I 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 18 , 1801. THE CITY. Oenornl Manager S. S. II. Clnrk wont to St. Louis yesterday morning , but Is expected to return soon. A marrlngo llconto was Issued yester day to Fred Kormnl jr. nnd Mary Abra ham , both of Douglas county , The Losllo drug store building at the corner of Sixteenth and Dotlgo strcots litis been secured by tbo Globe loan nnl ( trust company , it nil will bo converted into n flrnt class banking house. 15. E. Calvin , division superintendent of the Missouri Pacific between Omaha and Ktinpus City , it to succeed Superin tendent Hitler of the Idaho division of the Union 1'aclflc on the 1st prox , The receipts at the custom house yes terday coiiBiatCd of ten cars of tin pinto from Wales , seven cars for tlio Cudahy packing company , two for Hector fe Wllliohny and ono for the Leo , Clarke , Andrccscn company. Tlicy Ci Below nro Riven ten reasons why Chamber- Iain's CoiiRli llcmedy Is tlio best : 1. It will euro u severe cold In less time than nny other treatment. 2. It docs not suppress a cough or cold ; but loosens and relieves It. 11. It relieves llio lungs , which is of great Importance In treating a cold. 4. It Is tlio only remedy that will cause the expulsion of mucus from tlio air cells of tlio lung * . f > . It renders the mucus less tenacious nnd easier to expectorate. 0. If freely used ns soon ns Jho first symp toms appear , It will pure a severe cold In a 7. It will provot croup mid avert all dan- per mid anxiety arising from that dreaded disease. 8. It has cured thousands of cases of croup , nnd careful Inquiry fulls to discover a single case In which It fans over failed. 0. It docs not contain opium , chloroform , nor any other Injurious substance. There is not tlio least ( longer In giving It to children. 10. Chamberlain's COURII Kcmcdy acts In perfect harmony with nature nnil alas nature in relieving tlio lungs and ficclng tlio system of morbid matter , accumulated by cause of tlio cold. 50 cents per bottle. I was so lanm with rheumatism that 1 could hardly walk , when my phvslclnn advised mete to use Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It soon cured mo , savs II. Mcnsc , a blacksmith at SIgel , 111. For sale by druggists. An Important Clinnc. Madame AVallaco , the well known dressmaker , will take entlro charge of our custom dressmaking department on March 1. The growth of this business branch of our business has boon so rapid that our present force was unable to do justice to the work demanded of it , and wo feel assured tha wo have made a change that will bo appreciated by our own as well ns Madame Wallace's cus tomers. Our parlors nnd work rooms oc cupy our entire 6th floor , nearly twelve thousand square feet. To muko room for BO Important an establishment as Mad ame Wallace's , whoso stock wo havo. purchased , wo shall offer our magnifi cent stock , added to hers , on our silk tountor next Thursday morning all Paris novelties , at loss than cost to Im port. The combined stocks are worth TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND dollars ( $25,000) ) , and will bo sold at n great sacrifice all single dress patterns nnd no duplicates. They will ho made to order until March 1 , at very low prices or the goods will ho sold by itself. THE MORSE DRY GOO'DS CO. DIED ABIONU STKANGHUS. J. F. Clicnowttli.au Toxvan , Dies " \VliiIo moving to Oinalin. J. F. Chonowith , a new-comer to this city , died suddenly of heart disease at 10:30 : o'clock yesterday morning in a Chinese laundry at 1003 Harnoy street. Tlio deceased had just moved hero with Ills family from Sioux City , la. , anil was en gaged in superintending tno removal of his poods from the depot to the residence at 1445 North Seventeenth street. He entered the laundry to got some cloth ing that had been left thero. Ho complained of feeling tired , and sat down , but almost Immediately