Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Gossip About tlio PrcfeHslonnl AVIcUl-
erHortho AVIIImv.
Manager Sclco of Boston hasn't any use
( or Kltiff ICcl.
"Old Clear Sign" Mitt West baa drifted
out to Spokane ,
Manngor Wntklns proposes to take Ills St.
Paul team south In Mnrcli.
Tom flolan rcdlvlvus. The old man swears
ho will i > ! ay ngam this year.
'Ilio Minneapolis team promises to bo par
ttuulnrly strong next season.
They sny that Oiborn. recently signed by
Bt , Paul , Is 11 wonderful hitter.
John Harries of Spokane will rnannpo the
Bloux City team this year. That Is bad.
Minneapolis , 'tli ' saW , l to have tbo ser
vices of ritchcr Kcefo , late of Syracuse.
.Manager Cushnmn of Milwaukee U ncgotl-
ntlng for Jim McDonald , the California in-
Milwaukee's ' new first baseman Is S. V.
Duncan , wiiolcd the California league In hitting -
ting last year , >
President Krauthoft of the Western asso
ciation will provo the safety gnupo of the
National board.
lied Oak , Crcston , Atlantic and Kontanello
may organ bo the old Southwestern Iowa
league next season.
Kansas City will kcopOld Hickory at third ,
find Oinnha lias decided to retain tbo ex-pres
ident for the s.inio hag.
The Minneapolis ball park It doing winter
fluty ns n skatlnj , ' rink. Martin Duke Is tak
ing tickets at the turnstile.
' Old Cy" Duryoa was on the black list of
tlio late Brunei ! uprising , an honor shared
by about n tlorcn other liall players.
Dos Moines Is to ho a member of the Inter-
Btnte league. Ted Kennedy represented tbo
ornbryotle club ut the Burlington meeting.
It begins to loolc a * If President Spcas
would play Jack PIckott himself this } car.
Well , ho ought , ami at the minimum salary
at that.
Huph NIcol Is down In the city on tbo K.nw
Impatiently waiting for the first chirp of the
roWn. Ho will manage- the Kochfort club
this year.
Unless Ilogrievcr , the Cowboys' much
lauded outfielder , has Improved wonderfully
slnco 'SO ho will not bo able to bold up bis
end in this league.
The Kansas City papers say that -Kid
Niche It has grown so bow-legged that a boy
can lido n bicycle between bis beautiful
curves and never graze cither.
A good many of the base ball boys will ob
serve Lent this year. [ I1. S. It will bo n cnso
of compulsive fasting. The crop of advance
lias been nipped by frost. ] Mulford.
Frank Sclco has signed Harry Stovoy ,
which demonstrates the ex-Omaha manager
Is about as slick ns they malio 'em. Stovey's '
signing with Boston was a big surprise.
1'atsey Bolivar Tebcau will captain the
Cleveland's this year nnil woo botldo tlio trim
who falls short of the requirements. Fatsoy's '
Jaw will bo kept busy from April till October.
Lonjrstrcctof Hod Oak , who pitched for
Nebraska City last year , will bo given a trial
by ttio Omaha management In ono of the ex
hibition games before tbo season opens.
Red Onlc Express.
Manager Harrington of Minneapolis and
WaHdus of fat. Paul nro nt swords , points
with each other , and Sam Morton" the
Twin City nthlotlo club bos offered to hang
up a pursn for them.
It would bo an excellent thing If the Omaha
management would make the grand stand
free for Indies this year. That is the rule in
llrooklvn and they have the largest attend
ance of ladles In the country.
Manager Wutkins has accepted the terms
, of Pitcher Hart , who finished the season last
year with the St. Louis Browns. AVntkins
thinks ho has made a good addition to his
team , ns ho says ho knows Hart is a lirst-
clasa twlrlcr.
Tom McLaufthlln , who played short for
last year's St. Paul team after the middle of
Jul\ % will probably eat up grounders in the
vicinity of second base this season. That is
Ills natural position , and ho will , without
doubt , play It in first class stylo.
Brotherhood Dave now promises the Lin
coln people to have the world's ' series settled
on the Lincoln grounds. Ho has as good as
won the Western association pennant al
ready , and is thirsting to get at the National
league and American association.
