Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    14 , JLSOI. 3
by Currier In uny part of the Cltjr
H. W. T1LTON. . . .
Ruttiip * , * OfTlcr , Nn. U
Nlsbt Killtnr , No. 21
K V. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Craft'H chattel lonnc. 20-1 Snpp block.
( .icmilno llocks Springs coal , Thatchrr , 10
Mam street.
The C'ltlrpns' bank will be closed today nt
o'clock p. m. on account of the death of Dr.
A mnrrlngo HIPIISO wns Issued yesterday to
F. M Scnnlnii and Annh M.'Off , both of
this city.
_ lltcrnry soiloty mot last even *
Inp with Mr. U II. Witter at his borne , 3M
Eleventh avenue.
M'l.o ladles of the ( lertnnn Cntholle I'limuh
will glvoa qumlrlllo nartv nt Huulies' ball
on tlio evening of I'.nstor Moiuluy.
.Itidgo J. K McCJeo U In New Yoilc. Dtir-
Ing his nlHcncu Justice Hammer Is slttlni ? on
the wool-sack in police court with n great
deal of dignity.
The report of the public libiarlan for the
month of January shows a total number of
book-tiiknrs of 3,132. * Tbo totnl number of
books taken Is 3,007. Tlioio have been -1,1)00 )
visitors at the library room * * .
Oorgo U. Stlllninii. formerly n joung at
torney of this city , IH In St. Louis , where ho
lias enliMcil in the regular nrmv. Ills where
abouts nro mailo known to his friends in the
_ Bluffs by n deposition which was Hied in the
or.k.'O of the clerk of the district court.
Ofllccis Mnrlln nnd Ileswlck ntnl Deputy
Marshal White ratuincd last evening Iioni
Ficmont. Web , , whcro they went to testify in
tlio cases of the four men who wcro captuiod
hero nnd wcro taken to Ficmont about n
month ago to answer n chnrgo of burglary.
At the close of tbo prayer meeting at the
Kpworth Methodist chinch on Thursday
evening , the frlenils of Kw. Jnmes Sims
presented him with nn elegant token of rc-
gnril In tbo Bbnpe of a blopraphy of Abi-almin
Lincoln. The gift was heartily appreciated
bv tbo recipient , anil ho v.ill long remember
the happy occasion ,
Mrs. Gcorgo Kudlo entertained a number
of fiiomft nt her homo on South F rst street
Thursday evening. Progressive cticher wns
the ninusfincnt of the evening. Theiooro
nine tables. Mrs. Ailolph Ueno and Mr. P.
LeUuo were \\lnuersof tbo tlrst Indies'
mid gentleman's ' prize , respectively. A most
enjoyable evening \vus spent.
-The Young Men's ' Christlnn association
will hold Us aiinivci. nrv meeting tomonow
evening at the First I'lesiijtorimi church.
Ur. W. J. llr.rhsn ot the First Piesu.vtcrlaii
church of Omaha will deliver tbo principal
address of thu evening , and several of ttio
pastors of the ylty arc also expected to bo
pi esent nnd nwko short speeches.
A motion has been filed in the superior
com t by the defendant In the damage suit of
I. S. Mucci vs ir. F. W. Houghton , asking
for a now trial on tbo ground that the verdict
which wns rendered by the Jury on the Hrst
tilnlwasnot nccordlng to the weight of the
evidence , nnd that improper evidence was
g- admitted by the court on tbo sldo ol the
gJ plaintiff.
\ The case of Mace vs Rchlutcr was putupon
trlnl in district court last evening. The sub
ject of the controversy Is a buggy , which wns
hold by the plaintiff to a man named Allen of
Omaha , nnd was afterwards sent to this side
of the river to bo kept by Scblutcr. A dis
pute then arose as to the owncishlp of the
"ttpgy , mill Alnco roplovineil it In justice
court. When the replevin case wns tried
Mil ex ) wns beaten , mid the present case is an
appeal to the distiict court.
H. G. Ualdy had nu oxrltlng experience
nl'bt ( before last at his homo , 7Uv ! Porlii
nvenuo.Vhllo ho was sitting In the pnrlor
ho heard n loud cinsh upsUilrs. lie at once
ran to tlio scene of tbo trouble , nnd when ho
arrived there ho found that u lamp hnd ex
ploded am } tbo blazing oil had boon thrown in
nil directions , mailing the room a solid sheet
of llame. IIo rushca to the bath room and
procured n largo quantity of wntT , with
which , after a few minutes' hard work , ho
succeeded in extinguishing the Humes. The
furniture was badly burned nna the total
damngo is estimated at about $100 , which Is
covered by Insurance.
Tlio stockholders of the Union Driving
I'nrk association held a meeting yostculny
In the oftlco of Wilght& Baldwin , at which
the following directors wcie elected : O. F.
Wright , J. T. Stewart , W. B. Mlllard , Ni.t
Brown , J. F. Boyd , .1. II. McSlmne. J. VV.
Peregoy , CharlesGiegoryand J. 1 * . Weaver.
The directors also held a mooting , at which
the followingolllccrs were selected for tbo
coming year : Picsliient , .f. T. Stewart ; vice
president , Nat Brown ; treasurer. William
Moore ; secretary , ' J. II. McShuno. The meet
ing then ndjon i ned to meet next Monday ut
10 o'clock , at which tlino n programme lor tbo
summer races will bo nirnngcd.
The police hnvo nu occnrato inscription of
a young rascal who Is wanted bndly by tbo
iclatlvcsof a young In4y homo is on
Knst Washington avenue. Yesterday after
noon , al about o'clock , the youim lady was
returning fiom down town , nnd when near
the Dcnton street crossing was accosted ntU
Insulted bj the cur. She was badly fright
encd , out repelled the fellow's Insult and
sought protection by running through tbo
mud aim into thoTrcarcst house. The fellow
Is dlscrlbcd ns being nbout twenty-three or
twenty-live years old , full ruddy face , smal
dark mustncho , wearini : a black stiff
hat , dark brown overcoat and dark
suit. Ho was uccompmled by nn
other follow , but tbo latter took
no part In thu affair. The young girl Is of Ir
reproachable character. During tbo side o
the Elscnnm goods she clcikcil in the store
but she Is positive she never saw the fellow
Call on D. J. Hutohlnson & Co. for choice
bargains In lots In Wilson Terrace. Special
inducements for the next few da\s.
Orders for tables nnd chnlrs for paries
formerly sent to C. A. liobco & Co. , will bo
llllodi by uund & NoUon ut their now furnl-
turo store , " 11 Main stiueU
J.C. Blxbv , steam ncatln ? , sanitary en-
glnccr.'JOJ Iorrlaln block , Council Blurts
J'KHHOXAli _ 11 It.I flMt.iI'llS.
Dr. S. Stewart went to Tnbor yesterday on
Hon J. P. Brcon of Umnlm wns In the city
yesterday attending district court.
Miss Koekiifcllervlio is oinplo.vcd In the
onicu of the county clerk , leaves toilnv for her
lioina In Hockfonl , 111.
