I HI MH I 8PBDML NOTIDES , AjVvKUTISEMKNTSfor tTieso > columns will to taken until IK : . ' * ) p. in , , for tn evening edition , nml until mu : p. in. , for tlio morning edition mid PtwnAr HBB. JTp r.KMS-Cash In advance. /TJATKB-fAdvcftlscinontsontbtipajtc wlllbo ' Ji chnrprd for nt the rate of IH cents per " word fdrtliflrstlnserllonnnd ( ! Icentpnr word % . for each suliActplont Insertion , hnd IL60 per Njl o IKT month. No ndvcrtlsoment taken for k-ss than 5 ccnti lor llio Urst Insertion. TN1TIAI.8 , figure * , nymbots , etc. , count each Jus one word. TIIKBE ndvrrtlsomrnw must run consecu tively nnd under no circumstances will they bo taken ordlncontlmic-d by telephone. "DART1KH advertising In the.M ) columns and Shnvlna ( holr answer * mldrossen tnn"num- Vorcd letter" In enro of TUB HEI : will receive n numbered chrck l ( > enable them to get tholr letters. Answer * will be dollvored only on * presentation of this chock. Enclose answers In envelopes properly addressed. ALL advertisements under the bond of "Hpcclnl Notices" are published In both the niornlnff and ( veiling editions of TUB IIKK , the clrculiitlon of which ncim-iratcs more thnn 20.000 papers dally , nnd gives the ndvnrllsor the brnoflt not only of the largo circulation nt TIIK llco In Omnhn. but nlso In Council HlulTs , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns In the west. BRANCH "OFFICEST Artvorttnlng for these columns will bo tnkon on the above condltloiiR. ut thofnllonlng busl- nrss hollars vrho nre uutliorlrrd to tnUo SDeclal notices , at the same rates as can bo had at the main ollleo. OIJTII OMAHA IIRANCH OFFICE-Na a,23 N. Street , Lister Illock. _ _ _ JOHN W. HELL , l'harmaclst,6MSouth Tenth street. /1IIAPE k EDDY. Stationers and 1'rltitcrs , \J 113 South Ifith street. " " "H. FARNSWORTII , Fhurmaclst.SllSCum- * Ing street. J. HUOHES. I'linrmaclst. C34 North IGth fit root. G KoTw. " PAIUl , I'liurmncist , 1718 Leavcn- worth slrect. H UGHKS' I'HAHMAOV. 24th nnd Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. i'ocnilcaflc. , tcelopnffirftcutumn on this pacje. WANTnn-I'osltlon In olllco or any place of trust. IllnhPHt roforencos. Address II IS , Hoe olllco. Council llluirs. MI9.1-15 WANTED Situation with a lumber com pany by innn of in yenrs experience. A 1 references. Addma 1)18. llec. M480 15 * \ ANTEI-Hltiiatlons for peed Rlrls ; my T wnllliif ; rooms nm always full from 0 n. in , to Gp.m , Cniindlan Employiucnt oflicu. ; i H S 15111. Telephone (84. 121 WANTED'-MALE HELP. For rale * , etc. , tec top nfflrst column on thtspaoe. ANTEb-MeiV with sin all capital for every county In the state , hlR pay Rimr- nnteod. Call or address 405 N. Y. Llfo , Omaha , Nob. M4W-14 * WANTED Salesmen to soil llehtnltig rods ; experienced. A'pply to Edward A. I'oy& Co. , 1 W. 4th street. Cincinnati , O. M4GJ 15" WANTED Aironts to sell the pvorlastlng lumpwlok ; .1 samples ami terms by mall. * lOcento. 1 do/on " cents ; sells for 10 cents rach. F. Welioskoy , 5 Eddy st , Providence. U. I. M4I/J ID * WANTED A salesman to soil In Omaha n line of satinets , cnsslmcrcs and shirtings to the jobber ami manufacturer on commis sion. Answer , glv'tii ' ; reference nnd experi ence. Bchuylkill Mills , 'Jll ( JhcJtntitst. . I'll 11 a- -dclphln , 1'a. M470 15 AGENTS wanted to orifanlro lodges of the Non-Secret endowment Order , a non- crct frntornlty ; J.V ) ( ) In 5 years : * JO sick bcn- 'Itt lluoral terms olToied. Address Herbert clntosli , Worcester , Mass. M477 10' A -SOMETHING Now-l an hour easily mndo by mtentfi. main or female : sutnplo and full particular free. Charles E. Marshall. Lopkport , N , Y. , M 4(11 ( 14 * TXTANTED- man to take an ofllce and T represent a niunufiiRturor , IJO. par week ! nmall capital rrqulred , A'ldrc&s ' , with stamp , Manufacturer , box 70 , West Acton , Mass. _ J 'B14B214 * W ANTED Travel Inir salesman ; special ties pnylns 8100 to 1250 per month. John Allison & Co. , (25 ( Dearborn snoot , Uhlcaco. 4 : > 8-13' > ANTED A secretary nnd treasurer for anianufnoturliigeompany , CnshBoaiirlty required. Address D 10 , Heo. M445 15 * WANTED Men to travel for our Canadian nnrsorlos.Stoiic WelllnKton.Miullson.Wls KM WANTED-BO harness makers at once on machine nnd hnnd-niudo buggy harness , Steady work nnd good wages. Dodson , Fisher , llroekman A Co. , .Minneapolis , Minn. 437 15 OLIOITOIIS 'Experienced building and lonn solicitors can secure llbural contracts nnd good territory with the Farmers' Loan ft Trust Co. , Des Mollies , la. 4SO 15' ANTED-Flrst class hotel cook. Olvo reference ami state salary. Addrcsslook " > . Falls Olty , Nob.- 43114 * I ESSUS. Charles L. Webster ft Co. wish to correspond ntoncowltlia competent book salesman ; ono who has sold encyclopedias , lilstorles nnd books of the holiest ijunllty pre ferred. To the right party nn opportunity Is offered to establish and control a business of preat permanent value. Address T.M.Will Intns , manager , 3 Eust lllhsticot , Now York Oily. M 415 H * T\ETEOTIVE8 wanted In every locality to JJ work under our Instructions. Experience not necessary. Htamp for particulars. Wash ington Detective Agency , Hex 7b" , Washing ton , lown. M302 Mil WANTED-C03 Intelllgrnt men and women to ' visit IJattlu of Octty sliurg. 18th nnd St. Mnry's avo. 407 17 * OOTTCH8 nnd TnlJors Wanted-Whv Is It that the Cleveland cutting school Is now completely filled with students from all parts of the United States and Canada ? Mi88 : 14 * WANTED FEMALE HELP rfe. , tee top rf first column on thdpage. I WILL pay Indies a salary of ( tu per weak to work fo" mo In their locality at homo , light work , good pay for part time. Wrlto with ttainp. Mrs. 11. if. I'lirrliigtoii , box 7U2 Chicago SECOND girl wanted at 3303 Hurt street. M470 15 * WANTEIl-Olrl for housework. 1708 N. 27th St. M4G8 15 /ZJ.IRL wanted , poneral liousoworlc , 313 N. U7th at. 410 WANTEIJ-An IntelllBcnt young lady and gentleman for the btngu to learn thu dra matic bfislncss ; thosothat can piny the piano 'preferred. Also a cook for tlio Itena Mar- o'.ls I'liliicoO.ir. A long eniaecmoiit to the right parties. Address MUs Keun Mursolls. [ Julcsburg. Colorado. 400 16 * WANTED A rt'llned. rompanlonablolndy to take chnrgn of rooms for bachelor twonty-flvo yeuiuold. Address ! > ' . .T , ! > . , Hoe ufllco , jilnooln. _ 4 0 U * T7 ANTED Good 2nd cook , New York hotel. 43 14 * WANTED Good cooic nnd luinulrcss. Ger- man girl preferred. 2118 Howard at , 433 14 * WANTED A competent girl for general housework. ItefcnMiru . required. Ap ply Immediately. 