THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FJJJDAY , FEBRUARY 13 , 1801. THE OMAHA BJEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. It Carrier In uny part of the City / II. W. T1LTON. - - - MANAOUlt ) Kltf'nrfi , Oftlcp , No. U \ . Night Editor , No. 23. JIIAOIt .MIJ.VTJO.V , K. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs LiimDcr Co. . coal. t Croft's clattcl loan , CtMSapp block. The marrlapo of Mr. F. M. Scaulan and Miss Anna Jopf will take place next Sun day. day.City. . Treasurer Klnnohan has paid out tlU7U10 slnco his term of oftlco began , a year ago next month. Mrs. Lymnn Campbell died of heart dis ease yesterday at her residence In Keg Crccit township. The funeral will tuko place at the residence this afternoon. The Eastern Star social will bo held this evening in the Masonic parlors. All mem ber j of the Masonic order and tholr families are Invited to bo present. Owing to the eloath of Dr. Hart , the Con gregational social advertised to be held at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Bixby this even ing bus been Indolinltcly postponed. The Jury In the $1,700 damage suit of ILL. Howard vs the Chicago , Milwaukee ft. St. Paul railroad , came in last night at 10 o'clock with a vcrellctawardiugtho plaintiff damages In the sum of lOU.-i,1) . A largo Ice house has been built on the Chautauqua grounds nnd Is now being tilled with ice for the use of the campers next sum mer , The Intention of the directors in doing this Is to 1111 a long felt want. The United Workmen , who have been hold ing their grand ledge nt Boone , have decided to hold the next tesslon in this city. Daven port , Waterloo and Ottumwn sent In invita tions for the giand lodge to meet with them , but Council Bluffs came out ahead on the final veto. The democratic city central committee held n mcotlnir Wednesday night in the ofilco of Emmet Tinioy. it was decided to hold the ward caucuses at 8 o'clock on the evening of February 'Jl , nnd the democratic city con- ventlon ntS o'clock on the evening of the U5th. The Dlnco of the latter will probably bo in the south room of tl.o county court house. The assault and battery case against N. Bluto was up before Justice Patton ycstor- elav. The trial took place Wednesday , and the court had It under advisement. Yester day the prosecuting witness changed. the charge from assault with intent to do great bodily injury to simple assault and battery. and upon this charge Bluto was lined $10 and costs. The injunction of T. .1. Evans et al against the city , wherein the plaintiff seeks to enjoin the city from carrying on the work of grad ing North Twentieth street , was to have been hcaid In Judge Thornell's court last evening , but owing to the fact that the Judge was otherwise occupied the hearing was post poned until next Thursday evening at 730 ; o'clock. Mr. Mclvin S. Balls nnd Miss Mnttle E. Bradley were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at tlio residence of the bride's parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Bradley , -102. Washington avenue , Kov. T , J. Mackay officiating. The ceremony was very quiet , being witnessed by only the most Intimate friends of the family. Mr , nnd Mr. . Halls loft In the evening for Salt Lake City , whcro they will reside in the future. Magg.o Mitchell , the over popular Magglo , was at tno oneru house last night as the opening attraction of the new management. The people of Council Bluffs showed what they menu to do in tbo way of patronizing the company. Every ono who ever goes , to n theater was there , ami tlio house was packed to Its utmost capacity. The play and the music wcro boyonel reproach , and If the future - turo attractions aio llko that of last night , the theater company need have no fears , The city authorities are inclined to boast not a llttlo over their rccorel in making the vags work. Heretofore any ono who waatod to have a good soft place ) to spend the winter had the prlyilcgo of applying at the gates of the city castle for board and lodging , which was furnished without money and without price. Occasionally tbo vags wcro taken out for an airing with pick and shovel , but no very systematic work was over required. The best record over mado. It Is said , was during the last administration , when there wcroU5 full days of labor exacted from the prisoners. Under the present administration ij'OO days have so far been dono. Call on D. J. Hutchinson & Co. . for choice bargains in lots in Wilson Terrace. Special inducements for the next few days. Orders for tables nnd chairs for paries formerly sent to C. A. Bebeo & Co. , will bo llllcd by LumKt Ncljon nt tholr now furni ture store , 211 Main street. JT'/ ; SOA'.tZJ'.t ICAGK.l VMIS. Juelgo W. C. James has returnee ! from n two weeks' trip to Chicago , Peter Casper of Sioux City , a brother of Ahlcrmnn L. A. Casper , Is in the city on a visit of a few days. James Spencer , who has been visiting his parents for several daj s past , has returned to his homo In Dos Monies. G. W. Duddleston and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lcfllerof Ottmnwa nro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Graham at their home , 100U Fourth avcnuo. _ _ _ _ _ _ Recollect that the only installment house in Council Bluffs and the Inrtrcst Installment house In the west Is Mundcl & Klein's. Wo sell nt eastern prices every artlclo of house hold furnltuio you use , and instead of re quiring you to pay cash wo let you have it on easy payments. There is no necessity of denying yourself the use of any article when you can got everything you want on such easy terms. The largest slock of carpets , stoves nnd furniture in the city to select from. 3 0 Broadway. A Railway W. J. Davenport , assistant division pas- BCngcr and freight agent of the Chicago , Burllugton & Qulncy , Is to transfer his hcael- quarters from Crcstou to Council Bluffs , the change to bo made on the 20th hist. There are -150 miles of road which will thus bo handled at the ofilco hero , which will bu established In the Everett block. Instead ol there being a general agent hero the business of that Olllco will bo handled in connec tion with the other ofilco , nnd n local agency established. General Marshall who has served so acceptably to nil as the general agent in Council Bluffs , Is in Chicago now. It is not yet announced how the change will affect him or what now position ho will tako. Mr , Davenport is an