G THE OMAHA DAILY JBJfiK StfNlAYrTEBlttJAHY 8 , 1801. SI X TEEN PAGES. THE OMAHA HEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. rdlvcrnl by Carrier In nny paTt of the City 11 , W. Tl I/TON. - 11ANAUKU KiuinoM Office. No. I i. MnlilKilltor , No.SX 31 l.1C .Tf iTItlX. . v. Cuuncil Bluffs Lumber Co. . real. Craft's chattel lonn . 04Snpp block. A meeting of the clly council \\lll bo held tomorrow evening , A numljcr of Omaha ( Jrnnd Army men vis ited Abu Lincoln post last nlvht. It Is snid the nttrnihinro at the dcnf nnd dumb Institute Is larger than over before. .A mnrilngo licenses was issued Frhlny even ing to Hcuyler HarrU nud Mngclu Oir , both of this rily. "William Cnmiilian nnd Miss Cordelia Davis , both of this city , weto married Fri day evening by Justlco fallen. A ploasjng concert nnd dnnco will bo given tomorrow evening at Hughes hall by tbo Catholic Mutual Hcncllt association. The social announced to bo given by the King' D.iiiglitcrs of St. Paul's on Monday evening It postponed until further notice. The ( iood Templars will hold a public In stallation ol ofllcen at their hall between Mnln nnd I'cnri streets tomorrow evening. The entertainment to bo given by the Women's Kelicf corps on Tuesday evening will bo held In Hughes' hall Instead of the Masonic Temple hall. Marrlngo licenses wcro Issued yesterday to Guorgo . Hratchcs and Amanda Gravbill , both of Ihls county , nnd to Charles Ajcr ot Mills and Hello Hoyeourt of this county. Tickets nro selling rapidly for the police men's bull on the -1st. The proceeds of the ball nrc to ho mod In paying thu debt in clined In furnishing the now police bend- quarters , Hcgulnr meeting of Kxcclslor lodge No. 2.VJ , Ancient Free nnd Adopted Masons , Mondav evening , February u. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. Uy order of Ibo worthy mastor. Mr. nud Mrs. Reynolds rnlrrtnlncd the Kloinnr society lastovenllig at thelf residence on North highlit street. They took excel- lentruioof the guests and entertained Ilium In nflplcndld manner. The young Indies of the Broadway Metho dist chiircji will glvo an entertainment In the Masonic temple hall next Wednesday even ing. A "Culinary Mvfttery" Is to 'bo pro- boutcd , whatever that may be , The Mynster Street musical club , a now young people's orgnnlntton , mot last evening nt the residence of C5.V. . Smith on Sixteenth avenue. An Interesting program mu was rendered , and a delightful time \uts had by nil present. About forty of the younger members and friends of the First Haptistelmrch responded Friday night to the Invitation of Kov. L. A. Hall and wife to spend the evening at their homo on Seventh nvcnuo. A very cnjoyublu evening was spent. The Cntholic Mutual Bcnellt association will glvo u concert tomorrow evening at their hall In the Hughes building. Some of the best local talent of this city and Uinnhn have been engaged to tnlto part , and a Ural-class programmeill undoubtedly bo rcmlcicd. Harmony chapter. No. L'Ji , Order of tbo KnstcriKStnr. will hold a sociable In tlio Masonic parlors Friday evening , February 111 , for which a line musical and literary pro gramme has been prepared , the proceeds to go to the relief fund. All Masons and their families cordially Invited to attend. Two men had a Httlo disagreement Inst evening hi front of the 1'nclllc llouso. They wcro planting their lists on each others' ' faces when Ofllcer Martin interrupted their mati nee. They gave their names ut the station us I. 1C. Young and Frank Pike. They wcro re leased on ball until tomorrow morning. It wns reported on the streets yesterday that Count ) ' Surveyor J. F. Brodbock wns sinking very fast , and It wiw feared that death would result momentarily. A slight improvement was noticed during the day , and at last accounts ho was resting easily. lie hns been confined to liU bed for tlio post thrco weeks. During the past week a great deal of Inter est tins been taken in the revival services in tbo Trinity Methodist church. A number of persons have been converted and many others are commltllng themselves to a religious life. A number of speakers , lay und clerical , have been prominent In assisting thu