8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 14 , 1891 , THECITY. _ The next concert of the Apollo club will bo given on Thurfldny evening , Feb ruary II ) . County Commissioners Corrlgnn nnd Van Cami ) htivo fjono to Lincoln to con fer with the Douglas county delegation roltitlro to n bill providing for the ronp- portionmont of the roatl fund. The Silicon wall plaster manufactur ing company filed articles of Incorpora tion ycstordiiv. Canllnl , $50,000. Thomas F. Tuttle , M. J. Hums , C. D. Wood- worth , 0. Ilnrtman nnd John Shelby , Incorpomtors. The colored barbers are ranking great prapiirutions for their third annunl ball that will bo hold nt Washington hull on February 20. Already 300 ticltots have boon gold , and the party promises to boone ono of the largc.st of the tcuson. Chairman O'KcolTo of the county com missioner board yesterday ordered copies of all the records , papers , etc. , in the Ryan & Walsh county contract mat ter. The copies are for use In the trial of the ease now on before Judge Hope- well in the district court. Mr. Charles R Penman and Mlsi Mln- nlo Gullck , popular young people of this city , wore msirrlod Thursday at the homo of the groom's mother , Mr. nnd Mrs. R A. Klllmcr , 1000 Cassstreet. Uoth the brldo and groom liavo many friends In this city , all of whom wish them well. AVOLFM WAS TOO CON'KIDINO. And Now He Mourns the Ijoss of n $ ! . - , < > Untile Hull. C. T2. Wolfe , a young man who boards tvt 1712 Boupliws street ana attends tlio Omaha Business college , would , if ho entered a con test for bulcollo verdancy , be awarded the first prlzo. Yostordny morning about 8 o'clock a miti named Pat ICoyut.who used to Iccopnlmtcher sliop on .Fifteenth street east of .Tofterson square , called to see Wolfe and told lilm that tbo Omaha detectives wcro going to run him in for absconding wltli funds belonging to his ( Wolfe's ' ) wlfo. Wolfe tiw : bad somodiniculty with tlio partner of his Joys nnd sorrows and they separated n few months since , the lady pohiR to her parents at Croaton , la. , and Wolfe coming to Omaha to enter the business college. Koyca had learned that much about "Wolfe and proceeded malto him believe t lieve that the ofllccrs of the law wcro about to pounce down upon him. Thou ICoycs aucgostcd that Wolfe had better pet out of the city as quietly and ns quickly as ho could , nnd said if thorowns anyway by which ho could as- slst Wolfe In making the departure ho would bo pleased to do so. Wolfe was thoroughly frightened and aslted Koycs if ho would go to the Omaha Savings bank and draw out the money ho had there. Koycs consented to oblige Mr. Wolfe in that particular , nnd Wolfe requested an old gentleman named D. D. Angcll , who boards at the snino place , to accompany ICqycs to the bank nnd bring back the monoy. ICeycs and Angoll went to the bank , but Koyoa found that ho must present nn order or clicclc si mod by Wolfe before the money would bo paid over. They re turned to Wolfe's room , secured his sig natiim to n check for the SIM which ho had on deposit , mul again visited the Imnlc , wbcro the money was handed to Koycs. The next step was to secure a livery team , Koyos said , nnd they went to the Jefferson square barn on Sixteenth near California , where CJcorpo Koycs , a brother to tlio pen- tlcinnn who drew the money , works , nnd hired n team. They started up toward tlio place where Wofo boards , but when opposite the New York Life building on Douglas street Keys said to Angell : "I want to run over and see those lawyers. You Just wait hero till I corno back. 1 will only bo gone a few minutes over to the Life building. " ICoycs handed the llnes-to Angell nnd went In the direction of the Now York IJfo build ing , Itirncd on Farnam street out of sight , nnd thiiK cmloth the lirst chapter. When Ttlr. Angoll had held the team about half an hour ho drove up to Wolfe's boarding place and expressed the opinion to the nerv ous young man , who wanted to trot out of town , that ICoycs had caught n sucker and did not intend to return of his