to THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAy , FEBRUARY 8 , -SIXTEEN PAGES. SPEG1RL NOTICES. " " " " > VwiTTH KMKNT8for"ihosocolutiitiswlii Iwtaken until 32.T : ) p.m. . for tnoovpnlnK edition , nnd until SfO p.m. , for the morning edition nnd SUN HAT Ilr.K. advance. * IMTFS-AtlrortUcmcnUon tlihnnfo will bo -IV chnrerd for at Ilio rnUot 1'4 centsper wtinl for InPflrstlnrtlomnnd leenlpor word fur oncli subsen.imnt Insertion , nnil ( I.M pnr line tier inontli. No ndvptllKomrnt taken for ICHH tlnm Wici-nUfortho llrst Insortlon. TNITIAI.H. figures , symbol * , etc. , count each 4. nnnuu word. C3 riMirSR advprthniticnw must run ronsecn- J tl > ely mid under no dri'iipi-stiiticcs will tlioy 1m t'nki n or discontinued hy telephone. "MA11TIKH advertising In tht > n columns ami J having their answers iu1ilrr < si > il ton "nmn- Lcrrdlntler" In care of TUB llr.K will recelvo aniimberiMloheck to enable them toitot tliolr Icltors. Answrrn will bp delivered only on jircsoiilatlon of IhH clii-ck. Knolosc answers in envelopes properly nddrcs ed. , > nihortlseriicnls under the head of A1J "pecliil Nntlcps" nro piihllshed In Inth tlm niornlntf and nvrnltiR editions of THE HKK , tlio circulation ot which aggregates morotluin 20,000 pipers dally , nnd Klvos tlio ndvertlspr tlio hi'iiullt not only of Ilio laruo circulation nt TIIK Ilou In Omnlia. but also In Council lIlulTs , Lincoln ninlotliir cities anil towns In the west. "BRANCH QFFICESr Advertising for thcso columns will bo taken on thoabiiu'i'ondltlons. attlmfollowliu ; busi ness houses who are nuthorl/edto tnko special notices , nt ( he same rates as can be had at tlio main olllco. QOITTII OMAHA IIRANCMI OI'l'IOE-No. n 202:1 : N. Street , Lister lllock. JOHN W. HEM * Pharmacist , SMKoulh Tenth street. MASK .VRDlir , Stationers and Printers , liaSoiillilCltlmtrcol. H. rAllNSWOnTII , rharinaclst.SlIS Cuni- IIIR striiit. \\T .1. 111 Hllins. Pharmacist. < BI North 10th IT it I cut. GF.O. W. 1'AHH , riiarniaclst , ITld be worth street. TUtlli ES' I'llAltMAOV. 24th and rarnam. SITUATIONS WANTED , 1 n ivtir , ( If. , ret Inn of flrtl rnltimn "ii l/it / jxiffu. ' mialUli'd for book-keopor- AVOt'Ndinrin ) | otnco osltlon , havlni ? llrst- class referi'iifus ' nml nhlo to trlvo Kocurltydo- nil niiffaKcrnotit. Would accept a mod- cratonal n ry. AililroMO. CT , 1 1 i e. _ 318 8 * W ANTKP 1'osltlon In private fnmlly us cuaoliinan. Address J , K , 1W ) N 'd utroot. WANTED Hltiintlon to take care of her os nml dogonrral work ; experienced ; city aoforences. Addros.sOOO , lieu. 2a 0' _ " \\7ANTii : ) Situations for peed ulrlsimy IT waiting' riMiniH lire nlwayn full from 0 u. n. to n p. in. Cnnadlnn Kinployiiicnt odlce , ai4J4HI.ritli. Telephone b8 ( . 121 . WANTED MALE HELP. Fur ittlr * , fir. , etctojinf flrttcnlitmn onflitu iwtje. KTEOT'iV J'S wnViti'd tlio'sccrol T\ I ' tonct In 4xMinli'o under Instructions of dipt. Oraii- lian.nx-chlefof detoctlvi-sof Uinclnnat , Expo- rlenconotncuessary , I'arllculnrs free. Onin- linn Dctecllvo IlurcauUo. . 41 Aieade , OIncln- nut I. Ohio. A OKNTSVniitcd \ Th reo peed reliable IIIPI I * , tohnndlo a fastsolllni ! hnusohohl article /ells atslKlit. Call or address 435 , Ix'ow York Llf.o. _ : ill ) 8 * AGENTS and salesmen wanted every where for newly patent oil automatic hclf-cnpylint letter pookot inneblno. Fortune for hrl.'ht men. ijoinmur , ! . " > \V 4''d , Now York M311 10' WANTKD Hnlosnicn to sell llRhtnhiK rod.s : wperli'iiood , Apply to Kdw. A. i'ov A Co , , SSI W. Itli st , , Olnalniiatl. O. \\T ANTKll An en ergo tic n < nn In each coun ' ty to Introdiico our hard ware speelaltles I.lbiTiil pay ! $ .1.0) ) sumnlo free. The Wrlghl Mfg. Co. . : ii I'arU ISow. New York. 3D 8' WAN'Tl',1) ) Experienced salesman to sollcli orders for custom mailu olntlilng. .Salary or commission paid. Address , OC2 , lice. 291 1) TITANTKD Aiients-Wo wanT llrst clns IT moil who are already tr.ivolhig sales < men to curry our lubricating oils nnd Krcasi samples us a sldo line , Columbia Oil am Groasocompany , Olevolunil , O. M'-U'-II : " \\TANTKD-Actlvo Rcntleinen , with soini IT biislmiss tact. toboKlnat once , good pay rooniX' . Douglas bllt. 188-i PAllTIESwltliroferoncocan 'ecuro stoadj oniloyinent | ) , good pny. Itoom 1C , Dounlai block. 1S8-1 WANTF.D ICOnii-nto cut ice. Apply Ini nicdlatnly ut Smith & Co.'s Ice house Aiblnnd. Neb. M HM-1 \\TANTKI ) Jlen tolravol for ourCanadlai IT mirserles.SoneA.\VellhiKtoiiMuillbOnWt ( \ sa ANTIIf ) A rpclstoroil pharmacist. O. W Condon , SprliiKVlcw , Neb. iwi- WANTK1) ) Man with gooil references n Metrojiolltan Mfg. Co. , ICOHoward ! ) st , WANTED FEMALE HELP 1'or rnlft. < tc , , trctop of Jtntl column on Hit * vaa LADlKi3. send So stamp for tusthnonlals niu pamphlet describing Dr. Klrkwood's In vcntlon. IHvltnl Importaneo to ovcrv lady A fonts , K lik wood Hard Kubbcr Co. , Murnlr bhlR. , Kin 1'ranclsco , Cal. 'M-ti WANTKD Oooa cook and laundress 1 Hinnll family. Must.como well recom mended. Good wages. Apply toG22 South Ml , street. 344-1 _ WANTIII ) Imiin dress. f3.00j cook. $3.00 KlrlH fnrjrenoral housework , housokeope for count rv. Now Kiniloymont | Bureau , haul buildlnj ; . llth ! anil Dod o. M.'t23 E ADV n onts-Threo dollars oiipltal wll build uiia business tmyliit : & weekly sell In ; our novelties In Indies' and children' ' ear. Our child's combined wnlst and lie supporter Is the outustllttlo irnininntuvor 'l ' : ventcil nnd ueils at slEht. Address wit stain ti , Mrs. O. OujipbollJS1 W. liandolp jUUhleago. 340-i LA DY agents with roforoncs can got coed on tlmo that retail foi-T8.0 : ' . Addres Medicated Holt Co. , llox 1,741. Now York Olf 331)1 ) AI.ADY In need of iidilltloinil iiicoino ea learn of an opportunity seldom olTcri The busness ) Is nsreoablo nnd tlio linn oftli hlgho4 standing , Address O Co , Itro ulllco.aoi ao-i ANTKD Healthy wet nurse , 1900 Kin niun. alia- : AMIDDLn-AOKD Ainurlcaii lady for aboi four months as saleslady , where close n tcntlon to business Is required from 9 to o'clock , Saturday to 12 m. Apply from 10 1 13 Monday , A. N.Shldclor. 12 Orclghton blool WANTK1) ) Lady Imok-kpepor ! Stuto o : lietlcnco and salary expected , Adit res 001 l. lleo. aii- WASTKn A noiit Klrl In family of tw call 4011 S. 2.Uh avo. MB. GIKL wanted In family of thrco. Call Bui . , d.uT.1)oloroi : o'clock on Monday. Mrs. 1 F. wiiiiiiins.aiMa.iath st. 21- ANTKD A girl for housowork. Mrs. li inoiit , Hi 42 Lafayette uo. . 2W ! WANTBD I'lrst-clabs RlrLTnumt bo ROC cook nnd laundress. 3'J04 I'lirnain stree WAXTiiV : dlrl for gcaural housowor Itoferences required. Apuly nt 415 20th street. MltB _ WILL , pay lacllc a salary of * 10 per nei to work fomu In their locality at horn light orkiocil ; pay- for part time. SYrltowi' ' slump , i Mrs. H. ! ' . Kntrlngton. boxTIB Chlcai ANTKD Olrl to assist nt housework take cnro otchlldron , (11 ( IN 17th. | M ) . \ \ 7 ANT ED 3 balcsl&dios. Koum : C , Dou l i * blk. MISCELLANEOUS WAiNTS. for ratdt.flt , , 0flnt tnlitmn nit tht pa. , vl IK I som a cd a good homo und education , Klrl nr fcrrod , butvconi nud 10 years. Anyone kno Ing of one needing a home , will ito kind n tolotniu know , Iteforencex furnlshod. A UtossUliarlis Deunls , Tobias , SulluoC'o. , Nt WANTED A Rontluman wishes a rooi DKitv. Apply 1U13 California st , Kefi ouco oiuhauguu. 