Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Dullest Day in Many Mcom Experienced
by Both Bulls and Bears.
Wlicnt Hotels Up Well on Good Ilcnr
News-Corn KliiKiltli Mini Outs
Neglected A. Predicted
I'rovinloit Ilrcnk.
CIIICAOO , Feb. B. [ Ppoclnl TolcRrixm to THE
HKK.I It has been ninny weeks since Ilicio
wiuJaH Bciiurnl dullness as win witnessed on
'chniiRo cnrly today. There waiallttlo Hurry
In nil tlio pits for n oliort tlino followed by n
lioavy feclhiK. IsrRcly nttrlbutablo to the
wonllicr , whlrh wns most finorablo every
where. While this was true In tlio Rraln
markets , the tinoxi > eetcd receipts of IIORS c.x-
tuallinr , 40,000 rniiilo the pruilslon iiuirkot
honvy. Halo * the first hour were : May wheat ,
bn&c to IBSc to POJjo ; corn , filitc to Xl'io ;
oats , 4rt'icmes ; < i pork , (10.10 ( to 110.05 ; lard , Id.Oo ;
l utmost everything IrmiRlnablo nRalnst
It , tlio oxtrcmo decline In Muy whout bo/oro /
1 o'clock was al-oilt lo. To begin with ,
the ilny wns a dull ono on 'ohnnRO
In iillqiitulcrs. This wns nRalnst prices. Ilo-
culpli hero wcro Inritur than thu ntliimto.
ItccclptH ut Minneapolis and Duliith were
large at ! IIO cars. Cables were entirely Indifferent -
different and wheat was quoted dull and
stonily for Liverpool. Such California dls-
patchus usworoat hand said there was lljtht
nil in ixt Bovornl pultits and thro.itcnlns
weather. The weather prevailing over the
entire winter wheat sections was the most
favorable and on the Hldcof the seller. At
lantic ports showed but 4,003 bublicls of wheat
and 11.000 pacVcuRCH of llotirclnnred from Now
Vork , and 4,000 barrels of Hour and no wheat
from Iliiltlmoro. Liverpool showed but OVX.O
quarters Arnorlcaii nhuut forthrco days.or
about 10,000 buslielH per day fortlinrcat ( llrlt-
Isli-Amoilcaii port. Therowas another ufTort
ut ItusHlaii crop IlKurt'S. This time the llus-
Blnn minister says tlio crops oxciod last year
by 1(1,000,000 ( buiholH of wheat ami by 12,000,005
bunhols of ryo. Now Vork wns u seller of
wheat In this market. Then , too , , t. I.ouls
convoyed the Idea that Oregon and WashliiK-
ton wheat w.-u flowing to market In
abundance. Minneapolis held cash wheat at
Kio early , but sold ntVUic. This as the array
of diluted boar news for the day. Tlioro was
nothing on the bull side except Milwaukee
being hid H.04 for No 2 spring lo bo doll vcicd
at ItnlTulo and some sales of c.ish wore for
Hochcstorat 4o under May. The action of
the market was as follows : May opened at
09ic , sold at OS.Vc to Ol.&c ' to 08'io to OOUo to
OSKototWUe nRaln before 1 o'clock. This left
thuprlco just ! i < : olT from last night. July
wheat received hotter support nnil after sell-
IIIK nt05Woto 0. " > Uo toKi'ttC early , yielded to
OI7 c and recovered to 0. ' > ! je. Tlioro was no
dashing business by any ono. Cudahy
WIIH a seller and Ilutchlnsoii bought
July and sold JIay. At the close In
wheat thodocllno for the day was Vc for the
month , Jfo for July and Jie for May. Febru
ary sold atOGo and OSo , oloslns ut 03io ! nomi
nal , Muy closed at 03'ic. July was ijiiotodat
D4 ? . o at the low point and closed at UJc. Kstl-
rnuto for tomorrow 17 cars.
The corn market showed slRnsof weakness
at ono time during the session , and on the
itory that the Inspection shout had not shown
any corn hilled through , there was sotmi
dumping of sttilf , The Idea that country cor
respondents claimed a free and larger inovo-
tnunt In the near future was pretty well cir
culated. Estimate for Saturday was 220
cars , quite large , and helped to con
firm the olalin of larger receipts. On
this tlio prlco of May touched Its low point at
KIMo. Receipts today were 120 cars , and with
J.I vori > eel cables VJd up the market opened
linn at Olc. lieforo the break the price touched
51Sc , andlatoln the session the prlco recov
ered from 'k'Hic to Kl.'o and at 1 o'clock rested
ntW'io. In the pit Hiitchluson was the 0110
consptouous buyer. The crowd acted bearish
and Bold cautiously. Tattle , llartlett , Prater ,
1'utton llrothcrsand Bryant led the selling.
Tlicro was a good support In corn to the eloso ,
whrnMay was&l&c , or less than } fo undur
last night. February was quoted at fiUJeto
6Ic , closing at 5IKo. March , 02'o ' to SI Ma to
52o , JuncKIXcto OlotoMJjo. July , W.lfo to
Thcro was a very narrow market In oats al 1
day. Mny Bold at 4al4QktG o anil 4JUe ( , closing
at 40'o. ' ( June , 48o to4V o to 46o. July , 4'JUo
and 43c.
The belief appears to bo pretty general that
thcro in nst bo a break I n pork and ether ptod-
ucta , This la on the theory that the packers
havobocn holding the market just enough to
sell tliolr proaucts at a good prollt and that
thoout.slilo tiado holdsIthohtulT. The opinion
also pro vails that the uiiusiial run ot hos Is
to continues The receipts for tlio ilay jvero
41,000 and hart a bearish Inlliieuco on the pro
vision market. With the estimate of
S5.000 hogs fer Saturilay , tlio week's
receipts will run up to 1110,003 or
40.000 over the estimate of last week.
The market opunod with lard about steady at
r .OJ , rllM5ooirntKU2 } ami pork lOo on" at
110.10. These wcro the best prices of thu day.
Pork further weakened to tlO.OSKQlO.Wi nnil
closed at tlP.O1 ! , or 12'5o lower , l nnl closed
ut the bottom nt $ O.U03iU Jj , anil having or
ders placed utJKJ ! could not bo lllle'd. lltbs
at li.OiJ-4 or lOo lower. These were Slay prices :
riucia AT CIIICAOO ,
CO.M > ioiITVlpon. | | High. | l.inr. | Cloao. | A'cs7 ? ?
Mnr $ < -
Julr MW U4ij
Mnr ) S M 4I1M
Mnr 1010 1010 10 05 10 07M 10M-2
610 612 507H
LAUD 003 COS 000 I OjX ) | c03-7H
CU.M > ltlllTV | Open. I IIL-li. | iMff. | Ulo i ) . | Yci'f.
WllBAT "
Mar WU K > Jt WH | K. ) > < .U 1 uotfj
Cons Mar M MM Mi ) 60H-51
OATS M r.- . . tivH 4G ? < ; 4C ICM
llonrd Note * nnil Gossip ,
I'oolo ) ia Oeorso Smith ft Llmlbloora 100,000
Mny wheat ntliSHc.
SU Louis wires 00 per oant of tlio current re
ceipts tire No. i reel whiter ,
Jillniieapolls lecclptu : wheat 278 cars ; Iu- )
uth receipts : ulieut , ; i2 ears.
Clearances for foiirports yesterday : Wheat ,
2,250 ; corn , ( ! % ,023 ; oats , 10,71'Jj Hour , 23as : ) .
Ksllinntcd receipts at OliloiiRO for Baturilny :
wheat , 47carai corn , XI ) ears ; oats , Ulcurs.
St. Louis rucointa : wnoat. Ill.Ml ; corn , 41 , 80,1 ;
outs , 12.IXO , tililpiililiits : 6,0b0p corn , 2llU5 ! , ;
Chlcapo receipts. wlcnt | , 18,000 : corn , 141,000 ;
oiits.14tl.OOJ. SlilpiiientH , wheat , 17,501) ) : ; corn.
b4,000 ; oats , lO'.OX ) .
