n-f f . - . . - - ftMS + . w P I kd ftnw an lor 1st lor lo lot ol- Bo on Itn- sxct ° ? ' h his not iho oln 110 th don jqa - CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS OoTulderntion by the Ilonso of the Legis lative Appropriation Bill , DISCUSSION ON THE BARRUNDIA AFFAIR , Unlzoll Trtlccs tlio I'nrt of Commander llclccrnml McBsra. Iod o inul Polltvcr Defend Secre tary Tracy. Fob , 10. Tn the house this morning tha house bill increasing to (100 per mouth the pension of the widow ot General Ctistor passed. Unanimous consent for the committee on coinage , weights nnd measures to sit during the sessions of the house was granted. ' 1 ho army nnd pension nnd appropriation bllM wcro sent to conference. After consideration of some other business the house wont into committee of the whole on the legislative appropriation bllL In n ( jciicrnl debnto the Harrundln cnso was revU cd liy Mr. Dalzell of Pennsylvania , who defended the action of Commander Keller. The public reprimand administered to the commander ny the secretary of the navy , ho said , was unwarranted nmt unjust. Mr. Dal- zcll mill-mod tlmt Guatemala hncl a right to arreit llnrrundln whllo on hoard the Aca- pulro. "Was there , " ho asked , "ono law to be followed when wo faced Guatemala , and another when wo fiicodGreat Britain , Franco order-natty I" Ho said "my. " The killing of I'nrrundia could not do the American ting an ) harm. It never had been the function of our ting , it was not now , it never would be , to piotrot criminals , to defeat the administra tion of Justice , to defy tlio well recognized principles of International law. Messrs. Loilga of Massachusetts nnd Dolll- ver of Iowa defended the action of the secret - rot : ry of the navy. MHoutelin of Maine said ho would not liavi written the letter to Cotmnnndor Heller that tlio secretary hnd published , nnd if ho had written it ho would not huvo pub lished It. Mi * . I'itliian opposed the shipping bill , nnd attacked Charles Hill , secretary of the ship ping leaeuo , on account of bis statement that ho ( Fithlnn ) was n British emissary. Ho denounced the statement as a Ho and the nuthor ns nn unmitigated liar. Mr. Fnrquhar of Now York briefly do- J'nded the bill , nnd , without disposing of the Till ) , thn commlUco rose and the house ad journed , Senate. WASHINGTON' , Fob. 10. In the senate today the house hill to revlso the wages of certain employes in the government printing ofllco 4 " was passed with a substitute providing for on ndvanco for night employes. A confcr- * cnco was asked nnd Messrs. Mundorson , Hawley nnd Gorman appointed conferees on tlio part of the senate. Messrs. Dawes , Plumb nnd Gorman wcro appointed conferees on the part of the senate on thofortillcatlon bill. The naval appropriation hill was then taken up. The first amendment loported from the committee on appropriation was the follow- Jr Ing : To enable the president to cnuso caro- * f ful soundings to bo made between San Prau- " clsco nnd Honolulu for the mirposo of do- tcrmlnK the practicability o'f laying n tele graphic cable between these points , $20,000 or so much thereof as may bo necessary , and the president is hereby authorized to direct the use of nny vessel or vessels belonging to the United States lu making such survey. .Agreed to after remarks by Mr. Gor man to the effect that Ifc1 is not to X bo regarded ns committing the government > in any way to the proposition that the grov- lr\jr eminent was to lay this cable. I The Item of $ 5,000 for equipment and I arms for the naval mllltta in the various states8 was challenged by Mr. Curllslo and explained by Mr , Halo as npulying to certain states thnt had organizations for drilling and training for the naval service Just as the land militia had for land service. Mr. Carlisle opposed theitem. . Ho thought It merely the beginning of n bounty system. The matter was alscussed at great length. The paragraph was amended to read "for arms" instead of "equipment and arms , " ana agreed to HI to 15. The next amendment was ono providing for a' dry dock on the Columbia river or on Puget sound. Mr. Allen moved n substitute , fixing the silo at Port Orchard on Pupet Sound. No action was reached on the amendment. A message from the president with corre spondence relating to the conduct of Com mander Koiter was presented and referred to the committee on naval affairs. The preslden't veto message on the bill fern n public building at Dallas , Tex. , ( with the action of the house passing the bill ever the veto ) , was presented nnd referred. Eulogies were delivered on the late Repre sentative Walker of Missouri and tbo senate adjourned. Xobrnska , lown and Dakota Pensions. WASIIIXOTO.V , Fob. 10. [ Spoclul Telegram to THE BKR. ] Pensions were granted toaay to the following Nobrosknns : Gcorgo A. Dlxon , Marquttto ; John Sutfon , Omaha ; Ueuben F. B. Crntty , Silver Crook ; William A. Drown , DoWltt ; Andrew J. Lake , Omaha ; William H. Morgan , Lexington ; Francis Horrock , Red Cloud ; Amos Taylor Stickloy ; Leonard