o\vu frco will and accord. Wolfe was dumbfounded , but could not bo- llovo that his whilom friend h nil so ruthlessly betrayed his confidence. After waiting an hour Wolfe bocarno convinced , however , that ho had been cruelly betrayed , nnu ho sent the team back to the barn nnd started out to look for Koyos. Instead of reporting ttio matter to the police at once , ho meandered around town until the middle of the afternoon before placing the detectives in possession of the facts connected with the confidence game. By the time the ofllccrs learned of the affair Koycs may have been many miles from Omnlm , but the detectives scorned quite con fident of capturing him. Ho Is pretty well known in Omaha and his brother and friends nro very much astonished at the record ho made.vestcrdny , lie has hitherto borne a good reputation. Keycs is n small hoavv built man with a sandy mustache and is about thirty years old. .Wolfo seems to bo dazed by the transac tion , and is very much depressed by the lois of the Sllil ) , which was all the money ho had. Chief Scavey said last night that a man answering the description given by Wolfe of ICovcs came to police headquarters last Sat urday , accompanied by a woman whom ho Introduced as Mrs. Wolfe of Crcston , In. , and who said that she wanted to take out a war rant for her husband's ' arrest , claiming that lie was living hero in Omaha with another woman. The chief referred tlio couple to the court ofllcer , who took thorn down stairs to have the warrant sworn out. TL'Omnn finally said that they did not want to have Wolfe arrested , but would like to have nn ofllccr co with them to Wolfe's room and scare him so that ho would nay over some money ho had in the bank. Tlio woman said that Wolfe had deserted her , leaving her destitute , and she wanted the money to help support their baby , which she had loft at Crcston. The couple wore iuformo.l that Omaha police ofllccrs were'iiot employed for the purpose of Bearing people Into the notion of paying money , and they loft the station without tak ing out a warrant. It is believed by the ofllccrs that Wolfe was frightened into signing n checlc which ho pave to Koyes , and thai after the whole thing was over ho decided to regain the monoy. Koyes has boon seen about the city with the woman for several days and wu4 seen yesterday afternoon on lower Douglas street. A warrant was issued for his arrest. * Do not take any chance of being poisoned or burned to death with liquid steve pollsli , paints or enamels In bottles. The "HlsliiR Bun Steve Pollsli"ls safe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest and best steve polish , made anil the consumer pays for no expensive tin or glass package with every purchase. A KXO VXCKJIKXT3. Of the many comedies of latter yearsthere is none moro popular than the favorite work of Mr. William Gillette. "Tho Private Sec retary1 was the first edition of his labors in this line , shortly following hU military dra ma "Held by the Enomv. " Since then ho has given us "All the Comforts of Home , " that was o universally enjoyed hero ft short time ago. Now material has been injected In "The Secretary , " nnd It is said to far excel col Its past presentations. Llko many ether good attractions It is under the able manage inont of Mr. Charles rrohman. The firs three nights of thu coming week , is tlio time announced at Doyu's ' opera house. At the Grand , on Sunday evening next , J C. Stewart's comedy company will again present that ludicrous comedy , "Tho Two Johns,11 which threw the whole city into a merry laughter during their last visit. The entanglements of the cousins , Peter am Philip ( the two Johns ) , arising from the similarity in appearance of each to the ether and the bewilderment of their associates caused by the complications crowded upoi them , affords enough fun to dispel tbo blues from nn army of defeated politicians. Tlio company engaged for the present bC.tsoi comprises some of the cleverest comedians o the day ; also a bevy ol pretty plrls who sin g and dance many of the