Kcnnottwlieil : Good crowd In provision pit
trnltlntf to attend tlio ob4u < iulet of the 1m Us
but the corpse still walked to sure funeral
nxpcnso ,
Tbcro were sales In the sample market of
No. 3 red at l > 7o and of Na 2 red at UUVio for
Kobruary , Tlio buyers ncthiK for millers who
nrwinixlous to Kot all the cliolco wheat they
ciiuploU up.
Ono of tlio points In the privnto cables was
that the eontinent had Htonpod buy Inn wheat
in Knglnnil. The lute publlo cables , however ,
Bhowiul that thomurkot at 1'urU anil Her 1 In
were higher.
lloerboluu'sCftblo : Cargoes off coast , wheat
flrm ; corn , nothliiK olTorlntr. On pass.iKo ,
wheat llrmor ; eorii turn dearer. Mark Lanu
wheat steady ; enrii tlrni ; llourntouily. 1'ioiieli
markets llr in. Liverpool , wheat quiet and
steady : corn llrin ; reeulpts wheat past thirty
days , Ov.OOO eentals , IneludliiKT.OOO American.
AV. d McCorinlek i Co. to R O.
Svrartz k Co. There has been llttlo
worthy of note In tlio wheat market today.
Trmllnp , which was houvy , consUteil ohlelfv
lit asoraniblo for qiurtcM UIIIIIIDT our loual
BCalpers. Hotter weather , very iiulot caules
and luW ) rocelpts hi thu northwest nldud
rather u bearish fcullnu ; und thoclih'tsupport '
to the inarkoteainefroinafuwlooaloperatora
wliohavhiK bold eonsldornblo lines of puts
tried to prevent the wheat bolnir put to them.
Tliocatili demand seeins.toluuo fulleii otr , anil
plonraiu-es from the hoalouril are very lli-'liu
\V still predict u Hculnlnj market for a while.
with u downward tenJonoy. Corn WAH ipilto
dullnt A lower ranxu of prices , llutohlnsoii ,
who him boon a buyer for several iluys , was
nKiiln the olilef support of thu market
ami it Uroniurkutilethutlio Hhouid liivvobemi
able to lUBtalu prlrotMas tlio buyera of the
volt two or three unys generally turned tell-
CM today on nccnitnt of holler rccolpti. Tlio
clo of tlic tnnrkvt Is very tame : it onii > to-
tiptlnti from loner prices , l.nrno receipts of
IIOJM Inilucod lictixy "lolllna f provlnlnns
tit ilio stnrl which mrt very row
hn.vlns onlrM until fork rciu'hcil tlio tioldji-
liorliwMl ortlO.OS.nt wlilclt Hiuroiccmwl tou
u lutito ilcniatiil , We rcsarcl Ilih liityliiR uiot
n "irnlliiiciilnlclinrnclcr from parties wholiavo
et tliolr w < at flu nt Ilio Ixilloni prim , lint
In the fticuof oniyi.ioiis Atnokil th lioro nnjl
clKonliuruno fist they will bo dlitippo luted.
.T. 0. I.ncnn & Oo. toToncritj- Ilrynn
Wheat opened with free scllltiK 'roru ' WHO to
l"a o forMny. but tlionnylnir wtis wattf-rou.
The outside lin lni's wris fllRlisty bclli-r nnil
nrlnclpiilly on tlio scllliu slilu. t'nblosnru
itvutly : nnelinnjo liiviiliies. Itucolpln In tno
west nnd fcoiitlmestcotitliiuo Kixxl. THO ' ! < ' -
iiuiiiil hern for No. ! 1 nml winter for Interior
nilllncdiitlntii'i. with not tntioli nfoltlicmrnilu
olTorwl. Out ! iirotnlneiit sciilpor for the InM.
twoilay has bcon nliboralbiiycrcif , Inly nml
Ims iirorlli'toil tills option would sell ut the
May iirlcabafoio tliowcoU cloicil. The pro-
il let Ion inny liu rlKht , but wo tlifnU It will Jio
nil tilowerlovdthiiiiD'kJ for M y umllO'iiB for
.Inly. Tlicio ! llttlo Itilthoyunil uwulpfor
Miinll profits.Vn think gamut ! July on nil
btilitr"vlll mtil.o good money . Corn h fnlrly
nc tit o. KccolitRcoiitltiiiuintlit. | Tlioniiirkut
lluctiiiitct 'so on nny llttlo liiiylnp. Ono ro-
rolvlng liousa nnsu inodurato seller tit the
npi'iiliiK. 1'rovMons ' without tiny feature ,
dull nnd Mimll trtidu.
Kcnnctt , Hoklns ) A Co. to Clirlstlo-lmtbrop
Com. Co. Tlio nuirkct toilny In wheat hns
boon n ilnll llqiildatlnR otnI.onR't who
thought wlieut a holler piircliun ! nhovo 11.00
than nt OJc linvochniiKL'd tlinlr minds nn well
n < < their position un the inarkut. Cables linvo
hcon rather llrtn and a fulr donmnd ri'porteil
for etish wheat. It Issald u Is bid for > o. ! i
.Mllwniikt'osprln ? , Innl down In llullulo nml
liolld ! ! ) wis thu pilco nt St. I.otils today.
Kucclnts In tlio nortlnvost Hhow consliliTUulo
itifrciiMO nml clcvutiirtiiun there Hay no lot tip
Is to bo oxpi'Otcil when thorc Is MI llttlo Hprcnu
botwccn cash nml Mny. illnnuniiolH ml vices
nro to IhoufTeuttliat the Hour tradniloos not
respond to the advance In whoat. One or two
ndvnncoHof fioorCo liavo produced hoiiiottilinr
of u Ht-iKinitlon In cash transiuMlnns , mid
while prh-ci tire llrinly hold thoio Is llttlo IMII-
Inuss , We do not look for iiiualitinploviiiiiKiit
In ttils respect until prices uro luMfur , Iluteli-
JiiHon was HKaln working the corn market to
day. For a retired speculator , as the news
papers placed him reccntly.ho Isctittliu iitlto |
a llKiiro. The prlco eased off on otTcrlnssby
shippers nml coininlsslon men , hut near the
close llutclilnson caino In nnd bid It. up tiRiiln.
There Is noHtock hero totnidoon and specu
lation proinlwi'S to ho sninll and ffiiturulcis
while It Insts , There was a fnlr trndo
In oats nnil the prlco wns sustained
by ii prominent Incnl oporutor who waa
quite u frcn huyrr. Thcio Is a big llclit In
pork around Jio.OO nnd lurd ntCo. \ emit
iloal Is apparently wanted at thi-so prices.
Wo think the course nf the inn Ha't will bo
iihoitt tlui 1:11110 : as when pork halted just
nhovo IliMU. When tlmt iwlnf. was pnaioil It
went down tvlth u rush.Volook for ndooldtd
break any tlino. Today hut llttlo was done.
llotli sides M ore stubborn. The market closed
taniound easy. _
CHICAGO , [ Special Tolojram to
IlBK.1 GATTMJ-About the only notlcoiiblo
change In tlio diillne-,1 ! that has prevailed la
tlio trade heto for the past three days was
that buyers were looking over the market and
making slightly better olVcra than yostorilny ,
and tills only on the host export and
choice shipping steers. Nearly everything
else In the steer line was slow , almost
neglected , with no particular change on tlio
low ranuoof values for a weak erse uait. Pat
cows and heifers may bo quoted a shade bet
tor than at the beginning of the woolc , but
canning cows and bulls an ) about as low as at
nny time. The demand for stackers was not
as brisk as for a day or two , yut tnoro was a
fafr business and steady prlcoj. Tlio best
prleotoday forbteors was M.tO. the next licit
II.7UQI.00 ; mediums , $1.00 ® ! fiO ; common , UOO
© . I.M ; cows 8i.50aJlO : ; stocks , .lixai.M.
lions Values ilroppeu about a nlcklo nnd
at thn decline there was a big shipping de-
iiinnil , but local dealers hold b.iok until late
In the day. 1'rlnio big heavy hogs wore not
wanted , son lar.'o number of such weio car
ried over for want of bids that salesmen
doomed satisfactory , About all the light
shipping grades anil the ordinary run of
mlAcd. however , woiesolil , Itough nnd ooin-
luon , f.l.4.r iil.r ) 0 ; packer- ] and mixed , Jl.5.vri'U',0 :
prlmo heavy and butchers1 wulghts , iJ.C33.70 ;
IlBht , KJ.tOJJ.I.O.'i ; pigs , J2. UfflU.r > 0.