Drown , Meadow Grove ; William Hawltzor , Omaha ; David K. Potts , Republi can City ; Sylvester II. Gehr , Fairbury ; Isaiah Sluytcr , South Auburn. Increase- George Hnhn , David City ; Gcorgo F. Ourro , Mooroilold ; A. Smith , Kearney ; John Stock ton , Chester ; TJornton F. Wilcox , Hubbcll ; John W. iCoycs , Kearney ; John C. Williams , Lincoln ; Joseph W. Baker , Gibbon ; John W. Mnllory , Edgar ; James M. Rico. Clarks. Re issue J. Rowley , Arcadia ; William Dice , Hnyos Center. Reissue and incrcaso Joseph G. Sharp , Lincoln. Iowa : Original Joshua S. Osborn , Knox- vlllo ; Theodore Sherman , Monona ; John Lang , St. Attsgar ; James Johnston , Blencoo ; Amos Wright , Coif ax ; Charles P. Foster , Walnut ; Joseph Kcssorlag , Audubon ; Lewis England , Sidney ; John A. Jafuos , Allorton ; John Qrlmos , Grand Junction ; F. ICurso , McGregor ; William D. Cole , lloono ; William A. Snyder , Swan ; Harrison Taft , Jr. , Fonda ; Joseph B. Hunn , Mnrno ; JofTersou Wheat , Winter-act ; August Peek , Rowley ; Hans Wolf , Marshall ; Thomas McMurray , Mystic ; Mark B. Mulvany , Council Bluffs ; Joseph ICnntcrt , Arcadia ; Rudolph Hoff man , Lyons. Additional John Edward , Ottumwa. Restoration and increase Will iam James , Nashua ; Thomas Colllcott , Lnlco City. Increase David Nothorow , Marys- villo ; George Long. Odobolt ; Abraham S , Wolf , Talntors ; William Gerret , Bnrnuin ; Daniel Hill , Mason City ; Robert F. Mulntx , Lenox ; John Mulhollnnu , Wlntorsct ; Joseph P. Clark , Davenport ; Stephen G. Smith , Macksburg. Original widows , etc. Minor of Thomas Lurkhead , Adcl ; Louisa P. , widow of Joseph Roberts , Terry ; Esther , widow of James Johnson , Bloncoo ; Mary J. Buchanan , former widow of Thomas Hurk- bond , Adol. South Dakota : Original Charles Vallor , Egan ; Joseph Kortel. Turnbrooks : Daniel J. Smith , Bartuoldl ; Charles W. Emgaland , Tcmploton ; IlosoaE. Putnam , Garr. Addi tional John C. Carter , Hookvillo. Shot nt a Snrnk Thief. Frank Dickinson is not an unqualified suc cess as a sneak thief and burglar. Ho entered the room of R. A. McCrono nnd W. L. Ed wards at 1010 California street about dV o'clock last evening , nnd was discovered by tbo regular occupants of the room on their return from supper. Ho tried to hide behind - hind a dresser , but finally remarked that K310 wns drunk nnd * gucssod bo was la th wrong room. " Williams coincided in this view and reached for his revolver , whereupon the stranger dashed down tbo stairs and up the alloy with Will- lams In closu pursuit. A bullet whistled past the fugitive's car and ho surrcnaorcd. Ho was turned ever to Ofllccr White. lok Tha prisoner gave the name of Frank Dick inson and said his homo was In Indianapolis undthat no arrived hero Saturday. Ho do- tiled having boon la the houso. but was posl- -v V lively identified by both Williams and Mo- ! Crone , Two coats which ho had taken from the room were found upon him when be imu overhauled. A charge of burglary will bo preferred against him. A. MAN OF MANY AMABHB. A Bco Jinn Unearths Some New In the Hodfcoi-M Onsc. About four weeks ago the member of Tnt ! BUR staff who reported Iho Indian trouble for tI this paper had occasion to spend n uay or so In I Rushvlllo , Neb. , twcnty-flvo miles from the l scat of the disturbance. Stopping at the same hotel that ho did was n small sized , rather boyish-faced young man , apparently twpnty-twoortwenty-thrcoyearsoldjwhohad lost his loft arm. Ho was well dressed and sat around the ofllco a great dual , but sccmeu averse to talking with any one. TUo- only tlmo that THE HEK man remembered having beard hint talk nt all was when someone ono asked him how ho came to lese his arm. Ills reply was. as near as it can bo recalled , that whllo engaged In n mock battle as a member of a homo military company somewhere - where in the cast , his arm had been shot off by the premature discharge of n cannon. It is also remembered that when seine ono sug gested that ho deserved n pension the young man replied thnt ho was receiving a small pension from the state on account of his dis ability. Tl me passed on , Tim Bnn man completed his work , nnd returning toJOmalm , resumed his routine duties In tha local department of bis papw. which among other tnlngs in cluded daily calls at the county Jail lu search of news Yesterday afternoon when he called nt the county prison , Jailor Lynch raised n window and in reply to the Inquiry as to what , If any , she had , wuwerod : ' They have brought that young man Rodgers , the would bo sulcldo , up hero from the city Jail. Ho says thnt whllo they have prevented him thus far from taking hla llfo , iio won't bo failed any longer , hut will no\v starve himself to dath nnd ho seems to menu Just what ho8ny , . " The fact that this much-written-about young man had hit u | n iv now plan for tak ing his llfo was , in Itself , a good llttlo item nnd inasmuch ns the reporter In question hud never scon Rodgers ho wont Into the Jail to sco him. "Como into tbo private ofllco nnd I will have the guards bring