old Coun cil Bluffs resident , nnel ho will bo heartily welcomed back. The transfer of his ofllccs from Creston to this city is also a cause ol congratulation. Our llomarknblo Success Enables us to present lor your considera tion prices without u precedent in ttio history of Council Bluffs , All goods nro warranted now and clean , equal to the best any market affords. Only ono price and term * strictly rash. Call and sco and bo satisfied that wo uro right. Davis1 Koyal No. 10 Hour , Jl.GO ; Davis' Blue D Hour , $1.83 ; Gold Medal Hour , $1.45 ; Minnesota Superlative Hour , $1 ; Snowflakc Hour , II ; l.Mbs granulated sugar for II ; 17 Ibs extra U granulated sugar for $1JO ; Iba i per lb , 5c3 ; Ibs ginger snaps for 25o ; 3 lonvVs bread for 5o ; 3 Ibs mliico moat , -'So ; B cqns tomatoes , 25o ; a cans corn , ! i5o ; Page , Norton ft Co Hour , $1.35 a sack ; : t-lb pall lurd for 33o ; 5-lb pall lard for 3Sc : ollsardlnos , pei can , fie ; 'J cans mustard sardines for li.1e ; Cal < ifornla hums , per lb , tic ; good broom foi lOo ; BO gooel cigars for T5o ; 30-lb pall Jelly for 7Bc ; 3Jgal pall syrup for We ; ft-gnl keg T ay run for 11,4U ; pall will to lish for ( We. Brown's U. O. D. Grocery , Council Bluffs nnd Omaha. Humped HU Hip. Mr , Cnrpco , ngcnt of the Singer roanufac turlng company in this city , is laid up ns the result of a rather queer accident. Hoveu standing up in the cabooco of an Incoming freight train , uhen the car was Riven u eud den Jolt , throwing him violently ngalnst t box lu such n manner ns to Inlurohis ulp verj \ badly. Ho is uudcr the cara of a pliyslclai now , THE NE\VS \ IN THE BLUFFS , The War Against the Saloons Kcuovred nil the Line , AN AGED PHYSICIAN PASSES AWAY , Overwhelmed by mi Knrtliy Kleioel An Important Hallway Clianco The Suotuinncii Cetebrnte Ilnntpcel His Hip Minor Mention. Yor some time past Council Bluffs has set tled down to the belief that saloons wcro n necessary evil , which could not bo entirely suppressed by the prohibitory law. ' The Law nncl Order league hiis bccomo discounted ( xbouttho cnforccincnt of the Inw niul ha * practically decided that It will put forth no further efforts to break the Jug by the power of the courts , but will lay for the next meetIng - Ing of the legislature nnd then seek to get some new scheme llxed up. The attorney , Mr. Jacob Sims , who has been active In tlio prosecution of the saloon cases , has also retired , and having disposed of most of the cases hi court has uecldcd to start no now ones. The efforts of the Law nnd Order league and Its attorney have resulted In Ing about ono hundred saloons , but others save sprung up to take their places , proprie tors have changed , new places have started , and so really llttlo lias been accomplished eicsplto the oxtcnsivo nnd expensive litiga tion. Of late the citv has necu collecting n ruirular monthly amount from the salouis , with the underitandlng that these who did not pay would bo closed. It appears that there Is ono person at least who H not disposed to let matters run along In this sort of way. Paul Seabrook , n young attorney ot this city , has been making extensive preparations for an onslaught on the saloons. Yesterday ho lllcel petitions against seventy-four differ ent places , asking that Injunctions bo Issued , The novel feature of the move Is that hi each case , besides making the saloonkeeper nnd the owner of the property defendants , some of the city ofllcials nro also made defendants Mayor Macrno , Wade Carey , chief of po lice , City Ulerk Stoplienson , Charles Fox , his deputy , nnd City Marshal Templeton. These city ofllcials nro charged with conspiring and conniving to maintain the saloons , and hnvo agreed tlmt the saloons shall have pollco pro tection and ofllclal sanction , In consideration of : i division ol the profits arising from the wrongful traflle. Ills further claimed that the city ofllcluU doniand of the saloonkeepers $ - " ) - . 10 pur month for this protection , nnd these thus paying nro given immunity from prosecution by said ofllcors. The petitions seek to have the nuisances abated , injunctions Issued against the keep ers and owners , and also against the city ofllcials restraining them from demanding or receiving any monthly lines or licenses from the saloons. The following nro the names of the saloon keepers who nro made defendants in tbo suits : West Broadway . \\nrdlan , 100. ; Mrs. J. , T. Crow , : i410'Ed ; Ulock.101 ; N. O'Brien. MS ; II. II. Inmnn , f > 0.1 ; John Mulonoy and Thomas Maloney , 518 ; Charles Barkhouser , 5-13 ; John Dunn nnd John Dunn. Jr. , B45 ; Wanscl & Kirby , G'J'J ; Marvin White and John Grcon , Tl.l ; John Jergcn , 715 : Peter Beagle , 714 ; N. Bluto , 721 ; U. V. Phillips , 7 : ; David MeAdnms , "IS ; A.B.Forney , bite ) ; I. . . Soubert , 000 ; F. Kennedy , 1001V. ; . Madden and O. O. Gould , 1010 ; A. Prater , UU1 ; Horton & -Warner , 215 ; John Bohn , Ogdcn house ; R Prlngwschnm , ! 21S ; 0. Llo- bold and II. Barber , 2M ; A. W. Smith and J. Smith , 1110 ; Herman Brugmnn , IIIS [ ; J. Uar- lon and Uhiudo Thompson , ItliO : S. W. Clark , MS ; William Maloney , iiiii ; Bcllo Gor- spacher , bOO ; Stella Long , Ifil ; L. M. Finltlc- steln. O. ti. Cormon.120 ; J. P. Peterson , 130 ; Ueorgo Wilson nnd Frank Carroll , 15" . East Broadway William Hogcrs , 540 ; H. Larson , 1W ! : Phillip Betts , II. Jcrcens , 110. South Alain W. J , White , J. Sullivan , IS ; John.IIounneau , 101 ; Fritz Meyer , IDS ; A. Kink and J. Suhutz , 201 : J. Peterson , 213 ; Max Mohn , 215 ; Hoist & Spetman , MM ; Georpo Hanson , 517 ; .Tamos Coylo. ft'Jl ; John Mergen , 5113 ; Peter Beck , ( WO ; J. Howarth , 023 ; A. Stanton , 803 ; Max Burmcistcr , 901 ; John Dclunoy , OO'J ; James Farley and An drew Joint , ba ) ; J. U. Taylor , 10J5 ; Mike Connors , 1U07 ; Frank Domlnasse , 1017 ; Phil lip Morgcn , 1010. _ Nortu Maln-A. Wells. 