pastor , S. Alexander. Services this morning nnd even- Ing. Ing.Iho Iho nnlvcrsary of the Council Bluffs Young Mon's Clnistlnn association will beheld held on the evening of February 15 , Ono meeting will be held in the First Presbyter- Inn church , the other In the Masonic temple. Good speakers from abroad , together with tno pastors of the city , will address the meet ings. These will bii the great meetings of the city Standing room will boat a pre mium. Everybody Invited. Gus Schultz , thu Omaha man who was ar rested several days ugo on the charge of ped dling without a license , wns discharged by .fudge McSco yesterday afternoon. A new case will bo begun ngninst him by the city attorney , nnd tlio Information will bo do- nil"11' ! to by the defense. Then the demurrer - murrer will he tried. At le.ist that Is the plan worked out by the prosecution nnd agreed to by the defense , it u 111 therefore bo mnda n sort of test cnso , In order to decide the much-disputed question whether or not an Omaha merchant has a right to sell his goods on this side of thu river without taking out a license. II. A , Cox , western sales agent for A. T , Thatcher , tins moved his coal ofllco Iroin tin Brown building to No. lit Main street , In tlu Chapman building. Mr. Cox has Joined wit ) Cooper & McGee , who hnvo moved theli real estate ofllco from the Morrlam block tc tbo same place , and the gentlemen have llttcc upas pleasantly nnd nicely arranged ofllce ; as there are In the city , nud they will bo glai to welcome their friends and the public h their new quarters. People who have ? used the pure sun-dried Japan tea contained in those elegant Chinesi teapots sold by Lund Bros , will use , mini other. It Is better than you can buy lu tin city for 7fio a pound , nnd you gel a bcautlfn decorated two quart china teapot with cucl purchase , "Jl Main street , The now dental rooms of Drs.Vondburi * nro the llnost nnd ino.st complete In thu west Next to the new Cir.uid , Telephone , 143. " The Klol hotel barber sh6n hns reopened It the basement. Joseph Schmltt. I'Eitso.VAi , ttiriGu.ifits. Miss Lati , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is tbo guest o Mrs. F. Hurhorn. Attorney ( icunral J. Y. Stone and son o Glenwood nro In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Bringlo nnd Mr. Fret Thomas of Madison , Ind. , are guests of the ! undo , AV. D. Thorn , of Twenty-sixth avenue Dr. II , \Voodbury has been invited t bold n clmlo before a convention of low ; dentists , which Is to bo held In Sioux Clt' ' during May. Mrs. O. C , Onston arrived In the city las evening from Onldand , where she has beei visiting relatives. She will spend govern weeks in the Bluffs. Mr. W. H. Blnnklnshlp. ono of the men ; bors of the linn of A. II. Goldstein it Co. , th purchasers of the Mosslor stock os clothlni ut the Model clothing house , nrrlved In th city ycslerday from St. Joseph , Mo. , wher the linn operates a largo clothing stow. Mi Dlaiiklnshlp will remain In this city for few weeks mid assist In pushing the buslnes bcro. Too much California canned goods on hand must bo sold , Kelley t Younkerinan. Evnns Lnumlfv Co. . NO Pearl strout. Tele phone tfJO. Cloods called for und delivered. J , C. Blxbv , steam noatlntf , sanitary en glneor , 20J Mo rrlnm block , Council Bluhs Attention Abe Mnnolit Post. AH members of Abe Lincoln post No. 2 ! Grand Army of the Uopublle , will moot n Jtoadiuartcrs nt 1:30 : p. m. today to attend th funeral of Comrade P. Dolson. Votcro legion nnd nil old soldiers and sailors Invite to participate. By older F. 8. TIIOMVB , Commander. KUWIN J , AnuoTT , Adjutant. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Deputy Sheriff Carapboll of Mills County Bags Four Oat Thieves. A SMALL BOY HURT WHILE COASTING. A Probability That ICIioiunn's Stnro \Vlll Ho HcnpRnnil I'criiinnontly A Candidate l'i > r tlio Kelorin h'cliool. Deputy Sheriff Campbell of Glenwood has hnuntcd the Bluffs for the past thrco or four weeks with a persistency that Indicated that ho wanted something and wanted It bad. When Interviewed ho always refused to say very much about thn object of hla visit. Yesterday afternoon the mystery wns solved when the deputy rode up to the station , having in tow four men , four mules and two largo loads of oats. For son.o tlmo past the farmers In the vicinity of Olcnwood have been the victims of a trnng of men who have wcro in the hnhlt of visiting their granaries when the owners were away , nnd borrowing oats by the wagon- load , Several weeks no two farmers nnmo AVIIIlnm Hill nnd Tony flctilcr lost about n hundred bushels In thl manner. About ten days ago another similar raid \vasnuulc , nnd another load of onts was 'ukcn. ' The fr.rmers thought that kind of business was. getting a trlllo monotonous , and Mr. Campbell was set to work to lind the thieves. Tbov wore traced as far as the Bluffs , and hero the clue Wfts lost. Yesterday morning n third visit was made , nnd a third load was carried away. When Mr , Gettloraroso in the morning lie at once noticed that the thieves had been there again , nnd ho started In pursuit , in company with a nelgtil'Or. Mr. Isaac Warren , At Cilcnwooc. they notllled Deputy Sheriff Campbell , who Joined ttio chase. At Island Park , a small station n few miles below the city , they suc ceeded In running down their prey , who turned put lo bo W. P , Meadows and his two sons , ( Jeotx'o and Victor , and Henry Gllmoro , nil of them Oinnhn men. They attempted a resistance , but they were soon toned down by the sight of weapons In the hands of their captors. They wcro brought up to this city mid lodged in the city Jail until thev could be taken back to Glen wood for trial. It Is said that this thieving has been car ried on for a long time past bv a well organ- i/ed gang and that there Is already evidence enough to captuio and convict the whole outfit , TAKING STOCK , And Getting Itenxly for Another Great JCuti at tin ; lioRton Store , Council 151 n m. The Boston Store people are getting ready for another great run. For the past few days every leisure moment of the clerks has been occupied In the work of taking stocK und get ting ready for another great sale. There will bo bargains in all departments for nil classes of customers , bigger nnd better bar gains of guaranteed goods than you can get In nny other store In Council Bluffs. Com- mene'ing on Monday wo will offer bigger bur- ga'.ns than ever in ladies' , children's nnd misses' cloalcs and wraps. Many of these nto just the thing for spring wear , and all aio suitable in every wnv for the weather wo will have during the next slvweeks. There nro bargains In black dress gooas nnd all other kinds of dress goods. There are bargains in hoiscry of all de scriptions. There are great bargains in muslins and sheetings. There are bargains In blankets , comforters , and in every department nnd line In the store. U'o thank the people for their appreciation of our efforts to introduce eastern prices nnd extend a new Invitation to como and get gi eater bargains than over. FOTIIKHIMIIIAMVlIITlU.UV & Co. . The Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Down comforts at the Eiseman Sale. $7.75 , our price since January 1 only $0.75. Council Bluffs Carpet company. A New mercantile. Ot nip nny. About the tlmo the Eiseman stock was sold there wns a rumor afloat that a stock com pany had been organized for the purpose of bidding in the stock and carrying on the business at the old stand. On the day of the sale Benjamin Elscman , who was on the ground1 In the interest of the new company , was served with n number of garnishment papers , which , If he bad bought up the stock , would have landed him squarely In the midst of something over n dozen law suits. Ho con cluded not to buy , and from that time to this nothing hns boon hoard from the company. Yesterday articles of incorporation were filed In the ofllco of the county recorder by the "Council Bluffs Mercantile company , " the members of which are Uenjumln Klso- man , 0. F. Wright , J. N. Baldwin. J. F. Klmball , Ooorgo A. Keellno and Samuel lhas. { The capital stock l $100,030. This company is the ono which was formed nt that tlmo and the articles wcro drawn up nnd signed then. Mr. Eiseman would not oonsent to goon with the business , and as ho was tlio principal stockholder