Buy your coal nnrt wood of C. 11. Fuel Co. ,
680 Broadway. Telephone 130.
Ucrollcct Iliot tlio only installment house
in Council Ilulls ! and the Inix'ost Inutallinunt
bouse In the west Is Mnndcl & Klein's.Vo
sell nt cuMcrn prices every artlelo of bouso-
bolil furniture j ou UBU , mul Instead of re
quiring you to pay cash \\o let you hnvo It on
easy payments. Tlicro Is no necessity of
denying yourself the use of any artlelo wben
you can fret ovctythlni ; you wanton such easy
terms. The InrKCst slock of carpets , stoves
mul furniture in the city to select from. 3iO
Knookoil Out a Tooth.
Adam Miller entered Justice Patten's '
court ycstei any afternoon In n. state of dis
composure horrible to sec. IIo had an en
counter In n saloon on lower Main street In
which ho bad decidedly tbo worst of It , nnd
ho wanted a warrant issued rU'ht away for
the arrest of tbo offenders. Ho was so ex
cited bo could hardly talk , but nftor a tlino
be made the Justice understand what ho
wanted , and the warrant was duly Issued
and placed in tbo hnmli of Constable Ben
Austin to bo served. The men who worked
euch sad linvoo In Miller's pcaco of mind
wcro brought In and guvo their names as Dan
Htco nm : 1C. Dnwbon. They stated that the
llKhV had resulted from n game of cards In
whlrb. Miller tried to cheat and they wouldn't
have it that uu.v. Miller's fuco is In bad
condition , tboro being n hiruo lump oor ono
uya and a tooth among the missing.
Ityll it Son's now grocery taVcs the lead on
Upper Broadway. No old stock.
* *
The now dental rooms of Drs. AVoodbtlry
ara the tlnou and most complete in the \voit.
Next to the new Grand. "Telephone , U5. "
Jesse MacMabon is Brought Ihck from Obi-
cngobj Sheriff O'lfelll. '
Thi ) Saloon Inlmiutloii IluslncsB 1 * Kn-
Irrcil Into by Another Kirni of
Atlofiipys Ml nut * Mention
mill Personal ,
Yesterday's Uu. contained a telegram
from Chicago stating that Sheriff O'Neill
hnd left that city for Council Bluffs , having
In charge P. J. Mac.Muhon , who was wanted
In this city forcmuc//iciiont. ) Thlstclogrnm
was the llrst Information the general public
has hnd for se\crnl jcars ns to tlio where
abouts of a man who xvns nt one time one of
the most prominent , citizens of Council Bluffs ,
MacMnhon left heroismcrnl jenrs ago , leav
ing behind htm a reputation for honesty con-
sidcubly the \\orso for \vcar. For some time
ptuvlous he bad been engaged in the
abstract business , anil them were rumors of
n great mnny business translations which tie
had mudo in which appearance * wcro de
cidedly against him. There seemed to bo no
ono who felt enough interest ia the matter to
bring him to Justice. All of his friends had
not forgotten him , honavor , as the sequel
When tbo grand jury met last September
one Kdmond Latham appeared buforo It with
n , complaint against .Icsso MncMahon. Ills
statement of the case was about as fol
lows ; On May 520 , Ibtili , ho went
to MncMabon's oflko for the pur
pose of settling up n mortgage. IIo Unit p.ild
MncMnlioii $ f > 00 sotno tlino before , which waste
to have been applied 611 tbo inoitgujje , but
having board nothing from the money , he
thought best to glvo his agent , u poking un
The agent explained ovoiythlng in a way that
"corned verv plausible , mid hofoio Lnthnni
and bis wife left the oniio li.ul Induced
them to sign another inoitgago for $1,1100 , lor
the puiposo of ohtiilningn loan ftoui cubtciu
Latham then went hume anil waited for
his ? IK)0 ( ) to come. After waiting some
time ho went to MacMnhon again to Una what
was the mutter. When ho ion fronted Me-
Mahon bo lenined that the Utter bad scut
the mortgage oack east to the party from
whom ho was to rcu'lvo the loan Latham's
land WHS encumbered by n Judgment which
one Kissinger of Muscatlne had obtained
ngnltist the owner , and which wns unsntis-
lied Under ordinary circumstances the ab
stract would luivu shown the existence of
this Judgment. Hut MacMahon was nu nb-
ntr.ictor , and ho bad ilxcd up the abstract ,
leaving out the Judgment entry , so that the
land wns apparently clear of nil ciicum-
brnuces. By means of this false abstract bo
bad secured the loan , which ho bad then
turned Into his own pocket , leaving Latham
out In the cold.
For a tlmo Latham made no trouble , trust
ing to MacMnbon's honesty to make the
tcr all light. Buttimo passed on , mid still
MacMahon made no move toward a settle
ment , and Latham hua him indicted us above
The joung man who thus got himself Into
trouble has many friends in thU city , where
he was at onetime one of the leaders , both In
business mul m social circles. He was uni
versal ! ) admired for his easy , whole-souled
way , and ns thoroughly condemned for his
recklessncbs In money matters Ho was lor
some \ cars u member of the city council of
this cltv.
Shoiift O'Neill returned fiom Chicago last
evening with his prisoner. Soon after bis
incarceration MncMahon was seen by a BKB
reporter. Ho wai not inclined to talk much ,
ns be wns ufiatd of saving something that
might Injure his chances when his case came
up for trial. Ho doiiled the charge against
him , however , with ii grentdeal of emphasis.
When nsked whether anything had o\er
taken place which might "cause Latham to
have anv feelings of revenge toward him , bo
s.iiil that so far as ho know , nothing of tbo
kind hnd over occiuicd. Ho admitted Hint
ho bad had business dealings with Lnthnni ,
but claimed that bo had paid him all tbo
money ho bad ever held in trust for him.
Call on Schurz-Smlth Co. for chattel loans
and real estate. SO Pearl st.
Bllrt-Scnson Huni'ilni for the I/uiHes
Xow Opportunities at tliu Ilostoii
Store , Counuil lilulls.
The ladies of Coui.cll Bluffs and vicinity.
\\lll Hud excellent bargains in corsets at the
Boston store , Council Bluffs , for the next
few ila\s. Tlio stock h now complete with
all of tlio most popular makes In the market.
Ask to see our New Jersey corset at . ' ! ' . )
cents. Wo show four different makes all 50
cents which wo claim to bo the best f > 0 cent
corbot In the market. Climax , F1. and W ,
Town Talk and Nameless Black , all nt 60
cents ench.
\Vodrnwspcclal attention to our corset
known as Town Talk , always sold for 73c ,
now . ' > 0c. Wo also show four different makes
known as Mailama Noi.i , Thistle , Tamplco ,
and Coutil at 5cc.ich.
Wo show a special spring weight strip cor
set ut 7flc well worttiy of your notico.
Wo carry the most popular makes of Dr.
Warnei's and Dr. Ball's , beside mnnv other
leading make ) , such as ICquillno , Health ,
W. ( J. C. , in black and colors ,
Kabo high bust , Abdominal , etc. , etc , , all nt
our popular low prices.
