An Ogden Registry Olerk Steals a Pivciago of OraaLa Monoy. IT WAS BOUND FOR A BANK HERE. f Discovery of tlio Cunning Scheme VVliluli Ho Worked , ItcauUhiK in Ills Arrrftt nnil tlio Uccov- cry of the Cnsli. n , Colo. , Fob. 11. [ Special Telegram to THE DBB.J The nrrcst yesterday at Ogdcn of Nelson H. ( Jcorgo , lalo postal reg istry clem , at the Instance of 1'ostofllco Inspectors specters Waters , Fusscll , Wilson nnd Pat terson , brings to light a very cleverly con trived attempt to rob the registered package pouches of n big mnoimt of money. It ap- pcni-s that n pnckaga registered No. 200 , sup- ixi'ted to contain iOUU , , was sent from Snc- . ranionto , Cat. , on January 10 last , addressed to 11 b.uik In Omabn. Some six or cluht days after Its dispatch Inspector I'attcrson vrnlUtil into the Denver ofllee nnd showed a tclcgi.un from the Omaha bank Unit tha Iwltauc hnd not been received and another from 1'ostofllco Inspector Waters , nt Clmy- emit ? , stating thnt the postmaster at Ogilen tiold Urn tccolpt of the Denver ofllco for It. ' .The latter message was in response to nil in quiry from the inspector as to whoso receipt they held. It was necessary for the paekago to KU through the Ogdcn oHlco Dcfoio trcnuli- ing Oenvor , on Ha way cist ; , nnd each post- inoMi'r through whoso hands U passed would to mnilrod to give his receipt for It to the proi cuing oHlco. Tbo package wo received nt Ogdcn on January 17 nnd should have loft nt oncf. Four days later Gcorgo substituted another ono for it nnd boldly pocketed lis contents. lie then proceeded to ohnngo the llirurc.i on another package from twenty to iiOO and sent it on In place of the ono stolon. By this clevi r ruse ho managed , of course , to get t retvipt from Postmaster Corcoran , and calcu- lati-d that any trouble thnt might arise sub sequently would bo laid to the door of the Denver register department. Nntur- nlly , though , an investigation was soon ordered 03 to the fate of the K , ( < ( V ) hutitllo of greenbacks. The pouch liooUs were thoroughly overhauled by Super intendent Walter Sanderson at this city , and 5"vni found that a register No. "OU from "Willow Urcck , Mont. , to Boston , Mass. , had in rived nt this end the same day as the pack- un(3 from Sacrumento should have arrived. Jloth packages In the ordinary course would ri mom tuunamo way and In the same pouch. U ho light was commencing to dawn upon the battled ofllclnls , and further investigation only increased their suspicions that the Boston package was n substltuto. "Working upon the clue Inspectors Waters and Wilson went Immediately to Ogdcn , the natural result being the arrest of the embcz/.lcr. It is understood that there nro two ch nrtros ngalnst Gcorgo for similar offenses , and It is ( llnicult to snv to what extent this cunning fraud has been worked. The ottlcers will re cover | . ' , , SX ( ) from hlin.a portion of which they hare already laid their hands on. George Is meanwhile held In fo.OOO bonds to answer to the charges of embezzlement nnd grand larceny. Tlio Host Mineral Waters Are from Kxcclslor SpringMo. . Kcgent l.s nature's toulo and diurutic , Sulpho-Sallno Is n mild laxntlvo. COJll'A IIISOX8. IIo AVouhJ. llntlirr Hnvo Hill Slcn Than Sonio .11. I''H Dunujj , Feb. 11. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BKK. " | William Kodmond , spealtlngat n largo meeting- yesterday , said that they had been told that only hill men were on their side. Ho would rather have the lionost hill men on their side than many of the Irishmen now In parliament. Some of Mr. I'arncll's opponents wanted to spit upon the memory Of tbo men of 1M > 7. Was this agitation for Independence a movement Implying that everyone would bo forgotten with the excep tion of Sir Willlnm Vcrnon Harcourt nnd the Ilnpllsh liberals ) If so It would bo ono from which men of spirit , like .Emmet and Fltz- perald , would shrink. Allusions made Dy other speakers to tbo effect that Mr. Parncll would maintain bis position , wcro loudly applauded. Miss Besslo H. Bcdloo of Uurllngton. Vt. , bad a disease of the scalp which caused her liair to become very harsh and cry and to fall so freely slio scarcely dared comb It. Ayor's Hair Vigor stave her a healthy scalp nnd rmido the hair " beautifully thick and TMIK OCKA XJEXCUltSIOX. of tlio AiiKiixta Victorin A'lxit .loriisulein. JAFFA , Palestine , Fob. 11 , [ Special Cable gram to THE Ui'.E.J The steamer Augusta Victoria , Captain Albors , of thu Hamburg. American packet company , has arrived horo. The weather proving fine , the ! KJ. > passengers landed at once nnd proceeded to Jerusalem A band of twenty musicians under the Icail vrshlpof Ilerr Aschcr , conductor of operettas nt the Concordla theater , Hamburg , is or board the steamer. A newspaper , whose stcd comprises two editorsIs daily published ou board. The doings of the excursionists are duly chronicled and tbo publication ntforJs much nmusuiiient. The work of setting the typo nnd printing is nil done on the ship. No grilling , no nausea , no pain when D Witt's Llttlo Early Hirers are taken. Smal plll.S afopill. Host pill. A Uroil : IHxpciisntloii. ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 11. [ Special gram to TJIB BUR. ] Archbishop Kenrlckhn ? Issued Instructions to the pastors of his dl ocoso as to tlio observance of the lenten sea non. In regard to the use of meats lie says "I nvo will , bo given by dispensation to us thorn on the following days Sundays , Mon days , Tupsdnys nnd Thursdays , also on al Saturdays except the Drst Saturday after th llrat Sunday of lent and holy Saturday , " This Is the broadest dispensation that has aver boon granted in this dloucso and it prac " " " ' abolishes the lentcn fast. A slight cold If neglected often attacks th tsngs. Brown's Bronblal Troches glvo sure nnd immodlnto relief. Sold only la boxes I'rlco 25 cents. _ Rrnkcmnn nnd Flrouinn Killed , GIIOVKIANI > , N. Y. , fob. 11. As tbo rcsul of a collision between the Lacknwanna express press nnd a wildcat engine last night a nuin bor of cars wora demolished and Jame ; Powers , n brnkcinnn , and Allwrt Englchart a fireman , were killed. Jninos Powers , en gmocrof the express and uncle of the brake wau of that name , was probably fatally In Jured. Tbo other trainmen were injured , bu' ' will recover. _ Gossler's M'aglo Hcadacho Wafors. Cures nl bcndacbcs In " 0 minutes. At alt druggists a lllg Debt. LiVEUt-ooi , Fob. 11. [ Siicclal Cablegram U TUB DEE. ] Tlio BanK of England has ro- turucd to the liank of Franco the flrst Install wont , JCI.000,000 In French gold , of th 3,000,000 , borrowed from that Institutio during the recent financial crisis In England , The gold Is being returned ns received. There bos boon no necessity for untucking. Two llrnkcincn Killed. ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 11. A vrostboun Wnbash train and a St. Louis , Kcokuk i Northwestern freight train collided at Ingle- ilde , near hero , this morning. Drakoninr Hush and Kcofer of the Northwestern trail : were killed ami the otlior trulnmou injured but oot fatally. T 'Jim Uganda Situation. PAHIS , Fob. 11. [ Special Cablegram U THE BRII. ] The Soldo says that tbo king o Uganda , under French influence , has rofusoi to recognize the English protectorate an that tbo Kast African company's agents hav re tired from the neighboring country. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Illaors ; best Ilttl. Jillls for dyspepsia , sour itotnach , bad breath. \ JIOIISR'S Bpcolnt Mililln Underwear Snto Still Continued , 1 lot Indies' Mother Hubbard goAfna with tucked Voko , oOc , worth 75c. 1 lot ladiev govvn , with tucked yoke nnd orabroldory trimming Too , worth I .UU. 1 lot Indies' Jlothor Hubbard gowns , yoi < o of embroidery nnd tucks , 88c , ivorth $1,23. , 1 lot flno' band ombroldorcd , hand tucked nnd hand sewed French porcnlo Kowna , worth S2.50or / $1.50. Snoclal lot corset covora nt flOc and ; ladles' drawers , 60c , 75c mid Jl.OO. Lndioa' skirts , 7Gc. $1.00 nnd * 1.M. Infants' slips , pinnlnp blnnkots,8hnvrlR , ilresaes , &e. , nt spoolnl prices on this ealo. ealo.THE THE WORSE DUY GOODS CO. Sc'iintc. WAsnt\nTON- . 11. In the senate today lr. Harris Inquired of Mr. Spoonor , chair man of the ( ' 011111111100 on cluhm , ns to the bill pasted by the house for tbo payment of the findings of the court of elalms , In which bill , ho tmlil , many Tonncnueansvero Interested. Mr. Sj > ooiicr explained that he had exam ined the testimony accompanying the llnd- ings of the court in some cases included In the bill , nnd ho found that it did not Jus tify tha action of the court In the mnttor of tno loyalty of the claimants. IIo had reason to think that during tholast ndmlnis- tratioy the interests of the government in tno court of claims had not been faithfully rep resented and protected , Ho liml not there fore feltjustlllcdln icportlng tbo bill. Mr./TclloroiTarcd n resolution , which was agreed to , calling upon the secretary of the treasury for information ns to silver pur- hascti under the act of July , 1800. Mr. Morgan offered n resolution , which wai agreed to , calling upon the secretary of the interior for copies of the regulations for currying into effect tbo land forfeiture act of September ' "J , 1SSH. Among the measures taken from the calen dar nnd passed was the senate bill to au thorize tbo construction of a bridge across the St. Croix liver between Wisconsin and Minnesota. Consideration of the naval appropriation bill was resumed in reference to the slto of a dry dock on the I'aclllocoast , whethurou Pupct Sound or the Columbia river. An amendment recommended by the com mittee , leaving It to tbo secretary of the navy to dccldo upon the alto of dry docks , was advocated by Messrs. Dolph and Alltchcll , while Mr. Allen argued for the amendment llxlng Port Orchard for the site. Finally Mr. Allen's amendment was agreed to Vco3 ! U , navs IS The leading of the bill having boon con cluded , Mr. Gorman offered an amendment providing that no money bo used for the purchase of or payment for nrmor or gun steel unless It snail have been submitted to public competition by advertisement. Mr. Halo offered n substitute that no con tract bo made until its subject matter shall have been submitted to public competition by advertising. Mr. Gorman accepted the substitute and it was agreed , to. The bill was then passed. Mr. Wolcott , from the committee ou civil service , reported back without recpmmenda- tlon the senate bill to secure profcrenco In tbo appointment , employment aud retention in the public service to veterans of the lute war. Calendar. The copyright bill was taken up , but laid aside informally , and a number of bills on the calendar passed. Among them were tbo senate Joint resolution to continue in force tbo laws of Nebraska in Oklahoma until July 1 next. The senate then adjourned. House. WASHINGTON" , Feb. 11. In the house today thosonnto amendment to the house bill to fix tbo rate of wages of certain employes of the government printing ouko was non-con- currod In. The senate bill passed to establish tbo record and pension ofllco in tbo war depart ment. The house then wont Into committee of tbo whole ( I'ayson of Illinois in the chair ) on the legislative appropriation bill. Mr. McAdoo of New Jersey spokont some lencth against the shipping' hill. Ho told the members they could not in this congress vote a direct subsidy to ono interest and next refuse to subsldbo the farmer by voting aijainst the subsidizing scheme. Once the subsidy system was entered upon , its prog rcss could not bo checked. Mr. Fitch gave notlco that If the shipping bill passed a committee would bo appointed in the next congress to Inquire lute the iinn- ncr in which Its passage had been secured. Mr. Farqubar of Now York aiked Mr. Fitch to I a lit line n man and not deal in Innuendos. Mr. Hland and some others shouted out de nunciations of the subsidy policy , and there was a hot exchange of words between Messrs. Bland and Farquhar , the latter de nouncing the silver lobbyists. General debate having closed , the reading of the bill continued. The paragraphs rela tive to the civil service commission were passed over for the present , and without dis posing of the bill the committee adjourned. How Ho AVould Mnlco n modern Xows- papcr 1'rolltablc. OIIICAOO , Fob. H. [ Special Telegram to Tni ! BEE. ] Judge Blodgctt has on bearing In the United States district court n litig tlon to determine part of tbo capital stock of the Chicago Times is fraudulent. The case Is a relic of the time when James J. West ran a trief , but brilliant courto as editor of the paper. Among tbo evidence In troduced today was nn Interesting- letter writ ten 'by West to ono of the stockholders during West's ' incumbency. 'From this icttor tbo following extract Is taken as sliou-higlho policy of the editor : "It Is the province of a newspaper to make them fear rattier than to make love. A goody-goody paper won't pay and never has paid. What I would like to do , here , Is to ralso hell from ono end of this city to tbo other and that is the best way to win and make thorn useful to us. My wife says I have no friends except those who are afraid of mo. " M'EIISOXAI , VAll.lGll.U'US. H. H. Hart of Chicago is at the Millard. J , \V. Johnson of Sutton Is at the Casey. W. I. Taylor of Missouri H nt the Murray. Paul Morton , an old railroad man , U In the city.Lafo Lafo Hlgglns of Auburn was at the Casey last uk-lit. J. C. Teller of Denver was at the Millard last inqht. J. Q. Toxvno of Erie , i'a. . Is in the city , at ibo Millard. I' . T. Blrclmrd of Norfolk U registered nt tko Murray , David Marshall of Wymoro Is In the city , at the Casoy. J. T. McClure of Kansas City Is roglstoroa at the Casoy. M. H. Obondorf of Chicago was at tbo Jlur ray lastuight. A , W , Goo of Cleveland , O. , U in the city , at the Murray. G. E. Howard of Now York was at the Paxton last night. J , K. Dickomuna of Newport , Vt. , was at tbo Millard last night 0. W. Kthloy of Logan , Utah , was In the city last night , at the Pnxton. W. P. Tibbltts of the Denver k RIoGrando railroad Is la the city , at the Paxton , William Poolo. of tbo firm of Poole Broth ers , Chicago , Is lu the city on business. Harry McCormick nnd wlfo loft for Chicago cage last night via the Burlington. J , II. Palmer , assistant general agent of tbo Burlington at St. Louis , Is la the city. Hurt A. IJranch , traveling passenger agent of tbo Chicago & Atlantic , railway , is In the city. city.W. W. F. Bechel , auditor of the Pacific ox.- press and L. A. Garner , superintendent of the American express , started for Chicago yesterday afternoon. Mrs. M. A. Johnson of Minneapolis and Mrs. Ij. E. Hock of Milwaukee , mother and sister of Mrs. J. S. Homo , are visiting with Mrs. Homo and family at 2050 South Twentl eth Btrcct. TRAVELS BY LAND AND SEA , A. Tour of Europe with Cabin Passage , Rail way Fares , Hotel Expcnnei , Guides , Etc. Prepaid , and Guaranteed , IX PLEASURE EXCURSIONS IN AMEHICA , i The Itco'a Matchless OfTor to So * llcltont for Subscribers to Its Sunday nnd Weekly Editions. Arrangements have been effected by the publishers of TUB Bnr which cnablo us to make a novel and attractive offer to parties who are disposed to devote their time and en ergy toward procuring now subscribers for THE OMAHA vVHBiur BEK or TUB SUNDAY Hir. between this date and the 10th day of Juno next This offer will bo open only to parties solic iting subscribers in Nebraska , Iowa , South Dakota and Kansas. A careful record will bo kept of nil sub scriptions forwarded , and the awards will ba made without partiality. Tins Kuropcnn Tour. To the person that will secure the largest number ot cash subscribers for THE thmu KEKLYlJKBor Tins SU.VIHY HUE before Juno 10 , Iblll , will bo given VRKK OF COST A ItOU.NI ) TIIIILLIIOTRAX TOUIl TICKnT. Tills ticket will fncludo llrst-class passngo from Now York to Europe nnd return. This Includes also all traveling , hotel and sight-seeing expenses. The trip will bo mndo with nn excursion party gotten up by Mrs. M. D. Frozlcr of Boston , and will bo in charge of competent guides. The trav eler lias no cares -whatever. The tour covers all tno principal coun tries of Europe England , Germany. Swit7orland , France , Belgium , Italy and tticir principal cities , Including London , Paris , Brussels , Itorlln , Homo , Florence , Venice , Milan , Genoa , etc. SEVKNTT-TIIIIBE DAYS Or SKHIT-SEEIXQ. The party starts from Now York July 1 and returns to that city by September U , Taken hy nny Individual alone , this Eu- ropotn tour would involve an outlay of at least $700. American nnd Citnndlun Tours. For the second largest list of subscribers wo offer n frco ticket from Omaha to faan Francisco nnd Los Angeles and return. Magnificent mountain scenery , the beautiful Golden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits and flowers. ' 'Who has not seen California will not dlo happy , " Travel Is on educator , and to properly appreciate the vastness of our great country ono must see Its best features. For the third largest list of subscribers to the Wcr.Ki.v or SUNDAY BEB wo offer a ticket from Omaha to Quebec nnd return. What could bo grander than a trip down the bcuutl fill St. Lawrence In inld-surcmcrl To con template the beauty of Thousand Isles Is de lightful. How much moro delightful to visit them when with verdure clad. And all this pleasure for obtaining sub scribers to the \Vr.r.KfT nnd SUNDAY BIK. ; For the fourth'.largcst. list of subscribers wo offer a frco ticket from Omaha to Now Yorlc , Philadelphia nnd Washington nnd return. There nro no points on this continent of greater general interest than these thrco cities. An American citizen has not com pleted his education until bo has seen the seat of government. The persons and points of Interest lu Washington are innumerable and to the intelligent observer a visit there is fullof Interest. NewYorkrand Philadelphia as the commercial and financial centers of the country are always Interesting. All this sight seeing and traveling given away tor