r THE OMAT-IA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. TEBEUAHY 12. 1801. THE SPECULATIVE BARRETS , An lasier Feeling Characterizes the Opon" ing All Around. WHEAT ACTS UNCERTAINLY ALL DAY , A Ilrimtiriil ScalpcrH1 Mnrket-I5iTcet of tliu C li AVhont Situation A Mtltc Stir In Corn. OiitCAno , Fol ) . II. tpoolftl TcIeRrnm toTliK IlRn.1-Tliero wi : * nn onilcr feollni In nil mnrkuW nn 'clmn o nt tlio oponliiK , Tlicro was nlv > ndlspoiltlon tn follow Him up with In.'o soiling In till ciuartor * . Wliont nn < l pro visions \voro ini t niroclcd. wlillo coarse Krai in liold nliouL stoiidy. DiirluB tlio flr.st hour May sales rniiitod at follow * ! Wlicut , B7 io ti OWe to 07S toO'o ! corn.&I'.fcniul K\c ; outs , 4S iillS7iio nnd Wi < < l\te \ ; pork , $0.00 , err toln.71 ; Inrd , t.S7M to il.83lin.iMi' J3.8J : ribs , l4.03'.inni1tl.H ' ( } . Tlicro ntipoiircil to 1m mucli uncertainty ro- pardln tlio cuiirHO of wliont nil ilay. The market opuni'il with tlio tr.'nlo pcn- crnily lioiirlsh , duo to tlio wc'iikor ffcllng on the curl ) . Kurly news was of a , clinrnctor to lidp the sellers. OITor- InfHiit tlio Htnrt wcro so ' ( itncUly absorbed Unit. HUM owns n nilly of Ho or more , then the Rood liuylng stopped. Morn boat- news went arotiml nnd prices wontoff Ho from tliu top. Then tlnro : wasa recovery nnd iinollitT do- cllnc , It was a bountiful .sonlpors' murkut. TlmturnlnR point forMuy nppenrcit to bodte. Tlio top prlco was ? c ovorllils ( l uro and tlio bottom "founder. Tlio action forMny wn t - OT'.o to 07JW to l ? fie to OT'io to O o to ! > 7''Sc to ( i3u nsnln nt 1 o'clock. July sold nt ! > 3'i ' to m\c to Wfc to ( K11SO to tri'io ' tlio tame tlnio This left , prices about Me under tlio oltNlne llgurcs yesterday. Tlio prosjicet of tliccoltl wavodoliiRRotuocropdaiiiauQ nnd reports from a few Mtolilziuicounties and HouUiurn Illinois wore tlio only bull Incentives oittMdu of tlio cash wlimtHltuutloti really Klvo.s tlic miirketiiiiystronstli It has. Hear points woru numerous , Tlio roccljits woroi Mltme- npoln , Ilr3 cars ! Dnliitb , O'J ; St. Louis , : i,033 ) bushels , llradstfcots Increased tlio available Blockwostof the mountains 7 ,003 busliuls and dofroasod the itocU east tti.O)1) ) bttsbuU. Tlio Us n res 1 iul : llltlo cll'ect. Ihltlmoro Clcaroil no wheat , no flour , wlillo Nmv York cleared 7,000 busliolsof wheat and snino ( lour. Lanison liad a niessiBO : roportlni ; llw carso worked nt Unltlinoro lust ovonlns for llnr- doaux , Dutroltruportcd ufitrtlior Inquiry for cash w boat and Toledo dispatches RHVO 50- 000 bnsliels of cash wheat sold toRO to tlio millers. Now Vork cjiioted cash wheat away over May at JI.II. but the news wusnot Kiiclt asinovo ? tlio iiiarKot.elthor way. Tlio local trndu bolus nrotty well divided , them wiisliosllatlng In the inwrlcut nil day. Mltcliollj S. V. Whlto fi. Co. , I.osnn A Co. , Itryant nnd occasionally the shorts were buy ers. Tlio solllni ! was led by PnrdrldRo. lilootn , McCorinlckt'c Co.Vllliain Dunn , Oeddois nnd HiitchliiMin The lust ntiniotl Rold nbovu tBc. Tlioestlinato forTliursduy Is forty-Ilvo c.'trs. There was n tired fueling In wheat the last half hourand ; at the close M'ty was at the bottom prlco nttho day nnd Jfu lower for the fosslon nt 07jc. ! I'cliruary was quoted nt Ol'iotoOIJic toOlonttlio close. July sold off to Otic at the oloso. August was quoted at Wo , On the otirb. wheat privileges for May wore OiXolo 07o for pils | mrl Oi'iu ' to 03'ic for calls Tliero was n little stir In corn nnd a very narrow market , IforMayM'io scoinud to bo tlio turnlns point with rw&ZiXo and e&iXto the cxtremo prices up to I o'clock when the market wns 57'ie , the closing prlco of last nlBbt. Tliochlef supportof thomtirkotwnsoc- caHlonal by buyliiK by lliiteblnson. At the close there was not an opinion on the market worth expressing. Trade was mild to the close with tlio last sales not of Uc dllToreneo from tliu last prices of Tiio lay , The receipts were on tlio sldo of the sellers with -J ; cats to day and 3X ) for tomorrow. Gables were simply flrin , Atlantic ports cleared but little and Now Orleans cleared 10,000 , but for Antwerp Hradstreots Ravo'nvallabloBupplIesIncreased 32,000busliols. The trade was mostly bo.'irlsh buttho buyliiR , already referred to. held the market. The best point of the day for Slay was si ven ft tlio close , nt.r > ? (14.V-7 ( e ; Fobrii- nr.v,80J fltof > OJo { to5'J4c. ! Jnueclosod atW'te ; Juiyat.r'l < o toKl < 4'avi0e ' to KHc. Tuts and calfsou May corn were at.UJ i3o-'Jioand.V'iQ Klc. Klc.Tlio Tlio ranco In prices of Hay outs was even less than that In corn. The nmrkct slarlcd at 4."i4oto I.I'BC , sold nl 40e and closed at 4 , ' > 7 c ; Juno wns nt 4. ' > ) ic nnd 4liKi < , closlnRat Ki'ac July , 42 ? o to 42'/ic , Tlicro was toino Roe buying til onetlinuhy llartlott , l'ra.ur iiiul Hutelilnson. Oircrlnss wore Unlit. The iivnllnUlo supplies dueieased 4r.XU { ( ) busliuls for the week. The receipts were 153 cars and ftir tomorrow 110 curs. The Kovenummt llRiircaon IIORS wlrod from WashliiKton lust nlk'lit , showing oO'jXOW ( ( , or only 1,1 OO.OUi ) less than a year ate ? In the coun try on January 1 , was a bear Inllucnce In provisions. For the first time during tliu de- cllmi It looked as If general liquidation had This wns accompanied by very free prices , but It wns not of a panicky nature , I'oJksoldlWo lower to $9.0.1 : lard , Mo lower t ( : > . ) ; rlln , 15o loworto SI.SUS5 for May , closln ; at M.07J4 lor pork. $5.8'5i seller lard , J3.S5 ribs , THICKS AT CIIIOAdO. CllMMIM'lrV ii. | High. | Low. | Closo. Ves'y , VvTlEAT Mar Jiiir U3J. Cons .Mny 62M-M Cluli OATS * inr I'HIIK Mny era 002 0 U 973H 0 IG July 10 02 hi 10 W } Rllis Muy 410 4 00 465 I.AII1H- 487H 587H 6 SO no July Utr.'U THICKS AT Sf , LOUIS. COMMODITY I Oiien. | Illitli. I Ixtw. | Cloio. | Vest. WIIKAT tlnr . SWK July . 