Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    TFTTC OlVfATTA DATT/V / TVER : tffiyRTITTATfY Ifi. Ififtl.
I'ejitcrcd ty Carrier In any part of tlio City
allLltt'ItONCS ' :
IMisliieM 0filer. No. 4,1
Night Editor , No. 21
31KXT4O\ .
K V. 1 > . Co.
Council niuffo Lumber Co. . coal.
Craft's chattel IO&IIB. 01 Snpp block.
F. Cnnnlwas arreitcd yestculay on the
charge of koepltit : bis saloon open on Sunday.
Dan McUlnnri la to hnvo n homing today
before Justice 1'attou on the charge ofem-
Licz/lcmcnt ,
Tlio funnrnl of Arthur Grow took plnco
yesterday nftenioon from the residence of his
parents , Mr. nnd Mrs , O. W. Grow , SJ1S
Ninth street.
Charlci Best , formerly a well Unown lypo
of this city , now in the newspaper business
In Ncllrfh , Neb. , is In the city ronowinj ; old
Tlio mctnbori of the Women's Christian
Tcmpoi-niico union will B'VO ' 'n social next
Thursday afternoon nt the reslJcuco of Mrs.
J. C. Ulxliy on South First street.
The newly orgnnl/od Mrs. I'hll Shcrlilau
tent , Dnuphtcrs of Veterans will give a camp
llro ana socltil at ( Jrand Army of the Ke-
publlc hnll this evening. Genuine hard tack
and bean soup will be served. Old soldiers
und others are Invited.
Charles Allen , the puplllst , who hns spent
the greater pait of the last month In the city
Jail , turned up yesterday nftor an nbsonco of
a day nnd a lialf with n full load on board.
lie was put behind the bars n ahi to answer
to the charge of drunkenness.
Some mischievous boy throw a stone
npalnst the Stewart memorial window in St.
Paul's church with force enough to break
the wire screen which covers It nnd allow tlio
Btono to RO crashing throuRh the class. It
will bo dllllcult to repair the dainago.
The wedding ceremony of Mr. Huilolph
Weiss nnd Miss Anna Flnklestcln tooic plnco
yestcrdav afternoon nt the residence of the
brules's brother , Jlr. T-i. M. FlnUlestoin. 1217
South Tenth street , Kabul Henson of Omnhn
oniclatinp. A reception ivas given to the
friends nt n o'clock. '
The Young Men's ' Christian association
rooms in the Mcrrlam block were crowded
yesterday afternoon wltli young men , wlio
were lea there bv the announcement that
Btuto Secretary McCco ! was to ndih-css the
meeting. Thobutcrpeati quartette of Omnhn
furnished some excellent innslc. The meet
ing was very Interesting throughout.
Uaviil vVnrron of Kansas City was la the
city yestcrdav trying to Und his father , who
hod loft Omaha for Kansas City a week nRO
Inst Saturday nnd had not been heard of
since. Ilo described his father ns being
nbout flftv-six years of nge , with n long gray
beard and wearing a brown overcoat. Ttio
pollco were requested to keen a , lookout for
traces of the old man , who , It Is thought , has
been the victim of foul piny.
Ur. N , A. Seaman lost n horse and buggy
from in front of his veterinary hospital on
Fourteenth strcat last night. Ho reported 1
the loss at poliro headquarters and then
started out to look for the missing nntmul.
Ilo at last found it nt the corner of Mynstcr
nnd Seventh streets , with the weight which
was attached to the bit wound several times
around a tree. It had evidently been bor
rowed by someone who wanted to take a
short drive. The horse belonged to a man !
named Bower , who lives on Nineteenth (
Bell ft Son's now grocery tikes the lead on
Upper Broadway. No old stock.
nt American dlstilct telegraph office.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N.
O'Brien. '
Celebrated. Its Illrtlidny.
The First Presbyterian church was filled
to its utmost capacity List evening , the occa
sion being1 the ninth anniversary of the or
ganization of the Young Mcns' Christian as
sociation in this city. After the usual exer
cises D. W. Chapman , general secretary of
the loeal association , made u few brief remarks -
marks , outlining the icliglous , social , physi
cal , and literary advantages which the asso
ciation holds out to its members. Dr. W. .T.
Jlarsho , pester of the First Presbyterian
church of Ornahn , wa * then introduced as
the leading speaker of the evening.
The spenltcr'H main thought \\na the need
of bringing common , "horso sense" into the
religious life thnt Is used in business alTnirs ,
" 1 shall never forjrot , " suld ho , "tho lirst
prayer I ever hcanl U. L. Moody utter. It
was this : 'O Lord , give us common sense.
Amen. ' And it is thnt very common sense
tlmt Mooilyuses In his work among the
masses tlmt hns mtulo him the man ho Is. "
After Dr. lliirshn came Stnto Secretary
McUee , ami Kcv. L. A , Ilnll , pastor of the
First Baptist church , both of whom mndo
short and Interesting speeches.
Mr. W. W. Wallace , president of the asso
ciation , then read a summary of the llnances
of the association for the year 1810 , by way of
Introducing the subject ot a collection. Ac
cording to this summary , tbo expenditure ?
for the your wore ! ,81 ! ! , nnd tlio collections
t3Sfii ) , leaving ndoilclt of WJl , which must bo
made up in some way. Ilo also stated that
the present membership of the association ,
nctivoand associate , wns 800 , less than 100 of
whom are members of nny church. Bo then
introduced Dr , Phelps , who procmicd to
jnulto a plea for assistance In a wnv.
A committee then passed through , tlio audi
ence nnd took up a largo subscription , the
proceeds of which will go toward wining out
the indebtedness and setting the association
ou its feet.
J. C. Blxby , steam noatln ? , sanitary en
gineer , 203 Morrltmi blocic , Council Blults
Buy your coal and wood of O. B. fuel Co. .
WJ Broadway. Telcphona 130.
Dcntli of Airs. Maxwell.
Mrs , George F. Maxwell died yesterday
morning nt 0 o'clock nt her residence , ' 229
Bluff street. 'Iho deceased had boon In very
IK > OV health for n long time , ntid her friends
bad given up nil hopes that she would over bo
in a cli bettor. She , however , Insisted at
slio wns constantly Improving , nnd would
soon bo nround. Yesterday slio wns
lying upon tbo lounpo apparently asleep.
Her ( Inugbtor spolco to lior and received
no reply , and nn investigation showed she
died of heart failure. The funeral will prob-
nbly talco place tomorrow Ire in the residence ,
but the oxnct tuna has not yqt been sot , as
relatives nro expected from n distance and
the llnal arrangimionts will not bo mode until
they arrive. The tilp.
deceased was n step
mother of Mrs. Will Maxwell of Fourth street
nnd Miss Ktta Cole , who Is employed lu hens
oUlcc of the clerk of the district court.
