THE OMAHA DAILtf BEE : SATURDAY , FEBEUAUT 14 , 1891. THE PLAN OF OPERATIONS. It is Outlined by the Irrigatlonhts' Oom- mittco on Law , SIX PROPOSED DISTRICTS DEFINED. Diitlcn and Hulnrlcfl of tlio Various x OniocTH How ix Kluht to Ilmmlng AVntcr IMnyllc Acquired Other 1'rovlnlons. LINCOI.V , Neh. , Feb. 13. [ Special to TUP. Bun , | The Irrigating convention mot nt the stnto university chapel shortly before S p.m. In the absence of ox-Govornor Pumas Mr. - W. E. Smythe , vice president , auted as chair- innn. innn.After After the opening preliminaries Mr. L. B , Cnry , chairman of the committee on lawpre sented n partial report of the work done by the committee with which ho win con nected. Tiio commlttco has been havlnir a rod hot Jiff lit , nnd It Is expected thiit there will bo n majority nnd minority report. The partial report wai listened to closely by the delegates. The following recommendations were made : IIIIIIflATIONIlISTItlCTS. . Section 1. Tlio stnto of Nebraska li herohy divided Into six water dlvlslonsNos. I , 3 , 3 , 4 , 0 and 0 , respectively. Sec. 2. Wutor division No. 1 shnll consist of all hindi Irrigated irom ditches nndcannls tak ing their waters from the Republican rlvor _ nnd its tributaries within the state. * Soc. 3. Water division No. 2 shall consist of all lands irrigated ftom ditches and canals Inking their waters from the North nnd South Platte rivers to tholr Junctions with the Lotip rivers. Sec , 4. Water division No. 3 shall consist of all lands Irrigated from ditches nnd can als tulcliiR their source from the Loup rlvor and Its tributaries. See. C. Water Division No. 4 shall consist of all lands Irrigated from dltchoj nud urin als taking their waters from the Elkborn und its tributaries , together with the Platte tind its tributaries east of Its confluence with the Ioup ; nnd nlso all lands irrigated by water taken from the tributaries of the Missouri rlvor between Its confluence with the Nlo- brara am ! Platte rivers. Sec. U. Water division No. 5 shall consist of lands irrigated from ditches and caimls taking their waters from the White and Nlo- brani rivers nnd their tributaries. Sec. 7. Water division No. li shall consist of nil lands irrigated by ditches and cannls taking their waters from the Missouri river nnd Its tributaries south of its confluence with the I'latto river. Sec. 8. Other irrigation districts may bo from tlmo to time formed by the governor on petition of parties interested when endorsed by tbo slate engineer and the board of con trol. ' STATK The governor shall appoint a stnto hy draulic engineer , who shall hold his olllco for the term of four years , or until his successor may bo appointed and qualified. The gov ernor nmv ut nny time , upon good cnusc shown , remove said engineer. Said stnto engineer shall have general supervision over the water companies of the different water districts in the stnto. He shall imvo his ofllco at the state capital in an ofllco to bo pro vlded for him by the stnto board of public lands and buildings , who shall nlso furnish him wttli suitable furniture , postage anil such necessary hooks and instruments as aill host enable him to properly discharge 'tlio duties of his oflleo. lie snail bo paid a salary of $ yf > 00 per annum , parable quarterly by the state treasurer , on warrants cmuvu by the state auditor. No person shnll bo ap pointed as such dydraullo engineer who has not shown to have such thooietlcal knowledge nnd practical skill and experience as shall lit him for the position. A proposed bill was presented for the con > niderntloii of the legislature maklne the fol lowing provisions : Proscribing approta-la tion , distribution and usoof water In the construction und maintenance of works foi the diversion , conllmn ; , rotenslon , storage nnd distribution uf wnt r ; the condemnation of lands and other leiral stops vrulntlng ; the preparation for nnd innintcimnct of irrljja tion. The folio vying are some of Jho provis ions In brief : AiTiioruiATiox or WATER. The right of running water , flowing In nil streams , etc. , may be acquired by apnroprin tion bv any person or coporation , pwldet that persons controlling or owning land ad Jnccut to such streams shall not bo dcprivci of nny water rights to which they have been entitled. The appronriation must bo made for som useful or bcnotloial purpose , and when the np proprietor ceases to use It for such purposes for a period or two years tlio right ceases , except cept when tbo rainfall shall not require such Irrigation. , No lOO-ncro tract shall bo crossed by more than ono ditch or canal without the written consent and agreement of the owner. All ditches and works of internal Improve mcnt constructed for the purpose of Irrlgatloi nro exempt from taxation except such as arc constructed for the purpose of deriving- revenue from the rental of water , and thesi not until the not income on the capital in vested shnll exceed to per cent per annum. As between npproprlators , the ono llrst In tinio Is 11 rat in right , provided that when th flow of water shall bo decreased by uatura causes , It shall bo the duty of the water com missioners In such disttlcts to apportion tlu \\atortothosovenilctalmnnts in proportion to the water originally appropriated , within sixty dnys after the appropriation the claim ant must commence the excavation or con structiou of the works In which it Is intondc to divert the water nnd must prosecute th work dlllccntly and uninterruptedly to com lilttlon. unless temporarily interrupted b ; natural agencies. By completion Is meant conducting th < water to plnco of Intended use. Too waters of no subterranean chnnnc shall bo appropriated to the prejudice o prior npproprltitor of the watorof suchsuper llclul channel. Any persons desirous of constructing ditch , dam or reservoir or changing or im proving the sixmo who shall ho uuabio ngrco with the owner or claimant of an lauds necessary to bo taken for the slto o'l \vayofsuchworksshall bo entitled to condemn domn n right-of-way over or through the lands of others for any and all such purposes. Persons desirous of constructing any of the works provided for in the preceding section shall have the power to occupy state lands and to obtain a right of way over and through such laud without any compensation there for. for.In In case of refusal of owners of lands to Allow ditches , etc. , to cross their lands , ap plication for condemnation of samocan bo made to the county Judge of the county nnd appraisers shall dctcrmlnu whit damages ennll bo awarded. Other provisions in dotnll'woro mado. The matter of the Purnell bill came up for consideration. Judge Mason thought that tbo confiscation clause of the Purnell bill was unconstitu tional. There nro insuperable and paramount objections to It. It is a California law , Cali fornia is , ns is well known , the paradise of millionaires and boll for tbo poor men , Ho told how sixteen local railroads In No. hnxskaluul bled tbo people for their money but constructed no roads , "It Is Just pre cisely on this same plan , " said tbo Juugo. "that this bill is constructed. Law should 'bo ' made uniform. But this bill it in violation of this axiom. It gives a priority of right and exclusive tight to n few. The fnct is that it violates legislation and Is class legislation. It will encourage adventurers to exploit upon the public interests. " The convention is compotout to Instruct the committee In this matter. . Adjournment was taken until 7:30. : The Puruull bill , which Is such n bone of contention in the committed on law of the Ir rigating convention , contemplates the contls- ration of the lands of all persons attempting to prevent Irrigating ditches across their property. This Idea Is repugnant to most of the delegates , but Purnell Insists that ho uot change it and will fight for 1U pas- w A'cerlnj ; to 1'nriioll , V I-ONPON , Feb. 13. [ Special Cablegram to fue I KB.ITho McCarthy faction of the Irish pnrty profess to bo satUflod with the assurances of the EtiRllati liberals M to homo rule and will not dcrr.nnd any further pledge from Mr , Uladstono and hU collenKUoi. Mo- Cnrthy , himself , however , has determined to field to Hcnly , This la stated as n certainty by those who know him best. Irish