Note Any paiticular make of the corset
not handled by usfcan bo ordered specially.
Le.ulers and promoters of low prices.
401 , W } & 4tt'i Broadway. Council Bluffs.
New York Ollice. 17 Leonard street.
No. 10-1 Broadway contains the best stock
of groceries in the city. J. W. Kelloy.
.More Snloon War.
The saloon war is on with unabated vigor.
Yesterday Attorneys But ho & Henry en
tered tbo ring by tiling petitions similar to
those Jlled by Seabrook nn Thursday , against
identically the same pirtlos nnd making sub
stantially the same allegations. A material
difference exists , however , in the form of the
petitions in respect to the lollef asked. Sea-
brook's suits asks for an injunction icstraln-
Ing not only the saloonkeepers from carrying
on their business , but also restraining the city
authorities from iccclvlug any of the
line money which has been levied upon the
saloon keepers ever since the piohliiitlou law-
was passed. The petition which was Illol
jestcrday lumped all the defendants to
gether , saloonkeepers , city authorities and
all , and charged them with having formed a
conspiracy against tbo laws of the state , nnd
nuking that an injunction be.Issued le.str.iin-
ing the iiuthoiittcs from collecting the lines ,
end that the salonnucepcrs bo also restrained
from p.iviug the linos. The defendants ucro
also served with original notices stating that
suits would be begun against them before
March 1" to restrain them from carrying on
tho-suloof Intoxicating ; liquois , S. T. lur- )
gess is the plaintiff.
Consldeinhlo wonder was expressed nt the
moaning of the filing of those suits directly
on top of the suits which wore Hied by Koa-
brook. It was evident that the attorneys
would not have begun the suits unless they
wore of the opinion that a ilaw existed in
Seubrooks's suits which would give them ti
fair chniico of winning when it came to n
hand to baud conllict in court. When askea
about it Messrs Burke & Henry stated that
Seabrook bad made the mistake of his llfo in
tiling his petitions before ho had Served the
notice's. They had stopped in , tiled their pe
titions nnd served their notices , and in that
way bad secured the precedence of Seabrook ,
a fact which would eventually knock that
gentleman out of court altogether.
Public Interest In ttio suloou war Is at n
white heat. Some take ono side and some
the other , but U U next to impossible ) to Una
any one who Is willing to say that the renew *
lug of the hostilities will do anything but
barm to tbo city ,
"It they thliilc they nra golnir to knock the
city out of Us $1,000 monthly revenue by this
kind of war , they are very much mistaken"i
said one of the city oftlcl ds yesterday. "If
the city Is unjoined from rwoivlng those
flues , we will simply have nil those saloon
keepers nrrcstou ovcry month and lined at
the present rate. The lines in that case will
come into the city treasury through the
bauds of the city marshal instead of the city
clerk , but It will got there lust the xamo.
In that way wo will nuccced In evading
the Injunction , for how can ivo bo prevented
from hauling the law-urcukcrs up before tbo
JtidtfO of the superior court and having
them lined I There surely isn't any law that
will prevent us from keeping order In the
city. .And if these men are only brought up
oiuo n month that Is our lookout.
"There is a deep suspicion , " ho continued ,
"that everything Is not perfectly open nnd
above board in this war upon the saloons. I
lust want to tell you right now that If wo
know of thcso attorneys receiving hush
money from the saloonkeepers wo have made
up our minds to stop H , Any man that wo
hear of paying thcso lawyers anything to
contlnuo his taso or In any way to prevent it
from coming to trial , wo shall close up under
the stnto law so ouick It wlllmako his hair
stand on end. Wo have stood this monkey
business long enough , nnd we propose to
stop it if there is any way to do it. "
Pure fresh drugs nt Davis' , opposite Ogdcu.
Our llcinarUahlo Suuccnq
Hnables us to present lor your considera
tion prices without a piccedent In the history
of Council Bluffa. All goods nre warranted
now and clean , equal to the best any market
affords. Only ono prlio nnd terms strictly
cash. Call and see ntid bo satlsilcd that A\O
nro right.
Davis' ' Hoyal No. 10 Hour , $1.50 ; Davis1
UUiol ) Hour$1.35 ; Gold Medal ( lour , J1.43 ;
Minnesota Superlative Hour , SI ; Snowllake
Hour , $1 ; IB Ibs gr.inuliited sugar for $1 ; 17
Ibs extra ( J granulated sugar for SI ; ' . ' 0 lb.i
New Orleans sugar for $1 ; Arbucklo coffee ,
tierpkgo , "ic ; German coffee , oer pkge , S ! . " > oj
If Inn's buckwheat , poi' pkge , 10o ! crackers ,
per Ib , Sc ; ! i Ibs ginger snnpi for 'i"ic ; 2 loaves
bread for fie ; : i Ibs nilnco meat , Hie ;
n cans tomatoes , S5o ; llcanacorn , UTic ; Page ,
Norton it Co Hour , fl/JS n suck ; 1Mb pall lard
for UJlo ; 5-lbpall lard for H8c ; oil sardines , per
can , f > c ; 2 cans musUirO sunJIncs for QT > o ; Cal
ifornia hams , per Ib , tic ; good broom for
lOc ; ftOgood clgnrs for 15c ; 20-lb p.dl Jelly for
"fie ; UK-gal pall syrup for 8Bc ; fi-gul keg
sjrup for if 1.40 ; pall white Jlsh for ( We.
Brown's 0. O. D. Grocery ,
Council Bluffs nnd Omaha.
Best heavy goods , 2. ' ) per rent off , cash.
Ilrlter , the tailor , 1110 Broadway.
DoHtioyed by Plrr.
The icsidcnco of Michael Boyle , 1513 Fifth
menuo , w.ns almost totally consumed by lire
yesterday afternoon. Tlio building l.sutuo
story frame and has been used for a number
of years ns a private boarding house , largely
for the accommodation of tbo employes of the
Stewart packing house. The fire caught in a
closet on the second floor , cvidentlv from a
defect In the chimney which passed through
the closet. When discovered the whole
upper part was on lire and before an alarm
could bo turned In tbo llamcs burst
through the roof. The department responded
with the usual promptness , but by the
tlmo'tho water was tuincd on there was llt-
tlo of the building left. Nearly nil of the
furniture was also destroyed , only tbo art
icles in the lower looms being saved without
Mr. Doyle is one of the old employes of the
Union Pu'cllle and has been engaged nt tbo
transfer for many years. Ho was coming
homo to dinner and was the first person to
discover the tire , which ho observed while
several blocks away.
The property was insured for & , r > 0'.i ' , 81,500
on the building and 51,000 on the furniture ,
through the ngency of Corov & Conover.
Both risks were In the Northwestern Na-
tlonal of Milwaukee.
Hoys Wanted
at American district telegraph olllco.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N.
O'Brien. _
Evans Laundry Co. . 520 Pearl street. Telephone -
phone ' "M. IJoods called for and delivered.
The Kvperlence in tlio Metropolis of a
< offccvlllo Youth.
A. tall , red headed young farmer with
freckles on his face ns big as a copper cent ,
entered the union depot Thursday forenoon
and Inquired about the train for Ashland.
