THE OMAJLA DAELY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JTEBKUARY 18 , 18M. SPEGIRL NOTICES , ADVKUTIifnjlKNTH for tlic o column * will botnlirn tititll 12:30 : p.m. , for tttoovunliiR edition , mid until Htfl ; > . in. , for tljo morning fillilun nntl SUNDAY Iir.n. rpKllMS-Caslilli ntlTfttico. A JATKS Advertisements on thlsnnRO wlllbo , clmrccil for nt Iho rnto of 1'4 contupor word fnrtlipflrstlnjtoitlon.imil lcpntior ) word for focli ntilMenucnt InKertlon , mil ll.n ) pur pjlno ttr n.diitli. No ndvrrtlMiinunt titUati for lens fhnn cr > cents for tlio lint Imi'rtlon , I1SITIA.I.8 , tlcurc'H , symbols , etc. ! count each UK Dim xoru. TI1IKSK nOvpillsotncntfl miiRt run conspcu- llinly mid untlcr no elrctunstnncon will they bo tnkc'ii ' or discontinued by tolcplionc. "DAUTIKHiHlvcrUnlnc In tliciocolumns nml JL liavlnir lliolrnnswrrs ndilrr ioit ton"mmi- bercd letter" In cnro of Tin : HKK will rocclvo n numbered olicoU tornnblo tliorn toitct tliolr lottom. Answurfl will lo delivered only on r-aptittitlon of tlitR clirck. Knoloso answers loiict properly addressed , Alitj nilvorllsptncnta'iMidcr the linnd of "Special Notices" nro mibllnlioil In liotli tlio tnnrnln/ mid ovrnliiR editions of Tim JlEK. jho clrfilnlkin of vrlilch nuuruftntps inoro tlmn to.OOOp'iiiPMtliilly. nnd K ! OS thn lulvnrtlwr tliu li'.nulU not only of tlio lurRa circulation of THE iloii In Omnhn , lint ulfo In Council BltilTH , Lincoln nndotlicr cities nnd towns In tlio went. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for tlicso columns will be taken on Iho n.lrivu ; rondltlons. at thn following bunl- npsnlioiipcs wbo nro nnlliorl7cdto tnKOHUOcIni notlfi'H. tit tint en m o rntcs us can be hau nttnu mnln otllce. _ OI'TII ' OMAHA IIHANCMI OLfl'IOE-No IGK ) N. Btt-cet. IJgler Illock. _ TO1IN W. HIMJI'hnrtimclHt.SM South Tenth U Btrcot. _ OIlASi ; fe UDDV , Stationers and 1'rlntcrs , \J 11. ) tjoiith ICtliBtrcct. _ s , I'liiirninclst.SllS Cinu- IIIK street. _ W.T. lll'niIES. I'lmrmnclst , ( Kl North 10th stuet. KO. W. I AUIl , I'litinnaclbt ' , 1718 Louvcn- worth Rtruct , I'HAKMAOV. 21th and I'urnain. SITUATIONS WANTED. , etc. , tcttnpofflrttcoliimnon Hits page. W'AISTIU ) SUlitnttcm hv ooy I ? years , olllco work , assistant bookkeeper. * ' " iM I ) t > , Jlco. "I-\7ANTKD-Sltnatlon us day or nlKhtwntch- TT ninn ; have lived in Oniiilniovor twenty yours : Mill civo best of reference. Address I ) 42. HOP. M1 ! * SITUATION wiinleilby youni ? man of cilu- cntlun niul hbtno business cxucriencc. Ail- dross I ) n lleo olllco. Cfl" 10 * WANTED I'osltlnn hynn nll-nround dry KooiU man , inislihiK trade pruferrud. Ad- flrpss 1) 4.1 , HeiD. GO.VI7 * AYOUN'O < vlilow with nllttleboy 2H years old wishes n position ns hoiiseUccnur for a ] rldowi r A < ld rugs j ) ! M. Jli ; c. B88.17 * \\7ANTni ) Sltunllons for pooil clrls ; my i wultlnK rooms nro ulwnys full from I ) lu tn. to ( lii , in. Cnnndlnn Emiiloyiiient o 111 en. 814MSlBlli. Tclopliono 831. 121 WANTED MALE HELP. _ Jpormfes , tie. , ef p of first tnlumn on tM page. AN'TIUl PriuhiK oilicu by " It. 1 1" C iru m. M\i > rniorc , lowii. M010 lit * T/VTANTii ; ) Honest , industrious and hobor TT youir.1 ninn to do chores ulxuitthe plnco : must bo nblo to milk and earn for liorios und cows. Uallut 1'lrst National bank. ll.Kount7c. MOOS ar T\7ANTr.D A salesman to pell In Omaha u T lliKiorsatllietscasslmciesaiidfcldrtlnss fa tho.1nlliur anil inanndietnrcr on coiiiinls- Blon , Ansnor. Klvlns lefi'iencL'S and o.\icrl- ] nnce. Hehiiyluni Mills , 214 Chestnut sticet. I'lilladelphla. I'cnn. M 14 IB * _ CUTTEUS WANTIU ) Sclonco Is linked' to art In tlio A , I ) . Itiulo now inuthodof cutting. Tutightonly at Cle\ eland ( JtitthiK school. MUia 21 * _ A013NTH wanted fortlininoinolrs of General W. T. MIDI man , nrlttrn by himself , In two volumes ntiKi-W ) per \ohiino : to every Bubserlli- or will bu Klvon n. copj of Darlpy's faimuis niasterpk'cp , "Shorimm's March to the Hen. " Kl-/o > xi.V ; , the outllt conslstliii ; of uno vulunm. touctberllb pletnro , for Jl.fiO. Adilrosi the imblHhors. Ouarlos L. .ffob tcr& PO. , a 1'ast Fourteentli Htrcot , NewVork OM . WAN'CKD An ollsalpsmnn on commission. Kor terms nddrcts tbo IJictorlclnOll Oo. , No. BUWfst Waslilngton bt. , Ohluago , Illinois. _ S'Ji ) 17 * T\7ANTii ; > A No. 1 butcher to tnko charco T of a rot all shop. Must como well recom mended and able to give security , U. 0. 1) . Itrown. Uall between 11 and 11. M553 'VS/'ANTIH ) Encrsotlo man to conduct ' hraneh store In Umahiu Must have fOOO c-tpllul. Address Sumatra ( Jluar Co. , Uhtcaao. III. M5M-10 * _ T\rANTKIl llrlRht and tidy ofilco boy. In- T > iiilio | room 411 lleo bulldlnx. ' WVM7 "V\7ANTni > AeoiiU to sell tlio cvortastlnp ' ' Iiinipwlck ; II samplra and terms . by mull. JOcents. ldocnU. ) cents : sells for 10 cents raoli. ' \ Wohoskoy , 0 Eddy bt , ProvklciiL'c. U.I. J14CU 10 * [ TlTANTnn Moil tn travel for our Onnndliin ii iiurscrlcs.Btonc&.WulllnKtoiiMadlsoiiWls KW liTKCTIVKS wanted In every locullty to vork under our Inatrilctlons , Experience notiiuci"-snry. Stump foriiarticulnra. Wash- liiKton llcluetlro Acoiicy , Hex 787 , Washing ton , lonn. MU1UMU 800 IntolllRcnt men and women to visit llattloof GettjsburK. 18th ami St. Mnry's n\c. 407 17 * _ WANTED FEMALE HELP forratf > , ctc. , tee top nfflrtt column ontlifspagc. -AU should know . lo Han , the lady mind reader and lortunu teller , tells past und future ; she Is the best ovorimroj is eapi-oially deep In all mntrlmo- nlnniii'ulis and injstorloiis disappearances ; don't buy , suit or KO on u jonnipy until } ou consult her : slio can forutullits re-mils ; ] ; * trnlliful and rellablu : perfect Hatlsfiicllon ptiarilnti'id by mall ; send two8tamps for Il lustrated circular. Address X" North ICtti fiticcl , Omiilia , Nob. \\7ANNTKD-Olrlswishlns housework vlth Tt tliu best fumllliii at Root ! wiiKes. Apply Now Kmployinont liuroau , south oust corner ICth and Itodge. bank bulldlni ; . Dai-17 * \\7K have K'rls ' with satlhfaotory references TT ri'jilhtorcd with us for bousuwork. ISmv Employ ineiit Iluroau , b nkbld'K. s.e. eor. 10th and [ lodge. _ ii ! > 4-17 * TTirANTnO-airlntiail South 29th streot. V > _ _ SG7 17 * \\rANTirv-n1rl , ; for gcnornl housework. T > Must bo a good cooli. Apply at 8107 Snon- corst. _ M4.17 * WANTii : > ( llrl forKoneial Iiousowork who can cook. 1KU Oi-orgla avo. WM-ls * FOR RENT HOUSES. t'or rntcf.rtf. . rrttnuut ftrit r < i/umu / on thlx tu ; % Sr NT-Un'fiirii Wished - rooms for tlitia J-1 liinisekcoDlni : . with heat and gas ; bonrd If desired. S.YJ tf. luth , MOOD SO * TT10K 1SIINT Hoiisn of 8 rooms nnwly pn- * - ' pcred , on thi > eornor of Iflth and KrnnUIn streets ; soft , and byurant water In the boiibe , in good ii'palr , t- > per month. Also . 