' .I . 8 OMAHA DAIJUY JBE.E : JOJJBKUAK * 3 , 1 'J1. T'HE CITY , ' ' i John II. Lovl and wife hnvo sold olohty-ofio.unil . ono-liulf ucrcs ono nnd a half miles oust of the poor fntin to Bj'ron Heed for $10,000. The receipts lit the customs house jos- tcrday consisted ol four cars of tin plato from Wales consigned to the CuUahtvy packing coiniiiiy | ) , ono car of pickles from t-omlon conslirnctl to McCord , JJrndy &Co. nnd ono bundle of pictures from Ireland for the Llningor tirt gal- lory. _ Severn ! yeilrs ago ( Jhnmbcrlnln it Co. of IcsMoliK'3 , In. , commenced thonuinufacturo of n cout'h syrup , bellovlng it to bo the most prompt and rcllnblo nrcpanition yet produced for coughs , coldi utiu croup ; that the public appreciate true merit , nnd In tlmo it was ceo tulri to become ( xipular. Their most sanguine liopci Iiuvi5 been inoro than realized. Over thrco hundred thousand bottles of Chamber lain's Cougli Hemedy nro now sold eacn year. nnd It li rc'Cu'iiied ( as "tlio best marto" wherever known. It will euro. i sovcro told In less time than any other treatment. Fur ealoby all druggists. MOUSK'S Unilrrwar Snip. Sco our 60o Mother Hubhard gown , yoke of cluster tucks , worth 76c. Sec our OOo pointed yoke Mother Tlub- hnrd gown , liumstltchcd rulllo on neck nnd front , with full sluovo to match. Sco our $1,00 frowns , now yokes , now Blccvcs , " 0 oxqulHito styles to select from. Sea our $1.25 tfown , tucked and hcm- ptltchcd yoke , sailor collar and now culT to sleeve ; IB ether styles at $1.25. Skirts , drawers , chemlso and corset covers all to match and till equally rea- Botinhlo. Full line of misses' underwear iti the snlo , but \yo call particular attention to special values in misses' gowns at 50c , OGc , 75c and $1.00. THE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. Itlnrdl GrnH nl Now Or.oans. On February 10 tlio grand carnival will take place. Tlio prcat Wabaah are now boiling' round trjp tickets to Now Orleans good returning until February 28 very cheap. Time only forty hours. Twelve hours in advance of nil other routes. Also round trip tickets to all points in Florida. The favorite route to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tick ets and full information in ro jjard to tlmo and routes south or cast cull at the Wabash olllco , lf > Farnum street or write G. N. ULA.YTOX , Northwestern Pass. Ayt. , Omaha , Neb. SCIlaU UlHOIIAllUUO. The Evidence Not Considered Sufll- olcnt to Hold Him. John Sehar , who was arrested for running over Willie Daniels nt the corner of Seven teenth nnd Hurt streets , was given a trial yesterday In police court. The ovldeiico sub mitted by the prosecution was pr.ictlcallv the snmo as that which was produced nt tlio coroner's Inquest , nnd wont to show that the boy called three times to Scnar not to d nvo up any closer to the little sled upon which ho was ruling , and that Sclmr did not scorn to iniiko any attempt to stop or turn uis horses nsldo. The accused was placed upon the stand anil by the aid of tin Interpreter stated to the court that ho called to the boy once to get out of the wny. Ho stated further that his wn on luxU on it at the time about llvo thou sand pounds of malt and as ho was ( joiiiE down grade at that point ho could not stop. Ho snltl the street was slippery and ho could not stop or turn aside quick enough to pre vent the accident. Several witnesses wcro called to testify as to the character of the nci'used. They all said that ho was a man who drnnUsomo , but as to his condition that day the evidence wus not so harmonious. Judge Ildbloy dlscharjed Schar , as the evidence did not seem to bo , in his opinion , Buniciently conclusive to provo a case of criminal carelessness or intent. I have n cousin who is n printer , says ox- Mayor J. B , Loughran of North Ues Moinea la. Some years npo ho was employed in th city where they were printing circulars I Chaniberlaln. He had a dccn seated cold an * terrible cough , and