Now let somebody say thathustllngBrothcr
Dannv Shnnnon of the Omaha team hasn't '
an Infield secured that resembles that much
quoted stone wall. Big Allen McAuloy ,
first , Brother Djnny , second ; Joe Walsh ,
short , and Gil Ilottlcld , third. Sporting
According to Mr. Chadwiclt's ' figuring ,
riill Knoll , who will bo with Omaha this
season , stood sixth of all the brotherhood
pltchcn List season , with n per cent of ( H3.
Leading Knoll were Gumbert , Radbourn ,
Keofo , Wearing and John Ewmg in the
order named.
Chester county Billy Serad's ntatnpinp
.ground comes to the front with the record
of the first game of ball played in the north
this year. Times-Star. Oh , no It don't.
There was a game played at the local park In
this city the scconu week in January and
two or three sinco.
Danny Steams was actually seen coming
out of u beer Joint down in Kansas City the
ether day wiping his mouth , and this led the
U'lmo.'i man to tmv that Danny had been
"blowing them off. " Over the door , ho\v-
cvov , is u sign which reads : "Wclncrwurst
free this morning. "
They do say that Baron Ilnch's head has
undcnrono such n tumorous expansion since
his advent to the ownership of the Minne
apolis club that It got caught hi an elevator
door nt the West house ono night last week
nnil the cage had to bo taken apart before ho
could bo extricated.
The Boston Hods nro credited with having
a line out for Elmer Smith. They might ns
well draw it right in. Elmer is still king of
Kansas City , and to lot him go now would bo
Just ttio sumo ns giving the cranks out there
a banquet of n dozen courses of rough on rats.
Cinninnatl Times-Star.
Billy Hawcs talks seriously of going Into
business and quitting the ball field. Billy be
gan his professional career with the . /Etnas
of Detroit In' 1870. Hawcs is a gentleman
nnil deserves success In any line of business.
Boston Herald. Yes , Hawcs Is an old-
timer and a gentleman , but nt the same tlmo
lie can piny dirty ball with the best of 'em. '
"Wbon , Bill. "
Tom Ramsey was wanted by two Associa
tion and two Western association clubs , but
Van Horn of Denver bagged Tom before the
rest of the people could get nt him. ' Ho will
provo n terror to batsmen In the Western as
sociation. Ho never had n sore nrm in his
life. HocKy Mountain News. No. but his
licnd , thirt's ' what you want to watch. That
Bets sere very often.
Manager Billy Harrington of tbo Minne
apolis club announces the release of Martin
McQuntd , the ouUlddor , to Portland , Ore.
This Is no reflection on the playing ability o.jf
McQunld , who desired his release on account
of health. He has secured an eight-mouth's
engagement nt n good salary , Harrington
blso intends to exchange Carroll for Murph " vet
ot St. Paul , who will take McQuuld's ' place
In center.
The uniforms for tbo St. Pnul club have ,
been ordered. They will bo the same as the
old Detroit uniforms white shirt and stock
ings , navy blue pants , cap , belt and Norfolk
tourist jacket. The bats have also been or
dered , part of them from Hllbrickof Louis-
vlllo and part of them from Jim Curtis .3Of
North Adams , Mass. McLaughlin of last
year's ' team will select the bats uindo In
It is enough to make n horsecacbinato to
lienrDavo Rowe the man who mnuo ils
bread out of n National Agreement club last
year , but maintained all the tlmo that the ' *
National Agreement wris a fake toll the poor
befogged citizens of Nebraska's cnptnl ( Unit
ho can sell Hart. Roche and Flanagan for big
money. Don't lend him n dollar on the
Btrength of his ability us a dealer in slaves ,
Sporting Times.
