Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    V I
orrrcn , NO. 12 PUARL ST.
by Cnrrlcr In unj part of ttiocity
11Y. . 1R.TOH. - - . UANAUKll
f lis'ticf. * Offlcr. No. II
lor. No Kl.
K Y J > To.
Council niuffs Lumber Co. co-vl.
C'rafl's ' chattel lonn . 204Snpp block
J .1 IJrovvn is mentioned as n candidate to
Biircecd Alderman Kuepher ns alderman-nt-
An infonnittnn was issued jcsterday In
llstrltt court , charging Xcb Dcarelsleyvlth
The board of trade tiled to hold n meeting
last night , but n quorum failed to make Its
The work of repairing the Main street
water innlnu ns not completed until neaily
noon jo.terduy.
A case of scailet fever wosrcpnrti'dyostcr-
( I \v at the lusldenco of Mrs Duffy , lOiO
1'ouith avenue.
A iniriiago license was issued jcstcrdnv to
LnvMciu-o Kelley and Miss Fnnnlo M 1'rcs-
cott , both of this city.
Articles of incorporation vv cro filed yester-
ihy by thoLako Mnnnvva lie company , ton-
slstingof r C. Kcod , I < \ J. Day , and Emmet
ainloy , with a capital stock of $ .10,000
Special communication of Bluff Cltv lodge
No 71 , Ancient 1 'IPO and Accepted Masons ,
this ovonlng for woik In the third decree.
All inaitcrmisonsnroinvlted. By order W.M.
- W C. Jotdan , a well known cmplovo of the
Union Pacific has been notified of his ap
pointment ns traveling pissenger agent of
the Union Paclllc with headquarter ! at Kan
sas City.
L.CO Witter , who has been connected with
Tun llii : : carilcr forte for several jcii-s past ,
has been placed In charge of the circulation
department of the Nonpareil. Ho will begin
Ids duties next Thuisday.
The follow Iiigofllccis have been elected hv
Council Bluffs Lodge No. 175 , Independent
Order of Uood-Toinplnrs ! C. T , A. It. Mnlr ;
V T . Mrs. Cnnrlos Walker ; F. H. , John
Itoyiioldii , treastucr , Fiark Pftrdoy ; sccio-
tai'vMis , West Clink ; chaplain , John Poole ,
marshal , J Ilmding , guard , Mr. Wellman ;
sentrj , O. W. UcLong.
Nlcl ; Molltor , n young man employed at the
Manlnttan , claims to have bien held up as
ho was on his way homo nt about 11 o'clock
night before last , and i elievcd of a valuable
( .old watch that belonged to his sister. Ho
de-scribed the highwayman as being about
eight feet tall , but further than this ho is
unable to tell very much about the affair.
, F A. Sackotthas been presented with
flno gold-headrd by the mcmufrs of Abe
Lincoln post , Grand Ai my ol the Republic.
'Ihocatio is cngiaved with the name of the
ovyntr on ono side and the welds , "IVom Abe
Lincoln Post * ' on the other , and is Intended
ns n token of the est ( em of the donors for
Mr. Sackttt's services as n toinrado aud an
ofllecr of the order.
The Illustatcd U'cst , with Its six pages of
puff for which the tity < otincil agicecl to pay
tJ.0 , has m'oiio its ajipeniancc. Cuts of the
postoftli.0 , court iiouso , now Methodist
S church , deaf nnd dumb Institute , Bloomer
N school nnd Bajllss paik with its fountains ,
u ith ono or two exceptions are the same cuts
that huvo appeircd in Council Bluffs puhllcu < times before in the past two
yuaw. De-sides these there is finite an club
orate write-up of the city. A dry goods box
full of tlio papers hive been left at the cltj
cloik's olllco for dlstiibution.
Harcl tamp No. 171 , Modern Woodmen of
" Arherion , will give Its fourth annual ball in
"the Masonic temple next Thursday evening.
The following committees have been up
pointed to sunorlntcnd the affair : Arringe
incuts .Toll n L Smith , C. S. Ihibbaid , W.F.
