Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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A Rather Cheering Upturn After Many "Very
Dragging Days.
Mildly Opposes the ISnrly
Ailvnnun-A One-Man Market iti
OtilH The Mvc Htouk I'll Grown
F1 ist IdloiiH-Klmuiclal.
CCilit'Ano , I'l-b. 1.1 [ HiiccliilTclrsr.'imlo Till !
llrc.l Thcro wm more nnp to ull markets on
'oliJiiiRcearly tliiin for nmny days. It was
that nort of activity which comes wltli an up
turn In priori nftcr several dnys of ndraKRluK
decline , \Vlioatojiouud 11 llttlu < > IT from hut
night fur May ut ( WJc.ljiiL moved Btrnlfjlit up lo
Wife the llrstliour. Corn opened at S'JJiO anil
hold upVo 10537,0 nt 11113nino time. Oats
noli ! ' 40 higher. Mess pork was up KB from
la't nlRlt attl.TJ ; lurJ upfic ; ribs. 7Hc.
Tlio Us tinitkot In wheat for the session 03-
cutroilduring tliollrsthour. After Ho'clocK
tlio trmlo apparently felt Unit enoiifili was
duiio for onoday und tliorowns a Kcnem ! lot
illIn ) trunsaclloiH. Tlio NIUNO fcclln ; nnd uc-
thlty dls-iliiyed ( list liour , II oontlinicilwould
linvo put tlio prlco of May over $1 bo-
fofo tlio closo. AH It wns there wns tin nd-
vnncoot 1 ! 4cfrom first prloci. n , decline of ? > o
from the tOi | , nml tlicn dullness , wllll tlio
markets He lo Jfo over tlio closing prlcuH yes
terday , Tlio action InMny wn < i us follows :
Opened around 07 ? < ' sold at l ? ! ic , advanced
to OSifc and hold steady at 1 o'clock At 0)jo ) ? ;
July ftl'ic to D4io ! mid back to KIiC. Tlicro
wns novory Important nows. Tulle of a cold
map liclpcdllio bullish fooling early. Unities
vcro firm anil helped nlittle. TlioNorthwcst-
rrn Miller contalnud nbearish review of ilio
Hour trade , but this wns olTsct by tlio report
of 30roo bushels sold for shipment at Mil
waukee , continued later by W. Voiiiiit & Co.
The. runners * Itovlow mtlmato on tlio
condition of winter wheat was lower
than the other estimator , but had no effect.
0.1C. CJIorko wlied that New V nk was closing
m'gollntloiis ' for ifvo boatloads of No. Sicd
for Lisbon. Itocolpts were M trco in usual In *
tlio northwest with 200cars at MlnnciipolK ' . ' 0
iitDnliilli and M received over tlio Norllicrn
I'ncllloalono at Minneapolis. Itoeulptshero
wire less tliaii tlio estimate at 30 cars mid
only n our of contract grade. iNmv York
clcaicd U'J.OOO bushels of wheat anil 10,000
barrels of Hour. Ttio local trade was pretty
well divided. On thu buying Mdo wcio
Jliitchlnson , Hcain , OlfTord Mllnilnc , 8. V.
Whlto & . Co , I.oann , I'oolo , Adams ixiHl.Siiinuol
1'arkcr nml Kclnvnitr. On the fselllnnsldo
were I.lndllooni ) , Ondaliy. Irwln-Grcon , llolm-
lieU and I'armmi. During tliu lust half
liour Jlay whont sold bctwoon 98'a5t' ' 3.Uo nnd
c , closing nt W6o ? lld ) orSoovorlast
Kobruuryvai quoted at and
0 * > Vc , closing nt 05iC. Gash No. U red wheat
was hold nt tlio May price. July closed lit
ftT c and August at OCc , Cars for Saturday .
New York confirmed 2H boatloadsworKed
for export.
There wasmoroanimation In the com trade
than notlcvil of late. There was aomo sympa-
tliy wltli the udvaiiL'o In wheat onily and ,
when the buycri started In , they found tlio
offerings -very light. The prlco of May was
bid tip at once Jfcfrom 6Jfto to KlJic , From
tills thcro was a tot back of ! o to 537 o lutor
Inlhoday. The early ndvanco was opjiosod
bylltitchlnson , but not strongly , Cables wore.
MI ! hllior. | Tlio liberal receipts RO rlifht Into
consumptlRii mid Chicago Is loft with depleted
Rtouks. Tlio recclj.ts wore 15 cars over the
count of IIIO cars raised later to IHJ. At 1
o'clock the prlco of May was firmly hold
arounclKlo. Corn Hold nt ) well to tlio closo.
and on a lltllo rally nt the last mlnuto ilny
md iitKiMc ; Kol-rniiry wusquotrxl nt WJJio to
51) ) 0. closing at5l's ' < a''lUoiJnno 52 > so to ffij.'c
toittxc ; Jiifyfi'J e to Kio to Wic. The llrm
closlns was on the reportot eight boat loads
lakun for export at Now York.
Tlicro wus u Mm. of ono-niau market In oats.
HiitoliliiKinipuRscd hlsuard around and tiouxht
early rt from o to 4ni(34CHo ! ( nnd then
turned around nnd sold tlio trade , nil they
wanted at We. Tlicso were the only ( Inures
nitulolu I\ln7 \ , nnd t ho close was 4ic. ( Not a
prlco was uhtaltmblo for February , .liino
ulosod at 4.V c. July was firm and ? ouuut
t'.lc ut the c'oso. '
Thcro were Indlontlonsof a llplitor run of
IIOSM for this market and this helped provis
ions. The prices nt tlio viirds woroBu tolOo
up on nn cstlmato of XI.ODO receipts , and pri
vate dispatches Inter muao tlio rccnlptsat
the yardsHJ.OTO. Tlio provision tnurkot
opened with light olfcrlii s , light busi
ness nnd better prices. Tlio AiiRlo-l'ncUIns
company led the buylnff with other packing
liousos holding nil. On the early advance
jnckcrs scnorully were sellers , but , an there
aa.nniorobullish fooling among tlio trade ,
thuro wns n buying lack of products xvl.loh
clo cdevorythlng pretty 8tion iit the elo > , oto
lieHt prleos. The sales for May were : I'ork ,
* 'i.C7 ' ! { and ( fl.7Tioir ) to f n.70 , closing at fy.7S.or
lOe up from last nlpht. Klbs were at M.8. " > and
HIM ) , closlnzatSl.H" ! } . 1/ird at ( i.74 ! to
15.8U tof0.ti5. July laid sold at $3.05.
cim Miim-fi lonon , | HUIi. | IJJHT. icioiu. T
Muy it 40 406 4540
Mny 0 70 971 0 70 075 on5
July 10 IBtf
May 4 85 4 85 4S7 U 482M
LA uii-
Muy & 80 685 5 SO 6BJ SBO
CQMMuiurYlUpen. | UUh. I Uivr. | Clone. | ycat.
May . K7W
July . 87M
11 nj . Wi KH COH
No ten nml
Duliitli rccoliitsVhonUS9cars. \ .
MlnnoniKills receipts : Whout , SCO car * .
Uoimrtud 33,000 barrels flour Bold ut Mil
Wheat cables generally stronger uncl bring
ing some orders ,
Kstlnmleil receipts of lioga at Chlcngo for
B.aurduy..S.OOa ,
Oloarunces nt Now York : Wheat , UO.OOO :
eorn , Ul.titiSjotits , 1,053 ! Hour , 18.S80.
St. rim Is shipments : Whont , 1,010 busliols ;
corn , II.IUIJ biislicls ; outs , K.'iltl busliols.
Total olenrnncos nt four ports ycstcrdny :
Wlicnt , 41.79J liushols ! corn , 69 , ( < t7j oats , 10,0.