Frank Dnndlo , UN old catcher of the Union
Pncltlcs , a semi-professional team which
brought out such players ns Billy Trnflley ,
l'cck-n-boo Voach. Jack Sliced , Catcher 5ha 5
nor , I'Ucher Salisbury and others at Omaha
fix or Boven years ngo , Is doing n driving
business nt his baseball bureau in that city ,
Ho writes tbo Sporting Times that ho has ty.n
couple of phcnoms 911 ttio hooks for the Unto
City team that dynamlto will never bo able
to explode. Sporting Times ,
"Kid" Clnrenco Baldwin Is still n great
catcher , although relegated to the Western
association. Ho was released by Cincinnati
bccauso Jora Harrington showed conclusively
that ha could catch every day mid do tlio
work second to no uiuu In the land , and when
the "kid" joined the Athletics no was in bad
shape to do any work behind the but , his
baud being split opcu to the Iwuo , yet ho
pluckllv caught several twlrtora who were
possessed of considerable speed , nnd this ,
alone , kept him in baa shnps. It's n pretty
sure thltiR that Baldwin will bo ono of the
star catchers of the Western association the
coming season.
Ncoln , la. , will have no team this season ,
The Mall Carrier team has a good twlrlcr
In Tracoy.
Dick MeAullltols still in Dcnvcrand Is get
ting along finely.
Hoffman will cover second for the N. B.
Falconer team.
Klmmcl , Fremont's last season's pitcher , In
said to bo n good one.
The Diamonds arc ro-orgnnlzlng nnd expect
to have a good team.
Vaster may catch Grandjean this season on
the Wcjt Omaha team.
Hill the pitcher of the Wallace , Nob. , team
Is said to bo a good 'un.
Lookout for Wlgmnn this season. Ho Is
going to surprise you all.
Lucas Is still dUeufriircd , hut may sign In
the Inter-mountain league.
( Iclst Is a great pitcher for strike outs ; also
Beyincr of Missouri Valley.
Jcllen should show up strongly In the box
for the Nonpareils this season ,
Stnnton , Neb. , will have a team , n better
ono than last season , so they say.
Llnahnn has nn offer to Join tbo Blnlr team ,
and It's likely that he will accept.
Spud bos secured u "phonom" pitcher for
his Eden Musco team this sertson.
Crclghton will do the back stop work on
the Eden Musco team this season.
WIlllo Hnrkncs1509 Howard street , Is
nnxioui to Join n boy's Icaijuo team
Sliortstop Mcliityro ot ConcorJIu , Kas , lias
signed with the Wallace , Neb. , team.
Korgrcn may play on Patterson's ' team and
not on N. 13. Fulcutiors , as reported.
McLarman , nn old-tlino professional , may
play in the Nonpareil team this season ,
It Is n settled fact that Noruren will cover
short for the West Omtihas this season.
Patterson led the Lincoln Giants in bat
ting last season with an average of 055.
Tom Patterson has piven up catching and
will cover 1st for the I'lattsmouth team.
Charley Gross , the catcher , thinks of re-
returning to Denver to spend the summer.
Low Graves has a , number of odors for this
season , but Missouri Valley will capture
Van Annan has not yet signed for this sea
son. Ho may possibly play on the Musco
"Monkey" Bcnnison will cover short field
and change catcher for the N. B. Falconer
Barrett has given np the idea at last that
ho is a pitcher , and has loft the diamond for
Patterson and Miller of the Plnttimouth
team are two of the host base runners in the
Strong has received several offer ? so" far.
Who wants hi ml Now don't ' all speak at once
Vapor is rather small for n catcher , but
"oh , my I" how ho can line them down to
Hullmgcr puU up a good first base for the
Wallace team , ana could truvcl in faster
Pitcher Hart is very proud of his stylish
black horse , and can bo seen any nice day out
for a spin.
Tlio Nonpareils' grounds will bo graded
nnd put In first-class shape for the opening of
the season.
Mnttoson will not catch for the Shamrocks
but will bo found in the Held for the Gate
City team.
Monoghan would make n peed first baseman -
man , ho should play that position regularly
mis season.
Pltchov Golst is still nt Logan , la. If ho
had n little more speed his equal would ho
hard to iind.
Drexel has a now bat which ho prizes very
highly. Ho says they can't fool him on out
curves this season.
Hart a pitcher , formerly with the Clippers ,
wishes a trial hy the Sioux City team. West
Omnlm preferred.
Schwartz intends to do bolter work than
ever the coming season. Schwartz is n good
catcher , but a little timid.
The N. B. Falconer team will bo under the
management of VJ. 13. Moore , and ho says
It is going to bo a hummer.
Tbo Sixteenth Street-Stars state that their
team will ba a dandy mid they hope to bo
able to down the Shamrocks.
