THE OMAKA DAILY BEE : I&HUBSDAY , FEBRUARY 5 , 1891. A TRIAL REACHED AT LAST , The Vlatlnct Bond Inja notion Oaso Being .Heard bj Judge Doanci ' 'THE CITY HAS ACTED IN GOOD FAITH. " Bo Snys Mr. Popplcton Mr. ton Ucvlcnvs the Mttintloti at i Mr. Howe's i'o- sltlon Oilier News. Judge Doanc yesterday morning commenced the hearing of tlio much discussed case of Btuhl nnd Howe vs tlio city , to restrain the latter from issuing and delivering to the Union depot company $150,000 of coupon toodH for tlio construction of a union depot. The rending of plaintiffs petition occupied nearly an hour. "So far as tlio city's answer la concerned , " eald Mr. Poppluton , "I do not know that It Is necessary to read It. The only denial of ma terial substance Hint wo inako Is thut there was no attempt nt conspiracy oh the par ! of the council. The city's ' understanding of this contract Is that those honds nro deliv erable to Ivountzo Urothors' han k at any tlmo. The great point In thu case Is the delivery of the bonds. The city has noted In good faith in thU matter all along , and \ ( thcro has hccn anything Illegal It Is for the plaintiffs to llnd and show it. " Mr. Thunton snld : "As to the answer of the depot company , I had not expected to participate In'this case , depending , as I did , that Mr. Green would attend to that , but ho hud to leave the city Mondav. and there Is no ono but mo to stand here. The now plt < n for & union depot provides for nn expenditure of KOO.oru inoro than the old one. Wo deny thut the Union Pacific company has denied to nny olhur rallroad > the right to enter this pro posed ilopot. Prior to the completion of this depot inure Is no objection on the part either of the Union Pacillc company or the depot company to make this grunt of permission , \Vo sot up that the depot company wont ahead carrying out Its plans la good faith. The company wont nhond and purchased largo amounts of real ostnto that nro of no Value to us except the obligations In question On tbo part of the city ho kept. That Is nil that I cure to say yet on tbo subject , " "A great deal of what you huvo said , " ro- tnarkcd Mr. Howo. "Is chcsttiutty. " Mr. Thurston paid no attention , to the com ment. Mr. Howe proceeded to read affidavits of plaintiffs. Ho commenced with a vorv lengtny ono mndo by hltnsolf. It contained nothing new and was given a verbal addenda of snrc.istlc perorations directed toward Mr. Thurjtou. The proceedings of the council authorising Alvin Saundcrs to deliver to the Union Paclllo railway company , deeds to the depot , grounds , also all the proceedings connected wltn the condemnation of property for viaduct purposes ; anldnvits of J. D. Taylor , treasurer of the union depot com pany , nnd of Frame D. firown , treasurer of the Union 1'aeIIlc railway company , were read. Next came n rending of reports of speeches mndo l > y Mr. Thurston nnd Mr. Ilolcomb bcforo the real estate exchange .luly 12 , 1880 , being before the election ut which the bends were voted. Mr. Thurston said that the report of his speech on that occasion would have inado four columns if all bo had said tuul been printed. What Mr. Howe was about to read was , Mr. Thurstoa said , simply a newspaper synopsis. Mr. Howe Informed the court that the re port was taken down nt the time by Mr. ' 1'nurs ton's stenographer. Then Mr. Thurston remarked that ho sup posed It was materially correct. Tuc newspaper report was then read. For the most part it was u sumptous setting forth of the grnndness of the proposed now structure. In reading It Mr. Howe gave pe culiar nnd Insinuating emphasis here aud there , with the result of keeping bis hcurors , even among the defendants and Associates In a modQ of smiles most of tbo time. Mr. Howe called attention to the fact that the reports of the speeches were almost identically the same In both of the leading pa pers In the city. Then ho read newspaper interviews on tbo subject with Mr.Thurston , nnd whllo doing so turned to the Unlou Pacific's ' general solicitor and asked : "John , don't this sound uaturall" "Yes , " replied Mr. Thurston , "tho re porters la Omaha have a habit of reporting correctly what I say.1' "Ah , yes I guess sol Queer Isn't U that they take so much pains with what you savl Own up now , John , that you have a little hnblt of writing your own intorvlowsl" Mr. Thurston's reply was to glvo Mr. Howe a very direct glance. Next Mr. Howe announced ho would read card that ho put Into adally paper In replv to something Mr. Thurston had written. "I object to bis reading anything of that sort , "Mr. Thurston remarked to the court. The court smllud and swung round in his chair. "O don't bo afraid to hear it Johu. It won't bo hard for you to tnko , " "I llko to see people with nerve enough to sign their names to what they writo. 