Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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tfllvnrrl hy Tntrlcr In uny
f * \ \ , W. Tl I/TON. -
_ / flti ! : iif * Oftlro. No. 1 V
NtelilKdltiir , No
juxint j
K y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Crnft's chattel loan" . 201Snpp block.
Wanted , good girl for general housework.
Mrs. H. W. 1'lltoii , 527 Fl fill avenue.
A marriage license wns issued yesterday to
lipubcn C. Hnrtwcll and Kntlo Ilickoy , both
of this county.
Hcv. T. J. Mnckny of St. Paul's ' church , is
to preach to the traveling men on Sunday
evening , February SB.
William Horn nnd Miss Mapgio'Horn , both
of this city , wore married Monday evening ,
Justice Cones onidnting.
A concert Is to bo given ntthe Fifth nvntio
Methodist church Thursday evening. I'rof.
S. Kdd Brown , a basso , will bo ono of tbo at
Snoclnl communication , Star chapter , No.
I" , H. A. M. , this evening , February 11 ,
Work In Murk Master's degice. All visiting
brothers welcome. Jnmrs Patterson , secre
Miss Sndonn Clark , one of Council Bluffs' '
} ounglmt very successful artists , has just
completed n water color representing n wreck
on I nko Superior , She hus disposed of it to
Omul i a parties.
James Knlph , n , fnrtner who lives on n farm
south of the city limits , hns notified the city
marshal that ho has hadnlotuf hay stolen
from his .slacks. He says ho has seen some
Indians who nro encamped on the bottoms
lurking mound his place , and ho suspects
that they aio the thieves.
Lillian Chloile Oolong gave nn elocutionary
ntertnlnment nt Hughes1 Hall under the
auspices of the Woman's Kellef Corps. Miss
Dclong Is n very pleasing speaker , nnd If she
should come to this city ncnin she would un
doubtedly have n crowded bouse. She wns
assisted by n number of local musicians.
ThotCam which wns stolen from AVeston
and of which mention was made In .yester
day's BII : : wns found last nlpht nnd the fel
lows who Old the stealing were also captured ,
Constable SVolf of Nmwnlk township made
the nriest , and brought tlio prisoners to ttio
county Jnll for snfo keeping. They gave their
names as Olcson nnd Cnrlcson. They
clnlmed they were drunk when ttiey took the
team ,
The three Lawless brothers wcro before
Justice Pulton vcstcidny morning on the
charge of assault and battery nnd larceny.
These three nro the ones who wcro alleged to
bo connected with nn employment ngcticy In
Omaha not long ugo , which wns doing a land
nOltfb business with n lot of laborers on tho.
Indinn creek extension , Justice Pntton de
cided that there was no cnso against them ,
nnd they were dlschaiccd.
The barber shop kept by 0. "F. Loffcrts at
HO'l Muln street wns entered by hurglnrs
nluht before last. The visitors entered by
the fiont door , to which they had in some
way secutcd n key. They then proceeded to
go thioiiiih the placo. but failed to find any
thing but fools. They cut open n drawer con
taining Lofferts1 tools nnd took out about S-IO
worth of raters , scissors , etc. There Is no
clue to the perpetrators of thu crime.
According to the Episcopal ritual , today Is
Ash Wednesday , which begins the Lenten
Benson. Services will bo held tit St. Paul's '
charch nt ! ( ) : ! ! ( ) a.m. and " : ! ! ( ) p. m. , nnd nt
All Saints clinpcl at 7.lO : p. m. In addition
to these meetings , dining the Lenten season
services will bo held on Sundays nt 10-5 : ! n ,
in. nml70p. : ! ! m. , on Mondays , Tuesdays ,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 p. m. , and on
Wednesday * and Fridays at 70 : ! p. m. At
All Saints chapel services will bo held every
Wednesday at 7:30 : p. m. association held a meeting
Monday evening In the bouul of trade rooms.
Tha main business of the evening was tlio
adoption of sovcial amendments to the by
laws of the association , which wcro intended
to remedy certain defects which have caused
a great dcnl of trouble In tbo association over
since It wns organised , At the close of the
meeting Socrotaty Oursler rend a set of reso
lutions which ho had propircd. In commen
dation of the untiring efforts of the ex-man
ager , J. K. Harkness , In making tbo assembly
what It is.
Pure fresh drugs at Davis" , opposite Ogdcn.
Do not forgot the "Culinary Mystery" nt
the Masotilo toinplo on Wednesday evening ,
nn entertainment under the auspices of the
young Indies of the Broadway Methodist
church. The programme will bo charming
and the simper well worth the 25 cents ad
mission which is nil the whole entertainment
J'/71M A.4 MC IlAl'JIS.
Charles Brny has returned from a visit to
Dr. Stewart wont to Atlantic yesterday on
Hon. It. W. Brlggs of Curson was n Bluffs
visitor yesterday ,
S. B. Wndsvvorth loft last evening for Bos
ton , where ho will spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M , Gault left ycatciday
for a week's visit with friends In Lebanon
Springs , iSIlch.
P. M. Hunter , clerk of the federal court ,
loft last evening for a visit with friends In
Oitumvva and vicinity ,
James Goiildon , a former well known Bluff-
Uo , now of Sioux Falls , is In the city , the
guest of his mother , Mrs. Shorrudcn.
Miss Luella D. llohror of Avalln , N. C. ,
sister of Samuel D. nnd M. F. liolirer , Is in
tlio city visiting at the residence 01 Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Kohicr.
Jesse A'Vnltors loft yesterday for Hot
Springs to spend three months. IIo has been
n sufferer fiom paralysis for thi past four
vcnri nnd his friends hope ho may bo bene
fited by a course of treatment.
Orders for tables and chnlrs for paries
formerly sent to C. A , Itobeo & Co. , will bo
filled by Liund & NoUon nt their now furnl
lure store , 211 Main street.
nt American district telegraph office.
To bo sure that your children hnvo pure
candy , ouy for them the Pomona brand fruit
lulco tablets. Pomona stained on each tab-
ct. The trade supplied by Duquette & Co.
The GunrdH' Party.