415-North suth st. JI421 Sj class clrl for Kcuural housework. Good wages to comuutcut person. 110U k.y. t ) . 134 Bt. 408 13 * i IRL to do general housawork.mustbu com- rpotenti ( U3 N 20th itreot , 404 12 * FOR RENT HOUSES. Forrattittc.tt < n > tai > ofjlnttolumnon this page. je.so FOR RKNT Seven room house ; wash bouso and barn. 1121 a. aith st. J1473 1J * A FURNISHED or unfurnished ooltago inn XV tit. Mary's avenue , near ' Jth street. In quire at-424 Bt. Mary's avenue. M 41811 * T71OR RENT 10 room * , brick hoimo , corner - - 17th and California. Modern convonl- tacoa. Suitable for roomers und board. Lotr rental. K , V , Cook ' , Kit N , Y. L. building. M 370 14 * FOR RENT 6 rooms , one floor , 17W Jackson trout. MiilO 171OK RENT After March 1 nrst-olans 11- J- room house , all modern conveniences , on blgh gcliool hill. O. F. HavU Co. -28-10 OR RENT S eloBBiit 11-room houses , Nos. SJOtfnndaiO DuiiKlim Hk Enoulre of A. A. ( lladjtone , 1310 Douslua st. , orUloboLoan St TruuCo..au7S Kill .t. S70 \J7-HOOM house with nil modern conveniences ) ' ; t.rc"t fc3 l'er month , corner Thirtieth und YVoolworth , fuulnx Hanscom Park. Kuniilro Leo ii Nlchol , _ Sth and Louvcuworth. FOR RENT HOUSES , for rata.ete. , eeloo tif Ant column on ( hU pan. . _ wish to rent a bouso or store co It , : . Cole , Continental block. BIO oil RKNT-Crtttntcs ( wltn 2. 6 nnd S rooms. bet _ 5th and _ Cth , Clarke , room ID. bowrd of trade. MKB V2S 4 pOR RENT " " Nice wxiw.cottiiKo ( ntMIIJS. 4J 13th st. Inquire of Mrs. Duggau , S , W , cor. 13th nnd Paclllc sts. 670 STEAM hpfttod flats nt 7i & Iflth. Thos. P , Hall , 311 I'nxton block , &iO FOU HENT-A nlno-wm lionso with nil modern Improvements , south front on Hnnicom 1'nrk , Imiuiro of Kennedy & lllnek- burn , 1303 Park ave. M87B T71OR UKNT 3 homes 10 rooms cneh , 1'nrk ' JL1 ave nnd Woolwnrth nl. , city wntcr.fiirnncc , Ac. Onllntoncp.'Mumailtfh & Fltchettlumso renting nKcnts , 8. W. cor. mil nnd Hownrd st. O > > rnilH lower storr of S , 7H.2UII street. C rooms , JL bent furnished. gi , lmtli , hot. ooln and cis tern water , good yard , KM per motitli. * " FOR UKNT Seven-room cottage , cor. Sfllh ave and Cup. ave. Inqiiiro-"JlS Dodge. M630 O now brick IKJIISCS on North Nineteenth ' street. 10 rooms , nil modi > rn Improvements ! alw > barn ) only J-5 per month. Omaha Kent Estate and Trust Co , , Room 4 , Bee liulkllntr.M781 M781 TOOK KKNT 3 ID-room houses wiintn oinin- 13 utcs walk Oftlio Jjojtolllcc. , O. if. Davis Co. . IfXXi 1 nrnum st. ' 'S.'i-'fl PflORHENT-KonrO nn ( ) l-room flats'with J-1 iiiith , hot vator , etu.i pa\ed street ; near buglnoBH ; nil Imnruvpinotils ; only $ . ' 5 per mo. Heforcnccs rcilulnvl. .The Mead InVoalniont Co.,442 UeobnlldlnK. Ml FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS For rates , eta. , tec topafflrnt column on this pane. TmUIimsiIEliroom ? 1418ilodgoi M < 67 18 * TJ10R RENT-Nlccly furnished room for two JL ? Kontlcmcn or ninrrlort couple. (13.00. Hht II. 70J H. IClh at Call after J p. m. M471 M14 TTIURNISIIEU room ! steam hrnt , southern -C oxpoauro. 6S4 a. liith HI. . Hat 1) . M4,5 15 * TO RENT Completely furnished cotlnso of seven roorrtH , gas , -sower nnd bath room , within 10 minutes walk of uoslofllco. Call ut 022 N. y. Life bldg between B and y p. in. in.M441 15 * "VTEWLY furnished rooms , nil modern con- J-N voulcnees. _ 1J N , 17lh. 300 M7 "I710R KENT Nicely furnished room , gas , JL1 bath , 1724 Loaveiiworth. upstairs. 37710 * ilURNIBHEl ) roomssteamboat , ' _ 115 lou - las. n'J n * FOR RENT ElcRiintly furnished rooms In now brick house , three minutes' walk from postolllco. All modern conveniences , fcn- q lire 022 N. V. Llfo building. 405 17 TI10K HENT-I'ront room with alcove.eurtains JS mantel , heat , Rns.hatb. 2closets. for2 RCII- tlemon or man and wife. ilO.00 per monlh _ U7S.4thst. . 761 T710R HENT Twrnty-flvo rooms In a brick JU block ! good location ! Ith or without fur niture. 0. R Davis Co. , 1505 Furnam st. 224M20 ST. CLAIR European hotel , with dining room , Rtenni heat In nil roon.s. . 13th und " ' Special rates by week or month. 840 T7 LEGANT furnished rooms. 11C3 DodKO. Jl < 221mC * OK KENT rurnlshcd rooms , gas batn nnd 5 TT1OU RENT Eust front alcove room at tlio -E Morriam. T AltGE and small room , 1701 Capitol ovouuo. JLJ 101 T AKGEnouth front room , bay window , mod- J-J orn conveniences , for ono or two acntlo- men , 810 per month. 2218 Loavenworth. S11M2 NICE rooms , steam heat , 1710 Davenport at. 413 It FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. .For rules , etc , , sec top of fit st column on ( Ms page. TnUUNWIlED rooms with pa's , bntli "nnd fuT- J naco heat ; board If desired. S. E. corner 25th ave. and llarncy atreot. _ M'-'O" 20 * VTIOEI.Y furnished front rooms. First , olnss J-N table boaW. Terms reasonable. 200 N. 18lh street. . ao * _ I71OH HENT A n'edt furnlahed room with -L1 board ; slouiii bent. Heferonccs. 1721Dodee atreot. 42G-15 * _ I1OAHD and rooms , C23 8 17th street. 738 FSfi * j Twoileasaritro'omswlth board. J- Furnace heat.bath and gas ; at 631 South Twonty-Dfth nvcnuo. > ' _ Mais * ELEGANT furnished rooms with board , Rns. bent nnd bath. SOS N 17th street. BRU-ri5 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED For rotes , etc. , nee top of first column on tMi page. W'ANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms In pri I- vate family neiireiir line by mini nnd wlfo. Kofercnees exchanged , Koom 43 Mer chants hotel. M484-15 * O NICE unfurnished rooms. Address D4 lire. M472 ] tl FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. For ralM , etc. , sec tup of first c olwmn on f Ms page. TTIOii ; KENT 1'art"of busTn'essbuTfdlng 1308 J 1'nrnnm street , fouslstlnc of store and upper lloor with ofllco rooms. Imiuiro of John H. F. Lehmiinu , tl S. 17th street. M1CO STOUEH at 700S. 16th. Ntonm heat furnished. The . F. Hall. 311 I'avtou blk. 647 TTIOR RENT The 4-story brick bulla1n.wlth -L or without powur.formeily occupied l > i' the Bee Publlshlnis Co. , Ole rarnnm st. The build- in ? hns a fireproof cement Dasement.complcto steam lieutlng ilxluroi , water on all the lloora , gas , etc. Apply ut the ofllco of The Boo. 015 TjlORRENT Orsale , my bulldins on Jones J-1 Bt , , bet 10th & llth. U.A.Lludjulst,31U ( S.IMh 143 TT1OR RENT Hrlok warehouse , two btorlos L high , habcment , hydraulic elevator , track age ; best locutloji In city. A. 0. Powell. 850 OR RENT One store nnd 2 Hats , ! 