politics Imvo lost their chnrm for him nnd lie stehs for hU books nnd writing desk. Dillon and O'Hrion are also looked upon ns virtually siding1 with 1'arnoll , nnd this Is regarded ns likely to have n powerful influence In Aus tralia nnd America , which countries have financed the Irish party. Hnydcn llros. have bought the Elsc- mnn Block of Council lilulVa ; the stock IB now being moved to Htvydon Bros. ' store nnd bolnff ovorhiiuletl and placed In flhnpo rcntly for sale , Sovornl dayB more nnd wo will start tlio biggest , largest nnd choniwst dry goods stile over hold in Omiiha. To those who never BIIW this Klsotnnn stock wo would say Hint It contains the finest dry goods , clonlts , clothing , huts , boots , shoes and toys that wore intinu- fiictured. The sale will start In a tow dnys. Further particulars Inter. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and carpets. TO ju&i'oti * : of nttim : Tjlbci-als Tliinlc the Quickest 1'lnii is to Adopt it. LOXDOX , Fob. 18. [ Special Cablegram to Tim Bun. ] The triumph of the liberals at Northampton is uot altogether attributable to an increase in the party strength. Mr. Mansfield was an unexceptionable candidate. A thorough going liberal In politics , ho Is also religious and a successful nnd generous busi ness man. Ho received the vote of the church-going people Which UrndlauRh alienated and to this Is duo his emphatic ma jority. The abortive candidacy of Socialist Aveilng disgusted the decent people - plo and was generally regarded as a tory trick and consequent indignation among the liberals also served to swell the vote for Mansfield. The conserva tives made a bravo fight , but they were de serted , as In Hartlopool , by many of the liberal unionists who hod voted with the torlos in 1880. The result showed that , in Northampton as in Hartlopool , the liberals have determined to got homo rule out of the way by adopting It , and thus enabling them selves to go ahead with important English re forms. Morse's. Store is ablaze with now spring poods ; besides now spring jackets , cloiiks. otc. , till the new French Challlcs , now dross Roods at 50e , now China silks , now Pon- gco silks , now grenadines and their sale of finest kid gloves at 50c , 7Cc , $1.25 will make the Morse Dry Good ? Co. a popu- plnco with shoppers tomorrow and next \vuolc. _ _ Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota I'eiinlouH. WAsnixoTox , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun. ] Pensions were granted today to the following Nobrasknns : Original Henry H. Turner , George \V. Newmyer.John Thompson , Abumon Starr , George W. Wash- burn , William A. J. Dolan , Alpbous Austin , "William Kirlc , Aaron Toland , E. W. Dodson , ISIlchaol Taggo , Lovl Wllloughby , John Schaad , John Sliuman. David Brothorton Onla Dickey , Samuel Bbcley , William W , "Wilcox , Thomas Dawson , Henry M. Lautz , William Q. Murphv , Thomas H. Ewlne , Samuel Fnrqulmr , William H. Spraaling and Lewis ICoysert. Increase Edward Thorn- ley nnd Georiro A. Stewart. Original widows Harriet , widow of .inrofo Crlteblleld. Iowa : Original William Conltlin , Will- lam 1C. Alexander. Orlo D. Sheep , George K. Chase , Hughes Heed , William M. Penry , John Dorr , Wlillotn Bordovillo , John Fan- nery , William H. II. Townsend , D.ivid Kirk , Henry Totwilor , Uyrus M. Lltchoy , Eustace 1C. Weber , Samuel 1 . Kood , Charles Ohildors , George Coflland , William II. Freed , Lcinuc O'Noll , Michnol Schmidt , Alfred It. Taylorv Edward L. Marsh , John M. Bcdihon , Clinrlos JL. Dutton , Harrison C. Skoll , William "Wcnchner , Paul Wcise , John C. Adams Alonzo T. Eaton , Silas Cook , John Sloan , "Uriah J. Pcnniugton , George W. Smysor , Samuel C. Sims , John ICano , Gary Cobb , Henry J. Corey , Joseph 'K. Coftln , 1'etor Schncll backer , Calvin B. Scott , Caspar Carter , George S. Lnritner , Kobort G. Craw ford , James M. Childors , Lovl S. Itohinson , Increase Thomas C. Smock , James i . Alex under , James Lancaster , Andrew'1.Vlnscll ] , "Francis H. Alton. Kolssuo Brayton A ! Campbell , James W. Sinclair. Original widows , etc. Magglo , widow of John Schult-s ; Christina , wid-'w of Charles B , Thompson : Matilda , widow of Soloraor Harnoy ; minors of Joslah Cralu. South Dakota : August Rrummond , WI1 Ham S.Colo , Alfred B. Smith , Henry M , Leedy , August Hunubath , Albert M. Spoil cor. Helssuo Grccnlcaf Ackorman. Do Witt's Ltttlo Early Ilisei-s ; best little pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath If that lady at the lecture the other night only know how nicely Hall's Hair Kenowc would remove dandruff and improve thi hair , she would buy a bottle. Have Faith In the State. KBAKNEY , Nob. , Fob. 13. [ Special to Tun BED. ] At amass mootlnp of the board o trudo and public spirited citizens of Kearney the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas , Certain citizens of Nebraska have boon und are representing at tbo national capital , nnd otlionvKo advertising tlio.stnto ns In HiillorlnR and nuud of help fiuin tlio na tlonnl government bncausuut a partial fail ure of crops ; und Whereas. Nebraska Is ono of the only two stntCH Iii the union out of debt , and has more than $ .3,000.1)00 ) In lior Hobool fund : and Whuroas. It la our belief that na other agri- culturnlRtato In the union has becnmciro uni formly prosperous from Its earliest history to the present day : therefore bo It Uoiolvod , That It Is the sense of this moot ing that Nuhrnku Is abundantly nhlo to tuko euro of her citizens who nro In need uf help beo'iuso of a partial failure of crop * . Unsolved , That wo huartlly approve the action of the loglslaturo In voting aid to tlios In ncedot help. Kosolvcd , That wo do not approve of the effort made to Hoouro iicoiiRrussioiinl aipro- | prlatlon for Nebraska settlor- * who sulTorod a p \rtlal failure of crops on account of last soa- bon's drouth. Unsolved , That this mootlnsr commends the course of Tin OMAIIA HER and other leading papers of the state In stotidlly pioinnlgatlii ) ; tho.suntlnients lioruln coiitnlnoil. Uosolvod , That Kearney , with her nrnud record lit past achievements her record of f..MO.OOO Hpont In twonty-four months for pub- llo iniproxcments. dwnllln plncos. liualncss houses and publlolinlldlncs situated In tbo central portion of tlio great stnto , noted throughout the union nnd clio orlelnatnrof the famous "Kearney Halt. " has faith in Ne braska and In horsulf , mid enters upon tbo now year with brilliant prospects for horKolf. Uosolvod , That Koirnuy nuvor had so bright a prospect as that of to jay. Do Witt's Little Early Risers. Best llttlo pill over mado. Cure constipation every time. None equal. Use them now. Sued on n Broken Agreement. CI.EVKLANI > , O. , Feb. 18.-E. M. McGlllan , formerly a Cleveland dry goods merchant , sued the II. B. Claflih company of Now York city today for JJOI.OOO. . atcGullln says that bo disposed of his two stores in this city sev eral years ago to the Clallins with the understanding standing- that they wcro to engage with him in the cattle business. Two ranches ho owned were put Into the cattle trust , where upon the Clatllns , ho alleges , declined to carry out ther agreement. Ilnydon Bros , hnvo bought the Elso- man stock of Council UlulTs ; the stock in now being moved to Ilnydon Bros , ' store and being overhauled and placed in shape ready for salo. Sovural days moro nr.d wo will start the biggest , Inrgoat and ohoapost dry goods sale over hold In Omuha. To these who never saw this Elsomnn stock wo would say that it contains the finest dry goods , cloalcfl , clothing , hats , boots , shoos and toys that were manu factured. The sulo will start in a few days. Further particulars later. IIAYDBN BROS. , Dry goods and carpets. UKl'IEW < > / ' THK WKRK. Nowhere Ktial | to That or the .Scanon Ijiint Vcar. Nsw YOUK , Fob. 13. - [ Special Telegram to TiiBBnK. ] II. G. Dun Co.'s weekly rovlow of trfldo says : There is some improvnmcnt In business at the cost nnd a moro confident tcellng , nnd at Chicago the tone u very hopaful. But at most of the other western nnd nearly nil southern points business shows no Increase In volume and fc rather hesitating. The pay ments , through all the clearing houses for January , show scarcely any Increase