8 rooms In I.lnton uloctc. will icnt to Kontle- mnn nnd lady wltbout children ; bteaiu lieat : tit } pur mouth. Also n store rooms In Llnton blook ; Inquire at 017 J'lntnn UlooU , corner Mason and latli btn'otn. John lliunllii. _ J1578 TTlOH IlKNT-Ono of these steam heated flats JIn tbo Her block , cor. IGth uiul Jneksonsls. , has ull thu convonlcnues and in in first clubs repair. 1'or particulars call at 11 IS llurney KU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &M TCIOIt ur.NT-ltouhlo hoii o near hluh nohnnl. JJ 2 ! rooms. Biillablu for llrst class boardlin ? bquso , The O , K llavls Co. 611181 IpOU ItKNT-Jnon'H wliht ) room house , barn imthouM ) . N , HI , Uarlleld a o. alley N. _ FOU UKNT-NIco J-nwiii cottase , lit 1014 P. 13tb t. Inquire of Mrs. Duggan.S. W. cor. 13tli unit I'aolllo bts. 070 " 1710U ItP.NT A nlno-nwm liouso wllli"nll -A. modern liiipro\einoiits , south front on llnnioom 1'ark. Inijulro of Kenuody & Ulnek- biirn , ISoJl'arkavo , Ms7D TTIOK ltiNT-6 : rooms , one lloor , 1713 Jackson J- ' street , _ JU'IO TTOH 1IKNT Solosmit 11-mom bouses , Nos. J'Mti nml 110 Douglas st. Knaulro of A. A. Gladstone , IIIIO Doiiclusbt. . orUloboLoan .t Truit Co , , auTSlOthst. _ 87U "IJIOll KKNT Seven-room cottage , cor. isTh Ja > o nml Cap , uvo. Inquire aiiii Uodgti. MSM f ) new brick houses on North Nineteenth -j ( trout , 10 rooms , ull minium Improvements ; nUolmrni only l& per mouth. Umalia Itoul LaUtu uud Trust Co , , Uoou 4 , lleo liulldliiit. liulldliiit.M781 FOR HENT HOUSES , IP yon whti to rent n linuso or Btoro t-co II , K. Colo. Uontliipntnl block. 840 FOIt HUNT 7-room lioiifo , nllcon"enlencr' , 1ISIN. Ittli. Innnlro 1I.C. 501 FOU ItrNT-Cottnyns with 2 , 5 and S rooms. CAM lict .Tith and " ( Hli , Clarice , room It' . toard of trade. MUJj l'-ja S'lTAM heated llati at 7iA S. lOlli , Tlios. K. Hull , ail 1'axton block. Kffl 171OH UKliTV2Torootn houses within flinln- -L1 iites walk of tlio postolllce. U , F. Davln Co. . I'O. ' . I'niiiiiniHt. itS-SO 17\lt \ KKNT KourO nnd 7-roimi lla'tfl wltli Jt ! tintli , liot water , etc. : pii > cd street ; nunr business ; nil Improvi'innnts ; only fi'i per mo. Hofcn'ticM required. Tlio Mead Investment Co. , 412 lleo bnlldllitf. &SJ FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS rarratt , tteMetnitofflrsttnlumn on this 'M'ICK rooms , steam lieut , 1719 Davenpotent. 413Ma HANnsoMKIjV'furnlslicd front room , steam heat , gas , batb , 711 H. ICtli.ZU lloor.Rt Rt 6N1-22 * 171UHN1S11K1) room , 1418 Dodge. JL1 M4C7 10 " 1J1OU KENT NIceTly furnished room for two -L. ' ccntleinen or ninrrloil couple. I'liil 11. 71CI ! ? . ICtli St. Cull lifter ? p. m. M471 MU AHOKyr.dsmnll rooms ill now Hrcnnun J-Jblk. . nt'wly furnished throughout ; KOJI ) dtn- ! ble. 1001 California. 4SS20 TEWlA * furnished roonn , nil modern con- vonlenecs. 21U N , 17th , aoO J17 TJIUIINIS-IIKI ) roomsste.iin heat , -air. Donej I7IOU Itr.NT Nicely fiiriilshcd room , Kas , L' hath , ir.'l ' I.uavonuortli . , upstairs , 377-'il * O KKNT One eleRiint furnished front room , End floor. Htentn heat , liath.Riis , etc. ; t'.OO nor month ; must hnvo references. Mrs. 1. O. Moses , ai3 : ytiriinin si. 670-lb * "TjlOHHKNT-Krontrooin with ntcove.cnrtains J2 mantel , heat , pas.batli , 2 closets , for 2 pen- Momon or man and wife , flCOO per month IU7 S 24th bt 7fll TJIOU KENT Twenty-five rooms In a lirlok J- block ; cooil location ; wltli or without fnr- Iture. 0.1' . DavlHCo. , 1505 Fnrnainst. a'4JIS ST. OI AIU Kuropcaii hotel , with dlnlns room , btenni beat In all rooms , JUtli and ) OKO. ! Spcolul rates by wcokor inontb , K40 'LEGANT furnished rooms. 1OJ3 Dotlee. t ynmtt lOH ItKNT I'lirnNhcd rooms , gas batn and steam , 1510 Howard. 813 FOIt ItKNT Kust front alcove room nt the Jlorrlnm. M 1J AHOE nnd small loom , 1701 Capitol nvcnuo. T AUOR south front room , bay wiudow , mod- J ' era convenlencci , for ono or two Bcntlo- mon , 110 per month. 2J18 Loa\etiworth. il-IG FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. For ralestic. , tfttopofflrst column antJittpagt. 1OK liKNT Uooin and board , W.OO , 1712 DollRllK. MB 23 * 11KNT An eloRant furnished rooB \\lth board and nil convcalenco ; stenin icat. Ilofcrcncc. 1KI l > edie st. 5i ! ) 21 FUHNISIinil rooms with pas , bath and fnr- nnee hunt ; board If desired. S. K. corner S5th nve. and llnrney street. INU'07 " 0" 110A111) and rooms , C2SS 17th sticet. sticet.73S 1'SO * FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Forralcs , flc.,8c < : t ( > io//Ir8lcoU'raii POH KENT I'art of business Ijulldlni ; ItlO1 ! 1'ariiain . btoro and street , conslstlnz ot - - i ti t iiuiu ) LI vjuii t'Uiiai i' * upper lloor with olllco rooms . liujnlro of Johnll. Fi-cliinuniiu24S. ; 17f street. M1CO STOKESntTOOB. 10th. steam licat furnished. Tlios. V. HnlLHIl 1'axton blk. 817 POU KKNT The l-storybrlekbnlldlnii.witli orwlthnut powcr.forincily opcnplod hy the Hoc I'liblMilm : Co. , Dili Knrnniu st. The liulld- iiiK lins u Uruprnof cement ouscnioiit.coinploto stemn heuthiK llxturos , ivnloron nil thollooro. H , etc. Apply ut tlio ofllco of Tlio lloo. 015 FOU KENT Orsnlo , my huildiiiR on Jonns st , bet lOtli & llth. G. ALliHliul3tilU | : S.lMli 148 FOU KENT llrlok warchotiso. two stories high , basomcnt , hydraulic el o valor , trnok- nso ; bobllocotlon in city. A. V. 1'owoll. 