G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 5 , 1801. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Chicago Bears Have a Short Innings on 'Change ' , But Socn Qnlt. WHEAT A GOOD MARK FOR SCALPERS , A Very rilj-liir Market wltli no Orcnt features MovomciitH In Wheat Corn Dull-ami Onts Quiet I'roxlslnn Trail InK * CmrAOO. I'eli. 4 [ Special Telegram to TDK 1ILK.1Thi'io was a fair Interest and pretty peed strength In all in irUetson 'clianguoarly The trading of the fr ! t half hour brought out Mitnu weakness all around , with lower prices for n reals and prod neti. May wheat sold at tl cn'i ' and fi'to and iu iln at H.OO. Tot a sold nt , r > Vi imd M'4 toIV'Uf. 1'orK opened easy at fin.00 , sold ngnln at J100J1J , as It did lester- dny , and rallied u little. l < : ird nnd ribs weio Hie ( iT ( and ( | iilet , The whe it iiinrket had a r.uise. of I'Jc ' an hour before the close today. Of this rntigo IHe wiiHotcr tlioclosoof last iiUlit ando under the closing llure , ulilch was o rn ! l The start w is nroiiud JI.OO'j and DO'.c were folloned by a dip to HOVc anil a good bulKo tote to * 10l"i with n ( Imp back to SI.W',4 ' brforo 1 o'cloo * lindcrfl tlio price of May now up- pears attractix'o Io scalpers , and to real friends of u lie it who think It worth more money. When the prle'O gets n cent or more over tl the bens bc'como bo'il and the scalpers se-11 out. Karly In the day there was --oiiio pretty good bull news , but the trade ncted beailsh Liter there was more bull news , and the croud wont after wheil and the price went up IlylitR. When the inaikct mo\od up thti pit wasbolstrous , and when It reached flOO'4 ' the sellers became timid , They renumber the markets of Saturday and Mon day The only bear news afloat of any Im- poitanco is thowoak airl InilllTcrcntcables early , anil tin reports of C'.xllfornl i rains about mlilil ly. The signal seiylco report niado the present condition of wheat fields doubtful. Hradstreets KII\O a dccrcisu of over 2009.000l.ushols In avail iblostoc'ks.l.nv 000 luiHliols east nnd 077,000 bushels west of the Hoelilos Husalan crop figures were rehnslied so as to look bullish. liocolpH at , Mlnnoipolls were moderate at 10 ears. He- celjitslieroM ears. Mo\onunt hero yesterday 20,000 bnslmls receipts. 4",000 shipments' Tliero wore all sorts of dlsiitchcs ] logirdlng \vhcatsalesaml slilpmcnts. Minneapolis reported L'0,000 bushels of wheat to co to east ern millers , till rail , prlco le under May. lu- ) luth repotted silcs by Thompson of 40.0)0 bushels to go to IAerpool. . Detroit leported CO.OOO bushels No.2 red sold for shipment to Now York. Another dispatch spoke of 83 cars sold at ItulTilo to go to Intel lor millers. This last was not confirmed. Tliero wcio no export eleaiaiiees at New York or Ilnltlinore. St. Louis wlied that about one-third of their receipts \\i\3 \ OroRon and Washington wheat and a round lot of IIOO.OOO bushels was encased to airl\e. The estimate forTlmrsiHy was fil cars. Atl o'clock thcro was another soft spot In the market and Mny settled back to $1.0) . July enld between IT.'Jo ' and WHJc. The bearish In- fluuncediirhi ! ; the last half hour In wheat was reports of rain In California I'oi some reason this was construed as a stunnoi agaln t the mirketand the nrico closed within ' , Be of the bottom for the day and ' 40 under last nUhtat O1'e for May. IVbruuiynas rjtiotod Oj'ao to 07c , closing at DVie. July closed at the low prlco of ! i.VJc. The corn market proved a little disappoint ing to the hulls , and they were not able to ac count for It. Receiptswoio only 7" cais.whlcli was nearly. ) ears under the m ill estimate tuaduyesterday. The estimate for Thuisdny was also ILjht at lODcns Cables o.ulyeio firm , and at thocloso lleerbohm quoted Mvoi- pool ! { d lower. Ilradstrcols made the de crease In available stocks 147,000 I nshels. With thlHfcoituf new stint mm kot started Me higher at .Vl'io for July and that was tlio bct prlco of thoday. There wa a decline early to Sl'jlJJ.'i.lVo nnd a slow rceou'ry to Kl'io nKtiln. The pit , WMH dull till day. Atthoeloso In corn the brokers claimed the oxtiemo prlees for May atMSoand 54c , with close at 631ic , as on Monday and Tuesday. IVIiruniy , 6IJio nnd fil.iic. closing Ol , c. Maieh closed 62 > { e. Juno and July are quoted together lit Wye to KlUe to MJjc to close. It was claimed that to'untry orders xi ore to boll corn around 64c and this pievented adance. . In oats trade Has ngaln of a moderate char acter. The only two months In which there was any business , llay nnd July , closed at yesteiday's prices , at 4i , 4o and 41UO respec tively. May was at 40 0 to 43)1e , acting w 1th other markets. The provision market broke down early on lolling by all ehvsses of oiieiatoi-s puckers , local longs , brokers for outsiders and the trade cencr.illy. The only buying onrly was by a class of scalpers who were partially suc cessful In holding the market , 'llicio was a peed recovery from thclottom prices nnd at tlio close hud wnshtoiulj , rlbsonly at-hndo lower and poilchss l him. > olV for the day. MII.V poiU soul at f 10.111 to 910 tr.'Vi to flO.I2 > i to HO.07'4010.10. ' Laid foi May sold oil' to $ .100 nnd closed at 3(1 ( at Miller , lllbs foi tlm Mime month bold at $3.05 and back to ! t.078.t ! 