313 SHORTHAND AND TYP WRTINl | forrotcr , etc. , teeinitofirtttoltwi iinlnu ) xi or writes for catalogues nnil Inves CALL the merits of thu Hiultli I'remlor tji writer. Manifestly inperlor ( uuturoa. li portatit , cliiingcs made. Type-writers n cisohnngo nr runtocl. ICVJh I'tiruam it. , G. Mayliow , ituuaEer. ' FOR RENT-HOUSES. Fcrratrt , tie. , ue tnpof frit column on thti Tfioit llKNT-Nnw ton room brick house. JJ modern con vonlonces. ? 2Spor month. WJ South .HJtli street. Apply to llonnlson KENT-Onllnti Oeo. .1 , Paul. 1CXM Fat- EOIl , for lurKO list of Homes ! t and up. 352H > UOOM9 Hiiltablo for liuht hnii ckeepln . > f'ltv water , gas and sowersnoarU.l'.depot. 11. K. Cole , Oontlncnli.l block. M.Ti)710 IllOIt HRNT- Specially desirable six-room JL1 Mat , anil S-room ilotarhcil houio : every- thlnz modern ! irood location. L. S. Skinner. 1014 Kiirnimi street. M31B 0 Foil III'NT-S rooms , ono lloor , 1712 Jackson street. JU'10 T/OH ltr.NT-Mce3 room cottngo ; 115 , 1718 JU Webster Btrei-t. Mlffl _ Itl'.NT-So vcn-room cottage , cor. Sflh nvo nnil Cup , ave. Iiiiiuiro2ilM Dodge. M8.M IjlOIl ItL'NT-.Snvcn-rnom Hut with hntli mil JL ? ntPiitn liont , Jnmilioof engineer at 702 N. ICtlmt. ' .TID' " 171011 1IKNT-.1 nouses 10 rooms cnoh , I'nrk JL7 uvo \Vnolnnrtli St. , city wnti'r.furnncc , Ac , fall at onco. Mninnuitli tt KltrhotUiou o renting agents , 8. W , cor. Utli and Howard st ; HV * OK lir.NT-A.ftcr Jlnrcli 1 first-da" * II- room homo , all modern conveniences , tm high school lilll. o. P. Davis Co.---ti-m ItKN'F 2 10-roain houses within Sin In- 'uleswalk of the postoHlco. O. K. livvl Co. , 1503 Kamam at. 83.'i-2C TTOU HENT-2 olcsant 11-room houses , Noa. JL ; 2n8 : nnd 2310 Douglas st. Knuulra of A. A. Gladstone , 1310 Douglas at. , or Olobo Loan k Tiust Co , . : MS lUthst. 270 T7KU ) ItHNT-Nlco 4-rooni cottage , at 1014 S. JL ; Utli st. Inntilroof Mrs. Duggnu , S. W. cor. 13th nnd i'aelllii sts. MO 171011 lir.NT-0-rnom cottaqo , first-class In JL ! cvory respect , bath , hot nnil cold water ! on motor lino. Call at 1121 Sherman ave. MK'17 fT-ltOOM lioiso with nil modern convonlonuci ; * rent W ncr rnontli , corner Thlrtlotli nnd \Voohvorlh , fncliiK lliiiiscom Park. iniiilro : | I.oiut Mlcliol.atlinnil l.cavenwortli. MSB STE/VM onlcil lints at 700 S. ICth. Tlio.s. I' . Hall , ail I'nxton liloc If. WJ _ 11'yon wlali to lout a lionso or storu sco II. K , Cole , Continental block. f0 ITIOK lir.NT-7-room lint , southern JL } | . ! uiSO block. OU2JJ. 13th st. MD7.V8 FOlt UF.NT-Cottages with 2. fi nnd 8 rooms. Uass bet 2.fith and 2Glh. Ularku , room ID. board ot trade. UlltC l'J8 "IjiOU 11ENT-A nlno-rootn housu with nil JL modern Improvements , south front on Iliuiscom I'ark. Inquire of Kennedy &lllnck- burn , 13031'ark ave. JlSTO O now brlok houses on North Nlnrtrnnth - street , 10 rooms , nil inodcin Itiinrovi'iiii'iits : nlvi burnt only KSporinontlu Oninlin Kcal Kstato ami Trubtt'o , . Hootn 4 , llcolullillnc ; M781 IJIOH ItHNT-PourO nnd T-room Huts with JL1 bath , hot watur , etc. ; pa\cd street ; near biislnes.s ; all linnrovuineiits : only ( ' . ' 5 per mo. Hoferences required , The jleud Investment Co.,4 > 'J lleo building. OSJ FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 1'ormtfi , ttc. . nc dinm free ( nfnmiuni thU imas ItENT-IIniKlsoiiicly furnished room1" " , FOR > furnished Hut for rent or saliv 1 . ' 'I Capitol nvtinuc. 1st Hut. M.TiO 0' T7IOU BHNT-Nlcely fiirnlshuil room , wltii J gus , huat and lath. LTJJ California street. "T710R HKNT-SIx ro-jm ftirnlshoil eottuRo. * irood locality , moderate rent , llieniinii k Co.fl.'i. Xcw Aork l.lfu liulldlng. : iu-8 : FR ) ItENT-Snltof nicely furnlBhed front rooms , $ * . ' .00. 7ftl S. llith street , Hat I ) . SOl'TII and east front bay window room parlorD adjoining ; rent nil or part us de- ilreil to resiiectahlupuitli's. Kent inodornto. Ilino hniulsoinu slnule looms , furnished or unfiirnisliud. Cor. Slth and CiiinliiK , untruneu on S.iundcrs street. IEI.V8 * flOU RENT Eleeuntly furnished rooms. 1 Terms roasonoble. 210 N. 17th sf : ) . " > 6 * TKWLY furnished rooms , all modern con- > vonlences. si2N , I7th. : 9 311 * " 17IOU llENT-Nlcely furnished front room , JL > with modern conveniences ; for one or two gentlemen : private family ; references required ; 2OT ) > Hurt street MHl-4 II * " 171011 KENT Two furnished rooms for light JL ? housekeeping ! 2542Capitol ave. M'JITD * ANDSOMELY furnlshod front rooin.stoam Hi boat , gas , bath. 711 S IGth , 'd floor. 183-12 * TOR HENT-Nleelv furnished front room 1 on ground lloor , ilO.OO. C20N. 18th street. S ji ; room , nil modern conveniences. C3IH S 10th street KM-Ot _ rilllE lower story of 2j7 S IMth street , 5 rooms , JL heat furnished. KaH.bath , hot. cold and cis tern water , Rood yiird. 29J TTtOIt IlEMT-l'roiitrooin wlthalcovo.curtalns -1. mantel , heat , ca < : , bath. 2 closets , for 2 RCII- tlomoii or man nd wife , flU.00 per month. 07 S 24th st. .701 IlKNT Twenty-ftvo rooms In a brick block ; peed location ; with or without fnr- nlturo. 0. R Davis Co. , 150.Parnam st. SM3ISO POIt KENT Kurnlslicit rooms nnd first- class hoard. 320 B. 2ith ( street , MitU-8' : [ jllIKNISIIKD rixims. ktnslo or cnsulte , tins. JU bath and heat. 'J i N. 13th st. -IK ) tt < TJIUHNlSIIEDrooms. steam boat , iKSir. Douit- Jt ? las. M11SMO' . CLAIU Knropcnn hotel , with dtnlnc room , Kteam heat In all roon.s. Kith and Dodge. Special rates by week or month. F4C LEOANT furnished rooms. 1U23 Uodiro. 1TOII KENT Furnished rooms , gas balh nnd JD btcam , 1510 Howard. BK _ ELFGANT newly furnished stoain boated rooms , C02 H. Utli at. _ Mlr7f > "VTlOEIiY furnished wmth front room , fur- 1 > nn co heat , gas anil bath , near good boutil. . 2.74 U irnoy st. _ 177J Oll HKNT-Eust front alcove room ut tin Mtirrlinn. HO A 1(1) ( and rooms , US S 17th street. : B street.73ft FSO' ' * ] AUO1" and small tooni , 1701 Capitol avoiiuo J-J 10 IAHGEsouth front room , bay window , mod J crn convenlonecs for one or two contlo men , J10 per month. IS I.oavenwortli. M'JV "NT 1C 1C rooms , steam heat , 1719 lUvonpnrt st - * - i 418 It 3HOO.MS for housekeeping for man and wlfn iinchlldrun ; runt taken inboard , : ilUN,17th FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD I'onatei , etc. , tee tcif of fr t column on thir ; xtu GOOD board nnd room for two , } J per week In private family. 2illl llarney st.MICTIO MICT-IO U KENT Twoiilonsant rooins.wlth liounl I'urnacolioatbath and gas ; at MI Sent Twonty-tlfth avonuo. JI3I5 11 -71m Itr.NT-fimnll store. 