obtaining subscribers to the W BEKI.Y or SUNDAY Bni : . For the nf th largest list of subscribers wo offer a frco ticket from Omaha to Niagara Falls ami return. Eversinco yout childish wonder was aroused by the description in the old school reader of these wonderful falls you huvo desired to sco them. Here is tbo opportunity. A most delightful excursion and ouo without expense , given for securing subscribers to the WEEKLY or SUNDVYBEE. For the sixth largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Salt Lake City and return. Tno famous ilormon city is fast becoming n Gcntllo city , and will in timolosomuchof Interest. Now , this sum mer would bo a good time to visit the boom ing city. Gnrflcld Bench is of course in cluded'in the trip. This summer resort on tlio lake is a delightful plneo to pass a foxv of tbo hot su miner days. Why not secure n number of subscribers for the WEEKLY or SIINIIAT ur.K and take the triu' For the seventh largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket to Denver nnd Alamtou nnd return. While a shorter trip than any of the others it combines many pleasant fea tures. Denver the queen city of the plains- is always worth seeing while the health and summer resorts of Mnnltou are delightful in deed. Health-giving , Inspiring , restful amldsublhno scenery what trip could bo more restful I All this pleasure for securing subscribers to the SI'XIUY or WEEKLY BEB. Condi tloiiH. Now what are the conditions upon which these tickets are given awayl The securing of the largest list of subscribers to THE WEKKLYor SUNDAY BKE. No newspaper in the west is so well and favorably known and solicitors have always found it an easy matter - tor to secure subscribers. THE BKB'S sub scription list has nUviiys kept pace with its reputation and it desires to add new names to its long list of friends. Being at all times a people's paper It makes friends with all classes. The subscription price of THE Wfir.Ki.v Br.B is $1.00 per year postpaid to any place In this country or Canada , or ? 2.00 if sent to a foreign country. Tun SUNDAY Bnn is J2.00 per year , but Omaha subscribers for THE SUNDAY BEI : will not bo counted in thh competition. Get up a list. Have your friends subscribe for tlio paper. Sample copies forwarded free on request. Persons desiring to compcto fcr ono of these prizes will please say so when sending in their first orders. Itoinittanco in full must accompany every orJer. "Two six mouths subscriptions or four thrro months subscriptions will bo counted as ono onlor. Try the Imperial Champagne. , Itsbo < pjotls delicious ; it is perfectly pure. A bottle with your dinner will Invigorate jou for u day. Kid gloves that nro soiling for 50c , 75c and 81.25 nro odd sizes , ( all now Roods ) from Foster's , Courvoislor , Jou- vin and other best makes In black , tans and other good colors only they are mostly In sizes 5 } , 6J , 0 , 0 } , 7 , 7i , 7i ; If you wear nny of thcso sizes corao nnd buy what you want for the whole year. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Tlio Votcriiu Firemen. Fifteen member ? of the Veteran Firemen's ' association met last night in the police court room and transacted some routine business. A resolution was introduced for the purpose of admitting to tlio association all veteran flrciuoii In the state of Nebraska , but the resolution elution was defeated. It was decided to hold the regular meetings of the association quarterly on the first day of January , May and September. Victor White went to Chicago yesterday. THE POIMT. From a Catholio Arch * Msliop down to tbo Poorest of the Poor HO all testify , not only to Ui ' ' virtues of ST. JACOBS Oil , The Great Remedy For Pain , tut to its superiority over all other remedies , It Cures Promptly , Permanently ; which moans strictly , that the pain-stricken icclc a prompt relief with no return of tha ) * lu , and this , they eajr , St. Jacobs OU will giro. Ilils li iu cicclleucu. CLOTI M MKN'S DEXPAR./TMEXN/T. Sale of Trousers , 83.7 We make a point every season to close out heavy weight Trousers before the arrival of spring goods , This week we will have the biggest bargain sale of fine Trousers we have ever had , Remember , $3.75 will some of the finest fabrics we have had in stock this season. Sizes are somewhat broken , but so many lots have been consolidated that all sizes can be fitted. They arc in fine fancy worsteds , cassimeres and cheviots. Plenty of large pants for big men. Mail orders will be filled with the same care and attention