Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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rcllurrtl t > y Carrier Iti imy pnrlof llioCltj
ft \V. T1I.TON. . . . MANAUKK
, No. 11
Night Kdltor , No. 23.
K Y. V. Co.
Council fHuffii Lumber Co. . coal.
Cnft's chattel loan . 204 Snpp block.
Harry Troupe wns arrested last evening on
n charge of disturbing the pence.
MNs Lnurn Couch entertained a party of
her friends at bur homo yesterday afternoon.
* A marriage licence wan Issued yesterday to
William Caimnhan und Miss Cornelia IJavU ,
both of this city.
A dlvorro wni granted to Bradford L. Bur
ton from his wife , Julia lUirton , In tlio dis
trict court yesterday. The cause was deser
tion ,
The regular monthly meeting of the Potta-
wnltatnio County Fruit Growers nnd Gard
ners' association will bo held ati ! o'clock this
afternoon In thu farmers' room at the county
court house.
August Kulin , a typo of this cltv , has been
nerved with notice that hla wife , Mrs. Mnmle
Kiilm , will begin suit against Him for divorce
and tlio custody of their child at the next
tcjrm of district court.
fay Carlisle , the only child of Mr. and Mrs ,
T. 0. Unrllslo , died yesterday morning nt
the residence , 710 First avenue , of heart
failure. The remains will bo taken to Mis
souri Vnlloy this morning , for burial.
In the case of the Kilpatrlek-Koch dry
* ? Rt3ods company vs Illotchky Hrothcrs , the
Judgment which was rendered some time ago
has been ordered cancelled , and the case 1ms
boon continued until the next term of court
by consent of the parties.
f.V. . Peterson , n carnnntcr who has a shop
at the corner of Fourth avenue nnd Twentieth
Btrcot , was thrown from bis wagon on Pearl
street Thursday. He fell upon his head
violently , nnd was rendered insensible. Ho
recovered In n short time.
The time of the funeral of Palmer Dobson
hns been changed to Sunday afternoon at 'J
o'clock , when It will take place from the resi
dence , corner of Avenue F nnd Sixteenth
street , under the auspices of Abe Lincon
post , Grand Army of the Republic.
The lire department has only been called
out for duty once since December 110 hist , ac
cording to ono of the members of the depart
ment. The last time was In response to a
call when the lire had been extinguished
Bomo time before the department arrived on
the scene.
The Unity guild gave a very pleasant en
tertainment last evening in Hughe's hall.
+ , Thollrstpartof the evening was devoted to
\ n musical programme in which some of the
1 prominent musicians of this city and Omaha
took part. The musical programme was
followed by dancing.
Robert Bothers nnd a companion entered
into n dispute yesterday afternoon on Lower
Broadway , in the course of which Bothers
was lilt on the head with a brick. The man
who wielded the brick then took to his heels ,
but Mothers was gobbled by Oflleer llcswick
anil run hi on a charge of disturbing the
1 * ( flcorgc P. Tloulton began injunction stilts
\ In the superior court yesterday against the
followingont-of-town saloonkeepers : Will
iam fan-oil and John Wolf , . 'Fohn McDonald
of Underwood , and Frank Tabor , Henry
Ilogdon and I , Cnpp , John O'ConnorMlllam
C'avnnngh and Patrick nnd Mary ityan of
Wlllnnl Spencer's company presented
"Tho Ltttlo Tycoon'1 before a very good au-
Jlonco last evening. The various parts
"wcro well taken , the main objection being
that the orchestra made too much noise by
half , the soloists and chorus frequently
being almost entirely eclipsed. On the whole
the opera was well presented and its popular
ity with Council niuffa theater-goers Is still
us great us over.
Low Lmlthof Omuhnhas been selected for
the position of mumuror of the opera house
under the noyr administration. Mr. Smith Is
now engaged in the real estate business In
Omaha , but will move to this side of tbo
river and commence his new duties next
Monday , Hals stild to be nn energetic young
man , anil it Is thought that the utTalrs ot the
company will bo successfully managed by
him , He Is to receive a salary , which will be
supplemented by u percentage of the prolits.