Chicago receipts : Wheat , 39 ears ; corn.200 ;
cat.4,181. InsiioctodroKulat : Wlu-nt. 1 ; corn ,
f > : outo , h7. Sliliimunls : U' ; > 7biisliilH :
I'ornU-.M3 ! outs. l lK)0 ( ) EstljiintcU rucclpts
( or Saturday : \Vlicul , 44 oars ; corn , 1)10 ) ; outs ,
JiH' *
A Now York dispatch suys : Thoroliavobcen
reully live loiula of cash wheat tulicii toduy
vhlclila u part of thollftecn loads reported on
Tuesday. Tolal huslncBs In thu past tun days
today Included , llftren loads , which 1ms buon
nmniillluU by our gossip mongers to fifty loads
at least. .
V. 0. r.oRaii & Co. to ToncraJ' & llryan
wlieat opened wonkvH \ \ free offorliiKs at
WJtofor Jlay. TliocnblOHvroro stuady. ( Jargocj
( if Chlllun for slilpinent quoted : i nenco lilulior.
with an advance of iyta at Ditluth eiiusoil
actl\o buying , anil tlio prlco rattldly reached
Wm8l io. On some realizing the iirlca went
off to IWJic. Tlio close la stroiiKixt this bid
There Is no nuw f nature In the sltuullon. The
iiinjorlty of our looiil operators look for
lilKlier prloos for the May option , TlioOlu-
I'lunall 1'rlco Ciirroiitohtu | ) to a possible ulncl
for Hlietit before tlio uo > y crop Is reaped. Thl
of couniodi-ponns on receipts nt the nu.moii
they are up tofequlreinrntH , The weather la
flnoancl tlio proiulHO of the Rrtmlnp crou ul
tliuti'iiiildbu desired , Wo believe July soU
on nil BtroiiK inarliota will pay liiunlsuino
pro Ills. It may rx | iitro a little putlcnco to
wulton It. A inorouutlvocorn inarkut. Tlio
ranxc haihoen from 62He toM c. oloilni : n
KUiofor May. Out Htcudy , not much dohiB
rrovlslonsiiro a llttlo bettor. The receipts o
lioKsllKhtcrund tlio lirnmut.sof grain hclpei
the nilvnnco. I'ork closed at JJ.73. lyurilo.35 ,
ltlbs , ( > .H7 ,
ICciuiott , Hopkins & Co. to Ohrlstrlo-I.a
throp Com. Co.-Whcatoiicnedat U7ietliulow
cst of tlio day und wns , BO to sneak
strictly nscnliicr'a market , went ton8Sii' ' > s\iC
back toiib'io ' , then tu D8.Sc , buck toUduu.where
llutelilnson wus n heavy hiiyer , evidently
tryliu to liuvo calls ortllod , Uutsldo market
were nil ttronz , which cneourauvd tlio hull
lo hold wliout. Wllli continued llislit receipts
and llttloliolj ) from the outsldo tractero > o.
think higher prices will follow , A shun
liulRO In corn WIM caused by the cov
CTitiK of a few nervous local sliorla on
account o ( tlio strength Invlu > : it. Ihugelllni ;
WUH lui-oiiildcrablu until the prlco niso obov
(3o. vhentlin master hunil uf tlio 'J.O.
appurentniid the hungry were fed , ciiiislucr n
roitotlon from M.VI to W'ic , the U. 0. M
dollnit out.Miiy all Ilio wny down. Ainoni til
nroinliiont buyorsi were Holmholi , llnrvoy
I'oueauU Lowl , Mutely Brothers and Towlv
nnd Slorllnp. Tlio market advanced nenrllio
(1 no on totno scnltcrrd tuylnz. s ild to
| K > on account of tno hulRo of
tht rye market , closing llrni at flUo.
Outs pericrnlly firm , with a niodorato busi
ness , 1'rovNlons have xhorrn llttlo otrcimth
with IIOXH nndrain ( hls-lior , but the tnirkrt
linn licon dull n Is the cruo lately vrhon It IB
not diolliilnr. l.ocnl shorn wrto buying , and
tlio Aimlo company bulled lard , Tliero In very
llttlo d Imposition to liny for JPIIR account ,
Vhc nmrkct Is gradually evening up as It do-
W. O. MoCurmlcIc A Co , t < ) V. . O.
Bwartr. & Co. ! The wheat market has
been quite uctlvo and ha * onjovod a marked
Improvement , lu the uiltimo of outsldo busi
ness. The hoary receipts at the primary i
cloven points amounting to U.1,000 ) b mho Is ,
produced a rather bearish foellnic at the open-
\ng. \ This was overcome by Intco pnrclmso' |
by Hutclilnion an < l by tlio now suf souiec-xport
trade for Mtliou fiom Now V rk It was
claimed that llutohlnoon , wliohnd old ulnrpo
number of calls for toilnv , was muk-
lug an effort to have thu wheat
eiilled from him , The olowi wni at nearly lop
prices and shows a very llrm undertone , lorn
lliitcliliKon was the most pioniliicnt fac
tor In this niarkcl. In * > plto of lart-e
rccrlpls Iho olTorlnRS woio IlKht nt the
oponlnc and llnlchliiHon , uho had boir litlixst
nlnlit nearly nil of tlio calls Hint wt-ro mild ,
bulled tliumnrkot fiom tlioout ct.und started
sellers of thcso prUlleffcs to biiyln * . unload-
liiK on Ihcm after Ihu inurket hud ad
vanced nbovo Klc. Hi'cclptH nro sliow-
IIIK a fair Increase. but do not
sootn to lend nny cnuriicato the bears Pro
visions were llrmer nnd the niarkcl showed n
fair nd vntice. Tim packers were not prom I-
nont In either sldo nnd seem wllllnjr. tohitvo
prices ranch us fur AS they will under buylnit
by nulHldu parties llooolpts of IIORS uro lleht-
or for tomorrow tliim lust Saturday and wo
may posslldy have sumo further advance In
prices tomorrow.
OIIIOAOO , Kel ) . 13. [ Special Tolozram to Till !
HBEl-OATTi.E-lluslnOss was a nlu nctlvo
\vltliprlecssteailyto9trons on nil grades of
steers nnd holfcrs that will mnko marketable
boof. Nothlnclso ; Is wanted at the present.
Lowgradoiof steers , old cows , onniiord and
coinnion stock ( roncrully are nc.u-ly as hard to
soil ns ut any Unit * . Steers were at ( J.2533.50 !
cowsbulls and inl.vod , } l.f > 'J3l.rO ; stockci-i ,
I lolls Hits nuirlfctnpcncd strong ivlth quite
a number of early nlcs sliowln ? an advance
f 6c. hut sifter urgent slilpplni- orders
oto out of tliu wny values cased
IT soiuowhat , lint closed fully an high
.H yestordny. Uoiif-li and coiiiinon sold at
l.i.v3.l.4'Jirliio : ' : ) ! MiKed nnd pnekeisat W.J.T ®
J.50 ; prime lienvv and butcher wol lits ! 3.Vx5i
j.ui ; light , f a&i.r , : . , I > IKB. f-.r > o3.4u.
YOIIIC , feb. 11 [ Special Tolotrram leTHE
THE llEn.l SioCKS-The Ir.vdo know soiircely
vhnt to expect In stocks tills mornln ? . This
aused nervousness nl the opening. Changes
n last night's figures were In the shape ot dc-
llncs nnd were considered the Ul-
cot result of gold shipments and the
renkncss of" yostciday. Thcro was
onsldcrablo nnlmntlon In the loading slocks
luring tlio first hoifr , but further dcellncs
VOID co nil i led to liisljiiillloant , fractions ,
vhllo. lu mnny cases , stl hladvnnceswern
cored and trailing In thoicuuUr list showed
10 special f until ro of Interest. Tlio Indus *
rials , lionovcr. were nfrnln especially weak
incl now MiKiir stocks \\cro very nctlvo and
dropped nwuy 2 per cent from Its opcnliu lls-
ure , to 7JJi. sifter opening down /t. Receipts
Toro less active , but nftor closing off ii at
fiU they retired totUVi. Tliero was a rocoyory
n the last named of li. ! but the
rest of the miivkct remained nt
ibout tlio same level for Die roinalndcr of tlio
.ho hour. The acllvo stocks comprised St.
nul , Union Vucllle , Louisville & Nashville.
dljsonrl P.'icifk' , Northern I'nclfloireferre d ,
A.tcliKon.IUirllnRtin and Hugar Blocks , the
rest , i ) f tliamarkotbclnxdull nnd featureless
o utsUlo of Biisquvhaiiiia slocks , which wore
n nln stron : ; , prefuncd rlslni- from : L'i to : ! " ! .
loforo 1 o'clock there was n better support
.hiTJUKhout tholUt. l.oulsvllln racoverol to
" 5" , Nortliern I'aolllo proterred to 7. . Ale bi
son moved up to LWS. llurllncton to Soy , St.
aul to w' , ' . Jilssourl Pacific to CGJi ,
Union 1'acllio to 447 > . After mid-
lay thcro wns a decided roictlon
n stocks. London becnmo a free seller
of Bt. 1'iiul and other dtocks. Itoom traderx
ollowod the lead. There Is llttlo liinspect of
nny active outsldo Interest and holders 1110
easily discouraged , At the close all the early
Caln were wiped out and losses ot ' 1 to "a sus
tained. l.oulsvllloviisolTi at 7t'i ' ; Union
1'aclllc touched 41 and closed ! 4 oir nt , U.
