THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THLCKSDAV , FEBRUARY 5 , 1891 THE OMAHA KEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PKARL ST. > "vfrrd ly Carrier In uny pnrlof the City \V. T1LTON. - MA.NAUKU fr TFt.El'IIONE3 : , _ . JMisinoM OfTlro. No. U NlKlit Editor. No. 23. jnxon .MK.VT/O.V. N Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Craft's chattel loan" . 204 Sapp block. Gus KcluilU , a driver for tlio firm of Schc- Held , Shurmer & Teaplo of Omaha , wns nr- restub yestcrdny aflernoon for peddling with- - CilUn license. Mnrrlago licenses wcro Issued yestcrdny to Kobcrt Howmitn of Omaha nnd Ada Water- don of this city , nnd lo Edwin Van Kirk und Nclllo Graham , bolh of Oils clly. The Union Pacific company lias had a num ber of engines guarding tha switches between the Hock Island und Milwaukee tracks und Its brlilgo trucks nt the transfer , over since the von tract was llrst abrogated. Since JudKO Dundy'a decision , which was rendered In Onmhii n few dnys nco , those engines have been removed , nnd it Is thought there will bo no more trouble. A suit was begun in superior court yester day by Maria Jackson vs tlio Omaha & Coun cil IllulTs bridge and railway company to ru- covcrf ll-MX ) which was paid by the plaintiff for the paving between the trucks c.nd ono foot on each side. Tbo petition cites the city ordinance which provided that the company wns to pay for such paving. Hnrlo & McUabo appear as allornoys for the plaintiff. 1 II. A. Cox , western salon agent for A. T. Thatcher , has moved his coal ofllco Irom tbo Brown building to No , 1(5 ( Main strcol , in tlio Chapman building. Mr. Cox has Joined wllli Cooper & McJce , who linvo moved their real cslale ofllco from Iho Mcrrlam blocli lo llio same pluco , nnd Iho gentlemen have lilted up us pleasantly and nicely arranged ofllco * as tlicro nro in the city , and they will bo glad to welcome their friends auU tbo public In their now quarters. TCvans Laundry Co. . 520 Pearl ittroet. Telephone - phone yi'O. ' Goods called for and delivered. I'EItXOXA L , I'AftAd It A I'llti. The friends of Fred Wcstripp and family , who recently removed from ibis clly to Boone , will ho pained to learn that air. Wcstripp's son , George , Is very 111 , and not expected to live. Best heavy goods , 13 ! per cent oil , cash. Heitcr , tbo tailor , ! I10 Broadway. J.C. Blsctiv , steam ncatln ? , sanitary ca- elnccr , DO-i Mo rrlam block , Council Blurts Tbo H Intern nf Mercy. The Sisters of St. llcrnard's hospital have prepared tlio following report of their work during the past year ; Hccolpts : James Million , $2i > 0 ; Mnry Million , ? M.T.C. : LCP , : > ( l ; J. O'Neill , * > 5j T. O'llearu. $15 ; Hcafoy & Ilcafey , Omaha , tlii ; Dccso , Wells & Co. , 10 ; Henry Elseinan & Co. , § 10 ; Bradley & Co. , $10 ; Mrs. P. Lacy , $10V. ; . Maurer , * ? ! ( ) ; U. Untlmnk , 15 ; Mrs. Untliniil ; , * 5 ; Etllo Belutie , $ A : Mrs. .1. C. Leo. W Mrs. P. Gunoude , $ . ° i ; Mrs. James Million. $ .1 : Mrs. Frank Guatiella , So ; Ccorso Ciross , $1 ; BMrs. Fnrrell , fS ; Georpo Ci.ta- bock , 5 ; Mary Sniitli. $5 ; Mrs. Nemnycr , $ ) ; Florence McCarthy , ? i ; Mrs. James O'Neill , Si ; Mrs. Klulioy , ? 1 , Mrs. J. MeDeraolt , $1. Uotuitions of groceries were received In small quantities every two weeks from Mesdames - dames * , ( Juaiiella , oln , AVIeUain , O'Kourko ' , TJ"vlly , Tlnlcy , lluijhes , Shea , Gunotido , O'Neil ' Itolliuid Milch- Connor , , Murphj' , , , Ingoldsbey , O'Brlcno ' , DulT , Quinn , " Nolan , O'ltourko , Powers , Swouuor , Mc- "Henry , ICimball , Cusick , Grady , Kcclinc. O. P" . AVIckam , J. J. Shea , Paschal , Leo , Million , Hiss , Green , Nevuns , Uonnhoy , King , Sulllviui , Evans. Untlianlt , Miss Mnry Mitlien , Urow , Bray , Smith , Hayes , Mlllard , J. Shoa , Haas , Five boxes canned corn , groceries and vcgclablcs were received from McHsrs. MoAtco , Bock , Fcaron , Illnk , Loulor , Spetmun , Palmer , Hnvorstock , Stewart