41 ; William Bcek , 17. George Furnueson , Price Gibson , S. Hoy- son , A. K. BcU'un , M. F. Kief , J. S track , John Movers , Ji-sslo Miller , Mary Scctt , Ella Sheafo , Annie Mooro. In all the cases ono L. M. Turner appears as plaintiff. But llttlo c.m bo learned about Turner. It Is said lie was formerly a miller , but nt present Is no business. Ho has been interested in the anti-saloon movement in the past , but has never appeared before the pub- no before as on active worker In the cause. It is generally understood that Seabrook Is not nlono In the work , but that ho Is backed up by a number of others besides Turner , who are not willing to have their names mentioned in very close connection with the movement on account of the posbiblo unpopu larity-wnlch it might cause them. COKbHT SAIjB. mid-Season HnrgahiH for the In < llcs New Opportunities at the Boston Store , Council IlltifTs. The Indies of Council Bluffa and vicinity will find excellent bargains In corsets at the Boston store , Council Bluffs , for the next few dnys. The stock is now complete with nil of the most popular makes in the market. Ask to see our Now Jersey corset at ! ! 9 cents. Wo show four different makes nt 50 cents which wo claim to bo the best 50 cent corset in the incrkct. Climax , F , and W. , Town Talk and Nameless Black , nil at 50 cents each. \Vodr.iwspccial \ attention to our corset known as Town Talk , always sold for 75c , now r > 0c. Wo also show four different makes known as Madnma Nora , Thistle , Tnmplco , nnd Coutll at ? 5c each. Wo show n special spring weight strip cor set nt 73o well worthy of your notice. Wo carry the _ most popular makes of Dr. Warner's and Dr. Ball's , bosir mnnv other leading make ; , such as Equlllue , Health , W. 0. C. , in blnclc nnd colors , Kabo high bust , Abdominal , etc. , etc. , all nt our popular low prices. Note Any put Uvular make of the corset not handled hv us can bo ordered specially. BOSTON STOKE , FOTIIERINGIIAM , WHITKLAW & CO. , Leaders and promoters of low prices. 401 , 403 & 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Now York Olllco , 47 Leonard Mrcet. Hurt In n Dirt Hank. A very nearly fatal accident occurred yesterday torday morning nt the terminus of the Eastern orn Washington avenue extension In the Babbit pinco. A number of dirt-haulers were at work at the point where the street Is s being cut through a high hill. The bank was about thirty feet high , and a largo portloh ol the top had been undermined. The shovel crs were warned to keep away until the over hanging portion had been knocked down , am ! did so , but ono of the teamsters named 'Cnle Aylcsworth did not heed the warning ami continued to shovel the dirt upon his wagon. Ho had his load nearly completed when the top of the bank fell. The team , wagon and man were hidden from sight by several tons of earth , A largo number ol men were on hand to rescue their Imprisoned follow worker nnd ho was quickly brought tc the surface. Ho was unconscious , but seer rallied , and had apparently suffered nothing morn than tomnorurv strangulation. The wagon was demolished and ono of the horses had Its hind leg brulcon at the hip. No. 104 Broadway contains the best stocl of groceries In the city. J. W. Kclley , The now dental rooms of Drs , Woodbnrj nro the finest nnd most complete In the west Next to the new Grand. ' Telephone , 143. " To bo sure that your children have pun randy , nuy for them the Pomona brand fruli luIco tablets. Pomona- stained on each tab et. The trade supplied by Duquette & Cc DavlH-Tcrwilllgor. A quiet wedding took place last evening a * the residence of I ) , S. Terwllllgcr , W9 t'iftl avenue , the contracting parties being Fred crick It. Davis and Miss Ada Torwilllpor The cerotuouy , watch was performed by Dr Stephen Phclps of the First Presbyterian church , VIM witnessed by only two or three Intimate friends of the family , nnd , In fact , only these who were Invited to bo prcicnt had any Idea that It was to take place. The groom U a monitor of the Wclr-Shupart company , whl'o ' the brldo Is ono of the most popular young ladles of the Bluffs , lloth hnvo a largo circle of ft lends who will unlto tn offering congiatulatlons , Death of Dr. Hart. The dangerous Illness of Dr. H. W. Hurt has been mentioned more than once In these columns during the past two weeks. It has been thought all along tlmt It was merely a question of a few days at most when the end would come. The neighbors were therefore but llttlo surprised yesterday morning when they learned that ho had missed peacefully away nt 6 o'clocu'.ln the morning' . Dr. Hart was born In Chcnango county , New York , October 14 , 1818. Ho received his early education at Geneva , and he gradu ated from the medical college situated atthnt place In 1815. On May 1 of the same year ho married Miss Sarah Way , the wife who survives him. Ho at once como to Fnyetto county , this state , whcro 'ho remained until the breaking out of the war , when ho entered the ranks as surgeon , llrst in the Ninth nnd latter in the Thirty-eighth Infantry. At the close of the war ho cnmo to Council Bluffs , where ho has over slnco lived. Ho was the father of four children , of whom only ouo survives , Ernest K. Hart of this city. The deceased was a member of the Council Bluffs Medical society , State Medical society , Missouri Valley Medical association nnd the American Medical association. For the past seventeen years ho has been ono of the com missioners of Insanity for the Council lilulls district. Ho has also served M city nnd county physician. Ho was a member of the Congregational church , nnd has alwajs been a leader In the church work. lie was generous to all ben evolent objects and charitable Institutions. Ho was also n member of the Union Veteran legion. Ho has been devoted to , his profes sion , nnd his greatest pleasure was when ho was studying upon some advanced medical thcmo. At the same tlmo ho was very conservative about adopting now and untried methods of tronting diseases , and it was this , largely , that gave the public the contldcnco it unuou btculy. had lu him as a man nnd n physician. Ills death took plnco Just a year after that of his daughter. Mrs. J. D. Edmundson , and by the wish of the relatives the date of the funeral has been fixed at 2:30 : o'clock next Saturday afternoon , just ono year after Mrs. Edmundson's. ' Best heavy goods , 25 per cent oil , cash , Keltcr , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Call on Schurz-Stnlth Co , for chattel loans and real estate. 