413 S. 10th streel JL ; butweoa Ilnwurdund llarnoy , tM. 20 . furnace beat ; board If desired , S. K. cor nur"otbavo. nnd Humorhtrcot. M ' 07-ia rooms In now brick ilntsultn bio for light housekeeping , ortorooni.nua Kood hoard. North L'4th and Ohio. ' . ' 14 t TTtOH KENT Elegantly furnished room JL ? with board. Terms reasonable ' . ' 10J Dons las. ISM ; " | ? OU HKNT Furnished front room , hen JLbatliaud gas iiiltnblo for 4 gontioniei Other rooms , board li desired , 19,1 Faruai strceU 1 5-1 : T70R IlENT-Nlcn warm room with bonr < JU wis California street. tAl i : "VlIOEhY furnished front rooms , flrst-clni J- > table board , torma rcusouablo. 00 N. 181 St. 1VR ) li EIKC1ANT furnUhod rooms with hoard , on heat and bath , aw N 171 b street. > u-l'l. WANTED TO BUY. n , rtc. , rex topiif tint rmumn nil Uilt AVANTKD-M'd'bOOf all kinds for InnilM i ' i Omaha property. AJrim ) U KI. Hue.JK JK VVANTED-A curtain desk , also flat des T 1 * . k Moimhiin , 1UW ' nrnam street. street.MMO bought , sold , stored. Well 11H Karnuip st. 6 \\rAMJCD-Wlllnuy hlcliest oa h prleo fi T I household Roods. HH1 So , 13th at. 7IW-PJ \\rANTEU-At oncoj inorohandlsoi n ' kinds cashi , know , - .n ; toot vimiit must nilun nt one I. T. Novell i Co. . lilti DouKlas , Omaha. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. tor rale * . < te. , / top "f trsl tndimn nit ( Alt tw ; . " ' " ' tilblt 'KK'NT "i'lMk"ri'iorn. . Hco Slur Land nnd Co. . 1st lloor. X. Y. i.lfu hlilg , IK ) 8 K TlKNT i'nrt of business hulldlnR l.TM I'rmiam street , coiiHUtlntrof ntoro and tipDor HiKir with ofllco rooms. Inquire of John II. F. Lehmiinn , (24 ( S. 17th itroot. Ml no nt 700 B. Kith , steam heat f urnl.shod. STOKES . Hall. 311 raxtonblk. S47 _ 171OK UEST The 4-slory brlokbitllillms.wlth -L' or without powor.formelly occupied by the Iloo PitlillsliltiTCn. , Dliirnriiiiin st. The build- in ? hasti fireproof cement imsomcnt complete steam hi'tithiK fixtures , water on all tlio Hour * . gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco of Tlm llee. U15 1J1OK ItKNT Or sale , my building on Jones JL1 at. , bet Illth & llth. U.A.I.Ind < | UlstilD : S.IMh 14ii FOH UKNT llrlekarohouse , two stories lilcli , ba < cinent , hydraulic elevator , track- ago ; best location In city. A. U. l'i > ell. 8.'iO FOH KENT One store imd S Hats , KM Ro. It'.th Rtreot , nnd mvornl cottages pbont ) . II J. Kendall. : :00llro : n bldg. aai-l'-13 R ofllco on ground lloor In Iloyd's VJopora house , 8l.ri S. nth St. , lit reasonable figures. Am. Kucl Co. 775 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. Fr.r ratr * , etc. , nttnp nf flril column nn fhfji nifl 11 acres , honso. larnn barn near Central 1'urk Ifor garden , LWD St. Mary's av > . 218 STORAGE. rurmlr > . etr. , tretujt ot flrni toliimn on t/iU / BKST tr.ieknco nnd stornBO hulldlnp In Omahn. United States government bonded \arohoiiso ? Household goods stored and oared for. Lowest rales guaranteed , W. M. HiiHh- nian. IQIU-lOl.'i Loavoimortb. _ S05 TOUAnr.andtracknBo. David Cole , 815-H17 Howard il. 8 1 _ STOKAOi : The best in olty , and prhately stored at. reasonable lorms. OmahaStONO licpalr Wks.UW Douglas. TollMi. ' HKAPEST and best storage for furnltiiro. \\ells.llll rnrnnm street. N"101 < dry HtoraKo room at Hlnre. 10 So. 131 list. 7f > 8 V S7 * _ WANTED TU RENT. For rale * , etc , tee lop of ' _ fn > t _ column oil Jhts WANT 4 or 5-room cottaeo with modern conveniences near car line , llent not lo exceed J15.00 per month. AddressU 71. II ro. MilV-8 ! * _ _ WANTED Hootn and board In a. strictly private family by u young gentleman and wife. Location lobe within ton blocks of uo t- olllce. Address. UM , lice. 152 8 * _ rp\VO rooms adjoining , for two ladles , with JL board. Address US. . lice. bOl _ RENTAL AGENCY. fcrmlM. ttt. , fe t < n > ftif' ' f/uiiui on ihtf iwe. ; " 1ST property for rent , sale or exchnnzo J with llnndyit Co. , 1014 Capitol ave. UIUM7 JF you want an iiconl. to make your rental collections pav taxes , etc. , etc. , call on leo. J. I'anl. ItXW rarnam btieet. Iff.-S HK. UOLIO , rental ngency.Contlnental f 1ST your houses to soil or nnt with C. K. U1 Inrrlfion. 1113 N. Y. Life. 8.M -L Apcnt : Gro. .7.1'aul , ICOfl rarnam street , makesspolulty of renting homes , toros , etc. , and collecting rents , notes nnd Ills. IK a :1 : < " you want your houses renton list with Parrotto Uontal Agenoy , IQth and Dodge. MHO ! ) l'2S BOARDING. 'ormlc , dr. . * e5li ) ) > nf flr > A tolumnnn Ilih 1x175. HOME nccoininodntlnns for table boarders at the Hillside N.V. . cor. 16th und Dodne. M200 W riAHLE Hoard-$4 per week. 192:1 : Dodge. S-J2 IV Al'EW day boarders solicited , 1721 Hodzo. * M 170-9' FIKST-OIiASS table board with or without room ; fas and hath In connection. I'rlce rery modorato. 2007 Onss. AU4.1-1P PULLMAN house Special weekly rates. < > PATENT SOL.ICI TORS. For tatrx. etc. . ttt tnnnt rolnmt on I/In / PATENT lawyers and solicitors. O. W. Hues & CoHoc hnllUInL'.Oiiiaha.Branch otllcont 1\'ii hlnirtoii. I > . C. Coimnltatlon free. B7. PERSONALS. , etc. , Hce lop ot flrslcolumn nntliU I James McGraiiKh ( or his heirs ) who Jl > oil In this country In IS. , and It Is. ihoiixnl Jind land somewhere In Sarpy comity wll write me. thnv will learn MimethliiK to theli ndvuiitaKe. II. A. AYoaturllold , 1400 Karnan street , Omaha. MX'I 1' AYOUTiO man owning valuable minim piopoity Mould Ilko tocoirespond wit ) dome nilddloatied lady with seine means wltl n view of pcttlni ; a pjrtiier for life. Addles W. t ) . Mcrrltt , .Nosby I1. O. , Lawrence Co. . S Dak. DX'-S Kraiikj Yours 5th roo'd todai ith In T. . Will sen-l ] ika. to reach "A S.'Mlth n a requested , \\lllarrango \ tosec "SO" IHh to 17th "Mar. " "A" "KN" at once same uddiess at "Til" "t" " 0" "SO. " 1' . M .118-1' ' MSEVnilNS ; Address Knnsiis Cltv n once : same an formerly. A. J.V > 8 LOST For rnlOH , flf. , ntlnvof fist erilunin n rbst At Cut-bir island , r oiviiT iimreT Jyears old , -weight about 1.4M , He turn t- - N E eor. 7th and Hickory and rocolvo reward MSH-I ) LOST One white and ll\er colored bird dop JTi00 reward for rotuin to Ed Flynn. 1011 and I.ako sts. M-'UJ 1:1 : . ) or stolen from 8013 Uiiss streo STltAVr.l small bbieU Cocker Spaniel pnppv , Suit able rownid If relumed to Aloody's chin store , MIL' North 10th street. 175 LOST Tuesday , February 3. noarWubsto .school , blniik Cocker spaniel with colliu Finder rotiirnlnn same Will be liberally re warded. II. II. Salisbury , eor. Uass anil : i2 < streets. J82-t FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC rVir mlc , rtt , , tfttoii of fnt uitttmn nn f/if * jnut 7KUY deslrabloliorso and pha-ton for sal veiy cheap. Will sell together or HI-I nratcly. Inijulro at stable corner Uhlcaco an llth sin. MSiU-i ) "ollSAI.l'-IllaclciniDortod Frenchstallloi liiiiiilrtin ( : > linh ; street. MKI2- ] " 1/\OK \ SAM -Olioap , waRon ami double wor A ! hiirnr"is , or will cxchancu for buck boarc also v'ood side bungy. cheap. 11. II. Coh Continental Imlldln ; , ' . 