Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1891, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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Ucra Activity Than Was Expcottd so Soon
After tba Now Year ,
An Knrotirnclni : Advance tit l.tvc
Htock With nil IIitilurHtoiitl Dr-ollno
I-'enltires In HIM
. Markets.
'Hie financial situation In Omaha remains
practically unchanged , nnil tnonoy in this
-city und the state nt largo Is clo o. Several
failures occurred In tlio stixto during the
past week duo to the scarcity of
nionoy and the dlftleulty of making
collections. Tight nionoy In Nebraska
ut a time when Ib 1s easy In most other states
Is n matter iu which the busmm ! commun
ity Is deeply Interested and it Is ulinost Im
possible to tulk with a business man for the
apace ol five minutes without having the sub
ject brought up.
There Is no necessity for dwelling at lengthen
on the present conditions as that is
fully expressed by the three words ,
"money Is Unlit , " but it maybe
bo of some advantage to review the onuses
Which led up to the present conditions of the
money innrltot nnd in this way some reason
may no discovered why money is close In.
Omaha nfler U has become plenty In most
other lurgo cities. A financial stringency ,
. . bordering ou n panic , wus brought nbout in
Now York by n combination of causes ,
unnecessary to bo reviewed nt this
time , which gradually spread over Ilio
Whole countrv. At llrst It wns felt In Omaha
liut In the course of n llttlo time tnonoy nlso
became ) close hero. Thou cmno the reaction ,
money bccntno more nnti more plenty in Now
York nnd this influence nlso spread ever the
country , but this second llnunetal wave
missed Otnnhn nnd tnonoy countlnuos
scurco hero as business men know
to their cost. But during the tlmo
Intervening between the commencement of
the money stringency .and its Html disappear-
mice in Now York new conditions had sprung
up In Nebraska. A fanner Icirlslnt'uro hiiit
been elected , nnd reports were sent over the
country Hint would lend eastern people
ple to bolicvo that some ot the leg-
IslutorSj nt least , held the most
rndlcnl views on subjects affecting
llmince , nnd that they would knlfo the mon-
led 'interests ' of tlio state at every turn.
Then , ns if proving nil former suspicions ,
cnmu the talk of passing stringent usury
laws und laws to tnx mortgages and to in
crease the length of time required for loro-
closuru of n mortgage. As if this was not
enough to shako public conlldcnco In
the state , publicity wns given to
the rumor ot destitution In the western part
of the state nnd Nebraska's law mnkers gave
emphasis to the report by nsking tbo govern-
monitor 81,000,000 to relieve the distress.
All this coming at a time when the nerves ol
capitalists were already considerably shat
tered by tlio recent linnnciul xcuro In Will
Rtrcetlt is notliitholoastsurprisingtliatthoy
refused to have contldnnco in Nebraska se
curities mid preferred to keep their money in
the vaults of the Now York banks or to seek
other Holds for investment. Now nt u time
when reports from nil over tlio coun
try Indicate nu improving trade
with money easy and collections fair ,
Nebraska is suffering from tight money ami
trade nnd collections nro corrcstmndinKly
poor. Dun In his review of tbo past wecV
says : "Reports this week from nil parts o I
the country indicate n fair volume of trade ,
0lor the reason that there Is easy money nut
collections nro generally fair. " but notes nn
exception at a few points in tbo west. That
this exception Is the result of tliu fear cngcn
tiered by the legislature U n fne' '
easily proven. Every eastern Journa
ot business or finance chronicles nt lengtl
ovcry move of the farmer legislature that Ii
likely to affect money , and tlio comments o
the sumo papers show plainly the feeling o
distrust prevailing m the minds of costcri
won. Thou , too , every Nebraska business
mnn who visits Now York la mot nt overj
turn by questions ns to what action the legls
Inturo Is llkoly to tnko affect
tug m'onoy matters , nnd ho cm
not remain In the metropolis many hour
without huvlng it impressed upon his mini
that capitalists have no money for Nebrusk
while tlio present uncertainty exists.
There i.s nlso another phase of thu qucstlo
to bo considered. Agreatdcnlof thomoncvln
vested In Nebraska Is brought Into the stat
by resident capitalists who borrow It In th
castou securities furnished by themselves
If unfavorable laws are enacted , Incrciisini
thu insecurity of loans nnd mulling th
chances for losses too great , they will no
tnko the risk and the supply of money In th
stnto will bo reduced by Just thn
much. At thn present tlmo thousands p
even hundreds of thousands of dollars i
securities nro locked up In Nebraska vaults
when they could and would tie rediscounts
in the cast und the money loaned out again I
Nebraska were it not for the lack of contl
tlcnca on the part of local hankers.
To prove the truth of the last assertion ante
to show tn what light Nebraska bankers n
punt legislation as to usurv , foreclosure (
mortgages , etc. , it may bo well to introduce tti
expressed opinions of n few of Omaha's pron
inont ilniuiclors.
J. H. Mlllard , president of the Omaha Mr
tional bank , commenting on the subject said
Ai > y law tending not only to kcop out mono
but to drive out that already m woulit t
a grout Injury to the stnto. Tlio 11101
money wo can nave ! n Nebraska the bottc
It will bo for nil concerned. It will bo
great benefit to the state , especially to th
western portion of it , to lenvo the mutter ct
xircly nlono. Tbo loss these laws nr
changed the mom abundant money will bi
You will llnd that bankers and business inei
the world over hold tlio same views.
H. W. Yatus , president of the Nobrasli
National bank , snld ; 1 do nut bellovu that th
Nebraska legislature will do anything t
foolish ns to pass laws that would huso detr
mental ns tho.sqtalked of. As I undcrstan
it the senate has already declared thut
Would be unwise to chnngo the rate of Into
cst or extend- the tlmo of stays. Ijvcn If sue
laws were pussod the greatest hurdshl
would fall upon Ilia people of the westoi
part of the stntn who are the very ones tin
most need roliof. During the past few daj
moro conservative clement bos bet
coming to the front In the legislutm
and I nm conlldont that they wl
do nothing to injure thu llnimclnl interests i
the stato. I have already expressed ttiosatt
opinion to eastern bankers , and with the r of nil apprehensions of thn IcigUlntui
I look for u speedy return of conlldoiico nr
oaslor money.
William J. Maul , vice president of the Con
morcial National bank , remarked : If the ra
of Interest is reduced it will prevent mom
from coming to the state , and that would I
death to It.Vo c-nu't got along wit
out It In n general way tnonoy
worth what it will bring. I would llko to s
the state of affairs such that a poor nn
would not bo compelled to pay too grout I
terest money , but it cannot bo brought ube
through legislation.
Owing to the closeness of nionov , poor ci
lections , etc , , the
of Omaha Is not all that could ho desired , i
though it is generally admitted that It
fully us good as could bo expected. T
failures iu the country make , Jobbers vc
cautious about forcing goods on
the ivtull dealers. As a ongc
oral thing the Jobbers uro rath
inclined to ndvlso caution and the contin
nnce of the policy of trying only to supf
present need * . Mo.inwhllo as was notoi
week ago , the Jobbers are extending tin
territory and walking up a new trade. Uu
ness In western Iowa is improving nnd t
merchants of that section are buylnc nu
goods iu Omaha than over before. O
Jobber remarks that his Iowa salesman
taking moro orders than nny other two m
bo has on the road.
The hardware trade of the past week w
rnthor iiulot but country merchants report
the roads bud and few people coining Into t
towns to trade , consequently their ordi
have IKWH light. As a goncr'al thing hai
ware Jobbers do not flguro on n very he. )
trade for the llrst of February , but after t
middle of the month it ought to bo bctti
11-1003 huvo remained practically steady , wl
o chajino worthy of note.
At this season of the year the grocery tni
commences to Improve und usually Keeps i
gradually Increasing In volume for a 11101
V or two. At the present Umo it U pretty f
oV a whole , and a good many goods are gel
V Tno Ulack Hills and Wyomlni ? trade
especially Rood. Ktnco the opening of Ilia
rend through to Oomlwooa qulto lareo
orders have been going In that direction. As
to prices , sugars declined nn utehlh of n cent ,
but the market Is now llrtn. Hope is lower
on account of war among manufacturer * of
cordage. Dried fruits are stiffening , notably
apricots and iipples.
The dry goods tnulo has boon moving alone
xvlth llttlo change from n week ago. Jobbers
In this Hue nro not com lainlm ; much , al
though trade is poor in sotno sections covered
by them.
In hats , caps , gloves , etc , , the movement of
goods Is slow. Bills In this line nnd In clothIng -
Ing largely cotno duo nbout March I , niul re
tail dealers are generally Inclined to buy
vnry conservatively until after the day for
the settlement of old obligations has past ,
Hnta and caps nro going nt nbout last year's
prices , but gloves nro higher , owing to the
advance in skins. , . ,
During the past xveck the prices obtained
couvrnr monucu
wcro the most MXtlsfactory in n long while.