0 Po IGth street , nnd several collages cheap. II J. Kendall , iOOHrown bldg. iBl-F-la FOR RENT fVIISCELLANEOUS , For rates , etc. , KCC top of first column on thlc page. ELEVEN ncres , house , largo barn nour Cen tral 1'ark for garden , 202 ( ! St. Mary's ave. 218 STORAGh. For rates , etc. , see top of first column on this pagt. BEST trnckngo nnd slorngo building In Omaha , United H lutes government bonded warehouse. Household goods Hlorod and eared for. Lowest rates giiarnnlccd , W. JI. Bushman - man , 101U-1015 Loavciiworth. ht)5 STORAGE and trackage. David Cole. 815-817 Howard st. 853 STOHAOK The best in city clenn.dry.sufe , and privately fctorrd nt reasonable terms. Oaiabastova Heputr Wksl307 Douglas. TulOUO. ' 15 | CHEAPEST nnd host storage for furnlturo. U ) Volls. 1111 Farnnm street. MI3 ! ) NICE dry storage room at Ulngham'x old store. 319 Ho. 13tli st. 708 F CT * WANTED TO RENT. Forralw , etc see top of first column onif ( / * page. WANTED Vorl year , a modern furnished house , about 8 rooms , fora family of 4 ; no children ; mint be u desirable location. 1 > . O. box 221) . uily. 454 14 * TXTANTED Ily two Kontlomon , od T sitting room nnd sleeping room , or with two beds. Hoard preferred , Rofuronces. Address D14 , Hoc. M421 14 * RENTAL AGENCY. forrattt , ttc. , * te topat'first ' mtuinn on thtt page. [ LIST property for rent , sale or exchange with llundy A Co. , 1UI4 Capitol ave. 310 M7 HE. COLE , rental agencyContinental IkT I 640 LIST your houses to sell or rent with C , "R HarrUon , ( US N. Y. Life , Ml IF you wnnt your .houses reiitco list \flth l' rrotte llentnl Agency , 10th and I > odgp. MOU ) BOARDING. For rates , etc. , seetop of first column on this page. ' _ _ ) 13' "OULLMAN house Special iveokly rates. PATENT SOLICITORS. I'ortatct , etc. , tee top of first townn or ) thts page. PATENT lawyers und solicitors , 0. W. Hues & Co.Dee tmlldlnp.Oinulia.llranch olllco at WaBhlngtou , U , 0. Consultation free 875 PERSONALS , Forratetetc. , tee top offlrtt.tolumnon tlttfpage. P ono of tlio largest ana handsomest sport Ing houses In chlcuno. Uood location nnil Ions lenso. Address 1) 11 , llco. J147U 1C IlMnmes JtcClnuiRh ( or hl7 liolHI who HVrrt .In tlds- country Inl.H. . and It Is thought hnd innd Komowliero In Sarpy county will wrlto ' me , they will lonrn something to their advantage. II. A , Wostcrflold , 1103 1'nrrtn.m' street , Onmlm. M321 17 LOST For rates , etc. , tee ( op of first column on thtt page , T 08T 1'atrfox terriers ; dog black and , tun JJnoad , blnok.rntnp. Hitch nn > wliondblnck on buck. Howard If returned to 151S Cull for- nla street. 42.VU * , JT I'arrot. white heart" , rod n'ck. ' pigeon I body. Return to 507H. 13th st. ) reward. FOR 5ALE HORSES WAGONS I C. Vorrattt , ctctec.topof fint rotumnon tltlt payc , 1J1OU HALC A peed tram of mnlcsnnd newt -t sot of harness rind wagon very chonn nt ITS ij.Olh street. M47a87 _ rrOHHALE-IIIack imported French stallion. J.1 InntilrefflJiJ. liltli street. Mijii.-3 iflOltSALn-Oheap , wasou and duulilii work hnrnoss , or ivlll oxcliiimru for buck board , nlBogood aide bar buggy , cheap. II. C. Cole. Continental building. & ? lOlJSALKchonp A two liorho siolRh1st ) ' largo pulluya and shaftlus. 0011'o nglas. 1C8 FOR SALE COWS. For ratti , etc , , sec tap of first column on thin page. IlOIt SA LK First olnss mlleh cows , nlso sev - * - eral coed horse * , Kuaulro room tVutlonnl bank building. FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. For rnM , etc. , sec top of _ first coinm n on tif ? page. ELEGANT now furnlturo of 7 room flat ; cheap for cash ! rooms all full. Address 072 , lice onice. IViO-15 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FurratCf , etc. , tettop of first rulitmiion this page. rOlfi < A.LIv llnby carrliiRo. chair and bed ; Kood as now ; $10. 1121 a. Stlth at. M474 it * T71OU HATjK A standard mnkn uprlKlit JU plnno , but little used , at a sacrifice. Must bo _ ! sold at once. O'nll ntSUQC'itldwoll. ' til T71OK BALK Piano , ? lir ; curtain desk , $ .V > , J-1 and books. 1321 Sherman live. 4iS : TI TTOIt SALE Complete set of druff store llx- X' lures , show cases , etc. 1 * . O. Hex 37. . 8. " T71OH SALL An A 1 Drop roof safe. Enquire JL1 ut Boston Store. WDU WANTED TO BUY. For rates , etc. , see top of first column on l/i / ( page , ANTED Stock of hardware nnd stock of general merchandise for cash nnd real cstale. Address , H. A , D. , room 64 , B. of T. building , Omaha. Nob. 451 10 WANTED-Slnglo , flat top sitting desk. 1'hll Stlmiiiol. till Jones. Mill TJIURNITURG ' bought , sold , stored. Wells. 41111 Furnaiii Bt. b WANTED Will nay highest cash price for household goods. 81 ! ) So , 13th st. 7CU-F37 * WANTED At once ; merchandise ; all kinds ; spot cush : must knownt once. I. T. Newell & Co. . 141D Douglas. Omaha. 231 , MISCELLANEOUS For rates , etcsee tap of first column on thts page. " \TASAGK treatiiient.olectro-tlierinal baths. aULgculp and hair trentinont. manlcuro and chiropodist. Mrs.l'ost.310 S.lJtli.Wlthnell blk. 857 T"\Eni > S , mortK.iRes , contracts and all legal -L/lnstrutMcnts carefully e.xocntod , A. 1C. Itlloy , attorney nnd notary public , " room II , Continental block. . . .SO.VTFL'S MONEY TO LOAN. I'or rate * , etc. , scclop of first column on thtfj > iige.- MONEY to loan by U. F. ffasters. on chattel nnd collateral socurltles'for any , tlmo'frpin 1 to 7 months , In any atuduni to suit bor- ' rownr. ' ' Loans made on household goods , pianos , or gans , liorsoj.-innles , houses , loasos. warehouse rccelptsete..nt tlio lowest possible rates with out publicity or removal of property. My loans nro so arranged that you can make a payment of any amount at any tlino audio- , duceboth principal and Interest. . If you owe a bnlunco on your property'or ' „ have ' a lonn you want changed.1 will pay It off and'carry it for you. If you Hud It more con , venient , call up telephone No. lil-l nnd your business will ho arranged nt homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No publicity - licity , Lowest rates. If. ! ' Masters , Room 4 , Wlthnoll bllc.,15thand Hurnoy sts. 30 PONEY to loan on ronl estate ; lowest rates. L 0. J. O.isvvell , 810 N. Y. Llfo. 2W-MU IUO LOANS of 81,000 to M.OOO wanted on choice ! Improved city propel ty. Low rates. No delay. Central Loan & Trust Co , , 1205 Farnnm. 41020 /111ATTEL hank , 319 S. 15th ht. , loans money Won chattels orcollaltei al ut reasonable rates 800 & second mortgages on vacant & Im- J- proved city prop. County warrants bnimht. .Money on hand , K M. KIohardson,8l8N.Y.LIfo. fcOl BUILDING loans. 