r THE OMAHA DAILY BEJS : SATURDAY , FEBJRUARY 14 , 181)1 ) , itulrrd to R | O mild notice In order to HocMiro n I lion Mr uiuur. . . . . . _ . , _ Hoc. X. HcctloiiZ.nrtletn I , chapter 61 , of Ilio compiled gtntutitrOf In87 , In hereby repealed. JIr. ) Dccli M IUIIA u ConloMtt LINCOLN , Ncl ) . , Fob. 13.-i3icclat [ ) U TUB Br.n.J--Mr. Dcch , the candidate for lloulen- anttfovornor on the independent ticket , said today thnt nnothCf contest resolution would certainly bo Introduced. Whether It would pass , ho would not attempt to sny. The leg islature had no right to any thnt tlio contest should not taUo place. In doing so , It overrode - rode not only thn supreme court but nlso tlio constitution. Tlio latter was mandatory In Its reference to the matter , nnd the loglsln- turo could notstoltlfy itself by acting In that manner. The resolution Iti question wns to hnvo been Introduced in tlio senate todny , but , owing to the early adjournment , hud been set ftildo. Mr , Ktlgorton of South Omaha , the de feated candidate for attorney gonural on the Independent tlcke.t , snld that the Idonof ngam reviving thu contest wa not outer- tallied by thn former contestants , llowas asked why , and said ! "Just for political motives. 1 have aban doned the Idea and Imvu spolten with Mr. Powers , Mr. Uoot , nnU Mr. Wolf , nnd I find they are pretty nearly of my own way of thinking on the subject. 1 liuvo not spoken to JWr. Dcch , although I understand ho still favors the contest. I buvo not talked with Mr. Wright. , , "I have told the pcntlcmcn I spoke to that wo could not get our opponents in n bolter plnco thnn wo hayo thum now. They have shown to the people that no matter whether our demand was right or wrong they would not nllow the matter to bo Inquired Into. Now what better thing could wo have with which to go bcforo tlio honest pcoplo of this stutol That's why I am opposed to u contest now. " Holler I ) > r the Settlers. LiNcor.v , Neb. , l-'ol ) . 13. | Special to THE HUE. ] In response to the ( mcstlon which has several times boon propounded to Mr. Lud- den , that gentleman says lhat the commission has not yet drawn any money from the treas ury of the state to pay for the good * ordorcd for the relief of the drouth sufferers , which latter amounted to about 910XX ( ) . Mr. LucUlcn Is now bending out orders to Piixtoii & Gallagher ai < < l McCorct , Hr.idy & Co. of Omaha anil mills ut several places In the state for both groceries , Hour ana meal In the following quantities ; Oat moul , 1 ! ) barrels ; rice , 19 barrels : hominy , lit barrels ; beans , 118 bushels ; Hour , 111,000pounds ; corn meal , 107,000 pounds ; meat , 700 pounds. The commission docs not supply tea , coffees or sugar , tbo small supply of those articles previously given bcinc intended for old nnd feeble people. The value of tbo rice In this order was 282.15 , liominy and meal , § Ii'.MiO ! each , and beans $283.20. The mills from which the flour and meal have bctm ordered are as follow : Cujbcrtson , Broken How ; Jaggiu it Schubert , Columbus ; Queen City , Hastings ; Kearney nnd North Pintle. Tlio value of this last order of poods , owing to a shade of iilfTcronco in the price of flour at the several places mentioned , could not bo given. The Hour , however , will bo furnished cheaper than It could by any of tbo whole sale ( ionics , the freight being saved on the run from the trading point to the interior. Claims Allowed. T > lNcoiy , Neb. , Feb. Mil. [ Special to Tun Bun. ] The house committee on claims has allowed Ocorgo W. Davis , who wns Injured by the boiler explosion at the Lincoln Insane asylum In February , 1SSO , the sum of $3,000 in full for his Injuries. The snmo committee recommended that John Lauhum , who llxcd up the grounds around the capital , bo allowed ' $1,803 , including interest , for'"extras. " Btntu KnwH Killed. LINCOLN , Neb. , Kot > . m. fSpcclal to TUB Jlr.n.J The house Juillolary'comraitteo , nftor giving the mailer a full hearing , decided to , indefinitely postpone all bills to extend the ptay of executions in foreclosure of real estate mortgages. Thomajority of the committee wore convinced that such u law would not only have a tendency to drive ont capital , but would clearly "Impair the obligations of existing contracts. " nnd all laws of this character nro prohibited by , the constitution o th'e united States ? Chairman Shradcr of this committed is strongly in favor of an extended - tended stay law , and the question may yet come upon the floor of the bouse as ho may submit n minority report. 11io Haloon Mucuses. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 1 , ' ! . [ Special to Tun Br.K.l The house committee on consti tutional amendments have spent nearly a week considering amendments to the consti tution relative to the disposition of fees aris ing from saloon licenses. At one time they decided to turn these funds into the goucral school fund of the state , but before n report could bo flled they reconsidered the matter nnd advocated putting them Into the general expense fund. They were not certain that this was the right plan , and ilnally the propo sition to turn the license fees nnd lines into the county chool fund rather than lot them continue to bo apart of the revenues for edu cational puriHiscs , was agreed to by a small majority of tbo committee. It Is very evident that no change will bo imiilo In the present law. Opposed to the Convent Inn. LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob 13. ( .Special to Tun BiiH.l The bouse committee on constitu tional amendments has been unable to cmno to any conclusion in regard to the holding of n constitutional convention , and have agreed to report tbo matter back to the house with out recommendation ana transfer the tight to the committee of the whole. The party pro- liibltlonlsts appealed bcforo the committee nnd strongly urged the calling of the conven tion , alleging that they \voro ready and de sired to at onro renew the struggle for r011- st.l'utlonal ' prohibition. Mr. Cornish ( rep. ) pointed out the fact that our present consti tution was strongly tinctured with imtl-inon-i opoly doctrlnos. and conferred ample power upon the legislature to con trol all corporations. Ho also s.ild that It strictly limited the number of public officials unil kept their salaries within reasonable limits , ami questioned whether anew now convention would umft n constitution so satisfactory in every respect. The inde pendents nro becoming oxttcinolv wcurv of of the importunities of the prohibitionists , and are feeling less disposed each day to ac cede to their demands. The sentiment In the house is clearly against the convention idea , nnd it is not the least likely that the proposi tion can muster the necessary votes when the final test comes. AVorUl'N Kiiir Appropriation. LINCOLN , Neb. , Fyb. lit. [ Special to TUB BF.K. ] Governor Furnas of Brownvlllo , Euclid Miirtin of Omaha una A. G. Scott of Ivonrnoy , representatives of the World's Columbian exposition , have been before the finance , ways and means committee of the house. They asked an uppropriiUion of $150- 000 to enable the stnto to bo property repre sented at the great undertaking. Several members of the commltteo favored tha ro- < iucst and others opposed It. Another moot ing will Ixi bold. It is not thought that nn appropriation of more than f 100,000 will bo inado. Soinoof thocommlttccmon held that au appropriation of $10,000 ought to sufJlco. Chairman Nichols favored allowing the full amount asked liecauso in view of the un happy advertisement which the state has TO. ceived because of the drouth , n first-class exhibit was dccinod Imperative. 