THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , -FEBRUARY 8 , -SIXTEEN PAGES. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS The House Considers the Sundry Civil Bill in Committee of the "Whole. ADOPTION OF TIIE WORLD'S FAIR CLAUSE. of tlio Chief Olllcci-H Upon -I'lii'laii'H Death Announced Tlio DlKliI Hour Bill In the Hcnalc. WASHINGTON , Fob 7. In the house today the conference report on ratifying tbo agree ment with the Sac and Foi and Iowa Indians in Oklahoma was agreed to. Tlio report of the Ituuin Investigating com- mltteo was ordered printed nnu recommitted. The house went Into committee of the whole , Poyson In the chair , on the sundry civil appropriation bill. The pending question was the decision of th o chair on Mr. Mason's point of order , raised ngalntt Mr. Chambers' amendment yesterday. Alter a brief debate the chair ruled the amendment out of order as chang ing the existing law. Mr. Buyers of Texas offered an amendment decreasing from $ .15,000 to f 10,000 the appro priation for salaries of ofllccrs , clerks , stcn- ogrnphers , etc. with a provision that not ex- cccdlng $20,000 bo used In the payment of the salaries of president , secretary , director gen eral and the vlco cnalrman of the executive committee. The cnalrman overruled the point of .order raised against this amendment by Mr. Hut- tcrwortli. Mr. Wilson of West Virginia offered as a substitute an amendment fixing the salaries as follows : President , f > , OOU ; vice president of the executive committee , 1,030 , ; secretary , W.IXX ) ; clerks , stenographers , etc. , $3,000 In nil fc'O.OOO. Mr. Butterworthopposed both propositions , characterizing them as a stab at the exposi tion and nt national honor. Thov would do- natlonnll/o the exposition and humiliate It in ' the oyi-.s of the countries of the world. Mr. . Wilson denied that there was any feelIng - Ing iHiionr the committee antagonistic to the proposition. Its boat friends were thoio try. ing to bring down the expenditures. Mr , Butturworth offered an amendment to the substitute fixing tbo salary of director general nt $7f > ( )0. ) Mr. Washington of Tennessee said the democrats wnntcu the exposition to bo a suc cess , but did not want It to stink in the nostrils of all gconomtcal men because Its officials drew extravagant salaries. Mr. Lnwlcrof Illinois regarded the amend ments as a repetition of the old light as to the location of the world's ' fair. Certain gen tlemen had been jealous of Chicago over t > lnco the site was decided upon. Ho denied that the fair was turning Into a political machine , and wisheu to say as a democrat that Director ( icnornl Davis was nbovo that class of business , although ho was a republi can. Mr. Lnwlor had a llttlo tilt with Mr. Buchanan of Now Jersey , the latter express ing disbelief that there was any Jealousy , and Mr. Lawlcr assuring him ( lluchnnan ) that ho dlit not knowwhat , ho was talking about. Mr. Butterworth's amendment to tho'substi- tnto was agreed to-S ! ) to ( K - and Mr. Wil son's ' substitute , ns amended , was adopted. Mr. Biggs of California offered an amend ment striking outtlie word "ladles" wherever it occurs and Inserting "women. " Mr. Buttcrworth suggested that there was a strong suspicion that ladles wcro women nud the amendment was ruled out of order. On motion of Mr. Gaudier the ninondme'iit was adopted striking out the appropriation of $15,000 for the expenses of ono meeting of the commission In IS'.fi ' , On motion of Mr. Frank of Missouri , the nincndincnt was adopted striking out the ap propriation of $15,000 for the expenses of the meeting of lady mnimKcrs in IblfJ. The world's ' fnlr clause then passed and without disposing of the bill the committee rose. rose.Mr. . McMillan of Tennessee , announced tbo death of Congressman Pholan , and the house , ns n mark of respect , adjourned. Kcnato. WASHINGTON Feb. 7. In the senate todaj the house joint resolution to correct an crroi of punctuation In the tariff net was taken up , but wont over until Monday. The order for night sessions submitted yesterday torday by Mr. Edmunds was agreed to. The house bill for the adjustment of no counts ot workmen , etc. , under the clgnl hour law was taken up , discussed at length amended and modillod , and finally , on motion of Mr. Wolcott , recommitted to the commit tcoon education yeas , 27 ; nays , ! M as fol lows : Yeas Allison , flerry , Blackburn , Ulan- Carlisle , Cole , Dlxon , Edmunds , George Hampton , Harris , Hawley , IHscock , Jones ol Arkansas , Merrill , Plumb , Power , Pugh Hansom , Keagnn , Sunders , Sawyer , Squire Vest , Wnlthnll. AVnsbburn and Woicott 27 Nays Daniels , Dnwcs , Dolph , Faulkner Frye , Gorninn , Halo. Hnggm , Hoar , Ingalls Kcnnn , McCounell , Mcl'hersim , Manderson Mitchell. Paddock , Pierce , Quay , Sherman Shoup , Stowurt , Stockbrldgo .M. Ileioro the vote was announced and wlioi Mr , Blair learned how It stood til to 27 In changed his vote from no to aye and moved i reconsideration. Mr. Harris moved to lay the motion on thi table. Pending action , however , the death of Phe Inn of Tonnossco was announced and us t murk of respect the senate adjourned. II1H-WIFE A intVXK.lIin. Why a Chicago Clerk WnntH a Dlvorci iriiui Ills M To Companion. CiiicAno , Fob. 7. [ Special Telegram U THE BKi.J : Wllliain H. Chick , the depart moat manager of Marshall Field's rotnl store , has applied for n divorce from Knto M Chick on the ground of her iucorriglbli drunucncss. "About three years ago , " said hoyesterdaj In his complaint , "I wa connected with i temperance mission. During a meeting oni night a young man came In much the worsi for liquor , I sympathized with hln and took him to 1113' homo whcr bo remained and became a motnbe of the family. This man's parents rcsldci In the state of Maine and so did my wife' ; folks. After n while It was suggested tha the two go together to visit their people , am llnally I iruve my consent and it cost mo $ M < 1 Subsequently I discovered that my wife am the young man were intoxicated during thi entire trip , and it was then that my wife ac quired the hubit of drinking , " Clilnanieii Sueil for Libel. FIIAXCISCO , Oil , Fob. 7. [ Spocin Telegram to Tiu ; HKK. ] The llrst libel sui brought against a Chinaman In this countr ; was 11 led hero today by Gcorgo W. llumo .5 Co. , commission merchants , who sue W Hint ; Chcong and two other pagans fa $30,000 , dunagcs forlmvltigInserted a libelon article In the Oriental , a Chinese ncwspapc published hero. This article warned thi Chinese not to work for Hume & Co. , DC cause they hud defrauded the defendants ou of 1,001) ) hy failure to keep a contract fo taking salmon packers to Alaska. Bumo . < Co. claim that they have been damaged b1 this libel. ItrltlHh Insurance Consolidation. CHICAGO , Fob. 7. The Journal this evenIng Ing nays ; It Is reported In Insurance circle that two great British insurance companies the Liverpool and London and Glebe and th Scottish union , Imvo consolidated. Agent of the companies hero have no direct ad vices. A Packing HOIINO IturniMl. IH'Ht-QUK , In. . Feb. 7. George Uath A Sons' pork packing house burned tonight Loss , 10,000j Insurance , # . ' 0,000. , lull-on lllrseli'n Liberality. NKW VOIIK , Fob , 7. Hanker Jesse Scllg m limn bus received from Huron Hlrsch a cable Kram notifying him thnt the trustees of th Duron Hlrsch fund ID this country may dra\ on him for fO.noo.OOO , to bo applied to the re lief of immigrant Jews ' "bo have come here and are destitute. The Income from this sum Is to bo devoted to amelior ating the condition of the poor Jews by giving them Homes In fertile farming districts , where they can make tholrown living. If the trus tees find it necessary to draw on the princi pal of the fund they nro authorized to do so , and Huron Hlrsch lias promised to make the difference good , During the past year the bnrou gave about f 10,000 n month for the re lief of indigent Hebrews In this country. JKI < TI2IISON AND VljOIlKNCIi. They 1'ny rt Plcnfmnt Visit to the Home nl llio lieu. Those two Influential agencies In thcjllfo of the day the press ana the btngo were brought In pleasant juxtaposition last even ing when Mr. Joseph Jefferson , Mr William Florence and Mr. Thomas Jeffcrscn paid a visit to Tun BEK building , upon Invitation of Mr. Hosowatcr , to witness that most Inter esting of real dramas the tolling of the his tory of the world for a day as presented and nmdoupln tbo modern newspaper , Itself the triumph and cpltomo of the civilization ana progress of the world. The relationship between stage and press , between drama and literature , has always been moro or less Inttmato since Hlcbnrd Brlnsley Sheridan or Shakespeare himself and they are united In both Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Florence , who , besides being the repre sentative comedians of the American stage , hnvo written two very delightful books , the former , "Jefferson's Autobiography , " und the latter , "Florence's Fables , " which have enriched the lltcratii'-o of the stage. It win after the performance Inst night of "The Heir nt Law'1 ' thnt Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Florence , when hundreds of people were still laui.'hlng over the comedy that is played too rarely , wcro shown the building which is the homo of Tun O.MAIH BII : : by the editor himself acting ns guide and mentor. There was nothing that escaped the nttcn tlon of the distinguished guosts. and It was casv to see that It Is this broail. deep , intense Interest In active affairs outside the realm In which they are engaged that has made them the nctors they are , and which enable them to strike so many chords of popular approbation. There was not a nook or corner of the edifice from the composing and stereotyping rooms on the sixth floor to the press room on the ground floor that escaped their notice. The court wus n wonder to thorn , the business oflleo n matter of surprise , the press room n revela tion that so complete an establishment could exist in a city that twenty-llvo years ngo had hardly live thousand people. There was nothing quite so delightful ns to see Hilly Florence walk up to a case In the composing room und commence to nnmo over the boxes , showing that some time during his lifo he had learned the artof typo setting , and his knowledge of stereotyping showed thnt ho was no tyro In that branch of a daily newspaper. After the guests had been shown all the workings from the editorial rooms to the ground lloor they wcro given a llttlo dinner in the French roUauraut adjoining , Mr. Hosewator occupying the head of the table , Mr. Jefferson to his right aud Mr. Florence to his loft , Mr. Tom JolTeraon and the dramutto editor completing the quintette , menu being as follows : Oysters on Half Shells. Umolctto nu Hum , Sweet lire ads with Mushrooms , Filet Mlgtiiin , 1'roncli I'cas , Olieeso. Fruits. For an hour the guests discussed the menu and Indulged In delightful observations upon many jubji.'cts from Voltalro and Shakespeare - pearo and the Into and the part Mr. Uosewatcr played In It , to ttio modern drama r.nd its decline. It was so delightful n visit that undoubt edly the guests who wee present will revert to It very pleasantly In years to como. TAHHiS LIHK A Mother HoIilH to the Life-Like . Body of a Daughter. CHAwroiiDsvii.i.E , Ind. , Feb. 7. I Special Telegram to Tin : HKK. ] After being sick fnr two weeks Daisy Wilson , a fourteon-yoar- old school girl , died Wednesday morning. All arrangements wonj mudo for the funeral , but when the preacher and f rionUs arrived yester day afternoon the mother of the plrl would not allow thi ) services to bo held. The hearse was sent away aim the friends returned homo. The girl looks ns if she wascnly sleep ing , thcchceks and lips having tbo rosy tint of health. The doctors , however , say that she Is dead , hut still her mother will not believe it. The body is In u eoflln and Is kept in a warm room. Mrs. Willson will not permit the remains to be embalmed. .Mint * . I'nttl Arrestc'd. LONDON , Fob. 7 , The Berlin correspon dent ol the Herald says the po.ico served an order of nrroat on Madame Patti in behalf of tbo St. Potorsuurg authorities for breach of contract In refusing to sing nnloss her ad- vnnco money was deposited with her bunk ers. The serving of the order caused n sen sational scene. Madame I'atti was com pelled to deposit tbo sum of f..lUO In order to obtain her liberty. Und on lOlcotrlc Wlren. AI.IIASV , N. Y. , Feb. 7. The effect ol today's snowstorm upon the electrical sys tems of this city was the most disastrous over known. Snow began falling this after noon and before 10 o'clock tonight 100 wires were biokcn down and over fifteen largo telephone and telegraph poles snapped mid fell. The average fall of snow is only about live inches. Women's Labor KOUI-H. PAIII ? , Feb. 7. [ Special Cablegram to Tur Bun.l The chamber of deputies today adopted a bill regulating the employment ol women and children In factories. Thp bill had already been passed by the senate. It provides fora working day of ten hours a day nnd a day of rest in each week. An Uprising Quelled. 1 LONDON" , Fob , 7. News has been received 1D of n revolt by negroes on the Island of St , D Thomas , in the Gulf of Oulena , belonging to tbo Portuguese. No details bavo been re ceived , but It Is known that the garrison quelled the uprising. ItCKiird it an DlMiilvantageouM. LONDON , Fob. 7. Advices wcro received hero today to the effect that the moderato ate papers In Ulo Janeiro disapprove of thi trcatv of commerce arranged with the United States as distinctly disadvantageous to Urn zil. Will Out. LONDON , Fob. 7. It Is learned that the military baronet connected with the can1 scandai Is Sir W. A. Cummlng , lieutenant colonel of the Scotch guards , and for n lone tune ono of the "Prince of Wales set. " Strike of Switchmen. OSIIKOSH , Wls. , Feb. 7. Tfco switchmen 01 the Chicago & Northwestern road went on t strike tonight on account of nn obnoxious yardmuster. Great dilllculty was had It moving trains. Norwegian Steamer llcportoil Lost. NEW YOUKFKII. . 