Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY KTCE : SUNDAff , i JJKL'AKV ' 8 , JU < . ) l--HlXTJ01fiN PAGES ,
New Oocds .and Special Prices on Sale
for Monday ,
Vfc Place on Snlo Monday Morning
ZOO Dozen Turkish Towels Un-
titcno' oil nnd liitra Jlcnvy nt
Ifio nnd lllo Uacli.
100 dozen extra largo two toned
turUlsh towels , alto fancy striped
turkish towels , the color of which wo
can gurranlac fust at 2Cc cnch.
50 dozen hlcachod .turklsh towola 18x
30 size at lOo each.
You may pay others double the money
but von will got no bettor towels.
Examine them.
Wo will ilaco on flalo Monday 600
pieces of now spring styles In outlug
llnnnel , medium , but mostly light
shades ; there nro homo very desirable
styles In this lot whii-h will go llrst nt
So , IOc. liUcand ICe yard.
On Mondav 2.r > nieces of pure India
lawn , -10 Indies wide , In plain white at
lOo yard , a bargain that will bo appre
ciated by every customer.
On Monthly wo place on sale a full line
of homo iiiniio linen crashes. This llax
was grown In Dakota and manufactured
In tills country. Wo control the sale of
thcHo crashes In Omaha. They coino in
browns and half bleached , ut 7c , fie , lie ,
IOc , He and 12c a yard ; no McKinley
tax on them. Every norsoh Intet'osted
in this western country should sue them ,
nnd the only phieo In Omaha to ihid
them Is at linydon Bros.
On Monday for the llrst of this season
wo display a beautiful line of fust tilnolc
wash dress floods , all now styles in plain
nnd fnncicg , stripes and checks , at IOc ,
12ic , 16c , 18c. 20e , 2 , " > e , .10o and 35o yard.
Our sale of white dress goods starts on
Another shipment of double width
fihuotlng just in , including Wamsutta
8-1 , ! ) ! and KM , the same in Utlca wide
{ meetings. Utk-a yard wide at IOc and
lie yard.
Wamsutta , IOc ; Langdon ' 70,12 yards
for SIJO ( ; Masonvillo , 8Jc ; soft finished ,
yard wide muslin * OJc yard ,
CO pieces striped and checked seer
sucker , SJe yard.
Now styles dress ginghams , ao yard.
Yaid wide indigo blue prints , SJc
American zephyr gingham , IOc , 12jo
and 15c yard.
Genuine Scoth imported zephyrs , 19c
Niivclties in fine zephyrs , Socyard.
Closing prices will bo made on flan
nels nnd blankets , as wo need the room
for spring stock.IIAYDEN
Dry goods nnd carpels.
A jnost important t.alo. A sale to win
customers and ititrodiico this dopart-
ment. How fo\v people know of this
department and the ollorts being made
to please.
Standard ingrain carpets at 30c , 3-jc ,
4Ucloc , and COc.
The best value on earth. Finest all
wool extra super , oflc , GOo , ( iSo and 7Cc ;
regular price , "Co to $1.2o. Absolutely
new and high art styles In bodybrussols ,
tapcbtrles , Wilton velvets , royal Wil
tons nnd axnihibtors. s
10 beautiful styles In llnoliums ; now
styles in Iloor oil cloth , 2ooa yard ; China
matting just received.
2f , > 00 pairs now designs in lace cur
tains at C5c. 7Cc , 8Cc. $1.00 , 81.2.5 , $1.CO ,
81.7C up to $3.50 ; guaranteed less than
half regular prices. To make this sale
moro Interesting wo glvo a full brass
trimmed curtain polo with every pair of
JiThis department is showing a special
stock of shades in all colors mounted' on
best spring rollers at IOc , Sloe , 30c , 35c ,
40c and COc. Who can forgot such value.
High art cotton draperies at IOc , 12c ,
15c , 17e and 2 > e.
Imported China silk draperies COc , C7o ,
C5e , 75c ami SCe.
Dotted Swiss for sash curtains IGc , 17o > ,
21c , 2rC ) , liOc and Hoc.
Unapproachable bargains 300 woven
wlro springs $1.50 , worth $2.50. 175
mattresses $2.CO , worth $1 00. Bedsteads
$1.0(1 ( , worth $3.50. Kitchen tables 81.00 ,
worth $2.50. Chairs of all kinds. Splen
did bargains in highclmirs. rockers , an
tique oak. Also pillows , pillow shams ,
clock shelves , brackets , easels , pictures ,
looking-glasses , trunks and valises.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Few spring good in staple nnd fancy
articles. A. R. HUHKIUIAN , Jeweler ,
13th nnd Douglas streets.
Joyce Mihinory removed to 1C09
Douglas otrcot. * .
A N w lOntcrprlso.
On Monday Mcssra McCarthy & Con
roy will open their now undertaking es
tablishment at-124 S. 15th street , corner
of Howard. Both these gentlemen are
well fitted for the successful carrying on
of tholr business as they are both young
men of undoubted business ability and
unblemished charaetor. Mr. Mc
Carthy is an old resident
of Omaha , who has by
conlal manners and kindly disposition ,
unswerving lidulity to duty and indom
itable pluck gained for himself the es
teem and good will of everybody with
whom ho bus como in contact. Mr.
Conroy carries with him to his now busi
ness venture a store of business knowl
edge { 'loaned after many years of care
ful and patient toll. Ho has been Con
nected for years with the largest and
most popular linn of undertakers In St.
Paul , where under able tutilago
ho has learned every detail
of the business. There is no
duty which requires a more careful and
studied knowledge of the liner feelings
than that which sorrowing humnnltv
Imposes on these whom they select to
perform the last sad tokens of' regard to
tholr departed ones. Messrs. McCarthy
& Conroy are unquestionably by nature
anil education , fitted for the decorous
iicrformnnco of tholr duties. Their store
is'divided into two departments. The
rent part facing on 15th street will bo
devoted to church goods , books , pic
tures and religious articles of all kinds ;
in the roar fronting on Ilowaad will bo
found the most commodious ami best ap
pointed undertaking oslaollshment in
the northwest. These gentlemen have
neither Bar , .d tlmo.or money In making
tliQlr place as attractive as the decorum
of the business would permit. In order
to compote successfully with eastern
houses they had to buv the greater part
of tholr church goods in Europe , and ow
ing to the dulay In Importing they will
not bo fully prepared for business in their
church goods department for a few
vcoks to come ,
Big remnant sale , Falconer's Monday.