'Tha main part of tbo appropriation is not naked for until next year. Ten thousand dollars , however , will bo appropriated for immediate use to enable the stuto members of the commission to undertake the prelimi nary work Immediately. The Flsli CominlKnlon. _ LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 13. [ Special to TUB BBK. ] Hon. , W. U May , the Indefatigable chairman ol tlio Nubrnska fish couimlulou , left this afternoon with tbo committees on finance , wuyn nnd wans and ilsh and game , and a largo number of .seimtora , for the state lutchcrlcs nt tiouth Bend. The partv was accompanied by M. E. O'Dricn ' , superintend- onto the hatchery , The object of the trip was to enable the legislators to see what is being dona by the 1I U commission in pisci culture ill this state , Many of the members have novcr been to the hutchury , have no knowledge , ns to what kind of a place it is and in fact scarcely kuo- that such a place exists in the state. The appropriation asked for this year is u fraction over $15,000 which Is to servo the next two .veal's ' for salnrlri , tha excavating - ing 1 * of now ponds and ttio erection of some buH < 1lrfg.s. The amount l.s considerably loss'ttan tlmt Bought two years The demand for fish for river and pond purposes U Increasing hi nil purts of the state. It exceeded in ISStT that of tbo preceding - ceding year , and the prosoht season it Is ox * peeled will witness the greatest demand yet experienced , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Appointed Illegally. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob.'lS. [ Special to Tun UKK. ] Thoacnnto spent honrly nn hour and nhalf discussiug n resolution by Senator Chrlstoflcraoti that Hurry Clmffoo , a mruson scngcr between the senate anil the govorn- or's ofllce , bo placed on the pay roll of the senate , The moVe Induced a discussion of the multiplicity of employes now tmdor piy the advisability of assuming vospon. lblllty for the employes In other oopnrtmonts , ttio respect duo the governor mid finally the statement that every ono of the souato em ployes had been employed or lured In an 11- legiil manner. This assertion was nm < 1o by fecnntor Swltzlor of Uoiiglas , who showed that tbo men nnd women no\y working for tlio senate should have boon elected by that body , whereas 'In point of fact they had nil boon appointed by Individuals. Ho had not bcforo objected to this method , but ho thought that men who hnd appointed their own assistants nt the expense of the senate should not show disrespect to the governor by graining him a messenger to work between that gentleman's ofllco niidtbo senate. The gentleman also showed that it was not the go-vornor who had inspired tbo resolution. Senator CurlstofTorsbn fought hard nlso for 'tho measure , but It wiU laid on the tablo. Liked the .M < ; HMIIKC. Li.scor.NNeb. . . Fob. 1.1. [ Special to Tun Ilnu.J Governor Iloyd has received a letter from Congressman McICelglun , dated house of representatives , Washington , in which oc curs the following ! Your oxcrllunry will plcaso accept my hourly coiiRiutumtfom on your mossugo to the loRlsliituie. It inrulsiiiy views from be ginning to end , and I slncuiuly hop that the present loulsl.itute may lo ) guvornud l > y your aUvleo. Yours to count pn. pn.v. . A. Tin * Sonuti' . LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. ! . fSpcclal to TUB The committee on Judiciary reixirtca favorably upon the lolloxvmg scnntoilles : No. 71 , relating to estates in dower ; No. 73 , relating to estates by curtsey ; No. 70 , amending sections 30 nnd 170 of chapter 23 , statutes of 1SSU ; No. 77 , amending section 10 , chapter 30 , statutes same year. Tbo committee on finance , ways and means , recommended the indullnito post ponement of Nos. 10J , relating to fees , and in , rognrding frauds ; also the passage of No. B'J , regarding counties and county oOlcors ; also No. 54 , relating to mortgagor * and inort- gaorcos. which was referred to the committee " on" Judiciary ; II. K. 81 , regarding the is suance of bonds : senate lllo No. 33 , levying and collection of taxes , which was iudotl- nltcly postponed. Tbo commlttcoon medical legislation recom mended tbo passage of senate lllo No. 79 , pro hibiting undertakers from' putting embalm ing lluld , without the consent of the coroner , into the stomachs of people who dlo felonious deaths or under suspicious circumstances. The committee on Internal improvements favored the passage of illo No. 7H , repealing section 8 of chapter 45 of tbo statutes. Senate lllo No. U3 , relating to the registra tion of votes , was recommended for passage by the committee on immlclpil affairs. Tbo commltteo on revenue endorsed senate flics 107 , amending section lit of chapter 77 , and No. 81 , regarding oil inspection. The commltteo on unitorslty and nnrmfil schools reported favorably ou II. it , 10 , re garding the library fund at the university. On motion of Senator Keiper , the commlt tee on Insane asylums was ordered to visit the Institutions under Its care and the secre tary of state to furnish them with transporta tion. tion.Senator Senator Poynter introduced n Joint reso lution that all articles of Incorporations of banks hereafter bo stored lu .ttio ofllco of auditor of public accounts. Senator Stevens offered a resolution that the old flag of.tUo senate bo glvoti to Stephen A. Douglas post , Grand Army of the Ito- nublic , North Platte , for post decoration. Laid over under the rules. The following Jllos wore read u first time : No. 17 , appropriating fTS.OCO for the expenses of the loKislaluro ; No. 151) , punishing fraud ; No. 150 , rendering a mortgage of household properly void without the signature of hus band and wife or head of ttio family. The following wore road a second time : No. 153 , regarding tbo Issue of bonds ; No. 15" , regarding public schools In metropolitan cltios ; No. 150 , gradd Juries j No , Mil , posting names of railroad employes ; No. 117 , erecting scales at station : . ; No. 145 , transferring cars ; No. 141 , recounting Judicial amendment vote ; No. 143 , usury. Senator Poynter introduced a resolution , based upon the suggestion of Governor Bo/d ; In his message , that Senator Ohristofferson , Dysurt and lirou'n be appointed \ \ committee to investigate thaolllce3 of tlio oxecutlvo de partments of the state nnd report to the sen- ato. Laid 'over under the rules. It has attracted attention because of the bubject contemplated , as also because it originates with the.independents and places a democrat as chairman. The present incumbents say they court In vestigation , but tboro Is some danger that others not now