7. The Norwoglar steamer Simon Durmur Is reported sunk nl almost the same spot the Vizcnyawent down , Notnlng has been heard of the crew. A St. Joseph Citizen SiilolileH. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Fob. 7. Captain Davli ! Plngcr , a prominent business man and blghl } respected citizen , committed suicide this evening while in a fit of melancholy induced by suffering from rheumatism. Six Killed In an KvploHloii. SAVANNAH , Gn. , Feb. 7 , News was re ceived here tonight ot the explosion ot n boiler In Giles' sawmill , near Holdsvillo , killing six men four colored nnd two white The Count able Acquitted. Dis MOINCS , In. , Fob , 7. The Jury In thi conspiracy rases against Constable Allor this afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty SulV llloxvi-i-M Itob a Hank. POUT WAYNK , Ind , , Feb. 7. Safe blower mided a bank at Kldgevillo , lud. , fifty mile : south of this city , last ulght , securing } J-)00 ) HIS BONDSMEN ARE ALARMED Andrew Murphy Demands Immediate Action on the Matter of Megcath's Shortage. DON'T ' WANT TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE , lie Files n Complaint AVItli the County ConinilNHloncrfl niul the Hear * Ing ! H Hut for Feb ruary 14. A big nnil very Important mooting was belli by tlio county commissioners yesterday afternoon. All tha members of the board \vero present , which In Itself was somewhat extraordinary , while cx-Coniinlssloncr Tur ner , Auditor Kvims , County Clerk O'Mulloy anil two or three city coundlmcn also ou- cuplcd scats within the railing. The lobby viis packcil back Into the corridor. Tlio extraonllnury Interest manifested In ho session was duo to tlio fact that several natters ot unusual Importance niul weight vcro booked ntul advertised tcbo acted upon. After the cull to order , and before the rain- itcs were read , the city council committed ppolnted to confer with the board relative to .ho road fund levy , was hoard through lessrs. Cooper and Hcchcl. They asked hat the city bo given four-llfths of the road und of the county to expend In the city. Commissioner Van Camp said he thought ho county board . should expend the entire und. Commissioner Tlmmo thought the board mil no right to turti the money over to the ity. Ho urged that the county had always .uceoeded . In getting road work iiono much cheaper than the city. Air. Cooper could not see the cquitv or jus- .Icoln expending nionoy on country Improve ments that rightfully belonged to Imurove- iicnts In the business portion of the city , Mr. Bcchel said that It was very necessary hut some action in the matter bo taken at an early date , ami ho hoped to sco action taken 'mined lately. Chairman O'Keeffo said there was some luo.ttlon as to whether the board liad any right to turn the money over to the city. On motion ot Mr. Corrigan it was referred to the committee oa roads to report at a meot- ng of the board to bo held on Tuesday. The road fund matter being disposed of and the minutes approved , the clerk read the following under the head of communica tions : Before the board of county commissioners , Douglas county. Nebraska. In the matter of the charges against T. A. Mcgcuth , register of deeds. Complaint nod inlnrmatiou of Andrew Murphy , mudo before the board of county commissioners of the county of Douglas , mid of the state of Nebraska , this 7th day of Fob- ruarv " , Is'.ll ' , who being first duly sworn on his "oath says that T. A. Mcpeatb is now the acting register of deeds of said county under and by virtue of his elec tion to said oftlco nt the "gennral election held In and for said county on November 5 , ISS'J. and that during the years 18SS and ISSOsuid T. A. Mcgcnth , register of deeds aforesaid , during the year Ib'JJ ' collected in his ofllclai capacity the sum of ? J1,017.10 : that the salary of the said register of deeds and the salaries and compensation allowed and paid to his deputies and the other legitimate expenditures of the said oftlco for said yeui IbU ) was $ .V > nr > .iUi , which it became the duty of the said T. A. Megeath lit such register ol deeds to pay over to tlio county treasurer of said county on January 8 , A. IX , Ib'Jl ' , Aftlantsays the said T. A. Mczoath has willfully neglected Ills said duty and wil fully refused and reglectcd to pay over to the county treasurer of said county the aforesaid sum of $ "if > li.r > . ( > i or any part thereof , and that the said T. A. Mogeath has wilfully and cor ruptly appropriated to his own use and bonci lit the sum ofSo,53j. ( > j out of the aforesaid sum of $ . " > , r > t'M. < ' ) f ! . Afllnnt further says that during the year ISS',1 ' , said T. A. Moj-eath , as register of deeds aforesaid , collected la his ofllchd capacity , w fees of his said oflleo , the sum of SWi' > 7i.7 : ( ) and that during the same time the salary o the said Mepeath as such register of deeds and tha salaries and expenditures of sail deputies and clerks and other expenditures amounted to $ tO,0.SO ( ! ! ) , leaving a surplus o ST.lXKi..X ) , which it became the duty of the said T. A. Mi'geath as such register of deeds to pay over to the county treasurer January 0 , 181HJ , am of which amount said Megeath has paid to the county treasurer only the sum o SU50.VJO , and the said T. A. Meguath has wholly neglected and wilfully refuses am neglects to pay owr to th ( ; county treasurer the remaining $ ltt)0 ) of suld fund , und the said T. A. Megeath has wilfully and cor ruptly appropriated the whole of said su o $1,00(5 ( to his own use and benefit. Afllant further says that the said T. A Megeath is ineligible to hold said ortlco o register of deeds for the reason that the sail T. A. Megeath , as a collector and custodial of public money of the said county of Doug his , to wit : The sum of SI.OOJ collected bj him in his otllelnl capacity during the year IBS' ) is In default to the said county in the aforesaid sum of ? ! , OJi ) , and is further in default to suld county in the sum of $ , "irjtM.l'i ( , money colleotc.l by him as custodian and collector of publln money of the said county of Douglas during the year IS'.H ' ) contrary to the form of the statute in such case mido ami provided and against the peace and dignity of the state of Nebraska. Axiwnw Mi'ni'itv. Mr. Megeath himself was an interested lis tener to the reading. The complaint being road , Mr. Timtno moved that It bo placed on