TH 3 OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 12 , 191. contest resolution , No. 0 , The motion prevailed - vailed with the following votoi Yeas- Drown , Christoffersoit , Collins , Coulter , Day , Ursnrt , Kclper , Koontz , Mat- lei , Poyntor , Randall , Sanders , Schram , Kwltzlcr , Taylor , Turner , Van Ilousen , AV'nrncr , Williams ID. NaysRpglcston , Hill , Mlchcncr , Shum- way , .SmithVomis0. . Tim president called Senator Swltzlcr to the chair to preside ovcir the committee. The lattrr gentleman declined Hinlllngly , Mating that ho npprvclntctl the honor , but thftt as ho Intended to Introduce several reso lutions , ho would prefer to rcmiila upon the lloor" . Senator 1'oynler of lioono win called to tlio chair , Senator Switzler movol that 'ho concur rent resolution bo put upon its jiastagu. The motion pievnllcO. The resolution \VM read ns follows : , Tliulionin of Kipri'Montntlvos ' hai licon olllelally nntlllcil tlini n conlut for oath if tiiOBUVonil o.xoeutl Vdolllccsor the Rtntcof Nobi-uska for a term cotnmcni'liigon Itio llrxt Tlnirstliiy nftor tlic llrstTiiesday of .Inmiary , 3H'i | , Isniiw | ) i > ndliif , wheroln .Iiilin II. I'tnvcirs ' ) t coiilcHt mil. nnd . I IIIIHJM I' lloyd Is conlosli'O for the oflli-o of governor of Iliunt.'Uonf No- liriNl : < n ; W. II. I > i oil Isconlcslnnt nnd T. J , Jliijora Is L'niiK'Slco for thi ! olllcu of llunlotiant povornor of the itatc of Ncbniskn : H N. May- Ijorry Is ciiiiU'slniiL timl John ( , ' . Allen Is 0011- Icttoi ! for tin1 nllleii rtf sncrotiry : of tllto of tliu tliu Hlato o ( Ni'tiniHkn ; John lliiltlcls coiitcjt- ant ami T. II. lli'nton It ciintvslou fur tlio oll'ni ' of auditor of iinhllo accounls o ( HID state of Nobnuka ; .1. V.Volfo Is conlmtaiit nnd .1. 11 Hill is contoHli'H for tliu ( illlco of tn\isiirur of tlio Htulo of Nolra < knT.V. ! . I'dfurtoti Is contestant urn ! OcorRO W. llnsllngsN cuntcAtvo for tlioolllco of HtUirncy pontralof thoHtatoof Ni-braskn ; W. | \Vrlulit Isccinli'Htnnt ' anil A. It. JIuiuii- ) ! rry Isronlcstuo for tin ) nlllc-o of lomrnUsloniT o ( iiulillul.uiiH . and uulldliixi of UioHlatoof Kobruskii , nnd A. D'Allcmand li contestant nnd A. K. riotiily Is rcinlcsti'o for HID olllctief I i ! | > i > rlntiMiilet > l of pnhllc liistriiullon of tlin Ktiitonf Ni'lii'iisUi , nnd tlmt a 1'irxoainoiint of test liiiony | IIM ; liei'ii laUi'ii In said Knveral con tests , which It nwaltlng the coiKliluratlnn of tlio Hunatii mid IIDUSU of rrin-obiitatlvcs In join H'nti vent Ion ; thiTUfnri' licit Kt'solVL'il , That 'I'licMliiy , llio 7th day of Vobruary , 11)1 , lit thn hiiur of II ) o'clock a. in , , Istlxvil for 11 ineutlngnf thn scnaliiuiiil house of ruiiruM'til'i.tlvo.s In Joint convoiilliiii to hear nnd ( IctcrinliK ! HII : | | Novoral i-oiilc H , with power to ill ) every tlilnu In the pri'mlsos nccos- Hiiry ton full and II mil iluluiintiiiillou thereof mill that the sennit ! lie nskcil to coiietirln this resolution- Senator Swltzlcr tnovctt that the commit tee do now rlso and recommend tliu reso lution do pans. Carried. Senator Poyntcr resumed his soafon the floor and the president nsccinlod to the chair. The report of tl > o coinmltteo of the whole was made through the chulrman , Senator Poyntcr. Senator Swltzlcr moved that the report of the committee of the whole bo adopted. Car ried. ried.Tho The resolution was ngaln read and the chair announced that the same having been read a third tlmo , the question was should the bill now pass. The yeas and nays were demanded. Senator Collins explained tils voto. The constitution provided that all bills nhould bo Bent to the governor for Ids signature ; that that ofllcinl had live days for the exclu sive purpose of considering those bills before returning thuin to the legislature , in the or dinary course of business , .sufllcicnt tlmo would not ho allowed him In which to con sider this bill and return it either with or without bis approval , Hence lin could not net on this measure In the tlmo which oh- Valued before the date set for the bearing of the contest. If ho should return the resolution without bis Rignnturo on the day after the date set for the hearing of the contest , it would bo- comoaltuv. The state would then have n law on Its statute books providing for a con test , wBen no such contest could take place. The senator was unwilling to throw away an opportunity to hoar n contest which had been considered advisable. If the independents did an ) thing of the Itind they would not only go into the hole but would also draw the hole in after them. Thobest way to do was to vote down the resolution and begin do novo. The roll call was ordered , After It hud bee" made , nnd before tbo result ivas an nounced , Senator 1'oyntor moved that the resolution be recommitted to the committee of the whole. SonatdrSwItzlor raised the point of order that no business could bo transacted before the result of tbo vote was announced. The chair considered tbo point for a few moments , the while burying himself In the blue boolc containing the rules of the senate. Ilo nt length asked the secretary to rule sr. The secretary road a vote was declared , bo recom- Senator Swltzlor again rose to hLs fccfc and stated that the chair had overlooked the fact that the rule contemplated n resolution originating in tno senate. The rule did not cover the point In controversy. The resolu tion under consideration had originated In the lion so. The chair again deliberated. Ho read the rule again nnd decided that in the absence of n rule hoarlnir directly on thn case ho would hold that the ruling already given would stand , and that ho would entertain Senator Povntcr's motion. Senator ICeiper rose to a point of order. The rule in question required the motion to recommit to ho made before the declaring of the vote on the resolution. The declara tion of the voto. It was true , hnd not been made , but the vote hnd actually been com pleted , which was In effect a declaration. The chair would not recede from his posi tion. tion.Senator Senator Poyntor said tbo reason ho had moved to recommit was because the senate did not have time to nmond the resolution nnd send It to the governor In time to have It signed before the tlmo sot for the contest. If the resolution should pass as It then stood It would deny rights to men who had sought this contest and who were entitled to a hearing. These men hud spent their money in this matter and thpy ought not to have spent It in vain , If the senate refused to hoar the case It would act Justns n court of Justice would In saying after having ; read the papers , "You have no case , " and ttum take anil throw the papers out of court. There was no justice In such n move. The senate know nothing about this cose save what it had read in the papers. That was not testimony. They did not luiow what ovhlonco these con- testces'hnd. It was through an unforeseen nccfilcnt that they did not have time at this Into hour to set the matter right. Senator Swltzleroskcd that the chair do- cluro