88 B7H 87J4 b > CoitvMny . MW CO OATH Mar.-- . 4fl 43 4R Gos.ilp. Paris cables quotes whont nnd ( lour higher. Tstlinntctl recolpls of lioss ut C'hlcago fo : Tlinrsilny , 4itHH : ) . St. 1'iuil cnrnluKS Inolutlo 21,410 , according I'ortlnnrt. Oro. , and Sun Krnuclsco ro porteil light rains. It Is rcportoil Unit millers took ! > 0 cars o wlicnt nt ToK'ilo today. Now York clonrx 51,000 inioknsus of flour uni 40.0JU biHhelaof wheat. Tlinru were no iniro'mso.sof cash wheat a New \ ork ns was Inl in ited. Clearances ftt New Vorlci Whnat , 45,531 Corn. 8.W ; Oals , .MTU ; V'lour , SI , csu. Now Yorkers bought whtat at Ch luaco tli mnrnlni ! bucauso uf the stroiijtth of ousli Kraln tliero. St. Louis rccolph : Wlioat , W,782 ! corn. P0ft-fl ; oats. 11,000. SlilnwoiiUl M'licut , 2.fl ! corn , 40,000 ! oats , I17.00 : ) . Hecclpta of wheat : Dulutli , cars , C.Q : Mlmio- npolU , 1W : MlUvnukeo. lO/JOO Uuahulsj Hhli ) . incuts nt Mllwnukci' , MO , New Vork wlroilt Cables como slcndler , Romobrlni ; onlors , but limits too low. A few loans nont on ealIo rufusiils last uvenlng uo- ccptctl. Borne mlllliiK lU'inuiuls. aovormnont rupert t.howlnir iv million less IIOES buck In II rut tiunds Unit lust your stlmii- liitod provisions tonipcrarlly but tliu niiinber la much abovu tbo average of recent yeurs uml not a , bullish report. Chlcnpo roeclput Winter wheat. 20 curs ; ( W ring. W ; corn , 24'Ji onts , ia Inspootinl ros- ular ! Winter , fi ; Bprlnir , Mi corn , J : oals. ( , . ' . BlilpiiH'iits : Whom , 27,000 bnslioUicorii.Uuoj ; oats , 120,000. Estimated fur Thursday : Wheat. 45caiacnrnt0.i : : ; oats , lla , Ylco 1'roslilent 1'easley of Ilio ( Milonso , llur- lliiKton & Quinuy says a recent ntatomcnt of tliiit road docs not molmto tliu Chicago , IJur- llnKtonA ; Northern. This latter load usually rciiorts a dellclt which , of courxe , llio Chicago , llurlliiRlon & Qiilncy miibt make good. llradslruola rojiurt makes dcereasu cast of llockU > s40aiOi Incronso west of ItiH-klo * 74'- 000 ; net Inercaso 2JO.OOO wheat. Tliuso Hydros nroti surprise 10 the trailo. Decruasu In eaU 4W.HIO. 1 or Iho oorrcHiHinillni : week lust year Uradstn'ot s shows a decrease vast of Uoeklot.'of " .ITT.r.Mnnd a notilccreaso for both cousin uf 1.WO.IOJ buNhcli , W , 0 , ilcCoriniek ft Co. to F. 0 , Swarlz Si Co. Today wheat market lias hofiiliincllvo with fight trnUliiK and a notable absence of outslilo buslnvxH. I'rlccs liave not uvcraseil us low ns yesterday , but bulls lacked ontliusltism and tlio undertone ly by uowouns strong. N0wnUgcuerully LearliU , Thocloseof the market was fairly ftr-tlro , but very weak In tonu C'orn nni bwn dull , but price * Hicady In snllo nf Increased rpcclpK Tbo cash donmnd continue * ItiMo. I'rovls- loninro cnh and lower. llcorbohtn'.icnbtci CarjCOosolT ro.nt Wheat , nulct ; con , steady , On p.is.mo-whpal.V ( < ry few bids In tlio market t corn. niorodlHposltlon to buy. Marl < Imno-Wlicat. few buyers In tlm innrkot j corn , nrn.cr. Liverpool Wheat , sKt | ) tinner , hold Mtflifr ; corn , steady. I roncli markets Mcaily. Hoard' * otosliif ? cable nmitri spotwlinnt. unchanged ; tone llrml limited de mand ; futures Ud lo 'id blghur. India fit * tnrcs lower. I'0. taganfe Co. to Toncray k Ilryan- Wlicat opened wltheonsldciable buying from UftctomSR for May. when Illiioin nnd others bccainu frco rollers. A proinlnont scalper kept tbu market steady for Miniotlnio during Ihofpsslou. buying under use tinu selling at nny fraction ovurlhl.s. Tim position of the situation Is iitiflianged.Vlirut N scarce t thoMjabniird , but llio cash ilctnand hns not appeared today. This wo must have to con tinue the upward movement Th wuatlier Is line , although a cold wave Is promised for to morrow. The llriid tl cell report of an Incronco nflW.OOO bu hils ! east nnd west of I bo Hooky mountains shakes conllclonco In the govern ment report of 400.0OT.OJO. Without sonio trimming or manipulation In tlio absence of tliudcinand. May wheat Is too high. July s now attracting attention with Increased trail- In . Wetblnk It will pav to < ! lt Itntiil bate patience to wait on It. In rorn llttlu doing , iluclllatlng fnun M'ic tofi'J1ii& ( . " > 2t e , Provis ion * weak with fi peed deal of liquidation by outsiders. Until hog receipt * let up It will not advance. Kcnnett. Hopkins .t Co to Chrlstlc-I.athrop Com. , Co. There has been too much realizing unit shorts wcro willing today for prices to bolil , hut considering the laigit oiler- lius thvy liavo boon well absorbed. The local speculative U'litlnitmt has leaned rather slinngly ID the boar sliln but ontsldrrs are still bullish and pievunt the local crowd from running things to suit themselves. A dearth f now sand tliu disposition of darters to limit operations until oiiiuthln.t turns uploglvo wheat an Inipotiisono way or iiiuitbor , b ivo resulted In a narrow and featureless innrUct , New York and SI. I.onlshavo boon rulatlvuty strong .wlillo Milwaukee nml the northwest liavo been rather weal ; . Near the ohvo n de termined drive was inuilo at tbo miirkoL and tliero was heavy ' olllus both hy longs nnd sl.ort.s. Wo tlilnlc thoiu will bu wanted backat hlglior prices tomorrow , It thrtnntlolpatnd cold wave timl < > rliili/.v. Corn , very little doing amlprlccchnngcMinliiip Ttnnt : inostoiicrntors scorned to be on the