Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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rrllvcrtrt by Carrier in uny part of UioClty
fltisfnfM Office. Na 15.
Night Editor , No. ia
K. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Croft's ' chnttcl loani" . MlSnpp block.
C. II. Smith ft Co. have moved their ofllco
to Oiimlm.
Genuine Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , 10
Main street ;
A mnrrlngo license VIM Issued yesterday to
Hudolph Weiss of What Cheer and Anna
Levy of tbls city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cllno arc tlio Imppy par
ents of n line girl baby , which they nro ten
derly caring for at their rcsltloiico on .North
First street.
N. 1' . Dodpo has been appointed delegate
to the Inturimtlonnl convention of tlio Con
gregational church , which Is to bo held In
London July 111.
Svlvcstcr W. Laws and Miss Marv C.
llcnklo , both of Minncoln , wcro married yes
terday afternoon at tlio Kiel hotel parlors ,
Justice C. A. Hamr.ior onieiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Looinls are receiv
ing tbo congratulations of their friends upon
the birth of a boy baby , who arrived tit their
pleasant home yesterday morning.
Arthur W , Grow died yesterday morning ,
ngcd four years , at the residence of his
parents , lillS Ninth street. The funeral will
tuko place nt2iiU : o'clock this afternoon from
thu residence.
A meeting 1ms been announced for no.xt
Friday evening at the Johnston sctiool liouso
In ( Junior township , at which the frco coin-
ngc question will bo discussed by a numbo
of able speakers.
JesseMucMabon wai released yesterday
morning from the county Jail on ball. The
bond was Ilxcd bv the cleric nt $ .M,000 , , which
was fumlsncd byO. I-1. Wright , J. N. Uald-
win , II. L. Henry ana Samuel Haas.
On Sunday evening , February 82. Itov. T.
T. Alackay Is to prcaeh to the traveling men ,
ut their request. The traveling ir.ou have
arranged to moot at the Hotel Gordon that
evening and attend church In a body.
A largo water color In tbo windows of E.
li. Coolc , South Main street , shows tbo Im
provements to bo made In the Shugart block.
G'ho drawing Is by Architect J. II , Kent of
this city , now the solo partner of Mr. S. 12.
The members of Abe Lincoln post , Grand
Army of the Hopubllc , decided to attend tbo
First Presbyterian church this evening In
response to an Invitation extended to them
kbv Secretary Chapman of the Young Men's
C'hrlstinn association.
The farmers' nlllanco of Ilardln township
will hold its next monthly meeting at the
school liouso near Quick postofllco next Sat
in-day evening , February 81 , The subject
for discussion will bo "Finance. " Messrs.
Smttti , Alexander and Wurd will be among
the speakers.
The noltco wore requested last evening to
keep alook out for a barber named Wesley
Armstrong , who has deserted a wife and a
largo number of children in South Omaha. It
is said ho has uccn lonflng around a saloon on
this side of the river , and the authorities
liopo to locate him by that cluo.
Emmet Tlnloy has been extremely annoyed
during the past few days by the circulation
of a rumor that he is a candidate for the posi
tion of alderman. How the report got abroad
ho Is unable lo tell , but ho states that he pos
itively Is not a candldato for any ofllco , usJiis
other duties tuko all of his time.
A local lodge of the Order of the World , anew
* now and popular fraternal organization , will
ho instituted in this city Monday evening.
'J ho now order will start with about , llfty
members. Tlio meeting will bo held in Mod
ern Woodmen hall. A largo number of mem
bers from Omaha will bo present.
A man Riving his rmmo ns Edward Strong
was arrested last night by OfllcerJ. U. Mc-
JJonnld as ho was coming irom Omaha. Ho
liad in his possession a grip llllod with a
patent preparation which no claimed would
remove freckles , etc. It was claimed that ho
was trying to play a game on ono of the pas
sengers on the train nnd ho was booked as a
confidence man.
After many delays the city auditor is now
ready to refund the sewer tax winch was or
dered paid bacica long time ago. The eager
property owners are thronging Ins oftlco In
the city building , as the report has boon given
out that the rule of "Hist come , Hrst served1
will bo adhered to. Thcro is some probability
that the funds will not po clear around , so that
those who wait will bo left out altogether.
It. C. Hubbnrd was the recipient of a
worthy honor at tbo Grand Army meeting
last evening. A beautiful golu > badgc had
been prepared for him by the members of
Abe Lincoln post nnd was presented to him
In the name of the order , William Campbell
making the presentation speech. The badge
boars the inscription , "K. C. Hubbard ,
Nineteenth Corps Badge , Post Commander
Abe Lincoln Post 21) ) , Grand Army of the
Hcpubllo. " Major Ilubhard.wc.s completely
surprised , but ho found words to express
his appreciation of the testimonial , which
was given in honor of his retirement from
the ofllcu of post commander , which bo held
during the post year.
Attend auction sale of cigars nt Fountain
cigar store Monday , Fob. 10 , at 10 o'clock.
Call oa D. J. Hutchlnson fs Co. for choice
bargains In lots in Wilson Terrace. Special
Inducements for the next few days.
J. C. Blxby , steam boating , sanitary en
gineer , B03 Morrlum block , Council Blurts
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
t3U Broadway. Telephone 130.
W.'W. Loom Is of David Bradley & Co. is
In Kansas City on business.
John J. Stork , who now represents the Van
Houten cocoa company In several western
states , nindo a Hying trip homo yesterday.
Ho will leave again today.
J. M. Flaglor has returned from nn oxtcn-
Blvo tour In the south looking nftor bridge
material and pelting better acquainted with
the men who furnish such material.
Colonel S. W. Clark of the Hotel Gordon ,
who is suffering from frosted feet nt his old
borne in Duluth , Minn. , will not bo able to
return to the city before the llrst of next
month. Ho neglected to take proper precau
tions after leaving the pleasant , sunnv
weather of Council Bluffs nnd badly frosted
Ills feet whllo walking a few blocks In the
cold northern city.
Now Carpets.
Now carpets arriving each week , See our
new portieres , Kisonmn's old price , $33.00 :
our price , * H.lX ) . Hugs , Elseman's old price.
17.00 jour price , $2.70. Lnco curtains , Else-
man's old price , $10.00 ; our price , 44.75 pair.
All goods cheap for cash. Council Bluffs
' Carpet Co. _
Boll ft Son's now grocery takes the lead on
Upper Broadway. No old stock.
Itceollect that the only Installment house
In Council Bluffs and the Inmost Installment
liouso In the west Is Mandol & Klein's. Wo
poll nt eastern prices every article of house
hold furniture you use , and Instead of re
quiring you to pay cash wo lot you have it on
cosy payments. Thcro Is no necessity of
denying yourself the use of any article when
you can got everything you wanton such easy
terms , The largest stock of carpets , stoves
nnd furniture in the city to bOlocl from. 020
Broadway. _
A Valentino Social.
The students of the Western Iowa business
college gave a "Valentino social" In the college -
lego rooms on Pearl struct last evening , to
which about a hundred and fifty Invitations
had been Issued , A largo number wcro
present , and a tluo tlmo was tind. An Inter
esting literary nnd musical programme had
been prepared , la which a number of the
students took part. At the close of the pro
gramme Cupid opened his mall-box and dis
tributed tie tender epistles which bad boon
entrusted to him by the lads and lassies.