John Crow , who broke a leg nt thecornei
of Avenue A nnd Broadway n few days ago ,
itate.s that It was a wooden leg that mot wltli
the accident. A defective place in tbo side
walk was responsible for the occurrence ,
This same place in the sidewalk , ho says , is
going to get the city into trouble if some
thing Is not done In the near future. Ho says
ho knows of twenty people who have trhwcc
and fallen at the same place during the msl
month. He Intends to begin suit against tin
city for damages next Tuesday if the plac <
Is not Jlxcd before that time.
M. M. Stead man began suit In the supcrloi
court yestord.iy against C. AY. Snydcr upoi
'four notes which wcro given November ! ; ; ?
] $89 , three of them lor $ . ' ,000 each , due Janu
nry 1 , ISM. and the fourth for ? 5iOO ( , du <
January 1 , 1891. The plaintiff alleges that at
ngrconient was entered into by herself atu
3Ur. Snyder , by which $ . " 3,000 world of stocl
In the Council Bluffs Nonpareil was assignee
to her by Snydcr , to secure the payment o
the notes and the Interest , which is now dm
and unpaid. She asks for a judgment ngalns
tlio defendant for W.OOO with Interest , ut tin
rate of 10 per cent from the date of the note
The railroad department of the Youni
Men's Christian association , which has Jus
been started In this city , is proving to b' '
n moro Important feature of the work thai
even Its most sanguine friends had hopcel
It hns been very auccossful nil over the stiitt
ns well ns lioro nt homo. The awakening o
tlio interest may bo seen in the action o
Superintendent Ackort of the Iowa Contra
railroad , who recently subscribed $000 to th
work In Mnrshalltown. C. W. McClure , ni
engineer , will address the railroad men o
this city next Sunday nt a o'clock. Ho has
devoted considerable ) tlmo to this kind o
work , and everywhere ho has been ho ha
mot with great success.
The arguments of the attorneys In th
> , lKfl ) damage suit of Mucci vs Dr. P. \ \
Houghton wcro brought to an end yesterda ,
morning in the superior court , and the ] ur
wont out about noon. During the aftornooi
they came In with a verdict of $500 for th
plaintiff , together with attorneys' fees nn
co'tc , So mo of these who hnvo watched th
trial with the greatest interest say the
thought that a verdict would be brought 1
In favor of the defendant until Attorno
Trlmblo bad made his argument. Then th
looks of the case changed , nnd Muccl got hi
verdict. Ten days were nsked for by Ui
Houghton's attorneys In which to file a m <
tlon for a now trial. If they are not grante
0 now trial they say they will appeal to tli
Bupremo court.
Thodiniculty between R M. Ellis and
B. Mnynu over the Methodist church plans 1
not yet settled , after all , according to M
Mnync's story. Ho states that the tracing
are still In bis possession , nnd that ho mcai
to keep them until something just as sorvld
able Is furnished him by Mr. Kills , lie dot
not want the got abroad His
any compromise was effected between hltiise
and the architects whereby the sul
opnlnst himself and son were to I
dismissed , because that mauos it iiujxMir tin
ho thought ho was n the wrong , and that tl
rase would ire against him if brought to trlu
Ho says ho has bolloyod nil along thatthoi
was no ground for the stilt , and he thereto
has never taken It into consideration wlie
trying to make terms for a settlement. C
the other hand , Mr. Soabroolt clulms that 1
has Mayno'a word of honor that the tracini
nro to bo returned , and ho threatens to beg
the criminal suits over again if ho does n
live up to his agreement.
I have been cured of a bad case of rheum
tjsm by using one bottle of Salvation Ollui ,
1 cheerfully recommend it ns tlio best U
, men ever nmdo. Mary Clarke , Multbv hou
Baltimore Md.
Beware of counterfeits I See that you n
the genuine Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Pri
S6 cinUs.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. ]
The now dental rooms of Drs. Woodtm :
nro tlio illicit anil most comnloto in the wes
Next to the new ( Jrund. Tclophono , 145. "
The Kiel hotel barhcr shoo lias reap cued
the basement. Joseph bchruitt.
Dan McQinnls IB in No Hurry to Have Ilia
Case Heard.