850 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Forrnlrfl , dr. , tcetoji nf first column nn tlilepaot. STKAM puini ) for sale , W\21 Inoli ovlludor for deep well. Address Engineer , Madison ( Nob. ) waterworks. C01 21 * [ 7\OH KENT M aero ranoli jolnlifK South - Umalin , :13 : ncros pasture , ! . " > tlnibjr ; nhnn- ancosprliis wntor ; nn II , It M. K. It. Address l.oo & Niuliol'Mil aii'J Luaveimorth strccU. strccU.M513 M513 TMiEVEN jirros house , Inrso burn iicurCen- litml Turk forgurden , S030 St. Mary's u\o. STORAGh. Forratcx , clc.tcetoj ) of first column onthts page. BI'.sT traokano nnd storngo butldlnir In Omaha. United States government bonded warehouse. Household poods stored and eared for. lowest rjtos KUarnnteed. W. M. llusb- innn , lOia-1015 Lcavonwortli. -W STOUAOE und truckage. Dnvld Colo. 613-317 Howard st. C HHAVESTiina best storaRO for furniture. Wells , 1111 I'arnam street , MOU NIOK dry storugo room ntUlngliiuii's old store , SI ! ) So. IStli st. 70S V 27 * WANTED TO RtNT. For rates , ttc. , tec lap of flnt coliiwii o thti page. WANTHD Unfurnished room with hoard by yniiiiK married couple , 3) minutes walk from I' , u. Address , Rlvlug partlcnlais and price , box 1)U. > , lliui. AIJT7 10 * RKSl'DNSIllUIpaity wishes to rent a 15 or 20-rooin honso ratlior centrally located , pref irably f urulslied. Address 1) 1ft , Hop. ] \l \ 5W-18 * GOOD unfurnished room and apace forstor- irn for household goods , Addresi I ) 'i.l , llco olllco , RENTAL AGhNCY. . tie. , rce top tit fmt fnlumn nn thii IVKIC. KENTAhAKcnt Oeo. J. I'nul , 1000 Fnrnam street , innkis Niieetalty of renting houses , stores , ute , und cnUeotlng rentsi. ! \1 \ , " > 07 LTST property for rent , sale or oxclianiro with lliindy& Co , 1014Capitol avo. am .M" HE. COLL' , luntul ngtfiioy.Cuntlnontal blk. I blO LIST your lioiisrs to sell or runt with 0. V. Hurrison. Ilia N. V. Life , IF you wnnt your bpusesr-jntcn list with 1'arrotto Kental Asoncy , IGth and Dodce. MIHJ ! ) l'"J3 BOARDING. For rate * , tic. , teetiiitofflrst column on tlita page , IJULK.MAN lioubo Spcelal weekly rates. MMj-Kai PE"RSbTTAUS. For rates , elf. , nc ( op of flnlfolumn on Ui Is page. 1 > ial'EOTAIUK : To n rioow r ihiinnTsl- Xiness in eeiitiul part of TVoh , wlbbes tlio no > iiualnlancoof rrtuectaliln lady [ object , iimtri- inoiiy. Address 1)-II llee. cai 17 * FOR SALE HORSES V/AGONS ETC. For i iift.flf. , ieetotof flnt column on l/ih page. ITOll SAIiK lllnckiniDortoa 1'rendi stallion. 4-1 lnanlruC03S. 1/1OK SAI.K Chonp , wnRon and doutile work -L1 hnriiobj , or will c.xcbaiico for bujk board , nUot'ood sldo bar buggy , cheuji. U.K. Cole , Continental building. _ 073 F OK BAIiK cheap A tttii borso sinlRh , also large pulleys and shafting , Wl Douglas. PATENT SOLICITORS. etc. , tet top of flnt coinn'u on Hid page , rawyo'rs and BoHclnrs. 0.V. . " Sues J A. Co. , llco hiilldliiit.Oiiiaba.Ilranch otllco nt Wiishlngton , U. C' ' . Consultation frco 875 COSTUMES. tor rates , ttc.'tt ( top of jlnt column on thi itge LADlKdand Eontleineucau rout niasnuer- udo sulU ut 112. W , Ifith u 7Ml'vJS * SALE COWS. Forrata , etc. , tec top offrtt column on'.tM PW- TpOH SA T lI-rJowYf Joi flno f resir'lToTMHn J-1 mul two No. I JcMoy * . rnhes liy their stiles. Cull nltornoon. n Jester. ; SiUi nml Hurt st. OflO 18 * | j10Il SAIjE-Flrstelnw milch cows.nlsos6V- JL1 oral Root I linr-io' , I'miulra room SOIUinftlui is'iitloniil bunk building. SJO FOR SALE-MlbCELUANEOUS For ratti , etc , , fee top /Jlrst column on l/if / page. A COMPM7TU Kdmnn mimeograph for typewritten written nnd iimiinicriiiteoiiyj cheats > f- Itf00318 * SALB-Estcy , two tank , poilil ornivn , * . nearly now , vury complete. II. 11. Allen , euro Chicago Lumber Co M5UM1 * " | Tlbu"i A"wA Htamluril inako mirlelit -L' iliiui , liut llttlo usul. nt a siicrltlcc. Must boholdntonco. Cnll nf.MlQUuidwell. 321 Trfou SAMl-l'Inno , $115 ; curtain desk , J.V ) , JL1 nntl lioolc * . jfiil Slicniiiinave. t'M TTOH a\t : flx- < i-Coniploto hotof drilR itoro - JL' lures , show cases , etc. 1' . U. liox IfK. . " > * IJ10HSVIiL-AnA 1 fireproof safe. Enqiilro -U at Hoston Store. JUTl FOR SALE-FURNlrUBE ETC. Furrattete.tec topnfjlrst column on tht page. EFiEOANT now furniture of 7 room tint : olicup for casli ; rooms ull full. Addrcs-t 072. Ifeoonice. ar'J * WANTED 7O BUY. For ratu , etc. , techy offrattolumnon Ms yape. " " " aiiiniiici. on Joiics. iim loiisht , solJ , stored , VclU. JlMin I'aiiinm st. . K : : ! _ Xl < TKI-\Vlll ) i > iiy liluliostcash nrlen for household goods. ! I19 i-n , iiltli at. 7C3-l'tt7 * \\rANTnil-At once ; merchandise ; all TV Ulnilsj snot cn li : must Know at onoc. I. T. Isewoll 4. Co. , 111 ! ) Iloujlas , Otimlia. Jl MISCEULANbOUS. Forrattt , ctc.scc top of first whiniaonllifs page. xrASSAGl'treutnteiit.ulectm-tlierinullmtlis. . 'IsiNtln nnd hntr t rratniont. nuinlcuro niul ihlronoulst. Mrs.l'ost.'JIUH S.15thWltlinell blk. 857 " \\/ANTKn-Ijocatlon for bnrbor shonMmr- ' ler is stuudy nnd without bad linblls. I ) lRht 1'ulmor , Oary , S. Dale. 000 17 * T\nRI ) ? , niortsaKCs. contracts nnd nil legal -L/liistrujiicnts carefully executed , A. 1C. lilloy. ntturnoy and notary public , room 11 , "toullnciitiil block. 80RM MONEY TO LOAN. J-'orralw , etc. , ecctop of first column utitlits jiage. "TirOMlY" tolonii by"-R ' Masters on chattoi -I'l andcolliitoriilsucurltltiafor any tlrnofioin 1 to 7 mouths , In any u mount to suit bor rower. Loans mndo on hoiirchold goods , plnno ? , or- Rnut , liors s , mnlos. houses , leases , warehouse ri'Celit ' , etc..nt tlie lowest possible rntea wltli- oiit publicity or removal of nrojiorty. My lo.uis nro saarrnnicd that you can nmko njiayinont of any iirnoinit tiny tliuo audiu- diicoboth principal nnd interest , If you owe . . Imlnnco on your property or Imvo n loan jou vrnntclinn0l.l . | ! ( IHpiy : Holf nml carry It for yon. 1C you find It morocon- venlont , call up teli'iiliono No. 16121 unU your business will bo nrrnnod ntbnnio. Money always on Jiiuul. No delay. No pub licity , Lowest rates. H. V Masters , KoonU , Wlllmell blk.inthand Hurnuy sts. inortracro loans ; money ready. Alex Moore , aoiislieely l > Ioclc , 48018 * nrOJJF.V tolon.lion real Cbtatolowest ; rite < * . I > 1 O. J. Uiisnell.810 N. V. Life. aa-Mli LOANS of JI.IWO to ! " ) ,000 wanted on choice- Improved city jiroiiorty. J.ow rates. No delay. Contra ! Luan & Trust Co.,12051'armm. , tin 20 /"III ATTEMinnk , 310 S. Ifith st. . lonns money on t'liattclsofeollatternliitTcusonablorutoq NK ) "Tj1IISr& RteondinortsiiRps on vacant ft lin- -L proved city proj ) . County warmntshnncbt. Monoyon hand , I' , M. Itlchnrdson,818 , K. Y.LIfo.Mil Mil TUTM > IN01ouin. 0 to 7 per cent : no nddl- Otlonal ( linrscsforrotainlislonor utton y's W. II. Molklc , First National baitlc bide. Mil "TJKAL Estate'Loans ' Cash on liurul. fllobo JlllA > nn nnd Trust Cn.07 S.lOtlist. No delny , no extra cliurscs. Houses to rent ; good list.BGl BGl CE. & O. M. Anthony. U18N. Y. Life bnlld- > ing , lend money on f arms in ohulco coun ties in Nolirnslfn nml Iowa , nlso on coed Oniahn ri'sldcnce property ! lowest rntes ; liost terms ; no doluys money ready , Titles and values paused onliurc. 