The party given by the Dodge light guards
Monday evening in their armory in the Ma
sonlo tumplo , was onoof the pleasantcst af
fairs over given by thnt organization. The
nttcndnnco was not largo , but nil who wcro
piosent united In congratulating the guards
on the success In the line of entertaining. A
program mo of nineteen dances wns cnrrlei
out. The names of those who were present
nro ns follows : Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnurer , Mr
mid Mrs. Holkniun , Mr. and Mrs. Wnkellcfd
Mrs. Oliver , Mrs , Patterson. Mrs. Ogden o
Sioux City , Mrs. W. H. Troynor , the
Misses Bowman , Is'clllo Bowman , Oliver
Mury Oliver. Bennett , Wickbam , Koat
ing , Morgan , Lortonof NobrnsknCltj Farns
worth , Bullaid , Uoveimort , Wopdbnry
Muxon , Messrs. D. B. Dnlloy. K , Patterson
George I ) . Wright , James 1'axton , O. E
Woodbury , J. Cossndy , J. Fciiton , II. Ogden
James Bowman , Harry Bowman , J. Keating
C. E. Held , II. L. Stney , Sam Etnyro , H. W
Blxby , Brooks of Omana. L. C. Patterson , D
L. Koss , F. Chamberlain and George H
Howan. _
No. 10-J Broadway contains the best stock
of groceries In the city. J.V. . Kelloy.
The now * dental rooms of Drs. Woodbur ;
are the llnest und moat complete In the west.
Next to the new Ucand. "Tolopuouo , 143. "
Recollect thnt the only Installment house
m Council Bluffs and the lartrest Instnllincn
house la the west is Mimdcl & Klein's. Wo
sell at eastern prices every article of homo-
hold furniture you use , nnd instead of re
quiring you to pay cash wo lot you hnvo it 01
cosy payments. Tticro is no necessity o
donning yourself the use of nny article whci
you can get everything you wanton such cus ;
terms , The largest Block of carpets , stoves -
nuii furniture Iu the city to select from. & 0
Broadway ,
The Oity Council Holds a Meeting Prc-
paratory to Election.
The Imlnc Tilsit Guard * Give n
ItiHtluo I'utlon I/lkcs the 1'ollco
Toi-oo Minor Mention
ami Personal.
The cltv council mot last evening with the
mayor in the chair and nil the aldermen pres
ent excepting Alderman Knophor.
On motion of Alderman Uverctt the city
marshal was Instructed to remove n shanty
nnt the corner of Thirteenth street and Sev
enth avenue at onco.
Aldern'nti Hvoiest presented a resolution
of thanks to Congressman , T , K. Heed for the
successful wav in which ho hustled the Inter
state bridge bill through both houses of con
gress In lest than a month , It was unani
mously adopted.
Attorney O. D. Wheeler presented n com-
inunlcatlon from a man named Phillips ,
who lives nt the corner of Sixteenth
street nnd Twenty-third avenue , stating that
the cltv bait built n dnm near tils property ,
which bad caused the water to run Into his
cellar , damaging him in the sum ( ? 100. Ho
nskcd tlio council to remunerate him to this
nrnount and take steps to prevent a like oc
currence in tlio future.
Aldcimnn Wood presented nn ordinance
accepting tlio nlatof Babbit place. The motion
to put the ordlnnnco on its second rending
was lost , Smith nnd Mlkcsell voting against
\V. A , Mvnstcr presented n plat of his
Bcnton street addition nnd asked that It bo
ndontcd by tlio council. It was referred to
the city engineer nnd the committee of the
An otdlnnnco wns road and adopted pro
viding for the gr.idlng of Eleventh street
between Avenues B nnd (5. (
A motion wns made to Instruct the city
olicttor to begin suit n train at the street
allvvny company for $ . " > 0 75 for
grading on Ninth street , Alderman Everett
novcd that ho nlso be Instructed to press the
> uits ngalnsttho ox-mayor and aldermen who
lad taken fees for their services ns members
of Iho board of cqnnli7itioii. Both motions
vero carried. An ordinance was then read ,
vhlchvlll no doubt fall upon the ears of the
ncmbers of the motor company with n dull
, hml. It rends like this :
"Bo tt ordained bv the common council of
the city of Council BlulT' * . that in order to
onnblo the city of Council muffs to resume
mil take possession nnd have full control
icrcaftcr of all the streets upon which the
Council Blufls street railway company has
iota permanent track Inld , aim is not now
actually operating its ears tnoreon , nnd by
reason of snld Council Bluffs street r.illwny
rompnnv not complying u Ith the contract by
.yiich It olitnincd certain rights granted
indor nn ordinance approved August 11,1809 ,
nnd amended Dcccmber 21 v 1ST" , entitled ns
amended , 'An ordinance permitting the
use of certain stieets of the Council Bluffs
stieot railway company all the rights ,
irivllcecs and fraiiehlsr-s prnntcd to * ald
Council Bluffs street railway compnnv by
said oidinnncps and amendments thereto ns
all streets whcio s.ild company hns not
now permanent tracks laid nnd aclunllv oper
ating Its trades thereon , are hereby re
sumed bv snld cltv and all tlio
rlirhts and privileges therobv grintcd
x > said Council Bluffs strcot rail wav rompiny
ire licrebv fully revoked , cancelled , termi
nated and ended thereon , nnd ns to such
sticets said Council Bluffs strcot railway
compnnv hns and shall have no fuithcrriglits
> r privileges thoioto , and Is forever prohib-
tcd from in any manner claiming or exercis
ing the snmo.
"Nothing In this ordinance shall bo con
strued to in anv manner affect any right
granted to said company by said ordinance or
said amendment as to 'streets where snld
company hns a permanent track nnd Is now
actually oper.UliHr Its cars thereon.
"Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordi
nances la conflict with this ordinance are
hereby repealed.
"Sec. 3. This ordinance shall bo in force
nnd effect from und after its publication as
provided by Iniv. "
Alderman Everett spoke In favor of the
passage of the ordinance. Ho nald the com
pany had taken advantage of eve > * y legal
technicality to got out of Its obligations to
the city , especially in in the matter of paying
for tho' paving between the trucks , which It
Is compelled to pay by the terms of its con
tract. It had proved itself anyrtilng but a rit
recipient for past or future favors.
Wind wns afraid the council was getting
itself Into tioublo by considering such an or
dinance ; supposing some day the city should
want tlio company to put down some tracks
somovvhurcl Then this ordlnmica would
stnro thorn In the face. But it didn't take
him two minutes to come in out of tlio wet ,
nnd the ordinance was passed without a dis
senting vote.
Thi ! council then took under consideration
Iho list of candidates for the ofllces of Judges
nnd clerks for the coming city election ,
maklmr the followuig appointments :
First Ward Judees , II. Shoemaker , n. S.
Burnett nnd 1 } C. Bump ; clerks , Robert
Hnln , E. II. Ohlcndorf.
Second Ward Judges , W. II. Spora. C. S.
Hubbaid. O. H. Lucasclerks ; , M. F. Itouror
nnd W. McCrenry.
Third \Vnrd-Judgos , Ed Britton , Thomas
Robinson , ( Jeorgo Rllllor ; clcilts , Joseph
Brroincln. Forrest Smith.
Fourth Ward First proclnot : Judges , F.