The storm cut otf country supplies and the
marltota hero were cleaned up and prices nc-
vnnccd quickly. Chickens , dressed , sold at
nn ndvanco over the week before of ! 2c per
Ib. , mid other poultry In nbout the same pro
portion. Eugs took n sharp upward turn nnd
touched COc , but weakened und sold at the
close as low ns the lowest tlmo of the pre
vious week. Huttcrnlso looked up nnd was
in demand at higher prices ,
The wcckls trading In
opened with nn ndvanco of 5@lOc on good
bcoves , which wns followed by still further
Improvement on Tuesday. The advance was
maintained on Wednesday , but Thursday
saw a decline amounting In some Instances
to lOo and the market continued in the down
grade until thoclosoot the week , Thodeclino ,
however , wns mostly In the rnoro ordinary
grades of beeves. The prices paid for good
l.KJO to 1,500 Ib bcoves were * ! .CO@I.95 and
for 1,050 to 1,800 , } .Si@l.l ) > 0. The cow mar
ket showed n very gratifying Improvement
during the early part of the
week but cased off toward the
closo. Owing to the light receipts canners
sold In some instances nt an advance of lOf ?
Ific over the previous week. As high ns $11.50
( ii.75 : was paid for some choice 1,230 to 1I110-
Ib. cows , the great bulk of the sales , however ,
ranged between $ ! . < IO nnd St.OO. There was a
gooii demand for desirable feeders , but the
commoner grades were slow. The best feed
ers sold at ? 2.75@VJj : and the stackers at
. . .
The week opened with a fie decline In liogs
prices for the week wns
for the week under review were by no means
devoid of interesting features. In the Chicago
cage wheat market early in the week the big
.shorts were forced to cover , causins a wild
advnnco- about $1.0lJ < f for May. The
strongest longs also closed their lines , thus
pretty well evening up the market. Since
Tuesday It has been a rather dull und feature
less market with a decided downward ten
Corn was comparatively dull nil the
week. One prominent short was forced
to cover aboveISc. . Slnco then
tlio market his been chiefly
governed by receipts wnlch were very small
until the last two days , when moro liberal
receipts causcu an easier fooling and the
market declined to wlthlu o of last week's
Provisions continued dull and heavy on the
largo receipts of- hogs and continued selling
by puckers , the close being very nearly bottom
tom prices for this year.
The following table will show the opening
nnd closing prices of Uio week anil nlso the
highest and lowest for each day of tno week
at Chicago and St. Louis :
Stock Uoooipts.
EHtlmatt d Today. Ollloial Yo < torrtav.
Cattle. . .103 curs.2.310 O.-ittlo. . . 83 curs , 1,0
ItoKt 103 i-ars.lOSIl ) llo s..l.VI uiirs.10.2
Slioop , . . . lour , IDS Slii-op. . . . 8 unrs , 1,8
t and Lowest.
Today. Yesterday.
HlKtiu.4 t-l.V ) ItlKhDSt $ J.OO
Lowest 2.IX ) Lowest 3.10
on of Stock.
Showing tlio iiiniibiir ot ca tlo , hess at
Rlieop piirolmsotl nit thU market as roporti
by thowolgliniastci ot tliu Slookyards con
pany for' February 7 :
SwIftA ; Co , 4
The O. II. Uniuiiioiul Co 'J
Thn Uudnliy Pauklni ; Uo ]
Tlio Onmhu packing company , . . * Hothsulilld , I
llumllton Jt Stephen
Ilunton .t Underwood
riots MorrlH. . . . I
Shippers und feeders ;
Jo > uph llikWion , .
Casi-y , t Vuit ituilt
It. , Uuckur A DOKUII
TlioOuclahy Packing Co 4 !
Oiimlm I'aolcins Co .t
Swift & 0o , . . . IS
The U. It. llntiiniond company 4
Shippers untl feodun . . , , B
SwIfliCo , ]
Kor I hn W ek.
tlio nunilMir of head of stock pu
ou tilts mnrkot us rctwrua i *
wclKlininsli'Mof the PlockynnU cnmnany for
tno week t-ndlnti Satunlay , rebruary T.
Swift * Co. . . 2791
The O , II. llununimd Co . 1.74 }
The C'udaliy Pucklujj Co . Ul1)
Onitilia I'acKlim CD. . . . 91
l.i'o Itotlisehllil . . . . 1.70:1 :
Hamilton k Stephen . . . 11
llentiin it UndiTWOod . . . 113
Nols. Morris . 3.548
Shippers nnil fuoilors . I,3Y )
Jotopli liininii . HI
It. . Hcckcr k Uoxon . 2 l
Vnii Sant & Oaruy . . . 4'JO
The Cudahy packlnit company .
Oiniihn piifidnt ; company . . . 10.10M
H\vlft.V'o . . r.,4i7
Tliu O , II. Iliiiiunnnd packlii coiiipatiy. . nl"4
Shippers and fuodur * . 2Sl' >
Thu Cudahy pioklnn coin pany . il
Tlio 0. 11 , llammund pacUlntf oonipiiny. . .
Itocclpts and Shipments.
Showing the rouolpts nn > l shlpmonU
of u.itttc , l\oi \ * uul : shocp on tlio da teJ Indi
cated :
| Cnttla. I Slieeep.
I'rcvoillni ; I'rlecs.
The following Is a table ot prices paid on
this market for the grailo ot stock mentioned i
Fancy steers , IIITO to KWJ Ihs . 11.51 < S5.n.-
I'riniu steers , 12M to 1475 Ibs . 4.00 dCI.GO
( lood Hteers , UM to KIVJ Iba . 3.70 ! . !
llutchers' stcors. low to if)0 : lb < . . . . 3JW © . ' 1.1)0 )
Fiilrstours , UJO to 115) ) Ibs. . : > 6ji.ia :
Coiiimon.BJOto 12J01bs . 2.7. > '
Fair to oed cows . 1.00
Good to choice cows . 2.00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.40 75
Heifers . L'.O )
Yearlings . 2.00 Wl.lrt
Feeders . , 2.20 ® : i.l.-
Stoukcr.i . 1.2.-1
Uanners . l.m
Hulls . 1.2S SM.5J
Oxon . 2.25 © ' 1.50
5tags . 1.50 '
Calves . 1.50 * ® 5.00
Western cornfod steers . 2.50 © 4.53
Western steer * . 1.50 O'l.fiO
Western cows . 1.00 W2.10
Coniparntivo Table.
The followms table shows the rano In
prices on lur.'s :
Thursday , January 1 . 3.00 © ' 1.75
Friday , .laiinary 2 . 3.10 WI.70
Saturday. January . ' ) . 3.U3 ( U.Qj
Monday , January 5 . 3.10 CWI.70
Tuesday. January (1 ( . 2.UJ
Wednesday. i January 7 'Illfl . _
Thur.sihiv , Januarys 2.iJ
l''rldaylnniirvl ) 3.00
Saturday. January 10 3,10
Monday January n il.05
Tuesday. January 13 a.OU t.50
Wednesday. January 14 : t.OO fyua
Thursday. J unitary 15 2.0J
Friday , January 10 11.15 < aci.i5 !
Saturday. January 17 3.03 54:1.55 :
Monday , January 10 3.20 ( < M.iO (
Tuesday , January 23 3.IK ) ( $3.1X1
Wednesday. January 21 3.0J ( iM.55
Thursday , January ai 2.75 ® : j.50
1'rlday , January 23 , 3.00 I&3.55
Haturday , January 24. . : 2.80 4W.55
Monday , .Innuary 211 3.10
Tuesday. January 27 3.00
Wednesday , January 23 2,85
Thursday , Januiirv20 3.15 JJIIBS
Friday. January ItU 3.20 (83.00 (
Saturday. January 31 3.15 WI.55
Monday , February 2 . 3.00 © 3.5(1 (
Tuesday. February 3 . 2.25 ( W1.55
Wcdiusday. February 4 . 3.10 CVi.iiS
Thursday , Kobruary 5 . 11.10
Friday , February 0 . 3.10
Saturday , February 7 . M. 2.9J (03.50 (
Avcrano Price nf Hogg.
Sliowlns tha average prlco pad ) for loads of
hoxsonthoduys indicated InlSSS , 1839 , 1890 und
1801 :
Representative ) antes.