"Sonny" Purcell has not yet signed with
any elKb. It's dollars to doughnuts that ho
ploys with thu West Omahas.
tntKr.i , SOTLS.
General and Personal Notes of Interest
to llykers.
"Dead to the world 1" Ask Muentcfcring
about it.
Ask Smith whether ho owns the building ,
or simply has a mortgage on it.
Ilolton , who has been quite ill during the
past few weeks , has entirely recovered.
The boys will ttu > o in "His Private Secre
tary" at Boyd's ' this evening iti a body.
Mr. Dickey has given tip riding and is
putting in all his spare moments studying
Seth Rhodes and his caclo nro "rounding
to , " and Seth says ho will bo in it when the
tlmo comes.
Martin , Reading and Ashlnger go to De
troit soon to take part in the six day race in
in that cltr.
Van Slcklon , another of the Chicago crack
riders , has forsaken the "good old ordunario"
for a safety.
Frank Shell has ] ust recovered from the
effects of his serious fall the lirst night of the
Sunday raco.
It Is not unlikely that Spooncr , Van Sicklyn
and other noted eastern llyors will bo hero for
the coming ninetour race.
A theater party composed of Messrs. Don-
man , Bomdorf , Monahnn , Tagcor , Plxloy and
Wcrtz looked in on Funchon Monday even
There is talk of n Cyclist union being form
ed in this city. It would help wheel lug very
much , ns the boys could thus build a track ot
their own.
Fletcher , Dcnmnn , Pixloy and Wertz of
the A polio racing team are hardening up in
the different gymnasiums prepartory to beginning -
ginning their spring training.
There is sotno tnllt of an amateur six day ,
three hours a. day , blcyclo chase , totalcoplnco
at the Coliseum during the ilrst part of
March , in which all the crack riders of the
west will participate.
Now Omaha has the chief consul , Lincoln
the vice consul and Lexington the secretary
and treasurer there ought to bo no hard feel
ings against Omaha , which there undoubtedly
would have been had Omaha gobbled all the
General Miles Is n safety bieyclo rider.
Thovnlhant soldier nna Indian fighter is nn
accomplished . Good-Man-Not-Afraid-
cyclist. - - - -
of-Uis-IJIcyclo rather got away with Young-
Mnn-Atrald-oMIls-Horses. Tally ono for the
The boys are beginning to wipe the vnsa-
line oft their wheels and put them together
for the spring riding. The favorlto runsthis _
year will probably bo Glcnwood , Blair , Cres
cent City , Fremont , Missouri Vafloy nnd
* AVillio Search , the very fast boy rider , who
was compelled to give up riding last sum
mer , has resumed training. Ho'admits that
ho is ' 'looking fnr it , " nnd says ho would
llko to see how fastyouiigPlxley can ride.
Now hero is n chance for Mr. Smith to put
up or shut up.
Several now racing rules have been mndo *
by the League of American Wheelman which :
will tend to make pure amateurs. No ;
prizes , other than properly inscribed medals ,
cups , bailguH , banners , diplomas or wreaths ,
are allowed to bo given , end their value must
no ) bo ever $10
There is some tall : of having an la
park next summer , to include n Ic
track , baseball , football and cricKct grounds ,
nlso baths and other appliances necessary hi
the mako-up of n line athletic grounds. This
la nn enterprise worthy of tbo patronnco of
our business men and tlicy should support it.
Mr. Jules BnrthcUwho at one tlmo Was
the champion nmctour boy rider of St. Louis ,
nnd I the opponent of Pixlny in his maiden
race , is living In the city. Plxloy rode sk
Prince's ever rcnouncd "Donkey" in is !
race , but it failed to do the bucking act and
brought Plx over the scratch ilrst in ada
Do "Witt's Little Early Risers : only pill to
euro sick headache and regulate the bowels.
A Tour of Europa with Oabln Passage , Hail-
way Pares , Hotel Expenses , Guides , Etc.
Prepaid and Guaranteed.
Tlio llco's JMntclilcHS Offer to So
licitors 1'or Subscribers to Its
Sunday nnd Weekly
KUIllons ,
Arrangements have been effected by the
publishers of TUB BBC which onnblo us to
make a novel ntid nUriictlvo offer to parties
who are disposed to dcvoto their time and en
ergy toward procuring now subscribers for
BIK : between this data nnd the 10th day of
Juno next.