0 to 7 per cent : no addi tional charges forcommlsslon or attorney's fees. W. II. Mclklo , First National bank I ' 803 REAL Estate Loans Cush on hand. Glebe Loan and Trust < ; o. , : 7 8.10th st. No delay , no extra charges. Houses to rent ; good list. 601 O F. & 0. M. Anthony. 318 N. Y. Llfa hulld- Ing , lend money on farms In choice coun ties lu Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Oinulia residence property ; lowest rales ; host lerms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles nnd values passed on hero , idOS ( MONEY to loan on Improved city property at current rates ; fuiuUon hand ; no iySv Geo. K. Hlust & Co./01 Uamgo bldg. MW17 MONEY lo loan on Improved Oinulia prop erty. H. 11. Iroy. soil , N. Y. Life. COS MONEY lo Loan Short.tlmo paper bought. Ilronnan & Co. , (22 ( N. Y. Llfo. 74l-l-20 P1UVATE money lo loan. J. D. Zlttle. 014 N. Y. Llfa. M3U MONEY loaned on furnlturo , horses , etc. lluwkeyo Inv.Co,33 Douglas blk.lO&Dodgo 1540 BUSINESS CHANCES. Korffll , clc.MtojiolrlfoIiimri ontlitu payc. GOOD mllllnory stook for salu oheap or part cixchnnge. J. G. Uortolyon , 40 Chamber ot Commerce. M 4to FOR SALE An olhco practice worth $4,000 ) n year ; can bo doubled if city practice ID taken up ; prlco JIWO cash , or will oxohaiiEo for eastern Nebraska land free from all en cumbrance. Address P.O. DoxtM , Lincoln.Nob ! , 43418 18n POR BALE or Trade The Tukamah oroam- cry. In llrst-class order. Will exchange for ' land or olty property. A rare chance for one wanting a good creiimery , Call on or address II. M. ifopiiwoll , Tukanmu , Nob. ' . 457-3 ! * IWOULDllko to buy grain on commission or let my elevator and orlbi. Lock box 8. Wlotn , Iowa. , 450 14 * 171011 ' SALE Only drug store hi town. Terms. JL' easy , Kor prutlculars address Dr. L. Knanp , J'nnbury. Nob. M39115 * AHAHK chance for a VOUIIK man vrlth tome capital ; n splendid business payliiK well. An Inspection solicited. Full information fnr- nthhed by addressing L , Hoe otllce , Lliu-oln , Neb , BIW14 * DOCTOIl The belt opcnlnp for.a aood doc tor in Neb. Adros II , A. Kufus , Itavenna. Neb. " WWJM5 * T7IOK SALE or Trade Largo-livery and filed JL1 stable , food store attached. This is well loomed on paved street and doing u good > business , ilumauch ft l > lt liott , xual estate agents , cor. 15Ui ana Howard bts. U35 H OTEL for Sale Do you wnut to gel Into a gocxl uualucKs ? If youdo , buy thoOommor- clal at lirokon How , Nob. FOR SALK-Tullor biifllneHs , frank Soohor. Uiivld Ulty , Nob. 70S F _ 5 * F I OR SALE or Kent The Tcknmah canning factory , lu complete running order ; will bo sold clump , or to the right parties will bo rented on favorable terms. Call on or id- dress Fint ' National HUIIK , Tokamab , Nob. SALOON The host opening in Nebraska. Address U. A. Kufus , Itavtnua , Neb , It. K. agent. - 7 ! ' - TmOKSAI.E-l'urnlturoiinil le&soof ' & 40-room - * - hotel In line locntloni an average tnisliui-ss of IJO u day. ( lood chunco. llcst reusoni for Belling. W. S. Cooper , Mcrrlatu block , Council ' HlulTs , la. M51U Fl'J FOR EXCHANGE. -if * Furruttt , cte. , > eetopnffirfac < t1umnon this page. "TTIOHTRADE Oood luJ3obusliios3 | or ncro JL1 property In I'lcrre. Jh6 capital of South I Dauota , for Hvn MockJHoflr farm lands or city property , W , J. AVnlKer , 203 Omaha na- tloiiHl bunk , Onmliii. Nour ji 464 li * TjlOHTIlADF. A firstf as * banjo fora typo J.1 writer. 4 llco Jllgd.iv , : M406 10 23 ACHES peed Ifinrt near KaiKna City nnd some peed quarter suctions western Innds to exchange for stooK merchandise. 1) ID , Bi'o oinco. V M481-15 * WANTED To tradot.for n stock of drug * . Hex fi8 city , MO 'l ' O Trade Farms In Lincoln county for _ stocks of general tncichandlso. u. U. Hawkins , Well licet. Nftb. M417 IT' TF you hnvo cash , land r stock to trade fora snlnbln patent , county or state riglito , ad dress. R. L. Hill , Hex 60. Genoseo , ill. M393 11 * \VANTED To trade flrit-eljss Improved * farm nnd cash for a drug stock. Ad dress P. H. box in , Woodbine , Iowa. Jlof > 3 H * WANTED In exchange for an Iowa farm residence property In Omaha ; will us- sumo. Address Jos. Oauorn , Ouriier , In.JI . JI KM-H * LIST your property to exchange with C. J. Caswoll , 810 N. Y. Llfo. 210-13 WD hnvo rental property worth $12,000 brlimlntfifliwn month , clear of Ineiimb- rance , for which HO will take half cush and baliinro In trade. Stringer k Penny , Darker block. gt ) "VTEWtDruminond ) buggy and now harness Jnnd horse. tOTiO , and cnih roKlfttor , cost a , for lint payment on lot or house nnd lot , a w. part ; of city , llutchlnson & Woad , ICSl 1)011 _ ) ! Bins. _ _ _ _ 4M14 rno KXCHANGK-HoVcral lots nt East Chl- JLcnpo near the now wtockyards syndtcnto for good clear farm. Olvo description nnd prlcSr F. Ar'NIrnuii"Polo , III. " " " 45 < H _ * _ rpOKXOHANOR Kor Blocks of merchandise , KnwllnsToniity lunds ; 1 have n section Joining together , will trade part ot It or all , nnd If necessary pay partcnih for dry goods , clothing , bootn , shoes , etc. Address Kiull Well. Uccntur Co. , Obcrlln. Kan. _ 300 ir > ISO acres fine farm land adjoining good Ne braska town ; nearly clear. 100 acres finely Improved land ! i nil IPS from county seat in Nebraska ; lightly encumbered. 120 acres Rood laud In Nebraska , 0 miles from county sent s'J.MO Inhabit ants. House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear. Clour lot In Rood Nebraska town. 4- room house and lot. barn , well and clstorn , IGth street , Utnuha ; slluhtly encumbered ; will trade for Omaha property and assumacncuni- branccs. II. 1C. Colo. Continental block. WO FOU EXOIIANOK Olonr land und JI.OOO for indse. ; want about > , W Block. Ilex UAO. Shonnndoab , In. UU4-17 * "V\7F. have Improved and unimproved Qmnha T T real cstata for trade , or will sell for cash at Just about half Its taluc. Some nlvolioinrs , good vncent lots , and some of the best down town property. Stringer < S Penny , Barker blk. I J WILL Irado a good clour lot In Armour Jh I'tace , South Omaha , and takogooddrlvlng horse and buggy us part payment. Address. U7. . Iloo. 73- T5TJSINES3 property on,12th st. , near Fnr- Jnuru. for residence. 2 clear lots ( corner ) lu Orchard Hill for house and lot. 40.x 120 , Saundorsst. , south of Lake Clear , for residence. Sorno other peed property for exchange. J. I ) . 7.1ttlo , N. Y. Llfo. COO for nlano. Address U 43 , Bee. 407F18 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. For rates , etc. , scetop.flfflr C < rtinnn on thts page. SEVEHAL snialTTn'liscs for ieiit. nicks. Urst lloor N. Y. Life , , . , , 453-15 A 1C. ItlLEY , notary public , room II , Cou- tlneutat block „ , ; „ blwrJS BARGAINS 5-rooin'dotJago and lot. oltv water , sewer and barn , .centrally located , } 2,7flO , Terms easy. , , , ; , Largo li-room cottagp , wcoly flnlshod and well located. 