Jns waa weak at 40 , whlloHugiir receipts rose
tu fii ( ; . Sales vcro limited to 110,000 shares.
KeiuiQtU Hopkins & Co , to Chrlstle-
Latbrop Com. Co. The stock market Is
lull and narrow , tradci-s nro tlio chief
operators nnd they are afraid of i-old
shipments and nro selling stock for both long
and short accounts. London has also
sold some .stock * lu this imnket ,
nolnbly Louisville & Nnshvlllo ami
Union 1'ncltlc. The rcslunatlon of President
Norton of Louisville Ac Nashville lias affected
Ilio minds of speculators unfavorably.
Bo the stoel- market opened this morning with
considerable pressure on grangers nnd Louls-
vlllo and Nashville , thu latter being alfccted
t > y Its reduced prlco In London and by fionio
London sollliiL' , while former wns sold by the
traders who dm notrcllsli the published state
ment of the business of the Southwestern
roads for January , \vhluh showed udecrcasu In
tonnage of 40 per cent. Tlio conslnnt wrang-
UtiKiuHl chaiiRes nnd counter changes of bud
faith of roads In that section ate also
dl&couriigliii ; buyers. Tliero have been
no additional nnioiints of Rold engaKcd
lor shipment today und that that was taken
yesterday wns thought not lo Indicate any
largo move hi thn future , altlioufrh owln ; ; to
the liberal marketing o ( securltloH for for
eign account In this country lu the past ton
days furthorhlilpmcnts are not Improbable
Silver hits been weak today , selling ut JOt ) , and
the government bought some at that price.
The totnl amount purchased by the govern
ment was ( i"0SOU ounces. The quantity
of silver on hand In Now Vork In
creases continually nnd drooping
pi lees show the prevailing belief that
no free coinage bill will ho passed this winter.
The market Inter In thoday , while not active ,
had a steadier tone ulth the exception of
Loulsvlllo & Nashville , which at the close was
soiling at the lowest prices. Sugar broke
sharply o.trlv. soiling down to 8JKc , but re
covered to fiilje. The story of nn Irregular
Issue of ( ortllleaU's Is contradicted , The mar
ket at the oloso wns steady und without any
special feature. Money has been easy utSfi
fii'/i : on call , und -IQI'/i on time. Total sales ,
150.iU : ! ) .
Silver sold at ICO toilnv , the lowest since the
Novem her panic , when 1KIU was touched. In
December the mtirUut rallied. The free coinage -
ago Idea again seemed to bo n possibility , and
those who believed lu it bought largely ,
These speculative holdings , now thiit free
colniiRo Is dead , niocomlnz onto thn market ,
If they don't come now. they will after con-
Kress udjnu mf. At London silver ( leollnod to
4.ii on bearish advices from America. In
spite of the government buying , thu stock
hero Is rising nnd Is today larger than for
many weeks 7,7' > 0,421 ounces.
Humors about Mr , Gould's condition caused
a good deal of liquidation umldcprosscd stock
ycstorduy and todny. Ho will arrlvotomor-
raw morning nnd deflnlto Informnllon will ho
obtainable. AVu don't think Mr. Gould's death
could duprcsa prices , but ntlll bellovo In long
Stocks. I Upon. I Illnh. I Low. I Cloiu. | Vest.
W , i I * K ,
Hocking Val a
Manhattan. 10UM lOJlf
\Vabaah pfd 16H
Canada Ho. .
I'nclllc Mall.
Ijiko Hhoro.
Lead Trust.
Union I'nc. . 4I |
f ac. pM. 71 'J
N , I'no. com ,
C. , 11. A Q. . .
llock Island
St. I'BUl
B. I'nul pfd.
Weit. Union
I ) . , L. A W. .
Bunar Trust
AinSUK. Itf.
Jcrier Cent.
NtwlCn I'd.
Atchtaon. , . .
Chlc&uo Oaa 40
1 > I \ llud.
1'ullnmn "
No. Am it"
Mich. font. . 04
Silver HOW
A , 8. It. pfd.
Wli.Cem. . .
Me i. Cent. . K i
A. 0011 , : . . 20)i )
The following nro the closing ( imitations :
U , 8. 4a ronlntiTod.,1-J Northern foci no vn
U , B. 4s coupon * IW ctu pmrurred. . 711
U. H. 4J re l tcrod.IOII < C. &N.W liui
U. 8. 4s aiuponi IB doproferred 135
laciao iof ' 9i Ill Now York Central.103 > (
Central t'arltlc W P. . D.AK. . , 1BI ,
Chlonso A Alton lli llock Iilund , . . l * '
ClilcnKO. llurllnetun C. , M.t Ht. ! > . . . , . „ . . { 414
AQulnor ( ex dlv ) . . RiU ilo preferred lll'j
H.I , . * W. . . . . .liUJVi 3U I'uul A Omaha , , . , tfl
IlllnoU Central , uu ilopruforrcd 84
U. II. * W. . Union I'uclflo. . . I4) ) {
Kanina & Toxoi . . . . . 12 IV. . 8I.U&P 10
I-akudhoro III doproforred 1S' ' (
MlrhlKanC'enlral. . . . VI Western Union WJ )
Mliiourl I'aclflc U1M
On call , ousyi closed ollored at B
per cent.
rillME.MEIlOANTIt.El'il'Ell-SO ; per CCIlt.
tJTEULl.Nd KXCItANOE-Qulft Ullll btCUlty ;
sixty-day bills. ; Ueniunil , 8I.68.H.
NKW VOIIK , fob. ia.-8p [ clul Tclcaraia lo
TIIR Ilr.r.1Tlio following are tiio mining
Uik quotations :
Alice . . . . , , T .riw Iron sifter 100
Ailnuu Con , . . . . IW llomoilake . ,
Aiipen . , . . . . . iti Horn Sllrcr. . . . . . Boa
Ilc-tft llclchor ilO Mcxlom . . SIO
llodlo | JJ Untnrlo , . . . . . .if. 3
C'rown I'olnt 110 Ophlr. . . , , . . , . " 00
C < i . Cut. , t Vn ISO I'lriiioiiUi , , , 215
eureka Con. . . , , . . to )
Tlu ; CotTeo Alnrkrt.
Nr.w YOIIK. I'oh. 13-tPpecliil Telcpram lo
Tut ; HKK. ] t'oiTEE-Oplloni opened steady
and unclmiucd f ) 20 liolnt ! down ; closed
Nleady nnd iinchiinucd to 10 iiolnts down ,
Sales * , WHi lini-s Inoliidliig I'ebruary. J17.0.1 ®
17.05 ! Mnrcb , * l.n.aill.K ( ) ! Alirll , tli > .AOIO.M |
Mar. ( ii.i2txaiii.i ( : > i Juno. Jic.o.vaio.10 : July ,
Hn.0.lfi.70 : Heptomber , fLVUHil.VO.'i ' ! Spot
tlo firm ! fiilrunr ies. llO.OOi jj' . 7 , tlU''H.