05 MOMIIV to lonn on Imjjroved city property ut current rules : fun a arm liiuul ; noduluy. Oco. lMllii9t& Uo.aOiUunigo bldg. HH07 JONEY \ to loan on Improved Oinuliu crty. II. U. Ircy.feli , N. Y. Life. MONEY to Lonn Short tlmo papur bought. Itrciinnn & Co. . 02X. ! Y. Life. Tll-l-'ai PUIVvVTB money to loan. J. D. Kittle. Dlt N. y. Lifu aum IOKKY loaned on furniture , IIOMOS. ute. Lnuwkeyolnv.ColDouglasulk,1 ' BUblNESS CHANCES. Forrattectc.scctopof Jlnl coliininon/i(8 ( / ( page. TDAKTNEH Wanted A live man ivtth8I.UOli.00 Jto Invi'st In a permanent und o\clii lvc business wlllbo ottered tliocluinou of a life time. Iliislnt'ss ustuhllslied nnd lu mil1 cess nMiircd ; worthy of In\cstlgatlon , Addrpsi I ) llllee. MC 118 - " \\rANTEIJ-A innn to tnUeiinnlllconnd rop- * < recent a iniiniifnctiirer. J.W per \MOC ! ; small I'lipltul reonlred. Address , with tstnmp. JMimufacturcr , box 70 , 'NVcst Auton , MuKs. MOW 18 * . J-success usiured : small capital required ; pootl reasons for eolllnir ; oiler limited. Ad- cliess I)4. ' > Hco. MC071H * 1H1OU 6A.lV.-Malf Interest In blaeksnilth und - 1ivucon slioji. AddrobslMC , lleo. Mi04 ( 10 * G OO1) ) nil lllncry stock forsato clioap orpart exchange. J.Q , Cortelyou , 45 Chamber of Commerce. M4U5 1WH SAl K-Hllllurd and pool room , consist ingof ibllihird. 1 combination nnd - pool tallies , 1 ton-nil ) alloy , lamps , counters , tlx- turps , cto. . with or without clionptoaM ) : popu- Intlou 1,000 ; no coiiipetllloiumiist bofold ; poor ln'ultli , Address S. Jl. Stoulfcr , Cooq Uuplds. Iowa. T7IOR SAIjK-An oHico practice worth JI.OOO J. a year ; can bu doubled If city prautlco U I iikcn up ; price JItOO , cnsli , or will excbaiiRU for eastern Nebraska land f roe from nil on- cumbrance. Address I'.O. Ho04 , 14ncolnNcb. _ 4H18 TT.OK . SAI.Eor Trado-TJioTokainalicroam- J-ery , In Ilr t-clns3 oidor.VIII oxchunxu for Innd orclty property. A rare cliunco for ono wintlnL'a RXd ) creinnery. ( 'nil on or address II , M. llouowell , Tekuniah , Nob. 457a * "TVOOTOlt-Tho bi'Bt opnulii ! ? for a good doc- - 1tor in Nob. Ailress II. A. Kufim , linvciiiiix. Noli. iiO.-il5 * HOTEL for SS.ilc Ho you want to pet Into a Rood bmliipis ? If you do , buy the Commer cial ut llroltcn How , Neb. 6433 TTiOH 8A1K-Tailor business , 1'runk Sorhor. J-1 David Ulty. Neb. 7U8 t"J5 * T7IOU 8ALlIor Kent The Tckiiinuhounnlnir -L fnetnry. In coniplulo running nrilor : vlll 1)0 ) aolilclioiip , orto tlio right ) itlo will bo lontud on fuvoruhle lorina. full on nr acl- drcss 1'lrst Kutlonul HUIIK , Xoliaiiiiih , Nub , SALOON The licst 0rnlng ] In Nebrnskn. Address 11 , A. Kuf us , Itaveunu , Neb . H , K. agent. 7iy i'ij * * I7IOUSAl < r Knriilturo anil lease of 40-room -L' hotel in tlnu looutlou : nn nveraBaluislnoas offx > adnv , Uood cliuneo. Host ivaeom for folllngv B. Cooper , Slorrlam tlock , Counull Illutls. la. (1510 i'l'J " CLAIRVOYANT l'arrateietc.icc top of fret coturnn on this ptige. r1 | ( > know your future , KO to Jlrs. Stover.4W1 J.N. 16th Htreet , 8(1 lloor. 401 IS * TVfKS. WAMjACi : . clairvoyant ; naturally JUpitted ; tells past nnd futurc.lovo troubles , uhsunt frlundd. clianst'S , travel. busliu < ss. I ns I'Rrnumst. - _ "ll IW. KOUT , palmldt fortune teller In the -I'ltJypiy. nay from the llni-sof the bind : fee , tl ; ladles only. 8 N. Kth st. 4M L't * M ASi-AGK-Mmlaui Pelzler. over BIOS. Utli. MIUI-MU * _ MRS.NnnnloV. Warren , clairvnynnt , tr.inco speaking , writing and rollublo business medium , four yearn In Oinalui. 119 N , 10th , U PAWNBROKERS. , M top of first column on ( M * page. TTUtEI ) Molilo loans money on dlunionda und * - watchesjewoiry , oto , H o cor.rarnam & lltb 74. FOR EXCHANGE , Furratct , ttc , , ttc top of / rifolionii on tM page. EXnUANOE-Top bugfry fof rcsh7owT"i 4 l > OUHla block. Mliil 80 * _ BXtJltANOi : A trco Dlnlm In Nobrnskn for stock or clear lots. Address 1 > St > , Hec. MKW 51 * _ K THAPK-nivldend paying Blocks for residence lots. O. II. K. * T. Co. , 4 lleo \7ANTEU-Totriulo for a slock . _ . . , . to WK Imvo rental property worth $12 , X ) brlnulnfflltwii month , cloixr of Inennib- rnncc. for which vro trill tnkn linlf caili nnd tmUiiu-oln trade. Stringer & Penny , lltirkor block. _ _ au 120 acres flno fnnn Innd adjoining good Ne braska town ! nearly clour. liyinciM tlnoly improved Innd 2)1 ) mltos from county heat In Nebraska IlRlaly encumbered. Onercsgonil Innil InNebrnskn , Kmllusfrom county FcaU'.MiOO Inhabitant * . Jlnuso and lot In town In Kimsns ; clear , Clear lot In itood Xebtask'i tuwn. 4-rootn homo and lot. barn , well and cistern. lOthstrei't , Uiimba ! slluhtly encumbered ; wilt triulo forOmalia property nnd ii < iiinnciicuin- branccs. II. K. Colo. ContliiBiital block. 103 T710U KXOHANOK Clear hind nmlf 1.000 for JC uidso.t want about * 5,000 stock. HOT WO. Shenn ndoah , la. _ iHll-l" ; WRiuivo linpruvpd anil unliniirovodUmalia real estate inrtrmle , or will sell for cnsli nt just nliout half Its vMuo. Some nlcoliouson , good vucentlott. and Koine ( if tlio best down town property. Stringer & I'cnny , barker blk. IWIIJi Irndo n good clour lot In Armour 1'iiicc' , i-outh Oinulia , and tukcRooddrlrlni ; liorso and bUKRy us part payment. Address. n irr , life. . TSJ BUSINESS property on 12th st , nonr Tar- nnni , for rtsldcnue. 