The social broke up nt a late hour In the
evening' ,
Attend auction sale of cigars at Fountain
Cigar stoi-o Monday , Fob. 10 , ut 10 o'clock.
Considerable IH-Fcoling Engendered by tlio
Anti-Saloon Movement ,
The Democrat lo City Convention to He
Held < iii I''ebriuiry U5 Fnnernl
of l > r. Hurt Other
* NdVH > 'ottH ,
Any amount of ill feeling has been caused
by the renewal of the anti-saloon movement.
t still continues to bo tlio favorite theme of
conversation on the street corners , in splto of
ho Inct that it Is now moro than two days
since the injunction suits wcro commenced.
P. E. Scnbrook was probably the most
alked-of man in Council HlulTs yesterday.
i\nd the remarks that were made about him
, vcro not all of the most friendly nature.
Men stood about the street corners and made
ittlo side remarks about tar nnd feathers
nnd such things that would have boon any-
hliig but reassuring to the subject of the
conversation. The thing that came nearest
.o an actual demonstration took place yester
day morning , when Seabrook was mot upon
the street by S. P. MncConnoll , who notified
: ilm that ho held a bill against him for house
rent amounting to about $10. Seabrook
old him that the house ho lived
n belonged to W. W. Uilgcr , nnd
.lint ho should recognize no ono ns landlord
until ho had been ordered to do so by Mr.
Bllgcr. Mr. MacConncll went away and Sea-
brook heard no more of the matter ut'.til
nfternoon , when ho received a call from a
clerk of Wright & Baldwin , wtio brought a
paper ordering him to surrender the house
withlng three days or become defendant in
n suit to obtain possession.
Mr. Seabrook states that ho has been em
ployed by Bllger as his attorney , and that'
since last July ho has paid no rent , there be
ing a tacit understanding that the rent money
was to bo applied on Bilger's bill for attorney
fees. Two or thrco days ago ho learned from
Bilgcrthat ho had assigned the Icaso of the
louse to S. P. MacComicll ami 10. AV. Hurt
; o secure a debt which ho ( BUger ) owed.
Until that time ho had not the slightest
knowledge that bo was expected to pay his
rent to any one but Mr. Hilger.
The men who have gone w > the trouble nnd
expense of lilting up costly barrooms In the
expectation that they would bo allowed to
mil their places of business without fear of
molestation , now that tlio od ! war which was
waged against the saloons by the law and
order league was stopped , are among the
moat bitter in their denunciations of Sea-
brook. Some of them have spent almost
their last dollar in putting in their costly fur
niture nnd fixture , and now they are broken
hearted , There was nlso n rumor In circula
tion to the effect that the lessees of the
Grant ! hotel had rescinded tlicir contract
with tbo owners of the building nnd would
not take the management of the place without -
out bar privileges , claiming they could not
make it pav. Mr. Jewell , the lessee , was
seen about the matter ycstcrdny. Ho stated
that tbo contract had not been rescinded yet ,
but such a move might bo looked for at any
time if this litigation wont on. Thirty-
one thousand worth of furniture
has been ordered , but ns soon ns
these suits wcro commenced no tele
graphed the proprietors of the factory nt
Grand Uaplds , Mich. , to hold the goods there
until further orders. The owners of the
hotel nro very bluoovcr the turn affairs have
taken , as they have socnt a small fortune on
the elephantine structure , nnd to liavo it
lying idle on their hands niter completion is
an experience they are not at all anxious to
Attend auction sale of cigars at Fountain
cigar store Monday , Feb. 1C , at 10 o'clock.
Call on Schuiv-Smith Co. for chattel loans
nnd real estate. 2(1 ( Pearl st.
No. 101 Broadway contains the best stock
of groceries in the city. J. W. Kelloy.
Funeral of Dr. Ilnrt.
The funeral obsequies of Dr. H. AV. Hart
took place yesterday afternoon from his late
residence on Willow avenue , Ilov. G. W.
irofts of the Congregational church ofllciat-
ing. A largo number of friends were present
to pay the last tribute ot respect to the de
parted , among them being the medical so
cieties , ADO Lincoln post , Grand Army of
the Hepubllc , and the Union Veteran Legion ,
of all of which the deceased was an active
member. After a song by the choir , con
sisting of Mrs. Sherman , Mrs. Evans and
Messrs.Voscott and Allen , and
a scripture selection , Rev. Crofts
made a fcxv remurKs , taking as
his text , the words of Paul , "I have fought
n good tight , I have finished my course , I
have kept the faith. " At the close of the re
marks ho read a poem which had been tire-
pared expressly for the occasion. Messrs.
W. W. Wallace , I. A. Miller , J. T. Stewart
D. C. Bloomer , L. W. Hess , L. L. Spooner
nud E. W. Haymond , who had been selected
to act as pall bearers , were then given
charge of the remains , wnlch were carried to
their last resting place. A largo number of
the friends accompanied them to the ceme
tery. _
Pure fresh drugs at Uavis' , opposite Ogden.
Best heavy poods , 'J"i per cent oil , cash.
Keller , the tailor , 310 Broadway.
AVUI Get ToKotlicr.
The call for the democratic convention to
select candidates for aldcrmon-at-largo , park
commissioner and two members of tbo school
board has been issued by the chairman of the
democratic city central committee , to take
place at the superior court room in the county
court bouse , Wednesday evening , February
23 , at 8 o'clock. The caucuses for
the selection of delegates to the
convention will ho hold nt 8
o'clock ' p. m. on Tuesday , February 24. The
various wards will be entitled to representa
tion as follows :
First ward Mooting at Wheeler & Her
ald's , select 0 delegates.
Second ward Mooting at council chamber ,
select 11 delegates.
pTlnrd ward Meeting at Masonic Temple ,
select T delegates.
Fourth ward Meeting at superior court
room , selected 0 delegates.
Fifth Ward Mooting at Shields' store ,
select eight delegates.
Slxtii Ward First precinct Meeting nt
school house on Avenue B and Twenty-lifth
street , select four delegates ,
Sixth Ward Second precinct Mooting at
( Jlaus Killers' boarding house , select ono dele
The caucuses In the Third , Fourth and
Sixth wards will nominate ward aldermen.
Boys Wanted
nt American district telegraph ofllco.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N.
. _ _
Cut with n Cup.
A dlfllcully arose between LIzzlo Mlssen ,
n chambermaid employed at the Ogden , and
William Houston , a colored man who was
formerly In tbo same hotel. The young
woman claims that during the altercation
Houston soucd a largo coffee cup and struck
her on the head with It. Inflicting n serious
gash. She Hied an information against
Houston yesterday afternoon In.Justice Pat-
ton's court , charging him with assault and
battery. Houston was already In Jail on n
charge ot drunkenness. After'ho has served
his sentence for that olTonco the now case
will bo brought up against him ,
The now dental rooms of Drs. Woodbury
nro the llnost ami most complete In the west.
Next to the new Grand. "Telephone , 145. "
Evans Laundry Co. . 520 Pearl street. Tele-
phono''yo. Goods called for and delivered.
