y/i-ftculiiiiin / on l/if / -iri | ; < * .
Ij'OU SA IjK I'l rst class milch cows , also sov-
X' oral Kood liorses. Kmpilro room 201 UinaVa
iViitloiiiil bank building. KB )
I'nr nitc > , etc.ttf tuixifjirrteriliimn on Idf.t ) iii/f. ( /
EI < KOANT new ( nrniliiro of T room flat ;
chenp for cash ; rounis nil full. Address
I1" ' . ' , lice olllce. a.V.s. |
l'nr nitcn , etc. , tee ( up n/yimf column <
] f ( til * \ lK-i 'abTnet vnpur bath , Huitnbl
L for physician orotherwlse. Auiily overlilU
M. 1-ltli street. 7L 7-'Jj *
3T1OU PA hi ) A stiindard ntnkii nprlubt
piano , but lltlln used , at asit-rlllco. Must
bo sold at once , fall tit 'J41D I'aldwell. ; t-'l
Inoil SA l.K-Plano. iliri ; oiirtaln UesK , f.-j ) .
J. 11 lid books. 1521 Shuriniiii ave. I'M
FDI ! SA1K Complete set of ilriiB storu llv-
tnrea , show case.- . , etc , i'-O. litu ; i7KV >
FIJI ! SA I.F. An A I llrcp roof afo. Kiujnlro
at lloston Store. .M'.ITI
fPlir. I'ugot Sound country nnd the state u
. \VasitiKlon ) ! has tboiisandsot tieres of va
cant land that has not benn llhtl on , surveyor
nnd unstirMjyed , asirli'iilt ural. llmln-r ant
mineral lands ; iicrlcultiiiiil binds thai wil
crow nlmostanythlm ; ; timber land thatwll
cut from : i to ! S millions feet of lumber to tiiJ (
acres ; mlnerul lands Unit contain all of tin
precious minerals , The farmer , lumhiuman
miner ami clthcen , have you used all of jour
Ciivciniiiont rights ; NVe are In a poiith > n that
emibles us to aeecptably seive you with reliable
liable Inlorinnt'on wheie nil the vacant RIIV-
erninent land Is lo be found InVnsh limum
Chani'C.s less aud less every day. Answo
quick for vacant KiiVfinnient land In Wash
ington. I'orill lnorniatlon iibnul
Ntiiml c.mniry address , Inoludini ; ' . ' -ecu
stamp. We n-fei. by perniUslun , lo the r 11
klus llankhi' . ' Co. , Scuttle. C. A. llnmiuond \ .
Co. . unices Ml and 101 llittler block , Senlllo
Wash. 7i' .T
I'orrnttx , tie. , rrr lo-io/yin" ! rnnniii on tliin i ia'
T > ATiTSTTa rTT TduTrr li.vTTi tTs
J \ Co.lice bullilnuOiiuilin.llruiicliolllro ! a
WubhliiBton. I ) . C , CoiisuHutkm free fT.
Fur rate * < le , , tee lupuf tint column un l/i / ( * puuc
FIII'.I ) Jlohlo loans nioiiey on ( llumoiiilnam
raiolitithuw ] iryl etc b o cur 1'arnam .t 11 tj
b i
/-'orriifoi.f/r. . i ( * lo | > > < rfrtl rulimi nun I lilt P < IIC.
V\'ANT a KoedioL InTCcsl Oninha Add. nr
lliitiHi'iiiu llAi- . Cash t'liNliiiiior. A. K.
Ullev , ronin It. ( VillMiiriitiil block MT.V'i l
\VANTHU-Slnilo. Hat top ! ltlln $ ? desk.
v * I'hll MliiiniH , Ull Joiit't. Mill
A VAN'TIIDTo ImyThretuD linKi'1 * * . weldil
' not loss t linn 1.410 pound * ; mint l o nutter
'ilin1 mi years i > U1 njm nieup ( or oasli. llutsli
M urphy. IMfl Knrimtn , 7n- ' . ' .I
\\'l waul u driin s'nri1 ' In nb < ir'n ' of Omaba
' or Koud NchMsUn lnwiii IIIIMI.tXH ) euli
aitdil.UiHl lii I'ilv proii'rt.v | : musl lit * ilnln ir a
irnlltiihli' Iniilnl-s . Nt'liriKkti Driin I0\-
linnii ! > . 'Jlliu'nmliiK si , HI V. "
\ VANTI'.HTu buy. u Hi'i'oml linml Ilirnnil
' Iniriiliir iiWir1 nnfi . AiUlii'Hi lun " ; l ,
MnJnli * . 111. Ml U.V
\\rAN'l'n > tn huv noiit I'ottnitu iitul Inti
' i inotillilv iKijinciiH ; tiwnorn iintwor. I' , ti.
'lli : liouithl. Mild , Mlorwl.
lilt I'armuii l.
MfANTKIt Wllf niiTii THirst ciiili 'jitli-o tot
lionsi'hoUl ' pin < K 'IlllSiV Kltlint. Ti'il-l''i' ( ; '
\\rANTKI ) At uni'i'i iiiprflinncll'.ri all
T1 kllllli ; HHlt | ril lll , IIIIHt kllllW lit OIU'O.
I. T. Nm'll S ; l'n. . nil Dniuliis. Omulm'ill
' 'uriatctitlf. . Kttitimfflrift.niltiinniin till * i < mic.
rsroilMATK.V - on n you
liisi-c'iiir liifiirni.'illou ri'itnrtllni ! nunonnf
> | III'I.H of tiny Inciillly. If you HI fnrw util
cft'ri'in'i' no can help you In Ki'l n xlluut ion ,
' .nclosc 'ii'ls. , llcrorMtainpH. . Aililriss. llu-
( aiiof liiforniatlnn , Ui.x IP. IMili'iiu'o , III.TC'.t
TC'.t- : > ; '
1)K.U > ONAI < Inriiiiniit Ion wniilfil of Mis. ( ' ,
- I1 , t'allroy. lit > siifnt InTN ill-nil. li'uln
iillllotis of < lolliisvltlinilt ; it will. MICMH
iiiirrloil inn plinubrr wlirn ! . " j-Biirinf uge ,
iionrly VJyi'iiisimii. Cull nt oticoim liiw VITS.
I'alim-r liinisf , t'lili-api. ' III. . J'J
YniSOXA : : -llolun I , " . Ulli rin-lvnl
J | iriiuptly. S'lit MIII ini'siiiKi1 I.Mli. Am In
K.I' . " iluIDIIi. . 111 lie IHW iilniut 8 dn\i. .