NO.A.V. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
' -O.-lltlO K 63 11. . IK)2 $3 55 12..1151 $100
1. . 7 J I ) I - J..1I74 3 05 3S..111)1 405
S. . OH II 5 10..1240 3 IB 31. .1313 410
II. . K'10 II 25 10..1IK1 3 70 D.,1252 4 15
a. . Hia a ai 3..1150 3 75 70..12SU 425
tti. . 1)12 ) a 27J { 22..111)1 380 : 4:15 :
4. 7S" a as 17..1174 3 80 G..1150 450
2. . HID : t : ! " > 20..1222 3 S5 21..1021 453
a. . MB a : irsi 5.1170 3 85 Ofl.,1354 455
o. . IKS a f. ) 2a..l1fil 3 85 JM..1577 4IH
7..10(18 ( a 40 L1)li'Ci ) ! * 1 H > > U0..1405 503
10. . IW'J a 45 15..11SU 3 00
1..1010 1 00 4. . 8.V3 2 25 23. . 070 270
10. . 8 : > 0 1 50 1. . 740 2 25 i..iow : 275
1. . 470 1 M 10. . 801 2 25 a..iott : : 275
1. . WV ) 1 50 : t..lltsl 2 40 12..1008 275
3. . wa i r o 13. . UIU 2 40 2..1000 375
1. . 85) ) 1 5'J ( I , . OSS 2 40 3. . 1)10 ) 275
8. . twi i no 21. IW1 2 40 3.12G.'l 203
25. . 8'KI 1 KJ 7..1012 2RO 3..10K ) 300
J , .11140 1 75 : . . 070 a 5u 0. . 1XU 300
3. . 105:1 : 2 00 23. . 072 2 50 1. . IKW 300
1. . Ml ) 2 00 1..1120 250 1..12SU 300
I. . 1100 2 00 0..1053 2 50 10..1KVJ 310
17. . 844 2 00 1. 1)70 ) 2 50 3. , 070 3 IU
8. . 111(1 ( 200 0. . 1)06 ) 2 55 7. . 875 3 15
7..Utt * 2 00 18. , UsO 2 GO 0..1122 315
10. . U.W 2 15 IS .1021 2 05 11..10D3 315
5. . 810 2 15 21 , . 855 2 Ki 10.l tl ! 315
1..IOTU 2 25 7. . WJ2 2 03 3..1220 323
-1..10W 223
3. . WO 2 25 B. . 700 2 45 0. . 773 2 f5
31 . ( MJ 2 30 a. . 720 2 50 21. . 87rt 285
2. . 10) 2 40 1. . fiO' ) 2 05 10. . GHO 2 IK )
1. . 420 2 40 11. . 700 2 73 11. . 71X1 300
1. . 00 2 00 1. . 150 3 25 2. . 173 375
. 200 2 25 1. . 330 3 23 1 . 133 4 00
. 300 3 'J5
i..iro i oo 1. , 840 2.15 1..150J 275
1..122D 2 00 1..1I10 2 50 1..19LJJ 3GU
1..KUO 2 23 1 .182J 8 75
! . . OJO 200 1..1270 325
31. . 780 2 25
78 IW 0 32,1 'Lftft M 120 335
Kl . . . .K ! IW 323 &Y , . . 377 100 3.T3
KB 28 IM 3 < SM w 335
KJ..S18 H 325 i , . 7. . . SOT - 333
40 , . . , . : 1.1 w a21 . . .on 211 331
74 ' 'It ) 2W 325 ' " M , ZH 283 31:5 :
73. . . . . , 17 240 320 1' 4H IK1 80 333
(11 ( IB 32.1 t ! > ni 3M 3.11
80 2--S ICO 325 ruy ; ; ui ffl 335
fit 213 IW 32S , , , ! 288 160 333
C3 ail 2UJ 323 , .47 3I13
51 232 200 323 , , .M. . . . . 311 80 333
141 241 200 32.i " f0 ! Sri 320 3 37i {
nn 220 200 32. } M 4I5 UiriH
' ' " " ' ' ' ' '
0).BK1 ) ; 200 315 , fi . . . . 201) ) 3 4fl'
fa SIO W 323 i , . | 1 273 340
7J 2-'fl fO 34 , ,1 2W 340
73..221 100 325 ' 07..SSI 'CO 340
( H .23 H > ' 113 2l ! ) 210 340
M 2.11 40 3 23 ; ' 70 27.1 40 3 41) )
TI 250 Ml 32.1 I'm 2J | M 340
K ) 221 12. ) 325 i lifl 242. 3 40
(3 ( 2W : 100 383 r6l 345 20J 340
09 2JTi KiO II27J4 l 2:8 340
Ki 23w 40 an ; ni aw 40 : uo
rl is7 330 r/i itirj 121 340
; u sw so a a ) rio 341 ,343
ra 272 - a an 47 sii : 80 : no
Wl , . . . 272 - 3 ) M : ai 43 340
73 223 - 330 M..Tii5 40 . ' 140
M 260 40 330 M a"fl W ) 340
( H 285 N ) 3 30 til 31)1 ) 3)3 ) 34(1
fil 23-J SOO 330 CO : illj 280 340
M 2H4 120 tin ) 47 1(74 ( 330
71 235 120 3 ! 47 3(0 ( - 343
72 23.1 100 3 U ) 40 432 160 3 < B
' .fl 180 SM 330 G4 429 345
81. . . ,221 330 4(1 ( 373 345
M 217 120 3 HO Ml 317 120 345
4fl 2fiJ JOO 330 04 317 80 343
C2 274 IW 330 ' t 0.2ilS 345
fill 2H5 2 0 330 fi7 302 40 345
55 ! 40 3 30 70 216 34.1
oj 2cs inn : iu : 4:1 : 428 so 34.1
71 257 200 330 37 4M 350
1'IU * AND HOmllt.
17 M 200 (18 ( 112 251
1X1 77 ICO 223 120 141 Bi ) 285
10 lift - 360 80 110 240 205
12 123 - 2 60
No. Av. Pr.
IW westerns , owes ! W $275
22 westerns , owe * 88 27.1
102 westerns , wethers 01 443
SMOKED HEAT Sugar Cured Hams. 14 to 18
11) ngoragc , Stic ; 20 to ? J 11) average , Ho ; 10 to 12
Ib average , 8 0 ; Hklnncd hanii , Del Bliouldori ,
r > Mc : oloar breakfast bacon , 7io ; : bonelesi
breakfast bacon , backs. ( i.icj ! boned ham. 7c ;
California , or plcnlo hams. 5 ic ; boneless
ham. 7Ko ; drlod boot hams ( sots ) , 7e : dried
heof clods. Uo : short spiced rolls or ham roll-
lotto , C'j'o ; Hinoked beef tongues , per ( loz. } < i.W ) ;
special IKUUH , 12 to 15 Ib averaito , lOc ; ppuclal
boneless breakfast bacon , lOc : selected dried
beef hams , Insldes nnd knuckles. OOL selected
wide clear breakfast bacon , lie.
DHVSAI.TMRATS Kancy lUht weight short
eloar.s , BSJe : long clears , ri'icj short clears , 5Mc !
shoulders. 4 > { c ; clear bellies , 51iu ; clear backs ,
SMOKED MRATS Dry-Salt Cured Fancy
lljlit wolsht b.icon short clears , Otfc ; bacon
short rlts , fijc : short cluar.s , 5'io ; long clears ,
5Ho ; . clear bucks , Co ; clear bellies , Co ; shoul-
di-rs. 4Mc.
HWKET Picicr.En MKATS Hams , tlorcos , 8oi
shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tierces , 4i c ; bo'llos ,
tlorces.fiVie : California hum , tlorcos , 5o ; boor
liams , bbl.s , SI2.00.
bhls , 100 ll > s , 410.50 ; quarter bbls , 60 Ibs , W.OO ;
ulKlith bills. 2.- . His , W.50.
IjAltD-ConiDOiinil , peril ) , tlorco basis , $5.00 ;
pure leaf , per U ) . tlerco basts. $3.00 ; pure lard.
per Ib , tluree basis , $0.00 ! kettle rendered leaf
lard , per Ib , tlorno basK $ ' 1.50.
IlAuiiEt.Kt ) 1'oitK ANII HEKK Mess pork , now ,
p r bbl , 110.75 : family pork , tfl-W ) ; back perU ,
Jll.M ; short cut cluar pork , ? ' . ) .7. iM1.50 ; prlmo
mess pork. ID.Miaii.OJ ; boneless pig nork ,
fancy , tllt.00 ; extra mcai nocf , $ . 1.75 ; plato beef ,
$7,00 ; extra plate hoof , $ S.OO ; extra family hoof ,
bonolos * . 13.00 ; rolled liebf , boneless , $8.50 ;
riinip butts , 9iSO : Choice boneless family beef ,
H bbl. tl.75 ; boneless rolled bcof. H bblW.7i ;
extra tamlly plutu bouf , 4 1)1)1. ) ) } 4.0U.
I'm I'oiiK. llonelcss Jlaijrels , SCO Ibs , each ,
Jii.)0 : ( ) ; naif barrels , 100 Ibs , each. $7.00 ; quarter
barrels , 50 Ibs , each , 1.75 ; eighth barrels , 25
In * , each , $2.00.
011,8 1'rlmo lard oil ( winter strained ) 48o ;
extra lard oil ( winter strained ) 40o ; extra No.