fcnco. tlals , quiet lint llrm. Large liquidation h.islakcn pluco Unlay In provisions , gulling wns Hlartud hy llio weak hog market , and a irreat iiiantlty | of lonK pmncrty was sold out. Some packers wcro selling , but those worn not conspicuous In the iiiiukot. Tbo buying was hrncly to cover sliort miles. Tbcnrirlict r.Mllo.l hut slightly from tbo lowest 11-nrcs , , nnil It loolts weak at tbo close. STUUKS A.M > HOXUS. NF.W YOIIK , Teh. II. [ Spccltil Tolojrani to TIIK HKB. ] STOCKS As there were no now de velopments In railroad circles , and 110 outslilo Influence , the stock market wasoxpoclod lo benqulct one. As soon as the trading was fairly under way this condition was fully demonstrated. Small and unimportant lluct- uatlons prevailed throughout the first hour. The tonoof tlio dealings VMS uo.ierully llrm and .such cbanics as took plaeo wcro In an up- Wuid direction , though new SiiRiir stock , after opening up ? j percent , lost all the Improve ment. H aflci-ward reached and passed Iho opening flgtit'c. This was tlio only movement of note during tbo hour , notwlt hstandlir that at. I'aul. Union 1'aclllo , f/julsvlllo & Nash ville , Northern 1'aclllo preferred , Xorth Amer ican , New Knilantl ; , Atcblson and lUchrnond A ; Wc-ht I'olnt were largely trailed hi , luter In the hour. The Una tone pre vailed throughout. During the succeed ing hour tbo prices declined moro than they advanced early. Alehlscm dropped back from 20 to ZSli ; St. Paul frotn WlJi to BIU : Union I'aclflo from 40 co 45J4 ; VII- lauls stocks hold firm. Sugar nnd Gas wcro easier. Coal stocks were steady. There was little speculative Interest and light transac tions. The stock market received n backset lain In the day. The trade bullevos that the rates In tbo west are In an unsettled condi tion. Tlicro Is no outside support to relieve the holders of part of Ibelr liolillnss. When the stocks came out the market dud mod. Tlio last prices of tbo day were low prices , almost without'exception. The cntlro active list showed net limes of I' to * . with Chicago ( J.is oil \Vi \ , Northwestern and Missouri I'auIBo wcro each oil ! { . All other wcsternstocka wcro oT ! ? and ' . . Tbo sales reached l'Ci.4' ! ! , Kcnnett , Hopkins & Co. to Ohrlstlo I.athrop Ooinnilsslon company. It was rcmirtcil In railroad circles up town last uvcnlni ; that It was stated from I'lilliidelpbla that It was the I'oiinsylviinlii road after all that had secured control of tlio Siisquciianna road , and this will nrobahly turn out to lo so. Stock brokers discussing tlio market laHt ovcnln goncrally uurou'il that yesterday's reaction was hardly of any Importance , as there was no.pressure of , Ions stocks and no one knows where there lire any lar o holdings o' stocks by any cliques or pools , which can bo forced out. Bill Wlieolor nays he never know Caininack to bo .so positive about Ills position on the bull side nnd bouctsas though ho hud 11 put on tlio whole market. Ho makes no secret of what ho has been buying and Is hulling , and says he lias bought ami paid fora lot of stocks to carry Into In thlsyear , and be expects tosoll outata hand some p i-o lit. The stock market , has been very narrow today and In a Kdiorul way dlsroiiruKlng to bulls. The tliangn In prices Is not very de cided , but a shrinkage In values has occurred ninre or less all nloni ; the list , Western stocks have boon the weakest features. They have been alltvlcil by circumstantial stutuiiii'iits that frulKht rates In the southwest were very unsullied. No open break Is reported , but n numberof lines are said to 1)0 resorting to crooked methods to pet business. Henortsare also especially ulootny about trafllo prospects In that quarter , It oven belna alleged that stations bavo been abandoned because , there was no freight to bo transported. It Is pleas ant , however , to turn from such a gloomy view toother parts of the country wboro a more piospcrotis condition of ull'air.s exists. In the northwest railroad tnilllc Is said to ho larger than last year and the railway ci.rnlngs of great roads snob us St. Paul , Northern I'aolllcand Chicago tNorthwestern which IravcrMi tlm nortbwost. uro showing up llnoly. Thc o mails have had the bcnollt of a large spring wheat ciop , also of tbo move- inent of a largo part of tliu wheat from Uiu- uon territory and of thu tralllc from the hcst portion of the corn crop , thu states of Iowa nnd southern .Minnesota , liuvinjj produced this cereal bettor than any other suction In the west. .Monoy Is lu pooil supply at lower rail's , but It Is said to bo gottlng searcn In lluslou and Boston hnsdrawn on Now Vork for largo amounls. The rate forslurlliiK exchange lias advanced anil Is now near to the shipping point. We don't anticipate any large , ship ments of gold , but the advancement of the rate will advance tbo rate with bulls. Sales today , 140,213. Increased earnings of St. I'aul are favorable to that stock. Gross railroad earnings for January show up remarkably well. Outof 4:1 : rnads report- big for the period : w show substantial gains. Chicago , Burlington & Northern for le- ) ccmlier : Gross , (3:11.403 : ; Increase , KM.io.VI , ; not JI''MM : Increase , } SO.74.1. I'orthoyoar : Gross 3,115,413 ; Increase , illl.'JtkJ ; net , iti7C,8.V > ; lu- cieasc , titt'JTQ. ( Loan market this morning very dull , til kinds plenty. Demand moderate. Niw : VOUK STOCKS. HtoclH. IQpun. I Itlali. I lavr. ICIoio. I Vcat. W.v i. . K. . . llocklmt Viil 27-J ; .Mntilintlnn . 1WJ : Vnlnisli pfct 111 Krlo 201 < rucltlo.Mnll. Ijikn Slioro. I..V N l.oail Trust. UC. C. Nortliwost'n Mo. I'nc. . . . . IJnliin t'aa. . 