2 clear lots ( corner ) la Orchard Hill forhouso and lot. 40x120 , fuunders st. , south of Lake Clear , for residence Some other seed property for exolninso , .T. ) . Zlttlo , N. V. Life. KW niGAHS forpluuo. AdUiuss 1HJ. lleo. 407K13 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. fur rattt , ttc. , tee top o/JIrsl foliiinti on IM * , K. UIM'IV. notary public , room 11 , tlon- litlneiitul b I ock Mil HIS CJNAI'-IXKISO south front with eood 4 loom 3cottiKe. J1.200. Hntclilnsoii & Wend. &W-10 OAHOAINS 6-ronni cottaso nnd lot. oily Lf water , sewer nnd barn , centrally located , 2,7s ) . Turms easy. Lnrgori-room eotta Ci nicely flnlshcd and , voll located. $ . ' ,000. Hem tli front lot on paved street near motor , . ' 000. Some nice loti la west and northpartof city , J5JO and upwards. J , J ) . Kittle , 911 , N. V. Mfo. 5-ROOM house , lot : KlxS2 , $1,700 ; alsoO-room house , lot ; il > ixK ! , t. * . cor. lltb and Vinton stJ , 00. lirlok limmo lot 41x60. n. e. cor. lOtli undDouglas , UO , OU. Mrs. Kuldmnn , 2121 S.llth 87'J fid CLIl-'TON III/.l/ . fl-room liouso and full corner lot , very clioap for cash , or will trade for farm or Oma ha lots. Addiesstho owner at 4.'nd and Cnss sts. . U 0. Merrill. 1S7 T710H SAljK Oooil now S-room house , city JL ! water , Rood sodded BO-foot y.i'kd ' , close to motor. 'J miles \V..froin . I' . 0 , $1.0)1) ) ) cash and Jl)00j : years at 8 per cent. Ilonso and lot cost over W.OOO. Stringer & Penny , ItarKor block , room 4S. .1)1 ) SPECIAL , Jlarfinln Hurso lot , C3xt65 ft , , 4 blocks from J owe : i\li.'uml CuinlnR St. . lays splendid ; cheat ) for Vnsh. or will trade for farm. Address 10. U. Alcmll , 42nd and ( Jass sts. 1 j ' IS" HIGH SALK-Choap.-.illio resldonco at 2. > 10 IIMorco street , at aliArjaln for a few dnys only. Inqtilroat tlio jVeli Steam laundry. lOtband Howard stn-ots. .M518 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Porrnf < "iff. , tee tap of'/tnt rolumn on tlits pane. BKI'OItE bnyinua phino exninlno the new sculu Kimball iilatlo.'A. ' llospc,1314 Douglas. PUPILS Wanted to tal lessons In Gorman. llovs prepared for uollcEu. Addicss I ) Si , licooillci' . 5b8 1U * GKO. P. Ocllcnbcck. > 'toaclior ' ot the banjo wltli Hospo , IM'I DoiiKlas. _ ! p > 0ll s\IE-Cho p. 'v.ipc-arly uow'lfall , ; tt , ] ) iivt & Oo , uprlcln nlavo ln > .flr condlUoii. luqulre at wlG-Lmuelas st , ; ) ROF. Charles 1'ctors n.plnno , violin , xlthor , JL &gultarlnslructlouStudlar > 95 Bhculv hlk. HA.Y1' a few new pianos forsalo awfully cucap , as 1 huvo coucoiit of the piano buif- S. Jonaton , 1'arnain nnd lltb st. t DRESSMAKING. Forratesetc.tcetoiiofflfit , column on thin i > ayc. MHS. It , O. J1OSKS , tlio Furriuni street lri" - nuilier. No.r )8. ) r.711115 MIgS llrady.Krcncli diossniaklns sj-stcin , K. 1114 , thecly lilU.sollolts patron.iK'o of tliu In- dIosprlccsicisonablobatlsfnctIon , : uuMiitcc(1 ( "VX/OUTII'S tailor uybtuin tuuclit 012 S Ifitli. VV - 5MK2a MASbAGE , BATHS hTC. ! < \ > r rntcsetc.scctapofjlnt column on this page. MASSAGE hath nt Miuluino Bmlth's parlors , ! lil lloor , 705 S. loth st , tr. 2 13 , MASSAGE-Mudun- . over 010H. nth. M1G1-MU MEDICAL. Forratet.ctc. , f topnffrst column on l/i ( paje. J-'toloplionoOlS. Tiihrreulnr ilisensestrented tiiulor the now ulloputhlu byropathlo syHluni. IJpsiiltb excellent. 098-21t TTllNEST electric and electro tliormnl hnth - * - room , InoluilliiR Turkish cnlilnet baths. Lndlcsftu 1 daily & Ticsdny& | KrUliiyov'inits U to 10. Dr. Illcharils.ruoms aia & XVDeo bld'u. 611 HAIK GOODS WIGS , tTC. Fornita.clc. , tcctop of first column nn this page. T > KST line hair goods lu west ; hair dressing. JJwIns. awltohos , ban48 , Imlr clinlns , etc. , a Hpocliilty , D.ivlos , lialr toads nnd milliner , opposite postolllco , 111 ti. 15th st , Oinnliu. 811 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Forratcsctc.seetopofjliit column on Uiij * page. CALL or writes for catalogues nnd Invcstl- eutu the merits of tlio Smith 1'roinler typu- v/rltor. Munlfostly Hiiperlor foaturos. Ini- portnnt chnnKt-s iiiude. TyiOrlters sold , nxchaiiRoor lentcil. JOOJH lariium St. , C H. Muyliow , innimKcr. 6T3 TllfcJ UKAljT NSTRUMENTS placed on record , , Tcbruary 17 , 1691. DKKD3. II nns C Aiuloison tcl AutoiiSorcnwn , lot a.blklXOichur < lllljP. . 8(0 ( A 0 Urcihnsniiil vvlfu'to'J JIAhreiis , lot T. Elsclo's subdlv , , fl . 700 J T Hopkins toll 0 OldJk lot 31 , hlk U , Orclinril Mill . . . , , , . 1,000 J 1C 1 1 mill I ton niul wirI ( ) li T Kcclus.lot 2 , blk2. 1'liddoekl'lilito ; . 10,000 Anna Kubn to ( jruco Jtuylcy.o : C feet of w lit f cot of lot s 1 nudtf , blk 8 , Ilnnscom I'luuo . f. ' , . . . . 1400 O A McRonnoll and.1 lldsljunil to Jlil- ford ThllKill. uwllvMi' oil f < ! otof s W ) lent , lot a. nlk 14 , hliiiiu's mid . 1,600 Kieclorlrlv McDcui' KiiKono Mlllor , lots 7 uud , hlk I , ivies' udd to nik- liorn . no . co Thomas U McMnlr toMWrspj McDnnlel , Iotl4. hlk 111 , South O ttlihii . 6CO A 1' Kust to Union tru t conipaiiy , lots Hand 19 , Kollck UrIW/ / . . . . . . . . 3,000 Wilson lleynolds untVUvlfo to William Powers , n Y sw Mfl-'IBtexSii ' ) . 000 Guoreo Siton to Wllitdllilioyiiolili , n } i 4- lU-10 ( ox L'n ) . WX . t Anton Sorunson nndWlfu to linns U. Anderson , lot 7 , blkWynlun I'lnco . COO Gurlno WIlRund wlfo MI .liunos Dnnx- lass. N UU taut lot ? > fl , block C , K V bmltli'H . 2,130 G ( < Wiillucn and wlfo to Anron Yoder , lotlS , blk a , Clifton Mill . . 1,000 QUIT CLAIM 1IKCDS. F M Hnlclit to irnfon 1'uolflo railway company , loto , blk4.1014. . blkui , lot 9. hlk XII , Iot3. blk-aaO-Oinuha . 1 J M 1'ortcr nud hu&lmnd to IIU lloto , lot 7 , hlk 115 , Omaha . i Hen n Wood and wlfo to Ida 0 llclln , lot a , blkOMyeis. UfcT's udd . ! . . , . i Total a > nount of transfers . $ . ' 1,0. 