20 Pearl st. J. C. Blxby , steam neatln ? , sanitary en gineer , 203 Mo rrlam block , Council Blurts Bonniu Scotland. St. Andrew's society had anonoynblo ) time at their monthly social Wednesday evening. The opening address was by the chairman , W. S. McMIckon. "Crooked Baubco" was sung by Master Frank Boll and the Misses Bell. James Macrao gave n solo , "Laird of Cock-pen. " A recitation was given by W , H. Stewart , J. H. McPherson gave a comic song. P. H. Fothoringhnm sang , "A Shlll IngorTwa. " A Scotch poem was given by John Mcltctcbino. "Bonnlo Cbnrloy" was sung by Miss Eftlo Ellis of Little Sioux. la. James Macrao sang "Boatlo Hows. " "Tain O'Shantcr" was read by D. S. Kerr. "Bonnio Dundee" was sung bv J. K. McPherson. Master Frank Bell nnd Miss Hay Bell gnvo as a duet "Tho March of the Cameron Men. " A recitation , "Land of Our Forefathers. " was given by J. H. Bell. "Take Your Old Cloak About Yo" was sung by Mr.V. . S. MuMicKin. Donald McDougnll of Chicago pnvo a short humorous speech "A Hundred I'lpers" was sung by John Snedden of Omaha. Miss Maggie Short snuir "Green Grow the Kushos. " "Plbrock of Donald Ohu" was given by William Gibson of Mis souri Vnlloy. Mrs. H. StcDUcnson gave a select reading. "I'm Ower Young to Marry Yet" was sung by Mrs.'J. H. Bell. John Me- Culloch of Sioux City sang "Sing Mo the Auld Scotch Bangs. " Mrs. J. U. MoPhcrson pave a piano solo. As a closing "Auld Lang Syno" "was sung , of course , after which the young poDplo joined In dancing until the \\co sma'hours. It of the was one happiest oc casions since the organization of the society. Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 039 Broadway. Telephone 133. Pure fresh drugs nt Davis' , opposite Ogden , Hoys Wanted at American district telegraph office. Attention , Veterans. Comrades of encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion , will moot'at their ballon Pearl street at 1:30 : p. m. , Saturday , for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late comrade , Dr. H. W. Hart. W. II. Si-Kit \ , L. SULUWOOD , Colonel. Adjutant. Bell ifc Son's now grocery takes the lead on Upper Broadway. No old stock. The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N. O'Brien. _ Evans Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl .street. Tele phone 800. ( joods called for and delivered , THE OUOCI3RS IJANQUEl'TED. An Enjoynulo Affair nt the Rooms of the Omaha Club. Tbo convention of grocers that has boon in session In this city for three days has closed nnd most of the members have re turned to their homes. Yesterday afternoon , after tbo routine business had been completed , the wholesale grocers of Omaha and Council Bluffs pre sented the president , J. M , Nnvo , with a very costly silver service of 150 pieces. The pre sentation speeches were made by Charles May rind I. M. Raymond. President Nave responded In a very feeling manner. In the evening u banquet was tendered the visitors at the rooms of the Omaha club. Besides the Omaha and Council Bluffs trrocors , the following gentlemen were seated at the tables : Messrs , Raymond , Law , Hnrgravos nnd Plummer of Lincoln ; Mr. May of Fremont ; Mr. Davis of Tonekn ; Mr. Poehlorof Lawrcnco , Kan. ; Messrs. Long , Wilson , Bates , Urcgory , Nave nnd Payne of Kansas City ; Messrs. Todd and Wolfekooler of Leaven worth ; Messrs. Symns nnd Dolun of Atchison ; Messrs , Nave , Jones and Craig of St. Joseph. Owing to the fact that many of the mem bers wcro anxious to leave for their homes , the bammot was spread at 7 o'clock , The menu was as follows : Ulno I'olnts. Consomme I'rlntamiior. Amontillado , Filet of Illack Ilass. I'urlsleiino Potatoes. Potatoes.Haul Haul Snnternc , f rilet of Beef au Marron. I'rencli I'eas. I'eas.Chateau I.covlllc , Uurn runch. Cigarettes. Roast Snlpo. Cauliflower Salad , Pnmmoroy See. Kulnart ilrut. Individual Ice Cream. Roquefort Cbccso. Crackers , Cafe Nolr. Cigars. Brandy , Mr. Nnvo , the president , acted as toast master , and after the menu had been ells- cussed most of tbo members responded to inv promptu toasts In a hearty and cheerful manner. Sons of Veterans Dnnuc. The members ot General George Creel camp , No. 1 , Sons of Veterans , g.wo thch llrst annual ball last night. It was largely attended , not only by the young people , bul many of the old soldiers with their wives wcro in attendance. Washington hall novel presented a prettier appearance , the decora tlons being appropriate for the occasion , Lliv cola's birthday. Flags were hung about the walls , whllo over the stnco was suspended r largo picture of Lincoln , almost bidden in the folds of the national Hag. The Investigation by the special com' inlltco of the board of education touscor tain whether or not certificated wore sold to tcaoliors was commenced yostoi- ' day , but no developments occurred. "The llcftigeo's Daygliter , " a highly emotional drama of the .modern school , by Martha MorUm , was glvdn its Initial per formance In Omaha last evening at the IJoyd by Miss Cora Tnnucr , nnel , barring OHO or two exceptions , a company of excellent plnyors. 'itia llrst two nets are exceedingly tiresome. All the characters tn the play , and there arc eleven of them , are Introduced during the first half of the llrst act , some of them being lugged In by the heels , Even K Miss Morton's nnmo wcro not nt the head of the announcement as the author , you would feel nt least measurably safe hi asserting that a woman had evolved the llrst two acts from the recesses of a highly imaginative brain , no full nro they of womanly tricks. Tlio third nnd fourth acts , however , save the play. They are virile , In tense nnd faultlessly conceived , the duel sccno tn the third act being tin entirely now situation to the stago. Anel thun there nro n number of exceed ingly clover bits of repartee nnd quiet , obser vation of rt misanthropic imturo which show that Miss Morton has Ideas far above the ordinary dramatist who Is evolving trash upon which to feed a too susceptible public. Miss Tanner , ns Hclcne , gave a strong and earnest performance. The role Is exacting , requiring a sustained intensity which is very wearing on the nervous system , but the young woman cnmo out of the ordeal with great success , bho is exceedingly pretty , with a voice that Is llko the tiuklo of a deep toned silver bell. Whllo ono or two of her scenes should bo ) lnycd n llttlo faster , with a llttlo moro olnb- ration , still she made n gratifying impres- Ion , so much so that she received a curtain all at the close of each act , Maurlco was played by Harold Uusscll , , ml in the llrst two nets was decidedly com monplace. But his closing scenes wcro layed with quiet effectiveness that quite ro- dee'mcd the part. Mr. Husscll mistakes the character of the doctor in ttio llrst two nets. There is no need of the heroics which ho nslsts upon , but on the con- rary the part should bo played nuiotly , Iti ntenslty being