A. " tin- euro J. U. C..lCo. "I. " "t ) . " "SO.-'s.
I-t. MillKI-Sl
\ \ ' lUli u KKiilluiiiaiinr means nssl-,1 a liuly
' Iliiaiiolu liy'C'nini' / In iioi'-oii. Aililnx
/"or nif < * , ( ( < * . . NT fOin//lr / if win rim mi IMt p IIK ,
] AI' I MS s < Mi < r.'o stamp fur tcsllinmilals nml
' niin | > lilft'illilni ; l > r. KlrKuiiiHl's In-
vi'iitl'in. Of vital itnpoftiiiifii tni'vi'tv liuly ,
AKi'iits. Klrkuuoil llurtl liitblji'rt'n , . Jlurpliv
liiillillin ; . Sun rruiiclHiii. Cal. 7lK.ii
A"TV KXTToXLaifli's" Mall J"
lli"lrii'llons fur ciiliirplii 1 ynur
liuil II InelH's. iislntt Kinma liusl ( Irvi'lojirr.
liiiiiranti'i-d -l-iKi' c illiistniicd oiliilmtii : > for
TM' . I'.niiiui Tnlk't lla/ir. "I Tmui > iil st n > i'l ,
M\Kll\K ! Mu-plaui' ! I-All HUH. . In-
cMIncd tiitiinrryinny apply run Ililcnt tally
to " .M < irciir , " illl Must titli si rrrt. Ni'W " < lr .
( 'or liifiiiiiiutlnn Lite stamps rciinlrcd. TOti- ' . " * '
dJI.V ) will l > uy lioiisi-Hiul burn nil culili' llni' .
P with lease nf Kniiiud. Cull nl 110 N. nili
strui'l , roniii 1 , Mi 01 i'li ' *
\ \ A SS A ( ! IS treat incut .olrrtrcMlii * riaal hti tlii.
-I'lsoiilii mid hair Iroiitinc'iit. inniilciiri * ami
olilroiHllst. ] Mis.l > iistilll' : ' > tli\Vltlinill ! lilk.
"TAKKIIS ,'s. pnnlrni'ts niul nil
JVI onrrfiillv I'.xcciituil , A _ K.
IMIi'y. attorney anil notary pulillc1 , room II ,
t'onlliiuntal lilnoU. ' Mr.1S >
1'nr rtitrt , etc. , we t < > i > < if fttsl riif nni'i ' on l/iln / jwi/i1. /
MONKV to loan hyll.T' . Muslprs on i-liiiltol
aiuli'ollati'rnl swurltlos Turany lhni > fnini
1 to 7 months , in liny iiniuiint to Milt.wt \ -
I.IIIIHS IllUdl ( III llllllSlillOlll ROOllS. JllilllOS , 1)1'- )
Rim1 , ' . .ir-iiss. nnilus. IKIIISIM. Icaso-s. svaii'liuiisn
nwliiipi'tc.nt tl nlnw ' .st pos.slhln ralesltli -
out puhlli'Ity or rrmiiviil nf liropi'i'ty.
My loans arc HO airativt'il I liilyon : IMII tualto
npEiyinpiit of any ainoiintiit any t line uucliu-
ilni'i * liolli principal and IntnnM ,
If you ewe a bnlinn'o nu j-our | > riiorty | ) or
liaW a lo.m you want olianuocl.l will pay Itoir
anil t'liiry it fur yon. If you ( Inil It innr cnn-
vi'iilonl , cull up toleplionn No. W l anil your
' nlnus4 will hn iirrniim'd nt lioaio.
JlonuyuUvuy.s on IiiitiU. Noilolay. Xo pub-
Ik'lty. Lowui.ti'ii.tM.
II. I' Musters ,
Hooinl , Wltliiiollbk..ljtliiinil ! lltirnuy sK
. . . . tm
DEHIItAm.i : lours pliu-od without nny
trouble. A. K , lilloy , roomII , Continental
bloek. .M7.V5 ni2l
SKCOXI ) innrtKaco loans ; 11101117 ready.
Alex .Moore , : ; OI Miocly blockHHIS ? *
OKAL Kstalo Loans M. t ! . Mneleod. | I1X. |
JlV Life bnlldlnc , 7U1.M2II
MONHY to loan on : lowest rates.
C.,1. Cuswell.SI'iN. ' V. l.lfe. - JO-Mti
nil A'lTKI , bank , III ! ) H. l.'itb st. , loiiniTiiiunoy
Voiichattelsorcollatteinl atiensonablo rales
_ _ _ _ _ ( at
i sceouii mortiiws tin vac-ant A hn-
L . prmed clly prop. CJoiinty ai mills liiui.'ht.
Munoynti haiul , KM. Rlchar Uun,8iaN.V.Ilfo.
BIT HiDlNCI to 7 per pent : no addi
tional clinru'os fiircoinmlf'loii or iillonii'.v's
firs.V. \ . H. Mclklc , 1'lrstN'iitlonal hunk hldk'MKl
_ _ _ MKl
UTSAIi Kstntn Loans Cn > li on Imnd. ( llolio
Loan anil Trust : ; ICllist. No rtelay.
mi o.Mrft charges. Houses to runt ; ROO < ! 1M.DM
OK. ,1 O. Jl. A ntlioiiy , : H8 N. V. Life I
1 K , lend money on farms In oliulcu
lies In NobrasUa and Iowa , also on xnod
Omiihn lesldcnee propt'ity ' ; ln esl. r.'i'e.s ; licst
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on licro. tiW >
MOM-.V to loan on Improved city property
at current rates ; fiimlson liaiulino tlcbiy.
Ceo. T. .t Co'JO : > liauiKo bltl . MM',7
I'ONKV tu Ionium Improved Omaha nrnp-
L city. II. H. Ircy. am , N. V. Ufc. ou-i
\rONKY to I.iian Slioil time nn per bnuslit.
1'L llivniinn& C'o. , li'J-JN , V. I.lfo. TJI-iX'ii
1 > K1 VATK ilioiioyToloiTi. " Z I ) . Zl
I N. y. l.lfn. MtW :
1 OXKV loaned on furniture , burses , etc.
L-llawUcyu lnv.'oui ( : DoiiKlas blk.W.t Poduo
ir r lrn , rItncrnjinf ( lii > < t ctiliunii nntliln p
BKTOUK linvin'a pimo examine thunew
scale Kluibull piano. A. I lospe.l.Ml Douglas.
( ' Kl. ( 1 * . ( iollenl.cok. Icac-bcr of Iho banlo
V Jlth llo-pe , IJIII | ) oiKlti . -JJU
IT > O | ! SA hi : cheap , n m-nrly iie llnllett.
* - Davis A-Co. , nprlKlit piano In
condition. Intiulif nt Itilu I iDuslnist. ; KII :
liKDI' ChurU's IVlcrsi-n. piano , vlnlln.liber ,
\gilltarlnstiuctlou. . studio W.'i i-liuuly blk.