1 rrYPEWRITERS AN EASY WAY OUT Of your difficulties , if you arc n sufferer from contagious blood poison , or any of the results of an unscientific treatment of that dis ease , such as follow mercurial and potash poisoning is to take Swift's Specific japggsaa.i . i You will not only find relief , but n perma * n c n t kfb iranVoE curc > In thousands of cases that have stubbornly - bornly i - r * " * * ' resisted all other treatment , [ Ei'SgSJ ' ha 3 been found effectual. This great remedy not laEffia ! oniy makes short work of blood poisoning , but drives out all traces of mercurial or potash poisoning. It is a purely vegetable remedy , compounded of nature's most active agents , and it has been known as a Specific for blood poisoning for fifty years. But the easiest way out of suph difficulties is to promptly begin the use of Mr. George Stewart , of Shelby , Ohio , writes : "As soon as I discovered I was afflicted with the disease I commenced taking and in a few weeks I was permanently cured. " Trcntlno on IIlooil nnd Skin Dlnrnxeit Mnllrd Free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ca. OMAHA , NEB. KOTornl months locution nnd prnctlooln Oinnhn , Jr. ) DlllliiKH lias carneilnn enviable rcpntii- tlon ninonc tholivinilrcil.i of cltlrcns nlio npilluilto 111m itlmoit OK BInstroxortand ( oundln lihskllldil ralnhtrnttoni tlio full rcnlliation of liopo 10112 de ferred. lloH pcrmnncntly locntoil nnd hru tlio bc t np- rolnled nnd mo't conriMilcntljr located lilijslelnn'a o'llce ontl rccciitlon rooms In Omulin. Tlio flckwlll Und In lr pllllnn n true physician ciiilnvynipiitlictlo friend mill nilrUcr. Tor tlio treatment of tlio fullonlns nimcil ilHo.TO' lr lilllliiKi iiai proicn Iilmsclf posscj.iodof most nuaiKi tktll. I -Ml iilntioi nr throat nna noio. nrrli liiiororblio ] | Ilio hloodnnil ncrvon , p drblHlrilfatrnnd denlli IIVSl'KI'SlA-Anil nil lholia | < o < of Imllreittco ( Tor trouble , liuporfeot n s ImllnllDn nna nutrltlua. KIDNHV DISIASIS : Are nioU doealTlnz tniilln- flilnou Hyraptonnlinnltn rccn/nlro lirtho patient ollvn lead to fatnl brlKliti ill'ciKii or illabctoi. "ISKtSKS OK TUB I1I.O01) lllood pot.ionl us vcrufulo , t ril | > ( ! liu , nml dlnua oa iiiuatlonud hero- nflcr. Al.Ij BICtN IlISKASKS-Krrcma. lt rlieum. Vnrl- oln. nlocrs tnliiircloi , nerofuln , lupin , tnudilr coli ) r ofllin nkln , iilmplni , nnd ( ll.iMioi of tlio cc.'iliiixro cured by Dr. NKllVOtJS llHiA3is-r.o ) : j ofgor \ , lost nun. lioocl , ilel'Mlly , proilrntlon , ilospondonrjr , eruption un the fiioc. lo i nf iin > mnrr. ilronil uC futuio , oto. A now trrntnient Hint NI1VKII KAILS. HIIKHMATISM AN'I ) NKII11AI/I1.V Ar if cured l > jr Dr. Hilling * when nil Mian Imvo fnlleJ FHMAI.K WIUKXisqis : : Inrih , IrrnUoni nti < l unnatural niollioil * niuallr orailoirocl ; nrii ro * ! > l > onilblo for fullf thrcc-rourthH of the nufTcrliin now end u red liy woinoii. Invuitleatu Iliu now , liomotroatDicnt of Dr. Dlllliim i'ii. > : .s-AI.IJ uix-TAij TitutniTiKS nips , n - tnln , nbtico nes , Htrlrtuie , nnd nit illsi'a pi of rectum uirei ! irllhunt the knlfo , cnutcrr or mi haur'a Uclny from ork orliiMlnonD. ALL , IlKADACIIIiS nro quickly enroll. VKNKHnAli niSKASKJ Ilccontor lonir stnmlln * cjlilillls , Koiiorrliii-n , strlduro nnd nil ronltliiKnr- frctluns nruciirtHl punnnnciillir ana furcrcr without mijr mercury or nilniTal 1 runt incut. I MOlll'IIlNll lIAUIT-Qulcliljr , posltlvolr nna I jmlnlculr cured. t TAl'H WORM T ko.i with liead corafiloltf tnono liour wllli ono tuiupoonful o5 iilcnsant mcillclnu. No fnstlng OTIIKR niSKAHKS-Snch ni old inroi , mnllennnt ulcers , tumor * , cancon , lipnrt trouhlps , nMImm , cpllops ) , St , VIliiBclancc. mllklcR , chronlo constipa tion nnd chronic iHnrrhuin pro cured. THK COMI'l.KXIONTho' most iinjliihtly nnd miuldy complv&lon ( illicitly f rcshoncd unit bonutt Mod tOllOKKHNSIVK IllllJATII A pornmnoiit cnro LOW HKKSI MUCK CONSULTATION ! 1IOU1IS : 5 : ! On. in. to 5 p. ill. K > cnllu-s , T to 8:33 : Eunilnj. ' , 2 to 4p in. Patients Trotted By Corre poudones. Medicine Sent Everywhere , 322 South Fifteenth St. GROUND FLOOR. NO STAIRS. Dr. Dilllngs prepares and dispenses his own medicines , which nre largely salectoil from nature's healing plants , barlu , roots , , inus.ahrubs , etc. NJ mlnaral or drajs given NO GXJRJEX ! NO PA.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen ycnrs cxporlonno. A rojralnrirriuliitto In medicine. n9cllinoni ihow In itlll troitlnt wit IhoBrcnto-t success , nil Korroiu. Clhronlu and rrlvnto Dlionot Apermanont euro gunranlood fur O.dnrna ( jpennntorrli-j-n , Lost Manhood. MimlnnlWoaknoiis , NUlithosjoi , IniDotcncy , byplilIU btrkliira. imtl ulldli- cnioJOf tbo Jllood. Sltln nnd Urinary Organs. N.ll. 1 KUarantcu f.iOO for every canu I undortilco nna lull to euro. Consultation Iroo. llook ( Mystcrloi o I.lfo ) aoot froo. Olllcohourj On. m. to a p. in. Bundayi U a. tn , to 12m. RRILWRY TIME CARD LO&TCS 1C1UCAUO. 1IUHI.INGTON &Q.I Arrlv ei Umnhn. I Depot lUtli and Mnson streets. I Oroftha.ei 4.iU ) p m .Chicago ICipreis. 8TJ ( a m B.W a in .ChlCAKO Kli'ren. 60 p m ' .1.10 p m .Chicago Kxpress. 10 W n m 1'i.M p m . . . .Iowa lxcnl. . . . 1HW m I emoa IHimLWtJTON A MO. UIVKll. Arrlvos Omaha. l > er > ot lUtb and Ma Qn itroeLs. Omnha 10.25 a m .Dcnvor IJor Express. . . 4 o : . p ni 10.25 a in . . . .Denver Kxpress ill& | i 111 7.10 p m .tlcnvcr Nlnlit Kiprea. . . P85 n m 8.00 p in . . . .Lincoln Llinltpd 1180 nra 8.15 a m Lincoln Loral I > 00 o m I.C1TOJ K. e.SlVJ A.ll. ! I Arrives Oinulia * Depot lothanl Mftaonitrects. I Omaha. l'.80 n ml . . .KnnimOlty Day Kxprms . . I CIO t ) ra B.f5 p milt. C. NlKlitlixp. via U. 1' . Trnnt. MS H m J.C-ITOI I UNION I'ACIKIC. I Arrive ) Omahn. I Depot lUlh mid Marcy street ! . I Oinnhii. 5 07 "a m" KntisasCltx Express. , I3or > nm O.M u m , Denver Kxprcss. 3 . ' > S p m 2..SO p ni Ovorlnniiriycr. H05 p m 7.30 p m 1'aclHo leprous. . 11.15 H in , , 'lt. iTT ; I Arrlvos Omaha. 1U , I' , dopot. 10th nml Mnrcy bts. 1 Omuha o.lo p m Nliilit Kipri'fi ! . . . 1005 nm 'J.Ui a m Atlantic Kxpress. . C TO p Mi 4 SO p m | . . . . . . . . Vestibule i.iiiiiicu. . . . . . . . i 10 11 H m "Txs.itos | SIOUX CITVIfT'SClPliJ I Arrlvos" Oniahn. | U. 1 * . depot , loth nncl Slarcy Bla. I Uiimbl 7.16 a ml Sioux Cttr I'linionecr I .3U p | , . . . . . . . . . l'.ml Kiprcij. . . 11010 n m i - . i SIOOX'OITyVT'ACIFIdl ' TATrlvo ! , Depot 15Hi and WiltiMcr Sti. I Oaialut. 11.1.0 p m | . , . Ht. I'nul l.lmltol . I I'iS ' a in IXISTOS | RUlCA(3OiNOUTUSVKSTKUN | Arrlvos Omaha. | U. I * . < lo | > ot , ll'th ' and Maroy BU. | Omaha. 9.15 a m . Chicago Kipr < i . ( I..ll p in 4.30 p m . Vcjtlhnlo Mmltml . I'.H ) n m fi.15 p tn loiraAccoinmodiitlon ( die. Sun. ) IM p m U.10 p m . Kutcrn Kly or . 3.45 p in ll.4tn m ( exc.Sunriiit Knit llx ( oxn Mon ) I.W n m "l.eiives ICIIICACO , SITlj. * St. 1'AUL.I Arrivns" Oianlia. | U. 1 * . depot , IQIIi and .Mnrcy Mvl Om'xliii. ' 1.10 p ml. , Chlcnco" ] ftprci I 9lr > a m 1.S3 a ml Chlcngo ) Mxprosi I CIA P m lyjvui j B.MAUA A hi. t.OUlB. I Arrives" Oliinha. | 0. r. Jcpol. ICth nnd Mnrcy Bt * . | Onufliu. 