1 al ways do. ' * ' Guess you do , John , but ain't you sorry for It every now and then { ' < Mr. Thurston again acted on the sllcnco . , golden rule ; the court didn't speak , nnd Mr. Howe went on to read his card which , In a n word , proved to bo a kick ag'iinst the city giving the depot company $ inOX)0. ( ) This lln- ished ho read a very lengthy affidavit mndo by Mr. Btuht , wherein the latter states that the Union depot company is now in fact con structing a depot building which is about 140x100. which dimensions nru about only ono half ns largo as these described in tbo Hrsl plans , adopted by the people , and are radi cally and totally different from these describ ed in tlio proposition adopted by the people. At this point the noon recess was taken. "Aro you getting most out of the brambles connected with this thing and Hearing tbo deep forests ] " asked Mr. Popploton of Mr. Howe Just before the court resumed business in tbo afternoon. "What your sldo calls brambles in this thing , " replied Mr. Howe , "wo catlmonarchs of the forest. " Judtfo Doano then took his seat , nnd Mr Howe stopjwd forward with a blue prin' drawing of the proposed depot ns voted for by tbo people , and proceeded to show it to the Judgo. At sight of it Mr. Thurston also steu- pod forward with the remark : "That doesn't show nearly as much ground as Is Included In the structure now decided to be utilized by the company. " "Oh , that's ' nil right- * said Mr. Howe , "but this seems to bo a birdsoyo view from n considerable distance high hi the air that's the only difference , John. " And then tbo two attorneys went nt it. Mr.'Ihurston would point to a big door ana Mr. Howe to a little ono ; Mr. Thurston to a big space and Mr. Howe to a cramping of space. "All right , gentlemen ; ail right , now , " ex claimed the court , llnally. "Wo will glvo tlieso particulars due attention in tlmo. " Mr. Howe proceeded to rcna the articles of Incorporation of the Union depot company , and Mr. Thurston sat down. Attur the readIng - Ing of the articles came minutes of meetings 01 tbo directors of the bridge company. T hcso minutes show that at a meeting lieu on November 10 , 1SS9 , the stock of the com pany was subscribed tons follows : _ _ , . , . Shares T. r * . Klmlmll KriiMtui Young i \v. n. iioifoinG . . . . ! . . ! ! ! ; Q.V. . lloldri > Kti 74i Wllllnm A. MlKglns J.Q. Tuylor Total j.Koo Mr. Ilowo next reai' his own afildavlt to the effect thut the bonds of the city outstaiid ing at this time amounted to $1,000,000 , wltli fc > 5,000 interest thereon. With this , Mr Howe announced that bo had complete * , plaintiffs showing , Mr. Thurston took the floor and road at : afudavlt inado by T. L. Klmball. It ussertoi that the plans were ctiangcd at the express request of the city council and the people o Omaha , but "of course" were not cmplotet until uftor the election ; that the company has boon compelled to expend $50,000 mow for land under the now plans than under tbo old ; thcro are 1,700 square foot moro under tbo new plan than under the old ; throa stories devoted to depot punioscs In the oh and four iu tie ) now ; the entire iloor space it the now is40,000 feet moro than In the old the most of the now building will bo tlvo Htorles against three stories in the old. Atone ono Unto whllo reading the very lougafll- davit , Mr. Thuntou remarked that the Jnlon Pflclflo had always lived up to Its con- racts with the city , "Vcs It bust" sneered Mr. Howe , "Well , sir , " Mr. Thurston exclnlmed , "If vouor anybody clso believes It Imsn'tyou nro at liberty to begin suit Immediately on the matter. " "I would begin one next week In tlio nnrao of tbe city If tbo city would give mo the per mission , " "Yes , nnd you would Ret Into sucb a snlt ust as you nave Into this ono just as the lair got Into tbo butter. " "Tbo only illfTi'renco between us. " nald Howe , hotly , "Is that I am working In this suit for nothing nnd you are working for pay , ns ahlrcllnp. " "Kxnctli- , sir ; " Thurston rololned , "and woaro both