the idea had to bo given up for the present. The fact that Mr. Eiicnian has agreed to let the articles bo tiled Is regarded by many us an Indication that the old ICIsemim stand will bo opened ut no distant day as u perma nent Council Bluffs Institution. Ono of the local members of the company stated yester day that the store would be opened Just as soon as thu law suits above referred to could be gotten out of the way. How long this would bo he could not suy , us things in law are very , very uncurtain , but Ijo did not hlnk that it would bo a great while , When the store is op' > ucd under the now management it Is suld that , It will be nioro ol n "genenil store" than bo.'ore. A furniture and carpet department will probably be adued , nnd in every wi < v It will bo run * on strictly metropolitan principles. Our llcmnrknblo Success Enables us to present lor your considera tion prices without a inoccdcnt In thu history of Council Bluffs. All goods nro warrantee new nnd clean , cijtml to the best any markel affords. Only ono price and tcrnn strictly cash. Call and see nud bo satisfied that we uro right. UavU' Hoynl No. 10 flour , ? 1.50 ; Davis Blue D flour , $1.35 ; Gold Medal Hour , $1.45 : Minnesota Superlative Hour , Jl ; Snowflnki Hour , gl ; 15 Ibs granulated sugar for (1 : 1" Ibs oxtru C granulated sugar for ? 1 ; 20 lb ; Now Orleans sugar for SI ; Arbucklo coffee , per pkgo , ii5c ; Gorman coffee , ner pkge , ffia : king's buckwheat , per pk e , 10o ; crackers per Ib , r > ci ; : Ibs ginger snaps forl5c ! ; - loaves bread for fie ; it lus mlnco meat , ! ! 5o : ! l cans tomatoes , U. > c ; ' 1 cans corn , " , " > c ; Page Norton & Co Hour , SI.25 n sack ; ! l-lb nail Jnri ! for U.io ; rlb pnll lard for Jisc ; ell sardines , pel ran , fto ; - cans mustard sardines for We ; Cal Ifornla hams , per Ib , tic ; good broom foi lOo ; Wl good cigurs for iiic ; lio-lb pail Jelly foi 7C c ; 2K-gul pall syrup for We ; fi-gal kof syrup for tl.-U ) ; pnll white Hsh forOOc. Urown's C. 0. 13. Grocery , Council Bluffs nud Omaha. The best French cook in western Iowa Is n the Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs. Co n co rt. L Miss Durgnn , piano solo. 8. Tom Keating , vocal solo , it. Miss ftings , recitation. 4. Miss Mergcn , Instrumental and vocal. f > . Jay nnd George Glenn , jilano duet , 0. K. A. IngoNdby und J. H. MeWilliams vocal duet , 7. Miss Stephens , recitation. 8. H. V. Buikioy , vocal solo. 0. Mr Furnlcas nnd Mrs. Dillon , voca duet. Bert Simmons , accompanist. The above is a programme of the C. M. B A. concert on tomorrow evening nt Hughes hall. Danclne will bo in order after the con cert programme is concluded. AdmUsloi will bo 23 cents _ Colorado Cough and Catarrh Root at Do Haven's Drug Store. An Iiujorri'ilblo Olrl. Mrs. Artlo liulbert has tiled a petition ii district court , asking that a warrant be la ucd for her daughter , Josle Rhodes , and tha ONLYA ; .1.10 FEW DAYS Jl fa ll ! } -TO ti i Share m the WONDERFUL BARGAINS now going at a Maud S. Gait , at thev H MAN BANKR n OCK Monday morning early , We will sell till all are sold , 29 pieces Double Width Dress Flannels , Eiseman's price 30c yard , Monday 15c yard. 26 pieces , choice styles , in finest imported French. Dress Flannels , Eiseman's price 60c yard , Monday 33c yard. 300 pieces Ladies' Muslin Underwear , "bought for this month's business , new , clean goods , Eisenian's price 30 to 5Oc , Monday 19c. 500 Corsets , black and colored , all sizes , sold at 75c to $1.25 , Monday 23c pair. 100 pairs Men's Heavy and Fine Calf Shoes , lace or congress , Eiseman's price $3,00 , Monday $1.73. A deep down cut in our Cloak Department Spe cial for Monday. The above named and thousands of other fascinating , dollar saving , go quick kind of gen- nine bargains will be specially prepared for Monday. J. K she bo brought before the court to answer to the charpo of ir.corilRiblllty. She states that ner daughter has loft homo and has beau hldlup somewhere out of her mother's reach for about a week. She also say * that tbo girl Is in the habit of walking the streets after nightfall , and that she is totally be yond her control. Orders for tables and chairs for parties formerly sent to C. A. Bcbeo & Co. , will bo flllcd by Lund & NeUon nt their now furni ture store , 211 Main street. At tilt ) Uliurolirr. Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church T. MeK. Stuart , pastor. Hesideiice , 230 Fletcher nvcnuo. Christian Church Rev. C. Monroe will preach , at the corner of Broadway and Twenty-third street , at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7iO : ! p. in. Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Bercnn Baptist church. Subject in the morning. "Tho Church of God : " Intho evening - ing , "Wisdom's Offer. " Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 1115 : a. m. Services at Masonic Temple , corner Fourth street and Broadway , nt 10:80 : a. m. und 7iO ! n. in. Hev. James Siino will 1111 the pulpit lir the absence of the pastor. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock. Class incetlug' at I ) : 'M p. in. First Presbyterian church , corner of Wil low avenue and Seventh street , Itov. Stephen Phclps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at it ) ui. Young people's meeting at 050 : ! p. m. Seats free. Everybody welcome. St. Paul's ' Church. Divine services today at 10:45 : n. m. and 7IO : ! p. m. Sunday school 12:15. Bible class 0U : ! ) p. m. Sermon tonics : Morninp , "Tho Nevorfadliip Virtue. " Even ing sermon , ' 'The Immortality of Goodness. " Young men and strangers always cordially welcomed to thcso services. T. .1 , MtcKAV , Ucctor. Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , cor ner Fourth street and Ninth avenue , Council Bluffs , la. Sunday services : Preaching at 100n. : ! ! m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; class meeting at 9HOn. : m , ; Sunday school at 12 in ; En worth league nt 15:30 : p. in. Prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:110 : p. m. Scats free. Strangers welcome. You are Invited to attend" thcso services and enjoy them. S. Alexander , pastor ; residence 2'Jl Eleventh avenue. Congregational Services morning nnd evening. Preaching by the pastor. Morning subject : "Tho Strength of Conversion. " Evening , "Godly Sorrow. " Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 0i0. ; ! These services are free and all uro cordially wel come. Young Men's Christian association , third floor , Mcrrlam block Hev. II. II. Uolchcn- bach will address the young men's meeting today at 4 p. m. All men of the city invited , Any stranger will bo woli-omo. Tlio ooy rholrof St. Paul's Episcopal church will sing. Coma and bring a friend. Mr , C. W. McClure , railroad engineer from Mnrshnlltown , la. , will address the railroad men today at 'JtO : ! In the same place. All road men Invited. Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , Ml ) Broadway. Telephone 13) . Pure ficsb drugs at Davis' , opposite Ogdcn. f Colorado Cougb and Catarrh UOot nt De- Haven's Drugstore. Hurt AVIi lu rousting , The ten-year-old son of 13. B. Edgarton , who lives on Fourth street , was the vic tim of a serious accident while coasting yes terday mornlug , The bottom of the hill where he was enjoying himself happened to bo adorned with n baru wire fcnoo , which had been left out of the boy's calculations when he had tlgured out just how much excitement , ho was going to huvo during tha day. Into this fence bo ran , while his sled was running ui about tbo rate of ve locity whluh might bo expected from a well regulated sled. The result was that the boy's tongue was nearly cut oil from coining into contact with one of ttio barbs , Dr. Cleaver was summoned and it was found iiecoisury to take several stitches In the injured mem ber lu order to put It in tbo way of recovery. Tried tn Ilur-jli' . Burglars tried to enter W. H. Ifncpher's store on Lower Broadway night before lost. They tried to unlock the back door by means ol n wiic which had been bent into the form af n skeleton key- They succeeded in turn ing the holt about half way back , when they weio frightened away by : i passer-by. They departed in such baste that they left their key behind them. For Rent A now 7-Uoom residence with all modern improvements , corner Broadway and Sixteenth streets. J , C. DoHavcn. Call on Schurz-Smlth Co. for chattel loans and real estate. ! 