Call on Schurz-Sinllh Co. for chattel loans
end real estate. " (5 1'enrl st.
No. 10-1 Broadway contains .tho Iwst stock
Of groceries In the city. JV. . Kolloy.
Out In nt the AVI nil oiv.
Ed Murphy was arrested yesterday on an
Information filed by Mrs. Lizzie CofTman ,
\vho lives In the western part of the city ,
charging him with disturbing the pcnco by
breaking Into her house. Mrs. Coffman
states that Murphy Is relative of hers who
has lived oft or her for several months past
but that she had decided to rnako a change
In the way of doing tlunrs , nnd with that
jiurposo In vlow had told Murphy to tnuo hla
bngpnge nnd leave.
About inlcJnlcht stio was
startled by hearing a loud pounding nt the
door. On potting up to find what was ho
matter aha beard the old familiar volco of
Murphy begging to bo let In. She refused to
allow him ontnmco nt the door , so ho cntno In
nt the window , Mrs. CofTinan was 111 , nnd
she decided to lot him
ttny until morulnir ' ,
when she had him arrested us above stated. ; ?
Call on H. J. Ilutchlnsot ) Ss Co. for choice
bargains In lots In Wilson 'i'crrneo. Special
Inducements for the next few days.
Furo f rcau drugs nt JJavIs' , opposite Ogdcn. :
Best heavy poods , iir > per cent oil , cash.
Itoltur , tbo tailor , ! UO Broadway.
William Allen Disappears and No Traces of
Him Are Yet Found ,
Ken ! Kwtntc Men 1'rcdlct n Hootti fur
tlio Ncnr 1'iit.tiro Votitiff Men's
ChrlHtlnii Association Anni
versary PC
Considerable nnxloty was caused the
friends of William Allen , who lias been
boarding nt the Western house , on Upper
Uroadwuy , ycstardny , by his sudden disap
pearance. Allen hns been cutting timber for
Mr. John Wllcox , who lives cast of thu city.
Friday night ho complained n prent deal nnd
wns apparently In very low spirits. Satur-
dnylio started from his homo onrly In the
morning , ns usual , to co to work. That was
the lust seen of him , Troubled nt his disap
pearance , Mr. Stevens , the proprietor of the
hotel , telephoned to Wllcox to find out
whether ho Itnew nny thing of him. Ilo re
plied ttmt Allen hnd not bseu scon.about his
pluco slnco Fildny , Slovens' fears wjro
ilrcngthened by this Information and lie
notified the pollco nnd asked thorn to try to
find Iho missing man.
Mr. Wllcox also passed most of the day
searching the woods for tracoi of the missing
mnti. When ho returned last evening he
notified the pollco that bo had been unsuc
cessful so far ns finding Alien was concerned ,
ilo stated that lie found Allen's nxo nnd din
ner basltct , the latter with Its contents un
touched , showing that ho had not been
nround the rldnlty since some tlmo in the
forenoon. He had not been able to Uud any
other traces of the man.
.Allen was subject to attacks of heart dis
ease , which -would throw him into Ills of do-
spondnncy so deep that it wns sometimes
feared ho would innko mvay with himself ,
His disappearance , just after his lit of de
pression of Friday night , has caused his
friends to fear that ho has ntlnst been driven
to distraction mid has committed suicide , or
clsothntho has died on the ro.iJ from nn at
tack of heart disease. The case has created
qulto n stir hi the east end of the city.
Evans Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl street. Tele
phone : .J00. Goods called for and delivered.
Slop niul Think ,
And ask yourself why you should pay old-
fashioned prices for groceries and provisions
when you can get Hrst cltm , clean , fresh
goods nt modem prices ? Head these prices :
Crackers , per Ib , fie ; Ibs qlngcrsnaiis for
Siio ; Arbuclde's coffc-c , 25o per package ;
German coffee , 'Joe : hams , Co per Ib :
bacon , To ; codfish , 7 > c ; 10 Ib pall
whlto fish , GOc ; 3 cans corn , 23o ; U cans toma
toes , 25c ; 4 cans peas , 2.pc ; IDavIs' No. lOllour ,
S1.30 ; Davis "Bluo D" flour , Sl.ns : Buffalo
Hour , 8I.S5 ; Gold Medal Hour , $1.4.r. ; Snow
Flakoilour , ? t.OO ; 25 lus buckwcat , Sl.OO ; 23
boxes of matches , 2."c ; bo * good laundry
soap , $1.00 ; a IDs leaf Innl , 2oc ; good broom ,
lOc ; oranges , IHc per dozen : coal oil , 8c a gal
lon ; 2 loaves bread \ , Gc ; 1 lu good tea , 25c.
Prompt delivery of goods ,
Brown's ' C. O. D. trrocory. Telephone 29.
_ f " ' " " _ _ m _ _
The dental
of Drs.
now rooms . Woodbury
nro the llnost anil most complete In the west.
Next to the new Or.iud. "Telephone , 143. "
A. Favorable Outlook.
"Council Bluffs is ono of the very few
western cities that did not suffer a damaging
reaction from the big boom of three years
ago when the boom epidemic swept over the
country , " remarked a clear-headed real cstnto
man yesterday. "Tho boom had the effect of
increasing values prodigiously , in some
instances several hundiod fold , nnd generally
more than 60 per cent. This added nt once-
several million dollars to the valuation ot
Council Bluffs realty. In not n sin glo i list unco
has tliero boon any recession of values , but on
the contrary n continuous healthy
increase. Considering the fact that
real estate values ore still ridiculously out of
propoitlon to similarly situated property In
Omaha , thcio Is nothing visible in the next
ten years to indicate a halt in this healthy
growth. More than thU , I aw confident now
that we nro on thovorgeof another boom that
will give realty another spurt and create an
other season of remarkable activity. It will
not ho oo wild , perhaps , ai it was In 18S7 , nut
It will nlTett n great amount of property und
last years , whore the other spent Its violent
force In months. The was , llttlo to start
the last boom , llttlo more than the
sudden rcnll/atlon of the owners
of property that tholr Council Illuffs realty
was worth several times more than they had
been In the habit of asking for It , but the
coming boom which 1 am predicting there
nro permanent foundation1 ! to build upon ,
Then \\o had a , vague promise that wo were
to bo connected with Omaha by the drive
ways to ho attached to the Union Pacific
bridge and tlio hrlclinito promise of another
exclusive thorouphfaio bridge. Now wo
have tbo bridges and the absolute certainty
of two more. These now Inidgcs alone will
bo sufficient to mvuko'ii as much ac
tivity as the old ones did , but wo
have a great deal more than that
The railroad complication resulting from Mr.
