Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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TUmaikablo Caao of a Woman's ' Abstinence
from load Without Bad Effects.
siX l''rozon to Dentil at llln Own Door A
Colorado Knrnior Gave ft $5OOO
Oliook on n $40 LJot
Apache Deviltry.
Dr. A. M. Smith of Oakland , Gal. , reports
nromnrkablocasoof failing. Mrs. Alexan
der Cliopo Is an elderly lady who has boon
. .Buffering from catarrh of the stomach. For
tha past six woo us she lias not taken ns much
food as would bo required for ono Rood meal
for a healthful parson. Notwithstanding
this she shows llttlo woiKnos as a result of
borlong fust and Is not confined W her bod.
Thlt COAO Is occasioning much comment in
mod leal circles. Dr. Smith vouches for tno
truth of the abstinence from food.
Tlio 'Crloky 1'u.ranB.
Within a few days nn im portant Issue
nffcctlng Cbmoao litigation In the United
Btntcs courts will como up before Judge
Jiawlny of the circuit court , says the San
Fnmchco Chronicle. Chlnoso arriving hero
without proper papers have latterly availed
themselves of every chftnco to avoid being ro-
tnandcd , or , at least , to prolong their stay ,
Their latest dodge Is to appeal from the Judg-
merits of the circuit court to the United
Btatos supreme court. Pending a purely
-visionary trial In tlio latter tribunal , they
liavo in many Instances been released on
bonds. Collector I'holps , who keeps nn caplo
cyo on every now way of the celestial that Is
dark nnd peculiar , attaches considerable im
portance to the argument to bo hoard by
Judgn Hnwlny , which will decide whether
the Chinese wlio have boon remanded by tlio
courts for trial before the United States supreme
premo court have any right to bo released on
Bonds pending n hearing.
Collector Pholpi stated yesterday that the
euproino court was already clogircd with such
cases , which , as a fact , limy not bo hoard for
years to come. Moreover , the Chinese have
In sonic instances jumped their bonds and
eluded arrest.
"The offcct of this liberty of appeal , " said
Mr. Phelps , "Is to ovndo the law and clog the
courts. I am now accumulating ovldenco to
BUbstantlato these facts. It Judge Ilawloy
should decide in our favor the opposite s'do
may nppcnl to the supreme court , and a final
decision thcro will forever scttlo the serious
Droblom. "
Consldcrnblo interest Is taken in the matter
tytho Chinese attorneys , who nro preparing
flaborato arguments to securofor their clients
the right of appeal and bond.
Thought Ho was I'i.xcd.
J.V. . Scott , who Is .said to ho nn ex-convict ,
shot nnd probably fatally wounded John
Vaughnn bar-tender on Main Nnpa ,
Cal. , ono night last week. Scott fired three
shots but only ono took effect , that entering
Ills body Just below his heart. The outcome
is uncertain. Vaughn says Scott owed him
some money nnd n few days ago let him have
some receipts for making fancy drinkswhich
Vaughn wns to sell and thus got big money.
Before Vuught coulu get the copies ready
Scott demanded the book of receipts. They
had some words. When Vaughn Old return
tbo receipts , two days ago , ho called Scott
some hard names and Scott nroso ns if to
como toward Vaughn , hut the latter rnlsod a
shotgun which was standing near nnd told
him to Bit Jowh. Tonight they mot in the
street ,
"Well , nro you flxodl" fisltcd Scdtt.
Vaughn sofa laughingly : "No , you have
got the host of mo now , " whereupon Scott
began shooting. Sheriff McKenzie chanced
to bo near , nnd ns Scott began to run ho
called out for him to stop , and ns Scott con
tinued to run ho fired two shots into the air
to frighten him , nud ho surrendered.
Scott was Been at the Jull nrfrt snld ho and
Vaughn had n llttlo trouble over n girl.
When they met tonight ho asked Vaughn if
ho was fixed , and understood him to say ho
was. It Is thought tlutt Scott shot n man m
Mciulocino some years ago -and has served a
term in the state prison for it. Ho was re
leased eicht months ago. It is thought that
the name ho fives Is assumed.
Apnc'ion Laying lit U'nlt to MaBsnoro.
Steve Bryant came to Tombstone nnd
brought the iiows of the killing of C. Smith ,
brother of B , F. Smith , ot tholr ranch in the
Chiracahua mountains , says the Prospector.
The only information regarding the killing
was that Apaches surrounded the cabin nt
daylight nnd lay in wait for him to get up.
When Smith nroso ho went to the fireplace to
build a lire , having previously opened tlio
door. The Indians took advantage of his
hack being to them and shot him through
the door as ho was In a kneeling position.