In oftlco may bo called on to explain some fucta and figures. Ijuislntivo Notes. The members could not withstand the temptation to go n-iishlng , nuct an adjourn ment for this purpose was taken. A very lanjo ( loloL-ation of the members wcntulon'g with the lish committee to sco the hatchery. Hon. A. E. Gout , county attorney , J. II. Overman , a prominent merchant , and I. W. Harris , president of thq farmers1 mutual in- suranoo company of lilchurdson county , called upon Kanrosontativo Vundcvcnter today. Speaking of the Omaha charter today , Sen ator Switzlcr said : "Omaha people are writ ing to us for bills regarding charter amend ments.Vo cannot glvo their orders atten tion owing to tbo fact thut some of us , my self , for instance , has thu aid of no clerk cither as nu individual or a chairman of a committee. Will you state in Tin : Buu that the bills minting to the charter nro Nos. , 1C , IHi , 07 , 110. the last being the main ono , may bo procured by addressing the secretary ol the senate and ( 'lviiig number required. " Mr. W. P. Ourloy of Omaha , In behalf of tbo Douglas County Bar association , arrived this morning iuidlinl u conference with some of the lawyers from Lancaster. ISuch or ganization hud introduced a bill proposing to do uwoy with the evils of the present jury law and remedy the defects of the law of 1889 which prevented it from going into effect Some of the minor features of each bill were eliminated as the result of the con ference , nnd both measures will bo merged into ono nnu receive the support of tbo attorneys - . noys from botli counties , "World's Fair Work Stopped. CIIICAG o , Fob. 13. Tie ) work of grading in Jackson park in preparation for the world's ' fulr Is at n standstill. Lute yesterday after noon a lot of idle workmen , Undine they were unublo to induce the Italians there to strike for an'advunco in , wages , attacked them and the Italians quit work In fear of another as sault. They have boon dissatisfied anyway with the wucos , .81.59 a day , saying that many bad to wofirstnudlng'in water and mud up to their ankles , and wanted $1.75. This morning nnytlier largo , crcnyil of Idlers COD- grogatod and maintained a threatening atti tude toward the Italians , and the latter de termined not to rcMimo work. The contrac tors will rcsumo la a day or two and demand protection. , A Short. Bank TclUir. EVANSVIU.I : , lud. , Fob. 13. Charles Ulttor , teller of the First National bank , is short in his accounts. U Is csUnmto4 that the doflcii will reach $ .VK ) , . Uittor confesses to using the funds and suys ho will iimlto tha loss good , Hitter Is the luml ; of tbo Schmidt nmslo house In this city mid has established branch concoins in Terra Hnuto and Owcnsboro. Ky. Those houses \ > cro badly managed , and not having money of his own to kcop thorn going , the presumption Is thut ho appropri ated the bank funds. A Cool Sulolilo. HUWATIU , Kan. , Fob. in.fSporlal Tele gram to Tnr. BEK.I A clerk named Young at Axtoll , Kan. , took poison this morning with suicidal intent. Ho walked lute u drug store and asked for rat pol.ton. Taking a quantity of tlio bo * ho nsked if Unit wn exough to kill n rat and wns informed that It wouldlilll nil the nits In town , when ho said "Goed-byo" nnd swallowed It. A stomach pump was procuroJ nud used with tfooU ef fect and ho may llvo. Ho was mnrncdi Ai'Jt JA a EH jti:7'iritr.t TKN nM3h 'rim Illinois Democrat lu State-Minim' Goes Itnek on Grovvr. WASHINGTON , Fob. 13. ( Special Telo- grain { to TIIK Hm.J : "Cleveland and Springer" ; will not bo the democratic ticket forJ8l-J. ! It will bo romombqrcd that the Illinois congressman Inaugurated the Cleve land boom nt the Thurman bnnn.uot t\t Cpl- umbus , O. , a few weeks since , tt was about .o'clock In the morning when Mr Sprfnper aroused thu wildest enthusiasm , by declaring that In choosing a candidate to represent democratic u melplosiu lS' . > 'i the-party-would not have to look beyond that banquet hall. It wns accepted as nn informal nomination of Cleveland and it tirousod the lumiuoters to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. Air. Springer wns the lion of the hour. Ho wa invited into ; the wc-presldcnt's ' private car on the way back to New York. Ho was boomed for thospc.ilccrshlp ns representing the Clovelnud Idea , but today Mr. Springer hiiulod down the Cleveland coloi-s , mid If. an other Thurman bnmntct was held tonight ho \vould withhold the Cleveland panegyric and tiomlnato a free silver man if ho nominated any. In nn Intorvlovv todny Mr. BpriiiKor stated that Cleveland's letter had put n new aspect ou tbo presidential question. Ho be hoved the democratic party wns unalterably committed to the advocacy of frco silver , mid that tlio future candidate of tlio purty would have to bo a frco silver man. "Look forward one year and sea what thu situation will be , " said Mr. Springer. "Tho next house , overwhelmingly democratic , will pass n frco coinage bill. The senate may reject the bill. If they pass It , tt will goto President Harrison risen mid oe vetoed , but In any event , the silver Issue -will bo clearly brought before the country , with the democrats of congress united in supporting frco comngo. With the party tuns supporting It , the question of coinage Is certain to bo an issue at the next presidential campaign. " It Is , of course , Impossible to reconcile this statement of Mr. Springer with bis famous speech ot the Thurmaii banquet. The con gressman does not even seek to reconcile it , lor ho views the letter Just us most of his colleagues do as opening up an unroconciln- blo difference between the ex-president and his party. Hardly a democratic member of congress has cscaucd the Interviews on the Cleveland silver letter , but the republican members have been lot alone , for It has boon taken for granted that they would criticise tbo ex- president , liut there are some exceptions to this rule. Senator McMillan of Michigan , for Instance , thinks that the Cleveland letter will help him among tbo people , pnrtloularly in the west , to some extent. Mr. McMillan Is chairman of the republican stuto commlt tee of Michigan. Ho said that if Cleveland was tbo democratic nominee of 1802 he would bo stronger in Michluan thnn ho would have been without his nutl-sllvcr letter. The senator thinks thai tha silver cry is n popular wave xvhlch w111 soon subside nnd thattho sober second thoucht of the people and par ticularly of the business pcoplo will bo In favor of the Cleveland idea , WITHSTOOD TIIK OHDKAI. . Civil service reform and the civil service commission have withstood n shocking ordeal in the house of representatives during the past two days. Yesterday the opponents ot tlio commission succeeded , while tbo house was in committee of the whole , in knocking out of the legislative , executive and Judicial appropriations bill the usunl salaries glvcu the largo corps of examiners mid clerks in the civil bcrvicc bureau , and today , while the house was yet In committee of the whole , it simply gave the commLssIon one cxum- incr , a stenographer and n messenger and provided the annual salaries of ) , , MX ) each for the commissioners. This