over last yenr , although the yearly and quarterly dis bursements on account of nrovlous business were very much larger than a year ago nnd the returns for February , thus far , exhibit substantially the same situation. It must bo Inferred that now business Is , on the whole , somewhat smaller In volume than It was a year ago , notwithstanding the ndvanco of about 10 per coat in the average prices of commodities. In part , this Is ox plained by the exceptional activity toward the close of last year , but In part also , by the shortness of crops and doubts regarding the monetary iuture. These doubts , however , have lx > cn much lessoned by events which tend to show that no Important monetary legislation Is probable for the next year and , whlto exports of gold nro an nounced , the rate of oxehanKohnrdly Justifies them as yet. The Industrial outlook is modl- lled by tlio great strike of the Connellsvlllo coke uorkors , which must cut off largo sup plies of Iron if It lasts , and by the great do- ercoso In the iron output. The tone of the market for finished iron la stronger. The causa of the coke strike tind sales of pig Iron hnvo been unusually liberal. The coal mar ket Is dull and weak , all agreements to re strict production proving farcinl in result , for tbo output Is ranging 25 to 30 per cent ; bove lust year's. A war of prices Is np prchendcd , unless a chanpo In the market demand occurs speedily. The demand for copper Is limited , orders being confined to present necessities nud Lake Is nuotcd 14 cents. Tin is purchased with caution only at 20.1 cents nnd lead is Inactive at 4D.5 cents. The demand for wool continues steady -uid worsted trades nro rising. The commission merchants are extremely careful about cred its. The trudo in cotton goods is fair , print cloths stronger. The boot and shoo trade shows an Improvement as to the volume , though the prices nro not highly satisfactory. Leather U Hrm. The grocery trade Is fairly active and In dicates no decrease In the demand for con sumption. Provisions have been a shade weaker with a fall of 1 % cents In corn ahd wheat and ants have declined each a fraction on small sales , but colTco and oil nro stronger and continue unchanged. The low price of cotton tends to make trade dull at the south , farmers holdIng - Ing back for higher prices. But at Now Orleans the general trade Improves ma terially : nt Nashville it opens very well , though buyers are cautious und , of the other points reporting. It 'is only fairer or dull. St. Louis reports n fair voluuio but no Improvement , whllo Kansas City finds better wholesale and quiet retail trade ; nt Denver nnd St. Paul trade Is fair. At Minneapolis It Is very active in lumber with excellent logging prospects. At Omaha it Is without Improvement and at Milwaukee and Detroit quiet. Cle\ eland re ports a fairlv good trade in most lines nnd pig Iron sllghtlv bettor , out 2,000,000 tons of ore are on tbo docks half unsold. 1'ittsburg notes a hotter demand for merchant Iron be cause of the strike , nnd a coed trade la bottle gloss , but a dullness In other branches of thu glass business. At Chicago wool receipts nro moro than double last year's and there Is some Increase In lard nud chcctc. but a heavy de crease In corn nnd dressed beef. The dry goods , clothing and shoo trades considerably exceed last year. Philadelphia reports an improvement ! ! ! wool and a fair trado. Throughout the country the money mar kets are comparatively easy nnd undisturbed , though the demand is good nnd the supply hardly adequate. At Cleveland , and at Omaha the maricct Is close. That city , Den ver nnd Milwaukee uro tho- only cities a ! which collections nro reported slow ; almost plates they are fair or good. The business failures occurlng throughout the country during tbo last seven dnys num ber 2)7 ! ) ns compared with a total of UOG last week. For the corresponding week of last year the figures jvcro 302. Hayden Bros , have bought the Riso- mtm stock of Council BlulTa ; the stock is now boinp moved to Ilaydon Bros. store nnd botng : overhauled und placet in shape ready for sale. Several days moro and wo will stnrl the bipgcst , largest and cheapest dry goods sale over hold in Omaha. To these who never saw the Eisoman stock wo would say that it contains the finest dry poods , cloaks , clothing , hats boots , shoos and toys that wcro manu factured. The sale will start in a few dnys. Further particulars later. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and carpots. Changing Parties in Utah. OQIJEX , Utah , Feb. 13. | Special Telegram to THK BKE.J A preliminary mooting was hold hero last night to organize a republican party In this county , next to the most impor tant in Utr.h. There is un impression gain ing ground that Utah will fall into uatlona party lines very soon , possibly at the next election. Both the old parties here , Mormon nnd liberal , are suspicious nnd now hesitate but many beliuvo that with proper encourage meat , the Mormons will soon join ono or the other of the trout parties. The attempt to so dlvldo thcrii will certainly bo made wlthir a few mouths , _ Don't Fool kouraoIR Notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Pnul Ily'a now steam heated pnluco stooping cars , with "electric llgnts in every berth , " btlll loaves the Union depot - pot , -Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv ing at Chicago nt 0:30 : a. rn. , in ample time to mnko all eastern connections. Ticket office , 1501 Farnamst. J. .E. PUKSTON , V. A. NASH , C. Puss. Agt Gon. Agt Soldier Arrested for Murder CiiBTBXKi ! , Wyo. , Fob. 13. [ Special Tele grain to THE Bi.r.J Colorado officers nr rested O. A. Blow , a private In the Seven toentb Infantry hero , last evening , on the charge of murder. Blew is said to have killed nnd robbed n ranchman named Johnson at Golden , Colo. . In Bocoinber lost. Thi murder was ono of the most brutal over com mitted In the state , Johnson having been beaten to death with n club. No clue to the murderer was known , and tbo matter wosnp- Parontly forgotten until Blow was arrested lo was taken to Denver. MervoiiH I'rostratlcm or Insomnia ? Go to Excelsior Springs , Mo. A 1'rlvatoShoots the Cook. SAN FHA.SCISCO , Cal. , Feb. 1 ! ! . fSpocla Telegram to THE Bui : . ] Private Blackmail of battery B , Fifth artillery , shot ana killo Oottlolb Nounoman , second cook of the com pany nt Presidio. Blaokman surronderci himself to tbo police ana was locked up. Tb men had a dispute over the conduct of Prlvat Goodson , a now recruit , who went Into the cook's quarters ngninst the rules to obtain nn additional supply of food. Blaokmnn took ( joodsbn's part and on being struck by Nonnc- man shot htm , I SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by ' these Llttlo Pills. CARTER'S They also relieve DIs- trcaa from Dyspepsia , in ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty IVER Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dlzilness , Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness. Dad Taste In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Tain In tlio SI Jo , TORPID LiVEli. They rcgulato tbo DowcK Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , CLOT MRNE'S DEXPAR/TMELN'T. Sale of Trousers , $8.76. We make a point every season to close out heavy weight Trousers before the arrival of spring goods. This week we will have the biggest bargain sale of fine Trousers we have ever had , Remember , $3.75 will buy some of the finest fabrics \vc have had in stock this season. Sizes are somewhat broken , but so many lots have been consolidated that all sizes can be fitted. They are in fine fancy worsteds , cassimercs and cheviots. Plenty of large pants for big men , Mail orders will be filled with the same care and attention that any cus tomer would receive in makinghis own pur chase. Send mail orders with the understanding that you take no risk ; as if goods are not satis factory they may be returned at our expense , BOYS' LONG PANTS , $1.50 AND $2.00. We have accumulated a large lot of Boys' Long Pants during the season and will offer them at this sale in two special bargain lines at $1.50 and $2,00. BOYS' KNEE PANTS , 50 AND 75 CENTS. We mean to clothe the smallest as well as the