Don't Fool yourself !
Notwithstanding all rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul liy's now steam heated palace
sleeping cars , with "electrlo lights in
every berth , " still leaves the Union de
pot , Omaha nt 0:10 : p. m. dally , arriv
ing at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. , In ample
time to make all eastern connections.
Ticket otllco , 1501 Funmm st
C. Puss. AgU Gen. Agt
Gives no Name or How or When it
Bought It ,
Sacrifices tlio Cntlro Stock of Fine
and Staple Dry Goods Iluiilit )
oT Certain Concern Nut
I-'lve AIllcH Away.
Who , to realize cash , puta , price on
.hem . that will enable us to glvo sub-
stiinliitl bargains eclipsing these of
my bankrupt or sale of any kind over
lold In Omaha.
' 'ICE.
But till who will bo at this sale toinor-
ow will have reason to bo glad.
Big lot double fold cable twills In
) lalds and check , all shades , lc ) , worth
Finest double fold cashmere , In nil
now spring shades , nt 1-jc , worth 20c.
40-Inch pure Henriettas and Bourotto
loth in now , fashionable hair line
tripes , two-tone and combination
hecks ; also -10-inch high grade and
veil-known Jamestown novelties , at 2oc ,
vorth SOo and COc.
The finest 40-inch Henrietta , now
hades in grays , tans , etc. , at 33c.
vorth Coc.
The-entire stock of this concern's all
vool French novelties In high grade
Iress goods , In stripes , chocks and plain
n-ocudos to match for combinations , at
4"c ; worth $1.00.
40-Inch blach cashmeres , 2Ic.
40-inch Ivory ; hcnvy silk finish brill-
antlnes13c ; worth 7fie.
42-inch extra line silk finish mohairs
ato'Je ; worlh $1.00.
42 inch all wool French honriottas at
52c , worth $1.00.
42 Inch all wool , very heavy , silk Iln- .
sh honrlotta at Too , worlh $1.20.
Best quality kid finish cambric lining
it 3c.
Double fold waist lining nt 5c.
Bust quality silicins at lOc.
2 cases line quality bleached muslin ,
1 case yard wide lOc quality bleached
muslin , 0) ) .
Finest grades 12Jc bleached muslin at
It will pay you to buy a 5 years' sup-
) ly at the prices wo now offer.
Unbleached table damask at 20eworth
Bleached table damask at 25c , worth
Turkey red damask at 2oc , worth 50c.
! ! ) ( ) extra largo size linen towels
it lie , worth IOc.
Your choice of 75 dozen fine damask
owels , knotted fringe , fancy borders ,
slightly soiled , ranging iu nrico from
! 0c to 50c ; go as long as they last for
Ono case fine quality glass toweling at
5c a yard.
It will pay you to buy these whether
, -ou need them or not. They cost us
ess than half their value. You got
-hern at equal reductions.
A big lot of all linen narrow torchon
ace Ic a yard , regular price -lc.
AT2j ( A YAUD.
Good width ( ino rent linen torchon
aces at 2c , worlh Cc.
AT 5C.
Real hand made all linen torchon
, aces , 40 different designs , at 5c , worth
AT So.
Elocrant new designs in real hand
made linen torchon laces , worth 15c.
AT 14c.
The very finest grade of hand made
torchon laces in now point patterns ,
goods worth up to , ' ! 5e a yard , for Me.
Big lot of ladies' fine white aprons at
lOc , 15c , lc ! ) and 2oc.
All the Indies' muslin underwear from
this stock divided in lots at 2oc , 3'Je ' ,
50c , 75c nnd 98c.
Every garment guaranteed worth
114 South 10th street.
Big lace sale Monday. Falconer's. -
Sl'EClAli 1JAKGA1N3.
$ O5.0O Singer Sowing Machine
Given Away tty llctzul Hrns.
Commencing Monday wo will make
the following extremely low prices in
groceries :
R. T. Davis No. 10 , $1.50 ; best Sunor-
lullvo , $1.35 ; Snowllako , $1.00 ; Economy ,
90c , very good cream , 75c ; host rye
Hour , 81.10. .
10 Ibs. granulated sugar , $1.00.
10 } Ibs. extra C sugar , $1.00.
Quaker rolled oats , per package , lOo.
Salmon , lOc ; standard tomatoes ( war
ranted ) . Oc ; cod fish , 2 Ibs. , 16c.
Fine jolly , per pall , 75c ; 7 Ibs. pure
buckwheat , 25o ; II bars soap , 2oc ; An
chor matches , lee per dozen ; good
broom , lOc ; full cream cheese , pot-
pound , 15c ; Garnoau's best XXX soda
crackers , 5c per pound ; fine table butter ,
15o per pound ; a line 8-day cabinet clock
will bo given away to our bread cus
tomers. Como to our cotToo and tea fes
tival Monday. It will bo continued
through the \ vook.HETZEL
230S and 2310 Curalng street.
In Cnso of Doubt '
Always take the Chicago & North
western. Five eastern trains dally.
The fast Chicago trains at 4:30 : nnd 9:10 :
p. in. leave from the Union Pacific depot
In Omaha direct. No change at Council
Bluffs a good thing to remombor.
These trains are vestlbulod and carry
free parlor chair cars In addition to the
latest nnd finest sleepers. Tjioro is a
diner on each train. Everybody knows
what Northwestern dining cars are.
The city ticket olllco is 1401 Fnrnam
Now spring goods in staple and fancy
articles. A. B. HUUKKMA.V , Jeweler ,
13th and Douglas streets.
Joyce Millinery Removed to 1C09
Douglas street.