Brothers , Groncwec & Schoentpen , Duquott , Sullivan , Gibus. Millnrd , Morgcn , Tholl. Chlnawaro from Mr. Maurer. Hardware from Messrs. Field & Toller. Vegetables nnd fruit from Messrs. McPherson - Pherson , Wllcox. Wise , MoNamara , Kenny , Murphy , McDermott , Hoffmnn , McKenzie - zio , Kcisoo , Thommle , Florl , Connelly. Bread from Leulzingor , Gnrncau Brothers. Crackers from McClurg Brothers , Stewart Brothers. Meat from Mr. Sheels and South Omaha packing houso. Ice dally , Tinley it Sons. Water free from Council Hluffs waterworks. Dally papers , OMAHA BKE , Globe. Nonpareil and tlio weekly Critic. There have been 189 patients in ttio .hos pital , of whom sixty-two were Homau Catholics , seventy-eight belonged to other denominations and forty-nine had no relig ious hiillcf. In respect to nationality the patients wcro .divided ns follows : .Nationality ot patients , Americans forty- five , Irish forty , Gorman forty-seven , Swed ish thirty , Italian live. Scotch three , colored two. French ten. Iloheminn nine , English two. Total , 189. The charity patients numbered 101 , those on half pay thirty-live , nnd these on full pay liUy-tlirco. In addition to the regular hospital work KIS needy people were provided with cast off clolhlng'dnring the year. The Sisters are very much encouraged over the success of their efforts lasl year and hope for still greater results In the future. They thank the ninny wlio have aided them In the work and hope their future attempts will ho aided In like manner. Rubbers , overshoes and nil kinds of winter . .footwear cheaper than over at the Boot Up side Down shou storo. The Kiel hotel barbershop has reopened In the basement. Joseph Schmltt. Icemen , keep your feet worm and dry with n pair of the special rubbers at the Boot Upside - side Down shoo sloro. Wo soil them chcapoj than you can got them nnywhcro in town. An Amateur Detective. J. W. Hook , the employe of the Singoi sewing machine company who entered S. B ' house the other und Bnydor's evening repre sented himself lo bo an officer In order to ob tain some papers about which there hnd bcci u dispute , was arrested yesterday by Consta bio Evans on a charge of impersonating ui ( ofllcor. A short tlmo later Mary Noah , tin young lady who hud the pni > ors ami whosi room was entered , was arrested on an information mation Issued by the sewing machine com pauy charging her with the larceny of tin papers. Both parties wore released , Heel on a bond of J100 and Miss Noah on bur own rpeOKiiizance , Miss Noah used to sell machines for tin company , nnd hnd n sale partlnlly nrrangct when she left the plnco several weeks ago 8ho claimed that n commission of 3K1 wns dm her on the deal , but thnlTnrple , the manage of the oftlce , delivered the machlno hlmsol nnd at llrst refused to glvo her nny of tin money. Finally , however , ho agreed to pa ; licr what she claimed and gave her a rcceip for the amount , ns a payment on a nmchini which slio had bought for herself. Itwasthli receipt which was at the bottom ot the whob fuss , and which Hook went to the youni laity's room to get , Tarplo claims tluUsli bail no right to the receipt , aud according ! ; Had her arrested for larceny. The trial o' both cases has been set for hearing thi morning In superior court. The star \vlilcl Hook snowed wns ono of the "detcctlvi agency" fjturs which have gel so many well meaning persons into trouble before. The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N O'Urlcn. Too much California canned goods ou hand must bo sold , Kclloy & Younkorinan. \V. II. O. Kntcrttilnmeiit. The Woman's Relief corps of this city liar Bocurvd MUa Lillian Chillis Husscllto glvo ; humorous and dmmalio reading In Mnsoiit Tcmplo hall next Tuesday evening. Mis lUsscll cotups highly recommenced by Dti buquo , Ccdnr Hariltls und ether Iowa cltlo : wlioroslio bus apiwarod. The efforts ofttii toclcly bhoiihl bo largely patronized by ou [ citizens. They arc , with otliors , rollovlui