A. Conovor , B. S.Dawson. n. S. Torwilllgnr :
clerks , Bert Innis , L. Swcnrington. Second
precinct : Judtres , M. DcGroat , G. W. Cook ,
S. J. Dalboy ; clerks , George McPeek ; , Oliver
The question of lights on Kncphor nveinio
nnd on the Sixth street brldgq wns then
taken up , nnd much the snin'o kind of a
.scanco took place ns nt the meeting of a week
ngo. Knepher nnd Caspar grow tragical
once more and the other members grow hila
rious. At last both lights were ordered
located. *
A motion was then carried locating a light
nt the corner of Sixteenth street and Fifth
avenue , Caspar nnd Wind voting noi
The city attorney was directed to begin
roiulnmnatlon proceedings against the corner
of ground at tno Intersection of Broadway
and Union avenue.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N ,
O'Brien. '
District Court.
The attention of Judge Thorncll was prin
cipally occupied yesterday with the damage
suit of Howard vs the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway , which wns commenced
Monday. Tlio prosecution got In all Its testi
mony , by which It tried to prove that the
philntid's hay and grain tiad been destroyed
by the lire caused by the sparks from u passIng -
Ing engine. The defense cited the law that
compels thorn to use the latest and
most approved methods for prevent
ing accidents of all descriptions , and
then put Master Mechanic Manchester , of
Dubuque , on the stand , to testify as to the
construction of their locomotives. Ho showed
a model of the engine to the jury , nnd ex
plained In detail the way in which tlio sparks
are consumed. Their defense Is thnt they
use the most approved method for destroying
ttiosa spnrk.s , aud they claim that they are
not responsible for anything beyond thati
It is thought the case will bo completed to
George Coultbnrd and F. L. Davis , who
no alleged to have been connected with the
title deed frauds a short time ngo , were ar
raigned , but they did not put In any plea.
They wore represented by Attorneys II. II ,
Itodifer nnd G. A , Holmes.
Evans L.nuniliv Co. , 5'.W Pearl direct. Tcle-
phouo ' "JO. lioods called for anil delivered.
They Have Cooled Down.
A stout opposition was looked for from the
saloonkeepers whoa It caino to collecting tbo
monthly lines for February. Ono reason for
this was thnt when the fM per month line
was adopted tlio saloonlsts , or least many of
thorn , thought that they could not make any
thing nt that rule , but they decided to try'it
a month and sco how It turned out.Vhcn \
the month began to near Its end the SOUK' and
dance bc an again. The saloonkeepers de
clared by all that was good and bud that
they ' would not pav 10 , nnd that they would
run their places in"jplto of everything , In
caao nny trouble was tnndo they would
bring ttio city authorities Into the state courts
nnd light the line ordinance on the ground
that It was opposed to the stnto law. All of
which sounds very ferocious Indeed ,
Yesterday was the last day , according to
the ordinance , on which the lines wcro to be
paid , and the result showed that n largo part
nt least of the saloonkeepers' threats wcro
inadouf wind , At 5 o'clock forty-eight had
deposited their ? 50 npleco with the city
clerk. There are laid to basevcnty-tlirco
running nt present , so that twenty-live of the
number have not yet been heard from. Although -
though > cstordny was the last day , it has
been the practice to give thorn n day or two
of grace , nnd the marshal will not be or
dered out to look after the delinquents for n
day or two. U Is not thought thcro will be
any trouble over the collection of the rest of
the llnoj.
Best heavy poods , Ki per cent oil , cash.
Keller , the tnilor , 310 Broadway.
Call on Schurz-Smlth Co. for chattel loans
nnd real estate. 201'carl st.
"Iho Politic All IU'lit. "
"Thcro wni n ploco published In a morning
paper n few days ngo , over the signature of a
prominent labor agitator of Council Bluffs , "
said Justice W. F. 1'atton yesterday. "I was
represented ns endorsing all the views of the
labor man , among others of which wore some
concerning the police nnd llro departments.
The writer of the paper said thnt the depart
ments _ ' \\ero too big for thoslzpof the city ,
nnd Unit they oupht to bo reduced by hnlf ,
at least. I wUh you would tell people that
I don't hnvo any such Idea ns that at all.
In my opinion the affairs of the city nro
bettor managed now than they over
wcro before , and this fact Is duo iu n great
dcgico to the size of the police force. The
views which the writer ot the article nnd I
hold In common nro the onoj with regnrd to
certain polltlml chestnuts whoso names nro
now being mentioned In connection with the
coming city election , Thosp fellows I want to
sco downed , and I don't care who knows It. "
JC. nixby , steam nontlng , sanitary en
gineer , 20J Morrlnm blook , Council Illuits
Bell & Sou's now grocery takes the lead on
Upper Broadway. No old stock.
Onr Itciiinrknblo Success
Enables us to present lor jour considera
tion pikes without a picccdont in ttio history
of Council Bluffs. All goods are warranted
row and clenn , equal to the best any market
affords. Only ono price nnd terms strictly
cash. Call and sco and bo satisfied that wo
are right.
D.ivis" " Uoyal No. 10 flour , ? 1.50 ; Davis1
Blue D flour , $1.35 ; Gold Medal Hour , * U.r ;
Minnesota Superlative Hour , $1 ; Snowllako
Hour , SI ; 15 Ibs granulated sugar for $1 ; 17
Ibs extra U granulatoil sugar for { 1 ; 20 Ibs
New Orleans sugar for $1 ; Arbucklo coffee ,
ncrpkgo , 25c ; German coffee , nor pkge , Sflo ;
King's buckwheat , per pkge , lOc ; crackers ,
pcrlb , 5c8 ; Ibs ginger snaps for Soc ; B loaves
bread for Bo ; 1) ) Ibs mince meat , 25c ;
3 cans tomatoes , 25e ; ! $ cans corn , iioo ; Pago.
Norton & Co Hour , ? l.-5 a suck ; U-lb pall lard
for2 > ' ! c ; 6-1'u pall lard for 'We ; oil sardines , per
can , fie ; 2 cans mustard sardines fore ; Cal-
iforniii hams , per Ib , lie ; good broom for
lc ( ) ; 50 good clears for MC ; 2-lb ( ) pall jelly for
7Sc ; 2gal pail syrup for b5c ; 5-gnl keg
syrup for ? 1.4(1 ( ; pall white llsh forCOc.
Brown's C. O. D. Grocery ,
Council IJlulTs and Omuba.
Buy your cord nnd wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
C39 Broadway , Telephone 1IW.
Uncd a 1'okcr ,
Nnpolcon Bluto , the pioprietor of the Colorado
rado house , and Hiclmrd Murdts , became In
volved In a disptito yesterday noon. AVords
were exchanged , and finally blows. When
Mardls got away ho went to Justice Patton's
court aud hud n warrant issued for Bluto's
arrest on the charge of assault nnd battery.