NHW YOIIK , Ifob. 0. LSpoolal Toleira-n to
Tun HKB.I Netwlttistaiidlng thu bullish talk
of the Gould parties last night the stoslc mar
ket started u trlflo easier today. With this
exception the action of the market o.irly was
very similar to that of yesterday. Klrst prices
were from Hi to ! J per cent lower than last
nlgbt'8 prices , with Chicago Gns down ii. As
usual of late , however , a ( Inn tone was devel
oped In the early trading nnd fractional ad
vances wcro scored all along the line , though
the only stock showing any activity was Union
1'nclflc , whluh also led forsomo tlino In the
upward movctnont , but failed to roach Its
host prlco of yesterday. Ohlcago Gas and
Nickel I'lato second preferred later
prominent for strength , each rising % , and
among the low priced > shuros Mobllo&Ohlo
rosulli to ill St. Paul also dlsplayol so mo.
activity , but the rostot the list was quite dull
and Industrials were almost nogleotcd. Tlio
strength did not hold , and before 1 o'clock
prices dropped back } i to ' / per coat all around
wlthfow exceptions. Northern t'aelllo pre
ferred and Union I'aclflo were well supported ,
nnd Missouri 1'acIHo bad support around GS.
Northwestern and Hock Inland each showed
! i per cent loss from last night , The publlo
was not In the market , and the piofc.sslonal
trade languished. There was a good support
Inafowhtooks to close , among \vliloliwcro
Ijtiko Shore at 113 , Northern 1'aclflc nroforrcd
at 71. Missouri I'.iclllo at ( Wj and Chleauo Gas
nt 41 Hock Island was olHJ. Union 1'aclllo
lost Its early gain and most nthnr western
stocks cloic.1 steady. Sales reached ITJ.UOO
Tlio following were the closing quotations :
U. 8.4s ro Northern I'ncltlo . . . 2S ) < ;
U. a. ts coupons , t2D. iloprufcrroit
U. H.4Hiii C. A.V.W
IT. S. 4 cuii | > ons uo profcrroil.
rnclOctisi of'.ij Now V.irkCoiitrnl. . . lU.W
UiMitml I'acitlo l'.l ) . fc K 18
Chicago A Alton 12) Hock iKlnnil .
L'lilcnuo , llurlliiKton G..M. AHt. l .
A. giilncr S7-1 < iloiirufcrroJ .
! > . . I ft W 13SH St. 1'nnlAOniahii. . . . ' . ' 5HJ
Illinois Centrnl 100 itoprofcrroil . 84
I. . II. ft W Union I'ndtli ! . 844ii >
Knnsas A. Texas 1) W.f < t. Kl . . - . 10
J.iikuHhnro 113 doprefcrroil . 19X
lllclilgnn Central , . . . Ill Western Union . 81T6
Missouri I'adllc C3
MosEV-On call , easy ; elosed offered at "Yi
billsH.8J ; demand , J1.S7H.
Stocka. | Oiicn. | Hull. I l.uw. | Close , | Vot'j.
AVall Street.
Kcnnctt , Hopkins & Co , to Chrlstlo Lathrnp
Commission Co. Thu stock market has boon J
strong today , but transactions were restricted
by illstrust as to legislation nt Washington.
Tlio market has shown great strength , with
considerable buoyanco In certain directions.
Vvry clearly ownorsof long stooksaro Indis
posed to soil and luno conlldonco that In time
prices will bo higher. Tliolr buying , howotur ,
Is done with much discretion , kafuty having
more to do with their selection of securities
t linn Income , although the latter , of cintrtc. Is
not Ignored. Wf tern I'nlou has been pur
chased freely beeauso of the iinnounceinent
that th limiho eommlttoo hns postixiiifd In-
dutlnltoly a further consliloratlon of 'I ho pos
tal telegraph bill and Northern 1'aolllcs Imvo
resumed in upward tendency. The mnrkot
Indlcatciitliat the holllngnf lonsstockK. wlileh I
has been u feature of Northern 1'uulllu for
homo days bus terminated. Tlio ttocU for
salohns keen absorbt'd and tlio prleo now
looksllUoadvancing. The market was allied
later In thu day by the 1111110111100-
ment that the effort to tack the t > Il-
vir tilll on to the appropriation
bill had been defeated by a vote In the house
and thu price of silver mitTcred In coiuo-
micnco. Union 1'iiclHo has been n feature In
tlio market , advanelne 1 per cent. Thu Inter
view with Uoutd , inibilahcd In this mornlng'a
paper * , bhovri that lie U lutorostoa la having
the prlco of Union I'aolllc1 advanced. Mr.
( lould'a son alto fuvors the public with a
stntrnifiutlmt UH on I'aclfl' ' earning' ' forDo-
ccmhcr tjiow a largo lnciea o. Tlio goncrtil
pulillc , lionuviTi do not take kindly to receiv
ing MnU'iiiontstm utirniius lit tliliwny unit
I > oiid < m ! | M.'iMnlly dlsu > provo4 Ilioroof.
don has shown disapproval by galling Union
I'ai'lHc. lloek Isliinil has been weak In the
faro of mi otherwise 'Irons markft Thotunr-
ki-t oloiod Urnii hut not' actvo. | Total salw.
11,501 ,
Tlio Wool JInrkrt.
HOSTON , Mass. , Feb. O.-tSpcclal Tclogram
to Tin : II tit. ] 'Ilio demand forwool has Icon
good and silcs for tlio week foot il | > .1 ,000
pounds of nil kinds. Several good sized lots
of territory wool liavo been tno\ocl on a
secured basis of OSQOto for flue , fra > 50c for flno
inedliim , orKiofor nicdluni. Texas wogls liavo
been dull , with small sties , spring medium
soiling ntSIc ami fall at 21c. Oru oit wool Is
iiu lot at ITffl''lc. Quito good sales of full Cali
fornia * hnto been undo ntUJO-Jo forbestand
l" > c for defective * . In sprlnz Oallfornla there
lia vo been small salis ! at WElc. I'ullod wools
arouctlvo and sell at JOffiJ.'o for the best
super , aoiWc for fair to good super mid ISttilOo
for extra. Olilonnd I'nnnsylvanla liavo boon
nuiet ut 31 ® . -'u for X nnd a ! lc for XX.
Michigan .X lleeccs nro slow nt LWMOc. Un
washed combing wool hnssold freely at ' VA'-.ta
for one-quarter and ? ® r.'e for thrco-olghts.
WiiHhi'd eo.nblng and delaines have licen
( Irm nnd quiet. In'uonls thcro have
been Inrgu miles at : iKZ.t'ic ! and there haa
lieeu more doing In foreign carvot wools ,
NEW YoiiK , Tab. 0. [ ripajlal Toloram to
Tin : llBB.I-Tho following are the mining
slock nuotatlons :
Alice I.VI IronSllrcr Ml
AilnmsCon 1' ' Mcxlcnn 2 )
Aspen MO Mount Diablo 175
rolurndo Con 11)0 ) Ontnrlo J'kXI '
Mexlrai IITJ Oirtlr 8W
din. fill. & Va 41 Plymouth WJ
llonioitnke 'IVJ Slorm Nuvmln 2.M
HornSllvor 3UJ Yellow .Inckut 1 > H
The CofTjo Muriet.