5' FOUSAIjEchean A two horse siolKh. als largo pulleys and shnf tins. U01 Uouglau. FOR SALE COWS. Fort-ntr * . rtc , . reetnp nf fnt mtiimn on thlx im- "IjlOlt SALE I'lrst clus.s milch cows , uUn RO\ X1 oral Rood huines , Knijnlru room -MlUinah National bunk building. K FOR SAUE MISCELLANEOUS. r rrnf ( * . tfo , , rretop f .llrst column on this paji FOU SALE A standard timkn uurlKl. Iiliino , hut little used , at a Mcrlllce. Alii : bo Hold at once. Call at " 410 ( Jalilwell. 'S Foil PALK Hy C3eo. Parr , a nlco M'ashbnt Jilamlollu , cheap , at 1718 lcuen worth st. ta\ FOH BALK From twenty to thirty slinn of Mutual Investment company stock at bargain. AddmsUH , 178 FOUSALK English pug pups , for sale , 13 , Ile - FOU SALK Complete bet of ilrus Htoro fl' tures , show cases , cto. I1 , O , HOY UT. , K FOU SALK An A 1 drop roof safe. Enquli ut llonton Store. MU MEDICAL. Ferrate * , ttc , tee top of ant colKm'i ' ouCili 1x11 FINF.STclectrlonnd electro thermal 1ml room. Including Turkish cabinet batli Liidl'H,8 to 1 dally & Tuesday & Friday ov'ln 0 to 10. Dr. lllchurds.rouins U1S & XX ) , lluo bid' HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forratii , < tt. , reetop i > f first on thli pay " 1)CST line liulrfcoJs lu west ; hair dre&sln JJwIga. swltehes , bunts , hair chains , etc. . specialty. Davles , hair icooJs and mllllnt oppoiltu postolllco , 111H. 13th bt , Umnhn. t Forraten , fie. , urt'tap of flrtl folumn " < tt/il < A TTKNTlb.V-Lnd les : " ' M lt " 20 "statiTror ix scaled Instrjuotlons far enlarging your bust G Inches , using Ilinnm bust dotoloper ; giiaranteod ; r > 4-pi2o ; Illiistrntod catalogue for fo. KinmaToUucitii r.224Trciiiontst. , H < M- lim. Mass t 3M-8 * HAiuiAOn ! Mivrtlngo-All those hiollned to ninny 'tilliy ' apply contliloiillnlly to "Morcur3lt ItaM nth st. . Now Vork , Tor In- fortnatlon 20 clsnlamps requlrod. _ 312-8 * IVOUCl 'tturutly , ndvlco free Addresi Lawyer , 'Ohtirtli st. , Now York city. fill M1G7-11 _ _ TNl'OKMATinjJ. wanted of V. II. Tromlilcy. JL born In lowiislflp of Unmo' Polntc , Wayne county BIlcli. . " 4iit.Thominon , 101 Onswold St. . Detroit , MtftW 11)1-8 ) * _ _ KI'.DS. tuortxagos , contr.icts nnd all legal Instruments carefully executed , A , K. HlU-y , attorney and notary public , room ' U. Continental block. Hoim.otn lnstriictlons In the theories of watches rmd clocks will bo glvou nt reasonable terms by G. I/ . Hoofer , wntch- maUcr and tlmo lock expert , 107 N. IGth street , with A. Eillmlm , 12J b * _ AK. KUjHY , notary public , room 11 , Con- tlnctitnl block MHP23 JV1ONEY TO LOAN. fcrralu , ttc. , tet top of frst column on t'i'.i ' ' j itf SKCON I ) mortgage loan' on linldo nrnpcrtv : llrst mortgage on outside. Alex Moore. 1101 Shceluy blk. ' 187 * _ _ lITOXKYlo loan on real estate ! lowest rates. J.TJLU. J. Cnswell. 810 N. V. Life. _ SJJ-MO loans at lowest rates. Uomoved CHATTEL . Llfu hldg. J. H. Knimliiger. S. ' > 8 OHATTHIj bank , J1I9H. IMli St. , loans inonoy onchattelsorcollattei-uiut reasonable rates Mil ) . . . , on vacant , & ha- ' - JL1 proved city prop.'Couiify warrants hot Money 011 hand , K. M , KIchardsonSi8N.Y. tfll BOIhOINO lo.ins. Oto 7 per cent : no addi tional charms forcummUslon or attorney s fees. W. II. JlcIUe , I'lrst Nittlontil bank bids. kV 1 Hr\li Kstato Loans Oasli on hand. Globe Loan and Trust Co.iU7 : S. ICth Ht. No delay , no o.xtru elmrKe.4. Houses to rent ; good list.bill bill OH. & 0. M. Anthony. 3H N. Y. Mfo hiK , lend money on farms In cholco coun ties In IS'clti'aska nnd lowu. also on KOOI ! Oninhn reslUunee property ; lowest rail's ; best terms ; no delay ; inonoy ready. Titles and values passed on h rc , l& > MONEY to loan by It. R Masters on ehattol and collateral securities for .my time from 1 to7 months , In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans nmilo on household Rtiods , pianos , or- KHH. : horses , innle-i. lionsos , lenses , warehouse the lowest possible rates with out , publicity or leinoval of property , My loans nru so nriaimed tantyoiican make niiayinentof any amount at any time and re duce both principal and Interest. If you one a balance on your property or ha von loan you wnnteliniiKoil.I will p-iy Heir and carry It for yon. If yon ( hid It , more con venient , call up telephone No. KW1 and your business will bo a minced nt homo. Money alwnyson hand. No delay. No pub licity , Lonost rates. H. K Masters , IJooni 4 , Wlthnell Wk. , 15th and Harnuy sts. MONRYto loin on Improved city property atciirrcntratcs ; fiiiiiUoii hand ; nodolny. Geo. V. Hlust A fo.aj ) Uanmo blilc. MbU7 MONRYtoloanonlniprgvod Omuha prop erty. II. ill rrvy.-'no , N. Y. Life. 003 MONEY to Loan-rPhort time paper bonpht. llroiimm v"t CO. . ( ! "J N. Y. I > lfe. 741-PJO $1.000 nrlvuto 'tlioncy to loan , 7 ] ier rent. Omaha Ucal.Jistnte & Trust Co , 4 hVo bldir. , M.IS'J ' PltlVATE niiynoy'to loan. J.I ) . V.lltlo. Oil N. Y. Mfo : . M ON'EY loaned on fnrnltuie. horses , eto. HawUeyo luv.l'b l Douglas lilk,18& Uotlce ' R4 ! ) BUSINESS CHANCES. Formfti , tta Me ( r , 'ot ' ( f f ro tjmn ontlits 111175 WANTii : ) A partner with SIM.IO to * 2m. ( l eai > ital tn-'trfivol In Colorado. 1'iollt from $200.00 to $ TO.O' ' per month. Not a day's delay nocebsaryl AMdressM , f , , 32li ! S. 10th Htroet .Oninhn y u MIKI-S * Tnou' AIK-jA'Hirtriorslilr : > In an - - llslied coal business , irinnll capital 're quired. AUdrcsspri ) . Uecolllce. 11 490' $ ? , SOO.OO wortl\ \ diy needs anil notions , nml iH'ifl.OO Ihturcs for sale nt Ul emits on tlm dollar , or nlll sell soparatoly. Inventory r.m be seen atiCl N.gJth stroot. Mrjl : 10' , fora vouni ; man with .son.c AKMtrclianco cnplltil ; a splendid business , paylns well. An inspection solicited. I'ull Information fur- nlshcJ by aiUlieisniK 1 > , lleo olllce , lilnco'ii ' , Nob. .MKI714' RAISE Chnnco : Wanted A party with some means to run the millinery department ol The l''iilr. ' WoUpiyhiK biislnoss. Inquire fet particulars of Ij. I ) . I.oovyiV Co. proprietors of The fair , 13th and Howard streets. IH3 h 2.fM nice oloun stock of general inoroliiiii- $ dlse , no fixtures ; ( I.UOOen'-Ii. bnlmico oloni leal estate. 1) , U. Maokliitosh , Wilsonvlllo , Nob. MS-f)1 ) FOlt SALE ABinall , well established pay- In cah Kroeory In line location. Stock low. OaUttlHJUN. Y. I.lfo. Mli.M-O' ' H OTEfj for rent furnished , with Rood trade established , In a Rood country town. Ail. OUS. on roof Heo. Sll-a' ' FOU SAI.K Half Interest In a soila am ; mineral water business ; price S1..WO. Art- drobs0..54 , llee. M 171-13' ' _ DOOTOH The best optinhiK for u good doe- tor in Nob. Adress II. A. ICnfus , Itavenna Neb. l.Di.