tbo result of the voto. Senator ICeiper said ho wanted to know if tlio senator ( Poynter ) was so anxious to have the resolution recommitted for Improvement why ho had not so moved when tbo resolu tion was before tbo committee on the jvholo. Senator Poyntor said tbo reason bo had not.douo so wns because nt the time hewas In the chair and could not preside and mnko a motion nt the same time. The imlepontlqnt lobbyists wno were cx- poricneirg some of the paugs of misery made an attempt to tot un u laugh at tho' expense of Senator ICeiper , but were knocked out by the lalter'8 hasty reply to Senator Poynter. In substnnco the reply was that If the son- ntor from Boone wanted a rwoniuiUtnicnt very badly ho could easily have retired from the chair . nnd called- some other person to preside. Ho had seen such .a thing done several times. If these people bad IMJOII victims of an unforscon ac cident it wns their own fault , nnd they should bear the consequences of the slip. Senator Collins suld ho was In favor of do- elding the contest on Its merits. That was why ho contended the contest should bo car- rloa out strlutly under the requirements of tbo constitution. That wns why 1m was now In favor of voting down the measure- , Intro ducing another do novo which would bo de prived of verbiage. The fact tlmt the senate had taken a vote upon the matter coald bo taken as evidence in the court. Senator ICggloston 01 Lancaster , who had said nothirtg during the debate , niovca that the juotlqu to recommit ho laid on the table. The yeas nnd nays ivoro railed for , nnd while the veto was bulug taken Senator Uyaart explained his vote , Some of the members of the senate , ho sutd. wore great constitutional lawyers , in the earlier part of tne session there was scarcely anything thai could 'bo done , because It was nearly all unconstitutional. Now If thov wished to lay claim to he leaders on n constitutional basis , why didn't they stand by the constitu tion. Ho didn't bc'ilovo all tnat Is said by those who are talking- nbout the constitution. What they really wanted to do wns to evade the constitution. The Bonuti ! ought to hear the coutewt because U hnd been begun In a legal manner , and bo- cnusolt h.-ul licon supported by tbo people. Ho believed that any man. on the lloor or the Bonulo who would vote to knocic out the reso lution would stand condemned by his con stituents. Ilo wanted the men who were leading to have more than n technicality to rbungo their minds ou the subject. Senator Uaudall of Pbelps sild that the resolution who mi Important ono to them. The demands of those who nslted for the con test were Just. Tboy were Just under the constitution , ncil the senate should nnswcr the demands. Ho voted no. The roll call proceeded , nnd when Tfiylor's ' imino was reached that gentleman was not In hh cnt , Senator Htevcni moved n call of the house. Senator Hwltrlor raised the point of order that no business wa < allowable uow snvo the continuance ot the call , Tbo vote to lay on the table wns finally , and carried , ns follows : Yens llrown , ChrlstolTerson , Collins , Kgglciton , Kelpor , Mattes , Moore , Schram. Hhuimvoy. Switzler , Thomas , Turner , Van HOUI.CII , Woods-ll. ' Nays Coulter , Day. Dysart , Hill , Mich- cner , 1'oyntcr , lindal ! ! , Sanders , Smith , Stevens , Warren , Williams fJ. Senator Swltzlor then called upon the chair to announce the vote , which had not been an nounced , on the motion that the resolution pa-ss. Senator Poynter moved ngaln to recommit the resolution. Scnatot Switzler Insisted upon his right to bo heard after having been recognized by the chair , and ngaln asked for the vote which had nut ( icon announced. The chair said that the motion mndo by the senator from Uoono was ono that ho could entertain without failing to respect the rights of the senator from Douglas , Ho had n.'i.'ognt/.cd the latter , hut tlmt did not Interfere with his listening to the gentleman from Uoone for n moment. He then snld that the vote on [ lie passage of the resolution was II to U. Senator Switzler Inoved to ndtourn. Carried. _ OnlnioiiM. Senator Williams of Johnson We nro some what discouraged , mainly because three of our men went hack on tin. They have no , ex cuse for this. } Vo were clcctod on the plat form of reform In elections. If wo cannot guarantee n iniui that ho shall at least have a hearing It Is to bo regretted , I understand our men hero will bring the Question up ngaln , If we cannot secure n hearing we will at least put our people on their record , Senator Poynter Kvcn If I boliovoi there wns nothing in tlfo contest I would have no right to do anything to prevent its taking place. The constitution says that the eon- shall take place , and tlmt , is enough for mo. Mr. Collins says that the resolution .should bo brought up again. 1 don't know whether ho would bring It up or not. I have not made up my mind as to what I shall do in the matter , Alodlo find ) blames the republicans , nnd says the Independents will stnqd In with Uoyd after this and light the republicans. bhradcr declares that Senator Taylor will never dare return to Loup county to reside. Kitlman of Ulxoii dcrlnrps that the contest was lost through boodllng and base treaehcry. They Mtint SliowTlicIr IfaiidH. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bnn.1 Tonight the dissatis faction of the Independents over their defeat led to the criticism of absent senators , as well as of thosowlio had voted with the Boyd men. As a consequence , it is now stated on the authority of some of tlio sorer alliance people that another contest resolution wilt bo Introduced , probably tomorrow , The resolution will origlnuto In the senate and bo aimed so as to give Senators Horn , Stnrbucif , Koontz and Wilson , who were either absent or paired , n chance to show their hands inoro satisfactorily than they have thus far shown them. It Is also stated that the measure will read hko this : * Hosolvcd. Hy the semite , life house cnn- cnrrlii ? . that Friday. February I'l , bo set nsldu for the purpo-ia of Itinufrlii ! ; Into the clinrcrs iilTcotlriff tliu election of J. E. lloyd u governor of the state of Nobi-iisUn. Tbo republican executive olllccn , It U said , nro to ho excluded . from the contest , with the hope of securing the votes of republican senators and representatives for the passage of the reso lution. It is held that the manner In which it Is suggested to frame the proposed resolu tion deprives It of the appearance of n con current measure , thus doing away with the triple renalng In each house and enabling It to bo passed immediately. A. State Storekeeper. LINCOLN , Neb. . Fob. ,11. [ Special to TUB portnnt bills be- 'oducod In the today. The puTvW-s-tnat one storcl { ° ° Per shall ho appointed by the board of puS e lands and buildings , with an ofiico a,1 Lins-plo- , nnd who stmll luivo a salary of 12,500 a year , who shall , under the direction of this board , purclmso'nll supplies , except perishable articles , for the various chnmablo Institutions of tbo state. The storekeeper is empowered to visit the various institutions nnd determine their needs , and after July 1 , 1691. all requisitions for this kind of supplies shall bo made through the storekeeper. It Is the Intention of the bill , says Mr. Fclton , to secure these supplies at the lowest wholesale prices , and an amend ment will be proposed requiring these goods to bo purchased of the lowest bidder Howe's Contest Cnso. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob , 11. [ Special Tclo- grnm to Tun BIB. : ] The house committee on privileges nnd elections hold a very animated session , considering the contest case against Church Howe. The vote finally stood a tie on dropping the matter , The house will bo asked to empower tlio committee to send for persons nnd papers , nnd a lively tlmo Is pre dicted. IIowo was defended by Judge Ilny- wnrd of Nebraska City. TltK VMOX JMC'll-'C1 The Senate Memorializes CoiijfreHH to Korcul < u U. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special to THE BKU. ] When bills on general llio In the sen ate were announced , concurrent resolution No. 2 was ilrst. This resolution was read. It petitions the United States government to .foreclose the mortgage upon tbo Union Pa- clllo railroad. Senator Coulter moved thnt when the com mittee of tbo whole rose It report the hill b ack .with the recommendation that it do pass. . Senator Moore said there wns a bill on the subject ns that contained hi tbo resolu tion before congress at tbo present limo and ho was lacking lu Information ns to how the resolution under consideration would affect thnt bill nnd hoped somu senator would en lighten him. 'i'ho senator hold in bis hand a newspaper clipping which ho said was a copy of the bill now in congress. Senator Swltzlcr said that if tbo gentleman would hand him the clipping bo would give the Information desired. He said that the bill before congress did not contem plate foreclosing the mortgage of the of the government upon the property of the Union Pncllic , simply because the latter had defaulted. It proposed to let the time ulapso and then take possession , buying up the bonds of the company and paying the out standing Indebtedness of the road. The mortgage did not become duo until 18J5 und IS'.K ) nnd It was not pertinent now to make u move to foreclose. Uutlier a resolution should bo framed which should bo in accordance with the hill now before congress. Senator ICeipor said it would bo bettor to pans the resolution , even in the light of what hnd been said against it. The Union Pueillo hail not compiled with the terms of Its con tracts or Its grants , The senate ought to take action on the Ml bloc t because of the manner In which the road had violated every obliga tion. Senator Hoar had said that from the time of its inception every step had boun attonod with fraud und that ho hud semi htgh-inlndod Judges driven from the courts by the threat of Impeachment. The road had justified tbo statement that it had been conceived la fraud and ruUod in pcrhdy. It had mortgaged I Us lands , and whllo the settlers of the state , sufferers from grasshoppers and tire , wow compelled to pay their taxes , the Union Pncltlu escaped pay ment of its taxes , by tbo clului tlmt the tltlo was not vested in it , uud the supreme court of the United States had stood by It , If the title to those lands wns not In the company , how could the company mortgage them. The United States'said they should pay taxes U thuy surveyed their lamlc , aud they escaped tbo taxes and had all along been escaping them. Tbo resolution under consideration would hurt no ono , even it it should bo passed. Senator Mattes noted that the resolution wns not printed and in the Illos of tbo mum- bora , and ho was opposed to further consid eration of the matter. Sen ntor Swltzlor snld the IntercsU of the United SUtcs would bo Impaired If the bill now before congress should bo passed , Senator ICeiper wanted to know If Jho con dition of the Toad had not been getting worse nii't the audacity of tbo management greater than over bcforo. The senator from Douglas admitted the truth of all the senator from 1'lorco hnd snld , notwithstanding tlmt tin ) resolution would ba a detriment to the United Stales. Senator Mattes npnin objected to the con- slilarallon of tno resolution. Senator Moore said hortld not wish-to ap pear as n champion of thu Union Pad lie. Ilu had no doubt that a great dent of wrong had been perpetrated. ' Ho wanted to protect , the ntelllgonco of thi ) aetmto. If tbo su- iromo court hail decided that the tnort- ; ago of the Union Piiclfli ) could note ) o foreclosed until the tlmo originally onlemplatcd had expired , to pnis the reo- utlon would bo to show tlmt the senate did ot know what the ; rights of the Un ito States woro. Ilo wanted something to bo one which could bo done ami thought that ho senate would bo nblo to advise something vhich would suit the caso. Oa motion of the onatoritwns decided thai when the com mittee rise , It report progress nnd.ask leave o sit again , The only vote In the negative vns hy Kandnllof I'holps. Scnalor Kolper's Ulo No. 30 , providing for ho examlnnMon df Iho ofllco of tiountv Irons- iroM Instituting u uniform system of keep- ng accounts la the same , W.H recommended o pass. Tim Sonat" . LINTOI.N , Nob. , Fob. 11. ( Special to Tun h5i.J : The senate was called to order at 11 'clock. Messrs , Horn of Hamilton , Poyntor of 3oono , Shoa of Douglas , Stevens of Lincoln and Wilson of Dawcs were absent. Thn president annouucod that ho had re ceived a from Senator Poyutcr an- lounclngthat ho was snowbound at home. Pho absentee was excused. The reading of the journal was dispensed vith. Senator Dysart Introduced a petition In 'nvor of'A. P. Montela of Firth for ? 100 for llness resulting from oxpoiuro with the militia during the late Indian uprising , Ko- "erred to the comniitleo on claims. Senator ICoontz presented a petition for .ho passage of a law enabling plaintiffs in cases of attachment for debt to collect. In .ho event of sufficient property not being 'omul to satisfy the claim , ID per cent of the vagos of the party ngainat whom tie Judg- nent has Issued. Senator Dysart of Nuckolls presented a million from Iho board of trade of Superior. Vob. , asking that a committee be npiiolntcd 0 nltund Iho Irrigation convention to bo held it tnat place on February M. The president appointed as such com mil tea Senators Dysart of Nuckolls , Randall of 3oono and Browu of Washington. The following sonata tiles were read the Irst llmo : Senator Taylor , No. 120 Relating to llfo iisuranco companies. SenatorTaylor Ainnndlngseetlonsl,2nnd 1 of chapter , of the compile d statutes of ho state ot' Nodraska entitled "Interest , " and to repeal sections 1 , 2 , 3 , 0 , 0 , 7 and 3 of chapter 44. Senator Day To regulate subscriptions for lowspapcrs and other periodicals , limiting a ubscriber's liability to the time for which ho ins subscribed. Senator Collins Amcndlne section 10 of hiipter Si ( of tbo compiled statutes of No- tmiska entitled ' Election , " and to repeal aid original section 10. Scnalor Collins Amending section 2 of chapter 20 of iho conunled laws of 18S9 , nnd " o repeal said original" section 2. Senator Schram A mending sections 1 , 2 anil 1(1 ( of chapter SO of lira compiled statutes t Nebraska for 1SSU , and to repeal said or- glnal sections. Senator Sehrnm ( by request ) Amending cction 411 of chapter 23 of the compiled slut- ules of Nebraska of 1SSO , and lo repeal said irlgimil scclion. Senator Schram ( by request ) Amending .cction . 