was done , It must bo remembered , when the ho.uso was in committee of the wliolo , where no aye and nay vote Is over Uikcn , nnd therefore the op position of each member could not bo mudo a matter of record. When th * house went out of the commltteo of the whole and took up tbo bill for llnul adoption tbo assailants ot civil service reform changed their posi tions as"thejV names jv'erb called nnd they camd to the record. . iTHo amendment yestcrdav knocking but ttio salaries and clerks passed by a vole of about three to ono. Today when a record of the votes was taken the majority changed the other way ; uid almost iwmi , , > ny voted to give the commission n lump" appro priation to bo expended as It wishes for clerks , examiners , etc. , as yesterday voted " the other way. The record" has agnhi proven n great civllizcr. Jt was oxpcctod , in view of the lai'Ko number of members who will retire from this congress , that the civil service commission would bo given u sovcro drub bing and that tlio reform , ns It is now being conducted , would ho seriously crippled. The only thing the house succeeded In doing was torccordJtSL'lfin oppo sition to imiking the civil service commission nu independent bcdy , reporting ; to no execu tive department unless it'was to Invest the commission with creator discretionary pow ers by appropriating so much money for a given number of clerks to bo expended by the commission within Its discretion. Altogether the civil service commission has taken a step forwnrd instead of going backward , roil ISSUING AIIMS TO WIISTFIIN STATES. Senator Casey of North Dakota has pro- scntod a Joint resolution , supplementary to the resolution which some timoslnco bccaino u law , providing for tlio Issue of 1,090 stands of arms to tho'Rtiitcs of North nnd South Da- Itotn , Wyoming , .Montana and Nebraska by inserting after the word "rilles" the follow ing , "together with nil Infantry equipments necessary to their use in the Hold. " This will provide the citizens of the states with ammunition , side arms , etc. , so they may talto the Jleld any time against marrauilliig Indians , . From u report to congress by the secretary of war , it is seen that Nebraska's militia aggregates 1,1-H men , that of Iowa i.Mt uud of Soiith Dakota-193 men , NT.IWVSKV I'OSTMASTKlia .UTDINICU. Earl H. Calvin has boon -appointed post master ut tbo now ofllco of Pawlet Deuol county , and Joseph Growo nt Ulegc , Ghcrrv county. The following postmasters have also been appointed for Nebraska : Eight TVlilo Grove , Cuss county , U * . Jiuiktus , vlco S. Mailer , resigned ; Gilmorc. Sarpy county T. Do Smith , vice S. B. Kiiapp , resigned. MII-ITM.ANKOUS. A favorable report bus been nindo by the appropriation commltteo upon Senator Alan- dersou'a amendment to the sundry civil ap propriation bill appropriating ii0,0)0 ! ! ) to bo inailo available immudintcly for the construc tion of suitable buildings for u military store house nnd ofllco nt the military depot nt Omaha. In the senate today Air. Mundorson offered as amendments to tbo sundry civil appro priation bill amensnro appropriatingfS.OUO to reimburse the city of Lincoln for paving about the federal building in that city ; also an amendment giving $ .1,000 , to Improve the square about the federal building In Lincoln. The committee will also report favorably Mr. MundcrMm's amondmrnt to the bill in creasing to'tho extent of flOO,000 the appro priation for the site and public building at Omaha. Representative Clifford today presented the Joint resolution of the South Dakota legisla ture asklne for an appropriation for the drouth sufforcrs In that state , A favorable report has been made by the house commltteo on mllltaryaffnlrs ujwiiMr. Dorscy's bill removing tha chnrjjo of deser tion ngalnst the military record of Patrick Dimply of Grand Island , Kov. Tnther King of FnllS City , Nob. , Who lias been hero for some time Jn conuixtion with the enrollment of the Murphy family with the Sac and Fox trlbhas. . left for his homo. Pnmiv > . HIJATII. osrr .i.v ovrjutmovsAIE , A Sensational NewHpupcr Report With out Any Foundation. PAXTOX , Neb. , Fob. 13. [ Special Telegram to THE HUB. ] There is great indignation hero over a report which is said to have emanated from Ogullula that over ono hun dred persons wore assembled hero for the purpose of holdtng.up trains , a great niuity of whom were armed with revolvers nud shot guns , their object being to supply tboiiuolvos with roul and other property , and , thut the sheriff hnd notitlcd the gnng to disperse otherwise bo would call uppn Governor Woya for Mifllclent assistance to snnprcss "tliom Ttio only excuse for tbli sonsatlonnl news ii that about fifteen persons have been nrount the Union 1'uclllo depot and It wm boltovot that tholr object wns to "rustic up" n littla coal. Tboro has beoa no violence nttomptov. nnd none of the parties suspected of wantluj coal are armed. WnOMURDBREDMRS.COWLES ? A Coroner's ' Jufj1 HtP Olatks Palis to An- 'r-tiA Question. THE KNIGHTS 'OF ' 'LABOR ' CONVENTION , l/ i } * .n ; A Deputy MntMhhl Ilobbud A llixst- Ings .lIIIHii'i1J lldiiHO Mak OH nn < \NHigniiii > --\iiteN I'Vom Kre- inont lAI/uut / tlio State. a , Neb. , Fob. 13 ? ( Special Telegram to TIIE HUE. ] The coroner's Jury In the Cowlcs murder cnso today returned u verdict that Mrs. Kannlo C. Cowlos cnmo to her death by violence at the bands of a party or parties unknown ; that tha killing WM felon ious nnd further recommended that the evi dence bofoto them Justlllod a thorough Inves tigation nt the hands of the proper authori ties. Detectives nro still nt work , but no further arrests have been inado. KulghlH of Ijiibnr Convention. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. ! ! . [ Special to T.IIR BEE. ] Last evening the opening session of the stnto convention of the ICnlghts of Labor was held at Bohunan's ' hall and the session was resumed today. . The attendance Is very large , virtually cvory assembly In the state elng represented by delegates. In all a rep- escalation of about two hundred laborers rom over the state. General Master \VorUmnn Powdcrly of 'hlladclphla is present nnd lends his benign tresenco throughout.tho deliberations , which ro , In part , tha consideration of proposed oglslatlon respecting Nebraska laboring nen In regard to labor measures. Era the onvontion adjourns state ofllcers will bo lected. Tha press committee gives It out that there s yet nothing done that may bo given the lublb , all work so far being strictly private nd of direct interest only to the niemuors of ho order. It Is thought , however , that nt otnorrow.'s meeting matters of general Inter- st will be called up nnd considered , when ho public will have nn opportunity to know lartlally of what the convention Is doing. lion. T. V. Powderly addressed nil immense assemblage nt Itonhnn'an's hall this evening. His speech was received with great en- huslasin nnd greeted throughout with iheers. Ho gave a rcsumo of the history of ho Knights of Labor and the principles of ho order. Ho dwelt for some time on the nxatlon of suburban property where labor- tig men build homos. Ho characterized It 13 lining