PART TWO THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAGES 9 TO 16 TWENTIETH YEAR OMAHA , SUNDAY MOItNINO , FEBRUARY 15 , 3891-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 239. . HAYDEN BROS. HAYDEN BROS. CLOTHING - DEPARTMENT. CLOTHING - DEPARTMENT , AND - AND - Eiseman's GlotMiig OKT SALEX A.T Eiseman's Clothing SECOND FlAOOR , Bros. ' S121OONO Hayden . Clothing Dept Sale Opens Monday , Feb. 16th. Sale Ofans Monday , Feb. 16th. SEXOOND RL.OOR. . $6OOOOworth of Clothing" Bought from Eiseman's Assignee at S § Cents on the Dollar * and will be sold by Hayden Bros , as near SB Cents on the Dollar as possible. * We bought this fine stock of Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing for the people , and not for ourselves where we get our profit , is in the future. Our Clothing Department will be known by every resident of Nebraska and Iowa , We positively promise all additional profit attached to this 35 cent purchase will be only to partly pay the expense of selling the goods. 'Do not be under the impression that Eiscman carried cheap clothing , They sold nothing but the best , We invite everybody to this sale , we can suit you in anything you want , and save you 100 per cent on every dollar's worth you buy. The Overcoat Stock Invoiced $20,000-Tliey go from 50 Cents up , and not very far iro. ' ' " "E s" ' " s"i" " ' * " " "icli' - ' " MEN'S SUITS FINE ELEGRNT SESTJ I < , . , Thousands and Thousands of pairs of Men's Single Pants , finest goods made , 25c up , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS in abundance at 75c up. BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS , $1.50 , up to the finest goods made 100 per cent saved. ' CHILDREN'S SUITS , 75c up , all grades , fine styles , at 38 cents'on the dollar. . \ % . OVERALLS , worth $1 , at 50c ; Duck Coats , Jeans Pants , Pea Jackets , Jumpers1 ; Carpenter's Apron's , Painter's Goods , everything will go , nothing reserved. Remember , second floor for clothing. Every price is on the goods , showing exactly what' ' . you save. HAYDEN B OS. HAYDEN BROS. CLOTHING - DEPARTMENT. CLOTHING - DEPARTMENT. AND -AND- Eiseman's Clothing Sixteenth and Dodge Streets , - - Omaha Neb. Eiseman's Clothing * . , . SE.OOND FLOOR SECOND FLxOOR. Sale Ofens Monday , Feb. 16tkt MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Sale Opens Monday , Feb. 16th. mmm \ \ , Complete Eostor of tbo Omahai for the Our rent Year. FRIENDS OF MAN'S TRUEST FRIEND , A New Trotting Circuit Hunting anil/ / FiHhliiK-Tlio Knights of Vis- tlaim And Ilreczy Notes niul Comments. THE Dnn Is enabled this morning to lay bo- 1 ere Its baseball renders the full roster of tbo local team for 1SQ1. The source of authority concerns no one , so long as It Is reliable , and you can bank on It that it Is. Hero are the Black Sox who will endeavor tolvo ( us the llag for 1893. Pitchers , Knell , Sharrott , Uakor , Clnrlto mid Kltoljorg , to commence with at least. Catchers , Hnlllgnn anil New man. First base , Allen McAuloy ; second , Dan Shannon ; third , ElmerCloveland ; short , Joe Walsh ; loft field , Jimmy Caimvnn , mid dle , Charlie Willis ; right , u peed hard hitter yet to bo secured. As to the now men , they nro nil flrst-ratcrs. Ilalllgau is a star ball player , an elegant catcher , flno thrower , heavy base runner and n number ono loft-hand hitter. Ho will bo n favorite from the Jump. Sharrott is ono of the most promising pltchors in the coun try. The nvoraco fan has been' reading of liliu all sutnmor and Is probably nwaro of the strong fight made to Keen him In the Now York team this season. All of the good Judges about Now York look upon him as ono of the coming pitchers. Manager Shannon lias undoubtedly struck ft prize in Sharrott. Norman Baker , all baseball lovers know him. Ho pitched last season for Baltimore and stood second among the American association pitchers. Ho has got ono of the best heads on his shoulders of any pitcher In the coun try , a peed chanpo of pace In his pitching , and will no doubt prove a big help to tbo lllnctc Sox this summer. McAuloy is also well known , but has Improved won derfully since ho playrd In this part of the