82,000. - . J , ' South front lot on p.ivcd.strcot near motor , ? 000. J f' Homo nlco lots In west7ui3 north partof city , J550 und upwards. J. I > . Hfttlo , 014 , N. Y. Life. ' fl"j cop LEOANT rosldonoo' lot. Hauseom 1'Iaco , " - lIloks.N. YjLlfoibldgi 45J-l.r. near , new fYrf'grouiids ' for sale or 1 i ! fcct rndst beautiful oii-it front on Georgia- JUavc. justsoutlrof LcuyHiworth. ulO.OOO ( will divide ) . ( Ofeot sotitb. froritton Hnrnoy , east of Mtli. JiWK ) . llutoliluson & Wcad , 15U4. Douglas. 43014 NKof the best West Ounilng lots 850v cash , balnnco to suit $7T > 1 A half acre northwest , .325 South Omaha lots ut a bargain. Colsoth & Johnson. 0 Hoard of Trade. 387 14 rpEN-ncro tract cloio to Holt line. West JL Omaha , only W.POO. Hicks , fli-st lloor N. Y. Life. 45,1-lr > I HAVE a house of 0 rooms on Ohio Bt , near 24th. with city and cistern water. cowurnKo nnd burn , worth fci.003 ; encumbered for about $2OJ. duo In IH5 years. 1 will take for the equity iiKnall housuand lot or good vacant liit ; or will soil on monthly' payments , pur chaser to assume the eneiimbrnncc.Vhat have you to olfcrt O. It. E. & T. Co. , 4 Iloo bide- . 4W 10 5-ROOM house , lot 31x 2 , 81,700 ; nlso C-room house , lot iUJixh- . o. cor. llth and Vlnton St. . 82.UOO. llrlPli bouso lot 11x03 , n. c. cor. loth and Douglas , $ JOOUU , Mrs. Kuhlmau , 2121 B.lHh TJIOH SAI/E A flvo loom cottiiKO , 2218 Hurt -L ? st. on leased ground. I'rlco f.100 , $100 cash , balance $20 per month , for further particu lars lnqulro70.'i Davenport st. Ut ] /1L1KTON HIljI \-/i -room house and full corner lot , very cheap for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma ha lots. Addicts the onncrat 4ind and Uass sts. . K. G. Merrill. Ib7 FOIl SALE Good now 8-room house * , city water , good soddrd 60-foot yard , close to motor , 2 miles N. W. from P , O. ( l.onocnsh and (1,500 U years at R per cunt. House and lot cost over Jy.OOO. titmiKer & I'enuy , linrker block , room 42. am SAVE money by uuylinrono of the elegant homes I am oilorhu for sale In Hnnscom place ; splendid neighborhood ; nllmodcrm Im- piovuments. Hicks , N. Y. Llfo bids , 4.VI 15 FOR SALE The corner lot occupied by Wright & Baldwin. 2Clh and N St. , couth Omaha. Inquire. 171US. 13th st 450 14 * GOOD cottage nnd lot near high school , A bargain If sold quick. Hicks , Urst floor N. ' Y. Llfo. - 4ji-l- : QPEOlAb IliirKnln-LarK'o lot. C3xC5 ! ft. , 4 tJblocks from Lowa avo. and Ciimlng st. . Jays splendid : ehoap for eiish. or Will tnulo for farm. Address U. U. Merrill. 42nd and Cass sis. s.S7 FOU SALE Cheap , llio rosldonco nt 2510 1'leroo Btrcct , nt a lurgnln for a few days only. Inquire nt tlio ZS&b. Bteum laundry , 10th and Howard streets. M.r > 1 JIST your real ostalo with O. J. Caswoll. 8lfi N. Y. Life. 310-11 ; ! MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Fnrratcctc.scetoii6flrit column "DKFOKK bnyliiK n plnno cxumlno the now -Uscnlo Klmball piano. A , Ilospc,1511 Douglas. H42 JEO. P. Gollenhoclf. } ( eAtohcr of the banjo With llospe , 1513 DOlt it's. 243 T710I1 SALE-Choun. h , iiarly now Hullott , J-Davis i Co. , upright piano in flrst-cln'u cojullUon. Inijulrout JUtsUouclnsst. uai : P HOP. Charles Peterson , plnno , violin , zither , &eulturlustructlon.t tudlo505 ! Shcely blk. i to 71Xi l-JH * _ _ _ ; _ T HAVIi a few now piano ? for sale uwfully O-piioap , IH I have gonotn1'- the plnno busts ! ? ness. 8. Jonnson. Fnruniiuaiid llth st , b' l CLAIRVOYANT For rates , etc. , set top o/ % $ column on/if page. M IIS. - - gifted ; tolls \ - iuii iiuab iniu uviiia tuvu fcruillli absent frlonda , changds''mivol ' , business. 1 ' 1'nrnam st. ' * nt\f ; _ _ tKia-i [ 5 TlfllS. TOUT , palnilst'tfrtiino teller In the J-'AOypsy. way from tltV lines of the Inuid ; fee , II ; Indlosonly. 818'K , 17th st. 455 ! rPO know your future , go to Mrs. Stover , 401 JL N Hitli street , 3rd lloor , 401 13 * _ _ MASSAGE Madam Dclzlcr , overCIO S. 13th. _ M lil-MO ( * " \TR8 , Nnnnlo V. Wnrron , clnirv ymit , triinoo ri'l. speaking , writing uiifl. reliable business riitdliim , four years In Qinahu , 111) ) N. 16th. 8 PAWNBROKERS. Tor rates etc. , tee top offlrttcolumn on f/itt page. T71HED Mohle loans money on dhimnnds and rU watchea.juwuiry.cto , no cor.Farnnm i llth B7I _ - _ _ _ _ COSTUMES. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kor rtif a , etc , , tee top ofjint column on III is pane , \ TAD1KS , and gentlemen can rent uiasquor- i I V13Undo suits at US. N. Ittli bt. TKirJS * I A ' 'FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , 1'oriiiten , ttctrt top of Jlrtt eolninn on I/if / * IKIOC , lionl Estate ARoncy. Now Is the Umo to buy Omnlia real estate , booauso .volt etui Uo so for less nionoy than you will pny for tlio sumo property In lx niotitin from now. Omaha , real estate li to day a Hotter Investment for nil olafuos of people , rich or poor , high or low , 0110 with another , than anything else , bo- eatiso It la eixfo , sure to Increase In value and Hill pay you ton times bettor tlitiu Money In thnllnnk. and tno roeotds show It. Unialm property Is today cheaper , bolter value for tlio money than anything yon van buy In SU Paul.Mlnno- nK > ll § . Kansas City or Denver , because wo luivo tlio btst city in the .west ntul uvory pos- slblo condition points to lu Continued L'roincrlty. What you arc reeding hero Is the truth , plain and simple. It Is Rood Rcns < > .l > conuso nil things | In roirard to Oiniilm and Its property bear out , the above statements. Otcoursoyou will , If you havu un Idea of trying to inakn pome money , meet a doubling Thomas who will try mid talk you out. of anything that could I possibly do you any coud , but Investigate for yourself ami you will lie convinced. At our elli 1507 I'linmm street. You will find the largest list of all sorts of property at all prlo s and un all kinds ot pay ments , over offered In Omaha , nnd you can find plenty of It within your roach on wlilak lUt you of can do well and surely make money Our lioiucs nnd Lots Is so long that we cannot publish It always , but ) wo have competent mdosnicn to show you whenever you wish , every uleco of property listed , without costing you u cent. The list of Vacant Lots comprises the best property In every direc tion In this olty , and you c.m bo suited If you elmpiy : lot. us