getting pay In this suit according .0 our value. " Howe blushed and winced very nerccpt- bly , everybody smiled very broadly , and Mr. Thurston resumed his reading of Mr. Klmball's nnidavit. Mr. Tburstou also road nflldiivils nmdo by W. II. Ilolcomb. Super vising Architect Duran and himself whicb were of a natnro similar to that madu by Mr. Kiniball. In bis own afllfJiwit Mr. Thurstoti said that although the depot company wns not compelled by the contract to arranco bo- Toro the completion of ttio depot for the al- owlnp of such roiiJs to use tbo depot , It was ready to do so now , Mr. Howe nguin took the floor In robuttnl , nnd began by rending an nflldavlt tnodo by Ilarry'Counstnan. ex-deputy city clerk , glv- , nga description of tbo plans llrst filed and n , recital of conversations that ho bad with Mr. Kiniball. When Mr. Howe bad finished General Dowln nddrcvieO the court. Ho said ho would tnUo up but little tlmo ai tbo representative of Mr. Stuht. The bonds should remain in Lho hnntls of the comptroller because , liosald , It was plain that the depot company was not carrying out the contract anil was acting in bad faith with the citv. Ho was not/ho said , discussing whether tbo Union Pacitio had complied with Its obligations to the city in the past. If It had always complied with Its contract In the past , however , why were these bonds voted by the cllyl Ono instance whcro the Union I'aclllo rnihvny company bad not lived up to Its contract , the speaker said bo remembered distinctly. It was nt the tlmo Douglas county voted | 2r > 0- 300 to aid in constructing the Union Pacific bridge. Ho was selected by the citizens of Onmhn to meet President Dillon at the tiranil Pacific hotel in Chicago on thosuboct. ] There were ether Omnha citizens present. Ho , General Cowln , told Mr. Billion tbnt ho , Cowin , thought tbo city of Onmbn and Doug las county should have some puaran- too that the depot would como to Omaha. In replv to this Mr. Dillon said "Wo , the Union Pacific rail way compauy propose to Imvo these bonus nnd wo will got them wo shall have thorn. " "I was squelched , " continued General Cowin , " but I quietly advised my Omnha friends , clients , not to lot the Union Pacific railroad company huvo these bonds. Hut tbo Union Pacilic railroad company pot the bonds , nnd did Omaha got the depotj No , your honor , no , gentlemen no. The donot went to Council Bluffs everybody knows. There , I charge , Is ono instance , Mr. Thurs ton , where tbo Union Pacilic railway com pany grossly and wilfully went back on Its contract. Thcro are others , but I will not take up the time of tbo court to recount them. I want to say , however , that before Omaha , gives over those bonds , now In ques tion , it would pay her a thousand fold to erect n union depot all alone , nil from her own pocket , nnd then and only then would she bo sure of getting1 a reul , a Kcnui"o union depot n union depot in every acnso of tbo word , a union depot that would bring within her boundaries nll.railroadsand there by glvo her tbo benefit that she is now blind ly paying for. No ; ns a citizen , an inter ested citUcti of Omaha , nil apart from my connection with this case , I say neverlot these bonds bo given to the Union Paclllo railway company ; tbo Union Pacific railroad goes directly back on its obligation1) , its contracts goes back upon its sworn pledges. Ichtirgothut Instead of tbo union depot company holding thomsclvos in n position to glvo other roads nn opportunity to como In to such rv structure ns is proposed , they have simply given away their right to railroads simply turned our guns and ammu nition ever to the enemy. In regard to giving the deeds to the depot company , I would say that that stands in the same situation as the bonds. " The hearing will bo resumed at 10 o'clock tills morning. HAVDGN BUOS. .Extraordinary Low I'riccs Tor Tomor row. 'Fine Saxony ynrn only OJo "per suoin. All our btundard German knitting yum reduced to 15c per skein. Boys' domot flannel shirt waists , all sizes , only llio each. Ladles' fast black cotton lioso only 12c per pair. Ltidies1 fustliliicit cotton hose , Richelieu - lieu ribbed , every pair wurnmted , only 25c ; worth f > 0c. Gonts' heavy wool BOX only 121c per pair ; worth i5o. ! 