1 of chapter 102 of tlio session laws of ho state of Nebraska of iSS7. Senator Coulter Amending an act entitled in act to require corporations , llrms anil in- llviduals transacting a banking business to nalto reports of their resources and liabilities , o the auditor of public accounts and lo pro- ride for Iho examination ot the affairs of such > anldug Institutions .and to fix a minimum' capital for a transaction of a banking busi ness ; punish the receiving of , deposits of In solvent banking institutions and to provide for winding up their affairs , and to repeal section 15 of chapter 8U oj Uio'-coianllciL. stalulcs of Ntdrnvska-Qf Tb8U. * SwiS.'ttjr"7rayIor Amending section 1 of an act entitled "an act to provide for thu "undlng of outstanding school bonds. " House roll No. 141 , providing for the Inde pendence of voters. The following were read a second time : ilouso roll No. 124 , providing for the return of insurance prumlums for unoxmrcd terms of canceled policies : senate liles No. 125 , pro viding for the publication of county ndvcr- : isomuuts in dally papers having a circula tion of 1,500 nnd printed in Certnan , English or Bohemian languages ; No. 120 , regulating game seasons : No. 127 , regulating the quanti sations of superintendents of public instruc tion ; No. 128 , regulating tbo duties of county ludzes nnd Justices of the peace. Senator Collins of Gage moved that the rules b suspended and the senate go into committee of the whole lo consider Dills on the general Ulo. Senator Cnrlstofforson raised the point of Drdcr that it wasn't necessary for the rules to be suspended to go Into committee of the whole. The chair held that as the regular order of business hud not been gene through , the mo tion of the senator from Gage was appro priate. The motion prevailed by n vote of 10 lo 3. Senator Collins was called lo preside over tli3 committee , The House. LINCOLNNob. . , Feb. 11. [ Special to TUB BCK. ] On motion of Newborry , 10,000 copies of .Ex-Governor ' , - Thayor's mes sage were ordered printed. The house committee on. schoools reported In favor of Iho Folker bill , requiring ono- lliird of iho members of school boards In metropolitan elites lo bo women. The commiiteo on judiciary reported back a bill by Cornish providing that both houses shall meet at noon on the' 11 fib dnv of Iho or ganization of Iho legislature to hear contest cases for executive olTices , with the recom mendation that it do pass. The same' committee made a similar report on house roll 174 , by Watson , requiring all foreign Insurance companies to have u capi tal equal to that required of local companies , and appoint an attorney in each county before fore transacting business , on whom summons may be served , and providing that all law suits by such companies shall bo confined testate state courts. House roll 00 by Capok , making It u misdo meunor punishable by both line nnd imprison incut for an employer to exact or require a promise from any applicant for u position not to join any labor organization on condition of securing any employment , wiw favorably recommended by the committee on labor. Mr. Taylor ( hid ) of Johnson resigned his position as member of the railroad committee , and Gannett ( hid ) ol Yoric was appointed''to fill his place. r Among the bills Introduced were the f lowing : By Elder To amend section 8 of chanter 70 , subdivision 2 of the compiled statutes of Nebraska. Hy Oakloy To compel children between tbo ages of seven and llfteon years to attend school , und to provide penalties for the viola tlon thereof. By Folton To establish and maintain ace co nt nil purchase and supply depot , for iho purpose of purchasing and furnishing Iho goojls und supplies necessary for the main- lulnanco of thosuveral charitable Institutions of the stale. By Shrudor Itclatlng to building , loan and saving associations dolmr n general busi ness , and regulating forvlprn building and loan associations doing business In tliu state , anil the penalty for violation thereof. By .inrdncr To make u line not exceed ing < > assessed in police and Justice courts absolute , without the right of appeal. By Nelson To require county boards to provide suitable ) rooms for county surveyor. By Schlotfeldtr-To abolish the oftlco of master In chancery and transfer Its duties lethe the sheriff. By Watson Requiring attorneys to take a two-years,1 course before admission to tbo bar. bar.Tho The house went into committee of the whole to consider bills on general llio House roll 317 , by Kruso , appropriating $75,000 , to pay tno Incidental expense * of fie legislature , was reported for postage. A bill by Oakley prohibiting the burborlna of girls under eighteen and boys undo : twenty-one lu . .houses of ill-fame wns tnkon up. Slovens of Ifucnns moved to rnlso the ago lo sixty years , , , . [ Laughter. ] The nmchdiycM was lost. Tlio penalty waa changed , making the line from W > toSIOO. Ford snld thp bill was a peed ono for the Hies , nnd tbit7tho ) members from the 'country dlsirifitW" should not seek to defeat ho measmv , . r Fclkor moved \A \ Insjrt the word "virtu- u.s" bcforo thowhrd "ylrl , " making the law pply nnly to tlilrclass. Lost. After consldiirablo , discussion , mid with- jut reaching nhyv coneluslqn , the commltleo iroso , reported , prpL-ross , and the house ad- ourncd till lOl ! Ifi. tomorrow. IjOS'l * HOT 11 HIS nHUS. tin \n Ice AViiKon Collides with an Kngliic mill tlio Driver'Fcrrllily Itijurcil. George Jay , the driver of otio ot the Ice vagons of the IClmball Ice company , mot vlth an nc-tdont last night tluil cost htm rath of his lops , Hovus driving across the Missouri Pacific tracks at the Intersection of Grace street , when his wagon collided with inglno No. 84. that wns backing up through ho yards. The engineer saw the wagon Just is It was driven on the tracks , but owing to , ho closeness was uuablo to stop. The ivngon wai overturned and Jay dragged along the Iraolc for some distance , the on- ! lno n.nslng over bpth legs Just below the euro. Hu was piokcit up and taken to St. Joseph's hospital , whore his Injuries wore , at- tcnitcd by the company physician. AJES'H V JiJtOl'S OVT. f Tnlces TIlH IMacc In the Illinois Struj-gle. 111. , Feb. 11. The republi cans today presented the F. M. B. A. men a 1st of candidates from which lo choose a United States senator , but they refused to consider any of the names , saying It wns uso- ess to negotiate