him lu. " said Jailor Lynch The caller complied. Presently n scufflolu the corridor was heard , accom panied by such prolestations as , "I don't want to sco him. " " 1 don't want to see the reporter nt all. " Alternating with the protests wore laugh ter and remarks by the guards , who ex claimed , "Oh. como along. You'vo scon lots of reporters since you como to Omaha , and you needn't ' bo afraldof this one , for ho won't hurt you. " "Yes , " said the person first heard , "but I don't waut to see that reporter , " with empha sis on the "thnt. " Another minute and a boyish fucod young man with only ono arm was brought to the door of the private oflico. "Why , como on in hero , young man. " re marked Tiiu BUE man , "nobody is going to hurt you. " The prisoner , dressed in blue overalls , finally came forward and took a sent beside the reporter , who noticed that th'o reluctant young man was eyeing him very sharply. " 1 hoar you've adopted n now fad going to starve yourself to death , " began THE BEE man as a starter. Without paying the slightest attention to the remark , nnd after gazing nt the reporter several minute * , he remarked in a firm and very emphatic tone : ' Mr. , don't ' you know mot" To hear a man whom , ho thought ho never heard of before call bis name was astonish ing bnvond expression to the reporter , who replied : "As I look a second time , and very closely , your face docs look somewhat familiar. " "You saw me at Pine liidgo agency 1" said the prisoner. "Neverl" "Beg ' your pardon , you did. " VN'amo some ono of the Pine Ridge people whom you met , " said the reporter. The prisoner gave three or four names. "Never heard of any such people there , and I know the names of nearly or quite every white man there , " said the reporter , and then asked : "Whoro did you btopl" "In a tent across from the hotel , " replied Kodgers. "Impossible. There were only hospital nnd oBlcera' touts across from the hotel. Now toll me , " continued the reporter , "tho unroo of the proprietor of that hotel. " Tno prisoner guvo a name wholly different from the right ono. "What were you doing at Pine Rldgol" "Correspondent for the St. Louis Globe- Democrat. " "And now I will bog your pardon and say Hint Tin : BEE furnished Iho Globe-Democrat with its dispatches. " " 0 , well but then oh , you know , I mean that I wrote special articles for the Globo-Domocrat. " "Namo some of the correspondents at Pine Ridge agency. " Rodgers couldn't name ono at'tho agencv. By this tlmo It had dawned on THE Bun man Just whore bo ruully hnd met tbo young fellow , and so ho remarked : "You nro right in saying you have seen mo before , but wrong In saying that it was at Pine Ridge. You met mo in the Northwest ern hotel at Rush villo. What name did you register under at Rushvlllo I" "I do not care to'say. " "It won't bo hard to Had out. Wo will try the wire tonight and sco. Will you tell mo what name you signed to your correspond ence to the Globe-Democrat ? " "No , I don't euro to tell you that , cither. " "Have to use tno wire again , then. " "Well , if you do , you will Hud It's still a different ono tnau those I gavoat PinoKidgo , Rush villo , or thnt I have given here. " "To change the subject , " said the reporter , . "have the papers here been treating you about right thus far in your trouble ? " "No , sir , they have not. They have been saying that 1 hnvo confessed to all sorts of things. I have confessed to notnlng- . They hnvo called mo a horse thief. When I got out of this I will ranko it hot for them. " ' Then you hnvo changed your mind about killing vourself are not going to commit sulcldo like a coward , but you are going to brace un , face the muslo and fight your way out of these suspicions ] " The young pnsoner blusued to a carmine when ho realized how ho had trapped himself as to his statement of his Intentions. Fin ally ho said : 'O , it's ' all this way : There Is a mighty stronircaso of circumstantial evidence against mo in the death of that girl you have read about in that letter of mine that was pub lished. Many a man has been hung on purely circumstantial evidence. I've boon roaming up and down the world for three years trying to got away from having to meet that case of circumstantial evidence , but I know Just about whore a trial under it will end. You'vo ' never had such a load to carry. If you had you wouldn't blame mo for thinking strongly of taking my own llfo. " Ono Per Cent Guvernmont Lonna. PAI.MTIIA , Nob. , Fob. 10. To the Editor of TIIKBCK : la your weekly issue of the 4th you ask the portlnono question , "What bene fit do the people who are not farmers receive from this arrangement ! " You answer "Nono. " Allow mo the prlvllogo'ns a mem ber of the Nebraska commonwealth to giro you my views in relation to this matter. < Farmers , as a branch of the community , cannot bo benefited or injured without It affecting every other branch In the business world. To confirm this vioiy of the quoslion I will quota W. lioncolono , In Macmtllan's Magazine for 18SO , on