Priest , II. J. Iu ) blitz nnd C. L Gillette. Re-
ceptlon .T. M Scuiilon , L. O. Huff , John Gil
bert , \-i. K. Bildensteln , C. U Saundois.Mrs
S. H. Filbert , Mrs E. H. Fonda , Mrs T. B
Hail , Mrs. J. W. Kelley nnd Mrs. L. Kost
Floor managers C. W. Atwood , A. Stack , J ,
O. Jones , W. C. Estop and J. Mceclo.
Ladles' nrwl children's shoos chnnpcr Umn
ever at the Boot Upsldo Down sboo storo.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N ,
Too much Call fornln cnnned Roods on linn tl
must ho sold. ICclloy & Youukoimaii.
i'flt8H\ L J'A K.I It. 1 1'iIS ,
Theodora . Ivory nnct J. W. Brisco of
Glcimood were in the city yesterday.
1W. . Hyde of Uubuquo , the nichltect of
the Grand hotel , U in the city on business.
All the nirRiims cannot ho found lu ono
pliico. The biKgest bn ains in shoes nnd.
footwo ir to bo found lu Council Bluffs nro
ntlho Boot Upsldo Down shoo stoic , yj Main
N. _
Bell & Son's new piocory takoa the lend on
Upper Hioddvv ay. No old stock.
Hojs Wanted
nt Aiucilcnii dlstiict telegraph oftlco.
' 1 hey Oiv Up tin * l''ijtit.
Several liquor injungtioii suits \vero dli-
nilssud In dlstiict court list week nt the ie-
quest of Jiicoh Sims , the prosecuting attor
ney. It hud been whispered on the sly tint
Messrs. Sims & Saundeia wuio becoming
tired of the business in which they had econ
digged in so IOIIR , nnd sonio curiosity w.ia
frit ns to whether tlio meaning of tills dis-
inlssnl wns thnt ns far us Messrs. Buns tc
Baunders vvero concerned , the saloonkeepers
of Council Bluff-i would bo allowed to keep
open with even more freedom than bcfoio.
Mr. Humidors Is the nuthoilty for the stiito-
nionttlmt It Is the Intention of himself nnd
partner to got rid of nil that kind of business
llint thuy now huvo on the strinp , and when
that Is done , they do not intend to do any
thing more In thnt lino. Ho ( jives ns his rui-
KOII for tills stop that the public sentiment of
the city is too uroat OKniust the prosecution
of such cases to allow them to bo effective.
Don't endanger your health by pcimlttlnc
cold feet when you can keep wnini nnil com
fortable with llttlo expanse by gottlnn you r
footwear nt the lioot Upside Down shoo
store , U Main street.
Our ilriiutrkalilo Success
Unablcs us to present lor your considera
tion pi lees vv Hhout a pioccdont in the history
of Council Blulls. All poods are warranted
now and clean , equal to tlio best tiny market
affords. Only ono priro and ternn strictly
rash. Cull and sou and bo satisfied that we
uru right.
Davis' Uojnl No 10 flour , fl.fiO ; Davis
UluoD Hour , $1.85 ; Gold Medal Hour , 81.45 :
Minnesota Supeilntlve Hour , $1 ; Snovvllaki
flour , ? 1 ; 15 llw ( ji nmilatcd suctir for 81. 11
Ibi extra U Kiiuiulntctt SUJ-MI for $1 ; 'JO lb :
Now Orleans sugar for 81 ; Aibueklo eoffoo
orpUgo , i"o ; ( lornmn colTeo , iwr plcge , i'io :
liiK's ' bui' , per pk ; e , lUo ; cinckers
lb , r cjl ! Ihs ( 'i"K ° i' snaps for tr ! > c ; 'J louvc *
read for r > u ; ! i Ibs niliuo niuit ,
8 cans tonmtoos , liT o ; ! l cans com , 'J"io ; 1'ago
Norton & Co Hour , $ 1.25 u suck ; 'Mb nail lure
foriMa ; Mb pall lard forilSc ; oilstmllnos , pe
inn , Ro ; 'J cans mustard sardines for' ' . cj Oal
Iforul.i hams , per lb , ( Sc ; good broom fo
lc ( ) ; W ) ifoml eljjiu-s for 750 ; 20-lb pull Jelly fo
7Gc ; liKal pall sjrun for S' > oi5-Kul kci
yiup foi 11.40 ; po.ll white fish forfXo. )
Drowns C. O. 1) . Grocery ,
Council Blurts nnd Omaha.