liu wunU of many poor families in ou midst. Tickets on sale at the book store * . THE NE\\rS \ \ IN THE BLUFFS. TLo Theater Oompany nnd Manager Dobany Oorae to an Agreement. REPORT OF ST , BERNARD'S ' HOSPITAL , The Amnteiir Detective Now lie Jlnilu'L I'ut Ills Knot In Jl llothprcil by Shop lifters. A great load of nr.xlety was rolled oft the members of the Council Hluffs theatre com pany und , In fact , off nil those who Imvohccn ntall Interested In having good theatrical en tertainment In this city , when the contract nnd lease wcro signed yesterday , by the terms of which the ouera house was transferred fern n period of years to the no./ly formed organ ization , It was fcurcu for a time that the deal would full through , the parties not being able to coino to uny satisfactory agreement. At last a compromise was agreed upon , by which the company takes the opera house for ono year and pays n rental of $ l00 for It. Do- hany agrees to refit the dressing rooms , toput In water closets nnd other needed conven iences und to thoroughly clean the house. If at the cm ! of the year the company has In Its treasury a balance of fy.MO it Is obliged to take the house for another year. .Ur if it so desires It has the option of taking It for an other year or term of years any way at the rule of ja.WX ) per annum. ' 1 ho lease , how ever , Is not binding on either of the par ties after the llrst year nnd cither may abro gate it. > What the company expects to do may be seen from the following proclamation which was Issued yesterday : To the citizens of Council Bluffs : The Coun cil Bluffs theater company leased from John Dolmny the Council Uluffs opera house. The company proposes to relit , refurnish and repair this opera house , nnd make It llrst class hi every particular. ' A now orchestra has boon formed nud employed , and the music will excel nny theater music in the western states. The stockholders In this company nro nmong the leading citizens of Council Bluffs , nnd it is the purpose of the company to present to the citizens of Council Dluffs the very best attractions for "play and song. " If fts good amusements are offered with as good sur roundings as can ho procured anywhere in the west , the company expects that the citizens of Council Bluffs will patronize liberally and loyally. The com pany has been formed simply to advance the interests of Council Bluffs and to bring up to the proper standard its opera house and pre vent the necessity of anybody going to Omaha or any place else to sco or dear any entertainment. The company has to take the opera house from Mr. Doliany , subject to certain contracts that ho has made with cer tain traveling companies nnd lecturers , etc. It will bo the hcncst aim and pur- peso of the company to procure as speedily as possible and as soon ns the season will open , the very best attractions. The company most earnestly solicits the Kind ofllces and liberal patronapo of the citizens of Council Dlufls nnd vicinity , and certainly promises that if that is given It will prove to those that enter the opera house that their aid has not been unworthily bestowed. It will bo a short tlmo before all the changes that nro to t > o made can bo carried out. The company will take possession of the opera house Feb ruary 10 , 1SU1. COUNCIL Biurrs THEATER CO.MTAXV. J. N. BALDWIN , President.J. . J. F. KIMIIALI. E.V. . HAUT , F. II. EVAS * , Executive Committee , Change of I have bold my bottling establishment , with nil the good will thereof , to 0. Harris , who will continue the business as hereto fore , imu whom I recommend to all tny pat rons. nnd nslt my old friends to continue their trade. Persons having bills against mo will present them for payment at my oftice , and all claims due mo will bo collected by myself. L. JM. FI-SKLUSTEI.V. Our ileiniirknbla Success Enables us to present lor your considera tion prices wllbouta precedent In the history of Council Bluffs. All goods are warranted row and clcnn , equal to the best any market affords. Only ono prlco and term * strictly cash. Call and see nnd bo satisfied that wo nro right. Davis' Hoyal No. 10 flour , SI.CO ; Davis' IHuoD flour , $1.IK ; Gold Medal flour , ? 