After killing him they ransacked the house ,
taking ovorj thing of use to them , after which
they uroho ui > every thing in sight. The spot
> , where the deed was committed is about llf-
teen miles from Fort Bowio. Lieu tenant
Clark with a dotachmentof troops and Indian
scouts started in pursuit of tlio band. Tlio
trail shows there were three Indians in the
party , ana they nro believed to bo renegades
from Mexico , whither the trail leads. The
nrmy authorities claim that tlio treaty with
Mexico should bo so amended ns to permit
United States troops to cross the border. As
it is now they can cross only when in close
pursuit of hostile Indians , and must return
immediately upon losing the trull. General
MeCook contemplates an early visit to Her-
inoslllo to confer with the Rovernorof Sonora
to see if the Mexican troops will not act in
conjunction with these of the United States.
Singular Allan Accident.
Tlio recent death of W. J. Hanks remind s
tbo Reno Gazette of the following accident :
Hanks wtis at one tlmo the foreman of the
Uould & Curry mine , nnd ou ono occasion ,
Just after a skip had been lowered for the
1,200 level of the mine , loaded with miners
lo relieve another shift , a carman , by some
blunder , dumped Into the mouth of thu shaft
a carload of newly sharpened picks , that
wont hurling down the shaft with gathering
velocity and seemingly carrying death nnd
destruction to everything lu tholr path.
The foreman nnd workmen on the surface :
were horror-stricken , and in less tlmo than
it takes to toll it Hanks signalled ; but the
sltip wns stuck , nud ho hurriedly descended
the pump compartment to the 1.200 level.
Thcro to Ills great relief , ho found the minors
Imd inado the descent in safety nnd wcro , In
fuel , unaware of any accident having hap
pened. An inspection of the shaft vovcaled
the fact that not a smglo ono of the murder
ous picks had reached the bottom , and they
wore found at various points , stuck fait in
the timbers of the shaft. In falUn ? the han :
dles hail swerved thorn In curves from side
tosluooftho shaft , and with the acquired
force they had all boon caught nud ilrraly sdn
bedded in the wooden walls. It was with ;
grunt relief that Hanks detached and seat
thorn to the surface.
IioiclHlntivo Clerk.
Ono or the clerks In the North Dakota leg
islature Is Ed Murphy of Devils Lake , a man
with legs amputated so close to his trunk
that ho la wholly and entirely legless , says
the Jamestown Alert. His arms nro enorm
ously strong iind ho propels himself along
with consldcrablo rapidity. Ho lost his
limbs in a railroad accident on the Grand
Trunk railway nt ten yours of ago. Ho wns
educated by the company mid Is a good tele
graph operator. Now ho bus a farm. Ho Is
a married man with family. Keeps llolstolii
cattle. Ho docs a good many chores and
drives a te.itn after it Is hitched up. Ho excites -
cites the greatest compassion from every
stranger , yet is cheerful and happy ana
seems to pet along- oil right under his
Sllok Diinoo i
Allen Heath , n prosperous fnrmor of Cor-
. . on a , Col. , rnado a bet of $40 with tvo stran
gers In a Denver saloon last week that his
chock for $3,000 would bo honored at here
bank. Ho signed the check , took a drink re
membered nothing moro for soverul hours ,
when ho awoke in tbo roar of tlio saloon ,
when the chock had been cashed. Tom
O Connor and Mike Hynu are under arrest
charged with the swindle.
SlyHtcrlotiH Jloltl-Up Cage.
v Two masked men entered a tout at Mc-
V C-irtyvlllo , an Isolated railroad camp in Ioha
northern part of Mlssotiln county , Montana ,
Jnnunrr 17 , nnd shot flvo men , two of whom
died. The masked men got 1700 nnd escaped
to the mountains , THE published the
news of the nfTnlr an soon as It bccmna
known. The crwo has slnco assumed A
mysterious air , In an hour after the tragedy
Deputy Sheriff Sprnjfiio was In pursuit and
slnco his dispatch , sent the day after , noth
ing tins been heard of the olllcor and it Is be
lieved that ho has been killed. Governor
Toolo started an Investigation of the entire
nfTalr. A posse has gene in search of the
missing doputy.
A. Vrnlnnt "Wiitclminn.
Denver papers are having a good deal of
fun at the expense of a now democratic np-
polntco of the county commissioners , At ono
of the meetings of tbo commissioners it was
stated that Alcclt Toadtho now night watch
man , went Into the jury room after the Jury
hail loft and blow out the gas. On going the
rounds later ho detected that something was
wrong , but as not posted. In a cautious
wav lie approached Bailiff Uholins , who was
on duty keeping watch over a Jury , anil en
tered Into u very general conversation about
lights , etc. rinding that pas was the article
consumed , holtujulrcd lnnocontlywhat would
bo the result if a Hinted match wcro carried
inton room where pas was , Mr. Hhelms
murmured something about eternity as neon-
sequence. Nothing more was said by Aleck
who hod approached tha matter so cautiously
that Hbclms hud failed entirely of catching
on to the application. But the Jnnltor found
the windows opened unddiscovercd what had
been up.