DUtrlot Court News.
In the district court yesterday the coco of
Mace vs Schlutcr was tried and given to the
Jury with instruction * from the court to bring
in a scaled verdict. Two defaults were also
taken , one of them being m the case of C.
Slratibvs Jameson nnd Yaticoy , in which a
Judgment of f.'Ka.20 win given In favor of the
plaintiff. The other default wns In the CASO
of Einmott Tlnlov v A. K.Mooro , the plain
tiff being awarded a Judgment for ? 1W.10.
In the case of Snyder vs 1'tultt n verdict wns
brought In In favor of the defendant on the
strength of his counterclaim.
The Eloganqo with Wliloli Council
llliinV New Hotel is Bclnir
I'lnlHhcd ,
What the Auditorium is to Chicago the
now 'hotel , "The Grand , " is to Council
Bluffs , only moro so. Few , even of these
who have watched the rising of the walls and
crowning , of the roof , can realize the elegance
In which the interior Is being finished , The
arrangement is such that all the rooms have
the nuvantago of being adapted for use singly
or en suite. On the fourth floor especially
they nro arranged to bo used en suite if do-
sirou , with sitting room , bath room , bed
rooms and closets. Ono peculiarly happy
feature of the plan Is that there are
no back rooms. Kvoryono either faces
Pearl street , First nvcnuo or the
court , which faces the park "tho
garden spot of America , " as old Colonel Carter -
tor , of Cartersvllle , Va. , would say.
The location Is such that wonderful views of
the city nnd surrounding country can bo ob
tained from many points In the building.
The residence portion of the city and the
parks being the most prominent , Instead of
the crowded and noisy business portions ,
gives a homelike effect which will piovo
most pleasing to the guests.
Council Bluffs was hi sere need of such n
hotel , and Its erection by IClmbatl & Champ
is a striking proof of not only the enterprise
of these young men , but of their unbounded
fiilth In Council Bluffs. A substantial
and elegant building was their idea. The
foundation Is upon 1WO , : piles driven thirteen
feet below the curb lino. The piles are
thirty feet iu length mid are of white oak.
Upon thcso heavy Hanging was laid. The
aim has been to mnko the Grand llro proof.
The girders and beams nro of steel. The
elevator shafts and stairways nro constructed
entirely of iron and steel , with marble steps.
Mineral wool nnd asbestos are packed bo-
tweoa every partition nnd Moor.
The architecture is IJomanesquo In style ,
the llrst two stories being of Warrcnsburg ,
Mo. , sandstone , the upper flvotorles being
rock-faced brick , term cotta and Spanish
tile turrets. The whitlows throughout
the building are of heavy plate glass. There
nro fifty-four bath rooms , besides those con
nected with the corridors of every floor. The
bath tubs nro iron , with porcelain finish , and
allexposed pines , faucets , etc. , nro nickel-
plated. Each room has a steam radiator , is
lighted by electricity and has a stationary
wasli stand with not nnd cold water. The
fourth lloor rooms , nud many rooms on other
floors , have open lire places. All the rooms
have return calls and speaking tubes on each
lloor , saving many steps.
The Hnlsh of the rooms is butternut , ma
hogany and antique oak. The electric Ilx >
tures nro specially designed and can bo util
ized for gas In case of need.
The rotundu is nearly the same as the
rotunda in the Now York Life building in
Omaha. It will bo lighted in the center by n. i
large cluster of electric lights , with smaller
groups nbout the sides , giving a brilliant
effect. The wainscoting Is marble , and all
the woodwork is antique oak. The lloor is of
mosaic tiles. The rotunda is a reminder of
the Auditorium In Chicago , possibly because
the , same decorator was employed upon the
columns and marble , whoso skill is shown in
-t the Auditorium.
The first floor of the hotel contains the
odlcc , reading room , railway ticket and tele
graph ofllces , gouts' furnishing goods , drug
store , bar room nnd toilet rooms.
The reading room faces on the park. It is
lighted by windows at least eighteen feet in
height. A largo llro place , with'capacity
sufficient to receive-a largo log , is graced by
a beautiful mantel.
The mala entrance on First avenue is
made attractive by marble wainscoting , mo
saic tile lloor and numerous pleasing decora
tions. The ladles' entrance on Pearl street
is finished with the same elegance.
Thrco compression tank system elevators
are to bo used , two In the rotunda for pas
senger purposes , the other for baggage , etc. ,
being in the rear of the ofllco. The ofllco
faces both the main and the ladles' entrance.
The double parlors and reception rooms nro
oa the second lloor. They are finished in
butternut and mahogany.
The dining room Is on the seventh floor , as
nro also too kitchen and rooms for the help.
The aining room has that essential for cheer
fulness , gooa light , in abundance. There
are fifteen largo windows , reaching
nearly to the coiling , which is very
high , The view from hero is grand ,
the eye easily taking In Omaha , Lake Man-
own and the beautiful residence parts of
Council Bluffs , while the gem of a park lies
under one's feet. The dining room lloor Is of
mosaic tiles , the wainscoting of marble , the
ceiling tinted and pleasingly decorated.
The laundry is in the basement nnd has all
the latest machinery , A barber shop is lo
cated under tbo railway ticket oftlco.
Electric cars pass the door , running to and
from all parts of Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Messrs. Cragln it Co. have leased the hotel
for five years. It will bo under the manage
ment of Mr. F. W. Jewell , who is already n
favorite with the traveling public. The lln-
Ishtng touches are now being put on the in
terior. Elegant furnishings will soon bo put
in place , and the expectation is that the
Grand will bo thrown onon to the public
about March 15 , the opening to bo attended
with n grand banquet on n magnificent scale ,
in keeping with the grandeur of the building ,
and typical of the brilliant future of the
Where to "Worship.
First Presbyterian church , corner of Wil
low avenue and Seventh street Hov. Stephen
Phelps pastor. Preaching by the pastor nt
10:110 : a.m. Sabbath school nt 12 m. Young
people's meeting at 0 : . ' ! 0 p. m. Union anni
versary of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation , in the church , nt 7:80 : p. m. Seats
free ; every body welcome.
Bcroan Baptist Church Divine service nt
lOiilOa. m. Sunday school moots at 11:45 : n.
m. No evening service on account of the
union meeting of the Young Men's Christian
nssodlntion at the Prosbvterian church.
Congregational Services tbls morning1.
Preaching by the pastor. Subject , "Tho Di
vine Comfort. " Union meeting in the Pres
byterian church In the evening. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
0:80. : All nro welcome.
Ovorton mission , corner Fourth avenue
and Seventeenth strcot Sunday school , 3
o'clock ; gospel service , 7:80. :
Opening of North Side mission. The pub-
llo generally nro respectfully requested to at
tend the opening of this mission on Sunday
evening at 7tt : ! ) nt their ball on Eighth street
and Avenue E , southeast corner , February IB.
Gospel meeting will bo held every night dur
ing the week. The meetings will bo con
ducted by Elder Byors , assisted oy other
missionary nnd gospel workers.