I'eb. ii. ; Close Wheat Steady !
Cash. Wiej May. Blj ei July , Kl Hc ,
Corn htody : cash. Me ! Alay , 5J'ic.
Uats-Steady ; cash , 4liIJc ] | May , 4C24G.o. !
Hye I'lriu at bS. %
llarlcy TilQidu.
Prime Timothy 11.28 ,
' -l'Irmi cash. JO.aTlJ : May , ID.Tr.3l.87H.
Lard I'l run cash , . . : > " ! May. $ . " > 8iWfrVH3.
Short Illbs-l'lrmi cash , J4.I5 ; May , U.Si',1 ®
riour Steady ; sprln ? . 1M.5fl ; patents , (4. 10
® 4f < o ; ivlnterpatents. J4,50l.8ii.
llillK Mniits-Shouldcio , * .I.RD < 0 > 1.00 ; short
clear. ! l.7Vj2M.8i ) ; Hhort ribs , JI.8oa4.Vk
lliittiT Unchanged ! creamery , 17it2"c |
lalry. l.vas-,1- .
Cheese Sli-oiiRcr ! full cream chcddiirs ,
liW10ic ! : Ilala , lO tlci Voung Americas , 11
Kzgs I'astcr : fresh , IStiJtOc.
Hides UncliniKcd ; lliditnnd heavy green
salted. 5U © 5ic ! : gieon , 4M4 o ; united bull ,
4Mei green Riiltod calf , c ; dry Hint. 8c ! salt
bull. ( V37o ; dry calf. 8Uc : deacons , each , J ! . > c.
TnlloH Unehanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
3 ? ci No. 2 , yes cal.e , 4c.
Kceclpts. Shipments.
Hour , bbls . lo.OOO H.OOO
Wlioat , bu . 21,000 23tKX )
Join , bu . a lOUO 1)4,000 )
Onts , bu . iJi',000 20,000
Nr.w YOIIK , Feb. 13-Whoat Kccolpts. 103
iusliolse.\iuuts ; , ,7.1,100 ; spot , llrmer ; No. 2 red ,
'l.ll'/i ' In elorator ; ifl.l3' ' afloat ; H.l'JWil.II
f. o b. ; options steady ; No. 2 red , February
closing nt JUIM.
Corn Hecelpts , 4 ,400 bushels ; exports , 33,700 !
spot llrmer : No. ' . ' , oyi.liio ( In elevator ; GI < U
! 4Uc alloiit ; ungraded mixed , O'Ji'.Ulil'.ic ; op
tions hlnhor , llrm ; Kobruiiry closed at C.o. )
Oats Kecoluto. uuiOObiisbels : exports , 1,000 ;
spol , firmer ! No. while , ! a ? < < 3.Mo : mixed
wcslorn , 51lc : white weslcrn. 6J < ii5'JiJe ; op
tions , stronger ; 1'cbruury utW'ac.
Sugar Kaw. dull nnd llrni ; rellnod , firm , de
mand ; conlilfiipuls , ill test , U3U'c , U and 1' ;
O. BHJ 11-lOc ! white ox. U , ftXffiS INltic !
yellow , : ieffM'ie ! ' ; olt A , J'.ttJW-KJci btunilaid
Ali"-lt5ei powdeied , 5l-IUo. )
I'etroloiim-Unclianged ; united closed for
Match nt U c
I&KS Mucli lower ; western , Ifi'.ic.
I'ork-Slendy ; now mess , J1H.7.)44II.25.
Iiard Stronger ; western sleuiii. 15.02 .
Iluttor Klrni : wc toru dairy , HQWc ; cream
ery , 17Q5J7HO ! Klein , aSSas-Je.Jik
tJliocso htrong ; light skltnsTfa85c. !
Jllnn. , Fob. 13. Wheat Slow
. uu. tiaijr unit .liuruil , VOVj 1,111 , l/.i'3U , I'll
track , ft'iiic ; No. S northern , February , Die ; on
track ,
ST. Louis , Tob. 13. Wheat IllRher ; cash ,
OCHao'ciMny , WH'ittOOWc.
Corn Firmer : casb , 50c : May , fiOfic.
Oats Strong ; cash. 40e ; May , Gl'fo.
I'ork Oulet at J0.02KO9.73.
Lard Qu lot at J3.40.
llutter Klrin ; creamery , SlffiSGc ; dairy , 21 ®
n .
< iC.
KANSAS CITV , Fob. 13. Wheat Steady ; No ,
2 hard cash. 8lo hid ; No. 2 rod , cnsh. UOc bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 8 , cash , 47u bids l-'obruary.
47Sc. !
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 4IJ4obld ; 1'obru
ary. 44H bid.
5IirrAUKEE , Wls. . Jfcb , 1.1. ririucr ;
No. 2 spring cash. l)4D."e ) : Muy , UO'je.
Corn Steady : No. : i , Me.
Oats-Quiol ; No.2 white , 4C'Jc. '
I'rovlslons-Qulot ; pork. May , S9.70.
CINCINNATI , 1'eb. la.-Wheat Dull ; No. 2
red. $1.01.
Corn Klrm ; No.2 mixed , Ma :
OatH-QuIet ; No. 2 mhcd , 4.'i ; .
Fob. in. Wlioat Firm and de
mand f.ilr ; holders olfcr sparingly.
Corn Firm ; demand Improving ; mixed
western , 5s SUd per cental ,
CnicAao , Fob. 13 Cattle-Receipts. 0,000 ;
market active and steady to stronc : steers
Ji.'J.VSS.VJ ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1MKS4.50 ;
stookers. $ J.3J5i.'I.OO.
Hogs Hcoclpts , 51.000 ! market strong ; rough
and common. t.J.iVS'l.40 : ; prime mixed and
packers , JvI.4ViS'J.M ! prime heavy and butclrum
wclghts.Sl.M'iOl.CO ; light. KJ.5nj i..1i5.
Sheci ) Hecelpts , 0,000 ; market netlvo nml
firmer ; natives , tl. 00(34.85 ( ; westerns , M.OO ®
5.75 ; TexanaM.'JX34.75 ; natlvo lambs , Jo.00iao.25.
ICA BAa CITY , Fob. 13. Cattle Hccolpts ,
2.IW ) ; shlpmcnls , l.'iO ; market steady to strung :
steera , J.'l.7r > 'itJ. ' . ' > r ; cows , t'J.OOiW.yo ; stockcrs and
feeders , fiUtiKltt.
Hogs Receipts , 8OT ; shipments , 2,000 ;
market higher ; all prudes , ? . ) .OOSt.r : > 0.
ST. Louts , Fob. it.-0attlc : Ilecolpts. 1.100 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market strong ; fair lo fancy
nat I vo steers , $ a.OO5.2J ! stockers and feeders ,
JS.SO3.B. :
Hogs Hecelpts , 4.100 ; shipments , l,400j mar
ket steady ! heavy , J.40i.5J ! ; ml.xud , $ J.0
a.45 ; light , KI.2.VaUO. :
OMAHA , Feb. 13 , 1R01.
OATTLE Estimated roceluts of cattle 1.850 ns
comnaroil with 1.832 yesterday nnd 1.070
Friday of lust week. The market wns actUo
nnd steady on Ilio better grades of steers
and nctlvo nnd stron ? on desirable sales of
butchers' stock. Feeders were unchanged.
Iloos Estimated receipts of hogs 5.500
cnninared with 6,3X1 yesterday and 10 ,
Friday of last week. The market wan active
nnd So higher. All sold early. Tlio range ot
of the prices pnld was $ 'l.uixiii.4the ; bulk
selling at H.SJSS.'Ti. 1'lsH. 11.5032.5'j ; llght-
llKhts , $ J. ; light , KLOOfta-lTi ; heavy , ( .130
Cii.4.r : ! mixed , ) .axiti.40. : The moraco of the
prices paid was ifi.2r ; 4 ns compared with K1.K1J4
yesterday and KI.41U Friday of lust week.