An Old Soout'HOond
A romantic story comes from the Fort Gar-
iand. Col. , Republican In rognrd to Tom
Tobln , the famous scout and slayer of the
Kspinozas. It seems that some two months
ago a letter came to the editor of the Fort
Garland paper from Mrs. 1'lorco of Sioux
Falls , Dak. , asking in regard to Tobln. A
correspondence followed and It was proven
that the two worn brother nnd sister. Many
years njro they wcro loft orphans In St.
Louis. Tobln c.imo to Colorado , remained
some years and on his return could llnd no
trace of his sister , nnd was told she wns
dead. He came back to Colorado and never
heard of her ngnln until tno correspondence
referred to bciran. The Joy of the old scout
knew no bounds nt the fortunate discovery
of his sister's whereabouts after n separation
or fifty-two years.
A I ted SniiiHon.
Lieu tenant Marshall o ( the Eighth cavalry
is In commend of twenty Indian scouts now
nt Fort'ileado , says the Deadwood Times.
Among them is Black Eagle , a mapnlllcent
specimen of humanltv , standing six feet two
inches \ In hia stocking feet , ana remarkable
allko for the symmetry of his form and
features nnd for his prodigious physical
strength , Lieutenant Mill-shall sUtcs that It
is i by no means an uncommon performance
for Hlaclc Eagle to ride out on the parade
ground , dismount , pick his horse up , shoulder
him i and wulk awtiy.
Frozen to Death.
0. A. Duonweg- , ono of Akron's merchants ,
was found in an unconscious condition ono
mornlnglast week within fifteen feet of his
own door , having ; Iain out all night. Doth
legs nnd arms were frozen and ho never re
gained consciousness , dying a few hours
afterward. It is thought ho fell while get
ting from his buggy nod sustained injuries
which caused unconsciousness. Ho loy beside -
side the buggy , just as ho foil , and the horses
had uot moved all night.
SOtJTH O. It Air A XBIt'S.
St. Agnes Entertainment.
The following literary and musical pro
gramme has boon prepared for the entertain
ment to ho given by the pupils of St. Agnes
school In Blum's opera bouso this evening :
Instrumental Duet . Irresistible
Gallon .
Miss Mollle Condon and II. Ailanit * .
Cast of Characters.
Alex ICoroiif 's Widow. . . .Ulssllnnnnh Cuslek
Yvoomio , IiorUnuxhtur , . .MissMury Desmond
MntlRO I Neighbors of [ . Miss M. DulIcaK
Itvrtbut Mother Kvrnuf f . MlssM. Lawless
Anna , Yvoonno's friend . Miss Miiiftrlo Ward
Madam Do St. A-lghlun , uluilyof wealth
. Miss MolIIo Hunt
Sophia . Miss Mary \Vhnlen
I'ollcan . Miss KlInCtiBluk
The Iluronoss.i . Mlsn Mary Pitrgcruld
The Marchioness . Miss Kuto Desmond
Act 11 rst.
Mother Kerouf and Yvoouno at their Cottage
Vocal Duet . O'or tlio Hill , O'or the Dale
Missus K , ITstollo Iliiyes nud Kutle A.
Act Second.
Yvoonnc at bor homo In the Mansion.
Tableau . Uockof Ages
Act Third.
Yvoonno returned to her Mother.
Tableau . Kcllpsuof the Sun
Instrumental Solo .
Miss May Ail urns.
Essay . Patents
Miss Julia ICyno.
Tableau . Devotion
Vocal Duot.
Duot.Misses V. and T. Desmond.
Kssay The Ideal and the Heal
Miss Ilatimili Uusldc.
Tableau Woman's Illchts
Instrumental Solo Laltallcdluo
Miss Molllo Condon.
Tilly Drill by Twelve Young Ladles.
Tableau Christian Graces
Notes About tlio City.
Cyrus O. Parkins of Now Hope , Kan. , is
the guest ot 2. P. Hedges.
Uuvid Forgll'has removed from the Third
ward to the Berry block , Twenty-seventh
and N streets ,
Mrs. Lon Burgess , of Courtland , Now
York , is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs , Divight
L. Holmes and Mr. nnd Mrs. James C. Car-
1 A tuorncetlniTOf the Magic City Gun club ,
\Vllllam McCraith was elected president ;
Bernard vice president ; U. M. San-
' ford , secretary and treasurer , ana Herman
Kobort captain.