Young Men's Christian Association Mer-
rlam Block Mr. M. A. Magee , state secretary
of the Young Men's Christian association of
Iowa will address the young men's meeting
today at 4 p. m. The Eutorpcan male quar
tette of Omaha will slug. All men of the
city invited. Strangers will bo welcome.
Como nnd glvo the state secretary an enthus
iastic welcome. Uor. LA. . Hall will adaress
the railroad men at 2:30. : All railroad men
Invited. I'THTQiCliHffi
The ninth anniversary of tbo Young MOD'S
Christian association of our city will bo hold
In the First Presbyterian church. Rev , Dr.
W. J , Hnrslm of Omaha will deliverthoimnl-
vorsary address. State Secretary Magee will
also bo present. Everyone invited.
A missionary convention will bo held in
the Trinity Methodist church on next ;
Wednesday. February 18 , nt 7:30 : p. m. , to
which the public is invited. The principal
speakers will bo Uov. J. Gallup of Turn-man ,
In , , Hov. C. W. Brewer of the Fifth nvonuo
church nnd Rev. T. McIC. Stuart of the
Broadway Methodist Episcopal church. Ap
propriate music will bo furnished.
St. Paul's ' Church Divine service today
at 10:4 : ! ) n , in. nnd 7:30 : p , m. Sunday school ,
12:15. : Blblo class,00p. : ! ! m. Sermon top
ics , morning , "What is the Good of Keeping
Loutl" Kvciilng sermon , "Intolerance In
Church and State Antagonistic to the Prin
ciples of Christ. " Young men and strangers
always cordially welcomed to these services ,
T. J. Mnckny , rector.
Complimenting Congressman Heed
The reception of the news yesterday after
noon that President Harrison had signed the
Interstate bridge bill caused a great deal ol
favorable comment upon Congressman J , B
Hood's ' connection with the matter. Consid
orlng the fact that bo was defeated for re
election and U nerving the last days of hi :
term It is strong proof of his character am
popularity as a legislator that ho could com
uiuiid sufficient iuilucuco to procure the pass
ngo of the bill within thirty days ot the tlmo
ho was aikod to prepare It.
Tlic Mglit OnnrdN1 Hall.
The Dodge Light Guards gnvo n very
pretty dancing party at their armory in
Masonic : Temple Monday evening lost , tbo
party bchiR In charge of Privates L. C. Pat
terson nnd D. L. Ifjss , which was certainly
to their credit. Mcsdnmes Oliver , Sargent
nnd Mnuror wcro patronesses nnd lent the
charm of their prpsenco to make the party a
success. The guardsmen , In their reputa
tion as the crack lullitnry organization of the
state , nlso have n reputation as royal enter
tainers , and nn invitation to a guards' party
Is eagerly sought for. The young folks real-
Izcd that this was the last dnuco until
April , ns Lent commenced Wednosuny , nnd
dancing was taken up with a vigor. The fol
lowing society people wcro prcsentnnd among
the ladies some very pretty gowns were worn :
Mrs. Wnltellcld , red heuriettn , red velvet
lint to match.
Mrs. Helkmnn , grey silk.
Mrs. Sargent , blncic silk nnd Jet trimmings.
Mrs. Patterson , black silk and Jet trim
Mrs. Oliver , black silk.
Mrs. Ogden , ot Sioux City , blnck silk with
Mrs. Mnuror , blnck silk.
Mrs. rtill Traynor. black silk.
Miss Woodbury , black velvet.
Miss Ann Howniim , white silk with pnlo
blue gauze over dress with forget-me-nots.
Miss Nellie Bowman , palo blue silk with
Miss Bennett , pake blue hcnrletta.
Miss Wicuham , gray hcnrictln , velvet
Miss Keating , figured silk.
Miss Morgan , scarlet hcnrletta ,
Miss Lorton of Nebraska City , pale blue
crene. ribbon trimmings.
Miss Jesslo Fnrnsworth were n very
pretty gown of white silk with palo green
gauze overdress.
Miss Klttio Billiard , gray silk , passcmen ;
tcrio trimmings.
Miss Matnio Oliver , heliotrope hcnrlotta ,
velvet trimmings , a very pretty gown.
Miss Maud Oliver , scarlet gauze decol-
. lotto.Miss
Miss Gavennort , llgurcd silk.
Miss Steplieiison. lavender figured silk.
Miss Boss , pale blue cri-po with forget-me-
not trimmings.
Miss Stella Maxon , smoke gray princess
Tuo following gentlemen were present :
Mr. Wnkullold , Itoikman , Soargeant Charles
Woodbury , Kirk Patterson. J. Cassady , Jr. ,
Charles Hans. George S. Wright , J. Fenlou ,
II. Ogdou , J. Patton , Jim Bowman , Harry
Bowman , J. Keating , C. E. Hold , II. Stacy ,
D. L. Hess , L. E. Patterson , S. L. Etiiyro ,
U. W. Blxby , Captain I ) . B. DallovV. \ . E.
Brooks of Omahu. Frank Clmmberlnin ,
George Howan. w. F. Stephan , W. A.
The twenty-lirst annual ball of the Council
Bluffs Alienncrohor society was held at Ma
sonic Temple Tuesday evening , Messrs. Rlnck
ind Bergman having It in charge. The so-
oclcty has always boon very popular among
ho Germans. Tuesday evening there wcro
present Hans and Urctchen. Mrs. O'Toolo '
voro n Kensington tea costume. Kicking
3ear nnd Aunt Ditmh , Dead Kyo
Jlck and Three Fingered Jack escort-
ng Little Sallie Waters were nil there.
fho Two Johns decided to make Council
fluffs ahead of their regular dates and take
n the ball. The Kussian princess with an
inpronouiiccablo name , who Is now making a
our of tl.o world nnd stopped over to visit
'riends in Council llluffs could not resist the
'nsclnntion of u Altumierclior ball. Mrs.
Murphy had received a black cyo which
slightly dlsllgurbd'her , but she managed to
bear up nnd she remarked that she was
still in the ring. Sitting Bull was
thcro , although his death has been reported
nnd wo now take this.means of informing the
) ubllc of his llviiigand enjoying good health ,
[ lo wore his ghost shirt nnd dinccd ns vigor
ously as n young buck. The ward politician
wns thcro with his campaign ImU Whlto
caps were in nttctidanco , but seemed very
> eaccable. A lad,7 dressed as winter said It
wns rather , cold , but thawed out with the
music. A real brigand imported from the
catacombs of Homo was there and entered
nto the fun. All danced nnd made merry
until the early morn , Dalby's ' orchestra fur-
ilshccl the music , which was very good and
the [ twenty-first annual bull is voted a suc
A. I'lllow-Caso Pnrty.
The Misses Elslo and Carrie Schoentgen
entertained a largo number of their young
'riends at their homo nttho corncrof Seventh
avenue and Sixth street Friday evening.
The first part of the evening was spent in
playing the game of "Tiddledy-Winks. "
The : irl'a prize wns won by Miss
3ertio Bennett , a turquoise ring.
Vlaster Willie Squlro was the winner of the
joy's prize , which was a manicure set. After
; hfs panic had been played the affair took on
the form of a "pillow-caso masquerade , " mid
enveloped in this unique kind of costume ,
they danced until a into hour to the strains of
an orchestra. A very pleasant tlmo was had
by all.