IIi-Hu & Thompson.
The above named firm , the well known
merchant tailors , have moved to 1012 Fnr
nam street , one door cast of Now York
Llfo building. They carry ono of
the largest stocks in their line ,
nnd will , as heretofore , guarantee
every garment that loaves their store to
bo llrst'cluss in both fit and quality.
Big remnant sale , Falconer's Monday.
"Moore's" Superlative Flour.
Guaranteed equal to any in the market
$1.50 sacic. C. B : Moore & Co. , cash
Trusses.supportors , rubber goodB.olec-
trio boUBS nd8tedt's pharmacy,803 N. 10
Letting Down the Prices on OroceHcs ,
Crockery , OlnHHWare , Ilnrilwnrc.
Or anything that is used in a kitchen
or house.
10 pounds granulated sugar , $1.00 ; the
best dairy butter 16c and the best Iowa
crcatnory 20c. You pay 3oc for the sumo
butter in any store in Omaha except
Hayden Brothers' . Wo sell good butter
for 121c ; picnic hatns , Oc ; sugar cured
hams.Oc ; boneless ham , 8Jc. These goods
are all the very best nut up. Wo will sell
you seconds for mucn loss. Llvor sau
sage , 6c , bologna , fie ; Frankfurts , 7jc ;
dried beef , lOc ; summer sausage , 16c ;
brick cheese , 12Jc ; full cream cheese ,
loc ; 3-pound can soup tomatoes , 7jc ; 3-
pound can solid packed tomatoes , lOc ;
2-pound can corn , lOc ; 2-pound can blue
berries , 8c } ; condensed milk , Ojc , loc ,
17 jc ; Imported chow chow , 16c per quart ;
imported olives , 2oc per quart ; oil sar
dines , So ; mustard sardines , lOc ; flno
dried raspberries , ! ! 0c ; blackberries , lOc ;
Valencia raisins , Sic ; imported English
currants , Tie.
Imported French prunes , 12Jc ; Cali
fornia raisin cured apricots , 22c ; very
good laundry soap , 7 bars for 2-3c ; pure
buckwheat llour , 3c ; good baking pow
der , lOc per pound can ; 3-pouml can
table peaches , 17jc ; 3-pound can Cali
fornia apricots , 20c ; 3-pound can Cali
fornia egg plmn green gngo plums and
anything In the California plum line ,
Dry Goods and Groceries.
Nlco broken Java lUc per pound.
Glazed nnd Rlo25c. Old Gov
ernment Java H.JC. Best Arabian Mocha
35c. Golden Rio 2Sc and30c. Poaborry
27o. Santos 2Sc to 30c. These coffees
are fresh roasted.
A nice uncolorcd Japan tea 3oc. The
very best basket llrcd 50o to OOc. Wo
have a very nice mixed tea for 20e. Gun
I'owdor tea 48c , 6-rC , G-3c. Oolong and
English Breakfast 50c to 75c.
Dry Goods and Coffee.
No house Is complete without a washIng -
Ing machine , but the drawback has been
the price ; wo have made arrangements
so wo can put them within the roach of
all.Vo will sell you the machines sold
from $ -3.03 to $7.60 for $4 50 , and wo albo
warrant them to bo the genuine western
washer. The finest wringer in the
world , $1,75 ; Mrs. Potts' and Mine.
Shuter's pitontllatlrons , SI.3-5 per set ;
washboards lie , wnshtubs 45c , clothes
lines lc ( ) , 0 dozen clothes pins 5c.
Wo will sell you moro goods for
lc than you can got elsewhere for
15c. Just sco what you can got for lc :
Screwdrivers , tea and coffee strainers ,
12 clothespins , corkscrews , 12 curtain
rings , bed castors , lineups , stove polish ,
biscuit cutters , mouse traps , spoons ,
hinges , harness snaps , gimlets , mustard
spoons , 2 bdxos carpet tacks , candle
sticks' , nutmeg graters , door stops , pop
per and salt dishes , stove lifters , ward
robe hooUs , sponges , potato pa'rors ,
picture hooks nna hundred of other use
ful articles. Mirrors with gold and sil
ver finished frames , 2oc. Decorated
cuspadors , all colors , 2oc ; stand lamp ,
2-3c ; wash bowls and pitchers , 2 ic ouch ;
cups and saucers , 2Je ; dinner plates , ; ) jc
each ; pie plates , 31c ; tea plates , flu ; co.vl
ihovols , flu ; salt and popper shakers , oil
mttles , lOc ; scales , 5c ; bird cage hooks ,
> c ; bread toasters , 5c ; iron dish rags , 5c ;
) rcnd knives. 5c ; foot scrapers , 5c ;
0-cup gem pan , 15c ; heavy pails ,
vith iron bales , 1'Je ' ; largo milk pans ,
ic ; glass water pitchers , 23c ; tumblers ,
lie each ; rich cut glass toilet bottles ,
! 3c ; sugar bowls , 5c ; creamers , 5c ; spooa
loldors , Cc ; butler dishes , 5c ; Iho lily
spoon holders , 15c ; olive dishes , 16c ;
coleryglnss , lOo ; carpet sweepers , S'Jc ' ;
I milk crocks , 15c ; a good hatchet , loc ;
vhips. oc ; wine glasses , So ; ladies' fav
orite dust pan. 15c ; the best sperm ma
chine oil , 5c ; towel rollers , lOc ; genuine
copper tea kettle with solid spun bottom
or 81.2. > , sold everywhere for $2.50.
Special sale on Monday only.
Wright's snrsaparilln oc. ! )
Primloy's sarsaparilla 39c.
S. S. S. , largo , $1.35. S. S. S. , small ,
Brown's iron bitters 75c.
Warner's kidney and liver cure Ooc.
Lane's ' family medicine 40o.
Red Cross cough cure 20c.
Hull's catarrh euro GOc.
Wright's beef , iron and wino 75c.
Hot water bags from 85c up to $1.00
mil $1.50.
Cocoa soap two for 5c
Dry Goods and Drills.
Big remnant Bale , Falconer's Monday.