SiiEKl1 Estimated receipts of sheep 225 , as
compared with 5.V1 yesterday and 1,850 Friday
of lust week. Tlio market WHS rtcttvo and
.strong. Natives , SJ.75S1 50 ; westerns , 12.50 ®
_ _
DlHpdsltion of Stock.
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep purchased on this market as reported
by tliBwolghmiistor of the Stockyards com
pany for February lUi
Swlft&Co . 501
The O. II. Hammond company. . 258
The Ouduhy packing company
Omaha nnuldii' ; company
Leo Itothschlld . 2T.
Hamilton A Btephon . ID
] lentnn& Underwood . ! 2
No Is Morris . 188
Shippers and feeders . l.'Kl
Van Sant & Carey . Ml
Joseph Damrou . 22
It , llccker & Ucgcn
The Cudnhy packing company
Omaha packing company . . 1,7X >
Hwlft&Oo . 1,201
The O. II. Hammond pack Ing company. , . : cr.
Bhlppers and feeders . 2 1
ThoOudnhy I'aeklngCo . 535
IlcprcKuiitntivc Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
2. . 1)85 ) K ) 00 W. . 11 3 W 1)0 ) SI. . 1157 M 10
c. . w. ) a is U..1WU a in c..nca 415'
2. . 015 U 25 20. . 1171 3 00 18. .1131 415
0. . 884 : i 25 20.11:4 : 4(0 ( 5..1ICM 415
2. . 1015 a M 20. . 1225 400 15..ii53 : 4 25
S7..10liO 3W 20. . 1158 400 SO. 3310 423
O..10 : a 00 18. 1157 4 00 2i. ; .1217 42.1
0..112J 3 85 9.1115 400 IS. .1248 425
0..10 ? ! a 75 34. .1104 400 15. .3255 425
23..1C05 a80 20 , .1150 405 17..iiJ7 : 435
21..1KW a R5 41. .1161 403 D..1K ) 4 40
3. . 1100 383 19. .1110 410 1. . MOO 440
18. .1110 a 83 3. .127ft 410 20.1 0 440
20 , . 1103 a 85 20..107S 410 20.12ii7 4 67H
18. . 1118 a 65
11. . 033 3 30
10. . 7-J7 270
nur.i.s ,
1 85 1 .I'OO ' 2fX ) 1..1560 S CO
200 2..13M 201 1..1IIO 3CO
i , , mo 2 no i ir,3j a 7.1 l ,2oon 340
1 1.180 2 25 4 MWV 2 W J3 IfiM 3 40
S .I.TO 22.1 2..1340 300 1 2000 300
2 .1213 2 23 iiarn | 2 oo
18 001 3 20 7'720'2 ' ' ' 2. . 6CO ft00
12 , , 681 2 23 8 , . 70 2 60 34 , . P09 32.5
1. . 600 23 18. 'OSS'2 ' CO 2..1010 3&0
84. , 672 1 7fl II. , 84&i 2 70 IS. . 878 .100
0. 602 Z 4a 1. . 710-875 27. . 771 H 10
V. . 74G 2 C5 S. . 014 283 0..1013 313
1.1020 200 1..1030 260 1..1440 360
1..KJQ 2 2.1 , „
t'las AND itouaii.
49 G3 -175 10 88 220
14 125 - UOO 00 114 40 205
21 103 ICO 200
No. Av. I'r.
I buck 180 J.175
lexvu 100 450
111 wustcrns. owes 01 4 35
10 ! ) wcslcrnsethcrq IK ) 470
031 All * n'JlOLtCStll'E JIAltKKTS.
COFFEE Grocn-Ulo , 'J2--lc ; Java , S7os
Moclni. SSo. Hoasttd-Arlosn , V > 1-lOa ; Mc-
LaiiKliiln , .XXXX , t'51-lOu ; Ittinolu , SH-IOc :
Horiiinn , 24o ; ; : Dlllwortli's , 2X ; Lion. 2i l-lOo ;
Oordovln. SJi-ioc ; Moclm , le ; O. CI. Jnva. 2flc.
iiu. * , ir'a'Ui iiu. o , ; . ! . ; > u ; Kt-'Ulul , U.IK KrtllN , u-in ,
best. SIM ; whlto cedur , 4-ln , best , (1.83) ) pulls ,
: i-lioop. oukKraliicii. | . ? 5 ; hoop , 81.50 ; syrup ,
* l > 5 ; ilowcll , 81.75 ; paper , metal hoop. * iMi
cnlar , U brass hoops. No. 1 , nil red , K.fM ; cedar ,
'Jhrass hoops , No. L' rod , J5.00 ; cednr , : i brass
hoops , No. 1 Btrlpeil , $5.00 : ccdnr. : i brass lioops ,
No. a striped , W.MI horu > , extra lioavy , No. 1 ,
$2.75 ; well buckets , J3.V3. lluttcrwaro Tubs ,
n li , S'lnch , per ne t , 70e ; usli , 8-Inch , 2 lar o
slzo , per nest , 4.r > c ! butter lacllos , hard wood ,
"Oc ; butter padnlos or spades. "Oo. Witsli-
joards-Sliiclc. tl.40Q2.00 ; double , ' . * .50ai.K. ( ;
Clothespins S gross boxes , COc.
SUQAlt Clranulatcd , 6iO ! ! cubes 7o : cut
loaf , 7 ? o ; powilered , Btaiulnrd , 7u ; XXXX
powdered , 7'io ; yellow 0 , f > ! ( o ; canary , Sfioi
IlRht extra 0 , ; ; @ ? : confcetlonors , A , ( l c.
OANNKD Tomatoes : i-lb. * 1.10
Q\.l5. \ Corn-Very line , II.'i'iQl.aS ; 1-lbsiiRiir ,
tl.15 ; 2-1 b standard western brands , $1.10.
Mushrooms 1-1 b Kroncli , extra ( Inc. i2-5o ! ;
Mb rtonch , Hue , l3'c ; Mb French , ordi
nary. 10I8o. 1'oas : .Mb early June , 81.83 ; 1Mb
Marrow , standard brands. fl.lO ; 8-lb soaked
70o. French pcas-1'oreiiso of 100.JI.50Q2.00 per
doz. Strlnsbennsllihlxh grndo , ! Wc2-lb ; wax
beans Boo ; 8-1 li strliiR beans , Mo. Llnm beans
' . ' -11) soaked. Hoc. lloston b.ilccil beans 3-lb ,
tl.3jt.KS. Sweet potatoes a-lb Now Jersey
JI.M ) ; 3-lb okra and tomatoes. J1.C3 ! 3-lb okr.i
JI.OO ; uspanigusi-lli.2.SJ : < riJ.T5j rliuburd , U-lb
$1.40 : succotasli , Jl.Voy.l.'J" ) .
OASNKII I'ltuiTS-Callfpnila Apricots , $2.r > 5
02.00 ; peaches , tJT. VU8.VU ; PCIIM.JJVO2.TO ;
trraiic'i.ifl.avai.tx ) ; i-herrles , white , O.50i&a ( ;
clierrles , black , tl2.V 2.Bo ; ( lUlueesi..OOi black
berries , J-'j ; raspberries. IM.OJ ; strawberries ,
$2.1K ) ; currants. $ a.i0 ; ; gooseborrlcs , fJ.2. > ;
plumbs , ogf , ( l.So1.05 ; plumbs , greou Races ,
$1.K > © I. ! > 5. Eastern catinrd 'fruit I'ononus ,
ecconds , Jl.JXfW.iW ; npples.ll-lb , $1.2o ; gal , ! i doz
In case. $100 ; conseborfioa , liitltlmoro stan
dard , 2-n > , tl.10 ; strawberries , $1.33 ; rasiiber-
rles. $ l. . * > 0 ; bluoberrlcs , fl.'JO ; red rasplinrrles ,
$1.50 : blaekberrlcs , $ OK ) : ohorrloa , tl.8ji.03 ( ;
plneauplos. sliced , $ l , < r < MO.
SAi.T-Dnlry. 260 Ibs In bbls , bulk , $2.10 ; best
Krmle , CO fis , ti4P ; best Rnule , 100 : is , $2.riO : best
irrade , 28 10s. $2.3) ) ; rock salt , crushed. J-.IO.