that any cus- 'tomer ' would receive in makinghis own purchase. Send mail orders with the understanding that you take no risk ; as if goods are not satis factory they may be returned at our expense. BOYS' LONG PANTS , $1.50 AND § 2.00. We have accumulated a large lot of Boys' Long Pants during the season and will offer them at this sale in two special bargain lines at $1.50 and $2,00. BOYS' KNEE PANTS , 50 AND 75 CENTS. * We mean to clothe the smallest as well as the largest , and will olfer a bargain line of Knee Pants at 50c and 75c , which are worth a great deal more , but arc remnants and must be closed out. LAOOMIS & oo. WITH 111K lIVJjLS. This Wealth , Brains anil Experience of Wall Street. NEW Yonir , Fob. 11. [ SpecialTelegram to THE BKE.I The most effective argument In Wall street for the bull market Is not the financial or railroad situation. It Is tbo un animity with which too leaders have placed themselves upon the bull side of speculation. It is remarked that such a combination of wealth , brains and exparieaco has never been united in producing a bull market. Banking powers , which represent billions of invest ment Interests , are naturally bullish. The weight of their Influence Is supplemented by that of Gould. His hand is plainly percepti ble in the market. It'nppeara ' la every fluc tuation of Missouri Pacific. But though tbo plans which ho is * maturing may not yet be completed and require llmo for development , there is no douut as to tno position Mr. Would assumes in regard to the market. Vanderbtlt's Interest is on the same side. All the operators of the lirst Impor tance are avowedly of n bullish opinion. The list is bonded by Cnmmaclc , whoso fortune was accumulated by operations on the bear side. Ho Is now a pronounced bull. In tbo same category are authorities on the marnet , like S. V. White , Connor and Slay back. All these gentlemen have largo following which share their bullish views. Traders and the beads of commission houses like Hnllins , Messrs. WormserVhoeler , Jones , Boll. Tal- cott , Drummon-l nnd scores of others are also convinced of the reality of the coming rise and are dealing on their conviction. NebrnsKa , Iowa and Dalrotn PoiiHlona. \VASIIINOTOX. Fob. 11. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEB. | Pensions were granted to day to tbo following Nebraskans : Original Hiram Clay , Jacoh Barbo , Jninos vV. Wcsterflcld , Wllholm Peozker , Joha Hamp ton , IsaacIIenry , Charles A. Hodman , George W. Russell , John Gustus , William II. Slmoa- ton , Ira W. Bailey , David Shilling , William A. Earl. George W. Woolsey. Inore.iso Calvin Bradshaw , John T. ruca.s. William F. Triloff , Jared P. James , Calvin Douman , William Kotchless. Thomas J. Harter , Hiram C. Plumb , Ularonco S. Sawtcll , Henry P. Klingcr. Original widows , etc. Kate , widow of Watt S. Sherman. Iowa : Original George J. Halnor , Ellas Henley , Hugh Stonnett , Charles A , Herzog , Jacob Tumor , Elijah Brown , Samuel F. Moore , Houben Barker , \Villlam Wort , Lyman Ij. Hotchkiss , Frederick Trombloy , Daniel Carabaugh , Georfio D. Vanbeek , John K. McCuilougb , John Barr , William Dale , Andrew J. Bcsack' William W. Pugh , Will- lam B. IligginsVilllam H. Harrington. Bl- brldgo G. Carll , Hiram Plummcr , Jacob Ken dall , John Burke , J.tmcs EartonVHHam \ Hinclman , Daniel W. Yount. Increase John P. Barnard , Peter Braver , Seth F. Ankenoy , Hugh M. Blakeloy , Charles B. Boardman , Henry C. Pickerel , Edward O. Smita , Hoary Vott , Valentino butz , Dorsey W. Trump , Iloswcll 1C. Sopor. Holssuo Lucas Vandor- Hndeii , John A. Itovrun , John Scanalun. Ho- issue nnd increase Nathan D. Lowlos , Michael II. StcclJtnlth. Original widows- Sarah E. , widow of Frederick C. Ellsworth. South Dakota : Original William H. Pratt , John Yoo , Lars J. Langlo , Joseph Han kin , Emmet Sayer , George K. Hazard , William W. Airhart , Daniel Parkhurst , William S. Cushman , Frank A. Fussett. Uo- Issued navv Augustus Bruoll , Henry Nolt. Statistics of Farm Animals. WASHINGTON , Fob. 11. The estimates of the numbers of farm animals made at the end of each year and returnable to the de partment of agriculture-havo been completed. There has been llttlo change in number * except on the Paclftci coast and in certain portions of the Hocky niountaln area , where the winter of 1839-90 ivas unusually severe. The losses were especially heavy on the Pacific coast. The number of milch cows la lUplO,591 , , an increase of GO , 70S from > , last year. the other cattle aggregate , 