country. A friend who saw Win play a few games last season says ho did Ills work in grand style and the Phila delphia league peoulovoro well pleased with Ills effectiveness at first , but ho did not hit quite as hurd as they would hnvo liked. Tills is strange , too , slnco ho was always consid ered a better batter than fielder. Ho always stood near the top of the butting lUt In every class ho has played in excepting last season , The year ho played for St. Paul in the North western league-bo stood third at the eloso. Of course there Is n liaro possibility yet that Cleveland may bo displaced for a butter nuin , but it is doubtful , ana In tlio above roster you have Omaha's complete team for the year , with the exception of right Hold. What do you think of It ) T- No Clinngo In tlio Circuit , The ngony Is over at last , The western baseball cr.uik can now go to work and flguro out the pennant winner for 1SW , At the Chicago meeting Thursday it was considered the better policy not to change the circuit. For this there were two good and potent rca- tons , The llrst was that there wore no cities howling crazy to break Into the \Vestorn as- sociatlon nftor all , and the second was the difficulty In getting rid of any of the present cities if there bad been. So U was llobson's choice. Well , Omaha Is fitulsllea if the res of the world Is. Ono good thing accomplish Was the passage of the resolution compelling each club to deposit with tbo reasuror a $3,000 bond , guarantee- IIR that they would play tlio season out. This will bo a "pea-wnrmor" for Milwaukee. Last season she absolutely re fused to deposit $1,000 , for the snmo purpose , but there will bo no monkeying this year. It will ho business from the word go. Nebraska's It. A. AV. Division. A. H. Perrlgo , chief consul , 1315 Dodge street. OMAHA , Nob. , Fob. 13. To the Snorting Editor of TUB I3cu : I have this duv selected nnd appointed Tun OMAHA IJuu as the oflleial organ of the Nebraska division of the League of American Wheelmen. Wheelmen.A. A. II. Pciuuao , C. C. Members Nebraska Division : The league membership for this state has reached 100 , making us a full-fledged division , This is a small number for the great find prosperous state of Nebraska. Now , if you will all lend a helping hand nnd every man of you bring in ono or moro members , wo will hnvo a di vision to ho proud of. Wo must have 400 before - fore another year and this cannot bo accom plished unless all of us do our best nnd pull together. There are no local consuls In the state to sneak of nnd I would like to hnvo clubs and individual members send in their applications nnd preference ns soon as possi ble , so they can bo acted upon at onco. Yours fraternally , A. II. Puiimao , C. O. OMAHA , Fob. 11,1S01. , UULI.CTIK J o. 1. The following named members hnvo been appointed to fill ihoir respective ofllces for the baluncoof the year : Secretary-treasurer , N. T. Fisk , Loxlng- ton ; vlco consul , Frank Van Horn , Lincoln : local consul , Frank I. Ellick , Fremont ; local consul , Samuel Patterson , Plattsmoutk. fraternally. A. II. PEituiao , C. C. Fob. 13 , IbUl. The Hunting nnd Flailing Club. The oftlccrs of the Omaha hunting and fishing club for the ensuing year are John F , Boyd , president ; George Schroeder , secre tary and treasurer , and Adam Snydcr , Jack Morrison and Dr. Kamacci- ottl commissaries. The club has pro vided Itself , at a cost of something like $1,000 , with a complete traveling outllt nnd camping paraphernalia , including a big cabin wngou , with commissary and sideboard at tachments , horses , tents nnd other impedi menta. In the summer tlmo they make monthly incursions against the denizens of lake and stream nnd In the fall and spring couiluo themselves to the pursuit of chicken , squirrel , ducks and gccso. Next month they leave for a month's ' Jaunt up somewhere on the romantic Loup , and the sporting editor has been Invited to inako an honorary mem ber of the party. A New Trotting Circuit. A meeting in the interests of a now trot ting circuit to include Omaha , Council Bluffs , Kcokuk , Ottutnwa , Creston , Lincoln and Topeka , was held In this city Thursday. All the cities