Finding that ho had several hours to wait ,
the young man loft bis vallso on one of tbo
seats la the waiting room and sauntered up
toward the heart of the city to take in the
A few minutes before tbo west-boiind train
on the Burlington pulled out the tall , red
bended young man ictumed and looked about
the depot for his grip. ( Jn the seat where he
had left bis vallso ho found ono that resem
bled his , but it belonged to somebody
else. The younct man was verv much
distressed over the loss of his grip
and said toOftlcer Fleming ; "I don't caroso
much about the satchel , but I hud a ghost
shirt In it that cost mo > nt Kushvillo , Nob.
1 live ut Coffeevlllo , Kan. , my name Is Alilo
Blngnman. and I have been visiting * some
relatives at Kusbvlllo. I bought ono of thorn
Indian ghosr. shirts from a storekeeper up
thcro and paid him > , and oniv had cnougli
money left to carry mo to Ashland , whcro an
undo of mine lives. Now 1 have lost my giip ,
nnd if I miss that train and have to stay hero
another d'iy I won'thavomoncyonough toget
to Ashland. "
Olllcor Fleming took charge of the grip
which was loft In tbo place of the ono con
taining the ghost shirt , nnd the young- man
with freckled face wandered about the depot
bomoanluR his 111 luck.
About the middle of the afternoon a cattle
man dashed Into the depot very much out of
breath nnd carrying the grip with the ghost
slilit in it. IIo had started homo Vvlth a grip
which looked like lib own , but discovered his
mistake at Poital and returned as soon as
possible to correct the mistake. Both men
weioglad to get the difficulty straightened
"I guess I will walk to Ashland , " said the
young nwn , as ho ran a stick through the
bundle of bis valisoand swung it over his
shoulder. "I hain't got money enough to buy
a ticket since I paid for my dinner , but I wil
get through with my ghost shirt if I have to
foot It ull the way to Coffeevillo. "
A AVoman'H Advice.
"Thcro Is little In woman's ndvlco , yet , ho
that won't tuko it is ovcrwlso , " says Cor
vnntcs. This provcib is most aptlv illustratoi
In the following item :
During the fall of 1882 , while my dauchtcr
was teaching In tbo country near here , she
contracted n severe cold and cough. I sen
her a bottle of Chnnibcrhiin's cough remedy
and the offoot wns so satisfactory that on hoi
iccommcndation the entlro neighborhood bo
gnu its use , and with the most satlsfactorj
results , which has continued with incrcaslni ,
confidence over since. J. II. Itclnhnrt , drug
gist , Alton , Kan.
IIo Will lie Hanged lit Cheyenne Ncx
Sheriff A. D. Kelley of Cheyenne , \vyo.
Is In thu city on his return from Joliet ,
111. , whoio ho placed two penitentiary birds
who will serve ten years each for stoaliui
Sheriff ICcllcy looks anything but a hang
man , out unless n reprieve Is granted before
Maich 'JO ho will superintend nt n hemp neck
tlo party In which ( Jinnies Miller's neelr. wil
occupy tbo space insldo of the noose ,
Miller is n lad only fifteen years of ago
and If the programme Is carried out as ar
ranged , bo will bo the youngest person over
hung by law. The crime was committed on
September 27 at Choyomio. The victims wcro
two young men from St. Joseph , Mo. , who hat
gene wast to nlalio a. fortune. The three
boys had but little money between them , ii
fact Miller had none , Tbo others bought plo
and bread. They ale the plo nnd gnvo Mllle :
some bread. This so completely arousei
bl.s anger thut ho walled untl
Ills rompun ions had fallen asleep , when ho
murdered thorn both and escaped. A feu
weeks later jouni ; Miller gave himself ui
while In a small Kansas town.
Do Witt's Little Kariy Hisors ; only pill to
euro sick heudnchuand rogulnto the bqwols
Alter Onmlm HomlH.
"I have Just received a telegram from i
prominent bond buyer uf New York city , '
said Treasurer Hush yesterday ,
If the city of Omaha could sell him
of Omalm 4)fs for which ho would give moro
than tbu nmikot price. I hud to answer thn
the city hnd none to sell at the present time
What gicalcruouinllmuut could possibly bo
mid to Omrmn thnri thls ( Hero Is nn ohl ,
horoughly extxirlonccitand thoroughly In
armed bond broker offering moro 'than tbo
narkct prlcu,1 off hunt ) brlro. . To tny cor-
nln knowledge there niita ) } ! municipal bom1
n the cast that Is moio sought after than
Omaha's. "
Ocsslcr'a MnglolIcndncUo Wafers. Curosnl
icadnchcs In 20 mlnutes./At all druggists.
V Tnlk With Post 'Crnder Asny of
Pine ItlilKO ARi'noy.
Post Trader J. F.Asny of IMno Ulilgo
agency was In the clty.lwt [ , night , on his way
cast on a business trip , lUjSpcaklng of affal
at the agency ho said : ,
"Tho Indian annuity g6ods which wore
duo last September bhve-iitrlved and ore bo
ng distributed among , the Indians. Each
man receives nn overcoat , ono short coat , two
Dalrs of pants , t o shirts , ono pair of shoes ,
ono cap , ono hat , two pairs of draw
ers mul two pairs of socks. The sn.uaws
receive underclothing , any quantity of squaw
loth , which Is a heavy blue llnnucl , shoes ,
stockings , calico and blunkets. They are
ilcely fixed for the winter and will have no
troti bio In protecting themselves from the
"As soon ns the Indians receive their an-
mill supply of clothing , they depart for their
1011103 , most of which aroon reinoto portions
if the nccncv , along the smnll streams.
There are still many Indians about
; ho agency , but they nro as quiet
and peaceable as before the late
unpleasantness and seem to have forgotten
the Wounded Knee trouble. "
Kcgarding the military having control of
: ho agency , Mr. Asny said : "At present It
is next to impossible to lenrn how the In
dians regard the change , but the opinion
iirovalls that they am well pleased , ns it Is
well known that they have much moro re
spect for tlio soldiers than for civilians.
"No , 1 do not think there will bo any
trouble when suring comes , The Indians
fully reali/o that they cannot cope with the
United States army , and I think they are
now sntlulled to settle do > vn and live In
iieaco. "
Dr. Birnoy euros cntnrrn , Boo bldg.
A KniiHiiH City I'nllucninn Claims ttio
Donulns County Itcwnrd.
Ed Nenl's name is up In police coin t circles
Chief Scavoy has received olllclal notice
'rom police o.llcor Carey of Kansas City , to
the effect that lie proposed to demand all re
wards for the arrest nnd conviction of Neal.
Considering the fUctthat all the Information
concerning the Jones murder was developed
through Chief Scavoy and the Omaha report
ers , Carov Is considered to have displayed
considerable nerve , to say the least. But
Jhlef Scavoy Is not going to contest the mat-
; er. On the contrary , ho has given County
Attorney Muhonoy ofllcinl notice that ho docs
not claim the reward , which was $1,000.