-M5' _ FOU KAliE FIne stock of jewelry ; Involci about * : . , 1)00. Will bo hold at u I > ) K ills count. Must bo sold. A. J. HrlgRS. Superior Neb. Mllil-ll FOU SALK Or tradia steam laundry Ir Onmhadoln : a Rood buslne.ssand all nuv ninchlnory1 Address , C 50 , Hce. 147 6' FOU HALE or Trade L.ario livery and feet stable , feed store attaelu'd. This Uiol located on paved street and doing a gooi business. Miiinanizh & ritchott , real e.stnti agents , cor , l. > th and Howard st.s. Ki H'OTEIj for S le .Do you want to got Into i .good business ? If you do , buythoComincr dill ut Hroken Dow. Neb. bli A N established business for sale or trade llox t J 1'alnters nnd Paperhangcra } I.V ) casl will buy the leading paint Miun , llxtnrvs huKiK ' and hidderh , building ax44 ) , with ston front for sale of Roods buslneHs part of prln clpal street. Grand Island ; bnlldliu nunrlj now , north K. > 000 ; will pay II. It , faro on sili ofhiuno ; ground rent js. 00 per month. Ad diess R II. I ) . , Grand Island. Neb M031 8 FOH SAhE Tailor business , Frank Socbor David City. Nob. 7U8 KJ.-J FOH SALRorllent-Thu Tekamahcannlin faetorv , In complete running order : wll bo sold cheap , or to the right parties will hi rented on favorable tunas. Uull on or ad dress 1'lrbt National UuiiK , Tokamah , Nob. OKVi The hcsil opening in Nobraskn SALOON II. A. ICuFds , liavunna , Nob. . It. I- ntont. igtoq TliS rji 171OH SA IK Vurnfi&ro and lenso of 40-roon JL. ' hotel In line locution ; an averaRobiiKtnes ofWadiy. : Gooil.clianco. 11 cat. uuisons fa soiling.v , S. CooncK Morrlnin block , Oounel ItlulKIn. & < M.1IO Fl FOU SALE or I.ic.I\inRO-01qnn \ : stock of dr ; goods , clothIntdlAWitri , shoes , hats , caps , la dies' and Hunts' JuriiMiln ; ; goods. Addres llox WT > , l-'rankforf , Jijil -TO Fl MUSIC ARfi'fiND LANGUAGE. ferrates , tie , tf lofa yftjlrat d'lum'i an t lipiji , ' examine the no BErOKEbiivlnisJU'pliiiio Hospe,15141)ougla ) A 81 GKO. K. ( lellonlivrk ; ' teacher ot thu banj \\llh llospo , _ FOUSAI.K Choau a nearly now Hallct Davis & Co. , upright piano In flrst-clas condition. Inquire at IllltiDoualas st. a IJllOF. C'hnrles l'ot rbon.planovlolln.r.ltho A : guitar Instruct Ion. IftudloMS Sbeely till 70(1 11 ! ! _ Ill AVE a few now pianos foraalo aw full client ) , us I have pone out of the piano bus neb * . . Jomibon , li'nrnam and llth st , K MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. ' For ntet , ttt , nt for * ofrtl folumn on thti ag TirASSAOn bnth at Mndame Smith's pnrlor lLi.l : lloor , 705H. mhst. Uti 11 _ MABHAGKtreatnifiit.olcctro-tbermttlbnth scalp anil hair treatment , nmnlcuro mi chiropodist. Mrs.l'o U10 S.lSth , Wlthnell blK KABSAOK Madam Uoltlor. over OIOH. lit M 101-M FOR EXCHANGE. ref ratr * , rlf. . ttftopof rutt folumn nn IAU j > v > i. [ 71011 TItADK A > cry flno residence prop- u orty In the city of Kearney. Nnb. Anew 0-rooni liniinn nncl llnu barn. Will trade for ( Iritclnirt stock of dry goods. Address 0 07 , linnhn llee. 31(1-8 ( A ( MjUAK tnt In licit rlra to i-xchnncc for XX horse and buggy. Ueo. J , 1'aul. ICOU V'rir- atn , OTJ S kXTANTCt ) In exchange for nn Iowa farm residence property In Oinahat will ns- u me. Address Jos. Osborn , Garner , in. M SKM4 * _ WANTI'.I ) Clear Inndt. stocks or lots at once for flno Omaha rental property , ( test ) f reasons Klvcn ; big Inducements. Address ) OJ lleo. Ml 8 td KXClIANOn Iot on Hamilton street J- for fire and burglar proof safe. Address onm Ml , Now York Ufo bulldlin ? . 3J8 8 * LIST your nroperty to cxclinnco with 0. J. t'nswcll , alON. V. Life. _ ' 'lO-ia l\M' have rentnt nroiicrty worth J12.0M TI brltmlne $1W a tnontli , clear ot Incuinb- anco , for which wo will lake half cash and lalnnee In trade , Stringer & Penny , Darker dock , lilt I 20 acres line farm land adjoining good No- Lbraska town ; nearly clear. 1(10 ( acres finely Improvud InnilS'i miles from ounty Beat In S'obra'ku ; lightly eneumbered. 131 ncres good land In Nebraska , n tulles from onntv seal : , NX ) Inhabltnnts. I louse nnd lot In town In Kansas ; clear. Clear lot In peed Nebraska town. , 4- room house and lot. barn , well and cistern , nth street , Omaha ; slightly encumbered ; will ratio forUmaha property and atsiimocncilm- iralices. 11. K. Cole , Contlnontnl block. UOO EAST front lot In Hanscom I'laco.W.OOO ; will take clear lots forenulty. 1'lno lioiuoonliitli st. nortb of park J7.500. llutchlnsim A V.'cnil , 1M4 Douglas st. t'109 \\7I < have Improved and unimproved Omaha ' i real estate for trade , or will soil for cash it just about half Its value. Sonm nlcelionses , ; oed vacent lots , and some of the belt down town property. Stringer & Penny , Uarki-r an FOURMUIANnE-Mnclilm ; shop and foun dry onttlt Inuludlng iniltorns , In oveliange 'or good lands or city property. Address O. . ' . O. box COS. Jinn 8 rpo KX01IANOR 18,031) ) eiiinty In line rental JL Oniaha properly , \Vlil trade for closir and or outsldo property. This will bear lii- vesilg.itlon. .J.I' . Hymer , room ! U Douglas Jloek. ivi-a I \YlMj Ira do a good clear lot In Armour Place , HoiithOmahn , and tnke Rood driving torso and biiKgy us part payment. Address. II 17 ! , lleo. Tic ; WANTED 10 stocks of merchandise , from * .t.OlWto.Y.OOl ) > . for land or city piopeitv. S. V , Itlngor , 1.111) ) Karnam. J.r)7-ll ) * _ lISINKSS property on 12th st. , near 1'ar- nain. for residence. clear lots ( corner ) In Orchard Utli for house nnd lot. 4u.\12J. Snundcrs st- , south of Lake Clear , for residence Sonio other coed property for cxoh incc. J. ' Ztu | < - ' . N. V. Life. 000 IOA11S for jil-iiio. Address II 43. Ilco.4071'IS 4071'IS * CLAIRVOYANT lunate * , etc. , ttetupi'f tir * . ' coiiiiini on thft 11171. L } ' . \li Clayton can by her voiidprfnl will power grant any icijuest. 4''l N. IGth st. MAW' Madam DuUlor. over CIO S. ll'.tli. M 1U1-M * MHS. WAI.l.ACi : , clnlrroynnt : naturally gifted ; tells pnstand future Invotrouhlfb. absent friends , ehangcs , travel , business. I.IOS l < 'arnam st. M074-S * MItS. Nannie V. Wnrron , clairvoyant , trance 3iL'aliliiT. | ) writing anil rellnble business meilhim. four jours In Umalia. 11 ! ) N. Kith. M.'I DRESSMAKING. . ttc. , wctujtur nitt n > iu m n tills iwte. WANTIID Chlldiens' Ures os to make. First olassdrcssmaker. tUON , Iblh street. H'S tailor system tailRht 012 SlOth. to do diessinnklns In fam- Illcs bollclted. Mlisbtuidy , 'JiilO ifurnoy st * PAWNBROKERS. Fur rnlc.t , fir , , nf ' < > ; / nt ftr i niliiim . . ! " > ' . ' < PHKI ) Jlolilo loans money on diamonds nnd watohes.Jewelryetc. uocor.l'arnam fc lltli COSTUMES. Forrattf , etc. , * 'C IOD Hr * ' iimim't n i fh' T AD1ES and pcntlcinen can rent inaMiier- -LJado suits at G i N. loth st. 7b6R's * FOR SALE REAL ESTATB. torrattt. ttc. , > ftii > "mt'inunwmi thl rmy- DO YOU want n. homo ? Call nml lot mo show you The two liotisuH T am olTerhiK for wdo In llansconi 1'lnco , Substantially and elegantly tlnlshcd through out. All mo.lorn conveniences. Close to electric motor line. 'il street , city wattsr nnd B.IS. Hiilendld neighborhood. ( Jan ofl'er these houses At prices that iniiku them the IllKRest bargains In the city. Call and t > eo them. Hicks real estate uui'iit , l''lrst Moor. N. V. Llfo bnlldlnii. 304-S "T\0you know ttintnow Is the best time to JL/ buy lota ? Those lots on 1'r.iiiklln and I'ttrkcr streets , near ; uth , for bale ut from foV.l'l ' ) and up. ( Joo. J , I'uul , KWJ I'anmm. .122-8 / 1IIIOAGO lots forsaleorexehaKC. 