New YoitK , Fob. 0 , [ Special Telegram to
TIIK llKE.l-CoirrGK-Optlons opened flrm and
unchanged to 15 points up ; closing steady , fyj
15 points up. SsiK-9 , in.0'0 bacs , Including
March , J10.GOll.Cri ( : Aprilt1.49i ! May , JI0.10
Olli.13 ; June. tlS.K.vaiS.110 ! Julv. $ l5.00 < ( in:70 : :
September , Jl.r .OJ ! Do ember , tU < 4. > ; spot Ulo ,
fh mer and active ; fair cargoes , J1U.OO ; Mo. 7 ,
CttiCAno. Feb. . Close "WheatSteady ;
cash , UVauVie ; .May. D87 'c ; July , IHo.
Oorn Steidyi easli. ftlljo ; Mnv , K.
Oats Steady ; cash. 4l'c ' ; May , 4Gl4c.
t' < irk Steady ; cash , * cJ.5Jit'J.tX ) ; May , 910.05 ®
10.01' ' , ' .
Laid Steady ; cash , * . .7iXa"Jl { ; May. COO ®
6t 5f
Short Ulbs Steady ; cash. $1.05 ; May. ! 4.50Ji.
Kyo-FIrm : 73 > W < :
llarlov stetidy ; 7ft78o. ( )
Max Steady ; ll.-'O.
Tlinotliy-S toady ; $1.27.
L'lour UiichnnRod ; spring , ! IRO ; patents ,
M.40MI.SO ! winter | > atonts ,
Hulk Moats-Shoulders , Sl.wa4.00 ; short
clear. JI.OOH4.1X > ! bhort ribs W.MKH.8a
Hiilter Steady ; creamery. 1HSJ33 ; dairy.
lS < a\Sc.
tJhecso Finn ; full cream Cheddars , IHj
ttlUJic ; Huts , J0illc ! ; Young Americans , Ilio
11 He.
Kggs Easier ; fresh , IfXSJOo.
Hides Unchanged ; tight and heavy green
salted , 5i35.ioi ! green. 4U@lic ! ; salted bull.
4Vic : Kri'im naltcU o.ilf , 80 ; dry Hint , 80 ; salt
bull.CffiTc ; dry calf , SiSOi ) ! dcaeons. cauti , > . ! .
Tallow Unchanged ; Mo. 1 , bolld packed ,
3 c ; No. 2,3o ; cake , 4o.
Itecolpts. Shipments.
Flour , bbl . 14.030 11,000
Wheat , bit . 18,090 18,000
Corn , 1m . 14.030 81,000
Oats , bu . 148,000 102,003
NEW YOIIK. l'ob.0. ' Wheat Kcceipts , 50.400
bushels ; evports , 4,000 : spjt. KiMUo lower ;
No. 8 red , H.09 ? in elevator ; 81. ! I ? .
atloat ) f ; f. " o. b. ; options Closed
No. 2 rod , February at J1.10.
Corn Itccolpu 41,000 bushels ; exports. 2,700
bushels ; spot IrreKular ; closlcg Hun ; No. - ,
KlisftGlo In elevator ; CIU@0.iu alloat ; uu-
gradcd mixed , ( UUCMiTio ; options lower.
tints Keeelpts. 04.00J bushels ; oxtmrts , 2.100 :
spot easier ; No. 2 white. r > 'lJi.Vi e ; mixed
western , DO.Wo : whlto western , 54C2e ; op
tions steady ; lehriiury , S.'lic. '
Sngai1 Hnw , llrnii fairs rcllnln ? , 5c ; cen
trifugals , Vtl test , riBC. refined linn , fair
demand ; "A" 5 l-ica. > 'sc ; white extra "U. "
57-ll/aoVJc ; yellow , 4 15-10c ; olT "A. " 5V Q J
511-10 ; mould "A , " 05-lCu ; standard "A. "
OJI-lCi ; : cut loaf , CO-ICo ; ooudorod , 57-lUc.
grnniilatod , GUc.
I'utroleuin Unltodcloscd for March at78Jic ;
Egzs I'lrm : western , 85c.
1'ork Stondy ; now mess , 811.0011.50.
L < ira Weaker ; wcstonv steam , W.C5.
Uuttor Steady ; western dairy ,
creamery , lUaJc ; Elgin , 2lK2T',4c ( '
Cbcoso-Strons ; light t klms ,
MiNNBAroi.13. Feb. fl. Wheat Little flrrn-
ness In wheat early , but prices Urolco
later In tne day , May going to ! K'iic.
Iteuelots , 300 cars ; shipments , 5" ) ears. Clos
ing : No. Ih.ird , FohriinryitKio : on truck , OOo ;
No. 1 northern. February , ftloj .March. l ! 4o ;
May , DOe ; on track , t)4S ) 4Ho : No.'northern ,
Fobiuary.Uo ; on track. UUttSMitC.
ST. Louis , Fob. ( ! . Wheat Lower ; cash
08O19. ; Jlay , W < § @uOUo.
Corn Lower ; cash , Wa : May , 50W05IC.
Oats btcudyioush. 4Gc ; Muy , 4UJic
I'ork Onlot nt Jti.8r4. !
l.nrd Steady at * 5.M.
Uuttor Unchanged ! creamery , 1832 Oo ,
KANSAS CITY , Fob. . Wheat Pastor ; No.
2 nurd , cash , B4o bid ; February , 84 VJo bid ; No. U
red , cash , IKlj.
Corn Kasy ; No. 2 , casli , 47'ic bid ; Feb
ruary , 4714i47Jie. !
Oats Steady ; No. 2 cash , 45o bid ; 1'ebruary ,
45c. _
CisctNNi.Tireb.O. Wheat ScarcejNo. 2 rod ,
Corn flood demand ; No. 2 mixed , OUJo.
Oats rirm ; No. 2 mixed , 40o.
\VliIsky-J1.14. _
MIMVAUKCE , Fob. ( > . Wheat Oulot ; No. 2
iiprlng , cash , lU OGc ; May , We.
Corn Firm at. Wo.
Oats Higher ! No. 2 white , 47)4 ) < ni41c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , May , S1U.07H.
LiVRuroor , , Fob , 0. Wheat Steady : de
mand Improving ; rod wcstorn , spring , 7s OHd
< 0 > 7s 7d percental ; red western , winter , 7sfiHtl-
Corn Sto.idy ; tlumand fulr ; iiow mixed
western , 2s5iid percental ,
OlllCAOO. Fob. B. Oattlo Tlecolptd , 0,000 ;
market < lnll ; shade better ; steers , good to
best , JI.7WW.10 ; common to medium , M.OJ ®
4.r > 0 ; cows. Jt.Ma.'l.lU ; stpckers , J..iua'l.- ' > .
Hops Uccelpts , 41,000s market lower ;
roiiKli anil comnion , $3.4 : i.0 ; packers and
mixed , KIAV&U. ) : prlino heavy and butcher
weights. W.O.V3.1.70 ; light. KtCOra'tfiS.
Sheep Hocplpts , tl.UOO ; market Blow and
lower ; western. I.4l.OJ ( : ; natives. IU.75Q4.b5 ;
Texans , * 3.2j4.30 ; lamDS , H.bjfl8.i3.
ST. Louis , Fob. 6. Oattlo Receipts , 15,000
head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market steady :
fair to fnnoy null vu steers , WAKiiS.40 ) ; stockurs
and feeders , fiMQOM.
lions Kocclpts. 5,400 head ; slilpmcnts , 0,1100
head ; market lower ; heavy , &UO&J.7J ; mixed ,
ia.l5S.'t.iO ( ; light , W. 15g3.00.