The contents of a 9-room house , foldIng -
Ing bed , bed suits , chairs , dishes nnd
cooking utensils for sale at No. Ill N.
17th street , at 2 p. in. Monday , February
Remember the U. S. Grant relief
corps' ' 'impromptu hop" at Clark's hull ,
107 S. 14th streol , Tuesday evening , Fob.
10 , 1891. Tickets for pontloman and
ladles , Including refreshments , 50c. '
Peacock coal. No soot , quick lire ,
white ush. A. J. Meyer & Co. , opp. P. O.
John W. Boll , druggist , cor. llth and
Mnson , Sluht's hotel building.
Motel Dolnnc.
A now nnd well planned hotel on the
corner of Fourteenth and Capitol avenue
is the latest addition to the good hostelries -
ries of this city It is elegantly fur
nished and sots the most enticing tables
in Omaha. "There Is a magnilicont bil
liard room and all accessories which belong -
long to a first class hotel.
Morand's special assembly next Thurs
day nt 8 j ) . in. . Former pupils and
friends cordially invited. . Excellent
The UurlliiKtoii'H Now Ijlno to the
Illauk Hills.
The Burlington Route takes pleasure
In announcing to the public the comple
tion of its now line to Doudwood , South
Dakota , and the formal opening of sumo
for business.
This event marks an epoch in the his
tory of Nebraska , In opening up to the
trade centers of the state nnd the Mis
souri valley now and valuable territory
nnd a country immensely rich in coal
nnd mineral deposits , whoso nosslbllltlcs
for the future Promina much for the com
mercial ana manufacturing prosperity
of the stnto.
The line is substantially constructed
and thoroughly equipped , the object
being to afford a Borvlco that Is first-
class in every particular and In keeping
with other tnrough lines of the Burling
ton system. .
It is the shortest nnd quickest line
Jrom Missouri river cities and principal
points in Nebraska to Deadwood , Hot
Springs , Custor nnd Hill City , South
Dakota , Merino nnd Now Cnstlo , Wyo. ,
and all points In the Black Hills.
Through trains are run daily wltli
Pullman Sleeping Cars from Omaha and
Lincoln to Deadwood without chungo ,
making connection at Llncolnnnd Oinulu
with it 11 trains of the Burlington Route
to and fronr all points East , West ami
For further information apply to
W. F. Valll , njent , 1223 Funmm street ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Now GondftfAfll Over the Store.
Our special sallw for tomorrow will bo
on main floor ; thailntcsfa dross plaids at
iOc , nnd our atmnnl linen sale will bo
opened in the morning with goods allow
trices that wllMift n revelation to you ;
vo have also opened some now colors In
China and surah isllks , some now wash
Ilks ot our ownilmportatlon , very pretty
for spring tea gnwng.
60 doxon satin bordered towels , Inco
ordered and plnm worth $1.00and$1.2-5 ,
Monday TI.JU onubJ
100 dozen largotlnmask towels , knotted
rlnge , nnd 60 dozen largo "Old Home
stead. "
Hemmed huck towels 25c , worth 35o
nnd 40c.
Satin damask napkins $2.39 , worth
? 3.00.
Satin damask napkins $1,47 , , worth
Satin Jamask napkins 97c , worth
Bleached table linen 60c , worlh Ooc.
Bleached satin damask 7Uc , worth
$1.00. c _ _ ,
Bleached satin damask , 97c , worth
Bleached satin damask , $1.2.5 , worth
* 2.00.
All our table linens have nankins to
natch ; wo have some bargains in glass
crash , IOc , worth IOL- .
All of our SI.03 , $1.23 , $1.50 qualities
french woven corsets for O'Jc ' Monday ;
ill our spoon busk sanitary side lacing ,
French woven corsets , worth $2.50 , 7(3c (
Monday ; all of our 500 and 1.000
jono French common sense corsets
worth $2.50 an-1 $2.75 , now $1.50.
Fast black French sntino corsetsworth ,
$1.50 for $1.00 Monday.
Now ginghams , finest mndo , 2-3c ; now
outintr llannols , IOc and 12c ; now per
cales , " 12Ju ; now white goods , now India
llnons , black lawns , embroideries , lanes ,
Don't miss it , they are cheap goods
jut arc from the best makers , such as
Alexander , Courmolsor , Porrln , oto.
This special sale , is designed to
clear out all our kid gloves loft
rom the winter stock. Wo balievc
n this because , while It entails
v little loss , wo are enabled to keep on
sale always fresh now gloves , and the
Driccs are as follows :
In this lotwo put Foster , 4 and 0-but-
, on Rouillon gloves that sold for $1.23 ,
SI.50 and $1.75 a pair.
In this lot button nnd hook gloves
that sold from 81.50 to $2.00 a pair.
In tills lot 8-inch black and colored
nosquotairo gloves , hook and button ,
gloves of the VERY BEST MAKES ,
that sold for $2.00 to S2.50 a pair.
TIIE'$1.2.3 : LOT.
Blacks and colors , dressed and un-
Ircs&ed of the boat qualities of cour-
voisior , Foster's ' "Foslerimi" and other
Irst class makes.but broken sizes , etc. ,
$2.25 to 83.00 gloves , all $1.25.
The sizes are somewhat broken , a few
of the middle sines , but mostly 5 } , 5J , 0 ,
CJ , 7 and 7i.
No gloves fitted or exchanged.
Sales commences at 8 o'clock.
You may bo sure of bargains in the
lue'st goods.
Are a little out of our. . lino. Wo have
some beauties in Mexican onyx , marble
nnd other ! clocks to sell less than cost.
Wo want the room.
$12.00 clocks , $8.75 ; : , $15.00 clocks
510.75 ; $2-3.00 clocks , $18.00 ; 840,00 clocks ,
KJo.OO. All now designs and grand bar
gains. New poods all-over the store.
Big Inco sale Monday. Falconer's.
Joyce Millinery removed to 1009
Douglas street.
Big remnant sale , Falconer's Monday.
Notes About the Coin'iii ; G. A. It. Fnir.
