8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 7 , 1891 , THE CITY. Valentino ICrlcg filed mn Information charpliitf Herman Mot/.kor with steal ing nn J18 overcoat. Trto Schwiiboti society of tills city will glvo n "rand musqtionulo bnll tills overling in Genimniti hall. Eminn WllsOti Imsnpnliuil for a divorce from lior huBbnncl , Willlmn , on tlio ground of cruelty and adultery. Max Bacr .yesterday exchanged $ .300 In gold for Urln Ilfciip. a thoroughbred running horse formerly owned by John C. Tuthlll. Three cars of tin passed through the cubtom house yostorilny , there being one each for Lco-l'liuk-AndrcoHon , Hector , Wllhelmy < fc Co. , and the ( Judtihy packIng - Ing ) . cornany. | _ _ Oesslcr's Alnglcire.idacho Wafers. Curcsa ) headaches In 'M minutes. At all druggists. HAVD N MHOS. Hale. Bilk crepe lisso mulling at Co yard , atTc yard , lit 10iJ yard , at Jou and 2oo yard ; worth from lee up to 60c. Imported , niching , 10o for box of six yards. Ladles' fine linen handkerchiefs at fie. 7c , 10u , Ificnnd 2.3c ; worth up to 50c. Kndleas varieties in veilings and rib- botifl. Embroideries , Incos , buttons , trim mings nnd notions. SILKS AND DllESS GOODS. Spring novelties are coming In , every day nnd the present stook of winter goods and remnants of every description will bo closed at a Biicriflco to make room for now goyds. CAHl'UTS , DRAPKUIKS , SHADES. Sure as fate this department is going right to the front for good goods anil low prices , The styles are absolutely now. The whole Block is now. The goods are the best , and the prices will npponr to your hotter judgment. Shades mounted on solf-aotliiff spring roiloiBut lUc , 2/5c / JiOc , 800 nnd oOe. Ex amine thcbo goods anil compare prices. FURNITURE DEPAUTM ENT \Vantsbusincsfalbo and will Boll cheap to attract attention. It will pay to keep posted on our low prices for chairs , bed steads , suits , spring bcdsaml mattresses , boys' wagons and baby buggies. Do you need a trunk , satchel or valiboV HAYDEN BROS. , Carpets nnd draperies. Favors Advertising for Hlds , Secretary Nnson of the board of trade , who Is the only Omaha member of the Nebraska state relief commission , has received notice of the passage of house role No. 74 , otherwise linown as the relief bill , which only lacks the lnaturo ( of the governor. On ; the strength of this the secretary of the commission under the old organization , Hov. Luther V. Ludclon of Lincoln , has issued a call for a meeting of the commission at headquarters nextMonday night to properly organize under the provi sions of the bill. Mr. Nnson will attend that meeting nnd advocate ndvortlsing for all supplies to bo purchased. Ho stated ycstunmy that ho was In favor of fiiulliicoun just how much of furious commodities was needed , nnd then advertising to the world for the lowest rates obtainable. Said ho , "I have visitcu all of the Omaha wholesale grocers nnd the major ity of them nro willing to furnish the goods nt Just about actunl cost. They nro not anx ious to havo.tlio trade , but 'will do that in order to mnUo the appropriation go as fur as possible in relieving the drnuth sufferers. The appropriation if for tbo relief of those suffeilng from drouth and not for every im provident person in the state , I believe that a great many parties have been receiving help who bavo not deserved it and others who deserved It have not received it. .The commission Is appointed To superintend the expenditures of the appropriation and dis tribute relief where it la needed. It is the nmo with the seed wheat as with the sup plies. There nro thirty-four counties now UsUing for help , although lit ilrs ( there were but seventeen. " I hnvo n cousin wlio is a printer , says ox- Mayor. I. B. LouKhran of North DCS Molnvs , In. Some years ago ho was employed in that city where they were printing circulars for Clmmbnrlnln. Ho him a dccn seated cold and terrible cough , and while setting up copy ho niiule up his mind to buy a bottlo. It cured him and that \viit the llrst 1 ever know of Chamberlain's ' Cough HomedI Uavo been strongly in Its fuvor over blnco. Myown ex perience ami that of my family convinces mo that this remedy is the best In the world That may bo strong lancungo but that is wha I tliiult. For solo by nil druggists. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday ! Name and address. Aco. I William II. Strnlelit , Onialia . 55 (1 Jtiitnlu M. Atkinson , Cincinnati . UG j Henry \Velso , llciinliiKton , Noli . SI I Kmina SclmoeUlotli , llennliiKton , Neb . 10 j ArtlmrK. Lee , South Omaha . 2J 1 Dora K. Vannlstlne , Vulllscn , la . 21 Itorsfiml'B Acitl I'liosputo For Impaired A'ltnllty and weakened energy , Is wonderfully suc cessful. _ _ ' AXAOUAVK.WEXTS. Magglo Mitchell will appear at Doyd's ' opera hoiibo on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , February 0 , 10 and 11 , Season after season sha has appeared la this city , and each time her reception has been flutter- Ing. Her creations nro all life-like and in tuelr way as distinct ns those of Clarice or Jefferson. They are all full of vivacity anci Innocence and depict with equal vividness the , humorous nnd pathetic. Monday night , the over ponulnr "Fanchon ; " Tuesday nicht , "Lorlo ; " Wednesday night , "Uay. " The supporting company comprises How ard ( Joulu , It. K. McClnnnln , George Doyo , Sheridan Tuppor , Edward Poland , J. "l < \ Duncan , P. McCarthy , Ida Burroughs , Jon- nlo Carroll , Carrie Francis , Annie OUabO and Minnie Damon. The sale o ( seats begins this morning. The mntlnco solo for the Jefferson-Florence engagement opened yesterday morning nt 9 o'clock nt the Grand opera house box oftlco with eighty-seven men In line , and when the box oftlco closed last evening the sale for the matlnco and evening performances nggrp- gated the handsome total of fa.fiOO. The company will arrive from Sioux City this mormTigntOi'JO in their special car. They will play "Tho Klvols" at the matlnco this afternoon nnd "Tho " , Helr-nt-Law" this even ing. There are a number of good scats that can bo obtained this morning for the inatinco pciifornmneo , and a few orchestra seats are left for thUVvcntng. Dcsirubloscuts are vet on sale far both performances , Mortimer's company of merry comedians v 111 render the three not musical farce en titled "Larking , " nt the Grand opera house tomorrow evening nt popular prices , re served seats being 50 , 85 and 15 cents. The engagement Is for Sunday orciiiug only. During a week's engagement at Chicago the Times took occasion to say of It : "Tho ani mated and brilliant little musical farce com. cay 'Larking.1 had a right royal audleaco last night , and the rapid explosions of wit and the quick succession of comical sltuutlons Iccnt the house in an almost constant roar or nughtor. The three nets are crammed with loins of sparkling humor , dainty snatches of catchy music and sprightly dancing. That 'Larking' has taken rnuU with Hov t's best efforts Is now beyond question. " The re serve sale will open tomorrow raonilnii at 10 o'clock. When Baby traa tick , we garo her CutorU , When tltowoa CU1IJ , iho cried forCiutorU , When alio became MU > , nho clung to Cutorl * , VClien iho biul ChUdrtm , the g ve thorn Castorio , MOllSU'S. Bnturilny'fl nle n < iy ' Clothlns I'lnc Underwear at Less Tlmn Cone. Wo liave some very fine all wool nnd silk nnd wool undershirts and drawers that mon can buy from us tomorrow at the price of the cheapest goods. ISIKN'S UNDERSUIUTS , $2.00 , formcrlvsold for and reduced from $3.00 nnd $ ; ! .CO. MI-JJN'S UNDERSHIRTS , $2.50 , formerly sold for and reduced from S3.GO and 31.00. Also about GO boys' capo overcoats for tomorrow they are In 3 ( .UiToiont lota. Lot 1 , Lot 2 , Lot 3 , $1.75. $2.75. $3.60. Reduced from $3.00 , $5.00 nnd $7.00 each. LJoys' heavy suits , only about 50 , ages 5 to 11 yenrs111 bo placed in 2 lots. Lot 1 , Lot 2 , $2.5)0. ) $ , ' ) .7o. And CO do/.oti boys' nil wool tricot shirt waists at Doc , worth $1.7fi to $2.00. THE MOUSE 1)11 V GOODS CO. MIH'N OF Till ! MHirilWKHT. Ncbrankn , There are 103 school teachers in Lincoln county. Four fine otters were trapped by Al Stratton - ton of lowing the other day. The Auburn city council has authorized n preliminary survey for waterworks. The commissioners of Colfnx county have srt aside $0,000 with which to establish a poor farm. A farmers' Institute will bo hold nt Au burn. February 11 , 12 and lit , and an Inter esting programme has been