10. IMIIttS AT CltlCAOO. NntPH nnd Gossip. Minneapolis , receipts , ulient , 170 ; Dnltitli , 22. ir-030 ! Olenranccs at Now York : Wheat. - ; corn , 8,018 ; o.its , 770 : Hour , ( WO. llriuKt reel makes the decio'iso In who.it on both co iHtsU.5JO,000 bushuls. Ksthnatid cars for ClilcHRo Tlmrsdiiy ; Wheat , . ' , ! ; corn. 100 ; outs , bo rioiir hhlpinents fiom Il.iltliiioro , S0.143 batrols , e.insed tlio latest bulRu In wlieut. UhlciiRO , roeoliits. wheat. fvS cars , 21 No. 2. : corn. 77 oars , 1 No - . ' ; outs. HO cars. 47 No. a , -F.'JS ' , fu"llprH' , , < l lhur's ' : In Knisliiinl were W.1,000 bushels less than the estlin.itod require- An IndlnniipollH inons-iRo s lys winter wheat Ml thronsh that section of Indl.uui Is badly A S'an TraiioNco dispatch sajs : Ihilninj heavily heio ; cloudy over entire state , barometer fiilllns. Late cabin : Mverpool nlieat , futures dull t Ud to 'id lower ; coin Ktrona nt ! id higher. 1'ar.s wheat \ ery iiilet. | Kstliiinted lecolptsof IIORS at Chlcaso for Thursday. 42,000 , but Inter icducod to a7Wj ) on account of eovero weather. Ord. MltchoU & Mnitln were frco buyers nro und * 1. Mnrket opened with cener.il dU- upuolntinoiit ; has no help or support. Itcports from the northwcht show n decrease In prlMitoelovatorHat Minneapolis of Hiy.wo biiHliolsot wheat during the last week. ChlcaRO Receipts Wheat. Sl.OW bu t corn. C8UOObu. ; outs. 110,000 bu. Shlpinents-Whoat , 45,000 bu. : corn. 12.000 bu. ; outs , 12,000 bu , The secretary of the Kansas Ktato hhard nf nRrlculturo says thut winter \\heat In his state Is In far uottcr condition tlmn ut any tltno slnco It wus sown. Olllolnl report of tlio Itusslnn crop snys : Considering iiuallty , tliu wheat crop Is the fiuallost c\er raised. HVtUOO,000 ineiibiircd biiHhclselghlnsM pounds. Kcnnntt snysi Hears hu\o Iostaprentde.il of nioni'y In wheat and It " 111 bo some tlino before tnoy are aiicri slvo nitaln. Would buy wheat on be-alo down If 1 dlil an j tiling. If HO tuko the total nf summer and \\Inter \lieutln lltissln.no cct JC'.SU i.ooo tehctincrts equal to 5. 77 imperial bnshelb ) , which Is 122 i IT cent lower tlmn the a\ crane wheat crops or the 11 vo years 18s3 und liwT lncluho. McCormlck says : At UJo May en on the SIIK- Kustlen of nn nduinco wus hlcn treiiHon ; atll ,10 , one bold enough to short a felnRluS. The leultlmatoftltuathm now und then Is the same. I'liu specultitlvo situation radically chained. 1'iio luutorlnl to food an advancoon m entirely lomoucl , uiurktt rurvly If ev r moro oven thin now , The holders nf wheat tlio pasl few years Imvo not crown rich at It. Nothing In tlio prevent situation tninaku this noti uti an exception. I think I would sell who.it eoiisor- Mitlvcly. A leading picknrcstlmnto * that ut thn rite of consumption \ltli tinntvrngn inarkoliifft of link's. II would I oi | n I ro tlircu jonM to rcdneo the stocks of pioxMmis to their mrm il pro portions. 'I ho world's visible supply of lard Is estimated at 4lWJ tierces against ISO.ooo tlcrcetlast > ear. Today' * llnctiiiitlons Illustrate well tliu con dition of tlm client nitirket. Tl.n small trndors at u In control nnd as loin ; us they huy prlc'os nil \anci1 , nnd when they try to trill/u thcro are no shorts to tnko tliu whu.il and the rutiltlsa sh.irp breakback. It Is rc | > orlcd at Chicago ti ) it eighty cars nf tto. I. rrd wlnlur whimt fold nt UilhTaln for linnicdl.itu si tpinent to Interior mills ; also a round lot sold at Minneapolis to bo shipped to winter wheat mlllurs , prleo Ic nndcr May : aUoliO.dou linshels no\v at Nun Vork for lin- tnedlatc Nlilpnient , II cniy Olows wires : \\Vliu\o Just received the follow Imr from our 1'nris iiKcnt : 1'lour sttoim iintl fiilviiiiclii' ' , 'Iho 1'reneh wheat crop Is very iiiisatlsfnelory , a large quantity haste to 1)O icplowed. The aiiny commission Is pressing for tlio ti.iis 130 of the law providing for fortressestn liesiinioleiitly stocked , lloerbohm's cablet Curious oft coast , wheat Blow , corn easier On pissaize , whcut Mtvndy , coin stioiii ; . Murk lane , wheit Ijtilot. coin llrni O.illfornla wheatolf coisl , : ! M..d. Il\er- pool , wheat downward tendency , coin linn lint iutsticllxu. LUerpool 12 ! Mhcat quiet , demand for calls TH 10fd ! to 7s lie ) ; torn steady. The Mvi'fpnot t'orn Trade News notes the fnc't that since September t he avenice wec'kly consumption of wheat In the I'nlted kingdom has been I.MjO.OQil liusliuld , the hlsliist previous nu'ritKu haxlng bicn 1,100,0K ) bushels per week The iiKKnv'ato slocks of whe it In Minnesota und the DnkuttiH decie.iscd 'J 5,030 bushels during the week. Toneniy A. llrynn Klve the following * The wuathcrciop bulletin foi .lannary says thcie AVIS iio iioon the -'round at the eloso of the month , oxer tlio out lie winter wheat bull , < > x- Icndln from rcmius co north to tin ) lal > c-4 , and fiom Ohio to ICnni.is , nnd althoiiith the weather during the month wns. owliiK to the uniformly hhth teinpcratiire'.pencrallv f.ivoi- ahlo toitmwlnit crops , the appioie'hliigeold waM ) nnd nttenillii ! ? fioe ? loives Its condition itnc'oi tain. Heportt from the 1'aelllo eoist indlc.ito that the nhoat crop Is tn.uir4 ) slowly und thuro Is > ory little moisture In the Kiimiul , I.osnn A. Co. to Tone ray k Htyan Tlio whpat iniukct at lhoop < nliiR wns 111110 ennsldcrliiK the coldest d iv of Iho st > ison ind uns-Up about ( IniiuiRO In Mintlii'in Indli , Tlii'opi'iiInK prlco wns iiiiinlniilly f I 00 for May. It Mild down to tWV MiMitio riitnoi of lienvj s.ili-sln Mlnno- apolls for shlninoiit oast. TlieroN.IS vigorous lnylinfioiii l.uo'i In tlOl'6. Just about the tlino i\ \ 00MIS roncliod r.ilns were reported In Ctllfoinla which has slnco boon confirmed. Heavy s lies wmo icixntcd for shipment cast. Tliero nppu.irs to bu xomo doubt ahoil * the In uvy decie'.ise1 of 1.1r > 3 biislns etst of the Itoekles unit 077,000 west Is a heavy decrease when the llnht vl slhlo supply Is t.iUcn Into account The loo.il dumand for cash whcit Is llk'lit. I'loiii sales a'ow lint at an advnnco of "Ou per b.urelovci , i week IIKO Ihcso are all nreuiiii nts for better prices tnitotitslUoapouti- Int on Is Unlit nnd until It incic isis wo look for dull tradu and lower prices. Ono proinl- ne'iit H'alpcr was doliiR some corn tradlnir. lie iipc.us ] to ho Intoicslcd In putthiK prices Idplivr Oats , stc.idv ; tunic , Ihiht. 