Many costly and useful presents are
being donated for the G. A , R. fair to
bo held at the Coliseum March 4 , 5 and
0. This enterprise will undoubtedly bo
the giandest affair of the kind over hold
in the United States. Everybody In the
G. A. R. posts and the ladles o { the re
lief corps are working like beavers to
make a success of Iho fair. The people
of Omaha are donating articles for
prcsenls most generously and already
many tickets are Lolng sold. Parties
outside of Omaha are helping the good
work along us the following letter from
the enterprising firm of Curtlco &
Tillers of Lincoln will show :
LiNC9i.v , Neb. , Fob. 0 , 1891. To Col.
Low Ginger , Manager G. A. R. Fair ,
Omaha : Dear Sir : Being personally
acquainted with the result of your good
work here , and knowing of th 3 success
you have met with every where In rais
ing many thousands of dollars to relieve
distress among your suffering comrades ,
wo take great "pleasure in donating to
you for your fair at. Omaha an elegant
Shoningor piano , ono of the very best
made , and wo hope that your enterprise
in Omaha may result in establishing a
relief fund larger than that of any G. A.
R. organisation in the United States.
Respectfully yours ,
Importers , wholesale and retail music
dealers , Lincoln , Neb.
_ _ 0,000 Pieces Music 1O3 Kncli.
At Molnborg's ' , 10" North 10th street.
Atlontinn Is called to the statement of
the Penn Mutual life insurance company
in another column. Thiscompany Is now
in its forty-third year and its corporate
record is unassailable. Its purpose has
boon to glvo members the best forms of
life insurance at the least possible cost ,
and its success in these essentials has
been unqualified ! und almost exceptional ,
few , if any , companies attaining such
satisfactory results.
Williams & Wclr , insurance , removed
to first floor New York Life building.
Sherman A MoC'onnoll , proscriptlonlsts
and family chemists. 1513 Dodge.
The great explorer on his recent visit
to Omaha Iravoled via the Burlington ,
and was loud In his praises of the ser
vice and equipment of the lino. The
Burlington No/22 , a handsome vcstlbulod
train of Pullman palace sleeping cars ,
reclining chair ' 'cars ' nnd dining cars ,
leaving Omnbnnulnlly at 4:30 : p. in. for
Chicago , Is porlhnps the best known of
the three daily trains for Chicago ,
Peorla , St. Louis and the oast. The
Uurllngton also runs three daily trains
to Denver and the west , nnd two to St.
Joseph , Atchlson , Kansas City and the
south. Its local eorvico Is unrivalled
Nine fast passenger trains dally between
Omaha and Lincoln. Ticket olllco , 122JJ
Far mini street , W. P. Vulll , agent , and
Union depot. _
Flno carriages , Seaman's repository
McCormick & Lund , flno perfumes ,
The Iramnnuol hospital , 34th street
and Ames avenue , Is open for patients.
Board and nursing $ o per week. Treat
ment free. Vlhlting days , Tuesday and
Thursday 2 to 4 p. in. Ail Invited.
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages
8 , B ,
Monday Wo Will Offer Soraa Splendid
Bargains in Laces.
Hlllcn , Wnnl Dr.HSOooilw , Wash Goods ,
Lilians ' Children. '
ami Ijmllen' null *
llondy Miulo Su't ) Uomom-
bor Monday.
Wo hnvo niado a largo purchase of
Llnon Lncos at a Public Sale la Now
York \vhlcU will cnublo us to Boll Tor
chen and Modlci Lace worlh SJo a .yard
it 8c ; Torchon anil MUUul Lnco worth
lOo a yard at Cc ; To'-chon and Mcdtcl
jnco ixt Sic , worth 12je ; Torchon and
Medici Ltico at lOo , worth 15u ; Torchon
and Medici Laces worth 23.5 ut l/ic. /
PonchoH and Modlcl Laces at 23c , worth
Tlioso Inces will bo found on center
tables , west alslo Monday.
At 123c. Colored ssttins worth 3J > c ut
21c ; Surah silks worth 50c at 2oc ; 10-nch !
velvets worth Too , 10-lnuh velvets that
otall nt $2.00 , Monday's prlco "oc ; 20-
nch colored spot Sarah silks , wholesale
in-lco$2.2o , Monday SI.60.
Black Mutolnsso brocaded silk , actual
value $1.35 , Monday 7oc.
Remnants of silks , satins , velvets ,
ilushcs , all-wool serges , honrloltao ,
bules , cashtnoros , tweeds , plaids , dl-
igonils , etc. , etc.
All at loss than cost. t
Special Hues of wool dross goods.
38-inch all-wool stri ] > 33 , 23o ; US-inch Ar
lington pluids , 2oc10inch ; all-wool
checks , COc ; 40-inch all-wool cashmeres ,
100 pieces plaid and striped zephyr
ginghams , latest designs , at 15c yard ;
85 pieces of Vigourcatix suitings,30 inches
wide , all shades , 15o a yard ; 150 pieces
monotrram seersucker sit 12c } yard ; 100
pieces nonpareil clutllis , 32 inches wide ,
at lOc pard.
Just arrived , a now and handsome line
of borotin scarfs in all the latest color
ings at COc each.
A beautiful now stock of fringed and
hemstitched lunch cloths at 7oc , and the
best line of lOc towels over shown.
Ladies' ready made suits , all wool , fit
guaranteed. Price , $10.00 ; Monday , $1.8-3.
Ladies' ready made suits , material im
ported. Price , $21.00 ; Monday , only
Children's ready-made suits , price $5 ,
Monday 62.47. Children's ready-made
suits , $3.23 , worth $0. Children's ready-
mndo suits , $5 , actually worth $8.50.
These prices are for Monday only.
Stclmvny I'lino : ut a Snerillcp.
As treed as now and n great bargain.
Moinborg's , 107 North IGth street.
A Pointer.
"Elgin" creamery butter , 33c. C. B.
Moore & Co. , cash grocers.
< * . A. H. Attention.