while setting up copy h made up his mind to buy a bottle. It cured him nnd that wns the llrst I over know of Chamberlain's Cough KernedI have been etrongly in Its favor over since. My owa ex perience ami that of my family convinces mo that this remedy is the host in the world That may bo strong language but that is what I think. For sale by nil druggists. The Durr The coroner held an Inquest yesterday af ternoon at Haricot's undertaking rooms over the remains of Itobort Durr , the colored man who fell down the elevator shaft la tuo Ware bloolc. After hearing all the ovldeiico that could ho obtained with regard to the traglo death of the deceased the jury ropnirod to the scene nnd viewed the elevator shaft from the top to the bottom. There was some dis agreement as to the wording of the verdict that should bo returned and the jury ad journed to moot this afternoon nt U p. in. A pure nnd reliable modiclno A compound fluid extractof roots.leavcs , barks and berric is Hurdock Blood Bitters. They cure all diseases of the blood , liver and kidneys. AXXOVXVE.VKXT8. The simple announcement that the Jeffer son-Florence reserve seat advance sale fet "Tho Itivnls" on Saturday afternoon nml "Tho IIclr-at-Lnw" Saturday evening at the Grand opera house , will cause very ninny people to bo active hi taking stops to secuu choice scats. M any orders f rain out of town by wire and mall have already .peon received and are on Hie in Manager Miner's ' ofllco. A number of box parties have been organizei for each of tlio performances , that wo hnvi already hoard of. The manager's ofllco wll bo open all of Wednesday nigtit , nnd will b < comfortably heated and lighted for the bone lit of those who will bo on hand before tlu snlo opens. The record ot last year , whci the house was sold entirely out before UK evening of the performance , will doubtless bi broken by several hours for both per formnnces. of the coming engagement The belief of the company iiwuaeomont tlmi Omaha will glvo them two ovorilowiiif houses will unquestionably ho realized , The company played n week hi Denver last year They give three performances this year it Bt. Paul , Minneapolis and Kansas ( Jity They have never before given hut ono performance formanco In Omaha. Oa the occasion of this visit they propose two , anticipating as grea o success for each as tlioy had for -'Tin Hlvals" last year , when standing room wtv BoldWo bollovo tholr faith iu Omaha wil bo well founded. The Kdcn Museo lias an excellent list o attractions this veolc. Tuo features in thi Curio hall nro Colonel Alex. Cooper , tin Kansas giant , who is over eight feet tail , am James Cooper , the human balloon , who bj the expansion of his chest can burst lieav ; leather straps. In the Bijou theater Kosi Vcrnon , the beautiful , enchanting English dancer nnd comedian , supported by an excel lent company , is playing todolightcd aud lonces. The whole company U first-class am present a play seldom rivaled. Drouson Howard's greatest triumph "Shcunndonb , " which has mot with sucl pronounced success in Now Vork , lioston Chicago , nnd San Francisco , will bo pro seutod at the Uoyd on Thursday , Frlrtny Saturday and Sunday next. The nicety will \vlileb the love interest U blended with th Incidents of war is the keynote of "Shennn doah's" very great success. It Is said to b everywhere permeated with n scntltncut o deep patriotism , hut thiough the rattle o musketry runs the beautiful love stories which nia'.co up the lives of the heroes am heroines , The play is said to bo the IIrs piece ot n military order -which has Intclll gently represented tactics of war , oven th system of signalling on llro being given. Ii the third apt Is shown a picture of n battl Bcono on the skirts of nn engagement , nnd 1 Is dnltnod to bo the greatest sccno over pro Bcntcd on the American stage. The sale o ypnU foe the entire engagement opens tc tiiorrovr morning. MOUSE BUY (100DS COMI'ANV , Ijnst Side , Hoys' Winter Suits and Overcoats-Men's font Cnp * , $10. BOYS' KNIT CAPS , 600. Iloyfl'S 1.00 cano overcoats , $1.75. Hoys' $5.00 cnpo overcoats , $2.00. Hoys' fO.OO capo overcoats , $11.75. Hoys' $7.00. $ aOO mid $10 overcoats , $5.00. Hoys' $3.50 winter suits , $1,00. Hoys' $ .3.00 winter Bulls , $2.1)0. ) Hoys' $0.00 winter suits. $3.75. Hoys' $7.00 and $8.00 suits , $4.75. AH of our men's genuine Alaska seal skin caps worth $15.00 , $ iaOO , $20.00 , nt ono'prluo , CHOICE FOIl 810.00. Men's heavy jfrny underwear 50c. Men's Scotch wool caps fiOc. Men's fancy lliumol shirts 81.75. The above on milo "Wednesday morn- tig , main floor , Fitrnnm street wlnp. THE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. Fnintlnp damaged by Wnrblngton on exhibition , a few days only , Now York liifo. THINK TlUi Y'V13 BTUUCK OIL A Prospcotlnii I'irin Slakes n Illoh Kind at Seymour Park. Reliable rcpoits Indicate that Dr. George 'j. Miller has lately received nn acquisition .o his possessions nt Seymour Park that will irovo more prolltablo if not as attractive is nls famous grove of cntalpa trees. Some months ago a company was formed , with some Latin nnmo , for the purpose of boring for oil , coal , natural gas , water or nny commodity that might bo found In the bosom of inothnr earth In the vicinity of Omaha. The Jlrit well was sunk on the banlts of Coul creek , out on Martin Tlbko's farm. An expert oil man , Captain Lewis , from Penn sylvania , had charge of the work ana pro- lounccd the surface indications excellent aud felt confident of finding coal or gas. After siiikiiiK a well 1,100 feet the drill was broken and the work finally abandoned. A delny of several weeks was followed by tlio commencement of work on another well .n . Seymour Park. Yesterday the dipgers struck n How of water which fairly lifted : ho machinery from the hole. The water rose into the air several feet in a .ni-fe'o volume and spouted freely for several hours , after which it subsided in a measure and settled down as a steadily flowing well. Then it was discovered that the surface of Pappillion crock Into which the water from the well ran , was covered with oil. The drill dole was Immediately plugged up nnd all the parties connected with tlio work Instructed to keep quiet hi regard to the discovery. A member of the company that is prosecuting the work has announced , however , that the work will bu resumed nt once , and that the company feels that there Is a fortuuo in the tlnd from present indications. CAl'TUUING COOMNO CHVST.VIjS. Over Ono Thousand MOM at AVorlc on Khcr nad Lakes. Tills is the harvest-time for the Ice men , and , so to speak , they propose to make hay while the sun Milncs. The zero weather of the last few days has been all that could have been asked , nnd con sequently each ice dealer in the city has turned his ofllco over to his stenographer and gone into the harvest Held that lies upon the bosom of Cut-Off lale , the Missouri river above the dumps nnd the reservoirs at Flo renro. Most of the companies are ninnlnt ; two gaiiRsof men , ono at day and the ether at night , cutting , haulinir and packing. The Ice is of a K ° ° d quality , clear , clean and solid , and ranging In thickness from twelve to flftecn inches. It is estimated that at the present time not less than one thousand nica nro employed In putting uplco , and this num ber will bo increased in a day or two. Ills hard to form an estimate of tha amount of Ice that is being packed dully , hut the deal ers all agree thnt tea days ot the present weather will secure the llnest crop that has over been harvested. The probable amount of ice that will bo harvested will roach IftO- 000 tons , cxclx'.slve of the amount stored by the packing houses. This amount will till the Ice houses , which will run the city until the next year's crop is ready for liarvest. The wages paid the cutters range from $1.50 to $1.73 per dny , including board and lodging , whicu Is4 