1'ro- \Mons with vei-v II htti.idc. Iho packers wore wIllliiK to'-ell and mot the demnndas It came. Kljjht hundred tlions.ind lie s for this month Is more thiui reiiulienicntx. W. 0 , McCormlck k Co. , to V. O. Snnrtk C'o : The prominent oporatois In Vrho.it whoha\o recently liquid itod luruo lines of IOIIK nnd short wliuat show no dispo sition to put thorn iiRitln , Bears hiivobeon too badly whipped and Dulls nro awaiting a fnlr breik before bnyliiKTliu ro- Milt IH a dull maiket In the ) hands of small OCM ! tiaouis. Cables noted foreign inaikut1) dull nnd tending itownward , on the other hand a lar e cash demand Is ic Dotted at illslilbiitniK points and some oxpott Is ioport ( > d fiom Nfvy Voile , llrnclstreot cstlnintts n ilccionso In the u\all- able supplies ejst und west of the Kocklcs of 2iOO,0"U busho's. ' On this bnllUh news nn ad- A.itico wns offurud , but waH lost on the sulllne out of calpln Inn. who it , when good r.vlna In California \\erorepoitcd. The small scnlpois nro ( IrihleilH bulll b ami will ndv.ineo prices Ifthoy can , but without tlio usslstnneu of liu-'t'i traders the } can accomplish hut little * . \\otliuinfotPOYprtt for the next few ( lays a n irrowsciilplni ; imirl.ct with downward ton- dcncy. t'orn has be-on falily 'Inn , but not nttlve'lhi fact It Is rather surprlslne that with the \cry small ircrlntsthe iniirkut lias not ad- vjneoil further. nlool,8iislf the bulls were us | n < n\lly loaded ns they dire he Thu fu- tuio of the marl-ct Is aqiii'stlon of receipts. Pie visions dull and \orj hcioy. Kcnnett , Hopkins it C'o toC'hrlstlo-Lathrop Com. Co \ \ heat eusod oil after a linn opun- InR from luck of business , llradstreel's report - port of decrease of 2rjo,00t ) Inishuli lust nook foi both coasts created Intuicst and oncour- n 'dl linylMK There wasignltca sprlnklln ? of outside oideis , shorts coMiicd ficoly nnd a rally tofl.Ul'g for May was the result. 'Ihcn eamo news ot r.ilnsln California , lower cublcis. demnnil fieelv suppllod and thoio wns a null to Fell out , prlcis Rolnn oil ns rapidly as they had adumccd. U Is niKiiio tlonablv truu that wheat Is K'ilnlii ' friends and the outlook for brtter prices socnis hrlshter than fora lonz time. A. front deal Is lieml about an actlvodcmand for cash wheat , nnd few sales uru made of Hour fet ex port , but on the whole the nous Is aboiitsuch as Is always told on a pind ImlKO and It Is doubtful If the situation shows enoidi actual linito\emoiit to warrant the exncct itlon that prices will cohlKhci or en on bo sustnlnod ut the present loel. . The absence of a bit ; short Inlciust and the euRornrss of limes to reill70 on the rallies uro not good IndlcMionsof a bull imnoment.Vo bcllooln lo nr prices nnd would I uy only on Kood breaks The coin inirUottviis inirniw and featureless. Klnctua- tlons worn controlled by puts and calls and the tindln wns light. Provisions were dull , Tradors.iro waltlnz forsomctlibiK to turn ii | ) : hulls haxo about all they want and boars aio looking for a hulRo to soli on. Kxticnio weather will help to cheek the inar' HthiR of hojs nnd innv gl\o them a chancu. Market closed tame , 'K STOCK. ClliCoo , 1'eb. 4-Special [ Toleurini toTup. IU.i.l : CArn.K Tliero was little or no cliango In the market today. The prime stccis out of ijflO to TOO eai loads on the market sold oaily at fully stt inly prices , whllo medium , ordinary and common Mcers wcro slow , with pi tecs weak fiom the opening tu tlio close , with imito a number eanled over , Hnyors wore com plaining of the scatelly of good butehers' stock and this statement was sustained by \\hoioportoilasubstantlal aduincn on nearly all snides of cow stool ; . The de mand forstockoiscoiithuicsstronx.and pi lees aio ful'y ' asstiongas atiinytlmo during the week. The top'prko today was ? "i 40 , but lots of good steers ( nt between fl.WS-J UO and $ .100 , plenty of useful steers at H.OO4.'J. > , with others at $ JKV2i.J ( : ! cows und helforb sold at 8I.COi90 ; ; nnd as stoukers at $ , ' .230123. HodS-llusliii' B was a aln uettsu In tills nmiket , with : i .slight upturn as compared with the eloso of yestuulay , but no higher than at the oDoning yesterday. The pens were well cleared und tlio general market closed steady. Itough and common lots sold at 11.4" ) < 3 LMl : good mixed paokers. fcUfiSKMu ; prime he ivy and buteher \ \ eights , $ J C54JI.75 ; lluat , JX ® ) .l > 5j plj-s , JlOoaitSU. STOVKS .txo noxns. NEW YniiK , Tub. 4. [ Apodal Tolcsram to THE HKE.I The theory most Rencrally ad vanced on stoclcs last night was upset by the action of the inarkot this morning.It was gUen out that under the htiength In Lake Shore and a few other stocks , tlio bull combine sold out very largely their Inn ; ; holdings In western stocks. U was