the much vexed prob lem of Ireland's wrongs : "In Iho past year tenants have awakened to tbo value of drain ing , and tbo loans at 1 per cent last winter from the government did great good. " Again adds -'Practically these loans no : were a most successful step. " Right bore wo have a pre cedent of government loans by a inomirchlal government at 1 per cent for a useful pur pose , and also a continuation by a senator to the fact that such a policy was of great good and that it was a most successful step. You coucludo with tha doleful comment , "It is difficult to think that any sauo man could bo- llovo that such a measure can ever have the endorsement of the American people , " For ono I endorse the English precedent for the simple reason that an Irish landlord declares It did great good and was a successful step. 1.1. MAIUS.V , S. B. Durfoy , mate of steamer Arizona , bad his foot badly Jammed. Thomas' oloctrie oil cured it. Nothing equal to It for a quick pain reliever. Iiidlaun Iltirfl Ducket Shops. ISIIUNATOUS , Ind. , Fob. 10. The legisla ture today passed a law making It a felony to conduct a bucket shop , deal la margins or rent a building for this purpoao within the state of Indiana. THE SALE OF THE SHANTIES. Dealers in Second-Hand Homes Find Bar gains on "Block 80 , " LESS THAN A THOUSAND REALIZED , Prank. Knnpar Got the I'lnutei-.s * Iloimc and DcnulH Ciumlngliniii Ills Shop Tom Murray' * Jlliln Wcro All llcttcrccl. The announcement that the old frame buildIngs - Ings which hnvo long been nn eyesore to mer chants nnd others in the vicinity of block 80 , would bo sold at auction at 10 o'clock yester day , caused n motley crowd of would-be huy- ers , curiosity seekers aud noodlums to congre gate nt the corner of Sixteenth aud Doilpo streets nt the hour named. Bofcro the sale commenced the crowd amused itself by exploring the old Planters' house and a few of the neighboring struct ures. Many of the rooms in the old cara vansary were still occupied and the tenants craned their nodes from the windows like n lot of hornets looking to BCO what stranger baa disturbed them la their avocation. All of the other buildings on the block were oc cupied , in spite of the notices to vacate which had been served upon them nbout three weeks ago. In only ono instance were the occupants making visible prepar.Uloas to vacate , nnd thnt was the two-story residence on Seventeenth street. Promptly nt 10 o'clock Ed Allen mounted tbo steps nt the entrance to the Planters' house on Sixteenth street , nnd published the notice nnd terms of the sale In n loud voice. Tbo noi.se attracted many passorrf by and in a few moments the .sidewalk was completely blocked. Custodian Alexander was on hand and Clerk Crumb was present to kcop a rec ord of the sales. Prominent among these In the crowd stood Thomas Murray. .loo Hodman. Mlko Leo , Frank Kaspor. II. K. Burkot , Dennis Cun ningham , L. Woodworth and K. li. Overall. All of These occupied positions near the auctioneer and all hnd "blood in their eye. " After announcing that the brick kitchen nt the rear of the Planters' house would DC sold separately bids were Invited on the old frame building. Tom Murray opened the ball by offering $23 ns a starter. This was quickly followed by a ralso to * 100 , nnd for a few moments the bids rolled In nt a r.inld rate , the ratio of increase gradunlly growing smaller. After consider able coaxing tbo otter was raised to $ ± > , nnd was knocked down to Frank ICaspar at that ilpuro. The crowd then surged along to the next building on the north , the two-story , tumble down structure occupied by a barber shop nnd a chlneso laundry. This was started nt $ i > by L , Woodworth , nnd raised slowlv to MO. belngsoldto 13. R , Overall. The next building , occupied by Dennis Cunningham's blacksmith shop , was started at | * i by Tom Murray. .Too Redman raised him $3 , which caused Murray to withdraw , The price was gradually raised to J12 and sold to Dennis Cunningham at that figure. ' 1 ho old familiar "blue barn" was the next in order and was started at $10. This was quickly doubled by Tom Murray , who started through the building lo size it up. Mean while the bidding was raised slowly nnd pain fully by f I olds until § o3 was reached. Mur ray woula not sco this bid and it was knocked off to Andrew BerteL The next was a one-story building , glo rious in a fresh coat of bright rod paint. It was occupied as a moat market , which was In full blast. Ton dollars was the startlnr point nnd several moments of hugriingralscd this to $25. Mr. Alexander sold "Let her go , " and HermaaTrottncr was recorded a ? the purchaser. Another one-story building was next , occu pied as a clothing store. This was started nt $15 and was turned over to Joe Redman The two-story building occupied by n bar ber shop and a clpar store was the last on Sixteenth street and was started at Si" . This was raised slowly to $37 uud sold to Nicl : Rush at that fii/uro. liy this tlmo the crowd bad increased until there were about six hundred citizens