determined by the people ivho arc about him. In the thlrel nnd fourth nets ho needs his strength and his fortitude to boar the blow which has fallen upon him. Then the heroism of the part asserts Itself and ho would bo n peculiar sort of man did " 10 not feel the proper instufcts swelling within him , when ho llnels tbo appearances all against the woman ho loves. Mr. Brldgcland as the consumptive Baron Achilles do Serene was very acceptable. So much Indeed ouo felt as If his death occurred too soon. Kaymond do Serene , the villainwas p'.avcd by Mr , Edeson. In the quiet passages of the story ho was excellent ; in the stormy , tumult uous scenes ho lackoel the strength requisite "or so sustained a role , The Signer Conari of Owen Wostford was ns unllko the Italian rouo ns could well bo conceived It was n very unimturall mper- .oimtion of a typo of character much mo t ivlth on the continent , it was painful bo. cause of its unreality. Lord Jack Cnrjlsford was very dellght- 'uily portrayeet by Mr George Edeson. Ho , vas bluff and hearty , Just what you would expect In an English gentleman whoso pro clivities all ran to sports , dogs nnd horses. But Mr. Edeson should sco to It that the property man provide him with n double- barreled shotgun of the most Improved kind Instead of the single-barreled old llintlock which ho carried on his hunting expedition n search of quail , presumably. Teddy Smith , an American youth , was nlaycd very refreshingly by Mr. Brown. Miss Virginia Buchanan was the typical grondo dame , Madame Clermont , while Miss Ada Dwycr and Miss Goldie Andrews pla ; cd Lady Cnrylsford and Sylralno respectively , very Intelligently. CAN'T PLiAY Tllh SUCOI ACr. The County Physician Compels Young Kodgcra to Break llin Kant. A novel scene was witnessed nt the county jail yesterday afternoon. It was the sixth day that Harry M. Hodgcrs , the would-bo suicide , has given emphasis to his declarations of self-destruction , by totol .bstincnco from food. All that has passed his lips during this time so far as Is known to tbo jailors has been a cup ot water each day.Neither Neither his coaflnement nor alleged absti nence from food has succeeded in taking the rosy fullness out of his face. Indeed ho looks as though ho bad been eating three square meals n day and sleeping ten out of every twenty-four hours. The boyish-faced young chap ha ? , so far as can bo ascertained , not tasted food , and beseems seems to bo proud over the fact of having the nerve to court the services of the destroying angel. Tbo fact of his having been taunted with numerous very emphatic suggestions that sulcido was the basest of cowardice has caused h'ra to waver not a particle from his purpose. But the county authorities strange ns It may seem prefer , out of the ordinarily scanty charity of their hearts , to occasion ally continue feeding a man instead of letting him die and paying $3 for a coflln and 813 to burying him. The oflicinls decided to teach the young man n trick that ho wasn't counting upon. Atl o'clock Dr. Coulter , acting county physician , visitea the jail , strapped Kodgers to a chair and forced a quart of milk down his throat , Kodcers protested , but wa powerless to prevent the breaking of his fast After ho had been released ho called for his dinner nnd ate heartily. Ladies who value a reilncd complexloi mustuso POX./OVI'H Pownnn. It produces t soft and beautiful skin. E. P. Fisher , a telegraph operator about twenty-seven years old , died at St. Joseph' ! hospital last Monday afternoon of pnou monio. The deceased hod been employed hi the Union Pacific at Grand Island and a Hitlsdalc , Neb. , nnd Choycnno , Wyo. Abou February 1 he came to Umahn to seek om ployment. Ho visited the Union Pacific tele graph headquarters last Alonday and wa complaining of pain In the lung ? . Later in the day ho was taken very ill a Herman's silicon , nt the corner of Tenth am Loavenworth streets , and was removed teSt Joseph's hospital , where ho died the sain dav. dav.When When the remains wcro taken to Burkct' undertaking rooms there wcro no papers o other means of identification found in hi clothes nnel telegrams were sent to sever. ) places inquiring for the relatives , Ycsterdn ; tlie Union Pacific operators in Omaha lenrnc' of Fisher's death and a collection was atone taken up among operators between Oman nnd Cheyenne to nrovldo for the funeral. HI homo was in Now York city. Ho was member of the Order of Railway Telcgrapl crs and belonged to the division of Dcnnlson Tex , An Inquest will probably bo helel fo the purpose of making careful inquiry hit the cuuso of his death. S. B. Durfey , mate of steamer Arizom had his foot badly Jammed. Thomas' clcctrl oil cured it. Nothing equal to It for a qulc pain reliever. / /JKJS OXA1 , 1'A It,1 Gil A I'lIS , William Loudon Is in Chicago on a bus ness trip. E. Sollgsohn andjWlfo started for Sa ! Lake yesterday via. tap Burlington. No griping , no nnusoa , no pain when D Witt's ' Llttlo Karly Risers are taken. Sma plll.S afopill. Be-stpill. The Collsomn Circus. The circus at the Coliseum last night dro > a fair crowd of people , all of whom felt amp ] repaid for the quarters they contribute The hill consisted ot riding , tumbling an some very clover trapeze performances. Tl clown was there In all his splendor with supply of new Jokes , A n n I versa ny The pupils of the Parn suhnol ha' ' 4ervic yesterelay commemorating the onarsary i Lincoln's birthday. It the aftc ,011 u moi nltlccnt Hag was presented by Q-i ? . Burmo ter. Major Clarkson also made ' an addres tilled with enthusiasm and patriotism. o Pcoplo who use arsenical preparations f ( their complexion elo so nt tbo risk of the lives. Aycr's Sai-baparlllu is guarantee free from any injurious drug and Is , tliui for , the safest n well as the most powcrl blood medicine in the world. It wakes I sklu clear , COXNOJ , < tTJOFOJt ItTiAIlt. HH ! CeHli'iiKiiCH AVant Him Appointed L'nltcel Slut 01 Judge. S , Fob. -Special [ Telegram to TUB Br.nj-Now tlmt Senator Blair Is about to retire from the scmxto his senatorial colleagues ara desirous of gcttiiie up a sort of consolation purso. Senator Fryo Is taking the initiative. Ho moved about the sonata today with a paper , urging the president to appoint Blair as judge of the United States district court of Nc-.v Hampshire , to lilt an existing vacancy The paper was numer ously signed by both republican and demo cratic senators. Although Blair is