claimed that the bulge lu Lake Shore was not duo to the Vandcibllt support , but that the selleis of the gonor.il list hold this stock up , knowing they could without inueli comlnu out. The story wan that thcro vas too much company on the bull sldo and that the support of the combine was to be now withdrawn. Lower prices \\ero piedlctcd on this theory. The opposite pro\ed Irue. The IIrat in Ices showed Irregular clumses from tlioso of last night , but they w etc generally hhihor , Luke Shore beln , ; up ! i and lead trust K. HiulncsswiiH inodurato nnd rather gained In volume astlmoworo along and the tone of ull dealings was firm to strong , rebultln , ' In a fractional advance through the en tire list , Chicago Gas. Itoclc Island and tlio Industrials being ; prominent In both activity and strength. The moxenu'iits of the rust of the IM as usual \\eio small and unimportant and lute In the hour tlm dullness overspread tlio whole mailvet , though the best prices were well hold. "While thcro was nu peoii .aethlty during the liour. tlioad\aneoroutlimed , Lake Shore rose toll'l , ortheru 1'aollle moved up ton ! . , Atohlson to 30. Northwestern to 1H514. ( St. I'aul Union 1'aclllo ' to MS , to „ I.aeka- wanna to KlS'i ' and Sugar to 67. 1'iclllo Mail. New llnglund and other stocks were also Btrong and higher and irood support marked the whole lUt. Thoxory fair showing by St. I'aul In earnings , continued support of the Gould stocks , the Insldo uuylug or VnndcrblH bhares , nltn aprosjicct of u hiibsldy for 1'aolllo Mall , and othvrfa\erallo Inlluences , all com bined to iiiauo the stock market strong to ttio elosn. Iakti sboro rose to liJJi , llurllugton 10 6fi. Bt. 1'uul UU , Union I'aolflo to 40 , Jersey Central to 116 and othom followed up well. MOSKY-OII c.ill , easy | closed offered nt S54 uorc'oiit. I'IIIMK MEIICANTII.E PAI-EII 537 per cent. . t : stcudy : slxty- clny bills , , ( loniiuid. ! ! h7'j. .N1.VnHK STOCKS. StocK _ _ | open. | High. | Low. I Clone I fnt'y. \V A I , . K " IlftklnitVAl 27 At V7 Mnnlmttnn 1.V ( ) < ' \\iilnnli pfd lti'1 ' 'lillf V7li'l Krlu . . vwl SUH ' Cnnpiln So 6.H . li'-l I'nclllo Mnll SI ! Mtfi LnkuHhori I. A N ! F l.uii I Tni't i-i'i , Norllivvosl n I07 iKJ IWK Mo I'ac. IJnlnn I'nc 4VA ill 4"i N. I'nc pM N I'ne. coin SS C , II A g M 87 lt < ) ( lc Isl Kill l/i | < I1MI $ 71U 87M3S St I'm ! M's ' M3S H I'll n I pM b7 87 87 87 fc7f Wo , Union f < t 87KSJ fc7H7M 11,1 , .t w KSJ ItslJ H7M bilk-sir Trn < t ItslJW A m Sue llf KSJi W * .Icrnejr Cent 112 i lli Nen Knul d Hlch Torm'l 112i W * is : ml ( Atchlion. i Cliluuii ( Ins Kcmllnit , 3.1 : il 31 Del & 11 ml l.H ) I'tillnmn. . 111 I 191 mi 1'JI ' uu No Am I1I.M 1'JIp.i ( uuin Midi Cent 05 * . Hllier 102T * 1WJ4 Am Sn Hcf WIs font 5m 2H < MCI Cent MW A.C.OI1 . . BH 21 TOM * u-r Teun C. Al 17 AVull Strsct. Kcnnott , Hopklnl & Co. . to Clirlstlo- l.utlnoi ) C'Diiiinlssloii Conipiiiiy The slock inirKot Is not nctlve but H HtroiiR. I liustrcnst li cnins to bo duo more to u se.ire- ty of sellers tli in to Miy great ili'ilro to liny. KnkoSlioio liiisiiiln boi-n a le tiler In point of transactions nnil nlso a pain In price , Bellini ; nt Jl.lll.UiIch Is eijulvnlunt Iol.l7 , us it was ox-dlvldcncl Init n hliort tlino titfo. ist. I'aul Is nlso notlvu nt mi nilvunco of 1 : > or cent. Tlio report of c.irnlnRs for the fourth week of Junniry shows an Inure i o of $50,00) ) wlilch undo a fu\oralile iNiiresslon. | Lead 1ms also Uecn consploiionsly nethu atjJ strong , uil- vnne'ltiK over 1 nor cent. It Is reported tli it ntnu.'M'ttniMiHliiy a dividend nf ' , ' , percent was declared , the phin lcln to pay clivldciuls at that rjto quarterly hereafter. Sharon. NEW YOIIK. 1'ob. 4. [ Spoclal Tolc rain to THE HKK.I The following are the mtulnz stock ( j notations : Tlio CofToo Market. Nr\v YOIIK , Fob. 4 [ Spcolnl Tolcgr.-xin to TIIK UEK. ] CotuK-Sul-s , M.rBObacs Includ ing robruary , $16.7.VS1 ( ! 80 ; Maicli , Al'rll. * iyj ) : May. ? [ . - . < ) ) June , ! H')6or.70 ; July , * 154j ; Dccoinlier , JUCfxailTS : snot UIo. llrinautho ; fair carfioos , JlU.ufl ; No. 7 , S17.30. Jl.iltKET. ClllCAao. Too. 4. Olnio Wlio.it slLUJ ffiOtJci MujMinj.ODiyc ! Jiily.O'iliu. Corn Mcndy ; cash. fiK831 > 4o | Mnv.BJ c. Oats fctoaclv ; cash , 44'4i : ! May , 4 Hc. btL'ady : Cllsh' a-02)Sao.70i ) May , Liiril Steady * cash , o72S4 ; JIay. $0.02 © G-l. ( > Short Itlbs Steady j cash. 8050fflO.0 ! May. r. ' . .07ltCu10. . Hyu l-'lrm ; 7171 { o. llarlcv steadv ; 7 < iiTGa. I'l ix Wealtj ft.3) . Timothy Quiet ; JI27i:8. Wlilsky-$1.14. I'loiir Unchanped ! sprlnj ? JIM ) ; patents , SM.'OMl.SOi winter patents , * fl MQl.BO. Hulk Moats Shouldois , Sluoan to ; short clear. $ . " ) ( WfritVi ! short ribs , Jl.inai.7o. Iluttor Unoluiniscdj creamery. ItViJJSc' dairy. Ult..le. t'heeso Unchnnirod ; full cream Cheddars , O'J ® lc ( ) ; Hats , O dilO' ci Vouu Amei'lc.uis , 10SJ < ij > lie. lie.KSKS UnchanRodj fresh , 2033o. Hides DuchaiiKi'd ; light an 1 heavy arpon s.ilted. fi'liS.r.pjKrecn. 4 * < ® t Jci H iltod bull. 1 < ? ; ifJ.1" ! J.'l'ud ' oilf , So ; dry Hint , 80 ; oilt bullfta.c ; dry c.ilf , ha cs deacons. c.iclific. Tallow Uiiclinnxd , ; Mo. 1. solid uacked , y ? c ; No. 2 , ac ; cake , 4c. . . . , Roceliits. Shipments. Flour , bbls iftOX ) urjoo Wheat , hu aiow 43,001 Coin , lii 08,000 I'M' oo Oats , bu 110,000 , 1BHOOO Niw YOIIK. 