7l'l ' P''s *
rilAVl1 a few now pianos for sain iiwfnlly
encap , .is | havouoneottt of tin * piano linsl-
m.'ss. . - . .lonason. 1'arnam iiml II thsi. sJJ :
\ \ . .rANTriAiTThiiilil ) ( know Mrs. PrTTle
T San. the lady mind reader and fnitimt
teller : tt-lls pa.sV.aiid fntiiie ; nlie Is t behest
evi'r lieres Is ospwhiliy deep In all miitilmo-
nhil nirairsniKl hiiHteilotis illsi.vii'iiranecs *
don't buy , sell or bit on u tourney iinlll ym
consult liei ; shli bun forelell iHtCHiilis ; is
Irulhfiil and nillalilc ; perfei-t s.illsfactlui
uMinriinteed by inali ; sciul ( no tiinips for II-
lustr.ilixi elrcnhir. Aililrt-ss : r-J .North lit , I
street , Oiunlia. N-'li. ' ' Sim ; . JUT
T TiTTIA : ; VTOvVorliiiitTTolU'r , fit N. KlUi
J-J npstnliN riiiin4. | _ M ( fit L"-
MKS. WAKljAUKi. ! imtiiraily
Klftttd ; tellK il.itttianil f ntuic.Iove t roubles
absent frlund.s. ebaiiKes , tratcl , business , iw :
I'arnaia st. ailKl Ji
US. I'OKT. [ , | fort nno teller In tin
( iypsy , wiiy from the lines of tliohaml
feo.j } ladles inil. ; * ; SH N. Kill st. K , _ ' <
M ASSAUi : Mnffa'in Ili-l/lcr. overC.IK.s , lllth
M iq-.Mti
" \ | 1S. ! NnnnleV.Vuricn \ , chiirvoynnt. trani-i
1 * hpeiikln , willlni ; iind icllnble Ijiislin-s ! )
tiii-iliuni. four years In ( h. mini. 119 N. 10th. Ki :
lf. , nrrInunf ) li > ( inliinin nn thtt ju
I A.SSAiK ( bntli at Muiliimu smith's p'irlors ,
IIH lloor , 7a"i > . I.ith it. V.- 'J.V ,
MASSAlliMudun : - Uolricr. over oio s nt h.
b'uriatut , ttc. , li ; > o//ii / > tr < iliii/moli
FIM'.STelectric ninl eiuciro tlieinini ball
room , jneliidlni ; TurUMi i-alilnet bath
htidics.h lo I daily Ac Tuesday. rndityev'liis
litul'J. ' ' ' UlchirdHiouiu ; Jts v JAUUebldVH
_ _ _
' "iriitf- * , rlr..ftt Kijiof Arjilrndiiiin n IMn juliK-
IjiiMt SALIOTlio fiiriiUiiro. ll\tiiresiinif.ini'
1 half lntrte 1 In the business nf Hie
rvtnuriinl rrnnenls. In theltei Inilliliin * . llni-
sini fm xrtllnt ! Is tbnl imticr Is callvd lo
'ranri * nnd niii-l dNpuxc uf Ills Inlcn'sl nl
ilii'C. for iiisli , Addi-es * II. Mes lne. lire
K , llii'iilin. .M741i-'l *
I/iiR HA 1. 1A : pattnerdiip In an i-slnbllslied
eonl business , small capital intilred. |
Aililro-s I ! il. UM : ollliv. M. 77 > -'l
IpuK SAI.lC-l'tnesalounand InilhTrdoiittll or
wlilcn innliici-lilii Mltli iltfht itinn who
knows of a ituc-d biiHlness locution. Address
Ui'licn. Iliirnn.S. 1) ) . MTiUi-SI *
Nlt'Kplaoeln JTUIM ! lucallly , worth JI..VKI.IM ,
wanh'il ' forcush. Nu nueney business. Ad-
licss | , ; ; i. ? . < - . '
I DU SAI.l" oreM'hame for pied | iropertv
line of tlm best s'lluons In Nmlh Diiinini.
Address II. II. Ihiven. South Omalin. MtV.O ' . ' .I *
1 ) I > T place In sinrt n ueneral stoio In Ne-
I ' braska. ( loud Hturc. K'IMI ! eheali. In-
iinlre nt lloonil ) . C'enlhiental lilk. NlC..ui'i ' *
HOTT.I. I'or Suit Will-.ell the best Ktioun
ami pay lint huh'l lu Hchityler. Neb. I'or
further Infotmallon. vrllu to J. I , . I'O.'L' ,
Scliuy ler. N eb , ( W ) ' 'H
J/Oil SAI.K-A milk dairy on -I'.ilii st and
Unlonavc.Vm.Andcrsun , twr.'l *
sAI.K-Onenf the best and mosl thor-
, , lily iKiiilpped lluurlui ; mills In western
Iowa : llrst class lenity , merchandise or wHl-
lued Ibcislock as part pavnunt.Vclsliain.V
Co , , Imposition bldK , Omalin. t > 7"Jf-
\\rANTKl-l'artner ) In n myliiK business ;
M mint luur about fur * * ) capital. . One nart-
ner nniit leaxeeonntrv and tlealres In sell bis
Interi-t. Address I ) US. lice. TIN'.I
A MAN wllllnn lu work , with eadtnl | , ciin
Jibnynn Interest In one of the best tmvlnu
and well eslnbll-bcd business anil best loi'a-
tlon in the city. Address I ) do. llee. 071 ' 1
| ) AUTNKIt waiit"cil tn esTjibllshed clutli'l
I Innn business In city ; for particulars ail-
dless DM Hi > o. ll'Sl ! " . ' *
HrslNKSSCImn.'o Tlie fnrnllure anil feast-
of a 1-story brick hotel , In Hat- location In
C'laiibn. Special Indui'ements will Im ollcied
to llrst elnsi hotel people. ,1. II. I'arrntie.
UiniKlii't block , 711 ' . ' 4
OO A I , yanl for sale ; best location In the
el t viMiciK Ifums. scales , elc. Iniinireat
1Mb and l/.nrdHts. C. S. Uhltney. au'i'lit.
( Vii LN
jlolt SAl.i- : Hank tbnlill pay : ipnr ) ci'iit
J' on the Invest menu located In iiKoixl Umii
In Nebraska. ftn.iW ) reiulred | , lu not wrlln
nnU.'ShUiii mean business. Address I ) 'M , Hen .
_ ra-jr ,
UN ADI 1. 1 , A roller water mills for sale or
lease ( capacity fill barrels ) . I to media I e pos-
wssliin , Apply to C. I.duetb , 1'itli and Osts. ,
l.lnculn. 1KB L1 ; ! *
AN Y shoe deiilei wantlm ; aKlIt-eilBO loca-
I Ion , whcio larcc and prolllalile trade can
be done In medium guilds , Impilrn at once of
llulchhisonVend , N.K. cor. 11th i Ikunjlns.
GO ! ) Ui ;
_ _
Ij'.OH S M.i : or Trade -Tho Teltnmali crenni-
* cry , In Hi st-elass order. M'lll evchaniio for
liinil orelty properly. A raieehniiL'n fur out *
wantlae a KIIOI ! ereamerv. Call un or nddiess
II. M. lioueMcll. Tekamah , Neb. Jj'-lSI *
Jj OltSAIjK A nice , clean stni-lc of drtiRs In
Onuiha ; oed Incut Ion ; tiwner loailnji city ;
abatvaln. .M. ( i. Maelcod , 1115 N. V. I , Iff Miltr.