prepared. The Suncrior hose company has n by-law prohibiting members from wearing dress pa rade uniform1) to llrcs , and making this of fense punishable with a line. The people of Geneva mistook the rlneing of the lire alarm for a funeral loll , nnd as a consequence the tlrcicicn have pone to work to rui&o funds for n new bell. They are 1111- itij : cisterns nt 61 apiece to secure the funds. Dick Utilgloy nnd John Abbott were nr- rcsted at Friend on the chai-RO of stealing IIOKS from Alldrlth * ? ) stockyards , Three fat porlccrs were found In ttiolr possession. Both pleaded cuilty and were lined § 11) ) ouch and trimmings. A committee composed of leading citizens of Sioux county met at Harrison and p.isscd a series of resolutions denounoinc the recent statements of D. W. Woodv relative to the character of the soil and the industry ol' the Inhabitants of that county. .John J. Kyan , a brakenian on the Etkhora rood , foil from a freight train while pulling a coupling pin to make a Jly ing switch at Plain- view and had both logs cut off above t lie knee. The doctors amputated both limbs , but the patient failed to rally and died the next day. There was quite a commotion at Nelson auscd by a "ehivnreo" given to Mr.und Mrs. O , V. Incersoll , who live in the very heart of ' .own. About two years ngo they were dl- i'orced , nnd were recently married again. As : hey made no appearance during the follow- ng day some of the boys thought they were good subjects fer a little fun on the side. The Cass county commissioners have ac cepted n Lincoln architect's plnns lor their now courthouse. The structure will bo of stone , two stories and a half high , -with a basement , nnd llro proof throughout. The s ! j will bo SlkKU feet. Theie will be no tingerbread ornamentation. The cost is cs- Imatcd ut $ iuOiW , $5UJJ , less than is appro- pi latcd. Frank Hall , Charles Stlnchcomb , 55. Travis lind S. W. lUizza weio arrested at Grand Is- and charged with stealing conl from the B. fc M. yards. Hull was lined $25 mid costs StinchcornbSS nnd costs , which were paid. Sentence in the cases of liuzza'and Travis were suspended during good behavior , dire necessity being their excuse. The sentence n the first two cases were changed from a term in jail to iiuca at the request of the wives of the accused. Two younp sharpers answering to the names of Itoss and IMxon struck Union the other day and opened up thulrsltin gnmo with a wheel of fortune. The next train brought a creditor who had stood their bill of $2T at Weeping Water and the Nclmwka Inndloid who mourned their departure to the amount of ? (5. ( They nisi bent the Union house for two nays' board nnd after surrendering' all their worthless jewelry to the creditors who followed , they took the middle of the track going south. Contracts for the annual supply of beef , Hour , seed wheat , corn and potatoes , for the San tea agency have been awarded as follows : B. Bode of Niobrara furnishes 83.000 pounds of bcrf at $ i.G2 per hundred ; S. Oilman of els of oats at 47 cents ; J. C , McNny of Yank- ton : ij,000 bushels of corn at 51i cunts ; W. W. Uemlngton of Mundnn 1,100 bushels of pota toes ntSl.'Jl per bushel. The beef nnd Hour are to bo issued to all of thu triba on account of the failure of crops last year. Ordinarily only the old and inllnn receive rations. A-lnw suit growing out of a Nebraska horse stealing case- has just been tried in Denver , In 1S ! > 7 F. P. Bowen bought a liorso of A. W. Myers for $100 nnd sold it two or three years later to a third party. Last year Mr. Pratt discovered that the nag in question was stolen from him in 1SSO , when ho resided in Hastings , Nob. Accoidlngly the horse was delivered back to Pratt and Bowen sued for the $100 ho paid Myers for It. Mr. Mvors , in defense , claimed that Bowcn did not buy the stolen horse from him. The horse lie sold to the plaintiff in 1SS7 was a light bay and of very dlfftrent marks from the stolen nag , which was brown. The court found for the plaintiff in the sum of $100 and defendant moved lor a bill of exceptions. I own. The Davenport crematorium is finished. The Glcnwooa homo for the feeble-minded has -US Inmates. John Mi'ohs , nn early settler of Hamilton county , fell dead from