1 ob. 4 \ \ heat liccoipts , .SSOO bushels ; oxpoits , none : spit , liiefrnlnr ; Iso. red , ! ? ll03a lnolo\atoril.l'J1A'iJi.i'5-io ; ' atloat ; Jl.llViSl.l.I'n f. o. h. ; options , closed easy ; I o 2 red , 1'ehruary closliic atJMO'i. Corn-Kecelpts a7,7ou busholsj o\noi Is , b.WU bushels ; spot higher ; No. : , Uo In 3S.\'Kt5)n ! \ MStfKe . .nlloal.i.ungraded . . nlloit. r-u ai Kaw , ilrin ; uentrlfiiRal Ofl test , A'io ' : I'm k I'll i Ijinl Ilaioly steady ; western Htoini , $ < 107 ! > . llutter-I xtrasteaily ; wcatorndalry , UGlSo ; leimery. lU&JJu ; KlKln.'ttit'tiJ'c. ' ( Jliuusju Strong ; light feklms , aasj-ic. ' KAN8\gGiTV. Fob. 4. Wlioat Stoaayt No. 2 nard , cash. 8.lo bid ; robiuary , 6. > o bid. Corn btiong ; No. S , casli , 471 > < a47Uo ; 1'eb- ruury , I7'.c. ' Oits btoady ; No.2cusli,45o bid ; rouruary. 3n htil. . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . - . 1'cb. 4 , AVIioat Market higher ; graded samples cash wheat sold milto well : low grades slow ; Jlay futures , steady. CliHlnKt No. lliard. robruury.iKio ; on track. tic : No. 1 northern. 1 obruary and AIiuuliU4o : .May , t)7c ) : on track , IC o ; No. 2northern , I'eb- i uary. trios on tr.iek. U.Jc. ! Kecelpts. 175 ears ; sliipnicnts , 43 cars. ST. Louis. Tob. 4. Whnit Unsettled : cnah. OOScaSl.Wi May , Jl 00'B1 OOU. Corn Lower ; cabli , .ViVjc ; MuyBOVi Oats bleady ; cash. 455ic ; May , lu-'uu 1'ork I ii y at JD.75. J , ud Steady at JMO. Whisky $1.11. Uuttui Unchanged ; cicimciy , 18250o. CINCINNATI , I'cb. 4. Whout Qukt : No , 2 red.il.oo. Corn I'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , fUMonskcd. Oats 1'lrni ; .So. 'mixed , 4 ; < ai8Jo. ! \\UlbUy-tl.l4. \ \ ill'K STOCK. CIIICAOO , Tob. 4 , Oatllo Kecolpts , 12,000 ; market btoadyt stiors , tooil to oxtin , JlOJfti 4.SO ; others , tJU ft.i.71 ; cows and helfois , Jl.tx ) ii-IM ; sioeki'18 , W.l'.Vij.'l.'j.v UOKS I'ecelpts , 40,000 ; maiUet nelvo : und firmer ; riin li und tominnn. * U'lc.l.V ) ; good mixed and packers , I.U.V Ui.'i ; prime lieavy anil butcher \velglits , f.l.aViii.7J ; light. W.5jiS U.C5 , bheop-ltecelpts. WOO ; marlfot steady ; nathos , tl.il/ai.b5 ; Texl : liis , .70it4.00 ( ; lambs , KANSAS OITV , 1'cb. 4. Cattlo-ltccelpts , 2.0jO head ; shipments , 2OU houd ; inarKot Htronu : , steers. W.iiOjt.'V.IJ ; cows , Jl.75aJ.50 : stockers nnd feeders. JV.'MW.GO. IhiKb Iteeulpts. UVJOO head ; Bhlpmcnts , 1 ( < 00 head ; market steady to loner ; all grades , < J 00 ST. I.OUIH , Tob 4. U-ittlo-llocolpts. 1,600 head ; shipments. 1100 linail : market Htrong : fair to t inoy natives , tJ.W&SAd ; btuckem mid feeders f J. U > aJ.)0. lions Receipts. 7,500 hcid ; enlpmcnts , 200 head ; inurKot shade hlglier ; henry , JJJ5ii ) ,7 ; mixed. ( j-.ViM.i5 ; llKht. N.Sim.90. OMAU.t STUCK , . OMAHA , Teh 4. 1891. OATTr-K-nstlmatedVocolntrt of cattle : i,100 as cnmuared with l.tisjyesteidav mul 2..N1Ved - ntsduy of InstMcelc. The miirkut Is iictlto nnd hto.uly to stronton de lrnblo Rrudi-8 , und bteudy onnthcrs , rueders itnclmngid. Hods Estimated receipts of noja aOM as eoniuared wilh ? , m yi ti > rd.iy imcl H.I77 \\tMUiusiliy of last week. Tlio market U o- theanilhtio n ; , rHJhluhur , closing we.ik. All snlil. i'lnii unroof the prices I ) llll Kas J.UOC II.W ; tlio bulkhelllncnt ( J.4VC.IM. Plus. 11.50 light lUhta , ti.WU.w light , JJ.104W40 ; homy. M 4Vil.i & > ! inlind. $ : no.-(7a')0. ( The n > cr- nsoof thuprlctspti tl wmJl.4'iM as eoniparod with$1.41 jester nyiina JI20Scdno \ dny of lust wce-l , . Smti : > fotlinitod Iftialnt * of ulicop 212. ns conitiirc'il with 2W yi. , urdiiy nnd UiO Mcd. nosdny of hint week Nftthcs , { IW&I.U : west erns , } -t.O. < il.l.r ) . 'Illitti of Htcclc. Show I tiff the miinbi'r of c.ittle , hogs nnd fthcc | > purchase l on this mirketas re'ported by the weUhiuaBtet of the btockyards company ' pany for I'obruary at , OATTt.E. swift A : Co , rn ThoO. ll.llaminoiHl'tV ' ) ! K The Armour Oiidaht , Picking Co 211) ) I'nrey .t Van /.ml " .I ) I.eo ItotliM'lilld 4.M Hamilton . Stephen XI llonton > V Underwood 51 ISelsMorrls , 1H4 Shippers nnd fieden ' . " 13 H. lleuker.V. Uogen M MOOS. * Titormlnhy Packing Co 1917 Omali i Packing e'o ll.W ' SulftilCo . -.1014 ThoU , U. llaminond compiny 5J3 Keprc'HiMitatlvo Sales. OJIAIfA Ja\ai.0o. ' Coirce nssBiic'o-iJ gro. boxes , © l..r)0olilcry ; ( , 71iaS'Su ' ; WooiiiNWAHi'"l : > orim/i1n Tubs , No. I , JfiOJj No. 2 , J7.0J ; No. J , JS < K ) ; kuclor , oak Kr.iln. fl-ln , hoops , No. 1 Btrlpcil , } , " ) . ( iO ; vodar. : i brass hoops , No. 2sUlpod , fi" * ) : horse , extra liua vy , No. 1. JJ.7."i ; ell buckets , M.'o. llutterwnre Tnlis , ash , . Much , per nest , 7lu ) ; ush. 2-lneli , 2 lurr-u Blo , per nest , 4ic ; buttiir lidlus , hard Wood , 70u ; huttcr padalcs or sp.uh's. "Oc1. AVusli- boiinK SliiRlo , Jl.4txa2.00 ; double , } „ ' 50J3. ! Clotliusplns 5 ( 'ross IIOXDS , Bic. bua\u Oraiinliitud , 0'iCi cithos , 7o : cut loaf , 7 0 ! powilerpd , standard , 7o ; XXXX powduiod , 7' o ; jollow O , R'&c ' ! ; canary , Sfiu ; IlKlit oxti.it ) , S'.aT 'o ; confc-L'tloniTs , A , 0\c. bAl.T D.ilry. i'K ) Ibs In bills bulk , .MO ; best cruile , fiO . 'is , * - 40 ; best Rrado , 103 i's ' , JJ.W ; best grade , 28 Ids. l-.Ji ; rock salt , orusliod , J..IO. boiiA 1'auUuges , 00 Ibs to box , S' c ; koRs , 4c. ! 