furnished at the scene ol action , where most of the companies have established temporary boarding Houses foi the accommodation o ( their men. 111311 UUSBANU'o DEATH. Mrs. Williams Claims it was Caused t y Hail AVniskey. A suit for $5,000 damages against Council man Durdish was commenced in the district court yesterday by Mrs. Jennlo William ; and her minor daughter , Inez. On May 18 Mrs. Williams' husband became intoxicatct and committed suicide , and she claims thai the deplorable affair occurod as n result o : whislmv that ho bought at Burtllsh's place 1003 Davenport street. Timothy Kynn anc Patrick Coyno nro on Burdlsh's bond whicf Is for the sum of $5,000 and are made part ) defendants. W. W. Mace nnd C. A. Clement briup : ai action against John I ) . Heath and ShoriH Boyd to restrain them from selling property transferred to thcn ; under a judgement foi J.'jOO. ! W secured in the district and afllrmed 11 the supreme court. The Omaha savings bank has entered fora closure proceedings In t ho district conn ngnlnst Kmma A. Lindsay , to obtain the pay ment of f 7,000 under a mortgage. Will liaise the Tax Ijovs' . The llnanco ronnnltteo of the city council met in the mayor's ofllco yesterday morning and decided to rccommeni ! thnt the ovy for the general fntu bo raised from 111 to 14 mills , making the tola levy .13 Instead of 37 mills. This will glvo i levy of ! ij mills less than lastycar. Itas nisi decided to recommend the setting aside o ? ! ib3.7UO for the various departments. Thi : would leave a balance of probably $ io,000 foi grading. Do not "throw up the spongo. " Try tin old standard romctlyDr. Bull's Cough Syrup 1'rl'io 25 cts , I hlchly recommend Salvation Oil ; It ha done more for my wife in ono night thai physicians have accomplished in years. Froi' A. Sehulze , OI'J W. Fayotto street , Bait ! more , Md. _ _ Don't Fool Notwithstiinding all rumors to tin contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Hy's now steam heated nsrlaci bleeping cars , with "olectrlo lights ii every berth , " still leaves the Union tie not , Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. dully , m-i-iv ing at Chicago nt 0:80 : a. m. , in niupl time to make nil eastern connections Ticket olllco , 1601 Fiirnnm st. J. E. PKESTON ; F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt Gen. A t Hoard ofl'ubliu Works. The board of public works held a nicetin yesterday afternoon , nt which several est ! mates wore allowed , as follows : Sidewalk estimate in favor of Ed Burns fo month ending Juno 15 , 1891 , * 3,75'J.97 ' ; nnc estimate for curbing Eighth street In pavlti district 'JJW northeast corner of the Ilrowr oil property in favor of GV. \ . Woodworth Wi'J ; n partial estimate of the extension o the North Omaha sewer , In favor of 0. B Fanning > t Co. , fl,502.7d ; nnd reserves i pavlnij district 83 , and sewer districts 10 nnd 103 , Work was ordered commenced on pavln the alley of block 0. Ivountzo's third nddltloi being west of Thirteenth street , betwoei Williams and Ilicuory , with brick. The following nnrrlazo llconsoi wera Is sued ycstord.iy : Name mui address. Atrt I Mutluiw II. Miillav , Long Pine , Neb . : 1 lilu tJatos , HOUVIT Center , Pa . ' . \ John 0- Urban , Omuhu . . . ' . I Annie U. Schmidt. Umaha . , . 1 I Thomas O'Connor , Omaha. . , , . . . , . ' \ Ellen Kllkor , Ouiauu . ' . BOUNTY ON BUOA.lt UI3I2TS. Provisions of tlio Now haw tlmt .Must Bo Complied With. Under nn'nct of congres of October 1 , 1800 , t Is provided that on and after July 1,1801 , n bounty of U cents per pound shall bo paid o the produccrof sugar , testing not less than 00 degrees by the polarlscopo , from beets , orghum or sugar cnno grown within the United States , or from maple sap produced vithln tuo United States , and upon such ugnr testing less than 00 degrees by the > olnrlscopo and not less than 80 degrees , n > ounty of 1 % cents per pound Is provldedtho , lounty to bo paid unUcrsuch rules nnd reg