heart disease at his homo in Webster City. Sir Chnrles Tupper , the distinguished Nova Scotia statesman , is a llrst cousin of lion , A , C. Tupner , dairy commissioner of Iowa. The pistol , n shot from which Is alleged to have killed Sitting Hull , is on exhibition among the deadly things at Morgan & Shea's ' saloon , Dubuquo. Mrs. Anna Cooper , who Is just dead in Chicago at the ugo of eighty years came to Burlington in 1834 , nnd with her husband kept the Qrst hotel there , the Black Hawk house. "Uncle John" Safely of Rod Oak grove. Cedar county , is dead. Ho was n native of Scotland , and a man of sterling character. His ngo was eighty-four years aud hocamoto Iowa in ISSt ) . Mrs. Betsy Merrill , who lately died at Now Preston , Conn. , at "the ago of one hundred and three years , eight months nnd eleven days , was the grandmother of Mrs. I. A. Clark of llooue. Mrs. O. Brlggs oflBoonols said to have a straight mid provable claim to nn interest in tbo big English estate of Hobert Edwards , of whom she is the grand-daughter. Her case is in tbo hands of lawyers. Chicago parties offer , if given a site , to es tablish at Farley a packing house employing 300 mon. The proposition was considered at a public meeting at Farley Saturday night and over ? l,000 , was raised for the site fund. Eupeno Story , the murderer of Barney Klolnfeldor ( who went south from Musca- tluo ) at Marcollcs , Miss , , has been captured at Cjiilllon , Miss. Story killed Marshal Stout of Aberdeen , Miss. , while the latter was ar resting him. A telegram from Portland states that the sentence given to F. M , O. Holston , the pen sion fraud who was ferreted 6ut In Dos Moines last August by Special Pension Ex aminer Webber , basque limit of the law , ten years at hard labor. When King Knlnkaun came to America m ISSt ho was entertained at the Now York Athletic club , and ono of the members of the committed was John P. Dosh , formerly of Davenport. Both were good snots , Dosh particularly so , nnd for the greater port of the afternoon they shot sldo by sideBy a singular coincidence Kalukaua and Mr. Dosh both died the tame day. Colorado. There Is n tight on between Monument and Palmer Lake over tbo now county scat qucs- . The now high school building at Grand Junction will bo dedicated on February 21. It Is proposed to make the event n memorable ono in the history of Grand Junction. Trinidad is trying to get a big appropria tion for federal buildings to be located thero. bnvcrnl Important mineral 'discoveries are reported from the Word -district , Jn Doulder county , / int'Otlm ? lias been called nt La Junta on 1t February 1 14 for organizing a horticultural association. E. J. Holmes 1 * In Washington working to secure for himself the postmastcrshlp of the Trinidad cilice. ' A Methodist ooiiBrcpation , headed by Hov. O , L. Fisher , will build n new church in Bcritclcy annnx , Denver , to cost $ t,000. Colorado Sprlmrs now has four evening papers , the latest In the field being the Tele graph , whose first issue was on Thursday. Three now county schemes nrn before the legislature Crvstal , Adams and Divide. All of them have strong advocates and equally ns strong opponents. According to the Tellurldo Journal nt least two sales of Marshal basin property , each runnlnK over WOO,0'K , ) , nro being : quietly nouo- tlatcd and will bo closed before the season opens , The South Broadway Baptist church has traded Its present situ for four lots on Lin coln avenue directly back of it. Next month work will begin on n new edlllco to cost ? l2ifXi. ( J. W Ce. Fields , the defaulting acting city market muster of Denver lias been arrested charged with passing fraudulent checks. The amount of money urocmcd by the young man ranged in sums of f 15 and ? JO. The late Governor Ciaxvfonl left his affairs In such a slnpo at Dalta ami at Grand Junc tion that tlio town and Improvement com panies , of uhlcli b.3 was president , will con tinue business in accordance with his wish , Trinidad Is to have a new electric liijht company. Local men have formed n comimnv because the present electric light * nnd itos works are owned by the same , ucoplo and cit izens think It would bo a good thing to have competition , A few days ngo