hut ICeokuk and Ottumwa were represented , as follows : Omaha. Joseph Gurncau ; Council lUuffs , J. W. 1'eregoy ; Creston , H. T , McKnorny : Lincoln , D. T. Mount ; Topokn , Secretary Mooroof the Kan sas State Fair association. The following schedule was drafted and adopted : ICeokuk , August 4 to 7 ; Ottumwa , August 11 to 14 ; Creston , August 18 to SI ; Council Bluffs , August t to 23 ; Omaha , September 1 to 4 ; Lincoln , September 7 to 11 ; Toooka , Sep tember IS to 10. The Council Bluffs dates are conditional upon the consent of Kcokuk aud Ottumwa. Spud's Now I'lienom. "Spud" Farrlsh has signed young Fred Goodrich , a son of tlio city comptroller , to assist the Musocs In the box tbo coming sea son. Young Goodrich is but fifteen years old and weighs ' 'OH pounds. Ho did considerable work as a twlrlcr for the high school team last season , and "Spud" says ho is a comer. A Wnllccr from Wnllcoravlllc. A , N. Jobuson , of Lincoln , Nob. , will walk any man In Nebraska for n pnrso of $ iOO or moro. Ho nlso has 1,000 to hot that ho can outwalk ntry man In the United Stntas , of his mjo , which Is twenty years. Here Is a chanca for some of you woald-bo champion walkers. The Wrorn : of tlio The Jim Corbctt-Donaldson-Davis combi nation will visit this city Friday February 27. Particulars hereafter. Joe Choynski's defeat at Sydney , N. S. W. , lost Wednesday by Joe Goddnrd , was good news to Jack Davis. Choynski lasted Lut four , rounds. Tommy Miller has broken out again. Ho meets Hilly StUt near Chicago a week from tonight for tbo lightweight championship of the northwest. Pat ICIllcn writes Referee IJothcry that ho has a world-beater In Mlko Fitzgerald nt ] BO dounds , and wants to know if there is n man in Omaha who thinks differently. Sam Morton , manager of the Twin City club , has written to Omaha parties that ho lias reserved a dozen of the best seats for thom next Tusday night , the data of the ' Ncecllmm-Ryan go. The California athletic club are making great preparations for the battle between Peter J. Herget , the middleweight cham pion of the Pucitlo slope , and Gcorgo La Blanche , who are to , fight under the auspices of the club for n purse of S.1M)0 on February 20 , It h expected over fourthousand specta tors will bo present. Vonng Mitchell , while ho has not fought sjnco ho defeated Sailor Brown , Is a slight favorite. Lu Blanche will have many supporters , who will back him heavily. It is expected that William Mul- doon and Jnko Kilraln may second La Blanche. Peter Jackson is golnp to open a sporting saloon. His friends nro dissatisfied at his failure to keep in condition , "Whispering Krnui the Wlicol. A New Jersey wheelman claims a record of 4,700 , miles for 1890. The Turcoman club will reorganize nnd elect ofllccrs next month , General Mlles rides a safety bicycle and is a great admirer of cycling , The wheel club's high-five tournament will end on the evening of February 23. The Englewood , Chicago ladles' cycling club boasts of thlrty-ono active , members. The COOKS county wheelmen of Chicago will build a club house to cost (30.000 next year. All machines fitted with pneumatic tires nro subject to a duty of $10 on their entry into the United States. The ten-mllo championship of Australia was recently won by W. A. Lewis iu 29 min utes and 110 seconds. The author of the "pome" "Sockloss Jerry , " had probably never scon 1'ortor- fleld's ' 01 racing costume. Hnrry Nott won the largest number of games nt hlgh-flvo last Monday evening and wears the prlzo pin this week. When Ebersolo'a term of oftlco expires ho intends to devote his cntlro time to the study of the Intricacies and uncertainties of high ilvo. ilvo.Omaha's Omaha's of the fair cyclers sox are plot ting against the natives , and the probable outcome will bo a ladles' bicycle club in the near future. The European party of bicyclists to bo managed by C. H. Smith of Detroit will sail for Liverpool from. Now York city on July 89 , on the City of Berlin. Abbot Bassott , the genial secretary of the League of the American Wheelmen , has been at the helm of the oflleial organ for two week's ' past , and has presented its readers with some very