popularly regarded ns erratic , ho Is a favorlto among his colleague ? , for ho Is always witty and his ropartco has often Interjected smiles Into acrimonious personal debate , HU republi canism is sterling. Tin : wcsmnXT MIM. smx IT. President Harrison will re-ullly nttach his signature to the hill announced today ns ready to go to the e-hlof executive providing for the transfer of all retired oftlcors who have reached or may reach the ago of sixty- four from the limited to the unlimited list. and reducing the former list from Us present maximum of 4IX ) to 'MO. The express object of the new law was to secure to Juniors the promotion which otherwise could not bo hoped for In time of pence. It was not pretended that an ofllcer reaching tlio command , for example , of n regiment or n staff corporal at the ago of sixty-four was unlit for his duties. On the contrary , It was made compulsory because so many ofllceri at tlio ago of sixty- four were at the height of their powers and usefulness , with the prospcctof so continuing perlmps twelve or twenty years mote. Con gress in that act sought to retain the services of experienced Junior ofllcors , many of whom had to remain twenty years In a gr.ido and might be tempted by the greater chance to rlso offered by civil pursuits. The present act is really supplementary to the . la\v of 1882. A very largo proportion of the officers retired for eligibility resulting from wounds or ill-health have now passed the ngo of sixty-four. Had they remained on the active list they would bo retired simply for ago and for the express - press purpose of increasing the How of pro motion. The present congress accordingly takes the grounei that It simply carries out the existing policy m permitting tbo transfer of such ofllccrs to the ngo list uiul so opening this disability list proper to oQlccrs awaiting such v'acanclus , COl.ONEI , rOItSTTHB'S VINFMr VTION. Army circles nro stlriod to their depths by the vindication of Colonel Fo'rsytho lor his conduct in the Wounded ICneo light. It was expected that the ofllolal duelings would acquit Colonel Forsytho. hut there was llttlo idea that General Scholleld and Secretary Proctor would bo so vigorous In ignoring and discrediting General Miles' ' views. General Miles says of Colonel Forsy tho's action In the light : "It Is dlftlcult to concolvo how a worse disposition of the troops could have been made. " But neither Secretary Proc tor nor General Scholleld oven notice General Miles' statement General Sccolleld gives a most hearty endorsement to the con duct of the ofllccrs nnd men of the Seventh cavalry and says the regiment Is well worthy of the compliihentnry dispatch ho sent Im mediately niter the light. Secretary Proctor is rejually complimentary nnel says that the behavior of olllccrs nnel men showed a discre tion , coolness , skill nnd foroenranco which rellects the highest possible credit upon tbo regiment. Ho Hies In the fuco of General Allies with the statement that there was nothing in the arrangement of the troops requiring - quiring adverse criticism on the part of the elcpartnient. Colonel Forsvtho has gained in reputation by the proccdlngs and stands stronger hero' than over before. INDMX DEPHUmTIOX Cr.MMS. Senator Paddock today la the senate made nn urgent plea for Immediate consideration of the Indian depredations claim bill , but was temporarily overruled. The senator declared that the government hael treated nnd vns treating shamefully hundreds of ploncorn who had tnaelo the great west possible and whoso honest claims had been handled be tween pillar and post for years. Ho an nounced that no further delay would bo permitted. Later , when Senator Call of Florida referred sarcastically to the distance from which the president had selected the commissioner of charities for tbo District of Columbia , Sena tor Paddock asked whether ho meant Prof. Warner of Lincoln. Senator Call replied that ho did , when Senator Paddock said the verv bast possible man for tno position had been chosen. Ho said this because when the name was suggested the Nebraska delegation had not urgea him and several knew nothing of him. Investigation showed that ho was u graduate of the I obraska university at Lin coln , ono of the best nnd strongest of western colleges , and subsequently a post-grneluata of Juhns Hopkins university at Baltimore , wnoro ho took dls- tingulshe'd honors nnd for a year later devot ed himself to adminlbtratlvo work in connec tion with charities. "Without the knowledge of himself or of us , " said Senator Paddock , "ho was recommended for this position by tbo most extinguished charitable organiza tion injho United State's , and we are glad that after hesitating for some time to leave our university , where no is an eflicient nnd popular professor , ho has consented to accept with limitations the office tendered him. " COMMHNT OX ri.EVCIAXU < 3 I.CTTEH. Ex-President Cleveland's ' anti-silver letter was the tonic of comment at the capitol to day in all political circles. It Is conceded by the ex-president's most ardent friends that it will prove a very embarrassing obstacle in , the way of his nomination. Ho might have had the nomination practically by acclama tion , but now It will require such n struggle ns will divide many states and create discords ana1 factions within the party which will make the democratic campaign management n veritable menngerio , As to what effect the early commitment of Mr. Cleve land upon so important a question will have upon the democratic nominee , whoever ho may bo , can bo readily se-en. From tliU tlmo forward Mr. Cleveland , too , will have some thing else than civil service reform to de fend ; in fact ho will from now till the day of the nominating convention , and should ho bo nominated till the day of election , bo on the defensive. Ho will bo kept constantly ex plaining and will have nn ocean of opportu nities to damn the press again and curse the "lying editors , " ns ho is so fond of referring to the managers of the press , Mr. Cleveland Is always complaining ; about misrepresentations. HU letter was in - sortcel in the permanent Congressional Hec- ord today through General Grosvenor of Ohio. Ho cannot complain of misrepresent ation when ho Is quoted on sliver coinage during the campaign next year. Nine out of ovcrv ten democrats in congress from tin south and west lament that Mr. Cleveland has committed himself so early nnd sc vehemently. They