about two hundred farmers mot atDcltn , organised a farmers' ' joint stock milling company ana elected trustees , The capital stock Is to bo ? ' 20,000 , and the mill formerly ouncit by Brown & Co. is to be purchased and now machinery put In. On the strength of n legislative appropria tion of $ iO,000 citizens of ( Jreeley advanced the money with which the st/ito nonn.il school wns built. They nro now nskingof thu logis- Inturo that the htnto make good the expendi ture and add S70OOJ , more to Improve tlio school. Cjolden is to have an ale and porter brow- crv. The old FiUpntilcIc null is now being fitted up for that purpose nnd will lie in running order by March 1. Machinery for n capacity of thirty-live barrels n , day will bo put in. but at the start only twenty will bo turned out. A report made by tlio adjutant general shows the militiu force of Colorado to bo as follows : Seveitt-twocommissioned o.llccrs , 151 noM-cotnmis.sSonedolllceis. On musicians , 4W piivntcs , aggregating 780 ; number of men available for military purposes ( unor ganized ) ivOO. There are accommodations for 100 piisoncis in tlio now jail at Denver. The completed wing has just boon formally turned over to the Arr.paboe county commissioners by the contractors. It took a year and seven months to build the jail and the expense was about $ SOO,000. Kov. Robert McUityre , the pulpit orator of Chicago , has accepted a call by tbo Tniiltj Methodist church of Denver. He will go there Alay 1 , Although a big snlarv was of fered him ills suld that the 111 health of the preacher and hib family is the principal rea son for his making the change. At n recent meeting of the board of di rectors of tbo Trinidad chamber of commerce the members pledged themselves ( or the jlOO.OX ( ) and the land terminal fncilities for the electric line to connect that city with the principal mining districts of the state , which Boston parties have proposed to build. Tlio largest individual taxpayer in Pueblo county is Mrs. Jane C. Brown , owner of the Brown addition , on which the Colorado min eral palace Is located. The tax amounts to i",4'J0.5 ( ( . The Colorado coil nnd iron ' ; om- pany pays a total of $ l5it5.t5 ! : ! , nnd the Hio Grande railway SJO.m.liJ. The total tax in the county amounts to SJ7J,7i.Sl : : ! , divided among 0,700 taxpayers. John Gregory's bouse on Cattle creek , eight miles above Olonwooil Spring ! , wns burned down early "Wednesday morning , it originated from coals from a liiepliice. The 11 lines spreul .so rapidly that Iho family barely escaped with their lives , As It was , uono saved more than a-sult ol clothing and idl went out Into the snow barefooted. No iisnrnnce. Los > uibout $ > lOK > . The shaft building over the Caledonia mine in Central City burned on Tuesday , Four miners were working in tbo eust MoU-foot level ami it wns only through the presence of mind u"d assistance of John and Hobert Has- tie , fellow miners , that the miMi escaped with their lives. The property was bill in under sheriffs sulo seine mouths ago by Captain Harper M. Orahood of Denver. Ttio now Pltkln county court houbo at iVspen is finished , but not paid for. J. 1) . Hooper built the court house under n con tract nnd was to sue the county nnd obtain judgment bonds , the county having reached the constitutional limit of indebtedness. But now the bonds are claimed to have been illegal , and lloopsr thus cannot dispjio of them. Now it U sought to n.iy him in some other way , The Silver Cord tunnel atLovlvlllo is pro gressing rapidly , tlio Inner heading having been advanced 750 feet , while , the outer ono is now 432 reel , A i'no head house ol stone has been erected , nn.i a corrugated iron roof Is being put on. In thu inner heading , at about i 'i feet from the lines station of the main Incline , a body of lead sulphide was struck. Double tracks of railway btecl are being laid , so that when thu headings meat the tunnel will bo ready for business , At a recent meeting of the defunct Indus trial Development association committee for I'ltkin county , ut Aspen , It was decided to turn over the collection of ores which had been , tnndo to the school of mines. The col lection comprises live or six tons of valuable ore. specimens