THE OMAHA DATLTf BEE TTOrRR.TTATrv d. ISM ' ( COflCRESSIOML PROCEEDINGS f f _ ' jITealad Eiscussion o'f Ai Oases of Mlzener / and Oommandor Eeiter. HITT OF ILLINOIS WAXES ELOQUENT. Giinn Occupy the Attention of the .Senators AVImt New Or leans l.'nnks Think of Kreo Colnnijc. , Fob. 3. After the npproVnl of the Journal the house proceeded to dispose of various matter of private buslucss on the speaker's ' table. - After n long session the lioino coinage com- iiilttco decided to grant the request of St. Loin * pcoplo for a huuriug on the frco coin- "KO bill. „ On motion of Mr. CnliHvcll of Ohio the son- nto amendment wna n reed to to the house _ bill granting n pension to the widow of the Into General Moyci. On motion of Mr. Uruln of Texas the son- nt o amendment was concurred In to the house 1)111 to promote the construction of a safe rticp water harbor on the coast of Texas. The house then went Into committee or the whole on the diplomatic nnd consular appro- Dilution bill. Mr. McKenna of CiUlfornla , re plying to Mr. McCrenrv's criticism n few < 1 i.vs n o of the ISarrundla case , defended the > .i tlon of Minister Mlzcnor In the matter , If liMoIcnrm ( ) understood MUoncr's sltim- 1 .on . ho wna supported by every publicist of i ptito. Ml/cper has n stronsr regard for the 1 JK nnd as tender n sensitiveness towards it rs any iontloinnu on the lloor. Ho ( Me- ICcnnu ) assorted that , in his situation at the jiost inOunterrmln , Mizcnor did himself honor ana his country honor. [ Applause. ] Mr.D.ibell of Pennsylvania carne to the defense - fenso of Commander Hclttr. In duo time ho rronosed to submit some remarks in support of the proposition that the secretary of the 1 reasury hud no right , under the law , to nd- minister a public reprimand to Commander Hcitor , us ho had done by the insulting letter published in the press. Second , that Ilciter nnd Mlzcnor followed International law as practiced In the last fifty years of the country's ' history. Mr. Hitt of Illinois Hindu a most eloquent defense of the state department. Ho re viewed the casoat length and said in closing : " ( iod grant that no man , ot any party , shall he over the secretary of stnto , who will not disavow the act of tho'minister who orders the surrender of n political victim who trusts to our protection nnd the act of the com mander who sits supine with two war vessels nthls back nnd permits such a Dloody trapedy and disgraces our uutioiiul name. " [ At > - plauso. ] After further dcbato the committee , with out disposing of the bill , rose and the house adjourned. WASHINGTON- , Fob 3. In tie ! senate today nmonp the petitions presented is one from the banks ot New Orleans , deprecating any further discussion of the free coining scheme. The house bill to amend the section of the revised statutes with reference to the temporary designations to 1111 vacancies In case of death , sickness or nhscnco o [ heads of departments was reported back with a substitute. The sub stitute amends thrco sections on thai subject nnd limits to thirty days the period of such designation , except where the duties nro ex orcised by the assistant secretary in which ease there is no limitation. After some discussion the substitute was rejected and the house bill passed. Consideration of the fortification bill wns then resumed. The llrst item that attracted attention In the fortification bill was ono appropriating 81,000,000 , for the purchase of oil tempered nnd annealed steel for high power coast doicnso guns of S , 10 and 12-inch cnllhro. The committee on np- -propriatlons rectominenacd the reduction of the amount to fSOO.tXO and Goiinun tooved n still further reduction to $ > no.OOO. After a long discussion Gorman's amendment-was re jected nnd the committee amendment agreed to. Yeas , I ! ! ) ; nays , 7 Chandler , Cullom , Dolph , Pryc , Hnwley , Stewart and Toller. The next amendment reported by the com mittee on appropriations wns to insert : "For bieech loading s > ea coast mortars , cast iron hooped with * stool , of 12-Inch calibre , 100,000 , , provided , that contracts may bo made for not more than one-half " of them to bo constructed on the 1'nciflo coast , la tbo discretion of the secretary of war Chandler moved to amend the paragraph to read ; "For breech loading rifled stco mortnrs of twelve-inch calibre , " etc. No action was i cached. The senate bill to confirm certain entries on Otoo mid Missouri reservation lauds in Kansas and Nebraska passed. The senate concurred in the house amend ment to tno son ate bill for a public building at St. Paul , Minn. , reducing the amount from $1,500,1)00 ) to $600,000. The military academy appropriation bill was reported and the sonata adjourned , ' A J10VAT.IIX f X FIttE. M&iiBtroua JOvploslou of Gns In n 'Colorado Aline. DCNVKII , Colo. , Feb. 3. [ Special ' Telegram to TUB Br.K.J There is a mons'ter conflagra tion raging in the mines of the Grand lllvor coke ntul coal company nt Newcastle , this state , about three hundred miles west of this city on the Jlno of the Midland road. It broke out lust night In the following manner : At about 0 o'clock , the supper hour , two of the miners on the day shift placed a shot in room No. 4 to let down the coal which was caught above. Din-in tf the meal hourtho shot Vfentjoff , which ignited the gas therein nnd consequently sot fire to the cntlro room. This lire had spread to rooms Nos. 2 and JJ , nud by tbo tlmotho night shift was ready to goto work nt" o'clock the uliolo community was aroused by the continuous nud unearthly Mirecchof the engine at the mines culling for help. Boon everyone , men , women and children , wcro on u rush towards the mines , where could bo seen un immense volume of smoke as black us jet arising out of the mountain , about half way up , and the Inquiry was con stantly and anxiously being put , "Was any ouo hurtl" The people having In memory the sad catastrophe which occurred in December two yours ago in the destruction of life nnd limb to thirteen poor miners by an explosion. No ono wns hurt , as fortunately the explo sion occurred at an hour when the moil wore at supper and oven-ono wns out liooms 5 nnd U are also on tire and old minors state that there Is nothln ? to prevent the balance of the sixteen rooms from Joining the confla gration , twenty-two rooms in all. The tire In the rooms is about ono hundred feet from the bottom of the slope , nnd upon reaching there a person can see nothing but a vast soothing ; mass of flro. A largo tire broke out at the southwest banks or these vast mines early last full. This 11 ro lias over since been smouldering and Kathorlng pns , which is linblo to blow out the wall built across the entry so as to . stop the nlr from getting to It. The \\hola face of the mountain Is seem ingly a mass of flro on the insido. At intervals smoke can bo seen arising there from continuously , a fact , which has never been explained and lias existed for all time u faros the memory of man or the aborigines knowctu. Active ctTorts nro being made to lubduo the fire. The rulno is the most exten sive In the western slopo. Chiefs En Kuutc. PJBIUIB , & D. , Feb. 3.-SpccIal | to TUB BMC. ] Straight Head , captain of the Indian police of the Cboyonno agency and Chief I Jit to No Heart , came down from Fort Ben- nolt yesterday under the guardianship of Captain Sclncnfeldt , and accompanied by Nurclsso Nnrcolle as Interpreter. They pro ceed from hero to Mitchell , whore they will bo Joined by delegates from Crow Creole and Standing Hook , and will more on to Wash ington to have a pow wow. ( Innilnrnun Stock Thieves. CruMiiKituix , 8. D. , Fob. 8. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] H was learned today that corUHn ranchmen on the Sioux lauds who have loudly complained during the pant season about losing cattlo.were In reality the thloves themselves. Recently they drove down some of these stolen cattle nt night and sola them In nn adjoining town. I ho matter is being invcstlRated with a vlow or bringing the guilty parties to Justice. | A Week of Cold AVentlior. NEWMAN Onovn , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ Spcclnl to Trie DEH. ] Ono of the most severe storms over known hero has been prevailing with little cessation for nearly n vicck. Hallway trains have been obstructed to n great extent durlnp ? the time of the Suribner & Oakdalo branch of the Fremont , KlKhorn & Missouri Vnlloy railroad. Monday the trains were abandoned und nil business nearly suspended. Snow was two nnd one-balf to three feet on the level this morning nnd the weather still nud cold. OEXCH , Neb. , Feb. a. | Spoolal to TIIK Bun. ] Over two foot of snow foil hero dur ing the storm last weak , which has been continually whirled about by the wind , nnd as a consequence the roads have been block- tulud , making It Impossible for pcoplo to get into town from the country. The mail car rier between hero and Lindsay has not boon nblo to make a trip for a week. Nr.nnASKV CITV , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ Special Telegram to TUB BF.E. ! Ice froze on the river at this city last night for the llrst time this winter , the thermometer fulling to (5 ( ° bt-low zero. \ 15ii Iluntn to Winter Quarter * . Gonnox , Neb. , Feb. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKE. ] Four troops of the Sixth United States cavalry , who have been on- In quelling the recent Sioux outbreak , arrived hero today from Pine Hldfro ngency under the command of Major Adam of that regiment. Troop A is under command of Lieutenant Ulocksom , K troop is commanded by Captain Krcamer , O under Captain West nnd F under Captain Carter. Tuoy are en route to winter quarters at Fort Nlobrara. They cauip hero lor the night and move In the morning. A GcnorouH Shipment. GENOA , Neb. , Feb. 8. [ Special to THE Bur. ] Corinth post No. 153 , Grand Army of the Hepublic , of this town , recently pave nn entertainment for the relief of western suf ferers , from the proceeds of which they shipped on Saturday last 1,000 , pounds of Hour and several boxes of clothing. It wns con signed to the Cheyenne county Grand Army relief committee. A Flouring Mill Closed. SCOTIA , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE.J The flouring mill at this place put out its fires today and discharged its help. The closeness of money and the im possibility of making collections is the cause. The proprietors expect to resume work when times case up in the spring. Quarrel Hum < > NnnuvsKA. CITV , Neb. , Feb. 9. ( Special to Tun BEE. ] Ono of the city school rooms was the scene of another disgraceful alterca tion between Principal Sublotte and Super intendent Ostrom , which resulted In Subletto being suspended by the superintendent for insubordination. Tickled by Tclcphrmc. GIIKTKA , Nob. , Fob. 8. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bnr.J Great satisfaction Is expressed all over town over the completion of the Nebraska telephone company's line into town. Wo now have connections all over the system with central In Omaha. iOOKJ.U ; TO 'jlKCll'ltOCITV. Canadian Parliament Dissolved A Proposed Nutr Treaty. Touovro , Fob. 3 The Empire , the chief organ of the dominion government , announces this morning that the governor general has dissolved the house of commons and Issued writs for a now parliament , The Empire says : "It is understood the dominion govern ment has , through her majesty's gov ernment , made certain proposals to the United States government looking to the extension of our commerce with that country. These proposals have boon Dubmlttod to tno proaldunt for lib con sideration , and the Canadian government is of the opinion , if these negotiations are to ro- bult in n treaty which must bo ratified by pailiatncnt , it is evident the government should bo nblo to ileal with a parliament fresh from tbo people , rather than with a moribund house. It is understood Can ada will bend delegations to Washing ton nftor March 4 , the date on which the llfo of the present congress ex pires , for the purpose of discussing inform ally the questions , of extension and the dovel- opcment of Undo between the United States nnd Cunaaa and the settlement of nil differ ences between the two countries. Tnls delegation - gation will visit the United States as the result of friendly suggestions from Washing ton. " Will Iluitov , S. D. , Fob. 3. [ Special Telegram to THE BBC. ] Ilazcn & Fowler's bank , known as the Huron National bank , which suspended n few weeks since , will resume business tomorrow with suftlclont cash to pay all depositors In full and meet all de mands. The former officers will have charge , A clelogatioa of South Dakota citizens was hero this attcrnoon. going to Pierre to attend a meeting to formuluto plans for a South Da- kcta exhibit at the wood's ' fair. Denied Kt-llfjIoiiH Snlnc- . ti > Pimuin , S. D. , Feb. 3. [ Special to THE BIX. The military authorities , in their stiictness of discipline , are restraining mis sionaries from preaching In the camp of the Indian prisoners at Fort Sully. IJev. Thomas lj. Riggs , a member of the American Mis- slonary association , made a request about January 15 to bo Allowed to place a preacher and teacher in the camp. Up to now no an swer been made and tbo missionaries are not allowed logo into the cauip. A Prisoner Injured , SAI.T LAKK CITV , Utah , Fob. 3 , [ Special Telegram to THE BBC. J Sam Bush , n prisoner at the county Jail , attempted to escape - capo from the revolving cage today and make a break for liberty. The Jailor was too quick for him and Bush was caught between the grating and the cage and his arm was torn from the socket. The member dropped on the floor , completely bovered , clothing and all , A Stay for Hunker Hnrnor. NEW YOUK , Feb. 3. The application of counsel for Banker Horner , inulctod in Illi nois for violating tbo postal laws by sending through the mall lottery circulars , for a stay in proceeding pending the termination of np- peal to the United States supreme court for an order of removal , was granted. Ills ball was reduced teNet Not Mndo 1'roIVrre.tI Creditors. CHICAGO , Fob. 3. The petition of certain depositors of the insolvent ban it of Koan & Co. to bo made preferred creditors on tbo ground that they had made their deposits within thirty days of the falluro was refused byJudgo Scales this inorniug. An appeal was taken. Ono More