latest specialties , MOflSK'S Just Arrived nit the Now .Stylish Nhnpon In Spring Jackets. Wo have no old poods to close out , and otnorrow morning offer the Now reefer shnped jnckota Now blnzor shaped jackets , With or without vest. Cheviot effects inlshcd with black braids , now pllt iraldg , gilt cords , black and pllt mixed jralds. Prices runjjo from $8 , $10 , $11 nnd $12. $12.LA.DIKS'WRAPPERS. LA.DIKS'WRAPPERS. A now lot of calico wrappers , neat tyllsh pallnrna uml with mother hub- jard front nnd prlncosso back , dark luoq , greys , brown , wine nnd other do- Irnblo slimlus. KID GLOVES , fiOc. Don't miss this sale. If wo have your l/o you can and will buy kid gloves by ho dozen , tlioy are from our 81.25 and 1.50 gloves , only 51 , Cl , 0 , 7 , 7i and 7 } . Kid glovoo 7oc , worth $2. Kid gloves $1.2-3 , worth $2.50. All the best nvtkos , Courvoisior , Fos- or's boat brands. Jouvln nnd ether makes In the nbovo sizes , Como to morrow. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. CAN'T 1'INI ) Alilj TUB I A1 I3HS. Die School Hoard's Invest touting Com- inlttri ! Misses Homo DociimrntH. The special committee of the boird of cdu- ation , consisting of Euclid Martin , C. J. jmytli and Fred It. McConncll , appointed to ascertain whit method the examining board adopted la granting certificates to appll- lants for positions as teachers in the city schools , sat behind closed doors again yesterday and commenced the work of going through the paper ) submitted at the regular exam [ nation held last December. At noon the committee arose and reported * progress. Mr. McConncll said : "Wo have lots of mrd work before us , but at tills time wo can- jiot say that we have found anything irreg ular. " . The other members confirmed Mr. McCon- noll's statement nud added that the secret oafercnco will continue at least for four or Ivo days. At the end of that time , should inythmg bo discovered that will justify such action , applicants , as well as the members of hs examining' board , will bo called in and he Investigation will be conducted In public. Just before the noon adjournment , the nombers of the commltto were somo- vliut disturbed by not being able o llnd their examination papers in heory and practice. This part of the oxam- tiatlou was condueteti by Sirs. ICevsor and dl of the applicants were marked from 75 to 00 per cent in tlui llaal schedule as it was made up. Tbo rules of the bogrd provide that mmediatcly upon the examination of bo " papers , all documents shall bo forwarded to the secretary of the board. Mr. Connoyor insists that ho ooU all of the pipars and put them under ockantl Itoy , and for this reason those ho tnows never reached him. The members if tbo board will make a still hunter or the missing papers nnd if not found toy will conclude that a largo sized African s hid somewhere in the wood pile of the ex amining board. o A Dead Slnit nn a Coujjli ro Cold , The editor of the Lewis , Iowa , Indopend- mt , relates his experience for the bcncllt of ho public , ns follows : "Wo have advcr- Iscu a great many different patent mpdiclnos mt have never taken the pains to editorially 'puff" ono. Wo nro going to do so now for ho lirst time. Chamberlain & Co. , DCS Uoincs , lotya , manufacture a cough remedy vhich is absolutely the best thing wo have iver seen. Wo have used It in our family for ho past year , and consider it indispensable. Is effects are almost Instantaneous , and .hero is _ no use talking , it Is a dead shot on a : ough or cold. Wo don't say this for pav but bccauso wo consider Chamberlain1 iough Uomody the best made , and wo van the people to know It and use it. Hayden Bros , have bought the Eiso- stock ? of Council Blull's ; the stock m now bolnpr moved to Hoyden Bros. ' itoro and beln overhauled and placed .n ' shape ready for sale. Several days uioro and wo will start ho biggest , largest and cheapest dry oods sale over held in Omaha. To those who nov rsaw this Eisqman stock wo would say that it contains the most dry goods , cloaks , clothing , hats , joots , shoes and toys that were mnnti- "nctured. The sale will start In a few days. Further particulars later. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and carpets. TI1K PAuLi HACES. Omnlm AV11I Bo In a IJIg Trl-State OProttiiiK Circuit. A meeting was held In this city Thursday afternoon for the purpose of arranging for n western trotting circuit next fall to include [ CeoVuk , Ottumwa , JCrcston , Council Bluffs , Omaha , Lincoln and Topoka. The ilrst two cities wcro not represented , but tbo other Jlvo wcro represented as follows : CrestonMr. McEnery ; Council Bluffs , J. W. Porcgoy ; Omaha , Joseph Garaeau , jr. ; Lincoln , I ) . T. Mount , .superintendent of the state fair spcod ring ; Topeka , Scctetary Moon of the Kansas state fair association. The schedule was practically made up before fore the meeting , and Council muffs was loft out in the cold. The principal ques tion discussed at the meeting was whether or not changes should bo made by which that city would bo admitted. The schedule as made out gave ICeoltuk , Ottumwa , and Ores- ton the second , third nnd fourth weeks of August respectively nnd the other cities were arranged as follows : Omaha , September 1 to 4 ; Lincoln , September 7 toll ; Topeka , September 15 to IS ) . The Hrst proposition was to move the first threa cities back ono week and give Council Bluffs the last week In August. All of the delegates favored it , but nothing was done about it until the consent of Kcokuk and Ottumwa could bo obtained. It was thought that the admission of the Bluffs would help all of the cities in ob taining a larger Hold of horses I'lio horsemen favor the Idea as it would give them two weeks of racing in the two cities without the expense of shipping. A circuit of this kind Includes the state fairs of Nebraska and Kaasas , and In the various cities liberal purses will bo offered. The programmes nronotoutyot , but It is promised that they will offer Inducements that previous meetings have not equalled. For Nervous Headache Use HoHford'B Add Phosphate. Dr. F. A. Iloberts , Wntorvlllo , Me. , says : "J have found It of great benefit In nervous headache , dyspepsia and neurulgla. I think it is giving great satisfaction where it is thoroughly tried. " I'olloo Al'ter the Cure Alls. Chief Seavy nnd his men have been reading up on the compiled ordinances of the city , and propose to opea war on all persons who distribute and bulletin advertisements pro fessing to euro all of the Ills that man is heir to. "C. W. Downs.M. D. , wustho first victim , lie and an employe named II. H. Prior were gathered in yesterday. Downs pleaded eullty and was lined fclt ) and costs. Prior was discharged. A man who slgashimself A. Shou- licit has been posting in a neat frama in nubile places how easily and scientifically ho can grab a human form from the degenerated state of mo3t anything into are cured by THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO , , Baltlmort , Mt , n pure nnd rosy stnto tlirough tlio nld of Ills medicines , but Chief Scavoy In turn lins notlfioil the pollco to tear the llttlo ndvortlso- mcnU from thts walls and carry them to him. No warrant has yet boon Issued for Shon holt * A Ul | ? Dry Gooits Deal * The Henry Elsnnn Ic Co. stock of dry goods , which Invoiced $300,000 , lias boon pur chased liy Hayden Ilrothori of this city. By tbo terms df tlio purcluiso Hnydcn Urotbcrs wcro obliged to rumovo the stock from Coun cil Bluffs , the tnerclmnts over there not rollslilnp the Idea of n sale of such maRtiltudo at the prlco nt which the purchaser could af ford to dispose of It. Ills understood that tbo quality of the goods Is ilnt class nnd Its disposition In Omaha will be ono of the mor- ciintilo events of tbo season. It Is now bolng rapidly transferred to the big store of the purchasers on Sixteenth street , Dlntrlct Court. Hoggs ft Hill have entered suit aalnst the city , In the dUtrlut court , for Jl , 000 damages alleged to have resulted to property owned by them on Burt street from the widening of that thoroughfare. It seems that plaintiffs