congre gated at the scene and these wcro led tuck to the rear of the Planters' house and the bid ding commenced on the brick kitchen. This was started at $15 and was raised slowly to $ )0 ) , being knocked down to Fritz Miller. The old Byron Hoed mansion on Dodge street was the next la order and was started at $25 by L. Woodworth. For a few moments the bidding was spirited but $43 was the limit and Andrew Bcrtol was tbo happy purchaser. The last building to bo sold was tbo two- story residence on Seventeenth street , the best so far of any of the buildings , and $100 was offcreu botoro the auctioneer had reach ed the ground. This was quickly followed by $150. WOO , and soon by fifties to $400. From that point the amount increased grad ually by small bids until $ BU was reached and the sale closed at that figure , C. D. Woodworth being the purchaser. This closed the sale , which hal occupied forty-live minutes nnd on which $991 had been rcali/od. Under the terms of the silo the buildings must bo removed within thirty daystho holes filled up and the lots left clear. A wotttan's attit is to look her best but she'll never reach it without perfect health. For perfect health , take Dr. Pierce's ' Favorite Prescription. All the func tional irregularities and weak nesses that make life misera ble to women , are' cured by it. It's a powerful , invigorating tonic , and a soothing and strengthening nervine purely vegetable , perfectly harmless. For ulcerations , displacements , bearing-down sensations , un natural discharges every thing that's known as a "fe male complaint " it's a posi tive remedy. It's the "only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case. It costs you nothing , unless it helps you. You can afford to try it , on these terms. Can you afford to neglect it ? WOODBURn FACIAL SOAP For tbo Skin and Scalp. . Prcpired by & T ) nn tol"Kl l | th 120 ' . jmri' tiperience. Unoiimled 1 tat ecumi. TCldb d. oily ikm , 1 1lailiwonaicai [ > i > e < lhvid , IM . BIT iwnpirition , ugly completion , etc , An unfailing remtdjr for all pcalp air > ctkm0 ana s 0aro prereat- - ITB o ( all form * of ikin cliso o.i , For Silo bj Drugtinta or ieot IT mill , File * CO cent * . Facial Klcmislics. . ( > l l ) lot 100. . . JOHN \VOOIMItmr , DormatoloitHt. 185 W. 4 < t HI. , 3Vc v ITorl * City. CAl'SUI.KS are the best nnd onlr capsuloa prescribed by regular pbr > l.litn ( > ( or the euro ol Oonornoet and dliclinrsm from th urlniry ornans , wLcthcr real eric < iult < > a. ll.Wpart > gjc.aUUruvil ta. WANr aipiiK PAY , A. Petition from tin * ) 1'lromcn ItcQiirfit- Ing nit Inoronnti In Mnlnrlrn. At the meeting of tjio board of flro nnd po- ice commissioners last flvenlng Major Cusli- ng ami Commissioners Gilbert and Smith ivero present. j A cotnmunicallon from Chief Gnlhgnn ask ing the board to purchtao n.GOO feet of lioso ivns reforrcd to the cdirtmlttco on property. OfilccrV. . H. EI1U was graaled flftooa days' ' leave of absence with five days' pay. A petition signed by nil the members of the flro department axccpf , the chief asked for nn Inureain in salaries to equal these paid In St. Paul , Minneapolis , Kansas City , Denver nnd other cltlos of corrcspondlnK size and population. H held that whllo the pay of em ployes In other departments of the city gov ernment had been increased , the pay of the 11 remoii had remained stationary. The peti tion stated that in tbo cities mentioned the number of firemen and the pay roll nro ns follows : Omaha , H0,000 population , 53 men : total salary $19,000 ; Ivntuos City , kll.OUU popula tion , 120 men : total salary J1M,000 ) ; Mlnno- npolis , 100,000 population , 14 men ; total salary 81115,000 ; Denver. luo.OOO population , 7r men ; total salary tW.W. The petition stated that the cost of main taining tbo Omaha department Is much less than for any city of similar slzo In the coun try. The following scale of salaries was nskcd : Second assistant chief , lie per month ; captain , $100 per mouth ; lieutoimnts , super month ; plpomon , Inddcrmon and drivers , $ oO per mouth. The matter was referred to the finance committee. The protest ngninit issuing a saloon license to Christian Rosser , Km Clark street , cntnotipfor n hearing , and witnesses were introduced to prove that several of the par ties who signed the petitioner's nnnlication were not resident free-holders in tbo Sixth ward , i > nd the application wns declared illegal and outside the Jurisdiction of the board. The applicant wanted an extention of tlmo , but It wns refused nnd ho wns told tlmt he must begin nncw. Mr. Gilbert stated that tbo sentiment of the board was ngnlnst granting tbo license , and.thought tlmt it would bo n useless expenditure of tlmo and money lo tnako another application. Clnus Rohror was granted a license to run n saloon nt 721 North Sixteenth street. The protest against granting a llconso to John Hlter for a saloon nt "Tho Last Chance , " ut Forty-fifth and Leavonworth. wns taken up. Tno applicant wns questioned and decision withhold until the next