Mr. Ciovv , who lives on Loivor Brondvvaj
met with nu accident night before hist vvhtc
will bo not to lay hlmun for sonic tlmo. II
attempted to alight from nu cast bound mote
as It was passing Tblrty-fourth street. Th
train was in motion , though slowly , an
under ordinary circumstances he would huv
been r.blo to roach the ground lu safety
Thoicoiind BIIOAV , however , unused him t
Blip aud fall , breaking a leg. Ho managed t
get to his homo , vvlioro u doctor uivs calle
unit the llr.ib was properly eaiod for.
Tohasuio that your rhlldron havonur
candy , ouy for thorn the I'omonu , biand mil ,
lulcotablets * , Pomona stained on each till ,
et. The trade supplied hy Ouquetto & , Ci
'Iho new dental rooms of Urs.Vooilbur
K ro the llnott aud most complete la tno uoal
Kcxt to the uovv Unuid , "Telaphoue , 115. "
An East Fierce Street Attorney Has no
Unwelcome Visitor.
Tlio Orcniil/ecl rijjlil Against the
Saloons Is mopped for tlio
I'rcHonl An Uiifortunnto
S. B. Snyder , the attorney , had a visitor
last Monday night nt his residence on East
i'lcrco street. The visitor called while the
mnn of the homo wns nvvny Ho used no cer
emony whatever about getting in , and his
cull vvns hardly appreciated , Judging from
Inter developments. Mrs , Snjdor had re-
tiled curlv , being In uoor health. She was
awakened nt about 0:30 : o'clock by a
loud hammering at n door. Hofoio
she could let the visitor In
the blows proved -to ho too stiong
for the door nnd It How open , admitting two
'men Ono ot them entered Mrs. Snydcr's '
bed room , picked up n Inmp fioni the tnblo
nnd went out with it announcing nt the sumo
tlmo thnt ho wns an nfllccr. Ho then went
up stairs to a room that was occupied by n
joung lady , nnd demanded some papers tbiit
she had received from the Singer sewing
machine company in connection with a busi
ness transaction which she had mndo with
the company n few days before , threatening
to arrest nor If she did not compl.x with tils
demand at once. The young lady was very
much frightened and nt once guvo up the
"When Mr.jiivdcr icuirncd homo and
learned whntliadhappened he vvnssomowliat
vvr.ithy. Ho leioitcd thonltnlr to the police ,
and as soon as mot ning caino set out on his ovv u
hook to IInil the tiespassor. Ho nt last camu
to tlio conclusion that a nun named Hook , an
employe of the Singer * sew ing machine com
pany , was the guilty paity , and an infonmi-
tlon vvns Issued for his at rest in Justice
Cones' tourt charging him with impersonat
ing on ofllcer.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Aiinlvorsnrj Sain at Iho Hoston Store.
Just two years ago Situid.iy since the
Boston Store , Courell liluffs , opened Its
doors to the public Thopropiietois , Pother-
ingtmni , Whltclnw A , Co , take this ouportun-
ity of thanking their thousands of pitrons In
Council IHufT1and surioundliig country for
their \eiy llbeinl suupoit , and patronage.
Their aim at all times has been to give the
veiy best value In everything they carry ,
having only ono prlco nnu doing
astilctly cash business , thoioby doing away
\v Ith the necessity of book-keeperscollectoi 3.
etc , etc , also the paying for tUoso who don't
pay , cuit.dllng ourcvpcnscs ton meio noth
ing In comp.ulbon to the other method of
doing business , cash being king every tlmo.
Dili facilities and connections for buj Ing are
such ns to cn.iblo us to get the cream of
in.iikct at the very lowest market price. In
Older to still servo jou better , wo have es
tablished an oflico in New York City with n
man of twentyfivecnrs' e\perlcncc nttho
bend of itvvheie within too shortest possible
notice an } thing to bo found on this side of
the Atlantic if In No-v Yoik city can bo had
bj us. Our second nnnuil sale for the past
ten diivs has been a stupendous success. Tor
our second nnnlvei arjvvo will make still
deeper cuts and continue the sale all this
coming week Note a few of the bat gains.
Child's co.its , I j ears old , sold for W 23 to
? ? .7r , In oius lot nt $ ! . ! > ( ) .
Child's i-oats , 0 ) curs old , sold for 54 00 to
$ 1 r > ( , in ono lot at tJ.'J.'i.
Ladies' Jackets , sold for $125 , reduced to
"Ladles'Jai 1x0ts , sold for K > .75 , reduced to
* '
$ - ' . ( ) nnd $23 plush Jackets reduced to § 15.