KANSAS OITV , Feu. . O.ittlo-Recclpts , 2,000
head ; shipments. 1,500 head ; market steady ;
lower ; steers , Ki.nuA..1j : ! cows , .75 < SiO ; ) ( :
stockers and feeders , ti'-.VSH.M ,
Hogs Itoeelpts. ! BliOO head ; shipments , 3.750
head ; market lower ; all sr.ides , W.ooita.50.
Oil.lll.t LIVE UTOClf.
OitAirA , Fob. 0 , 1SOI.
OATir.E Kstlniatedrocoliits of cattle I.UOO as
oomuarod with I.IHI yusteidav and lM. ' )
Friday of last week. The market was slow.
Steers were barely steady ; best butcher stock
slow and unchanged ; others slow and Do to lOo
lower. Feeders were unchanged.
lions Kstlmatecl receipts of hop 10.0. as
eoniDitrod with 6U yesterday ami ' . ' , u > S
Friday of last week. The market opono'd
tdowund a shade to 5a lower and closed So to
10c lower. The range of the prices paid was
M.OOJKttO ; the bulk sollliu at * ia Ui.'W. : ' 1'lus ,
fl.MKW.53 ; light-lights , tl.W&'l.'M ' ; light , til.OU
® : ( ; lioavy. tJlKKtWCO ; mixed , it.'J.vai.50. ; ; The
average o ( tlio prices paid was Ji.4IU : us com
pared with $3.4ti | yesterday and fJ. < 3 Friday
of last week.
ItibKi * Estimated receipts of sheep 1,00 } . as
npared with ! 03 Friday of last week. The
maikot was steady.
' DlHpoaiilon of Stock : .
Showing the nil labor ot cuttle , hogs nnd
sheep purchased on this market as reported
by the wolzliinaster of tlio Stookyards com
pany for Kobruary Os
Swift k Co.
TliuO. Il.ll'ainmoiiil Co..V. ; . . . . . ; , " MO
The Uiulahy 1'aeklng ' Co. , SJOD
Tlio Omulm packing company 2J
UieHotlifcchlld , 1UO
Hamilton A : Htephen , , . , ISOfi
lluntnn Sc Underwood. . . . , , fiS
rsnlsMorrls 110
Shippers nnd feeders . , . „ X78 !
Joseph I l.i WHOM . . . , . 24
Van Hunt A Unsoy . , . , . , 75
U. , lleukor& l > ejun . U4
ThoOudahy Pack In j Co . 41IW
Umahii I'ucklnj Co . "Tii.1
Svvlft&Co . , . 1'JUU
ThotJ , 11 , Iliiiiiinond company . 4UU )
Shlppora and feeders . , . . . , . IS
an cur ,
Bwltt&Co . - . . 230
No.Ar. Pr. No. Ay i'1'- ' No. Av. Pr.
1 1110 J3 00 2 .1IM1T5 21 IW5 IIM
4 7.0 320 7 .IU4 , 375 17.1147 410
t.2.,11)70 ) 32T. 0 117.1 a to IS II7U 4 1C
1..8IO 325 37..I024 3 8t 40..IIM 415
a loin 325 ? . . Wsr.'ioj 13..II24 420
111 IhO 34' ) ll.llfi7-305 II. ISIS 425
L7. 1X15 3R ) 2..1UU . ,400 18..1194 415
01..1110 351 Ifl .lllitf',410 BO..KJU 425
I..1)03 ) 350 O..I1.WI400 18..1237 435
112 BIO 355 3-J..llct : 400 IO..I21U 4 M
8. W.J 3 00 10..1120 405 17..1347 475
10. IKO 3 70
t. . ( HO 125 10. . OTA IS 40 2.1010 275
1. . FfiO 125 S..10)5 2 4U 8..1118 280
I..Km 1 BO 1(1. ( . 7fi5(240 ( 41 > . KS ) 2IK )
CI..1070 1 M 1S..IU3 S40 20. . 1170 21)5 )
. . 1)70 ) 15 } 1 .Ilio 8 BO 10. . 1)35 ) 3CO
ibii Oil" ) i BO I.io20 ! 230 1..KTW 303
2. . KSI I m 22..0VJ 255 0..1023 3IW
18. . MH 175 2..1115 B 55 1..ISW 305
1 II2J I IX ) 1..ICK ) SCO 4..12V ) 310
1. 110 ! ) 200 12. . Mil 2CJ 8. . Oil 315
1. 1010 200 7. . 1II14 JOJ 25..KNO 32.1
1..11170 225 15.101(1 ( 2 fit ) 2..1110 32. ' .
1..IIJIO 225 8..1117 2U * 1..1IOJ 325
II . IHKI 225 7..1037 2 ( Ti 20.1020 325
28..88.1 22. . 2 . IK\r 270 12..1140 330
15..1W3 20 ! 14..1013 270 1 .1110 3115
1 .HIM 2110 3. . 847 275 14..11bO 335
2- . ' . . HOI 235
nur.t.s. 215 1. IWO 275 1..1MO 2M
1..1W 240 1..I40 275 l.ISOO 300
1. IJO ) 240 1..1IV275 1..1(10 ( 3(0 (
1..1MO SMI 1..H70 280 1 1020 310
1. I MO SM 1..IOV ) 2bD 1..1&KO 340
3..1570 S53
42..BOB 225 1..710 270 S3. , Din 300
71. . 023 23) 11 788 2 SO ! . . 7S7 300
a. . 1)50 ) 2.VIM. . 732 300 45. . bSO 315
0. . 740 250 15. . 8'JU 300
1..1120 225 1..1320 350 0..1070 300
1 milker SI 00
1 springer Si 00
2 . 305 1 75 1. . 270 200
2..1375 100
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. AT. 8h. Pr.
82 ISO 1.100 GO : t"0 880W45
110 14' ' ) II 10 61 213 ICO 345
! H ) llk'i 40 II 10 7,1 24.'l ItiO 345
88 ii : 3 10 ft ) MMJ 345
R' 10J I ) 15 C9 241 60 345
70 107 120 U 15 " Oil 248 Itt ) 345
po ii : ao a ,7i ! GO 277 345
SO 174 S 20 C2 244 bO 345
05 101 40 a 20 ja 223 240 345
04 1ST 120 3 2-J'i ' 52 202 80 345
HI 203 120 3 S2i ! . Cl . . . . 205 120 345
IK 176 II 25 07 X0 ! M ) 345
83 200 801125 n 24.'l 120 345
103 17,1 80 325 r. ! 200 210 345
co is ! ) so a : io us 220 so ; u-
7(1 ( 181 3tO : CO 214 345
52 an lee a HO ro 251 40 345
15 ! 7 120 3 UO 71 8 < M 200 345
70 is ) a : to M a 15 JB-J 345
117 227 80 3 ao CO 2S'I 83 345
O'J 189 40 3 ao CG 257 bO 345
80 178 3 UO 40 227 40 345
74 IOU 241) ) 3 ISO Cl 332 34754
70 509 40 3 324 ! 7 ! ) 227 347V ,
07 SM 283 3 a5 74 203 347',4
84 214 100 305 60 305 ICO 347M
711 228 II : i5 4S 288 120 347JJ
57 1C4 3 a5 62 . , , .313 350
t 210 120 3 as &s : es 120 350
82 213 ino 333 44 370 120 SM
130 245 120 833 tfi 325 40 350
IK ) 211 280 31)5 ) CO 307 120 350
107 . . . .240 1UO 3 US 55 3S7 350
01 215 3 as 0.1 250 tO 350
lil 2)1 ) 100 3 35 C2 253 350
7tt 210 80335 61 2S5 350
OS 2.W 2'0 ' a 115 Wi . . . . 244 .120 350
82 244 100 3 33 57 . . . . .350 40 3ft'J
1)2 1117 1203:15 : CO. . . . . .220 350
78 11)0 ) 80 3'tS , Kl 271 101 350
b4 212 120 333 53 290 bO 350
13 ! ) 2,11 40 335 . 55 351 200 350
1)4 275 320 3 35 . r 61 . . , .250 fcO 350
05 S20 80 3 375J 45.r..341 40 350
54 27J 40 3 40 , 5S 275 40 350
75 2113 3 40 Gi 853 350
54. . . S7J ! 40 340 55 289 520 35254
ft ! ) . .f.'M 200 3 40 , , 57 375 bO 355
27 3.17 120 340 , Cl 255 355
72 SB 120 3 40 42 435 355
72 218 120 340 I C5. . . . 21H ) 280 355
M 81S 40340 . 54 345 81) 355
70 SW 1UO 340 . 52 33(1 ( 80 855
80 25 ' 40 340 57 352 40 353
(17 22 ! ) 200 3 40 Mi 375 OJ 355
5(1 ( , , . .2fii 2UO 340 Kl 1:83 : 40 355
5 ! ) 234 340 40 421) ) 80 355
74 SIM 40 340 20 ( KM 355
M S37 40 3 JO 0) 321) 320 855
71 210 40 340 50 350 355
Ul S51 3 40 39 421 120 855
0(1 ( 2M 320 340 ' 61..447 80 355
(10..244 ( 120 340 > 64 324 ItiO 353
( M.871 ! 200 3 40 47 40U 80 35754
04 27S 280 3 40 45 397 80 360
(38 ( S 200 3 42'J ' ' 45 347 30)
03 245 it 42i ! 45 410 1GO 310
M 3(18 ( 100 3 45 50 413 bO 300
70 270-1CO 343 04 853 300
1 5JO 1 77JJ 47 107 205
30 M 2 50
Market 3lention.