4S J N' I'nc. pfil. 7S'l N. . I'nc. emu , 2 'J ' a , n. AQ. . . Hock libinu St. I'uul rt. I'u u l pfit. West , Union P. , I. . AV. . . Bugiir Tru t Jcrn'y Cont. New KiiKl'il , . ' ' Itlch.'lVrm'l AtchUim. . . . Ik'l. , t Unit. 1'ullman Jllili. CiiiVt' Stiver A. H. U. pfil. \VU. font. . . Mi'r. Cent. , A. C. Oil. . . . Tcnn. Thefoliowlnp are the closing iiuotatloiisi U.S. 4srvKl > lerod. . .TJO Nortlii'rn I'uoltlo. . . U.H. 4icuiimiiB | . I'M ilo pi-i'fcrriMt. . . . . . U. M. 44irfiililereil..Kll ! ( C.AK. Wile U. S. 4 > cnujiuna . IW ilo preferred I'acinoCs of . . . . . , lus ) New York Ccnlrul. . Centmll'aclltc. . . yj > ( 1'lilriiK.i .V .Mtciii . la ; Uuclc lalunit. , , , , . . , t'lilcn.-o. llurlliictoii O. , > " . .VSt. 1- ilo prefer red . .II- . . . . M. 14111t Omalm. , . , .IIr. . llllnoli Central . l > 7 ( lupr < ' ( mcd . . 83 I. , . .V\V . - Union 1'aclllu , . . tV Kannnn.l Ti'xa . I2 < W.St. K * I- . , m lAku bore . . . . .1124 iloprefi-rreil Mli-lilnanlVnlrul . VI Western Union. . . , HltMiurl I 'Heine . U7U Moxsr On call , euay ; closed offend at 2VJ per ci'iit. I'ltniB JlEitcAsriLE rAi > iii : UnohaiiBvil at OT per cent. bTKUMMl B.XCIIAMIK Quiet nnd iUty-daybUlbHfcUiUuiuaad , ll.bd. Ltt'K STOCK. CuiCAno , Tob. ll.-pcclal [ ! ! Toloiram toTur. ltKii-OATtlK--Tr.id6lia8hcon ] fair anil price * b.irely steady. UU VMportaiul ( hipping Moors sold quick nnd In some cases ushaddRtronKcr , but the medium nnd nnclcslr.ihtocl as * ( IraxgOil alonx all day tin.I miltl nt the lust prices nlcMinon could obtain. Cow stock , especially , ten as the butchers can u < o In their trade Is omparatlvely source and sold a ttlllo lilshcr nit the ordinary run uf common and thin also aimers remains at about as low price * iiscvor. lie dealers reported the fair business In the locker nnd feeder trade , at last week's price ) . lilrleou car loids of bljt steers sold at$4.0. " > i.1.iatil : ) ( a lar.je number of oilier 1:0 > d stcors t fl.1031.00 , also plenty of common anil iH'dluiu ntM.SJiip t'owswerp at JI..W32.MI ; iclfets. J2.R'1.0.'i : stocUow , ? 2,4'j4j.B ; . : ) . Ilnds Tliu eoiitlnui'd unpreocdonlcd run of logs for the season , together with the weiik- ioss In thoprovhlon innrUet had u depressing IFecton the ccnorul market. Prices wore : olnzdown. > o toioo , or nboiit where they were in Monday's run of dl.ixir ) , Itough anil ooiunioa iiml ut $ . | . 'iViJ.'l.a'i ! paukoM and inlxo'l ii ! " > ( ) ! prime he ivy and butchur wolslitrt W.K ( ) ; pigs at 13,75. J 'VJKSTHItX ' I'.lCKIMl . Vurtlicf Itoclitijtloii In OicrntloiiH | Klunvn l > y tlio Hopoi'tH. CI.NCINN.ITI. O. , 1'Vb. ' ll.-LSpcelal Tolcgrtiin o Tin : HUE , ] Tomorrow's Price Current will ay : A fiirthcrreduction lu western packing peratlonsls shown by the returns , the total or the week boln oOJ.OOO hogs , against 410,000 ho preceding week nnd t'lLVHM ' last you r , nuik- Ing an ngitrevntc of ( lli JoHO ( since November , .Kiilnst , lUi(03luityciir. ) ( ! Leading ; places coin- areas follows : CltloJ. 1KO-01 1553-30 Chicago ' . 2,4000 'iuiiMCItr . 8II.UUU WO.UUO imnlia . 47J.UUO nillnnipolla . 'mclnniitl . 27.1,1X10 . illlwaukco . 2.10,0)0 'J.17,000 . t. lxjnl < . 21.1.000 i HJUO ( lomClty . JU.UOO 'vilur Kip Ills. . . . ZJI.CIUO llcvebnit . 111,1100 IDIJ.dUJ Kcbraskre Clly 10(1,000 ( Tlio Coffuo JEarkct. Nr.w Yoinc. 1'ob. It. [ Special Telogratn to 'in ' : HKE. ] Corruii-Optloiis opened steady nnd unchanged tolO points down ; closed firm : md unchanged to 15 points up. Sales < : oUOO bags Including February , 117.001 17,05 ; March , IO.70IilO.8l ! May. JIO.'oain.M ! Juno. JI5.PO ! Uil.vl.r ( .W1tir..hO ; AiiKllst , * 1VU : foptemlier , ! l4.ti.-i3ir > .0j ; De-cumber. $ 1.1.809il.t.Ki ; spot Illo , ijulut ; Urin ; fair cargoes , J10.UO ; No. 7 , Jl'.G i , Miiiini ! : Shares. NEW YORK , Feb. 11. [ Spoclul Telegram to Tin : HnK.1 Mlho following are the mining took quotations : Allco . 150 AilamsCon . KVJ Mctlcm WX ) Onfirlo I'M ) llir . 1S3 I'lyiiiDiilli I'.O I'on.Utl. t Vn . 42. ) S.-ivimc 180 lurok.iCon . . .TO Mllror Vluw 210 lule.V Nnrcroii. . . . 173 Stanilarcl 140 louicHako. . . * . &V ) PUUltVCMS. CniOAno , Fob. ll.-Oloso Wheat Weak ; 'ash , IMci May , 07We ; July. Mo. Corn Steady ! cash , COJ.'iiVJJ ' o ; May , M'fc , Uats Klrm ; cash , lie ; May , 45,7 > ( QlUc. Uyo 74c. llarlov " 5- . I'rlmo Timothy 11.20(31.27. ( Klav * 1.3I54. WlilsU.v-Jl.14. I'ork Steady ; cash. $9.330,3 % : May , } 3.72'J ' , _ Lard Stoadyi cash , tJ.S'JJi'IJj.Ki ' : May , ' ' 'Short Kllxj-Sloaily : cnsli. t4..V > ; May , 31.8V I'Moiir Sleady ; sprlnir.tl.ri9 ; patents , tl.403 4.0 ; winter patents. J4.5Jl.h ) . UnlK Moiits-ShouldOH , 33.8131.90 : short clear , * 4.8.VflH.90j short ribs , $4.40l.riO. Huttor Firms croainery , 172c ; dairy , ' .Vfhli'm. . -Strong ; full cream chuddars , OV Hats. toiillc ; Voting Americas , JlQU'/ic. r.ggs Kaslrr ; fresh , lIHi'i&'Jle. ' Hides Unchanged ! light anil heavy preen salted , rOilJ.'Hjc ; crceii , 4'4 ' < 3l4o ! ; salted bull , I Mo i green suited calf , u : dry Hint. 8o | salt ) tiIIfV2 > Tc ! dry calf. Sf&'Jc : deacons , ouch , Me. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 3Jio ; No.S , Ilo ; cake , 4u. Receipts. Shipments , Plour.bbls 2jOOJ 17uno IVhcat , bu 40,000 27,000 torn , Im 171.000 7:1,000 : Oats , bll 167,000 120,001) ) NEW Yomt , Keb. \Vhoit-Rocclpts : , 24.COO nishcls ; exports , 41,5T > 0 ; spot , closed weaken S'o. 2 roil , $ I.10i In elovutor ; } I.12o aflont ; l.llfjl.l3U ( f.o , u. ! options closed lower ; o. i red , February elosliiK at.if l.ll'i. Corn Hecolpts. 