$14 Jackets for * ll ) .
Uvcrv garment in our stock at special sale
Gents' shirts nnd drawers , sold for 25c , re
duced to Ific.
Heavy grav shirts nnd drawers , former
prlco ilUf , during sale 2oc.
Oui -vvoolbulrts anil drawers in grays
and scarlets , sold for SI , during snlo OOc.
All our 30e , ; & and H9c black goods , Includ
Ing brllllantlnes and English cashmeres , dur
ing snlo per yard , 2. > c.
A complete line ot English sorgcs , Ticnch
drap d1 nlmo , Austrian lienrlcttas nnd all
wool cashmeres , sold for 58c , 02) ) 0 and O'Jc ,
all in ono lot at 4Sc.
Brocades , fancj stripes , flno cashmeres nnd
silk llnisbed hennottns , ranging in pnco li'Jc
to U.'c , all at ( i'i u.
Ourcomfoiterand dress prints which sold
for fiontul ( > c , during sale forSc.
Our Indigo blue mint nt 7c to go at 4'c.
Heavy cheviot ginghams to go at ( i'c.
Outing ilannel In plain , light , medium nnd
. daik colors , sold nt lOonnd 12 } < jC , to go nt
8X ° ; 12 yards for $1.
Yaid wida muslin , sold forfic did fie , 1C.
Foui dllTcicnt makes of our So muslin , ( SJ-ic.
Yard wide bleached muslin , Ic.
Sen our 7c bleached muslin for . " > Xc.
4'J-iu. unbleached muslin , be" bleached , Oc.
15-ln. unbleached muslin , 10 > jc ; bleached ,
7-4 unbleached muslin , ICc ; bleached , 17c.
0-i unbleached muslin , ! ilo ; bleached , 22 > < e
11-1 heavy white blankets , sold for $ J a
pair , reduced to U ) .
11-1 all wool and Union blankets , sold for
" > and S5.7B , to go during sale at Jl
At $5 wo show our complete line of tfl ,
0.7.r > and fr , all In ono lot at i
Our 7."jo comforter , special value , 50e.
Regular il.S ! ) comforter , $1
Comfotters sold fioni $ - ! . ' , > " > to ? J.7f , all In
ono lot dm Ing sale ati.
Comforters sold at from $ . ! to JJ.50 , all to
go utf-MU.
DOITOV Sionp ,
Pothcrmghnm , Wliitelavv SiCo. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now York oflico , 47 Leonard st.
A. Itrllliant Affair.
The residence of'O. P. Wlchbam on South
Seventh street presented a hiIlliantappoar-
anco last evening. Miss Anglo \Viclthnm
entertained a largo party of friends in a do-
lightfiil manner. Tlio pntlors vvoio beauti
fully decorated in pink and white , and the
hostess was dressed to match in shrimp pink
silk vv ith whlto hyacinths. The four main
rooms on the low or door were dev oted to dime-
Ing. There wcro foui teen numbers on the pro
gramme , and the muslo was furnished by
Dalboy's orchestra. The following guests
vvero present : Misses Bowinnn , Ncllio Dow-
man , Fnrnsvvortu , Jessie Farnsvvorth ,
Brown , Kockwcll , Sackott , JJIco , Paschel ,
1'usoy , Gertrude Pusey , lltillaiil , Stella Ilul-
lard , Woodbuiy , Xurmcuhlen , Nellie /Mr-
meuhlcn , Duvenpoit , HovnohU , Spooney ,
Howe. Uadollct , Dolianoy , Ko-ss. Anna ICoss ,
Hnttcnhnuer , Oliver , Mmy Oliver , Ulonson ,
Dennett , Wells , Utitts , Moigun , Atwood ,
llniknoss , I'ortertield , Anna 1'atterson ,
Stella Patterson , Corner , Amy , Stevenson
Couch , Sherman , Mcikel , Van Older
Miutyn , Nellie Moore , Hughes , Wiekliam
Keating , Joniiio Keating , Ogden. Lutz , Han
thorn , Shepherd , Torvvllhgcr , Walker , Hnr
din , Minphy , Havvorth , Lar-y , Hrnv and Lor
ton of Lincoln , Neb Mcssu II. A. AVood
bury , \Voodbury , F. Wright , O Wright
Pnxton , Dndollot , Haas , Keating , J.Uovvman
H , liouman , II. Uoumun , Iluttenhajer , Og
den , Chamberlain , Zurmeiihten , UcrtCiuldy
Jiimes Casidy , McWillhuns , .Mlthcn , Stucy
Hughes , Tom Hughes , Hess , C. Patterson
K. Patterson , Htnvio , Wells , 1'usey , Hoff
mavr. Atwood , Shophiul , Ned Shepherd
Lougoe , Galvln , Bulhml , Metcnlf , Williams
Davis , Damon , Kowcn , Uuiv , H. Paschel , C
Pnsctiel , P. Pnschel , Fcnlon , Miindcrson nm
Messrs. Inghani , Allen , Cotter , ( lulou , Al
fred , Walter Dale and Lew lalo ) of Onnhii
leer Itnbbers , ovci'shoos nnd all kinds of vvlnto
or footwear cheaper than ever at the lioot Ui
tie side Down shoo store.