1 cnso of Rents' natural Rrny wool un derwear only 0Uc ; reduced from $1.25. Gents' 4-ply linen collars only 12Jc each. each.Wo Wo are showing1 nn immense line of Bttspendors at 25c per pair. Gonts' domot llaunol shirts only 35c ouch ; worth 50c. Gouts' domot flnnnol shirts , plaited bosoms , only COc ; worth $1.00. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry { roods and carpets. CARPETS , CU1JTA1NS , DUAl'KRIES. Now styles cnrpots comlnjr in daily. Wo claim to show tlio largest stock of hiffh art novo.tics in all the desirable mnkes of Royal Wiltons , Axmlnistors , velvets. Brussels and all wool extra sup ers. Full weight ingrain carpets at35c , IWc , 10c , 4oc and 60c , fully worth COo to 75c. Government standard extra supers atflSc , 75e and SOo , regular 7oc lo $1.10. Lace curt-.ilns at G5c , 7oc , 87c , $1.00 up to $3.50 pair. Heal Swiss and Irish point curtains at very low prices. Art cotton drapery fabrics in endless variety and lowest prices. Dotted Swiss for sash curtains at lOc , 12clCc,17c , 1'Jc ' and 25e ; fully 60 per cent under value. Curtain scrim nt 3c , 5j , 7o , Oc nnd 12c ; full width and llnust goods made. Chenille portieres in all colors at $1.55 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.50 , $3.00 , 81.00 , $1.50 up .to $12.00. CLOAKS , JACKETS , SHAWLS. Special low prices to close out every winter garment No sacrifice will ho too grout to close these goods. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods , cloaks and jackets. MOHSK'S. Muslin Untlurwonr Salo. The prices uro frgm 20 ts 25 par cent less than over boforo. Wo offer special bargains at the fol lowing prices : Gowns , OOo ; gowns , $1.00 ; gowns , $1,25. Corset covers , fiOc , 75o , OOc , 81.00. Skirts , $1.00 ; skirts , $1.25sklrts ; , 31.50. Drawers , COc ; drawers , 7oc , drawers , $1.00. And n great bargain in aprons at 50c ; this sale is on the third iloor , the goods are spread on tables nnd you nro wol- coino whether you intend to purchase or not NEW GINGHAMS. Wo now show all of our line Scotch zephyr glnglminsovor500 distinct styles in plaids and stripes. Wo have the ox- cluslvo sale of thorn iu Omaha and the price is 25c ; the colors and styles are bettor than itho domestic goods cnllct "Scotch " ginghams. NEW WHITE GOODS. AU our check nainsooks , piques , black mulls , lawns , etc. , are on salo. Wo have some exquisite novelties , in fact , are showing now goo'ds. all ever the storo. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. ESERICR IS A DEFAULTER , lo Loaves Towu and is Found a Physical Wreck Near Council Bluffs. HOW A WOMAN LEARNED SHE WAS A WIDOW ' .looking Tor Information ot Ijnst Con nections Hot-yoU HlH Term Hoiiiro Trial Stnta Labor Convention -A Civil HlglitH Case. LIS-COLK , Nob. , Fob. 4. [ Special to Tim line. ] A few days njro there appeared nn Item In TUB BEG to the effect that n iVest Lincoln man had been In Council 31uits looking for n man who was formerly treasurer of a school district In West Lin * cnln , but who had departed with funds bo- onglhgto the district. The man referred to was Have Emcrlck , who was treasurer of the school district In West Lincoln , but who was short some $ . 'i < )0 ) when ha settled up. tie promised to inako the deficiency good , jutdldnot nnd left West Lincoln. Au at * onioy of the board was sent to Council Dluffs to see If any trnco of him could bo "ontid , but ho did not find him. Later L. C , Corey , another member of the board , paid a visit to the Bin Its nnd went out Into the country districts , finally corralling bis mau on a farm In Garner township , Kmerlck was Jiving with his slstor. Mr. 2oroy says that Kmorick was in very poor lonlth , that ho looked like n dying man , nnd le did not care to take any steps to appro lend him. Emerlck did not have any money , and the house and lot in Wcsi Lincoln that ho formerly owned had been deeded to his sister. Ho agreed to deed this back to the board. Hr. Corey left yesterday for Council Bluffs with the necessary papers to bo signed. Emotlck's sister refused to sign the deed nnd suit was brought lit the district court to have the deed sot aside as fraudu lent , now SHE nnAitD or nis DEATH. Aiiothcr letter , received this morning from Wlnfleld , Mo. , asks for Information regardIng - Ing the disposition of the remains of J. Ed Knowles , formerly head nortor in the Hotel Lincoln , who was killed by being caught in the freight elevator there about n month ago. The letter sUtci that Knowlos has n wlfo and child Lhcro , and the first Intimation they had of Ills death was a