This offer will bo open.only to parties solic
iting subscribers in Nebraska , Iowa , South
Dakota nnd Kansas.
A careful record will ba kept of all sub
scriptions forwarded , and the awards will bo
inado without partiality.
Tlio Kurnpcnn Tour. .
To the person thnt will secure the largest
number of cash subscribers for Tun OMAHA
WEEKLY BEI : or Tun SUNDAY Due before
Juno 10.1891 , will bo given men or COST A
ticket will include first-class passage
from Now York to Europe and return.
Tills includes also all traveling , hotel and
oight-sccing expenses. The trip will bo made
with an excursion party gotten up by Mrs.
M. D. Frazicr of Boston , nnd will bo in
charge of competent guides. The trav
eler has no cares whatever. The
tour covers all the principal coun
tries of Europe England , Germany ,
Switzerland , Prance , Belgium , Italy and
tncir principal cities. Including London ,
Paris , Brussels , Berlin , Homo , Florence ,
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snvKSTV-Tinini ; DAYS OP sianT-snnixo.
Tlio party starts from Now York July 1
and returns to that city by September 11.
Taken'by nny Individual alone , this Eu
ropean tour would involve an outlay of at
least ? TOO.
American nnd Canadian Tours.
For the second largest list of subscribers
wo offer n frco ticket from Omaha to ban
Francisco nnd Los Angeles and return.
Magnificent mountain scenery , the beautiful
Golden Gate , the Innd of sunshine , fruits nnd
flowers. "Who has not seen California will
not die happy. " Travel is nn educator , and
to properly appreciate the vastness of our
great country one must see its host features.
For the third largest list of subscribers to
the WEEKLY or SUNDAY BEE wo offer n ticket
from Omaha to Quebec nnd return. What
could bo grander than n trip down the bcautl
ful St. Lawrence in mid-surcmcr ? To con
template the beauty of Thousand Isles is de
lightful. How much more delightful to visit
them when with verdure clnil.
And all this pleasure for obtaining sub
scribers to the WEEKLY nnd SUNDAY BEE.
For the fourthlnrgost | listof subscribers wo
offer a frco ticket from Omaha to Now York ,
Philadelphia and Washington and return.
There are no points on this continent of
greater general interest than thcso thrco
cities. An American citizen has not com-
plcted his education until ho has seen the
senior govcrmnpnt. The persons and points
of interest in Washington are innumerable
nnd to the intelligent observer a visit thcro is
full of interest. New York nnd Philadelphia
as the commercial and financial centers of the
country are always interesting.
All this sight seeing and traveling given
away for obtaining subscribers to the
For tholifth largest llstjof subscribers wo
offer a frco ticket from. Omaha to Niagara
Fulls nnu return. Ever since yout childish
wonder was aroused by the description in
the old school reader of those wonderful falls
you have lislred to sco thorn. Hero is the
opportunity. A most delightful excursion
nnd ono without expense , given for securing
subscribers to the WEEKLY or SUNDAYBEC.
For the sixth largest list of subscribers wo
offer n free ticket from Omaha to Salt Lake
City and return. Too famous Mormon city
is fast hecoming a Gentllo city , nnd will in
time lose much of interest. Now , this sum
mer would bo a good tlmo to visit the boom
ing city. Gnrtield Beach Is of course in-
cluded'ln the trip. This summer resort on
the lake is n delightful place to pass n few of
the hot su romcr days. Why not secure a
number of subscribers for the WEEKLY or
SUNDAY Bne and take the trln' '
For the seventh latgcst list of subscribers
wo offer a f reet ickct to Denver rtnd Mnnitou
and return. While n shorter trip than nny of
the others it combines many pleasant fea
tures. Denver the queen city of the plains-
is always worth seeing while the health nnd
summer resorts ol Manitou nro delightful in
deed. Health-giving , inspiring , restful
amid snblimn scenery what trin could bo
more restful ? All this pleasure for securing
subscribers to the SUNDAY or WEEKLY Bnn.