know In what direction you want logo and what prlco you want to pay. Ames' 1'laeo. surrounded by business and residence Im provements , with two lines of motor , directly inno the line of Improvement and advance , can not fall to make you money ; terms and prices are extremely reasonable ; you cannot ao wrong lu buying a CD-foot lot there before the advance. Boo this property und you will bo pleased with it , Ifou Can find anysafnrway to Invest your money than by buyIiiB a W-fu lotlu Amos place at present prices It will boa vendor. No one who Id- vested judiciously in Omaha real estate In the past ' lias over lostOno Ono Dollar , and no one who Invests now with any caution can lese a dollar. Heal estate In a city lllio Or alia is the best lu vestment a in uu can make , an anwl Invcsllgatlon will prove this statement. Unlrsi we know beyond u doubt tlio real value of lots in bowi Ames 1'lace , wi certainly would not advertise and sell the property as wo are now doing ut prYi 1DU7 1'ariiaiii street. You can eco map showing lots , tholr loca- tlou and prlco , and also t > ce that Paved Streets , Motor Oars , I'ttctories , Stores , Churches. Sohools , in fact , nil the needed Improvements and ad vantages surround and muko vuluablo ovcry Amos' I'loce , where prices are fair , reasonable and within > ourmeuns ; long time Is given on deferred payments , and for u workliigman , clerk or any man of moderate means here Is u chance to got for His Family a homo , a permanent location that will In crease in value as Omaha grows , nnd can you today find a slnuluWestern Western City In a more prosperous L'onultlon than ours ? You cannot , \\lieroyouwlll. . If that Is the fact , don't wult. but Ilo Allvo andsol70 the chanceoHerod you toholpyour- nii nini and your family ; ntiy when inducements nro offered you Instead of waiting nnd paying for your delay , ns you will bate toOo fca If You Want a cheap house und lot on easy terms , Hero are a few for your consideration : No. 09. 8 htory frame with bam , WOO niN down , bal. JUU per mo. , price $1,800 00 No.GS. Fulllot with 4 houses 3,200 00 No. d7. 1 loom house und small stoio. . 3,500 00 No. 05. firoom frame with bam , WOO down , bal. 813 per mo : . . . . 2.500 00 No.57 , Groom house with b rn)00 down 3,00000 No.M. Good 5 room house , 4200 down , bal. $15 per mo 1,70000 No , 51. Small house , $300 down , bal. J10 per mo. . . . . . . , 1,200 00 No,49. .S room liouso. 8503 dowu. . . . . . . . 1,500 00 No. 45. Small house , 1(700 down 2,160 00 No. 43 , 4 room frame , lurgo barn , $200 dowu , bal. if I. ' ) per mo.- , 2.100 00 , No. : . 5room house , corner , (700 down 2,250 00 No. 2T. 5 room house , S100 cash , 820 per mo 2,30000 No. 70. On Virginia u von no , close to Leavenworlh street motor , 7 room house , with lot 40x155 , at $1,000 cash , bill , very easy terms ; prlco 4.250 00 Xlio location of this property makes It very desirable for residence or improvement. No. 71 , > 5 room house , tXti cash , bal , I , U nndUyoars 2.350 00 If you want Vacant Lots , Houses and Lots , In any part of Omaha , we have the best , largest and most complete list o\or shown In tills city , and competent Salesmen to show you property at any tlino , wliother vou buy it or not. Wo are perfeotly wil ling to Show the Goods and take our chances on making a salo. 1507 rarnnm Street , If you want to buy acres for Subdivision. For Gardening. or to hold for Increase value , wo have a largo list of very desirable property of this sort ; alhohavo some \oiy Cholco Farms within IS to 20 miles of Omnhn , that nro the be t In the .slnto , ho far us actual value goos. that we can bull at rc-isonublo Uguros aiid fair terms. Amos' Heal Eslnlo Agency , 15Ur Kurnuin Street , Is the only ofilco In this clly where you can find a larso assortment of all kinds of real es- latent all prices and best terms. Our goods are for bale , and wo hnva the very best facili ties forsclllng them , but If you expect to buy Omaha real estate At Fifty Cents on the dollar , vou inuKo u crcat mistake , you cannot do so , but you can buy ut fair prices , .that leaves you a chance to makemoney. . The money placed In really Is better and safer than money plnced in bankand will pay you ten times Hank Interest. Romcnihor that advertising does not pay unless you have something to advertise that Is all you claim for It. Comoand scewhnluo have to olTor. nnd what you can do with your money so as to mnku you moio. AJIL'S' UCAL ESTATE AGENCY. 1507 Farnam street. 215 fllEN t ncres with house , barn , etc. , close to JL now fair grounds In West Omaha. A big bargain. Hicks. N. Y. Llfo bldg. 45J-15 SHORTHAND AND TYPaWRITING. Fur rates , etc. , fee tup of first column on this page. CALL or writes for catalogues and Investi 1- gate the merits of the Smith Premier type writer. Manifestly superior features. Im portant chniiges made. Type-writers Hold , D-xchaiigo or rented. 1G09Slurnam St. , E H. , : May hew , manager. 873 DRESSMAKING. For rates , etc. , tec top of first column on thtspagc. DRESSMAKING by the day. 20,0 Patrick ave. 401) ) 13 * WORTH'S tailor system taught 013B 10th. 6M FJO * T NOAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In fnni- -EJIHea solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2HIO ifurney list v slbh'ia * MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. For rates , etc. , tec top of fint column on thts page. MASSACJKbath at Jladamo Smith's parlors , M floor. 705 a. lath su ua. ia * . MASSAOE-Madun- . over 010S. 13th. M 101-Mtl * STOLEN. ' i For rates , etc. , see top of fir-tit column on this page. ie.at STOLEN If the lady who toolc a brown hut and glo > as from Washington hall Thurs day , February 12 , wishes to tavo future trouble ilio will return the Haiuo to Mrs. Murtt's ( IreBiinaklng jiarlors , roou 10 , Hrrkor : block. As yet no questions will be asked. M1SM4 * " MEDICAL. for rates , ttc. , tre top offlrtt niliimil on Cif < paye. ye.Ih "I INEHTclcctrla and electro tliormtil bath J- room , Including TurkUh cnblnct biiths. Ludtes.H to l dully .v TuescluyA rrllu-ov'lnis ( Ulo-10. lr. ) Itleliards.roonis Jls , 'c JVO.Ileo hld'K. HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. l'urrataclc. , ceti > i > offli-itcnliinn ( on thts payc. - JS. . _ . . switches hun s , h.ilr chains , etc. , u bpeclulty. Duvl g , hair goo.s and mlHlnur , opposite nostofllco , 11115th at , Omahu. 