4. > , r > 00 husbels ; exports , 8.0)0 ) ! spotbtrouiter ! No.2USiKlc In olevalor : fllo illoat ; ungraded mixed , ti-iritiM4c ' ! ; options closed easy ; l-'cbruary closed at ( l-Jic. ? Oats Kocelpts , tc.ooo bushels ; exports , US'1 ; spotsteady ; No. 2 white , 53ii3 ! > in ; mixed vehtorn , SlflJT'lc ; white western , rlKIcj ! op- lens , llrm ! I'obruury closing at rc' ie. Sugar Jlnw , llrm ; conlrlfugals , tifl tost,33ic , ) and I" ; roll nod. smim yrailes hlghor ; 0 , S ili 5 11-IOe : whlto ov. 0 , iiJs'31 ' U-16o ; yollow,3rffl ! 3UcolF ; A. 5ja ? > ii-lUo : ; standard A , OT-lUoj > owilercdlU-lic. ( ( Petroleum United closed forMaroh at79So ICggs Western , 234ityic. ? ( : 1'ork Steady. I nrd Duures'ied ; western steam , KM Uuttor-'l'lrnmr ; wcsturndairy , Il'i0c ; west ern creamery , IMfJ7o : Rlgln , 2"/4iWto. Uhoeso Strong ; llglit skims , Mi8ic. ! ST. LODIS. Feb. 11. Whca't Irroxular ; cnsh , DOJacMay ; , O7' 'c. Com Firm ; cash , May , S'i50o. ! ! Oats Klrnii cash. 431 0 ; May , 400. I'ork Dull ; J9.70. I nrd Kasy ; fft.10. Wlilsky-StBiidy al81.ll. liuttur Firmer ; creamery , 24(3Co ( ; dairy , 5l@io. ) KANSAS OITV , Feb. \Ylioat-Utilct : No. - bard cash Slctild ; February , BlUe old1 , Na2 rod , cash. 01 ? o hid. Corn Steady ! No.2 , cash , 44o ! bid ; February i7.ic. ! Uats Steady ; No , 2 , cash , 415 0 bid ; Febru ary. 44 ? o bid. MiNN-K.trot.is , Minn. , Feb. \Vlicnt-Mnr < kot dull and unsitlsfactory. Hceelpts , L'OO cars ; sbliiinents , TOJciirs ) , Oloslngi No. I hard , I'uhrtiary , ! )4c ) ; on track,01'-io ' ; No. 1 northern , Kobruary and .March.trJc ; May , IMJifli'Jll'ic ' ; on truck , IKIe ! No. 2 nortliurn , I'Vuruary , Ulo ; en ' " " - track , MILWAUKEE , WK , IiVb. II , Whont Easy ; No. ' 'sprlnir , cash , m'if..l'ia ; May , O jc. Corn Qulat : No. 3 , r Ic. OatH IJUll ) No. 2 white , 4no. } 1'rovlsloua Kasy ; pork , May , $3.72. CINCINNATI , Fob. 11. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red. f 1.00. Com Stronger ; No. 2 ml.xc Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , Whiskey 41.14. LIVE CillCAOO , Fob. II. Oattlo-Rccclpts. 12,000 market barely steady ; steers , * j.'Jo.iO : ! cows . * " > ftm. Hogs Itocelpts.4l,000jmarket lower. Kong ! and common , tJ.'J3i l.i.1 : ; packers and mixed * 'l.l. " > T . : i. . " | ' ) ; inline heavy and butcher weights Sheep heculpts , 8,000 ; market active , stead to stionger ; natives , * 4.KKTrJ.so ( ) ; lambs. KJ.uoi 0.2J | westerns , 4.4U < 85.2ii ) Tcxans , ( l.fcO1.0J. Si. I.OUIH , Fob. 11. Cnttlo-Uccolpts. 2,000 ; shipments , ilOO ; matketbtrong ; fair to fancy native Htcors , j3.1K > y5. ' . " > ; stockers and feeders , ilogs Ki'ci'liits,7.800 ; shipments,000 | market heavy , it-i & 'lKt ; mixed , * J.WiW.5J ; light , } U.'JO ( Si.l5. : KANSAS C'ur , Fob. 11. Cattle Kccolpts , n.4UO ; sblpiiiciita. 2,40(1 ( ; stoudy tostrongjstoors , S'.tM ; cows , J1.7.rnt.'l,75 ; bloul > ers and feeders , . . llogs-Ueeclpts , 12XK ( ) : shipments , 2,500 , ; steaify ; all graUen , tt.WSit.CO. : O.M.I//J A Iff ! STOCK. OJIAHA. Feb. 11,1801. OATTI.I Eitlinutetl rocoluts of call lu1. . 750 aa coiiipared with 1.1KJ3 yesterdav mid DOGO Wednesday of last week. The tnnikot was about steady on tliu best grades of beovi-s nnd desirable butcher stock anil less desirable gradesSu to | 0e limor. ( iMil feeders are ac tive and lu dcnuuid ut steady prices , others Hlow and lowor. lloas Katlniatcd receipts of hogs 0,353 as comuared with U.OOU yostcrduy and 41M Wcdnohdayof lust week. The market was blow , llest heavy and butchers welshts steady to weak. I.luht ami mixed So to lOu lower Thoraim'o of prices wns t-MXiWa , this bulk soiling at L2.xS't.li ) . ri < 4 , ( l/.vfc'.J'J ; lljilit- Ilghts , K.501.,00 ; lightCI.uu33.Xi ; heavy. MHO tttl.r.0 . ; nilxoil , ft. : .vrw.4V The average of llio prleeH paid was tl.il ; , as compared with ? . 'l.nyj : yt-Hturdny nnd Ki.4ljtVedneMlayof last week. HllKEH-KBtlmntod receipts if ( dieei)8ii : , as coinpared with UMyotsertlny and 212 Wednes day of last week. The market wns un changed , Native * , t2.7Jl.50 ; westerns , * i502 > 4.CO , Deposition of Stoulc. Showing the number of cattle , lies and Hhiep purchased on tliH maiket aa reported by the wolglumiBtcr of the Stockyard * com pany for February 11 : ' . CATTI.K. HwlftvVCo ' 1,077 The U. II. Hammond company 157 TheJuihihy packing company 6X Oumhu packing company. , , „ 11 ! 5. . 0 8 2 110 811 2 CO 3. . HS5 310 11. .1032 1UB5 203 5. . 1212 333 HULLS. 1. . 14.10 17.1 1..1I40 22.5 J..1700 280 1. .I010 200 1. 1I70 a 3,1 , 1..1820 S t 2. lltt ) 2 00 ] . . 14.10 2 ftO 1..1320 300 1 .14.V ) 200 2. . lira 250 1..19SO 300 1. .16M 2 15 1..13W 273 1..1900 323 1. .1400 2 23 BTOCKF.HS AND FE 2. . 07(1 ( 2 40 7. . TO 270 2.1. . 8TO 2 5 3. . M13 240 2ll. . 719 273 2J. . 714 310 710 2 OJ H. . 781 275 18. . 1)J5 ) 3 35 OJ ! ) 2 C3 7. . 730 2 W imrnns. J. . C70 300 2. . MJ 300 3. . 1107 3 I2'/S STABS. 1..1I2J 3 00 1..1IWO 3 S3 CALVES. 1. . . . 3JO 215 COWS AND IIKKEIIS. a. . . . 1,112 , 3ar MII.KintS AND Sl'lUNnKlW. 1 fprliiRor . J21 00 1 cow and calf . $21 00 1YE3TEIW CATTr.B. Av. Tr. M. M. Hill. 10 cows . l.rci 150 S'Jyows . . 870 200 Iiivll ) ( < on llros. 40 helfurs , hay fed . C02 240 50 heifers , hayfed . COS 240 lions. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sli. IV 2 KM 3(10. ( 09 273 200 3 ffiVJ 77 115 8' ) 300 07 208 120 3 : ' ,4 78 17.1 2 < 0 310 4 317 04 170 M 310 4CO 2i ! > SICU 81 170 40 31.1 CO7il 15 3.T2'/ 70 200 ICO 3 l. > 7ilC ! ) 23(1 ( a IB 81 . ' . ' 13 160 31.1 fl ) 24(1 ( 33.1 74k . 10 .80 3 15 6.1 327 3r : > B'l . 