20 Pearl st. Spnnncr and Afford. Miss Grace Spoonor and Mr. W. H. Alfor were united In marriage at the residence of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Spoonor , 700 South Seventh street , Council Bluffs , on Thursday , February , " , nt mid- afternoon. When old Father Tlmo announced that it was it o'clock the invited friends selected convenient positions to witness the ceremony. Quietude was broken by the strains of the wedding march nud then ap peared the contracting parties , preceded by Miss Rutn Felt , a charming Httlo tot of three years. At the threshold of the pur- lor , under a portiere of smilax. Ho/ . T. J. Mncltay , rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church , awultcd their coming nnd according to the impressive service of the Episcopal church they were joined In the holy bands of wedlock by the reverend rector The charming picture was completed by the maid of honor , Miss Hutb Felt , who during the ceremony , holding tbo bride's ( lowers , gazing intently at Hev. Mackuv's countenance , seemed entirely lost at the surroundln g The old saying , "God bless the bride the sun shines on , " was not only the wish of her many friends and associates , but nature her self joined In the thought und assisted with the bright sunshlno seemingly for this occa sion" . Never did It shine moro brilliantly than when the rector pronounced the bene diction and , Indeed , it must be nn auspicious omen for tbo future of both hrido and groom. The bride was lobou hi a very pretty gown of brocade and plain satin doLyon with front of moussollino desote , pearl necklace. She carried bridal roses nnd lilies of the valley. The maid ot honor , Miss Huth Foil , were a quaint Kate Grccnawny costume of cienm benricttn and silk , being the cynoburo of nil oveu. Mrs , Spooner wore n gown of black silk and lace nnd was ably assisted Intho duties of the day by the boat club of which the biiuo was a"iuc\bcr. ( ( Miss Walker ulsa assisted Mrs. Spooner , and tbo cnso lu ft'UJch everything was ac complished was duo'u great deal to her untir ing efforts. r Miss Klsio Pusey" presided at tbo coffee table nnd saw that : \\l \ \ were helped to a nice cup of coffee nndtjior bright and happy ways rellected pleasurojaupon all. Miss Carrlo /.urmucion and Miss Fonnlo Reynolds dis tributed the wcddiiuf cake. Miss May Duvuunart saw that the guests were served and ult < | gcthor the boating club were faithful in thelu efforts to pleaso. The members of the bo'aj , club each received a silver wishbone , present from the groom , Mr. Alford , on whic j was inscribed the date of thu marrlago. , ' 1'a , the maid of honor a friendship ring wa Kiven. Miss \Vnlkur re ceived a very pretty ring from the groom , The presents to the brluo nirl groom were varied and many , uot only being ornamental to a great degree Vtit'uscful ns well. The parlor was decorated with roses nnd carnations , prevailing color , pink ; the dining room decorations were white and gold , The refreshment table was placed In the center of tbo dining room , festooned wltn smilax nnd candles wcro burning In the center , making it very artistic. The bride ana groom loft on the ( \iO \ train for Chicago , where they will spend their hon eymoon , after which they will bo at homo on March a at 'JIJ05 Uodgo street , Omaha. The following wish by Miss Elslo Pusoy will ad mirably express the dcslro of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Alford : "With much lovu and bust Wishes foru very hapuv life , With JiiRtcnoiiKli shadow To temper tlio glare of the fin. f . Mr. Alford Is ono of the rUIng youngnrchl- tccts of Omaha nnd had the esteem of bis as sociates In business. Shot In th Hnnil. Yesterday afternoon Frank Sncathon suf fered n painful accident. 