Comrades of George A. Ouster post ,
George Crook post , Slforidnn relief
corps and Custor relief corps. You are
Invited to attend n meeting at Custor
post hall on Tuesday evening , February
10 , 1891. All comrades of the G. A. R.
and ladies of the \V. It. C. who are inter
ested in the success of our coining G. A.
R. fair are invited to meet with us on
that occasion.
C. L. THOMAS , Com. Custor Post.
W. P. BUOWN , Adjutant.
Arc You GnliiK Koutn This AVItitcr ?
Parties contemplating a visit to the
far-fumed Sutherland , the favorite re
sort of Omaha people , or to other points
In Florida , will lind that the rates and
tlmoaro the samovhvTho Burlington ot
Chicago and thence via Cincinnati or
Louisville , as via St. Louis , with the ad
ditional advantages of 'tho vestibule
limited trains and elegant dining car
servica which are characteristic of this
route. ThoJJurlington also has on sale
round trip tickets to all southern points
either via Kansas City and Memphis , or
via St. Louis , offering a greater variety
of routes than any other lino. For full
information , tickets and sleeping berths
call at city ticket olllco , 1223 Far cum
stroot. W. F. Vuill , agent.
80-horso power stool holier and fittings
complete ; ready to connect engine : will
sell cheap. JiU'K W. li
will bo given by U. P. band , February
13 , ut Exposition hall , 14th and Cap.
nvo. Gentlemen in musks , $1.00 ; ludles ,
COc. Spectators COc.
Ma nil GriiH nt Nisw Orleans.
On February 10 the grand carnival
will take place. The great Wnbosh are
now soiling round trjp tickets to Now
Orleans good returning until February
28 very cheap. Time only forty hours.
Twelve hours In advance of nil other
routes. Also round trip tickets to all
points in Florida. The favorite route to
the Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tick
ets and full Information In ro gnrd to
time and routes nouth or onsfcuU at the
Wabash olllco , 1602 Farnain street or
write G. N. CLAYTON ,
Northwestern Pass. Agt. , Omaha , Nob.
Dr. W. .T. Galbralth has removed his
private olllco to room 321 Dee building.
Chinese and Japanese curio storoclos-
ing sale ; all goods and fixtures for sale ;
loss than cost ; 521 N. 10th street.
Caliliirnlii KxciirHiotiH.
Pullman tourist sleeping car excur
sions to California and 1'aclllo coast
points leave Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago
$17.60 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKansos City $113 , sleeping car rate
from Chicago * I per double berth , from
Kansas City $3 per double berth. Every
thing furnished except meals. These
excursions are personally conducted by
experienced oxcuroioii managers who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full particu
lars and map folder and time table of
Santa Fo route nnd reserving of Bleeping
car berths , address H.M. Ongood , general -
oral ngent , K. L. Palmer , freight and
passenger agent , -A.T. & S. F. railroad
411 N. Y. Life Bldf. , Omaha , Nobruska
Great Sale Momlnj of Ladies' Muslin
Underwear ,
It's on tlio Klrst Floor Don't Miss It
Come Monday Sure Oroatost
13vor Offered
on First Floor.
COO pairs Indies'muslin drawers , four
tuo ! > 9 , made of Fruit Loom muslin , Mon
day only llc ! pair.
COO ladles' Mother ITubbavd night
gowns , tucked yoke , rallied neck and
sleeves , made of Lonsdiilo muslin , full
sl/.o , Monday only -lie each , cheap at
$ 1.00.
200 dozen ladles' muslin underwear
consisting of drawers , corset covers ,
chomlso , skirts and gowns , all at ono
prlco Monday , COc each , worth 7fio to
300 dozen ladles' muslin underwear ,
consisting of night gowns , drawers ,
chemise , corset covers , skirts , and all'
trimmed with lace and embroidery , vorv
elegant goods. Monday utToc , OSe , $1.2o
and $ l.fiVi ( These nro the greatest Values
over olTorcd in Indies'muslin underwear
and must bo scon to bo appreciated.
Koinombor on llrst HootMonday. .
Attoiut our great linen sale Monday.
200 pieces cotton twilled crash 2oyard.
A good all linen crash aloe , Gc , So and
IOc yard , worth Sc to loe.
CO pieces Russian crash Monday IOc
and 12joyard , worth lee and 20c.
Bleach table damask , GO inches wide ,
at COc yard , worlh 7Ce.
10 pieces of 03-inch bleached table
damask Monday 7oc yard , worth $1.00.
See our double satin bleach damask ,
two yards wide , at lSo ) yard ; it is worth
5 pieces table padding , only -17c yard ,
worth 8oc.
COO dozen all linen huck and damask
towels , fancy borders , 1S.\U ; , Monday ,
IOc each.
CO dozen knotted fringed damask
towels Monday , only lee and lOo each ,
worth 2oo and ; ! 5c.
200 crochet bed quilts , full size , Mon
day 8e ! ) each , worth S1.2o.
ICO marsoilles' bed quilts at only $1.2o
each , worth $2.00.
2.5 pieces pongee draperies , now spring
styles , for curtains , draperies , etc. , on
sale Monday only 15o yard , worth liOc.
Monday all blankets and comforters
at 2" ) per cent off.
Great sale Monday of tin ware in our
Monday wo place on sale 200 pieces
flno wash fabrics nt domestic counter ,
Fine zephyrs , ginghams , nowponongs ,
now outing flannel ? , new seersuckers ,
etc. All at special prices.
Thousands of yards of bleached and
unbleached muslin at factory prices.
Como in Monday sure.
Big lace sale Monday. Falconer's.
Predictions for 1'VbriinryVentIicr. .
As there are but twenty-eight days in
this month there ought to bo less cold
atmosphere than in January , but "all
signs fall in dry weather , " therefore wo
can only say that the electric-lighted ,
steam-heated , vestibulod , limited trains
of the Chit-ago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will continue to run dally bo-
twcon Omaha , Council Blurt's and Chi
cago. The electric light reading lamp
in each berth Is the novelty of tlio ago.
Ticket olllco , 1G01 Farnain street , Omaha.
Big lace sale Monday. Falconer's.