further. Tbo republicans de clined to RVO ! any answer to the F. M. B. A. iroposltion at present , , but decided to go Into oiut assembly and after two or thrco ballots jhango oft to Llndley and later to other can didates on the list presented to the the F. M. 3. A. When the joint assembly met every member responded to the roll call.and the lirst ballot showed no change , from Iho votes of yesterday : PalmerlUl , ; Otflesby , 100 : Stclle , ! ! . Two more ballots were taken with the same result , but on the seventy-seventh ballot the republicans voted for Cicero J. Liudlov. Tbo Inrmcrs refused to change from Steilo nnd .he ballot resulted : Palmer , 101 ; Lindloy , 100 : Steilo , n. A recess was taken to ! i p. m. When the Joint assembly reconvened this afternoon the galleries'wero packed with paolo - ) lo who expected lo.sco somebody elected. The sovcnly-eighih and seventy-ninth ballots were taken without any change , and the nin t assembly adjourned. Cholt ( rep ) nnd Bowlln ( dem ) have been 20 ill as to bo un able to remain longer. The republican party , If defeated In the senatorial contest , will go down wltn Iho inmoof Hlchnrd J. Oglcabv Hying nt Iho maslhead. This wns decisively settled at the meeting of the steering com- mllleo tonight. It is probable that the republicans may vote for several differ- out gentlemen before an clcctlou , hut when dofoafrcomo.s , if como It must , the llnal b.illot shall bo for Oplosby. The cry of "anything o bent PalnSor ! ' has been taken un jy the republican rank and llio. They will not , bowuvcr , untto on Slrccter , nnd Steilo Is 'but of Iho question. Many think the party may lluallv unite on Farm ers' Mutual Benefit Association KopruscuUi- ivo Moore and elect him , but it Is not prob able. Tbero nro a dozen or more republicans who declare that under nocircuinslances will they support nnv'oue but a stalwart repu bli- caii. ' Two Ilaljots nt Pierre. PinmiE , S. D. , Feb. 11. The independent caucus last night decided lo drop Campbell nnd nominate State Senator Kyle Instead , ivhllo In the republican caucus Moody was decided on agaiir nsaho party nominee. Two > allots were taken , today , the last ono result- ng : Moody GO , ICvloM ) , Trlpp 24 , Dillon , Mcllollo 1 , Doward 1 , Camtibell 1 , with 12 paired. ' * , „ . . The report that n combination of Independ"- democrats had boon formed to' secure tbo election of a democrat from Illinois nnd n : armcr from South UakotnJ"1 ' , Uo effect of onAtilUeJJiar8p bl ! r.US , and" they will hereafter - after doubtless vote together for ono man. The independents seem disposed to follow the same order. The Illinois-south Dakota combine is treatedwith , lltllocredence among loading polillcians'horo. ClagBott Klcutrd in Idaho. BOIBB CITV , Idaho , Fob. 11. The legisln- ; uro mot In Joinl session loday for the pur pose of balloting on United States senator to succeed McCouncll. The ballot resulted : 23 , Mayhow 2 , French 1 , Barton 1. Eighteen members declined to voto. Claf-ffctt was declared elected. Ho will contest the seat of Senntor-olec.l Dubois. THE I KIN H JtUS'TUJlK. Fenrs That tlio Parly "U'ill Now Re- IMIlillDlvlllCMl. JCopj/rfo/ilctl / 1S31 tin 'Jami * OorJnn ttcnneUA LONDO.V , Fob. 11. [ Now York Ilorald Cable Special to TUB Disc. ] Communica tions are still going on between the two sec tions of the Irish party nnd Gill has left for Boulogne. Hope of a peaceable arrangement is now very feeble among both sections of the party , and the members of the McCarthy sec tion complain that Pnrntll is constantly niter- ing and raising his conditions. Two points ou which Parnell takes exception to tlio charac ter of the assurance given by the liberal lead ers nro , it Is said , the land question and the Imperial veto. It Is now generally be lieved that the negotiations will end in a failure , nnd that tbo rupture in tlio Irish party will continue during the remainder of this narlimncnt. It Is Intended to hold a meeting "of the McCarthy sociten today. McCarthy will then make n state ment on the position of affairs and give his story of the negotiations on which ho and his colleagues have been ongnsrcd. It will bo for the meeting to decldo whether any further efforts nro to bo madq to effect a reunion of the partv , but a number of McCarthy's ' fol lowers are In favor of at once breaking off negotiations with Parnell. It is stated that , oven in case Parnell should resign the leadership of the Irish party for the present In parliament , bo wil consider himself frco to prosecute his cam palgn In Ircliml and to act Independently on Irish questions in the huuso of commons. After the general election ho would claim the right to bo rcaomluatod as chairman of tno party. ClIEl'EXlftiXi JM KCHIXU. OP-H - Four Hun drcil ol-'riiont Ooliiff Awny IVoili ( he Sioux. nil-ID CITY , S. l ) Fob. 11. [ SpeclnlTolo- gram to THE iJniW Sixty-five tepees , or about four hunij'M ' , Cheyenne Indians , In charge of nlnoty-fmir'jscouts under Lieuten ant Getty of Fort'lt&Jsrh , arrived from Pine KIdgo last nlsh gjtil all campo-J near the city. The bands are those of Standing Elk , Llttlo Chief and-othgr chiefs who were moved to Pine > Uldgo from Tongue rlvoll ngonoy six years o'5vnnd , they have been on the road six days , , campiug thrco days at a ranch on Spring crfflV daring the storm. The pa.rty start tcmorrq\r for Fort Mcado , wuoro they will i-csjnand outfit for the three weeks' .inarch to Fort Keogh , Mont. Captain ESymS of tlio Fifth Infantry , recently appointed qagcnt at Tongue river , accompanied the Indians. Those bands were friendly during the ontlro trouble nnd are removed - moved because of thq hostile feeling with which the Sioux regard them. Little Chief said to the correspondent that his people were forced to go ; that thuy could not live In peace with the Sioux. The city was crowded with the tall , long-halnxl Choyoanos last night , and several yielded to the lire water thirst and slept lu the city J.ill. Flvo men wore arrested this morning for bootlegging among the Indians , and they will bo ar raigned before United Stales Commissioner Coad today. Kx-Sccretury Htownrt Dying. STAU.NTOX , Va. , Fob. 11. Hon. A. II. U. Stewart , secretary of the Interior In Fill- moro's cabinet , Is dying. Do Witt's Little Early Risers : only pill to cure sick headache and regulate the bowels. T DEFEAT WILL UNITE THEM. A Des Kfolncs Oltizan Tells Why Iowa Ik- , publicans Will Tail Back , ' A GIRLIS . HIGH PRICED AFFECTIONS. Jllxs Amelia Kritnpi1' * I'ui'iillnr Story ol' Matrimony anil Ii ) > orllon-Tlio 1'alr Appro-ii-luilou A. Wlflu'H Hail III story. " CHICAGO Omen orTur Bnn , 1 CincAiH ) , Fob. 11. ) "The prohibition question Is likely to plvo Iowa to tlio democrats next fall , " This was from Hiram Wilson , u resident of Don Mollies , who Ist the Leland hotel. "Ami the republicans are not going to over-exert thcrt'iaclves to prevent such an outcome , " ho nddcd. "Tho reason is the existence of n snarl lu Iowa republican politics , re lating to prohibition. The party Is .spilt on the subject and no amount of argument Hcenm to malto tin ) slightest dliluronco.Vltli the prohibition law as it stands now pretty much everybody Is tllssatlsiled. It must ho changed , butthorepiiulicana nro unable lo romblno on any Idea as to the proper change. Whatever they do they nro bound to orcato dissension , and In consoipionco the leaders , or many of them , bi'liovo the best way out of the illniculty will bo to lot the democrats hnvo the next legisla ture there helm , ' no United States senator to elect nnd take the full responsibility for sellling the prohibition question. In that way the rounding of the discontented republicans will , Ills believed , be accomplished. " A nnii.'d ' STiuNdt ! STOIIY. Ezra C. Fabrnoy , a well known West Sldq society nnd club man , wealthy , was made defendant In a $5loix ) > dnmnge stilt , begun against him in the super ior court tins niorniugny Airs. Annn ICestner. Mrs. Kcstner tolls a most peculiar story. Her daughter Amelia is a prepossessing woman of twenty-two , while ! ahrney Is a handsome man of twenty-sow : * : . The family moved in the best of society of the west side , nnd , several yuan * HBO , the young man met Miss Koitner. They were merely friends for a long tlmo hut the mother claims the girl came to her ono day last July nnd said she nnd Mr. Fahrney hnd boon secretly married. Thrco weeks ngo the discovery came tlmt Fuhrney was about to leave tha citv and did not propose to take his wife with liim. The jirl'a mother asked bun why he did not take his wife along and ho then confessed that thov were not married The young woman is no't pressing the suit , still being enamored of Iho young man , hut the mother is determined upon hitvini ; revenge. Fnhriioy is nwldowcr und lives in an elegant mansion onVnrron avenue near Gnrlleld Park. .v I'ATiir/ric CASK. Ono of tbo most pathetic cases of dosiltu- tion discovered by the Herald relief corps today was thnt of Mrs. Louisa Coogel , aged llfty-llvo , who lives at287 South Desplalne.s street. When found she bad just been making nn effort to sell a pawn ticket for a family biblo. "t have been trying to sell this pawn ticket , " she said. ' ! have been compelled to pawn everything I own to keen Hunger from my door. Then I wasvcompelled lo eilher pawn or soli pawn tickets. The last article 1 "pawned was my old ftunily blblo , on which I received but a trlllo. The Inst of money was spent yester day , and today found us with neither coal nor fuel. I trii'd to r.ilso a few cents on the tlcknt , but I could not sell It. " Nobody would buy it. She is suffering from dropsy , but has worked hard , despite her illness , whenever she could find employ ment. Her husband , who is au old man aud quite feeble , bad , she said , worn out u pair of shoes in trying to get such work us ho could do. On its next trip the relief wagon will carry clothing nnd bed covering for the old couple , nnd also necessary provisions. Their immediate wants were supplied , wiu , ITKUN Tin : GAUNTLET ! Advices from "Washington state that the sundry civil bill , which reached the senate yesterday , will . jirob4v Tim" tliogauntlcljjf tlm .ssinmlttco on appropria tions ana bo'boforo the senate for linal pis- , sapo nbout Friday. Senators Furwell and Cullom think the items for the world's fair will not bo resisted and that Iho measure will go through In about Iho same form lhat it loft the houso. Senator Farwell is being persuaded hy the delegation in tno house from Chicago lo forego his determined to reinstate the items cut down by the Candlcr crusade. It is believed tlmt the oill is in as good form us It can bu put through the house. UeproscutaUve Caunou of the house committee on appropriations holds this view. COMl'OHiriOX Ol1 Till ! COI.TS. The team of colts is about complete. It was stated aulhorilativcly today lhat it will shlno on lha diamond field as follows : In the box Ilulohlnson , Luby , Oumbert nnd Van Iliiltrcn : behind the hat Nnglo , Klit- ridco and Farrcll : in the field Alison , ' Pfu'ffor , Coonoy and Burns ; in the outlleld Wllmot , Hy.m and nn unknown. To nil ap pearances the big captain has a pennant winner. OON'B TO 1IBH 113 VT. Seven years ngo Emily Leo married against the wishes of her parents. Two children were born , and then the husband abused and deserted her. She kept herself bidden from her parents nnd struggled hard for her babies , living in miserable rooms in the rear of 11 ! ) Forty-soveuth street. Last night she was found dead. Beside the body was an empty chloroform bottle and this note addressed to a girl friend of her childhood : "Dear Jennie : Please look after what little 1 have. J leave grown tird and must rest. You have always been good to me , good bye. " EMILY. The dead girl's parents will takq care of her children. A TAW : or I.OVK AND WAK. George Williamson , who lives at 2035 Archer avenue , and August Sheltgren , who resides two dooriaway , have both been sing ing woful ballads to the eyebrow of the same pretty girl. George , however , was the lucky suitor , und August , thuroupon , sent a chal lenge lo him signed by four wil- tiosbcs requesting him to participate In a llnlsh light with skin gloves or n duel will ) nny Kind of weapon ho might name. Mars not being in Iho ascendency In Mr. Williamson's chart today , however , ho took the bollicosu message to tbo Harrison street jiollco station nnd u warrant was issued for Scholtgcn's arrest. Wr.STBIlS I'KOI'Li : IS OIIIOU1O. * Among the western people in the city today were the following : At the Grand Pacific Mr. nnd Mrs. .1 , .f. Johnson , li Carter , Clark Woodman and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. AI. Thurston , Omaha- . AI. Christy , DOS Molnes , la. ; M. II. Dent , LcAInrs , In. ; C. W. Ilickmun , Livingstone , Mont. At the Auditorium Air , and Airs.V , G. Pows'and Miss Cook , Cedar Kaplds , In. ; Mr. and Mrs. GeoruoC. Towlonnd Allss Towle , Omaha ; AI. Sands and H. Cans , Helena , Alont. : M. W. Bryan , Sioux City , la , ; C. E. Kelly , Hutto , Mont. At the Wellington C. E. Foster , Sioux Cily , la. ; J. A. Berry , MuploUm , In , At the Palmer B , Davidson and S. Dav idson. Sioux Falls , S. I ) . ; II. H. Hopkins , , .Sloux City , In. ; Victor \Vhito , Omaha ; Uus Gallick , Butte , Mont. ; D. E. Howe and Miss Howe , Lincoln , Neb. ; Herman Younker , UPS Alolnes , la. At the Urovoort S. A. Crowe , Omaha , „ At the Gault S. Little , Omaha. At the Grace P. H. Fczler , Urund Island * . F. C. Horshlnu , Omaha. At McCoysV. \ . H. Chandler and Air. and Airs. J. Phillips. ATKINSON' . HtcnniMlilp Arrivals. At Now York The City of Now Yoric , from Liverpool. At London The Persian Monarch , from ow York. At Ilollerdain The Boston City , from Boston. At Philadelphia The British Prince , from Liverpool. llouton to Dentil with Cliibn. AlAi'QfKTTF , Mich , , Fob. IL-Lost night in a boarding house here a number of Poles grow hilarious to the ntmoyanco of those Mow , Mlchncl Smith nnd Atlchaol Solkn went np to put a stop to It. They were sot uiion by Woluty Is'owak nnd his son with clubs. Smith was beaten to dealt ) and Solka probably falully hurl. The Nowalu were ar rested. ioir.1 xKtrs. Ho Wound Up n Drunk. Storx Cm , la. , ITob. 11. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB UKK.Kndolph | May , an old soldier who draws n comfortable pension , wound up n big drunk this mornlnbv at tempting suicide. Ilo hunu hlm-elf with n halter stiiin , hut wns discovered and resus citated with dltllculty. Sioux City's Cuni-aiHeo. Sioux CITV , In. , Feb. ll.-lSpecinl Tele gram to I'm : UKK. ! A committee of four will represent Sioux City nt tlio Olucngo meeting of the \Vestorn \ Huschall association. They will tnlto n ccrtlllcd ohei-k for * l,500 to put iii > us a guarantee tlmt they will stay through the season , At a meeting of stock holders last night it wat stated that tbo club is now free from debt and lias $ ISUO on hand. a Loud oI'Mccr. FOIIT Doi > nn , In. , Feb. ll.-SpceInl [ Tele- gi-nm to Tin : IJin.1 : The law and order league of Uoono seized n carload of beer shipped to the rioouo hnttllug works from the United Status brewing company ° r Ghlcago , The seizure wna maiio while the car was .sidetracked 11 the Xorthwcstcrn tracka. The railroad company proved that the beer was Intended for the Flukle-tlno bottllnir works nt Omaha , nnd lhat the car hail stopped at Uoono to unload live barrels of mifernionteil 'malt. The conllsi-atod beer wiw acconllngly turned over toIhu railroad company again. The SupriMiii' Courl. Dr.s MOINES , I.I. , Feb. 1 l.-f Special Tclo- gram to Tin : BIB. : | The supreme court ml- 'ourned today , to meet again May 12. The following decisions were Hied : Ksty & Camp vs Fuller implement com pany , appellants ; Crcslon superior court ; supplutnciitnl opinion overruling imtliion for rohcarlng , lisly & Camp vs Fuller implement com pany , appellants ; Crcslou superior court ; anirmed , Warren Walker , appellant , vs A. L. Birch- ard , J. AI. Parker , Geoigo OHck und Hoyt Shrrnmn ; Polk district ; anirmod. A. O. U.V. . CJr.iiul rioilge. Boost : , In. , Feb. 11. [ Sp2clal Telegram to 'Pm : Br.i : . ] The loyal gi-aud lodgoof the Ancient Order of United Workmen for Iowa hn-sbeenin session hoi-o all day , und touight is occupied in thu hearing of an appeal case from Council Bluffs. During Iho day reports of oftleers and coinmiltees were given , ns well n the reports from the subordinate lodges. The llnanco commltteo reported everything of a financial character to ho in good shape. AI the forenoon session the place of holding the next meeting of tlio grand lodge was deckled. Council Bluffs , Davenport. Waterloo , Charlton nndOtlumwa wuro In the Held , nnd ou the third ballot Council Bluffs was selected hy a vote of Tit to 37 for Davenport. J. B. Abbott was reelected - elected editor of the Loyal Workman. In the afternoon the now grand ofllcers ivero elected , the majority being new men. as fol lows ; O rand master workman , \V. H. Gra- hiuuot' Cedar Falls ; grand forcmnn.H.S.Howo of Aluscatlnc ; grand overseer , W.V , Bingham - ham of Waterloo ; grand recorder , L. O. I lowland of Cedar Falls ; grand receiver. Willium Wilson , jr. , of Washington ; pram ! guide , A. Ilnrlunc of DesMolnes ; grand walchman , J. J. Uotti of Burlington ; grand trustee , to lill vacancy , John D. Vail of Mar- shnlllown ; grand trusice , full term , Ed. I { . Makco oflndianola. ThcKiilghtHor Ijahor. Dr.8 Aloises. In. , Feb. 11.-Special [ Tele gram to Tin : OKI : . ] There was u marked In crease In the number of delegates present at today's ' session of the Knights of Labor , as many ns sixty occupying chairs. The credentials committee made n further report , nnd the convention resolved itself again Into n com mittee of the whole and discussed matters relating to the good and state of the order in Iowa. Air. Aluj-phy , secretary of the state ( range , was admitted as a fraternal delegate. Ho made a ton minute speech , and Grand Alastcr Workman Powdorly talked until noon , when lip look Iho train for _ " state assembly there. Committees on co operation and legislation were appointed as follows : Co-operation , J. S. Agnew , J. C. Grayson , Council Bluffs ; D. U. Williams , Finger. Legislation , Walter H. Butler.West Union ; Patrick Sheehau , Keokuk ; R L. Honomus , Esthervillo. The election nf olllcers this afternoon re sulted ns follows : Master workman , J. H. Sovereign , DCS Aloinos ; worthy foreman. C. T. Lindloy , Davenport ; secretniy and treasurer , F. II , Leo , Webster City : national delegate , J. I { . Sovereign ; alternate , W. H , Hobb , Creston. Kxccutlvo board. .1. W. ClilT , Newton ; W nit H. Butler. West Union ; J. A. Ford , Sioux Slty. Members of Iho court , J. S. Smith. Brooklyn ; W.II. Thomas.Oladbrook ; Jonn Nichols , Lyons. -o- n'KX'ritx run * . Ho AVns I'roMnbly In Search of a .Missing Tiink , NEW YOHK. Fob. --President In man of thi Uirlunond & West Point Teimlnal com pany returned from his southern and western trip with Air. Gould this morning. Speaking of the proposed purchase of the Louisville , New Albany & Chicago , the Alonon roulo , Ininan said ho did not euro to talk much about the matter. Ho did not think his road would malto the purchase , but n close trafllo alliance would probably bo formed. The matter Is wholly in the bunds ofBrico nnd will bo settled soon. , Air. Inmnn , wnon asked what the general idea of his trip south with Air. Gould was , replied : "The establishment of n southern transcontinental line. " ' You sec , our terminal system roaches to the MIssIsAippl and taps Air. Gould's southwestern system in several places. His system of roads would take us to the Union Pacific nnd wo had Mr. Dillon along as representing Hi it UUP. Mr. Gould wns very favorably Impressed , not only by tlio physical condition of the properties in- siK-ctcil , but also by the growth of the coun try through which iho terminal lines run. Among other things the terminal company will probably arrange for a closer and more direct connection Into New York city , either with the Pennsylvania or Baltimore it Ohio , " Uiifouiiiloil Humors , CHICAGO , Feb. 11 , ( Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The railway press bureau says : John P. 1'iughos , assistant to President , liroyfogloof the Alonon , does not object to Iho advertising bis road Is getting , hut ho does deny absolutely that tirico or any other person or corporation has bought the Alonon , or made any offer for U. Saul be , after this explicit denial : "There Is no desire to sell the Alonon , oven at Us actual value. Our earnings show n cons tun t Increase of over f-5,0i)0 ) u month , Wo liuvo nn Interest to pay until April , Kvcry cent of debt is cared for nnd wo have no cause of complaint. Wo have a good payIng - Ing property which Is not in Iho mantel. " The rumored sale of llio Kansas Cily road lo iho ( ireat Northern has npnarontly as little basis of truth. The St. I'aul rupre- resontuttvo of the railway press bureau tele graphs thai Pesldenl Ugan of the Chicago , St. Paul t Kansas City says : "There Is nothing in it. If Mr. Hill or anybody else wanted control of Iho'Kansas Cily ho would not have to go to Kuropo. It Is owned und controlled ou this nldo of the water. " It Is assorted that Air. Hill has gene to Europe to bo elected tha American director of the Barlnc Brothers house. Afti-r the Jlnto Cutter. CIIICAOO , Fob. II. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Tbo presidents of the strong eastern lines were never muro In earnest than In their intention to bring to book tbcir rate cutting weak bisters. Conservative of- Jiclals estimate that 75 pur cent of the weaK line trafllc Is taken on cut rates. There has not been a time In years when such whole sale manipulation * were practiced In the east. The presidents propose moellng within a week aud adopting rmlical measures to prevent - vent a rota war. In the west there Is almost no cutting of rates , tno situation being as good us It usually Is In thu east. I'alM' Itr.poilH. Cmcioo , Fob. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB HBE. ] Vice Chairman Finloy thinks that the report tlmt the \Vabusti offered to pur commissions la central traRlo and Irunk n I " \ Both tlio inctliod mid results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleiismit nnd refreshing to tlio Inslo , nilil nets ccntly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , Liver nnd Mtowols , cleniiFca llio sys tem cllbcttinlly , dispels colds , head- . .nchcsjnnd fovcrs nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia tlio only rcinc-ty of' its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to tlio tnstc hnd nc- ccptnhlo to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly licneficinl in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and ngrcenblo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mndo it the most popular remedy known. byrnp of Figs is for sale in 50c' and 81 bottles hy all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- ctiro it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept nny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAKCISCO , CAl , 'JHIISVIUE. KY. NEW YORK , N.Y- line territory is a mistake. The circular mentioned applies only to territory outside of cither association. Hols positive ho would have had complaints had the Wabash braved the threatening boycott of thu eastern lines. Grrat. Northern Absorbs llio SOD. MiNNi'.vroLis , Alinn. , Kco. 11. It is rti- morod here that the Great Norlhnrn has gained control of llio See road , nnd that the Kansas City has nlso fallen into Its hands. This gives them n Chicago connection. A ICnci'lvor Appointuil. Louisvn.u : , Ky. , Feb. 11. Mr. Lovlln-o wns tO'lay ' appointed receiver of the Ken tucky Union railway company on thu petition of Kennedy , Todd .t Co. and the Central trust company of Now York , who nllegotluit they advanced inonoy to the railway com pany for which no return was made. Stiokiioy'H Denial. CIIICAOO , Feb. H. [ Special Toll-gram lo Tun BKI : . ] President Sllckney of the Chicago r - cage , St. Paul .t Kansas flitv rallroid , who is at the Grand Paclllc , denies emphatically the rumor of the contemplated absorption of his road by the ( . 'real Northern. "There Is absolutely no truth In It , " ho said this morning , "and the rupert that I In- llmaled such n thing was possible Is wholly without foundation. " Jilt. III ILXK'8 1'ISOJKCT. The Chronicle Sayn He Favor * Polit ical Union with Canaila. LONDON- , Fob , 11. [ Special Cablegram to THE Diii : . ] Tlio Chronicle declares thai the American government desires commercial nnd ultimately political union with Canada. On the authority of a. gentleman who Is a "pUrstM'aJ frloml of Air , Hlamo and who wns a friend of ( 'a-ieral GjirllehJ , having boon chiefly instrumental m securing Vuo latter's nomination for the presidency , the Chronicle states that , during the GarflKld-IIancouk contest in 1SSU , Air. Blalno quietly made n tour Of Quebec mid the provinces ' , sounding representative men 1'O on ! the question nf commercial nnd ultimately political union with America , and that Air. Blalno , sntisllcd with the results of the tour , entered President Garllold's ' cabinet on the distinct understanding that this ques tion would bo pushed. It was only Presi dent Oarllcld's death , says the Chronicle , that prevented the development of the policy which Air. Ulalno Is now pursuing under President ' Harrison , Air. Blaine having In each ; case the cordial approval of the presi dent. Tit A1X8 3101 'JTXfJ. Dciulwood Gets HH , Mull Amu * Iho Illlzzard. DKADWOOD , S. D. , Feb. 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BE * * . ] Tlio first through train to reach Ucadwood slnco Saturday last , when the Nebraska bliz/ard HO ; In , came In over the B. & AI. nt25 : ! < > ihls afternoon. The Elkhorn road Is still blockaded cast ol * . Chndron and , from in formation given by the j ; crow of n local train arriving from ' Clinanm this uvoiiing , will not ho open bolore tomorrow night. This moans no train until Friday morning .and consequently no mall before that tlmo , when an accumulation of six ilays should arrive. Tha grade for the Fremont , Klkhorn & Allssouri Valley railroad company narrow gnago extension from this city to the inlnea of Ruby basin and the liald mountain district Is now practically completed. The company began shipping men employed in thu con struction back to O'niiilin and Chicago , the places at which they were on gaged for this work. Only I < Yo/.rii lltinilM. CIIAMIIKIII.AI.V , S , D , , Fob , II. [ SpecialTel egram to Tin : HUE. ] The severe storm , com mencing 1 ! Saturday night and continuing until Monday J * , demoralised Iho telegraph Hues Ira tills section of Iho state nnd it has boon Im possible to get messages through mull lln.s evening. No Men have been'reported lost. IJoports I of frozen hands , foot , etc. , nro heard fiom one or two places , hut nolhlng more serious , I own Voi'msr Arrested at Portland. PoiiTiAXn , Ore. , Feb. 11. The police loJny nrruMcd O. W. Mlchling , who isvvanled In Sao City , la. , for thn forgery of$1,500 check ou the Sao City hank , 1'nNMoil Second lu-iiiliiig , LONDON , Fob. 11. In the commons today the bill to permit a widower to marry his deceased wife's sister passed a second read ing. _ CK. Bbmchott , advance representative o ! "Tho Private Sccrotary , " which appears at Boyd's thi ) liral Ihreo nights of next week , U In tliu city. We Believe That S. S. S. is without an equal as a remedy for mala rial poison. It cleanses the system of all impurities. I KUKKKUKI ) l'OH.1 VISA IIS WITH MAI.AIIIAI. rOIHON. MY Al'I'irriTK KAll.lIl ) , AND 1 WAS ( MKATIA' HBDIICKD IN HJCHIt. / THCD Tf' MCHCURr fHo ( per 'H TqeiTficHr , 1(110 ( CltiJISUtD W OET WOHil > \tlfljll \ lift flAD i03T ALL CflAflM } B.H.8. , JfADKA COMI'I.KTK A 'D rKICMA.STNT CUHK , A.ND 5IV HKAI.TH 18 lll'TTIUl NOW T1IAX IT KVKIl AVAH. J. A , KICK , OTTAWA , KAN , Honk on blood nnd Skin dsouses' ! frco , The wlft Jjpejlfh Co , , Afanta , Oa ,