Ho claimed ttmt Bluto used a poker on him
with such fotce ns to almost break his arm.
Bluto will have a trial this morning at 10
For burns , scalds , bruises , und nil pain and
soreness of the llosh , the grand household
remedy Is Dr. Thomas' electric oil. Bo sure
you get the genuine.
Mngglo Mitchell appeared again last night
ntBoyd's ' in "Lorlo , or the Artist's Dream , "
ono of the most popular plays of her roper-
tolro , and interpreted the character of Lorlo
In a manner that left nothing to bo criticised ,
nnd added many to tha long list of admirers.
Miss Mitchell's ' methods nro peculiarly ner
own. She enters Into the spirit of her part
with her whole heart and soul , and her audi
tors can always feel sure of witnessing a
thoroughly conscientious and paln taklne
performance. She Is supported this season ,
as In the past , by a thoroughly competent
company , nnd every attention is paid to the
.stage settings nnd details of her presenta
tions. Mr. Howard Gould as Kclnhnrt , the
artist , pave a iiiunly. artistic portrayal of the
role. Mr. 11. F. McClnnnin mayed the Lin-
denhost as ho does all things , well. Mr.
George W. Deyo was handsome and dignl-
lied ns the piinco. Shcridnn Tuppcr as Baron
Aithur made much of a small part ,
which in less cap.ihlo hands would
hardly receive attention. Mr. Bdward Poland
was hardly up to tlio requirements of
Christoph. Miss Jennie Carroll ns Bai' ol ,
and Ida Burroughs as the countess wore both
very satisfactory. Taken as a whole , the
play gnvooiitlro satisfaction , ana furnished a
very pleasant evening's entertainment. Tills
evening Miss Mitchell closes her engagement
by presenting the' pretty comedy of "Hay , "
the latest addition to her rcportolre , which
she made very popular oa her last visit bore.
The Uov. Wm. StoutWlnrton , Ont. , states :
After being ineffectually treated by seven
teen different doctors for scrofula and blood
disease , I wai cured by BurdocK blood bit-
era. Write him for proof.
A Pennsylvania Deficiency.
llAitiusnui'o , Pa. , Feb. 10. A local paper
published today n story that there Is likely to
bo found a deficiency of $30,000 in the adjut
ant general's ofUco and the governor will in
vestigate. Adjutant General McClelland
said tonight : "This office Is in no manner
responsible for such reports. As to tbo un
paid bills the amount of them cannot .vet be
determined. There Is nothing that In anv
way reflects upon General Hastings , ox-ad *
] utnnt general. "
Ex-Adjutant General Hastings will tomor
row print a'lengthy statement regarding his
management , of tlio affairs of the ofllco dur
ing his Incumbency. Ho emphatically de
nies that there Is any shortage and says that
on the contrary ho loaves a balance'for his
Tonisht It Is stated by a member of the
legislature that the story Is probably based on
the fact that there will bo necessity for n de
ficiency bill to meet the requirements of the
mllltln. Extensive Improvements in the
equipment of the national guard lust year ,
several division encampments , etc. , caused a
largo Increase iu expenses , which was mot
by paying the bills out of the coming year's
appropriation. This practice will probably
be stopped.
Gossler's MagtoIIeadacho Wafers. Cures nl
headaches In CO minutes. At all druggists.
Prepiiring fora IJIg Strike.
COLUMIIUS. O. , Feb. , 10.Tho first annual
convention of the united mine workers of
America opened this morning with fully tbrco
hundred delegates present from fifteen
states. The special object of the convention
is to make arrangements for the inauguration
of the eight hour day May 1,1M)1. ) The sen
timent of the speakers seems to bo that ev
erything is in good shape for a monstcr , strike
May next if tbo demand for the shorter day
is not nosoded to.
The convention listened to an cnthusiastlo
address by President Campers on the pros
pects of the eight hour question , etc. Presi
dent Kuo In his report took strom ? ground in
favur of the eight hour day and urged all to
get ready for May J , when a move
will bo made by the miners. Sec
retary Watcborn gave n detailed statement
of the affairs of the order. It now has a
total membership of over seventy thousand ,
both tbo Knights of Labor nnd Protrrossivo
unionists blng about equal. Their efforts
are all directed iu ono .hunticl.
n \
Ask for Van Houtcn's Cocoa. Take no
4 ,
Hi *
Ho Will Look After tko'A'imlssion ' of the
Union Pacifid to''thd ' ' Pool ,
i /
It TollH r tlio Coiiolitldntton of All
llouOV 'Iho West-
era Trufllu AI < oolntloii1n Very
Smooth 3IqVc
CHICAGO , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bt-u.J The passenger department of
the Transcontinental association Is arranging
to pool nil Its business. Two committees , ono
on westbound business. Including emigrants ,
and the other on eastbotiml business , have
been In session all diiy In nn attempt to form
n satisfactory pool. No conclusion was
rcndicd , but the committees will remain In
session until they c.m raikc n report. The
f relftht business was pooled several months
aero , except that the Union Pacific Is not ad
mitted to tlio pool. Since Gould gained con
trol , It has been thought best to admit the
Union Pacific , this being partly the business
which Is now bringing Ouuld west.
A Smooth Move.
CHICAGO , Fob. 10-Special [ Telegram to
Tin * . Bic. ] Chairman MUlgely of the south
western division of tboVo3torn Freight as-
sochtlon was today elected chairman of nil
divisions , superccdlng Acting Chnlrinnn
Osgood , This the smoothest move jet made
by the Western Tr.ifllc association , Not n
solitary change , except In n.iinc , Is necessary
to ualco this association the lake division of
the WoMorn Trufllc association , If all the
members were willing. Tlio Alton nnd Kan-
sns City roans at present block the plan , ns
they absolutely reluso to Join the Western
TralHc association , This move is the first
ono towards artunlly putting the Western
Tr.ifllc association Into operation. Said
Chairman Wnlkcr :
"As fnst as mmlble. without friction , wo
will ] put the "Western Trafllc association Into
full operation. The election of Mr. Mldijtoy
Is p.irt of this plan. It Is bettor to in.iko
hnsto slowly nnd with the concurrence of all
Interested lines. "
There were tnanyexprc islonsof regrettlmt
Acting Clmlrman O'good should hnvo been
deposed , the traffic men , especially In the
Western Froiglitasbocliition , considering linn
an able successor to Chairman rulthorn. 'Iho
order for the change , however , comes from
the presidents.
Status of Joint Hatos.