Mr. Qiilofc U All Illglit-Tho Saloons
Are raying Up-Kelt by His
Children No ten a nil
Dan McGInnls , the alleged embezzler , was
brought before Justice I'atton yesterday
morning for a preliminary examination. At
torney MeCabo was present In the Interests
of the Omaha llrm for which McGInnls for
merly worked. MeGlnnls appeared halo and
hearty , and seemed to think nothing about
the fact that a charge win hanging over him
which , If proved , would send him across the
state. lie said ho had not engaged any at
torney , and , In fact , ho had not thought very
much about the case at all. Ho did not want
nnythlnir done by the court 'just yet , and ns
the Omaha parties were not at all anxious to
push the matter , tno cajo was continued In
McGInnls' apparent case In the midst of
his trying surroundings has caused a sus
picion that possibly ho felt tolerably sure
that the cnao would bo settled , if be put It off
long enough , without over coming to trial.
McGInnls was divorced from his wife some
tlmo ago and what has happened since that
tlmo has , It Is said , brought some very promi
nent cltUous into such relations with Mc
GInnls1 domestic affairs that these prominent
citizens would rather give quite a sum of
money than have tbo nubile know Just what
happened. Attorney Harlo wai asked yes
terday whether any attempt bad been made
toward effecting a settlement. Ho replied
that so far as ho know the prosecuting wit
nesses had never considered a proposition
for a settlement That apparently throttles
the sensational view of the case , but the
scandal lovers will probably po on thinlting
there Is something interesting at the bottom
of the affair just the same.
Today Concluded the Anniversary
Snlo nt the Uoston Store , Coun
The anniversary sale nt the nbston store ,
which has been running air week concludes
today , It has been fullv up to the anticipa
tions of Messrs. Fothcrlngham , Wultolaw &
Co. , and has been the means of providing
thousands of people in Council Bluffs and vi
cinity with good goods at low prices , lower
than tliby huvo been able to obtain thorn else
where in the city They have been waited
upon by clerks who were anxious to please ,
and they know that no fulso representations
have benn made to catch trade. Ihoro are no
broken stocks in nny department of the store.
and thousands of people can today llnd the
best bargains In all respects they over ob
tained in the city.
IOn this la t ctuy of the sale lower prices
than over will prevail In all departments ,
Tliero are bargains yet in coats for chil
dren , ladies and misses.
Tliero are bargains In black dress goods
and nil other kinds of dross goods.
Tliero nro bargains in hosiery of all de
There are great bargains In muslins and
There are bargains in blankets , comforters ,
anel in every department and line In the
storo.Wo thank the people for their appreciation
of our efforts to introduce eastern prices and
extend n new Invitation to come and get
greater bargains than over.
FoimiiMXOiiAM , Wnnni.AW & Co. ,
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Orders for tables and choirs for parties
formerly sent to C. A. Beueo & Co. , will bo
filled by i und & Nelson nt their now furni
ture store , 211 JIniu street.
Ijcft by Ills Children.
At the rcsldenco of T. M. Jackson , 021
Twelfth street , there Is an old man who has
been deserted by his children , and is now
loft to the tender mercies of the only child
out of seven wlio remains faithful to her
father. Mrs. Jackson Is the daughter re
ferred to and the father's natno Is Stewart.
The old man was at one tlmo. it Is said , worth
$155,0.10 , but ho married a woman who liked
his money bettor than she did him ,
and the result was that ho is left
without a cent to bis name , all his
property having been used up by his wife.
and bfs undutlful offspring. Mr. Stewart
hns been anxious for seine tlmo to Hud his
children. Trnces.wero found of them in Lin
coln , Nob. , a few days ago and his son-in-law ,
Mr. Jackson , wrote to the authorities of that
city to have them locked up If possible. Sc
fur he has not succeeded In gottlng a reply ,
and tho- old man Is still at Mr. Jackson's
house. Mr. Stewart Is eighty-eight years
old , and Is very childish ; so much so , In fact ,
that It is'dlfllcultto Iteop him from starting
out on his own hook for Lincoln. The naino
of the children who are suld to bo In Lincoln
are Mrs. Anna Scott r nd Mrs. John Colvin ,
How to rjrcnk Up n Severe Cold.