fllo and that Sat urday , February 14 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , ho set for hearing the same , and that a summons ho issued to the clerk returnable on that date. Mr. Berlin furnished the necessary second , and the mdtlon carried , Alessrs , Corrigan and Van Camp voting no. A majority report ot the committee on con struction , signed by Turner , Corrigan and O'ICeoffo ' , on the $3 , : < ( bill of extras of S. I , Pope & Co. for steam heating In the now county hospital , recommended that only $12.3 of tho" same bb paid. Adopted. The county surveyor was instructed to communicate with the Feuton manufacturing company and Novelty manufacturing com pany with a vlow to obtaining from them bids for refitting the vaults in the oftlces of treasurer and register of deeds. Bids for county supplies wcro let to the following parties : T. Sullivan , meat ; Cody & Or.iy , white plno lumber ; Charles U. Lee , white oak tim ber ; Raymond Brothers , oak piling ; H. J , Peufold , drugs ; J. H. Boyd , broad. Hut one bid was received for groceries and the clorb was ordered to rcadvcrtlso for same. The regular npnropriatlon sheets were read a third time and approved. A largo amount of business of a routine order was transacted. On motion of Van Camp the board pro ceeded to ballot for county physician. There was a long list of candidates , but only Doc tors Krogh and Council were "In it. " Mr , Berlin favored the latter and the rest of the board the former. Dr. Kcogu was declared elected. Mr. Berlin started to read a clipping from a local paper , but the board was too tired f 01 anything of that sort and a motion to adjourn prevailed. Omaha Guard Notes. There is a movement on foot to erect c rlllo ran to at the armory , that the guards may become as expert In the firing as. the ; arc in the handling of a rifle. C. S. Raymond has donated the cup for which the guards will begin making "records" as soon as the range is completed , which time the men are anxiously awaiting. The "Haymond cup" is a beauty. It Is a large silver goblet lined with gold supported by a stand ot three silver rifles. On one side of the cup is a sketch of a squad at rillo prao tlco. The cup , Including base , rlflos anil bawl , stands about twelve Inches In helghl and is a trophy worthy of the best efforts ol any rilleman. At the regular monthly meeting held al the armory Wednesday evening , February 4 , the Omaha guards elected Charles N. Wilson to the oflleo of second lieutenant , vice Llou tenant Fnbyan , who la now pcrmancntij located at Boston , Mass. Lieutenant Wilson Is one ot the old members of the guards , havIng - Ing belonged to the organization over three years , during which tlmo ho has served a ; , privato. corporal aid | sergeant. Tdo men ovl dcntly have confidence in his ability to ill ! the important oflleo to which they elect him , , and ho Is to bo congratulated ) upon Iho pro motion , ' Sergeant A. K. Campbdll ' f the Omaha junnli hns resigned his ofllcUinnd member ship In the company on nawulit of having re ceived the appointment as-funeral agent of the H. it M. at Doadwood.'i , Jlis resignation vas accepted with regret , as the guards real- zo they have lost a , good ami efficient oftleer. KKAli U8TATK KXCIIA.Nat : . Auction Sales Susp3Mil.fccl.for the Pres ent Otlicr ItustiioHi. The regular monthly infecting of the real hold dti o'clock ' cstato exchange was - yester day afternoon with just bnbtfgh members present to constitute n quorum , On account of the absence of President Hartimtn , 1' . L. Porrlue acted ai chairman. Tno proposition of W. U. Taylor to con- solldato the exchange with the board of tnulo was ordered pluced on tlio. K. F. Test forwarded a long communica tion , In which he urged that the exchange take active stops In booming the city. The communication was read and referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Benson - son , Hicks and ( Jeorge. Mr Test wanted a mass meeting of citizens called In the near future to suggest some plans. Kmstus Benson , who had Just returned from Chicago , stated that Chlcniro real estate men arc working most of the cities in the \viiy of organizing gangs of boomers. Ho regarded this as a strlous matter , us the fictitious booms nro drawing capital away from real towns ami placing It In worthless additions la the vicinity of Chicago. Mr. Beniou thought the exchange should do some card advertising. His plan was to print cards , showing Omaha's population and In crease. The secretary was authorized to ascertain the cost of printing 5UO of such curds. Tlio interstate bridge bill was discussed , and Mr. George ventured the statement that it will bo built. The question of delinquent members was discussed , and as u stnrtiT Mr. Evuus moved nil members who do not pay their dues by tbu next monthly meeting bo prevented from having access to the daily call sessions. The dues that have not been paid amount to the sum bf SalCi. Secretary Wilson will notify all such members of tills action. A motion to suspend further auction sales was adopted. Mr. George thought the salary of the sec retary too small. A number of the members were of the same opinion but no action was taken , the matter being referred to the ex ecutive committee. Tlio Mutilated Picture. Mr. II. Jay Smith , who astcJ a art direc tor and agent of the Omaha Art Exhibition association during tha recent exhibit , shipped the mutilated 'Itoturn of Spring" to Denver yesterday afternoon and will place It on exhibition thoro. The question of who shall suiter the loss on the picture has not yet been nettled , as the association refuses to do anything about it unless compelled to by "tho courts. The owners will not release the association from their liability , but both parties have agreed that Mr. Smith shall talto it for exhibition pur poses without In any way changing the status of affairs between them. Mr. Smith holds that the association is liable , both legally and morally , and in support of his position shows his contract with1 the association by the terms of which ho was to act as their ngcnt in securing the pictures for exhibition hero. A Dry ( iooilN I'alauc. Photographs of the dry goods palace that is to bo erected and for w'hlch excavating is now going on at the corner of Sixteenth and Douglas , show that ttio proprietors of the Huston store are planning to build one of the handsomest structures hi the city. The build ing will bo three stories high , and both llio Sixteenth and Douglas street fronts will bo composed wholly of Iron and glass. The architecture will boa dutall of the Ionic , combined with certain feature- ! the Human- esquo stylo. It will bo "n very imposing structure , and will be a credit to ono of the finest business corners in the city , The main entrance will bo on thq coruor , and above it will rise.i circular tower ot graceful proper tions. The entire building' will bo'duvdtcd to dry goods , and the excellent lighting facilities will display them to the beat advantage. Tlio Unnoordi.i Ua' i t.