80,87r ,643 , including tlioso in ranctios. Tbo estimated numbers of sheep is 4,4.'I1,1I0. ; ! ! ThoHondency to increase of numbers ia scon in most of tbo states. The aggregate number of jawlno U 50,020,10(1 ( , showing a decline of nearly 3 per cent. The average value 1s t.lfi a decline of 57 cents per head. The scarcity of corn caused the slaughter of stock hogs In poor condition , tending to glut the market and reduce the price temporarily. iff | Reciprocity with VenoT.uola. NBV Yom ? , Fob. 11. A Washington spe cial to the Times says : It Is understood tbo president nas roidy a proc lamation of reciprocity with Venezuela simi lar to the agreement just reached with Bra zil. This agreement was reached by the ex orcise of the powers conferred by tbo last session of congress nnd will take effect , ac cording to report , about the same time as the agreement with Brazil. Powder I y in the City. T. V. Powderly , general master workman of the Knights of Labor of tha United States , arrived. In the city lait night , and today will depart for Lincoln , whore ho will attend the state assembly of the Knights that convenes tomorrow. Besides lending bis presence at tbo meeting , Mr , Powdorly will Uavu a word to say. Sometime ago Poatraastor McKclvoy of THE STANDARD COCOA OF THE WORLD. MOST APPETIZING-EASILY DIGESTED. The VAN HOUTENS process renders their cocoa easy of digestion and develops in the highest degree its delicious aroma. It is an excellent flesh-former , fifty per cent , greater than the best of other cocoas. VAN HouTEN's COCOA "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " * S"VAN HOUTETTS COCOA ( "onct tried , ulirayiniod" ) I * Oa eritfml. pnr , soluble' Cocoa , Invented , made nnri patented In Holland , nd ! tn-tlitjr belter and mar * laluhla thun any of tbeuuin roti > lmltullnn > . In fact. It lifttnerallr rwlralt- ted All orerKuropeland acompAratlr * tait wllloftBllprovoltbat noofArrCocoaftiualsthii IiivcntiiiIn mlubllltr , aer enhl tute an J nutritlfe qualitlei. "Larctat ulo In the world. " Aak for ViN IIoUTEM'a AMD TAKE NO OTBIR. U BEGGS HERRY IP YOU have a moderate cough , IF YOU have a hnrd cough , IP YOU hrrro a tight cough , IP YOU have any cough at oil , and if all other cough syrups have failed , try BEGGS' Cherry Cough Syrup. It is positively guaranteed to relieve nny kind of cough at once or no pay. Price 25c. , 50c. and § 1 per bottle. For sale by all drncgists. If your druuaist does not keep it in stock , or will not procure it for yon. ac. cojit no substitute , but semi direct to tlio luborntory of Bcpss Mfi ; . Co Chicago , Ills. , the jinco named arid they will forward , prepaid , to any part of the U. S. I took Cold , I toolr Sick , I TOOK RESULT : I take My Meals , I toke My Rest , AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON J felting fat too. FOR Scott's mulsfon of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitesof Lime and Soda N ° r ONLY CURED MY Ill < * i | > - i ; iit Consumption HUT IIUILT ME UP , AND IS NOW J'UTTINC FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OF A I'OUND A DAY. I TAKEir JUST AS EASILY AS I no MILK. " SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTHING NEW. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS DOING WONDERS DAILY. TAKE NO OTHER. Nebraska City wns elected a delegate to this mcetlup. The members of the state board refused to recognize tlio postmaster ns a member in good standing , and canceled his commission. Ho at once appealed to I'ow- derly , who will attempt to suttlu the trouble that < ixUts between , McKelvoy nnd the Knights. If this cannot be accomplished , a spirited session is anticipated at Lincoln. If thatlndy at the lecture the other night only know bow nicely Hull's Hair Kenower would remove dandruff and improve the hair , she would buy a bottle. Biilliliuir I'crmic ? . Tbo following pormlti wera Isiued by the superintendent of buildings yoitorday : City of Omaha , two-story brlok cnulno houso. Thirty-sixth nnd Jacksuu $ 4,600 C'liy of Omiihu. two-story brick house , .South Twenty-sixth and Surlng ntruuts . , . 0,300 City if Umiiha , two-story hrlck ciulno tiuiiMi. Thirtieth and Hpaldlnir b I routs , 5,0 > D City of Omnhii. two-story brick uiiKlno house. Thlrty-llrst mreut and K < 1 Urullthton avunuu . , . 4 , SOT Four minor purmlU . 