meeting. The petition of Peter Fcddo for transfer of license from 7124 North Sixteenth to 1515 Webster street was granted. Ex-Policemen Mitchell nnd DuBols ap peared before the board nnd ashed to bo reappointed - appointed on the force , but action was de ferred until a full board could bo present. The board then went Into executive ses sion , but nil matters wcro laid ever until next Monday night. _ People who use arsenical preparations for their complexion do so at the risk of their lives. Ayer's Sarsaparllla is guaranteed free from tiny Injurious drug nnd is , there for , the safest ns well as the most poworfu blood mcdicino in the world. It makes th skin clear. She Says Her Arrest Was nn Unwar ranted I'roceodliiK. Pxms , Feb. 10. [ Special Cablegram to THE BEE. ] Mme. Pnttl was Interviewed nt the Hotel .Bristol with reference to her arrest in Berlin for alleged broach of contract. She said that tbe well known Zotto met her In London some time ngo nnd engaged her for a series of concerts in St. Petersburg. As Zotto failed to pay a de posit to tier manager , and as ho hired a small and unimportant theater Instead of tlio leading theater , as ho bad promised , sbo considered the engagement broken. Sbo consulted Solicitor Gcorgo Lewis and ho nd- vlsod bor tbat she was under no legnl obliga tions nnd tbo contract was nulliHcd. On the evening of her fulfiUintr her Berlin engage ment y.cttocamotoBerlin-from St Petersburg to try to soizo'hcr costumes and Jewels and to try to prevent ncr singing. Zottowas unable - able to procure In tinio the 1,000 , marks which It was necessary to pay into court as a pre caution betoro obtaining on order to dotnln her ellects. The concert' was , therefore , not Interfered with. On the following morning , however , a writ was served on her and six men were posted outside her hotel to execute it. Mmo. Patti was unable to pay the 8,400 marks demanded , havimr the previous evening deposited tbo proceeds of the concert withitho Rothschilds. Her Berlin agent , Mr. "Wolf , .camo to her rescue , however , nnd paid the amount demanded , Mmo. Pattl is intensely Indignant ever her trouble. She Is convinced that lotto's ' object was to frighten her to pay on the spot his whole claim of 9,000 marks. She has decided to prosecute Zetto for illegal distraint. YOU CONNOT GO to Ourlsbad , but yourcan hare Carlcsbail Drought to you. 1'rociiro n bottle or genuine Imported Carlsbad Sprudol Salt and dissolve atouspooiiful of It In a tumblerful ofwutcr. It Is tlio best natural aperient anil iiltor.itlvo uxtant. NothlnK Is "just ns Ruoil" when you can got tuo genuine Imported urtlolo. TRAVELS BY LAND AND SEA , A Tour of Ettropo with Oabln Passftgo , Eail- way Fares , Hotel Expenses , Guides , Etc. Prepaid nnd Guaranteed. SIX PLEASURE EXCURSIONS IN AMEKICA. The lice's Matchless Offer to Ho- llcltor * Tor Subscribers to lu Hunilny nnd Weekly Kdlllons. .Arrangements have been effected by the publishers of TUB linn which cfmblo us to make n novel and attractive offer to parties who are disposed to devote their tlmo nnd energy - orgy toward procuring now subscribers for TncO.MAitvVr.KKt.v BKB or Tun SUNDAY Urn between this ditto nnd the lOtb day of Juno next. This offer will bo open only to parties sollo- ttinjf subscribers in Nebraska , Iowa , South Dakota and Kansas. A caretul record will bo Kept of all sub scriptions forwarded , and the awards will bo mndo without partiality. Tim ( Oiiropnnn Tour. To the person that will secure the largest number of cash subscribers for Tin : OMMI.V WehKi.r HnK or Tnu SUNDAY Urc before Juno 10,1S91 , will hi ) given VIIEH OF CO-IT A HOUND Tlltl * VUIIOl'I'AX TOUIl TICKET. Tills ticket will Include first-class passage from New Yorlc to Europe and return. This Includes nlso all traveling , hotel and slpht-scoltig expenses. Tbo trip wilt Uo mndo with an excursion party gotten up by Mrs. M. U. Frnzlcr of Boston , and will bo in charge of competent guides. The trav eler has no cares xvhntovcr. The tour covers nil the principal coun tries of Kuropo Hngland , Germany , Switzerland , Franco , Belgium , Italy and tneir principal cities. Including London , Paris , Brussels , Berlin , Koine , Florence , Venice , Milan , Genoa , etc. 8KVENTY-TI1IIE1' IKY3 Ol' S10I1T-SEEINO. The party starts from New Yorlc July 1 and returns to thnt city by September 11. Taken by any Individual nlono , this Eu ropean tour would involve nn outlay of nt least S-700. American and Cnundlan Tours. For the second largest list of subscribers wooITorafrce ticket from Omaha to ban Francisco anil Los Angeles nnd return. Magnificent mountain scenery , the beautiful Golden Onto , the land of sunshine , fruits nnd flowers. ' "Who has not scon California will not dlobnppy. " Travel Is an educator , and to properly appreciate the vastness of our great country ono must sco Its best features. For the third largest list of subscribers to tbo WEFlii.Y.or StiND.vY Hisij wo offer n ticket from Omaha to Quebec and return. What could bo grander than a trip down the beautl ful