'AVhllo hunting near Carr Inlto ho slipped and foil. The ham mer of his gun caught in his clothing and was discharged , the contents striking him in the back of the rlyht hand , indicting a seri ous wound. IIo was taken to his residence on South nvenuo and Urs. Bates and Bnro- tow called. The baud was Indly mangled nnd it was found necessary to amputate two lingers at yio wrist. * Recollect that the only Installment house in Council Bluffs and the inreost Installment houso'ln tlio west is Miindel & Klein's. Wo sell at eastern prices every article of house hold furniture you use , nnd instead of re quiring you to pay cash wo let you have it on easy payments. There Is no necessity of denying yourself the use of nny nrtlclo when you can got everything you wanton such o.isy terms. The largest .slock of carpets , stoves und furniture In the city to select from. 3M Broadway. Ghoul Moo Gra nt DoIIaveii's. Ijowur Thnn liankrupt PrlcM. New Axinlnstcr , nioiuict velvet , bo ty brussels - sols nnd other grades of carpet now In stock , Laca and cncnillu curtains , rugs , etc. , nt prices below any bankrupt sale price. Coun cil Bluffs Carpet Co. Wo can icplnco nil the broken nrtlcles in your dinner und tea sets. Lund Bros. , 2U Alain street. Best heavy goods , 25 per rent oil , cash. Helter , the tailor , 1110 Broadway. Colorado Cough and Catarrh Koot at Do- ilavcn's ' Urug Storo. The Manhattan , sporting he.idnuartors. N. O'Brien. Bell & Son's now grocery takes the lead on Upper Broadway. No old stock. IJoys WnntcJ at American dlstilct telegraph ofllca. Mrs. U. U. Hlngwalt Is visiting friends in Detroit. Colonel Guy V. Henry will start for Pine Hldgo today. II. S. Berlin will go to Chicago tomorrow via tbo Burlington. ( J. E , Kciguson , editor of the Persia , In. , Glebe , was a caller ut Tuu Bui : ofllco yester day. day.Potter Potter Murray , traveling passenger agent of the Michigan Central railroad , Is In the city.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Mast of Norfolkpasscd through the city hist evening , on route homo from a visit to Davenport , la. Clarence Blckticll , assistant chief clerk In the passenger department of the B , it M. , will ( ro to Indiana on an extended visit to night , accompanied by his family , W. S. Strawn and wife , accompanied by a largo party of Omntia people , will start for New Orlo.ins via the Burlington today to witness the Mardl Gras festivities. Mr. George A. Gel ? , nu old Omaha Doy , but now of Dendwood , S. I ) , , who has been visit ing his many friends and acquaintances In the metropolis und vicinity , loaves tomorrow for his homo , after n most enjoyable visit , F. W. Ellis , freight claim agent of the Union Pnclllo railway at Kansas City until that department was absorbed bT the gnnera * freight onico , has recently resigned his posi tion us commercial agent of the Toledo , St , Louts & Chicago railroad to become trafllo manager of tlio Armour packing company , Kansas City , AOI7T/1 OJ.lf.tJin'B. . Vnn AlHtliu'-liCc- . At the Presbyterian parsonage Friday af ternoon Hev. Robert L. Wheeler oftlcl- atcd nt the mnrrlago of Miss Dora E. Van Alstlnoof Vllllsca. la. , nnd Mr. Arthur E. Leo of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Leu have , thu good wishes of many friends In this city , The popular young couple will bo at homo at 013 Twenty-eighth street. Hun In for htonllni : a Cnnr. John Uynn , tno man who robbed Wright ft Baldwin of an overcoat last Monday evening , was arrested in Omaha Saturday by Oftlccr . T HA/TOFIER , IB MAIN STREXExT\ To Our Friends and Patrons : We have removed our office from 114 Main to 16 Main Street. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST > STOCK OF tttt : &t Can supply you promptly at all times. Best Illinois Coal $4.50. Telephone 43. H. A. COX , Sole Agent. John Fnllon. On his trial before .Iiulgo King Ityan was lined $100 and committed to the county Jail. NntCH About ttio City. A son has been born unto Mr. and Mrs , N. S. Lldgard. Mrs. E. \ \ . Cornish of Tcltamnh Is visiting her son , J. C. Cornish. Miss Coo E. Hunt , accompanied by Miss Whlto , Is homo from Bcllevuo college lo spend Sunday , A library of 100 volume ? hat Just * boon re ceived by the Bnptlst Sunday school from Massachusetts. An Iniiuit chlht of Mr. and Mrs. Coyle , Al bright , was buried hi Liurel Hill cemetery yesterday afternoon. The trustees of the Presbyterian church will hold a session In the lecture rooms of the church Monday evening. Friends of