1 lard oil. 'Co ; No. 1 lard oil , inc. ; No. a lard
ollWo : : extra noat's-fopt oil , 4ric ; tallow oil ,
4io : ; half barrels ; ! c over , barrels ; 5 gallon cans
(2 ( In a cnso ) Gcovor harri lsj 1 gallon cans (10 ( In
a case ) 10" over barrels ; 'H gallon cans (3) ( In a
case ) ISO over barrels. 3'
SAUSAOK llologna. 4c ; smoked sausage , 7c :
blood sausage , 4Vio ; llve.r sausage , 4'/&u ' ; head
cheese , 4le ! ; fresh pork : sausage ( links ) , Oe ;
fresh pork sausage ( bulk ) 5Jc ! ; sinoked pork
sausage , 80 ; Frankfurt' duusago , 7c ; smoked
head , 'Co ; I'ollsh > . .sau3ago , Tor knob-
lauch sausage , 7c ; tongue , .sausage. So ; sum
mer sausage , lllc. ,
The aljovo orlces are fpj.lots ot flfty pounds
and upwards ; a less ( juilhtity 'a luilf cent
metre. ' "
Ti , dUJ'i ' 'i - taiw ' '
Country I'rixJuorv
The feature of yesterday's trade In the pro-
. dnco markets was the ducllno In ups - Other
kinds of produce rcnialned at noout steady
HUTTEH Some choice country rolls were re
ported sold at 'JOc , but that was nn extreme-
price , und 1718c Is nbout as high as It would
bo safe to quote the market. Fair to good
grades sold at IKS I Co.
Enns The largely Increased receipts
caused n decided drop In the mar
ket , which could only bo quoted
nt 1718c. Quito n good many ORBS
wcro carried over. The storm of last
week caused es a to accumulate In the coun
try and with the return of pluasant weather
they are btlrv , ' rushed In at a Burprlsliv. rate ,
If the receipts como up to expectations It
would not bo surprising to sco a still further
decllno In the market.
roui.Tliv Chickens were steady nt 80c ,
Gccsu and ducks wont ntH10oaml turkeys ut
lliil-'e. blocks wcro wellelcaned up and the
market wus strong at the prices quoted ,
RACCOON No. 1. largo. ( XXi7 > 70j ; No. 1 , mod-
lum , U.V340e ; No. 1 , small. aO40o ; No , 2 , 3 and
4 , .VJ20C.
MINK No , llnree. nofijnoc : No. 1 medium. 4C
© I5o ; No. 1 small. MWOu ; No. 2. 3 and 4 , i i5c ,
MUHK HAT Fall , SftlOi ! ; Kit , Uo.
'SKUNK-IUaok. 75011.00 ; striped. No. 1. ava
40c ; striped. No. 3 , iv > ( ! o ; stnpod , No. a , 10(3 (
15o : striped , No. 4. MJlOc.
Fox Gross. No. 1 , J J.SDO4.00 ; No. 2 , U.OOiS2..r.O :
red. No. 1 , $ l.ooaiiV ! ; No. 2. 50 < SiOo ! ; grey. No. 1 ,
40tcWOo ; No. . ' , W&Xa.
\Voi.r-Mouiitalii , No. l ! $2.f iW.OO ; No. 2 ,
J1.01)@l,50j ) pralrlo , No. I.75eajt00j ( No. 2 , 4X3 (
HEAVEn No. 1. peril ) . $ . ' .50350 : No. 2. DOI
Ih , 1.SO2.50 ; No. 3 , porlb , 5075o ; No. 4 , pel
11) , 50o.
Omen No. 1 , larjo prlmo , * 5.00/i7.00 ( ; No. 1
modluin.$4.on5,00 ; No. 1 , snmll , il.SXi&'M ; No
2innd4,50c : tl.50.
LYNX No. 1'I.500..00. .
Wit.n OAT Na i , 40o ; No. 2. S0ffl35o.
Oi'i-osaUM No. 1 , cased , 1012o ; No. 1 , open ,
7 < iilOc.
UADOEII No. i , full furred , 5073c ; No. 2 , 22
3o : No. it , 5a lOo.
\Vor.VKUINK-No. I.I 1.0030.00.
ItEAii Illnck , No. 1 , $10,00320.00 ; crlzzly. No
1. r > .0Sl.-.00 ; brown , No. 1 , SUKXttlJ.OO ; cub
$1.0USS5.0J. _ _ _ _
Ijitiiibor ,
Quotations nro for ear lots oa board cars a
Omuhu :
12. 14 &
10ft. 18 ft , 20ft 22ft. 24 ft
2x4.$150J t553 ! tlAOO $ lv 00 Jl 0
2xll. . . . J5 00 15 M 18 OD. 1700 180
2x8. . . . 1500 15 DO 1000 1750 ISO
2x10. . . 1500 15 SO 1000 17.10 180
2x12. . . 1000 1000 1700 1850 190
4x4 to
HxS. . 1000 1700 IS 00 1800 190
FKXCiNn No. 1. 0 In , 12 and 14 ft , rf , 110.00
No , 1. 1 ! In , HI ft. * ! ! ) . ( * ) ; 4 In , * 1 0.00 ; No. 2. f ! In
12 and 14ft. rf.K14.00 ; 4 III. Jll.UO ; No. 2 , B In , 1
ftf.jin.00 ; 4 In. $10.00 : No.i.Q : In , 12 and 14 ft
$ it.OO : ; 4 Iu , f 13,00 ; No. 3 , 0 In , 10 ft , 113,00 ; 4 li
13.00. , ,1T
SuilNO-A. 11 11 and lirft. J2J.OO ; 0 , SIT-M ; I
12. 14 and 10 ft , | a.BOi ) DMll.50.
HoAlins No. I com , J1SM ; No. 2 , com , $13.0C
No. U , com , tiuo : ; No. 4.pnm. $11.50 ,
KLOOIIINO A , U In , y'KUo plno. S.tS.00 ; C
- .l50 : B.ain , white | iliip. , .l3.W : U , $20.50 ; I-
0 In , whlto pine , ( sol fontfilS ) , $17.00 ; drop sld
Ins , Bo per M extra. , ,
STOCK HoAlins A.liilVr.als. $13.00 ; H , 13 Ir
sis , 145.00 ; O , $10.00 ; 1) ) . ttUO ; No. I common. 1
In. sis , 10 , 12 and IS ft'JJW : No. 2. tl-i.M ; No.
common , 12 in , sis , 14 f t'i.UOO | ; No. 2. (17.50
No. 1 common , 12 ln."Ui , 10 ft. U19.50 : No. :
$17.00 : No. 1 common. 12ilh , fcls , 20ft , Wl.OO ; Nc
2 , JI8.50. it i
SIIII-LAI < No. 1 plain. Bund 10 In , J19.00 : Nc
2 , J1G.OO ; No. 1 , O , O , , 8 lng41U.OO : No. 2. I10.5C
10 In. grooved roofing. K\i , \ and 10 ft , 110.5ft.
' ! ; 1 In , H2stlU.OO ; 1 ! .
and 2 Iu , $ li.OO ! ; 3d ciiMr' , 1 In , & 2n , JI5.0U ;
. < , ' , and 2 In. $47.00 ; A.solocC. 1 In , fi.'s , JI1.00 ; IV.
hi and 2 In , $45.00 ; H , solllRti 1 In , Kin , i'll.Ofl ; IVY
\Y \ and 2 In. 40.00 ; 0 , solcwt 1 In , s2s , 127.00 ; IK
'Hand 2 In. $ .15.00. Jj
A. 11 or 0. snlcot , all lK-'fopU JI.OO extra.
YKI.I.OW IVINE 1st und 2nd cloa
floorhiK , III-IG stur. KI.WH3-10 ( ; , 11U.OO ; comma
tloorliik' , 13-10 , $15.00 ; rift clear , 13-in , f.UOl
Island ! ci cloar. S celllnn , $1150 ; 1st ard2
clear. % colling , f las' ) ; lit and 2d cloar. col
Inir. I25.0J ; 1st and 2d clear , llnlsli , s''s. from
Inch , t'fiM ; 1st nnd 2a cle'ur.llnUh , iif rom 1 !
Inch , $ : io.OO ; 1st and i'd clrar.tlnlih. s''j.froni 1 {
nnd 2 Inch.t.lo.N ; lit und IM clear , y.p. casing
$30.00 ; base. * .00.
Poi-r.Ati LuuiiKii 9-Inch and up , 1st nnd S
clour , 1 Inch , s2 , $ : ai.OO ; a-lncli and up , Ut an
2d clour , 11 Inch panel , * i > .00.
HASH , Dooiis. ETC. Tar board , Jl.M ; sash , i
per ct. ; doors , 50 per ct. : blinds. M per ct
mouldings , ft ) per ct , ; tarred felt , per owl
12.101 straw board. $1,15.
lUrreNti , Wr.t.r. TLMIINO , ETC. O. 0 , 2H-lnc
C5o ; Kxa.ul8.35o ; 3-lnch well tnbliu. 1J. Jt S
and Dov.CUOO : pickets , 1) . & II. Hut , msO | 1
fc. ll.siiuare , t'X.0.