The fuels ere thut alter the Jones murder
was committed , Nenl went to Kansas City and
n few days later stole a bunch of cattle , drove
them off nnd sold them. Ofllcer Carey placed
him under arrest on suspicion that ho had
committed the last named crime. While
Ncal was In Jail at Kansas City Chief Suiivey
was working dilUently to run down
the murderer of Allan Jones nnd
his wife on the Pinney farm.
With the aid of County Attornov Mahoiiey
ami reporters for Tin : BEE the Kansas City
prisoner was ideatilled as the man wanted
for the murder t'cre.
In roferiing to the matter yesterday Chief
Scavoy said :
"If the work which I did in the Ncal murder -
dor case hnd been done by ono of my oftlcers
I should most certainly have demanded for
him tbo reward. As long ns I did It myself ,
shall not , nnd have so notified County At-
torncy Mnhminv . " ' *
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg.
* i
VEKSOSA L. PA lt.4. G Ml A 1'MIS.
Ij. A. Cottrcll of Sovvnrd Is nt the Casey.
George \ . Post of iYork is nt the Mlllard.
J. F. .Asay of Pine Ulrigois nt the Poxton.
Charles A. Coo Chicago last night.
S. W. Hackmau of St. Louis is at the Mur
Attorney Irviuo is In Lincoln on court mat-
T H. Bowman of Valparaiso is at the
Case- .
Henry Gibson went down to Lincoln jcs-
P. C. Fisher of Denver Is registered at the
J. IJY Davis of Chicago Is in the city , at the
J. Bluhm of Nashville , Tenn. , Is at the
A. A. Davis of Emerson is in the city , nt
the Casey.
W. It. Wheeler of New York Is In the city ,
at the Paxton.
J. H. MncCull of Lexington is in the city ,
at the Mlllard.
W. J. Fisher loft yesterday for Chicago on
a business trip.
Albert Holtborir of Crelghton was nt the
Casey last night.
J. C. Achtorrmmn of Now York was at the
Mlllard last night.
M. D. Galloway of Philadelphia is regis
tered at tbo Paxton.
George H. Holdon of Minneapolis was at
the Murray last night.
'M. Coyle , advance man for Foropnugh's
circus , is at the Barker.
Lieutenant Charles W. Taylor of Fort
Hoblnson Is nt the Paxton.
George W. Solomon of St. Louis , the dried
truit fiend , is at the Paxton.
Governor Boyd and daughter returned to
Lincoln yesterday morning.
Samuel Gamble , manager of the Continen
tal clothing house , bus returned from the
Mrs. M. L. Bolt of Angola , Ind. , a teacher
of classics , is in tlio city visiting Mrs. M. E.
F. S. Brownlco , clerk of the flro and police
commission , leaves today for Monmouth , 111. ,
to attend a wedding.
How to IJOOHOU ami Kollevo n Severe
Jio ono nflllctcd with throat or lung trouble ,
can use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with
out a beneficial effect. It will loosen and relieve
liovo n severe cold in less time than any
other ticntment. .There is no danger in giv
ing it to children , as it contains no injurious
substance. It will prevent croup if used ns
soon ns the child becomes hoarse. 50 eeni
They All "Want tlio Howard.
Chief Scavey has had several letters from
detectives throughout the country claiming
that they have n case that will lit with the
Kodgers story nnd fhat. the 81,000 rowan
should bo awarded to , them. The sheriff o
Holt county bus writhed that ho will claln
everything , as ho WHS 'tho first to cause the
arrest of Kodgers Id Nebraska.
IIo Pullo 'n Gun.
Allen McDonald Ijud n dispute with G. W
Stillwcll , a b.irbori on South Tenth street
yesterday about the price of a shave , and Me
Donald drew a revolver to emphasize his re
marks , but was gathered in by Detective
Ellis Just In time to prevent fuither trouble
McDonald was arraigned in police court am
was acquitted. , , j
Flro In n , J'epit Store * .
At 0 o'clock lasj , rnljfht flro broke out li
Brainard & Co's fcodTatoro nt Thirty-fourtf
and Lcuvcnworth streets , but the prompt ur
rival of the llro deportment prevented the
spread of the flames. The damage was con
lined almost entirely 16 n heap of haled ha )
and did not destroy more than $25 worth.
Fined $4O and Co its.
Ben Cohrn , the Tenth street merchant who
was arrested upon a charge of concealing
stolen property , was tried yesterday in polici
court and was lined $ iu and cosu.
'Jim Hand fllnsiiicrude. |
The members of the Union Pacific bane
gave tl elr eighth annual masquerade hill n
Exposition hull List night , und llko nil pro
eroding balls given by tbh association , it was
n success Throe hundred tickets had been
sold and nearly that many merry maskers
wcro present , many of them being members
of the various labor assemblies. This was
principally duo to the fact thut the hand
recently orcnnuod as n labor nsscmbly and
sent delegates to the Central Labor union.
At mldiitaht , the mask" , many of uhtoh
wcro very rich , were taken off and diiuclng
continued mall morning.
Story nt * I he Boulogne
LoM'O.v ' , 1'eb. 1't. The spenkcr publishes
the story of the Boulogne negotiations , In
wh'eh ' It says that Pnrnell at the outset de
clared that he bad llnntly abandoned the
notion of lending the party. Assurances
wore received from Gladstone on ques
tions of land and police , both being
accented ns. sntlsfnetory by the parties
Lo too negotiations. At thu lust moment
Pnrnoll demanded that the pledge that Ire
land should hnvo Until control of the police ,
should have mandatory force , provided n con
servative loid lieutenant was In power. This
curious demand purrlrd the uladstonlnns ,
who replied that they failed to see how they
. ould bind tbo conservative majority In the
Imperial parliament. Pnrnoll then snapped
the nogotintlons ,
Dord ot'u CliluiiKO t-'lond.
CIIICAOO , 1'eb. 1 ! ! . Louis Baron wns re
leased today from the brldowcll , where lie
ms been serving u term for wife boating ,
Tonight ho threw nltrlo ncld In his wife's
face , burning her hoiilbly. Ho was locked
Klticd for IioltL-ry I.uw Violation.
AUSTIN , Tex. , Fob. 13. The llrat case for
violation of the federal lottery law was tried
oiluy In the United States court and Sam
Alexander lined S'OO and costs for sending
ottory tickets through the mall lu ono cuso
and $ ii and costs each In two other casos.
Vast Proportions.
PITTMIUIIO , Pn. , Fob. 13. The miners' nnd
cokors" strike in the Conncllsvlllo region Is
assuming still creator proportions , All of the
nen working nt the lininoy , Pnulls nnd Foil
illlls works dropped their tools today.
Improvement on tin-
BKIIM.V , Feb. 13. Dr. Weyl , the nssiclato
of Prof. ICoch , bos dlscoveied a method of
illmlnating the poisonous dements In the
foch lymph dcscilbed by Piof. Yin-how.
Do not tnke any chance of being poisoned or
jurncd to death with liquid stove polish ,
wints or enamels In bottles. The "Rising
jun Stove Polish"is safe , odorless , brilliant.