F. P. Hayes , who was hilled In Cheyenne , \Vyo. , lait September , are In the city looking up claims duo the estnto. Kll Titus , tnanngcr of of the American live stock commission comnany , came un from Kansas City to superintend the company's nfTnlrs hi this city. I Landlords Christ nnd Lowry will give nn opening dance In the now Delinoiiico Monday evening. A Inrgo numusr of friends will ac cept their hospitality. The funeral son-leas over Frank Harrison , ngcd six ycnrs , hou of of Hobert 1C. and Emtnu Kuhn , were held In the Fourth ward school yesterday afternoon nt'J o'clock. Kov. Kob- ert L. Wheeler preached the funeral sermon. No Sell lemon t In Klght. \CopurhiM \ Ifll liuJjnm flo/J w n iiuf ( , | Losnov , "Fob. 7. [ New York Herald Cablo- Special to 'inn Bun. ] Perfect unanimity has not often been arrived at be tween the parties to tno negotiations respect ing the future leadership of the Iiish party. Up to the present no arrangement has been made for another conference nt Boulogne.but it Is not Improbable that Sexton may again cross the English channel before the null' I'nrnollltos assemble to consider their pol- lion , Whatever new developments may nnso in the mean time , the decision to bo como to at the next Thursdiy's meeting , will bo regarded as final by the McCartbylto section of the nationalist party. It Is Hinted that ono ot the condition ! ) put forward by Parnull during the early Htngos of tno Boulogne negotiations wns that ho should have the nomination of the whole list of nationalist candidate * at the next genera ! election , Mesttrs , Dillon and O'Brien rflfusing toentor- tain this suggestion , I'arnell Is said to have claimed that nt uny into ho should bopcr- milled to nominate u majority of tbo canal- dates. > SP EOTAJj NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. fJWHJHAMS Very line fi-year-old rondstot 1Mid finally iniirn ; uhoiiii for eash ; im-3 ot linn. Will ( ratio for npilulil piano. Muf. lloiirtclu" , music teuehur , lit iHutMnun street , Council Hlalls , 'XV AN'l'r.l-.WI.virils ! of plastering done by I V paity who will taku a need young IIOTHO In [ i.ii t p tyiiient. Apply lo Leonard hvurott. T OOAI ngiMitH wanted Iti every county In . - * IOMII null Niilir.iHlui fi > r thn o.xuhiHluiMiltt of tlio lest pr.iulkMl seller v\ur ollcnd to farniuis. I'nll and BUO It ; or nddriss Canedy M ( , - Co. . IQIl'j Main Btieul. Connull MliilK 171O ! ! . SAI.K Kino ulnglo anil donlilo rnuil- JHlnrHand lioiivy ( Iniiiitht linr us. Will IIHO | fill ordeis for any Htylo of horsuHviintou. . Kcnto oril'Ts ' with Dr. w. li. Pat ton , i'l'iitrnt Ihrry nnd HHU ! utablus1 und St N. Main Co'inell llhiffH. f Al'IUI f you want to sal ono ncro or moro fur : t nlco IIOIIIP , and \ > iivio you uan Kur- deniind rn'so ' siaall fiull anil poultry , or It you uant ton or twenty aurcs or u lur n furia In Iowa , wn I'Mii unit you. ( 'ill und ru us. .lnliiiston& Van I'atlon. Kvurutt block , Cinin- elllllulla. rpm AIIIKS-Try Dr. Miller's homo trout. J-Mc'it for fiinialu dlseiisDs , Sufo , inlM und hiir.i . , \lso Ir , Mlllvr'H pllo iiistllusi painless iMidsunianlt'iid tounru. I'orHiiIii In Coiiiiell Hhill * . and Uniului only liy Mis. A. A. Nnltli. 1USH. 1st Ht. . and Mrs , (1. ( li lllgulns , 15ld I.cavi'inMirlli St. , Uniiihn. "I70HHVMS or Hint Oir.lnn Unl. wth | bouiDt , by J. IL lilac WJ Mala it. , Oouuoll CITIZENS STATE BAM " Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 DMB'woun-I. A. Mlllor , F. 0. aieason , H. L. ShiKiirt , 11 K. IliirUJ. 1) . KdiiiundHOii , ( 'h trial C. llunmui , Transaatgeiiar.il Uauldii : liuil * nt'SH l.nr ent capital uirl urj > lm ot au liuiilcln Hjutliwoslurn ton.u INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , The City Stearns hnvo never received their guarantee from the Lincoln management for three games played thon/lnst season , ex-Man ager i'opo la now working hero lu the city and fcovcral of the pluycri have mi arcouL- < ugulnsthlin forHiihry duo , then ills clulmcd > > by lli''in that 1'opo roctilvcd the money and fullo.l to turn It over to the basa ball associa tion. As It Is. tbo players received but very Httlo salary while jimylng under hli" /