St. Lawrence In mid-bummer ! To con template the beauty of Thousand Jslos Is de lightful. How much moro delightful to visit them wben with verdure clad. And all this pleasure for obtaining sub- LieWj Bonipani8 ( ' EXTRACT OF BEEF. "In Darkest Africa. " By Henry Jlf. Stanley. "Tho HO UR Compa-j ny's Evtraotj was of the I choicest. " I Page 39Vol. It "Liable : and moat soups hnd to bo projwrcd in s u 111 c i c n t quantities to Borvoout cup fulf to each weakened man ns ho stag gered in. " Pngo 80 , Vol 1. Ono Madi managed to crawl near my tout. * * * Ho was at once bornoto a flro nnd laid within a few inches of it , and with the addition of a pint of hot broth made from the Liobig Compaliy's Extract of Mc.'tt , wo restor ed himto his senses. " Vol. 11 , Page 68. For sunburn uae Pond's Extract. scrlbors to the " \VKUKI.T nmliSuxiUT HK * * . Per the fourthJlnrRest Hstof Mitscrlbors wo offer n f roe ticket from Onmtm to Now York , IMilliulelptila \VrwliliiKton and return. a'lioro nro no jtolnU on this continent of ( renter general Intercut than tlicso thrco cities. An Amoncan cltlr.on lins not com pleted Ills education until ho has seen the sent of Kovornmmt , Tlio persons anil points of lntetv.it \VnsliliiKton tire Innuinernblo nnd to tlio Intelligent observer n visit tliovo Is fuller Intcix'.Ht. New York nnd Plillmlclpbla rut tlio connnerclnl and llnmidnl editorsol the country are nlwnys InterestiiiR. uMl tills sight seeing and traveling given tuvnj for obtnlniiiK subscribers to the \V KI.KI.T or Su.si > .vr HKP. I'or tlio llfth largest list of subscribers wo offer n free ticket from Omalui to Nlneara Full * and 10turn. Kvcr since your childish womlor was nrouscil by the description In the old school render of these wonderful fulls you have desired to see them. Here Is the opportunity. A most dollKutful excursion inul ono without expense , Riven for securing subscribers to the Wei KI.Y or SuNtmlKr. 1'or the sixth Impost Hit of subscribers wo offer n free ticket from Oinuha to Stilt Lnko Citv nnd return. Tno famoiis Mormon cily Is fast bccoinliii ; n ( tuntlln city , and will In tlmo lese much of Interest. Now , this sum mer would bo n Rood time to visit the boom ing city. Onrlleld llench Is of course In cluded In the trip. This summer resort on the lake Is n delightful plueo to pai.i n few of the hot RII miner days. Why not secure n number of subscribers for the \ViiKi.r : : or SCM > AY Hir. : and take the trip' 1'or the sovouth lutRest list of subicrlbcra wooffora f root leltet to Denver nnil AIntiitoii nuil return. While n shorter trip thnii nny of the others It combines many pleasant fea tures. Deuvcr tlio queen city of the plains- Is always worth seeing whllo the health nnd summer resorts ot Muultoti are delightful In deed. Hcnlth-RlvhiR , Inspiring , restful ntnld sublime secnory what trip coulil bo moro n < stfull All this pleasure for securing subscribers to the SuNiixvor WBI'.KLY BIB. : Conilltlons. Now wlmt nro the conditions noon which these tickets are given awnyt The securing of the largest list of subscribers to Tun WEEKLY or Suviur 13cn. No newspaper in the west is so well and favorably known nnd solicitors have always found It nn cosy mat ter to secure subscribers. TUB UKK'B sub scription list 1ms al vnys kept oaco with its reputation ntul It desires to add now names to its long list of friends. Being at nil times n people's paper it makes friends -with all classes. The subscription price of THE WEEKLY BUR Is f 1.00 per year postpaid to nny plnco In this country or Canada , or J-.OO if sent to a foreign country. Tin : SUNDAY HEI-is JG.OO per year , but Omaha subscribers for Tin--SUNDAY BEH will not bo counted In this competition. Get up a list. Havoyour friends subscrlbo for the paper , tininplo copies forwarded free on request. Persons dcslrliiR to compete for ono of these prizes will please sny so when sending in their first orders. " Kemlttauco in full must aceompuu.v every orJer. Two six months subscriptions or four thrco months subscriptions will bo counted ns ouo order. Dr.F.CJLLI OMAHA , NEB. Durlnir his ncvoral montlin location nnd practice In Omulm , Dr. IMlllrms hni cnrni'd nn enviable reputa tion BnmnR tlio hundreds of clllroiu who applied to him nlmont as n lust resort , null found In Ms skillful mlnlBtrntlonj the full realization ot liopu long Uu- ferred. llo 1 porrcnnonllf lornted Ann IIM tha beat np- FOlntvd und must conrcnlentlr locutod phyalclaa'a onico nnd reception rooms In Omnha. The lick will find In Dr. DlllliiKan true phrilclnn end H fmpathetlo friend nnd adrlsor. For tlio treatment of tlio following named dlioaaos Dr. DIllltiKa huu pruvcu hliuiulf poasoasoJ of uioat uniuua tfklll. OL1SH BEAUTYOPOLI SH-- ; SAVING LUIOR/CLEANUNESS. / DUBABIinYOiCHEAPNESS.UHEQUAIIED No ODOR WHEN HEATED. To onro nillonnc . Pick Upiwtacho. Comtlpnlloa. Mslorln. UTcr Cumplalnu. tnke thn ( uvTo aud certain rcnuHlj , S.MITU'3 BILE BEANS .j llttlo ! * ii tofliotwU tlol. ' They ro tlio tiuutronTfnlenl ! suit all otfui , I'rleoof cither lie , lift cent * per