I'El'l'KUJIIXT It 11 Of 8.
All riotA barbaric revolution.
Hair-raising narratives Scalp stories.
Features in darkest Africa Nose , mouth ,
eyes , etc.
To pop the question Ask father. '
Called to account Tlio inspector of elec
The natural Rait of lovers Front pa to.
Tlio boy of the period stops at nothing.
Mufllea drums Those miller car-muffs ,
Tlio hurilcst of hard cash is loyally tender.
Loaded for hoar A bathing suit.
The barber ncod never go quite broke. Ho
can always make a raze.
Up in arms Tlio now baby.
liaising Cain The southern planter.
A man believes that it pays every other
innn to advertise. _
The SOUR "TUoy'ro After Mo" is a catchy
Advice to the housemaid : "Got up and
Tlio men who shine are the men who have
had the hardest rubs.
The monkey hanging by his tail has some
clnims to long descent.
A man needn't ' bo an athlete in order to
jump a board bill.
Bad silver may bo known by Its spurlty.
The man who gets up and dusts gets the
"dust. "
The proof of being a great artist is the
ability to draw a big salary.
A man who speculates in lottery is pretty
buro in the end to bo broito on the wheel.
Money spent In purchasing a ballad is sal il
to have'gone for u mere song.
' The artist always has the best ot It In a
drawn battle.
Tlio tax collector is sure to como around la
duo time.
A boy's first cigar may smoke wellbut , how
about the boy }
Fish are water drinkers as a rule , but the
shark never objects to talcing a nip.
Well , how's the world ! Oh , so as to bo
As a proof that ho loves ono woman , a
man must swear that ho hates ten.
Bullets can whistle , but It takes a bravo
man to listen to them.
A hello doesn't caru how sho'a tolled , so
long us the tolling has the right ring.
The inui who is forever looking after the
dollar seldom has an eagle oyo.
After a man knows his cake Is dough ho
usually gets to be crusty.
All's ' fnlr In love and war , but ono is much
moro easily transported in lovo.
Throwing dlco Is frequently an unprofit
able Imud'shnko.
Froah ( to spry octogenarian ) Yes , you arc
iko a college because you retain your lacul-
tics ,
"How merciless the sun Is I" "Yes ; un-
iko the moon , it glvos no quarter. "
The man who follows ill's own nose will
never crosi the lirlilgo baforo ho comes to It.
Since every dog will have his day ,
I'ray , Towser , take thine own ;
Hut bii content with that , wo pray ,
Anil leave the night alone ,
Is the imn with a glass eye over troubled
with a pane in his head 1
Of nil sail words that many men rue ,
The saddest aroJhesojJ Don't-earo-lM-do. ' '
" " " "Speak nothing but good of th6"dcad" is n
saying that should not apply to the olectrio
"That cold seems to have hit you pretty
hard , " "Yos gave mo some fearful blows
between the eyes. "
The saying that two heads are better than
ono should bo no excuse for putting a head
on a man ,
When filfl from Boston falls In love with a
Chinaman she says she has "celestml aspira
tions. "
The difference between a man's mlnil botni ;
turned on politics and hh mlml being turned
is not such a very , very vast one.
Whatever may bo saM ot the marksman
ship of the uvcrago policeman , It Is certain
that every bully has tils billy.
The manufacturer of bent-wood furniture
may bo honest , and yet he's ulwuys at some
crooked work.
Raising a hew und cry Is symbolical of the
cause and effect of a woodchoppcr accident
ally striking his foot v * Uh an ax.
Bt. VnlPMtlno'fl Dny.
The llth of February will bo colqj
braletl this vonr creator than ever an4
STUKKT , has prepared for it with the
frrnmlust display of valentines ever
Bhown horo. Tastes of all kinds ran bo
gratified , whothoi for the character ; \
comics or the beautifully scouted ones
for sweethearts. Prices ranjjo from 3o
pordo/.en up co $1.50 each. Grout bar *
gaitiB Monday and next week In house ,
furnishing goods , orockory , ulnsswaro.
lumps , etc.Vo liavo como special
tl rlvos In picture frames , sllvonvuro and
jowolry. The best possible value for the
lowest possible prices always at the
fall nt O. B. Moore & Co.'s , casli
grocers , and got a cup of Armuur'd h-9 ]
beef ton.
Long sleeves nro not worn in n ball room
any moro.
Uoublo-brcastcd ilros waists will bo wort
the coming spring.
Vclvctlmi Is the name of a new pllo fabric
very Hue velvet , and W per com che.iper.
Sprays of mistletoe In dull gold with coral
berries nro formed Into luce pins anil brooches ,
Drocado satchels , shaped HUe a lint llnh-
basket or school-bug , arc the fashion this
She is a bravo woman who will tell her ago
when sbo knows she U the oldest in Iho
"Hcau nrummol" Is the naino of the latest
umbrella , nail it rolls up as tight us n Ushlutf
An Inch of gold braid on tlio bottom ntji- ,
white evening dross is exceedingly pretty ,
though not economical.
' -Lenten jewelry" is being shown at some
of the shops , in preparation for the coiiiliiR
season of sackcloth and nslios. The paradox
is obvious although the designs are cluuvlily.
A few of the newest long cloaks are deeply
slashed at the sides to reveal tlio coitimio im-
ilerucath , which Is embroidered to mutch
the cloak , bonnet and even the mull trim *
Corduroy bos como In again as a fashionable -
able winter and spring material. It is to bo
found in nil colors nnd of a grade light enough
to permit a little fashionable fullness on the
,4 magic preparation for keeping frizzes "la"
tVMUiid la mixing equal parts of glyccrlaa
and rosowutcr t nil anointing the hair freely
with it bofoso eutliup ; or mi equally good
mixture Is inailo of perfumed olive oil with
beeswax dissolved therein.
Gray Is by all odds the fashionable tint.
All-gray gowns are scon on thu street in
greater numbers than gowns of any other ono
color. Gray fur for white accompanies this ,
nnd there Is n gray hat with gr.iy plumes- *
and a big pink rose.