Attend auction sale of cigars nt Fountain
cigar store Monday , Feb. 10 at 10 o'clock.
Stop and Tlilnlc ,
And nsk yourself why you should pay old-
fashioned prices for groceries and provisions
when you can get tlrst class , clean , fresh
goods at modern prices I Head thcso prices :
Crackers , per Ib , Do ; ! J Ibs glugersnnns for
25c ; Arbucklo's coffee , 3o per package ;
German coffee , 2r > o : bams , llo per Ib :
bacon , 7o ; codfish , 7 } o ; 10 Ib pail
whlto ilsh , COc ; ! ) cans corn , 2jc ; 3 cans toma
toes , " 5c ; 4 cans peas , 25c ; lavis'No. lOflour ,
81.50 ; Davis "Bluo U" flour , S1.33 ; Buffalo
flour , S1.B3 ; Gold Alcdal flour , * M5 ; Snow
Flake flour , 81.00 ; 25 Ibs buckweat , 81.00 ; 25
boxes of matches , 2."ic ; box good laundry
soap , $1,00 ; 3 Ibs leaf lard , 2 : > o ; good broom ,
lOo ; oranges , 15c per dozen ; coal oil , 80 a gal
lon ; 3 loaves Dread , fie ; 1 Ib good tea , ! > 5c.
Prompt delivery of goods.
Brown's C. O. D. grocery. Telephone 29.
How Illinois Republicans Ijoolc nt the
Present , Situation.
CHICAGO , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEC.J The rumored dicker between
democrats nnd farmers of/Illinois nnd South
Dakota Is , by the democrats of tbo new
state , looked upon with great favor. For
Henry Cunningham of Pierre , S. D. , is au
Tbo information reached us the first part
of this week , " Mr. Cunningham said today ,
"and It took llko , wildfire. lam an ou ntid-
out democrat and my fellow mom bors of tlio
party uro , llko ray plf , for the cause , but the
only good wo have thus far done is to prevent
the re-election of Aloody and the election of
aiivono by the republicans. Wo hnvo boon
holding out In hopes that possibly the farm
ers would como to us , but the farm
ers have been holding out in
hopes that wo would go to them.
So that on that plan , nclUior party wns
likely to give in , But now this scheme ,
which provides for , our helping the farmers
in South Dakota in return for the farmers la
Illinois helping tliQj democrats of this state ,
has been proposed , we are willing to throw
our vague chanoas for the benefit of the
party , and , If Illinois fanners have their
cause at heart they , will do the samo. "
Senator Hill of , Colorado is of the opinion
that Cleveland's .anti-silver letter won't hurt
him in the west , ii
"Wo of tbO1 west , " ho remarked
In his apartments nt the Grand
Pacific hotel "do not look for favorable
action by nny occupant of the whlto house >
upon frco sliver legislation. The presidents ,
coming as they do , from the cast , nro im
pregnated with the gold theories of the east
ern financiers. They believe that free silver !
would work ruin upon the country nnd they >
UU "t help believing so : and wo nro neither ;
urpi Isea nor tempted to think less of them
for thinking so. , . ,
"Now if Harrison should , In tbo event of
congress sending to him n free silver bill
veto It , It would not affect his standing In 11r
west , and the expressions of the nntl-allvcr
sentiments from Cleveland or anybody else
do not astonish us. Of course wo should llko
n president who would favor fr o sliver , but
so long as the occupants of the white so
continue to to como from the east wo are ot
likely to nud do not expect to get one. "
The Fire Itooord.
ST. CI.OVD , Minn. , Feb. U Tno Scarlo-Mc-
Cluro block burucd this morning , Total loss ,
Those of tbo Transcontinental Heads Given
By Chairman Vinlng.
How the 1'ciitiBylvniila Iron Men Show
U'liclr Authority A Seimnllon Is
I'romlNcd No.xt AVccIc A
Chicago oniuinl'H Catch.
CmcAcio , Fob. 1-1. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Dnn.i Chairman Vlning today sent to
the interested lines a statement of the gross
earnings for November of the transcon
tinental roads. The total gross earnings
amounted to M.fiCI , 831.120 , an Increase
of 11 ! per cent over November , 16S9.
Of these earnings the Southern Pacific took
! 17 per cent : th'o Northern 1'aclllo 11) ) ; the
Union Pacific 18) ) the Atcluson H ; the Cana
dian 1'nclllc : the Burlington 2 , anil the
Itock Island , lcnver ) & Hlo Brands. Hio
( Jrnndo Western , Missouri Pnclilc , Great
Western nnd Tevns 1'acitlc 1 per cent each.
K I 'or a Varttir.
CHICAGO , Fob. H. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Dec. | The Pennsylvania Iron men
have again shown their strong inlluonco by
enforcing a reduction In iron rates of about
20 per cent. The Central Traffic association
has not yet oftlclaily decided to tnuko the re
duction , but nil the strong Hues
favor It nnd jt Is sure to bo
made , The reduction Is duo entirely
to competition from southern mines. The
Pennsylvania people were being crowded out
of the markets. They had to coino to con
sider their own figures , nnd arguments wcro
brought to bear on tlio central traftlc lines
until their ofllcers consented to sliuro the
loss consequent on meeting the energetic
competition of the now south.
A sensation In eastern railroad circles is
con Jldcntly expected next week. There Is no
doubt whatever Unit for months past bO per
cent of the grain tralllc has been taken to the
seaboard nt cut rates. The dlfllculty has
been In finding positive ) evidence ) of guilt.
Today this evidence was found in the shape
of u written proposition to a prominent ship
per from n trunk line road , the offer being a
cut to 'J.J < ; cents u hundred on corn. This
proof Is ifow in the hands of a Chicago ofll-
cial who will disclose nothing but the above
facts. Ho is himself in u ludicrous stnto of
uncertainty now that ho has caught the Tar
tar nnd contented himself with the remark :
"ICcoi ) your eyes open next week and you
will strike a sensation. "
for Admission.
CIIICAOO , Feb. K The Sioux City &
Northern road has made formal application
for admission to the Western Freight asso
ciation. The road Is n branch of the Great
Northern system.
ion.i ITKSIS.
A. Crnston Dank In Trouble.
CnisTox : , In. , Feb. It. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bcu.J The following statement in
the savings bank case was made public to
night :
To tbo Public As wo are making n most
thorough and complete examination of the nf-
falrs of the savings bunk it will bo impossi
ble to have a statement of its condition ready
for publication before Monday evening. The
principal Item of the bank's ' assets , viz , bills
receivable , so far ns have been examined ,
have been found in an exceptionally good
condition. Nothing whatever das appeared
to corroborate the letters of Mr. Edgcrton ,
published In today's papers.
J. A. LYONS , Auditor of State.
II. D. CorEMNu , State Bank Examiner.
The assets of the bank will reach $2 < . ' . iK)0 ( ) ,
wU'lolts ' deposits will not run over $135,000.
Confidence is being restored.
A Cheek 1'or Mr * . O'Xcll.