fell to the floor a corpse. Tlio coroner was notified , but ho was en gaged at the Connors' Inquest at Ileafey & Hciifoy' * , and after waiting for him for over lialf an hour the remains were removed to Maul's undertaking rooms. Tlio body was'vle\vcd by a coroner's Jury last evening and a post mortem made to do- termlno the CRUSO of death , The remains wcro removed to Lennox , la. , the former homo of the deceased , last night by the son , and the Inquest will bo held at 11 o'clock this morning. A Dead Shot on n Cough ro Cold. < The editor of the Lewis , Iowa , Indepond- nnt , relates his experience for the bcneilt of the public , as followsVo huvu adver tised a great man v different patent medicines but have never taken the pains to editorially "puff" ono. Wo Hre going to do so now for the lirst time. Chamberlain & Co. , DCS Molncs , Iowa , manufacture a cough remedy which is absolutely the best thing wo have over seen.'o have used It In our family for the past year , and consider it indispensable. Its effects uro almost instantaneous , and there is no use talking , It Is a dead i.hot . oa a cough or cold. Wo don't ' say this for pay , but because wo consider Chamberlain's Coush Kemedy the host made , and wo want the poplo to know It and use It. i I'ermlti. The following permit * wow issue. ! by the Bupcrlntd.idcnt of buildings yesterday : " \l , W. Ituylcr. ono and one-half story fraino dwelling. ! B11 I'opplotoiiuvrnuoJ 1,500 J , 0. Klrtr. ono story frumo dwelling ! Clifton Mill 1,000 Fiunilu A. Ganl.onn nnd ono-hulf story frame dwelling , Clifton Hill 1,500 Frunela Ooodall , ono and ono-lmlf story fruniHdwullIng , Twcnty-bovoutli and BimulilltiK slruots 1,000 Fr.uicUCIoodiill. ono and one-half stary frumo dwelling , Tuunty-soventli and kuuuldlnt ; streets 1,000 Total 10,000 Do not taltoany chancoof being poisoned or burned to death with liquid steve polish , paints or enamels in bottles. The "Hlslng Sun Steve l > oHsh"ls safe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest ami best steve polish made and the consumer pays for no oxpouslvo tin or glass puckago with every purchase. A SXOVX t'EJIEX TS , Ono of the greatest wonders , or rather enigmas , of tbo latter days Is now on ex hibition at the Kdcn Musco. BUI Jones is Imown far and wide as the human ostrich , owning to his appotlto and habit of eating glass. Ho will munch a largo chlmnoy with ns much satisfaction as a child eats mi apple or a tramp gets tnvay with a beef steak. Ho cats all kinds of glass with evident relish , In the HIJou theater the famous taleatcd niiluohnrt family appears. This company of beautiful girls nro decidedly pop ular in Omaha and will bo royally welcomed by nil. Beatrice and Goldlo lifuobart are famous for their beauty , wit , praco and talent. Their singing and dancing Is lluo nnd graceful. Austin , tlio musical king , and Seville , the Irish comedian , arc also with thU company , Mr. I ) . B. Young will sing the baritone part of the Sea King In "Tbo Bride of Uun > karron , " originally assigned to Mr. Thomas J. I'cnncll at the concert of the Apollo club Thursday evening. Mr. Young comes on from Chicago for tto occasion , and whllo ho takes the part at short notice , ills well known ability warrants the expectation that ho will make a success of the heavy part. The ro- torvcd scat sale now open ut Max Meyer & "iJro.'s music store is already very largo. HAVD10N ItitOS. Klicmnn'B Itankrtipt Stock Hair. Over ono hundred thousand dollars worth of dry goods bought by us at about lOo on the dollar ; this will bo a chnnco of i llfo tlmo to buy goods cheap. On Wednesday morning Klpcnmn'a entire Block of corscsls go on wile. COHSETS. Mndamo Warren's ' high bust corsets at 7Cc , Elsoman's prleo $1.2,5. P. D. corcsts best quality at$2.2. " > . Elsoman's price $3.50. Any of Eiseman's $1.00 corsets re duced to oOo. Elsoman's Too corsets reduced to 80c ; Elseman'fl 60o corsets reduced to IDc ; albo 100 dozen corsets from the Et&otnuu stock , broken sizes , worth 7oc , $ 'i.OO and Sl.fiO ; your choice of this lot for Me. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. It Is n well known fact that in this de partment Elscman carried nothing but the very finest goods. It will go on sale at just 3 the prlco to manufacture. Infants'lino cambric slips only IDc , worth 60o ; ladles' line muslin drawers llo ) , worth 60c ; corset covers at j Klscman's price. All the night gowns In lilsoman's slock , worth $1.50. SL'.OO nnd $2.50 , re duced to $1.10. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR. The entire stock of Kiscman's chil dren's white merino underwear , your sholco of any slzo only lee cnch. Elboman's Indies' scarlet lamb's wool underwear , worth $1.23 , reduced to C9c. SPECIAL. On Wednesday morning wo will com mence the greatest slauchtor fcalo of ladies' and children's hosiery over at tempted by any house , in the United States. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Unlaundricd shirts : Eibetnan's price COc ; our prlco 3c. / . Elsenmn's price GJO ; our price 44c. Elsoman's price 800 ; our price G5c. All the paper collars , Lest quality , sold by Eisctnan at 25c , reduced to Co per box. Morloy's English i hose , double soles , only lOc per pair , worth Hoc. All of Elbomtin's COc suspenders ro- dut'cd to 2oc. In gents' wool and balbritrgnn under wear Uisomun carried as line a line as any house in the west , comprising Cart- wright & Warner's , Amorlcan Hosiery Co. , Dr. Warner's , Dudley , Mills fs Co. The above will bo put on sale at just i Eisoman's original cost. Eiaotnan's c'ock of Jlannol ovorshlrts goes on sale Wednesday morning. Eiseman's GOc shirts go at 2oc , Elsoman's 7oc shirts go at 45c. . Elsomau's $1.00 shirts go at oOo. Elscmiin's $1.50 shirts go at 7Cc. Eisoman's $2.00 shirts go at ! ) oc. Eisoman's $2.50 shirts go at $1.15. Elsoman's $11.00 shirts go at $1,05. EISEMAN'S KID GLOVES go on sale Wednesday morning. No trash in this lo.t but all fine goods , such ns real Alexandras , Trofoubso and other well known brands. Eisoman's 7oc gloves now 30c. Eiseman's $1.00 gloves now 50c. Eiseman's $1.50 gloves now 89c. Elscman's $2.00 gloves now $1.15. YARNS. COO pounds of Elsomnn's fine Gorman knitting yarns , only ICc per skein ; line Snxony yarn.Cc per skein ; zephyrs , host quality , 4e per ounce. HAYDEN BROS , nnd the Elscman stock. I1AYDI2N UROS , Special Bargains from tlio Elscmnii Stock on Snlo Tomorrow In Our New Annex. All the cream- and bldached ajnask and loom napkins S'slzo that were sol'd at 75c , 85c , , 88c , Olc , $1.00 and $1.15 doz. , all In ono lot , choice COc a doz. This is a big bargain , and they will go fust at 69o a doz. Wo shall also place on sale a lot of towels , all linen nnd Turkish towels , worth from 15c to lOc , your choice of this lot lOc each. There are a' great many fine white California blankets in this stock , a great many odd pairs slightly soiled which are going fast , cost cuts no figure , they are being sold , and cheap too. It wilt pay you to look them over. 132 largo size colored bed spreads marked down to 81.00 each ; loss than half prlco. Lay In your supply of plain white India linen nnd Victoria lawn atfic , Co , 8c and lOc yard. You never saw such bargains in Omaha before. Choice of nil colors two yards wide Windsor felt marked down to $1.00 yard. * * * extra heavy brown cotton llannol now only lOo yard. Choice of all the Else- man nil wool French llannol , marked Ooc nnd 75o reduced to 40e a yard. > 10 inches wide all wool skirting llannol marked down to 29e a ytu'd , cheap. Ilaydcn Bros , are selling Stevens' till linen brown crash at Cc a yard and its going fast. Heavy straw ticking from the Eisomnn stock Co a yard. Extra feather ticking only 12jo a yard. A daily visit to our store will pay you well for your tlmo