-railn. The Concordlu maso iorado ball will bo given nt Germunla hall next Saturday , February U. Only a limited number of tickets are on sale , an 1 only such persons as nro known to the members of the society can secure them. This Insures a select party and no doubt will bu equal to the standard thnt this organization lias maintained. Ad mission can bo secured pnly by applying to ono of the committee In charso of the sub scription list. Hniuor.s of a Bin Deal. Su/rL\Ki : , Utah , Fob. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bii.I : : A rumor js current in railroad clrele.1 liero that a deal is ou foot which will result in the absorption of the Hlo Grande Western by the Santa Fc com pany. Presidents Miinvcl und Palmer of the respective muds have both been here during the past few days and have made trips of in spection of the western lines , and surface in dications seem to give plausibility to tlio re port that consolidation Is being arranged , Ilaving purchased the Colorado Midland , with a terminus at tiruud Junction , the ac quirement ot the Western would give the Santa Fo increased advantage in obtaining coast business and doubtless accelerate the extension to S'm ' Francisco from Salt Lake via the Yoscmita piss. It Is s.ild that the company also has in view a loop taking in the country between La Junta ou the east and San Francisco on the west. lloitil to Glory. ClllCAiio , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bii.J : : Gcorgo Clark of Chicago has signed with Hob FiUslmmons , tbo champion middleweight pugilist , for an unlimited en gagement ut&UO a week and expenses for Ins wife and child and nurso. Carroll docs not go with him. The reason for delay was work In getting Carroll and Fitzsimmons to split. Otto Floto is to have charge of the- business and an athletic company Is to bo organized. The company Is to open In Now York at'd ' af ter doing tbo eastern cities will reach Oh lea- tro about March fl. Clark intends to take Fitzsimmous to England and match him for 1,000 with the winner of the Burko-Priteh- arrt battle , ConfercMiee ol' KH'ormoTH Called. Tni'KKA , Kan. , Fob. 7.V. . F. Uightmiro , secretary of the National Citizen's Industrial alliance , has issued a call for a national con ference of reformers to bo hold In Clnchmattl May 10 next to adopt u'platform , , ana make such arrangements for HIO , conflict of 1803 as the conference may ik ni , fitting. This call is In opposition to the tylsfycs , of J , D , Holdcn of Kmporlu , president otr the National Citi zens' nllianco formed at.Xcala. ) There seems a dtsposition to ignore } ( o.dcn | altogether. An Opposition Mooting Arranged. DUIILIX , Feb. 7. Tlid 'McCarthyitcs have organized an oppositlotLmectlngutStrabully , Queens county , tomorrow- the same tlmo Harrington and Leauijr 'expect to address the Parnelllto meeting ; . ' ! A. largo force of po- llco have been assembled fa view of a possible disturbance of tbo peade- ! Tuo Freeman's JoUriinl says that the Boulogne conferences,1.though productive ol a hopeful feeling , arcnis yet without Until result. * " ' Connor * Knocked Out LyoiiH. MiniiLKsnoiiounii , Kv. , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram to TIIE BEE. ] At the opera house last evening for a purse of $300 and gala re ceipts a light to the finish , with four-ounce gloves , took place between John Connors ol Konnoko and Carter Lyons of Cincinnati. In too tenth round Lyons was knocked out. EiiKlnntl Hocolvefl Her Invitation. LONDOK , Fob. 7. Lord Salisbury , British prime minister , has received through the United States legation an otUcial Invitation from the United States government , request ing Great Britlau to take part In the world's fair , which Is to bo hold In Chicago in 1803. What n Parlor Match Dill. Cuicuno , Fob. 7. Mrs. Mary Sell stepped on a parlor match this morning , sot lire to her dross and was fatally burned before assist- unco reached tier , THE STATE INSTITUTIONS , Appropriations Demanded or tlio Legislature for Their Support. A TOTAL OF NEARLY THREE MILLIONS , I-\pcnsp ol'lho Mltltln In the Itcccnt Indian AVar--Ucorgaiil7.ln the Xubrnnkn Itcllct * Asso ciation. LINCOLN , Neb , , Feb. 7. [ Special to Tur. BEK. ] The following represents the appro priations made heretofore for the support of the several lnstltutlons-of the state , ns also the amounts asked for each from the present legislature. The amount sought appears In the first , and that of two years ago In the second column , The total also Includes the miscellaneous fund , which cannot bo estimated In advance. There Is n wide disparity In tlio figures In each column. In nearly every instance whcro this difference occurs , It Is accounted for by an ox pen ( I It lire for some lurco Improvement In the past or a demand for one- the coming year. Governor's olllcn $ 17,400.00 f 17,400.00 Adjutant gonunil's of- , lice SS.700.00 82.701.00 Commissioner nf labor. . H.dflO.KI H.OOO.OJ Secretary of state 17.3.VU0 17-J.VI.OO Auditor SiMXKi.CO 'iMiUU.O'J Treasurer IVJ-VMH ) 14MX.00 ) Superintend i < nt nubile Instruction P.77S.OO 12.775.00 Attorney general f..lWO.lW 12.1KXUX ) Commissioner public ! lands and building. . . aO,0. ' > 0.00 30,010.00 llo-ir.l public hinds and buildings 41,005.00 G3mOO Hoard < > ducatlon , lands and farms * T,000.00 lU.SM.OO lloiinl iiurehnsu tind siippllui : w.oo ' Sti n > iiiucoiirt 47ilo.OO : Ilank depart incut II..KKI.OO : i. ' . | iJ.l 0 State llhnirv OMun KV.i-n.Oi ) . lDSiltalliisino.Uiico1n ! | : aot.'KXUH ' ) 8iw.wi.00 tliiipltiillniani > , Norfillc ) IW.400.W 14-.C7i.87 Hospital Insane , Hust ings 2-vuoo.oo uxi I'enltontlarv. Lincoln. . ISvllO.OJ 131.Ky.OU Institute blind , Nubras- Uiioity : 42.soj.oo Industrial school , Kear ney 14ilii.OO ( ! ) 187.rflJ.00 InstllutciJuttfund dumb Oiimlm 74,000.00 00'iCI.OO Homo of friendless. Lin coln 67,51aOO IJO.OCO.CO Industrial li'jine , Mll- fiuil : i4.flOO.OO 40,710.00 State board of tnmspur- tat'on ' 10.MO.CO 11UM.OO Soldiers' and Sullors' home. ( Iranil . . I'K.S'JJ.OO 110'JSO.OO 1 nstl tu t of coble minded , llcatrloe ir ,4V > .OT fW.5S3.00 Klsh commission 13.070.00 Ifi.dOO.W ) State university Jj4jlijM : > l > 13AMMO Total jiJjoO.S07.70 Jl8Je : .88 NiSIj MOllHOVV'S DKilTH. The OIH'-tnl Announcement Issued by General Itrookc. The folio wing general order has been Issued by General Brooke with regard to the death ot the late Colonel Henry A. Morrow : HiAI)0.tUHTBItsDsl : > .UITMiXTOItTIIBlJIATTB OMAHA , Feb. 