Elder Marlon Bowles , the now minister of
the Christian denomination , will hold his
first series In this city tomorrow. Preaching
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon and at 7:30 : in
tbo evening. Services will bo held in the
Swedish Baptist church , Twenty-second between -
twoen I aud'J streets.
A faded or grey hoard may bo colored a
beautiful nnd natural brown or black , nt
will , by using Buckingham's Du for the
Afraid of 1'orsonn.I Violence.
Mary Carlson Is a modost-loolclng Swcdo
girl employed ns a servant in the household
of Mr. Henry Yatos. Alex Hose Is nn Iras-
| clbln Scotchman who has for some tlmo boon
earning his dally bread as general utility
man nbout thosnmo residence. In the course
of their dally duties Mary and Alex huvo
been obliged to couvcrso and confer with
each other regarding ; various and sundry
tasks and chores , They disagreed last
Thursday evening about the blacking ity itf
a pair of shoes and Alex not only
maintained that Mary should perform the *
work of the bootblack but v'hon she Indig
nantly refused ho proceeded to choke her
nud bump her head ncralnst the wall. When
the matter was reported to tholr employer
Alex soon found himself without employment
and Mary went about her household duties
with a sigh of relief.
Alex appeared on the promises yesterday ,
in the absoncoof Mr. Yntc-s nnu made some
menacing demonstrations , which frightened
Mary so that she visited the police station
and had a warrant issued for his arrest , stat
ing that she feared ho might do her personal
Architect Meyers' Affidavit.
County Attorney Mationoy together with
Messrs. Ryan , Walsh and Cunningham nnd
L. II. Bradley , counsel for the firm of Ryan
& Walsh , returned from Chicago yesterday ,
where they mot Architect E. K. Meyers.
They spent three entire days taking Mr , Mey
ers' nUlilnvit in the case of KyunValsh \
against Douglas county for balance on tholr
DIB bill for erecting tno now county hospital.
The alUdnvit will bo flloa en Monday nuxt ,
nnd will be ono of the most Icnghty that was
ever contributed to thorecords of the district
Twenty Killed In un Avalanche.
BF.UNE , Fob. 0. Near the villngoof Ituettl ,
in the canton of Glares , twenty wood cutters -
tors wcro buried beneath a mass of snow ,
ice , rocks and trees. Only thrco bodies have
been recovered.
Mro , Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething produces natural quiet sleep ,
25 cents a bottle.
Th9 Auhouser-Busch Association Will In
vest Very Largclj in Omiha.
CommUalnnora Getting After tlio De
relict llcglntcr The Council Ap
proves tlio Pay Itoll Hnltroad
Matters Other News.
The Indications now are that before the
end of another year Omaha will bo ono of
the largest beer-browlne centers In the
The Storz & Her brewing company re
cently Incorporated with a capital of $1,000- ,
000 , and witli the opening of spring will
commence the erection of a mammoth brew
ery , either upon the site of the old estab
lishment or upon grounds that the company
has in view.
Fred ICriiR has already bought twenty
acios of land In the vicinity of Twentieth
and Vinton streets , where this season ho
will commence the erection of a fclOJO,000
brewery that will give employment to at least
150 men. '
' The latest company to enter the Hold In the
way of nctivo operation Is the Anbcusor-
Busch brewing association of St. Louis.
George Krug , the Omaha iiRCut , states
that It Is now nu assured fact
that tbo Anhuusor-Uusch will not only build
ono of the largest breweries In the woild at
this point , but will alsomako Omaha the dis
tributing point for the entire northwest
trade. Sonic tlmo ago the people at the home
house concluded that on account of the north
ern and western trade having grown to such
an extent , it would bo necessary lo branch
out. After looking over the citlea of Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Kansas City and Den
ver , it was decided to come to Omaha , the
central location and numerous railroads
affording facilities possessed by none of thfl
other points.
. Hogardlnirthis brewery , it will bo ono of the
largest In the world , and in many ways will
bo superior to the famous homo housu at St.
It will bo built at a cost of not less than
$1,500.000 nnd will have a capacity or 150,000
barrels of beer. It will glvo steady employ
ment to2.)0 men , and together with the malt
houses , Ice houses nnd storage rooms , will
cover live acres of ground.
The locution has not boon decided upon ,
but it will undoubtedly bo In the southern
part of the city , near the tracks.
Work upon this immense structure will bo
commenced this season , but as it will take
nearly year n to erect the buildings and get
the machinery , wnlch by the way will all
have to bo made to order , the brewery will
not be hi operation before the fall of 1&U2.
Another Suit Against IlRglstcr Me-
Dentil and Ills Hondsincn.
The county attorney has commenced a
second suit against T. A. Mcqoath , recorder
of deeds , nnd his bondsmen. This tlmo it Is
for Po ffl.CG cash balance for 1800 , as shown
by tno report just filed by Mr. Mogeath for
that year.