From the Virginia City , Mont. , Madlso
nian : When wo ilnd a medicine wo know tc
possess genuine merit , wo consider it n duty ,
and wo ttiKQ pleasure In telling tlio nubile
what It is. Such a medicine we found Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. By the use of this
syrup wo have relieved , In a few hours , severe
voro colds , and in tbo course of two er thre <
days , entirely broken them up as has sovera
of our friends to \vobavorecoinmondei
It. It is nil It is represented to bo by tin
manufacturers. If you have a cough am
want to stop It , Chamberlain's Cough Hem
edy will do ttio work. For sale by all drug
gists. _
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
630 Broadway. Telephone 130.
Pure fresh drugs nt Davis' , opposite Ogdcn
The best French cook in western Iowa is a
the Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs.
A Now Car Couplrr.
A company has boon formed by n nurnbe
of men who live In this vicinity to Introeluci
a now and valuable Invention known as thi
E. A. Gallup automatic car coupler. E. A
Gallup , T. II. JotTorson , John McDonald , C
Geiso , Fred W. Goiso and E. C. Jefferson ar
. the members ot the company , all well knowi
e in this part of the state. A picture of th
now device la In the hands of Mr. Gelso , ant
if U looks ns well In real life as It does 01
paper , it Is very likely to work a rovolutloi
in the carcoupllug business. Itlssoarrangei
s that the use of tbo hands Is not ncccssnrv
s Tholink slides automatically into an onenlii ,
- and Is hold there firmly by n pin which drop
3It down from above , and all danger of mangle
ItIt hands is thus done away with.
ItS In the articles of incorporation the cnpltt
S stock is fixed nt & ! ,000,000 , but a lurgo shar
0It of , this sum Is said on good authority to h
Ito mostly In the minds of tbo incorporates
o Indeed , U Is said that the company docs nc
1.o expect to erect any plant or to carry on th
o manufacture of couplers , but to leave tli
o mnnufucturo entirely to the railroads , trus
n ing to the legislatures of the different state
n to pass laws compelling them to use them o
10 all their cars.
11 Dr. BIrnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldg1.
Will Hnvo nn Opening.
P , W. Jewell , ono of the proprietors of tli
Grand hotel , Is on the ground , gottlng read
for tno opening of the hotel , which will prol
ably occur about March 1 , The furniture f <
Two Imperial Doctors.
Fir Morrol Mnokentln and I'rofossor Koc
lie highest authorities In Ktirope , imhusHi
ttngly recommend the Sodon Pastilles ( in
chcsl for all Throat , I.iuisiuul Oatarrhal d
scaica. If you nro Buffering from a ecus
a cole ) , iisthina , bronrhlal catarrh , ar an
Tbrout Trouble , the i eden Mineral Trochi
will positively roliuvo whcro all t'lsu fulls.
The genuine article has the ttzniituro on
recommendation of Sir Murredl Muckout
with each box. 1'rlce W > a
0 VER.
The Outlet of the Wonderful Bargains Being
Obtained from the
Cloaks , Eiseman price $12.50 , now $1.98.
Dress Goods , Eiseman urice 25c yard , now lOc yard.
Dress Silks , , Eiseman price 50c to 75c yard , now 29c yard.
Fancy Velyets Eiseman price , $1 to $2 yard , no.w 39c yard-
Blankets , Eiseman price $1.25 $ , now 59c.
Men's Boots , Eiseman price $4 pair , now $1.98.
Men's Hats , Eiseman price $1 , now 25c.
Men's Suits , Eiseman price $6.50 , now $3.75.
Watch Daily Lists. Everything as Advertised.
J. E. HOLDEN - Council Bluffs
, ho hotel U ns Been ordered , but Is not to bo
icut until the bulldlnpr Is In sbapo to receive
, t. It Is the Intention of the proprietors to
pen with a gvniul banquet and ball , to which
i largo number of Invitations will bo Issued.
Tlio details of the opening hnve been loft to
the board of trade , and If tbat organization
can pot enough of a move on itsolt to hnve a
meeting , it Is probable that tlio nftair will ho
a great success. It Is reported , however ,
that the boiird will not get together until the
regular meeting , the first of next mouth , so
there is a chance for the scheme to fall
through oven yot.