bottlo. K8SS1NC Bt 7 7 ° I'hoto 7l. } * ! imruM. cents , .ri"lel8Uoo' J l1 J'lcturo ' for 4 ( coppem or ttauips ) . J F. Bsirrn A ro , _ _ Mn > ara of "llllo tloniM. St. I. iut . Ma [ SH" KUKl lUllilUU ( I INSTITUTE. Kor the Irontmontof till rilHONIC ANI > SUIHHCAt , DIHKABi : . llrnrcv Appllnnocs forDi-formlllonnJ Triitine' . Host Kncmtln , Appnrutun nnil UumrtllA * for niuccKHfiil trontmont of orory form of ill em roqiilrlntt MoJIciilor 8urilc\l Trontmcnt. Nl.NKTV IIOOMS KOlt I'ATIH.Vrf , llairil nmt Alloiultnca. lloit Acoominncliitlons Wrt.Vrlta fur circulars on Ik'formlllpi ntul Jlrncc. ' , Truxi's , Club I'vvt , ( 'iirrn * turoi of Hplno , I'llns , Tumor * . Cnncor , Calnrrh , llroncliltln. Inhnlntlnn , lllocltlclty , 1'nrnlJsN , Kpll epiy , Klilncr , lllndilcr. llyo. Tnr. Hkln nnil lIlocKl , nnd n11Hnivio.il Opcrnlloni. 1HHKASIN OKVO.M1CN anpoditlty. Hook ( if Dhcnioinf Woniun Froo. Wo hnrolnlaly ndclada l.ylmi-lii Dopnrlinont for Woiuaa Durlniil'ontlncim-nt ( Slrlcllr 1'rlvnk' . ) Only Holla * l.ld Jlidlcnl Inxlltulu MftUnit u Si'Cdallr ' of 1'UI- VATKniSIIAHKS. All lllnoil ll ) onsci Biimmfiilly trpntcil. Mritlclno or ln < triinictils notit by mail or oxprrfl * PocurGly pnckrd , no mivrki to liulli-nlc conli'til * or rcrulor. Ono pcrnonnl tntirvlow pri'forrwl. Cull am ! coniult morioml Mslorjot your ra o. nnil wo will send lit plnln wrnppi-r ourllOUK TO M1JN KUKKj upon I'rt- Tnto. Spci-lnl or Nervous Dlsci cs , nltU question Hal. AiMrwi nil letters to Dr. A. T. McLnughlln , President , Othand Hnrnoy Streets , Omiilia. liATAHHll All ( linemen of thront nnil none. C * rtirr ovorl"lienho lilooil nn d iicrvcB , producing cblll tlccnr nnil dvntli. HYPPKP8IA Anil nil ttio phnicii of tmllnostlon llrer trouble , liiipcrfoctftolnili.illon nmt nutrition. KIDN'KYDIHHASKS-Aro matt rtoecUlnif nnlln- elilumn. Hymptomilinnl to roooitnliu by thu pstlonl often lend to fntnl lirluliti illwm ) or dlnbolos. "ISKASK3 OK T11IJ 1U.O01) lllooil polionlnn , scrofula , cryal | > olaaf nntl illiteasos uiontlouod horo- aftor. AII , Pit IN niSICASKS-Rciomn. unit rhoiim , Vart- oln. ulocr.i , tufoerclai , xrofult , lupus , mindly color of tliBukln , plinplKa , and illioasoi of tha nonlpare cured by Dr. Dllllngs. NEHVOIJS DISKASKS-tiOH of tlitor , loit mun. booit , dobllltjr , pro trnllon , fli pondoney , eruptions on the fuc'e , loss of memory , ilrond of future , oto. Anew treatment IhutNKVKIl FAILS. HIIKDMATISM AND NKUIl AIUA ( Are curoij by Dr. Dllllnin when nllotliors huvo fnlloil. KKMAI.K WKAKN'KSSKH-Tha hnrih. Irrntlonnl end unnnturnl netlioih ununlly omnldyoj nro ro- rponilblo for fully throo-fuurtlis of Iho milTurlnt now rniliired by women. lnvoitl nto tlio now , linmctnmtmcnt of Dr. Dllllnm. P1LK8-AT.1J IIKCTA1 , TKUIIIILTC3 IMIei , Fla- tuln , nbsrcinit , ttrlcturi ) , nmt nil illsoiinoi of rectum rurpilwltlioiit tlio knlfo , ciiutory or nu hour's iloluf from work or limlne-ii AI.I. HKADACIIKSaro quickly curoil. VHNKUKAl. DISKASKH Uocuntor long tanillni pyplillh , tzonurrhii'm ttrlcturo nnd nil roiulllnp nf- fi-clloni nro cured pemmnontlr nud forever wlllioul nny tiicroury or mineral trontmont. MOlUMIINi : 11 A111T Quickly , positively anil pnlnlemly curod. TAl'l ! WOKM-Tnkoa with lienrl coraploto In on hour with ono tcaspoonful o ! ) ploamnt modlclno. Mo OTIIKn niBKASRS-Suohai old iorrn , mnllsnanti ulcers , tumorx , cnncorn , heart trouble. , nsthma , epilepsy , SU Vltuu dnneo. milk IOK , ohronlo conitlpar tlonand chronlcalnrrhiuT MO curod. Till : COMl'LKXION The iuoH iimlulitlr and tnuddy coraploxlon quickly freslieneil nlnl boautinod. roilOKKKNSlVB I111UATI1 A pornianon euro laVT FEKSI KHBK CONaUKTATlONI IIOUHS : : rOa.ra. toSp.m. KTOiilius , 7 to 8:3f : Bunduys , 2to 1 p. m. Patients Troitcd By Correspondonoe. Medicine Bent Everywhere. 322 South Fifteenth St. QKOUMD FLOOU. NO STAIRS. Dr. Hillings prepares and dispenses nil own medicines , -which are largely ualeotoj. from nature's healing plants , barltg , rooti , mus.shrubs , oto. No mineral or drags given. TA TT T , r IGHI. There is war amonff the manufacturers of Rubber Bpots , Shoes , Sandals , Arctics , Lumberman's Overs and all kinds-of Specialties in Rubber Foot Wear. The raw material is very high and advancing , still the prices go DOWN ! DOWN ! DOWN ! ! ! . . The Grand Old . New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co. Leads the rjj-'ocession as usual , and I am "loaded for bear" with a complete line of the New Jersey Co's-lfeet protectors. Some of the rubber companies are going to get Badly Hurt in this fight. lon't ! ) place an order until you get my new prices from my office or my traveling men. My § tpck of | ELT BOOTS. AND GERMAN sox. Is fairly assorted but small. The gay ground hog saw his shadow yesterday ( Feb. 2d ) and no one doubts jhat we are to have Six More Weeks of Winter. I am in no way connected with any retail stores , nor will I retail goods to anybody. .Come on McGuffey. -Yours truly , ZACHARY T. LINDSEY , 1111 Harney Street , Omaha. P. S , Ask shoe dealers for * 'Jerseys , " '