HuiMor.Krt , LATH Extra "A , " plno , I5.R
standard "A , " tJ.4S ; uxtra "A , " cedar , til
0-Inch clear plno , 1 1. 'JO ' ; clear redwood , U.-
luth , t.M ! ) .
J'osTS Wblto cedur , 0-Inch. Ms , Uo ; 0-lnc
qrs. llo ; whlto cedar , 54-lnoli ! , ! Js. Oc ; 8-lnc
qrx.Bo ; whlto cedar , 4-Inch round , 15cj ipl
oak , Bo ; Tcnnc&scered cedar , spile , 14o.
Lively Business Characterize tlis First Hour
on 'Change.
A Hrcnk from tlio Close of Vcatorilny
I'rno Selling ly Nunioroim Kor-
HOP HiiyorH A. Colil Wnvo
tlio Only Hope ,
CiucAno , Fob. 7. [ Spoolnl Tolojrixm to TUB
HEn. ! Thoio wns a much mishits * on 'clinngo
tlio flrat hour today as during tlio ontlro ses
sion of I'rtday. Tlio activity was Rroiit In nil
lending innrkuts niul wns accompanied liy a
woakni-si and lower prices nil around , Early
sales for JIny ruled as follows : WhcntCSJioto
IMIio ; cornS ) > c to53Vo tofiIKo ; oats , easier :
pork. $10.00 to J0.83 ; liird , * 5.0i i to U.02K : rib * '
J3.02K to $3.00.
There wns a croat boar niarljot lu wheat nil
day. Tlio opciilnit wiiacnsy at ' , { P | tliodectlno
for ainy w 3 to ( H , ' c. Tliu action wns l ? c to
O7.\'o to 03' JO to ffH'o to 07. 0 to 07o lnforo 1
o'clock. This was a bronk of about So from
tbo close yostordiiy. The news wnstnoslly
In favor of Boilers. Tbo tnulo was
bearish , bears bold and bulls tlinlil nnd
bvaton every tlmo they jiunpoil Intoliuy.
I'lirdrldso wns piittlni : out a line of short
wlioiit justashoilkl on tbo way rtown to ttlo.
two weeks no. ( Tlio seal pins frnturnlty sold
for down turn. Very many bulls let loni ?
wheat RO to save a los on wbat srcinvil to bo
a bear run In nowa. Tliuro was very free soll-
liiif by Soliwartz-Ouuoo. Haldwln-Karmim ,
I'arkcr & Co. nnd somu Dy Hutch. "Early In
tbo day there \VIIB Rood support by .such
houses as S. V. Wblto & Co. , Logan & Co. ,
Itiltusuy & Co. , William Uniui & Co. nnd a tow
others. Tliq receipts hero wuro over
tbo estimate. Receipts nt Mlnnnapo'
Us antl Oiilntli were liberal nt 200 curs. Kansas
City TOUortcdO" cars with prospects of free
receipts next week. St. Louis bud 32,000 lu h-
cls of wheat. Tbo iiioveincnt bcroycstordiiy
was : Hcuolpts 22,000 busbols. slilinuuiits I3.00J ) .
Ilradstrco ta Rave wbcnt and flour from both
coasts 1.300,000 bushels , last week 2,092,0.0 , lait
year 2,2l4OvW. T bo docrcaso In snpnlles east
of tbo Houklus for January was 'iSM.OOO
bushels , lust year 4..r > ? C)00 ( ) bushels. .English
farmers' deliveries were T7.2.V ) quarter ! with
an averagedeollnoot 3d per quarter fur the.
Now York cleared 30,000 bushels of wheat
and 10,000 barrels of Hour ; other ports had
practically nothing for the day , Tlio esti
mates on the decrease ) visible wera 100,000 to
250,000 bushels ngalnst 735,000 decrease
a year ago. All this news was on the boar
side. The only hope ) held out for the bulls
was tlio cold wave over the winter wheat
states on Monday. The exports of wheat and
flour on both coasts sliico July wore Klvon at
CO.OOO.OOOasulnst 05,000,001) ) last yoar. ThU was
a hopeful feature. At 1 o'clock there wus a
rally and May sold from 07o to t)7Ue. ) ; July
aalos were atOliio to 91iO ! to Olijo to 03o to
O3',5o. ' Wheat closed at ? o to ViO up from the
extreme low point toiichod. and at a loss for
thodayof IKo for May and i ; e for July , The
close on May was97 ? e ; July.OlUc. February
was quoted attune to D35o ! toft'l.'i to tbo closo.
Tlio receipts of corn wcro 191 ears and for
Monday 210 cars. Tlio selling of corn early
was led by Counselnmn & Day , Kcnnett-
Ilopklusand the scalpers. The heavy mar
kets In everything else save a bearish feeling
to the crowd , The most , of the decllno oc-
eurrcd the first half hour , when the offerings
were very hoavy. The bottom prlco on May
was 5'aO ) ! and the close Kiyc. or ! Jo off from
last nlRht. February closed at 5 ] > ic. March
Juno wns quoted at Ko ) to D2'io ' to
52jc ? ; July , at KlJio to MJio to B2Uc. The corn
niirkot weakened under heavy sclllnclu the
lay and failed to show any material recovery
ipto 1 o'clock. May started Jfio lower at
S3e ; sold at53iQV ! ! 2 ; up to 53'Jo ' : off to
anil held steady around rac.
July was quoted nt about Vic under May ,
Tao cline In oats was the least tiuirued of
anvmnrueton the lloor. The prlpo of May
started at 4UUc , and after touching 45@i : > ? o
ret'overed to457 c. showlni ; but ? io loss. Juno
sold at 457 eio 4.ri9 o at the eloso ; July at 42 0
to4''Mc. There was but little fuaturu to the
trade except the general soiling of longs on
the weakness In other markets.
1'art of the break expected In provisions
came this morning , There was no such panic
amoiic the .sellers as was predicted when pork
iot below $10.00. This may bo accounted for
by the fact that much of the * long stun" Is held
In the country and soiling orders may hocbm-
hitf Monday , Hccolpts of nearly forty
thousand hogs when the estimate was
for 25,000 was an immediate cause
of the break. Tlio holders of product *
generally became sellers. ItuslnesswaHsproad
out to all products , and ribs and lard suirorcd
us well as pork. The hl packers. Armour ,
Swift and Gmlaliy , all sold around 5e for May ,
In pork the scalpers also sold , Tim action foi
May was : 1'oJk , iio.oo to tO.OJ to Sli.91 to W.85 tc :
JO.Dl to : f ! > .BO < i4y.W4 ! to Jtt.85 to close or22 > olowui
for the day. bard was at * 3.07K to .M tc
" ! i hollers at the close , or 7ic ! lower. Ulbs ,
Yt to 11.03 to $4.97-i5.00 ! to close.
COMMODiTVl Open. I HUM. I IMV. | Ulom. I Vea'y.
Mnjr . . . . 9SW 97K-M
juir WlJi
May tax
CnHh. . . . ,
Mar 9DJ OOJ a 62k ! 087W
Mar 5 MM 4 05 497H
Slay OOa 000 5W 593 8 00
coMMinutr ( Open. I llluh. I I.UVT , I Cloao. I Yps'y ,
May . 99 ft ) ffl' 10K-5 ,
July .
Con.vMay .
OATH May. . . . 4SK
Hoard Niitcn niul Gossip.
St. Louis Slilpnieuts : Wheat , 4,000 ; corn
00,000 ; oats. looo. )
St. Louis llocolpts : Wheat , 33,000 ; corn
72.VK ) ; oats , 31,000.
Estimated cars for Chloaijo Monday : AV'hout
0 < i ; corn , 210 ; oat111. .
CulotiKQ Hocolpta : Cars , wheat , KI , 10 Xo. 2
corn , 101 , 2 No. 2 ; oats , 70,41 No. 2.
EnKlIsh deliveries. TT.Xfl oimrtors u'trjs5d ;
103,000 quarters at : tj ; 8d lust week.
Ills rumored that a bin amount of whi'ut-
000,001) bushels worked huru for slilpmont a
the opuulnic of navigation ,
Diirnbusch says cables from Australia sa'
thul the wheat crop Is holow coiniuon estl
niiitoH on account of Injury by louusts.
llcorbohms O.iblo : O.irsocs otT unast , wlioa
nnd corn Hteaily. On pnssajfo , wlioal- und con
ijulot. 1'rcnch murkots ipjlot. Llverpoc
spot wheat oaslor. corn ( | iilct , Futures , whna
und corn dull. Fohruiiry. 7.s81id : Maroli , 7
Od ; April. 7s Uijil. Tliuo.l:3UVltuut ! : qulol
duniand poor. Ciillfornln , 7sOJd ! to 10U ; roc
7s G'/iS ' to 7s.