"Aycr's Cherry Pectoral has given mo
great relief in bronchitis. Within a month I
have sent some of this preparation to a friend
suffering from bronchitis and asthma. It lias
done him so much good that ho writes for
more.-Charles F. Dumtcrville , Plymouth ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
Our Upiiinrlcnule Success
Enables us to present lor your considera
tion prices without a precedent in the history
of Council Bluffs. All goods are warranted
now and clean , equal to the best any market
affords. Only ono price and termj strictly
cash. Call and see and bo satisfied that wo
ire right.
Davis' Royal No. 10 Hour , $1.50 ; Davis'
BlueD flour , ? 1.35 ; Gold Medal flour , 81.45 ;
Minnesota Superlative flour , 81 ; Snowllako
flour , $1 ; 15 Ibs granulated sugar for $1 ; 17
Ibs extra O granulated sugar for $1 ; UO Ibs
New Orleans sugar for fl ; Arbuckla coffee ,
twrpkgo , SSc ; German colfeo , oor pkge , 25e ;
IChiR's buckwheat , per pltRc , lOc ; crackers ,
per Ib , 5c ; a Ibs ginger snaps for 25o ; 2 loaves
bread for So ; 3 Ibs mince meat , 25o ;
3 cans tomatoes , 25c ; 3 cans corn , 25o ; Page ,
Norton .t Co Hour , 81.25 a sacklb ; nail lard
for23c ; 5-lb pall lard forjc : oil sardines , per
can , fie ; 'J cans mustard sardines fore ; Cal
ifornia hams , per Ib , ( So ; good broom for
lOo ; 50 good cigars for Tiic ; 20-lb pail Jelly for
75c ; 2Jf-gal pail syrup for 85c ; 5-gal keg
syrup for $1.40 ; pall white llsh forCOo.
Brown's O. O. D , Grocery ,
Council Bluffs and Omuha.
Ton Quick Suspicion.
Ellas J. Quick , the postmaster of Quick ,
the llttlo town which bears his name , was the
Innocent victim of decidedly unpleasant cir
cumstances tbo other day. Ho came to the
city with his wife's father and ir.othor , who
were onrouto to Salt Lake. They all went
with the crowd to attend the snlo of the
Elsoman stock. Mr. Quick houplita pair of
overshoes , which ho loft at the store until ho
should return after seeing the old folks off.
The old lady bought among other things a
holt of gingham , and then , thinking , that , har
daughter , Mrs. Quick , would like a dress
from it , asked the clerk to cut off
ton or twelve yards nnd put In a separate
package. The cldrli explained that ho would
cut it off , hut could not put It in a separate
package without confusing the cashier , as u
was wrapped up together. The party left
the store and'went to Mr , A T. Klwell's rail
way ofllco to got the tickets for the old folks.
Them Mr. Quielt's mother-in-law unrolled
the package und gave him the piece of cloth
for his wife. Mr. Quick put the
cloth In hl = > coat pocket , nnd after
seeing the old folks off , returned to the
Klsoman store to got his now ovorsuoes.
On comlngout of the store thooftlcdr noticed
the cloth iu his pocket nnd stopped him ,
thinking ho had stolen It. Mr. Quick Is ono
of the old nnd' substantial residents In this
county , and to thus bo taken In ch'argo as a
potty thief was naturally a starter to his
nerves. lie explained that his mother-in-law
had given him the cloth and that she hud
gone to Salt Lake , but the ofllcor thought it
a chostmitty mother-in-law Joke nml was con
tinued in his suspicions , It took much tlmo
and many proofs before ho could ho released.
Mr. Quick wanted to have Mr. Klwoll called
upon to corroborate his statements ,
but this proffer was declined , as ho
could not recall Mr. Ehvoll's name
readily , Mr. W. H. M. Pusoy , the
well known banker , with whom 5Mr. Quick
1ms done business for years. J. H. Suyder ,
the commission man , were called In to Iden
tify him and vouch for his standing. The
clerk , who cut off the plcco of cloth , was
called up to corroborate the statement. Aftei
much annoyance and humiliation ho was tolil
that ho might take bis 40 cents worth ol
glnghalu and go , Mr. Quick's feoltnirs wore
not given nny balm on reading in tbo next
morning's papers an item to the effect that a
farmer was caught stealing two bolts of cloth
from tbo store , and that ho was made to din
Miss Matlo B. Crandall has returned from
a three years' visit with friends lu Water-
ville , N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Saunders leave this
morning for Bennet , Nob. , to stay over Bun-
day with a former classmate of Mr. Saun
ders. '
Thomas A. Knotts , a former well known
Council Bluffs man , was in this city yester
day. Ho loft iu the afternoon for his homo
n Des Molnes.