waived damages on the condition that the city should at once cause the award , $ 1,000 , to bo assessed back \ipon property bonellttod. which * , plaintiffs charge , the city has failed to do , and hcuco this suit. .lohn E. Edwards sues Barker Brother * for $ TCOO for an alleged breach of contract lease. Tlio Host Tor Children. "While Minnesota is ono of the most healthy states in the Union , It is ono of the worst for colds , owing to thosovcro winters. Many of the druggists there , malto It a rule to glvO their customers Just what they call for ; but wheu they come back nnd say It done no good they most Invariably recommend Cbuinbor- Iain's Cough Homcdy , as will bo seen by the following irom Messrs , WclU < & Shroeder , of Sanborn , Minn.Vo : recommended Cnain- berlnln's Cough Remedy after other leading rougli { iroparatloiis baa failed to do any good. and always with the best results , Wo can always rely upon that remedy , as It is sure to effect a euro. It has no equal for children ; especially is cases of croup or whooping cough. " _ _ Hivydon Bros , have bought tlio Eiso- man stock of Council UliilTo ; the stock is now boiny moved to Hayden Bros. ' store and bolnp overhauled and placed in shape ready for sale. Sovonil days more and wo will start the bigpost , largest and cheapest dry goods wile ovoi * hold in Omaha. To those who never saw this Eisomun stock wo would nay that it contains th6 finest dry goods , cloaks , clothing- , huts , boats , shoes and toys that \yoro manu factured. The sale will start in a few days. Further particularB later. * HAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and carpets. ROCVCR & Co. Get the Contract. Owing to tbo absence of Chairman Dirk- hauscr , there was no meeting of the board of public works yesterday afternoon. .Messrs. Fumy and Kterstcad , however , opened the bids for paving alloys In districts Seventy- sovcn. Seventy-eight and Sovcnty-nlno in Kouiitzo's third addition , between Sixteenth and Seventeenth north of Nicholas. Frank L. Hooves & Co. were the lowest bidders , being ? JOl and S3 07 per square yard , and tboy will get the contract , A slight cold if neglected often attacks tbo lungs , lirowu's Bronchial Tioohos give sure and immediate relief. Sold only la boxes. Price 23 cents. Prediction's for February U'catlicr. As there are but twonty-oight days in this month there ought to bo less cold 'mosphoro than in January , but "all jns fail in dry weather , " therefore wean an only say that the electric-lighted , steam-heated , vostibuled , limited trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will continue to run daily be tween Omaha , Council Bluffs and Chi cago. The electric light reading lamp in each berth is the novelty of tlio age. Ticket ollice , 1501 Farnam street , Omaha. ir I'crmlt * . The following permits wore issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : Tiikny ft Allen , onound one-half story . frame dwelling. ( Jilt ton 11111 . J I.70J Ono minor uorialt . 15 } Tottd . $1.830 Used In Millions of Homes 10 Years the Standard. HUMPHREYS' ln. HUMPHREYS' bi'Ecmcs nro BcleutKlcully nnd carofullv prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In prlvatojiraulcowlthsucceiisami forovcr IhlrtTyvarauspubytliopeople. livery slncloBpo- clllo u aspoclal euro for tlio cllEoa.so named. Theao Specifics euro without ilruKKliiR , purg ing or reducing the 8) stem , nud nrn m f net nud rteodthetio-vorolgnvciiicdlCHoftlio'World. U8TOFriuNcirAi.xos. cons * . rwcrti. 1 J'pvurs , Congestion , lultnmmatton. . . . 25 i'.oaah" . Cold , llrpnchltli . . Ncuralelii , Toothoilie.raceaclio. . . . i HciulacliCBtRlckllcadaclip. Vertigo .U.I 10 IlyHPCpHlii , Bilious Htoniacli. . . . . . . . . .11. } 11 Hupi rcH eilor I'lilnful 1'crlaun. . 'J5 l'jVbften , too 1'rofujo Periods VJ5 j.'i Crniiiii CoiiKh , IJItllcuHDrcatlilruftt if Unit Kb cum , Krjfci ! la , Kniptlous. .Vt5 15 HbnuiimtlHiii , Itheumatlnl'alns. , S2t 111 I'overniul AKIIO , Chlllf , Jlnlarln nil 17 riloN , Iillnd nr lllredlnR $0 111 Cnlnrrh , Innucuui , CnlcllnthoIIcnd .50 UO Wbooplntc t'ounh ' , ViolentUoUKliB. .AO Jl Ornural lli > blllty.l'nrBlcalWcakncBi .Ajj U Kliluoy ] > lHi'HM ' fi ! ! VJH Ncrrons lldillllr , . % . . . . . . . 