Thoru Is a prediction of u cola wave , whlc
will extend iiiinunilly over tlio winter when
region by Monduy. llradstroet'.s avallabl
wht > ilt oust of Ivocklos. 4'NUi ! au'iilnat. 49,1191 ,
ooo last year west of HoclloHlOiuiuw ( : unatii.
6,141,000 last year. KxnortH anil clearance
both coasts for the weak. l.W.QIO ugulm
2.0DJ.OOO the prcccodlng uuii 2,214,00) ) the sain
weolc u year ngn.
F , O. Losan Sc Co. to Toncray k llryar
Wheat opened at Osijio for .May. Oablc.s wei
weak. Heculpts In north and southwest wui
larfio and beyond nil expectations , Kxpnn
lluht. This , with line weather caused fn
selling by commission housea nencrally , a :
slstod by one or twy of oursollil men wli
operate lor blj { profit" , 0110 of which lias bee
prominent us noolluvor In mui-h htxhurprlui
und who was a heavy holdor-whnn whuatsoi
ntjl.01 for May. Ho sold July freely durln
thu session. The hull factorn of u few muntl
iiKiiarodlsapiiearln ? . Thauxliuustlouof wli
tor whuul and the cry of scarcity In not born
out by the receipts ut St. I.ouU. wlilch ni
IG2JSU bushels thU.fcok against Kt.lVW the on
rospondhiK week odastyoar. Stocks nt No
Vork have drorouscd only 75UOOOblnoa Noven
bcrMlmt. The weather contliiiuss line , an
unless wo have some Ulsautor to thu K row In
crops we will ecu lower prlcoa. The uluiln
urlco of May wua l)7J c , Corn wi
wi-uk and llttlo dolnu. Bomu of the crop (
IB'.K ) is now boliiR Hhlppod from Iowa. I'nco
too hlsli , with a mndurato movement. 1'r
visions , huavy receipts of hogs and frtosol
Ing by the puukeru , with llttlo ouuluu buylu
caused u weak foellnR.
\V U. MeOormlck & Ca to F. 0. Bwnrtz ft Cc
The wheat market of the weulc wlndi u
with a sad disappointment to the bulls ni
§ aems to Indicate t hut the I a to advance wi
caused nuiro by a scare ot ihort * than by I
herent value la thu whuat Itself. For the pa'
twodayn the kclllii ha Leon clitotly lluldi |
tlon by IoiiK8 who overstayed their tlmo , bi
today one or two prominent traders ha'
begun putting out short linen , The Kener
iowuls iMurlnh. ( Jood rulun were reported <
the I'aclllo slope. A telegram from thu nort
wct ti tM that country rucelpu Iu Duke
are fallltijtolT nnn hut llttlo wheat t < loft In
In farmers' hmul * . but In the fnco of rocolptn
of'JWenrsIn Mlnnouixills MM ! Diiiiitli today
mioli n , Rtntoniont nan consldcrod atiiurU.
Our prlvuto nilvloiv * fniui tlio nest
ludlonto that reserves nro niuoh
Inruer than huto been bpllovcd and this IH
curinliily proved bv rccoliit.'s In thnt secllou.
pvon Kansas Bhowliuitood delivery nt coun
try points. The niurkot closoA with a very
weak fuolhiK niul every Indication ol lower
prices next week. Corn was ratbvr Innctlvo
and the foul Ing at. thu olnso wns wouk. He-
( ( IpUnlthiiimliby no means lar o are heavier
tlnuichirlni ; thu tlrsV of Ilio week and nro
ilvlm ; eourace to a few of nurHliort sollors.
Caslidiitiiniul continue * peed , iilthoiitth prlcos
nro about half a cent lower tluui the < o of
Wodnosilay. I'rovUions iul | t. uctlviwiak. .
and lowi-r. The receipts of IIORH oxoeedoil
estimates by 18,000 anil Indlo.itlons are that
thcso honvy rooclpn will continuu diirlni ;
noxtwonk , Tlioy are sulllnu their loins stuir.
but. tliu umoiint sold by tin-in as yet Is small
and leaves tliL-in heavily Iniidod to lltfht the
tiaokui-s and the lurito roooltilsot liojts. Wo
( car that their light Is a hopeless one. and
bollovu that price * otnll articles mint KO con-
sldi-rably lowur.
Kenui'tt , lloiiklns.VCo. to OlirUtlivI.utlirop
Com. ( "o. : The weakness nf provisions
nnd wheat helped to weaken corn ,
Coiin elniUi ! , Hutch , H. V. While , KcimeU , ro-
colvers and shlppurs , sold , llacou was the
principal buyer and local scidpotu bought
iiKaliiHt. iirlvlloKCH. The market as a whole
continues hard nnd i-arrow , coiillned Inrgoly
to local scnlpori , Dut the Kononil toim tiulav
was heavy and Oownwaril. iV Kroat deal
hliiKci nn thu niovvmout from first hands anil
thu continuance of pluasant weather. Data
wonkor and fairly active. It was stated ves-
tordny that thorn was a shortage In oats. The
niurkot at present , remarkably smnll. You
'can't hull nny market when thorn Is no short
Interest. The Immediate cuuso In the break
In provisions wim on uucnunt of the iinox-
lieutedly InrRorocolpls of hoes nud lower hoc
market , lleuolpts uro heavy at all pulnts anil
estimates for next week show no falling oil' .
\YhllethlsstaUutf thine * continues provis
ions will show but slkhtioiiutlonand , I think ,
sales will ho pnillttiblo on ralllo * The wheat
market oiwuod ntudoratoly aottvo nnd
lower , with fruo olTorlnsi both by
longs , and a few loins WHHI | > ruur.izo
survived thoRqiiouziiot the ourly part , of the
wook. Cables heavy tuiil dlsniuiointlii ) ; ami
ndvlcos Kcneralv boarlsh. The market Inisdu-
clltinU cei.ts ulmshul since Monday and as
this Is the tt'iisuiiiit cropscaros wo ailvlso eau-
tlini hi sc-lllnjr tin broakM. Tradlnit at flinus
was nulto active and the nurkiit close I heavy
nt tliobottom figurosof the day , but wheat
has a good ninny friends. Stocks urn llRlit cx-
ccptlnOnlcaROiiiKl the northwest and u little
persistent huylni ! by a fuw duli-rniliicil bulls
will islvo usiinothor rally M soon a.s a H ( > (1 (
slzn I short Interest Is developed.Vo are
bullish on the outcome but look for n trading
market for soimi time wncru money unit bo
niadoon olthorsldo by gutting In judiciously.
CntcAno. Fob. 7. [ Special Tolojram U > Tun
HEK.I OATTLK A IOWROOII and useful steers ,
loft ever , nnd these uinoni ; fresh roculpts wcro
sold nt about like yesterday and the day be
fore. Iu the fueo _ of the light run
und the deollno Iu receipts the Konoral
market on fat cattle Is rather woik : than
othorwlso. The lenten HOIISUII oommencos ou
Wednesday and for the llrst week at loast. the
demand for muats.shons a fulllnt ; oir nnd tlien
nqaln ho products an 1 all around frenh
meats found In tlio packinghoiiMarous cheap
in they over wore und so long as the run of
hogs keeps up to thu present number thuro Is
llttlo or no chance forany pormnnentndvauco
In beef ; the people will buy cheap meat , holt
hoof or pork products. About ovcry thing
sold and thu general murkot elosud stouly. :
Cow Htnclc Ins advanced ( lurlii'4 the. woelc and
Bteor stock Iris boon barely stoaily. There Is
u good doiriund for KlooK'crs und foodurs.
1'rlmo No. 1 Btoors have s.ihl during thu weidc
iitr .095WS.43 ; prlmo o\port tftor * , $ I.10 < ? H.K ! ) ;
KOO < | und iHoful stoors. ifl.O'iT ' I.'JI : i-iimiiinn.
( .I.OJtNL'A : cows , * . ' .2.- > iji2.-i : ; stocker.s , * J-r > ? 41.51.
lloiin To say tlio runol : ! d.ol : ) ) tolO.iUj for
Hntitrilay was a surprise would faintly con
vey to tlio dl.stunt i-uiulor the sensation evi
dently Drodnco.d. There was lltor.illy apanlu ;
salosnicn rushed hlthur mid thither to cut
bnyors , no matter at. what , price , ami when
the panic had subsided and the p'lrblos were
enabled to eomparo notes It was found that
the bulk of aalosvore nvido a strong lllc lower
than at the low raiigo of voslorduy , but at the
deollno there was a In business and at the
close tlio pens were well olearoil , and If there
WHH anything carried over It wus hccaiiso the
salesman uould not sell at the prices olTorcd.
Hough and common , f i.ii.vrj : ! K ) ; packers and
good mixed. * UV2Ki : ) : prime ho'ivv anil
butcher weights , ti5'JlVi ' ; pigs , { i7. > 5il.2'i.
tiTltCKS AM * 7A'V. .