DBS MOIVEI , la. , Fob. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ben. ] The railway commis
sion awaits legal instructions concerning the
status of the joint rate question , pending nn
appeal to the United States supreme court by
the railway company. It is a question as to
what Is expected of the railroad company In
regard to enforcing the Joint rate provided an
appeal is taken to the higher court. If tlio
rate is now enforced nnd the decision is re
versed by the supreme . .court of the JLTnltoil
State ? , the company will have cause of action
for damage agtmst the stafo. If , on ttio other
hand , the decision Is tifllrmed In after years
the Intention of the law will have been nl-
reailv defeated. In an Interview with n
prominent lawjer ho said that the remedy
of the company , however , was in a United
States court , where a petition could bo Hied
fora stay of proceedings , pending the ap
peal. Unless such action Is taken the joint
rate law Is now iu force in tho'state nnd the
railroad companies are subject to penalties
lor not adopting the rates.
A Sensational Report.
Ciuo\no , Feb. 10. f psalal Telegram to
c.l A highly sensational report was
telegraphod'from Now yorlc today coneern-
1 ni ? an nllcpod jchomo tq consolidate all the
largo northweatctrn roads. PresidentHos -
well Miller of the Milwaukee & St. Paul , is
the only head of any of the roads niimud that
is In the city today. When his attention was
called to the report ho said :
"I never heard of such negotiations being
in progress. If they are , I have never heard
of them. I know nothing about the
matter at nil and never heard of It1
Oflloinls of other roads named considered
the report as too absurd to deserve considera
tion. They said that such n consolidation as
that mentioned was simply nn impossibility
and they regarded the whole matter ns a
stock jobbing sensation got up for the pur-
poio of influencing the price of stocks.
Xot All Talk.
CIIICAOO , .Feb. 10. The Dally News says :
'Thoro b something moro tangible than
mere rumor In the story of the probiolo sale
of the Louisville , New Albany & Chicago
road. A gontlcmnn who is an intimate ac
quaintance of both SQnator Bryce and ( ion-
oral Manager Bradbury of the Lake Erie &
'Western says ho was told an agreement has
been reached whereby the Monon Is to bo-
coma a portion of tbo Lake Erie & Western
for the sum of ? 8,000uOO.
Tickets Must IK : Signed.
Feb. 10. Chairman Finloy of the
Western Passenger association has notified
the general passenger agents of the Union
Pacific , Denver & Illo Grande , Rio Grande
Western nnd Coloi.vdo Midland that the lines
in Ills association will refuse to honor tickets
of their issue requiring the signatures of
purchasers when such signatures aroomitted ,
it having been discovered that the loads
named had been departing from the rule.
Shot His Wire mid JHimcir.
COUIMIIUS , Kan. , Feb. 10. Louis II. IIol-
soy of Arizona yesterday shot and danger
ously wounded his wife nnd then shot him
self. Ho died In a few minutes. The couple
have been living apart for four years and because -
cause the \\oumn refused to return to him
Holsov shot her.
Rlootly I'lfilit wltli
Sr. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 10. A special from
Alatamoras says there liavo been two despor-
ute combats near Mler between the customs
guards nnd smugclors , In which four guards
wcro killed and one smuggler wounded. The
smugglers succeeded In getting away with all
their goods.
The Ghcrokco Strip InviiNloii.
. T. , Feb. 10-lt Is said that
Colonel Wade , commanding oWcor at Fort
Reno , investigated the threatened Invasion
of the Chorolteo strip by aottlers , and finds
the stories that thousands of settlers are
massing at the border towns Is unfounded.
If that lady at tbo lecture the other night
only know how nicely Hall's Hair Kcnewer
would remove dandruff nnd improve the
hair , she would buy n boltlo.
Patents to "Western InventorH.
WASHINGTON' , Feb. 9 , ( Special Telegram
to TUB Bun. ] Pntonts were issued today
ns follows : Charles VI' ' ) jprledor , Lincoln ,
Neb. , switch board for ,119,11 , regulating sys
tems ; August II. Eagrqn. Lincoln , Nob. , ad
justable book stand ; Laban J. Everest , as
signor of one-fourth to H. C. Dotterman ,
Omaha , Neb , rotary engine ; James U. L.
Fitzgerald , Langfonf , S. D. , assignor of one-
fourth to J. HanenMlinitapolis , Minn. , blank
book for , typo writers ; Charles A. Frost ,
Western , Neb. , mechanism for operating
pumps ; Gustaf Hadlund , Council Bluffs , la. ,
shoo expander ; Arthur K. Hathaway , Axtcll ,
Nob. , blacksmith's visa ; Keubeu Hoover ,
Boone , la. , slat and wire fencing mn-
chlno ; Adolph Jaenicko , Davenport , la. ,
cigar mold ; Adolph Jacmcko , Davenport , la. ,
cigar mold ; Henry Mnnhall , Lincoln , Neb. ,
rallwiiy cur ; Benjamin Montross , Millers-
tiurg , In , stump extractor ; John A. Oaten-
burg , DCS Molncs , la. , automatic weighing
nnd packing machine ; William J. Pagb ,
Muscatlne. Jn. wrench ; Frederick Schnoll ,
sr. , Fort Madison , la. , flro e * > cm > o ; William
R. Walker , Satiula , la. , land roller ; George
P. Yule , assignorof one-half to R. Strong ,
Clinton , la. , ejecting bottle cap.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bld .
ItiiKiiu'hs Troulili" ) .
lUoiMWIs. , . , Feb. II ) . The total llablll-
ties and as.HCts of the Jncgor manufacturing
company , whlih failed at Racluu Junction ,
are jfOOUOO. ,
lie Police Make i Until oT Nineteen
The gambling den which flourishes over
ha Diamond saloon was raided again at 'J
'clock ' this morning.
A man named H. B. l-'lclils found n friend
ul ii tliero losing heavily , nnd ho advised
hiPi iin to null the gnn.o nnd lenvo the
Piw lace. This enraged the gainhtors
Pini \ > had a hand in the game ,
ni nil they lli-cd Holds bodily from the rooms ,
" 'ielils then wont toi > ollcu headquarters and
) „ i formed Captain Cormai-k of the nffalr.
8o crgcnnt Whnlen with a squad
8D f six ofllcers went to the
llnmondand took possession , arresting nine-
ecu men und taking chnrgo of two wagon
lo of gambling devices. These were lour
In i > oker tables , throe roulette wheels , two
are bank tables nnd half a bushel of chips ,
anls ' anil n quantity of small chnngo in the
utllt ,
Tlio men arrested wore taken to the police
stn tntlon nnd some of their friends went to the
stIX esldenco of Judge Helslcy to sccuro their
Following nro the nninos given by tha
trV icu lodged Injail : Christ 1)0 Moss ,
V Vnshliigton Ogers , K. C. DurlT ,
11 1 P. Hayes. J. P. Kay , Nc.d Price , .1.13.