Booxn , In. , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram
to THE Br.K. ] Superintendent Thompklns of
tbo Chicago & Northwestern toduy presented
Mrs. O'Nell , mother of tlio murdered con
ductor , James H. O'Neil , with a check for
$2,500. The company disclaimed nil legal
liability for O'Ncil's death , and simply gives
this sum ns a. token of the esteem in which
they held the conductor. The company also
paid all funeral expenses nnd made liberal
enponditures in apprehending the murderer ,
whoso trial begins nt Toledo , la. , next Tues
A Stubbing Affray at Gleiiwood.
GI.CXWOOD , la. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKG. " | In a row in one of the
billiard halls hero this afternoon Al Munroo
stabbed Pete Ktogau just below the heart.
It is feared the wound will prove fatal.
The Mills county horticultural society held
its first monthly meeting hero this afternoon.
The attendance was good and the programme
of deep interest.
Suit has been brought in the district court
against the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
for § 100,000 on freight rates.
Arntisns Harbor < ruhilcc.
AIIAXSAS IlAiinoit , Tex. , Fob. H. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bun. ] A powerful d red go
boat towed by two heavy tugs arrived hero
this evening. This Doatls to bo uscil by the
harbor company in throwing up the grade for
the double track terminal railway across the
bay to the pass nnd cutting a channel ten
feet deep by 200 feet wuio from the harbor
proper to the city of Aransas Harbor ,
n distance of thrco and one-half miles. Tlio
work will bo carried on without intermission ,
day and night , and thus n passage will soon
bo completed which will bring to Aransas
Harbor the fishing and coast tralllj now di
verted elsewhere. Inspired l > y the bright
prospect nnd future of the young city , the
pcoplo hero tonightarooutenmassocelebrat
ing the arrival of the dredge boat. Tlio
beach is lighted up la all directions with bon-
llrcs.cnthusinslm prevailsnnd tlio most Joyous
Jubllco over known , is In full blast at Aransas
South Dakota's Tlilrty-niiith Ballot ,
PiKiiiin , S. D. , Feb. 14. The thirty-ninth
senatorial ballot was taken today without
material change. The fusionists seem tote
to think that results will t > o had from the
Illinois-South Dakota conference. After tbo
announcement of the death of General Sher
man resolutions of respect were adopted und
the legislature adjourned.
It wns learned tonight that nn understand
lag has virtually been reached between the
democrats nnd Independents whereby they
expect to unite anu elect Kyle United States
senator not later probably than Wednesday.
Tnnp has released the democratic caucus ,
Kyle Is understood to bo In nccord with the
democrats on the tariff and other imtlonal
issues. It is reported that a tclegrmn has
been received from Illinois that I'almer re
fuses to countenance the proposed Illinois
South Dakota deal.
Worhl'H Knir Wnrlc Kotimlcd.
CHICAGO , Feb. 14. The work at Jackson
park In flxmtt up the alto for the world's ' fair
was stopped today by an idle crowd of men
unnblo to oblnln employment. About ono
hundred Italian laborers who were oin-
ploycdj r&dingin Jackson park were Intimi
dated by n largo crowd of unemployed men
night beforelast. . This morning tbo con
tractors brought back about twenty of them
and put them to work la ono corner of the
park. A mob of 000 Idlers soon came up , us-
sailed the Italians and drove them away. In
another part of the park fifteen carpenters
wore putting up a temporary building for the
construction foico. Union carpenters learned
that they were working for loss than tno
union scale nnd ordered them to quit work.
Several who did not move fast enough were
assaulted , but received no serious injuries.
The contractors will rcsumo work Monday
and demand pollco protection.
Cored to Dentil.
SALT LIKB , Utah , Fob. 14.-fSpecial Telegram -
gram to TIIK UKK. | John Hclnhardt , c
farmer living at Mill Creek , thrco miles froir
this city , was gored to death by a bull late
last night ,
Claim to llo XowNpaper Men ,
Mo.vriiKAi , , Can. , Fob. SM , f.Kpoclal Tele
gmm to THE HEK. | It is stated , 01
reliable authority , that ut least
dozen American pplltlclnns nro hero
xvortdiifr for the flbornl party nnd dis
tributing inonoy freely. Thoycntno about it
\vcckngoandnttliohotcl\vhcro ttioy txmrd
Htatcd that they wcro newspaper men nnd
md eoino to work on the now evening paper
recently established. This is not the case ,
icwovcr , nnd tbo story that they have been
sent on by Wynmn or some other dlsctnlo of
reciprocity across the bonier is bcllovod ,
The Calilncl Aouopls the AVorhPuHalr
Invitation Without Dismission.
III" , Fnb. IITho Invitation tendered
by the United States to the French govern
ment lo tnlio port In the Columbian cxposl-
.Ion to bo held in Ohlcngo was accepted by
the cabinet today without discussion. In
speaking of the mutter n high ofllcial said to
United States Minister Held : "I think
Franco is tlio tint country to accept the in
vitation. I hope so , any way. " A cabinet
nlnlstcr anld , smilingly ! " \V'o have ac
cepted the Invitation in splto of the now
American tariff law. "
United States Minister Held In transmit
ting to the foreign oftlco the United States
government's ' invitation asking Franco to bo
oillclnlly represented nt the world's ' fair in
Jhlcngo nlao sent n friendly note to Hlbot ,
minister of foreign affairs , nnd received a
response of the most cordial nnturc. Uoid
states that Chicago inny expect a prompt
reply nnd the assurance of the French gov
ernment's heartiest participation In the fair.
Merger , director of tlio recent exposition In
1'nrls , heads the French delegation which
will be sent to Chicago.
Mr. Hold Is ill , tureatened with pleurisy.
Captain Schloy. conimandcr of the United
States cruiser Haltlmoro , spent a few days In
this city previous to rejoining his ship nt
Ton 1 ton nnd Hailing for Clilllnnfwatcrs. Cap
tain Schloy said that American nnvnloftlccrs
nro treated In the most cordial manner by
.ho French naval olliccrs. Ho added that
.ho presence of the United Stntoa cruisers in
.ho Mediterranean 1ms increased the respect
shown to citizens of the United States hi
'X O.V AUIT.l TtHlN.
1'rliiuc JllHiuaruk Heoius to Act ns an
LONDONFob. . M.-Special [ Cablegram to
Tin : Unu.J According to our Berlin correspondent
pendent ! ) tlio kaiser's remarks upon I'rlnco
Ulsmrfrck at the parliamentary dinner caused
n deep sensation and IlUniarok'a reply Is
nwaitod with unusual inlet-oil. Hotli the
nanncr ami expression of the omnoror
showed that ho felt strongly the antagonism
of the ex-chancellor and regarded it ns the
[ ii'inclpal obstacle in the way of his homo and
foreign policy. With Wliidthorat thouin-
pcror was particularly gracious and ho seemed
is desirous of inviting views of the Catholic
lender as of uttering ills own. On labor the
Icnlscr snoko hojiofully of carrying out the re
forms proposed for the Improvement of ttio
condition of the worklngmnn , but he also de
nounced the objects and methods of the so
cialist agitators.