Now what nro the conditions upon which
these tickets nro given away ? The securing
of the largest list of subscribers to Tun
AVEBKLY or SUNDAY BBB. No newspaper in
the west is so well and favorably known nnd
solicitors have always found it an easy mat
ter to secure subscribers. THE BEK'A sub
scription list has always kept pace with its
reputation and it desires to add now names to
its long list of friends. Being at all times a
people's paper it makes friends with nil
classes ,
The subscription price of Tun AVEEKLY BEE
Isssl.OO per year postpaid to nny place in
this country or Canada , or $3.00 if scut to a
foreign country.
THE SUNDAY BEU is $2.00 per year , but
Omaha subscribers for Tnc SUNDAY Bcc
will not bo counted In this competition.
Get up a list. Have your friends subscribe
for the paper. ' Sample copies forwarded
free'on request.
Persons desiring to compete fcr ono of
these prizes will please say so when sending
in their first orders.
Komittnnco in full must accompany every
Two six months subscriptions or four
three months subscriptions will bo counted
ns ono order.
s a rare virtue ; but the grateful
people , tliat S. S. S. lias cured , nftor
physicians hail declared them incurable
in tlio thousands.
ble , number way up
Oscar Wles of lluntlngburg , Ky. ,
says : "For years I wnsaniictod with
u blood taint ; thnt balllod the skill
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The disoato affected my oyot until I
was almost blind. I am thankful to
say tint a'fow bottles of S. S. S. . cur
ed mo ontlro'y. Sly eyesight is com-
plctiy restored , and my general
health is better than it has been for
Hook on nooJ : and Skin diseases freo.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta. Ga.
Total Iwuoa ot CITIES ,
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N.W.HARniS&COMPANY.Bankers ,
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19 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 State 81. . BOSTON.
or itlvo relief like' * . . . .W&VL- _ _ . , - . .
Trun. " IthaacurpdthouBan.lsl . H you want the
IIKH'r,8end4o In ( tamps < orfrcel'iniplil t4 > o. I.
Jlasucllo UliutloTnui Co. , Bau FrouclKo , Cat
My Country : 'tis of thee ,
Sweet land of liberty ,
Of ( lice I sing ;
Land where our fathers
died ;
Land where our Mothers
cried ,
Over the wash-tub tied
Let freedom ring.
My native country thee
Land of the noble , free
Thy name I love j
I love thy tucks and frills
But oh : what laundry bills ;
My soul with horror thrills ;
When I think of thee.
Let music swell the breeze ,
And blow through all ( ho
Let tired mortals wako
And gladly try a cake ,
Let nil for cleanness sake ,
Join the applause.
Specific Directions.
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Burin ? his novornl months location and practice In
Omnhn , Dr. Hillings has earned nn cnvlnblo reputu
tlonnraone tlio hundreds of cltltons who niiplludto
him almost as n last resort , and found In lili akllliu
ministrations the full realization of hope lone do
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Ilo Is permanent/ ! located nnd lias the best np
pointed nnd most conveniently located physician1
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The lck will find In Dr. UllllnBS a true puyslclan
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For tlio treatment of the following named dlsorue
Dr. IMIllngs 1ms proven hlmaclf posiessedof mos
iiusua skill. *
CATAllIlir All < 1lensei or thront nnd none. Cat
arrh I mpoTcrlfhoi tlio blood and nerves , producing
debility decay nml Ideatli.
DVSI'KI'SIA And nil the phases of Indices tlon
vor trouble , Imperfect assimilation nnd nutrition.
KIDNKYDISKASES-Aro moit deceiving nnil In-
etduous. Symptoms hard to rocoznlro by the patlont
often lead to fatal brlghts dlsonso or dlabctei.
iiaKASK3 OK Til 13 IH.OOD Hlood pol o nlnj
scrofula , cryslpolas , and diseases mentioned hero-
Af.I. FKIN niSnASES-ncromn. salt rheum , Vnrl-
ola. ulceri , tuborcloj , scrofuln , lupus , muddy color
of Ilio kln , plmplOH. and disease ] ot the sculp are
cured by Dr.
NKIIVOIJS DlSKASES-Ixm of vigor , lost man-
liood , debility , prostrntlon , dospondcnry , cruptlois
onlbofnce , lost of memory , clromt uf future , cto.