. Tones , Ilcnry I'nrisb , Charlie Beck , Finnic
Edwards , John Landicr , Bob Annll , W.
liT Inle , John Mclllgur , Leo WhltollcM. .lohn
liK 'opplii. L , Olcsou , Charles Buvlns , Ulancho
K Ccnncdy.
TIIK n'liSTKM ASS 0(1.1 TMOX ,
I Come Over the Pen-
* ur
CniPAao , Feb. 10. Telegram to
TiiKBnr.JManager Morton of Toledo will
10 hero , In his club's Interests , to purchase
, ho franchise of Sioux City In the Western
inscball association at Its meeting on Thurs-
, uy. Good reasons exist for the belief that
" n offer will bo inndo to Dave Howe
o move his Lincoln team , bag nnd baggage ,
.o Grand Rnpicls. The fight will coino on
Denver , whose place Is bought by Indinn-
ipolls , where Capitalists Talbott ntnl Dlck-
.011 . are waiting with open arms. Denver 5s
icknowlcdKcd to be n good ball town and
iv111 not icttro without a struggle. The ob-
cction to tlio Colorado mcmoer arises from
ho fact that It causes n long and expensive
unip In the circuit , to the expense of which
ho other clubs object.
ll'lll * llll.l , U'A'AT 1 'I'llK SKA'ATK.
Words of AViiriiliiB IVoin Henry AVnt-
tei-Hon Did it ,
BAI.TIMOIIB , Md. , Feb. 10. The Sun will
omorrow publish n dispatch from Waslilng-
on , referring to the report that the conclu-
lon of Governor Hill of Now York to como
.o the senate was because of a letter written
by Henry Wattorson last November.
The letter is printed in full. In it Mr.
Wattorson says thnt outside , of the
Into of Now York tlreio Is n
, vcll nigh unanimous demand among
democrats for the nomination of Cleveland
.00 strong for party lenders nnd managers to
resist. H Hill should como to the national
convention with the New York delegation
solid against Cleveland ho would bo over
whelmed , "You uro powerless to prevent , "
adds Waters-oil , "but jou can defeat the
election of the ticket. There arn democrats In
every part of the union who bchovo you
did this in 188S , I know It to bo tnlw , but it
will cling to you as long as you live nnd will
meet you In every national convention If it
bo not dissipated bv some acton your pirt enough to blot it out. In default of
this If you hmo any hope of the presidency It
will defeat that. If you could reconcile
It with jour Judgment to mnko pence
with Cleveland and take a delegation to the
national convention In IbtU to put him in
nomination you will save the party and place
yourself upon nn elevation you can never
attnin if YOU full to do it. You would bo re
ceived by the country with enthusi
asm and I don't see how you
could bo kept out of the succession.
On the other hand , even If you succeeded in
defeating the nomination of Cleveland , you
will stand upon sinister and dangerous
ground , with a stormy future before you. "
Mrs. Wnslnw's Soothing Syrup for chiV
dron teething rests the child and comforts
the mother. 25 cents a bottlo.
\ Bail Stuto of AfTnlrs Shown In Some
of Them.
"WASHINGTON , Feb. -Thosun-commlttco
of the house committee on judiciary , which
spen3oinc time last session investigating
charges of illegal practices .In the federal
courts In various parts of the country ,
submitted n lengthy report to the full com-
mltteo today. The report tolls of a gen
eral suspension ot sentences pro
nounced , principally in tbo dis
rlcts of West Virginia and northern
Georgia and in the Northern , Mddlo nnd
Southern districts of Alabama , thus eiicour-
aclng ttio methods of foe-making practices
by United States district attorneys , mar
shals , etc. The evidence shows , says the re
port , that In some parts of the country met
are Induced bv deputy marshals and United
States commissioners to make compl.ilnts
against each other for violation of the Inter
nal revenue and timber laws , are arrostei
by deputy marshals and brought before
the commissioners , where , after hearing ,
they uro bound over to the court after ho
coining bail for eacli other and appearing before
fore the court as defendants , witnesses ami
bailee. A large number of witnesses are
summoned in every case , the fodernl 'olllcers
charging for every potty service , Increasing
the mileage by unncccoasiiry trips , pocketing
tlio allowances intended lor witnesses am
others. ThuUnited btntos commissioners by
these means secure an annual income rang-
from $2,000 to $3,000 , Commissioner
Hallottof Boston , Mass , is criticised for ob
talnlng fees by practices such as theso. Ho-
port says that most of these prosecutions nro
frivolous , nnd if prosecuted In the courts
would bo frowned on. The ronort views in
detail the Illegal practices existing elsewhere
than in Boston , nnd recommends the substi
tution of salaries for foes as the only moans
of putting an end to corruptions o
the fco system. Tbo practice prevailing -
vailing in Boston of allowing court clerks
nnd deputies Iu naturalize foreigners , charg
ingn fee ranging fromfl to M for each fito
of the process , is condemned In strong terms
The sub-committee recommends legislation
for other phases of the evil aud also the dis
missal of J. T. Green , United States cir
cult court commissioner of the Northcn
district of AUbama. In reference to Judgi
Bruce ot the Northern and Middle district
of Alabama , It says that Judge Bruce Is to
much Inclined to surrender thodlscrotlot
that belongs to him alone and to register a
the judgment of the court the agreement o
Treated nn n Canard ,
PIBIIIIB , S. D. , Fob. 10. The report of
trade between the democrats and Indcpcni
cuts of South Dakota aid Illinois is treutci
as a canard by the Independents , Sevora
prominent nlllanco men In nn interview sal
that they had heard of no such trade an
would not boa party toll ; that they woul
not vote for u democrat and did no
expect help from the democrats. Lend in
democrats when Interviewed snld no sue
agreement had been reached , but would no
sav It had not been considered , It is learn c
that such a proposition been suggested b ,
nn Illinois party. Colonel Knst nnd He pro-
scntntlvo Pratt , friends of Judge Trlpp ,
democratic senatorial candidate , said , this
morning that the light will bo settled In a
few days nnd either Tripp or an Independent
satisfactory to the democrats will to elected.
The report hns caused much uneasiness among
the republicans raid It may result in causing
them to unite on a candidate ,
Collision on the
CI.MIIU , N , Y. , Fob. 10. A Lackawanna
passenger train collided with n freight near
Danesvlllo late tonight. An engineer , flro-
m an and n brakcman nro nald to bo killed ,
and a number of people badly hart. No par
ticulars to bo learned yet.
Later It is learned that none of the pas
sengers were fatally Injured , although a
number WON badly shaken up.