and trouble. Plenty of bargains for ill. HAYDEN BROS ; Dry coeds and carpets. Townsentl's Promotion. Information comes from a reliable source that the Gould policy of consolidation of forces is to bo carried out in the passenger departments of the Unlcn Pacific , Missouri Pacltlo and UtchmoiulTerminal roads by the appointment of II.'C. Townscnd , the present general passenger agent of the Missouri Pa- clllc , to the position of gen > rnl passenger trnfllc manager of the three roads. This will give Mr. Townscnd control of about twenty- live thousand miles of road. This move is the llrst toward attaining the purpose of separating the freight and passen ger .business of the Gould roads , which is generally understood to bo the. Intention of tbo Wizard. By Innumerable cures Pr Bull's Cough Syrup bus won for itself a most enviable rop- u'atlcn. 1'vo been sufforlntrfor the past thrco weeks with a strained wrist. 1 tried Salvation Oil and find myself , after having used ono bottle , entirely cured. Clms. Koysor , ISO Mulberry street , Baltimore , Md , Assistant County Attorneys : County Commissioners Tlmmo and Van Camp went to Lincoln again yesterday. This tlmo their errand Is to procure such legisla tion as will define and limit the authority of county boards in the matter of employing as sistant county attorneys , clerk to the board , paying coroner's jury fees , etc. The entlro board expected to go , but Chair man O'KcofTo ' is lending suggestions to the county's defence In ttio Uyan & Walsh suit nnd Mr. Corrlgan is sick. Mr. Berlin went down last evening. The Methodist Hospital. The leaders who are at the head , of tbo movement to establish a Methodist hospital in this city are well pleased with the succojs which Is attending their efforts. After the meeting Monday enough cash was 'sub scribed to bring the total up to f 1,035. The furnishings for all of the twelve rooms have been secured and as soon as fTOO in ad dition to the present subscriptions can bo secured - cured , the hospital will bo opou to patients , Dr. Dlrnoy cures catarrh , Boo blilg. Jay'ri Injuries 1'rovo Fatal. Qeorgo Joy , the teamster in the employ of the Klmball Ice company , who was run over by tbo cars Saturday last , necessitating the amputation of n leg , died at St. Joseph's hos pital. The remains are at Maul's under taking establishment. Au inquest will beheld held today , I1AYDI3X HUGH. Of the Kim-man IJimkrupt Stock. 1,600 yards fine embroideries , this. Bcnson'o importation , worth 8c , Co and 7c ; all at le nyntd. 2,300 yards line embroideries , now Im portations , worth 7c , Uo , lOc [ and lic ! ; all at Co a yard. 18,000 yards splendid ombroldorcs , worth 5c , Co atifl 7e ; nil at 80 a yard. 3,000 yards extra fjno Swiss embroid eries' , worth 1 Ic , 15c , 17c , lOo and 25c ; all at lOc a yard. ' 1,600 , yards elegant wide embroideries , worth lOc. 22c , IMc , 27c mid 35c , all at IGc yard. 17,000 yards -15-inch flounclngs , worth Goo , 7Cc , 87cuml $1.00 , all at Mo yard , 1,200 yards 30-Inch skirting , worth ICc , 5Cc , CSc , 75c and $1.00 , till at I5c ! per yard nnd nil higher grades at equally low prices. This is a chance In a llfotlmo to got line goods at less than the cost of common Iriuh. Linen torchon loco sold by the dozen yards nt loss than single yard price. Torchon laces at Ic , 2c. < ) c , 4c , Cc up to 21o for a dozen yards. Not a single , but a dozen vards In cnch case. IUUUONSI RIBBONS ! UIHUONS ! Look at this splendid display of line silk ribbons. Ribbons worth Be , 5c and 7c all tit lo yard. Finest sl'lk ribbons , worth Go , 7c and Sc , all tit 2c yard. Pure silk ribbons , worth lOc lo ICc , nt Cc yard. Your choice of C,000 bolts flno silk ribbons bens at loss than ono-third the fost to mnmifncturo. HAYDEN BUOS. , 10th and Doilgo sts. The greatest mind render and coun seller in the world is at 322 North 10th street. \VltiIj BENEFIT THIS