say It would take nim entirely out of the race for the nomination if it was not for Now York , and that it breaks up nil hopes for an Inroad Into the west nnd north west and that the south cannot bo depended upon if the issues Involve tlnnnco. Senator Vest of Missouri declares that It will not now do to nominate Mr. Cleveland ; that he has ruined the party in the west by allying himself with Wall street. The eagerness with which the ex-president displayed his letter proves especially offensive to his party representatives. Representative Illand o : Missouri pays it is a fatal mistake , ant adds : "Only when .tho money-bans of Wnl street were threatened did this man' ! patriotism rise. His candidacy for the presi elcncy will Iw ridiculous. . Ho will have n < following wostof tl.o Allegheny mountains.1 It Mr. Bland Is the highest slver authority b bo found among the democrats in congress It was the intention of the democrats to male * frco coinage a plank In their platform. Nov they cannot , no matter who is nominated , MISCCMANEOUS. Senator Paddock has offered an amend meat to the sundry civil appropriation till w appropriating ? JOJeOJ for artesian well ex iy pertinents in the sub-humid regions. a. Charles . I. Ooulel , formerly of Lincoln , U hero , also N. W. Wells of Schuylor. 10 The { 1(10,000 ( additional appropriation ( fo 10a the Omaha public building ami also the in crease of appropriation for the military stor house at Oniabii are to bo provided for in th sundry civil appropriation bill. Ily eilructlon of the secretary of war Cap cs csof tain George Ituhlon , assistant quartermaster ofB is rolcasoet from temporary duty In the de B- partment of the Platte und will repair to thl isss city and report In person to the quartering ss ter general of the army. Senator Pcttlgrow hat arrived from Soutl Dakota. His health hui Improved , o ? Senator Frank Hiseock of Now York I sir patterning after the athletic exorcises of Mi cd Cleveland as a means of reducing weight re Tno senator has joined the Columbl ; fu athlotlo club. Every night at 8 o'cloe th ho may bo seen in yellow skin-tight and short cardigan Jacket doiug the India . THATCHER , 16 MAIN STRRRT. To Our.Friends and Patrons : We have removed our office from 114 Main to 16 Main Street , WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF HARD AND SOFT COAL you promptly at all times , Best Illinois Coal $4.50. Telephone 48. H. A. COX , Sole Agent * CITIZENS STATE BAM Of Council Bluffa. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215,000 DlliBerroiis I. A. Mlllpr , R 0. Oloason , 1 ! . U Bliueart , U. E. Hurt , J. 1) , Edtnumlsoii , Ulinrloi O. llunnan. Transtut banking bust- ncis. Largest and surplus of any bank In Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , M. H. CHAMBERLIN , M. D itvn. HAH. NOSI : AND TllllOAT Sl'KCIAI.lsT , Council lllull * , In. AII ciii i'o uf tim : , 13AII , NOSK nncl TllllOAT tri'ntcil with tlio L'n'utase akllltind rnro , UATAHIIII , ASTHMA niul HAY KKVKll trentuil with eminent IIICCOM PUUniCAI.Ol'r.UATIO.S'S.wlioro iiocoi.nry piln- Ic'jsly pcrformo I with tlio utmost rnro nnil nklll , ns- BiirlnB perfect remlti K1NHST ( il.AMUS occur- tilclr proicrlliod , corroding all rcfrnctlro trouble * , n8 .Myopln , Hyperoplft nnd AatlulnAtlim , tliui rt'n- ilorlni : sight our. rlair nn'l ' pilnlo : i. CIIKOXIU .Nia'HAI.IllA.-MHl SRMC lli.UAUIUC : , after yi'rxn of terrible snfforlnif. no relief , entirely curud. 0111 cc , Itoom I , Rhuirirt Uluck , over licno & Co.'i ttoro , Council III lifts , la. rinloyBurke.Qeo.W. Hewitt.Thos. E. Oasady Burke , Hewitt & Casady , Attorrieys-at-Law ruACTiCK IN TIII : STATK AXD risDKiiAr , COUUTS. Ofllcos : J. J. Brown llullellng , Council IllunN , Iowa OFFICER & PUSEY , Corner Jlaln an I Hroielway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers lir forul a unl domestic Collection made uud Interest paid on UmJ deposits. clubs , trnpezo nnil parallel cars of the club gymnasium. Ills fnvorlto exercise is to throw up a football and catch It. In dodging about alter the bnll ho brings into play nil the muscles of the body. It Is a quo > 'r bi ht to see the big , fleshy , whitc-hulreel senator capering around the gymnasium after the Ilyins ball. Uolonol J , D. Gage of Franklin , Neb , , Is In tlio city. F. Al. Hall of Lincoln left today for the west. Post tuns ! era Nominal eel. \VASiiiNeiTON' , Fob 12. The following postmasters wcro nominate J today : Ne braska ( Jhristophcr Hosteller , Central City ; George II. Wells , Schuylor ; Anton J. Lnngcr , West Point. Iowa Solomon B. Humbert , Cedar Falls. AVIsconsIn Charles L. Huhbs , Lulio Mills. Illlnols-Chailes B. Ilascutn , Princeton ; Howard L. Tuylor , Wlnona ; Henry L. Scrogin , Chcnoa. South Dakota AdiimJ. Dii.'scr , Millbank. Niitlonnl Cnpital Notes. WASHINGTON , f'ob. 13. Tlio house committee - tee on foreign nffalra lins ngroeil to report to the house with some modlllcation a bill to in corporate the Paclllc cable company. Before the coinage committee today Fred- crick Fraloy , president of the national bonret of trade , nnd Joel Uoolc , editor of the Philadelphia Public Lcelger , made long arguments against free colnngo. Walker then moved to adjourn until next Tuesday , and Immodiutly the old trouble ns to when the hearings should cense WAS revived. After mueh discussion it wan agreed to moot to morrow and then adjourn until Tuesday. Nclirnslcn , In n nnel Dnknti PniiRinns. \Y\SIIIMITOX , Fob. 12. [ Special Tclegr.un to TIIK BBC. ] Pensions were gr.inteu to day to the following Nebraskans ; Original- Perry McVay. Michncl Shauglmossy , John F. Starff , David F , Canlleld , James W. George , William Harrison , John II. 1C. Jacobs , James M. Jester , John Boyel. Re storation and Increase ) Charles M. KogcM. Increase Harrison Brown , George II , Jones , William Ralph , John W. Hazclhaker. John Dibo , Wallace A. Simmons , William Kast- ner. Ilelssuo and increase Daniel Matson. Original widow Elizabeth , widow of James W. George. Iowa : Original Lurman A , Brooks , Niutmn Connor , John F. Fagan , Michael Oretton. Harvey Stanley , Joseph S. Carson , William Montgomery , Benjamin F. Brown , Henry C. Trout , Stephen Holland , William II. Brown , John H. Worth , George W. Klv , David B. Suthcrlnnel , John II. Cllso , William W. Thomas , August Kappo , Vvllliain U. Bunely , PhiloG. Coleman , Justin Churchill , George W. Kamsey , Horace B , Klnnu. Joseph II , Stnallov , Jasper