At London Sighted ! The Iunsdnm from
New York ; the Stuttgart from Btdtlmoro.
At New Yorlc The Heel * from Copen
hagen ; La Gascogno from Havre.
A , T.
To Our Friends and Patrons :
We have removed our office from 114 Main
to 16 Main Street.
Can supply you promptly at all times. Best
Illinois Coal $4,50.
Telephone 4S. H. A. COX , Sole Agent ,
.i MH'S.
A Can Fnotory llnriied.
KroKUK , In , Fob 10.Tho Trl-Stnte can
compiiny's ' factory burned today , Loss ,
* GUUOO ; Insurance , M'J,000.
Two Sioux PnIntern Killed.
SIOUA CITV , In , Feb. 1V [ SpecialTele-
nin to Tim BKK. I Two painters , John
A niters and William Stiles , foil this morning
rom a fourth story platform to thcstono
mvcmcnt and vveio Killed.
A .ronlous AVI Its Snlijldps.
Di'iiuqui : , In , Feb. , 10. [ SpecialTelegram
o Tin : Bin : . ] Sirs.Villlnin Doeschor nwoko
101 * husband this morning , Informed him
hnt she had taken poison , nnd expired soon
iftor. Tlio two wont to n ball last evening
ind ttio woman became jealous ot tier hus
jand's ' nUcntlons toother women to the nog
ect of hersolf.
1C. ol' Ij. Convention ,
DKS MOINI > , la. , Fob. 10. ( Special Tele-
ram to Tun Bun. ] The state assembly of
.ho . Knights of Labor began n three days'
session today. There nro only about forty
delegates present. Urand Master Sovereign
lellvcrod his nnnunl address , nnd routlno
justness wns transacted , ( iencral Master
Workman Powdorly arrived at noon and ad
dressed the convention briefly this afternoon.
EIo also delivered an nddrrss to the general
mbllc in tbo ouora house this evening.
A. O. U. "IV. Grand Tjodgc.
BOOST , la. , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram
toTm : BKI-Tho IU tee nth annual session
of the ' 'Loyal" Iowa lodite , Ancient
Order of United Workmen , opened hero
today. An address of welcome was delivered
L. W. KoMioldsof tluspluu * . nnd response
Grand Master Workman . K. Cti.iham
of Cedar Falls. The gr.tnd master \voiltinnn
ircsentcd his annual report , showing n morn-
Jcrahip of ft,3'JO in Iowa. Last year
sV OOO wns paid out on tlio twenty-six deitbs
' n the order. The Increase In membership *
luting the year wns Doll. All but ono of tbo
grund ofllcorsnud members of grand com mit
tens nro present , with 12'5 ' delegates from all
; > arts of the state. Tbo session will contlnuo
iwodnys longer , committi'O work being about
all that was accomplished today.
The tmproino Court- .
DES MOINI : * * . , In , Feb. 10. [ Special Tclo-
ram to Tin : Bun ] The following supreme
court decisions wove Hied today :
Mngglo Ilasslcr Custunan , npDcllnnt , vs
Charles Hnssler ; Buchnnnn district ; iifllnncd ,
Peter T. Schmidt vs Iowa Knights of
Pythias Insurance association , appellant ;
Marshall district ; rovcr-ed.
Hclon Hull vs Independent school district
of Aplingtoti , appellant ; Duller district ; sup
plementary opinion overruling petition for
A. B. Wlllctt , appellant , vs S Young and
others : Story district ; nfllrincd.
Frank Swain vs John C. Mitchell and
others , appellants ; Story district ; reversed.
Mary Cook vs A. E. Snorthlll ot al , appel
lants ; Marshall district ; nfllriuod.
Frederick Faust vs Albert E. Clark et nl ,
appellants ; "Webster district ; nfllrincd.
A. C. Ayres , trustee , appellant , vs Seibol &
Co. ; MahnsKadistrict ; alllrmed.
Homo & Brockschimdt vs Louis Car-
mlchncl. appellant ; Tamndlstrict ; afllrmed.
J. H. Beck nnd T. II. Nosson , admlnlstrn-
tors of estate of U. II. C. Jensen , docc.isod ,
appellants , vs Formenlck manufacturing
company ; Marshall district ; afllrmod.
B. M. Bnngs vs O. Berry , appellant ,
Wrlgbtdistilct , nninncd.
H. II. Sickles As Co , appellants , vs M.
Bradditts&Co. , Webster district ; nfllrmod ,
C. B. Hlcharils and E , G. Morgan vs A. I ) .
Wolf ct al , appellants , Wtbstcr district ;
In the matter of the estate of S. M. Slan-
son , deceased , Laura Slanson , appellant ,
Delawaio district ; afllrmed.
W. T. Shaver , appellant , vs C. Ilardln &
Sons otal , Hard In district ; nlllrmcd.
Marcus.Braekettvsi Central Iowa railroad
company nnd E. L. Dudlov , receiver , appel
lants , Louisadistiict ; mocllllod and nlllrmcd.
Buck , Kolncr A ; Co. vs J. II. Merrill ot al ,
appellants , Appanooso district ; reversed.
Sarah Chiistie vs Life indemnity nnd in
vestment company and C. E. Mabic , ap
pellants , Blacknuwk district ; reversed ,
Do Witt's Little Eaily Risers : only pill to
euro sivk headache and rogulatc tbo bowels.
A Dakota Itoy l-'ro/.cn to Death Near
RAPID CmS. , . D , , Fob. 10 , [ Special Telegram -
gram toTnn Bnn.J Meta Gray , the young
school teacher , and Grant Bajs , reported to
have perished Saturday , reached shelter and
are safe nnd well.
Charles Kalkbiennor , n youth thirteen
years old , residing on n ranch between Elk
nnd Box Elder crooks , about thirty miles
fiom Hapld. porlshod in the storm , The
story is a sad ono. The boy , nccompnnled by
Ills brother.a child of ulna years , left this
city with a load of lumber for homo last
Friday afternoon , proposing to stop at n
ftii1nd"'s about ton miles on this
side of their ranch. Some distance
out they encountered n storm
and , unhitching their team , mounted the
hor.sos and continued on their way The
younger boy states tlint when about three-
quarters of n lailo from tbclr destination for
tlio night ho lost sight of his biother. who
had dropped behind. Ho continued on to the
farm-house , supposing that his brother
would follow , IIo was found dead next diy :
near his horse , which had become tangled in
the fence and hud frozen to death ,
Do "Witt's Llttlo Early Hlsers. Best little
pill over made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal , Use them now.
niurdcrnnd Itohbory.