The other suit was for § 1,000 , being the
balance for 16S9.
Thus the county Is now after Mcgcath and
his bondsmen James G. Mogeath and An
drew Murphy for fJ,50o.CO , nnd various
amounts of Interest.
"How much deeper is the county polng to
allow Mcgeath to got Into its funds before
putting up the bars before him ! " was ashed
of the county attorney. "It is true that suits
have been commenced against him for this
money , but ho can slave thee off. take them
up to the supreme court , etc , , and whllo doIng -
Ing this ho can go on getting deeper and
deeper Into the oou&ty , " was added.
"I upprcciato the truth of that , " replied
Mr , Mnlionoy , "nnd thu sumo thing has oc
curred to mo. All I wish to say on tie } sub
ject now Is that unless urn very much mis
taken somcthltiR vcrv Interesting In this con
nection will bo hoard at tlio next meeting of
the board of county commissioners. "
It May Bronk Up the Western Trafllo
AHsoulntlnii Hail Notes.
Local railroad olucials are very reticent
about tbo reported refusal of trie Atchlson to
conform to the rulln ? of the Southwestern
Trafllu association , directing it to divert a
certain amount of its traHlo to Us competi
tors , and are even moro ro'ticent about the ef
fect of this action , if continued , will have
upon the new Western Trafilc association.
Ono official expressed the opinion that the
Atchison was la rather "hard lines'at present -
sent and was raking In everything hi sight in
order to tide It over Its temporary embar
rassment. Ho admitted that this was short
sighted policy , but if all the reports wore
true the road was lu need of the temporary
Increase in receipts which it ? present action
would yield.
Another ofllclul thought the reports were
not well founded nnd doubted If tbo Atchlson
had refused to comply with the requirements
of the aRfeeniont.
Still imothcr odlclnl thought the action of
thoAtcliison could only result In a soriom
defection in the now association , as the pool
ing features m this and tbo southwestern
association ULTO practically Identical , and
the action of the Atchison could not but
have u demoralizing effect ou the other roads.
Gene Into the li'o tinsincp' ) .
The Ice crop along the line of the Union
Pacific In Nebraska and Colorado is being In
dustriously worked. A new source of revenue
has boB.x opened by the shipment of largo
quantities of Ice to Toxai. The Ice trains
have the same right of way us cattle
trains and make no stops except for
water and fuel. Thousands of tons have
been shipped to different points along
thogulf coast and tbo business promises to
assume great proportions. The Kansas City
Ice dealers claim the Iowa roads charge ex
orbitant rates , and are making preparations
to procure their supply from Nebraska.
Dr. Birnuy euros catarrh , Boo bldg1.
Result of the Weotlns at t' > o Keal Estate -
tate Exalmngo.
A meeting of the real estate men of the
city was called at the real estate exchange
rooms yesterday afternoon , totako some
action relative to effecting a change In the
existing mechanics' Hen law , so that builders
will not bo so completely at the mercy of Ir
responsible contractors ,
Among these present were Messrs. Hartman -
man , HOURS , Kountzo , Tukoy , Odell , Hicks ,
Ferine , Kennedy , Clark , Wallace , Upton ,
Evans and Gay lord.
The question was discussed at some length
nnd the sentiment was unnnlmouily in favor
of a change , but It was not doomed advisable
to ask too radical a change of the prcsant
legislature. '
On motion of Mr. Herman Kountzo a com
mittee , consisting of Messrs , TnUov , Doge * ,
linrtmqn , Kennedy , Clark and Gnylora , was
appointed to draw up u bill to eliminate from
the present lion law all lions for material
Several members of the exchange will go
to Lincoln and work In favor of the bill ,
Rheumatism. Neuralgia.
K. Ogden , Mich , Hagcrstown , Md. ,
May 17,1800. April 21 , IfOO.
"A half kettle of "
"I and
your In valuable , others of my
medicine , Ht. Jacob * family , have used St.
011. cured no of rheumatism Jacobs Oil for neu
matlo matism and rhcu- ralgia and found It
swelling of the
knee , Itlithobotln a ipcedjr , cffectlvo
the unlvene. " cure. "
CS ppicil Gi i nf "Tr '
OdltJ Oi 11 onGOToa VR'
OJJoiOlcll / o ? opo./ .
We make a point every season to close out heavy weight Trousers
hefore the arrival of spring goods , This week we will have the biggest
bargain sale of fine Trousers we have ever had.
Remember , $3.75 will buy some of the finest fabrics we have had in
stock this season. Sizes are somewhat broken , but so many lots have'
been consolidated that all sizes can be fitted. They are in fine fancy
worsteds , cassimeres and cheviots. Plenty of large pants for bigmen. .