DUCTOK-Thebi'Sl oponlnit for ntoud doc-
torln Sell. Adless II , A. Kiifux , Uuvemm.
Ni'lK _ ' . tti-M.-i *
H'O'J'Kh forS.iIe.-ltii you want loitet Into a
Blind business'/ / yoittlo. buy thoConnaer-
clnl ntllroken lion , ! scb , HVS
olt KAl.T'r7iilor : business , FrnidT SochiTrT
Ilnvltl ity. Nt'l ) . Tuti I".V
IJpOlt HAIiCur Kent The Tekamah c-tnnhuj
Jfaclorv , In complete mnnlim order ; will
be mild clieap , or lo thu rluht pnrtlos will be
ten tnl on favorable terms. Call on or ad
dress I'lrst National HaiiK. Tckainah , Neb.
_ _ _ _ diKi' a
( JAI.OONThe liest opeiiln ? til Nebraska.
I'Addri'ss II. A. Knfus , lti\cnna : , Nub , It. 1C.
ago nt. 7ts ! I 'as *
/ 'or I'uttH , etc. , tec ( up ntiitl rnliimn im Hit * juii/c.
ANTf C'ldciiRo ' jir.ipert v , SO acios clear
( KOOin , acl.iai'eut ( iraud Island , and II-'O
' tlKiO ( ' . Vul-
aeresniipriiM'd < , h"-s J'.HHImurlKiiBOi -
ley county , to exehnnuo for nod Chicago
pui | > erty. A , K. Itlluy , room II. Cent Ineiilnl
block. JIT.Vi 'jt ;
\AT.\N I S to move to Omaha and exchange a
* well linproved farm in western hnva , and
It noccssiiry put In about .V ) liend of cattlu ,
now farm Imjdcincnts. , e. .only * < W Inciiin-
bnini'c. fur food resldcneo ami some cash :
fitiity | wurtli } . ' > .liui to fuuu. , A , K. lllluy , roum
II , Continental blk. M ; . " > 1
\\T ANTS * land In Nuliraska-l I iivu choice 100
> > ai'r Improved farm In low u. near town ;
mint lo eM'liuir.'i' fur trooil bind within a
radliHof JlWmlles from Hustings. Neb. A. K.
Itliey. rouiull. C'onttnentul blk. M.r > U'M
TjAOl ! TItADKSpan of jionlus and harness
-L for inijvln wiiKon or driving horse. Ii till
X. Kith street. ; ( V ) L'-J *
\\7ANTii' : ' Hoiul stock of linrdwannrii > ii-
* iral inercliiindlsii for iriHiil land iiinlcash
or house nod lot In Lincoln. Nob. Address K
I. Bee 7ai--BJ >
I7Hlt ) SA 1,10 or KxehaiiRtWhat hnvo you tn
AolTer In ( 'ood real eslato for patent of unc
of bctt sfirlnc hinges made. U'rlto tu Im 171.
CCIICM-O. 111. MfiiiS * ja
N"K\V \ bneav and harness nml horse and cash
li'dstcr. ) , fur tlr-st payment improp
erly s w city. Ilutehlnsun & \ \ end , I. 4 PIIIIB-
his. _ _ _ _ _ _
Al'liRAII ' , Impioveii farm , iitljolnltiK mil-
load station , lo tinile forUmaha pronerl v.
Addicss I ) , -i. ' . Hi e olllce. Jli4l ( )
YV'ANTKD To triidn fur n stock ufdruKs ,
> r
B10U KXCIIANCK-A beautiful dcrn 12-
looin hiiiisi > , bam , ' 'lots , im motor line , best ,
part city ; also itond Fi-ioum house near motor
and cahle. clear , and .MO acr < > land clear.
What htiM ! you ? 1'refnr clear city pioperty
iiudiaorohiindlsc. P. t ) . bu\ nil , Oniiiha.
ii7t's :
V\rK bate rental iiropurty worth } l'i)10 )
T LrliiitlntilOla nionlb. clear of Inciimb-
rance , fur which we will take half cash uml
biilancu In trade , StiinKor , V Penny , llarher
bloek , .in
1'Jl ) aeres line farm land adjoinln ; ; Kooii Nt > .
liiasku Inwn ; nna rly eloar ,
I ( VI acres llnoly Improved land ' "i miles f co-it
county seat In Nebraska : lightly unouinhered.
I'-'Onerest'ofid land InXobraska , Smiles from
county seat : 'J.rilKl Inhabitants ,
House nnd lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Cleat liitln Bond Nelira.slci town.
l-niitni honsoand lot , barn , well and clstoin.
Ititliitrei-t.Uiiiaha ; sllnhtly en cumbered ; will
triiiln furOimiha ( iropcri v' and assunioencuin-
hrnnccs. II. K. Cole. Ciintlnoiital bloek. ! )
V\rANTii--Tn : ) trnde ur pay eitsn fori-iiil- |
' lies In twutir three " > to7 room resilience
properties In Omaha If well lncitcd. ; Address
1) . roiiiit M , liiimdof tiado , Omaha. ni'j-'H
\ 7I ! niivo Improved nnd unlinuroved Omaha
* ' leal estate for tiade , or will sell for unsh
at. just , about half Its value. Some nlee houses ,
Bond vai'i'iit lots , and some of the best ( 'own '
town property. Stringer & Penny , Itarker blk.
_ . _ aij
F OiriX'llANJK- : ( ( ImpioM-d Omaha
property for ele'ir Iowa and eastern Ne-
briiHka fauns ; clear lots , horses nad e.illle for
stockKof iiii > n > liniillsi > . \V. K. lloman , looms
s anil Id. I'len/er blk. I.M ; ; Mis
IU I I.IInulo a ( . " ( Kill elcar lot In Ainiour
Place , SoiiihOmalia , and taUemiuiidrlvlii ;
liorwaii'lbUBi ! ) ' lls Ilp.iymwiU : AddrcHs.
1 ' T , llee. ; ; ij
Bl'SINKSS properly nn IJth ht. , near I'ar-
Main , fur n'3 deiTcc.
"tlearlots ( eorner ) In Orchard Mill forliutiso
and lot.
IP.xIW. S.tunders st. .south of l.uko Clear , fur
SoniiKitlier seed properly for exehumje. .1.