spicy editorials. In the opinion of tlio government of the Melbourne bicycle- club of Australia , a by- cycltst may accept money for riding a race , the club denning a professional as a man who makes a living out of wheel racing. Gcorgo H. Broadbent , the best lonp-dls- tan co rider of Australia , is alleged to have ridden 100 miles on November 0 In six hours and twenty minutes , riding a full roadster , solid-tired safety , weighing forty-thrco pounds. J , timer Pratt , a member o ! the Lincoln Cycling club of Cblcnco , arrived in San An tonio , Tex. , on January 17 , having wheeled nil the way from Chicago , from which plnco ho started Juno 15 , intending to go to Call- fotnia. lie will remain in that city for n short tlmo to rest before resuming his Journey. Ono of the first things tnat the racing hoard ouirht to do before the racing season opcns is to make arrangements for the penal ization of pnpuniatic-ttrcd wheels , as they will bo largely used by the racing men. Con fusion , petty squabbles nnd unpleasant pre dicaments will certainly arise unless some understanding is reached. The clause In the now racing rules limiting amateur prizes to inscribed cups , badge ? , ir.cdnls , etc. , and abolishing tho" heretotoro promiscuous custom of donating hoard bills , wciiring apparel and general merchandise in mnatcur contests , will bo greatly appreciated by all patrons and lovers of athletic sports and will magnify the dividing line between the amateur and the professional. Uhodes still lends in the pool tourney with n scoo of SO nor cent. Perfect is nearest the o ongcnllng point , but has brisht hopes for the future. The score is as'follows : p. c. p. c. Ilranrtt Ponho'v 40 Davidson. 40 I'unroi TO Kbcrsole * . , 0 1'erfeit ' Ill Hinorson. . .W I'orrlco .50 Kpenotor. . .40 Ithodi'S , II. II .80 Howard. . . .40 Ithnilcs , S. 0. .4 ! ) KiiBtman . .48 Slefkln . 'M Muttliows. .08 TowiKimd. , . .51 Jlorrls. . . . .48 Gibson .43 Them are some prospects of Arthur Zim merman , the speedy rider of the Now Jersey Athlotlo club , who recently had his suspen sion raised by the L. A. W. , going to Uuropo this spring to compete with- some of tho. crack UrUishors. liocnl Mtsocllnricoim Sports. Tbo race between Lily Williams and the masked byklst will probably como off at the Coliseum March 7. The celebrated stallion , Holstlon , has ar rived at the stables of Gcorgo A. Baruuin , 1121 North Eighteenth street. Thcro have been entries received from Chihuahua for the coming season's races at Chicago. The Bavicoru stables will bo repre sented lucre" . A big bunch of geese from the upper Mis souri were received > at a Tenth street com mission house Thursday , showing that the : birds Irnvo begun to hiovo. I Jack Prlnco will manage a six days go-as- you-ploaso bicycle race at Detroit the week of March 2. Heading and Martin of tills city will bo among the starters. Cartright. whpwon the six day pedestrian match in this city two years ago , won the walk at Minneapolis lost week , scoring 521 idles , netting him nboub&i.OOO. . It wouldn't ' ho a bad idea for the war de partment to call out-Bandy Griswold , of TUB OMAHA BEE , in case of another uprising among the Indians. IJhlladclphla i'rcss. Matsada Soraklchl , yrhoso last St. Joa fake netted nearly enough to square his and his manager's hoard hill , is now counting the tins between that city and. Cincinnati , the mecca of wrestlers. Frank Parmelfo John.Gwin and John Field , who wont southa week-ago with the Illinois Central's shooting outtlt , are now on the In dian river in Florida , Riiests of the celebrated Dixie club of Pensacola. At the combination sale of trotters at Lot- Ington , ICy , , last Wednesday , the bay jlliy , Occident , by Guy W/llkes / , dam by General Ilcnont , was purchased by It , 1C. Hart of Poplar Plains , this state , for $1,075. Ned Reading ) vlshej > to state through the columns of Tins BEE that ho Is ready and anxious to meet any struddlor of the byko In the world In a six day , eight or twclro nour a day race , for from $1,000 to $24000. The great shoot between teams of the north and south for tbo Sporting review cup took place at the Louisiana gun club groundsat New Orleans last Monday , Frank Parmaloo of this city , shot with the northerns , who won by a score of KW to W. Lottio Stanloytha , Police Gazette champion fomalu bicycle rldor , and well known to the patrons of the local Coliseum , U expected to nnlvo from the other side in tlmo to take part in the six-day race that commences nt Music ball , Cincinnati , next -\\ock. \ "Sandy" Griswold was once n writer of blood-curdling romances , and the uprising in the bad lands has glvon him n new theme. Tin : OMUIA BCR Is publishing a story of the day from his pen called "ThoNcbraska Fugl- tlves.