industry. No man , said ho , has a Ight to specv.lnto on God's ' green earth. Usurious Interests and high rates of trans- jortatlon were scored. Ha declared that manhood was worth nioro than money , and ot manhood in his state drew but ? l.'i ! ! per lay or § 375 per year , which was less thnn the egul rate of Interest on$7,000. This showed nanhood as being valued less than money. Kohhcd tbo .Marnlial. FALLS CITV , Neb. , Fob. 13. [ Special to TUB BEK. ] Last evening , about , 7 o'clock ' , nd while the occupants were at supper , a neak thlof entoro < l the room of Deputy United States Jlir.shal Hepflnger and Her man Kucggo In thoTovlo ) block In this city nd captured n sut ( oC clothes , about ? " ( ) vorth of papers , and.asmn of monoy. There s no truce of the culprit ns yet. Mr. Hep- iuger has offered i ) roiyard for his arrest. Millinery HASTINGS. Neb. , Fob. ID , [ Special Tele grain to THE BnB.l-Tho millinery house of axolbyVhlpplornado \ nn assignment to ho sheriff this aftoVrfoon for the benefit of heir creditors. The condition of affairs is inknown. It was ono of the oldest millinery firms in the city. - . .1MV M - .1 Fremont. iSotes. FIIEMONT , ' Nob. FobC 13. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BftyJ L. > C. .Olson , an old ottlcr'of thls"count iroslJlnsf near James- own , died Iust > nlgh&fead-wlll bo buried next ilonday nt 1 o'clock. * Gus Scliragor , who fell yesterday and in ured his limb , finds no 'consolation lu his myslciati'fl ultimatum that ho will bo obliged o lie pretty much In ono position for n month or six weeks In order to bo brought out In the spring in as good condition as when ho foil. The two burgltt'-s , Michael F. Swift and Trauk Uttcrson , ou trlnl this week for going brough Sickol's store , were found guilty by the Jury , which returned n verdict a 13:30 : this nfternoon. The other two of the lour , Harry Thomas nnd James Itced , were brought up 'or trial today. Thomas pleaded guilty , and Jeed nsked for and was granted a continu ance to the May term. Twenty-Two Years Old. LINCOLN , Nob.Fob. . 13. The twentj- second anniversary of the chartering of the university of Nebraska will bo celebrated to. morrow nfternoon nnd evening by a reception nnd address. 'From 3 to ( S p. in. the public nro nvited to visit the various ! departments , which will bo open for Inspection , with tbo heads of departments nud others on hand to direct Isitors and answer questions. Cards of ad mission to the buildings nt this time can bo obtained without charge at the chancellor's ' olllco. The evening exorcises nro free to nil nnd will consist of the annual address , delivered by President Penbody of tlio university of Illinois , nna brief remarks by Acting Chan cellor Bossoy , C. II , Gore , president of the board of regents , and President Dungnn of Cotuer university , who was a member of the lirst board of regents of the state university. Kired tin ; Jail Again. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. < U ! ! . [ Special to THE Br.u.j Marshal Mellck Hied complaint with the insanity board this morning charging Mary Briggs with boltig off her base , nnd she will huvo her hearing before the commls sloncrs tit 4 o'clock this afternoon. For the sixth or seventh time Alary last evening sot lire to the city Jail. This time she tore ono of her skirts into shreds and threw thorn on top of the stove. The ilames were subdued by the oftleprs hi short order. It is probably a good thing that Mary's time Is out. Had she boon kept fn the city Jail much longer her en tire wardrobe would have been sacrificed to hordasiros to lire the jail. ContcHtril Tobacco Slouk. YOIIK , NOD , , ' Feb. 13. [ Special to TUB DKB.J Several weeks ago a cigar manufacturer namedNugent Jumped the town in the mlddlo1' ' of- the night nnd left numerous creditors to Vegrot his departure. Ho took the precaution ttoforo leaving to turn over his stock of"n'cj fyrs nnd tobaccos to Georpo Corcoran orthislty , giving him chattel mortgage oiwaUoin. Ttesterduy Shor lit Shreek seized the goods on nn execution against Nugent. MB. CVircoran promptly ro- plovlncd them and enso wns tried before 1J1U > 1UL.'V4 liULU , tha | * * * > tt * u\ ujtiij County Judge Mon'tKomory.who decided that tbo title to the property and right of posses slon was with Corconin : 'JI o Y. M. < ? , , { } - , < , ' < nii'oronco. Nnnu.vsiu CITYV > - & . , Fob. l'l. [ Special Telegram to Tim DTuwli The session of the state Younc Men's Christian association sec retaries' couforcncotoJCtfy was an Interesting nnd larircly attondo3.bilo. ' Secretaries J. M , Bothwell of GruiuV AWnd , J. U. Carruthers of YorkA. . M. Clombfaco of Fremont , K. 13. (5rinin of Fairbury , A1. Nnsh of Omaha , C. Al. Sprimjof Crete and \Vllllain Franklin of Weeping Water \yoro ( ho spankers today. The session will continue over tomorrow. A Uceolvcc Appolntnl. BnATiucr , Neb. , , Fob. 18. [ Special Tdo- ' gram to Tun HEK. ] Deputy United States Marshal J. C. Emery was todny nppoltod 10- coivcr of the roller mill property of Baling & Voorhces , Filler , thW county. The property wus taUon by tlio Noyvs milling company of Canton , O. , ou a mortgage of t'J.OOO. A Itello < jl'tlio AVar. DIIOKBX Bow , Nob. , Fob. 111. [ Special Telegram i.r - ogram to TiiHDEii.lTt-W.il. Darton of Bcr- wyn hnd his left log amputated this morning , between the hip nnd kneo. The cause wns n shell wound received during the war , which i has caused him more or less trouble since. Dr , M. .1. Qnhati of Grand Island performed the operation , assisted by Dr. U. C. Tnlbott of this rlty , and It wns very successful. Mr. Barton Is u prominent ( Irnnd Army of the Republic in ml In this section. ' Urnvo FlKlH with Snow Drifts. .pjiAiuoN , Nob. , Fob. 1.1. [ Special to Tup. Bniii ] Thn west bound passenger trnln that loft Long Pine ut 8 o'clock p. in. Saturday , thb 7th , 'arrived nt Chndron nt 'J o'clock Wednesday , tya llth , nftcr euporliunma ef forts on the part of the brnvo boys represent ing tlio Fremont , Klkborn .t Missouri Vnlloy rond. The- passengers on this train sent them nvoto of tbnuks for bringing them safely through nud they doscrvo It. They over came mountains of drifts , packed so hard that heavy men could wall ; over thorn \\JMi- out slnklnpr nnd that1 worn tnkon out In great cakds moro llko Iro'tllan snow. Some of the banks woru ten nud twelve feet thick. The snow plow ITUW Jcopnrdized their lives at every drift. Following nro the names of the brnvo snow plow men : Conductor , Tug Wilson ! engineer , iTohn Prltxusoi fireman , KdBrlggs ; brakomrii , Harkm and Isgrlirg , with twenty-one men snow shovelers. Crow of passenger train No. II : Conductor , John Snminons ; engineer , Milt Cnrltou ; llrcnmn , George Bnrnwell. ' Flro and Snow. Buinvm. , Neb , , Feb. 18. [ Special Tcle- grntntoTiiK Hnrf. ] The dwelling bf Post master F. A. Webster burned to tbo ground at 7 o'clock tnls morning. The members of the family were all In bed , but escaped. The contents of the building were mostly saved. There was no Insurance. No trains have been run out from bore this week. The snow plow Is now nt Grceloy Center , nnd probably the road will bo opened tomorrow morning. A Ueturn Hlioot. Et.KHOUN , Nob. , Fob. 18. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BBK.J Jim Mnyhow U not sat isfied with the result of yesterday's shoot be tween him nnd Mark Turner. Ho challenged Turner nnd was accepted for a $100 shoot , $50 a side , to como oft next week , on February 19. They will shoot at fifty birds each , from two plunge traps ns bofore. There will bo swcepstuku shoot ns ou the former occasions No one Is barred. Threatened Ijyiicliiuj ; In Missouri. Poi'uu Bi.t'i'i'i * , Mo. , Fob. 13. SherifT Gardner returned from Vienna. III. , this morning , having In custody Marlon Long , who , according to the confession of Mrs. Vundevcr , killed the lattor's husband. It is known that nn attempt will bo made to lynch the pair tonight , nna to pi-event this the sheriff summoned n posse of armed men to guard the Jiill. Trains Ittihnliif1 ; Again. LONO PINE _ , Neb. , Feb. 13. [ Special to THE Bnn. ] A passenger train froinChadron , at midnight Wednesday nlcht was the first train to arrive from the west since Inst Sat urday morning , on account of the snow blockade- The through passenger from AVhitewooct nrrlvcd on time yesterday morn ing , and schedule time has been restored , COt'EltSOIl HlltVS I'O&ITIOX. lie AV1II Accept Any Kvplanntlon of nir. "Wiitterson's. Nr.w YOKK , Fob. 13. [ Special Tclosrrnm to Tin : Bun. ] Governor Hill , who Is stopping nt the Hotel Normnndlo , wns shown Mr. Wattcrson's second letter this afternoon and asked what , if anything , ho hnd to say about it , . "I huvo only this to add , " said the gover nor , "Mr. Wnttorson novf afllrms that a letter felt to bo offensive In its defense of mo and In the motives and role Assigned tome mo was infact , written by him and in fact written nt the time of its dnto. My reasons for believing the letter a forgery were throe. First , I have never * rdceivod It ; second , I thought Kentucky go6d uinnnors would have required | myrooeptrof.Um | letter and my nssont ocforo the publication , and tblrd , it snys the writer never held oHlca and I remembered Mr. AVattorson'6 brilliant career in congress. " 1 do not sock to fathom Mr. Wattorson's motives and I accept whatever explanation Tifliltt 1'llKFKttliXCKS. "Who the Democratic legislators "Want Tor the Next I'rrslilcnt. Nr.w YOIIK , Fob. li ) . [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bci.1 : The Hcralct this morning pub lishes the reports of the canvasses In twenty- eight democratic legislatures upon their pref erences f6r president. The recapitulation of returns from all sources show thntcx-Prosi dent Cleveland Is favored by 1 , . " > 15 leglsla tors , Sennior-cloctHill by IK ) , and that i)70 of the men approached favored no nindidato or will not commit themselves. The states canvassed are Now York , Massachusetts , Kliodo Island , Texas , Alabama , Kentucky , Colorado , Wisconsin , Missouri , Ohio , Kansas , Indiana nnd Illinois , where sixty-eight rnpro- scntatlves and eighteen senators prefr-r Cleve land : Arizona , Maine , Michigan , Nebraska , Arkansas , North Carolina , North Dakota , Minnesota , Connecticut , Montana , West Vir ginia , Washington , Pennsylvania , Tennessee nnd Oregon. Double Hanging in Delaware. DOVEII , Del. , Fob. 13. Jesse H. Proctor and Frederick Young were hanged hero at 1 :5-'l : this afternoon. The murder for which Proctor and Young were hanged was committed August ! i8 last. The victim was Stephen Lindsay , n colored ' man eighty-two years old mid'a local exhorter - hortor In the colored church at Media , Pa. Hobbcry was tlio motive. The two negroes slept fairly well and breakfasted heartily this morning. Young , who had broken down badly after learning yesterday that there wns no hopoof n respite , had recovered much of his nerve and said that ho felt pretty well this morning. Neither of the condemned men spoke a word on the scalTold , but nftor a prayer by Kov J. C. Cole ( colored ) and the benediction by Hov. Ponlicld Fikes they stood steady and unqunllingly while the noose and blnck caps were adjusted nnd their ICRS were being bound. At exnctly 1 : . )2 Sheriff Cole severed , with ono stroke of his lintchot , the ropu that held the trap. The two doomed men shot downward iivo foot nnd died without n struggle , with every np- penrnnco of having had their necks Instnntly broken , About , ono hundred nnd lifty spec tators gathered around thu Holds and on the roofs of adjacent buildings witnessed the execution. Tbo AVool Market. BOHTOX , Mass. , Fob. 13. | Special Telegram to TIIK Ben. ] The demand for wool has been good nnd the sales of the week : i,04S,000 , pounds of nil kinds. The market has boon linn , but there has been but little dmnzo In prices. In domestic wool the principal sales have been In territory grades and have been In the ranire of 4 H'KVflMc. Fine medium Montana was sold to n coed extent nt * "J@ ' On thq scoured basis the principal wools thoru has been nolnlng of consequence. dona nnd prices are unchanged. Pulled wools have been in good demand nt super selling nt40 ( 45c for-tho boat , ut HOiflllSo for fnlr to good , , nnd , nt S'JOJ.SOQ for extras. Ohio and 1'cnusvlvnnla fleeces have been quiet , with ' sales n't ni < ftiie ; ! for X. nt 3 ( : io ! for XX. nnd U7@U8cf.orNo. 1. Michigan sells nt su&aoc , No. 1 washed ijpmlng Is tlrm atH'J(5f42c ( , Ohio flno aclalna nra ut itOTuWc and Michigan line doluino nt : Va3Uc. ( Salts of unwashed comb ine have been mudo nt U7(3i'-'o ( : for quarter nnd tlireo-ejghihs blood. Australian wools hnvo been nctlvu and firm nt 30C < t4ic. There tins been moro demand for foreign carpet wools. . . * If that lady At the leeturo thn other night only know how nicely Hall's Hair Henowcr would remove dnndrulT and Improve the hair , aho would buy a bottle. itomhnrdcd and Ilnriilng. NuwYouK , Feb. 13. Flint Co. today re ceived tba following cablegram from Chill : "Plangua has been bombarded and Is burning. The blockade has ceased at Valparaiso.11 A Forging Hunker. PAIIIS , Fob. 13. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BEE.J It bus been discovered tuat'io - or Mnco or Dementi , the banker of this city ivho absconded a few days ago , was tlio forger of the telegrams recently noiit to Lon- Ion ordering the snlo of largo quantities of Brazilian securities. JOHVt XKIVS. Joined iiio Htui'eo Syndicate. Four Donnn , In , , Teh. 13. [ Special Toto- i-nm to Tin : lliu. ] The thrco big gvpsuni stucco mills In this city have joined the syn- ilcnto now Doing organized to control tbo etucco bnclncsi of tbo country. Hamilton Drown of St. Paul , who Is engineering tlio combine , wns In the city today. Hu suvs the syndicate has secured control of every rymmn mill of any slza in the United States. t Is proposed to operate nil the mills ns tranches of n single concern , In which nil nlll owners as well as outslilo capitalists will bo interested. The organization of.tho" L'omblno will bo completed about April 1. An Atlantic : N'ow.spupcr riniuge. ATI.IXTIC. In. , Feb. 13 , [ Special Tele gram lo TIIU lii.j ) : O. M. Hobart mid Bugeiio .lolinson have purchased the Atlantic Hosscngur , they Inking possession Wuruli 1. Tlio politics of the paper remain uneh ingod. Iloburt and .lolinson nro practical printers md will undoubtedly m.iku n continued suc cess of the Messenger , which has boon ono of. Lho stalwart , republican tupors of western lown for twqnty-slx years. Uncovered thu Cheek. CKIUU K\rii > . , la , , Fob. 13. | Spccl.il Tele- grnra to TIIK Uni.J : Henry IHclccl , the young follow who worked himself Into the ijood graces of Mary llargor and skipped out n few days ngo with her pocketboolt contain ing f.V ) in money and n $9K ( ) check , has been captured nnd returned to thi ) city. The check was all right , but the most of the ftX ) had boon spent. A Hamburg IMan Killed. HAMIIUIIO , In. , Fob. l.'J. [ Special 'to THE Bin : , ] Hunt Drown , a well known nnd rospcctod young man hero , was accidentally killed at Montgomery , 111. , whlto on rotito with n trnln load of cnttlo for Chicago , shipped by G. L. Alton of this place. His remains will bo brought hero for Interment. Droppud Their Hull on u Foot UUCP. Biuii.txoTON- , , Fob. 