Mail orders will be filled with the
same care and attention that any cus
tomer wouldreceive in making his own purchase. Send mail orders
with the understanding that you take no risk ; as if goods are not satis
factory they may be returned at our expense ,
BOYS' LONG PANTS , $1.50 AND $2.00.
We have accumulated large lot of Boys' Long Pants during the season and will offer them
at this sale in two special bargain lines at $1.50 and $2,00.
We mean to clothe the smallest as well as the largest , and will offer a bargain line of Knee
Pants at 50c and 75c , which are worth a great deal more , but are remnants and must be closed
& oo.
Kings arecbut men , but all men are not kings. Therefore ,
when ihe 'King of Holland says , as he die ! by deed of August
I2i889 , that he is greatly pleased with
and , entirely unsolicited , grants the manufacturers the sole
right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , a sig
nificance attaches to the act which \v6uld not were he
I not "every inch riMdng. "
fv&fff&&ff < r&tftMfw&fff&n
DR. IIUMi'HRKYs' brtoirics aronclontincallyitntl
carefully jireparud prescriptions ! used for nmny
3 nrx lu private nrautleo with succcss.and form or
lliIrtyyearsused liy tlio peoplo. L > cry elnglo Sjio-
tlilo H u special euro for thu disease named.
These Specifics euro wllhout drugging , rnrpf-
laff orrcilucln the Byntcin , and nro la fnct nt tl
( Iced the HO voreiBni'omudiciioi'tlio World.
UST OF mixcirAr. N03. CUIIES. rulers.
I VcvorHiCongistlon.lnllommallon. . . U5
\ \Vormnt Worm I'cver , Worm Cnllo ' . ' 5
It ( Tying Collr.orTccthlDgorinfauta 'J5
4 Dinrrhfu , otChlldunorAdults . . . > * 5
nJIJHrnjory. Orlpliig.lillloiisColic. . . . V5
( Miolitra IH or li u \omlUiij ; J5
7 OoilitJM , Cold , JlronchltLi 'J,1 ;
N Ncuraltlu , Toollincbc , 1'nccocho . . . 'J5
II llpadacliOHiblpLHcadaclie , Vertigo J.'i
Jlyspopsiii , Blllom Stornach
rnpi > rc8ne lor 1'nlnful I'orloiU. .V.1
Whites , too 1'rof mo 1'erlods . ' 2H
Croup , CouqlDifflcultJ'reathlnir . . . . ' 5
Hnlt llliciiin , Erjhirolas.Urupttaus. .V5 !
KlicniimliHiii. lUicurantiol'nlns . Si 5
Frvcronrt A EH o.Clillls , Malaria . All
17 1'llrn , HllnclormcoUJri ! ; . SO
lit 4'ntarrh. InfUienM , Com In the Head , ol
O Whooping ( 'onsli. Violent CoiiKhs. .SO
5t < ; ( -nrrnl llT-Mlltv.l'hJ'ElcnnVc'alincsa .3 < >
. .JtJ
aH norvoiis Ooblllty .1.0 >
'IO llrlnuryViaknoiH , WdtlncEcd. . .Ill
a i lll9un.sesortlUjleitrtrnliiHallou ! ! . ( ) ( >
Hold by DrtiRBl'-.ts , or scntnoitpnld on receipt
pf price. Dn HunniREVfi' HAXUAL , (114 ( pncot )
richly bound In clulli nnd gold , mulled free.
Cor. William and John Streets , Hew York.
For Improved in 1 uj > t > u i i > ,
for Hcof Tea. Sou pi. Mnclo Dishes , S.iuccs
( Oaino I'l9li &o. ) . Apple or Jloat Jolly. Keeps
for any loiiRtli of time , and Is uhojper nnd of
liner Ihivor than any other block.
Gonnlno only with J. von Moblc's s-'iiiitiiro |
as ubovu , In biiio. Ono pouiul of Extract of
Ueef equal to forty puundHotlfuii buof ,
Oures Coughs , Coldi and Lung DlseaM0 *
Bathe aore eyes
with Pond'a Extract.
- " ' ' " - -
-'tjrsMan' ,
Hia fc'UCUESS.
5 Performances , Beginning
Thursday , Feb. 5th.
Ilroiison IIownrcTsGrotiti'st Triumph ,
"Hotter t him th Ilunrlutta. " NV.Hcr.ilcl ,
"Shun.incloill , is tlic guidon ot love niiilcliiK
mid bnive deeds. "
llox sheet opens at ro nlur prices Wednesday.
Grand Opera House V
I'EiiFOKMANcns f Matinos and Niglit ,
SATURDAY , FEBR'Y. 7th , 1891
Matinee , - - THE RIVALS.
. Nijjnt , - - HEIR-AT-LAW.