0 The Kiel hotel barber shoo tins reopened ! '
, the basement. Joseph Schmitt.
to Icoinen , keep your feet vvnrm and dry wit
uj a pair of the special rubbers at the Boot Uf
side Down shoo store. Wo sell them cheap *
than you cuu got tucin uuy where lu tovui.
U It Is Still
bTho executive committee of the now Com
to. ell Bluffs theater company \vos closeted wit
Jir. Dolinny yesterday trying to cotno 1
line sort of an agreement lu regard to U
leasing of the opera house. Mr. Dol'nu
m m
} SOOO People fc > y Actual Count
111 in
And thousands turned away unable to gain admission ,
notwithstanding the Eiseman Store is of the very large
ions of 175 feet long , 75 feet wide
high. All this immense
naturedly , owing to the GENUINE BARGAINS SECURED
bein service today , making a total of 200 , 'and we hope to keep the doors open
oflcied to lease for five years , the rent to be
53,000 for tno first , f3COO for the second and
thhd , nnd W.OOO for the fouith and fifth.
The company was unwilling to nirrco
to maintain the house for so long n tlmo
and the meeting had to bo adjourned with
out drawing up tv contract or signing a lease.
The members of tbo company have talked the
matter over among themselves since , hovv-
ever , and have come to the conclusion that It
will ho better for them to give in In this par
ticular rather than have all the work that has
been done to get the company organied
amount to nothing. Anothoi meeting will bo
hdd this morning , and It is stated that Mr.
Dounny's uropositlon will bo accepted.
II. A. Cox , western sales agent for A. T.
Thatcher , has moved his coal ofllto from the
Brown building to No 10 Main street , in the
Chapman building. Air. Cox has Joined with
Cooper it McGee , who hive moved their
re i'estate ' ottlco from the Mcrrlatn block to
the sumo plate , nnd the gentlemen hnvo fitted
up as pleasantly and nicely nirangod oftlcej
as there nro in the city , and they vv ill bo glad
to welcome their friends and the public in
their new quarteis.
Evans Laundry Co , KO Pearl street. Tele
phone ? l)0. ) Uoods called for and delivered.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Tuel Co ,
6S9 Broadway. Telephone 135.
Best heavy goods , 2'i per cent oit , cash.
Keiter , the tailor , ! HO Broadway.
J. C. Bixny , steam noatlng , snnltirv ea-
glneer,203 Alorrinm block , Council Blufts
Pure fresh drugs at Davis' , opposite Ogdon.
The best Trench cook in western Iowa is at
the Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs.
COtOlt.ll O
It Will Ho Invest glued , by n Grand
DHNVPII , Tob 3. The house this afternoon
received the report of the bribery investiga
tion committee. The majority wore of the
opinion the house had boon assailed by as
corrupt a lobby as over attempted to manip
ulate a legislature. They stated , among
specific- charges , that Otto Mcars
offered Representative Bowman $500
and Representative Hannn , on another
occasion , offered him the chairmanship of a
committee , on the condition , la each case ,
that ho would support Speaker Hiinna It
vv as also charged that Dr. Milton attempted
to. intimidate Bowman and Representative
Mitchell \vas tvvico approached by parties.
vvhnm ho refused to name , with $500 nnd
$1,000 to support Hanna. Several
other represent atlve < had heea ap-
pionchcd and the committco recommended
that the testimony bo submitted to a grand
Jury. A minority report , signed by Coombs ,
w as to the effect that ho would not endorse
the mnjoiity report ns Mitchell , Thointonand
Chapman i of used to name the nersons offerIng -
Ing them the biibes. They should bo
compelled to do this or bo expelled. Bow
man , the only man who named bribers , had ,
ho said , been llatly contradicted at every
point. The majority report was adopted.