Gould's decision of tlio crossing problem and
the prevention of the low.i roads carrying
out their original Intentions Is nil in the in
terest of Council Bluffs , while the great en
terprises that are being inaugurated on CUt-
oft island nro still moro so. I am .satisfied
that the next two or three years will sou the
establishment thcro of many millions of del
lars' worth of manufacturing enterprises ,
nnd taking out of consideration the question
of whether East Omaha lies entirely or only
partially lusldo the Council Bluffs city
limits , tliU will directly benefit Coun
cil lllutTs whllo not hurting Omnlin.
The Interstate bridge will bo built and
ready for tralllc within two years , nnd It will
lie entirely In this city. Tbo day that bridge
is opened every lot nnd every acre of prop
erty lying In the northwestern part of town
will Increase lu value live or six times Its
present price. This will affect nil contigu
ous pronorty nnd start n boom. The Twin
City bridge and railway give it still greater
Impetus , and It will bo a boom of no mean
"Another thing worth considering is the
fact that more than one-half the city of
Council Bluffs lies within thrco miles of tho.
business center of Omaha , AVIth plenty of
bridges and cheap fines this property will
command Omaha prices , "
Recollect that the only Installment house
m Council Blufl's nnd the lanrost installment
house In the west is Mandel & Klein's. Wo
sell at eastern prices every artlclo of house
hold furniture you use , nnd Instead of re
quiring you to pay rash wo lot you have it oof
easy payments. Tbcro la no necessity of
denying yourself the use of any article when
you can get everything you want on such easy
terms. The largest stock of carpets , stoves
and furniture in the city to select , from. ! 0) )
A rioa fop tlio "West.
GuLBEiireos , Hltckcock County , Neb. , Feb.
13. To the Editor of Tim BHB.-I have
just read A. B. Clmrde's letter in THE BEE reef
February 0 and nm astonished that you
would print such a terrible thrust at western
Nebraska Is It not n fact that THE BEH has
thousands of patrons lu western Nebraska ,
who , misguided as they are , contribute liber
ally to the support of Tin : Buc , and has rot
Tun BE u printed many articles laudatory ott
western Nebraska calculated to induce set
tlers to settle upon its desert lauds } Docs
Tin : llni : not full well know that for six years
wo have raised full and abundant crops of
corn , wheat , rye , llax nnd all crops grown in
Nebraska , nnd that the crop of 1890 was our
first failure ) Ills letter smacks of bigotry ,
sclllshncsj and Injustice , to say nothing of
the falsehood that it U , and is made up of the
phraseology of the former cattlemen of this ,
country , lie would have alt emigration stop
east of tlio center of the state and divert all
capital from us. and willingly break down
the uest for the building up of the cast.
Tbo western purt of Nebraska is just as
good as the custom , uud will mono lust as
gooa a showing when settled m long as that
part has been , I have boon hero six years
and have made money by farming.
" \Vnnts nu Increase Also.
LINCOI.V , Nob. , Fob. IS. fSpoclnl to THE
Bnc.j The superintendent of public Instruc
tion , Mr. A. 1C. Ooudy , comes to the front in
a llttlo fly sheet which has been placed on
the desks of the legislator * nnd which sots
forth the fact that he , too , wants some tnoro.
Ho prints a table in which ho shows the ap
propriations which have been made for the
pasulxtccn yours for the sup port of the of
fice which ho now controls ,
In 1875 , ho says the stnto allowed 1,500 for
the expense ? of the position and at thn t tltno
there were only 2,403 school districts in the
state and a school population of 80,1 ? ' .
The appropriation for 1SS9 was but f3,575 , ,
with 0,00'J ' school districts and a school popu
lation of 310,803.
Mr. Qoudy laments that the appropriation
for his onico hat not Increased in the saino
rations has the number of school distilcts
and the ochool population of tlio state. lie
then dissertutos upon the fact that the most
unpleasant work of the superintendent is
outside the walls of his olllco in Lincoln
visiting schools , institutes , associations ot
teachers In thn state and other states , con
sulting with touchers , learning by actual In
spection what U being dona in other states in
advancing the cillclency of the public
Ho says further tlmt It Is for such work
that his oflleo exists , mid that It is such
work which can nlono Justify Its existence ,
nnd that hl predecessors wcw subjected to
adverse criticism for not attending it , not
withstanding that they bad been tied to their
desks writing letters , adding columns of fig
ures nnd preparing work for the printer ,
which generally made up the routine work
of the clerk.
Mr. Goudy's ' circular does not toll how
much , In the way of an increase , ho would
Grcolcy Itinolcndctl.
GncF.i.nrCcNTRiiNcb. , Fob. 15. [ Special to
TUB Bpr. ) The town Is completely shut oft
from communication of any sort with the
rest of tlio world. No mall tins como In slnco
the first snow fall and w1 are anxiously wait
ing news of the rest of the world. Tlio rail
way company is. doing everything possible
and wo expect to bo released In n , short tlmo.
ire JM x s CM'fit A rtm TS.
A Itathcr Kvcitlnjj Meeting Held nt
Iilnuoln Yesterday.
LINCOLN1 , Nob. , Fob. 14. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] The meeting nt Ked lilbbon hall
today was moro exciting than on nny previous
Sunday since the opening of the legislature.
The woman suffragists nro ettroinoly well
pleased by the vote In the house which
placed their bill on general lllo and como out
in full force. After several regulation
speeches had been made , Representative
Nowberry of Hamilton was called out and
proceeded to state his vlewson the subject m
a Jinn and gentlemanly \vny. Among other
things ho said that ho traveled over Wash
ington territory when woman suffrage pre
vailed and found saloons In abundance ,
nnd questioned whether the morals
of the people would bo improved if women
voted. These remarks were the signals for
nn outburst such as has been seldom wit
nessed. Men hooted nnd jeered , and gray-
haired women nnd young girls hissed the
speaker until the nolso fairly drowned his
The remainder of the meeting was taken
up by Mrs. King and others , who launched
forth on a wild tirade of abuse nnd denunci
ation seldom heard nt a political gathering ,
much less at a seml-rcliglous meeting on Sun
It is the opinion that they injured their
cause very much by tholr unreasonable and
intolerant' conduct , and it is doubtful if the
members of the legislature , except Porter ,
Scott , Modio nnd a few other independents
who have deserted their party and ROUO over
to the prohibitionists , can bo prevailed upon
to attend the meeting ? in the future.
LciiHliitivo KuIioeN.
Speaker Elaor has Introduced a bill to pro
hibit liuo passes to all except railroad em
ployes. The bill makes the giving or accepting
of a free pass or ndo by any one , with the
exception noted above , a misdemeanor , pun
ished by a line not exceeding § 500. The
speaker will push his bill very earnestly nnd
says no bollovcs It will bccomo a law.