'I , IS',11. With the dojpustsor row the commanding general announces to the troops serving in this department the death , ntthe Army and Navy gcncial hoi- pltul , Hot Springs , Ark. . January HI , IV.H , of Colonel Henry A. Morrow , Twenty-first in fantry. Colonel Morrow was bora In Virginia , July 10 , IS'i'.t , und served us n private in company C , District of Columbia and Maryland infan try , from May l ! ? , 1840 , to May IK ) , Ibl" . Karly during the war of tlio rebellion ho was com missioned colonel of the Twenty-fourth Mlcli ignn Infantry , and honorably mustoreu out of the volunteer service. July HI , lStiT > . The brevet of brigadier general of volunteers was conferred on him lor gallant and distin guished services before Klchmond in the campaign of 18l4 ! , and brevet of major general of volunteers' in that of IbtlS , for distinguished and conspicuous gal lantry and goad conduct before Petersburg , Va. July 28,18IKS , ho was commissioned lieu tenant colonel .of the Thirty-sixth United States infantry ; March in , IWJii , was trans ferred to the Thirteenth infantry ; April 17 , 1879 , was promoted to the colonelcy of the Twenty-first infantry , and for some tlmo was nctinir judge advocate of the department of the I'latte ! Ho was brevotted colonel , regu lar army , March 2 , ISli" , lor gallant and mer itorious service in the battle of Hatcher's Hun , Va. Colonel Morrow was in the field with the Army of the I'otomao from IbrtJ to 18'jr > , and during this period was three times wounded at Gettysburg , Wilderness and D.ibnoy's Mills. Ho was ou frontier duty in the de partment of the Plfttto from 1ST ( ! to 1S70 : on thol'ncllic coast from 1S71I to ISH'J ; com manded the troops nt CnsUelu in southern Kansas in 1SS. > , and afterwards was on duty at Fort SIdnov , till ho went on the sick leave which ended in his death. The military history cf Colonel Morrow shows tlio zeal and patriotism with which ho s irve.l his country during the war with Mexico ice , the war of the rebellion and during n trying service of twenty-live years on the frontier. It is a record commended by all who knew him , an example worthy of being followed and having been the pride of his family in the past It will bj their comfort In tha future. As n mark of respect to his memory the oftlcnrs of his regiment will wear the pro scribed mourning for thirty days. By com mand of Bu ; < ! Ai > nitGuNiiiAi : : , DIIOOKI : . M. V. SumiiDAX , Ass't Adj't General. IllHIiDlNG AM > LOAN. . Annual Meeting ol' the Cnront ASHD- ciatlun ol'Omiin. : ! The seventh annual meeting of the Omaha Loan and Building association was held nt Its oflleo In the board of trade building. Wednesday evening. About 1,000 shares of stock wcro represented. Messrs. E , A I'ar- nialce , Charles H. Lurncy and T. J. Fitz- morris were re-elected directors. The Omaha Is the parent ot building asso ciations in this city , nud Its prosperity re flects the success of what U conccedcdtobotho most effective means of aiding homo building. The association Is strictly mutual and has been notably .successful. In seven and three- quarter ycarj it has handled f& > , ! ) ! ) < ) .r > ! ) at an actual total expense of one-third of 1 percent nor annum. The total number of shares In the association Is 1W1S , and the number borrowed on iXU . These loans were Invariably for new homos , and repre sent at least 200 families transferred from the list of tenants to homes of their own. The officers of the association are : Gus Andreen , president ; T. J. Fitzmorrls , vlco president ; G , M. Nattlnger , secretary ; Ben Sv , Long , treasurer. KxninlnntliniH at CrnlKhtun. The semi-annual examinations ntCrol'liton ( collcgo have closed with results more satis factory than have ever before been attained in the history of the institution. Of the 174 students who passed creditable examination the following , In the various de partments , received honorable mention , hav ing gained 80 or more of a possible 100 : Class of Poetry William Harry , 83 ; John Danihy , 04 : Ularenco Furay , 83 ; Francis Furay , 8iJ ; Francis Gallagher , 84 ; Francis Ken ncdy , 80. Class of Humanities George Adams , 'JJ ; James Davis , 84 ; Patrick Dolun , 88 : Fred erick Hall , 81 ; Albert Kinsler , til ; I'hlllp MoEvoy , 87 ; Patrick McKllllp , 5 ; John Murphy , 01 ; Martin Murray , 69 ; Dennis O'Flaherty. 80. Classpf First Academic Edward Brown , 05 ; Paul Epeiieter , 60 ; John Hellwig , 87 ; John Hoban , HA ; Arthur Housor , 05 ; Andrew Kennedy , 111 ; James Ken nedy , 01 ; Joseph McKlnuoy , 82 ; Class of becoud Academic Charles Harry , 00 ; G. N.Duol,60 ; Adrian Burkord.W ; Gcorgo Casey , 80 ; HicbardCross , 01 : Wllllom Curry , 83 ; John IJovItt , 83 ; William Green , 81 ; Anton Gsnntner. 8(1 ( ; John Kastt , fed ; Thomas Kelly , 60 ; Daniel Leo , 00 ; Thomas Leo , 00 ; John Mc Donald , 82 ; Walter Pmvors , OJ : Andrew Smith , 87 ; Thomas Smith 81. * Class of Third Academic , Division A Vic tor Anderson , 87 ; Theodore Bedcssom , 81 ; Jumes Uoman , 84 ; William Ilookhog , 00 ; Florence Burke. 81 ; John Casey , 88 ; Francis Connolly , 88 ; Stephen Cook. 0:1 : ; Mlchaol Doiiohoo , 87 ; Timothy Ford , 01 ; Francis Fostucr , * { James Hart , U3j Michael Hart , $ rt ! Walter Houscr , 03 ! Jul ius ICnuffmnu , 87 ; John Lamb , 31 ; Leo Ix > wery , IK ) : Lemuel Mnhon , S'JK : hnrlcs Mullen , SO : Kmvnnl Murphy , M ; Francis McGinn , 87 ; William Pliclau , S3 ; John Welsh , 87. Class of Third Academic. Division 11. Harry Fumy , SO ; .lercmlnh Hurley , sA ; Kil wanl Kenny , 89 : Thomas Lynch , SO ; Robert MuAullfTo , St ; Thomas McShniii' , SO : Thomas Morris , { Ml ; Kdwnrd Mullck , SO ; John Muck * lev , HI ; David O'Donnell , 84 ; John Quin tan. W. Preparatory Class .lames Cogrovc , S3 ; James Cunningham , M ; Oscar Hofinntin , K ) . SOUTH O.M.I/M .V/i VS. Invnilcd I InIiliter Illouk. Sneak thieves made a raid on the Lister block Friday night mid carried away clotnlng belonging to J. M. Wells and Richard Freeman , men who were rooming In the building. Olmruti Notions , Rev. t Robert Stcphcnson , mstor of the First Baptist church , will hold services In the Ilaptlst church , Twenty-seventh strcot , between M nnil N streets , at 11 o'clock today. After the sermon the rlto of baptism will bo administered. The Sunday school will moot nt 10 o'clock , Hcv. Hobcrt L. Wheeler will preach In the Presbyterian church at U o'clock a. m. anil 7iO : ; o'clock p. in. Sunday school nt It ) o'clock. The Ktulonvor society meets at (1:15 ( : o'clock. Miss Ana Merrill will load the meeting. Subject , "Tho Povfar of God's Word-In tlio Heart. " Straugcrsare cordially Invited. Kov.jWheelcr's evening service will bo especially to girls and young women. Hov. Marlon Howies , pastor of the Chris tian denomination , will bold his first services today at 11 and 7U : ! ) o'clock In the Swedish Haptlst church , Twenty-second strcot , bo- ' twecn J and K streets. * TinHoliwalien V-rcln'a Unll. The third annual masquerade ball of the Schwnbcn vcroln was