NEW YOUK. VJli. 7. [ poalal Tolori'-n to
THE HRR.I There was a surprlsa Iu stocks
before the close. It fas < luo to the . bank
statement. The market startjd steady , with
London buying specialties , Cammack brokers
buying Vlllurds.commission hotHos oxiMulmg
orders In grangers , and fiouM st < K'l < slow. The
tone wus firm , thoagh some lrro' ; ex
isted In the opening prices as compared with
these of last evening , and whlto Jersey Cen
tral wus up ? i Chicago ( las wiia down ' /i , other
changes being slight. Tliu market was strong
In early dealings and fractional gains were
scored nil along the line , whllo I'.iallla Mull
nt : i"i5 was Hi per cent bottir thin
last nlvht. ICrlo ureforrud nlso showed
nrirki'ds'n'n tli niul unusual activity , rlsln ?
! ! B , whllo among the active sto7kswhlch comprises -
prises Unlim 1'iicllle , Laclcawanna , North
America , rit , 1'.ml and I/mlsvllle , thu Improve-
incut was limited to t In Ijiiukawana Amoii' {
thi'MO.stocks there was a slight reaction to
ward the end ot the hour. Then c-inio the
bank stiitoiiiont with H7t)3OC ) ! ) dosreaseln the
reserves. From this to thu u.loso there wns
free sdlllng and Dosldvs wlplnv out all early
Biilus the llstshowo.l loisosat tha olosu from
! to Ti. with coal stocits thn only use-option.
Chicago Guxwasoir ? 1 to H'iaftor soiling at
41. Atchlson led the decline In railway shares
to59 , with u loss ot's. The not losses In the
granger group were 'ft to i > . Iiacknwanna
wns up a full point to ! ! ! ! ) & So rst-y Central
Hi up to 11H. Pullman rose to I'.K'ili. The total
sales of stocks was UH.IOI shares.
Thu following weru the closing quotations :
U. 9. 4sroatit3roit.ta ) ortlitT.i I'.iclllu . . . . M
II. H. 4iroiip < in4 . 123 ' > ' ' ' ' '
, 'i S\vI'r.'y..I ! \ I. , ! ! JOTH
I ) . 8. 4H < cotipona.IUi do prrfurrej IU
I'ndUolinof "J3 101) N'tiw V.irU Contral.10.1 ! (
Centriil 1'ncille 211 ! I1. , l.t 1C 18
Chlcmjoi Alton 128 Hock lulnuil TOW
CnlciiKn , UurllURton a. .M. A St. I1 V4 !
A Qulncy 87H doprufurrol lllii !
I ) . . U * W lW : Bt. I'.iiil \ . Uiimh. % . , . . 2i !
Illinois Central Ut doproforrt-it. . * 81
Union I'aollli ) 4'1)6 )
Kaimis i Texas. . . . . 11K ; / . . St. U & I' . Ill
ImkoSlioro 11214 iloirnrurreil. | 1'Hf
Mlclilunn Cflntr.ll. . . . ' .m ( U'li.Htoru Union 8I , ' (
Mlaaourll'aclllo I H
MONBV On call , easy ; closed olfured lit 2M
Dor cent.
I'IIIMK MKIIOANTII.E I'At'Kii 5B7 pur rent.
KTBIIUNO KXCIIANOK Uiiliit. stcailys sixty-
day bills. il.Ki ;'i. '
Stocks. I Open. | HlBli. I l.o" . I rioso. | Voi'y. lluil.
Nu. Am
Jlloll. Cent. .
A. 8. It. iilil.
VVlJ.Cont. . .
.Mot. Cunt. .
A. U Oil , , . .
Tenn. C.I.
IVall Htroet.
Konnott. Hopkins k Co. to Olirlstl
I.athrop Conunlhslon rompuny The stou
inarUot liua shown much Irri'K'olui
I ty today wjino clussoiof xtock liuvn bee
Ntrontt and others weak. Coal sloc'Ks us
urnup nro thiiKtrons Cuatures , JurMiy Centra
Iloluwaro fi IIiiilKon und Dtlawuru , liel : < ii
wniinn , t Western all advanced hhiirnly. Ju *
what Inlluunco In at work to acoouut for till
wo don't know. Curtalnly the u eos lvi > pr <
ductlonof coal over thu demand which hn
iiuiilo stook.sacuumuluteund prloui weukr'ii I
not an arKuinent In favor of hiitlln
thi'so stocks. Western Blocks hare u
been heiivy iindor ( llsctniranlot ? mlvleesas I
thn completion of thu V/fUrni trnllle ussoc
ntlon , owing to the rolusnl of Atchlsou uu
other rouds to comply with tli
demand ot the chairman of tlio a ocli
tlon. Tlio report of Atchlson eurnliif
for December vrhlch shows u not dcoreano c
USI.OOO U al o very depression upon nil wei
tern tockn , on It relluoti poor busliie-ss bo In
iloim In that country. The market pruw woa
on toward ! ! the olosc , tradui
btilnfc lullurnccd by unfavor blo bun
taloments which thnwcd a larjfcr ( lecrcaMe I
tlio roourvu than wua vxpoutcu. also lo n I
on h of & .tVVX ) ( ) . Tlio Incrnn'O In lonni of
So 10,000 probably arises from the ilt-niund * ot
iicrclianw to pay for itooiU taken out of bond.
The stock nuirket closed heavy at tliu lowest
irlccs. Total 8nlCM.tliXI.SU7 ,
" \Vi-ckly llnnlc HlntRinrmt.
NKW YotiK , I'ob. i. [ Special Tolcjram to
TimllKr.l The weekly bnnk statement shown
ho ( olloiilujr cliangcs :
loservo , docroitso . } ; i.70)0
xians , liuTtiuse . S , Il.i,10i )
'pei'le. ' liipronsp. . , . . 1,4.V.SOO ) )
.i-Kal tondora , deerwiso. . . . . . . tITIU)0 ) )
lopiwIlM , tncreaso . t\SlisIXX1
Olronlatloii , dooria p . OJ.IHX )
The banks now hold .M..T..fiTA In oxooaj ot
rcintlrciuoiitsot thnSV percent rith\
The oxpuru of spocto at the port or Now
\ork lUirluQthu week amounted tofllMI , ot
vhlch JKtUO.V .i.s In In Hold audUhlb7S In sil
ver ,
The Iniiiort.s of ipeolo for the col ( ; atuoiinl e < l
o * JI,18S , of which f II.OI'J was sold and ir..MJ
Sliaros ,
Nnir YORK , I'ob. " . [ Spoital Tolo ram to
Tun IUK , ] Iho followlnj are tliu inlnlnt
fitooU quotations :
Aippn Ml HomiMt.ikn . K \
Host A nolchor 2Stl
lloilln tin )
Chollnr WJ Mntlrnn . 11) )
Colormlo . . 10) Oninrlo . 3JI )
Con. C'nl. A Vu 4il )
Kun-kul'iin k ) Sl rm Noviul.i 20J
ISonlil , V Curry 2.V ) Stnmlnr , ! Ill )
HnloA Nurcrcni. . . . I.VI Vollow JncKet , . . . . . . 'J.U
Tlio Coffco Mtiv'cnt.
Nr.w YoitK , I'ob. 7. tSpcolal Tulenrain to
TUB IlKR. ] CitrrKK-Optloim steady anil nn-
ehnnRed to 10 points down. Halo * . 2t53 ha s ,
nclitillnit rehruary , Jld.lX ) ; March , $ lfl.VS :
April , * IO.i5 : : May. * lfl.U3itl0.iri ! JUIHtlSAXift
IMWi July , * l.1.riO(8I.VnS ( ( : Alisust , * I.VO ; Hup-
leiulicr. Jll..Wiill..V , ! pot Hlo , linn and In fiilr
lomaiid ; fair cargoes , ll'J.oo ' ; No. 7 , JU.COiB
OHIOADO , Pol ) . 7. Uloso _ Wheat Stonily ;
orCc ! ' L | ' ! iy'c < " ft K U
orii Steady ; cash. Oloi May , KKje ; .July ,
6aU Kaiy ; cash , 4.T'ci May , 43Jil5 : f
Hyo Knsy : 72i ! .
Timothy 11.37.
riux ifl.19.
I'ork Steadycash. ; Jfl.50 ! May , n37' { .
Ij-vrd Steady ! cash , * .M2H ; May , tVOITA
.Vir , ' .
Short Hlhs-Ptoadys cosh , * J.fiOOI,01j May.
. .
I'lour Unelmnijoil ; sprlnir. ? l.r > 1 : natontH.
tl.40iJI.fiO : winter patents , M.MJW.SO. '
Hulk Moats-Siionldura uneliuijtcl : , * 'l.0 > 2 >
4.00 ; short clear. JI.OOiil.'A'i ; Hhnrt ribs , JI.W
a .fi\
Iliittor UucliaiiKudi crciiuiurylVTJo ( ; dairy
12fftT.'i- .