-CincfnnatlTimes-Stnr. The Kansas City reportorial fiends have been indulging in a billiard tournament , nnd lialph Stout won. Ho is the sporting editor of the Times , nnd , consequently , of course , couldn't lose. Corporal Tom" Bell of the Journal nnd Deacon Jcctns Whitllcld were out ot siirht. In the four-ball game last Wednesday night both mndoa run or fivetho highest on record in the city by the Kaw. Charlie Budd hasn't tasted the sweets of victory for so long Unit ho has forgotten what It sounds like. Champion Elliott , whoso cranial enlargement has lately suffered a dimlnishmcnt through the Klicnmans of Chicago , nnd Budd met In a little frlendlv tilt at 100 birds each nt Clintonlalast week" , with a $ oOO stake to maho it real , and Elliott grassed 93 out of his stringwhllo the "Chlp- poy" could only got down 'Jt ! . The esteemed Omaha correspondent of the Sporting Times , "Sandy Griswold,1' has written a romance of the present Indian out break. The story Is now running in serial form through the columns ot THKO.MAIIV BEI : . I will toke great pleasure shortly in reviewing this great work of my brother nov elist. P. S. I need only quote the closing line of last Sunday's installment of Mr. Griswold's masterpiece to assure the reader of this paragraph that Sandy's storv does not lack for excitement. The words I refer to are these : "hideous screams of triumph nnd de light. " With tills ringing in one's ear the story is continued for a whole week. Editor Caylor. Now give me a wuaok at your chef d'oruvto. ' Scud mo u copy. Ulnn's Truest Friend. OMAHA , Fob. 14. To the Spot-tins Editor of Tim DEE : It in a source of satisfaction to many of Omaha's most prominent and cs- tconn'cl citizens to know that u local Kennul dub 1m Ijoi-ii orRinil/L'il ut lust upon an cu- durliiR basis , and tula has induced mo to revert to u subject I have often noticed In your columns. It is a matter which has puzzled many of our best citizens , being the fact that the best and truest friends that man over had is afforded no protection under our barbaric laws. ' Anyone can destroy , in any manner ho sees fit , the most valuable dog tuat ono may be come attached to. If a person were to kill a hog , n sheep , n chicken , the owner could recover therefor. If a person were to steal n horse though , of the vnluo of $30 or oven less , the perpetrator would bo strung to a telegraph polo. A dog , however , with all his valuable at tributes may bo worth in the market hun dreds of dollars , yet anyone Is at liberty to take his life and the owner can recover noth ing for his loss. Without speaking of the In humanity ttlnch would warrant anyone In taking the llfcuif man's noblest friend , from n property startapolnt our laws in not afford ing us protection nro clearly wrong and should bo chnngoil. It Is strange that the English people who for years have bred tbo Jlnest blooded dogs which have been a source of so much comfort ana profit should never have given them moro nmplo protection. Our laws should bo amended or a bill passed giv ing the property owner of dogs the same pro tection as those who own horses , shcop and hogs. It Is a sad commentary on man's ingrati tude to treat bis host friend In such a man ner. Tlio friend whicn In adversity , when everyone has abandoned him still clings to him and demonstrates hh affection when men whom ho hud counted on have forsaken him. As was truly said by a great writer the "moro I BCO of men the were I llko dogs. " Ulysses when everyone hod forgotten him found a true inemoryln nls dog wbo upon recognizing him died at his