30 Iri" ) ty WonkiioM.Wettlnjtlied. .Jill U't li ouat'aoCllieHeurlralpllntlonI.OU Sold \ > y Dnigctltti , or sent postpaid on receipt OfprlCO. JB. III'III'IIBETS' JliWAL , (141 ( B/W * ) rlcluy ixiund In clotli and gold , nmllcd free. MEDICINE oo. . Cor. William and John Street * , New York. § P E C I F C S . EXTRACT OF BEEF. INCOMPAUAIILn IN I'l.AVOU. Use It for Href Ton , Soups , gaui-cn , ( GameFish Ac. ) Amilo or Moat Jolly. Ono pound of Extract of Ilccf iviuul to forty pounds of Itunbct'f. ( lonulno only with slj- nutuiouf J.von I.li'blc.uB shown ubovvln blue OMAHA Call on ttJilrcn W. J. II. S11EH- WOOI ) , < ri Now York 1.1(0 llulld EOHOOL OP 'nir ' , Oinaba , NcUraikn , TELEGRAPHY. Asta Rule , It la best not toifcttcmpl to remedy costiveness - ness by the use of sallno or drnsllo purs * , lives. When a oUhartle ineillclnc Is needed , the most lir" jpt nbj beneficial U A > cr's J'llls. TliflT effect Is to rcitoro the regular action of .ho bowels , without weakening them. Ilclng stignr-contcd , these 1'llls tctiiln their medicinal tlttugs for a long time , and arc easy to take. " I can recommend AycrM TlllJ above all others , having lonK fj-ovcd their value as a cathartic for myself and famlly.-J. T. Hess , Lclthsvlllc , 1'a. _ " In 1858 , by thd adylce of ft friend , I begaa tno tiso of Aycr's I'llls as a tcnicdy for bil iousness , constipation , high fevers , nnd colds. They seuod mo lictter than anything - thing I had prov kmsly tried , and I have used them In attacks of that soli e\er since. " II. Vf. Hcrsli , Judsonla , Ark. Ayer's Pills , rnErAUKD ur DB. J. O. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Maes. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. I took Cold , I toolr Slob , I TOOK RESULT : I take My Meals , I take My Rest , AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MV HANDS ON ; getting Iht too , FOR Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitesof Limeand SOda NOf ONLY CURED MY lllfip- icnt Coiisiiingition HUT BUILT ME UP , AND IS NOW I'UTTINO FLESH ON IV1Y BONES AT TIIK RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I i AKE i r ; iib r AS EASILY AS i DO MILK. " SUCH TIST1MONY IS NOTHING n\V. SCOTT'S EMUISION is DOING WONDERS DAILY. TAKE NO OTIIFR. TRADEMARK Til I ( I H AT TRADE MARK ENGLISH ItcM- nnv. An unfall- liig euro for Hcin- InalVenknc ! , Bpcrnmtcrrlioc * , lupoteitcx nnd all dlneaioa that follow as u to- qucnro of Self- nbU9c ; as I.n aof Mcmurr , Unlvor- BtFQBETAKIIIB. i i.u. itudo AHW TAKIRO. Pnln In the Hack , Dimness of Villon , Premature Old Age , and rennjr other diseases that lead to lBnnltr or consumption and a preranturottrnvi. ' . iy Full partlculnri In our pnniplilvt , which we do- lire to end freu by mail to every ono. tWTho Spe- clflo Medicine Is nolitnt II per packnxe , or lr package - ago for t5 , or will bo nent ( roe tif mail oil rtcelpt of the moner. by addressing THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 PAIINAH STREET , OMAIIA , NED. On account of counterfeits no have adopted th * follow irrnppnr , the nnljr cimulnc. ll'o Offer l"oi a Jteineiltf te7ilc/i Insures Safety to Xlfo of Mother anil Cltlltl. II ' II MOTHER'S FRIEND Jloba Confinement of Its 2'dln , Horror tiit'l Jttsk , After ustngono bottle ot" lolipril''ilciiil" ( I lutlcrcil tiut llttlo pain , and ttlil not experlcncu I hat wcnknraa urterwurd muul In such cases. Mr * . AHNIK Oai , Junior , Mo. , Jau. 15th. 1391. Bent liy ciprfSJ. charges prcpnld , on receipt of prlcc.OLM per boule. Uoolc to ilolliu : mailed rice. utiGii..vroii ; oo. , ATLANTA , fi A. SOLD BY ALL DUUOOI3T3. We beg to remind our friends of the Children's De partment of our business. Through increased facilities ana advantageous relations with leading houses , we are prepared at all times to fur nish full and fashionable equipments for the Juveniles. One of our firm Is now in the East making special observa tions of Children's Clothing , and selecting in that line of goods an assortment that shall leave nothing to bo de sired , embraqipg as it will all novelties oft the , coming sea son. DR. BAILIiY GRADUATE DENTIST A Full Sot ot Tosfi on Itubber , ( or L'tvt Dou.uts. . " ' oxtraotod porrcKmr. . , " " * . : without "J0 pain or thotlca Gold tnd illvor I Jlbiga at lowest work , rcotuwltu- Crown rate * Briduo nnd . outDlatoi Villworlf warrantca. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance. 16th itroot clovntoi Open oven- K uuttl 8 o'clojk As a science , like electricity , is as yet in its infancy. But it has today reached a point alike beneficial/ to the merchant and his patron. . In olden times the merchant's ideas about advertising were confined the advertising man simply aims to lay before the readers about his wares. He uses plain English , written in an engaging style. He endeavors to make his corner of the "Big Daily" he patronizes just as readable as the editorial , telegraphic or local news columns , To-day we want to lay before you a few facts ABOUT the ' 'clothes of winter. " In a short time wo shall open our new springstock. . Before we.ds3 * r- this we intend to close out every single , solitary heavy weight suit of v CLOTHES in our store. This means a cut in prices , wide and deep. It means that we have reduced the price on the few heavy weight suits that we have left , two , three , four AND in some cases , five and six dollars. It means that we intend to follow our well-known custom of closing out all seasonable goods at the end of each season , in order to begin the next with an entire new stock. This means a saving to you of from two to six dollars on a suit of clothes , i i purchased within the next week. We open this week one hundred cases of New Spring Styles in soft and stiff . HATS in all shapes , shades , sizes and colors. Nebraska Clothing uu > FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. We close at six thirty. Saturdays , ten o'clock. _ THE BEST i IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsoGkeL & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo nro their western agents and always carryularostook . Address , BmeriGan Jtonfl Sewed Shoe Bo 1204 and 1206 Harncy Street. DR. J. E. McGBEW , THE SPECIALIST. Mora Than Fllteon Years Experlenoo in th9 Treatment of A euro It Ruar.tn PRIVATE DISEASES teoil In from threa to Uvo duyt wltU- out the loss of an liour'i tlmo. rcrmnnently ruroil without STRICTURES or In trtnnonts ; no cut * Inn ; no dilating. Tlio most cranrknblo remedy ! known to modern aclcnco. Cured In 80 to M < 1ai. Dr. Mo. SYPHILIS ! ( Jrow's treatment for tlili terrlblo blood dlsoaio has boon pronounced thornoit powerful and luccoiifulremudy ever ills- covered fcr the nlisolulo euro of tills dlienia , Hi ! success with tills ( UnL'aio hus uover been uquallod. A complete cnroiUAUANTEEi ( ) . | HOT BllUUnnn " " ' " " vreakncsios of I llAI IVlfl lUrl III ! II Hie. " 0 * " " ! own' . " " - IllmlllUUU OU9m. B ami nit unnnt- urnldlroliargoinra nlKolutolf cured , Jtelluf li tin. mcdlato nnd complete. PI/IU niO'TIOrP Ilhcumatltmnndnllclls. NKIN IIIM'AM'N ranca of the blood , llrcr , UIXIII UIOUKOLU Mdneys nud bladder per- mnnently cured. " " " " ' " FEMALE DISEASES"1--- ' I LllinUL. UlUUriUUlJ .tomacli or bladder cured. The Doctor's Homo Tieatmcnt for Ladles Is trulr n completp , ronrcnlent and wonderful remedy JMimH : from U to 4 O.NI.V. nn IRnnnrilllO inarvoloiu Biirccsi hai IIK MRllnrW N won for him n rupntatlon Ulll lllUUIILlI O , , | , | ctli | trulr national In chnraetcr , and his gteit army of pntlcnt * rcncliei from the Atlantic to the raclflc. Tlio doctor Ua ( traduntoof "nMUl.JlIl" mcdlclno ami haj liad lonz nnd careful experience In hospital pr.ictloj , nud Is clnucd nmons thu leading pechillili In modern tclonco. Trentmont by correnpimUence. Write for circulars about each of the abo\ dliuasos , runt ; , Office , i4th and" Farnam Sts. , , Orutlin , KO'J. Kntrnnco on either itrect. W NTTn .AK ° lt3 ° * l t I'inloji