Representative Storm ( Ind. ) of Nemnhn
made n very strong and convincing speech In
opposition to dropping the contest against
Cnurch Howe. Ho said the people , of Noma-
1m county had como horo. and asked permis
sion to bring witnesses before the committee
on privileges nnd elections and prov < 3 that
money had been used m that county to cor
rupt the electors and bribe men to vote for
Howe. They professed to have plenty of
testimony to substantiate their charges , nnd
in all fairness they ought to have a rlgUt to
do so ; that to adopt the minority report
would not vindicate the sitting member , but
would deny a ripht to the contestants guar
anteed to them by the constitution nnd the
laws , nnd which are in accordance with the
principles of equity nnd justice.
The nouso committee on constitutional
amendments hns.fltially decided by a vote of
0 to 3 to recommend thnt nil fees derived
from saloon licenses shall bo turned Into the
general school fund of the state and taken
away from the educational fund of the munici
palities that grant the licenses. The sub
ject will bo presented in the form of a consti
tutional amendment.
Two sessions were held on Saturday , as
usual ,
Representative Herman of Saline often
presides , at the request of Speaker Elder ,
and makes a very acceptable presiding olll-
cor.The woman sulTrngo bill was placed on the
general flic , by special request of Its ndvo-
cates nnd by the votes of nearly twenty mem
bers who are unalterably opposed to the
Representative Stewart of York has intro
duced a bill providing that the state shall In
sure .all buildings not otherwise insured at
two-thirds of their assessed value. The
money received from insurance companies is
constituted a fund for the pay meat of those
losses ,
The Uov. Wra. Stout , Wiarton , Ont , states :
After being ineffectually treated by seven
teen different doctors for scrofula nnd blood
disease , I was cured by Burdoclc blood bit
ers , wrlto him for proof.
The Concern Jlolloved to Be Sound.
NEW Yomc , Fob. 15. The fact that the
state bank examiner Is looking into the af
fairs of the American loan and trust com
pany created much excitement hero. O31-
clals announced that a discharged employe
had circulated rumors reflecting on the credit
of the comnany , which had an unpleasant ef
fect , nnd they applied for an investigation.
The bank examiner said this afternoon that
as fur as the examination had proceeded
everything was found in order ,
A tmndsorao complexion Is ono of the great
est charms a woman can possess. Poizoul's
Complexion Powder gives It.
Hun AgnliiHt n Knlfo.
HIAWATIII , Knn , , Fob. 15 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEK.J A man by the name of
Kynn was severely cut with a knife by o
fellow from the Missouri river named Bill
Norton , last night , at 1'adonla , this countyv
nnd almost killed. Norton was brought hero
nnd Jailed today , aad tomorrow will have his
trial. It was an old feud. It is believed
now , that Hvan will live.
Gosslor's Mnglo Headache , Wafers. Cures a
headaches In SO minutes. At all druggists ,
The UcbolH Defeated.
LONDON , Fob. 15 , [ Special Cablegram to
THE BKE. ] Dispatches from Bucno Ayres
In regard to the revolution In Chill announce
that an Important engagement has tukon
place In Tarapacu between the robcls and the
government forces and that the latter were
completely defeated.
Van Houton's Cocoa Largest sale in the
Plro In Now York's I'oHtofllco.
NEW YOIIK , Pel ) . 15. While the clerks on
the mail street side of the postonico wore re
cclvlng the steamer malls last night the dec
trio lights went out and smoke puffed upfron
below. An alarm was turned In , and whllo
the tlromcn were working the clerks wore
drawing the mall out to places of
nfcty. The flro was extinguished nftor
> orhnp4 fi'i.OOO dntnngowas done , Thn su-
Kjrlntomlent says no letiAri were burned nnd
lowspnpcrs only were Injured by the water.
Two Italian bop who had Crawled down In
ho elevator shaft to sleep over tbo bollor
oem were b.idly burned nnd ono will dlo.
Two firemen wore ovoroho \ by smoke , but
afterward recovered. Tlio lire Is thought to
have been caused by clectrtu light wires ,
Dr. Blrnoy euros catni-rh , Dee bldg.
Gcnernl Appropriation lllllH In a AVell
Advanced Suite.
WASHIXCITO.N' , Feb. 15. The energy dis
played by congress during tlio past wceK lu
ictlon upon the general appropriation bills
lias had the result of placing thcso measures
In a state of forwardness that compared fa
vorably with the record of tbo preceding
congress In the short session. The copy
right bill Is unfinished business before the
senate. Hall has stated his Intention to call
up the diplomatic appropriation bill tomor
row , but as the friends of the copyright bill
nro confident that the measure is in such
shape that it cannot consume much
moro tlmo , Itwill probably bo brouirht
to a llnal vote before the diplomatic
bill Is taken up. The republican CAUCUS list
of measures selected for consideration In in
tervals between discussion on appropriation
bills is as follows : Indian depredations bill.
Nicaragua canal bill , Paddock pure food and
Conger lard bills , nrmy reorganization bill ,
intcr-stato commerce bill , land court bill ,
bankruptcy bill , revenue miirino bill and the
Pacific funding bill. How far In thU pro
gramme the senate may proceed will depend
on the amount of tlmo occupied by the appro
priation bills.
In tbo house it is confidently expected thut
by the end of the week the goncrnl
doilciency bill will bo the only
ono of the regular annual bills
unacted on. It is the intention to finish con
sideration of the Indian hill tomorrow , and it
has bocn arranged that the postofllco nnd ag
ricultural appropriations bills shall follow in
the order named. The shipping bill , which
for about two weeks remained pending as
unfinished business , will then bo again
brought up.
The silver question still remains the most
absorbing topic of discussion among members
of the house and there Is a constant fear on
the part of the conservative members thnt It
may at some unexpected time bo sprung upon
the house in an unlooked-for shapo. The
silver men are confident thnt tbo bill will bo
reported to the house before the end of the
\vcelr , nnd the republican caucus which has
been called for tomorrow may hnvo some in
fluence on the course to bo pursued iu regard
to this measure by the majority.
Hospital Fire Near Rochester.
ROCHESTER. N. Y. , Feb. 15. Fire broke
out Into tonight in the cast winger St.
Mary's hospital , a largo three-story building
covering an entire block. The lira spread
rapidly , but owing to the distance from * tbo
center of the city tbo llro department was
slow in getting to the scene. There
were over two hundred and fifty
nnmtcs in the building , but owing to the
nick partitions they were nil rescued. Dur-
ng the excitement Libblo Uursinper Jumped
'rom n window nnd was badly bruised , Fire-
nan Jnyno was Instantly killed by a cornice
'ailing on him , The fire is still burning , but
s under control.
Escaped from an Officer.