Charles Bray Is in Chicago trying to make
arrangements for the transportation of a
crew of men to Valparaiso , South America.
[ To has been awarded the contract for buildIng -
Ing 110 miles of railroad near that place , If
lie can make satisfactory arrangements , will
start for the now scene of his labors in a few
To Nervous and Delillltat : : ! Men.
If you will send us your address wo wll
send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltalo Belt
nnd Appliances on trial They will quickly
restore ye-u to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free. VOI.TAIC BELT Co. , Marshall.
Unit Guild musical nud dance tonight at
Hughes' hall. Admission 25 cents.
Evans Laundry Co. . 5'JO Pearl street. Tele
phone JJ'JO. Uoods called for und delivered.
MetluxllRt Printing.
Rov. T. McIC. Stuart , pastor of the
Broadway Mothodlst Episcopal church ,
started yesterday morning for Cincin
nati to attend the mooting of the
Methodist book committee , of which ho is
a member , The book concern of the Meth
odist Episcopal church is the largest publish
ing institution iu the world under thu direc
tion of o religious denomination. There are
two largo publishing houses , ono in Now
York , the other in Cincinnati. These repre
sent $1.500,000 worth of property nnd largo
book depositories in all the principal cities of
the country.
The book committee are the directors of
this business and meet annually unless Im
portant interests should call them together
of tenor. There are twenty members of this
"Tho Excelsior Springs , Mo. , iron water is
the best I have over used. " .1 , W. Mooro. M.
D. , "Tho Dakota , " Central Park , West Now
Too much California canned goods on hand ;
must be sold. Kollcy & YQUukcrinun.
II. A. Cov , western sales , agent for A. T.
Thatcher , has moved his coal ofllco Irom the
Brown building to No. Itl'Main ' street , in the
Chapman building. Mr/Cox has joined with
Cooper & McGee , who have moved their
real estate oftlce from tUoirMcirlam block to
'tho sama place , nud the gentlemen have titled
up as pleasantly and nicely arranged ofilced
as there are In the city , and'they will bo glad
to welcome their friends anu the public in
their now quarters.
Bnloonn I'ayjnpr Up.
Sovcnty-thrco saloons have boon reported
to the chairman of the flhnnca committee In
the council subject to thofis.ualfcVJ. 10 monthly
tine. This is ten moro tian were assessed
last month. The order requiring their own
ers to pay up lu full before- the 10th of the
month will bo rigidly enforced. So far about
one-third of them have settled with the city ,
and the marshal reports all the others to bo
willing to pay within the required , time.
Pomona Brand Iloarhound tablets will relieve
lievo your cough. Pomona stamped on e.iea
tablet. Ask your druggist or candy dealer
for thorn ,
Best heavy goods , 2T > per cent oil , cosh.
Heller , the tailor , 810 Broadway.
J , C. nixny , steam noatlnc sanitary en
gineer , Oft Mo rriatu block , Council Blufis
Bell & Son's now grocery takes the lead on
Upper Broadway. No old stock.
Iloyn AVnnted
at American district telegraph ofllco.
General IJrooko AHSUIIICH Comm'ml ,
General Brooke has Issued hfs order , in
compliance with tbo recent order of the pVcsl
dent , assuming command of all that portion
of South Dakota lying 'south of the forty-
fourth parallel of north la'.ltudo and of tno
troops now stationed or temporarily serving
therein. This order transfers the Pine Ridge
and IJoscbud agencies from the department
of Dakota to the department of the Platto.
OSKAI.OOSA , ! ) ! . , Fob , < ! . [ Special Telegram
to THE BEK. ] Representatives of Iowa
miners are In session here for the purpose of
organizing District No. 13 of the United Mine
Workers of America. The district comprises
the state of Iowa and completes the organiza
tion of the national union. The objects are
for the mutual protection of members
and to establish a uniform scale of
wages. They do not encourage strikes ,
but will resort to them when occasion de
mands. The national association meets In
Columbus , O. , Marrb. 10 , nnd at that time
demands for thecigiit-hour system and for
the weighing of coal on top will bo made.