VYA.J.N i i U . clothes ! w. Mnoi ? the 9 only line ever In vciilcrt thut holds the clothes with , out pins : u iicrfeut HIICCCSS ; putont recently Issued : solo only liy iis-'onti , to wliom the ux- cluilvo right U KtviMi , On receipt of W cents we wlllseiut u aamplo line by mull ; nlsu clrcu- Inrai prlco Hal uml tcrnw to URCiit. Heciiro your territory ut once. AUilress THE I'IN- tnbS CLOTIIE3 LINU CO. , 17 Hernirw ft. , Worcester NO GXJREJ NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Fovcnlccn jcnrs oinorlcnco. A rcnular cradiinto In medicine , niillplomw show Is "till troatltyj wltr tliOBrcnlost micccsn , nil Nervous , flironlo nnd I'rlveto Illseiioi. Apcrmnnont euro uunrantood for C.itiml SpcriuntorrhTS , Lost Manhood. Somliml Weakness , NlKhtU > ssoi. Inipntonori Syphilis. Hlrlcturo. nndnlldli- cn c of llio lllooil. Skin nud Urinary Owans. N. II. I Kiiaratitoj $ .V for ovtrr caio I unilortako ntvl full to cure. Consultitlourroo. Uook ( Mjratertes o Llfo ) loaUrou. OtUccliourj-'Ja. m. ton p. IB. Huml.iyi 14 a. in. to M tu. REMEMBER K ISTHE NAMEOFTHAT Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , GOLD In the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS. . rrlco 81.00. - I'lnt nottJcj. For Sale by leading Druggists. PBirAIlFJ ) ONLt ITS Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Go , 62 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. Blake. Bruce & Co. ! 'KwS ! i ; > nsS * ' * 0DiMiiKTiu > soriiuLiii riEto OUX11U br Ibli Hi * . .ECTRIC IUT AHO SUSPUISOSt lium. Hilt for ibUiiinlOc f"- poie. Carrot G n r tlTi Weakiii. . tIflnc Fmlf. XHJ , 8oolh li > . Oilliuoui lurr ll ot riretrlillr Itronih ill WKiK riRT , r itntlijrlhculalIXlLTIl > idtlll < inOI ) < K'lr.lUIII ! H.ttrlt ( iirr.nl f.ll InUolll , or i forMl I1.CXJJ la cull HILT d hu..niori Cou.l. ( . (3. nil up. \ \ uril mei I'ir- putall , lur.J In Ihrcl tuoctbi. Hlllra rttuphl tKro. \yjEa Uciniocoi , a ' " si. . CHiCAio.il' ' . Pond's Extract is al- waya enclosed in buff wrapper having land scape trade mark. BRACE UP , MAN ! Certain dltorrttri ol JIK.M make them lllue. Ttiot's brcniiKO they la u hope too loonl ' ' - " - - J ' - for rOUR NEW BOOK I alTslimonUliiK ; , . fill < ll i.Vrf/iail "liAVOUOnui l > .Tratloi > < ill/ 0/SllCCM * . " IKIC ULDIOAL 00BuI > l , Vl V. HAVE SOME STYLE ! i ii. iionivs LITTLE VEGETABLE PIUS CUKE aiclt Homlnclic , CouMtlimtlon , ImllRrMlon Wlllfroa BILIOUSNESS , of "all llioJ tfttiU. . .il.ovo na / \Llver and /other cllior- \ . . . 1 /deri. Tlioy.ij Stomach C > UKnrcui > ltilda ol Urhir. frjr < Complalats. . _ nll.euif to tiilc. , . .jiil purili trirla * tilc.linnKiompuuna- . < 1 of yi'ifitaUlil rt- . dlgvnoui to Cillfnin ! * . Try Hum. 45 pllU la ( Ul ) , -ach vial l tii olutcly currdby ' ' ' 'OrHoil'iLlllleVejeliHePilIt , S5ccn ( < t vluli 8 fur (15 ( relit , or it for 91 , Knnalo bydrugulitf. 'orby mall. Aildrcii 'HOEB-S ' Mioinn eo.t PKCPJ. SAD FRAICISCO ( AU FOI'.BALi : IN OMAIIA. NI'.IJ. . 11V Kuhn fi Co , Cor. 151 li it Dounliu Streets. J. A. Fuller It l'.a , Cor. 14th & Dnuplaa Strccti. A * 1) , Ko ttr & Co , Council llliill * . Iowa. AND RINCIPAL DRUOQIBTB CVCRVWHCRt. HERUE UNO BRAIN TBEATMEHT for MTiterls. ninlnMi.rt , iiinir > 1rlii. \ frKiclflo , Munt l Iiriri | > tilon , Hollenlntrnt the llroln.ro- nulling In Inianltr and iimllnif to ia ! ory d o r and duAth. Tremtlura Old Alt * . Uurreniws. l.uii at rower jnullbor fcei , Involuntnrr Lot'ti , aid HpimtistorrhCBa cftuitf < l tiy bv r iirtto'or iho brttn. mi \ tiuio or orer Indulgence. Koch loconl ln onj niontb' Uf C mcnt. 81 a box , nr * l < lor ti , ntjy | mrll i > r | i ia. with eticli order lor ill Loin , will roml purtljuAr fniraot o to rwfnnii raonuv If tliu freutrnvnt fftlllM rum. UunruiU > KliJiutilaiiiK ! imiiu oiUiilrti ! GOODMAN IDHUG CO , , 1110 rurniint Struct , Omaha. Nob. FRENCH SPECIFIC : * A POSITIVE ndporminentCURE ' " ' all 7 ' rtlseHotoTlheURINARYORGANB. Curai S wheeottitrlre lmentfil.FulldiiectioniHllhetcri ' bottle. Price , one dollar. See iljnature ol E , IrC STAIIL For dote By All DrURuiatu/