SOD * Pnckagos , 00 Ib3 to box , 5&c ;
HAKINO Powncn Royal , dime cans , per doz ,
( Me ; ! i-lb c'lins , $145 ; ii-lb cans. K.UT ) ; Mb onus ,
W.UO ; 1'rlco's li-lb can" . tl.i3 : ; l/i-lb cans , 82.SOJ
l-ll > cans , $1.7" > ; other kinds , 1-lb cans , pur doz ,
ei.ooaa.8.- ) .
UHACKKIIS Sodn. Co ; oyster , 5iic ; cream
8/io | ; winger snaps , 8J-o } ; 10 per cent elTon ten-
box lots.
UitiGi ) KIIUITS Turkish prunes , loss than
liliilH , 1SOO. Oijc ; apples , uvaporated , now ring
choice , 15c ; uprleuts , fancy. In sauks. 200 ;
blackberries , new , 9e ; raspncrrlCH , 25 Ibs to
box , X'c : currants. now.riHc1 ; Votlzzl currants.
extra , in lxus , O u ; peaches , Cala. , choice ,
1754o ! California dried grapes , In bajis , fi'io ;
seedless Hiiltanus , sucks , lOo ; muscatels , THe ;
now Yulcncla.i c ; Ondiirn layer , Oc ; figs ,
layers , Hy'-'Oo ; citron , Leghorn , -'Oc ; lemon
peel , I.rM3.
WiiAPi'iNO PAPEII 1'er Ib. best straw , 15x18
to 32x44. 17 'c : dry goods. 4ic ; extra ciuallty ,
iiiunllla , liSic : manllla ten , 12x18 , Be ; dark rug ,
hardware , ' "ic.
NUTS 1'er lb-Almonds , 18o : llrnrlls , 21o ;
filberts. Jie : ; peeans , IKSllo ; waInuts.I3u ; pea
nuts , fitnoy white , 80 ; roasted. lOe.
OILS ISO prime white. Oc ; 150 water white.
lUic : headlight , Me ; 74 gasoline. ! Uc. Oil
cans 1 gal. | .003.S5 : 8 gal. $3.75(33,80 ( ; 5 gal ,
TEAS Japan , basket fired , 20Vc ; siindrled ,
.15(2450 ( ! green. axaMi ) ! gunpowder , 20.Vc ) ;
English breakfast , : i5ft75o : YoiitiB Hyson. 20@
33c ; Oolong , 8o15c ; S-lli. package dust , 15c.
AXI.K OIIEASK 1'or gross brazier's large
tins. t.t ! ) . 0 ; medium tins. $27.00 ; small J15.00 ;
other makes , wood , 8a.riO8.50.
i doz in box , 307" > O ! ladles' shoo
dressing. 45c(2tl.K ( ( ) ; stove polish , per gtoss.
, 4 07.3 doz In box , ( Wel.75 ;
lu box , J1.508.75 ; dry , aiuall , 800 ;
large , 45o.
BIMCKS roppcr-SliiKixporc. sifted. 1510c ;
shot. 22o : allsulco , lOe ; elovcs , I'onang , BO-
lectcd , 17 < 310o ; cassia , China , -t-lb , matH. He ;
niilnicKH , No. 1 , 7uc ; macubsor , CJu ; pickling
splecs , 10-lb boxes. ? . > c.
OIIOCOLATK. KTC. U'-lb boxes , 34H3.V : ; Oer-
man sweet , 88@24o ; cocoa. : ® ( ) o ; Itromo , 3c. .
OOCOANUT 15-lb cases , } J and ! { lb packages ,
per lUaXB'JTo ; bulk. 15-11) palls. 25c.
OLIVKS Quarts , jcrdcA4.00 ; pints , per iloz ,
t2.50 ; bulk , per gal. tl.20. Ollvo oil. ii pints , 2
doz per ease , ? l.505.20.
TWINES. CoituAoc , ETC. Cotton twine
"lllbb , " very line , H-lb bales , 22c ; cotton
twine XX brand , U-lh bales , 18u ; homi. twine ,
k-lb bales. 18o ; salt twine. 20e ; onndlo wick ,
25c ; 40-foot cotton clothes llnon$1.40 ; CO-foot
cotton clotlios lines , $1.03 ; fiO-foot alsal lines ,
tl.7S ; ( fl-foot jute. ( I.B3 ; wool twines , 85c. ! Ma
nilla rope All sizes from T-1G to 1 In , Ho ; sisal
rope , all slios from 7-Vi to 1 In , Oo ; "now pro
cesses , " all sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , 7Hc ; cotton
rope , ! i In , IGc. ,
JviAi'bB HuoAit-l'or 11) ) 5o cakes , 30-11) boxes ,
1:101 : lOo cakes , ao-lb boxes , r.'Sic : 1-lb brloks , 3.1
Ibs Inbox , pure , 14o.
Uitoo > i8-5-tlo parlor , P.03 : 4-tlo , $2.75 ; 3-tle ,
t2. > . > 53-llc ; , plain , $1.8 ! ) ; warehouse. $3.00 ; toy ,
tl.23whlEk. ; $1.001.25.
BOAIUastllo , ii'iottlod. perlb , lOo ; do white ,
per Ib. 14o ; laundry soap , per 1UO bars , $3.15 ®
5.00 ; shttvlnz Boap.503750 per doz ; toilet boap ,
3 oakes per box , per Uoz , cuc2.83.
FAIIINACKOUS Ooons llarloy , ia ; farina , ,
kegs , $ VOO ; split peaOo ; green peas , 2o ; nat-
mual , bbls. $5.7Sa .00 ; half bbls ,
macorlnl , 12o ; vorrulculH. I2o ; sago und tnpl-
oca , ( xaovic ; Lima beans , 0io ? ; cereiillne. $3.24 ;
Ilakod hominy , a > iu ; punrl hominy , 1350 per
bbl.LVEI < owls' perf timcd..M ( ; Hcd CrosB , $1.25 ;
American , t-J.a > : Haponlllor. t-i. ' i Merry War ,
(2.00 ; Star sorubblugjIl.TS ; Ulllett's powdered.
Ml'r.K Condonsod-J-TCnglc , t7.40 ; Crown , $0.25 ;
Anglo Swiss. $ .7u : Ainerlfcanbwlss , jr.OO ; lllgh-
landtJ.15"Ulgl ; , " $ ( OT. ' _ . . . ,
EXTIIACTS LcmouxSoz , 55c@JI.80 ; 4 oz , tl.CO
O3.50 ; vanilla. S oz , ft-.efi * . ' . W ; M oz , tl.255.50 ;
Jamaica ginger , 4 oz , 11.65.
JNtATCiiKH-i'arlor , 2oO and 300 per box 81.05 ®
1.70 ; per box ; sulphur. $1,1581.30.
OANDV Mixed , ; . ( ilb pulls , SKGSVo ; stick ,
8Jo ! ; twist Rtlek.Oo ; Trench mixed , -.Wo I ; hoar-
hound Btli-k. HHc ; jar und case cantllcH , 5 Ib
boxes , IVSaio ; extra flnojoods. KV&iiSe.
llitusiiKS-Shoe , poMot , $ l.25fl.iOj | : daubers
75oail.oo ( : scrub briiHlins. WHKa iOO.
IliiuiSKEi ) Mixed bird. 1-lb packages , 5o ;
canary , 4Kc ; hemp , 4Wo [ anise , 15c.
UANiiLKS-40 Ibs to box , OHc ; mining , 10 ®
lOVici wax , lie.
ToiiACCo-Klno out. per Ib. 8&S37c ; plug. 2
fl8oj smoklns , SffiKlai fancy bratiUs , tiOc ®
tl.50MOI.ASSEI H bbls-N. O. fancy , per gnl. 4' ©
48o : cliolco , 40ftt c ; iroiKl. O'WoOubtt.lmKlnir ;
WQJOo ; bliickstrup , l a 0i syrup. 70 grade
bbls , 80e ; \ A < bbl,8So ; 4 ul kess. tl.24 ; 2 ul kits
' '
E-r. C , twin nats. per Ib , ll o ; F. O
Young Amrlian , V.'o ; domeatlo Hwlss , ] 51o
brick. 4o ; Kduiii. In foil. each. IAO.