641 TIU-J ItKAl.TX MAKICI2T. TNSTRUMENTS plaooiTon record February WAllRAKTf DUDS. Christian Ilcrlolnou nnd husliand tn A tig , IVIdrr.n < { lot 7. blk aw , Omnhn 11,550 Henry llolln nnd wlfo in Hi-own A Mer rill , ' lot it nnd w } t lot 12 , blk 6. Ilo m A 11111'n.Ht add SO.OOO Henry llolln and wife to Frodk Meu , sr , oXift lot 0 , blk 163 , Omnhn It G Clark and wife lo Mrs I'niillno Holntze. lot 1(1. ( blk 4Iul'ont ) I'lnco . . . COO JV Orimth , trusteelo Mniy O l.owls , lot 13 , blk S , linker I'lnco ( rofllot WO Merrill Hrown to Henry llolln , lot I , blkW.Onmha 30.COO Omaha nnd Florence Land T company to W 0 Ulnrk , out lot 1R , Florence (10- ( llio ) , , . . , , 3,500 Ed I'holan and wifii to Peter I'lcmu'iir , lot l > , blk 6 , ritntndd to PnwI-r I'lnoo , , MO DO Patterson and wlfo to t > H Dumpsey , lot ( l , Joesina's .sub. , , . . . . . . . , 1,50) Nathan Shelton nml wlfo tcilt R .Nelson , lot 4 , Shelton's snh In Park Place . . . . . . S.033 South Omnhn land company to Jiilm Potorsnti , lot Id , blk la. ' , South Omnlia. South Omnlia land company to ,1 II Itudorsdorf , lots 15 nnd 10 , blk I'JS , Boutti Umaha , . > 1,0 JS FM WllwntoldnO Itciiciuliihl , Iota 7 nnd H , bile 3 , Armour Place 1,1)0 ) F I ) Wend to S ( I fclovenson , w fi ) ft , lot 1 , blk I , Newport mid , see Ida M Ilanclirtt nnd liushnnii 'o August Kouiitzo , w Kof lot 17 Oak Knoll 5 TliomnsandT 0 .Ipffrlr * to Albright land nnd lot comany. ) lotsl and' ' , blk 3 , In Alhrlcht'H Choice 1 Q W LoamlHcl nl to O W Morton , lotsl toO , blk 1 , Loomls' mib , nnd lots'ltuO , blk 1 , Loomls , ' 'd slih 1 O W Merion to GV \ Loomls. lots I. tt and 0 , blk 1 , Loomls' "d sub. und lots 4 , 5 nnd 0 , blk I , Loomls' sub ( . , . , , 1 O W Morton to I E l'hplps ( lol 3 , 4 and ft. blkl , Ixjomls'Sd sub. . . . 1 O W Morton to T I'liclpa , lots 1 , 2 and 3 , blk 1 , Loomls' sub 1 DKEDS. F 0 Shafer to The Mend Investment company , lots 0 , 10 , 11 , blk 3 , lledlck Park J.IOO Total amount of transfers JS- ' , ; ,1 TYPEWRITERS _ _ ! FOUR NIG 1ITH AND i BATLMIDAY NATINKK Ooimiianoinrj Thtirsduu l ul' . 1 tli , An Especially Important Eogngomont , The talented young Actress , CORA TANNER , In Martha Morton's Powerful Komuntlo The * [ Mce's * Dan An Absorbingly Interesting 1'lny. A Comp- any of 1'ro.nlnont I'lnycrs. A Gcnuluo Dramatic Surprise. Superbly Remit- ! ful i'Ob Sato opens Wednesday at regular prices. THE CfBAND 91JRO [ v - SUNDAY NIGHT OflLY , TEB. 16. J. O. Ste\varb's FBmoua I'unnr Comedy Conceit THE TWO 30HNS BUger , Hotter and HrlKlitor Thnrf Kvor llnforo. Hex _ _ _ _ tilicct _ _ Open Haturdaj Morning , THI : GltKAT COMEDY EVENT. COMMENCING MONDAY , Jceoiuaiy 10 WM. BEAUTIFUL COMEDY , Private Secretary ( NEW , ) "D1 YOU KNOW ? " nnd ro-wrlttcn. Jlomlerert \ > j tl o bent companr over pruiciitlnKlho famoui coinoJy. The nnrue olegnnt , rich riri'sslnrf ml stnt-o nccosrorlcs tlmt cluracterlio Mr.Cnnrlus Frohman's prniliictlons. UNDGIt -MANAORMKNT OP MlU CHAH , KltOIIMAN tjcntn go on > ulo nt , 0 o'cloclr Saturday morning at regular prices. ' GERMHN THEHTRE. Gcrmania Hall , i.9tfi and Harncy. SUNDAY , FEB. 15TH. - WJTII IDA. OORDT In tlio tlllo rolo. Kcaerved fonts on Snlo now , EDEN Will Lnwlor , Manager. Cor , llth nnd Farnam WKKK OK HSHItUAUy ( li. The NebrnsKa Triplets. Tlireo llcnutlful rinbo.v Tlie Armlcsa HOUBUCIO.MI. ( 'apU llnliltvln imlnts with lilt feet. Tliu Human Ostrich , 1)111 ) Junes eats glass and Crockery. The lienutlful Martin Sl'tors ilcsorlptlvo none , "Thn IKIIIH llrnrti" . I'mil LaDrow female Impornontftor. ItonM & fjhane , Irlsli comcillanH nUcTBon llros. , novel Bluuers , anil liojt of other attractions. HERRY OUGit IF YOU liavo a tnoclevato cough , II1 YOU have ii hnrd cough , II ? YOU liavo a tight cough , IF YOU have any cough at nil , and if all ether cough Bymps hnvo failed , try BEGGB' Cherry Cough Syrup. It is positively guaranteed to relieve any kind of cough at once or no pay. Price 2oc. , COc. and $1 .per bottle. ForBnlobyalldniBSistg. If your drufmist does not keep it in htock. or will not procure it for you. nc- cept no mibHtilute , hut ncwl direct m > to tlio Inhorutory of Bei.'j'sMfj. ( Co Chicnfjo , Ills. , the iirico named nnd they will forward , vropnWi to auvpnrtot the U. S. DOWNRIGHT FRAUD exUlt In the claims of manufacturers nnd deal ers for the old-fnshlonod " porous " plastero and the man ) ' Imitations of IJKN- KON'H now on tlio market. BENSON'S U tlio only porous plaster possessing inedlclnul value , llu suit' you ect DBNSON'S. WEAK WOMEN 4ns 4 Siuo YonrsclTO.s. Ncrro Ileuns trill euro wcnk back , take nwny tlmt Hliionir , tired focltn * , tlial nerroui cxliauitlon , put ro e Ih four cheuki , l > rluhl n jruur eye , Kim you nuur Ufo , iimb | . lion , nppcllte , muku yon tcnfoM more attractive. Abiululelr llnriiilom , Hiin > , 11 a box , | > o > liint H. < 1'ainphletfroe. NKIIVK IIKAN CO. . Iluirnlo , N. U. HuW lir Uoodmnii Drng Co , , 1110 Knrnain I.II. . , Omnlia lieu who nre Licking In vital force and oraretvmit iiiiiliirrTiiiitlr'inuiMr cnuw , _ once for nalcd Inrminalloii , fJtKK , of tlioev Common Hen e Home Cure. No clrrtrlo noii- Bcnte. NostoiimriiOruk-KluK. Certain curu for ull ' i Weakness of men. Aildrcn AIbloul'liuriuiiGvCo.llux O. , Alblnn.Mlcli. ' HANIIAI.WOOII CAl'aLI.KB uru tlio DOCUIA best auil only cupiulu * ( jrrncil'jn I lj" { regular plinltlin * for Iliu cuio of Oonothma nnd dlii-linrju from the urlnnrr vruuni , iietber real or acquired , lliopertjox. Allitruv.lits. 1IONROE SUCCEEDS WHITNEY , A Ohango In General F ii. ! Agonls of tlia Union Pat Mo , ENTIRE DEPARTMENT RiORGNIZ0 \ , The AKsl.iUmts null < ! rnornl Niimcil n > r the Various The Ulllulnl Orilri Other Locnl NIM\S. The frolcht department of thu Union l'ii- cllli ! system is to bo eiillnMy ivoivunlzod outlined lu Tin : URK about li mouth nno , t\o chnnco to tnhd i-lToct March 1 , The onloi * making the changes Is Issued over thi > aiirn.i < ture of C. S. Mvllon , the general tralllo in.tti- ngor. Under the now order of tiling ,1. A , Mun- roo. the present ntsMnnt ir.tnlu Mutineer , will bcronio general freight uncut , relieving r1. H. Whitney , with l'Md < | imrten ntOtimha. Mr , Alunrot ) will hnvo general snpcrvlsloii of all the freight twfllu of the cnttni system. B. Cnnniboll , the iinxeiit Bcuoral freight ngont of tlio 1'uclllo division , will lie Kunonl western fii'lsht njont ( with hciiliiinrluiM : | at Portland , Ore. , ImvliiB c-hitro-o of the fi'oi.'ht trunio of rail nnd water lines went of Hunt- ItiBton , Oro. , aiulcast bounil tr.tnscontliiunltil trnfllo. l'Jl. . Whitney , thoprosqtiL Kcnaral freight ncoiil , with hu.ulu ] irturj tit Omnlmvlll luivo elmrtfoof frclcht