given last evening nt Germnnla hall and v/.is even nioro of a suc cess than cither of Its predecessors. There wcro about one hundred and fifty masiuiers ou the floor and fully twice Hint number of spectators. The masquers were fantastically attired , ludicrous costumes largely predomi nating , and some pf them wcro supremely ridiculous. A quintette of the turnvorelu was present , anil their acrobatic evolutions added much to tlio evening's amusement. Several pantomhio tableaux were executed on the stage , among them being the opcrr.tion of a sausage mill , which evinced n ravenous nppctlto for dogs , cats , rabbits and rats , and ejected very palatable we'.ncr by the rod. a Chi nese doctor , N. Gee Whu , occupied a tent in one corner and did a lucrative business , while a mcnugcrle , with a number of the most bloodthirsty animals in the world , attrne.tcd its full quota of sight-seers , who were treated to a view of bed bugs , fleas and cockroahcs , under a powerful glass. It was a particularly large tlmo nil round and everybody present enjoyed themselves hugely. A iMnKiiUlu-Mit It no 2. The fifty- Ho race between Martin , Read ing , Gcnving and Asblnger at the Coliseum last night attracted a largo and enthusiastic crowd , despite the strong counter attractions nt the tip-town theaters. The race was for a S1X ( ) purse and the entrance foe , the winner to take nil. It was a hotraco from the Jump so hot that the Oklahoma here quit at the end pf his forty-third mile. The finish oetwecn Reading , Martin and Gerwlnir was one of the most thrilling ever witnessed In the building , and was made umidst the thun derous npplauso of the excited spectators. Reading , by a superhuman efTort , managed to whirl across the tiipo a bare three inches ahead of young Martin , while the Denver lad came trailing n half do/.en wheel lengths in the rear. The riding of Heading and Martin was really phenomenal , and it is hardly probable - able that there is any two men in the country who can beat them in an endurance raco. Tlio D.vorcn Ci-iintixl. The case of Ida M. Jones vs Francis M. Jones , in which the plaintiff sought a di vorce , was tried and a decree rendered yes terday in the district court. The divorce was granted , and the plaintiff was awarded the custody ot the minor child , Daisy Pearl , with the stipulation that the defendant waste to bo allowed to sco the child at all proper times. The plaintiff was also awarded cer tain real estate in lieu of alimony. Another Pitolinr Tor Oinnhn. Manager Shannon telecraphed President McCormlck last ovcnlng that ho had signed Pitcher John tiharrott of last season's Now York leasruo team. He Is a good man , being very sneedy and very heady. In batting last year ho also made an average of .BlfcJ. Ono thing Is evident , and that is Omaha is not going to get loft for lack of twirling talent , us she has now on her roster n quintette of good ones In Knell , Slmrrott , Stafford , Kitcl- jorg and Clarke. ThcSnvonih Infantry. Tlio Seventh Infantry , U. S. A. , passeil through Omaha yesterday on the way from Foit Fort Logan , near Denver. Thesoldleis were In command of Colonel Fredericks and Captain Burnett. There were six ofllccrs and Kill soliliers on the special train. They comprised companies 13 and F of the Seventh Infantry. AInrriitgo ijicniiBcs. The following maiTiaj ; < j licaasaj were Is sued yesterday : NamoanU address. Atro i Krnust Wesenliorg , Omaha . . ' 12 I Augusto Diignlun , Omaha . 18 f Edward V. .Morrlscy , Omaha ' ( Loulhu G. luihey , Shell UreoU , Neb . Zl Driiv Into n Hole. Friday night , as Ofllccr Fleming went homo from the B. & M. depot , ho found Dr. J. G. Solomon with his horse and buggy m a deep hole near the corner of Tenth and Cen ter streets. Ho had driven into the hole in tha dark , and it was with considerable Ulfll- culty that ho was extricated. Two lia'-t Children. A ten-year-old boy and n sevcn-yoar-old girl named Wright , who live at Florence , were lost yesterday afternoon in Omaha by their older sister and at a Into hour last night had not been found. Six Decrees All > vo Znrn. The following telegram from Washlngoou was received at the local signal office lust last idght : Hoist cold wave signal. Temperature will fall lo iikoiit six degress above zero by Mon day morning , UIIKKI.V , A Hlg Mining Company. Di'.Nveii , Colo. , Fob. " . Incorporation pn- pors of the San Miguel consolidated mining company , with a capital of Jin.OOO OO , have been Hied. Among the directors are general B. F. Butler and James Ullilllan. A New York lOlcvatcd Victim. NKW Youic , Feb. 7. John Dohman , em ployed on the elevated road , was killed at Sixty-first street this afternoon by a train. The body was terribly mangled and so Jammed up In the machinery that the engine had to bo raised from the track. Senator VoorheoH Very Sick. WAHIIISONON , Feb. 7. SonaUSr Voorhcos Is seriously 111 with a complication of rheuma tism und other troubles. UitKtJTIKS. Fred Waters was arrested last nlpht for disturbing the Salvation army In Its hall on Cumlng street. Tbo ladles of the Ulysses S. Grant relief corps will glvo an "Impromptu hop'1 with re freshments at Grant post hall , 107 South Fourteenth street , Tuesday evening Febru ary 10. Tlio O/ark stone mining company tiled ar ticles of incorporation yesterday. Capital , < > 0,000 , D. P. Burr , C. P. HnrrlRan. 1) . K. Fltchy , C. II. Carter. T. F. Lewis and Sam uel P. 1'r.xtt are the incorporatois. Nettle Jones , who was arrested yesterday for larceny , had stolen the following goods from Kuto Sullivan on North Sixteenth street : Ono apron , one silk dress , ono plinth cloak , ono silver breastpin , two night dresses , ono sofa pillow aud one watch cbuin , TRAVELS M LAND AND SEA , A Tour of Europe with Oabln Passage ) Rail * Fares , Hotel Expanses , Guides , Eto. Prepaid nud Qrmraiituctl. SIX PLEASURE EXCURSIONS IN AMERICA , The Mco's MntohloHi OtTer to Ho Helium Tor SiibsorlborH to tin Sunday and Weekly 1'MltlllllH. Arrangements have been effected by the publishers of Tiu : Hut : which euabla-t us to nmko n novel and attr.iotlvo offer to parties who nro dUposed to devote their time nud en ergy toward procuring now subicrlboM fof TUP. OMAIIVVIIKI.Y : : llm : or Tin : SUN-HAT IHi : : between this duto and the 10th day ot Juno next. Thii offer will bo open only to pirtlos soil * Hlug subscribers In Nobnvtka , Iowa , South Dakota and Kansas. A careful record will bo Itoptof all sub scriptions forwarded , and the awards will bo made without partiality , The IJiirnpcnii Tour. To the person that will secure the InrgoaS number of cash subscribers for Tin : OMUIA. WBKKI.V BF.I : or Tin : SI-NHAY llir : before ) Juno 10 , 18111 , will bo given HIBIS OK COST A IIOUMI Till1 ! Kl'HOl'I'.AN TOUII TICKI-.T. Till * ticket will Inrhiilo first-class passage from New York to Huropo and