representing nil the leading mines of the Roaring Fork country. The col lection of Aspen ores now in the hands of Commissioner Skiff is to bo used as n part of the display to bo made at the world's fair at Chicago. * A youth mimed Oscar Beckwlth invaded the Salvation nriuy barracks at Salid.i nnd insisted oa smoking u cigarette there. Some of tlio army objected to the intrusion and ono of the members attempted to ' 'bounce ' him. " Oscar waded In and proceeded to bnt- ter the would-be bouncer. The army then turned out in force and ejected Bockwltb. The individual whom he .so badly thrashed sworaouca warrant nnd Beckwlth. was tried nnd lined $10 and coits , amounting in all to about $ . " > 0. Bockwlth talks of appealing1 the case. case.Lorn Lorn Swank wns sentenced by Judjo Plu.ver at I'uoblo to fourteen j oars In the penitentiary for perjury. Swank was charged with murder at the last term of thu district court , but was acquitted. The pos session of a watch belonging to the murdered man was explained by Swank's swearing that ho received It from Julia .Sulllvnu , with whom he left town the evening after the murder. Ho was then arrestoil for perjury nnd convicted , the proprietor of the Enter prise hotel in Salt Lake City proving that Julia was in his employ as u dining-room girl at the lime of the murder. Baking Powder Eiea JulWWoni or Homes . . . V ) Icu tbo B taad&nJ. The Majority 01 xo-callcilcoufilMtucsilo tittle more than Impair tlio' ' dlgcsllia ( iincttona niul crcnto tile. Aycr's Clicrrji 1'cctoral , on the contrary - trary , while It cnrrvthccougli , docs not In- tcrlctc wltli tlio functions 01 cither stomacher or liver. No otlicrcincillclno Is so sale ami cfllcaclona In diseases of tlio throat and lungs. "Four years ngo I4ook asovcre coM , \yhlcli was ( oltowcil by a terrible cough. I was \ciy sick , nnd ctniDiicil to my bed about lour months. 1 cini > l < > yv < l n pliyslcinn most of the time , who nni'Jy < sald Ias In consumi- lion , and that lie colild not help mo. Ono ot my neighbors adfiscd mo to try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so. nnd , before I li.ul finished taking tlie Put bottle V.M able to sit up all Iho time , and to go out. Ily the lime I had finished the bottle ' was well , and have remained so ever since. " K. 0. Uixby , narlunsvlllc , Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , vuurAiaii nv DR. J. C. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Haas. I'rlc flJ nix totllas$5. Drs.BettsJcBetts Pa/sin ? , Sif jnunl.Spicidlists , UOD JDOUGLvAS sTRISECT OMAHA , Tno most widely nnd f.ivornlilv ! < nown spec ialists In the Undo I Slates. Tncir lotii ? ex c , rcmnrkiiljlu skill nnd uiim'rmil hiie- in the treatment iiml I'Uto or Nervous , Clironlo nntl Surgical HUeii'M. ontltlu these eminent , plijslehuis to tha full cantlilaiii'o of the nllllctiMl overt wlii'ic.Tlicv eiiiiniiit" " : A uniJTAIN 'AM ) I'OSITlVT. OUItE tor Iho uwlul ofTertRnf c illy vice and tlio nmnur- OUH evils tlinl fo'lmv lulls tr.iln. I'uivATi : . n 1,00 n AMI SKIN DISEASES snci'dlly , cnmnliMolv nnd iit'rmnni'ntly curi'd , NBIIVOUS mClllUTY AND SEXUAL DIS- OHDKIta yield noultlyto tliclr skillful treat ment. I'll , , FISTPIiA ANO HKCTA1 , UI.CF.K9 eiinriinlcecl cured without piln or detention frmn liusluess. AND VAUICOC-ELE riantly niul suoeps fully cured In every ccso , HVl'lIlLl. " , GCJNOItltlll.A , CJUIKT. Hpoi- nmtorrhea. t-omlunl Wcilsiu1 * ' , I.o > > t Mnnhood , Nlglit Kmlfislon" , I uuajtd Kucuitles , Femn'o Wcnkncis nnil all dl > llc.itu disorders peculiar to either sox posltHoly cuied , fiB well us nil fum'tlonnl disorders tluit rc-Hii t from youthful follies or the o\ci"4 nf miituiu jvarf. CI'K' If'TI IUMJ Cuaninti'o I porimin o n 1 1 y o l l\li l U l\l/ cured , leinovnl commute. without cuttlnir. c.iustis or Ullntiitlon. Onus cffrutcd ut hiuii" ! ) } imtiont without a ma m'Jiit'H ' piiln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A 'sIIPl ' ? fill. ' ! ? The nvrful nffects of A. OUl\L , UUM , curly vice which urlnpi oitfanlo weakness < lchtroIntf both nilud mid body , with ull its drc rlo < \ Ills , permanently CUIOil. lil UKTTs AUrtiess tucsij who have irn- IMVO. 1)11 1O puliod tliemlcUt'i ' ) > y Ini- uroparlndtilgonro ami solit'iiy Imblt * . wlilch iiiln hoth mind nnd tlody , unfitting them for biiMiic-sN. ntudv ornuvrrlURO. , 31AHUIEI ) MEN or tlUsa ontorinK on Unit li.tpliy llfo , awuroof.pliyslciil debility , quickly siuslsted. * , u OUR SUCCESS Ii bused upon fuuts. 