.ho cheapest and best steve polish made aim
, ho consumer pays for no expensive tin or
jloss package with every pmehaso.
Mnjor Dennis hnd another warrant is-
eueil yesterday nfternoon for tlio arrest
of 'Dennis tfilzpntriuk for iloin # tlio
: > lumblng work of the now Bond's opera
: ioubo without taking out u liconso.
A meeting of property owners will bo
icld on Saturday evening1 nt 8 o'clock
n the ualoon on the corner of Sixteenth
ind Vintotf streets to disciibs the qucs-
Ion of the grading and opening of South
Sixteenth street. *
Mrs. Ilnttio K. Woodman has swnrn
out n warrant for the arrest of her luis-
inl , Alfred E. Woodman , charging
ilm with adultery.
, o
C. A. Stonhenson was fined $5 nnd
osts yesterday for boating Jhtiac Guard
11 a light on North Fourteenth street.
. n 9AO3 ott '
Simla BU.S 'ssK ] ouiusaq oqi uiu.v\
'sjjoitvo Joj pajaon. | 'PIPIO u BO *
Drs.BBtts Betts
Piiysiiaj , Sur o n ? and Specialists ,
Tne molt widely and favorably known ppec-
Inllsls In the Unftol Ktntea. Thor Ipnp ex
perience , remnrkiililo skill nnd iinivcrtnl suc-
co&s la the treatment and euro or Nervous ,
Chronic nnd SurRlcnl Dlseusi-s , entitle ) thcso
eminent physicians to the full conlklcmci ! of
tboaflllctPd overj where. They 21111 ran too :
the nwlul rtToctsofeinly \ und the uuintr-
oiis evIlH that follow In Its train.
oiiocdlly , coinnliitelv i\nd permanently cured.
OKDEKB ylold readily to tholr skillful treat
euarnnteed cured without pain or detention
from business.
nontly nnd Hiiccessfully cured In every cnso ,
BYI'HIMH , OONOIClilinA. Ohnr.T. Spor-
matorrlicn. Nominal Woalcnes , Lost Miinhood.
NlK'ht rmls.sloiiP , Dcenyt'd KaunltluH , 1'oiualo
Wunkneis and ull dellcato dlbordurs pcoullar
to ulthor Bex positl\ely cured , na well us all
functional disorders that from youthful
follies or the excess rtf innturo years.
TPirrilRU annrantcol permuno ntly
O 11\1OI Ul\Ij cured , removal comnleti * .
without cutting , caustio or dllatatlo ; : . Curcj
olToctcd at homo by iiitiont without a tno-
munt's pnln or annoyance.
A ITRT7 riIPT7 The awful ntTeoU of
OUI\L L > U ALoarly vlc-u wliloh brliiRs
orcnnlc weakness , destroying both mind imcl
body , with all its droided ills , permanently
T1IK RPTT * ? Address those who have 1m-
L > 1ULi l 10 pal i nd thuinielvci ty Im
proper Indulgence and solitary habits , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
buVnoss , study or marrlajjo.
JIAHUIi : ! ) MEN or these or.tnrlnK on that
happy life , awuro of phyblcal debilityquickly
nuslstccl ,
la based upon factH. First Practical exparl-
cnco. Second Every cuso IH opoclally stuulud
thus startliiK rlchu Third modlclnca lire
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus Directing ciui-s without Injury
Drs. Betts & Betts
tV l > Oy1 \ \ \ , tllelnu tlio tiporlfnojof nn
ollknr's wlfo oatliu plalii * lly Cut. llcnrr II. Cur-
rlimlon. IJ M , A. HUtli eillllrn tlolli.ia \ ,
"No re ulcr wlio wlihos to Lo well Informed con
rornln liiillnn llfu , mnnncrfl and ( ustoinx , pliouh
fall to procure thin nio.U Inlo.cmlng volume-ht.
JjOlllM 1'O t.
1'urna'alif ull luxiliollcri , or will bo rent by thu
erj , receipt of Ilia prlcu.
716 anil 717 .Mnrkut St. , I'lilludelphla.
N tur * ' Tonic , Diuretic and Urio SoU nl.
| C 0. MOORE & CO. , Agti. ISIS Dodge St.
Both the inctlioil aud results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant
nnd lefrcshing to tlio tnsto , nnd nets
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd llowuls , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dipels colds , licnd-
nches and fevers nnd cines Imbihml
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , picking to the t bte nnd nc
crptnhle to the stottmcli , pionipt in
its nctiou nnd truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and ngrocnhlc siihstnnces , its
ninny excellent qualities commend it
to all and hnvo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliuhlo druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Double Markers ,
Plows with Lift
ing Cams , Tongs ,
Bars and Pisclier's
Improved Ice
r ,
1 C
11 Omaha M05 Doughs St.
Kenlj' tlr Mi'-ch rnrtofJis
Young Lads@s'Journal ,
Contain in- lie l.A'IKs'l . . | ( | H TAglllONH ,
wIlhClKiAMlC rASIHO.N t-iiilini5nt | | of 61 J'KI-
UHICS. niul Cdl.OUKI ) FASHION I'l.ATlIS of 21
FIitlll.H ( bt tili'a mimcrotin blcirlm. Nun Munlr
new UMUltOlDBlir OealRiia , PATTKKNS , Aa , Ac
1'rko , WccntH. Vi'urlytl. All ncwxlealorB , or
VourXow Novels 1'or 15 Cents
All complete In the MAItUI ! MI.MIIKK ( . { the
Family Library Monthly.
OnlylSCo its. Of ull IKW sdi'illiM * . , or
Till ! INTJlltN VT10.VAI. Xh\\S CO , Now Vork.
Htouklnililcrs *
Notice Is bcrubv ( ; l\ud tlmt tlio regular un-
niuil nu'uilnir of Ibis Mod. holders of thu South
I'liitto Ijiinil cuinpnny will liu hold at thu nf-
( Ice of Mild < omiuiiy. In l < liu'iln , Xil : ) . , on the
llrst. Wuilncsduy In .Miirvli. JSH. lioliiK the -Hli
dny of thu month. ly ! onli r oMhn bu.ird of
directors. It. 0 I'lm.Mi'S , Sucictary.
Lincoln , NubiaHUa , 1'cbruary : t , 1S1M.rsdyot
- - - -
l.cnvi'5 ICIIICAliO , LIU HI INIirON A. Q.I Arrlvor
Oninln | Depot 10th anil Mnmiiijitrect * I Oiiuiln
' 410 p m . . . Chlffldo K pFe > "s. . . , 8W n in
tiraaml Oilcivo llxprujj iiSU p m
( MO p m . . . . Clilcnao Kxiutfiit 100,1 n ra
IM ) 1 > nil. . . . . * . . . lOwu Ixirul j 1200 m
4 ( i. ) p ni
it. 19 p in
D.Ij n in
II.1C nm
n ni
rbatj ) I K. ( ! . , ST J . A C. ti
Omaha. I Depot IQlli im3 Minims
C30nni | KiintM City Dny Kxpi
8 4S p ml K. C. Nlglit KXJI via II 1' .