205 200 321) f.9 2:10 : 331 a so f.96.S : cw : t : 40 . ' 120 7:1 : 273 200 331 200 320 70 2JI JO a 35 74 . 10.- 80 320 70n 201 K35 170 . 215 240 320 50 28 1 160 .111 60 . 210 60 325 50Cl 277 160 3:15 : 58 . . . .261 80 325 Cl 280 Ml 3 3.1 6.1 . 214 160 323 ClfX ! 300 40 311 70 . 213 200 32. fiO 320 3I5 ! 4 80 32.1 72 . . .248 100 337M 70K 228 120 3 25 4 SB" . - 3II7H ( K .271 200 32.1 61 2.17 337 $ ! 81 . IM 8' ' ) 325 61Cl r.O 340 91 . 227 N ) 32. ' . Cl 247 340 SO . 803 120 325 121. . , . . .283 240 340 248 385 ' .BO . 320 340 325 57..2(1 ( 80 340 74 . . . ,25T 1(10 ( 325 M..2Sfl : 230 340 5fi , . 242 120 325 CO . 281 ffil ) 340 4 . 4.10 80 i2T ! 70 213 120 340 74 . 2.10 120 327'/ 20 M7 340 74 . 217 120 230 07 337 120 340 72 . 245 8'J ' 330 47 343 340 60 . 228 40 333 47Kl 300 340 ! M . 247 240 330 62 3S4 340 (11 ( . 2.10 120 31)0 ) 62M 314 80 340 02 . 227 60 330 M 325 100 340 D.1 . 2M 160 333 67 311 340 10 . 302 330 67 340 120 II42M 70 . 242 200 330 678J 230 34.1 CS . 2S2 120 330 4 ! ) 320 120 31.1 04 23 ! ! 3:10 : K ) 342 80 34.1 71 . 221 333 60Cl 435 80 34.1 4 . 312 330 Cl 204 345 02 . . . .257 120 330 ClCO 23'i a SO ( XI . 270 120 330 COOJ 848 3M 51 . 201 80 330 43 3"J2 U50 63 8 2CO 332K inns AND nouaii 14 . 71 200 47. . . Ul 225 SlIKEP. No. Av. Pr. 85 westerns , o-ves . b9 4 20 100 westerns , owes . 1)0 ) 4 20 228 westerns , ewes . ui 4:10 : Vegetables. Si'iNAcn-Per liblJ2oo. CKI.EIIY HoOTS-1'ur doz , SOc. I.KTTDCK Choice stock , 4n645e , SWKBT 1'orATOBS Supplies uro not heavy nnd the inurket Is quiet. Choice Kansas , fl.50 per bll. OKI.KIIY Olioloo stock45c. . IttmiiAnAs Michigan stock , per bu , COc. HEETS 1'er bu , 8l.00itl.a5. ONIONK--POIIIO eastern stock Is olTorod at SJ.r.O per bbl , and Spanish onions at $2.00 our crate. I'OTATOES There are quite a Rood ninny homo crown potatoes In More In tha city nnd sales uro in ail o ut Olc l.OO. Colorado potatoes are very bcarco at 4J.2J. Frcsb Fruits. OliANnis-HlvcrsIilcs mo sullliiK nt ? 2.7r ) © 3.00 ; imvoU , J4.M,1.0 Ij Hanclilto , a variety ho- twecii Riversides and Los Anelos. ti.OiWl'iSi Mnxlcnn ornnscs. $1.00 ; I'lorl'la brlslit , 42.50ii 3.00 ; rnssctt. * - > .002.M. QuiNons There arc still a few on the innr- kcc , lint the movement Is slow nnd prices nominal atr > ) ( & } . ( pur box. I'KAIIS A few lurKO California pcnrs , win ter varieties , are ollcrea nt JpJ..loT ? -l.oo per liox. LKUONS-C'boIco Mcsslnn , 1:1.7301.53 : ; fancy , I'H . ( ) . MAt.ADA OltAI'F.3 Per 1)1)1. ) . ? 0.0011.09. IMNKAl'ri.ES 1'ur ' doz. UKXaiLW. CllANIIKUIIIKH StOL-Us lltfllt. Capo Cod , JI8.CO per bbl ; Jersey. J10.75. Arri.KS Supplies llibt ! gooil stocks c.i n bo had at $ .1.00 , but thorn nro some fancy atuml apples which are luild at ti.OO. Country 1'rotlnuc. Tliocbnnsosln tbo condition of the produce markets were not Important ycstcnlity. 1'rlei" ' ) on most every thin ; : were btroiiKcx- I'optlnx In thecaBoof nirss. The wontbcr wns warm , giving promise of largely Increased ro- coljits. Kuns Tlio innrKet.wus weak acaln vpstor- ilay. Tbo city trade generally was pay In ? IHo for small lots , but , larger buyers were very lioaiMi nnd Hhlppcrs uould talk only I To. I'rcscnt. stocks were < iot so very larte , but tbo comlliloiisiiro.sucli tli'ut I'vuryono Isantlclpii- tint ; lurKUly increasuil jccclnH. UUTTICII Tboiniirkist.wis ; II nn at previous quotations , tliu best country rolls gnliiR ut Uaibc , nnd KIXH ! rolls at llfricuGood eroiun- irv butter wns inioled jitlKMlo. I'oui/niv Uccoliits were very llaht and tbo nmrkut Ktronu' . Clilckcna sold tfonorally at Uo for choice stock ) Kotrto'lind UucKs , uffllOo ; tur- OAME A few small rabbits were received and sold atJl.OOporiloz. II AV Stocks were | U < itty well cleaned up on nocouiit of the rucoliits being cut olf. L'rlcos yesterday woroJfl.OJijT.M nor ton according to quality. Occasionally a llttlo mow was ob tained for Homcthlnjt'Joxlra ' good and bright. With Increased receipts , almost sure to fol low the clearing of thu roads , lower prices can bo uiillcliialed. ' ' HONKV ' 1'hodoinand la not largo and wlillo parlies who have choice comb honey on hand wantlixit20ofarlt there would not bo much ehuiicn of getting over l&OI'o for honey shipped In hero forsalo. Flour. R. T. Davis Mill Co. . hlijh patent , No. 1 and Orenin , t'i.lu ; Hluo I ) , full patent. * ' . ' .50 ; Ilawh- cyo , half Datotit , fJ.3U ; special royal imtnnt , No. 10 , * 2.8U ; .Minnesota patent , fc'.73 ; Kaiisii ? hard wheat patent , J2.J5 ; Nebraska spring wheat imtent , fj.flo. H. I' , Ulliniin'tigold mcflal , $3.70 : Snow Whlto , J2.tfl : ; Snow Klako. K.W : low grade. tl.GO. Hroken How roller mills tVeani , ti.70 ; Myr- tlo. J..40 ; Oliilm , .M : XXX , * l.j ) Klilcllty , J' ' > 0i SIInnebota Chief , J2.4J ; I'ntoiiUtl.ca. Dskhainp's ready to raise biickwhout flourv } 4..Vlier | casoofW ) 2-lb naoknges ; liueuwhont , in bblw. N , y. , W.OOi Kxcul lor brand , J3.K ) ; Binp Jack mual , 81.75 per case of 502-lbpacU- as s. ] luril\varo. At'OKliHANii HITS-C. E. Jennings dls. ftflifi Ktihspll Jonnlngri , dls , 25 ; bit Block drill , Cleveland & .Murse , dls. AO. i Llppiucotts , per dot , 18.25 ; double bitted , III.OOi Hunt's , H.C.I ! MpDcncotfa bronri'tl iixi'8.18.SS. IlKi.t.sl.nlit , br.n , liantl , ills , 70c ; Ken tucky cow , dN , wo. IJoou I.OCKH. KTA-W t prices ns rovhocl Itocoiubor 30 , l sO , low MJ-10 per ccnti uiul- lix-liM , tinw list , ilK 70. HOUKM S/iratMit / fc Co. , lmrnc ! < ! ) 1UI , 00 ; wrouitlit oliipliM nnd books nnd lapl < " > . 