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Dec. ] Thrco farmers from Il linois were Inveigled Into betting on a foot rncohoro todny , Their man fell down and ttioy dropped § 1,200. The cnso is being In vestigated , Miss Bcssio II , Bcdloo of Burlington. Vt. , bad a disease of the sculp which caused her hair to become very harsh nnd dry and to fall so freely she scarcely dared comb It. Aycr's Hair Vigor gave her a healthy scalp , nnd niado the hair beautifully thick and glossy. VLyil'SW TJIK IIE8T. How Champion FilzHlnimoiiH Tnlkfl of Ills AiitnKonlHtM. CHICAGO , Fob. l.'J. ( Special Telegram to Tun BIE. : ] Bob Fitzstimnons , champion mlddlo-wclght pugilist of the world , arrived in the city at U o'clock this morning from Now Orleans , the scene of his recent bout with Jack Dcmpsoy. Ho was accompanied by Bill Woods of Denver , who vanquished Mike Conlcy on lust Monday night nt the Auditorium club in ISow Orleans and carried off a $1,000 purse offered. Speaking of his plans for the immediate future , Fit/.slmmons said : "I have signed a contract with ficorgo Clark to exhibit nysclf and take part in a friendly set-to with Woods with soft gloves wherever ho designates , during a term of fifteen weeks , commencing on Monday next , I will accept no challenges until after the expiration of this contract , ihen I will challenge the winner of tlio Jack Burko-Tcd Pritchurd light , which takes place soon. Pritctiard clnlms to bo the champion of Eng land , but would bo nn oiisy mark for mo. " Bob talked freely of Ills recent light with Dempsey us well as of , his bouts with McCar thy , champion of 'Aus raliaL and , Uphnn , champion of Now-Kn 'lnnd , 'and stated that none of them gnvo him much trouble , nl- though ho admits that Dcinpsey was tbo best man ho over whipped. fit Irriiif * Devolutions. ST. JOHN ? , N. F. Fob. 10. Immediately nftcr the reading of the governor's ' speech nt the opening of the legislature todny Colonial Secretary Bond proposed resolutions reciting certain statements regarding reciprocity negotiations -which will cause n stir in Caiuula , the United States and England , During the discussion several of the most notable conservative members expressed strong sentiments in favor of aiiiioxlon nnd In condemnation of tbo unfriendly attitude of Caradu. The resolutions woio supported by the opposition , passed unani mously and sent to the legislative counsel for concurrence. The preamble stntos that on JulyS the Newfoundland delegates proposed to the British government that Newfound land should bn permitted to negotiate a con vention for reciprocal traclo with the United States. On September 8 this proposal was ncqulesced in. On December 11 ! a satisfac tory convention was arranged and accepted on' behalf of the United States govern ment by Secretary Blaino. Though strongly urged by Newfoundland the British government up to date has declined to ratify tlio convention. The resolutions declare that tbo house views with profound disappointment and alarm the failure of her majesty's ' government to carry out Its solemn obligations to the colony nnd Is nwnroof the Interference of Canada nnd can not full to appreciate the snmo us n menace to the liidependeiicu of the colony. The * mem bers emphatically protest nnd regard the de lay ns evidencing utter disregard for the prosperity of the colony nna calculated to permanently disturb the loyalty for which the colony hr.s In the past been remarkable. The people's remedy for the euro of coughs , colds , asthma , hoarseness , bronchitis , croup , InfUwnzn , whooping cough , incipient con- biiiniillon , Is Dr. Bull's ' Cough Syrup , the old reliable. Price " , " > cts. To promptly nnd permanently euro rheuma tism or neuralgia use Snluatlon Oil. Pnco 25 cents. FurmorH Want lleolprouity. LONDON , Out. , Fob , 13. The report adopted by the dominion grapgo sots forth that wheat was raised nt n disadvantage during the past few years and the farmers are recommended to glvo stock raising their attention , The liopo Is expressed flint the barriers of a high tariff will bo broken down between Canada and the United States. DenloH Itclng an Kmhrzzler. Svs FIUN-CISCO , Cal. , Fob. 13. The Aus tralian steamer Monownl returned today because - cause ot broken sh'nfts. Among t bo passen gers was Klchard Mandalbaum , who was re ported to hnvo lovaiiled. leaving creditors to the amount of over $ 100,000. This report ho denied emphatically nnd said his trip to Aus tralia was In tliffliitorosf , of private business , Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething rests the child , nnd comforts the mother. " " > cents a bottle. Killed In nn KxpIoMon. GOMIKX , Ind , , Feb. } 3. The Combinations pulp and straw board mill ntElkhart ex ploded last night with terrlfllo force , demol ishing the largo brick mills and utterly ruin ing tlio plant. Schuylcr Noswandcr and ( iickman were killed and two others badly hurt , ruilwmikee's Klrst Lymph Victim. MILWAUKKBVls. . , Fob , 18 , Mrs. Hading Wendland , wife of mi Illinois physician , Is the first victim of the lymph treatment In Milwaukee. She died nt the hospital a few days since. , but tha umtK'r has been kept ( juiet by the nbygldnns. liOIIIII H llllK'HH NKW YOIIK , Fob. lit. George flould stated this afternoon Hint the reports In regard to Jny Goulu's serious Illness were greatly ox aggcratcd. "My father , " said ho , "caught cold and his physician advised him to como back hero , " i < Klrlkn \Vcitvci-N. . FJU.I. KivKii , Moss. , Fob , 13. All the mill weavers at the Cornell mills struck this afternoon and WO looms are Idle. HIS WIFE CARRIED A WHIP , A rdlthloss Chicago Husband BtooinQJ. . Conscious of tha Fnot , 1 { MOTIVES OF IOWA RESllBMISSIONlSTS , X * * i Politician .Sums Them Up In tlic AVonl "Dolny" - MIloM CoiiHlilurn the AVar lo He Over-Ijlnblllly ol'Struul CiiiCAdo Office or TIIK URK , I CHICAGO , Fob. 111. [ _ Carl Ilourlltr , n lawyer with an oflleo In .ho opera house block , nnd who ivcontly cnmc lioro from Now' York , wns coivhlded lust night by hU wlfo , who found him hi com pany with n traveling salesman named Phil ips and two unknown woman , ono , of whom is supposed to have boon Kthol Towno , who ocontly became notorious by her trial lu In diana for forgery. The cownldlng took place loartlio ladles' entrance to the 1'nlmorliouao. i'hilllps suited that ho first men Uourllulait Monday night wlitlo out "painting the town. " had become quite well icqutntod with him and they had boon to gether much of the time slnco tholr first meeting. Ho snld ho hnd no Idea IlourlitJ ivns married ami was greatly surprised when ils wlfo appeared on the sceno. Ho furtbei stated thnt ho did not know the natiio ol either of the women Ilourlltz nnd ho hnd , been with , having boon Introduced to them only a few minutes before the eowhldlng. Il roiiiemborcd Hourllt/ culled ono Ethel and talked to her about her recent trial in in- dlaiiu , which ho did not understand. TUB IIKMON VIIV. M. II. 