DISTRICT. A. Now 1'lnn for Chnniilnj : the Grndo oCDouglas Struct. Property owners protesting against the npprai&omcnt on account of ilnmngcs to result from the contemplated change of tuo Doug- Ins street grade , sprang nn entirely now proposition on the city council sitting ns a board of equalization. * The charter snyg that appraisers for a cluintro of grade must take Into consideration . the bencllts to the property , and that the cost of the tlaniaKci can bo recovered bv levying n special tax upon the property specially ben- ciltcd. The proposition that has boon sprung Is to levy a special tax for these benolltsuppn all the property In the district. The prop erty owners who are protecting , claim that inasmuch as the charter provides for tlio appraisers taUliig Into account the Ienellt3 that have practically been assumed against nil property to which dmnagcs have been given , nnil that the city has no further rlnht to levy a tax /or benefits on any property that has received nny dam ages. ages."If this theory of those wno are protesting holds good,1' says the city engineer , "it will reduce the nmount of taxable Irontago in the district very materially , and proportionately Increase the tax on the balance. " The board nnd city engineer accl-led to got the city attorney's opinion on the matter. Do Witt's Little Early Uisers : only pill to euro sick heailacho and regulate the bowels. Death of Miss Clnrkson. Postmaster T. S. Clarkson received the distressing information Monday from Colorado rado Springs apprising him of tlio death of Ins daughter , Cecelia M. Clarkson. The young lady had been at Colorado Springs since last Octoher for the benefit of her health. Her death occurred nt noon Mon day nnd came quito suddenly , although she had been ill for some tlmo. Mrs. Clark- son was nt her daughter's bedsldo when she passed into eternity. Major Clarltson took the afternoon train for Colorado Springs nnd will return with Mrs. Clarkson. and the iremains today. The deceased was very highly esteemed by a largo circle of friends and the family , which consists of Major Clarkson nnd wife , three daughters and a son , will have the sympathy of a host of friends in this bcroavo- incnt. The deceased was twenty-one years old nnd wns the second daughter in the family. The funeral will take plnco on Thursday nt 2 p. in. , nt the family residence , No. JJG03 Dodge street , and will no conducted by Dean Gardner. The interment will take , place in Prospect Hill cemetery. The three outlets of disease are the bowels , the skin and the kidneys. Uogulato their ac2 t Ion wltn the best purifying toulc , Burdock Blood Bitters. A Fitting Appointment. The ofllcers of the board of trailo have re ceived a letter from Hon. William O. Mc Dowell , secretary of the Pan-Kepuhiics con gress committees , acknowledging the receipt of the hoard of trade's expression of thanks for the appointment of Col. C. S. Chase of this city as. , chairman of the committee- plan and scope for the proposed congress. "It is peculiarly ilt- tlng , " writes Secretary McDowell , "that n citizen of your wonderful city wonderful in the rapidity of its dovolopcmcut and won derful In its central location should bo called upon to load In marking out the plan and scope of what wo belicvo Will bo the greatest congress in Its. possibilities for use fulness to the hum.m race that has over con vened In the history ot the world. " How to Loosen nntl Itcllcvo a Scvoro Coltl. Mo ono afflicted with tbroatpr lung trouble , can use Chamberlain's Couph" llcmedy with out a beneficial effect. It will loosen and ro- llevo n severe cold in less tlmo than any other trcntinent. There is no danger in giv ing it to children , as it contains no injurious substance. It will prevent croup if used ns soon as the child becomes hoarse. 