75 ; Stiinloy's ll < t , wniiiulit stiiulej , 75o ; hooks nnd \vlroBorow,7S. \ , . I A\'TiitNfi : Iliickcyc. sr.WSO , | lluckoyo , Jr. , AloiAssKS OAIHS Hlobben's pat torn * , dls 70. Ou.KitH-X.lncaiul tin , now list , dl.slK ) . PICKS lliillroad , mire eye. dlsGO. IltvcTs Wagon box. : lion nnd tinned , now h t December 10l8SIdlH 30 | copuer rivets and burroM ) . SciiBWH-l'liitliPudlrou , 70 J7.l ! round lioad , now lUi , blued , W ; Hat bead , bass , ntnv list. 7o7i7.'x ) ! Japanned , HI couch , cominon or tag , 00-10. Hllovnt-R AND Si'Anr.s AmeV. ill A II. TACKS , HIIAIIH , KTC. American Iron cnrpot lacks , dls 80 ; stool carpet tucks , all kinds , do ; fHTudiu Iron cnrpot lacks , all kinds. (10 ( Swedes Iron tacks. Ofli Swedci Iron iipholstor- ers' lacks. 00 ; tinned Swedes Iron tucks , no ; tinned Swedes Iron upholsterers' tacks , r > 0 ; Aiiu'rliMin Iron cut tucks , 75 ; copper tacks , W ; copper llnlshltn nnil trunk nails , 45 ; clRiir box nails , 41 ; tlnlshlng mills , 70 ; Iliingar.au nulls and miners" tucks , ( W gimp and lace tucks , 7U | tinned glniii and lace tucks , ( XHOi trunk and clout nulls , 70 ; tin ned trunk and olont nulls. : i.v basket nall.s , 3.5 : chair 111111.1 , ill ) eonunon and patent brndf , 7(1 ( ; tinned cupped trunk nulls , .10 and 10 ; looklng-Klii's tacks , 25 ; plettlio frame points , 23 | Icnther carpet lacks , 40 ; brush bKiUs , 8.1. TAi'is : JlEASltiiiNO-Aincrlcnn , dIs,13M. TIIEIIMOMKTHIIS Tin case , ( I Is. 75. TltU'S llaini' , Ncwhouso , dls. 40i gaiuo. Oiiuldn. pallern , 70 ; mouse , wood choker , per dozen holes. 2fi. Titoww.s llnules' brlcK , dls , 10 : Dlsston's , 20-10 ; garden , net per doz , (1.00. TurcKS--Warchouse ( , tic. ) , Howe's K. J. fi Co.llH , f 0 , VIHKS I'nrallol , ParkorV , dls. 10 ; imrallol. oval slide,30 ; saw filers. Wentwortli's. ' 'no. \Vini : llriiss 30o uml copper 35c per II ) . not list ; market. Urlght 0o ; market , coppered , W k 10 per cent ; tinned broom wire , no ; annealed fence , Nos. 8 uml 0 , per 11)0 ) Ibs , ii.- .Tapnmiod burl ) fence. $1.1' ) ; galvanized bi : fun re. $ . ' 1.73 : nlcturo wire , T. S. & .1. , dls. 20o ; clothes line wire , uulviinl/ed , per oz cell , M. . " > < ) ; wlru cloth , green , drab and black , per 100 si ( ft , $1.43. $1.43.WIIKNCIIF.S Coos' gonulnu , SO ; Olrnrd , 00 ; Acr , 70-10 ! Hunils A Oull's patent combina tion , 15 ; Alken , pocket ( bright ) $ U)0,30. ) llUOK8-Stunloy ItuloA Level Go's , new list CO. CO.HOLTS HOLTS Common carrlaae , dls 70-10 ! H. k E. Mfg. t'o'.sstovedls 40-10 ; plow , dls50machine ; , dls 70 ! t Ire bolls , r 0-10. HUTTH llrass , wrought , dls 70 ; loose pin , castdls 70 ! loose pin , japanned , dls OO-Kl-10 ; loose pins , jtipanned , wrought , 00 ; Olark blind butts , 75-10. 'ASTI5H < lied , dls , 50 ; pluto and shallow rockets , dls , M. CHAIN1 Trace , 65510per pair , net , 40c ; trace , 0 ! { , American , per pair , nut , frOn ! flor- 111 an halter chain , ll.st of December 111. ISrtl. tils , no-in ; Ainerlciin hultor chain , list of De- comuarttl , 1831 , din , 50-10 ; Uoriiiiin cell chain , 1st of December at , 1881 , dis , W-10 ; Iron Jack chain , : t3 ; briiss Jack chain. 'M. COCKS llrass , now list , July 10 , 1681 , dls , 51. COFFIII : Mli.f.s Parker's board and box , dls , M : American ( KutcrirlhO Mfg Oo ) . dls , i'B. ' Covil'Assim , DiviiiKRii , KTO. Compasses , dls , > 3-lOdlvldors.illH. ; SO audio ; cnlllpeis , dls , r > 0. Hnuvi.Mi KNIVUSS. ! . & W.Oo , . dls 70 ; ud- iiiRtable , ills 20. l-'oiiKS Hay. ninnuro and spading , dls fio-io- 0 ; plated , Al , ItoKcrs & llros. , M ) . KIIUITS AND .In.i.v I'liEsSES Knterprlso iltg 2o. . dls 25 , I'm' PANS Common , dls70 ; Acme , dls (11. ( KAUCKTS Krary piilent petroleum , dls , 5'j ; Enterprise sclf-iiieasurlntr , per doz , $ .10. dls. 25. l > "ilKH-lluavcr& Dlsston's , 00-10 ; borbc rasps , Idler I Inn , ills no. HAMMKIIS Maydole , dls25 ; Allia. ( Us 53. HAIINUHS SNAPS Sar onts , dls 70 ; Gorman , disa : HATCHETS Discount 40-10. HAV KNiVJis-Llghtiilmr , per doz. , fJ.OO ; Sponr Point , per doz. , ttt.ro ; lliNjis-Olnrlio's : Nos. 1,2 , nnd : ! , gate , dis count CO ; screw liootiiind strap , H to IS , per 100 bs..4'Cl2 { ! nnd upwards , per 100 His. . 3ic ? ; vrouglit. strap and T list , Oorcinber " 77 , 75 per centiHtiinil.'inl I ) . A. , No. 5 , $ ' , r > 0. I oust : NAltS Nos. 450 7 8 0 10 1'cerle.ss , per Ib lie 12c Mo net Noithwvstorn , " M 2:1 2:1 : ! B 21 10 dls 20 Champion , " 23 25 2.'J SS 21 111 ills 20 I'ntnuin , 50 20 23 21 20 1 ! ) 10 dls 10 KKTTi.Krt Ilrass , percent dls,15 ; enanicled , > or cent ills , ( K ) . KlioiiH Door Icnoba , bronze , 50-10 ; door , nlncrals , door por. Jupiincd , door por. plated , loorpor , now list dls,5J-ll ) ; poiccbiln sliutter , dls 70. l.orKS Cabinet ana chests Cabinet , V.k K. 3orbln. dlsir > ! trunk , dls 20 ; Yale look coni- [ inny. Mat and corrugated ley , ills Xtt4. M/\i.r.T3 \ Hickory. 25 percent ; ll numvltae , 25 11 or cent ; leather head , 25 percent. MKAT CtiTTEits Kntcrprlsi' . dls 25 ; beef shavers , ( KntcrprlseMfu. Oo.dls ) 25. I'I.ANKSAXO I'l.ANElitoNS ' Ilciiuli , 6rst qual ity , dls-40 ; bench , second ( innlltv , dls M-10 ; fancy , dls 40j IJallay's boneli ( S. K. & 1. Oo. ) now list. Jan. . ' 7U , dls 40-10 : lliillov'ri plow iiliines. etc. , dls 20-10 ; Hlanlcy beiidi , ( S. It. & lj. Co. ) now list , Jan. , ' 71) , dls 40-10. I'I.UMUS AND LKVKI.S .Stanley It. k I * . Co's patent adjustable , dls 70 ; Stanley II. & U Co's non-ad bistable , dls70 : pocket levels , din 00. 