ulations as the commissioner of internal rov- nuo , with the approval of the secretary of ho treasury , shall proscribe. The net further provides that "tho iroducorof said sug.ir. to bo entitled to said lounty , shall hnvo tiled prior to July 1 of each year , with the coinmUsior.cr of Internal revenue , a notice of the place of production , vlth n general description of the machinery nnd methods to bo employed by him , vlth nn estimate of the amount of sugar to bo produced in the cm renter or next ensuing year , Including the number of maple trees to bu tapped , and nn nppllca- lon for n license to so produce , to bo nccom- lanicd by a bond in n penally nnd with suro- tcs to bo approved by the commissioner of ntcrnnl levenuo , conditioned thnt he will nlthfuily observe all rules nnd regulations hntshall bo prescribed for such manufac- uroaud production of sugar. " Another section of tlio net provides that 'No bounty snail bo paid to nnv person cn- ; ngcd In rollnliig- sugars which have been mportrd Into the United States or produced n the United States upon which the bounty toruln provided for uns already been paid or ipplled for , nor to any person unless ho shall mvo llrst been licensed as heroin provided , and only upon sugar produced by such per son from sorghum , beets or sugar cnno grown vithln the United States or from maple snp iroduced within the United States. " The commissioner of internal revenue Is clvcu power In the act to exercise super vision aud Inspection of the manufacture of sugar. It Is farther provided that "No bounty shall bo allowed or paid to nny person licensed as aforesaid in any ono year upon any quan- ity of sugar loss than 500 pound * . " This net , and especially tliut portion of It ofcrrlng to the bounty on maple sugar , hns caused a great stir among farmers and own ers of maple groves and thb revenue olllcers throughout the country have been Hooded with Imiulrlcs. upon this subject , and es- ; > oeinlly upon the point as to when the pay- incntof the bounty becomes operative. In answer to these queries tljo acting com missioner of internal revenue has sent out a letter to the collectors bearing upon this sub ject. Collector Peters has received a copy of this letter which rends as follows : "Numerous inquiries have been made to this ofllec by persons intending to engage in the business of making maple sugar the com ing season , whether they would be entitled to tlio bounty on biiu'ar produced between April 1 nnd July 1 , IS'Jl ' , under the provision of the net of October 1. ISM. . "Tlio question was referred to the honora ble attorney general and ho has rendered an opinion that no bountv is payable on sugar produced prior to July 1 , l&'Jl ' , and this olllco will ho governed accordingly. "Tho expressions as to the provisions of the act taking effect Anrll 1 , is understood to mean that the l.iw begins to oner.ito on that date , that before April I there is no authority to issue licenses , Out on that date the ma chinery bccins to move and applications may then bo made anil bonds hied and lircnso. Is sued for the next ensuing year , commencing July 1,1S01. " _ In Holland , Mch.C. J. IJoesliury publishes the news , and In its columns strongly recom mends Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for coughs , colds , sere throat , catarrh and asthma. Wanted For an Insurance company , at a low rate , a largo loun on inside brick business property. J. Q. GASToy , 319 Omaha. National Hank. DIVIDING ITS The Iteal Kntato K\olinneo Will Inau- curatu arson Session I'lan. It is announced that n change will soon take place In the matter of conducting the business of the real estate exchange. Instead of having a conglomeration of business nt the regular meetings of the exchange , these ses sions will bo devoted to the call , publishing of snlcs nnd business of a like nature. The promiscuous offering of resolutions and the transaction oif all Impor tant business will