Fruitless Ilnllot. SriUNanEi.n , 111. , Feb. 3. In the Joint as sembly all the members were present. The fifty-sixth ballot was taken , nhawing no change. Adjournment until tomorrow wo then taken. Immediately after adjournment of the Joint assembly both houses also ad journed. _ The Icntl Iloll SALT LIKE , Utah , Feb. 8. [ Special Tclo- grara to TiiuBKB.I Attorney J. W , Koutiz , a loading member of the bar and nephew of Nathan C. Kouuz , the noted author , died to day. _ No Tobhcoo Tor Minors. WASHINGTON , Fob. 3. The house today passed the senate bill prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors under sixteen years of ago In the District of Columbia , London BliooinukoriJ Strllco. LONDON , Fob. 3. Too thousand shoemak ers of this city have gooo on a strike fur an increase 111 wages. Showing the Manner in WTiich the Fund ia Handled. DISCREPANCIES IN FREIGHT CHARGES. A Sample of tlio Prices Charged for Goods Compared wltli the Omaha I'rluo or the Sumo Articles. A transcript of the bills on lllo in thooftlco of Mr , Ludden , general manager of the Ne braska state rcilof commission , shows bills rendered by II. P. Lau ainountlugtoja.OS2.D5 ; ilargrcaves Dros. , (1,702,12 ; Haymond Bros. , S,9. ! > I.G.1 , making a grand total of H8Ca9.40. 'Tbo transcript suows the date of shipment nnd the county and town to which the con signment was nuulo. In some instances the freight on Hour is in cluded in the totals returned by Hargreavcs Bros. , hut no mention of the satno U in cluded In the statements of II. P. Lau. Knyinond Dros. send in a spcclnlstatcnicnt regarding freight. The total expended by them for chnr es Is S."S2. 4 , which deducted from total shows the total vuluo of goods for warded by them , $1,1)71.1)9. ) ) II. P. Lau in illllng imrt of nn order for BurwellNob. , , made an cntrvof two and one- half tons of Hour atS..U'Ja hundred or Jill for the whole ; also two and one-half tons of meal at $1.47 or § 7,1.50 , making a total of S184.rx ) . This meal and flour were shipped from Cicely Centre. The rate from that town to Burwcll is only 10 cents per hundred weight , while the rate from Lincoln to Burwell is 83 cents per hundred xveight , n difference of 23 cents. This difference in freight Lau has added to tbo price par hundred weight of tbo Hour and tneal and included it in the footings. A note is nn ponded to the Invoice setting forth this fact , which concludes , with the statement that the Hour und meal at this oxccssivo rate does not cost the state any morothau It would have cost at Lincoln. The amount Involved is $22 , but , why charge the state with it , especially as Mr. Lndilen instructed Lau that nouobuttho actual freight should bo charged I. Alt the Hour und menl hereafter to bo or dered will be shipped direct from mills in the interior part of the state , thus saving freight from Lincoln. The purchasing committee has ordered an other large amount of goods , the bills for , \ hlch have not yet made their appearance. These bills renrescnt the llrst order and ave been liledby the firms mentioned , each aklne the chances of getting its pay when- iver the money shall become available. Kiicli Iso is compelled to pay its freight charges in .dvancc . , the roads refusing to tnko goods tvlthout tbo money or the personal guaranty f the shipper. It is sniu the purchasing committee wil end orders to Omaha jobbers if the latter , vlll ngreo to furnish tlio poods pending the ppropriation nnd advancing tlio freight burges , us the Lincoln merchants are doings The committee Instructed to send out "X OOO worth Immediately , but Mr. Meyer , member , says ho thinks less thun one-third f that amount has been stint. An idea of the prices charged may bo ob tained from the following bill , though n few of the articles , on ing to lluctuntlon in the market have dropped since itvas rendered by Uuymond brothers January SO. Havmond Bros. 2hbls. rico @ 6M $85.23 3 " hominy ( g3 > ; ' 9.75 Beans , STO @ 4 34.80 CofTo Koyal 1 cxvt @ SB'S 25.10 1 chest ten , 72 lbs.0cts ! ! 21.00 S sacks dried prures , 142 @ 0 8.52 r > 18 Ibs. bacon @ flJ } 33.07 2,000" ilour@i 40.00 2,000" bolted meal @ 81.23 25.00 2hblH. rolled oats ( ffl $0.50 18.00 1 box Dwight's soda$3.45. . . : 3.