Oattlo are lielnK bought at tills market and
shipped to St. Louis.
The IIrat shipment of Block over tlio Hock
Island was received Friday and consisted of a
load ot boss shipped by A. l'urcll from Aloo.
The hogs were consigned to 1'itlnior , Itlnnch-
anl ft Co. , and weie unloaded ut Albright iunl
driven up to the ytirds.
Svioicnn MEAT Sugar Cured Hams , 14 to 1C
lu npeniKO , xyc ; 20 to 22 Ib average , 80 ; It ) to 12
Ib uvoruxe , S o ; .skinned hums , Do ; slionldord ,
! > } io ; clcir : breakfast baeon , 75 > ct boneless
breakflist biicon , backs. CJio : boned hum , 7c ;
Onllfoniiu , or picnic hums. M4o ; lioneloss
hum , 7'/JCi dried beef him.t ( sots ) , 7o ; dried
beef eloils. Go ; short spiced rolls or hum 1011-
lelto , fiyci smoked beef toiiKiiei , pcraoz. { < 1.50 |
special limns , 12 to 15 Ib inerace , lOc ; upeolul
boneless breakfast bacon , Uet selected dried
beef luiins , 1 libidos and knuckles , lc ) ; selected
wide clear breakfast bacon , tie.
DRV HALT MEATS Fancy Hslit weight short
_ .oir > i , 5Ko lonK clears , 5i8c ; short clears , 5Uci
shoulders , 4 c ; clear bullies , 5io ! ; clear hacks ,
0c. !
SMOKED MEATS Dry-Salt Cured Fancy
Unlit weight bacon short ulonrs. ( > ! Jc ; hacou
short rlLH , fiJc : short clears , 5'ju ; long clears ,
r > ? ic ; eleur bucks , tic ; oleur bellies , Go ; alioul-
dori , 4c.
Hhouldors ( N. V. cut ) , tierces , ! bo.lles ; ,
tiercesO',5o ' : Oallfotnla liain. tierces , So ; beef
haina , hbls , $12.00. , . , ,
I'ICKI.EI ' ) 1JEE1T TONOUKS Ilhls , 120.00 ! half
bills , 1(10 ( His , JIU.50 ; niiarter bbls , 5011)3 , J8.00 ;
elKhth bbls. 2-i Ibs , JJ.5J. .
. .
IjAiiD-Uoninound , perlb , tlcrco basis. J5.00 ;
pure leaf , per Ib. tlorco basis. W.00j pure Inrd ,
per Ib , tlcrco basis , fti.00 : kettle rendered leaf
Inrd , perlb , tlcreobasis.$1.50.
llAiutEt.Ki ) I'oitK AND ItEUi1 Mess pork. new.
nerbbl , 810.75s family pork , J9.50 ! back pork ,
811.50 ; short cut clear pork , 89.7311,50 ; prime
mess jiork. t.50l..OJ ! ) ; boneless pit ? nork ,
fancy , JI3.00 ; extra mess beef , r > .7. l plato beef ,
J7.00 ; extra plate beef , $8.00 ! extra family beef ,
boneless. fs.OOs rolled beef , boneless , 18.50 ;
rump butts , W.50 : cliolcoboneless family beef ,
} J bbl. W.75 ; boneless rolled beef , 55 ubiN.75j
extra family nlate beef , ! i bbl , $1.00.
I'm i'OBK llonoless Ilarrels , 200 Ibs , each ,
$13.00 : naif barrels , 100 His , each , $7.00 ; quarter
barrels , 50 Ibs , each , $3.73 ; eighth barrels , 25
Ibs , each , $ . ' .00 ,
Oll.a I'rlino ' lard oil ( winter strained ) 48o ;
extra lard oil ( winter strained ) 40c : extra No.
1 lard oll.37c ; No. 1 lard oil , 31o ; No. 2 laid
oil,800 : extra noat's-foot oil , 45o ; tallow oil ,
43c ; halt barrels Mo over barrels ; 5 Rullon cans
(8 ( hi a ciio)5o ) ever barrels ; 1 gallon cans'(10 ( in
a case ) Wo ever barrels ; ! i gallon catm (20 ( In a
case ) 16o over barrels , , ,
SAUSAGE llolocna , . 4o ; stnoUcd sausaKe. 7o :
blond sausage , 4Hu ; ( Ivor sausage , 4Vio ; head
cheese , 4Kc ; fresh pork sausage ( links ) , tic ;
fresh pork smiaaBo ( Uulk ) 5Hc ; smoked pork
sausaKO , 80 ; rraiikfHrt'.sauHiiRO , 7o ; smoked
head eheeso , Ko ; rc > lt | > h BiiusaRe , 7u ; knob-
lunch HIIIISIIBP. 7o ; tongue auusagc , bo ; suin-
nier sausaRe , Uc.
The ubovo urlocB are for lots of fifty pounds
and upwards ) u less quantity u half cent
more. ' , <
CoFFEE-Grcen Ulo , 2 > a-4o ; Java , S7o ;
Mocha , iSo. Itoasted AH oHii'iil-10o ; Hnnola ,
251.10U ; Oorniaii , 89c ( ; Ultlworth's , 231-lOc ;
J lon. 85oiUonlnvla.S.l MOo ; .Moohn.Ulo ; 0. O.
Java. 20e. Collcti Esdprice 5 gro. boxes , $ I B
; chicory , 71/Jaa'ic ( ' ; _ .
\VooiiENWAiiK--rordozcn--Tuhs , No , l.Jfl.OO ;
No. 2 , J7.03 ; No. a , $3(10 ( ; keolor.oak Kraln,5-ln ,
host , $ t.50 ; whlto cedar , 4-lu. best , tl.23 ; palls ,
hoops , . ,
hoops. No. 1 striped , $5.00 ; cedar. II brass hoops.
No. 2 H tripod , $4.50 ; horse , extra heavy. No. 1 ,
* 2.7.'i ; well biickots , : i.23. Hultorwarc Tubs ,
ash , U-inch , per nest , 70c ; ash. S-lncli , 2 larto
nle , per nest , 45oi butter ladles' , , hanl wood ,
70o ; butter padolcs or spades. 70c. Wash-
hoards-HhiKlo , Jl.4t5a2.00i double , K.oOiW.23.