NAIM , Cal , , Fab. 10. Captain J. O.recn- ( !
wood was held up at the door of his bnuso
last night by two masked men , who drugged
him. When ho recovered consciousness and
wint in the house ho found his wlfo dead , '
murdered by tbo robbers. They wcio ran.
sacking tno house und coming hack to the
bedroom shot the captain , seriously
wounding him. They then escaped. There
was not much money in tbo houso. A posse
Is In pursuit.
Kchuyler Votes Wutei-uorlcH.
SCIIUIMUI , Nob. , Fob. 10 , [ Special Telegram h
gram to TUB BHF. ] Schuylor voted bonds
today to put In a system of waterworks by a
majority of 212 to 0i. ! A $35,000 , system will
bo put in.
California' * ) Appropriation.
SACIUSU.MO , Cula. , Fob. 10. The bouso
passed the bill appropriating 100.000 for
California's exhibit at tbo world's fair ,
Ladles who value a roflned complexion
must use PO/ZONI'S Powncu. It produces a
oft and beautiful akiu.
_ _
COO1) ) izlrlMintrcl fur Ill-lit housowork. nml
good wiict-s , at ' . ' 07 N. Klrst strouU Mury
I'M I ayes.
"I OST I'acLtiKO marked 0. I < nnshurff , con *
-I-J tnlnlm. fancy nrtli-lot and iihutoAraphof
j I baby { , lintum to A. I ) . T. I'o
" \V ANTln-Oood u-lrl for gonornl house.
> ' ( irk. Mrs. II. W. Tllton , K7 ! Fifth am ,
Council llluirs
"IjlUlt SAM' Very line fi-venr-old "roadstoil
- - uml fnnilly innro ; ehiiap for oiisli ; on-Jojf
HIMII. Will trade for uprlnht plum. Muri
Iloiiilrbm. j iniiilo lonelier , lit Stnthiuun street *
Council < lllulK
_ _
"I Ui\\I iiuonts wanted in every county lii
-1 lo u nnd Nulir.isUa for Hut i-xeluslvo nalu
of tliti lioMt pniutlenl sulltir over offered to
fnriuurs. Call and soolt ; or nddross ( hinrily
Mj ( ( Co. , IQII'j Main street. Council lllnfN.
IjtOlt SAM' Kino slinjlo and ilnubtn rond-
-L slots uml boa vy draught horses. Will ulsn
Mil order- , fur any stvlu of Ixittcs wiuitod ,
Ii ! i\uor < lirnUli > Or.V. \ . II'litlnn. . Cmitral
llxury nnd s.ilo stables , * J1 and N. Mniu
Council llltilK
AUUr.S I ( you want to itotanojieruor moro
for a uli'u hoinn , and ulioiojuu can gar
den nml rn'so ' KiiKill fruit and poultry , or It
you want ton or twnuty norcs or u hir u farm
nloun , wo IMII suit you , U.ill nnd MMMIS.
Jolmston.l Vim 1'iittun , Uvurolt block , Coun-
f1O LAIlIIW Try Dr , .Miller's liiitno troaU
-Linoiil fur foninlo disunites. Sifi > . mild anil
sure. Also Dr. Minor's pllo pustlh's ; pilules' }
mid Kimrnntood tocuro. Forsulo In Council
HlullHmul Omuhnonly by Mr * . A. A , Smith.
12S8. 1st st , ami Mrs. O. K. Hlgglns , 151J
I.cnvomu'rth St. , Uinalm ,
TT1OU SA LE or llont GKrilonland , wild'
t Jhoiuoj , by J. It. llloo. 1UJ Main iu , UounoU
Finloy Burko.Geo.W. Howitt.Tlios. E. Oosatly
Burke , Hewitt &Casady ,
Ofllccs : J , J. Brown llulldlng , CouncilDluITi ,
Ion a
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 3150,000 ,
DIHKCTOIU I. A. Mlllnr , V. O. Qloason , E. It.
ElniKiirt , II K. Hurt , J. I ) . Edmundson , Unnrloi
U lliuman. Transact Ronor.U tj.inkliibunt -
nos. Iinr est capital and surjilui of any
lianklu Sontliwostom IO\TL :
Corner Main anil Ilroidway ,
Dealers In forol n nnd domostlu xchnnt >
Colluctlon mndo und Intoroit paid oa Urn *
Cduncll Illullti , In.
AllilUoftioiut Iho KVK.
13AH , .NOSH nml T1IKOAT ,
trt-atod w'th tbu grctit
Bklllnnd nnd
CA'l'Allllll. ASTIIMl
and 1IAV KKVKlt Ironloil
with i-iiilnent nucci 9.
. r l -
le"ly pcrfonno I with Iho ntniixt c-iiiu uml iklll. n
eurlri | iorfi-ct roJiilta tlNKSl' CLAHHKS nccur
ntcly I'rnicrlliLiI ' , corroctlnif nil rufrnctlvo troiilile ,
ni Mropln , llrpcropln nml Aatliiliiiitliiiii , thus r n <
( lorlnirnlitht t-nny. ilcsar nml pilnlon CIlllOXIU
M'UllAI.UIAnn : < l SHiC IIKAhACUK , after renra
odi-rrlblu aiillurlnR , no rollof , oiitlrijly curuJ. Olllce ,
llooin I , Hliut'urt Illock , orer llenu & CO.'B atari * .
Cuuncll llliills , la.
Over 0 , II. Jncqucmln k Co. , Jewelry Btoro
All kinds nt Oylnx < > nd Cleaning done In tlid
IllKliustatyloorthu Art , 1'adud u l Htiilnocl
I ul'rlca muilo to look us i ; < H il as nuw , Work
proinptly douound dcllvurud In all parts ot
tliu country , tiund for pt luu list ,
o. A. MADMAN , rron. ,
101J llroudw.iv. Nortliweslurn bupat ,
COUNCIL Ili.imy. IA.
W , C. ESTEP ,
Cornell lilufTH , Io n.
1 1 Irti ] Muln Slrost ,
Fiinrnl Dlnclor an 1 limb timer.
Jkl'ltliillllinniiiii i < 114111 III DlK-Otfl ,
BisMAiitic , S. D. , Feb. 10 , Tbo dead lock la
the holiso over the rosubmlsslon of prohibi
tion lasted all night nnd until 'J o'clock this
afternoon. Kuough votes wore mustered at
2M : ! ) to defeat the "motion to rccoiiHlder the
vote whuroby rcsubinlsHlon was defeated , nnd
the house then ndlourncd , Immediately reas
sembling , however , for today's session , when
another motion to reconsider resubmUslou
wns made , and utter another light the matter
was made ) the sncclul order for tomorrow.
Tliu Pcutli Hull.
LAWHKXCK , Mais. , Tob. 10-Wllllara M.
Morton , ni-chluf Justice of the Massncliu-
setts supreme court , died this ovcniiif ,