A Turkish Olllolnl nnd His Oaincs in
LONDON , Feb. 14. [ Special Cablegram to
I'm : JlEC.J Thosultnn of.Tohoro , vassal po-
.cntntc of India , Is in London endeavoring to
secure the consent of the Ilrltish government
.0 n change in order of succession to his
.hrono so that it will go down to bis imincdl-
nlo family. The sultan is a favored guest at
the balls and parlies of the nobility , nnd
Is said to have lost over .t 1,000 in a
'ricndly game of cards nt ono of the swell
clubs. The nwlnncr was an ofllcial of the
India ofllcc , nnd the .sultan's ptospcuts of
carrying his point are said to bo very bright.
Several ArfjnintMitu for and
Nr.w YOHK , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Uui : . ! Jay Gould and party , whoso
southern trip was cut short by Mr , Gould's
attack of illness at St. Augustine ,
Fla. , returned to this city at S.tfO o'clock this
morning. As Mr. Gould stepped from his
rirlvato cnr , ho leaned heavily on the arm of
tils daughter for support. Ills appearance
indicated that the reports of his sickness hall
not , been exaggerated. There was nyello\vi h
tint around his little dark eyes , which had
not that snapping brightness so character
istic of the Wizard of Wall street. His fnce
bore plainly nn evidence of suffering. The
sliin , naturally dark and of a sallow shade.
was overspread with tlio paler of ill
health. Mr. Gould's ' manner Indicated that
It was n great physical effort for nim
to walk a short distance from his car to his
carriage. Ho was closely bundled up in
his big overcoat , the collar of which wns
turned up. Mr , Gould walked with a gait
unsteady , llko a person who attempted to ex
ercise his iiinbs after being bedridden for a
long timo. Ho tottered nnd bis whole weight
rested upon Miss Gould whoso , arm held
linnly that of her father linked In tiers. Ar
rived at the carriage a muscular footman
took hold of Mr. Gould , under the nrmplts
from behind nnd lifted him into the vehicle.
IMr. Gould sank Into a seat in an exhausted
condition. He did not speak a word on the
way over nnd seemed to find great relief when
ho rested On the cushioned .scats although his
position was n little cramped. Mr. Gould's
son , George , denies the story about his
father's illness nnd says the latter was la ex
cellent health when ho saw him this morning.
iV Question SerloiiHly Agitating ; One
Section \VyoiiiliiK. .
CIIKYRNNC , Wyo. , Fob. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKK.J The murder of Hiram
Faulks , near this city Is creating intense ex
citement. Instead of a killing resulting from
n quarrel. It now looks ns though a premed
itated murder had been committed by several
conspirators against Faulks' life. A core
ner's jury today found that Parker Fillo
brown was the murderer , ho having
been the last person to bo seen with Faulks ,
and his revolver being foumt near the mur
dered man's ' body. Later dotulls , however ,
show that Faulks hnd been nttontivoolo the
young wife of a ranchman living n milo
from the pumping station ; that the ranchman -
man , whoso nnmo wn.s Koborts quarreled
with his wife and threatened to leave her If
she did not dismiss Faulks. She refused and
a separation was planned. Tholackof motive
on t ho part of Fillebrown to kill Faulks ,
and tlio strong motive existing n
Hoberts' case has directed suspicion
towards the latter , and , despite the
strong circumstantial evidence against Flllo-
lirown , thcro nro many who hollovo him In
nocent , or nt least that ho was n tool In the
hands of Koborts to do the" killing. Hoberts
is being watched by ofllcors and will bo
arrested should ho attempt to leave. *
IMiittsiuontli Will Cnrn for YKlcrntif ) ,
PJ.tTTSMotmi , Nob. , Feb. II. [ Special to
Tnu Unis. ) Tlio fourteenth annual encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Republic ,
dcdartinont of Nebraska , will DO held in this
city un Tuesday , Wednesday nnd Thurs
day , February 17 , 18 and 10 , nnd
every preparation has boon made for the
proper care nnd attention of the gallant vet
erans. About four hundred delegates nnd
two hundred visitors are oxpr ctod , and a
most hearty wclcomo awaits them. A largo
attendance Is counted upon , a ) tlio most im
portant feature of the encampment will bo
the election of department commanders for
the ensuing tc-m. Among these mentioned
for the honor nio Captain Teeter of Lincoln ,
L , I ) . Hlchards of Fremont and Hov. Dr.
Martin of ICcarnoy.
The state legislature will adjourn nnd per
mit the members , a majority of whom nro
old soldiers , to bo In attendance nt the en
campment. Lieutenant ( lovornor Tom
Majors nnd Speaker Elder will march the
"boys" down. .
Tim headquarters of the encampment will
lie nt the Hotel Hiloy. and the council of ad
ministration will meet thcro nt 7:30 : p. m.
Tuesday , February 1" .
The annual encampment of the department
Woman's Relief Corps will bo held nt the
same time , their headquarters being at Hock-
wood hull ,
Tim commander of McConlhlo post No , 41 ;
of this city will , on Monday , detail oftlccrs
of tbo guard and sentinels for duty during
the encampment.
The badges have been gotten up with great
M1I nml tiwte , nnd will bo qutto A valunlla
nnd beautiful inomcn'.o of the occ.isloh ,
A rnto of ono and one-third faro for the
round trip has been extended by the mil *
rends ( or those attending the oncmnpineiir ,
nml the tickets must boccrtlilcct to by Joku
1) ) . Snwhtll. nssl.itunt adjutant general ,
If line wcnthcr prevail' ) the citizens of
I'lattsmouth Intend to mnko the occasion
inoiiiouibloone , and everything will bo uon
to mnko the visit to this dty n pleasant o
Thu Hoyd County Hill. ty
LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. -Special [ Telegram /
gram to Tun Biu : | Tlio house committee
on township nml county organization has ap
proved the bill Introduced by Foe to orgnnlzp
n now county out of the territory lying north
of Holt , to bo named LJoyd , in honor of tlio
.Vo Hullo ! Ill Illinois.
SniiNoriKi.u , III. , Fob. H , lloth houses
met , hut nothing of Importance was done And.
ndjournmont was taken to Monday , " "Ntr"
quorum wns present In the Joint session nnil
it adjourned , Iteiirescntntlvo Mitchell is re
ported to lo very 111 nt the hotel , but the
doctor says ho will bo able to go to tlio capi
tal TiiMdny nnd vote.
The delegates from the South Dakota legis
lature were expected hero today , but did nofc
nrrivo , Tlio report that the do'lepitlon had
been requested to remain In Chicago , where
a delegation from the democratic steering
committee would moot then ) , U dented at the
headquarters of the democratic state contra !
Hull Presents a ICnlcldou-
coplo Appearance.
ThoConcordia Singing society , which has
nourished llko ngrocn bay tree in Omaha for
the past twenty-live years compo od of tlio
leading Gorman citizens of the motropolli ,
guvo IU annual nia.siucr.ulo ( last vonliig at
( Jcrmaiilaliall.