4c.H \KINO VOWDEU Iloynl , dime cans , per do ? , ( Wo ; i-lb cans , tl 45 ; ij-lb cans. S.'fij ; l-lhcans , W.OO ; Price's > 4-lb CIUH. ( I.J.1 ; V4-Ib cans. * . ' M ; 1-lb cans JI.7J ; ether kliuU , 1-1 1) cans , per dot , . . . " . OAN.sr.n Vr.nKTAiir.rs Tomatoes n-lb , JI.lo ai.15 , Corn Vrry flno , il. % > 1il.JJ ; l-lliHURur , J1.10 ; 2-lb Btunduiil western br.inds HI. HI. Mushrooms 1-lb Vicinili , extra tlno , 2J3o ; l-ll ) 1'roiicli , 'Inc. ' loaJ-'o ; 1-lb rrcncli. onll- nary , KxaiSc. l'oan 2-11) oirly Juno , $ l.2'i ; 2-lb Marrow , standard brands. 81.10 ; 2-lb so.ikcil , 70o. Prone'li peas I'nr tinse of 100 , $1.50412.00. Strliu beans 2-lb hlgh'srado. IWe ; 2-lb wax beans , 85u ; 2-lb string buuns , Ho ) , Lima bo. ins j-lbs.oakort. Sic. ' OuACKKita fcoda , Coj- oyster , 5ljc ; oroain , fiiio ; RiiiKor snaps , 8ic ! ; 10 pur cent otf on ten- box lots. ' DiilH ) rittliTs TurKlsli prunes , less than hluls , 1st ) I , O'io ; applts , ovuporatod , new rlnj ; oliolce , l&c ; apricots , Xanuy , In tncKs. 20e' ; blneUborrli'S. now , Vtf rasptierrles , .5 Ibs to box , ttlo ; currants. ii ( v..H.ici Votlz l currants. o\trn , in bo\es , ( IK0I1 poaches , t/'ala. , clioKo , 171Joi Callfoi nla dried umprs , In ba s. 5 > jo ; scinlliKs hnltaniis hticKN , 10c ; innsciitcls. 7'io ' ; now Yalenela , be ; Onilnr.i layer. Uo ; HRH , layer1 , llii.tlc ; cltrtn. l.e-xhoin , 20c ; lemon pool , 15o. I NUTS 1'cr Ib-Almonds , 18o : lira/lls , 21o ; filberts. Me ; pee.ms. U nc ; walnuts. r ; pui- nuts , fancy white , bet ro istecl. lOc. WitAi'i'iMl 1'Ai'Kii Per Ib. best Ktraw , 15x18 toX'\4l. le ; dry KO < ) > ! , 4 n ; extra quality , inunllla , ojio ; nmnlllu tua , I'xl8 , Ite ; duik r.ig , hard ware , 2 ' 40 , OiiJt 150 prime wliltc , Oo ; ISO water wlilto. ll'ic ; honilllKlit , iic : ; 74 Rasollno. ll'ie. ' VII cins-l ; B4l. e-l.OOSa.UJ ; 2 gill. tJ.7 ii.'lSJi 5 nal. W .VJU5.00. TEW Japan , basket flrcd.SOiiii.'ie ; sinidrlcrt , nsctllel Kret > ii , 20iiAilc ; Kiinpowdor. 20i ( r > 0u ; KiiUllsli bro.ikfast , . .I5ii7.ooinu ( ; lly on , 21X16 Ur > o ; OolotiK , 'J.i@ : > u ; 2-lb. packiu'uduitt , 150. AXIK GIIKAHK 1'ei uross 1'razloi's Inrco tliiH.t-IU.ro ; incdlilin tlnx. J.'T.CX ) ; small * 15.00 ; otlierinal.es , oo < l.if ' ) OitS.'W. ' UI.ACKI.NO : i iloI I -i box , .VK&71Q ! luilles' Blmo drotslni : . 4. > c(3loO ( ; sto\e pollbli , per gross , M. lli.rt.tNn-I.iilil. | 4 oz. II do ? In IHIY , POcT } I.7'i ; 8 07 , Jdoz In box , Sl.CW-'J ; dry , umall , 2to ; -I'oiiiicr-PliiRaiiorc , sldod , 1510oi shot , 22o : allhplce. luc ; clnxoe , I'OIIIHIK. tu- le'c'tod , 17Ql'le ' ; cassia , t'hlini , 4-lb. mats. Do ; imtmi'KK. .So. 1 , 7.V ; innciibsor , Wo ; pluUlln hiilue . 10-11) boxes. 5c. CIKICOI.ATB. irc. : 1Mb boxes , 34H.1V ) : Ocr- ninn NweH'l , . " . ' "Zr-'to ; cocoa. I0(54no ; liromo , X'c , OotoANl'T ' .Vb | cani.lt ini'J 'Sib luoUums , per IU.-.Tu ( ( : bulk , I.V1I ) pills. 25c. OA N : I ) I'IIUITH California Apricots , t2M ttS.CO ; peaches , fJ7.VSJ.tW ; pears , i..V.'tfM o ; Krapen , * 1 bJl.UOi cherries , while , IJ.OOit2.75j chorrlos . . h irlcs iJ-'H ! ra pb ( tries. jlOi ; Mruwiicrrhs , JJ.'O ; CMirr.uits. fj.20 | gooseberries t..2.t | liliinibs , uKir , Jl. Viil.uV , plumbs , cruun RIIUIS M.SVM.H.V TniKTii ennned fruit l'c.it lns secoiuls , $ l,2t2.lO [ ! niipli'S , 'l-Ih. 1.1' ' ! Kill , 'i doz hi case. SMI ) ; iKsclicrrles ! ( , llnlllnioro stun- ( lard , S-lh , Jl 10 ; straw he'irios , 9I.IB ; ni'pber- rli-s , ll.'ii ! blueberries , ll.IW ! rod rnspliorrlcs tlf > 0i blnckbeirlM. * IM ) : cherries , I.SJl.01t pineapples , Ml coil , tl.SVilS.H < ) ii\KS-gutirt9 , tordo7 , J400 ; plnt .pcrtloz , I-.M ) ; bulk , pore il. JI..U Ollvo oil. 4 pints , 2 doiicrvaxis fl.Wil.\u ) . Twisi : , Ci ntiAciF , HTC Cotton twlno "lUbb. " > cry line , U-lb bales , S2e ! cot ion tulni'XX brand , U-lb hales lci l luiiiii. twine , U-U ) li.ilvo. Irio ; salt twine , 20c ; cnnillc lcl > , S2u:40-footcottcm clotlios llnc s$1.4l ) ; 1 1) ) , foot cotton clothes lines , tlUt ; CO-foot sls'il lines tl.7n ; 10-foot jute. II. \\oolt\\lncs HMo. Mn- nllla riinu All l7os ftoni 7-10 tu I In , lie ; sls.il rope , all Mle < ftoni 7-1H t i 1 In , Oj ; "iie pm- tosses" nil Hlros from 7-10 to 1 In , " 'iu ; cotton roiio , 'i ' In , tl > e. . : tttiAU I'pr Hi fie cakes ! W-lb boxes J'lo ; louciilicsH : ) ) boxes , 12'iu ; Mb bricks ) , 0.1 Ibs In box , purelie. . HitooMs-r.-tlo p irlor , t3.oi | 4-tlc , JS.73 ; : i-tlo. t.V..1i.tlLMilalntl.HJvarolioiise ; : ; , $ .100 ; toy , JI.'J.- > ; Hlii-U.JI.tw l.ir. . SoM1 Casino , mottled , peril ) . 10o ; do wlilto. lier Hi , 14u ; Iniiiiilry soap , per 100 bars , fl.l&SJ fi 00 ; sliavliusotpiiO'i47rU pe-r dor , lollet soap , Jo ikes per box , per ilor , > iict2.V5 Oiinns ll.irloy , 4o ; lurlm , keas , | 'i IH ) ; split lions. 3e : Kn-cn pcis. 2u ; out- iiitMil , bbls. J.- > . ? Vi | < UK ) ; bnlf bbls , iiiuuorlnl , 12c ; xeiintcc'lll. l.'c ; HICO uiitl tiipt- ocn. ( i ltlije ; Miiia bonus , ft c ; con1 illni1 , t.l.Sl ; linked lioniiny , ,1'ic ' ; pc.irl liotnlny , t50 ! jicr bill. LvK-Lowl ' pcrfiinieil. H5fl ; Ucil Cross * ' .2' > : Aniurlcnii , fl" " > ; hinonlllor. $ I2" > ; MciryVar. . I.MKj ! btarscrubbliiK , 11.T5 ; Llillott's uowdurcil , MI'IK Condensed Knsle. J7.40 ; e'io n. ? li.'i ! Anslo bwlssUO.'O ; American Sulss7.tU ; II iRli- lind. il.ir ; "KlKl , " $ (1.00 nTtlACTKoiiioii. . SorMC&fl.89 ; * or , J I CO ft.1.10 ; uinlllti. 2 M , 0-icSW.N ) ; J uz , Jl.iftd.ViO ; Jamaica Klni'or , 4 07. $1 to. MATCiii.s-l'tirlor , 2,0 and 300 per boxJI.fi.V3 1.71) ) ; per boxi sulphur , II. lOTI.'ll ) . HiiiMins-S-hoe , | ior doJI2" > JilllO ; daubers , 73e(2Jltt ( ) ) ; scrub brushes bOcffiW.OO. lliiin Srui Mixed bird. Mb picknges. ne ; cniinry , 1'iCi licnip , 4'ic ; nnlse , I'm , ( JANDI.KS-4J Ibs to box , U'tc ' ; mlnlnj , tOO lOHe ; wax , lip. ToiiACCo-rino cut. per Ib. y.V327c ; pine. " 2 ( ii7-o _ ( ; smoking. 