newspaper clipping. The body was sent at the time to the homo of Knowles'father in Cuihortson , and it Is re garded as rather queer that his wi'e and child were not uotlHed 01 his death. It will be remembered that nt the time it was said there \viw something df a mystery about the man's life , ns ho was also known as Louis Turner. Acting Sergeant Slpo acquainted Lho wife with all the particulars of tier hus band's death by letter this morn ing. IIUXTIXO FOIl WAXDKIIKRS. Marshal Mellck received n letter this morn ing from Mllligun , Nob. , asking for Informa tion regarding the whereabouts of John Swoc , who is described as nineteen years old , 5 feet 4 incnes tall and "without whiskers of any kind. " Johu was formerly an employe of tlio Burlington , on thelrconstructlon train , but loft thcro September 0 lust. Ills father is very anxious to know what has become of his son. . T. M. Jackson of 027 Twelfth avenue , Council Bluffs , asks the chief of police to furnish him with the address of Anna Scott or Mrs. John Col van or Ualver , supposed to resldo In Lincoln. Calver is said to bo a huckster. The parties were formerly from Afton , la , , nnd the writer says their father , aged eighty-eight years , Is in Council Bluffs penniless and helpless , and desirous of hear ing from his daughters. THE CRIMINAL DOCKET. The criminal docket for February term of the Lancaster county district court contains the following coses : State % 's Charles Wcathorby , burglary and larceny ; State vs John VanOruior , appeal , misdemeanor ; State vs A. P. ilauui , appeal , misdemeanor ; State vs Peter Jensen , grand larceny ; State vs Albert Chall , horse stealing ; State vs C. F. Hammond , rape of daughter ; State vs W. H. Ulckard , adultery ; State vs Henry Mohr. shooting with intent to kill ; State vs John Wall , misdemeanor , appeal ; State vs Frank Williams , gambling ; State vs Nellie New- sum , shooting with Intent to kill ; State vs Thomas MeGuigau , stabbing with Intent to kill ; State vs James B. MuGuircl , disposing of mortgaged property ; State vs Richard Fit7smmous ! , pcaeo warrant ; State vs Mon day McFnrland , information for murder ; State vs Mary Shcedy , Information for mur der. der.If If the Sheody murder cases nro continued for till. , term ns is considered probable , the criminal docket will only occupy the llrst week , as ball has been forfeited In four of tlio cases sot for trial , those of 'Wcathorby , Vim Ormer , Jensen and Williams. Hickard's case will probably not corno up , nnd Ham mond's daughter , the prosecuting witness in the rape case , has not been hoard from sluco she mysteriously disappeared In this city , WILL OUT OUT. Albert Chall , who was charged with horse- stealing , wants to get out. Ghali was ar rested on July 1(5 ( last after a long chaso. Ho was Journeying to the east with his uncloaud aunt in n prairlo schooner , nnd one morning about 4 o'clock run off with the horse while camping near \V overly. The old man fol lowed on a mule in a startling attire , nud Al bert was captured by the sheriff near Crete. . Ills attorney , It. J. Orecno , lias Hied a mo'- tion to discharge defendant , as bo has been confined In jail awaiting trial for over two terms. County Attorney Snell says ho shall not oppose the motion , as the prosecuting witness has long slnco left thu country. SOL DIIHEESKIS DEAD. Major Bohuuan received n tolenram vestor- day afternoon from Yulu City , Dak. , asking for Information regarding the'relatives of Sol Dewecso , a former resident of this city , who d led there yesterday. Doweeso is well known in this city , having formerly been a peddler of fruits and vegetables , and has been workIng - Ing forvho.Burllugton in Dakota. Anyone knowing anything regarding the young man's parents or relatives will kindly report to Major Bohauan. AFTCR HIS rilOSECUTOIl. The case attracting the attention of Judge Dundy In the United States court toaay was one in which James M. Fuller demanded $5,000 from the bank account of L. B. Mc- Monnls on the grounds of malicious prosecu tion. It appears that , Fuller lives it , the northern part of Kansas and was arrested by McMnnnls on the charge of disposing of mortgaged property , Thu charge failed to stick and Fuller indignantly donned his war palut and demands satisfaction iu cold cash for the agonies of Imprisonment. STATE LAllOlt COXVKXTIOX. The state assembly of thoKnlghtd of Labor Is to convene