Swlo of j'rlrcs Me. J1.00 , Jt.50 , J2.00
nil I u of scats now
THE G-RAKr331 ] > olluI"Vi\ioEs \
Buntliijj , l ohtMtaru. StU.
Tlio Mnrtlincr Compily Company , In tlio fun
niest of all ftiruo vonu'illos untltlcd
Hosurvod si-iilsMo , 33o and Sc. lox sheet
open Sunday 10 u. in ,
THUKfi .
COMMKNUINO ' , J7rh . < ? .
America's Famous Comedienne ,
SupiKirldl bylior new DIUMAT10 OOMl'ANV. im-
UorthomnnaKomentof JIU. CIIA1U.US AI11SOTT ,
llox KheolopcaSatiinlny at rcjulnr prlcoi.
Will Luwlor , Mntmgnr. Cor. llth tmd Farnam
oor . .A.UI XARII : > I U ooopian.
The Krntnckr Quint , Jus.Yllson , plionamon&l
ip&nilonl > t , Kosn Vcrncn , Bnillili t'k > K Dance , a
ncuuty , MneCumboChildren. BOnit nnd dnnco artlBti ,
BmldlLTandVot , Uormnn CuinoJlunsVuII'i muil *
cat mytterjr , li'r Illcycllit , A ( Iront Show.
lite Sltirrav , Cor , 14th unit Itarnry ,
istlicinoHt mibittantlaUv fonntrncteil
Hotel Hullttlna in Omnlui , tievcrttl
lifttvu brick Jifc tnitlH riitmhiu from
buHfiiicnt to roof .til tlic cell I nun unit
jlooi-H lliteil tritit Anln'Htoa I'ajter mill ; '
Ina it ii i > i > * xllilu to burn < ] iildlv ,
encni > fH unit Jim iilitrnm throuuhaut
the bull < f filer , titeuin licut , It tit it nil
colil ttnteratttl mt n 1tlne lit cvet'lll'ooin.
lTmnnn'j Ajthma Cure nmr/attt KnHT
nl retifla ltt wo ( cu i ; luarci com *
Ifbrtitla ilupi eCicti oorei wb rt IUtb < ri ( in.
mtrtat ronrtflrtf fAl mot ! jUv/fcaf. Trice. 0 tl A
151.00. ot Dranhtf orkyoull. 8 inl. FJlEC f for
| jump. DR. ItTgOgirrMANIT. Bt Paal. Minn.
GOLD MEDAL , PAHI3 , 1878 ,
1. BAKER &Co.'s '
from wlilcb tlio oiccfla of
oil liaa boon removed , la
Absolutely lure
audit is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used in its prcpnration. It has
more than time times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nud is therefore far moro
economical , costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , EASILY DIGESTED ,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as ivell ns for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
Double Markers ,
Flows with Lift
ing Cams , Tongs ,
Bars and Fischer's
Improved Ice
Omaha 1405 Douglas St.
National Bank
Capital , - - - S4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18OO , - 62.BOO
Officers nnd Dlrectorv-IIonry W.Yutoi , 1'rotldont ;
I 'itla 8. Hood , VIcO'l'riiiKlcnt ; .InmuH W. Havoitu , W
V.Muraa , John B. Collins , U. U. Uiulilnj , J. N. U
1'atrlok. W , II. B. lluiihe * , cashier.
Corner 12tl > nuU Fnrnaiu St .
A Gonorul Bunking ) lnsliH < Trunqaotod
J. REED WHIPPL.E tt. CO. , Proprietors
J. IlEED WUIFPLB h CO. , Proprietors.
CooklDK nnd Borvlco excelled br nono. Complete
In all nppolntmimu UoaUooatlon In tlincltr.
Tno mittou Tranicrlpt mitt : "Mr. Wlilpplo Ha
prlnro of landlords , itnd patrons of 1'urkors' innr
Isiitlcliiato a ruturn to tlia good old tlmoi ot Hi
founder , Horror U. I'arkor ,
Mr. WHIl'I' oouttnua tno inumjoracnt o
Young * * m licrclinoro.
* WS\ Bultorlnu frore
Til UM ° " 1" ( < |
youtiitui orron
earlrdecar , wWtlof ( wcaknrBs , lost inanliotKl , tito ,
I will wrid Talu blo treaUsa ( ti-alnl ) eontnlnln ]
full particular * for home cure , ritiii : of cliarna
JL ploncllil medical woik t iliouhl Iw rood tf ever ]
man wlm li n rmtin and delillltatcd. Addrcti
Prof. I'.C. l'OU'JUIiItUoodui ] ( , C'OIIU ,
DR. J. E. McGH&EW ,
r. Than Fifteen Yuars Exporlonco in tha
Treatment of
A cure li mmrnn-
DISEASES loud In frtin ) tliroo
o tire ilaj-s vltli-
out the Ion of an hour's tlmo.
rcrmnnontly curml without
pain or Inuriimonts ! no cut-
tlnus no dllntlnir. Tlio mo l
ciiunrknMo remedy known to modern iioloiico.