Depot 10th nntl Mnrcy Hlroets. OinBhn.
JW p m Ovorlanrt Myor. II U'i p in
1 M p m . ,1'oclUa Kzprus.i. II.45 a in
10 20 a m . . .Denver Kxprcm p m
& 07 urn . 'KangHB City 12 O'i n m
"t-onves I "CHICAGO. It I. AtVACfMC TXrrlvos
Onmlia. I U.I' . depot. 10th itnil MBrcy HU. I Omntia
( I.1U p m . .KlElit 10 05 n in
0 05 it m Atlnutlo Kxprena d.'a p in
t JO p m .Vl'nllbulo Llmllnd. III IS n m
Omalm. | U. 1 > . clopol. IQili nod Mnrcy Bti. | Oiimln.
7.1. ' ) n ml Bloiix Clt I'niicnccr. . . .
130 pjal. . . . _ . . . .bt. " lip 10 n.m
" '
lXavc ! "SIOUX'OITVYl'TciricT Arrives
Onmlm. Depot Itlli and Wcbatcrflta. Um ilia
1100 p ml . . . . SI. 1'aul I.lmltad. . I I ) 'ft n in
irilirAGO * . N'HTUWKSTHIIN Arrlro
Omalm , | U. 1 * . ilcpot. Kill timl Mnrc ; inlia.
t ) 15 a m Chlra o Exprojs
SO p m Vestlbulo Umltud . . .
615pm lown Accoimnoditlon ( uxc. Sun )
010 p m Eastern hlye * . . , . . .
11 41 a in ( er HunlKast Entl Kx ( eic Muni
n.5imTrcniCA"ffo7 5i ATiTrPAinZTArnvot
Omahn. | U. r. dcput , lotli unit Mnrey 8u. ! | Onnhn
fi.IO p nil Chicago Kitpren I U IS n m
ll.U n ml ChluiKu Kxprusa bOU p u
\arot \ I D XtiA'X'H'iri OUltf
Omnha. | U. 1' . ilcpot. ICth ana Mprcy 8t
< IKJ p ml . . . .Bt. l.olluTonnon . . . . . . . p n"
PT.-K nr. Arrlici
Depot IMh anil jVolntor SU. Onmlm
y ixTa m . . .Black Tllllj KipruM T-U | TTi
00 n m .Uaf > tlnz > Kxp. ( III. Hunilay ) 5.VO p n :
A 10 p m Wshooll.lncoln bimil'y ) 118) n m
6.10 p m Norfolk ( or. 8unilnjr ) _ JJJttara
' '
Omaha. I Depot 15th nd'wcbitc'r Sts. Onialin _
! f05 p m
12 < U p in
dV'5 a n
R 45 n ni
On > nbn TArrlrc '
1U : . > ) n ml .Bt. l.ouli .t K. C. Kxpflii. . . , ! 6 10 pm *
U.lli p ml . b U I/Jill i A 1C. IX lixpre < < ti tiO H II ]
CIIIOAI10,1C. I. A , I'ACIKIC. I Arrival
Tranifcrl Union Depot , Council lllun. . I Trun i fe :
NUlit Kxprcn I 035 n ra
U "U u ra Atlanllo Hipruai fi.Vi u ni
1NM in j jj. . : "JU.buj2 , . . . . . . . . . ! ) n lu
" " "
"lxare | ClllCAtiOAMIlTIIWK rfcU.N , | Arrlviu
Trmnferl Unlun lit'pol. Council hliuii. ITrninfc
II 40"a . .Chicago lxprou. , BUU p
6.UJ p ui .Vvitlbulu J.luiltoil , . li .n n
10 On p ra . . .Kanterii Flyer. 2 U ) p
l.J : ) p in . , .7AtlantlcMull. . . . .
6 X ) li m own / ccomino < 1ivtloi ( Kxo Pnnji.iftju p u
T . .fir. I'AAlirTAFrlvo
Traniferl Union llp"ot. Council Illi nx Vl rnn fo
8 41 p m , . .rnlciiKO Kiprosj.Ti.T r.Ttl IS a in
KM p m . .ChlcOKO Kiiu > i | 6X3 | i ill
T7en ) V | " [ r , JOI5" < T. 11 ) ArrTTOi
Tranitorl Union lleprjt. C < iiincll lIHHTn. r.'riiinfi'r
It)07 a lii.Knn | un Clly Dor Kxprvii. . . , ! 6 ( I p m
10 M p m.Knnnii | Hly NlafitKiprei _ < " . . .l l.20 n In.
hxnvu ; I miAlIX * K'f. HDIJUl. I Arr1--
Tr n > ftr | Union llepnt. Council _ Hlugi. _ JTrnnifer
4 40 | > ml . _ . . . .M _ . Ixiuti Oonon Hall. . . _ .frJlip'm
renTM fCniCATTl ) . nUnr.irA QBl.VcJy I Arrlv
Trnniforl Union lli'imt , Council lllufty ITrniufi-'f
0 < Un ml I hloaL'n Uipren , < . & p ui
lUOOpra .ChlroKii Kipreu , I ) 40 a til
7.05 p in ! Crcitqn lx cal
"f > TTvo. 1 SIOUX CITf-f l-AOlKia Arrlvna
Trim * fur I Union Depot , Council Illut7 _ Tmiufor
7.15 a ni'.t.Bloux ' Cltr Arcominodatlan V 40 n m
JUliu ml aH'aul Eiviot | 0yj v ia
\\FANTr.l ) 1'lrsf elnVrftiMiticii7ii
' raplior nnd typewriter nt iniw
to II. 11. Van llriini , council lliiiff |
IilOU I'M IIAN(1K-Oood ( ImnroMMl
' and Oouticll HIillTs uniportr to
for lo a limit. So ml full dcsoilpt Ion ofxhuC „ -
you lnui > to infer to Johnston ft Vim Pollen ,
( . 'imiielUlluirs , hi.
InoitSAIiH A ImrRiiln : nnw modern homo
1 with nil tliu Into Impiou'tiit'iiK seven
rooniM will soil oti iw J' lia > nirntm lountcd On
the riftliaviTUii ) tm > lor 11 n u. I ) . J. Uutchln-
son , 61 ? llnnulttiiy.
"IJIOU SAI < r-KlRlit rooiri IIOIKO iinil two lots ,
JL' on HnrrlsOM st , A niixlurn hntiso and
eooit homo cheap , D. J. llutohlnsoiii 017
llrondny. .
171011 SAIiIJVery line romlsti-r , 4 yi-in * , iind
JL very line family mart' . 4 yrurii chi-np fop
onsli , onn or sp in. \ \ III inulu for imrlpht pi-
iiiui. .Miir. lioiiiiL'ltH. iniiilo toi\uhor , tut-tiita-
iniiii street , Council HlullH.
liIV-rinu slnxli ) itinl doiiblo rimd-
A' stors and heavy ilriiiiKht IIDMDM , Will nlso
Oil iirdun for unv tttvlo of hoi HPniitoil ,
l.t'i\iurili'r ! ) with Dr.V I. . 1'ittton. ( Yiitrul
Ihcry anil mlu stil > li'i , 21 mul Si N. Mitlu
t'ouiioll ItlulK
MID I.AIli ) : < 3-Trr 1'r. Miller' * liniiio trout-
JUtniMit for futnnlu illso.isiM. SitfiMiillil mill
MI re. ANn Dr. Mlllur'M pllu ii tllo i i > ; ilnU" <
mul mmrnntei'il toi'irU' . forsilo In Council
Hlulls mill Onmlm only liy MM A. A. Smith.