largest , and will offer a bargain line of Knee Pants at 50c and 7Sc , which are vorth a great deal more , but are remnants and must be closed out FR. EXE LA AND , & OO. CURES DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINES. ELECTRICITY is LIFE. Patented August 16,1887. , Improved July 29 , 1890. Gent's Dolt-frith Spinal Appllnno . Lndlcs' Holt with Spinal AppHiinco , Kuco , Ankle and Arm Lands Attached. Incorporated Juno 16,1S87. Knee , Ankle uud Ami Hands Attached , Dr. Owen's Klcctro- Galvanic Holt and SuRponsorrwlllK SSSS 5iSrl " the folloirlnrr digunscs mill nil others j of a nervous eliiinictor-lthotiys4i3i SEipS2 SlB matlsm of any kind , Sciatica , Parn lysis , Kp- llepsy , Spinal Diseases , St. Vitu8a33aaa3aSaSi333a' . * ' Dance , Urlglit's lls- ousoIMles , llonrt DIs- c- cases , Lumbago , General nnd l " View. Nonoua Debility , Cotftivoncsa , Kidney . DlscabCS , Nervoiis e6eTrcnibllnff , Wnstlnsof tbollodr.all dlocnFcs caused from Imloscretlonln Youth f or Mai rled Life , Nervous Prostration. 1'ot sonal Weakness or Ilxhanst ion , Female Complaints , in fact all nervous diseases pertaining to Maloorl'craalu.'o clmllengo tlio world to pi-o- iluce a belt tbat will comnarenllh it. Tliocurrfiit Itiiinderthe rcrfcct contml of the wearer , nud can bo rondo MIL.U OK STIlONOtoBult nnycouilalnt | : tlilscunniitbo ilono Mltli any oilier licit. The It IB a ilATTEUY "Sell containing 10 . - - - , - - dOAKAXTEE IIEI.T , WJIICII CONTAINS TWO I1A.TTKIUKS ANI > TW1SNTV WAT VANIO CELLS , with 100 degrees of strength , hasa rosiTlVK and NEOATIVE polo. and tbo current can horovcrsed. ThoOwonlleltlsnotaCtmln , Wiroor VOLTAIC Holt , or a 1MD , of any description. It will euro all complaints UHAm.i ; by Electricity oraQalvniito Buttery. The Electric curt cnt can bo TKSTP.U IJV ATiY ON before it is uppllod to thobody.nndlswornonlyfromfonrtoplxhoiirsdayornlBlit. After examining this Uclt yon will buy no other. iu It Is light and onslly worn , and suiwrlor to all others now otfowl for Palo. To show tlio KNTIIti : COXKIDENCK wo limo in ourKlcotro-Gulvanlciicltntiil AppllnnceB.wowlH send our 1TI.L rOWKii NO. 4 IHL.T complete for certain complaints to responsible parties on thirty days' trial , nnd If It Uoos not niOVKTO 1U5 oil MO WHAT W1J Iini'Jtr.SENT yoiicnn return It t < i us. rhyslclnnslndorwi tlio Owen licit na the best. Send 8 cents IKHIIIKO lor our free Illustrated tiook of 2a4 , of ' , which will , full Instructions how to tivnt imjres written by a physician over forty years' cjperlcnce bOBcntjon Blvinu youreolf with Electricity without tlio nld of a physician or tlio uf o of mocllclno. Send also lor a pair of Dr. Owen's Electrics Insoles , which will euro you of Gout , Chilblains , Cramps in lector legs , or Cold feet. Back Vioir. Do not wnsto your money on IJolts patented years npo. Wo 1m vo prlvnto consnltntlon rooms for Indies as well ns pent B , I'rontVlow. nnd nil Whocidl orwrlto us can rest assnreil 'they wilfrocoivo nri'hoiicat VmltVlon.'und If the Heft'is" not tidnpicd tu'thcir cnsb tboy will lie so advised. Open at nil times-days , nights and "ndaysV Call or write to the doctor. CousultatlouattUooOlcoorbymailfrco. How to obtulu Belts on thirty duya'trial eco Pipage book. BIliNTIOX THIS 1'AIVKK. . i- _ THE OWEN ELEOTRICiELT 3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. THE STANDARD COCOA OP THE WORLD. W MWJWW * * * * * * * * * * * * W'W * * * * * PURE SOLUBLE CHEAP Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing. Having a peculiarly delicious flavor a food and drink i combined at a half cent a cup and fit for a prince. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST , " W.VAN HOUTCN'S COCOA ( "once tried , ulwiiji u eil" ) vrn ln nted nd patented nnrt U umUe In Holland. U U acknowledged \ > r the most eminent doctors and an ly ti that kr the ipcclul ( rentmpiit VAN HouiEN'a Oooox hai un.lergono , the lolublllty r tlio fleih.rormlnir ciiimtlluutiU In Incrcuncil Arty l > er cent , , nhllo the wliolu-cl'tllo fllirei ace softened mil rendered moro palatable nnj Jlgostiblo. "T , < meit ilo In tlin world. " A k for VAN HOUTEM'Bnnd tiike no other. ( I ( WHITE BEAVER'S Cures Oouglie , Coldo nnd SOLD BY ALL DRUOOI8T1. li the l > ct mnJc , nnd is sold' ' eurywhcro. Tlilt U the orlif Inal K ) Shoe , lien are of Iml- Utloin. 