-I5 Cartngo 1.00 Total $251.00 Compared With Omaha I'riccs. The above list of prices was submitted to several Omaha jobbers yesterday morn- ng who raado a careful examination into the prices charged the stnto by Raymond Bros. As the quality of the goods furnished Is un known 11 Is very dinicult to glvo an exact statement of what the prlcos ought to be , but nssun.inz that the various articles wore all of good grade tha prices are considerably above tie market pi ice. Take for example rico at OVc a good article can bo had for 5l c and possibly for less money. Iloaitny can be bought at any wholesale grocery in Omaha at S3 50 per bbl of 200 Ibs. For beans , 4c per Ib Is not too much for a good article. As there are so many different gi ados of ted and coffee nothing can bo snld as to the pilces charged In the ubovo list only this , 20 @ 25o will buy a grudo of tea in Omaha equal to what the people In the western part of the state arc in the habit of using. Bacon is charged nt < % ° pcrlo. The list price here Is ( ic. Without knowing the quality nothing can bo said regarding the charges for flour and meal. The regular price for rolled oats is only fli.OO per bbl. instead of $0.50. Dvvight's ' soda is charged for at the list pnco but other manufactures of soda could have boon supplied at S3.00 which would have auswcred the purpose just as well. Alter reviewing the prices the jobbers generally expressed themselves of the opinion that under the circumstances they wcro not exorbitant , as the money had not jet been appropriated , nnd nollrm could af ford to tnko chances without some remunera tion. One firm declared that it would not furnish the goods under the conditions at all All agreed , however , that if the legislature had appropriated the inonoy and the purchasing committee could say to the jobbers "wo nio prepared to pay casu or wo can pay cash in thirty or sixty days" they could buy the goods way below the prices charged In the nbovo bill and oven below the list price. Oio : house bald that as a matter o : charity , and to make the inonov of the s.tnto do ns much peed as possible , they would bo In favor of selling the gotxls at Just enough nbovo cost to pay the actual expenses of ban dllng them. Do not take any chatico of being poisoned o : burned to death with liquid stove polish , paints or enamels In bottles. The "Hlsiug Sun Stove Polish''Is ' safe , odorless , brilliant , tlio cheapest and best steve polish made and the consumer pays for no expensive tin o : glass package with every purchase. AllllEST OF CL.IIIK JfATCil. Charged With Forcing a Clieuk to Xhroo Thousand Dollars. WonccsTER , Mass. , Fob. 3. Clark \V Hatch , known all over tno country , havln been tried for nnd acquitted of the murder o his uncle , Henry E. Hatch , In Kit Carso county , Colorado , a year ago , otherwls 'Identified ' as Cluric Wells , has been nrroste at the instance of agents of the Travelers Insurance suranco company of Hartford , Conn. , for uttering toring n lorgcd check for $3,000 , payable Ainmlo 0. Smith of Worcester , the wile o Harry C. Smith , a commercial traveler. Sh is claimed to hive been drowned botwoe Nnrrugansett Pier and Providence , U. J , about the middle of August , 1890. The check was presented to the Mechanic' National bank of this city lor puynieu. August 25 , 1SW ) . It was from the Travelers Insurance company of Hartford , on the Fourth National bank of Now York City. It was sent to Hatch and Woodman of Boston , The Products of Nature Cannot be Imitated. The remarkable merit of the Carlsbad Sprudol Salt , which is produced by the City of Carlsbad , by the evaporation of the Sprudol Spring water , has been known to the civiliz ed world for more than flvo centuries. It hat achieved an unappronchcd icpntatlon and ro- tulns It wholly on Its merits. It Is a natural remedy which Is always oirectlvo In all disor ders of the btomncli , liter and kidney. For habitual constipation , gouty and rhuiimatlo nlTeotlons , It la without uqnut , U bus boon l&rgoly Imitated. Ho sure to cot the Kunulne Imported urtlolo , which must huvu the t > cal of tlio city of Gurlibud and the slu'imturo of [ "Klaner WoudoUou Co. , Now Vork , Bolo t Agents' " on ovcry bottle FIGHT FIGHT There iswar among the manufacturers of Rubber Boots , Shoes , Sandals , Arcfits , Lumbermen's Overs and all kinds of specialties in Rubber Foot Wear. The raw material is very high and advancing , still the prices oo ; DOWN ! DOWN ! ! DOWN' ! ! ! The Grand Old New Jersey Rubber SHoe Co. Leads the procession as usual , and I am "loaded for bear" with a complete line of the New Jersey Go's feet protectors. Some of the rubber companies arc going to get Badly Hurt in this fight. DonVplace an order until you get my nc\v prices from my office or my traveling men. My stock of FELT BOOTS AND GERMAN SOX. Is fairly assorted but small. The gay ground hog saw his shadow yesterday ( Feb. 2d ) and no one doubts that we are to have Six More Weeks of I am in no way connected with any retail stores , nor willl retailgoods to anybody. Come , on , McGuffey. Yours truly , 1111 Harney Street , Omaha. P. S. Ask shoe dealers for "Jerseys. " to 1)0 paid to Mnmio E. Smith , indorsed by her and matlo paynblo to Clark Wells. It is claimed that Clnrk W. Hatch and Clark \Vclls nrn tUo satno persons. Per thirteen years prior to January , ISM ) , Hatch and