CnicAoo.Fob. 15. John SpelmanoEPeorla ,
arrested in St. Paul charged with robbing
.ho mails In Pcorla \Vnshtngton , 111. , and
, vho was on his way hero in chacge ot the of-
leer , escaped last night from a train running
nt full speed. No trace ot him has been
Killed His Wife While Drunk.
iLKcsmmu : , Pn. , Fob. 15. At the village
of Shcrmaiwillo Edward McMullon , a mine
laborer , whllo iu a drunken frenzy attacked
his wife , who was also drunk , with rod hot
poker , inflicting terrible burns nnd mutilat
ing her body horribly. She died in terrible
agony , McMullcn Svos arrested.
Predictions for February Weather.
As there nro but twenty-oight days in
this month there ought to bo loss cold
ntmosplioro than in January , but "nil
signs mil in dry weather , " therefore wo
can only say that tlio electric-lighted ,
steam-heated , vostibulod , limited trains
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will continue to run daily between -
tweon Omaha , Council Bluffs and Chi
cago. Tlio oloctrio light reading lamp
in oneli berth Is the novelty of tlio age.
Ticket otllco , 1501 Farnnm street , Omaha ,
Interest in Ungodly Young Alon
Cnnsea Restlessness for a Glmst.
Lewis C. Boston , nn exemplary young1
mnii died lust Thanksgiving day , and on
liis death bed declared that ho yet hoped
to sco a number of young men of the
neighborhood turn into bettor paths.
BIIVS a Carthage 111. , dispatch to the
Now Yorlc Herald. As Aut Wright
was feeding his horses nt the barn nn
apparition appeared which looked liltoa
man. AVrlfflit shouted nnd It dis
appeared. Sunday night young- Wright
was returning from church , and whllo
ho wns passing a lonely strip of road a
form dressed , in long white robes stopped
out of the hedge fence into the road in
front of the her es. The animals roared
nnd plunged , but the spook caught each
ono by tlio bridle niln saying : "Whoa ,
Charlie ! Whoa , Frank ! "
The animals scorned to recognize tholr
names , for they sank down on tholr
haunches and trembled with four. The
apparition then climbed upon the
buggy tongue and walked along until
the dashboard was readied , then It said :
"Why , Aut , don't you know Lewis
Boston ? Shiiko hands with me. "
Wright , though terribly frightened ,
took the proffered hand , and said it was
cold and clammy ns that of a corpse.
Wright then attempted to drive his
team along , hut the epook said , "Wnttl i !
I want to talk with you , and if you will
only listen to mo a moment I will never
bother you again. "
"Wright says ho sat alongside of Jtho
horrid apparition , which ho swears wns
the dead body of Lewis Boston , which
had returned to life. The spook do-
llvorod messages to loved ones nnd
friends , mostly of a religious nature.
Wright has so far refused to repeat
whnt Boston's spook , told him.
Finally the spook , said : "Au t , I must
go back. I nm callqfl. Oh , I must , ! ItO
back ! Don't you Jioar the angels cal 1-
Ing ? Goodbyl" Aud the spirit van
ished. "
Last night whilo' Wright wns doing
chores nround thojbnVn tt o same appari F.
tion appeared. . "Go away , " cried
Wright , "I don't.yrant to see youl Go
away , 1 toll youl"
"I want to say 'just ' one moro word , "
said the spirit.
iI don't ' want tti see youl" cried
Wright , and in dc'spqration ho throw a
Blnglotroo at thft object. The missile
passed through It as though the body
were a mist. The long white robed thing
moved nway weeping bitterly nnd cry
ing : "I want to sty ono moro word. "
Jt is now stated that Mr.s. Andrew
Wright , mother of Aut Wright , who
has been oulto ill several weeks , was the
first victim of the apparition. She was
in the barnyard ono evening about
three woolc'a ngo , when bho WUBhoard to
utter the most piercing screams. She
wns found prostrate in un Insensible
condition and removed to the houso.
Delirium followed , In which she mut
tered the name of Louis Dnston roneat-
cdlv , The lady Is still qulto side.
The apnonninco of the uppariton has
caiibcd 'tho most intense excitement
through all the eastern portion of the
country. Houbon Bo.tton , father of the
dead boy , was seen by a boy this evening -
ing , lie is n well-to-do and intelligent
"Do you bollovo this to ho your boy %
Mr. BobtonV" ho was asked.
"J bollovo It is Louts. JIo was a good
boy nnil ho hnil the welfare of Ills young
frloiiila nt heart. I wish Aut Wright
would tell you whnt Louis told him , so
you cnn print It. I bollovo ho hns won
derful things to toll. "
"lltivo you ever BOOH Iho nnpnrltlon ? "
"No ; but it must bo Louts.1' '
The strange thing Is nil the topic ot
conversation In Cnrtlmgo , nnd future
visitations from the spook nro nwaltud
with great interest.
IMnylne With Death.
The llfo of the Mission Indian iniitilcti
la not altogether n happy ono , especially
If eho is pretty , judging from tlio fnto
which befell n comely daughter of the
trlbo at Mesa Grntido recently , says the
San DIego Union. A loiter received
here from ono of tlio moat reliable resi
dents of that district relates a thrilling
and barbarous incident. The corrcs-
, pendent says :
"In the autumn after the harvest Is
ever , the Indians liold this fearful orgy
human sacrifice. Eich : clan by itself ,
at the burial place of itsown trlbo , gnth-
ors In from nil the country round and
proceed to frighten uwny the 'evil
spirit' by olTorlng a human sacrifice to
the ( V > ds , the sacrifice always
consisting of the most comely
young mtitdon belonging to the
clnn. This was practiced here recently.
In . . this cnso It was a young clrl about
thirteen yours of ago , whoso fuco was
nearly us white us my own , whoso long
tresses would hnvo graced the hotid of a
qucon. She has been attending nt ono
of the white schools in the nolghbo v
hood for several years and Is us well ed
ucated as the average countr inaidon -
at ago as f.u1 as school books go.
"But , nlas. when she is at homo , she Is
hthat hotbed of vice , the Indian rnn-
oorin , nnd all the outside Inlluonco
nunts for nnuglit in counteracting the
pernicious Influences which surround
her thcro. A hugo flro was built and
the xisual preliminaries of groaning ,
chanting , flat-footed stamping , and all
that sort of jugglery that is common on
such occasions were gone through with
in extra fervor on this occasion , and
whllo this was iu progress the llro had
burned down and lost its fiercest heat.
"Whon it reached this stage a pile of
very green brush brought and thrown
upon the lire , making the most Winding
smoke you can Imagine , and while this
is at its height Iho maiden is bound , n
(1B blanket Isthrown over the smoldering
smoldering green brush , and amid the
most demoniacal cries and shouts she is
thrown thereon and the whole mad
crowd vie with each other in piling
brush ever her until , in this case , it was
as hie'i ' and broad as a squatter's cabin.