1'oiJT lloi.B AND TIIKE Aunuiis Vaughn's post : iolc , pordoz. , JIO.OJ ; Ubamplon po-it bolo uu- ers.f 10.511. PUNCHES licit orrtrlvo , nor doz , " 12.00 , $2.25 , J2..W , dls M ; sprlnK. J2.50. SAII litONS From 4 to 10 , peril ) , "c net : solf- hcatlng. per ; liu , $10.50 not ; Mrs. I'olt's Irons , double pointed. dl.s.W. HAii ( > i'Ai'iit Iliicdor & Adiiiiison'a flint , CO to IVi , $5.23 ucr ream ; Hao > ler k Adam son's Hint. 2 , 2'4 ' and 3 , / J1.75 pu roam ; llaedor.t Adaiuson'slllnt. as.irtcd $ .i.2 pur rouiii ! Haodor A AduiM.son'sHtnr , il.2" > per ream ; Haodor.t Adamson's emery. fG.fjOBM.no perroaiu. List , XlK olT. HASH Uoun 1'or Ib Common , 15o not ; pat ent , 18o net : II Silver Lake lieinn , : tOc' , U white cotton , braided , 2Sc , SASH WEIOIITS Solid eyes , per 100 Ibs , $1.25. SAirsAOB STUKKKHS on KIIJ.IKS 1'orry , dls 15 : Kiitvrprlsu manufacturing company , dls " " SAWS Mission's circular , mill nnd cross-cut , dls 43 : nisstou'gbund , panel nnd rip. dls 20-5. JjOAnus-llouc. dls 23 pur cent ; llull'ulo. 35 purcont ; Fairbanksdls 4(1. ( STONB 'rlndstoncs , per ton. JinCO ; crlnd- Krlndstones. mounted , "Hampson , " Nos. 1 , 2 , U , 'J.75 , IK.25 , $2.00. HTAPI.KS 1'iiiico Keg , ? : ioO. l Stool , ( IK 75-10. 3 1A' CIlURCir. A. 1'astor'H Plain I'reaclilnj ; Hiilses a IllK Church lUi\v. There was a inoctliip nt the Newman Meth odist Episcopal church Tuesday night at which the business affairs nnd the spiritual , status of the church wcro earnestly discussed. It was the rocular quarterly conference and by reason of the fact that some blight dissatisfaction had buou expressed by 1110111- bors of the church and by the pastor with regard to the course talccii by outsiders and some members of the church it was deemed a JHtiiiK time to como to an understanding. Uov. Savldgo , the pastor , read his report for the past quarter and stated that ho had been disappointed in the attltuuo and the work of lending church members both in a spiritual and financial way , and rather than continue to do the work of spiritual advisor nnd Ihiuncial agent also for the church ho would ask to bo relieved. Ho bclleveu that the Lord hud called him to preach tbo 'gospel and not to run about soliciting funds lor tha support of a church whoso trustees nnd stewards were unwilling to ( to that work themselves. On the other side of the question several of the leading members explained that they wcro willing to assist in the raising of funds for the supportof the church , but that they did not approve of the course taiten by the pastor in permitting n few cranky fanatics from abroad to come here and denounce the members of the church. People who had no church or other Itind of n homo it was claimed , had virtually taken posses siou of the revival meetings and had con ducted thorn In a way that shocked the reverential - orontial feelings of these who had a just sense of the solemnity and saurednoss of re ligious worship. It was claimed that some of these who professed to have huen entirely cleansed from nil stu wcro frauds of the rankest sort , that their professions were simply a cloak which they wore to gain the confluence nf credulous people. It was openly declared thnt the prayers uml conduct of some of Iheso outsldo fanatics were snmlcRlouB If notdisKracoftil. 'J'uo pastor has preached a good deal to tlio inomborsuip upou the necessity of perfect holiness , or a "second blessingas some call it , and there have been established two distinct sects , the holiness or "second blcssliiK" people , bo- HevliiK that the plain , common converts and everyday momborsof the church nro unsaved nau In danger of final damnation , iiud tuo. o who do not take to the "second blessing" or perfect holiness idea and who look upon the latter class beliiR extravagant and over zealous lu tbolr professions , BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & CO. , London , England. ADOLPII BOISSEVAIN & CO. . Amsterdam , Holland. BANKBRB. Bur andicll American iccurltlei on com mill ! * in Ixiridua and on allConllntnUlmnrkot * . OMAHA DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BICYCLES. The Bmnswick-Balko A , H. Porrigo & Co. Oollondor Oo. HlllUril mcrrhnnillso , AIIMako , All Prices , All Hainan flxturcs. 1'nrH. 407.40US. lOthUrojt , Omalm. 1.111 DoilKcSlroet. BOOK DINDBR3 & STATIONERS. Omaha Eopuhlican Printing Oo. , Lnir brlofi , bank supplies , and ctcr/thlnu In tlio prlntlnn lino. IQtlinnil HoiiKl.K strcoti. Ackermnun Bros. & Hointzo , l'rlnlcr. % Mncl > .T. < , rloctrotrperJ , bijok innrui- fncturom , 1111 ° , IlownM ntreot , Onnlin. BOOTS AND SHOES. Oharles A. Ooo & Co. , KirkeudnllJonos&Oo , , Manufacturer * nnl Job- \Vlioli-snlo Mnnilfuctiir'J ben. AKIMIIU for IKxton Knb- 1100 Howard . ticrSliouCo. , IKr. . 11UI , street. nnil 1111 llnrner St. Williams , Van Aor- "W , V. Mor3T& ( OoiT nam fi Harto , Flioo Knrtory , Corner llth 1312 Itarnuy street , ftliil DonxliK str.Oinn. Im. Mcrelmnli Inrltod Orndhft , Keb. tocnllnnil etumlnc. BOXB3. I BUTCHERS. John L. Willdo , Louis Holler , Onmlm pnpor box fnctorjr , llutrhcrt' nml I'nckori' ISir-l.llJ nongl.vt. Tools A HlliillH. | ; ( Hoof , . hoi ; V hooji cn lnffi , Onlcr.i promptly Illlol. 1IIO-1IIS . - Jucknm St. OABBIAQB3 , BUQaiBS , ETO. Oolurabu ? Bu cry Oo , , W , T. Seamnn , C.irrlnRoa , curH aulkloi , Onmhn'a l.nwesl Variety . etc. Q. H. Hilwarits , Mnnnzor. WA(5O.V8 AMI 318-31 : . South Ilitli. CAHUIARKS OABPETS. CLOTHING. Omalia Oarpet Oo , , Oilraoro & Ruhl. Cnrpot' , oil clotln , rait- Mnnnfitctnrcri \Vliolo- - tlnRSOirtiilnKooiti.c' ' ) . FHO ] Clothlcrn , 1SI1 DoiiKlni stroot. llirjUnrncy St. OI&ABS. West & Fritsohor , Mnnnfncturor.s llnaclKari Jobbers of le'nf tob.'iccos. 1011 Knrnnni itroot COAL , , OOICB , ETO. V