IJ. Xlttle , N. Y. I.lfo. ( M
Sii'PI.IIlii'OT : : : v
iiiiistet's Otllcc. Omalin. Nel > .laniinry.'Jail
Ih'JI.scaled niopusals in dnplieatu will he.
received ul thisnlltcc until 10 n. m. , 'rncsil.iy ,
I'ebiimry''ltb. IMH. al hleh lime and place
they will lie opened In tlii > i > rcsi > nm of all t ml-
ni lilddeis fur delivery iif l.uintier , 1 1 aid ware ,
1'altis and < Mis , aNo at Ilio same time and
pi ara for diMiUliliiK necessary labor ami mat-
i-rl d to emistiucl tun c.'i water oloscls. 1'rl-
naN\e. Lists itlvlnu' specilleatlu is , iUtintl- |
nli'satid othef Infiirmat bin Mill be furnished
Illuin apjilb''ition to Ibis oiriee. I'refeii-nee
> vlll In * ylu-ii to arlli'leof dunii'stlc nrod'le- '
I Inn or nuiMiifactiiie. eonilllluii of iitnlt | ( > nnd
price ( Inclnillni ; In the pili'o uf fiirelin pro-
iliii'tlun 01 niniiiifni'liii'i' tlie < luiy llirri'iin )
bi'lni ? i-iiial | : nnd finther that no eonlr.ictt
shall b . awnided for finntshln' . ' tullrh's nf
fiiii'li-'n piodiiellim or miinnfiictiiii * vlieii the
nrtli'lei-iifsiiltible quality of domctlc ino
d net lun nr 1 1. anil f tic lure can be ohlalni d. H'tio
( < overninrnt resei-M's tin * iliflit In tojcc' any
ornll iiiopo-siils. Itlildcr-sliinildalt acha copy
of Ihns adverllsi-invnl to their IdiU. .UlllN
SIMPSON. Capi. aiid\s-.t tjr. .Mr. , ( ' . ! > . Army.
'i' '
The nnnunl meeting of htoeUlinlili-rs of The
lhe ritlillslilin-fii , nlll beheldnt t In'lr ulllre ,
Cor. 17lh and rninnni nticctn , on .Mmitbiy ,
Maieliml , at In , clock p. m. . fur tlm ili-cllon
of Dlrei'lors mid Ollleeni. Also sm-li clintiKi's
In tinArtli'h'i of lii'-iiri'"iMl lei . u < m.iy be
decldi'd npun , liy ordi i of tin pienldfnt
I'l'dlDl Ul'.o II. Tv.sint u , st H"im
' rulm , > texef ( nji i < r fiittiliiinn ( nn 'M < }
Omaha | IHIIm : .
s'ifhni | boiito .itisl coiniiieticed.
siireMil Itnestom hate lionitlil since .liuiii-
nry l OM.-I M.'HMWO uoilh o ( piiiitrl | > . .Mill
street will lie paved lot , ' slice ! Ibis iprlliR.
Tlie Cndahy I'ni'klna ' I'u. are now i-nhucliiK
I lie l r plant and theut Itrr packers eon template
dolnit MI in the sprint , ' . ' . .I'lieStoekardst'u's ,
ImproieiiitMils t lil * uii iii will runawti ) tip In
the tliiinsaiiils. Plans are out for n larxc
tiiiinbcr ut brick business hlorks nnd re * < l-
deiieei. TbeneM Slreel linthiay l'n. will lime
their line completed ami In operation thin
unison. Stop a inlimtcnnd Intnl. "but all lids
meitiii. Pilcc.s Mill lie lilcher. liny mm.
ThcSomh Dmaliii Land Co ,
\ \ ho la Id out thectn , liau'seveinl hundred
desliabh * lots led tinslnesi. tnu'k.iKe and
icsldom-o-ail of which lay bet\cen
ness center of South Omaha and the city of
Omaha dllcctly 111 t he way of ( lie growth of
both ell levVe have lots on nenil ) eM-ry
street In tbeplty.on which prices am icasun-
able and terms one-llflh i-asb , lialanee easy ,
Kd .lohiKlon ,1 Co. , AioitK
1'or. "It li and N st reels.
7nri-.M < Sunlli Unmha.
J tJI ! SAf.K- tliivi-riiineiit bimnlv cFidm. out1
- 1iiuarter ectlon. IHiaorcs , oilers wnttted.
Applj t y letter , \V. I' . A now , Kl Nassau
stri-i-l , N. V. ' 77I-"J *
" '
UOI'Tll OMAHA | TroperTyTs"Ke'tlluK nellM' .
) ' There K money In the follow l\if. \
Lot II , bluek I'.l. WlKl.Vl . V..WM
but l.blueksl. tVlvlTvO . 4.H W
l.ots.'iiinilfi. block r.l , I'.VxI.X ) . a.Nll
but ft , block 74. Hlxl.V ) . rWHI
lot I , Mock 7i. : i'.ii\l.rK . ) . Improved . n , ) t )
M. A.lIpton.SH'o , 7l.-i J.1
Jill II ! SA li : lleaitt Iful resldeneoln llanseom
lplace. . No. I'Jxli south itotli ave , easi front
on pau-d slicot. Ulubl looms , hard wood lln-
lih , bath , hot and cold wnler , KIIS. elect rlo
bells , lorrai'o. Innn and * nidc trees. I' . \ . ' .
Alexander , Chamber of I 'onimori'o bit Ilillnu.
M 7 : l-l
SAI.I'Xenr coiiuty w iil , Cedar Co ,
Neb. , 111 ? acres. S' i under eiillivnllon und
feuecdj 10U to pnstuic ; Ihlnu water ; well ,
wind mill , pumps : IIAI blls. dally : lmlldius !
ne \ > | iia rit : rM' ' . buhls Km tons of hay : coin
crlhnnd stables coinblned , hou house. Kru\e ;
H-ruom d\M > lllni > fitrnlsliedi 7."i calllo , : ' ) hu s ,
li heatv horses. Mil ) bushels of corn : farm
utensil's. Price , all Included , W ) per acre.
Terms , tXYOlM iu-ln tl.-'IMJ iiiunlIiiiilOlWIiiiiili.l ! )
hit s.'Ji Sheeiy bloc 1 > . _ _ ? IT--L'
- . bloeli II , LenveiiMiirtn terrncc : will
J-ell riMsonablc. ( leu. Ii. Sullivan. Mon-
inuiith , 111. 7''i ) i *
A 1C. ItlhKY , notary tiuliltc , loom II , Con-
tlnenlal blm'k Mill
IJAhT Lake City Lots Seu-n lots Inn lead-
t ' Im ; siibiirbnn iKldlllon , on ralhot.d to ( Jar-
Hold lle.ieh. rerfeel title. Adilless DM. llee.
71(1 ( ' . ' '
QITII street. South Omaha , will bo paved In
-J thu splint : .
l > o you know this mcuns"i percent advance
In iirlces. alesnn this .street since January t
fnut up n\er fliSiHK ) . ( lei In now while It Is
cheap.Veliaven full lot.n\l.VIsoiitliiif ) ' , ! "
slrucl , Inniloved , rentttiK for $11)0 ) PIT month ,
HO can sell you for l'l ' , ' , onn-balf cash , bnl-
iince 1 and' ' vcnis ; 2I\M ! fool lots , f'-Sito ' WX )
for Inslili-s , for corner , one-thlld i-nsli ,
bnlnnco easy ; i'llIM ) foot lots } IIXM ) to t l.'fiO ' ' ,
terms easy : iu i : ) feet nn "N" < t i eel. corner ivili ,
at $10 nor foot , Kd .lohnslun > V ( 'n.