22i&UJc | fancy Uranus , LUo4i CMMIV MKod , ' 0 11) ) pnlls S'Sffi Voi Hllclf , mjo ; twlststlok , He ; I'leiich mixed , 1 1'ic ; lio.ir- lioundhtli k , Mc ! jar and case c indies , & Ib boxes , riJlc ; extra flnu Roods , , VIIMC. MOI.ASSJ.S H bbls N. O. fancy , per cnl.KiO 48c ; < holcc , 4054jc ; Kooil , 2Mawc ; I'uba.baltliu , ! " * Ii Oo ; blackstrap , IMiyiei sj nip , 70 ( trade , hbls,2oe ; l > , bbl.SteIpil ; Ue s. SI. .4 ; 2Kul kits , C7c. OilKSK-r. O , twin lilts , per Ib , It'So : I" . C. Vomu AiiurU'iin , I2c ; doiiieitli * hivKs , 15iic ! hilok.llc ; l.iliiin. In foil , oacli , $ l.0 ' ViNKlAit-ADplo elder , lOe ; ( Uiiblo cldor,12c ! nhltowlnc , l-'o : trlploi < trun tli , I'Jc. fr-TViten 1'er lli.t/itbc. l'i Kl.us-Moillnni , bills , J300 ; small. (10.00 ; RhfrUlns. JII.OU ; Huston inlver. $12.00. KICK Ji a , Oc ; choice , Oci fancy , Ce ; head , OVio. OVio.Jinrii ( Jinrii l'or bbl , ronned , $1 V ) ; half bbl , f.l ' * ; haid elder , pure , per bbl , $100 ; omnn cldir , half bbl , $ OV ) ; pcir cldur , half bbl , i. ; > 0. C \NNf.u 1'mii bilinon , 1-lb Colnnibl i river , tl.TiiQI.HO : Mb Alaska , SI.iO : ; snnllnus 'i s , rrunvli , Il@l4o ; ' 4s jockey elub. ICc ; lS , bone less. 245i28c ; 4S American. tT Vjo ; 3jS mus tard , fl' , < rf.lc ( ) : ovstcrs , 2-lb 10 or , t.MOSW.S ; 1-lb 5oz , K. T. na\lsMlllCo.ilKh ) patent , No 1 nnd Groain , S.'u ; Illuo D. full pitunt , J-.M ; Hawk * eye , bait pitunt , JJ.ai ) ; special nival ti.itnnt , No. 10 , t-.8'J ; .Minnesota patent , i.,73 ; KIIIIS.I * liaid whi'iit patent , .55 ; Nebraska spi In wheat patent , S.'U ) . b. 1' . UIIiii.ursKolil medal , IJ.70 ; Snow White , { MK ) ; Snow 1 liiUo JJ.OJ ; low grade , ll.iw. Itrolien How lollor mills t'rcain , $ . ' .70 ; Myr- tlo. if.4'J ' ; OUIin.t2.20 ; XXX , Ji.fci ) ; ridullty , $ . ' .hO : Mlnmsotut'lin-f , $ . ' .40 ; Patent. 81.no. Usklianip's rc.uU to ratsobuck\\hu t Hour , M.50 tier ease of . * > 0 i--ll ) iKickau'cs ; buuknhuat , In bbls N , V. . tf,00 , ; Kxcclslor brand , $5.1) ) ; .Slapjack meal , fJ.73 per case of 50 2-lb pack ages. Country Produce. 1'rlccs yestcrdny woriMscll maintained , tlio receipts bclim lubt and the vreatlur cold , With milder wu.ithor receipts are almost cer tain to bu largely Inc'iea&cd with u deehled tendency to lower prices. I'cios A Kctod many ORRS sold ntlOennd seine at aic. L.ito jistenlay tliouithcr tinned much warmer which pioduiod asonio- what easier f < clhi In nome quarter ) but stocks umunoll cletaticd up. llUTtrii The rccoiptsfor the past two tir three dnys lui\o not been ccti il to the do ] inuiiil. Sptculators , liowmer. had consldcrahlo butter on hand which helped to make up tlio deficiency and topre\cnt any sharp iidrnnce , still nil cos neio htrongor. Tlio i | notations would not Bhow miicb change , as lVjso ( | for choice country rolls Is about all the imnkct would stund , but the retail trade was not. H ) critical and \voold tuku poorer ur.uh's at the money tliantboyvoiilda few da\s njro. .Ship pers and ( ( peculators pild IJiauo for biittoi that they could buv u ook IIKO at 1'I te. 1'oui.Tiiv I'ho inui kot yi sturdily did not dllTcr much from ttio day before. Dressed chickens went ut Wffc'Ji1. Oeeso and ducks were bcarcoand eouldho duoted atH Uc ; turkeys , GAME So few r.ibbllsna \ \ been rccolvcd during the present \\ook that salesmen IIIIAO been enabled to get a Ilttlo hotter prices , cot ton tails coins as high. is $ i.OJ pel do/on und jacks at $ . ' .00. Vi-jjptalMes. SPI.NACH-I'er bill , $ 00. CIU.FKV HnoTS-1'or do.lit. . liKTTUCK CholCO Stock 40JI" ( > C. S\NHT 1'OTATdts t-npplles uro not hca > y and the mnrket Isijulct. Choice Kansas , * 1 M per bhl. C'KI.FIIV Choice stock 40 < ft I3c. . CAIIUAOU Another car of California cab- base will arrive today. I'crlb. 2'/iii.lo ( ONIONS hupplles aio Huht ana bolilors of Kood stock nro usKliiti us hl h as JJCO pel biibh biianlsli , jiercrnle , &J.OO HUTAliAOAs Jllchl nn stoclt , per bu , OOu. HUMS I'oi buJ1.0uQI2. > . I'rcsli Prints. OnAvnKS Riversides are sclll UK at S3iRH. . 50 ; Navels , $4.505.oOi Hanclilto , a variety between liUcrsldesanii l.os AiignUM , IM.OO.I. > 0. Me\l- eiin oranges , tJ.vWi'Si \ ; 1'lorlda brlchl , ir.100 © 1.50 ; rnvsctt. J2 WtC-l.tiO. QuiNCUH Thoio are still afow on the mar ket , but the movement Is Blow and prices nom inal at r > Oc < SciI.OO per box. I'KAiiF , A 'ow hu o C.iltfornta po irs , winter varieties , are otlcred at JJ.MXia tw per box. hr.MONS Cholcn Mt'isln.'i , tl.MlftlOO ; fancy , Jl.ooxa ? HO. Tansorlnos-1'er dou bio case , Jd.UO , MAI.AUA ( IHAITS I'er bbl. H.ooj 00. I'lM-Ai'i-its Pcrdo/.M.f. QJOO. Ai-rits 1'aiicy varlet'cs of apples nro Bcarcu and are < juoted at i.r > 0(2.l ( > .W per bbl. 1'rovlsloiiH. FiiEsn MEATS Hams , 20 Ibsnv , 7'io ; hams , Id Ibs av. Tile ; h.uns. 1Ibs ! ay , 7'ic' shouldurs , 4ic ! ; pork loins , C'ic ; porlc tcndeilolns iic : ; leaf laid , not rondored. 