in Lincoln February 13 and will have a session that will probably last three or four days. Thu public session will bo held on Fobruury IU and all friends of labor are invited to attend. On that day some of the most prominent ofllcitls in the country will bo present , among them T. V. Powderly , general master foreman ; Morris L , Wheat , general lecturer for the order ; J. K. Sov ereign , labor commissioner of Iowa ; Con- grossmun-eleet Davis of Kansas , a member of executive board of the order , and others. Oeorgo W , Ulako , chairman of the comniittoo on arrangements , li using every endeavor to niaka the affair a grand buccuss. Excursion rates huvo boon secured on all the railroads In the state for these who may wish to attend. TUB CIVIL HIGIITS C4SB. The civil rights case in which Henry Pfeiffer - for , n colored inaa , was the plaintiff , and Frank Duncan , the proprietor of the Depot hotel , was the defendant , had an airing in Justice Foxworthy's court todav. The col ored man was aggrieved because Duncan had refused him. looging at thut inn , and what ranked In I'fcllTor's breast most was that ho formerly owned the hotel where ho was refused fused lodging. Unfortunately for PfellTor thu casu was not properly presented , and us a prominent legal light who was present , ex pressed It : "Tho case was lost and Duncan was discharged for want of successful prose cution. " jNstnuxcB riuNos. The following additional Insurance com panies filed statoineuta of premiums vccelvcO Special . Sale of Trousers , $3.76 ! We make a point every season to close out heavy weight Trousers before the arrival of spring goods. This week we will have the. biggest bargain sale of fine Trousers we have ever had. Remember , $3.75 will buy some of the finest fabrics we have had in stock this season. Sizes are somewhat broken , but so many lots have been consolidated that all sizes can be fitted. They are in fine fancy worsteds , cassimeres and cheviots. Plenty of large pants for big men. Mail orders will be filled with the same care and attention that any cus * toiner would receive in making his own purchase. Send mail orders with the understanding that you take no risk ; as if goods are not satis factory they may be returned at our expense. BOYS' LONG PANTS , $1.50 AND $2.00. We have accumulated a large lot of Boys' Long Pants during the season and will offer them at this sale in two special bargain lines at $1.50 and $2,00. BOYS' KNEE PANTS , 50 AND 75 CENTS. We mean to clothe the smallest as well as the largest , and will offer a bargain line of Knee Pants at 50c and 75c , which are worth a great deal more , but arc remnants and must be closed out. L.OOMIS & oo. TFI E STANDARD COCOA OP THE WOULD. PURE . SOLUBLE . CHEAP > Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing. Havipg a peculiarly delicious flavor a food and drink combined at a half cent a cup and fit for a prince. VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " JO-VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA , ( "once tried , iilwny * nicd " ) was Invented nnd patented nnil ! made In IIiilluiul. It U acknowledged by the molt eminent doctors and analyst ) that br tlio ipeclnl trentiuent VAN IIoOTEM's COCOA , lias undergone , tbo olubllltr of the fleih-rurmtnir cimitltuenU l > liicreuied flfly i > cr cent. , nhllo the whole of tUo fibroq ire softnnod and ronJoroJ mare palatable and digestible. " ri rg it ile lath world. " A lc for VAN UouTEN'a and tlike no other. 67 and losses incurred In Nebraska durlnpr 1800 , yesterday In the ofllco of the state auditor : Premiums. Losses. Agricultural , Watortown , N.Y $ r.,87n.38 I.WM American , N. Y. 4.504.0S U,73a.0t ) American Hnrcty , N. V GOlUW Fidelity and Casually , N.V 3C.M8.lVl 8,112.05 Moycl's 1'lato Glass , N. Y. . . J.MV.Oj 133.S8 Employes' Liability , Lon don 0,370.10 lfi.2l2.Sfl Liverpool , London A Qlobo 20,010.00 2S.ffiO.23 Orient , llartford 11.W7.43 0.770.2a Liberty , N. Y 7,274.00 4,370.10 Commercial , California 1,1)67.00 ) 5.00 TIM : UI.FOHM scuoor. . The January report of J. T. Mallallon , superintendent of tbo state industrial school , shows the following facts : Number of hoys , 1M ; number of girls , 80 ; total number of scholars , 279. Seven boys were received during the month. The superintendent most earnestly requests that the various county judges re frain from sending girls to the institution except in extreme cases , as