'Dent , democratic member ol the Iowa legislature nnd n prominent banker of that state , gives n very plausible explanation of tbo singular don Ira of the prohibitionists to have tbo question of prohibition rosubtiiitted to tlio ncopln. "The true Interpretation ol thelrnttitudo , " said Mr. Dent this morning nt the Cirand Pn- clllc lioUU , where ho Is registered from the town of LoMars ' 'Is bo , to found In the word delay. They nro painfully aware t'int their effort has proved nn nbsurd failure. Hut llko a man nlrald of death , they cling to their dying cause. Anything to prolong Us llfo seems to bo their motto. Now If nt the next legislature they , should succeed in having passed n resolution rcsubmlttlngtho question to n vote of the people the nrcscut state of things would have nii assured llfo in storoof at lens w two years , because the people ple would not vote on the question until a year nfter tlio legislature orders Its resubmis- slon nnd that body would not reassemble to act on the people's -decision until n year fol lowing thnt. " Mr. Dent and Halleck W. Seaman , nlso of Iowa , called upon Director Ucnqrul Davis today and asked for n space at thu exposition grounds. They urged thnt Inasmuch as Iowa wns the first state In the Union to make nn appropriation for world's fair work that they should bo among the llrst to roccivu n concession of space. In addition to the $50,000 which fowa appropriated last winter , her commis sioners afllrm she will put .ibldo f.'OO.OOU moro at the coming legislative session. General Miles positively declined , today , to converse in regard to tlio decision of the secretary of war on Colonel Forsytho's case. Adjutant General Coi bin after repenting General Miles' denial to u request for an In- tf'rvlewsald : " 1 think that General Miles considers the campaign over. Ho will not discuss the action of the secretary of war , much less criticise it. To do HO would bo to sot an example ) of insubordination for tlio army which would not bo becoming in n com manding ofllcor. " LtAIlll.lTV Or STItnKT HAII.WAYf ) . Judge Clifford today instructed the Jury in the damage suit ngalnst the North Chicago street rail way company In regard td the com pany's liability oil certain occasions thnt nro of great Interest to the traveling public. Edgar Cook , an veteran of the Crlmonn war , fell from n Wells street grip car and re ceived severe scalp wounds and a broken inn. The company sought lo 03capo liability by showing that the conductor \yus insida collecting fares when the accident occurred , but the court instructed the Jury that the company could not escape liability by clnlm- Ing that its servant was otherwise cncngcd in his duty when Cook was hurt. Following the instructions of tlio court the Jury found a verdict for 81 , ( > & " > agnlnst the company. ( HlCAdO Wp.I. I'IMill. According to Comptroller Onntmii's report now In tha hands of tlio printer the ilnancinl condition of the city is excellent. The state ment shows accounts for the yenr nggrogat- IngiV)5li3S.8'J. ) ! ! ' . A credit of $ : ) , ! ( XJ.OTa.'JS In the general fund is shown. A yonr ngo this fund showed n credit of little moro than ,000UO ( ) . WI5STKHN I'KOl'I.I ! IX CIIICMOO. Among the western peoploln Chicago today were the following : At the Auditorium F. W. Drake , Center- vlllo. la. : W. D. Douglass , Cedar Uuplds , In. ; W. II. Goodwin , Jr. , Sioux City , In. At the Pulnior- . 1C. Ptesscott , Helena , Mont. ; E. A. Sherman. Sioux Falls , S. D. At tbo Grand Pacific .1. G. Lumbard , .TosuphGnrncnuJr. , Willi.unLondon , Omaha ; K. S. Nelson , Dos Moluos , In. ; George A. Mend , George M. Kcllojrg , Matt L. Fllnn , Sioux City , In. : William N. McCarthyGroat Falls , Mont. At the Shormnn W. C. Daniels , Lakotn , N. O. At the Fremont M. N. Corlmtt , J. II. Cor- bon , OnmhiiY. ; . H. Fiench , Cedar Haplds , In. ; Miss Clark , 1're.ston , lu. At the Urevoort-S. U. Uigg ? , H. E. Gray , Omaha. , At , the Commercial N. Dinforth , Council Ulutl's , U. M. l uschur. Lincoln , Nob. At tiio Gore J. W. Kller. At the McCoy 1C. M. Martongnlo , H. G. Schollcld , Oinnbn. At the Clifton Mrs. Brown , Omaha. ATKINSON' . Ladles who value a roilncd complexion must use I'o/t/.ON'iV 1'owiiKii. It produces a soft nnd beautiful skin , . AlfXilSA'l ITS MA'lTKIt. O'KeclTc VavorN Golnt ; on with tlio Im peachment. I'riioeeillngH. "Ilns It been settled yet what day you leave the olllco t" wns nsked yesterday after noon ofV111 English , deputy recorder of deeds "If It has , " replied Mr. _ Engllsh , "J know nothing about It. " "Then you never hnvo snld thnt Saturday of the present week hnd been mutually agreed on ns the time for severing your connection with the oflloof" "No , sir ; not nt all. I never hnvostatod that the day for my leaving had been agreed UIKW , for it nqver has , 1 expect to have to leave this ofllco Just when H suits the pleas ure of , lnmc3 G. Megoath Just when James G , Mogoath says the word. " "Do you expect that word will bo given you soon ? " "I don't think It will bo delayed very long , though Just wnon it will como I cannot say , simply because I have no imuns of finding out. " "IJo you consider It will bo necessary for you to make nnyolTortat vindicating your self after you leuvoi" "Well , no , I do not.Vhnt nas boon In the papers will , 1 think , stand for enough tu save mo thnt tioublo. I don't blame Joft Mcgcuth any , now that ho bus got into the hole , for nnythlug that may bo iiecestary to get him out. " "Iltivo you heard any Intlm.itlon as to who will boyoursuccossorl" "Yes ; 1 understand It will DO a relation of James G. Megcath , nnd that U all ; I have heard no names mentioned , " Chairman O'KeolTo sold yesterday that ho wns in favor of going nlic.ul with the proceed- in s ogalnst T. A. Alcgcnth. "Tho paying over of 1,000 out of PJ.fiiiO.OO should malto no difference , whatever , " snld ho , "and as for myself it will not mnko nuy difference. " SIR MORRHU MACKENZIE. The eminent Throat Fpeelullst , iiy ; > 'Tlm Hodun Mineral i'lislllltn ' ( Troche. ) , produced from the Bodon .Springs by evnporiitlon , are puitluuliirly snrvlcoablo In Catarrhal Inflam- inntluii. Sore Tlunat , C'ou lis , llronuhltls ami liiiiig troubles. I'orsulu by all ilrui ! l.stii. Ob tain the fioruilno ( inly , wlileli liuvu thoilKnii- turo nnd tostliiidiiliit of Hlr with each liux. I'rlco We. %