Woodman wcro coucral agents of the Travelers. Sluco the day the check was presented nt 'tho ' banK in this city bv the man who clatmod to l > o Clark " \\clls , the ofllcers of the Travelers insurance corn- puny have been on the track of this man. Hatch was interviewed and denied ovory- .hiiiK of a criminal nature. The sensational inurdcr case inwhich Hatch figured In Colorado attracted prcat at tention all ever the country. Hatch was at that time traveling in * the Interest of the Travelers insurance company. It is not bo- Hoved that any such party exists as Mamio E. Smith , and Harry E. Smith is thought to bo a bogus drummer. TIIK n'CAKTinC-MUXOX FIG JIT. It is Attracting Grcnt Attention in Sporting Circles. NEW Yonit , rob ) , 3. [ Special to Tun i ! . ] 'lb ? comlngi pugilistic event which now -turnishinff "food for fju& speculation in sportling circles Is tho' moot ing between Cal McCarthy of Jersey City and George Dlxon , the colored featherweight of Boston , which ( Likes place tomorrow night before the Puritan club at Long Island City. It will ho a twenty-five round bout , at the end of which it Ib expected the referee will bo nblo to glvo a satisfactory decision. The men will wear five-ounce gloves , which will bo weighed by the chief of police before they uro permitted to put them on. The battle is for a stake of $5,000 , and a purse of $1,000 , the loser to receive tbo sum of $200 out of the purse as compensation for his trouble and expenses , If the management live up to their agreement the men will bo in the ring at 9 o'clock sharp , when the club house doors will bo locked. This is the largest purse raonoy that was ever fought for by little follows. The battle promises to bo ono of the greatest that has ever taken place between feather-weights. Both pugilists been training hard for weeks past , with fhohopoof heingin the host fix Imaginable on the eventful night. The little Jcrsoyimm had to do considerable more hard work than Dixon , for the reason that ho weighed fully ton pounds more than aid tbo Bostonlan when they started in to train. McCarthy was trained very hard for this contest ever In the Scottish-American club rooms in Jersey City. Ho ha ? been as sisted in his work hy .facie O'Mnra ' nnd Tom my Collins , who have trained him for all his inportant battles. Dlxon , with his manager and trainer , Tom O'Hourko , nas been working slowly but sure ly , down at Uovcio Beach. Dixou trains more for wind than anything else , as ho needs totaltoolT but very little flesh , lie only weighed 1 10 ! pounds three weeks aeo.anUho is to weigh in nt 111 pounds six hours before entering tbo ring. Sporting men are discussing the outcome of the battle with more than the usual amount of interest. Several largo wagers have al ready been made at odds of 8100 to $80 on Dlxon. The McCarthy supporters won't have to go about hunting for Dots whan the Disun ites get to town , as they have lots of inonoy that they are only too anxious to put up. Over in Jersey City McCarthy has a thou sand and ono friends who will back him to n man , and should ho meet with defeat the whole town -will go in mourning. The splen did showing that the little Jersey champion made against big odds when lie last met the ' chocolate" bov is still fresh la the minds of the followers of pugilism. With both in good condition it should prove " to bo ono of the best , , "nnd most ovonly-con- tested affairs ever witnessed. Both men are determined , and no gamer little fellows ever stepped into the a cna to no battlo. The tickets , which are selling at $10 a piece , are going very well. If'is expected that fully 4.000 people will wltnpsa the contest. 'J'ho club's seating capacity is said to bo 0,000. " ' Cherry Pectoral has "Ayer's given mo fjreat relief in bronchitis. Within a month I bavo sent some of this preparation to a fnonu suffering from bronchitis and asthma. It lias done bhu so much gtrfd that ho writes for more.- Charles P. .Puintorvillc , Plymouth , Elgland. . , _ , Canilelil'fi ij DKTHOIT , Mich. , Feb. 3. ttussoll C.Canflold , arrested yesterday fpr , the murder of Nellie Grlflln , whoso body wai found in the river Friday , has made a' ' , full confession. Ho ab ducted the girl from the state public school ntColdwater and was responsible for her death. Canllcld was brought into court ut Charlotte this afternoon , pleaded guilty , and Judge Hooker sentenced him to Imprisonment lor life. This evening ho was lodged In the state prison at Jackson. To NcrvoiiH anil Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address wo wil send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt nnd Appliances on trial , They will quickly restore you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet freo. VOLTAIC UELI Co , , Marshall , Mich. Palmer's