"IJOU SAI.iMy : home , cheap : nm pdni ; to
J- leave the elty. Kmiulro owner. : I7 , IMnk-
n ey si. M Ta-J-ai *
1 (111 ( SAI.KKxtrti bitrsialn. Choice
-1- with .building : lenls per mo. ; one
block from new I' . O. U. ! < . Oicun , 11. If. ) llnr-
Iforbloe ! ; . _ _ _ _ tiVI
IpOlt Sotilli Oinahiipiopurty business. track-
ape or iTsIdcnro pi to the leading reales-
tate doaleis In Foil til Omaha.
I'.il .lohiislon ,1 Co. .
M7.'C. Cor. VII li A N sts
1 > AltfiAINS 7or casli iicKanl : fiO-ft. lot on
J 'CntlKlilon me. s e cor llanseom park ,
* l.UK.nO : ) : anuther il.UUD.lO. llulehlnson , < c
Weaihjr. 1 DotiRliis. ( MB-SI
"JT'OK SAbK or trade for Rood Omnlia jirop-
- * - city , lot of hotel fiiinlt lire , boimlit nf
Oe y .V Stunt1 , nil In line condition. .1. II.
riinotte , llouclas block. 714 "I
4-KOOM house and lot. : i ml. from 1' . 0. about
(1 ( blocks frnm motor : il..o.Ol cusii ; nrlce
* l > ( W.X ( ) . llutchliisoiiVead , I.V.'I ' linilas. ( !
X-KOOSI house , lot Illxs' ' , JI.7W ) : nl.soC.-rooni
' ' 'house , lot : tl'i.\H ' , s. e. eor , llth anil Vlnton
st..i.MKKl. llrlek house lot 4l\nn.n. e. cor. [ Dili
and DouRlns , iD.UDU. Mrs. Kuhlman.TJl S.lllh
_ _ _ era
BAUUAINS 'i-room cottnKo anil lot. city
water , sewer a ml barn , centrally located ,
K..7.V ) . Tcrnm easy.
l/nr o S-rootn cottage , nleulv finished nnd
\vo | | loeateil , * . ' ,0li ) .
South fiont lot 011 p.ivcd street near motor ,
liKUl Some nice lots In west nnd norlh parlor city.
SSMand npwarda. .1 , I ) , y.llllu , 1)14 ) , N. Y. Mfii.
' - 1111,1-
l-rooui huiiso , uiil full cornerlot , very aheap
forcash , or will t mile forclear farm or Oina-
1m lot H. Addiess thu owner at 1-iul anil I'nss
sts. . E. ( I. Merrill. Is7
SA1 < K Good new H-ronin honso. city
Tr.CIAh llar aln-Iir'o ; lot , KlxlhT. ft. , <
blocKs from l.uweaviv nud Cumlni ; st. . lays
splendid ; ehiup for cash , or will irnde for
fnrm. Address K. U. Morrdl , 4"nd and Uiiss sts.
KAhK I'lioap. 'I IIH reslilonco al i'dJ
Pierce sticet. at a h.irKiiln for a few days
only. Iniinireat. the Neb. Meant laundiy ,
Kith and Howard streets. M.'ilS
IAir Sale.
llld.s will he received by Hie undersigned
until Mnreli 'JO , 1 > UI , for llni purchase of the
whiile or any part of uhlch tlie follow Ins : Is n
partial list : 'I he liullillni : known as Iheliiand
onora house , located on lots ft , 0. 7 and S In
block 7.r > ; tilllee fuinlture eonslstliiKof 1 Iron
rttife , ' . : ilesUs. Jciirtulns , I cluck , 1 letter press
and stand , l carpel , staio furnltuie , ; i sets
fancy furnltuie , I seal. ' - ' fancy lahles.llstaiids ,
I liclls. 1 uus .1 , 8 throni * ' 'hairs , Images. 1 lire-
place. I , li niii&keln. II tables. 1 water tank ,
1 llro-screen , I picture , I clock , 1 hclhms , i
llre-lou , I mnilalllon , I bal/.e , 1 snow olnth , -
mam-asses. , ' riiKs. ' . ' velvet curtains , : i pair-
heavy enrtalns , I | iair lace curtains. 2 bion/e
vasellljjrass units , ; i water coolers , 1 ha -
irngn truck. I cradle , I wheelbarrow , il carpets ,
ft wash stumoommodo. ! | . 7 lonklni :
lil.issos , I pier tflass. i ; al\aii/ed ! pllch-
i'1's , 0 washbowls , 4 buckets , ! ! elilnii suts :
opera house , lil plush ohairs , IJI plush np-
liolsti'ieil opcia rh. ill's. ixJilojiera chillis | iln-i |
buck , ' - ' . " ' ' /innicni / I'hiitiN - insslo\es. I siilrlt
level. , Ti feel nibber Inise , 'Jl curtain-- with
tirass i-oih. : isno | liu'lit K.-IS braeKets. 10 lio.x
cnrlalns , in hras- . poles , earpnts in IKIXCS per
yanl. * . ' holler's eiuniilete , 2MI yards carpet , If. )
Kiisrliamlelli > rs , : i IniKs , .ViU feet rubljer rar-
pilll led wide.
In nildltlon tu the a1xi\o \\lllsellall I m-en-
ery and stase niaclilnuiy nun In tjrand opera
honsf sulllelent tiieiiiilpu llr-.l-elas theater.
A poinplotiInvenloiy. . loKetlicr with the plup-
erty. can he seen by applvlni : at the liullillni ; .
Apnly tn or aildri'sII. . \V. \ Creiuer , Omnha.
't b. '
-ii i * u riiiiiuy suvuH's. i nn rinnt in re
served tn I elect anj or all bids , All Inform
ation fiii'iilslicti mi npplli-at inn In-re , into Post
Quartenimstci' , I'oil Kublnsnn. Neb. linvcl-
olies cncluslnK'proiiii.s-ils should he marked
"Proposals foi constriifilun atl'iirt Koiilnsnn , "
nnd nddlessed toVM. \ . II. II full KS. l.i.Milen-
unl Coliinel and Deputy t.iitarti'rinaster lien-
era ] . \ ' . . A .Chief tjiiailerniiisli-r. l'-'l tl tt
s l < it'kliolilci's' Met111 in ; ,
Not leu Is heieliv ylveil Unit the tegular an
nual nn rtIn. nf the stuekholders of the S nitli
I'latte ' band ciimpaiiy will In1 held at thn of-
llet of s.ilil company. In l.lneoln. Neb. , nn the
( \Vednesilay In Maicli. Isil. belin : thn 4th
day of Hie ininith. liy order of t he buird : of
dlii'i'tms. it. O. Piiii.i.ii'.s , eeri-iiiry.
l.liicoln. Neliraska , I'Vbruury : i , 1KH.