Of course nil this brush is green , nnd is
not calculated to really cremate the girl ,
but only como as near to it ns they dare.
Tlio smoke is enough to kill anyone but
nn Indian , and if the pile should blaze
up , as green brush sometimes does ,
nothing could save her from instant
death. It was n terrible sconn , and all
this in the midst of a civilized commun
ity thut Is constantly subscribing to for
eign missions. "
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witt's Llttlo Early Risers nro taken. Small
pill. Sato pill. Best pill.
The humble but inspiring mescal Is
derived from suuh Imposing scientific
terms ns the aguavo Americano , inngupy
and American aloe , says the Plucnix
Herald. lu his report to Agricultural
Secretary Husk , Special Agent Poston
of this city says the plant is n species of
tlio numerous family eicti indigenous to
Arizona , Southern Cullfornio , Texas ,
Now nnd old Mexico. The Aztecswhon
found by the Spaniards , used the plant
for cordugo , matting , brooms , brushes ,
shoos , bedding and various domestic
purposes. They roasted the pulp for
food and fermented the juice into
"pulquo. " .The latter has been im
proved by modern civilization into that
strong but not repulsive drink called
The maguey plant miiturcs in seven
years , becoming cabbage headed in
shape , with prickly guards. It weighs
from twenty-fivo to lifty pounds. The
various layers , ns ronsted by the natives ,
nro nutritious and purgative. The
pulquo is fermented In a rawhide vat. j
The City of Mexico drinks SJO.OOO pint
of pulque dally , or a pint per capita
which ratio prevails generally through
out Mexico , being the national beverage
like wine in Franco , beer in Germany o
' budge" in Yankccdom.
Mescal llowers make excellent lionoy.
Deer nnd antelope seek them eagerly.
The stock of the plunt grows twelve to
twenty foot high , nnd is used in Mexi
can domestic architecture. Mescal dis
tilleries nro very simple , and more
secret thiin nny moonshiner's still.
Maguey lias be-on iminomorially culti
vated in olu Mexico , but is not raised
north of that lino.
In Arizona for twenty-five years post
mescal lias averaged $2.50 per gallon
now , with $1 added for each jour of
maturity. A higher grade article is
cnllcd tequila , and is worth $10 per
Saw the Hoys.
Charles A. Logan , a printer sentenced
two years ngo from Aberdeen for forg
ing a chock , wns discharged recently ,
from the penitentiary at Sioux Falls.
Lognn was once out on parol , but ho
couldn't leave liquor alono'and ono day
got rip-roaring drunk and nothing would
satisfy him but a hack ride to the peni
tentiary to see the "boys.'His wish
was granted and ho wns not allowed to
leave their company until his two year
term expired ,
Tlio American Girl.
After much observation of the woman of
many countries , writes Mrs. John Sherwood
n Harper's Bazaar , the conclusion is iuovlln/
hie that the freedom ot early girlhood , the
looking upon men as brothers , friends and
honorable gentlemen , the being thrown on
one's own good scnso as a guide , above all ,
being trusted by father and mother , nud
lover , not being suspected or watched by a
"black mesour" or a too suspicious duenna
that nil this hns mmlo nvery noble race of
American women , who can bo trusted with
the future of the nation. She may bo slight
ly in need of n few hints , but wo believe In
"pretty witty Nancy. "
Don't Fool VonraoIR
Notwithstanding all rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul Ity's now steam heated palace
sleeping cars , with ' 'electric lights in
every berth , " still loaves the Union de
pot , Omnha nt 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv
ing nt Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. , in ample
time to make all custom connections.
Ticket olllco , 1501 Furnnm st ,
C. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt.
"Speaking about gambling and gam
blers , " says an old traveling mnn In tlio
San Francisco Call , "I wiw not long 10o ;
in Texas ono of the most peculiar gamed
I over -witnessed In all my experience. 3dI
dropped into a town in the western part
of the state nnd found everybody In ita
state of unusual excitement. From
stray remarks dropped I surmised thnt ina
big game of Fomolnnd was in progress ;
bo ns soon as I had secured a room at the
hotel nnd had removed the marks of
travel from my clothes I began to make
inquiries , I was told that a game of
marbles for $1,000 a .side was being
pi lived on the plaza , and thut it wnuthon
uiuler way. itastoning to the iilneo In
dicated I found bovorul hundred pcoplo
conprecnlctl , whllo within nn inclosttro ,
marked off for the purpose , two men In
tholr Bhlrt-sloovcs were engaged In nn
old-fashioned game of mnrbleft.
"Quito naturally , I began to ask ques
tions , and to my nstonuminont learned
that they had boon 'plumping for the
goes,7 as the boys any , for three weeks ,
and neither hint gained an ndvantngo.
"They may bo playing yet. "
Two Good
Hero is n ccnulno German "coke , " trans
lated lltcrallv from Fllo cmlo lllattcr :
I'hotograpnor Your son , the student , this
picture onlorod.
Fnthcr-lllm that is like , lias ho for it
paid I
Ol'hotogratihcr Yet not.
Futhor-Stlll moro like him is that.
Catft lc found
Iho equal of Dr. Pierco'tJ Golden
Medical Discovery. If other modi
cincs of ita clnss were like it , they'd
bo guaranteed. Tin's is. If it
doesn't benefit or cure , "in every
case for which it's recommended ,
you get your money back. It
isn't a " cure-all , " but it docs euro
all diseases arising from ntorpid _
or deranged liver , or from impure
blood. For all Scrofulous , Skin and
Scalp Diseases , it'd a positive rem
edy. Even Consumption , or Lung-
scrofula , is cured by it , if taken in
time and given a fair trial. That's
nil that's asked for it : i fair tiinl.
Then , if it doesn't help you , there's
no pay.
\V"o' \ claim it to be an uncqualcd
remedy to purify the blood am ] in
vigorate the liver. Wo claim it to
bo lusting in its effects , creating nn
appetite , purifying the blood , and
preventing Bilious , Typhoid and
Malarial fevers , if taken in time.
The time to take it is when you
first feel the signs of weariness and
weakness. By druggists.
Drs. Betted Belts
Piiysliui , Surjw n ; anil Specialists ,
OMAHA , NE1) ) .
Tno momt widely nnd favorably known ppec-
InllHtBln the Unfloi Htntos. Tner : lone ox-
porlutice , romnrkaliloHklll nnd umvorsul suc
cess In the treatment and euro or Nervous ,
Clironio iinil bnrxlcnl Diseases , cntltlo thcso
ciulnrnt DhyMclHMs to Iho full confidence of
tlio iiflltotpil over ) where. Tliov piiarnnt-'o :
the iiwlul Plteotsof onrly vlco and the numer
ous ovIlH tlintfoMow In Its tr.ilu.
Biipndllv , completely niul pernitiiiontly cured.