1'list Practical oxporl. cnco. Second Every ease Is jpuclully studied thut starting right. Third medicines nro Iironiued In our Inboiatory rxuelly to suit each ce , thus effecting cuiC ! vrtliuut ! Injury' ' Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEB , IP YOU have n moderate cough , Il < ' YOU luivo n liunl cough , IP YOU hiivo a tight cough , IP YOU hnvo any cough at all , and if nil oilier cough syrups have failed , try BEGGS' Cherry Cough Syrup. It is positively guaranteed relieve any kind of cough at once or no puy. Price 25c. , 50c. tmcl $ per bottlo. For. ale bynll druRsislg. It j on ilruBflist does not keep it m stoc ! or will not procure it for you. nc cept no substitute , but Fend dircc to the Inbointory of BCKKS Mfu. C i Cliicnio. ; Ills. , the inco ) nam nnd they v ill forward , nny part of tlio IJ. S. TRADE MARK Tin " " * ; * I KAOfe m n. ENGLISH Hsu- HDY. An unfail ing euro for bcm Iiml Weakncsi , Bpirmatcrrboct. Impotuncy and nil diseases tint follow M a o- quenro of Self- nbuso : as Loaaof " " " BEFORE TAKtIQ. ilSTft. t Mm TASIBO , Pain In the Hack , Ilmn ? iof Vision. IVomatur * Ok Ago , Rndnjnnyotberdl > that lead to Uianlt ; or coiuiimptlon and a premature urivv * rr-Kull particular ! In our imrnplilot , whlcli we do- slra to enil free br mull to every ono. fWfbo Spa- oinoMcdlolnn IB Hold null per packaKB.or ill pnck- aceB for 15 , or will ba sent frco b7 mull oo receipt of tbo money , bj nddrci'lnx THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 PAIINAJI STJIKKT , OMAHA , NlSD. On account of countfrfelts o have adopted tin follow wrnppor. the ohly ncnulnc. ! /tt / ! Is the host mnilewtd li ( Old If ) I e\ery here. ' 1 lili Ij the orlff-/ " InalHShoe , He wire of lialjT i tatloni. l'o > ltl\clj mono/Cv.i | Kenulno unlfsi itampcd / > Ct , f im the * oln , " .lamas > X > V < McniiB" 83 Shoo.1" XtcVs * ] J. MEANS ii . _ n. & _ CO. . , > .ffv'.Ok & & ? f31 n 41 Llieolo Blr DR. BAILEY GRADUATE DENT13T I'all Hct ot Toafj on Kubtier , for FlVK DOL.L.U19. * * rates. Brldgo nnd Crown Worlc. footli wltli- All work warranted OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , Iflth itruot oiov tor Open oven. Cg until 8 o'clock HOME CURE FOR MEN Men who a re Licking In Tldil forte nnd rigor , or are wrak anil nrrvom from any cansp. irml at fofor sealed Inf.iriiiallori , FUKE , nf ttio N'ew Common Hume Home Cure. No clectrlo non * nerne. No itomarlidriipijlnff. Certain euro for all ti of ineii. Address , Alblon.MUh. of a SHIR' Something- like four years ago we placed on sale in our furnishing goods department , a wlnto shirt , This shirt we had made for us in four different grades , each grade being made of as good ma terials as it was possible to put into a shirt , and sell it at the price \vc \ expected to make. To show our faith in it , we branded it with our own brand and named it "THE NEBRASKA SHIRT. " \Yc sold this shirt to our customers and guaranteed them th.it they were buying a better article for the money than they had ever bought before. It stood the test. Men who bought it then , buy it yet. From" a really small beginning , our sales have reached enormous proportions , our orders now running : into thousands of dozens annually , Hach season we have seen opportunities for improvement which wo have not been slow to adopt , until now \vc think them as nearly perfect as a shirt can be made. LA AUN DRIED A-"i" fP A shirt , the equal of a good many dollar shirts. It is made of good heavy JZLljJsJO muslin , and has reinforced linen front. A + O { ( > A splendid Shirt , made of Wamsutta muslin , linen front and bands , reinforced XLlJ O < JL- front and back. A WO Tj ( f } C \ A Shirt made of New York Mills muslin , linen front and bands , rein- A , l vp AJJ forced front and shirred back. [ This shirt is open front. ] A "f" k 1 1 O ur k ° st Shirt , made of New York Mills muslin , very fine linen front O. l < p A . iJ and bands , fully reinforcdd both front and back ; has felled seams