The following ofllcer * were elected : W. T.
Scott of Mystic , master workman of the
secret organization nhu president of the open
sessions ; Jnmos Davidson , Oskaloosa ,
worthy foreman and vice president ; Julius
Frarom , Seymour , secretary and treasurer ;
John McCulloch of What Cheer , George
Martin of Flnglcr and Thomas Ilower of
Cedar Mine , executive committee.
Supreme Court Deu'slniis.
DCS MOINKS , la. , Feb. (1. ( [ Special Tele
gram to TIIC BUB. | The supreme court iiled
the following opinions today :
II. U. Nelson , appellant , vs C. L. Peterson ,
Monroo'dlstrlct ; afllrmcd.
C. W. Fanvs B. W. Seward , Jr. , ct al , ap
pellants. Jackson district ; ntllrmcd.
J. C. vVlntorbremei vs Bruimvick-Blnke-
Collender company , appellants , Marshall dis
trict ; afllrmeo.
W. B. Cuppy , administrator , appellant , vs
O. W. CotTinau , Pottnwattarclo district ;
modified and afllrmed.
Samuel N. Bowman vs Andrew Anderson ,
defendant , and Helen M. 1'crccll , interveuor
appellant , Jefferson district : reversed.
J. A. Shaw vs Chicago , llock Island & Pa-
cillc , appellant , Appanooso district ;
Abram S. Hewitt , appellant , vs J. C.
Young , Cedar Haplds superior court ; re
J. 0. Lorbor vs C. C. Conner , defendant ,
and M. M. Stark , intcrvcnor appellant , Mus-
catlno district ; alllrmcd.
"W. H. Seaman , appellant , vs Alonzo
Baughman ot al , Scott district ; .illlniuul.
S. D. Brown vs M , Barngrovor and J. E.
Barngrover , appellants , Taylor district ;
Fatal Cutting Affr.iy.
OSKALOOSA , la. , Teb. 0. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BKE.'I At Morrisvlllo , n
suburb , last evening Jerome Barrett , a man
thirty years old , attacked James Brown with
a knife , cutting six great goslioi in his body ,
the combined length of wlilch was over clgh t
fL-otaud required 127 stitches to draw to
gether. Ho will probably Uio. Brown Is a
young man of unsavory character and the
affray grow out of his alleged intimacy with
Barrett's wife. Brown also used a knlfo >
but without serious effect. Barrett Is sober
and industrious and has the sympathy of the
community. He iuimcdlatoly surrendered.
Tlio UHiial 1'rnutlce.
CiUMiir.nuux , S. D. , Fob. 0. [ Special
Telegram to TUB IKI : . | Claim Jumpers are
annoying settlers on the ceded Sioux lands.
Many of these settlers were compelled to
leave their claims at the commencement of
winter , intending , of course , to return in the
spring. Claim jumpers have taicon advantage
of this and are locating now bottlers on ttio
claims of tno settlers who ate temporarily
absent. Serious trouble will result.
Free SclionlH I'.ir Now Moxluo.
AuiuqiiEJiQUK , N. M. , Tob , ( J. The passage -
sago by the legislature of the Pauliu free
school bill will glvo Now Moxlco a frca
school law for the Unit tlmo In bar history.
Mnrdl Orns nt New Orloniin.
On February 10 the grand carnival
will take pluco. The great Wnuush tire
now Kolllny round trp ] tlukotH to Now
OrloniiB good returning until February
28 very cheap. Tlmo only forty hours.
1 16 MAIN
To Our Friends and Patrons :
We have removed our office from 114 Main
to 16 Main Street ,
Can supply you promptly at all times. Best
Illinois Coal $4.50.
Telephone 48. H. A. COX , Sole Agent.
TTlOltSArK Vury ( Ino C-ycar-old rondstcr
A. mid family mare ; cliciip for cush ; om or
span.V1I1 'trade for uprliilit pliino. Mur.
liourlciiis.' toucher , 114 titutHmun tumit ,
Council IIUiITs.