OlothosiiliiH iBrosshoxes , ( We.
St'OAii-Oraniilatcil. Jl'io ; cubes lot ant
lonf , 7 ? c ; powdered , Htundard , 7cXX ;
nowdered , 7 0 ; yellow 0 , 5'ies canary , 6 e ;
Kht oxtia O , 5' . < a"40 ! roiifoetloiipr . A , 0 ? o.
SALT Daliy,2hO Ibs In bbls , bulkJ4.10i host
Krailo. O)5s ) , f. j ( > [ host crude , 1003s , tl.M ; best
KrmU , 29 IUH. r..aj ; rock salt , criibhud , * . ' .10.
, CO Its to box. SJie ; ke s ,
11AKINQ rowncii-Koynl , illino cans , per doz.
00 : u-lbunnsl.4 i ; l-lheans ,
* .VW ; I'rlco's U-lb eiins. 11.35 ; ! i-lh eans.t-.N ) ;
Mb oil n ? , H.7i ; other Ulnds , l-lu cans , per doz ,
UANN'KII VuiKTAnus-Toniatoos-3-ll ) , (1.10
W.1.I.V , Corn Very lino. t\'iXt\&l \ \ I-H > biiRar ,
* 1.I5 ; Mb uluudnril vrntorn brnnilH , II.1U.
Mushrooms H b Fruiifli , extra line. 22ftVVo ! ;
1-lb Fieneh ' ' 1-lb French , onil-
- , llur , Ihffi'i'e ; - -
miry. IlidilHo. l > oiii-2-lliuariyJuiio.I.UiS-lb
Marrow , ut.iinlard liruuJi. * 1.10 ; S-lb boakud
700. Vrenuh iieas-1'or eubo of 100 , 11.&MW.OO.
StrltiK beam -S-lb liltth graile. OOe ! S-lb wax
beant , 8.V ! 2-ll trliiK * , ( < ) c. Lima IJIMIIU
- . . - lloston b.tkod beans 3-lli ,
Hwcet pot aloes-.1-1 b Now Jersey ,
JI.5JI 3-lliokra anil tomntnoi. II.GJt 3-lhnkrn ,
Jl.'ifl ! iiMpiraRtKs-lluS2.WiW.75j rhuburil , 3-lb ,
tl.40i succotash. JI.2MH.2.V
1'nACKF.iis Soln : , Go ) oyster , fi'lo ' : cream
fi'ic ! Kingor siKitis,8'Jo ' ! 10 iicrcciitotTonten-
box lots.
. . .
PIIIKII ! Hints Turkish prune * , losi than
liliiK UHIHJCI apples , evaporated , now ring
choice , Lies nprk'nt" , fancy , In sai'k . 20ci
blackberries , now , Uc : raspberries , 25 Ibs lo
box,32c ! currants , now.S'to ' ; Votl/l currants.
oMr.i , in l > oU' ? , G'io ' ; pencliM , Cain. , choice ,
l7Kc : C'atlfornla dried grapes , In baps , f > Voi
Koedh-m fttiltntins. sucks , lOol wnsontcils , 7l4c |
now Vulcnoln , 8cs Oiulttra luyor , Dot URS ,
layers IliiSOc ; eltron , Leghorn , We ; lemon
pool , 150.
_ _ _ _ _ _
PI our.
II. T. Da vis Mill Co. . high patent , Ko. 1 and
Cream , J.,7U ; lllne I ) , full patent , J..50 ; llnuk *
eye , hnlf tintent. { 2.30 ; special nival nntntit ,
No. 10 , 12.M ) ; Minnesota patent , J2.75 ; Knnsn
hard wlu-at patent , } ' .55 ; Nehrnika pprlns
\vhcat patunt , $2 on.
H , F. Ulliiuui'rtRolil medal , 72.70 ; Snow White ,
tJ.iO : ; Snow l.'InKo. f..OO ' ; low Krade , II.TO.
llroken Ilow roller mills Cream , ( . ' .70 ; Myr
tle. IJ.40 ! Claim. J2.20 ! XXX , * I.SO ; Flilcllly ,
J2. 0 | SIlniH'sotn Chief. * . ' .43 ! Patent , Jl.GO.
Uskhiiinp'H ready to ralso bnokwhoat Hour ,
ll.'p ( ) per cnso of " o 2-lb packages ; buckwheat ,
In bliN. N , V. , W.oa : Excelsior timtul , J5..V ) |
Slapjack meal , W,75 per case of 50 2-lb pack
Country 1'rndiic * .
The warmer weather lias had the very nat-
uial effect of cnlnruIiiK tlio recelnH of coun
try proltico ( sntiii : liiit. The market , however ,
will BO well c lea i oil up thu day hcforo that the
Increased receipts of ycstonlay did nothnvn
any appreciable elTeot upon tlio market and
prices remain Virtually the sumo.
I'ouiiTiiv Chickens , Kccsoand dttoki nil sold
at about the same raiiKe , that Is nt 8Qlo ) for
Kooil stock. Turkeys went at IKiilJc.
inis : ( The market held up quite welt anil
lOo was the iicnoral price asked ,
lIUTTHlt The best of the count ry rolH were
sclceted by the local trade at IftftlSo and the
fair to good grades went at IJitUo.
Kresh l''rmti.
OiiANnES nivcnldes are sollhiK nt M.23H.T..10 !
Navols.l.505.Wl ; Ititnchlto , a variety between
Hlrorsltlcs anil I.os Angeles , $ .100(3:1.W. ( : Movl-
piiiioraiiRcs , .UWil3.25 : Florida bright , 83.00
( Q8.50 ; russet t , $2.50443.00. ,
QUINCKS There are still afow on the mar
ket , but the movement Is slow and prices nom
inal at SOcfiiJI.OO per box.
I'KAIIS A 'ew laiito O.illfornla pears , winter
varieties , areoirorrd at ( . ' .noit-LOO per box.
LEMONS Choice Mcsslim , Sl.50 < i6lOO ; fancy ,
$4.XXa5.00. ( Tansorliies l'erdoiitlo case , W.UO ,
MAUAOA Gtui'r.s-I'cr bbl , W.oo'j.oo.
1'iNKAi'i'i.KS-l'er doz , } . | .5Jffi(00. (
Ai'i'i.ES Kancy varlet es of apiilcs are
scarce and are iiuolod ut } . " ) .tt)30.50 ) per bbl.
Sl'iNACtl Per bhl , J2.00.
CCLKHY HOOTS 1'or ' doz. 50c.
I.KTTUCK Choice stock 40\-8l"o.
SWKVT 1'OTATOES-Suppllus are not lioavy
and the market is quiet. Choice Kansas , 84.50
per bbl.
OKI.UIIV Choice stock 4043e ,
I'AitSNii'S Per bbl , J2.50.
CAIIIIAHK Another car of California cau-
base will arrive today. I'or Ib , 2Hio : ,
UNIONS Supplies are ll ht anil holders ot
good stock are nsUInu as high as t2.00 per bush ,
p.mlsh. per erato , t'.OO.
HUTAIUOAS JllclilBan stock , pcrbu , COo.
HKETS Per bu , Jl,001.23.
RACCOOS No. t , larKo.CO@70o : No. I , moil-
Intn , Itvaioc ! No. 1 , small , 80S43c ; No , 2 , 3 and
* " ' "
4 ,
MlNic-No. 1 largp. WXSGOc ; No. 1 medlinn. 40
® r > ; No. 1 small , 2V7i.10c ! ! No. 2. 3 and 4 , 5&25C.
MUSK HAT Fall.SIdlOo ; ICit,3e.
SKUNK-lllnok , 73ffitt.OO ; striped. No. 1 , 35 ? }
40cj striped , No. 2 , l.vjW5o ; stuped , No. 3 , 10 ®
15ci striped , No. 4. 5lOe.