Vi.NEaA't-Applo elder , lOc ; double omor,12o
whl o wlno. r.'c ; triple streiiRth , lOo.
fiTAiliJll-l'erlb. 04tfc. , , . . .
1't Ki.KS-.Medlum , bills , ! 8.00 ; smiill , $10.00
gherkins. 111,01 ; lloslon mixer. JI2.0' ,
KICK Jiivn. Co ; choife , Cc ; funuy , Co ; hear
Oliiuii-l'er bbl , rcOueJ , W.5)i half bbl. MS'
hnrcl elder , iniro , per lib ! , 81,001 ornnRO elder ,
hnlf 1)1)1. ) $5.50 ! prnr elder , halt bbl , tUA
CANSKD KI. II Palinon , I Ib Columbia river.
fl.75OI.80 ; Mb Alaska , tl.iO-rtnrllnos : | ( , U ft ,
I'rcncb , ll(3Ho ( ! ! it. Jockey club , lee ; Us , bonq-
oss , 2I452SO ! 149 , Amcrlonn , CiiWio ; H * . muJ-
urd , n'ifl.IOc : oysters , 2-lb 10 u ? , t.10 ! < & . ' .23 ; Mb
oz , $ I.IX31.13. (
Country Produce.
PotJt/ntv Supply not largo nnd prlrcs
ilrnily , but not much snap to the trade.
ho strong prices of the past week appear to
have liilliifiiced tlio public toward the buying
ofROiuo other kind o ( meat tlmn poultry.
/'lilukcns sold fitHUOcjgeeso nnd ducks , wA
lot turkeys , llorJUo.
HtiTTKii The condition of the imttor marked
lo : not present nny cliunRen yesterday. The
> pst country rolls continued to commniid 170 }
Co and good rolls 1431Cc. Ixiw grades sold
von below lOc.
OAMU Small rnlblt ) * o1d as high nsll.OO , ns
IUTO were almost none hero.
11 AV Koeolptd light nml arrival sold readily
it $ fl.00 < fl.7.1. An occasional ear of extra
irlghthny broiiKht $ s.oo , but that wns con-
Idtyod nn iiutsldn price nnd could hnrdly bu
noted UK the miirkot with safety.Vlth Ilio
ipnnlnjc up of the country roads dealers still
ook for largely Increased receipts and lower
> rlces.
The mnrhots on country prndupudld not
iresont any Hpcelul change yi-stordny. The
cceltits were not lurco but theiu wussomu
mall Increase In the olTertiiKs but not rnoiiKli
o wunkun the marKot. The egs market wns
veak nnd It was very liuul work to get over
7c oven In small lots. There was HO little
liango In r.nythlng that theiuotntlonsof | the
ny before onlil exptcss the conditions wlth-
ut any ehung < > .
Kggs Mnrket weak nnd whllu dealers ycs-
crdny weio In fomo cases asking 18o It was
irotty hard to get above 17c.
SriNAClt Pcr bbl , $2,00.
CKt.EKV IloDTS-Per diiz , Me.
LETTUCK Choice stock , 40345c.
SWKET 1'OTATOBN Supplies arc not heavy
ml the market Isiiulet. Cliolco Kansas , $4.50
icr bbl.
CKI.KIIV Cliolco stock45c. .
I'AitMNii's 1'erbbl , $ J5) ) .
CAIIIIAIII : Per Ib. 8'iMc.
KtiTAiiAdAS Mleliljrnn BtoJk , per bu , COo.
llKiiTS-l'cr bu , Ji.ooi8I.V3.
ONIONS Some eastern stock Is offered nt
5.50 per bbl , and Spanish onions at t..OO per
POTATOES Thcro nro nitlto a coed many
ionic grown potatoes In store In thu clly and
ales nro nmdo at 05e3lI.OO. Colorado potatoes
ire very scureo at $1.20.
Frcsli Krtiltfl.
QUINCES There arostlllafew on the mar-
( ct , but tlio iiuivpiiient Is slow nnd prices
lomlnal nt.tOfOfl.oo per box.
OitANiieuniBS Stocks ll(5lit. ( Capo Coil ,
12.UO per bbl ; Jersey. $10.75.
Ari'i.KS Supplies lljjht ; good stocks en n bo
Hid nt f. > .00. but thoio nro sumo fancy stand
ipples which arc held at * ' 1.00.
OiiANOCs lllvcrsldes are selling nt tl.'ti ®
.00 ; navels , t4.fl0ii. i.0i ; Uniiclilto , a variety be-
wcunltlversldcsaud l.os Angeles. $ . ' .CI . ' 5 ;
Jloxlcanorangi-s. JJ.OO ; Florida bright , * ; i.OO ;
nssctU 2.50 < ii2.75.
PEAIIS A few largo California pears , wln-
cr varieties , are oll'erca nt J.flfx'l.OO per box.
LEMONS Choice Alcbsluii , J0.50ffll.00 ; fancy ,
1.50MAUAOA OIIAI-ES "I'or bbl. , $9.00310.00 , BW
n. T. Davis Mill Co. . high patent , Ho. 1 and
Cream , fi.70 ; Blue O , full patent , $ . ' .50 ; Hawk-
ive , half patent , $ ' . ' .30 ; special royal patent ,
Jo. 10 , $2.80 ; Minnesota patent , (2.75 ; Kfmsii"
hard wheat patent , t2.55 ; Nebraska spring
Thoat patent , $200.
8. V. Ollnmn's gold medal , $2.TO ; Snow Whlto ,
! .30j Snow Flake , J'.OO ; low grade , tl.CO.
Itrnkcn How roller mills Orcnni , SJ.7D ; Myr-
le. $2.40 ; Claim , $2.20 ; XXX , $1.80 ; Fidelity ,
. ' .80 ; Minnesota Chief , $2.40 ; Patent. $1GO.
Osklmmp's rendy to rnlsobuekwhont flour ,
4.50 per case of 50 2-lb packages ; buckwheat ,
n bbls. N , V. , tfl.OO ; Excelsior brand. $5.50 ;
Slap Jack in cal , $1.75 per case of 60 2-lb puck-
I-iumbcr ,
Quotations are for car lots on board cars at
) mnlm :
12 , 14 &
16 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 24 ft
: * 4. . . . 15 03 $15 50 $10 00 til 00 $18 00
'xC. ' . . . 15 00 1559 1000 1700 1800
2x8. . . . 1500 1550 1000 1750 1800
2x10. . . 1500 1550 1000 1750 18 CO
2x12. . . 10 00 1000 1700 1800 1000
4x4 to
flxS. . 1C 00 1700 1800 1800 1000
1'ENCINO No. 1. Oln , 12 and 14 ft , rf , $10.00 ;
No. 1,0 In. in ft. $10.00 ; 4 In. J10.00 ; No. 2. 0 in ,
12 and 14 ft. rf , $14.00 ; 4 In , $14.00 ; No. 2 , 0 in , 10
't. ' $10.00 ; 4 In. 8JUI.OO ; No. 3. 6 In. 12 and 14 ft ,
> 13.nO ; 4 In , f 13.00 ; No. U , 0 in , 10 ft , 113,00 ; 4 In ,
SIDINQ-A , 12.14 nnd 10 ft. $2i.OO ; 0 , $17.50 ; B ,
12. J4 and 10 ft , $ a.50 ) ; I ) , $14.50.
HOAUBS NO. 1 conl , $18.50 ; No. 2 , com , $15.00 :
No3 , cotii , tK.r > 0 ; No. 4 , com. $11.50.
STOCKTJoAiins A. lain , sis. $48,00 : n , 13 In.
sis , $45.00 ; 0 , $40.00 : I ) , t2. > .UO ; No. I common. 12
In , Bis , 10,12 and 18 ft , tJI.OO ; No. 2. $18.50 ; No. 1
common , 12 In , sis. 14ft. $20.00 ; No. 2 , $17.50 ;
No. 1 common , 12 In. sis. 10 ft , $10.50 ; No. 8 ,
$17.00 : No. 1 common. 12 In , sis , 20 ft , $21.00 ; No.