Gratitude. JKKPEHSON City , Mo. , Feb. 3 , Speaker Tuttle has a letter from General l'ulmircaii- , dldato for United States BCnutor bofoiotho Illinois legislature , thanking the Missouri law makers for a resolution endorsing ills candidacy. LieMg Company's ' EXTRACT OF BEEF , " In Darkest Africa. " J3y Henry M. Stanley. "Tho Lio- biff Compa ny's Evtract was of the choicest. " Page 39Vol. "Liobig and mont soups hail to bo prepared in s u III c i o n t quantities to [ ulf to each weakened man as ho stag gered in. " Page 80 , Vol 1. ' Ono Madi managed to crawl near mytont. * * * Ho was at once borne to a flro and laid within a few inches of it , and with the addition of a pint of hot broth niado from the Liohig Company's Extract of , wo restor ed hi into his sonsos. ' ' Vol.11 , Page CS. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARYSPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Logs , Eon. j AND SOOPngo Book anTrnntmrnt of Animals uiidOhurt Hem Fred CTTIESJ PpvornidoiJBestloiip.Iiiflnmmntlon A.\.l Hpinnl iUouluBitl , I > I IIU Fever. Jl.ll. striiiin , IiuincnvHn , Ithpuiiintlsmr C'-Jll ! tenipor , Nnaal Ulnclmrares. ] > .l > . . . llotH or ( JruIiB , U'crniBi > : .K. Cniicli > JIcnvcH , 1'nrunionia. ] ' . ! . Colic or rlpc , llcllyacbe. < ; , ( . IHlHcnrrluBC , IIcmorrliniroH. 11.11. Urinary find Kidney Illncnsei * J.I. lruptlTO JlHfiiHC , IHunge. J.K. DiseiiBCHof DIurtotion , 1 Single Bottle ( over 50 doses ) , - - .CO Stable Cane , with Speclflts , Manual , Vi-tcrlunryCuro OlUnd Mudlcator. 87.OO JnrVfUrinury Cure OH , - - 1.UO Sold bvErueglsta ; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and In any quantity on Receipt of Price. HDMPHBEYS1 MEDICINE CO. , Corner William and John Sis. , Now York. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. ; la afio 30 jears The only Kaccessful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , and Prostration , from over-work or other cauiwo. 91 per riaUor 6 rials and largo vial powder , ( or $ . botn BT DnooaisTs , oreent postpaid on receipt otprloa-HUMPHREYS1 MEDICINE CO. , Cat. William and John Bts. , N. Y. Do you know that you can buy a chimney to fit your lamp that will last till some acci dent happens to it ? Doyou know that Macbeth's "pearl top " or "pearl glass " is that chimney ? > - You can have it your dealer will get it if you insist on it. He may tell you it costs him three times as much as some others. fThat is true , He may say thqv are just as good. Don't yon believe it they may be bettW for him ; he may like the breaking. ntuburx. GEO. A. iuciiETH & Co. To euro Dlllonsneu. Rick Ilodncho. Conttlpntlorj. llalarla. Liter Cunplalnti , take the sale mid certain retnedjr , Saill'll'S BILE BEANS Dsot ioBMAU,8IZRMO little beans tofho hot. tie ) Ther ere ibe mint convenient' eult all rujes. I'rlcoof either Hit ) . 10 cimU per bottlt. KISSING nt 7 > . M' 70 ! .ruoto mmm ° * * , pnnnUUoof thl 7 picture tort cents ( coppera or ttuiuin ) . J. F. BMtrnACO. . linkerof "Illlo Benin , ' St Ixiuli Mo. Qr.F.C.DILLI . . . OMAHA , NEB. Jlnrlnjrliln upvcrnl months location nml prnctlco In Omnlia , lr IMIlliiKs Inis enincil an cnvlnblo reputa tion utnoiiK tliuhundreds of rltl7cni nhn applied to lilm almost ns H Inat roanrt , nml found in hlx skillful inlnlAtiAllona ttio full realization of hopu long de ferred. Ho If permanently locntcd nnd has ( ho licit ap pointed nnd iiiom convunlcntlj limited physician's oftico nnd reception rooms In Omahu. The Kick will flnil In Dr. Hillings n true physician nnd a sympathetic ) friend and nUviaor , lor the treatment of tlic tollowlnx named dtacnpo Dr. DIlllnKs hag proven tilmsulf pusauased of uioa ununual ( kill. A.MUSE1MEXNTS. BOYD'S.THE bEASON'H ONLY . HIU guoonss. 5 Performances Beginning Thursday , Feb. MATINEE. Itrnnson Howard's Greatest Triumph , AMKItlOA'S LATHST 01IA/n. "Hotter tlinn the lluiirluttu. " N.V.IIurnlil. "Hhitriml ! < Kih Is tliOKiirdoii of love making nnd li.i\o acocls. " llox slii'ct pin-in at regular prices Wednesday. BOYD'S. A GRASP EVENT , i&AY , leb. ? 3rd and 4th Wm. Gllluttu's Great Comedy Hit , Preceded l > y the 1'rotty One-Act Oonicdy , SWEET WILL. Ily Henry Arthur .lone1 * , Author ot "Snlnts nnd MIIIHTI. " "Tho Jllddlu Man , " "Tho lUncliiK Olrl , " etc. Tills will ho tlic first porformiuico In America of "Swootlll. . " tlui piny having boon pur chased liistHumrnnr of the author hy Manu- cor Clmrlcs Krolmmn. bouts uro now on sale ut regular prices. Grand Opera House , SALE OF SEATS FOR THE Two Performances , Jlatineo and Night , Saturday , Feb. 7 , - - Jefferson-Florence COM BOY COMPANY Will Open Thursday , Pebraary 6th at 9 a. m. MS ? THE RIVALS , * Satf HEIR-AT-LAW - - , Scale of Prices , 5lc ) , gi.OO , $1.50 , $2.00 EDEN MUSEE. Will Lawlor.MiuiaRor. Cor. Jlth and Karimin WKKKOF KKIWUAHY 2. oor . .AiasxANUBii ooorMsrt. Tlio Kentucky ( Jnlrit , Jni.Vllinn , pUenoimmnl aipanilonlut , itoia Vcrnon , Knulhli CloK Da nut , u Unutf , JlHcComlio Children , nununnd ilumu Britain , builrttr juj < l WeU. Clitrrunn ell'n muni- cat my ttT ) ' , l.ruly Ilk1) dint , A Urcutbliow , TO WEAK MEN. joutliful uirecti trron from ol < arly decay , wutlnjf wcnknrsa , lout nmuliiKxl , etc. I will tend ov lu llt > tnntl&o ( walxil ) ronUilnlns full particular ! for komu cure , I'ltKli of clmrKu Aiplemlia rnedlcal warlci ihould Ixi n-4 by cirer ) man who in iicrvniM anrl dulillltaU4l. AUdrtM 1'ruf , 1' . C , i'UUXUIIj Moodui , Couu. CATAHUIt Allillsoniioi of Ihruut nml noso. nrrhtrapovorlilioi tlio blood nnj nerves , iinxluclnf liability , ducir mid douth DYSITI'SIA Anil nil the nln i > i of ImlktcUloa liver truiilili ) , Impurfcctajilmlhttonnnd nutrition KIDSKVDISKASKS Are mo < t ilocolvlnu nml In- rliliinui Hymptonn Imrd to rt'ooitnlzo hi Ilio patlonl of tun load to fntnl brlKlili ilNuuu cir tllnbotoi , 'tlSHASHS OK TIIK 11LOOO - lllooil iwhonlnj , norofuli , LTyslpuU ) , nml dlsoajoi luontlonud liori > * after. AIJj PKIN RISIASH9-Tciprai ! , salt rhonm. Vari ola , ulorr * , tiliurrlai , acrofuK lupin , mmlclr color of the skin , pimples , and dlsctiioj at tlio noaliari | > cured 1)7 ) Dr. Dllllnjs. NKHVOna IHS1C.VSR3-L091 of Tldor , loit man- lionil , ilcbllltr , proitnitlon , rictpondcnnr * eruption on the ( nco , Ion of memory , ilruml tit future , oto. A new trrntmont that JJKVKH FAILS U1IKUMATISM AND NKUIIAI/I1A Are euro ! bjr Ir Dllllnun when nil others Imvu fullotl. KKMAM5VKAKNMCSSI5S The lmr Ii. Irrntlonal nnd unnnturnl roe-thcnl * tinntilly oniphiyod uro re- ftponMblu fer fullj tlirco-fuurtlis of the suffering now cndnrril by women. lavaitlimtu Ihu noir , liomotro.ilment of Dr. DIlllnRi I'll.VSAIJ , HKCTAti TIIOIMIT.K3 I'llos , Flj- tuln , nburuiKe ! ) . Htrlutuio , nnd nil dhvastis of rortmn cured without the knlfu , cuutory or nil hour's ilelaf from nork or bimlneii. AI.I , IlKADACIinS nro quickly cured. VKNKHIU1. niSKAHUS Kuconl or loriB Btnndln * pyiilillh , K'inorrliii'a , xtrlrturo und nil rosultlnnaf- ftcttoni nrocuriMl iicnunncntl ] ' ud forever without nny nitrcnr ) or mlnernl tretitmcnl. I MOUTIIINK llAIlIT-Qiilrtly , posltlvolr nnd pnlnlcsslr ciirod. TA1T.VOUM Tnkc.i with licnil complcto In ono hour nltli ono tcasjioonful o5 ploannnt modlcluu. Ku fHStlllR , OTI1RH niSKASKS-Such mold snroi. nmlUnnnt ulcers , tumors , cnncurs , hcnrt tiouliloi , nntlnnm epllopsf , Ht. Vltns ilnnce. milk lu. clironla consllpi- tlon nnd chronic dlnrrlura nru enroll. TUB roMl'kl'MON The most un lKlitly nnd rmiddf romplcxton qulcklf f roshonod nnd boautlfloil. 1-OHOKFKNSIVn 1IKHATI1-A pornianont euro LOW KKII81 1'Uin : CONSULTATION ! I1OUIIS : ! i0n : ; m. to5p. in. Evening * , 7 to 8.30. EuniluyH , 3 to 4 p. m. Tatlents Trentod By Corrospondenoa. Medtciuo Sent Everywhere , 322 South. Fifteenth St. OROUND FLOOR. NO STAIH3. Dn Billings prepares and dispenses his own modloinoswhich ara largely selected from nature's healing plants , barks , roots , musshrubstu , Nomlnsral drii23 GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878 , W. BAKER & Co.'s fast from which the cxcoss ot oil has boon removed , la Absolutely J > uro and it is Soluble , No Chemicals moused in its preparation. It has more them three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd ia therefore far more economical , costing less than one cent a cuj ) . 11 is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , KASHAUIOXSTKD , and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons In. health. Sold by Crocors everywhere. W , BAKER & CP , , Dorchester , Mass , NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital , - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - 02,800 Officers nnd Dlrcctnri Hcnrr W. Vntni , I'roildentj lAinh H. ItiHd , Vlcu-rrc icom ; JninoY. . HarnEU , W V. Alamo , Julin H Colllin. U U. Uusliliu , J. W.1I 1'ulrlck.V II. H. IHON 13AMK. Corner I''tli aud Kiirnam Bli. A Qonvrnl Hanking Business Tratmotsl AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Hpccina for ; < Tit rla. niwlneii.rits.I.'uunilfla. WukO ( ulnnt. Mental | iepr i lun. Hollenliuf t tlio Milting In losanlty ajii Iwutinir to inUnry dtiruv anj Uoilh. I'r ma.lure Old Axv , Jliir nni < u , Lmt ut 1'owoi Intilthor MX , Involuntar/ L > oiuf , aiul Hi nnitorrt'Bi ' ] cauit.t lir orcr-i rtloof ll.o lir ln , Mlftbuuior orcrlndulftnco. Lachbox contalninn jnionlt' " truau Tnrnt. tl A IMIT , or six /or > . rvnt ty niJlir0jall [ , WltU racU order for til l > oin , will tvnil lurrliavtl ( nmraiit o tu refund ncaer IMbo truatinujit rall4Ul euro , UutrauteiuUiaiKlaiKlutnumeiola onlrbr GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1 110 ruruuin Ktruot , Omaha , Nub.