The Connecticut Canvn * .
IIiiiTFOiin , Conn. , Tob. 8. The house this
nficrnooa rejected the tnlnotlty rooort of the
house special committee on the canvass of
votes for state officers and passed by a strict
party vote the majority report with the ac
companying resolutions Those resolutions
wulUi call for a tullor Investigation of the
returns bv the joint action of both houses go
to the Ecnato.
A Coke \Vorlcrrn' Strike.
PiTTsnimo , 1'cnn. , Feb. 3. A strike of
'n 10,000 colto workers in the Connellsvlllc re
gion next Tuesday seems inevitable. The
h conference thctwcen the operator and cm-
plojcs concluded today without any result
jr being reached , Both sides are determined.
A Flno Fur Cent Found.
Detectives Savngo and Dempsey found a
very line fur coat lost night In Kosonfahr's
pawn shop oa Tenth street , evidently the
same coat that was stolen from a boarding
house in Council Bluffs lust Friday night.
They also found another valuable coat be
lieved to bo the ono that was stolen from an
Omuha gentleman last 7vi > ok.
N'cuinan Coming
Bishop John P. Newman of the Methodist
cnurch Is expected homo this week Ho held
a umfeiencoin Texas last week aud Is now
on the way to Omaha.
Y. P. S. O. K. Union Sleeting.
There was n union meeting of the Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor last
night nt Twenty-fourth and Paul streets.
Notwithstanding the cold vvcathor the meet
ing was largely attended.
Denver 1'ollcn Cnptaln's Death.
Chief Seavoy received an oftlclal notice
yesterday of the death of Captain Chailcs A.
Ilawley of the Denver police foico and presi
dent of the Ameiitau Police Oflicers and
Detectives union , who was killed Januaiy Hi
In Denver while attempting to < iucll u uis-
' .urbauco In the legislature.
Fourth Annual Hall of the Omaha.
AflHoci itlon.
The fourth annual ball of thoOmaaaLot-
: cr Carriers' association was given at the
Coliseum lust night. It was n gieat success
n every sense of the word.
Early in the evening the happy dancers
began to arrive , and at 0 o'clock when the
grand rani ch was called , 200 couples danced
to the stialus of a musical union orchestra.
The entire management of the dance was
contiolled by the carrleiswho pcifoimed
their duties as perfectly ns though raised In
a dancing school
The men in charge of the affair wcro ns fol
lows :
Master of Coromonlos J. M. Stafford.
Assistant Jlustur of Ceremonies I ) . W. Til-
Kcce'ptlon Committee 1II. . Monroe , II. O.
Davis , A.Clark. J. H.aobbens. T Ournott. II.
K. IZiipllsh , 1" . A. Klunko , 1' . K. Hiui&cn , 0. O.
Itnso , A. Nooniin
DtcorutliiB 1'oinmltteo H. U Linafolt , A.
Swi'oiioy , W. Wcstoipard. l.\V. tmltli , J.Wood
ruff. L. J. IMwards , E. U. Overall. O. N. Ulr-
Uo'mmltteo of Arrnncmcnts S U Collins ,
II. Ij. Ungufalt , .J. S. btono , G. J. KlolTncr , O.
riooraUommlttco-S H. Collins , D LnPngo ,
J. W. Dlsbiovv , I1. Onsoy , W. Oowns , J. II. Onii-
nliiKliuin , I' . .1. Corcoran. . ) . II. llnottr , W.M.
Victor , O. U. OrulKtiton , W. Muher , M. O.
Trucoy. E. L. Iloai ? . J. OlnrK.
The capacltv of the largo hall was severely
taxed , as In addition to the 400 dancers , fully
2,000 spectators were present , prominent
among them being Postmaster Clnritson , Su
perintendent of Cnirieis 1'nul Plaits and
Chief Cramer of the railway1 mall service.