1.4 * > ! Minnesota Superlative Hour , $1 ; Snowflake flour , ? ! ; Ifi Ibs granulated sugar for $1 : 17 Ibs extra. C granulalcd sugar for $1 ; " 0 Ibs Now Orleans sugar for $1 ; Arbucklo coffee , Dcrpkgo , ' . ' . "io ; German coffee , ncr pkgcGo ; Icing's ' buckwheat , per pkge , lOc ; crackers , per Ib , fie ; ! ! Ibs gingersnnpi for Kic ; 2 loaves bread 'for Do ; 3 Ibi mince meat , ! ; ! ! cuns tomatoes , 2.r > c ; ! t cans corn , 2oo ; Page , Norton & Co Hour , Sl.'S ' u. sack ; ! l-lb pail lard for 21'c ; ii-lb pall lard for itSc : oil sardine : ) , per can , no ; 13 cans mustard sardines for U.lo ; Cal ifornia hams , per Ib , Cc ; good broom for 1Uo ; M ) good cigars for ; ne ; 20-lb pall Jelly for ; tie ; ! ! > -gal pail syrup for S.ic ; fi-pal kc syrup for * 1.40 ; pall white lish for ( We. Brown's C. O. D. Grocery , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Bell & Son's new grocery takes the lead on Upper Broadway. No old slock. Hoys Wntttcil at American district telegraph ofllce. ISothcrcd With Shoplifters. Only the strictest police surveillance anil the presence of dolocllvos In citizen's clothe ; prevents the wholesale operation of shoplift crs at iho Klsoman storo. A score or more of dishonest people have been caught , bu they have not beou punished any furtlici than to bo exposed before the crowd nnd compelled polled to disgorge. Yesterday morning tw < of the clerks wcro caught stealing and wen discharged. All kinds of schemes an resorted to to steal goods and smuggle then without being detected. Ofllcc-r Winlt slaudi nt iho door and closely scrutinizes each per son that passes out. Ho sent back at least i dozen people yesterday who wcro trying ti sneak out C with goods , to the man ngcrs. Generally Ihoy are very will ItiK to part with tbo stolen property wllhou discussing the matter with the owners. The lies Unit some of them tell and Iho excuse Ihoy otter for having tbo stolen stuff an often amusing. Yesterday afternoon Oftlcc o Wintt stopped u big follow nt lln door mid pulled a bolt of ging ham from beneath his coat. Ho ex philncd lo Iho floor manager lhat his mother ill-law bad purchased Iwo bolts of the goods had thorn .wrapped up after they bad bcei paid for nnd then unwrapped them and givci him ono of tbo bolts. When asked wlioro hi ° mother-in-law wns ho said shu had Just taltei 11 the train for Sail Lake. Ho left tlio good and was allowed to go. Hereafter Ibero wll bo. some prosecutions following detections o : thischnracler aud trouble will ensue fo 11 Homebody , y The now dental rooms of Drs. "vVoodbur ; ita nro the tincst nnd most comiilota In the west ita Next to the new Uruud. "Telophoiu1 , 145. " e Buy your coal nnd wood of C. B. Fuel Co. WO ih-oadwuy. Telephone UW. i Pure fresh drugs at Davis1 , opposite Ogdcn ish The host French cook in western Iowa Is a h the Hotel Gordon , Council Dluffs. u l- Pomona Brand Iloarliounci tablets will r Hevoyour cough. Pomona stamped on end tablet. Ask your druggist or candy dealo for them. Sir .J iilnm Did not Tnltc. AV.vsiuxfiTox , Feb. 4. Sir Jullnu I'uuncc fete , British minister , was this ovenln shown n London dispatch regarding the Pal Mull Ciiuotto's criticism of him for havlu talked in regard to the supreme court di clslon In an interview purporting to com from Him having been cabled the I.ondo Times , Sir Jullun was greatly surprised an dcclured he had hud no intorrlew with . . . . , , g ono on th3 subject of Iho decision. " Tbo Kirn Ilucord. K VAXDAI.H , 111. , Fob. 4. Most of the bus ir ness portion of Orccaville , 111. , was burnc this morialug , entailing u loss of ( -,500. T THE. H MAI BANKRUPT SAL H little , if any frictionm handling it all , owing to the increased facilities. Our first day's customers return again and again for duplicates of their lucky purchases , and the genuine bargains obtained are being heralded by patrons so enthusiastically , that it is little wonder the crowd grows in proportion -daily. A , We have another lot of salespeople , and hope to escape any necessity of closed doors. BELIEVE JfX THE NEW SOWTIT. Alton Malingers Upat'filaz Out After a Kcgloii New to Chicago llouds. CHICAOO , Feb. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEK.J Tlio railway press bureau says ; "Tlio Alton and Mobile & Ohio hnvo practi cally consolidated. There is no exchange of stock or ownership , but the agreement Is ex actly similar to thai bcUvecu the Union Pa- cillc ana the Norlhwcslern. This accounts for tbo collapse of the deal by which Presi dent Mackay proposed making a trunk line to Chicago consisting of the Big Four system , the Mobile & Ohio and about a hundred miles of new Irnok. This coallllon is an Imporlant ono as showing the policy of the Alton. It has steadily refrained from adding mileage west of the Missoufl and now proposes to enter what Is almost a now field for Chicago roads. Further allies in the south will bo obtained as fast as possible by Iho Alton. Its oftlciuls believe thoroughly in the future of the new south and , although they will nol say so , it is bolloved Ihoy will add to Iheirown mileage In that section , " ' This aflcrnoon Ibo Allen dircclors de clared Ihc regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent. The matter of dividends for Iho coming year catno up. If possible Iho regu lar 8 per cent will bo declared , but none of the fc)00.000 ! ! in tlio treasury will bo drawn lo eke out any less dividends. " In Fnvor of tno Rock Inland. KA.NJIAH CITV , Mo , , Fob. 4 , Receiver Erb of the Kansas City , Wynndotto Northwcst- orn , appointed rcforco in the Rock Island and Chicago , Kansas it Nebraska contro versy , has forwarded his decision to Judge Cald'well of the Unllcd Slules .court. . The coulroversy arosn over an attempt to foreclose a morlgago on the Chicago , Kansas is Nebraska road. Mr. Erb decides in favor of the Kock Island. Ho finds the interest was In default and that the trustee had a right to foreclose the mortgage and sell the road. The case Is ono of grcal Importance , and if Iho report of the refcrco bo accented , It means a loss ot $ 1,000,000 to Iho counlies of Kansas and Ne braska through which Iho road passes , , to. gclhcr with a loss la dividends duu and which Ibo Kock Island will escape paying. What the Lend 1'rimt Owns. Nuw YOHK , Fob. 4. The lead trust today ro-elcctod the old ofllccrs. The president's report shows the capitalization has remained unchanged. The total assets of the trust nro fXi , 128,424 , ; net earnings for the year , * M,0. , : i 653. President Thompson staled tbo trust did did not control tbo while lend Irust , norother manufacturing lead Interests. Ho said the trust ownnd one-eighth of the Unseed oil business und one-eighth of Iho oil rellnliig business. They Want Uniformity. CHICAGO , Fob. 4. [ Special Telegram lo TIIK BUR. ] The National Transportation as sociation , through its executive committee , today calls on all its members to forward memorials lo tbo Interstate commerce com mission favoring a uniform bill of lading and uniform classification. The association con sists of the boards of trndo and correspond ing bodies from all largo cities in the country except Now York. It represents 8 per cent of Iho shippers'in the United Slates , Cut IlntoH Knar. CHICAGO , Fob. 4. [ Special Telegram lo Tin : BEE. ] Chicago east-bound ) oniclnls have been sworn to secrecy regarding the conslnm manipulations of grain rates. Prominent shippers dolaro that all or nearly all the wist- bound lines nro culling rates from 1'J lo in per cent by absorbing lighterage charges In Now York. Over W ) per cent of iho grain going to the seaboard for the last four months has gouo to this cut rato. On nolld FnnlltiK. CHICAGO , Fob. 4. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BIK. : ] Chicago railroad mca agree thai the prospect before the HOW Western Trafllo association Is better than at nny time since the llrst mooting in Now York. Comrnis- ioucr Mldgloy of tbo western freight depart- ment saldloday : "Wo have been making progress us fast as is consistent with safely. Bo far wo have had no com plaints. The absornlion of Iho present association Into the Western Trafllc associa tion will ho a matter of time , as the agree ment provides It shall bo itono when all mem bers Join the main association. The most pleasing thiug Is the assurance from the Alton , Iho Fort Scott and the Kansas Cily roads lhat they will act in entire harmony with Iho associalion. This assurance Is posl- live , and there is no prospect of demoralized rates on account of their not being members. WITH COLO ft S ft\'tG. lliiw Illinois IlcpnlillcaiiB I'roposu to Go Down. SiMiixnnni.n , 111. , Feb. 4. A meeting of the republican steering conunltUiO was held Ibis morning lo consider the propoiitlou of the Fanners' Mutual Benetlt association ror the republicans to Join with the farmers In tno , election of Strcetcr , Meoro orTaubcneek. Tlio thrco gentlemen's names were discussed at considerable length , but the prevailing sentiment among the members of the coiiunit- tee appeared to bo that a caucus should ho held before the republicans doidcu to endorse nny senatorial candidate not n member of tbo republican party. The repub lican farmers held a brief caucus this after noon but nothing came of it. They evidently intend awaiting the action of the steering commillco. II Is obvious they nro yet op posed to dropping Oglesby and by no means as well disposed toward Strcoter , Moore or Sleelo as has been supposed. The democrats nro not worried over the negotiations between republicans and the Farmers' ' Mutual Benefit association party. They are convinced the troubles of the re publicans have only Just beirun. The manifest hostility of many republican legislators to any fusion candidate leads the democrats to bollovo such a man cannot be elected. Therefore , the Palmer men lonlght claim to feel n.oro con 11- dent than over. The republican slecring committee had several conferences today and tins evening the question was again discussed nt IciiKth. "When Iho committee adjourned tonight Chairman Fuller was directed to notify Iho Farmers' Mutual Benollt association men the stcurine committee would bo glad to receive ono of their1 representatives tomorrow. This will bo Moore and he will bo requested testate state definitely Iho full scope of the proposi tions which the farmers will submit and what assurances the republicans nra to GISNUIN1S Joliai llolTs THE BEST NUTKIT17E TONIO KOK , , , Inillf/fHtlou , Mother * , the. irr / ' * i f 7 i I'ut up In thli style "J htiTO iiBCit .lohnim Holt's uMlottleiunljr. JIlllt K.xtractji'or the i > ait tlvo yearn In mjj'pplvnto i > rictloc , unit hnro found H to bo tlio host health reii | r\r \ lioTeruiia nml tonlo niilllltYM known. I liuvo found It i"iDol | ) llr iood ; for pcr- Bonsro.NVAk.i from ( ever , lnoaiun ofl'VM'Ei HU forlHiTli Kits .Nt.'iH.VO : , NIK ! In cn ca of WEAKl.VCllll.linnx , end nlan In j.rxr ) Tiiiitnn.i.H. Jlj intention wan ilriiwn by the Ininiunsu Ini- portr.tlou Hi'nil-iuonthly , nnd jMHlL'T A 111 1.1.IDS' or IIOTTI.KH liiiliorlrtl Iiy J u Inivo panBoil niy limix'ct'on In the Cuiloui ] lui9 : < ullt lactorll ) ' fur the l > aitllvo > eari. Yours re > | > crtfiillx > \V. W. I.A.Mil , M. H , ufltotllcsonl/ , U , B. I'ort I'lillnlclplila. " i : ir.i UK of JMI TA TIOXS.J&I lie ( .1'MJINi : has the 8IO.VATUIIH of "J01IA.VN HOKt" nnd " .MOIIITiiHNKH" : on the Deck of every fcolllo. , f /i < iiiii ilo/f , llfrlln , fin-In , r i JIIINDKIoO.N CO. , HOI.K ACiKNTS. U. B.Vlin.AV STIIKKT .NKW VOHIC. O SPECIAL , NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WANTED A mlddlo-apod married num. thoroughly experienced in