1 UP p ml BL I. < iul Cannon Pali..112,30 pro lAjSTes I r. , M. AMOTVALI.nv. Arrives Uniahn. I nnpot IStli and Welnter Bta. Onmlia U Ul a m . . .lilnclc Hills Uxprosi ti.2,1 p in .i.OO a m . .llastlnes Kvp. ( ix. hundny ) . , 6 'JO p in fi.10 p m \ViilioOiLlntoln I' ( PI Sund'jr ) 11. U u ra & .1D p m . Norfollijnx. Hundajr * . 11.35 a m Leaves C. , ST. P. , 11. A 0. "ATrTvui Omaha. Depot IMh and Woluler Bts. Omaha 8.10 a in . . .Slour Oltr Accommoilatlon , . . W p m l.U ) p m Sioux L'lty KiprcJJ ( ex Bunilny ) 1140 p m O.CO p m . bt. rnul i/lmltril . 9.5 a in & .15 p in llnnooft I'aiiongor ( ex. Sunday ) P 45 11 m Ixinviia MlBPOIIIir 1'ACIKIU. Arrives Oirahn Depot ISth und Webster Sti. Ouinha 10MJa : ir-.8t. | I.onlj.t 1C. C. Kzprots , , D III p m V.1S p m.Ht. | l.iiula < ; K. a Kipre < i OKU a ra Inures I C1HOAOO , R. I. & 1'AClKia I Arrive ) Traniforl Union Depot , Council lllufH. | Tmnsfor NlKbt Hipresj OWum Atlnntla Kipron t.K > o m f.O ) TO Venllbiilo l.lmltpil 11030 ntn l * Tns JClllCAIiOJlNOUTHWKSTEllN. Arrive ) Trnniferl Union Dnpnt. Council Ilium. Trii infer ' . ! . a m . , . ( ; hlcK o Kipron COU im ft.ODp ra . .Vmtlbulo Limited li : < U n in 10 On p m . . . .Knjtorn Kl > or 5UU p m 1.80 p 111 . .TAtbntloMnll. I m u m' f > .80 p in Iowa Aeeommo'latlon ( Kxo Bun ) . Rin 'XTHVin Tniniferl Union Dnpnl , Council llluilj. rnn f'r n.0 P ml. , 'riilc.iRO 1'xprcii ( Tl5 n m MM p nil Chlcts'O K pro i _ 5 Si p m TnTei' KTC7Ti51r. JffirSTTB : "TTTfrTvni Trnnsfcrl Union Ihipot. Council Ilium. ITrnnnfi-r 10.U7 a m.Knn9jiBiity | : lnjr ) Biprots. . . til p in JO 85 p in.Knnm | C'lly Nliilit liiptim. , ( : ( > li m . . . . . . , fnAiTA * ST7XO'ni5r TArrlvti Trmitferl Union Oepot , Council Ilium. | Tran fpr 4 41) ) p . . . . . . . . l/uli Cumin Hall TXMTCMI IClIlCAliO , UlT/i77N / A UtTlKCv.'Arrfv | i rrnnitorl Union Dtpol. Council Ilium. Transfer U.4U a m Chlrnvo Kipren I kll ) p in 10.00 p m , Chicago Hipreu I 940 n m -LS J > , . . , .i-'rt'gton | J CH ! . . , . . . . . Ml VO i w JAMD6B I oiuu. L'ii i a i iuirtu i Ainv" . Tmniterl Union Ucpot. Cuuncll Hlutli. [ Tfanatur T.l1) a ni'.BIuux Cltr ArcommortaTlon..j 910 iim 11.0) p ml..j St. I'auI llrprori 11000 p m t'hlrb .t < T > , Kn llih nitmonit liicnd , > ENNYROYAL PILLS Orftftnal mnA Onlj Genulnn. * * rc. l ari relUbU , LADIIK wt Druirln tr CAMotfrAmUU i > Mj ifnanJ JlraHj In lied & - < 1 ( uM mtUllUX iboics. fled with tloa rlbhoo. TnliC Bw.R USSptTAIN . A.nUPTURC orcltorellef llku'MJr. J'lcrco'n ' Mncnclio KUnllo Triui. " ' Itluuramlttiouianrlsl If joii wnnttlitt IUJhT.Bciiil'lolnBUuiiiB < ortrfer iiiilil | l > ( ) . I. Magucllc lilojtlo Triui Co. , 8tu I'r ucl co , Col DOES YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCK INTEREST YOU ? It so , rcutl this. will entirely remove all moth and liver spots , will vrhltei your sUtnwill prevent Sunburn anil Tnn.will permanently restore tlio youth ful softness to your skin and keep it in per fect condition in any climate. Prlco Sl.CC , postpaid. FLESH WORM PASTE Skin lidliipiniul riinplo Hcuiorer. To those men and women who have an Unsightly , Reil , Uoarso , Rough , Wrinkled. Dry , Dlscolorad , Pimpled i"ace-wlth Dis tended Fores filled with Black Heads ( fleah worms ) , vsj Flesh "Worm Paste , -which , with each and every upiillcation improve the ap pearance of your skin , und within n .few weeks you will have a pure , claar and bril liant complexion. Prlco $1.50 postpaid. OUR GOODS ARE ABSOLUTELY PURE For ( .ale by Lrsllo & Leslie. IBtluuiil Doclco strocta. Ktilin fc I'o. . corner llith uiul Douslns ant : North .Mill nnd Holt Uno. Fhmmin , t AlcConnull , 1S11 Dodge street. AMiolosnlo Aaonts-Hlcliiirdson Drug Oo , , 1COT nml 1011.Tones streot. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. LONDON TOILET BAZAR CO. , 38 rind 40 Wcbt S3d Street , Wholesale iinicc No. 20 Kust 17th Street. New \4irk. Valuable book mulled fioo uuon LieMg Boinpamj's ' EUTBACT OF BEEF , " In Darkest Africa. " By Henry M. Stanley. "Tho L\o- \ WfiT Compa ny's Evtraot was of the choicest. " Page 80 , Vol. | | "Lioblp nnd incut boupa had to bo pro pared in s u Hi o i o n I quantities to Eorvooutcup fulf to onch wcnkcnod mnn na lie sing ( jerod in. " Page 80 , Vol 1. ' Ono Mudi managed to crnwl ncn tont. * * * Ho my wns at once berne to a 'flro nnd laid wltli In a few Inches of it , nnd with the addition of n pint of hot broth mudo from the Liulng Company's Extract of Mint , wo rcstor cd hiinto his senses. " Vol. 11 , Page 68. _ TA UfFARlBCMDnrertnB ) ( trom I IB WrAK lvlrlut' ' > i'T"cl ° I U Of fcHfiIVlkBl youthful crmn earlrdpcnr , wa tln TTDiknfia , lout mautuxxl , cin. I vim c udAT&lualilo trcRtlio ( iu l ) voaUilnlti full particular * for liomo cure , I'll" 1' "f chorda A iplonilia tnullcal work t ilinuld bo read lu trcrj man ivlio In nfrvoiu nml drlilllUfd , Ailrtrun Z'rof. 1' , C. I'OWLKlt , Kloodui , Couu TRAVELS BY LAND AND SEA , A Tour of luropo with Oabiu Passage , Hall way Fares , Hotel Expenses , Guides , Etc. Prepaid and Guaranteed. SIX PLEASURE EXCURSIONS IN AMERICA. Tlio lloo's Mntolilo * * OfTcr to So' llcltors for HtilMorlbcrs to Its Sunday anil M'cutely KrtltloiiB. Arrangements Imvo boon oftocUxl by the publishers of TUB Unii which cimblo us to ninko n novel and nttractlvo offer to parties who nro disposed to tlovoto their tlmo nml energy - orgy to ward procuring now subscriber * for TIIKOMUH.VRKU.Y \ ] } nn or TUB Stwnv Bn : bot\voou this ditto ntul the 10th day o ( .Ttino next. , This offer will bo open only to partloi nollo- itlng subscribers lu Nebraska , Iowa , South Dakota nml Kansas. A careful record will bo liopt of nil sub scriptions forwarded , and the awards will bo made without partiality. Tlio iCiirojionit Tour. To the person that will sccuro the largest number of cnsli subscribers for Tin : OMAHA. AVmti.v Bun or Tin : SUNDAYI3ui ! bofora Juno 10,1SH1 , will bo given ntisi : or COST A HOUND Tltll1 nUHOPf.A.V TOUIl TICKKT , Tills ticket will include first-class passage from Now York to Europe nnd return. This Includes also nil traveling , hotel uiul sight-seeing expenses. The trip will bo inatlo vllU nn excursion party gotten up by Mrs. vl. D. Frailer of Boston , nnd will bo In charge of competent guides. Tlio trav eler lins no cares wlmtovor. Thor r covers nil the principal coun- rlos or