T.SS , 1st si. ini'l Mrs CI. 11 lllcijllis , I.Mij
l.ouM'iinntthM. , Omulm.
T310U SAuTor Kottt-a rdim l uit , with
JO houioi. by J. U. Rloo. Wl AUlu it. , OouuoU
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 ,
DlllE-lous-I. A. Mlllur , P. 0 Olcison. P. . \ *
SlitiKiirt , IX I/ . Hart , J I ) ftlimiiulmm , Olmrlui
! ! . llaniriii Tr.insiot Imnlclnt tiusl-
jicis Ijiri-tt o'uilt il iiiul mirnliid of any
ti.inkln Sjiithuustorn lonr.i.
I'omirll lllulM , In
All ( lliu o-Mil tliu KVK
KAII , NIHI ! and TllKOATf
rr.iluil w'th ' tlio iirenl
ikllliuid Piro
OATAItltll. ASlll.MA
nmlllAriVKIt Irontua
nllll IMIlllHMlt IICfO"J _
.StMtllH'AMH'HIl riON : ? , nlipro ncieoiirr
los'ly iHTforn'O 1 with tlm utmost rum Mini skill , n
iirlnu Krfi'U rcinltJ MNKST ( ll.ASHCM ncaurt
ntclr prmcrllii'il , wirrtu Unit nil rofrnctlro trouble ) ,
, is .M > opli : , llyien | > | > la ami A-tlKlnnlhni , Itiui reu-
li'iliiKKlnlit nny. ilcir ami inlnhiM ( VliU.NIO
NiUUAI.MAnnl ; ( SIUK IIHADAUlin , nftor Ji'irl
oftcrrltilo nttfTcrln uu rotlof , ontlroly cnrtMl Onioti ,
Kooin 1 , Shiiuirt Illuck , UMr llano , V Co.'i etoro ,
Cumicll lllnn * 1ft.
" Attorneys at l < aw. l'
ticc m tbo Htnto und
foili'ral courts. Koonis 'I , 4 anil 5 Hhugiirb
llciiotiloclc , Oouncll Illuirs. lutv.i.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
Q06 Broadway , Council Bruffa , Ia
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' and Packers' Suppi3i ! , '
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Fplccsnml Snnsixo MakorV Miiclilnory. S30
id ! Main st. . Council II In Its , Iiu Also Uoiluri
n Hides and I'ura.
rinleyBurko.Geo.W. Howitt.Thos. E.
Hurke , Hewitt & Casady ,
i-uACTici : ix THI : STATI : AND
Onicos ; J. J. Ilronu lluIUlliig , Council IllulTii
lowu I |
Corner Main an 1 Hroidwav ,
Pr.ilors In foreign uu I do-uoitlo xch nut
Collection inadu und lutorujt , paid on tt na
deposits W. C. ESTEP ,
Council Ilhifl * , Ii\va.
11 > oi-th Main SIrejt ,
riinri\l Hlrccto.- 1 limb tliu > r.
Xotlco Ishoroby clviMi that Mmlorl bids will
bu luctiiri'il hy the Itii.tid of Ti listens of tliu
vlllujjo of Wlsni'r , Nc ti.isUa , fioin ilatonii un
til sini'ii ( Ti o'clock p. m. , Ht.iniliinl Hum , the
i.'nd day of .March. ISU1 , for thun\ti > iislonot
thu water oi Us sjstcni of halil NllliuuofVls -
1'hiiH , Bpoulflcatlona and details nro on ( Do
ulth the \lllauu clurl. , at hholllc'c. uhero bid *
( Iris may Inspect thos imu ; and thos iniDshiiK
ho uxtonded accordliu toHald nliius. Hpeulllcu-
tlims and dct.ill-t , and shall ho uompletcd
within Ihutliuo named and of nmtoiliilu nicn-
tloncd. .
All bids must bu In wilting , filed with tbo
vlllauo clerk , on or bofoio M v < > n o'clocK p.m.
standard lime , tliu 2nd day of M.ui'li , 1811. <
Thu Hoard of Trustees lusurvis thu rlsht to
rolrct any or nil bins
The Hiicct'xsful blddrii will bo rcqulri-'d to
Klvo bonds to bald village of Wlsnur us ru
( lulled by law.
lly ordui of tlio llonid of Trustees of Bald \ll-
litvo of Wisnei , this Hth day of.
[ BFAT.I I'uliruury. IH'U. '
Attt st : t > . r < . lliiin : : . Chairman ,
L. U. Ku NfiKi , Villam ( Jleik.
TinJliiri'iiu , Cm' , 1 1 th unit
IN I Ininiint mtl > nlitiitliilln c-uii
11 lit ft llllllllllll/ OlIHlllll. Ml'I'i'l'dC
lictn'H ItrU'lt fli't' inillH rnnnlni/ front
lifim-inrnt tu < / ' , A II tin' rctllniiH anil
jlooi-H llm'tl trlt/t AnlteHtoH jiff tn-oof
IliiliiH , iniililnii tt iuijuMH/biV to bunt
ijiilel : . I'li-r CHCH IH-H untlIre alarum
tliroiii/liont tin" lnill < lliiiStvum
hot < nul foff initci' tunl
i-rcr/yi'MJiii. Table. nnmii'vitHHctl
STATE 4 tflonaotSrit .Cnic QO.
* lilnniIi ! .li lt'o .lr iilwil j
Un fofini anil Mutl m nli. 4H
inkll liqulf * I br or Ilrora
rUU. Irlmni pg t'v.
. , CouUlnl lnilrurllnQl for
[ I .AmaUiif Uindt , I-XWUM anj Sc&ln ,
jllIHum M IOJ'I fwlk-s I r I * " " . > >
' - M'c. .
Moriihlno llnl.U
ur.dln I0to2 < ) diri.
J ST PUENUL.b oon,0.
I n.lfhf.t.-r' . FnclUh DUnonit Il.r.nd.
rlfflnitl aud Otilr Ocnutnr.
l : ll tl rrlUI > U. lAOIt
nl.l ( "f CMiltctltr i KualliO'I '
mtrul OrenJ In Itcil ml Oof I in < l > llU
ItMici r l l lctillu < i rlUxi
nuolher. /ud < iii0 r0u
tl N4 and fMUaliotit Al lniBillor ! K lKl 4a.
in lUtnpi f r ji rtloultr , irillMiooUU au4
"llrlltr far I.iiJlf. . " < rlmr , til rrlurK
Mull. lU.OUUTi.llrumUll AciniH | r.
IdUt/ i'klUJn. , 1