The brim of a stylish hat which Is known
as the "Hoof Knter , " from the resoiiiblunco
of the crown to the cap worn by the Yeomen
of the Guard is of blaclt felt. The i-rowu Is
of green velvet , oiu-ln-icil by a bund of old
gold passementerie and trlnnumed with blacli
To go with the combination costumes ot ,
green and old rose , or pinlc nnd green , there
arc inulfs that are dnlnty bits of silk mid
velvet adorned with sprays of sinllax or s\ .
great bunches of moss and moss rosebuds. (
Another muIT Is covered with long-stemmed
chrysanthemums that fall gracefully over
the front of the gown.
livening gloves nro secured to the shoulder
by straps of satiti ribbon that buckles on the
ginyn. A now variety of Imported glove
shows them to bo cut In diamond-shaped
holes above tlio elbow so as to reveal the
shining skin underneath. Stockings are (
upon the instep and ankle in the same way
showing the skin of the wearer.
Some of the new combination of colors fot"
trimming summer wash gowns ore very
striking , and suggest the cotton bandanas of
n negro cabin. Bright roil and yellow nro
useil to trim a chullis , unit on a durk-blua
plaid gingham are used velvet ribbons of the
new shade of blue anil of the queer yellowish
green tint , which Is new this season.
I'lnin , lint hats nro nlrcmiy wearying of
their general simplicity and diverging- into
various little extravagances of shape. Some
of them have the broad brim turned up so
high behind that the crown Is almost lost
under Its shade. One of the most moderate
sized is made of coffee and tobacco orown
felt , finely worked with gold mid silver The
brown and sky blue fcathurs are fautonud
with a brown ribbon velvo bow , and may bo
turned in almost any direction.
The newest dressskirts show some variation
from the straight , plain styles that prevailed
throughout the i-urly winter. To secure a
pi-oily ll.irlng effect the scams of thosklrt are
cut bias , giving a fulness to the bottom of the
skirt , wnilo tlio top is almost plain. The
stralghtnoss is relieved by three tiers that
extend entirely around the skirt. These
tiers nro only plain llounecs put on with no
fulness at all at the front or sides and only
enough at the back to set gracefully over the
skirt.- These skirts are made of either " '
bed or plain heavy cloth.
If niiy of your hats are not quite to your
taste as regards becomingness of style , don't
abandon them or oven worry any longer.
Simply purchase the largest rod rose with \ .
the largest stem possible and a single , bunch J
of green loaves und stick straight up on the
very back of your hat. As you come down
the avenue on a windy day It will look like a
revolving lump In a lighthouse , but your
hcadgoarwlll bo according to the latest whim
in millinery.
PBnn Mutual Li
Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
Net Ainptvlnnuary 1. IKQ IM.2SS37 U
Krcm-mimtiMi TIIK VKAII :
For I'rcMii'.unu UHJ8.1 ! " '
For InteriMt , otc Ki , B7S UT
Clnlrns br Death . tl.OW.OOUJ
MnluriMl HnilcmninnU , do , IM' ' , . ' > , ( ) K >
Hurri-nil > > ml 1-nllrlu * . KlM'iTi
tl'ieuilinn Atinti'iiiunts . 6 ' .in , IK ; I M
TITv\l \ < I'Alll I'OI.IOV-
iKii. DKIH . f..OTI.lW M )
. ,
Tine * nnd Lnitnl IC penn' . 1107,8(5 ( 07
SalurlCH , Mi'illfnl l-'um , unU
OIII03 i ; > | > aniiii . I.'WUTI ! 05
CnmmUxliiii * to AiHMil * ' "ul
It , . , iln . (25,81802 (
Atunoy nMilotlilTi.xiCM : oi I III ,518 17
AiUiTtlnlMK , I'rlntliiK "I'd '
Huppllt" . . SUMS' ' )
Olllco Kurnlturo.cto . O.KKI m t2'Jl2Mi SJ
Not AKKPII , .lnn.1 , 1MU
Illi'lnir K urn * allowed In reduction of
collucllblu | ironiluiim ,
CUT I.oftiMi. Hitllrnncl nnd Writer llnncli ,
linn k n ml ot tier st ocka . (0,084,1(4 , 49
MorticiKcs ntul ( iriiund llonti ( llrst
lion * ) . 6inM : ) C5
I'roniluin XotoH kocuri'tl by 1'olltilcs. . . & 'i7DIB (13 (
l.oi : in on Colhilcrnl , Policy l/uini , do 2ii' ; , WJ Ul
Menu Olllco iinri Itonl Knlatu bunuht
to aceiiro I oans . UJ , Btil CO
Cusli In 'I'rutit Compiinlcs un < l on hand. .tll,13 < 61
Net ilcforrod ami Unroiiurloil 1'ro
inltiiiiH . . . . . . . . . H07.MI 10
Intfrrst Iliiiuinil Accrui'il , vie . 1'M.TM 01
.Market Vnluo of Hlockn mid llunds ,
OUT cott . 101,40) , r > 7
OIIOHS AHKKTH , JANUAHV 1 , 16'Jl , Tloo7 | 1,601 V
Death Claims llrportcd , but
ntriltlnii'riiif . 1141,320 00
lto.ierr ut 4 per cent , to
ro-lriHiiro Hl kt . H , ! ,43 ! DO
ButiliiH | mi I. Ho Hull ) Kn >
( limmanti , Unroportcil
I'ulU-lui , cla . CiW,75 07
, 4 per cunt , bails. . . 1,11(4. 4tt U3
Himi-MTH AT4M I'BH CtST. , I'r.NNHVt-
( Kullinnliid )
NKW 1ICHIMC8B OK TIIK VX Ml : 7WJ , , . . .
- -
nil.ICIKH , Foil 123 , ,13100
lew , a-VUS i-oucii.a run r.0,278,701 OQ
Room ' 102 Bee Huildinjf , - Omaha
jo.j. A. MIIIII. : : F. U.
W U. O'rillAUlillNKBdV.
II. U.MANN , Hl/colttl / AKtluU-