WANTED Ml yards of plastering done by
purly who will tuko a court youna linrso
In part payment. Apply to Leonard Kvorott ,
T OOA.L agents wanted In every county In
.LJ Iowa and NoliniMut for thu exclusive sulo
of thu best practical seller uvcr offered to
farmers. Call imd see It ; or nddross Oawdy
MffitU , 10I1/ ! Main street , Con neil HliifTx.
FOK SALE Vine RHKO | ! and doublet road
sters nnd heavy draught horses. Will also
fill orders for any style of horses wanted.
Lcnvo orders with Dr. W , Ij. 1'atton , Control
livery and sale stables , 21 and 22 N. Muln
Council lllnirs.
ACKEH-lf you want to net ouo nero or moro
for it nloo homo , and whein you can tfiir-
rtun find rae ! Miiall fruit and poultry , or If
you want ten or twenty acres or a lursjo farm
In Iowa , MO ean suit yoiu Cull and MMI us.
Johnstont Vua fatten , Kverett block. Coun
cil llluffs.
rpOLA.IIES-Try Dr. Miller's homo treat-
JLnicntfor fonialo ( llsuiscs. : Hafe , mild and
Ktiro , Also Dr. Miller's plUipastlles ; painless
and guaranteed to cure. I'or sulo In Council
Itlull.s HiidUinaha only liy Mri , A. A. Kinlth.
128H. 1st St. . and Mrs. 0. K iliggliiH , 1510
I.eavuiiwirUi Bt. , Omaha.
FOK HALE or Itontr Oardon land , with
houioi , by J. U. Hloo. WJ Mala at , Council
Corner Main anl Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign and domestic ) xclunjb
Collection uiado und Interest uuld ou tlmo
Council llluffs , Iowa.
11 North Mitlu Slrcct ,
Funeral Director an I Kinlnlincr.
Twelve hours in lulvfineo of nil other
routes. Also round trip tlckotu to ( ill
points In Florida. The favorite route to
the Hot Springs of Arknnmia. For tick
ets and full information in ro urird to
time und routes Bouth or cant cull til the
Wfibasli olllco , 1502 Fiirnuni street or
write G. N. CLAYTON ,
Northwestern Puss. Agt. , Omiihn , Neb.
Of Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 ,
DIRECTORS I. A. . Mlllor , K. O. Oloason , E. I *
BhiiRiirt , K. K. Hurt , J. U , Edrauudson , Uharlo *
O. Uannm Transact neiiera.1 bunking buil-
nr . Largest uaplUl und lurului of tatf
bankln Southwestern Iowa.
Finley Burko.Qeo.W. Hewitt.Thos. E. Oasady
Burke , Hewitt & Casady.
0) ) J 11'I.
Offices : J. J , llrown liulldlng , Council Illuffa ,
Council lllun.1 , In.
JUUllscmonnl UIH I'.VIC.
trciitrcl null the Krcatoal
BklllAnd cnro.
nnilllAY KKVKll ireatuil
with umtncnt KUCCOHB ,
milimCAL.Ol'ttltATIONS.nhuro iiuceinnry , pain *
letiljr ptirfonuot with tlio ulmoitciiru nnit aklll , n
Burlnjr perfect roiulU. K1NK.HT IJI.AHSICS ( iccitr-
nteljr proJcrllicil , cornvtlnic " rnfrnctlro trouble * ,
B .Myoi'la , llyperoplanml A Uulimtl ru , thui rim-
ilurlnu ilxht omf , clear nml pillulen. OIIUONIU
NKUKAUilA und SICK IIKAUACI1K , at r ream
of U'rrlblo Hiincrlnit. no relief , entirely curod. Onico ,
Itoom 1 , atituart llluck , oror Uonu & Ou.'t itoro ,
Council Illulli , la.
Sims &SauDderrtrlAeyaaot , , a
fodmil courts. KO.IUIH ; i , 4 und 6 bhugurl
Ilcno block , ( Juuncll Ululfc. Iowa.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' and Packers' Supplies ,
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
BplcRH and H.IUNIIKO Muknr.V Muolilnory. 820.
B ! Mulnit.i Council UlulTv , Iu. Alio Uealon
u Illdutund fur * .