( JhiM'so Uncliiumod ! fiiUoruitmoliinldars.O'i '
! ? > ( ) ! { : Hats. lOlJOllcj Yoiin ? Amorlo.ins. Ilio
Kms UnolinnjoiU ( rush. 1 . . . . . .
Hides Uncliansed ! llslit an.I heavy sreou
saltedr i lVitiSKrucn , I'lfi'Su ' ; silted bull.
I'ie ; L'reiin suit oil calf. 80 ; dry Hind Hi : . " ' 'It '
hullfit 'o : 'try ' calf. Sftljj duacons. each , 23o.
Tallow Unohausedi No. I , aolld 'paulcod ,
3' uj No. 2,3oj CfUe } , 4c.
IooolM. ! | ) Shipments.
I'lour , bills ti.lWO riTO )
Wheat , bu 22KW ( IH.OM
( 'orn , lit ! ( l .OtX ) H'.l/Ol ' )
Oats , liu 0.1,000 122,000
NKW Yoiut. lieli. 7. Wheat IteeoipK 21.000
husliols ; eiports , lt.VU ; sivit , noinlnnllr lower :
No. 2 rel , * l.0i ! ) ! In uloviitor ; * 1I1'4
alloat ; Jl.lOfii l , f. o. b. ; options lowur ,
No. ! ! red , I'uliruiiry I'losliiKiit Jl.fl'.lTii ' ,
Corn Receipts 15.0M busliulsi evnorts , 0,001) ) !
spot o'lnyi No. 2. ( VHiTMIn In idevator : un-
ruled : inlxi'd , Wifi.Vio ; options lower ; I'ob-
ruury , Pile ,
Oats Itocolplq. 20.011 bushels ! exports. 30 , ) !
nnotdull and nncliun ed ; No. 2 white , K3t \
M' os nil.Mid wi'Htern,5xrt50io ( ! ! whltovostern ,
M' > /.ir'e ; ojitlons , dull and nominal ; February ,
Mu iir linw. ( Inn : fair rollnhiR , Kc ; con-
trlfiiKals. l test , 5 U-lGe. refined linn ,
qulol. ! "A" 5 l-lBJM c ! whlto extra "O. "
ri7-ir'a.14o ! yellow. 4 15-1Co ; oil "A , " 5H1 *
Rll-lfl ! mould "A. " 05-llic ; .standuril "A , "
Oll-Ifloi cut loaf , 00-lio ( ; oowdorod , 57-lOu.
granulated , OHo.
I'etroloiiiii Untlod closed for Maruli ut 78Ko.
Bzs Klriii ; wi-storn , 25 .
I'orlc Klrm : now mcis , ifll.OOjail.M.
I < irit L'lworj western nloiiin. $1,00.
Hiitter Htoaily ; westorii ilalry. ll18cs
westuiu oreaiuory. lIlQ'JAu ; Klicln , "
Oheesu Finn ! light ulcliita ,
PT. Iiii9. Koh. 7. Wheat Lower ; cnsh ,
07 iU7Kc : May.'Jo.
( 'orn flower ; e.ish , 4n > 4o ; May , MJio ,
Out-s l.oivor ; cash. ' 40c ; May , 4'ilie.
I'ork i.8i. ? !
I.unl-- .
liiillur UnuhuiiRuil ) creamery , 187 2 Oe.
MiKNRAroMS. l''ob. 7. Wheat S'aniplo
wheat lower ; Ki'nural market slow. HeiM'liits ,
22. > cars ; HhlpmontH , 7.1 cars. OUnlnR ! No. 1
hard , February , uii4o ; ; on traok , Ul o ; No. 1
nortliern , Kutiruary , UBic ; May , lt ) ? > o ;
on tiaek , tlio : No. 2 northern , February , two :
on track. DOlja'JI'.Jc. ' _
KANSAS Crev. I'eb. 7. Wheat Steady ; No.
2 hard , und February , 8lu bid ; Nu. 2 rod ,
cash , Ulu IIJ.
Corn-Steady : No. 2 , cash , 47io ! bid ; Feb
ruary , 173il471ai ; ! ! ,
Uats Stoadv : No. " cash , 43ci Kolirnary ,
4IHo bid. _
M II.WAUKKK. I'Vb. ' 7. Wheat Easier ; No. 3
sprint ; , enshU2W > o ; May , OJXc- .
Corn I'Mrm ' ; Kn. 2 , tt'io.
Oats-Hto.idy : No. 2 white , 47o. !
Provisions Kirm ; pork. May , $9.85.
CINCINNATI , Kob. 7. Wheat Straus : No. 2
rod. tlm' .
Oorn Kaslops No. 2 rnl.tod. .Vl'/jajlc. '
OaH-Qiilrt ! ; No. 2 nilvod , 48o.
WhWiy JI.14.
laVH'U'Onr , . Kti ! ) , 7. Whuat Quint : di-mand
fiilr ; bolilorsoirer freely ; rod western , winter ,
7sOVJd percental.
Corn tjulot ; mixed woitcrn , 5a 3J per
cental ,
CmCAfio , I * h. 7. Outllo rsocolpta. 2.r/i ) )
marUotstnnily tn wim'c ; Htpors , prime , f.vovn
5.4'J ; common to Kiuxl , $ i.lM$4.1lO ; COWH , .2.114
3.'i"i ; Htookcis , * 'J.2" > St.riO. ;
llojs Receipts , W.OOO : market lower :
rouuh and coiumon , * .l.i. ; > i7'l.40 ; packers und
good mlxvd , * l.l"iTfi'l. . i : prliuii huavy und
hilloher wiilnht.s.ft.-Vptl.r.-i ( ; jilsH. fi7Aaa25. '
Sheiip Hi-colpti. 20.IWI : niurUet notlvn nnd
steadv ; western. J'l.OJQVO' ) : natives , MWaiAl ;
Texiins , W.7.Vii .60 ; lainDS M.W8JMS.
ST. Louis , I'oU 7 , ijattlo Iteeelpti. 700
head ; shipments. . ' 100 huad ; mnrkut sloruiy :
fiilr to fiinuy natlvu Htner.s , &I.UUflkUJ ; slobkura
nnd foednri , iSVai.40. :
llou.S Hecelpls , I.MJO liuiidl Hnlniuiinti I.HTO
he-id : m.irket lower ; huavy , tl..VJU)1.0) ) ) ; nU.xed ,
M.2iijjlW : : llKlit. $ .l.41 > fyi.-.5.
CITV , Ki-0. 7.-Oattlo-nticeipt * . 1.8)0 )
head ; shipments. 700 liu-ul ; marxiit about' '
Htuiidy ; stt.'ers , ( , I..Vf(5.21 ) ; iitockuniinil fee < luri ,
ti.T.'iI.Uenws , | I.7.V'4'I.51
Units Itocelpts. 1V < " heads slilpnionts , 4.700
head ; nmrkut uloir and lowur ; all nr.ului , iJ.U )
u : > .
Tlio linnriiVRiiinnt llnuoril' ,
There U a notlcablo aetlvity In thn rc.tlty
market niul brokers are more than well
pleased with the outlonk. Whila tlio
number of deals the past week wns notlarKO ,
the business was especially imtlsfactory , ns
the most of the sales \voro m.utc to navv-
comers and Inquiries nro pouring In raplilly
from people who nropow to loc.uo tn Omaha
tlm coming season , Some bis concerns nro
soeKliiK locutions for manufacturing mid
business Kites and a liny Ho.tson Is in store
for the active iloulors In dirt.
The followlns llKuros plvo the totals of
rail estate transfers , Imlldlng permit ) and
biiult clourint's for the week :
Monday $3.1,711
Tuesday GV 17
Wednesday Iw.Ml
Thuroday : it77
Krlduy 01,711
Saturday , 4M5.1
Total ilAiil. ) l
.Monday . .J 2,100
Tiii.-Nduy 1.00. )
Wednosdiiy 8K )
Thursday l.H ) )
1'rldiiy. . . 17,1
tintuiday l.CO )
Trliul ( o Hull the lints.
QIIHIIUVH.U5 , I' * . , fob. T. [ S | clal Toiq-
KraintoTitii UKK.I For some \vooka pasta
numborof ml no bosscj and proiuluoiit citi
zens Uavo received anonymous commancn-
tlon.s decora ted with n no 111 n , crostbotiot ami
skull , slmllur to received during tbo
rclgi ) of the Molllo Manulres. Llttlo or no ut *
tcutlon 1ms been puld to thcsu missives , but
last night ns John Williams , who hnd boon
notified , was on his way from Huvon Kun to
Shotinndoali , several maxkoil men waylaid
him , und tired a volley of bullots. Ills ( torso
Hucuccdcd In cnrryliiK him safely ever tha
mountains In the dark. Others tiara received
llko notices anil are fearful of nutating a lUca
or even worsu fulu.