foot , Cannot men change their barbarlo notions In thiwrogardl Can they not In the nine teenth century finally recognize a friendship Which is eternal and bauish from their iu- ' humanity the cruel laws which exist against their best friends ? CIIAULUS Oauux , Captain Uav has the chamnlnn courser of the west in hts big stag hound ' Kclloy. " Jack Morrison , in his big spotted Dane , has what ho terms a bench winner for any amount of stuff. John Short owns n kennel of beagles nnd Is as good authority on the caniuo as can bo found In these parts. J. A Wood la the owner of the best stud pug in the west. His name is "Duiio , " and ho doesn't bcllo his name. Clmrjes J. Williams , -with Farrcll & Co. , 217 South Kighth street , has n St. Bernard Utnh by Bravo out of Mascot Belle , at a cost of Sl&O. The fine mastiff bitch owned by Walter Phclns died ono day last week from the effects - fects of poison , administered by some mis creant , R.F.Mabcr , Billy Mcldrum.W. F. Cad- egan anil C. J. Williams nra all connoisseurs of line dog ilesh and scholars and gentlemen , every ono of them. Billy Ilnwloy is the proud possessor of Little Bullo , a bull terrier , and money couldn't buy her. She will leap tip nnd catch the swing ringln Hawloy's gymnasium and hang there by her teeth for a solid hour. Harry F. Clarke claims the bnst bred Gor don setter In the state , nnd John Field and Billy Townscnd nro the possessors of a num ber of excellent Irish setters. Al Fitch owns an English pointer that $200 wouldn't touch. A. J. Clarke is the owner of the fastest Jack of Virginia fox hounds owned in the state , comprising Loud , Traveler , Daisy , Fellow , Pete , Benny , Queen' nnd Lend. lie also owns a swift courser la Doe , a grey hound. Clothesline , the groy hound holding the world's ' record , is now owned by Charlie ICos- tors , but is in charge of Marvu Beardsley on tholattcr'i' ranch. Clothesline is old and do- crepld , and his running days have been over this half dozen years , Judge Ivos has drawn up a hill for the pro tection of owners of dogs which Is to bo pro- sentcd to the present legislature nnd ovorv effort made to secure its passage. It make's the theft of a dog valued over $35 grand lar ceny , and under that figure petit larceny. Mr , William Spicklor of Falls City has the editor's thanks for a brace of Ilvo opossums. But as they can neither sing nor dance the question Is what will ho do with thorn } Jeff , the janitor , hasn't been worth n cent since the birds arrived. Ho says "doy do carry him hack to ole Virginny. " Charles Sablns of this city Is tto owner of a magnificent specimen of the Gorman mas tiff , and n few days slnco received the follow- In g letter from W. F. Fox , president of the Great IJano club at Chicago : CHICAGO , 111 , , Feb. 7. Charles II , Sablns Dear Sir : Being Informed that you nro the possessor of a German mastiff or Great Dane , and are Interested in that breed of dogs , on behalf of the German Mastiff or Great , Dane club , I take the liberty of Inviting you to become - como a member and to bo present nt the bench show to DO given next April. AVe nro anxious to increase our membership nnd the interest In these dogs. Inviting an early reply , I remain , yours truly , W. F. Fox , President , 175 LaSallo street. C. 1C. Crallo , In his Llwollyn setter , Glad stone , has ono of the most promising Hold dogs brcght to this city In many years. The Omaha kennel club was placed upon upon a permanent footing on Tuesday evening - ing last , the following roster of ofllcors bolng Baer. Board of directors : I ) , Gordon , John II. Short. Frank Wassorman , Charles Sa- bins.C. w. Waterman , Charloi Ogden , Will- lam Moldrum , W. F , Cadogan. William Malr , Committee on printing : B. Gordon , Cbarloi Kostcrs ana 0 , J. Williams , Committee on incorporation I Charles Ogdcn nnd John T , Evans. Committee on law : John T. Kvans , Charles Ogdcn. Charles ICosters , H. B , Ken nedy. The club meets again Tuesday evenIng - Ing for ttio purpose of completing arrange- matters01' mcorl'oratlon ana other important QiiORtloiiH niul A unworn. ' " ' ? . > Iwma- To V' ' ° s"orllnS Edl. to et with n ln < suhn 1 was over beaten ? Is 1m tiiS same llatllold Omaha Is rtfor-Al ( ? Johnson , ' ( ' ) I'has. I2d Crane throw n bnsot i ball on tlio Cincinnati Union grounds in 1831 ! . ) . yards. 