the girls' depart ment is crowded. onns AND ESDS. Georfjo McMillan , the teamster arrested on the charge of cruelty to animals , wui ar raigned this afternoon before Justice Fox- worthy. The cvldcuco against him win to prove that after ono of bis horses got into a inudholo and could not got out without help , McMillan lofi the poo'uruto there to froczo to death. The attorney for Agnes Williams , who wants a dlvorco from her husband , William Williams , has fllod a motion to strilco Wil liam's petition fromthoillesbccausoholmsn't paid the alimony the court ordered. The de fendant la a reporter on a Wheeling , W. Vu. . newspaper , and the case Is a spicy one. Oliver Mapgard asks the dLstrlct court for an order compelling W. H. Sullivan to return to the jurisdiction of the court certain prop erty that ho has removed therefrom. Sheriff Itulo of Iowa was at the state house this morning after requisition papers for three fellows under arrest nt Tcoumseh , for swindling with the fruit tree racket. The post ofllco department established a postofflco at Havclock during the post wcolc , and Gcorgo Smith Is the man who will can cel the stamps tlioro. Officer Snyder visited the Hutchins block on O street , between Eleventh and Twelfth , last evening about 10 o1 clock , and found Henry Young aud May Smith occupying the sanio apartments. TUoy did not have any marriage certificate nnd were taken to the station. May put up her gold watch and Dan McCarty Blood good for Henry's ' appear ance , and they were released to appear for trial tomorrow morning. GIl'llX CHJIMjXJt Of A. COICI'S. Count Waldcraco Ilolnliiotl in Ac-live Service by the Kmporor. BEIILIK , Feb. 4. fSpcclal Cablegram to TnnDKK.1 The oitiporor'3 cabinet order to Count von Waldorboe Is a very flattering document. In it tbo lomporor says that in the event of ivar hq ( Intends to glvo Count Waldoraco tbo command of an army corps , and that , therefore , ra the count has boon ' long withdrawn from'sorvlco with the troops , ho appoints him to the command of the Ninth corps. It is' ' 'reported ' that the em peror intends to bo his own chief of staff , thus reducing tao > importance which the position attained , under Count von Moltko to tbo level of the conimandorshlp of n corps. It Is atatod'that Count von Walderseo nt llrst declined to accept the Inferior position , but that ho will bo compelled to ncqulosco. Tno headquarter * of the Ninth coaps nro at Altonn , near Ham burg. Thus Count von 'Wnlderseo and Prlnco Bismarck will become neighbors. A Court Above Huwploloii. Loxnojf , Fob , 4. The Morning Post , re ferring to the decision ot the United States supreme court in the Saymard case , sajs whatever may bo tbo ultimata decision which the court arrives at , Englishmen and Cana dians will recognlzo the Integrity of that tribunal. A Cold Nlulit HI Clilonttn. CHICAGO , Fob. 4. Tbo temperature last night was the coldest of the year. At 5 o'clock this morning the signal sorvlco thermometer registered 6 = below zero , but . by 10:30 : It stood at zoro. of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypoj j phosphites of Lime and Soda la ) almost as palatoble os milk. > Children enjoy It rattier than otherwise. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It Is Indeed , and the little lads and lassies who take cold easily , may be fortified against a cough that might prove serious , by taking Scott's Emulsion after their | meals during the winter season. j Ileicare of lubstllutloiw and imitations. IJERRY IF YOU Imvo a moderate congh , II1' YOU have a Lard cough , IP YOU have a tight cough , IP YOU have any cough at all , and if all other cough syrups have failed , try BEGGS' Cherry Cough Syrup. It is positively guaranteed to relieve any Itind of cough at once or no pay. Price 25o. , COc. and $1 per bottlo. For sale by nil drngglsta. If your drutmist tlooa not keep it iu ntocl ; , or will not procure it for you. oo- oopt no substitute , but send direct to the laboratory of BO KS AH K. Co Chicago , IllB. . the price uamod aud they will forward , prepaid , to unypartof tboU. 8. BOYB'S THE SKASON'H ONf/V , , mo suuunss. 5 Performances , Beginning' Thursday , Feb. $ ih. SATURDAY MA.TINEB. Ilronson Howard's Greatest Triumph , AMERICA'S LATHST OHA'/H. "nottor than the Hoarlottft.