Kuropo England , ( Jormauy , Swltzcrlnnd , Franco , Belgium , Italy nnd noir piincipal cities , Including London , ? uris , Brussels , Uorlln , Komo , Florence , Venice , Milan , Genoa , etc. SKViXTV-Tiutin : : HATS OF sioiiT-SKnixo. The party starts from Now York July 1 nml returns to that city liy September H. Taken by any Individual alone , this Eu ropean tour would involve an outlay of at least $700. American niul Canadian Tours. For the second largest list of subscrlbors wo offer a free ticket from Oinnha to bmi Prnucisco nnd LO < J Angolas and return. Magnificent mountain scenery , tlio beautiful joldcn Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits und [ lowers. ' 'Who 1ms not seen California will lotdiobnppy. " Travel is uu educator , nnd to properly appreciate the vastuoss of our reat country ono must see Its boat features. For the tlilrd largest list of nuliiuiliters to ( bo WBKKI.Y or SUNDAY UKIJ wo offer a ticket from Omaha to Quebec and return. Wlint could bo grander than a trip down the bcnutl ful St. Lawrence In inld-suiimer - : ? To con template the beauty of Thousand Isles Is de lightful. IIow much inoro delightful to visit them when with verdure clad. And all this pleasure for ob'pinlng sub scribers to the \VIIKI.V : : nnd SUNIUY Br.i : . For the fourth largest listof suL-seribcrs wo offer n frco ticket from Omaha to Now Yorlr , Philadelphia and Washington nnd return. There are no points on this continent of greater general Interest than those three cities. An American citizen has not com pleted his education until ho tins seen the sent of government. Tlio ucrsons and points of interest in Washington are innuinurabhi ntul to the intelligent observer u visit there Is full of interest. New York nnd Philadelphia as the commercial and financial centers of the country are always Interesting. AH thls-bight booing and traveling given nway for obtaining subscribers to the "Wr.nici.Y or SUNDAY Hi : . For the llfth largest list ol subscribers wo otTcr u free ticket from Omnha to Niagara Falls and return. Kvcr since your childish wonder AVOS aroused by the description In the old school reader of these wonderful falls you Imvo desired to sco them. Hero Is the opportunity. A most delightful excursion and ono without expense , given for securing subscribers to tbo Wnr.iu.Yor SuxiuYBuE. For the sixth largest list of subscribers offer a free ticket from Omaha to Salt Lake City and return. Tno famoiis Mormon olty is fast becoming n ( icntiln city , and will in timolosomuch of Interest. Now , this sum mer would bo n good tlmo to visit the boom ing city. Gnrlleld Bench is of corn-so in- cludcd'ln the trip. This summer resort on the lake is n delightful place to pass a few of the hot su tumor days. Why not sccuro a number of subscribers for the WKKKI.Y or SUNDAY BKP. and tnko the trln * For the sovcuth largest list of subscribers we offer a front icket to Denver and Maiutou and return. Whllo a shorter trip than any of the others it combines many pleasant fea tures. Dcnvor the queen city of the plains is always worth seeing whllo the health nnd Hummer"resorts ot Mnnitou are delightful in deed. , Health-giving , inspiring , restful unild sublime scenery what trip could ho more restful ? All this plcnsuro for securing subscribers to tbo SUNDAY or WEEKLY BKE" . ContlitlniiH. * Now what are the conditions upon which these tickets nro given away ? The securing of the largest list of subscribers to Tins WnhKi.T or SUSIHY Bros. No newspaper In the west is so well and favorably known and solicitors Imvo always found It nn easy mat- toi'to secure subscribers. TUB OKIS'H ' sub scription list has nlivuys kept nace wltli Its reputation and it desires to add now mimas to Its long list of friends. Being nt all times a people's paper it makes friends with all classes. * The subscription price of Tin : " \Vnini.v \ : Bui ! is fl.OO per year postpaid to any placn in this country or Canada , or $2.00 If seat to a foreign country. TIIK Suxim Bm : Is 2.00 per year , but Oniahn subscribers for Tim SUNDAY BKU will not be counted in this competition. Got up n list. Havoyotir friends subscribe for tbo paper. Sample copies forwarded free on request. , Persons desiring to compete fcr ono of those prizes will please say so when sending in their first orders. He tn it tan co In full must accompany every orJer. Two six months subscriptions or four tbroo months subscriptions will bo counted ns ono order. _ To restore , thicken , nnd give youn luxurl- ant growth of hair , to keep Its color natural ns in youth , nnd to remove dandruff , use only Hall's Hair Konowcr. GOT TIIKVKONG MAN. Connors' Jlurtlcrcr WIIH Not Caught at Springfield. When Sergeant Graves nnd Jailor Jicbout arrived on the 0:15 : train yesterday morning from Springfield , having In custody J. Wolfe , the supposed murderer of John Connorsit , transpired that JooDwyortlii ( real murderer , was still at largo. The suspect arrested nt Springfield nn- Bwcrod to Dwyer's description In a general way , but u wan evident nt oven a casual glance that ho was not the man. The arrested susnrct was a well-built man of about Dwyor's si/o , while Dwyer would at tract attention on account of the fact that his body is about 25 per cent longer than U usual hi n man of his Mm , imil ho is u very knoek-Kiiued Individual. The suspect spout Saturday night In jail hero as u loJgor mill learned of tbo munlor before his roloa&o Sunday morning. Ho was evidently not the right man nnd was released. Knlli led tit the Host. All nro entitled to the nast that their money will buy , so every family should hiive , at oiiee , a bottle of the host family rcinody , Syrup of Figs , to clcauso tbo system when costive or bilious. For sale In COo and f I bot- tlcsby all loading druggists. Don't Foul Vnurgoirt Notwithstanding ull rumors to tlio contrary , tlio Chicago , Mllwnukoo & St , Paul Hy'a now steam heated nnluco stooping curs , with ' 'electric lights la every berth , " Btlll loaves the Union depot - pot , Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. dully , arriv ing nt Chicago ut 9:30 : a , in. , in nninlo time to nmko all cuHtorn connections. Ticket olllco , 1601 Farnam st. J , E. I'KKSTON , F. A. NASH , C. PUBS. Agt Con , Agi.