roturu. This Includes also all traveling , hotel and sight-seeing expenses , The trip will bo mudo with mi excursion party gotten up by Mrs. M. 1) . Frazler of Boston , nnd will bo In charge of competent guides. The trav eler has no euros , however. Tlio tour covers all the principal coun tries of Kuropo Hugland Germany Switzerland , France , Belgium , Italy and their principal rifles. Including London , Paris , Brussels , Berlin , Home , Florence , Venice , Milan , Genoa , etc. SIVINTV-TIIIUI : : : DAYS OP HIOIIT SUCINO. The party starts from Now York July 1 nnil returns to that city by September U. Taken by any Individual alone , this Ku ropenn tour woiild Involve an outlay of nk least $700. American mul ( 'niintllnn Tours. For tlio second largest Hat of subscribers wo offer a frco ticket from Omaha to ban Francisco and Los Ankolei and return. Mngnlllcent mountain si-enory , the beautiful ( iolden Goto , the land of sunshine , fruits anrt ( lowers. "Who 1ms not seen California will not dlo hnppy. " Travel is nn educator , anil to properly appreciate the vastness of our great country ono must sculls best features. For the third largest llstof subscribers to the \VKIKIY : or SI'.NIIAY Bic : wo offer a ticket from Omnlia to Quebec nnd return. What could bo grander than n trip down the beauti ful St. Lawrence In mld-suii-.nierl To con template tbo uonuty of Thousand Isles Is do * lightful. How much more delightful to visit thorn when with verdure clad. And all this pleasure for obtaining sub * scriborsto the Wni'.Ki.Y imdSi'Niivv HUB. For the fourth.lai-BCst llstof subscribers > offer .1 free ticket from Omaha to New York , Philadelphia nnd Washington and return. There are no points on this continent ot greater general interest than these- three cities. An American citizen has not com pleted his education until ho has seen the neat of government. The persons and points of interest In Washington are innumerable ) and to the liitclllKOiit. observer a trip full of interest. New York and Philadelphia as the commercial nnd financial centers of tbo coun try are always Interesting , All this sight seeing and traveling given way for obtaining subscribers to the \VHIKI.Y : imSir.xnAV llii : : . For the fifth largest llstof subscriber * wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niagara Falls and return. Kver since your childish wonder was aroused by the description in the old school reader ot thrso wonderful falls you have desired to see them. Here Is the opportunity. A most delightful excursion imd ono without expense , given for occurlng subscribers to the WUBKI.Y or SUNDAY BBK. For the sixth largest list of subscribers wo offer n frco ticket from Omaha to Salt Lnko City and return. Tno famous Mormon city is fast becoming a Gentllo city , niul will In tlmolosn much of interest. Now , this sum mer would bo n good time to visit the boom ing city. Garllcld Beach Is of course In cluded In the trip. This summer resort on the lake is a delightful place to pass a few of the hot summer days. Why not secure a number of subscribers for the WIIKI.V : : or STNIIAV Bir. : and take the trip I For the seventh liugest list of subscribers wo offer a frco ticket to Denver nnd Mntutou nnd return. While a shorter trip than any of the others It combines many pleasant fea tures. Denver--tho miecn city of the plains- Is always worth seeing while tbo health and summer resorts of Manltou are delightful In deed. Health-giving , inspiring , restful amid Bublhnn scenery what trip could bo more rcstfulf All this pleasure for securing subscribers to the SUNDAY or Wcnui.v BEE. Now what nro the conditions UDOII which those tickets are given away I The securing of the largest list of subscribers to Tim WI-.IIKI.V or Si'MiAY Hnu. No newspaper in the west is so well and favorably known and solicitors have always found it an easy matter subscribers Tins Bui ' subscription ter to secure : * scription list 1ms al vvays kept naco with Its reputation and It desires to add now names to Its long list of friends. Being at all times n , people's paper It makes friends with all classes. The subscription price of Tin : WKKKI.Y Br.u Is ifl.OO per year postpaid to any placn In this country or Canada , or fci.OD if sent to a foreign country , TUB SUNIIAY HUB Is $2.00 per year , but Omaha subscribers for Tin : SUNIIAY HUB wilVnot bo counted In this competition. Get up a list. Have your friends subscribe ) for the paper , Sample conies forwarded free on request. Persons desiring to compete for ono of these prizes will please say so when sending in their first orders. Remittance In full must accompany every order. Two six months subscriptions or four three months subscriptions will bo counted as ono order. Hciiicinlicrfld by Ills AHIOC C. P. Southard , who Friday afternoon retired - tired from the position of chief cleric In tlio distributing department of the postonicc.was kindly remembered by tils old associates. Friday afternoon the gentleman clerks of the ) postofltco , together with the mall carriers , assembled in the rear of the mail room , after which Postmaster Clurkson stepped to the front and asked Mr. Southard to come to that part of the oftlco. Not knowing what was wanted , ho hnstmiod to obey the cnuTmamls of his cnlof , who at once nrosontod him wltU a beautiful gold locket , ou ono sldo of which was a horseshoe set with diamonds , and on the other a Masonic emblem. Tbo presenta tion speech was delivered in Major Clurkson'a choicest language , and the fact mentioned that the present was a token of remembrance * from the on tire oflleo force. The lady olerlts , Miss Viola Coflln , Miss Kinmn ICrntlo , Miss Hello Scott , Miss L. Ms-sen. MUs Clara Southard und Mcsdnmes K. Lane , K. Mnthlsou and M. Preston , not to bit uutdono bv their gentleman friends , had inndo an elegant silk lined smoking Jacket , which they took to Mr , Southard's ' home at 111 SoutU Eighteenth street Friday evening and in a quiet way presented to the retiring chief. The gcntlomnn was so overcome that , it was some minutes before ho could thank his appreciative friends , Ho then tcndcroil them a hearty welcome to his hospitable homo , where the evening was | iont In ado * lightful manner , a dainty lunch bulni ; served just before midnight. That .Moctl-ig Next Tliursilav. Secretary Brandt returned from Kansas City last evening. Ho reports that ( 'resident Krauthoff has called a mooting of the West ern nssoclatlon for Thursday , the 1'Jth ' , for the purpose of reforming the \Vestcrn. asso ciation clrcultand the druftlngof a schedule ) for the current yoar. I'nuldont Harry Mc- CornilclH < ! cratury Hrniidtand the supporting- editor of Tin : HBI : will attend the meeting , JilHliop l''laHili Seriously III. Mil , \VAUKKI : , Win. , Fob. 7. A dispatch from La Crossu auya Bishop FJoscu Is suri- ouBly 111.