1,100 Total . K3WO "RflVTVQ iroun meriTS AND ff\f JLU i3m NAIINEB Commencing Tliursdtiu lob. ICith , An Especially Important Eagageinout , The talented youns Actress , CORA TANNER , In Martha Morton's I'oworful Konmntlc Dr.imS fees * W An Absorbingly Interesting Play. A Comp any of I'rojihicnt 1'luyers. A Gcnulnu Dramatic Surprise. Superbly Rcnutl- fiil Costumes. Sine opens Wednesday at regular prices. GERMRN THERTRK. Gcrnania Hall , 19tli and Ilarncy. SUNDAY , FEB. 15TH. RRLx. IDA. OORD In the tllto rolo. lleacrvcd aeata on Sale now. EDEN MUSEE. Will Lawlnr , Mnnagor. ( 'or. 11 th and Farnim WEIIK OK FUIlllUAUY Mil. The Xo'jrnsi.i ' 1'rlplut.i. Three Ilrnutlrul lint 01. The Arinlcnn } lonff ( * ie.iu. Cnpt. llalctnln pnlnti with Ills foot. The Human OMrlrh , Hill .Inno * oils gla ii mid Crocker/ . The llnintlftil Miirtln Hitters flcarrlpllvo Huntr , "Thu Ijimu CUara" Paul I.ilri'w : fcinaluInipfntonntor , Itim.t 8h.tno , Irlth cumcUUiiitt Andoraoit llros. , notul fclnecm , nnil u of other attractions. FOR MEN Old Jlon , Wo l ( M ddlo iieod men , Prema turely old Young Mun , brlim l > u l < hprhiiry sti'p. brlRht eye , strunnlh. umhltlnn nnd do- slro by use of Nerve 1 leans. They correct youth's errors , euro nil nerro troubles. $1 box six bovus STk Nerve Iloim Co. , Duirnlo , N. V Buly by Uoodman Drug O'o , 1110 Kurniiin Bt Omalm FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVC andparmammtCUPCiorall dlsoaiesolthe URINARY ORGANS. Cures whore othtr treatment tails. Full directions with each bottle. Price , on dollar. See signature ol E , L. STAHL For Goto By All Druggists. OMAHA | Callona'1ilru < < a W. J. II. Bllrllt- AVOOI ) , 4W Xuw York Life Ilulld- SCHOOL OF lie , Omalni , Nobrnilcn , TELEGRAPHY. TRADE MARK Tin O D AT TRADE MAHK KNULIBII HIM- inr. AD nnfall- Inir cnrnforSom- Inal Wcnkneu , BpiTiiisterrboe * . Impotency &nd all dl9 < ma > tbat follow M a se quence of Btlf- ntnuo ; m I.ou of uroRi TAtm ' . ! ue AFTER TAXIRD. Tain In the Hick. Olmneii of Vision , I'remitun Old Age , andmnnr othtr dlse e that lead to tJntnltj or coniumptlon nn < l a primatura Kr ? e. tWfull pift-tlculnri Inour pamphlet , which we de- lira to tend free by mall to ever/ one , fTTho 8pe * clflo Medicine li ( old at II pur package , or ilz pick- axel forl& , or will bo nun ! froeby ui&Uon receipt of the money , by addrenlnn THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 FAUNAS ! BTllKliT , OMAHA , NEB. On account of eountorrnlti wo liar * adopted th * telloir wrnDD" . tha only uouulnc. EXCELSIORSPRINGS& ' " . - WATERS" ! : Hilure'i Tonle , Diuretic end Urio Solvent. SOLD ONLY IN IIOTTLCS BY C D. MOORE A CO , , Agti. IMS Dodye 81. FISCHER'S ICE TOOLS , Double Markers. Plows with Lift ing Cams , Tongs , Bars and Fischer's Improved I ce Hooks. * - > § _ _ & _ Tayk SOLE AG-ENTa Omaha H05 Douglas St NEBRASKA National Bank U. 8. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA. , Capital , - - - - 40OOOt Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - 02 , 800 Officers nnd l > lrcct < --llonry W. Tatos , I'ronldont ; owl9U. Itoetl , Vlco-I'rtauloit ! ; JnnieiV. . ijuvauftf V.Morao. John H. Collins. U. O. dishing J. N. II Tatrlck. W. II. H.lliiKhei , ciuhtor. /TI-1E1 IRON BANK. Corner 12tli nutt KnrnnmHts * A General Hanlcliu HOTEL. Tito Slurnttt , for. lltlt nttit IH the n\unt Hul > Ht < inftnllu cHii Hotel llnililliit/ OiiKilui , ftrlclt / / ! inillH i-iniiiliiif from to roof. AII tin' williiifH ninl Jlooi-H Unfit irttli AMlH'Httmin jn-oof lining , titiililni/ iini tHnllilt ; di fulfil quick. t'irtn'm' < tiH unit Jh-e it In nit M tlirutti/lioiif tin'- tinlltlliiifttcHin liviitf lutt find < ' < > ld tfitti'f ntut Niiiinlifiicin . ' ' ' ' - . TnblK ' i-uoni. iniHiii'jniHHfil I'.t't'i'M < ni/- If/lt'J'C. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. W. S. ROBINSON' Clicmlst nnil Assajcr. formerly lu Chemical Tinhnratury of the Union 1'uulllu Knllwuy Uuinpiiiiy , Special Attention Given to Ores , Waters and Oils. 1112 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb the licit tn.tilp , niul li oM everywhcra. Tlili la the Inil t-I Shoo. Ilnvaru of toil tatloni. I'o lthcly inino t i ttamped on tlio nolpi , Sa Shou. " J.MDVHSACO. , 41 l.lofoli , . .CIfKloC3Ui3ltv : jitlTtiJDJUj mixer , W.J for iMnp po , C.r. .1 Uroinlli * H.ilnm , | [ vlE ( frrrlr , Hlld , l , turr t. af Pl.ttrlcltr lkr * mli kll WKAIC 1'AKTH , rcibirlux U > u IIIUI.1H ( h.UKIil IH HIItUTII El.ilrU iMrr.nt la , . tlttu . Ktlt mlly r we ID CMh. HKH .nd . , r , , , iot | ( ; o il.l.J. _ I" ! up. rlc Mi-.r. -tr fct | t'ctnale liMii , lhc mu l | > % cful feroltriffuulor fir * letlly ult * NcvrUll. l > , | * ip * " * txnrlac ( iumpfof } imiculau. Ad licit L1U.S UKUC CO. , Uufilg , W. r.