The programmes vvero things of beauty ,
those of the ladies being richly embossed and
printed in gold , vvhilo those piesontcd to the
gentlemen were of leather , nnd shaped after
the fashion of thexvell Jtuowu leather pouches
which the boys strap over , tblir shoulders
while carry ing their respective routes. The
proceeds of the dance will net nearly fl,000
which will bo turned into the sick benefit
fund. i
Adolf Lnlloz. carrlagq rnonufacturor , 119
Corroll street , Buffalo , N. Y. , states : I was
troubled with nausea ot tno stomach , sick
headache and general "debility. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured mo.
Toliln'8 Donth "Wns Accidental.
An Inquest to determine the cnuso of death
of Daniel Tobm , the Missouri Pacific switch
man who fell off o freight train Sunday , was
held yesterday.
The engineer , llroman and train crow' were
examined , but their evidence brought out
nothing of inmportanco.
Phillip Barnov , an employe In a lumber
yard near thosccnoof the accident , test I lied
that ho saw Tobin standing on the roar end
of the rear car of the train , facing towards
the engine. Tobln was stumping his foot as
though ho was cold , and lu doing this ho
made a misstep , falling from the car and
striking on his head.
Owen Connolly , a boy who wns In the lum
ber yard , tcstllled that ho saw Tobln stand
ing on the roar end of the train , as described
by Baruov. but did not tea him fall ,
The testimony of the other witnesses went
Council llluffj ! . In
All diseases o ! the KVH
KAll , NOSH nnil TIIUO V r
IrcntLd ulth the gruatcal ;
Bklllnnd cnrc. I
nnd 1IAY FKVKH truatwl
with eminent success
SUUOICALOIMJIIATIONS , wlicro neiownry. pnln-
loisl ) purfonnoil llli Iho utmuit euro unil skill , ns-
nirlngiH.Tft.ct results H.NMT dl/AH-ihS nciilr-
tely iiroicrlhtd , correctliiB all rofrnrtlTO troubloi.
n M > opln , llyiicropla nnil AjtlKliintlHiii , tlius rou-
ilirlnUPlulit eaay tic ir nnil pnlnloai CdKOMU
MUHVI.(1IA : nnil SICK UK VDACI1K , aftur Jfira
ottorrlblo BiiHorlnii , no rolluf , entirely cureil Olllco ,
Houm 1 , SlniKiirt llloclt , oror Ileno \ Co.'a atoru.
Council lUnira , la.
O\or O. II , Jacqucrulii It Co , Jewelry Store
to show that tbo tialn was running at a uni
form speed of about six miles per hour , mid
there was nothing to show that theio was
any "Jerking" of the tialn.
The ] uiy returned a veullct In accordance
with the evidence , mid added that the death
of Tobln vvaa purely accidental.
Entitled to tlin Hent.
All nro entitled the best that their money
will buy , so every fnnnlv should have , nt
onie , a bottle of the best family remedy ,
Syrup of Figs , to cleanse the system when
costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and ? 1 bottles
tles by all leading druggists.
More in Detail.
PurbTivr , Tot. , Fob 3. During a meet
ing heio last fall Evangelist Sam Jones took
occasion to severely score the ofllelal and
private character of Mayor "Ward. The
.najor was absent from town nt the time.
Tones lectured hero again lasi nlgnt nnd
this morning ns he was taking the
train nt the depot Mayor Wind attacked him
vigorously with a cnno. In the struggle the
cano changed hands ana the major received
some heavy blows. Both men bled profusely.
The evangelist got on the train nnd went
away and the major was placed under nirest
for aggravated assault and < , arrj Ing a pistol.
Van Houtcn's Uocoa lJeiicIoua , madoln
Tbo I'nn-Itrpiihllo Oonprpm.
NEW. Yoni ) , Fob 3. The committee on the
scope nnd plan of the Pan-Ucpubllo congicss
bocan a session today to formulate a plan for
thopuiposo of the congress. Champion S.
Chose of Omaha presided.
I low to Break Up 11 hovrro Cold.