N. Gastln , D.ivld C. Moore , John W. Kay , Jesse D. Hutts , do e-eased. Increase Milton Humphrey , Hora tie B. Elliott , William AV. Bosarth , Alex B. Cussell , Henry Flaran. Holssuo John 1C. Kynctt. Helssuo and Increase William Miller. Original widows , etc , Isaac N. , father of John W. Jacobj , Hachael 0. , widow of James S. Siultti. South Dakota : Original Lucius Cham berlain , Jacob Wier. Increase Samuel Van Leon. Original widow , special act Olivia , widow of Austin Hanson. -o- If that lady at the Inrturo thn other night only know how nicely Hall's Hair Uenowor would remove dandruff and improve the hulr , a ho would buy a bottlo. Predictions for I < Vlirunry Wontlicr. As there nro l > ut twenty-eight days In this month there ought" bo loss coltl utinosphnro than In January , hut "all signs full in dry wcuthor , " therefore wo cnn only Bay that the oloctrlu-lightoil , stenm-lioatcel , vestibuloel , limited trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'nul railway will continue to run dally bo- tweiin Omaha , Council IJluffs and Chi cago. The uloctrlc light rouellne liunj ) in each bortli Is tlio novelty of the iijo. ( Ticket Olllco , 1501 Fiirnani utrcot , Omaha. , 3FINLEY Mrs. ElUiboth. ao:187yoar : , at the resilience ) of her bon-ln-law , J. I. An lor- MMI , hho louve.i Unto HOIIS and thre-o cliiuehtt'rx , John nnel Chtirlos I'lnley ot Omaha , .losoiih 1'lnloy of California , Mrs. William Unnmorsen ami Mrs. Kroel A Munition of Omuhn , MM. Ktyles ot Montiuri. Kuuural Friday. 1'ohruiiry 13 , from lUJJbouth Tnelfth , at''o'clock p. in. IIUI'TETT-Kohnmry 11 , 1891 , Ocnrsro I , . , son of ft II , lliilTott , iiKvd 1'J ' yi'iirn. i'unural on Halurday , Kobrnury 14. lit iu.0 ; a. in. from Ills Into residence , corner Turk nvcnuo euul 1'u- clllo alnut , to I'rospcot 11111. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL DIUFFS. TjlOH rXCHAN'OK Oood Improved Onmlin , - * . ' nnel t'otinell lllulTs property to exi-liango for liiu-a liiiHl. Semi f till dOserlpt Ion ofulmo yon Imvoto offer UiJoIinstem & Viin 1'atton , Council Illu ITs , la. " 1710USAI.K A barsalni now modern house ) - * - ' with nil the lute ) Improvement" , MIVUII rooms ; will sell on easy ptiyniPiitH ; loonte'tl on tlio I Iftliavoniio motor llnu. 1) ) . J. llutohlu. son , til ? llroaelnay , inOll SAIjK night-room lioti o anil t\\ei loM , tin HnriKoii st. A miutcm house ) nnel a Koo.l homo oh'cui ) . 1) , J. llutclilnson , lilt Hro.ielwny. " \l ! ANTI'nVOIIIIK i nn nnd vlfo ik" lri T plnuo on fiiimt tliuroitxlilyroniieti ] < nt ) beit icrciuneen. Ailelress II. A. ! ' . , lluu ollloo CouniMl llltillH , I710H HAMVery ; line roadslor , 4 ) oar , ani | 1 very line ) family mare , -I years ; elioiip for cu'-li , oiui or sun. | 'Will tnido for imrlKlit pl ant ) . Mnr lloiirloiuo. music teauhciUIMuts * man streut , e'mmoll lllnfTH. (10O1) ) L'lrl uimtrel fnrllelit hunsenvorU , nnd Kuenl waxes , ut30 ? N , First btri'uU .Mary F. lluyci , 1710U gAKK I'lno Mn lo ami .eloublo rend ( -L Htuntind lie-uvj el rough t , horses. Will ulsii 1111 orders for uny style ef ) wanted. lAMivoemlerswIth llr , V. 1. . . Put ion. Out ml llu-ry niul silo btublus , SI nnel 83 N , Main Council 111 u IK rnu forKS Try I'r. Mlllei's Inline ) trovt- : -L in en I for female illseiases. Safes mllil and sure. Al o Dr. Mlllor't pllu pustllei ; palnlyp < ( anil iriiarantevel to cure" , rnrsalo In c'nuncll lIlnlTs and Omaha only liy Mti. A. A. Smith , r& $ . 1st ht , ami Mrs. U. K. lllgi lns , IMi ] Lcnvpiinorth St. , Omaha. TIlOKSALiK or Itont Qarilon land , wlttt -C houiei. by J. R lllua. 10i Main < . . Oouuoll BluITs COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE VTORKS All kinds of 1)yhi3 and Olunnliig elnnn In tlia af the Art , 1'adoil mul SUIiicd to look IIH Koenl us now Worlt promptly ilonu : uitl ilullvured lu all parts ol tlio . oemtry fcenil for prle-o Hit , U. A. MAlUIAN. Prop. . 101J llroaelwav. N'uar Northwestern Ujpa COUNCIL. HI.UFW. 1A. 27 MAIN STREET. Over 0. B. Jaceiuomln ft Co. , Jewelry ? tor W. C. ESTEP , Co i neil Hinds , 1 1 Zwtli Main S rcl , Fmrnil DhvcttH- I iln > nlinur. Pli/slinJ / , Sirens aal Specialists , 14O9 DOUGIAAS STH.I2.E1T OMAHA. NCU. Tno moit widely nnel favorably known * pee * liillsls In the ) Unlto 1 Stales. Tncr : lone oz- liorloncc , romirl : < ablei skill und uiuvrrnal uo- ro.xs In the ticittm'iit : nnd curei or Nervous , ( 'lireinlo nnd Surgical DlicuRcx. onlltln thoiii ninhicnt nliVHlclnns tn llin full confldoiu'u ot tlioallllcti'il everywhere * . Thwy Biuiunt ni A t'BHTAIN AM ) rOSnlVR CUKE foe tlio aw I ill rlTccts of early vice und tlio numer ous ovllh llmtfollort lu | | n train I'ltlVATi : . JII.OOI ) AND SKIN DISEASES cppwllly. compvtclv nii'l iioriimiipntly cureul , NIIUVOUS llKlMl.lTV AN'l ) SEXUAIi DlSf OHDIIRHylolil io-.illly ( to lliulr skillful treatA . IMI.ES , FISTULA AND KKCTAb cnarantceil curvel wll bunt pain or detention from iMislnosR. IlVnitUUEI.P. AM ) VAUICOOKI < K porma. ncnt'y nnd Biicrcsiditly cured In iivorycnso. svrnui. . ooNoitniiKA. ( IMF.T : , Hpor * inatorrlici. : hcinlualVi'ul > ncty , Lost , Munliooil , NlKlit KnilCHlnn" . I'ccaycel Kiicnltle > s , 1'einalo Weakuvii tend till delicate clUorelc'rfc pconllnr to either sex pnxltlvuly cured , IIB null ni all functional tllxordcrstliitt rotintfroniyoutliful folllfs or thn iiirnMof iniittiro yrnn. TkMfTIIWU tluarunlcod porman o ntly O 1 l\lv/l U l\lj otiroel , runiuritl complete , wllhout ciittlne. canuioor illlntuthn : . Cure * olTcctrei at lirimn by putiont without aino * inunt'H ualn or annoyance , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A ITP * rilk'K'fho awful cffeoti ot /V OUi\n \ . ) 1\U , . , , ry | vlco whluh brliiK * oru'nnlc wnaleiiosi , drHtioylnK botli mind und body , with ull Its dro ded HU. permanently en toil. llfe IU TIAddrrai those who hnvo 1m- 1J1XO. 1)1 1 IO nulrod tliomtclves by Improper - proper Indulsonco uud solitary habit * , which ruin both mind aud liody , unllttlng them for biiilncRK. itudv or inarrluKo. MAHHIKI ) MHN nr thOHO entering on that happy llfu , awuroof phjblcnl debility , ( julokly ttmlstcil , OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. I'list 1'ractloal export * onco. t-cconel Every cnsu iKapuulally xtualud , tliim Htiirllni ; rlKlitTnlrJ mvdloliici ur prepared In our laboratory pxaeily la null uach ciuo , thus ciri'ctlnKCureiwltlioiit Injury , Drs. Bctts & Belts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA , NEB ;