2 , $18.50.
Biiti'LAp No. 1 plain , 8 nnd 10 In , $10.00 : No.
2 , $10.00 ; No. 1. O. G. , 8 In. $19.00 : No. 2. $10.50 ;
10 In , grooved rooting , 12. 14 and 10 ft , $10.50.
KINIBIIINO 1st und 2d el. , 1 In , s2e , $40.00 ; Vi ,
H nnd 2 In , $40.00 ; 3d clear , 1 In , h2s , $45.00 ; 1'i ,
IK and 2 In , $47.00 ; A , select. 1 In , s''s. K41.00 ; U { ,
Hi uiul 2 In , $45.00 ; It , select , 1 In , s2s , $ .11,00 ; 1V4 ,
IK and 2 In. $40.00 : C , select , 1 In , t,2s , $27.00 ; 1)4 ) ,
IK and 2 In , $ .V .00.
A. It or C. boloct , nil in-foot , $1.00 oxtra.
SOUTHERN YKI.I.OW PINE 1st and 2nd clear
flouring , 13-18 star. $21,00 ; 13-1(1 ( , tlU.OO ; common
flooring , 13-10 , $15.00 ; rift clear. 13-10 , $20.00 ;
1st and 2(1 clear. ? e coiling , $1450 ; 1st und 2d
clear , fj celling , $1U.50 ; 1st and 2d clear. cell-
Ing. (2.1.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , llnlsb , s2s. from 1
Inch , J',7.00 ; 1st nnd 2il clonr.llnlsb , s2sfrorn ! ! . [
Inch. t.'IO.OO : 1st nnd 2d clcar.tlnlsli , s2.s.from IK
nnd 2 lnchJO.OO ; 1st und 2(1 clear , y.p. casings ,
J.1'J.OO ; biibe. $ .10.00.
PorijAii LUMIIEU 8-Inch nnd up , 1st nnd 2d
clour. 1 Inch , s2s , $ , ' 10.00 ; K-lnch and up , 1st and
Jd clear. / Inohpanel , $20.00.
BASK , DUOHS. KTC. Tar board. $1.50 ; sash , 55
per ct. : doors , 50 per ct. ; blinds , so per et. ;
mouldings , 59 per ct. ; tarred felt , per cwt. ,
$2.10 ; straw board. $1.15.
O.V ) ; 54x3 , sis , : i5o ; 3-Inch well tubing. 1) . & M.
" " " ' " " "
OWlJV , 1 > U 111. WllltU 1JI11U , V..II.U. , Iv.v.lfu , * ,
0 In. white pine , ( HO ! fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop sld-
Inp. 50o per M extra.
SiiiNOi.KH , UATII Extra "A. " pine , J2.80 ;
fctandnrd "A , " 2.45 : extra "A , " cudnr. ftUBj
fi-lnch clear nine , $1.00 ; clear redwood , $4.23 ;
lath , $3.00.
POSTS Whlto cednr , 0-Inch. Js { , lie ; 0-lneh
qrs , lie ; whlto cedar , 5J-lncli ! , is { , Oo ; 8-Inch
( | rs. Oc ; whlto cedar. 4-Inch round , Iflc ; split
oak , 8c ; Tcunessco red codnr , spile , 14c.
RACCOON No. 1 , Inrso. G0a70o ; No. 1 , incd-
liim , : il40o ; No. 1 , small. 3040o ; No , 2 , 3 nnd
4 , W(20o.
MINK No. 1 liirjo. r > 0COo ; No. 1 medium , 40
® 45o ; No. 1 fiinull , 2V < IOo ; No. 2. 3utid 4 , 5r : o.
MUSK ItAT-Fall. 8'SilOo ' ; Kit , 3e.
SKUNK Hluok,7.vatl.OO ; striped , No. 1 , aia
40o ; striped , No. 2,1.vft25o ; striped , No. 3 , 10 ®
15o ; striped , No. 4 , fJi,10e.
Fox-C'ioss , No. 1 , JI.50O4 00 ; No. 2 , f2.002 50 ;
red. No.lJl.oo { l,2. > : No. 2.50 < aoOo ; grey , No. 1 ,
4WWOo ; No. 2,2025c.
Wor.p Jlountaln , No. 1 ; $2..Wi1.01 ; No. 2 ,
JI.OOOl.Mj prairie , No. 1,75cJLOO ; No. 2,40 ®
We.UEAVEIINO. . 1. per Ib , J2.50O3 Ms No. 2 , per
Ib , H.504J2.50 ; No. 3 , porlb , 5J75o ; Na 4 , per
Ib , 50c.
OTTKII No. 1 , Inr o prime , ? 3.00W7.00 ; No. 1 ,
incdluin , 8M.OO3.00i No. 1 , small , 12.5033.50 ; No.
2,3 nnd 4. MoIMl.M.
LYNX No. 1. H.Ml .
WIMI CAT No , 1 , 40o ; No. 2 , 2035c.
No. 1 , cubed , 1012o ; No. 1 , open.
HADGKH-NO. l , full furred , 6075o ; No. 2 , S ®
3o : No. 3.saioc.
WOM'KIUKB No. 1 , tl.OOQG 00.
lliiAH lllrtok , No. 1 , $ ! 0.ooa20.00 ; grl/zly , No.
1 , W.oo15.00 ; brown , No , 1 , $ VOXiilO.OO ( ; cub ,
IIUCKSKIN Indian dressed , peril ) , 75cftI.OO. (
DKKII .Slimmer , per Ib , 2.V230J : fall. 20 < il25o ;
winter , 0@23o ; green bait , pnr piece , 75SOc ;
elk , per Ib. 12o antolono , I5i(20c. ,
KISHEU-NO. i. $3.ooa-.oo.
MAHTIN-NO. 1. TScfltl.BO ; No. 2 , 25 < 330c.
OroUnd hog , weasel , rabbit and squlrro
skins have no value.
The Babys
Health often ulves fond parents
very great anxiety and cure. S. S.
S. , Is the popular remedy for chil
dren. Itlasafe , palatable nnd does
the work. David Zartman. of In
dependence , O , , says :
' 8.8. B. CURED MY
OFFKS8IVK , 8. B. 8-
dl-caRC free.
Books on mood and flkln
Qoo , Oborno & Oo , , J , 8. Smith & Oo. ,
it's , lathilrcot , 1103-1 It ? ItfATcn-rorlh it.
Omnha. Omnlin.
Paxton ff Viorling Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Works , Works
Wrought mid cmt Iron ,
tiullilliiH work , rnitliiut , Mnnuf'M flro nml lmr 1 J
tiri\M work , Konornl proof unfc'rMilti , Jill
foiiiulrjr , innrlilna mil work , Iron Milliters nnd
hlnck-iiilth work. U. I' . irro C'cnpcs. 11 , An-
Acme Iron and Wire Wilsou & Drake ,
Work ?
, 'f'c ' tubular flues , fir *
Iron , wire ntul hrrtM n'ki. box bolters , tanks , elo.
AUH. llltli utri-ou
\V. lloelil , Proprietor. 1'leroonnl lOlh streets.
Hoes Printing Oo.
LltlioKrnnlilni , t'rlntlni
nml Illnnk Hooks ,
llth and ItuwnrdiUt.
A. Booth Packing Oo , , Plntt & Oo. ,
Oysters , fl h nnd canned "Tiger brnnit , " fresh oys
good- . ters ,
Oinnlm brunch ,
1803 1/cnvCMWorlh. 81J nml817 llownril.
Oarpentor Paper Oo , , Western Plating W'ks '
Curry n full Block of Rolil , Mirer nml nickel
printing , wrnpiihiR nnd Hnlluk' on nil mettls ,
tnblownreotc.rcilatoi | ) .
wrllln pnper , curd pa rollthlnchrasi A clian-
per , etc. dcllcrwork. 1
boutUOia h