By 10 o'clock the lloor of the hall presented.
n kaleidoscopic appearance , a veritable Vnu-
ity I Fair in mlcrocsom , nnd until midnight
, the maskers enjoyed their hidden identity
hugely. At midnight the masks were re
moved nnd It wn'i followed bv n delightful
simper , In keeping with true ( Jornum hospi
tality ,
Wiillo tltcro were not so many fancy cos
tumes in the kTumi march ns nt previous
affairs , the number of lookers-un was inn ch
larger , nnd between tlio urttvo and the
passive participants in thd Innocent pleas
ures of the evening It is quitosiifo to say
that , tlio usual ConeonUn nudlenco was
ThoilocoratioiR , while not elaborate , wcro
very pretty nml well designed , the commit.
tco having the ball in clmrgo. Jlossrs.
August Sclmffer , Julius Mover , Mr. Slruilo-
maii nnd Oscar Good nun , showing a thor
ough knowledge of the roipulromcnts of a
1ml ninsquc ,
Among Ihosoen masque nro recalled : Mlss- _ . -
Tzsclmck us "Folly ; " Miss Alga ICnhn , m .
"Spanish Girl : " Mrs. William ( lyger , r
"News ; " MM. Charles Molz , a billet oos-
tunio of green tarletan ; Mrs , lt-iapko , "Ger
man peasant ; " Mist Lund , "Spring ; " Mrs.
Fred Molz , a very offocllvo representation of
n "i'nnibourinoGirl ; " n Doimnlclnn monk ,
Fred Soil gsoh n ; "Old Siort"ArtliurSmilh | ;
"Old Woman. " Arthur Met"Clown ; , " Mr.
* Kd wards ; -'Clown , " Mr. Christie ; monks ,
Mr. William , Gyger , Fred Metz , Chnrlcs
Mctz , jr. The committee were hnndsorao-
costumes representing the "Counts of Monta i
Cristo. " V
During the evening a number of panto. '
mimes nnd tableaux wcro given , ono especi
ally sinking ilson Into the hearts of the
guests , entitled "Tho KlTcuts ( f Bo r.11
Two tramps , enter a beer saioan , which Is
temporarily lelt to run itself. They p'ocicd
to help themselves from tlio UT kjg , aid so
often do they visit the barrel Hint at lust they
drop Into a drunken sleep , In their sleep
they dronm of his sntanlc mnjcstv , w < u >
emerges ( Irom the barrel , followed bv
rctitnicof demons. They dancoabout the men ,
nnd they play pranks on them. Atthostroko
of twelve they leave the room in haste , the
men nriso from the lloor where they hnvo
fallen , and after viewing their sad condition
swear off drinking ncortnin klnil of beer.
This feature of the ovcningwns thoroughly
Among those looking on from the pillory
around tbo hull were ; Air. nml MM. CJcorgo
Helinrod , Mr. nnd Mr. * . Morlti Meyer , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Aaron Calm , Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Calm , Air. and Mrs. Uruno T/schuck , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Van Horn , Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ilogcrs , Mr. mid Mrs. Metz , Mr , nnd MrS.
Ulnu , Mr. and Mrs. Urnndcls , Mr , and MM.
Adolph Meyer , Mr. nnd All's. Julius Feat nor ,
Mr. ami Mrs. Pomy , Mr. and Mis. Grotto ,
] \Ir. \ mid Mrs. Sclmffer , Mrs. Schmidt , Miss
Schmidt , Miss 1'ollonk , Mrs. Uobfeld , Misa
Upnieycr of S' , I-Quis , AIiss Murclnu , Mi1.
Kaufman , Air. I'undt , Air. Jobst , Mr. and
Sirs. Ilcnry Bollu.
J. S. Ewart , president of the People's
bank at Scotia , Nob. , has removed to Oninlui
with his family and will mnko this city bla
home. lie will bccomo an nctlvo partner In
tlio Star land and loan company. Ho la a
young man and has the reputation of being $ /
very energetic nml successful in business. , >
lion , George J. Stcrnsdorff , ropresontatj/o
from this county to the state legislature , tins
just returned from the deep water harbor
convention held nt Uulvoston , fox. This
being Air. Storiisdorff's first trio to tba
south , ho found the trip a delightful one , \f
- -
State Senator Koontz nnd wife are at tlio
Murray. ,
TTIOUSALE SOIM ! potatoes , 1.000 bushels rtf
JL1 Kiirly Itoso and Olilo-i. Apply In Muilumfc
Hlsliton , ! 1)7 ) K. lltomtway , or " 1.1 Vlnubtrcor ,
Con null KlulVs.
OltSRSforNilu. I will sell fiiriu lioisus at . .
rciihonuhlu prices nnd t fu oiiuyr'K'
Inlcn'st iitd per cent ; sntl.sMclory
must lie given. Leonard Kvorult.
WANTKI ) I' diim Koiilluirnn stonoi-
raiiher and typewriter at onra. Aunly
toll. II. Van Hrn in. Con neil lllulT
OK KXC'llANOK-Good Improved Omaha
nnd Uuunull lIlnirK property to u.M'liimxo
for Iowa land. Bund full ( Umcrlpllon of what
you liavii to offer to Johnston It Vim I'attcn ,
Council ItlnlTs , hi.
FOKSAU ; A bnrpiln ; now modern lionso
wltli nil tbo Inlu Iniprovuinvats , soveii
rooms ; will soil on cu y iwyiW'iitH ! located on
the Fifth nvonuo motor lino. I ) . .1. Ililtuhla-
sou , ( It ? Broadway.
IIIOJISAMS Elght-roomhoino and fwo lota ,
-L1 011 Iliirrlson st. A nioduni linuso itnd n
treed lioino cliuan. 1) . J. llutvliliiMin , C17
KIOUHAI.B Very line roadslur , 4 yuan ,
JL very line family nuiro , 4 years : cheap lop
cash , emu or sj > ; m. Will radii ( for iinrlght pi
a no. Mur. IlomlcliH. niiislu toucher. 1 Jibuti *
iminstreot , Couiiull Illnll's.
TTIOUSAIiK I'lnn clnslu and < louhl < i roadsters -
* ! sters and hravy ilranght horsoi. Will alio
fill orders for any style of hnr.ics wnnutd.
Lcuvunrdcm Dr. W , L. I'lUton. 1'unlrul
livery and HUO | Htablc.i , 21 and K Mulii
Council lllutrs.
Try Dr. Miller's homo truiit-
incut Tor fumnlo dlsuiMtis , Sufu , inllil nnd
Mire. Also Dr. Miller's plln pnstlluj ; jiiilntcm
nnd cimrantcud to euro. I'orsuln In Council
lllnlTMnndOiiialmonly uy Mn. A. A. riiiilth.
UNH. 1st fit. , mid Mrs. (1. ( R Illgglns , 1510
l.c.-ivcnworlli HI. , Onmlm.
TTtOlt 3\lK nr Uonfc Gar.lon land , with
JP bouiosuy J. U. llloa. liM .Main iu. Oouugll
Bluff *
Of Council Bluffa.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 ,
numerous I , A. Minor , F. 0. Oloason , R U
EhtiKurt , U K. llurtJ. U , Ediimnilinn. UliurUu
Uliiumiin. Transact liunklnl biltl _
nciH. IjtiTfo l uapltul Mid turjilux of auy
baukln South wosturn lonra.
D. II. McDaneld &
Butctiors' ' and Packers'
Market Fixtures , Casings ,
Inory. SJO. / >
* * * " > lor * '
uud I'urn-