50 cent bottles. _ _ llic Ilonl Kstato Evalinngn. The attendance at the meeting of the real estate exchange was unusually largo yester day morning. The listings were ns follows : Lot 9 , block 8 , ShuU's second addition , ? 2,800jcnsh ? l-100 , balance subject to mort gage. Lots 0 nnd 10 , block 5 , Meyer's ' , Richnrds &Tildcn's addition , ? i,150 ; cash $700 , bal ance to bo arranged. Lot 12 , bloclc I , Lowo's addition , $1,000 , cosh ; Improvements , ? 1,200. Lot 1 , bloclc 1C , Saunders & nimcbaugh's addition , (550 ; cash $ . ' .50 , balance on time. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Bee bldg. A liny JIurr. . Grant Brown , who lives nt 3410 south Sixteenth street , fell from a load of lumber Monday nftornoon nt Twenty-ninth nnd Corby streets nnd received serious internal injuries. Baking Powder r 0 la UIUiOMOt Homes FIGHT FIGHT. , . V ! There 1 is war among the manufacturers of Rubber Boots , Shoes , Sandals/ " Arctics , Lumberman's Overs and all kinds of Specialties in Rubber Foot Wear. The raw material is very high and advancing- , still the prices so ; DOWN ! DOWN' ' DOWN ! ! ! The Grand Old New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co ; Leads the procession as usual , and I am "loaded for bear" with a complete line of the New Jersey Go's feet protectors. Some of the rubber companies are going to get Badly Hurt in this fight. Don't place an order until from you get my new prices my office or my traveling men. My stock of FELT BOOTS AND GERMAN SOX. Is fairly assorted but small. TJie gay ground hog saw his shadow yesterday ( Feb. 2d ) and no one doubts that we are to have Six More Weeks of Winter. I am in no way connected with any retail stores , nor will I retail goods to anybody. Come on I McGuffcy. Yours truly , ' ACHARY T. LINDi , 1111 Harney Street , Omaha. P. S. Ask shoe dealers for "Jerseys. " Some merchants get the best they can ; some get the meanest they can. Your dealer in lamp-chim neys what does he get for you ? There are common glass and tough glassto.ugh against heat. There are foggy and clear. There are r.ough and fine. There are carefully made and. hap-hazard. * You can't be an expert in chimney's ; but this youjcan do. Insist onJ Mkcbeth's pearl top" or " pearl glass " 'which ever .shape you require. They are right in all those ways ; and they do not break from heat , not one in a hundred. Be willing to pay a nickel more for them. rUUburg. GEO.A.MACDEII1&CO. HUMPHREYS' _ 'VETERIHARYSPECIFICS ' For Horses , Cattle , Shcop , Dogs , Hogs. J AND POtJLTHY. aOOPuae Honk n Treatment of Animal * txndCUurt Hcnll'ree. COTIES ( FeversConcesllonn.InflnnimatloQ A.A.iHplrml Meningitis , nillk 1'evor. Jl.ll. SMriilnn , Jjunicni'HH , Kucuniaiisni * C.Oi"IMBtcrapcrf Nasal iHHCliurtfCB. J > .l ) . llotH or tJrulH , Worms. K.E. Cniishs , IlenvcB , I'm-uuionitt , Jf.F. Colic or GrlpcH. Hcllyacbo. < J.(1. nilncnrrlagc , Ilemorrhnuen. II.II. Urinary and Kldnry DlNcnsca. , . Krnptivo ninonscii , i Innac. 5I. . DlseasCM of Uiiiotlon , X'aralyBlf * BlngloBottlo ( over W doses ) , - - .00 Stable Onsoi with BpeclflM , Manual , Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator , 87.0O Jar Veterinary Cure Oil , - - 1.00 Sold by DrugiUU ; or Sent Prepaid anrwbero and In any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MBDIOJNE CO. , Corner William and John SU- , New York. ' THUMP SB EYS' HOMEOPATHIC ft SPECIFIC No , o ID u e SO yent . fho only "ucccseful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , mid I'rostratlon , from over-work or other catucs. VI per vial.or 6 vUU nd lawo vl l powder , for * 5. BOLD sr DitnaaiBrs , or sent postpaid on receipt of prlce.