7e ; p ire ribs , fie. I'OIIK AND UEKF Uarrulod Now mess pork , I10.WI : prlnio mess norlc , J1000 ; extra prlmo jiork , JJ 00 ; cloarbauk iiork.hcnvy , 111,7,1 ; eluar bnck pork , medium. III. " . " ) ; sliort cut clear pork , ( lo.iiUi plK pork , tll.iij. New , oxtr i mess liccf , { ] . " . " > ; extra plato beef , H.2S ; platobeot , { 7.00 ; rolled boneless beef , * s.Vj ) boneless rumps , { 8.0 ; shoulder eloas. SICK HEADACHE ' Positively cured by these Little Fills. CARTER'S They also rclloo Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In- | ITTLE dlKC&tlonandToo Hearty Eutlnp. A perfect torn- ody for Dizziness , Nausea , Drowslnefas , Had Taste In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Tain In tlio Sldo , TORPID LIVER. They regulate tlo BowcU. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SIULLDOSE. SMALL PRICE. CHRISTIE LRTHROP Commission Co. 300 nml 'ill South lltlli Stroal , F.'rst Nalloinl Hank Hiilltiln ? . Grain , Provisions , Stocks & Don els , Orders oxiciitrd for Iho purchn'iflor ' Kiilo for Immedlatoor fntuiu delivery In all tliu lead- ln nmrKuta , IV/Ki/e ll/j-c. 10 ' ' St. Iouls. . . . . .D.lt. Fmru-ls A. Uro' " BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN& CO. , London , England. ADOLP1I HOISSIiVAIN & CO. . Amsterdam , Holland. BANKERS. BUT ina Bell American locurlllei on eommUilat IkilXjndon anil on ll ContlnenUI rnarkeK. Hef oUttlooi of oiv biftoi t potalt ; , OMAHA DIRECTORY. Oinalii Eopubllcan Priutinj Oo , , Law briefs , kink lupplloi , nnl evcr/thlni In tlio irlntlnit line. 10th nn I loul > utre'oti. Ackcrmauu Bro1 ? . 4 Heintso , Printers bhuler , cloctrolrperJ , blank book mnnti- fin tiiri'r , Illfl llo iirl"ttroot , Oniilik BOOTS AND SHOE S. VTest & Fritsohsr , Mnnufarturon ( InodBirs ] ollCM of Icif tobnccoi. 1011 Knrnun n trout. FUR , WOOL , IIIDE3 , TALLOW. Goo , Oborna & Oo. , J , S. Smith & Go , , 4H3. Uthstrccl , 1103-1412 toarcnirorth Ifc Omnha. Onmhn. IRON WORKS , Pnston & Viorllnsi Omaha Safe & Iron Iron Work' , ° Works \\roticht nnl cint Iron , t > tiIlllnt ; work , pnaltio' , Slnnnfn tire nnl huriltf t > rrt work KOIIO rnl proof nafc4. foundry , miulitno nnl work. Iron B MnckMiiiltiiTork U. I' Drc p c pot (1. A llf inillilhst. Orion , lllti A. Jncksouits Aoino Iron and Wire Wilson & Drake , Works , M'f tubulitr flue * . ( Ira Iron , wlro nmlbrn < * w'ki liox liollcrs , Units , olo. fiUS ir.lliMiwl . \V \ lloi-lil , Proprietor Plerro nnl IPtlintrceU. 1 LITHOGRAPHING- . Rocs Printing Oo. Mthofrnphlnir , I'rlntliu iinil lllnnk Ilaukt , tlthnnil HownnUl * . LIQUORS. Her & Co , , William Dirst , Iliiiur | Mprelinnti. \VliiM , Liquors and Ct- Itintnim'utrcet. ) . pnra MitnuliiUtir rs Kennedy' ! Knitlinlliiimicn. 1.113 Fnrnim St , L , KirEoit& ! Co. , A. rriok&Oo. , \\holciia \ nlo MqiiorDcattr * < 0r unit 409 B 10th St. HH (08 ( S lOthSt LUMBER. 0. W , Douglas ? & Oo. John A , Wnkofielil , Iiniorli'U Aiunrtdin.rurt , IlnnliTOO'l ' I.unUier , laiiil Oment.MlliTiiiikol HilrniilU ) > Ccuiont. ml 1310 North Mth Stron. Qulnoy Nh Its Llmo OlnrlosR. Leo , Wyatt- Billiard Lumber Ilnnlnood lumber , wood L'nriH't * mil pnrquot ber Oo , Mooring. Pthnml Mill nnilIinrd Street ) , Trod W , Gray , Louis Bradford , Mnio , Carnont , Kta , Kta l.nmbor , llmo , ccmontct& Cor Mh nna Doujlai W3 DoiiKlni utrcot. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stouohill , LOberfelderfe Oo , , Millinery , Notion * Importers ami Joubori Iq cUoaki , 1C to Millinery 208,510 iiii < lI2 booth llta 1IC-1I3P. ItthSt. , Omaha ilroet MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO. MaxMoyorfe Bra. Oo , A. QospoJr , , , M'OiJewplen , dealers In I'I aiiot , OrKani , Arthuf . iniiBlcnl In.truincnts , tie , Mntcrlals , 1 Ic. , Fnrnnm nnd ICtli. 1511 Douiilns Street OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. llcllncil nnd lulirlcnttn ? uiln , nxlo Kr n < i , oto A. H lllaliop , Mnnwr OYSTERS. A. Booth Packing Co , i Pintt & Co. , Oyster' , llnh nnd cannoil brnnit , " freali oj - KHOil.l. Oiinlnlinniih , 1303 Lonvonvrorth f 15 mill 817 Iti .nt PAVER. PLATINO- . Carpenter Pap or Oo , , Western Plating "W'ks ' Carry n full otock of Gulil silver nnd nickel prlntlnii , mi > iiliiic nnil plntlni ; on all motilt , liillimnreoto , rei > lntoiL ivrltlnic l > : n > Dr , card pa INillslitnRhrasfl , t chuA * per , etc. I ilellcr work , PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribbol & Smith , Schroeder & Oo. , Dealers In country prott- Cnsli buyer * , tinttor nnl uco , Irults , e'K i , nnl Kenenl coil' etc. mlolon merchants , 4U South 11 th itrcot RUBBER GOOD3. EPO. Omaha Etibbor Oo , , Miniifiirtnrliu unl Job- lioriHll klniltrubber Kuaili. IOOS hirtuni fitrcot. SAFES. SEEDS. A. L , Doaiio & Oo. , EmoraonSsolOo , , ' -1 Guiornlauiinti for Hill's Rooil I'rowori , iloilnn In Hnfi'1 uiinliiii , iinai , KlnnilKlhiiiitli lOlhSt. , Onniliiu IHh SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , BFO. If , A. Disbrow & Oo. , BohnSagb&DojrOo , Mninfnctnrcn of tish , - - OtlllOllli- Ho on. l > l I n rti nnil nu < , lillnls , doorj , MouldliiKs , Itranchof- ct < j lice , Kill nnl Iznrlnn I ( .tli unit Clark slrnati. "SYBUPST STOVES. " Farrell & Company , Dtifly-Trowbritlja Whole < nlo jninractiirori jrriii. ) | molaiioj ami atoroi inl 2l7-319Houtli8th atroot , Htove I2H-I2I5 I.pa i si. TEA , OOFFEB , SPIOBS , OIOA.R3. Consolidated OolTao Oompaay , UU nnlllin llnrno/jt. Omnha. Neb STjEiAMAND WATER' SUPPLIES " U. S. Wind Engine & A. L , Strang & Seas , PumpOo. , Ilnlllihy nlml inllli oil NW2-IWI Furnara iitrooV nnit Vil .lonoi it. ( i Ko.iH , aetlnu mnnniiur. O matin , Neb H. Hardy & Co. , The Omaha Toj-n , dolls , nlbuuu.funcr . Fouuilry , tooils.hoinofurnljliliu rrlnti > ri'Buj > pllu < . ' Now ami Hi'cunl-hanl koodj , clilldron'a car- muililiiorr rlnuct IJISKnrnjmst. lllSllunardilruut.