10ft nils , \ - > clenr , now addition to llniiiniDiid. Maps , plats , abstract with each lot. Will tnko need , clear farm In Iowa , r.istern Nebraska or Kan sas part payment. Scott llros. , 07 WashhiMtim St. . Ohlcaso. III. M1US-1-J HILL OLIKTON U-riKiiii house and full corner Jot , vcrychoip for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma ha lots. Addiess the owner at 4ud and Cnss SIK. . K. O. Merrill. Ib7 F OK SALE Only ono unsold of these nlco , four-loom cottages on iiOtb nnd Charles , ! l.2Tifl | jar > cash , bul. monthly. Gej. J. I'luil. IBfH > I'lirnaiii ; ta H \\niitabaiKaln ? A coiner lot worth DOyou IX ) fur JnJO.00. Ueo. .1. 1'aul , 1WJ I'ur- nanistieet. ya PAUNAM ft. lot facing motor U.W.I. Eli'sant S-iooni lioiiin east front with gixd barn , city water , elstern and well , only J5W ) c.ish reiiilted | , 9I.1M ) . Choice ti.iukuge on tilth st. KUft. froiitfi,8,0. : : . . ' 1'arkft(10. ( . r > i ft. lotss-e cor. llans.'om , - llutchlnvm & Wend , I..1 ! Douglas st 210(1 AHOAINS 5-room cottngo nnd lot. cltv water , sewpr and barn , contr.illy 'ocated , J2.7M. Terms easy. Largo rroom cottage , nicely finished and neil located. J'.OUO. South front lot on paved street near motor , Slime nlco lots In west and north partof rlty. J.ViO und upwards. J. D..Ittle , 014 , N. Y. Lllji. u KJ - house , lot IBxtCJ , * l.7fli ( aUor.-room 5-IlOOM lot IIIVjxK. , H. o. cor. llth and Vlnton Kt. . t , ' , ( > oo. llrlek house anil American house , \atu\\m \ \ , n. i' . eor. lOlh and Douglas , IIU.OO1 ! , MI-H. Kuhhiiuii. 21 1 H. llth. b7 ; SALE Cheap. The residence at 2'ilC FOU strict , at a bargain for a few days only. IiiMiilront the Neb , Liundry , ICth nnd Howard streets. M\t \ FOU SALE My residenceHCTO I'nriiaiu Htieot. Choicest location and best honsi In Omaha for thu money. Hot water nml cv ry convenience possible. Ilarn , connectei with sowet , water and gas. 1) . V. tiliolcs , 'JK 1st Nut , bank. JlsT , of from 40 to UOMacrcs fur rent 01 FAKMH on easy terms In Surny. Oiimlng Thnyor nnd other counties. H. T. Clarke. 1 ! Hoard of Trado. M75I-H 'I71OH SALE Several goort Improved farmi JL ; ulso unlmprored lands and town property In best located counties lu Nebraska nni lowat all lire bargnltmA. Adilress V. L.LoomlH pth nnd Douglas , Omaha. Nob. Kill'1 Qo acres good land In Putnam county , 1'arliln O near fallroad , for Hale or exchnugn fo Iowa land. K. C , l.ouget.X8 iiroadway , Coun ell iiiuirw. la. aid-i housca and lots. AddrcMi OG SEVERAL lice. 91 T 1ST your real estate with O. J. Caswoll. HI' ' Ju N. y. Lite. ai'J-1 TT OIt SALE Ono of the finest bushiest ! eor 4iicni In the city ut n bargain. Will tak home nniniprovcil residence or aero pruporl ; In exchange for part. Knst front buslnosa lot on South 2Uth to ex chamro for unimproved rcildi'noc property. To Kxchtuuo-.Unu of the Iliiest roslclonocH li thu w us tern portion of the city for unlm proved property and some cnuli , To KxclmiiRu-.KIne Insldo Improveil property orty for vacant lots or acre prauurty. Wst your bargains with us. I'ldollty Trust romimny , 1011 Furnam i > t lit FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , I tnqff , rtc. , rtttiipollr ' tflunin uu tAU Heal Kstato Agency , Now I * Ilio tlmo to buy Omaha real estate , nnonu o you cnn do so for lcs < money than you will pay for the same property In six months from now , Oniaha rani estate Is to day u Hotter Investment for nil classes of people , rich or poor , high or low , ono ulth another , than anything else , tie- cause It Is safe , suru to increase In value nnd will pay you ton limes better than Money In the Hank , nnd tlio records show it. Dninhn proper ! v Is today cheaper , hotter value for the money than anyihliiK you can buy In St. I'aul.Mliiiio- npolK Ivnnsas City or lcnvi ) < r , because \\u \ ha\ Ilio Iwst city fii the west nml every pos sible condition points to Its Continued l'ro < norlty , What you me romllng hero Is the truth. plain and simple , It Is good > > ctisehci'auso nit things In regard to Umalia and Its property bearout the above statements , Of comsu yon will , If you \\i\\o \ \ an Idea of trying to tnnko some money , ineut a doubting Thomas who wllltry nnd talk you out of anything that could possibly do you nny good , but ln\e llgatofor yourself and you will be convinced , At our olllce , , 1M7 rarnam street , lou will find the largest list of all sort-s of property ut all prices and on all kinds of pay- miMitsu\erolTeieil In Omaha , and you c.m llnd plenty of It within your reach nn which ion can do well nnd huicly make money Our list of Houses nnd Lots Is so long tliHtVM ; cannot publish it nlwnvs , hut. we have competent salesmen to show you whonevorsou wish , entry uleee of property listed , without costing you acoiit. The list of Vacant l.ols comprises the best pioporty In every direc tion In this city , niiU you can be suited If you simply lot us Know In what direction you want lo Koand uliat price you want to pny. Ames' I'lnco. surrounded hy business anil residence itn- pro\cnients , with tnolliiosof motor , directly In the line of Improvement anil advance , can not fall to make you inonoy ; terms and prices nto extremely ri'nMnmlilu ; you cannot KO wrong In buying a. -foot lot there before the nil Vance , . eu this property and you will bo pleased with It. If You Can find nny safer way to Invest your money than hy buying nfiO-ft. lot In Ames plnco at present prlcesltwlll boa wonder. No ono who Id- vested judiciously in Oimilu real estate lu thu past has e > urlust One Dollar. and no ono who laosts mm with any caution i'nnlo-,0 a dollar. Itea ! estate In a city lll > o Umalia Istliubestlnvestmenl a man can make , : uid InvesllgaLlon ivlll prove this utatoment. ITnless wo knew beyond a doubt the real value of lots In Ames Place , ivo certainly would not advertise and sell the iropeity as wo are now doing nt l.r > J ? Karnani stiet't. Vou can see inap showing lots , tholr loca- ' .Ion and pi Ice , and also hee that 1'aved tt roots Motor Uar.s I'actorles , Stores , Churches. Schools. .n fact , all the needed Improvements nml ml- vantages surround and make x'alnablo uvoiy ot lu Ames1 Place , wliero prices are fair , reasonable nnd within jour moans ; long time is given on deferred payment * , and fur a workhiKimin , clerk or any nmn of moderate incuns here Isiichancu to get for Ills I'mully a homo , a permanent location that will In crease In vulnii as Omaha grows , and can you today II i ul a slnulu \\Vstern Cltv .n a more iirosuerous conultlon than ours ? Youcannot , o wheiuyou will. If that Is the fact , don't wait , but IteAllvo imdsel/o the cliaiicoollercd you to helpyour- .elf and your family ; buy when Indiicemunts ire otleri'd you Instead of walling and paying for your delay , as you will have to do If Von Want . . cheap house and lot on easy terms , Hero are ti fuw for your consideration : No. IA 'J story frame with barn , $ 'WO down , biil.f.H ) per mo. , price . JI.WX ) 00 No. IM. Full lot with 4 houses . IU1K ) ( X ) No. li" . 