1'ojllUtly none cciiulnn uulotj itampctl 1.11 UlO lol.'i. j. MEANS & CO. , 41 Lincoln Sired , /.A' iln.lon.Bl. . . Xx from the firecti ol youthful error ) early ecar.uMtlnijwoaknPfm. lost manho < xt , eto. I will wild avaluublo tro tl o ( walMlj contalnlui full nartlculan for homo cure , l'lliil : of chargu A rtflvndkl medical work I iliould Iw read by evorj man who 1 * nervnnt nnd ilobllllatPii. Adilrcu . < ; . I'owLuit , niooaui , PARKER HOUSE BOSTON. J. REED "WHIPPLE Sc CO. , Proprietors YOUNG'S HOTEL , BOSTON- J. REED WHIFFLE & CO. , Proprietors. Coollnii nnd Sorvlco excelled br ] nona. Complete In nil appolntniHiit'i ' llott locntlun In tlio city. Tlio lloalon Trnnacrlpt snym "ilr. Wlilpplo lla iirtnco of landlords , and [ mtront of 1'arkera1 uiftf inntlclpnU ) n ruturn to the uooil old tlinoi of IU founder , llorroy 1) ) . I'arkcr. Mr. U'llII'l'I.H will continue tlio management a Youcu'a us lieretuiore. Fortliolro.itnipntof > UCIIItONIOAKI)8UIUiOAIi ) : D1SKASKH. Ilmcon , Appliance * for Dcfonnlllea mid Tru ni'4 Boil KiiclllUux , AiMrktu | nnil Itomodlci fiirmicceiuifiil treiitmunt of ovo-jr form uf IHHIMKO roqnlrlnicMtMllrul < > r Hurulcil Treatment. NINKTV 1IOOMS FOH 1'ATIKNTS , llnnrd unrt Attendance Host AroainmoitntliiM t. Wrlto for clrcul.ira on Dcfnrniltloi nnd llnicoi , Tru Hc < , Club tVoUCurvn- turui of Hplno , 1'llcs , Tumor" , Cancnr. L'atimli , llnmchltla. Inhalation , ICUctrlolt ) ' , I'linilyali , K | > ll- epijKldnuj , Illnddcr. Hyo. Kar , Skin und Ulnnil. undnllhurKlcalOpPmtlimi. DISDASKS ( ) l--WOJIMN nipmilally. Hookuf Dlaoaiu * of Women Krun.o ImTOlntely nddort nl.ylnx In Department forW'iiinoii DorlnuContlncrnorit ( HtrlHIy 1'rlMitn ) Onlr Uullit- lile Medical Inntltuto Making n Bpuclulty of I'lll- VATKDISKASKS. All llloott nifonnviiiirroiafully treated. Medlclno or Inhtriiinenli nent by miill or xire | B tacnirelr pnckt'il , no murks to. inOUiito cunti'iiln or Kcmlcr. Ono | > ur > onnl Intortlow prefurnid. Call anil coii nU UKirHCiid lil lorr of your riino.anrl wo wllUcnil In plnlii wrnpperourllOOICTO MKS KKHK : mmn I'll- > ate. Hi'i-clMl ' or NITIOUH Ulscjaso , wllli'iiicitlon Hit. AddroBsall leltors to Dr1. A. T. McLnughltn , President , dtb and Ilurnuy StrcetB , Oinuliu , NEBRA.SKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITOHY , O1IAHA , N1CB. $4OOOOO Capitol , - - - - , Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 , - 62,500 Ofllceri and Ilroctornllonry W. Yntns , 1'roililont ; Ixiwls B. Hood , Vlou-Prumiluiit : Jainui W. Haru u , W V.Muni ) , Julin H Collhu , II. U. Cuililna , J. N , U 1'ttrlck. W. H. B. llugliuJ , uuliler. TI-11H IRON BANK. Corner Utb nud Ifaroam SU. A General Ituiiklng Ilnslnoss Transaotoi LADIES 01TLY J cniala lletn , llit moll * > w irullem lf teifuUlor i' r < le < llr fo. t < tfltllSi.ixutpiM. \ . bend K , Otimp ) for I tutUcuUti. Addieii LION UlltlC CO. , buffalo , N. Y , GOLD IISDAL , PARIS , 1878 , W. BAKER & Co.'s Cocoa from which the excess of oil haa boon removed , is Absolutely JPnro and it la Soluble , No Chemicals nro used in ils preparation. It hai more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro economical , costing less thtin one cent a .ciij ) . It i ? delicious , nouriilifng , strengthening , IIASHY DIOKBTKI ) , and admirably adapted for invalids as well na for persons In health. Sold by Crocors everywhere. W , BAKER & CO , , Dorcliestnr , Mass , W. S. ROBINSON' Chemist anil Assayor. rortncrly InOlinmlciilIjiilxiratoryoftlio Union 1'nolllo ' Uullwiiy Coiuiuny. Special Attention Given to Ores , Waters and Oils. 1112 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb 8THBWA CUREfOm k CchlffnicniAithnnCuro i crmioglTo / 1 , > | jif ( > m ( nil'la Iho Horn cawtj luiiirei cou-l niorUtlailoepi effect ! curol ticro Mc.tbcn fill. A I 3 Inn ! ronnnrei lit IWHI il.tplinit. 1'rleo. M eli. d I 91X)0 ) , < < ' iJmfilsti or tir mall , fiannla JltKn for I lUuop. DR. R , BCniFf MA1TN. BtVail. ! . Minn. 1