an 3" hand-worked button-holes. Better by far than "most dollar and a half shirts. UNLAAUNDRIR.D. A "i" -A shirt that usually sells for thirty-five or forty cents , according to where you buy it. A T" -A Shirt that we think beats all the half dollar shirts in the market. It is made J-tL u of New York Mills muslin , linen front and bands , fully reinforced both front and back. / Vp We sell as-good a Shirt as you can buy. Made of New York Mills muslin , / \JL > four-ply linen bands , 2200 linen front , lined with butcher's linen , double- stitched , and fully reinforced both back and front. All our Shirts have patent extension facing in the sleeves and backs. COLLARS and CUFFS. 200 dozen All Linen Collars , standing or turn down [ sold the world over for a dime ] at a nicko apiece. 5qo dozen All Linen Collars , eight popular shapes [ sold by everybody at fifteen cents ] at a dime a piece. 500 dozen Best All Linen Collars made , in ten fashionable shapes [ sold everywhere at twenty cents ] at fifteen cents apiece , or if you want two , a quarter buys them. 100 dozen regular twenty cent Cuffs at a dime a pair , and just as many forty cent one sa 1 quaiter a pair. f CO FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. We close at six thirty. N Saturdays , ten o'clock. THE- BEST IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsookBt & Rhode Island Rubber Co And wo nro their western agon la and always carrytvlaraatoa'.c. ' Address , terican jfanfl Sewed Shoe Bo X 1204 and 1206 Ilarncy Street. A OalHornia IJerva Fee | Alrikva New I'rosli Blood and 1'ro. t'uros Aiin-mlui brroluhi. llud Clrculatloi , in.1 nil Imouritlen of tha Dlood a * nell as tlift IiiHowIng Norvfl nisennes , vns Nurunia nil IMiyrflulal Dulillllr. Vllul llxliiu'tlon , I're- mnturii I > ccny , Tiomlillntr. llrs'filn , Ncr- vniif ) llPiuliicliii. I.imn of 1'i.Mnr In c-lllnT bi'X , Kcr7mii < ! K3 lii HUT Inrin. C'old lIiiiuU nr IVot. I'aln In tin ; Uncle anil other logins ol 'Ur. llolili'i Ncno Tonic Jl'llls brine the rosy tint of health to the ohnllow cheek. WMK. norvom pouule should tnko Ihls great Life flonowor. I rj them , and juu will Join the tliousinds ut b ni > r men and women wlm dally lilesa Dr. loot ) fur his Errat work In their behalf , 'llic ; ro (0 emits a Mai. nor cole by . . rROP $ . . SM ruMisep , cu. KIJ RM.K IN OMAHA , HUH . BY Knhn * l' . . for. I3ih & DUUKIAI tlrecln .I A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14lh i llouclu Etrccts. \ L > . Foster A Co. . Council UluffJ , Iowa ANO PHINCIPAV riUGIISTS REMEMBER LING IS THE NAMEOFTHAT Wonderful Remedy That Cores CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLD in the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS , l-rlce 1.OO. > Tint Bottles. For Sale by leading Druggists. rurririED ONLT iix Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co , 82 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. Blake , Bruce & Co. 3DR. SA.KS3E1WS ELECTRIC BELT J - - ia UKUIII1A1IM Ibrooil II * Ml * * * ' DIS ( RH1D3S or KI ( Us El ' rs reus-B-VicY"iadtT/ . .it. ur. P'OK. C.i. ol G r lli Mukiti'i , filial frnli , Mild , Koilli. ill , C ill. . ol Cirrtltl of rixtrtcltt Ibronjb ! ! M' AK fill-TV , rutnrlm Ib.in lo IIH1UII d tlkUHOlH HI KMU Dl tlcltric lurr.il f.lt l.ilxllor wo ( oifell liOGO In cub , * HILT ! SaiMtiorr C. plrH (0. ( > . Vonl OKI for * I r.J In thrt. oootbi. 8 lid Pi LADIES OKTLY I cui > T > Ilcini.lhc mutpoxlful ( eirllorc ulllor I tf. ' N tif il. fi.poupaUt. Scndic.liutopiroi . Addict ! LION DRUG CO. , Uuftlo , K. Y. GREAT SUC CESS QUr Sale of Fine Trousers , We shall continue during the month of February , offering $1.00 discount on all Trousers above $5.00. We have a most attractive line at $2.50 and $3.75. ' NTO OUR.EX ! NO PAY. WNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. cure. a. m. to Con l.'iu. Miiriililno Ilnlill _ \J Hop.jrtlllcartil.DK J TEFBEN8Ul noil,0. IRENCH "SPECIFIC ; A POSITIVE indperminenlCURE ( or all dlim.ioTmey BINARY ORGANS. Cure * whera olhortreitmenlulls.FulTdirectiornwlth each bottle. Price. on dollar. See signature oi E , U For ! By All Druggists. FOR MEN ONLY ! /JttcrlMI / * * Hod , ictiiAll n.Dd proefi ciklld ( e.U4)rr ) * Ml/ou ERIE MEDIOAV DM BUFFALO.N. V ,