Fox Cross , No. 1 , $ .1.50(34. ( ( X ) ; No. 2 , $2.002.50 :
reil No. 1 , * I.OO1,2 ; No. 2. 50COo ; groy , No. I ,
- '
\Vor , M-ountarn'No. l ! 32.50@1.03 ; No. 2 ,
fl.tXVai.SOj pudrle , No. 1 , 73cGKoO ; No. 2 , 400
IlEAvnit No. I. per Ib , f2.5tKfM50 ; No. 2 , nor
Ib , $1.50 < a2.50 ! No. 3 , per Ib , x > a75c ; No. 4 , per
Ib , Me.
OTTKII No. 1 , larzo prlmo , J5.005i7.00 ; No.-1 ,
medium , Jl.noWi.oO ; No. 1 , small , $ ' . ' .50&3.50 ; No.
I.YNX-NO. . . . . .
WILDCAT No. 1 , 40c ; No. 2 , 2xfMT ( > e.
Oi'i'ossuM No. 1 , cased , 1012oj No. I , open.
llADonit No. 1 , full furred , 5075c ; No. 2 , 20
3c : No. ; jr aioc. 1 , $ I.XX30 ( ; 00.
IlEAH-lllack , No. 1. Jlii.OOa20.UO ; Krlzzly. No.
1.M.IXHJIJ.03 ; brown , No. 1 , r.0X81J.OO ! ; oub ,
$ l.0u5.00.
HUCKSKIN Indian dressed , peril ) , 75c3tl.OO ,
DKKU giimmor , per lb,2V33Jo : fall. 20j(25o ;
winter , 202c : ! ; green salt , pnr piece , 75SOe ;
cll ( , per ll > . l-o antelope , I. > u20c.
FISIIKII No. 1 , ja.0txf05.00. .
JIAIITIN No. 1. 7.wajl.M ; No. 2 , STxtaOo.
Ground hog , wo'isel , rabbit anil squirrel
skins hu\o no value.
laniiber ,
Quotations are forcarlotson board cars at
Omnha :
ljiii.ssiONS ) :
12. 14 &
1(1 ( ft. 18ft. 20ft. 22ft. 24ft ,
2x4.1303 11550 Jl ( X ) ? 1V 00 J1S 00
2xll. . . . 1500 155) ) IB 00 1700 1800
S.\8..1500 15 M K 00 1750 1800
8x10. . .15 00 15 M 1G 00 1750 18(10 (
2x12. . . 1000 1009 1700 1850 1000
4x1 to
fixii..inOO 1700 1800 1800 1000
FK.NCIKO No. 1. Gin , 12 and 14 ft , rf. JIO.oo ;
No. 1,0 In , in ft , Ifl.OO ; 4 In , il'JUO ; No. S In ,
12 and 14 rt. rf.J14.oO ; 4 In.fH.W ! No. 2 , In , 1(1 (
ft.tltl.00 ; 4 In , 110.00 : , U In. 12 and 14 ft ,
$13.00 ; 4 In , $13.00 ; No. It , G In , 10 ft , flit.OO ; 4 In ,
SmiNa-A. 12. II nnd 15ft , $2..00 ; 0 , $17.53 ; U ,
12. 14 and 10 ft , teO.50 ; I ) , JH.50.
IloAiips No. 1 com , Jia.V ) ; No. 2 , com , $15.00 ;
No.Il , com , * tLW ; No.1 , com , $11.59.
Fi.ooitlNO A , 0 In , white pine. $ . ' . ( ; 0 ,
$21151) ) ; II. 0 111 , white pine. SM.u ; I ) , * JO.r.O . ; K ,
0 In , white pine , ( sol fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop sld-
hi' ' , 5o per M extra.
STOCK lloAims A. 12 In , sis. * 4aOOj U , 12 in.
sis , Jl.1.00 ; O. JIO.OO : I ) . ii > .00 ; No. 1 common. 12
In , sl.s , 10 , 12 nml IS ft , $ ' . ' 1.03 ; No. 2. J18..V ) ; No. 1
comnion , 12 In , sis , 14 ft. t-'O.OO : No. 2 , $17.50 !
No. 1 common , 12 In. sis. 10 ft. S1H.50 : No. 2 ,
$17.110 : No. 1 common. 12 In , sis , 20 ft , $21.00 ; No.
2 , $18.50.
Hiui'LAP No. 1 plain. Rand 10 In , I10.IW : No.
2 , $10.00 ; No. 1 , 0. ( ! , ,8in. SID.OO : No. 2. $ IO.Mj
10 In. croovod roofing. 12. 14 nnd 111 ft , * 10..V ) .
FlNisillNO-lst nnd 2d cl. , 1 In , s7s , * 4'J.OOi iy ,
1M and 2 In , WO.OO ; 3d clenr , 1 In. b2i , * I5,00 ; 1U ,
114 and In. $47.00 ; A , solout. 1 In , s7s , J41.00 ; V.i ,
I'i nnil i.1 In , $ i : > .UO ; II , select. 1 In. s''s , fcll.l'O ; 1'4.
US and2Ti. ! * W.OO : 0 , select , 1 In , tSi $27.00 ; 1M.
\ \ { and 2 In. $ .15.00.
A , It orO. select , all Ifi-fooU fl.OOoxtra.
t-ODTiii.tiN Ytit.o\v : I'INK 1st and 2nd clear
flooring. W-10 star , J2I.OO ; 13-1(1 ( , $ IU.OO ; common
lloorlnK , 13-10 , $15.00 ; rift clear , 13-1(1 ( , $2(1.00 ( ;
iHt and 2d clear , M ccllliiK , } 14 50 ; 1st and I'd
clear , ; ; colllnjf , (19.511 ; 1st and -dolour , coll-
inir. J25.0J ; 1st and 2d clear , llnlsh , s2s. from 1
Inch , * 27.oo ; 1st aniU'a clear.llnlsh , ids , from 1'i
Inch , $ , ' 10.00 : 1st and 2d clear.llnlsh , s2sfrom 1
and 2 Incli.S-tfl.W ; 1st and2a elcar , y.p.
. base. J.10.00.
1'oi'iAn l/UMiiKii-8-lnch nnd up , 1st and 2d
oloar. 1 Inch , s-'i , $ 'UI.OO ; S-Inch and up , 1st and
2d clear , ! J Inch panel. 829.00.
SASH. DOOIIS , KTa Tnr board. $1.50 ; sash , 55
per ct. ; doors , 50 per ct , ; bllndH , 50 per et. ;
mouldings , 51 per ct. ; tarred felt , per cwt. ,
$2.10 ; straw board , II , 15.
IIATTKNSKIA. . TUIIINO , Em O. 0. 2'i-lllCll ,
f o ; /t\i.Hlsk'io : : ; 3-Inch well tublns. 1) ) . ft M.
and uov. , fJJ.OO : pickets , D. & U. Hut , $2U.50 ; 1) ) .
& II. square , $ i.BO.
KlllNdi.KS , IMTII Extra "A. " pine , $ - > .80 !
standard "A , " tS.45 : extra "A , " cedar , * S.5Si
0-Inch clear pine , JI.OO ; clear redwood , $4.23 ;
. Whlto codar. 0-Inch. > is , lie ; 0-lnch
qrs , lie ; white cedar , Mi-Inch. Us , Bo ; 8-lnoh
qrs.Ho ; white codar. 4-Inch rotinil , 15c ; split
oak , 80 ; Tennessee rod cedar , split , 14e.
' Positively cured by
tlicsoJNittle IMIIs.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
IVER Eating. A perfect rcm
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness. Had Taste
In the Moutb , Coated
Tong-ue , Pain In tlio Side ,
rcgnlato tbo Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
Commission Co.
00 nml ail South Itttli Street , Krsl
National Hank ItiillJInt , ' .
sGrain , Provisions , Stacks & Bonds ,
Orders executed for the purchasoor sale for
Iniinedlnto or future delivery in all the load-
Bt , Loul. . . . . . . D. K , Francis & Uro'
v i