4 room house and small stole. . 3,500 00 No. ( i3. fi loom frnnio with barn , f. > UO down , bnl. $15 per mo . 2.50000 Ni > . r > 7. C room house with barn. &VX ) down . ; . 3,00000 No. nti Good 5 room house. KQO down , bnl. t5 ! per tun . 1,70000 No , 01. Small house. 100 down , hal. 210 permo . I.SOO 00 N'o. 4'J. ' 5 room hoii'-e , J50J down . 1,500 Oil No. 4 , ' > . Small house , 3TCO down . 2.1MI CO No. 4'J. 4ioom frame , largo barn , $ -1)0 ) ( iown , bal. tl' per mo . 2.10000 No. ICi. 5 tomii luuise , corner , * 70. ) down 2.S.TJ DO No. 27 , ii n > om ihoiiHe , } IOl ) cash , JA ) per inu . 2,300 00 No. 70. On Virginia avenue , oloso to loa\en\M > rtli street motor. 7 room home , with lot 40xl.V > , at Jl.OOOcash , hal. very easy terms ; price . 4.25000 The locution of thKpropeity maKes It very ileslr.iblo for rosldencenr iiiiiiroM-munt. No. 71. 5 room house , 3U" > 0 cash , bal. 1 , - ' amKlyears . 2.350 00 If you want Vacant Lots. Houses nnd Lots. In any part of Omahn , wo have the best , largest and most complete list over shown In this elty , und competent . Salesmen to show you property at any time , whether you buy It or not. Wo aio perfectly wll- ' 'ngto Show the Goods and take ourcunnces on making asalo , l.ViT Furiiiun SlieeU If you want to buy acres for hiihdlvlsion , For aar.lonlnij , or to hold for Increase value , wo have n largo list of very desirable properly of this sort ! also have bomo very Choice Farms within 15 to20 miles of Oiu.dia , that are the best In the state , so fur as .ictual value goes , that we can hell at reasonable figures und fair terms. Am PS" Ueal Estate Agency , l , " > jr I'lirnHin Street , Is the only olllco In this city where you can llnd a lur e ussoitment of all kinds of rual is- tatoat all prices and best terms. Our goods are for sale , and wo have the very best facili ties for selling them , but If you expect to buy Omnlm real estate At Klfly Cents on tlio ilnllnr , you make a great mistake , you Ciinnot do so , but yon can buy at falrprlcos , that leaves you aehancetotnako money. The money placed In rnnlty Is better and safer than money placed In bank , and will uay you ten times Ilnnk Interest , Itemembcr that ad\ertlslng does not pay unless you ha vo something to mUertlsu Unit Is all you claim for It. Ciiiiioand nee what we have to oiler , and wlmt you can do with your money MI nsto innlui you moio. AMES' UEAL KSTATK AC KNOV. Ii07 I'nniuni street. 215 _ BlfiOKSThargnln in Omaha. Only three of tho-o elegant hoiihcs on 41th nnd I'arnani left out of six ; other three occupied by IIrat class parties. Houses are open all day for In spection , livery conveniences In thu houses , lneludlii gas and gas fixtures. Tnko a look at them during this flno weather : buy one and take llfo comfortable clnrln , ' the winter , Only takes from $ . ' ' ) to JMcnsh. Boothom without fall , for they will pleaseyou , I ) . V , bholes. 21J first National bank. 870 _ 1J > OII SAI-i : Good new 8-room house , olty JL' xvater. good sodded 50-foot yniil , eloso to motor , 'j miles N. W. from P. o. Jl.oiKieash nnd fl.MiO il years ntH per cent. ami lot cost mur Aooo. .Stringer it I'cimy. llnrkor ' _ 171OU SALi : Dodso street , opposite high JL' school , IMxUtl. The very choicest residence properly in Omaha. lloUurt \ , . tiarlichs , 1(114 ( I'arnam stioot. 2SO-S 171OH SALKAn acre of ground witliD-rnom JI. house on I.oavenwortli street , facing Elmwood - wood iiark , Kiectrlo curs will KOOII run to the park ; this is a snaput tSMi.K. V. Itlnger. iniu I'ariiaiu. * . IM-lt Hnrgaln-LarRO Jot. Clxim fu , 4 SPECIAL Lowa live , and Ciimlng st. , lays gpluiidld ; cheap for cash , or will trade for furm. Address II 0. Merrill , 42nd und CussBts. NOT IdIs : hereby given that the East Omnlia Land company bus amended arti cle four(4) ( ) of Its articles of Incorporation tc read as follow * : Article IV , The amount of capital stock challbollvuinllllondollars Inshnrc'iot ' onehiiii' drcd dollars ench.und shall bo Issued and paid fur us follous : Klglithnndied thniiHand dol- lius thereof shall bo Issued when the winui Is subscribed for anil paid up , and thu halnncr ( .hull . bo issued and paid for at such times anil upon such terms and conditions as a majority or thu board of directors shall uiithorl/i' , pro- vldod , the corporal Urn may proceed to earn out the objects and purposes of its cnuitim when the eight * hundred thousand dollars ul the capital stock shall bo subscribed for. oEouni \ . IIOLDIIKO.K. President , Attest , AUTI1UU 8. POTTKll , Secretary. J.7fi'M * . Notluo of I'mpiiHCtl AHsiissiiiuiit ill Upcuial Taxes. Notleo Is horohy gl vim to nil property own cr * interested In the clmiiKout uniilo of Doug' ' las stieot. from ICth street to aJth street am Jntenicctlng mrects : unit also In the oponliii of an alley In biliafc 2 , ArmstroiiR's iKlaildl tlnn. that the propoKiM ) itstcsiiment toeovei thu cost of thu ubovo Improvements Ih now 01 Ilio In thu olllco of the elty clerk and can hi scon thuroon Uio lOlb day February , IS'JI ' from tl u. in. tu a o'clock p. in , Any protest agahifct kiild proposed as pss mcntsbould bo Illcd with the eltv clurk It writing. Timi. OI.HE.X , Ghulrroan Hoard of Kquullzntlon. fdd2 TUK ItKAUTY MAKKI8T. rNSTUUMKNTSplao'Uon ' rooorvl Pobriury 7. vrAiiitANTr nictttv J M Amlprson to Lit Williams , lot 7 , blk A "Wnkolojr" . . I 4)0 ) John Ilest and wlfo toV It Eiistiuan , lot X block" Shlnu's add . 3 IOJ E A Item-on to Anton lluchor , nml 2. blk07. lloiison 1,3 Samuel Cotuer and wife to U J liarthol , lot a ; Kills place . 3,500 OM Parlor nnil wlfo toll A ItytUir.fots t nnd 2. block H , J I Uodlck's sub of J I KiMllck's mid , N P Dellr. nnd husband tu W U Ilotnmi , nrmlW feetof lots , blk : t. Omaha . . . . 0'iOO MM Donahooet nl. , to M K Donation , unil > i of uU , sw svv and w 'i of ao sw , \ \ li Kasttiian nn'n w Ifo lo'J K lioVt.'lot 17. hlk 4. Douglas nil 1.500 J H Kvans anil wlfo to Divld Ittictiaimn , lot ft. blk ( I. West Cumins 01' ' Puns toMrs AniilolhuiKlinn. s'j ' , lot & . blkSrt. South Omiib.i J\V llrimth , tmsli'o , to .Mnry O Lewis , lot iUlU2. : linker plneo .1 K llniiillton nnd wife to 111' l.'celes. lot" I , 9. : i. blk ( > ' ( , llcdford I'laro. . . 