farm I lit ? uiul stock raising , cnnablo of manaiilng a 1,500- ncrofurin , stoukod with MO to NX ) cuttle nnd other Mock. To thu right party I can Klve a uood position on my farm In Monoim county. Mono but those who can Rlvu tlio bust of rcfer- I'lici'S for cm'rxy. Integrity and ability need apply. E. O. Si.illb. Council Itluirs. V\rANTED YoiiiiKinan of peed habits for T * permanent position , ciliary Wi pur month. J.'S security required. ( Jail or address - dross \V. 1) . Smith , Ott : Jiroauwuy , Council MlulTs. F 1OU SAIiK Kino Mnitlo and iloublo road sters [ init liiMivy draught boracs. Will also (111 ( orders for any Btylo of horses wanted. I/oave onk'rs with Dr.V. . L. 1'alton. Central livery ami salu stables , -1 an.l"J N. Main C'uiuiull limit's , . At'IlKS-If ' you want to sot ono aero or nuiro for a nicu hump , and where yon can ( 'iir- ilen and ni'so ' sinnll fruit and poultry , nr If you want ten or twenty acres or n lur o farm In Iowa , \vu can suit yon , ( . 'all ami sou ns. Johnston Van I'atten. 1'verutt block , Coun cil jtlulTs. rrULA.IIKti-Try ) Ir. ) Miller's homo trcit- : JL incut for female diseases. Pife : , mild and sure , AKo Or. Miller's pile pantiles ; piilnli'si nud Biiurantccd to cure. I'cir sale In Council ItlulTs iiiid Oniiiha only l y Mrs. A. A , Smith. rj.SH , 1st st. . und MM. G , K. lllgh'lus. I51U J.cavemvoi'lh St. , Oiualin. OH SAliB nr Iloafc Oar.loa land , with houses , by J. U. Ulco. lOt M la it. , Oouuolt Bluffi have that any tnnn whom they assist the Farmers' "Mutual HoimlU association lo elecl will votn with the republican party upon certain iintlunul ISHUOH in the United Slates sonuto. The jjrenondcrence of " sentiment is that , no man whom" the Fanners' Mutual Keneilt association party sugRCSls will bo ncecnlcd unless ho and Iho party first plvo pledges of his iictionvlthlhoiepuUll - cans. They will also bo requested to naino thrco other men In nililltioii to Streetur , Steelu and Mooro. In case of a prospective compromise the steering commillco decided to canvass Iho house and senate to bo sure of the unanimous support of the party for nny candidate who inljiht bo endorsed , There will bo no dictation und if unanimity cannot bobccurcil , the commitlco tlnnlts Iho imrty should go down with colors flying for Oglesby or some other republican candidate. Not 1'or Ilrnxll. II\Miiuun , FOD. } , IHpecIal Cablegram to TiiuHci : . ] The Hambui'tf-American steam packet company has Issued a circular staling that It will not convey any Germans to Brazil. It is understood that this ncllon on the part of the steamsh iji company is duo to thu recent complaints of harsh treatment mudo by German immigrants who Imv'o gouo to llruzll. Tlio ll pori on XVoiindod Kline , WAHIIIXOTOX , Feb. 4. The report of tbo army ofllcers , detailed by General Miles to investigate the light between thu Indians and troops nt Wounded Ivnco Involving ( Jolonol Forsythe , has been received nt the war do- I > nrlincnl mid is being considered by Secre tary Proctor mid UcncralSchollcld , ion.i Milt's. S-oux CIT-I , la. , Fob , 4. [ Special Telegram gram to Tun BEK.J The investigation of the charges ngalnst Chief Inspector Johnson today developed some sensational testimony , The testimony of A.V , Summer , agent ol Kvans & Howard of St. Louis , was that Johnson demanded (500 for passing certain sewer pipes and that Iho inoaoy not being paid Johnson rejected fl/iO'J worth of good pipes. G. J. Himlon , a tower contractor of Sioux Uity , swore that last year ho paid Johnson $1,400 for passing pipes , and also paid other Inspectors at the rate of f iO a day. Kuprcnio Court Decisions. DBS MOINES , la. , Fob , 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEKJ The supreme court has Hied the following opinions McGnrry & Brown vs. Peter McDonncl ot al. John Cunningham intorvcnor , appellants , Warren district ; reversed. F. II. 1'yle vs. Harry 13. Pyle , appellant , Van Duron alstricl ; dismissed , RS. C. Kelly vs. Korthwich Union Ore insur- . T- 16 MAIN STREXRT. To Our Friends and Patrons : We have removed our office from 114 Main to 16 Main Street. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF SOFT COAL Can supply you promptly at all times. Best Illinois Coal $4.50. Telephone 48. H. A. COX , Sole Agent. W. C. ESTEP , Cornell IllnIVs , 1-1 Nurlii Mnlu Street , Director nn 1 D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' and Packers' Supplhs , Market Fixtures , Casing , Pnlcfs aud SausaRo Maliors * Maohlnory. B23- Ki. ! Main St. , C'liuuell lllults , Ilk Also Uoillurd n Hides nnd Furs. nn co company , appellant , Muscatino district ; alii rmed. Thomas Rcardon vs. H. G , Henry , Judge , certiorarl : reversed. Peter Bailey , u-ipollanl , vs.V , K. Wells ct nl , Oak district : anlrmcd. Chicago lumber company vs II. 0. Davlcs ct al , appellants , Polk district. U. F. Plert , administrator , vs phlcago , Hork Island & I'liclllc railway company , ap pellants , Cass district : reversed. I { , A. Sunlter vs Eli/a Cook , executive aj- jieilant , Jasper district ; reversed. Holdcr-Baum comiianv , appellant , vs Schrlovcr et al , Madison district ; After I'orl I > o < lu POUT DODOE , In. , Feb. 4. [ Special Tele- Brain to Tin : Br.u.j Applications for torn- poiary injunctions against twonty-llvo sa loons in this city \vcr filed today. The prose cution will bo conducted by attorneys for the state temperance alliance under instructions from lhat organization. Detectives have Coen nt tvorlc hero gathering evidence for wcolcs. The alliance hopes to close every saloon in the couuly. A llntvkrya liimiranco Knlluro , WATEIU.OO , In , , Feb. 4. The Citizens flro Insurance company of this oily has assigned. LInuillllcs about $35,000. The nssoU * , made up of premiums , rotes , etc. , about $170,000. The company was organized , about four years ago by ex-Governor Sherman. J i I Don't Fool Voursctfl j i Notwithstanding nil minor. * to the contrarytlio Chicago , Mllwaukoo ifc St , Paul Hy's now stoain hunted imluco j , ' cnre. with ' 'olcctrio lights in every berth , " still IcayoH the Union do- not , Omaha nt 0:10 : p. in. dally , nrriv- Ing at Chicago nt 0:30 : u. m. , In ample tlmo toinuko nil custom connections , Ticket olllco , 1601 Fnnuiin Bt. J. E. I'IIKSTON , F. A. NASII , C , Puss. Aft. Gen , CITIZENS STATE BAffi Or-Counoll Bluffa. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 Tmr.rrrnus I. A. Mlllnr , P. O. Qlonson , R U Bhuxiirt , K. E. Hurt , J. U. Edinundson , Uliarlua U. Iliuman. Transnot Rensnil banking buil- neis. Largest caiiltul ami surplus of auy bank In HouUiwostorn Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , Piialey Bnrke.Qeo.W. Howitt.Thos. E , Oosady liurkc , Hewitt & Casady , Attorneys-at-Law I'ltACTlClS IN TIIK STATIC AND KHOUKA.Tj , j.r ) : IM. Onicusi J. J , Urown Iluildln- , ' , Council IllulTH. Iowa Sims federal courts. UIMIIIIS 3 , 4 and 5 tihugurb Ituii'j block , Council mulls , IUWL ; M. H. CHAMBERLIN. M. D KVK , KAIl. NOSH AN'IJ TllltOATHI-HClAMST , Council IllulT , In. All dlscniosol tlio KVK. I HA II , NOSK nnilTUUII.V'l'j trvntcd wltli thu cront nkllliuid cnru. CATAItltll , ASTHMA mill HAY KKVI'.K trtatuU wllli nmlncnt iiiccum. _ HlltiUAhOI'l'ilATION9.wli ! ' : < 'ron < Hu nnry. n ln- lohilr niTfiirnio I wllli thu ulinool rare nml Hklll. a - nurlni : pcTfi'Ct iftnllt. I'INK.8'1' ( IhAhSKH nccur- nU'lr pru > crll ! < l , curroctlnx til rufruL'tlru troublon , UK .MyojMn , llrioropla | nnil AnllKlnatlHin , linn rnn- ilerlrn Blulit u.ny , rlenr ami iiilnlni ; ( , CIIIIUNIU NI'UKAIXIIAnlid HICIC Ili.VlACUK ; , utter jenrs nf ti'rrlltlo ' HUlfcrlnt ; , no rullcf , oiitlrel ) ' cnrutl. Onico , Itooin I , Hliiiunrt llluck , otor Menu \ Co. ' ituru , Cuuiicll lllull , la. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main ami Ilroadwiiy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In forolgn un'I domoUlo , xahangft CniluRtlon tnadu uuU latoreit yalii ou tliua ClCpOHltl.