trnfllo In Nchrask.i , nnd Wyoming , also of Utah cast of IS. II. Wood , nssUtnnt gunornl agent , hundiiu iinor.s at Oinnhit , will remain In that petition and will have Iminodlato , suucrvlsion of the freight tralllu of Nobi'.xslt x ( except thai assigned to tlio wont nt St. Joseph ns given below ) , \Vyomlng , unit Utah cast of Otfdon. Fred U'llil , jr. , will bo assistant general freight OKcnt nt Denver , Imvlm ; charge of frelstht tranlo in Colorado and Now Mexico. S.V. . ICcclos , will bo assistant general frolpht ngtMit at Halt l.nlco City , havliiw cliurno of the freight tnUlii ) of Utuh ( except eaatof Ogdcn ) , hUihocust of lluntlngton nnd Montaim. J. ( ! . Woodworth will bo assistant con oral ftripht agent ut Portland , Ore. , huvliiK lm mediate sutu'rvlsiou of llio fri'lslit twlllo west of HutitiiiKton. S. M. Adult will bo general agent at St. loscpli , having Immoillnto suporviolou of the freight traftlo of the lines from St. Joseph to Grand Island nnd Fnlrflelilto Alum. II. U. JCnlll will bo general ugcnt nt ICiinsna City , having supervision of the freight tralllc of the Kansas division oxcentlng that assigned to the general ngcut nt St. Joseph. E. V. Maze ) will bo general ngent nt IJutto , Mont. , hnvitip ; supervision of the freight Ironic of Montana. Tlio jurisdiction of tlio general western freight agent and the first assistant general freight agent , and the assistant goiioral freight ngents. will cover tnifllu orglnaiing within their territory , ns described above , destined to stations upon ether parts of the system or beyond or byvay of same , Includ ing also that received from connections. They Give Tholr Below are given ten reasons why ChatnJ borlnlu'a Coujrh licmcdy Is the best : I. it will euro n bovorc cold In less tlino than nuy other treatment. _ . It does not suppress n cough or cold ; but loosens and relieves it. II. It relieves the lungs , which is of gro.it Importance In ttontltig n cold. 4. It is the only remedy that will cause the expulsion of mucus from the air cells of the lungs. G. It renders the mucus less tenacious nnd easier to expectorate. 0. If freely used ns soon as the firat/svmp- toms appear , It will euro a severe cola hi u siuglo day. . , 7. It will prevent croup nnd avert all dan ger and anxiety arising from that dreaded disease. > 8. It hns cured thousands of cases of croup , and careful Inquiry falls to dlseovoc a slairlo cose In which it has over failed. i ) . It docs not contain opium , chloroform , nor any other Injurious substance. Thciois 'not ' the least danger in pivjnc it to children , 10. Chamberlain's Cough llcmody acts in' , perfect harmony witli nature nud nlds nn- lure In relieving the lungs , and freeing tliu system of morbid matter , nccumulntcd by cause of the cold. 00 cents per bottle. I was so lama with rheumatism that I could hardly walk , when my physician ml- vised mo to use Chamberlain's Pulu Balm. It soon enroll mo , says 11. Mouse , n black smith nt Sigol , 111. For sale ; by druggists. HELI'MJXSTRINM CLAIMS. Tiulge Diuicly Tells Ilo v They Sfuy ho DlMposud ol' . The Ilclfonstcln cises : in the United States court nro at n standstill nt pro sent , but will probably bo revived by the heirs of the plaintiff. A motion was made nud argued before Judge Duudy nt Lincoln , to discus's , some of tlio cnscs on the ground that the fud- ct\il laws do not allow the heirs to revive. This motion hns not boon passed by the court but will probubly bo sustained. A ruling on this motion will virtually settle the present status of nil the cases. Judge Dundy Is of the opinion thnt tuo quickest way to settle the mutter would bo to discuss one of the cuses with the under standing that nu appeal was to bo taken to the supreme court.aml nn order nskcd for , to compel the court to reinstaUi the case. In passing upon thu iippenl the supreme court would nlso decide the out'stlon of the right of the heirs to revive. In this v ny the eases ir.i ht bo settled nt' onco. ns the su preme court would take up mich n motion out of its order nud pass upon it , whereas if the cases were revived nnd n verdict rcnchcdimd nn tipponl taken to the sunromo court'n deci sion would not be reached for years. If the cases nro dismissed the estate of the pluliitllf would bo taxed up with the costs , und could then commence new nulls , gobif : through nil the preliminary work a second time. . The hosts of attorneys rcprpsentlnc the defendants in these suits are divided uron the method whiclrMiould bo pursued. Souio of thorn lira decidedly opposed to the move to have the cases dismissed , whllo othetvt favor that method. No consultation lias been bold In the matter. No griplup , PO nnusoa , no pain when Do Witt's"Llttlo Karly Hiscrs nro tulcou. Small pill.S ufo pill. Urst pill. HOCTI1 O.U < tJIt The Hook Inland ( o Come In. MnnngerV. . N. Bubcook of the Union stockyards proves himself equal to nvoiy emergency , nnd his last rather * cdluso3 nil prior ones. Slnqo the notion of Mr. Gould , in annulling thu bridge contract , the Chicago , Kor It Island & , Pacific , with n now track built nnd n direct line from here to Don- vnr , bus been practically shut out of the htoukyard.s. Hcall/lng the necessity of at once ndrnltllnpr the Hock Island Into the yards , nnd Icnowing the expenses and delay of extending the slouk- yards tracks down to thu RocU Island track , Mutineer HnbcocU has secured u Icaso from Union 1'ncllic for'tho west tract so that thu stock yards crews can haul tlm cuts from thu Ilork Island depot at Albright to the yards without Kointr o < > thu Union 1'u- clllo tracks. ' The only Conditions exacted by General .Manager Chirk in the ca.su is that tuo Hoclc Island pqoplo should not run a car on this track nor on any of tlio Union I'aciIlo trnrks. This strategic move on the partof Mr. Bnbcock will irlvo the yards tlio bcnollt of the Hock Island trnfllu. _ I'coplo who use arsenical preparations tor thciv comploxlon do HO at the risk of their lives. Aycr's Snrsaparlllii Is guaranteed free from nuy Injurious drug nnd H , there for , the safest ns well ns the most powcrfu blood medicine in the \yorld. It inukef th skin clear. Clmrlca Duxnury , trovollngr passcngoi n ent of thollultlmora It Ohio road at Kan- sis City , is lu the city. lo Nnrvnim nnil 03l > lltnt3l | : If J' ° 'i will send us your iiidlrosa wa wli send you Dr. Dye's Colubr.itcd Voltalo Belt , und Applluncos on trial They will ntilclcly rcstoi-o you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet freo. VOI.TAIO BELT Co. , MarahaU , Mich.