Nut Ice U hereby ulvi-nlliat A. .1. Nodonn and
S Morloiisen haie ill-Mil vnl business , ami
Hint A. .1 Ncidean will i-iirry on tinhii lne-s
nlthfidd stiinil. Si IIIoiith "Util nllei-l. All
bllN ulll be enllfi-lcil by him , and all Mils to
be paid hy him. I'JIdTJt *
Diivo Uowo , on buini ; iuc.stioned | on the
auhjuct of his bi'othor.lacK'ii plmiiifr in
ruin , pit mad and exclaimed : "I ) n you think
liirlc liowe would phi ) in such - . "then
ll.ive rcini'inlieriM , and , with admirable fore-
siirht. cuntinuotlIn : HIICII n Jay town as
HiilTulii iinil in the InteiMatuluiiKiiu at that"
What ilo you think D.ivo came pretty near
how :
A novel wiilkint : dress for spring Is of
iliimo iiluu cloth with jot jewels sinvn to
make a deeii border about thu finit nfthu
skirt , nnd ail over thusktrt and ciinmKii. Thn
ll.i < 'e-iiiarlei' | luiiKlli iaclc < t has a cloth bacli.
lint fronts of heavy bhick lace Kiitliiintd iiilt |
full. There is u ban ) y el vul vest nnd collar
The N. 11. l''alcoiior team bus | H > CII com
pleted and Is now tiwdv und nnxiuns
lor llni r.'iuru of thu bltio hint. Thu team is
us followsSatinduiN ilrst nnd uiptatii , liniT
inui' second , Dniyilen tlni-J , Kasinusson > h.-rt ,
Davis left , Stronn mid llu. lioiiiiisi.u rtul-i.
Muler nnd Aruold ) > < tcli UM ) ( iiullui iii , < >
l , p I'HIOAIH ) . IIIMlllSirlllN A o. | Artltm
Oninhn. I l > i > | iiit Illtli Mill .Mit' ii mtei'tii. I Unmlm.
i ; | tu . l'lilon ii liTi' | i . H.III n in
li'On in rtil < wi > l ! < | 'ro i . rt Bll | i III , f
HID | l 111 I'llll'IIIIII t'hl'IM * . . in in 111" * U
UNI p in limn Ix'nlI . 1211) , ) III X
l-eim-n lliritl.tNdTOS A MO. IllVKit Artliu *
OiuRliii i I > I-HI | | loili nml .Minim uciMi Oiinli : >
il)2. ) > a in . . PCIIVIT t'ay l-iri'M ; | l.tu'l' ni
1U.VJ iin' ' llcndinuut it : | < rtM < I.IU p in
UI.J1 n in Hi-aver liiprn s . . . . Mi , p in
Mill * in , . . . deliver Nluhl K\m-i | i > : M n in
Mil | - in | l.lnriiln liuiu-d | , . j 11 Mil n in
Ms , i m | l.hirnlii l < 'iil I I'Illji m
I . .uMM | U ' , MT .1 , v c II I Ardtcs
tliiinliM i ) ( * | ' lOtliiml MIIMI-II nlrreL4 | Oinidiii.
"Ml n in . . .linlnnst'lly Hi ) itire : | i C..M | i in
| i II p m K C Mulitlltp..In I' I' Triim H.4S n tn
IJ'.IMIS i CMiiN I'.H'ltr'U * . Arrhi-ii
llmnlm-l Di'piit Illlh nnd Mniov ulrui-ti. Onmlm
r.lfl n nil KniiniKl'ltr lirim ! | l'.ll,1 , n m
U'.lln in1 lii > iiii-r i : nrnsn a M p m
J..VI | i in iMrrlniiil llyi'r I ! US pm
; , ) | m I'nrlilc ii're : | H 114) ft at
. "VlllCAtitVn. 1 , \ I'AilVKJ. | Arrlti-i
OmMln. Il' I1 iti'pnt. Mill nii'l Slntcy Sl . ' Irnwhn m . NlKlll IU.IU B in
VM n tn Atlnullc O..TJ p in
I.U p m . . . . . . .Vimllliuln Utiilta ! 10.4S n m
imiv.M | ( iiorx TITV K PACIFIC.
Oiniilia IU. I' iloiMil , lutb nail MnrojHK _ l > ni hn.
' " * '
"j.l&'n ml Hum * f'llr I'uMimgvr. . . .
i.JU | i | . . . . . . . . , | , I'nnl liipninii. . . . , . . . ID.10.nja
UHVM iploux i nlrv , M' , ,
( ) nmlin.J _ DjM'iit ISlli uml Wobattr tU I Onulin.
. . .HI
Oimiun I' , ili'pol. luth nli'l .Mito : > Hli I Onnilm
Clilrnitn IIipriiKi I n..l ) p in
Vtitlhiilil.lmllwl ( i.fti n tn
p in Iowa Acroiiniinilnlinn ( lUf. Sun. ) T D ! ) p in
0.10 i > til , l' 'lern KlJitr 3.45 p in
IIJ'i M ni i
Ti'Hvei'ClllCAfiO | , JHT. i S'ft PAfLfrm n '
Umiilin. II ) . I' dii ( | , , | , Itltti ami Mnrc ) SK.I Onuliii.
MO it m.t | < lniix f'ltr Ai-i-nnimni1 > ttnn. . . | tl.Ol p in
III ) p m Slum City l"r.irn | | . ( HI Bunilny ) 12.ID p in
1)10 ) p m . . .ft I'nnl l.tmltL'il P.1'5 n m
injIlnjitMifl I'luiH'iiucr IPX Mumliirll s tS n in
On p nil. . . . Niitht I'lproui I V IU n m
DM u nil Atlantic lUprim f > . , V > n m
.U ) ni ! _ . _ . _ Viiitllnilii lltnlli > il IIO.Dii in
l nvei | CIllC'Ai < UNOIlTIIWISTHHN. | Artlvm
Trnnsferl Union IK'pnt. Cnnni-lt HlulTi. iTriinKfor
Pli ) n ra
Ml ) p in . .Vmtllnilu l.linllnil. . . .