A new trontment tlmtNKVKIC FA1I.3.
by Dr. IMlllniia when nil others hnvo fallod.
FKMAL13 WIIAKNESSUS Tli3 linrih , Irrntlonil
nnd unnatiirnl rnothoiH uaiuilly omplnyol nro re-
uponnlble for fully threc-fourtlit of the nuirorlm
now endured by women. Invostluato the notr ,
homo treatment or Dr. Hillings.
1'ILKSATJj IlKCTATj TltOlIIUjllS Piles , Fli-
tula , nbtcosacs , strlrturo , and all diseases of rectum
cured. without the knlfo , cautery or nn hour's delay
from work or bimlneis.
IIEAIUCIIUS nro quickly cured.
VKN'nUKAI , HISlSASKS-UccentorlonB standlntt
Fjrphllls , goiiorrli'cn , strlcturo nnd nil roiiiltlni ; uf-
fectloni are cured permanently nud forever without
nny mercury or mineral trvntinoat.
MOIU'HINK 1IA11IT Quickly , positively and
pnlnlosly cured.
TAl'B WOUM Taken with head complotn In ono
hour with ono tuaspoonful o5 pleasant moJIcluu. No
OTHER DISEASES -Such ai old sores , malignant
ulcers , tumors , rancor * , heart troubles , nsthnm ,
epilepsy , St. Vltua dance , milk lex , chronic constipa
tion nnd chronic cllarrhcoa rro cured.
TI1K COMI'I.KXION The moit unsightly nnd
muddy complexion quickly freshened nnd boautldod
fOH OKKKNS1VH IIUKATII-A pormnnont euro
HOU1IS : 0 : 0 n. m. to 5 p. in. Uvonlngj , T to 8:30 :
Gundnyi , 2 to t p. m.
Patients Troitod By Corrospoudonoo.
Medicine Sent Everywhere.
3.22 South Fifteenth St.
Dr. Dllllngs prepares and dispenses hts
own medicines , which are largely soleoto J
from nature's healing plants , barks , roots ,
musslirub9 , etc. No mineral ordrugj given
Street Omaha Neb.
1816 Douglas , , .
Seventeen yearrerr/erlcnco , A regular graduate In medicine , ai diplomas ehow Is still treatlnz wltr
the greatest mcects. ill Nervous. Chronlo and IVUato Dhoasoi. A porraanont euro uuarnntood for Cntarn J
t-I > crra torrhTa , IASV Manhood , Bomlnal Woaknosi , Nlnht losies. Imootoncy , Bypbllls. Btrlctnra. and nil ill -
casenoftholllood. Bkln and Urinary Organs. N.II. I ; uarantoo 1500 for every c so t undorlaku nnl roll It
cure. Consultation freo. Uook ( Myitorlot o Life ) tent froo. OtHcouourj 9a. m. toS p. m. Hundayi U
a. m. to 12 m.
Spoclflo for Hyjtsrln , Dllilneifrltl.H , nraljl .WnkOi
luln 9i , HenUl l > epr i lon , Hori.nlnirct the
lultlng In Inianltyind lindlox to mticrj-dec r aoJ
deathPr mttura Olil Age , Ilarr nn u. I.on of l'ow r
Di cither HI , Involuntary Lo ei , and | wrnii
caiiMd lir CT rieitlo.A oC th tirnln , wlf < liu o or
oier-lndulgtuce. tich Unconnln on rnonlL' treiU
mwt. tl obor. or ill for 83 , nt l > y inellire | < ald.
With cU order for ill IIOSM , will wnU purcjiswr
( niaraoua to refund nancy ( I the treilmtat falUW
euro. uuM-iLQt 4HI ut.J and u nujua told uolrbT
1113 Tamain Stroot. - Oraalia. NoU
nnnllTI I SANDAMVOOD beit nud only capaulcn | > rt.crlboa ; by
rulf4r | | jihyflcluna for the cursor
Oonorbom and dl.iuariiea from the urlnirr orvani.
whotbei real or acquired. ILlOper box. AllUruBdlil * .
. .
1409 and 1411 Dodge Bt.Omnha , Neb.
First Glass Garriages ,
Tlio Loading Styles. The Lowest Trices.