NRitvotis linniMTV AN'D HnxiiAi * is
OltDEUS yield readily to tholr skillful treat-
cnnrnnteed cured without pain or dctcnllun
from business.
nnntly i\nd successfully on rod In o\ory ease ,
iiiiitorrhei , i-eiiiluil : M'ciiliu'b = , l.osl. Manhood ,
Nlslit Emissions , Decayed KiicultlcB , roiiiulo
Weakness nnd till dc-llcato dlsnrdurh peculiar
to either HBX positively cured , na tvoll as nil
functional disorders thut lesiiltfrom youthful
follies or the oxeoss of innturo years.
QTPirTIlP Ko "r"ltcn'1 | liormanont ly
O I i\l\j L Ui\L < curcil , lomovnl complete ,
without cutting , caustic or dllatntloi : . Cures
cITectcd nt homo by patient without a 1110-
munt's pain or annoyance.
A . ITPK fllttl ? The nwful effects of
n. OU1VU L > UI\.L < enrly vlco which brines
orttunlo weakness destroylnc uotli mind and
body , with all Its droided Ills , permanently
en rod.
HI ? < s RIJTTQ Address those who linvo Im-
1/lVO. DL.I 1 O puiiod tlieinsolves by 1m-
proper Indulgence and solitary Imhlts , which
rain both mind and body , unfitting them for
business , study or mnrrhixo.
MAKUIKI ) MEN or these entering on thnt
litippy lifeawaro of phybleal ( labilityquickly
In based upon facts. First Practical experi
ence. Second Every case Is specially studied ,
thus starting rlRhu Third incdlolnea are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus eHe.etltig cures without Injury ,
Drs , Betts & Betts ,
Of Council Dlufft.
CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 ,
IJIHKOTOIH I. A. Mlllnr , P. O. Oloason , U U
Blmgart. I ) , i : . ll.irt , J. 1) . Edmumlson , Uharlui
O. lliiunuu. buiUliu binl-
ness , hardest uml mirphu of uuy
bank In Southweatorn Iowa.
Corner Main anil Ilrnadiray ,
ne.vlers In forolijn urnl ilomuitlo xoliiim
Collection muilu and Interest paid oil
Council llluil * , In.
AllilliciKosuf the Hri
truntvil w'tli ' tliu trcal
bklllnntl mm ,
nnilllAV KKVKU troaluj
wllh eminent miccoaj.
SimniCAhOPKUATION'H , wlioru iiucuimirr. P ln-
le lj purfurmo I with tlio utmost cnru iin.l skill , m-
niirhiK pord-ct roiulti , KINKIT l | [ < AH3id : occur-
ntulr princrlbcd , corrc'dliu all rofractlva troublui.
na .Mr up IT , Ilrpcropla anil AitlxlimlUiu , tliui run'
ilorliunlulit enr , cloir nut ualnloM , CilltONIU
NKIJKAUllAiinl tilCK IIIUI > .vmiK , afOr yoiM
of U'rriblo nutforliiK. nn rollnt.ontlrnly curu.l Oltlce > ,
Uooin 1 , Hliuunrt lllucli , over lioao A. Co. ' itora ,
Cuunoll lilulK , 1 * .
( KxcllUlK0.1 !
Don't ba afraid of trmli ulr , but avoid
i1ranulit .
Don't RO out of doors for u Rccoml without
extra ccnorhiK.
In.piMi'ctliiK your winter umlerolotliliitr ,
pluwo tlmt wlilcli 1st wiirni niul yet moro or
lc - open In toxturo.
TuKooit ronr uvurcont when you rntor ft
'varin plivioliptlior nllloo or urlvutu dwel
ling , ovuii If your visit li tu lint only tlirc6
If you ontcli cold or ilovolou n coucli , cot rid
ot It nt onco. TlihlsHettortlinnfvclltiK" ' ' ! ' ! ! ) ' '
niul thinking thut iitiomnoiilaor consumption
IIIIH marl ; cd you as u > lot Int.
Tlio uost rmiiedy forncoiigli orcolil ( turnover
stubborn ) , or a sudden I'lilll , U tniro wlilskoy.
A d MO of whlskoy In water will import n KOH-
rrom warmth to tlio uliolo body ntul kcop oil
tha dhonieiot tlio Ncnion ,
Don't forirnt tlmt only jniro wliUkoy ulioulil
l > o taken. Ihtll'y's Piirn MultVliMa < v lint tlio
stroiiccst loootiiiiiiMiilntloii from tlio lundlni ;
doctors m to Itmilllolenoy. iinO fitini tlio 111016
prominent st'lcntliu ni tit Id purity. It U tlio
only ctaiiiliiril uuMllcinnl lHltoy. Tnku no
otlu-r from your druggist.
l-envos JC1IIC.V < ! 0 , "mini.IN < ! TON .v'g.l Arrlvci
JJmnlin. I _ | ) opol lUlh ami Ma un street * I Omnlm.
] .OITO | K. tST. . .I.M ) . li. I.Arrlu-1
Jiimlin. I Icpot ) liUli ni Omnhn.
| i.IO ! a iti.Knmaa | ( "lly llnjr Hxpre" I H.1U p m
Ji.i.jiJnK. [ ( . ' . lltlitKxp vl.itr. r. TroiM.I C.(5 nm
J.p.itoi UNION 1'Arinc. ArrUCs
Qiimlm. Depot IJlli nml Mnrcy > troot . _ Oinali .
4 ; to n in Knnnn Cltr itTO. : | ' < 12 O.'i n iu
10.10 n in lloalrlui.V l'nlrlllclilu\ci ( > | 'tSun ) 4 U p m
10 VU n in 4 uo p m
2.M p in . . .Oiprlnml Mjir n M p m
4 : tU p in ( Imiul lulniul II I > . ( except Sun. ) 1I..V > n m
jyj ) p 111
io.ivin r L'iifi'Stro : nn. A i-Aciru * . i Arrivcr
Onmlm. | U , 1' , ilcpnt. loth nml Mnrcy ht .I ( Imnlin.
0.10 p in Nlxht KxproM 1101)5 ) n in
li 1)5 11 m Athuillo Kxprcrn li.'K ) p n\
4:10 : pm VuMlbiiln Llmlloil .JlO.lfi u nj
"U-avc-ri - fetcWX XMTV'S. 1'ArmO. "TArrUer
" Onmlm. | If. 1' . ili-pot. IQIIi jind Mnrcy Sta. | ( mmlifl.
. '
_ 4.3U 't. I'.iul
"feTes" ! sufu.v OITVA I'Acmt
Onmlm. I Depot IMli nnilVolnUT yi < I Omnlin.
l.onvoj inilCAIiO.V ; .NOKTHWK3TKUN , Aiilvea
Jiiiinlin | . I' , ilcpol , llllli mul aiurcy Sta , | Oninlijj.