12 OOJ J 11 llopklnsund wlfo lo 1 * A Hopkins , s > j nol7-lVll (003 ( \ \ N Nason nnil wlfo teST Itr.ulwny , lot II , blk ' . ' . A H Patrick's add. . . . " .SOD IMw 1'rltchnnl nnd wife to T K Price , n 44ft lot fl , blk " " > , rioroni-o 1,000 J I Kodlek and wlfo to i : 8 Itodtck , n' , tax lot'.M , In 21-lii : | Same to W A lied Id ; , s't ' same j llrovurHlovrin toC K Collins , lot I. , blk in , Omaha Ylow i.OJO 0 I < Viint'anipand wlfo to AVIIIIam Me- Ivor , lot 2. blk 2 , Cottage P.irk 1.0W III Wells and husband to .1 H Ke.ul. w 81ft lots 7 , MI , blk I , Oborne.tlloslek's , tidd 4,000 Qt'rrri.AtM IIKKIIA , N V nietr. and hush mil lo W U Homaii , VOft adj. on n sldn lot H , blk mil. Omnhn O.IWO Co-oporntlve l > , V 1 Co to Public plat of Smith .t Williams1 sub ! . . . Total amount of transfers lls.l.M lloooivur'H fejilo > r Capita ! lintel l''nr iiitnro , Ity virtue of an order of the district rourt , In nnil for Lancaster eounty , uiiiHiliitlns tlui iniileislKiied receiver In tliu slid of Halpli Klt livn vs IManl I' . lioKKun. utul. . nolluo N huri-by n'vi'ii ' that 1 ulll on thtiUthdiy of Koliruary. A. I ) . IMIl. at 10 o'clock a. in. of > < ald day , at the Capital holol , at tin1 eornurof Klevunllinnil I'strcols. Intliiu'lly of liliiL'oln , In the county of Iiincaster , s > ell at publloaiietlnn tothu lilKhest hlililur for eash , all Uin personal piopcitv , furniture , Koods , cliattcls nnd llxturos In H'ltil hotel beloii lni ; to the linn of Kii8 n& MeDoiiuM. 'I'lio In- vcntory and list of the s.ild chattel pioportv can ba evainlned lit the said hotel liulldlnit anil at my olllee. fcAM .MrChAV. Lincoln , Jnnnury ID , IS31. UecelM-r. 3) ) poti'iicyVi > nkiu > it < i Dri'ail n ( i'lMiiH , l.nssos , Kvll riuolxxlhiKH , lunU'd Urovvilii.vtu. f rrliiMlit usn * * .Tf ii iinlfy o/.Sur * turn.M fire rut llmllcit 0UR NEW ! < Iliillnlo. > . V. Tliuujiinils ul UinrivliHTcl "UlmmilHls that fi MEN STAY CURED. " _ Stoulcliolilui-s' IMoel lit ) ; , Notice Is horohy K'veJ ' that the rojuhir an nual ini'otlii'/ ' the stockholders ot ttieHoiith I'latto Land eoinp.inylll ho hold nt the of fice of said rompany. In Lincoln. Nel > . , on the \Veitncsday in March. JsH. biilnir Ilio 4th ilay of the nuiiith. By order of tlio hoard ot dlreetois. li. O I'nii.i.ii'S ' , Si-crolary. LTncoln , Xuliraskn , 1'obruary It , MM. ' ' RHlLWHTMK Ix-nvoi ICHICACO , IIUUIINCrON A , Oinnlm | Depot loth nml Mnnon atruoti. 4 IM p m . . . .ClilciiKO 1'iproifl . . , 9 A ) n in 010 p m Chlciiuo 1'xpross . are p Hi limn 1/irul . Leaves llllIltMNOTON A MO. IIIVKH. Uiualiu. I Doput Itllli ami .Maann > lrciit.i. I0"i n m Denver I > ny Kxpruss 10.25 n m i Denver fcxpram. . . . . T 10 p in llenvor Nlejit , MXI p m Lincoln Limited KI5 n in . . . .Lincoln l I.03TOI I icr&rsT Omnlin. | Depot jptli nil : ! Mason 11.30 n m.Kan | nlTUy lnr ICprf s. . . . iU5 p inK. | O. NlK ' " in la U. I' , Trnni. UNION 1'AUIKIC. Oinnlm. Depot IQIIi unil Mnroy utroota. * .W p lu . . . . . . . .Uvorland 7.i : ) p ru ' ' ' ' 1020 a m J.'il.'nonvor Uipruja. ! 607 A m . . . . . * KniiFim City l.j > pry > ig Cinalia. IU. 1.depot. 10th anil Mnrcr Ht .Mm lift. 0.10 p in . Nlulit Hjpronn. , lO.Oi n m 11.05 n m AthiMtlc Kiprons G.VQ p m J..U p rn Vuitlliulu I.Uultol. . . 10.15 n m TS FSri aloU-VClTYII'ATlfIff , " rATrlvelT Omnhn. | U. I' . dot'Ot. IQIli unit ainrcr ft".I Oniaha. " " 7,11 n nn Mom Ultr I'nsauneiir I * 30 | , . . . . , at. 1'aul KJiiroBS. . . . ! ! ) . ! ! ) J l aV Ti HIOUX OITY A'l'ACIKICT Ouiulm. I Deiut | litli unil Wolmter Sta. liOO p ml St. 1'itiil l.linltoil. . . . ; . ; < lij Ix-nvoi | CU10AOA ! No"HTH\VKSTUINTArrT ( Js" Oinahn | D. 1' . diiHil | , loth nml Mnrujr Hti.jOniiilin. _ ITli a inTT Clilinyo Kn ru IX p in Vc'stlliulo I.lniltuil i p m town Acconimodiitloii ( uxc. Bun. ) 7.03 | i in 9.IO p ml i.i tcTii Hyiir . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 p in II IS u iiioxr.HiinF | ( ) tKo tKxo oMnnl 7.KI u n Omnlm. | U. I * , depot , lOtli nnil nruy ij . | Onuhit lllO p nil CbliWu Kjpiem I U.4J n m _ rtiat I i D.MAIlTvxVF i.OtilS" . uiTvoa Omaha. | U , 1 * . ilcpiit , Illtli nnrt Murcy Ht . Unmliit. 4IX ) p ml . 81. Ijiiiil * rnnnim 1'nll ! ' - ' . . : * ) p lu t . 'li.'S Mo'VAI.Ti\\ ; ; ArrTroa" Doput If.tlj nml Wfllistor Bin , Omaha. Jin n in Itlnck llllla'Kf prci fl-S ) p iS 9U ) a m . .IlastliiK" lt < P. ( KHninlur ) . ft.VO p m S.IO p in \Vuboo.VI.Incoln TsilfX. Simil' ' ; ) H.'ll n m 6 10 pm Norfulli ( o . Huti Jay ) _ u ; . . . U.'i n ml Tv ol 0.7BT. . Omahn. I Dcpit IMIi iiiul Wobsler Bti. 12.40 p m U.M it m B 41 a in ArrUofl Doi'iitlOtliaiidVcb.ilorBl Omnlia lU.SU a ml..St. I.ouH A.K. U. , | OTTO p m Vi.15 p ml. . . .Ht I.ouls.V K. C. I U.i : ) a in "Lcnvi-n | CIIIOACO , H. I. , t I'APIKIO. I Arrlrei Trnnsf 'r | Union Do.iot , Council HHifTJ. ll'mnifur p nl . N'lalit Knprooi U 3i ni UKO a ml . Atlnnllu Kxpntia 6.53 p 111 f.ftl . , . . , Vimlllmlii Umltijil. . , . , . in.lH n m . Jl.N.I Arrives Trnimturl Union Council Illulls. ITransfor II10 n in . . .Olilrnno Kipron li.UJ r in. li Ul p in . . .Vortlbulu I.linltoU , . , . . . . U.tO : a in 10 On p m Knstorn Klynr. . . < 2.0) ) p m ! . , ) p in .TAtlanttoMHll. 7a lu h.TJ p m lown Accununoilntlou ( K o Hun ) . n.jflp iii ATrTArrTvu ; * " Trnnsfi'rl Union Depot. Council Illurfa. Tranafur TTaTp ml ChlrnKO Kiiri'8i | ( . . . . . . . .I U.lin tu _ - - p | , . . . . . . . i < o KjPjro i.j .Ji. i'.eO.Jlnn fxii\o < [ If. < J.rBT , .lOK O. II. TAtrlvm" Transfurl Unlini l > op'jt l nnicll HlulTs. iTfiniBfnr 10.07 inn.TrKaim iit'lly Day Kxire [ . ' 10 n | . . . mi City Nldit Kxinm.n " ' Tx > iTvcB j OSfAlITi ST.'nOlIPir T A rrfvi- * | Tr nifi'r _ j. * ' I' infT.TT. W.TouTa Ciinoa Hall. . . . | l8.1 ! | i in A7rlr s Traimforl Uiilim Depot. Council 1 ! Truiulnr ! Mu7i ml I'lilciiKo Kipri'M , p m 10.11) ) p in Cblctitfi ) Ki | iUOll lit Tjfl p i | . . , Cn-itiin 'xicnl . , ,4. . II.VUll III HftlUX I'lTV &rl'A3IVIJJ. Transfer ! Union Hui > ot , rounoll Illuirs 7.41 n in'.Sioux CHr AcrmimiiMlnilon 1105 p nil Ht. I'nnl Kipnm . TO TK .IN 'liVCllKJl- ; l'rcHljteriaiiH llsli a Somlnary in Oinnlm. A very Important meeting will bo hold at tlio First Prciby tcrinti church In this city nt 2 o'clock iVcbruury IT , atvhlcli time tlio Presbyterian I'luryi men of Ilio west will ns- Hetnblu hero to consider tlm question of estab lishing n theological soiniiuiry nt this point. Tlio Hcinlnary at Chicago Is full lo over flowing , mid It U absolulnlv Inipoislblo to crowd lu nny more theological stuilentH. Tlm fact rcmlura tlio ik'inuiid for iiiiothui' seminary Imiiuratlvo , and niukes It ossontlr.l tlmt sH > edy steps ahull ho takun to inaUa pt-eparutlon for the same , The question has Loeii agitated for some tlino , and thu nilvls- ahlllty of locating the new Institution ut Mlnnonpolis , Denver nnd Kiuisiia City lias been variously consldorcd. It was decided that the former city was too far north , Denver HO west that it could nnthopo to iltuw iimuli from the territory boy o nil it , und KiwuasClty wui so lukewnrm over the mutter that thu . . consideration of point ns u posslbla locu l tlon was jrlvt'ii up. Omaha li now thu point to ho considered , both on account of its locu tion and Its accessibility from till parts of the country , Invitations to attoml the comliiR meeting - ing have boou extended to nil the Presbyterian ministers lo lowu , Colorado , . Missouri , Knnsas , southern Mliinnsotn.South JV > . P.ikotuund Nebraska ami thuru wllluudoubt- % , eitly bo A very lurno atUinJanco. It is | iro- pOHcd to make thin Institute nr seminary the theological twining school of this denomina tion of the entire west , and us such it would bo a very important Institution.