bo abandoned at those meetings and called meetings will beheld held when business of importance is to bo transacted. Members will be notillcd when called meetings are to bo held , so that the method which has prevailed of taking the members by surprise and pushing important matters when there Is a small attendance will bo prevented. The regular monthly business meeting of the exchange will bo held next Saturday at ! i p. m. At the meeting yesterday morning snlcs were reported as follows : South half lot IS , block 0 , Potter & Cobb's $130.North North half of same , f-'ioO. Three quarter sections of land In Antelope county. ? ! } ,000. Ono hundred and sixty acres In Antelope county , f 1,000. Lot'.1 , block , Shrivor Place , $100. Only one listing wns made , as follows : Lot 11 , block O.K , Bedford Place , 49x1 8 , SS.IO. At the regular weekly auction sale next Saturday morning the following IOL will bo offered nt term's to suit purchaser : Lot 15 , block 0 , Ambler Place , 60xl2d feet. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bUlg1. Sliolvoy's I ottery Scheme. Hobert Shclvoy , colored , Is charged with attempting to bolter his llnnueial condition nt the expense of a number of credulous dupes. The complaint alleges thnt ho "set up nnd carried on a lottery schema of chnnco and acted as agent for a lottery ami scheme ol chance , " and that tie is at least $10 better ol ! thnn If ho had not worked it. The schema is apparently n cross between between the ancient game of craps and a regular lottery. The " 4-7.11" tickets arc gotten out on a type-writer and the name ol the concern appears as the "D. O. L. Co , " Itt3 alleged that Shelvey's ' victims were colored people who invested 10 cents In n ticket in the vain hope of drawing Sl.DO. The prisoner was arraigned and trial set for the 10th. _ _ A faded or grey beard may bo colored a beautiful and natural brown or black , ai will , by using UucUlngham's Dye for the Whiskers. The report of the postoflico for the month of January shows the following : Staransalcs . $10,071 C : Envelopes . 4,37(5 , ( R Newspapers , etc . i (151 ( g I'ostagoduo . H8ii ( Total . § 33,8183 , ; aking owder 40 Xcari the Blandird. MRM'S DRPARTMELNT. Sale of Trousers , 3.7 < We make a point every season to close out heavy weight Trousers before the arrival of spring goods. This week we will have the biggest" , , bargain sale of fine Trousers we have ever had. Remember , $3.75 will buy some of the finest fabrics we have , had in Jl stock this season. Sizes are somewhat broken , but so many lots have * been consolidated that all sizes can be fitted. They are in fine fancy worsteds , cassimeres and cheviots. Plenty of large pants for big men , Mail orders will be filled with the same care and attention that any cus tomer -would receive in making his own purchase. Send mail orders with the understanding that ypu take-no risk ; as if goods are not satis * ' factory they may be returned at our expense. BOYS' LONG PANTS , $1.50 AND $2.00. We have accumulated a large lot of Boys' Long Pants during the season and will offer them at this sale in tvyo special bargain lines at $1.50 and $2,00. , BOYS' KNEE PANTS , 50 AND 75 CENTS. We mean to clothe the smallest as well as the largest , and will offer a bargain line of Knee Pants at 50c and 75c , which are worth a great deal more , but arc remnants and must be closed out. -V , LOOMIS & 00. Dra Belts &Bett8 Pi/slim / , Siujean ? anl Specialists , 14.O9 DOUGIU/kS STB.H1E1T OMAHA , NIUJ. Tno moat widely and favorably known Bpec- lullKtslu the Unite 1 Status. Thcr : long ex perience , remarkable skill and tinivoisal suc cess In tlio treatment and euro or Nervous Clironlo nnd Surgical DKeahi'H. entitle tlicsn eminent pliyslolnns to the full coiitldeneoof the atlllctert ov rvwhoio. They gunruntpp : A CEUTAIN ANM ) I'Obll'iVK OUUE for the awful eltcctiof early vlco mid the numoi- oim ovlls tliatfollow In Us IraJn. I'UIVATi ; . IlLOOI ) ANDHICIN DISEASES speedily , conmlvitcly nml permanently ourocl. N10KVOUS bEniLlTY AND HIIXUAI , IMS- OltDEUS yield joadlly to their skillful treat ment. PILES' . FISTULA. AND HKOTAb UI.CEIIS cuarantcecl cured without p.ilti or detention " ' "VYim'ooiILE AND VA1UCOOEM3 porinn- iiontly and lucccihfully cured In every ciiso , sYi'mi. , ! ? , aoNoitmiRA , OMET : , spcr- mntorrhea , fcoiiiluil Weakness , I mt Manhood , Night KmlMloriii , Decayed I'ucultlcs , I'oinnle Wenkncis and nil dello.ito disorders peculiar to either BPX positively cured , na well as all functional disorders Unit irsiillfrom youthful folllcsor the excess of mutiiic ycnm. < \TI.irTllP KOuiiiantooJ porinunon tly 0 L l\l\j L Ulvl cured , removal complete , without cutting , eaiistio or dllartatlon. Cum effected at homo by patient without a mo- mont's puln or nitnoymii'u. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. Tlio awful effects of A QIIPTJ PITPI7 A. OUKU UUKIl early vloo which brliiRi oritanlo weakness , dpstroylnB both mind mid body , with all its clro < led Ills , permanently curod. lik1 U1JTTQ Address those who hnvo 1m- L/fxo. / liLil L O pahed themselves hy Im proper IndulRonco nnd solitary habits , which ruin bothinlncl and body , unfitting them for builnni. atuilv ormarrlajjo. MAHHIEI ) MEN or these cutorliiB on that hcippy life , awaroof plijblual lobllllyquickly assisted. OTJR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. I'liat I'ructlonl experi ence. Second Every cnu Isipeolally studied , thus ( tartliift right. Third--medicines are prepared In our labor i > ry oxaelly to milt uacli ciiso , thus effecting curcswlthout Injury , Drs. Betts & Belts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , N EB , DR. BAILEY , GRADUATE DENTIST A lfull Sot of Tooth on itubbor. ( or i'tvi ! Dot.u.Mis. AporrecranrTTaranteca. Tooth traotojj 1 wlUoiit "n s without pain or dinner , an thetlcs Qolil and allvor Jill ng'jiit lowest . leutliwltu. . Woik. rntea Ilrltlgo nnd Crown outDlatos. All work warnmteu. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrnnco , ICtli street clovator Oponovon- Ki until S o'clock For muscular soreness uoe Pond's Extract , JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAR 13 EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST MRFEOT OF PENS , V THE BEST r T IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsockBli it Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo nro their western nfjcnlB and always carryaliu-ostoalc. Address , llflierican ] tad Sewed Stioe Bo 1204 and 1206 Ilarney Street BH , j. E. MCGR.EW , THE SPECIALIST. More Than Fifteen Years Experience In the Treatment of PR IVATE DISEASES I 'rum III M ) gun ! Wltll tliri'O ran * * out tlio IOSH of an liour'a tlmo. cTninTiin r I'crnm" ° " "f cnroci without i n I IIIII I Illl i * Pittnor In.triiinonU ; na cut- VII IIIU I Ull J. . dug. no .illatliu. The most CHmrknblc reraody known to uioilurn solenco. CurciJ In SO to SO day * . Dr. Jlc- ( Jrtiw'B trc.itmont . lor tills tcrrlblo bluoil ( llsoito lnii been Dronouiicoil tlio mo tpowerful nnd Hucces-ifiil rotnoitT oror iih * cuioroil for tlionhauluto euro ot itiU dlscii'-o , llli tuccohi with this < llse.no lias norcr boon CUUlptCtO CUTU Q UAHAHTEEJi. LOST MAN HOOD I nml tliiifo\iiMlorKiiniiiurv- nil wenknesi of OIISH03M , nml nil nn < ntarnl dlichaw * , nro nbiolutolr curcJ. Itullof U iniiioillalo iiiidcampU'to. i Hhoiimntlim nml nil tils- anJLladJur i > or- manciitlT curt'il. lln rron nen nnl FEMALE DISEASES ; uf tli o itoiniirh or bliuliler cureil. The Doctor's Homu Trontniunt for I.nrtlin It truly nrouiplvte. conronlonl Hint wnnilortinl ii'mutly. JAliusroiu3lo 4 usi.r. Hookfroo , ' C "mrT01 ° Ul l' ' * uiii iiiuunuii J * ' n * ur jinn n i - | utollon wllch u truly mmoliai Inohnrnctor. ninl Ills Krpnt nruiTuf pntlrntinnulioi fruin tlio Atlnntlo to tlio I'liolllo , The Doctor Ii a Krniluiituof "iitcH'I.AH' ' niuillclno unit lias Iml loin Office , I4th and