lOllo p m Ki'torn Klyor
1 : lpin .7AIIuitlc.Mnll : 7 : ) n m
O ) i mjlnwii AcconiiniHlntliiii ii : tJ < un.J ) JVIO p in
fS'iivin icniosno , > tif. . , r STI iiAAi.r/i7riv- <
Trmnfcrl Unlnn IK'imt. I'lUincll llliilK. _ n'rii.-f" ' p in . .ChlrriKi- < | irr8i . . . . . . .I li l.'i n m
12.n.i : | i in ClilinK" K | ir m . .J fiiCi | i a
b-nven K.'C.SV .IOK , t t' II TAtrlim
Trnnifer [ Unlun lii-pnt. lu'incll Illiiin. iTniimfi'T
111.117 uinf KIUIHIII fltV liny KipiexM. . . . I < > . < lp in
ll'r > | i nil . . .Hiinsrm ! ' ! > Mitlit llijirms. | r-Mn m
l 'n > un OMAHA . . - > I . , , lli- > . I , , , , . , -M
Trnnwft'rl Union Depot , Council IllnnX rrrftiisfer
: T5"nVi-fTlTi ; U\Vt Ht'm * fll/.V" Ql/rsiV. ; purlve-f
Trnnsfi-rJnlon | Hi-pi't , Council Ulii'l * , . ITmnilof
Tl l ) a nT7."i. . . , . c1lilrnKii H pr ' . . . | ( I. ? ) p nl
10UO pin ChlriiKO lUproHs .Mil 11 in
7.05iim crust.n locnl IIJU 11 nl
l nvui I SlltT.\ri'Y ) ( : ' A I'ArinC. I Arrlv.- *
Trnnifi'rj Unton Dupot , tiiuncd Hliilta. jTrimafor
TIri"JTni ! . . . § imiK cuy ATOiinluiiiiutton. . . I 9 iif a in
naxSiim ! l. I'aiil Ktnri'M llu.n ) p in
Tim TliRolntual ! Senilnary.
The tloterminatlon of tlm 1'ivsbytoriiin
clmrcli people to cstuhlish a theological sum- > .
luary In Omaha means a fjroat , innro for
this cltv than the casual consideration of the
matter would ut llrst .siif.'jfi'st.
Tlm throe irruut theological seminnviuA of
the Presbyterian churcli In the Unltnil States
nt present are : Union , in New York ; Prince
ton , In Xow .lorsoy , tiuil McCorntack , in ( Jhl-
CUKO. Uniuii sumliuify MOW lias property vul-
ueil at ? dUOiX ( ( ) ) , I'nucoton lins property
worth fl.HWOl)0 ) , and McConnaok has [ irop-
erty worth f 1 , 00,000. , These institutions re-
itiiromon | in the fncultios of tlm most thor-
oii h attainments and who coinmaiul liux'O
salaries. H requires a vastainnuiit of money
to plant anil operate a school uf this kiiui , hut
the ndvanlaco nrernliiK to tlio city where
such it pchuol is established Is very great ami
very permanent.
Iu Chicago thu .Mc'Coriuack : seminary .re-
ceivod a x\tl \ ol twenty-live nuros of ground
in t hu suunrbs about thirty years airo. The
trustees wisely decided not only lo put their
seminary buiulmj , ' upon thai Kroiinil , but to
develop the tract by erectiiit ; dwelling ;
hnubes tla'rcon. At present the college
buildings that have been erected there aru
estimated to bo worth $1 l.ouo , nnd there nro
hovonty-llvo dwollini : houses on the tract
owned by thu seminary and rauu'iiiK iu valtiu
from f 1,000 to S7OIU ) each. From the rental
of Ihuso dwolliiiu houses the school recolvoi
a part of its puniianuat support.
1'rccisely the same is belni , " maiv
pcil out for the seminary to ho established lu
Omaha. The * bei.uUful tract ol 25 acics do
nated by Dr. ( loorue I. . Miller from his Hoy-
inow Pnrlctrnct ofIN ) acres will bo dovol-
opiiil by the trustees of the seminary just as
rapidly a.s their available funds will permit.
The situ is probably the llnest tluit could be
soUvtcd in the stnto of Nooraska. It is west
nf nnd nun\ Dr. Miller's palat id rosliluuee ,
and from tS highest point n fall view nf
Omaha may lit obtained. T'io land slopes
beautifully down to the tracks of the Bur-
IhiKtou and the Missouri Pacific ; railroads
where the station is located.
The building of the suminary tlioro and the
improvement of Iho tract donated by Dr. Mill
er e.ui have but one effect. It will tiiiiko of
Seymour park the idcul roa'.dtMieo ' r.ulmrb of
Oiunlia and utihaiico the value of every foot
of land lyuiK southwest nf Hit * city. C3
In speakliiK of the seminary yeitenliiy ton
reporter for 'J'nr. Un : . Dr. tloriloii of the
Westminster Presbyterian diurcli said'
"Wo linvo looked the ground ciirofully over
and Ihuro run be no question about the di'slr-
ability of Omaha lus Iho very Iwst select ion
that could ho made in the wot.Veshall
plant the school here to till the need Unit in
now pressing upon us iu nil this nival terri
tory between Chicauo anil San Krancisco.
Sevenil of tin1 denominations have se
lected oilier cities in the stale by
a sort of auction process , pliuitini ;
their schools at thous points -\vheiv the
u'rentust amount of liimndul support wns
promised or provided. Tlm l're.- > b.vttrian
church is not in the auction business. When
wo decide to ustnblish a M'liool wo select the
place where it ouuht to be and proceed to put
it there. In comiii ) ; to Omaha
wo led that the citlrmis lnuv
\vill , in duo tinus if they do iot already ,
appreciate the iniportiince of this institution
to Onmim. Omaha is in need of thocolle o
ilinunt. : Wit should ( -niu a reputation
iiluiiitil for sumntlnni ; moro than slickinc
pU's. All such industries help
to build up n Kfcat city , but the fiir.tthnta
city lias become an oilucatimml cimter Hives
it n perniniiuncy and a cultured presll o that
holds it steauy lu itsouwaril courso. Mun nf
wrnlth and inllucnc-o will come here , know-
in is that the educational touo nnd at
mosphcio is KOOI ! anil the advnti-
tam's for their childii > n lirst-class in that
rospoct. Wt * have chosen Oniiiliii upon its
meril.s us a rrtat city und a central location
and every elTort will bo inaiiu by the I'resDy
teri'iii churoh to Klro Onmliii nu educational
institution of which every cllUon will loci
proud und which will assist In ; Hi
city a irooil uamo ubroail.1
itny 1 1 nil u is visiting friimiis nciir lloaver
I. ,1. Motu'ilf ' of Uliioivu , was u visitor in
this city TiiuMluy.
Hon. John p. Maiilo Lincoln , wni In the
city boveral day this week.
John Chapin of l.ihorty , Neb. , is In the
city tliojfiiehtsof his parents.
Dr. I. H. Mouro of ( iriuid Island , was In
the elt y renewing old aciUiiintaupn ( thh week
Mrs. J. S. Park , who bm bon : viblllut ? her
purentHlii Terre llautihid. . , the past two
months , returned homo I'upsdnv. '
Mrs. I. T. Cole Is In Minnesota , \ vhrrohe
was calloil last l-'rliiiiy hv a tulouniui au-
noiinoliiK thodcatlrof her f.ither. Mr. Cole
was in I'ru'Rhtnn ' , Noli. , lit thu time , holding
hpeeial ruvlvnl survleo * . .
' ' drinuut chapter , order of iho Ku. iern
Slur , .ivii nn invitation bamiuet and socinl
a ) the niuvii.tuii . I'rnl.iv I'venii. . rVliru.iry
. ' " ' , ) fIIHI u viiutioiHeru scu't
in uir. . m t , oai . .LYIII Inrgu.