V.I5 n in p in
4 : id p in . Vi'Jtlluili ! Limited P. GO n ra
11.15 ii 111 lown comiiu > < latloiio\c. ( Mm.l t ) | ? . ( tt p m
U.1U p in .Kimli'm I'lyiv 1".l" > p nl
11.4'in m ( otc.Hin iiU'ijL't ii : 'tfv _ : ( pxc Miinll 7.1U n m
T.cKvua" " . .
Omnlin. | U. I' , dopnt. loth niul .Murcy St < | Unmliii.
1.10 p ml ( 'hlcniro Kvptvs * I' ' . ! . ' > n roj
l.M 11 ml Clilrngo Kxprcss I 000 p ma
175 ? oV fiM7\H"A A ij'r. l
Omah . U. 1' . depot. ICtli nnd Mnrcy 8t > . | Oinnli5. _
4 00 p ni Bl. Irfiu'li Cnnnon Hall . | Tv.'IO p 10
TCcarcs" T ArrlT6 "i
Depot lltli nnd Webster BU. I Onmlm. '
U UI n m Illack IIIIN Kipr li.20 p m
UOO n iu . .Huntings rip. ( Ur. tiuiiilay ) , ft.20 p In
6.10 p in Wnbno\Mncoln l'a ( cx. Siincl'y ) ll.HS a m
_ 5.JO p . . . . . . .Norfolk ( ox. Sunday' " I SI
IJOIIT osl Arrlrfti'i
Onmhi. I IlppM litli nndVcbalcr 8t . Cliimhu.
H.10 n in . .SlouvCltp Aocommoilntlon , . 0 05 p in
1.00 p m HlouxClty i ; < pro9scT. ( tiiindnyl 12.10 p m
n.(0 ( p in . .St. I'nul Llmllod | i.V5 a m
6.15 p m llnnrntt I'a'soncr'r lot. Siinilnyll 8.4 n 11
Onmlm HoputlStli nndVt l tcr Sl .
10r : n IP. I . . s A K. C.
U 15 p m | . . .St. Ixmls Jc 1C. C' K pro < i
Leaves OHIUAtiO , II. I. ft PACIKIO. I ArrlTOJ
Transfer Union Depot , Council Uluffj. ITniiiuor
G.S pn Niuht Kxprcus , U.ii n m !
pnm Atlanllo . . . _ 6 .U D m
r-.oo ViMlllnilo Limited. KiO ) : n m
Jx vrs | ClllM < ! ( ) . \.NOHTItWSTKIlN ) : I Arrives
TrunHfoiNlIiilon _ _ _ IJopot , 00111101 ! Illiin . ITransfcr
u 40 n m Chlcneo Hxpien li U ) f m
t > 01 p in Veillbulo Minltoil H.1.0 . n m
1(10,1 p in llnstcrn Hyor 200 p ra : p in TAtlnntlo Mnll 7.W : n m
( nwnArconiiiinili _ > tlpiiJKxB Sun ) ; 0.41) ) p 111
'J'ronsfor Union lli'i'iil. Cniincll IlliHtn. iTrnnafor
(1 ( 40 p m io Itzprcu I M.IJn'm
K Ai p m Chicago UipreiH .1 6.33 p in
Arrive *
'J'rnntfurl Union llupot. Co'incll HlulT . Trnn ror
i Canfui r
Ullln iu | . rlilrnco Kipresi II ! D p m
lOtKJ p in . .ClilcJK" Kipreu H.40 n m1
05 p nil . CrcHtun Lncnl 11.20.a.m
T.Afrlvn t
Tramlcrl Union Uopot , Council lllulTi , Trnimfor
7.l.'i n in1. .Hlotix City Accommodation. . . | U 40 n m
1 . . t. I'nul l' pron . .llunOpm
"T71OUSALK SCCM ! potatoes , 1,030 liiishcls ot
L Kuily Itoso and Ohtos , Apply to Muiliini &
Itlthton , "uT I llroadwny , or " 15 Vine Htroot ,
Council Hliillh.
Holisrs For sale. J will sell farm liot-cs at
rousonnlilo prices nnd stvuoiioyi"iii' ' tlnie ,
Intciost nt ( l per cent ! Piitlsr.iotory boonrlty
must be i-'lveii. Lcoiiuid Kvorett.
T71OH iXC'ANJi : ' : Oond liniinnoil Omnlin
J nnd Council Illiills property to uxclnuiKO
for lonu land. Sjnil full description ofwluit
you IIIIMI t < i olfor to Johnston & Van I'attun ,
Cunncll lllnir , In ,
* | 71OHSAI < r A liuriiln ; now inoilorn House
J-1 ulth nil llio linn Improvoinuiits , KOVOII
looms : will sull oni-aay iiaymi'iitH ; loi-nledoii
tlio li'lftli avi'inio motor llnu. I ) . J. lltitchln-
.son , ( )1 ) ? llruadway ,
"inoilHAI < Klalit-room liouso nnd t\\o lots.
-I'oii llanlsoii st. A m-xlern hyusu niul n
peed liomu choup. H. J. Ilntulilnson , Ot7
K Vorv ( Ino r.Tidstor , 4 yours , and
very llnu family mare , 4 yoats ; uliuap for
casli , 0110 or span. Will tr.idu for ui > rlilit pl-
nno. Mar. Itourlcliis. nmslo tcaoliCi , UlStuts-
mini sticot , Counull ItlnlTs.
TJ1OH SAIK-rino slir'lb uud ( loiiblo roud-
JL' sters anil heavy ( IrauKht liorios.Vlllalrto
(111 ( orders for uny Htvlo of liorsus wnntod.
I.eavoorduM with Dr. W. I- . 1'iitton'untrul
livery anil silu : btutilus1 mid N. Main
Council UliilK
TflOU SALE or Ilont OirJon land , with
JC hoiiiei , by J. It. Hloo. 101 Main st. , OounoU
linloyBurke.GiJo.W. Howitt.Thos. E. Oasady
Burke , Hewitt &Casady ,
Attorneys-at-La w
Ofllccs : J. J. Brown llulldlns , Council DluflV ,
lowiiW. . C.ESTEP ,
Council Hliiirs , Town.
1 1 > orth Main Street ,
l Director mi 1 Km' ) iliu u *
A It kinds of DyliiK and Cleaning done In thn
( IlKhuhtStyloof the Art , and titaliiodl
I'linrlCH mmlo to lookm uood in niiw. Work
promptly don" and dullvurad In tilt purls ot
the . ounliy , Suiid for price list ,
u. A. MAUIIAN. rrop. .
JOU llroudwnv. NOar Nortliwoaturn lupoU
COUNCIL lli.uvra.
Ovcr0.ll. _ _ Juccjuouiln & Co. , Je olry