1 foot nnd > < f inch , beating UnU , lie d's n little less than two feet. W ) . Ho a ? " nyil5bout ui'eiuy y rs. His naino li John Ilatflohl , one of the old Now York Mutunls , now a bookmaker in St. Louis. OVAIIA , Nob. . Fob. 13. To the SnortlneEd- itorof TMK IIFKS i-joaso nns r the fo owlna nnoitloiuln the SU.NDAV UIK : A nnd H sit S iiRamu of four-handed high flvo. A and hid partner have fifty points ami H mil his part- nor'hnvo ' forty-olj-ht points , li buys for seven mil makes hlsh , low. Jack uml ll-ft ilvo. A tnnkosgnino iitul rlRht live. Who wins the gim ! ? Bccond-Hus the danlor the ilRht to bee mo under card of the dock whllo dciilliiL' ? AKoudor ofTnu HIB. : Ans. (1) ( ) A goes out. (2) ( ) Ho has not. ' . ' in1'8' Ia-I''ol ' > . I' ) . To tin ) Sport. IIIR Editor of TUB llKKi To suttlo u ells iiito/ plonso civo the stallion record and oblige. li , | TAns. 'Jll : , made by Nelson atlCnnkakco , 111. , September ! . ' , 1890. ST..TOI : , Kob.12.-To the Sporting Kdltor of Tim ItKU : In n ( Jrsuco-Homnn wrestling match hotvyeoii a coiiplo of locals , ono got * thootliot ontho mnt with his right shoulder touching- , ho rollH over without bridging , but for a lluslj of tlmo both shoulders press tlio mat ntonco. Wnslt ufiill ? Miildoon. Ans. That Is what It was. OMAHA , Koli. l.l.-To the Sportlnu Kdltor of TIIRIISB : I'loaso Inform 1110 In vour column * which clubs won the olty championship fo tbo seasons of ISSU nnd IsJo ? J , Hiirpur. Ans. The Hardins In 1839 and the Cranes OMAHA , Fph. p. To the Sporting Editor oj Tim HUB : Will you pluaso iinswcr twoqncs * tons iit your convenience In the columns ot TUB linn ? 1. Is the dealer. In n game of draw poker , compelled to toll how many cards ho drew after a bet has boon mndo ? L' . lias tlio ( loalerthn right , when holding it put hand , to ilrawolT any cards and not tuko them ( nan blind ) ? Monfo Carlo. Ans.-l ( ) . No. (2) ( ) . No. OMAHA , Knli. 13.-To tbo Sportlnc Kdltor ot THE HKK : Wo would llko your authority on a pur/10. If a winlrrol ts on a tree , nnd veil are on the opposite KkloanU and you want Id get around so us to pot u shot at II , but It keeps moving mound ns fust ns you do. will you Rot around the squlirul If ho kuups uhoiul of you on tlio titio. There uro about thirty of us dub.itIMK on this , mid o want your ile clslon. Slmvor. Ans. When you make the circuit of the tree you will have gene around the squirrel , NKWMAN'H OIIOVK , Kob. J3.-To the hportlnd Kdltor of TUB HUE : Will yon iilcuso Htntulit Tut : SUNDAY llm : who was the winner In tlio Into bloyolo racu In Omaha-J. L. llolfman. i Ans. Ned Heading. ' lliiowNVir.i.K , Fob , 12. To Sporting Hilltop of Tin ; HIK ; Will you please uuswor throuiili the columns of TUB HKK wliothor John li. Sul livan over foil flit moro than dovontv-il.f rounds In ono IlKlit ? Ilrojvnvlllo KOWH. Ans. Soventy-flvo rounds with Kilraln at nichburir , Miss. I NKWMAN'H OunvE , Fob. 7. To the Snorting Kdltor of Tin : HKK : Asvo are desirous of gcltlne n good pltuhor for this suuson , wilt you please answer In the columns ot your BIINDA.Y Ilnr , anil rofcr us to ono or moro pitchers with whom to wrlto for torniH. II. II , Ans Wrlto to Hurt Willdus , City Steam laundry , this city , OMAHA , NKa , Feb. B.-To the SportlnR Kdl- torof Tin : HKK : 1'louso uimwor in Humlity' * paper thusu two nuostlons : Ouii A. In n gnina of casino r.-Uso a Imild made by aiio ther pluy- or us. for example , H plays a ilouco on a nix making eight ; van A with a ilouco uud ton In hand ralso It to ten ? Uo ttioy now oounk sweeps ? A HKADEU. Ans , ( I ; Ho can. (2) ( ) They do not gener ally , but it should always bo understood bo- fnro commencing play. OMAHA. Nnl > , , l/ob. 13.- To the SportlnB Edl- tor of Tin : HKK ; Is tlioro a oliump'ou rlllo Hhot In tills stall1 , nnd If HO. whuro la ho ? ! there n state modal ? If so.wlmt Is It anil wlioro lit lt ? K. A. I'liller. Ans. ( I ) . There is and his name 1s Mnjoe General John 1'ctty. (3) ( ) . Know nothing of. any such uicdal.