-N.V.Horahl. "Shoiiiuidoahls tliogaiilou of lovu maltltiR and lrno deeds. " llox sheet onoiis at regular prices Wednesday. Grand Opera HoUsB. . SALE OF SEATS FOR THE Two performances , Watlaoo and Night , Saturday Feb. 7 , - . OF TJ-1EL- Jefferson-Florence COMEDY COMPANY Will Open This Morning at 9 O'clock. THE RIVAL ? , HEIR-AT-LAW , Scale of Prices , 5k ( , ijii.UI ) , $1.50 , $2.00 ; M AGGIES COME. THKKE NTOHTS , Monaay , /7U/ , . America's Famous Comedienne , Siipportoil by hornow 11UAJIAT1C COMl'ANV , un der the m-iuiiKorauntof Mil C1IAHMSS A1II1OTT. Monday , "JfanclioH , " 'I'ueadav , " l.orle , " Wolnmlny , IloTDlicotopeaRntiirilay nt ri'gular prlroi. THE GRAND 1 > ol > ul''aoE8 Buntliit ) , Fol > rtiaru , Sl.h , THE LAUGHING BOOM Tlio Mnrtltnor Comedy Cnmpany , lit the fiui- nh'fitof all ( iircii I'onuKllcs entitled "LARKINQ" Reserved heats r 0ou3o nnd3o. . llov slicct ojien Huinlay IUH. in. EDEN MUSES ] Will I < u\vlor , MniuiKor. Cor. llth nnd Farnam \VKKICOKKKI1IIUAHY2. OOt . AUISXANOHJt OOOPER. Tlio Kentucky finlnt , JOM. Wllion , iihmoinpnjil px | > nnalonlst , lion Vcrnon , KiiKllah ClOK IMnro , n hcnnty , MiicCoiuboClilldren.ioiiK lilul dniicn nrtlits , Knildlrr nnd Woit , Ci'rninn ComiMllHim NVcll'a uiunl- cnl rajsterj , I.adylllocltit. A UrcntDhovr. FISCHER'S ICE TOOLS , Double Markers. Plows with Lift ing Cams , Tongs , Bars and Fischer's Improved I ce i Hooks. $1 yk SOLEAOENTa Omaha 1405 Douglas St. 11 the bent tnailr , ami U olj , cventwlicre. a'hli li tlie orlq. / lnnll3Ubo . IlcwarooriinU tatloni. roslthily IKIIIO M Kc mi I no unlcsi itainpctl ff-S\ \ uu the > olci , " Jinnca Means' ea Sliuo. " J. MEANS & CO. , 41 I.Ueolo tlTMl , BB. J. E. McCKSEW ; THE SPECIALIST. Mora Than Fifteen Years Experience in thl Treatment of PRIVATE A euro M Rimrini DISEASES tcoil In frcim tliro ( to tire dura with' out the losi of nn hour's tlmo. ontlr cured wlthoo ; Initriimontdi no cut ) i ( IllntliiTho mosl cnmrknulo remedy known toinoilcrnsclcnco. Cureil In ISO to , ' 0 clays. Dr. Mo ( Irpw'stroatinant , for tlih lorrlbli I/loot ! ill oino him hoon iirononncod thu mo t powerful ixni ) surciMiMl rnmwly ever nil. rovortMl for Itiu nlnoluto euro of tlih clUo.iio. lift nuccest with this illsc.isu Irn uuvur buun uquullad. A oomptulo euro OUAIIA.VTIEII. : LOST MANHOOD 'Sr ' ; ntuml rtl clmrRtu , nro absolutely curmi. Hullof U minu Unto unit oinpli > tn njPri Orri KliPuniatHm nnd nil dlv- UlitA tbsK i r - mnncntly cured. FEMALE DISEASES Ilnrronnon . asm of the nn4 1 veil or lilaiMor cured. Tlio Doctor's Homo Troatincnt for Mialix l > truly irciiiiiplfti ) , ronvonlcnt nnd wnndortul rpino If. IjADiKSfrum' ' to 4 < ixir. Hoe ' McGREW'SHoo ' nucco Imi DR McGREW'S , won for him 11 reputation , , which lit truly n.ilhiiial In olinrnctur. nnd his grant iirmyof I'lUlontH ' roarhoj from tlio Athintlo to the Pnclllo. 'Iliu Doctor li a Krniliintoof "iiKattAit" | nmdlilno iiml liinlm-1 Innit nmltnriifiil oxpi'rloiiru In liuiplnil lirnutlcu. mull } clniwl iimonK the iL-artliiK peolnll t In mmlorit grluni'u. Troiitniunt by curruspoiiiteiifo. Hitn'.c or clrculnrs about each of the nboodUoi3iH , ritais. Office , i4th and Farnam Sts. , Omaha , Nub. Kntranco on oltliur utroet. LiQTRSC BELT Kloilrlc tiirrtnl ll , r ITU fi.r ll f m la'l4 - UKIT > ml N ptLiorr | ti. and up. Worn CUM I've * raaji.nllj I iirnl In three month * . K tM pftmptilftKrpa. B PDKN JiLFOlRIUCO. . lOOUN.iuilt. , CHICAin.ll' . W. S. ROBINSON' Chemist mill Amycr. I'orincrly In Cliomlcnl f/ulioratory oftlio Union 1'aulllo Special Attention Given to Orea , Waters and Oils. Iii2 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb lien who are lack Ins In vlliil force and . oraniwrnk mulm-rimi * Ironi nnyc.iusistudiil oncofor ecnli'd Inforiiiatlon , riCKi : , of tlio Krvr Common Nrnin Homo < : ure. Nn electric lion. BHIISO. MoitoinndiilriiRKliiff. Certain euro for all WeaVnca'O of men. Addrres Alljloul > kuriuucyC'o.llloiOt , Rub a lame back with Pond's Extract. BRACE UP ! Wcnlemon , wlthkrnln , norvoi niirt ipziinl Impaired , ( -mi flml nn iibiululDcino In NKiivt MKA.SS. Tlioy nmku iM men roiinit , nlro tire nnd rlnur to ox- liuliDtiKl XOUtli , clcmbiu llfu'i lor , II per box , lioatiinlil. rumphlotfreu , NKItVK JII5AN CO. , MiirrAU ) . N , V Bulil l > y UuuJiimn Dru'n Co. , 1110 Kiirnaiu Ht. , Omnlia --A.-fin.Si5/&Ri ! ! > . - . . . / ; iiutiint rt/iy / la lh wurit caui ; IOIURI com. a 10 ilnpt tftctf cure * vlxra alUtLori fill , jl I nmnnrti Hi notl ilitptlcal. I'rlot , 60 rti and 30 , ct Imrll. erkr mill. S - - - * " - ' Dn.n.-