-HUMPHHEYS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor. William and John Stu. . N. f. OMAHA Can on or address W. J , 1) ) . Slinil WOOD , 422 Now Vork Ute llulld- SCHOOL OP Ijig , Oinnlm , NcUrnskn. TELEGRAPHy. HOTEL. In the moat HiitmtiintlnllH Hotel nntliltnu ' Oinalin. tierernl licitru lirlcli / < trail * fiinntiiu from lidHt'incnt to roftf , All the celllnii * " ' Jlooi'H Hiial ii-ttft' AnlifHton Jh'ovroof linliifintilihw it tinininntble to burn Utilclf. fire. cnoaven unit /fro fifm-jiiH ttn-oitf/tiout tlie ItnUillnatitcain heat , hot ami cold crater aiul uniiHlilnulii evtsru room. Z'lb/c tintmn > asnetl itnu- where. giLLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELLONE. Corner 14tb awl Capitol Avenue. Just complotea , , has 100 rooms , three stairways , from tlw top to' the bottom , has flne elevator anil > Ulmiing room service , is fire proof throughout , fine billarJ rooms anil the finest toilet rooms in the city. Largo Sample rooma , Bnites with bath &o. Cor Mth and CaDitolU.vo. Street car service In all directions , nates , from $2.50 to $ .1.00 DR. BAILBY GRADUATE A Full Hot of Toat'i on KuUbor. Jor lVE UCM4\I13. Teeth D FARNAM Entrance , 16th street elevator Oponovorv Cb until 8 o'clocU Winslow Wilkes , The fastest 4.year-old paplng stallion in ths World , , Kr. , Sd licat.lir ] IIn Itifonl2'll 1 2 at Lciluston U Mi. aim by Al unl . nllf tuako llio , , Mon of , li'Jlot IC01 Vlulon lti'ft , Onialiohcl ) . bl-ABON 1UU WltUu.u.lr tnm THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ART3 MADE BY THE WoonsockBt & Rho'de Island Rubber. Go And wo nro their western agents and always carryalarosto ck. Address , IteriGan Jland Sewed Shoe Bo 1204 and 1206 Harney Street The Original and Genuine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) , SAUCE Imparts tbo most delicious taito ana zest to KXTBACT SOUl'H , OfftLETTKUfrom R MEDICAL. ar.N. < JUAVIIH : , TLEMAN at Mad. rai > , to hln brother \V01ICE8TEU , May , 1831. HOT & COLD "Tell LEA & railUNS1 - „ „ MEATS , that their KSUCO lo pX- Jilichlycstccnica in GAIUI ! , ludla , undLsinmy ormlon , the luont WELSH- nalctalilc , on well us the most whole- RAltinilTS , porno pauco Uiat la Iiude. " Arc. Beware of Imitations ; eee that you get Lea & Perms' BIgnaturooncTcry bottloof Original & Genuine. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS , NEW YOKK. GOLD MEDAL , PABI3 , 1878. Breakfast Cocoa from which tlio excess "f oil lias been removed , is Absolutely JPure audit is Soluble. No Chemicals nro used la its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro economical , costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , KASII.Y i > iaiJSTii : > , nnd admirably ndnptcd for invalids ns well ns for persons in health. Sold by Crocora ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CD , , Dorchester , Mass , lliiirulo.N.V. uveryjiilngcontltltnllaUlnayd DON'T BE A FOOL ! -71 STILL OUR SPECIAL , SALE OF MEN'S FINE TROUSERS At One Dollar Discount on all goods above $ B. Excellent values at $2.5O and $3.78. A COLD IS INFLAMMATION. TO POND'S EXTRACT CURE REDUCES INFLAMMATION * Specific Directions. II'A COM ) IN Till : IIIUI ) , npply A Pond'M ICxtract ( diluted ( iiic-hulO by n ninnl doiicl < < < . or ( iniinTIt , or vaiiorl/o It ovuralntiip nnd Itiliulo COLD tlio riiniCM tliroii U the MONO. II' IIO.VKSi : , enr lovllh I'oudU lixtrnct iiovcral UIMCN dally. IN ii' TIM : Tinco.vr IH soiin niitl MICIC STIKIf , rill ) Ilia itcck tlior ii lily u'lth I'uiid'M ISxtract , EASIEST mid , on rcllrlni ; , ivrnp Clio iicclc lu \vuolcu Iiaiidn o inturalcd WAY ivlth 1'oiul'n ' Ilxtrnct , nnd l > refueled - fueled ] > ) nil outer M'ruj > | iliiK. ii' TIII : iu.v ; s AHI : home , APPLY talio it tcuNioonruI | of l > oud' liz- tract fuiir or live tliucM dully , ' II' TIIi : MIUHS AC'ISI ! and are POND'S ore , ruli tlioiu vl i > roii Iy ivltU INmd'M ICxtract , FOR CHILBLAINS , Imilio will * EXTRACT 1'ond'ft Kxtrnct mid liundn o ivllli clolU Kutnrnted ivllli I'oinl'n IJx- TO truct. Itclilnu qiilcUly cloppod. BUT do nut piircJiitKo HIIIIIU clicap nub tltiito nnd cxicct It to do ivliat PART I'ond'H Kxtrnctvlll , Ilo Hiiro you Jiuvo cciiiiluo article. .Mndo onlfr AFFECTED by aud I'ond'M lixtruct Co. , Now York