Prom the Vhginla City , Mont. , Madlso-
nlan : When wo find a mcdlcino wo know to
possess genuine merit , wo consider it"a duty ,
and \vo tauo pleasure In telling tlio public
what it is. Such a medicine we found Cham
berlain's Cough Kemedy. By the use of this
syiup vvo have relieved , in a fovv hours , se
vere colds , and in the course of two or three
i day s , entirely broken them up as has several
of our friends tovvhomwohnvorecommended
U. It Is all it is rcprc * ntcd to bo by the
manufacturers. If jou have u cough and
want to stop it , Chamberlain's Cough Hem-
cdy will do tlio work. For sale by all drug
Prodlotlonn for Fi-brunry Weather
As there are hut tvvonty-oight divys li
thin month there ought to'ho loss coh
atmosnhnro than in January , hut "al
signs fall in dry weather , " therefore wo
can only Bay thut the electric-lighted
Bteam-hontcd , vostlbulod , limited triilm
of the Chlcii'o ( , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will continue to rim dally ho
twoon Oinnlm , Council BlulTn nnd Chi
cago. The oloctrlo light reading Inmp
in ouch berth IH the ziovolty of tlio tigo.
Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnnm street , Ouuiha.
To Our Friends and Patrons :
We have removed our office from 114 Main
to 16 Main Street.
Can supply you promptly at all times. Best
Illinois Coal $4.50.
Telephone 48. H. A. COX , Sole Agent.
WA N T L DA nilddli'-.igLd married man.
thoroughly ovpurieniod In farming mid
stock i.ilslng , cnimtilo of manuring u Ir > 00-
noin farm , stocked with Wfl to HIU cattlu nnd
jtliur stock. To the rlKht p.uly I can nivo u
coed position oil my faun In Monona county.
N'lino tint , these vv bo can Rlvo Iho best of rufor-
incis for orunuy , Integrity and ability need
apply. E. O. Milth , Ooiincil lllulls.
A T I } YomiK men of Rood habits foi
Vi iicriiiiincnt position , b ilary $05 pur
innnth. J , " > M'cuilty leqnlrcd. Call or ud-
dirss W. I ) , bmltli , GU llroidvray , Council
Hln ITS.
EOlt SAM ; I'lno Hlnslo and double !
stern and liuavy draught horses. Will alno
fill orders for any Htv lu of horses wanted.
I.ciivoonlnrs with Dr.V. . L. Viitloii , ( Jnitial
livery aud silo stables , " 1 and SI N. Main
Council Illiiffs
ACKHb-If jou vvnnttoKOt oiui or nuiro
for a nlio liniiic , and \vhuiu you uuii unr-
den and rn'-so ' Hiniill fruit nnd poultry , or If
\oii want ton 01 twenty notes or u lar n farm
In lovvn , vvo van suit you ( lull and we IIB.
.InluiKtniu'L ' Van I'.itton , l.vcrett bloek , Coun
cil lllulls
M1O LADIi- : ) Try Ur Mlllei's homo trout-
-Linuntfor fotunlo dlsu IHOS. Snfe. mild and
Biiro. Also Dr. Mlllur'H pllo pistllcs ; iiilnloss
ami Kiiar.inlced tocuro. I'orsaluln Oounell
mull's mid Onniliii only hy Mrs A. A. binith ,
l--i.H. 1st Ht , ami MM , ( J. U lllg lns , IS ID
I.civGiiworthst. , Omiihti.
or Hunt Qarlua lanii. wltli
bouiua. by J. K Illoo. lUi Mala IU , Oauaull
Cornell Hinds , Iinia.
U Ninth Main SlreeJ ,
runrrnl Klrcclni'mil liiihtliunr. !
All kinds of Oylns nnd Olcanlnx ilonn In the
llKlicst Style of tin ) Art , I'lidod and htilnod
'ubrksinadu to loolcas Kond 111 now. Work
iiruuiptly duiiound dullviinul In all pirn of
ho country. y nd for prli-o list ,
u. A. MADMAN , rron ,
101J llroudwav. Noillivvunturu Uopat.
COUNCIL lii.urt ! ) . Ix
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . 5150,000 ,
nwECTOiis I. A. Mlllnr , r. O Glloason. El r *
Blnmart , i : . r llartJ. D Edniuiidton , Uliarloi
O. ll.uin in Tr.insiot banking busl-
ncis I/'ir eit capital uiul surplus ot auy
baiiUlu SuulliweaVum Iowa.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Eto.
COO Broadway , Council Bluffa , la
ornoi : , o ; .
rinleyBurke.Qeo.W. Howitt-Tlioi. E. Oasadj
Burke , Hewitt &Casady ,
u ) j in
Offices ; J. J. Itruwn llulldltii ; , Counalllllurrf ,
CornorHaln and Hrovlway ,
noaiern In forolun and dniunitlo xolmn t
Collection niudu uud lul ruit 1)1U ) ou that