Cured In 80 to SO dny . Dr. Mo-
SYPHILIS ! ( Jrun'n trentmant for thh Uirrlbla
bluoit dlauaio hug bouii uronuunood
the most powerful ntiJ aucct sfnl romudy cvor dl -
cuxn-d for tliontiauluto euro of this dlscaio. Ilia
OUCCOH with this disease lina uovur boon equalled.
A comutotu euro
nnd all wonknon ot
LOST MANHOOD the Boxual orvant.norr -
mmnoji , nnd nil un-
nturnl illnrhnrKCs , nrn nbaolutoly curod. Itollot Is
mincillqlc imil coraulnto.
UhoumatUrn and nlldln-
SKIN DISEASES of the blood , llror.
kidneys and bladder por-
mnnontlr cured.
FEMALE on and
_ ch or bladder
cured. The Doctor's Home Treatment for l ulloi U
trnl ] ' a romplnto , convonlont unit vroiulurtul rcinedir.
m 2 to 4 ONLY. Hook free ,
FID llnPDCIII' ' murvolovn BUCCOS > h
Ulli mlitlntW . won forhlm nroiiutatlon
„ , , , „ , , „ trny | 'lmtnM | ( )
In olmnict r , nnd his jr.rwit nrmy of prttlcnts roaches
from tlio Atlnntlo to the Pnclflo. ' 1'lm Doctor li
Kniduiituof 'yiKlltljAll" mcdlclno nnd hns lni/1 lontf
nnrlcnroful okiwrlunco In ho > plral prnctlco , nnd Is
clusHcd iiinuitK the IcadlnK HpeclallHt In modern
Hclcnco. Truntmont li ? corruapomlunco. liook of
clrcularanbuutoacliof the nbovudlsenHOS , mn
Office , 1 4th and Farnam Sts. ,
Ounlm , Neb. ICntranco on cltliar ttroot.
o ntfutid money If trio ( rvniiuent faiuto
HID I'a rnam Street , Omaha. Nob.
W. S.
Chemist anil Assnj'or.
Formerly In Chemical Laboratory oftlio Union
L'uclUo Itullwuy Uuinpuny ,
Special Attention Given to Ores ,
Waters and Oils.
n 12 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb
' EnalUh niaraeiiit linn a.
< T v IM ln l i a.OnlyOenulim "
_ * > * . i ri. lw ji ifflibn. LAOiciuk
Urui lil tat Clilflttilefl f p" " * I"-
M > * d Ilrimd 111 llrd ml < ! M Irrtl
) IHiie . avalod nilhbla * rlbhon. li
niother. Krfuuitinti n\i \ > tvltliht.
UOH and ( mllal oiu. AI UrBKKl l * , r Hn4 40.
In il rnl lor J' ' rtl ul rl , tdtlmocUU > 0 < I
"lUllrffur l.o < llr , " ( nl M f , ! > / return
> " Mull. lO.OOUTrnliijotlnU. > a/n l-nftr ,
ChlrbtMt rCUeuilcull' < i.Uui1l > nnN < iuur ,
Snld ty U'Uc l Urucdiu. 1'lilUiln. , I' * .
"I wns not able to do my kou > i * < rorlc for 15 year * .
* i\ysJl' . .NIrholnVII ( Hi,7FVH. : DltblonHt. , lluffnlrj.
N , V. "Ducturuil with niaiijr pliyilclaiu for forunla
weakucn9nndusid iu iiy rcraixlloililtlioultjonolll. J
iKitoiNlitVK IIKANhourud ma ; lamstroiiKns orori
rtiiall niyovrn work. " II porlxjx. Ml * IKJXOH for IS.
Addruin , NKIIVK 11KAN CO. 1I1JKKA1X ) , N , Y
Bold hy ( Juodiuuii l > rui ( Co.,1110 Karnnui bt. . Uinab
W A NTFFi Agents tonull the I'lulois
VV/ViN i. l U i,0. ,
0010H | , | | , the only
line over In vcntod Hint holilu IhoolutlioH nltli-
out lilnni u liurfoot hiiccchs ; latunt loccntly
IxniiiKli HDlu ( inly liy ufrunti , tu whom tlio ex
clusive tight I K > V II , Oiiruui tit | if Mounts we
will m rw i fiitmplo line by inalti ulno clron-
lnrn ; prlcn list uiiil torins u > u unt. Hnuura
your torrltory lit onro. Aildrcsn THH 1'IN-
llftS ( JI'OTIIKS LINK CU. , 17 IJeriuoii HL.
Worcoiiter itisi