Farnam Sts. , Omuha , Xcb. Entrance on either ntrcel. "SANATIVO. " tlio AVonilorlul fepanlch linnrdy , Ii ( told ltli 3 AVrlttond un ranio tocuru uli'tr\oui Uli' cusci , eucli at Weak Memory , l/ 9 of Drain 1'owcr , II en Use lie , hooj , .S'crvousncii , Lai- ltu < ic. all ilrnlni and Ooforo & , After Iso. ) loti of 1'owcr ot tlio rom life. Ueneratlu OriaDi , In clil.tr net , cautril by OTer-f-Jcrtlon.jouthful IndcKrctloni , ortbo cicenho uioof tobacco , opiutn , or rtlmulanu , which ul'Jmately leU to loflrmlty , Coniutnrtlon on4 Insanity , 1'nt up Incouienkiit form to carry In tlieust rocket J'rlce II a package , or for . Vlth eury tiorder > fetl\e a written Kuarnnteu to euro or refund tlio inn n oy. Bcntbr wall w ooy addrcis. Circular free. .Mention 1M > piper. Addrcn , JIADRID CHtMICAl CO. , Branch Office for U. 8. A. 417 liearhornStrpcl.nnCAOO.nl. . KOIl 8AI.K IX OMAHA. NEB. , BiT Kulm A Co. , Cor , 15th & l > nucU gti. J. A Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14th t Doutlaa SU. A , I ) . I'wter 4 Co. . CouucUlJIufli.lt. Figures Are now being offered on OkHun's / ' Fire Trousers -AND- Avull yourself of those between 6CUBOH bargains. NO OXJRK ! NO PA Y. 1316 Douglas'Street , Omaha , Neb. fiovenleenjonrn experience. A rcniil.'tr Krtilimto In incillclno , ni illplomai show. Is still troittliu vrttr thourcnlcit Biuct-m , nil Nerviiun , Chronic nml I'rlvniw Hl-imo ) , A iicrninnont euro unnrantoel for Uutnrnl fiicrniatorrlMin , LostMiinhond. SomlnnlWoaknoii , NlilitlK > H9ui , Iiniiotonojr , Byplillls. Wtrlcturo. and nil ills , cnics otllio llluuil , fckln iin.lUrlniry orir-iiis. N. I ) IcuiirantJUIM Joruvorr cimul niKlortako anil full to cure. Consultationfroo. llooklMyiitorlos o l.Uo ) sent Iroj. Olllcoliuurj-9a. ra. ton p. m. Bumlayj ID a ui. to 1. ui. Olilfhf l r' RnulUh Diamond Ilrnnd. Orlglnitltnil < NJ | ( Jenulnp. Arc , lw l * rellftMfl. LAOIC * t Uruiil.l for CUUHlttl > ' < w i I'll. "llran.l la lied Ml < VofJmfUIII \ . i.lej hh tlu rll'Un TuLe no olhcr. fltful * Uana.roul lublllfu. ttoiit jtij tmfmion , All'rufgliti. ' orieol'lr. In stkrail l r j > * rtlcul i tcillmonltlf alii " f"i'f.r'.r. " ' ' 'l' ' ' ' ' " ! ! ll'r..r.1" ! ' ? y MH | | . 1II.UOO Tulliuon tl JVawl'a rr , 'Clilthc ltrttuiilcoU ; . , Wu'll i'ii I1 ! " " ' ' ! loU t ; til osil > Uruiiti. I'hllad * . ! ! . ' J'lerco's iraRnellc j'.Uslio orilv ! rclli.-f llko'Mir. TrusH. " It liasfurrdtlliiUB.iinlbl If ynn wnnttlia III.H'r. eiicl-lcliiHtamiiH < orfreir.4iii'lik't ( | ' > ( i. 1. .Mnjncllc Uln.llo 'l'rui Co. , Han I'ranrlicu , ( nl " " "timiaiiie * osi.v-.nr. Ixxiuo'i farluillaal I'llli llit > rwnchroueJy. ncton the monUrum iyit m and I enru luppruinlon Iroui vrliatovor cuaio. I'rumota menstruation. 'Jhe ! > IIU should nul U4 takun Our * .niprunnanoy. Am. I'lUCo , lloyaltr I'rupj. , Bpon- cerUlayCo. , U GonulKUby Hhurman A McConnxll , Uodgo it.uaarl' ( J.,0.u t4 ! U. 1. IMcher. SouU OmiUu ; M. 1 * . ilU * . Cuuacll UluHi ( or J ( orU. X.IQUUJK. li , ALLTHEWOHLD THEHE IS BUT ONE CURE DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , II cun bo iiltvu In a cup of rulrio ur tci * . or In ar. tlclf * urfuutl , without tna kuowledieo ( ibei > Rtlnt , Ifnaaaiotry. It la atnalutdy h rmle i ana will ! Bteruiiiniu and > p dy curt , vrbetnar tUu Dtlleut It aiioc'ertta drinker or * ii alaoaallov reek. ITAKVKH LAil. < i. ll attrnta so quietly > nd with eueft o r- . unity tint thoimitecl uiidercoM no > noonT nlono . ua ura nu u awnro , Ult couaplsto relormatlon U ITentod 4lli > ucft buokorprtlouUr rrea Tobsnadol KUICV If CO..161II DciigU c , & lUliiOurilne 81L frrTrado .upnliod by ULAKB.IJKUUii It CO. , ani W'UlAntlhQN mtUO CO. . Onulltt. JltirO lithe _ . . „ . „ ] ( ! lug remedy for all ih untmtural illsrhftrgei nn nlvMedlaeaieiifif m n. cerlalacurn for th * ilcbliu weukueta peculiar Ipreicrlboltandfetliaf * - / In rcoMineotllin It to X * ra all aulTererl. / A J8TONRMODfC ! TUdltt/ Nulil liy Dru Klai * , IrtC * ,00.